Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
I. Operating activities expenses 1 631 609
1. Decreased production, working process, expected expenditures 1 156
2. Material expenditure 845 571
3. Outward service expenditure 209 635
4. Wages and salaries 167 899
5. Social security contributions 100 214
6. Depreciation 264 695
7. Other expenditure 37 557
incl. decrease in the value of material supply  
incl. provision expenditures 16 530
8. Costs of goods sold 4 881
II. Financial expenditures 37 079
9. Interests 17 435
incl. interests to related companies  
10. Differences from transactions in securities  
incl. investments in related companies  
11. Losses from foreign exchange transactions 17 709
12. Other financial expenditures 1 934
III. Extraordinary costs 26 373
IV. Total costs 1 695 061
V. Accounting profit 301 825
VI. Taxes 122 859
1. Profit tax 122 859
2. Other taxes  
VII. Profit 178 967
REVENUES 1 996 886
I. Revenues 1 942 073
1. Net sales revenues 1 767 746
incl. companies with controlling stake  
2. Subsidies 15 890
incl. State budget grants  
3. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 21 434
4. Increases of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments 135 952
5. Other revenues 1 052
5a/ animals fattening 359
5b/ materials from own output 646
5c/ others 46
II. Financial receipts 30 070
6. Interests 798
incl. interests from related companies  
7. Revenues connected with shareholders participations 13
incl. dividends from related companies  
8. Differences from transactions in securities 244
incl. investments in related companies  
9. Profits from foreign exchange rates 28 997
10. Other financial receipts 17
III. Extraordinary revenues 24 744
IV. Total Revenues 1 996 886
V. Accounting loss  
VI. Loss