Short Company profile

Akademichen park 2020 JSC - Varna


Varna, 9000
k. k. Chajika, sgrada VSU, staya 411
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 201823635
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Higher education
General Meetings: Last - 24.09.2024 
Registered Actitity: Scientific, research and educational activities , educational services , congress and conference business , consulting , development and management of business incubators and business parks, intellectual property transactions , including purchase and sale of trademarks and rights on them , franchise transactions , purchase of goods or other property for sale in original or processed form at home and abroad , agency and brokerage , shipping activity , hotel , restorantaorska , travel , advertising, information , programs, impresario , publishing , printing , marketing activities and services purchase, construction and furnishing of real estate for rent or sale, and all other activities that do not require special permission and are not prohibited by law.

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This company profile is visited 409 times
[2024: 94, ... ]