Short Company profile

Valpet Consult SPLTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1870
zh.k. Botunets, bivsha administrativna sgrada na Kremikovtsi AD
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200810903
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Wholesale of metals and metal ores
Registered Actitity: Purchase, storage, processing and trade with ferrous and non-ferrous metals, production, foreign and domestic trade, shipping, warehouses, leasing, commercial representation and mediation, deals with intellectual property, construction and trade with real estates, consulting.

10.01.2014: Appointments begin at Kremikovrsi The three companies - Nadine...
03.07.2013: Yet another sale of Bulgarias Kremikovtzi heading towards...
24.04.2013: Another Kremikovtzi deal The ex-metallurgical company...
18.04.2011: Bulgarian Fibank provides entire financing for Kremikovtzi...
18.04.2011: CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia (5F4) The official standpoint...
14.04.2011: Bulgarian Fibank extends EUR 59m loan to Kremikovtzi's buyer...

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[2024: 61, ... ]