Short Company profile

North Central State Enterprise SC - Gabrovo


Gabrovo, 5300
ul. Bodra smyana 3
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 201616805
Capital (BGN): 10 157 018

Branch: Forestry and logging
Registered Actitity: Implementation of forest management plans for forest areas -state owned; execution of hunting plans in state hunting farms and in state forest holdings; execution of maintenance and / or restoration activities in forest areas - state property provided for in the management plans for protected areas; organizing and conducting activities in protection of forest areas - state property; organizing and conducting anti-erosion; maintaining the diversity of ecosystems and biodiversity conservation in them; organizing and assigning design and construction in forests and lands in forest areas - state property; creating new forests on agricultural areas; protection of forest areas - state property; and providing a public service, and also carry out other activities prohibited by law, as well as those assigned to them by the Minister of Agriculture and Food or on a contract basis.

14.02.2025: The government commissioned the preparation of an updated...

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This company profile is visited 125 times
[2025: 31, 2024: 94, ... ]