Press Digest
Press digest - year 2001
Three-year insurance contract of NPS Kozludui JSC expires in March this year and the nuclear power station has to organize an auction for selection of insurer. At the same time the NPS continues not to be insured for nuclear damages in accordance with the Wien convention. The current contract was dealed in March 1998 with Energy that is 50 per cent property of NEC. There is not any Bulgarian company for the time being that is ready to insure the station for nuclear damages. A special research of the risk in NPS Kozlodui made by Independent Engineering Services - London gave the high evaluation of 84 points at 100 possible for risk factors in the station.
Source: Sega (08.01.2001)
The international company Alstom power will be a chief executor of the project for construction of the substituting capacities in TPS Maritza-iztok 1. This was announced by the representation of the American company AES which was elected in 1999 for investor in the station. Alstom won the international competition for election of executor among 8 leading world energy companies, was specified from the representation of AES. The project foresees by the end of 2003 in the station to be introduced in exploitation 2 new blocks with a total capacity of 600 MgW that will substitute the small reactors of NPS Kozlodui. USD 800 million will be spent for the project.
Source: Standart (10.01.2001)
NPS Kozlodui expects a gross profit for 2000 of over BGN 71 million. In 2000 in the station were produced over 18 billion kw/h. In the programme of NPS Kozlodui for 2001 is signed that the quantity produced electricity will be 22 billion kw/h from which 18.7 billion for the needs of the State and 3 billion kw/h for export. By 2003 the station will invest in eco projects over BGN 28 million. From them this year will be allocated BGN 4.5 million for project researches.
Source: Pari (11.01.2001)
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will manage EUR 25 million gratis aid which the European Union granted for supporting the stopping of 1 and 2 block of NPS Kozlodui. The Government voted a financial memorandum for EUR 26.85 million that are granted by EU. EUR 25 million from this amount are for special Fund for international aid at stopping from exploitation in NPS Kozludui. From it will be financed some of the activities connected with the ceasing of the blocks. With the other EUR 1.85 million will be financed the Committee for use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes in order to license the activities connected with the stopping of the nuclear reactors.
Source: Sega (26.01.2001)
The company for processing of radioactive scraps at the territory of NPS Kozlodui that has been built since 1991, is ready and will be opened on February 09 by the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Petar Zhotev. The factory will store and press the scraps at the production in NPS Kozlodui which are with average and low radio activity. These are clothes, materials, filters and liquids used in the nuclear station. The company costs over USD 30 million.
Source: Sega (05.02.2001)
First energy unit of NPS Kozloduy SP JSC will be stopped for plan-prophylactic repair and refueling. This was announced from the Public Relations Department of the head office. The planned repair works and refueling will continue until May 6, 2001.
Source: BTA (01.03.2001)
The former Director of the Committee for use of the nuclear energy for peaceful purposes Mr. George Kaschiev who was dismissed with decision of the Government said that there were interested people and companies that take funds from NPS Kozlodui. According to Mr. Kaschiev the nuclear lobby includes people from the nuclear station and other companies. He also thinks that about BGN 200 million from the annual budget of NPS Kozlodui are allocated as orders between the companies Risk engineering, Tita consult, Glavbolgarstroy and other companies and groups.
Source: National television (05.03.2001)
45 years will last the full close of the equipments from 1 and 2 block of NPS Kozlodui. The project for the stop of the blocks is not still ready but it is known that the process will be divided in 5 stages. The initial amounts for all operations are for USD 350 million and only within 2010 for 1 and 2 block will be necessary USD 150 million. A small part of the funds has already been spent.
Source: Sega (08.03.2001)
NPS Kozlodui will have to grant USD 66 million from its own funds in order to be provided a safe exploitation of 3 and 4 block by 2010. Except the granting of the funds, the experts recommend to be started a campaign connected with the protection. In 1 and 2 block that have to be closed before 2003 will be invested USD 5 million and BGN 8 million for their safe work.
Source: Sega (15.03.2001)
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Source: Dnevnik (16.03.2001)
Totally USD 380 million will be invested this year in the modernization of III, IV, V VI energy block of Kozlodui-based NPS, announced the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the station Mr. Anton Ivanov. Over the last year NPS Kozlodui provided for the countries from the Balkan region 4.4 billion kw/h electricity from its total annual production that exceeds 17 billion kw/h. The necessary funds in the two funds for storage and processing of radioactive scraps have already been gathered.
