Press Digest
Press digest - year 1997
In 1997 the National Electrifical Company (NEC) will make investments in the amount of BGL 80 billion. The money is from incomes of the NEC and credits from the World Bank, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank. The PHARE programme will grant a free credit of ECU 6 million for the construction of a work shop for processing of radioactive waste from the atomic power station "Kozlodui".
Source: 24 chasa (28.01.1997)
The new Supervisory Board of the National Electrifical Company (NEC) decided that the company will have 3 Executive Directors: Vasil Atanasov - Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Dimcho Ivanov - former Director of Investments' Department and Ivan Ivanov - Dep. Director of atomic power station "Kozlodui". Other members of the board are: Danail Tafrov - Director of department in "Energoproject", and Yanko Peykov - manager of thermal power station "Maritza-Iztok 3". Atanas Atanasov was elected Chairman of the Supervisory Board. The remaining members of the board are Kiril Gegov and Vladimir Kisyov.
Source: Pari (31.03.1997)
The Council of Ministers approved the program for Cash Privatization from June 1, 1997 up to December 31, 1997. The coal-mining enterprises, Kosloduy Nuclear Power-Plant, the transportation and distribution of electricity, the transport infrastructure, post services, regional cadastre, duty free zones and forestries will not be privatized up to the end of this year.
Source: Pari (24.06.1997)
"Motor" JSC (Vratza) has realized a profit for the first seven months of 1997. This enterprise is the sole producer of diesel engines in Bulgaria. Among the regular clients of the company are the atomic power station "Kozloduy" and the state-owned "Kremikovtzi" JSC. The production is being exported to Greece from three years. "Motor" JSC executes orders of the German company FABA.
Source: Trud (11.08.1997)
The Board of directors of National Electrifical Company dismissed the Director of atomic power station "Kozloduy" Mr. Kiril Nikolov. In his place was appointed Mr. Ivan Ivanov, former Deputy Director of the power station. There will be a competition for new managers of the atomic power station.
Source: 24 chasa (27.08.1997)
In October 1997 "Energoremont" JSC (Kresna) produced production in the amount of BGL 120 million. The enterprise has been given orders by Atomic Power Station "Kozlodui".
Source: Democracy (04.11.1997)
"DZU" SPJSC (Stara Zagora) rejected the offer of "Alcatel" for a joint participation in the competition for delivery and installment of channels in Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy".
Source: Other (09.12.1997)