Short Company profile

Cario LTD - Sliven


Sliven, 8800
ul. Bansko shose 13 A
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 200507646
Capital (BGN): 545 100

Branch: Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Member of GS1
Registered Actitity: Purchase of goods or other chattels for resale or processed form; sale of products from own production; import and export of goods; commercial representation and mediation; commissions, shipping and transport transactions; warehousing transactions; licensing transactions; stock control; xotelierski, travel, advertising, information, software, impresario or other services; intellectual property transactions; purchase, construction and furnishing of real estate for sale; lease.

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This company profile is visited 43 times
[2024: 43, ... ]