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BIC bulletin
About us
Short Company profile
Dekadans-Dimitar Shishkov ST - Byala
Branch: Processing and preserving of fruit and vegetables n.e.c. Registered Actitity: Import and export,wholesale and retail trade with all kinds of goods, including fertilizers, prepartions for plant protection and pest control, opening and exploitation of establishments for public catering-restaurants, sweet houses, cafes, production and trade with soft drinks, bread, pasta, snacks and confectionery products, household goods, video and sound recordings, works of art and traditional crafts, manufacture, purchase, processing and trade in the country and abroad, wholesale and retail trade with all kinds of agricultural products of plant and animal origin, including herbs, wild berries, mushrooms, flowers, fish and fish products, bees and bee products, commission, forwarding, warehousing, leasing of commercial representation and mediation, passenger and freight road transport services in the country and abroad, hotel keeping, tourist , advertising, information, programming, construction, carpentry, tailoring, knitting, turnery, welding, automechanic, elektric mechanic and repair of household eqipment, mechanicand electronics, with its own funds and mechanized attachments performing any type of agricultural services to owners of agricultural land , deals with intellectual property. additional activity-design, training and export of executives to work abroad, management, mailing services, transfer of technologies andtheirproduction and information provision, capital investment in the country and abroad. additional activity-transportation,storage, trade and use of highly poisonous substances / sdov / in the field of agriculture. News not available. This company profile is visited 106 times [2025: 23, 2024: 83, ... ] |