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Short Company profile
Mondelez Bulgaria Production SPLTD - Sofia
Branch: Manufacture of cocoa; chocolate and sugar confectionery Registered Actitity: Providing conversion services, which means the conversion of raw materials and / or packaging of the final product, related group companies or third parties, production and sale of food products, as well as any other activity that is not prohibited by the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria . any activity to perform required license or permit will be made after its due receipt. 30.01.2025: Schneider Electric has started deliveries of a new generation of... 05.11.2024: Kiril Kirilov is the new director of the Mondel?z International... 19.07.2024: The Mondel?z Intenational chocolate factory in Svoge will be... 28.05.2021: Mondel?z buys Chipita in a USD 2 billion deal Mondel?z... 02.11.2016: Again three multinationals topped Regal 500+ In 2015, companies... Full text news for companise not presant in BIA Daily today are available for BEIS subscribers only. This company profile is visited 502 times [2025: 123, 2024: 379, ... ] |