Source: Pari (02.04.2001)
Until recently the companies have to transfer their taxes only through banks. From this year on thay also may pay the sums cash in the tax offices. Nevertheless the payments still are mainly through bank. The tax offices work with 6 banks. They are TB Biochim, TB Hebros, Expressbank , Bulbank, UBB and Bank DSK.Bulbank attends Bulgargas, the management of the air traffic. The same bank attends also the Ministry of Defence, NEC, BSR .
Source: Sega (23.04.2001)
The construction of the Nuclear station in Belene is not profitable since there can not be found strategic investors. It is more profitable the investments to be pointed to the reconstruction of the complex in Maritza-iztok and TPS Varna.
Source: Pari (25.04.2001)
The company Avko, Rousse started the manufacture of new series with a great variety of gaskets., stated the Chairman of the Board of Management Mr. Vladimir Kolev. Avko is the sole producer in Bulgaria of the high technological products for isolations. Its clients are NPS and all Bulgarian thermal stations, chemical, metallurgic and other industries and entire branches in Croatia, Italy, Romania and other countries. The share of the export in Avko is about 40 per cent. The point is over 2000 the company to operate on new markets in Northern Africa from Maroko to Egypt and increasing the sales in Italy.
Source: BTA (22.05.2001)
The Government approved a project for frame agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for management of international fund Kozlodui and a report for the reached items on the agreement between Bulgaria and the European Commission for the earlier extraction from exploitation of 1 and 2 blocks of NPS Kozlodui. The frame agreement arranges the procedures for granting of funds from the fund on the base of signed agreements for finance of projects on extraction from exploitation and measures in the energand measures in the energy sector. European Commission and EBRD prepared two documents for granting of EUR 26.85 million.
Source: BTA (01.06.2001)
NEC and the atomic station negotiate a deal in which the used nuclear fuel will be exported to Russia against payment with Bulgarian electricity which will be exported to third countries. According to the planned scheme the nuclear fuel will be returned to Technosnabexport from Energy Invest. The registered in Lihtenstein off-shoe company will pay for the export operation. On the other hand it receives APS Kozlodui electricity - about 100 megawatts which it will sale in Yugoslavia . Because the law in Bulgaria protects the monopoly of NEC in purchase of electricity from the producers and the export an operation of that kind is illegal. That is why in the scheme is included NEC which purchases the fuel from APS Kozloduy and transports it to the border. There the electric company sales the electricity to the German RWE which partners Energy Invest in the sales on the territory of Yugoslavia. According to source near to NEC the contract of the electro-company with Energy Invest is already signed. The total value of the deal is between EU 28.6 and 33.6 million. From Energetic Agency and NEC explained that they sale the electricity to RWE and Energy Invest because during the summer Serbian do not need electricity and their sqales decrease and there is a risk of direct export for Yugoslavia. The executive director of APS Kozlodui Mr. Jordan Jordanov explained that according the contract for purchasing of electric power with NEC this year may be sold only 18.700 billion kilowatt hours. And APS Kozlodui may produce 20 billion kilowatt hours that is why they will try to make NEC sale more than the planned quantity in order to pay the nuclear fuel. In this deal for additional export of the used nuclear fuel will practically be free.
Source: Capital (09.06.2001)
On 12 June starts the renovation of the fifth and the sixth block of NPS Kozlodui, in accordance with the new requirements for safety, announced from the station. The excutive is the European consortium Kozlodui, which includes Framatom, Siemens, Atomenergoexport and the American companies Westinghouse and Parsans. Long term credits that are guaranteed by the State, are granted by Citybank, Evroatom and Roseximbank. NPS participates in the project with finances and experts. Three days later the chairman of SEA has to sign a frame agreement with the EBRD for the management of International fund Kozloduy. The agreement was approved by the Government on 31 May. The frame agreement foresees that the EBRD will be administrator for the finances from the donors from EC. The finance will be managed by the mechanisms of the National Programme PHARE. Till now will for participation in the donors' fund have confirmed Holland with EUR 2 million, EC - EUR 85 million, GB - EUR 1.5 million, Switzerland - EUR 1.5 million, Greece - EUR 1.5 million, Ireland - EUR 500 000.
Source: Pari (11.06.2001)
The renovation of fifth and sixth blocks of NPS Kozloduy started. Main executive is the Kozlodui consortium, which includes the leader companies in nuclear energergetics as Siemens, Framatom, Atomstroiexport and Westinghouse. Finances for the project are provided by long term agreements with the following banks: Evraton /EUR 220.5 million/, Citybank /USD 72.5 million/, Roseksimbank /USD 52 million/ and NPS - EUR 146 million own means, from which EUR 60 million have been already paid.
