Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
I. Operating activities expenses 992 345
1. Decreased production, working process, expected expenditures 510
2. Material expenditure 8 874
3. Outward service expenditure 4 896
4. Wages and salaries 9 683
5. Social security contributions 4 666
6. Depreciation 18 092
7. Other expenditure 216 299
incl. decrease in the value of material supply  
incl. provision expenditures 50 152
8. Costs of goods sold 729 325
II. Financial expenditures 30 309
9. Interests 8 750
incl. interests to related companies  
10. Differences from transactions in securities  
incl. investments in related companies  
11. Losses from foreign exchange transactions 21 004
12. Other financial expenditures 555
III. Extraordinary costs 4 511
IV. Total costs 1 027 165
V. Accounting profit 28 808
VI. Taxes 4 480
1. Profit tax 2 880
2. Other taxes 1 600
VII. Profit 24 328
REVENUES 1 055 973
I. Revenues 1 015 204
1. Net sales revenues 1 014 766
incl. companies with controlling stake 205 712
2. Subsidies 105
incl. State budget grants  
3. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 168
4. Increases of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments 165
5. Other revenues  
5a/ animals fattening  
5b/ materials from own output  
5c/ others  
II. Financial receipts 20 000
6. Interests 423
incl. interests from related companies  
7. Revenues connected with shareholders participations  
incl. dividends from related companies  
8. Differences from transactions in securities  
incl. investments in related companies  
9. Profits from foreign exchange rates 19 576
10. Other financial receipts 1
III. Extraordinary revenues 20 769
IV. Total Revenues 1 055 973
V. Accounting loss  
VI. Loss