Short Company profile

Lenno JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1784
Tsarigradsko Shose Blvd. No. 96, 7th floor
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 203217465
Capital (BGN): 1 447 090

Branch: Financial leasing
Licences & Certificates:  Central depository member
General Meetings: Last - 17.06.2022  Next - 19.07.2024 
Registered Actitity: Financial leasing; guarantee transactions; money broking; acquisition of receivables on loans and other forms of financing (factoring, forfeiting, etc.); the acquisition of holdings in credit institutions or other financial institution; lending funds not raised through public attraction of deposits or other repayable funds.

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21.02.2019: Lenno raised nearly BGN 2 mln evaluating the company at BGN 61...

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This company profile is visited 61 times
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