Press Digest
Press digest - year 1998
Nearly 17,8 billion kWh energy was produced in Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy" during last year. This is 46 per cent of the total energy produced in Bulgaria in 1997.
Source: Democracy (07.01.1998)
National Electricity Company will invest BGL 114 billion for modernization of Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy" in 1998. The incomes from sales of energy will amount to BGL 79 billion. There are negotiations carried on for a credit of BGL 35 billion with the American "Eximbank", "Roseximbank", the German concern "Hermes" and "Euroatom" (European Bank for Reconstruction and Development). "Westinghouse" will grant USD 70 million for modernization of the atomic power station.
Source: Standart (09.01.1998)
The Board of Directors of Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy" will appoint a new Director of the power station. The present Deputy Financial Director Mr. Krassimir Nikolov will probably be appointed Director in the place of Mr. Ivan Ivanov, was reported from the company.
Source: Trud (18.03.1998)
The Minister of Industry in Germany Mr. Guenther Rexrot and 60-member business delegation are arriving today in Bulgaria on invitation of Bulgarian Minister of Commerce Mr. Valentin Vassilev. An agreement is expected to be signed with "Siemens" for reconstructions and modernization in Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy". The German concern will participate in this project together with "Framatom" (France) and "Atomenergo" (Russia).
Source: Trud (23.03.1998)
A contract was signed for preparations for modernization of Atomic Power Station "Kozloduy" on March 24, 1998. The contract was signed by Mr. Wolf Buerkle, president of "Siemens Power Generation Group", and Mr. Konstantin Shushulov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of National Electricity Company. USD 29 million will be spent on the preliminary engineer project, preparations and licensing of the activities and technology for modernization in the power station. The modernization will be done by European consortium "Kozloduy", in which members are "Siemens", "Framatom" (France) and "Atomenergoexport" (Russia).
Source: Pari (25.03.1998)
"Energoproekt" SPJSC will take part in the modernization of Atomic Power Station "Kozlodui", its Executive Director Mr. Milcho Golemehov said. The modernization will be completed by the European consortium which includes "Siemens", "Framatom" and "Atomenergoexport", and "Westinghouse" (USA). In the project will take part many Bulgarian organizations.
Source: Pari (20.05.1998)
National Electricity Company (NEC) has the resources to invest additional USD 100 million by the year of 2001 in the modernization program for the first four reactors of Atomic Power Station "Kozlodui", NEC's Executive Director Mr. Ivan Hinkovsky announced. A total of ECU 129 million have been invested in the four small reactors by the end of 1997.
Source: Pari (21.05.1998)
USD 1,7 billion revenues from concessions are envisaged by the medium-term programme of the government for the period 1998-2001. The programme is in the total amount of USD 6 billion. The budget must secure USD 1.4 billion for the fulfillment of the programme, the remaining part of the money are expected to be secured by foreign sources of finance. Major investment projects are: the construction of Trakia highway - USD 40 million; construction of Black Sea highway - USD 360 million; modernization of 5 and 6 block of Atomic Power Station "Kozlodui" - USD 300 million.
Source: Pari (16.07.1998)
Two offers were submitted for purchasing of 77 per cent of the shares of the metallurgical plant "Promet-Debelt" JSC. The applicants are "Neva Holding" JSC (Plovdiv) and Czech "Expandia" JSC. The major requirement to the buyers is to undertake the total plant's debts in the amount of BGL 16 billion. The company owes BGL 13 million to "Industrial Bank" JSC and BGL 3 million to "National Electrical Company", "Water-Supply Company" and "Bulgargas". "Neva Holding" JSC is Bulgarian-Ukrainian company, that imports nuclear fuel to "Nuclear Power-Station" (Koslodui).
Source: Pari (26.09.1998)