Press Digest
Press digest - year 2009
Pension funds in Bulgaria lost BGN 5.7 million for 2008, preliminary results of Financial Supervision Commission concerning additional pension insurance show. The accumulated net assets in the additional pension insurance dropped by BGN 24.5 million, or 1.05%. by end-Dec. the pension funds were managing assets for BGN 2.3 billion. Insurance companies ended 2008 with total incomes of BGN 71.3 million which is by 15.1% less compared to 2007.
Source: Pari (13.02.2009)
The company is registered in Territorial administration Big taxpayers and insurers towards 2009, 04.30
Source: Tax Administration (30.04.2009)
Bulgarias pension funds last posted positive return a year ago, with all wading in the red for the two years through June 2009, show the latest numbers of the financial watchdog. The Financial Supervision Commission (FSC) has set bottom yields of -9.41% for universal pension funds and -11.14% for occupational schemes. According to the Social Security Code, the minimum yield requirement is based on the return recorded for the previous 24 months. The requirement was last updated in June 2008. The second quarter of 2009 was the fourth in a row when the regulator sets a negative bottom yield for universal and occupational schemes. The universal pension fund of pension insurer Badeshte could not meet the requirement for the last 24-month period and will have to tap reserves to close the gap. It failed to pass the threshold at the end of 2008 as well. All other supplementary mandatory pension insurance funds posted yields within the imposed limits. Universal pension funds posted a yield of -6.41%, while occupational schemes closed the period with an average annual yield of -8.14%.
Source: Dnevnik (10.07.2009)
Ten of all 67 companies on BSE that paid dividend for 2008 hold 90.36% (BGN 475.82 million) of the total amount for bonuses distributed by public companies (BGN 526.54 million), an analysis of the Pari daily shows. Dividend payment is one of the instruments the market uses to support the share price and return investors' confidence, analysts commented.
Source: Pari (06.10.2009)