Source: BTA (13.06.2001)
A change and addition of the Decree 147 of the Council of Ministers from 1999 for development and execution of the programs for financial healing and supervision of the financial state of the States enterprises was approved on 15 July. The decree 147 put the States enterprises in special regime which accumulate negative financial results and were a risk for the payment account of the State. The enterprises were with limited access to credit resource.The results of the reform in the energetics allow the companies that have positive financial result to work without limitations from Decree of 1999. According to the changes for the TEPS, AEPS, NEC and the seven electricity-distributing companies will not need programs for financial healing, limitations for the access to credit resource.
Source: Pari (18.06.2001)
NPS-Kozlodui - SP JSC will be extracted from the list of the companies on the decree for regulation of the funds for working salary for 2001, according to a decision of Council of Ministers. In connection with the positive financial results of the company for 2000 and the first quarter of 2001, with a decision of the Board of Directors of NPS-Kozlodui - SP JSC the funds for Working salary fund increase with 15 per cent.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (19.06.2001)
A green light was given to the projects of the American companies AES and Entergy for Marica-Iztok 1 and 3. The first one could be a problem for the State and NEC. This week starts the barter for export for Yugoslavia and Kosovo for the return of the used nuclear fuel of APS Kozlodui in Russia. This type of deals give a lot of opportunities for destination of financial means in the "right" direction. Two days before the elections it was announced that NEC is withdrawn of the lists form healing and they received a free access to bank credits. During the last few months of the government were released the auctions for construction of some parts of Gorna Arda. This predetermines that the complex will be built although there still are arguments whether there is use of it or not. It is not a fortuity that a conflict for legality of an auction occurs and Minstroy initiates an proceedings against NEC.
Source: Capital (24.06.2001)
The procedure for limited supply of nuclear fuel for NPS Kozloduj is stopped, announced the power station. This is due to the lack of applications for the announced auction. The auction may take place when at least three firms participate in it.
Source: Novinar (04.07.2001)
For one year the branch of Citibank in Bulgaria managed to reach a balance amount of about BGN 200 million. About BGN 120 million of the assets of the bank are the granted credits for corporate clients, announced the Manager of Citibank - Bulgaria, Mr. Plamen Ilchev. The biggest from them are for the reconstruction of 5th and 6th block of NPS Kozlodui. Over the week Euromoney defined Citibank for a bank of the year in Bulgaria in Crediting category.
Source: Capital (15.07.2001)
An inspection for the safe use of the atomic power station of Kozloduj was made. The decision second energy block to be included to the energy system of the State was taken. The block was loaded up with 50 per cent of its capacity. it was stopped on April 29 because of annual repairs. Technical improvements are made to the block and it is loaded with new atomic fuel.
Source: Dnevnik (19.07.2001)
Greece will give gratis EUR 1.5 million to the International fund for close of NPS Kozlodui. The amount will be spent for the period 2001 - 2010 for close of the nuclear blocks in NPS. The International fund in which go the money, will be managed by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Source: Capital (22.07.2001)
AEZ Kozloduj SP JSC reported decrease of the prime cost of the energy with 10.53 per cent. The profit of the station is BGN 321 829 for the first half of the year, which is 11.34 per cent more than the forecasts. The plant has produced 10 161 483 000 kilowatt hours energy, which is 5.9 per cent more than planned.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (23.07.2001)
The vice-minister and Minister of Finance Mr. Vasilev announced that the program of the government in the area of energetics is directed towards full privatization and liberalization of the sector. The Government hopes that the contracts with the American companies AES and Entergy will not enter into contradiction with the program of the Government. It is expected that at the second wave of privatization on the capital market will be released some parts of NEC.
Source: Capital (29.07.2001)
Bulgaria will suffer loses if it closes III and IV block of AEZ Kozloduj earlier, announced the chairman of the State Energy Commission Mr. Veselin Bliznakov.
Source: Pari (30.07.2001)
The fourth block of NPS Kozludui will stop for repair, renew and improvement of the safety of the equipments. The cease will last about four months and is in the frames of the so called planned warning repairs. The reactor will be reloaded with fresh fuel. Its exclusion will not break the energy balance of the State.
Source: Novinar (20.08.2001)
Over the period January 1, 1998 - May 25, 1999 NPS Kozlodui assigned to the state-owned company Energoproject 52 tasks at the total amount of BGN 508 million.
