Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENSES 566 794 508 604 583 704 495 511 447 271 507 484 553 704 449 617 418 388 417 040 358 300 318 904 304 670 296 602 316 194
A. Total operating expenses 559 889 506 745 581 355 490 213 442 812 501 575 532 602 442 189 415 911 415 034 349 314 311 236 297 521 292 178 279 468
I. Operational expenses 565 725 536 747 584 207 503 843 459 054 518 047 537 239 431 658 446 570 441 783 369 252 322 009   292 178 279 468
1. Material expenses 144 478 143 185 145 416 133 965 128 711 145 305 128 625 117 234 124 177 129 959 103 887 99 135      
2. Hired services 52 029 51 431 51 252 45 265 38 785 54 400 53 241 46 274 48 565 39 236 37 009 35 315      
3. Depreciation 89 580 70 987 92 329 61 770 54 624 67 504 98 867 61 244 67 291 61 606 51 321 42 800      
4. Salaries, wages and other remuneration 254 132 235 762 156 215 236 048 142 137 218 596 209 258 192 206 189 335 173 872 150 215 127 941      
5. Social security and welfare     88 038   72 863         6 124   4 948      
6. Other expenditure, incl. 25 506 35 382 50 957 26 795 21 934 32 242 47 248 14 700 17 202 30 986 26 820 11 870      
- impairment of assets                              
- provisions         4 217                    
II. Adjusting items -9 574 -36 835 -18 663 -18 806 -19 640 -20 911 -8 779 4 413 -36 868 -30 881 -23 772 -12 952      
1. Book value of the sold assets (excl. finished production)                 409            
2. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated fixed assets     -4 066 -5 221 -5 359 -5 959       -14 562 -10 265 -11 671      
3. Change of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments -5 527 -25 770 -14 597 -13 585 -14 281 -14 952 -3 729 9 066 -30 328 -16 319 -13 507 -8 732      
4. Animals fattening                              
5. Other adjusting items -4 047 -11 065         -5 050 -4 653 -6 949     7 451      
III. Financial expenses 3 738 6 833 15 811 5 176 3 398 4 439 4 142 6 118 6 209 4 132 3 834 2 179      
1. Interest expenses                   2 641 2 136 1 108      
incl. interests to related parties                              
2. Losses from operations with financial assets and instruments                   1 443          
3. Foreign exchange rate losses                     21 26      
4. Other financial expenses             4 142     48 1 677 1 045      
C. Operating income 6 905 1 859 2 349 5 298 4 459 5 909 21 102 7 428 2 477 2 006 8 986 7 668 7 149 4 424 36 726
IV. Extraordinary expenses                       678      
D. Total expenses 559 889 506 745 581 355 490 213 442 812 501 575 532 602 442 189 415 911 415 034 349 314 311 914 297 521 292 178 279 468
E. Profit before tax 6 905 1 859 2 349 5 298 4 459 5 909 21 102 7 428 2 477 2 006 8 986 6 990 7 149 4 424 36 726
V. Tax expenses 1 299 376 -281 958 1 227 547 2 387 -822 885 358 968 -4 155 1 142 377 12 919
1. Profit tax 1 299 376     2 582 547 2 387 -822   3 660          
2. Deferred corporate profit tax         -1 355         -3 302          
3. Other taxes                     968 -4 155      
E. Net income (Profit) 5 606 1 483 2 630 4 340 3 232 5 362 18 715 8 250 1 592 1 648 8 018 11 145 6 007 4 047 23 807
INCOME 566 794 508 604 583 704 495 511 447 271 507 484 553 704 449 617 418 388 417 040 358 300 318 904 304 670 296 602 316 194
A. Total operating income 566 794 508 604 583 704 495 511 447 271 507 484 553 704 449 617 418 388 417 040 358 300 318 904 304 670 296 602 316 194
I. Net sales revenue 565 959 507 591 582 706 493 990 445 428 505 577 552 443 446 435 418 361 416 807 358 217 318 812   293 806 316 194
1. Finished Products     564 076   429 863       412 443 403 338 341 447 294 300      
2. Goods for resale                              
3. Materials                     3 074        
