Balance sheets
2019, 2016, 2015, 2006, 2005, 2002, 2001, 2000, 1999, Not available
Profit and loss accounts

Balance sheets
in thous. BGN
ASSETS 1 995
A. Unpaid Share Subscriptions  
B. Fixed Assets 416
I. Tangible assets 97
1. Buildings, land, forests and perennials  
2. Machinery and equipment 97
3. Other tangible assets  
4. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets  
II. Intangible assets 112
1. Start up and expansion costs  
2. Research and development  
3. Software 10
4. Patents, licenses, concessions, know-how, trade marks  
5. Other intangible assets 102
III. Long-term investment 207
1. Controlling stake  
2. Majority stake  
3. Minority stake 207
4. Investment property  
5. Others  
IV. Long-term receivables  
1. Receivables from related companies  
2. Receivables on granted trade loans  
3. Other long-term receivables  
V. Goodwill  
C. Current Assets 1 579
I. Stocks  
1. Raw materials  
2. Finished products  
3. Goods  
4. Young animals and animals for fattening  
5. Work in progress  
6. Other current assets  
II. Short-term receivables 17
1. Receivables from related companies, incl. dividends 10
2. Receivables for sales  
3. Advances made 7
4. Receivables on granted trade loans  
5. Legal and award receivables  
6. Due taxes  
7. Other receivables  
III. Short-term investments 720
1. In related companies, incl. shares and bonds  
2. Other short-term investments 720
IV. Funds 842
1. Cash 53
2. Bank accounts 789
3. Frozen funds  
V. Deferred expenditures  
D. Off Balance Sheet Assets  
A. Shareholders' Equity 1 878
I. Capital 3 274
1. Fixed capital 3 000
2. Complementary capital 274
II. Issue bonuses  
III. Revaluation reserves 11
IV. Reserves  
1. Legal reserves  
2. Complementary reserves  
V. Result from previous periods -443
1. Undistributed profit  
2. Uncovered loss -443
VI. Result from the period under report -964
1. Profit  
2. Loss -964
B. Liabilities  
I. Long-term debts  
1. Debts to related companies  
2. Debts on received bank loans  
3. Debts on received trade loans  
4. Deferred taxes  
5. Other long-term payables  
II. Deferred Income  
1. Negative Goodwill  
2. Other deferred income  
C. Short-term liabilities 117
I. Payables 117
1. Payables, connected with participations  
2. Payables on received bank loans  
3. Payables on received trade loans  
4. Payables to deliverers 11
5. Advance payables  
6. Payables to the budget 13
7. Payables to the staff 73
8. Social security payables 14
9. Other payables 6
II. Deferred Income  
D. Financing  
1. For fixed assets  
2. For current activites  
E. Off Balance Sheet Liabilities