Source: Capital (20.08.2001)
The fourth energy block with capacity 440 MW of NPS Kozlodui will be stopped by the end of the day for a planned annual repair. The block works with 55 per cent and its capacity will continuously decrease to its full exclusion from the energy system. Over the time of the repair that will last 4 months, will be made technical and technologic improvements for increasing its nuclear and exploitation safety. NPS Kozlodui has already worked on the new structure according to which the two repair companies Atomenergoremont and Atomstroprogress were separated with its assets as independent companies.
Source: BTA (21.08.2001)
The director of APS Kozlodui Mr. Jordan Jordanov introduced the program for the restructuring and the economic results of the company a year and a half after the enterprise became independent. The inherited debt to NEC of BGN 164 million was paid and the other debts will be paid within two years. The measures up to this moment have decreased the price of the produced energy with 10 per cent. The profit for the last year was BGN 100 million and for the first eight months of this year - BGN 70 million
Source: Shans Express Vratza (03.09.2001)
The former chief accountant of the Atomic power Station is prosecutor's investigation, announced the Director for economy and finance of the APS Kozlodui Mr. Tencho Popov. He has damaged the station in an amount of BGN 50 000 in a deal for grain. He has sold it under its trade price and the payment was not received yet. All contracts which were concluded before the detachment of the station from NEC were re-examined, added Mr. Popov. There are some which will be re-concluded. An example for a contract of this kind is the document for the delivery of spare parts at a total value of DEM 33 million. The investigation showed that the station did not need 1200 valves but only 200 and the price is over-risen.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (03.09.2001)
215 decres warehouse station owns the Atomic Station in Vratza and Kozloduy, announced the Economy Director Mr. Tencho Popov. All warehouses out of the station will closed within the end of the year, in accordance with the reconstruction programme of the company. In the warehouses were found assets for more than BGN 50 million.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (10.09.2001)
Almost the whole Board of Directors of NPS Kozlodui headed with the current Executive Director Mr. Jordan Jordanov was changed with the order of the Chairman of State Energetics Agency mr. Milko Kovachev. Only Ms. Katja Stefanova remained a member of the Board of Directors. It is expected the new Board of Directors to select today a new Executive Director and probably this will be Mr. Jordan Kostadinov.
Source: Sega (14.09.2001)
Mr. Ivan Grizanov was selected for a Chairman of the Board of Directors of NPS Kozlodui at its first meeting, was reported from the station. Mr. Jordan Georgiev is the Deputy Director of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director of NPS is Mr. Jordan Kostadinov.
Source: Sega (17.09.2001)
17 companies established the union BULATOM - Bulgarian nuclear forum, was reported from the new organization. BULATOM is registered in Sofia City Court on August 27, 2001. Among its establishers are NPS Kozlodui, Glavbolgarstroy, Energoproject, Risk engineering, Prosoft and others. The main point of the new union will be to cooperate the state-owned bodies and the specialized companies for development of the nuclear energetics in Bulgaria.
Source: Capital (22.09.2001)
All of the 1700 state companies, excluding APS Kozloduy, will be privatized after the acceptation of the new privatization Law. It is expected that it will be applied in the Parliament not later than 20 October. The new Law applies only for auctions and competitions as methods for privatization. There will be no negotiations with potential purchasers. Exceptions are allowed only for big monopolies - Bulgartabak Holding, BTC, NEC, which has a complex structure and besides the price for their privatization is important the social effect. The bigger companies will be sold by PA. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministries will remain the smaller companies and those for which privatization procedures are already in process. There will be no more preferences for the Working-managing companies. The privatization will be separated from the post-privatization control. A part of incomes from the privatization - between 10 and 20 per cent, will go to a special fund for development of the high technologies.
Source: Standart (01.10.2001)
NPS Kozlodui will construct a storehouse for the nuclear fuel from the station in order to transport it, announced the Executive Director of Energoproject Mr. Ivan Hinovski. The station has already reported that there are being searched for potential investors for its construction and the auction will be declared in the end of this year. Within the end of October the station will try for a last time to conclude a barter deal with the Russian company Technosnabexport that will transport the old fuel and against it NEC will export electricity to Bulgarian-Serbian frontier.
Source: Dnevnik (02.10.2001)
The new Atomic Power station which will replace the old reactors of Kozloduy has to be constructed within 2009. This was demanded by representatives of the newly formed atomic forum BULATOM. The priority of the company is to protect third and fourth blocks in front of the international institutions and their exploitation term to be prolonged. Experts from the forum claim that if the processed atomic fuel is processed this will raise the price of electricity with 5 per cent. The cease of first and second will continue for 40 years and the procedure only for one reactor costs USD 400 000.
