Short Company profile

Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC - Kozloduy


Kozloduy, 3321
obshtina Kozloduy
phone: 0973/72100,72020,73230,72100,74070; 0889 500 357
fax: 0973/80591,76019

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 106513772
VAT No: BG106513772
Reg No: 582/2000
No of employees: 3815 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 729 463 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 6 069 027 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 4 041 616 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 1 744 584 890

Branch: Manufacture of electricity
Licences & Certificates:  Allocation of electricity Certificate ISO 9001 Large taxpayers and insurers Manufacture of electricity and thermal energy Transfer of thermal energy
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
Registered Actitity: Production of electricity.


The profit of Kozloduy NPP for the first quarter decreased to BGN 182 million. Decrease in profit by BGN 38 million. up to BGN 181.7 million reports Kozloduy NPP for the first quarter. The company has not yet published its 2023 financial report, but data for the first three months showed that electricity exchange prices were the main factor behind the weaker result. However, there is no doubt that the plant is the most profitable state-owned energy company. The operating revenues of the company are in the amount of BGN 531 million and show a significant drop of BGN 279 million (about one third) compared to those realized in the first quarter of 2023 precisely because of the drop in the market prices of electricity. According to the headquarters, they decreased by an average of 43%. The reported revenues from electricity sold to the public supplier NEK amount to BGN 84 million. At the same time, revenues at unregulated prices are BGN 442 million, or 37% (BGN 262 million) below those reported in the first three months of 2023. Kozloduy NPP's operating expenses amount to BGN 329 million BGN 238 million less than those reported for the same quarter of the previous year. increase in investments in subsidiaries, it is clear from the report. A significant increase of 48% was also recorded in the company's equity. The increase is the result of the increase of the company's share capital by BGN 1.5 billion after the decision of the National Assembly on the construction of the 7th and 8th units of the Kozloduy NPP, as is clear from the report. The total amount of liabilities slightly decreased to BGN 679.5 million compared to BGN 721.6 million a year earlier.

National Electricity Company SPJSC - Sofia Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC - Kozloduy 


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