Press Digest
Industrial Holding Bulgaria has sold its 17.9871% stake in Elpo JSC Nikolaevo, the Central Depository's weekly bulletin shows. The buyer company, Elpo 2000 Ltd., has raised its interest to 43.305%. The deal was closed on April 18 at BGN 3.25 per share, or a total of BGN 127,884. IH Bulgaria is one of the most actively traded companies on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. On Wednesday the holdings shares increased by 0.94% to an all-time high of BGN 4.30. Elpo JSC's shares have not traded since December 2004.
Source: Monitor (27.04.2006)
United Bulgarian Bank (UBB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) signed a CO2 emissions purchase agreement, thus hoping to create an incentive for corporate clients with projects for energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The value of the contract is EUR 3.257 million. UBB services 6 Bulgarian companies that meet the requirements and will be united into a common portfolio selling saved emissions of CO2.
Source: Pari (07.03.2007)