Short Company profile

Flexprint SPLTD - Tsalapitsa


Tsalapitsa, 4218
Severna industrialna zone (North Industrial Zone), str. Stefan Stambolov 1
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200295517
Capital (BGN): 5 872 490

Branch: Printing n.e.c.
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 22000 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Member of GS1
Registered Actitity: Manufacturing and retail and wholesale with any goods, import and export, printing and construction activity; consulting activities; and international transport, trade intermediation and representation of Bulgarian and foreign natural and legal persons, and any other activity not prohibited by law.

21.03.2023: The printing house in the Plovdiv village of Tsalapitsa...

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This company profile is visited 309 times
[2025: 94, 2024: 215, ... ]