Balance sheets
Profit and loss accounts

Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENSES 1 792 6 947 16 080 17 014 95 450 237 500 278 318 291 726 281 883 205 239 194 251 157 298 130 031 105 397 88 597 93 568 103 059
A. Total operating expenses 3 1 144 13 83 228 209 753 247 175 265 034 252 458 176 772 170 095 141 708 115 681 95 709 87 290 93 473 103 128
I. Operational expenses     144 12 17 826 41 717 39 637 57 795 58 346 42 063 148 796 42 048 35 112 29 836 23 400 24 442 83 576
1. Material expenses                     91 006           41 602
2. Hired services               44 715     35 536 23 882         19 083
3. Depreciation                     3 571           10 033
4. Salaries, wages and other remuneration               10 756     14 583 15 748         6 937
5. Social security and welfare                                 1 809
6. Other expenditure, incl.     144 12       2 324     4 100 2 418         4 112
- impairment of assets                                 53
- provisions                                 16
II. Adjusting items         65 279 167 047 207 458 207 239 194 112 134 709 21 299 99 649 80 135 64 883 62 480 67 607 16 119
1. Book value of the sold assets (excl. finished production)         65 279 167 047 207 458 207 239 194 112 134 709 25 783 99 649 80 135 64 883 56 708 60 842 16 463
2. Cost of self-constructed or liquidated fixed assets                                 -133
3. Change of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments                     -4 484           -192
4. Animals fattening                                  
5. Other adjusting items                             5 772 6 765 -19
III. Financial expenses 3 1   1 123 989 80         11 434 990 1 410 1 424 3 433
1. Interest expenses                                 3 254
incl. interests to related parties                                 3 254
2. Losses from operations with financial assets and instruments                                  
3. Foreign exchange rate losses                                 132
4. Other financial expenses 3 1                             47
C. Operating income 1 789 6 946 15 936 17 001 12 222 27 747 31 143 26 692 29 425 28 467 24 156 15 590 14 350 9 688 1 307    
IV. Extraordinary expenses                                  
D. Total expenses 3 1 144 13 83 228 209 753 247 175 265 034 252 458 176 772 170 095 141 708 115 681 95 709 87 290 93 473 103 128
E. Profit before tax 1 789 6 946 15 936 17 001 12 222 27 747 31 143 26 692 29 425 28 467 24 156 15 590 14 350 9 688 1 307    
V. Tax expenses       1 1 214 2 843 3 190 2 717 3 129 2 915 2 484 1 607 2 217 1 427 1 120 95 -69
1. Profit tax       1     3 190 2 717 3 129 2 915 2 606 1 607          
2. Deferred corporate profit tax                     -122            
3. Other taxes                                 -69
E. Net income (Profit) 1 789 6 946 15 936 17 000 11 008 24 904 27 953 23 975 26 296 25 552 21 672 13 983 12 133 8 261 187    
INCOME 1 792 6 947 16 080 17 014 95 450 237 500 278 318 291 726 281 883 205 239 194 251 157 298 130 031 105 397 88 597 93 568 103 059
A. Total operating income 1 792 6 947 16 080 17 014 95 450 237 500 278 318 291 726 281 883 205 239 194 251 157 298 130 031 105 397 88 597 90 552 100 249
I. Net sales revenue       17 014 95 450 237 067 276 999 289 981 280 179 203 966 192 910 156 830 129 956 105 397 88 597 90 552 99 570
1. Finished Products                     144 235 155 535         75 942
2. Goods for resale                     48 140           22 635
3. Materials                                  
4. Services                     88           1
- incl. intermediation                                  
5. Fixed assets, rentals                                  
6. Others               289 981     447 1 295         992
II. Subsidies                                 272
incl . State budget grants                                  
III. Financial income 1 792 6 947 16 080     433 1 319 1 745 1 704 1 273 1 341 468 75       407
1. Interest income                     1 074            
incl. interests from related parties                                  
2. Income from participations 1 792 6 947 16 080                            
incl. dividends from related parties 1 792 6 947                              
3. Gains from trading with financial instruments                                  
4. Profits from foreign exchange rates                     267           400
5. Other financial income               1 745                 7
C. Operating loss                               2 921 2 879
IV. Extraordinary revenues                                 1
D. Total Income 1 792 6 947 16 080 17 014 95 450 237 500 278 318 291 726 281 883 205 239 194 251 157 298 130 031 105 397 88 597 90 552 100 250
E. Loss before tax                               2 921 2 878
F. Total Loss                               3 016 2 809
Profit and Loss accounts
in thous. BGN
EXPENDITURES 92 673 73 689 58 804 49 812
I. Operating activities expenses 87 382 69 908 54 290 45 814
1. Decreased production, working process, expected expenditures 197 54 536 92
2. Material expenditure 31 505 30 987 30 093 32 117
3. Outward service expenditure 16 604 13 430 9 966 5 912
4. Wages and salaries 5 636 5 286 4 272 3 565
5. Social security contributions 1 692 1 697 1 791 1 449
6. Depreciation 6 944 2 698 1 589 992
7. Other expenditure 2 089 1 521 1 187 607
incl. decrease in the value of material supply        
incl. provision expenditures   4    
8. Costs of goods sold 22 715 14 235 4 856 1 080
II. Financial expenditures 4 729 1 231 877 360
9. Interests 3 144 657 409 69
incl. interests to related companies        
10. Differences from transactions in securities        
incl. investments in related companies        
11. Losses from foreign exchange transactions 1 523 512 402 235
12. Other financial expenditures 62 62 66 56
III. Extraordinary costs 562 918 677 498
IV. Total costs 92 673 72 057 55 844 46 672
V. Accounting profit   1 632 2 960 3 140
VI. Taxes   691 1 122 1 346
1. Profit tax   478 795 982
2. Other taxes   213 327 364
VII. Profit   941 1 838 1 794
REVENUES 92 673 73 689 58 804 49 812
I. Revenues 84 511 72 994 58 503 49 148
1. Net sales revenues 83 355 71 284 57 130 47 399
incl. companies with controlling stake        
2. Subsidies   175 92 20
incl. State budget grants        
3. Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 67 509 311 273
4. Increases of stocks, unfinished production and prepayments 567 692 687 1 228
5. Other revenues 522 334 283 228
5a/ animals fattening        
5b/ materials from own output     283  
5c/ others 522 334   228
II. Financial receipts 3 962 607 260 423
6. Interests 142   1 26
incl. interests from related companies        
7. Revenues connected with shareholders participations        
incl. dividends from related companies        
8. Differences from transactions in securities        
incl. investments in related companies        
9. Profits from foreign exchange rates 3 820 607 259 397
10. Other financial receipts        
III. Extraordinary revenues 92 88 41 242
IV. Total Revenues 88 565 73 689 58 804 49 812
V. Accounting loss 4 108      
VI. Loss 4 108