Short Company profile

Tovaren Autotransport Vratsa 98 JSC - Vratza


Vratza, 3000
63 Mito Orozov Str.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 106043447
Capital (BGN): 220 520

Branch: Freight transport by road
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001
General Meetings: Last - 28.06.2024 
Registered Actitity: Participation in the privatization deal for purchasing of shares of "TA" SP-Ltd (Vratza), transportation, copyright, shipping, commercial mediation, wholesale and retail trade in the country and abroad, manufacture, purchase, storage, sale og agricultural products, construction, trade with real estates, trade with petroleum products.

23.03.2010: Tovaren Autotransport Vratsa-98 JSC - Vratza has appointed...
21.04.2009: Tovaren Autotransport Vratsa-98 JSC - Vratza has appointed...
21.04.2009: Tovaren Autotransport Vratsa-98 JSC - Vratza has appointed...

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[2024: 118, ... ]