Short Company profile

Eurolease Taxi SPLTD - Sofia


Sofia, 1592
43 Hristofor Kolumb Str.
[How to subscribe to BEIS]

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 175232145
Capital (BGN): 2 637 886

Branch: Taxi operation
Registered Actitity: Taxi transportation of passengers and goods at home and abroad , purchase , repair , service and rental car trading Spare parts courier activities at home and abroad , roadside assistance , international road transport, tourism , transport and forwarding , production , trade, import , export and re-export of goods and services , construction and repair activities , transactions, maintenance, management and leasing of real estate agency and brokerage , leasing , marketing and advertising , hotel and restaurant , representation domestic and foreign natural and legal persons , and any other activity that is not prohibited by law.

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This company profile is visited 115 times
[2025: 26, 2024: 89, ... ]