Source: Standart (02.10.2001)
Another nuclear energy unit will be unavoidable necessity after 2009 even in the most pessimistic forecasts for the development of the Bulgarian economy by that time, said Ivan Hinovski, heading the nuclear energy department of Energoproekt EAD. The newly established NGO Bulatom, chaired by Hinovski is committed to defending the interests of the Bulgarian nuclear energy sub-sector before international brokers, and more specifically to explaining the safety of the 3rd and 4th units of the Kozlodui NPP after 2006. Bulatom will take part in the EU accession negotiations in the power production chapter. Without another nuclear unit Bulgaria will not be able to comply with its commitments on reducing by 5% the carbon oxides pollution after 2008. The time needed to build and launch a nuclear energy unit is usually between 6 and 10 years. Currently the Kozlodui NPP is implementing a heavy programme on decommissioning the first and second units, said Sabin Sabinov, heading the reconstruction and modernization department of the NPP. One of the most scandalous moments in the history of the Bulgarian nuclear energy is the closure of the uranium mines for mysterious reasons. A reference shows that in 1988 Bulgaria ranked 5th in the world in uranium production. The ore was exported to the Soviet Union and against it Bulgaria used to receive fresh nuclear fuel for free. Bulgarian uranium had a relatively high isotope concentration of 63% yellow heck. Uranium exports were cut at once, without any justification or explanation. Now Bulgaria is forced to call tenders for fuel imports.
Source: Pari (02.10.2001)
The new Management of NPS Kozlodui SP JSC required from the Ministry of Finance a full economic inspection of the station, announced the Executive Director Mr. Jordan Kostadinov. The Management wants to define the company's state. After the separation from NEC last year, the company finished 2000 with a profit of BGN 100 426 000. The station reported a profit of BGN 63 434 000 for the first half of the year. In execution of the restructure programme Atomenergoremont and Atomenergostroyprogress separated as independent legal entities. The economic effect of this is decrease of the shareholders' equity with BGN 390 000 and the personnel reduced with 972 people. It is expected the capital of NPS Kozlodui to be reduced with another BGN 730 000 and the personnel with 247 people.
Source: BTA (08.10.2001)
NEC SPJSC reports a gross profit in amount of BGN 306.7 million and net profit of BGN 207.125 million. This profit is formed from the activity of NEC during three account periods during which the company performed its activity with three different structures: during the period January-May is a vertically intengrated company with activities in the manufacture, transfer and distribution of electricity. Since May the actvities the actvities for the distribution are separated, NPS Kozloduy, HPS Maritza iztok 1 and HPS Russe 3. Since July were separated the rest of the hydro-power stations excluding HPS Maritza3 and NEC is transformed into a transfer company. During these account periods the shareof the profit from export grows from 10.2per cent 54.1 per cent.
Source: Company information (08.10.2001)
NPS Kozloduy will be insured against an eventual nuclear risk for the first time. By this moment this risk was taken by the State. The Government of Mr. Ivan Kostov was discussing the insurance coverage to be up to USD 100 million and the contribution of the station was evaluated to USD 5 million. During June was established Bulgarian National Insurance Pull which will cover the damages in a case of a nuclear accident in the station. Members in it are 11 insurance companies. The biggest shares belong to Energia, Allianz Bulgaria and Orel. The members of the Pull decided the compensation to be in an amount of BGN 51 million as 30 per cent of them will be paid by Bulgarian Insurers and the other 70 per cent will be re-insured by the British Insurance Pull.
Source: Dnevnik (09.10.2001)
186 companies will not be privatized when the new Privatization Law becomes efficient, decided the Government. Among them are NPS Kozlodui, Bulgargas, BDZ, airports, ports, Bulgarian posts, water and sewerage companies in 29 towns.
Source: Standart (30.10.2001)
Interolimpikonstar has to pay to NPS Kozlodui BGN 31 888. It is a property of the brothers Mr. Aidun and Mr. Ahmed Murad who are possessors of 15 per cent of Yantra hotel. The station sued Murad Brothers because in 1998 their company concluded a contract for repair of roof constructions. However the repair works did not start and the funds that were paid in advance by the station were not returned.
