Short Company profile

Renalfa JSC - Sofia


Sofia, 1000
bul. Tsar Osvoboditel 14, et. 7
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 204399851
Capital (BGN): 100 000

Branch: Management activities of holding companies
Registered Actitity: Acquisition, management, evaluation and sale of shares in Bulgarian and foreign companies; acquisition, management and sale of bonds; acquisition, evaluation and sale of patents, retrocession of licenses for the use of patents to companies in which the holding company participates; financing of companies in which the holding company participates; domestic and foreign trade activities; production activity and services; representation (without procedure), mediation and agency of local and foreign physical and juridical persons in the country and abroad; any other commercial activity not prohibited by the laws of Bulgaria and for which no prior permission (license) is required by a state or other body.

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This company profile is visited 61 times
[2024: 61, ... ]