Press Digest
Press digest - year 2000
Representatives of the German holdings RWE and Rheinbraun have indicated interest in investing in the Maritza East -2 thermal power station in talks with the Deputy-Minister of Economy Mr. Hristo Michailovski.
Source: Standart (21.02.2000)
The growth of the incomes in the past year of Yurii Gagarin-BT JSC Plovdiv is 31 per cent as a result of the optimized expenses. The investment programme of the company for 2000 is BGN 2 million. In order to keep a constant presence in the State and abroad, there have to be rated competition prices and high quality.
Source: Maritza dnes (28.02.2000)
The Deputy Chairman of the Energetic Agency Mr. Stancho Andreev became a Director of the biggest coal extracting company Mini Maritza Iztok, Radnevo. More than a month it was without legal Management. In the beginning of this year the mines recorded BGN 16.9 million profit at extraction of 20.7 million t coals and two months outage. Over 2000 people were laid off.
Source: Sega (02.05.2000)
The State Energetic Agency signed a contract for creation of joint-venture company between the German company Rainbrown and the mine complex Maritza - East. The joint-venture company will be created with minimum capital, required by the Bulgarian legislation, will make economic research and the evaluation of the assets of mines Maritza - East. This probably will last about an year. The evaluation is necessary for the definition of the exact investment programme of the German company. It is expected the evaluation to be DEM 500-600 million.
Source: Sega (19.05.2000)
The profit of Mini Maritza East is expected to be up to BGN 6 million. BGN 21.2 million are assessed for investments in the mines for this year. 40 per cent of the funds are spent.
Source: BTA (26.05.2000)
The German company Rheinbraun will have 60 per cent of the capital of the new joint-venture company, that is created with Mini Maritza - iztok SP JSC. The order for the permission for creation of the joint-venture company is signed by the Chairman of the State Energy Agency Mr. Ivan Shiliashki. The company is registered with a capital of BGN 50 100. According to the contract during the next year will be made researches for the perspectives for the development of the coal extraction at the market of electric energy. The point is to be revealed how profitable are the long-term contracts for delivery of coals for the three terminal stations of the complex.
Source: Sega (09.06.2000)
The German company Reignbraun will take on concession the extraction of coals from mine Maritza-iztok in the beginning of 2001. This was stated by the Director of the Energetics Agency Mr. Ivan Shiliashki after the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the joint ventured company between mines Maritza-iztok and the German cocern Reignbraun in Koeln. Within November 30 the investment plan of Reignbraun for the renew of the complex will be ready, commented Mr. Shiliashki.
Source: Standart (10.07.2000)
The German company Reinbraun and mines Maritsa Iztok JSC registered a new mine company. This was announced by the Executive Director of mines Maritsa Iztok JSC Mr. Petko Petkov. The head office of the company is in Radnevo. Mr. Ivan Shiliashki is Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the new company, Mr. Eberhard Bulling is Executive Director of the Board of Director. 9 500 000 t of coal have been extracted in mines Maritsa Iztok JSC since the beginning of the year. The company's profit is BGN 1 700 000. There will be no dismissal of employees. Currently the company has 9 000 employees, announced Mr. Petko Petkov. The average working salary for the first six months of the year is BGN 522.
Source: BTA (15.08.2000)
9.5 million t of coal were extracted in the complex Maritsa Iztok during the first six months of this year. This is 70 000 t more compared to the previous. A profit of BGN 1.7 million has been registered since the beginning of the year. Currently, the company has 9 000 employees. The average salary for the first half year is BGN 522.
Source: Democracy (18.08.2000)
Mines Maritsa-iztok JSC will be signed out of the list for financial isolation. This was requested by the executives of the mining complex from the Chairman of the State Energetics Agency Mr. Ivan Shiliashki and the Minister of Finance Mr. Muravei Radev. Mr. Shiliashki already endorsed the proposal with the motive, that the three mines are already constantly registering stable financial results and have finished the first six months of this year with a profit of BGN 1.7 million. The coals, produced by Maritsa-iztok are by 70 000 t more compared to the same period last year.
Source: Standart (22.08.2000)
In the request of Cable Bulgaria for construction of high-speed optical network there is nothing illegal. It will be illegal if by it is transferred voice in real time not for free before the monopoly of BTC has fallen. The decision of the Council of Ministers to give its support to such a project does not concern BTC as the telecommunication company has monopoly not over the network but over the service transportation of voice through it. The intentions of Cable are over the network to be transferred TV and Radio signals, as well as Internet traffic. The company has 22 licenses for televisions in different cities. It is more profitable for it to transfer the signal among them alone not by paying to BTC. A telecommunication system of this kind in Bulgaria has Gukis. The company requests from its clients a declaration that they will not transfer voice. During June the Minister of Transport Mr. Antoni Slavinski disputed the meeting the project of Cable.
Source: Sega (30.09.2000)
The expected profit of Maritza East Mines JSC for the current year is in the amount of BGN 2.9 million was reported from the state-owned mines in Radnevo. According to the preliminary reports 22 million tons of coals will be extracted from the three opened ore-fields this year. The profit of Maritza East Mines JSC for the first nine months of the current year amounts to BGN 10.714 million and the extracted coals are 14 289 204 tons.
Source: Pari (13.11.2000)
The German energy concern RWE sold its business with wastes in Bulgaria, was reported from the company. The Management wanted to do that one year ago. The deal for the sale is contracted on November 16 with the german company CSI Sheele GmbH but the price of the deal is a secret. Since 1994 RWE invested DEM 15 million in Bulgaria. The main reason for the sale is the lack of funds in the municipal budgets.
Source: Sega (28.11.2000)