Short Company profile

David-Dzhavit Bejitula ST - Feldfebel-Dyankovo


Feldfebel-Dyankovo, 9390
obsht. Dobrich-selska,
[How to subscribe to BEIS]

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 124039347
Capital (BGN):  

Branch: Growing of crops combined with farming of animals (mixed farming)
Registered Actitity: Commercial activities with industrial, security and other authorized by law products, electric services of citizens, traders and companies, transport services with own and rented cars in the country and abroad, production, processing, buying and selling of agricultural products - plant and animal in own and rented premises, design activities and services, performing commercial activities permitted by law.

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This company profile is visited 27 times
[2025: 7, 2024: 20, ... ]