4. Services     7 142   8 104         7 224 6 241 6 512      
- incl. intermediation                              
5. Fixed assets, rentals                   1 538 451        
6. Others     11 488   7 461       5 918 4 707 7 004 18 000      
II. Subsidies                              
incl . State budget grants                              
III. Financial income 835 1 013 998 1 521 1 843 1 907 1 261 3 182 27 233 83 92   2 796  
1. Interest income                   209 69 92      
incl. interests from related parties                              
2. Income from participations                   15 14        
incl. dividends from related parties                   15          
3. Gains from trading with financial instruments                              
4. Profits from foreign exchange rates                              
5. Other financial income             1 261     9          
C. Operating loss                              
IV. Extraordinary revenues                              
D. Total Income 566 794 508 604 583 704 495 511 447 271 507 484 553 704 449 617 418 388 417 040 358 300 318 904 304 670 296 602 316 194
E. Loss before tax                              
F. Total Loss                              
Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENDITURES 295 250 295 068 285 408 291 492 237 984
I. Operating activities expenses 259 352 263 069 265 830 278 221 168 894
1. Decreased production, working process, expected expenditures 5 531 5 117 60  
2. Material expenditure 90 206 88 562 81 880 99 664  
3. Outward service expenditure 24 678 27 820 24 386 22 566  
4. Wages and salaries 58 318 59 086 56 959 66 504  
5. Social security contributions 42 039 37 731 44 179 43 560  
6. Depreciation 29 678 39 652 44 558 35 987  
7. Other expenditure 7 318 7 534 9 423 7 023  
incl. decrease in the value of material supply          
incl. provision expenditures 1 944 1 117 387 603  
8. Costs of goods sold 1 584 2 679 4 328 2 858  
II. Financial expenditures 128 46 101 215 1 534
9. Interests     6 58  
incl. interests to related companies          
10. Differences from transactions in securities          
incl. investments in related companies          
11. Losses from foreign exchange transactions 95 15 52 97  
12. Other financial expenditures 33 31 43 60  
III. Extraordinary costs 1 242 2 030 5 287 2 910 5 813
IV. Total costs 260 722 265 145 271 218 281 346 176 242
V. Accounting profit 34 528 29 923 14 190 10 146 61 742
VI. Taxes 11 797 9 952 6 359 5 724 26 578
1. Profit tax 7 584 6 890 4 505 4 177  
2. Other taxes 4 213 3 062 1 854 1 547  
VII. Profit 22 731 19 971 7 831 4 422 35 164
REVENUES 295 250 295 068 285 408 291 492 237 984
I. Revenues 291 976 291 867 281 126 277 879 231 383
1. Net sales revenues 280 261 274 495 266 984 272 598  
incl. companies with controlling stake          
2. Subsidies 5 759 5 165 3 292 2 330  
incl. State budget grants          
3. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 4 456 6 220 3 016 1 254  
4. Increases of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments 11 4 859 6 614 783  
5. Other revenues 1 489 1 128 1 220 915  
5a/ animals fattening       1  
5b/ materials from own output 1 089 774 925 679  
5c/ others 400 354 295 234  
II. Financial receipts 232 132 123 317 2 114
6. Interests 127 70 25 18  
incl. interests from related companies          
7. Revenues connected with shareholders participations 16   8    
incl. dividends from related companies          
8. Differences from transactions in securities       89  
incl. investments in related companies          
9. Profits from foreign exchange rates 89 62 90 209  
10. Other financial receipts       1  
III. Extraordinary revenues 3 042 3 069 4 159 13 296 4 487
IV. Total Revenues 295 250 295 068 285 408 291 492 237 984
V. Accounting loss          
VI. Loss