Source: Yantra - Veliko Tarnovo (15.11.2001)
The Nuclear Power Station has paid nearly BGN 100 000 for the strengthening of the building of the municipal hospital in Kozloduy. The building cracked two years ago.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (15.11.2001)
Interolimpikonstar, Veliko Tarnovo has to pay BGN 31 888 to NPS Kozloduy. The company is owned by Mr. Aidan and Mr. Ahmed Murat. The nuclear power station sentenced the brothers because during 1998 it concluded a contract with the company for the reconstruction of the roof of the station. According to the contract the reconstruction has to be finished before 15 August 1998, for which NPS Kozloduy has paid in advance. The reconstruction has not even started and the money were not returned.
Source: Dnevnik (15.11.2001)
EUR 93 million from European countries were gathered for the stop of the two blocks of NPS Kozlodui. In November will be signed a contract with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for the stop of first and second block of NPS Kozlodui. This will happen on November 16 in London at a conference of the these countries at the International fair Kozlodui. The date of the contract will be the beginning of the process that will finish within 2002, according to the agreement with the European Commission from November 1999.
Source: Dnevnik (16.11.2001)
The Government expects incomes from BGN 200 million in cash from the privatization of BTC during the summer of next year. The Council of Ministers accepted the programme for the privatization. Deutsche Bank - intermediary for the privatization of the telecommunications company will prepare the conditions for its privatization within the end of January. The programme includes a release of stakes of infrastructure objects for sale on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. During the next year will be privatized the seventh electricity-distributing companies, twenty-two thermal-supply companies, HPS Varna, Maritza Iztok 2 and other companies. The prognosis for the incomes from the privatization during the next year are for BGN 51.5 million.
Source: Dnevnik (16.11.2001)
First and Second Blocks of NPS Kozloduy have to be sacrificed for the success of the negotiations for the postponement of the ceasing of Third and Fourth reactors. This was announced by the Chairman of Bulgarian Nuclear Forum (BULATOM) Mr. Ivan Hinovski. According to the agreement with EU the first two blocks has to be stopped within the end of 2002. The opinion of BULATOM is that the ceasing of the First and Second Blocks will not bring a crisis in the electricity-supply in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (20.11.2001)
A National Civil Committee will gather USD 1.2 billion for the finishing of the construction of NPS Belene. The organization was established in Svishtov by an initiative of the Prof. Petko Petkov from the Economic Academy. The construction of the second NPS was stopped in 1990. The first corpus and stations were constructed and USD 1.2 billion have been already invested. The construction of NPS Belene has to be accomplished as if first and second block of NPS Kozloduy are stopped the energy balance of Bulgaria will be violated.
Source: Trud (04.12.2001)
NPS Kozloduy expects lower profit as compared to 2000. The reason are the expenditures for the export of the processed nuclear fuel for Russia. According to the contract the transport of the fuel, the security measures and the licenses for transport are paid by the station. The Executive Director of NPS Kozloduy announced that the management is expecting a net profit of BGN 12 million this year.
Source: Dnevnik (10.12.2001)
5433 specialists, employees and workers are hired in NPS Kozlodui SP JSC that is with 30 per cent of the normative. The average monthly salary in the station is BGN 508. The Management of the station is preparing a programme for optimizing of the personnel that has to be executed without social problems.
Source: BTA (17.12.2001)
The Swedish company for steel products which was established during 1865 is celebrating its 35 years of presence at the Bulgarian market. According to the Manager of Sandvik Bulgaria Mr. Miroslav Markov, during the last few years the concern is very interested in the structural reforms of the Bulgarian industry and in accordance to them is changing its own organization. The Bulgarian branch of the company works in two main area . They are Sandvik Coromant - metal cutting instruments and Sandvik Steel - special steels. The annual turnover of Sandvik is for more than BGN 10 million.
Source: Pari (17.12.2001)
Experts from the Committee for use of the nuclear power for peaceful purposes started an inspection of 4 block of NPS Kozlodui before its launch in exploitation. The Manager of NPS Kozlodui Mr. Jordan Kostadinov stated that the extraction of 1 and 2 block of the station before the defined deadline is dangerous.
Source: Monitor (18.12.2001)
The gross amount of electricity, produced in NPS Kozloduy during 2001 is more than 19 billion kilowatt hours. It is a record for the Bulgarian power station. In the contract with the National Electricity-distributing company is planned a quantity of 18.7 billion kilowatt. During 2000 the power station has produced 19 222 889 000 kilowatt hours. All six blocks of the station work in accordance to the schedule of the Central Control Department.
Source: BTA (29.12.2001)