Press Digest
The takings of Bulgargas and Himco JSCo. are announced for state takings in the Law on the State Budget, said the Minister of Industry Kliment Vuchev. The same ministry intends to create an Investment Fund in industry. Through it the high interests on credits of the commercial banks will be avoided.
Source: Other (19.06.1995)
The Council of Ministers will exercise its owner rights relating to Neftochim Ltd. directly. So far the state refinery was kept in subjection of the Ministry of Industry. Not long ago the Government took the managing of Bulgargas Ltd. which was in the system of the Enargetics Committee till this moment.
Source: Other (30.06.1995)
Chimco JSCo. will pay its obligations to Bulgargas by the end of 1998. This is laid down in the business programme of the company for 1995-1998. The obligations of the enterprise to Bulgargas will be collected as is envisaged by the Law on the State Budjet.
Source: Other (21.07.1995)
Chimco SPJSCo., located in Vratsa has reduced its debt by 35 per cent (BGL 467 million) since the beginning of the year. After the cancellatiuon of the contract signed by the ex-cabinet in the late 1994 the plant proved to be able to overcome its difficulties by itself. The above contract provided for the assumption of Chimco's liabilities to Bulgargas by Multigroup.
Source: Other (31.07.1995)
Rousse firms have debts of BGL 94 million to Bulgargas. Their obligations to the National Electric Company amount to BGL 3.37 million. Obligations of BGL 229 000 have been collected with the help of sixteen court's executive lists.
Source: Other (24.08.1995)
Chimco will pay its debts toward Bulgargas by the end of November, said the Director of the company Mr. Kiril Petkov. Till this stipulated term Chimco will pay BGL 107 million. The company has already paid about BGL 1,145 billion. A new interest plan will be prepared after the paying of the sums in November.
Source: 24 chasa (27.09.1995)
The Arbitral Court with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce rejected the claim of Bulgargas for anulation of the cession with Credit Bank and Discount House.
Source: Other (02.10.1995)
Overgas, Bulgargas and Bulrosgas are the major shareholders in the newly-incorporated company Montana gas. The municipal authorities of Montana participate with 10% of the capital of the new company.
Source: Standart (17.10.1995)
The amendments in the documents of Bulgargas JSCo were registered. Ivan Zhabinski, Ilia Shtarbanov, Zornitsa Stamboliiska, Dimitar Donchev, Slavcho Ivanov, Angel Popov and Alexander Belovezhdov are no longer members of the board of directors.
Source: State Gazette (07.11.1995)
Bulgargas will limit the supply of petrol to the cement-producing plants Granatoid and Devnenski Tsiment because they have not paid their obligaions regularly.
Source: Standart (08.11.1995)
Changes in the supervisory board of Topenergy were voted yesterday.The ex-chairman of the Committee of Energy Nikita Shervashidze, the vice-president of Multigroup Ivan Kolev and the director of Minstroy Mining were discharged. The newly-elected members are Roumen Ovcharov, Borislav Georgiev, Krasimir Nikolov. The capital of the company will be increased up to BGL 120 million. Major shareholder remains Gasprom holding 50% of the capital. Bulgaegas holds 23,1% of the capital of the company and it is allowed to buy only two shares out of the capital increase. The rest of the shares will be allocated to the new shareholders: Bulbank, First Private Bank, Overgas, Multigroup and Himimport. The supervisory board will decide in a month about the amount of the shares allocated to each new shareholder.
Source: Pari (10.11.1995)
Multigroup and Overgas receive share of 8,3% out of the bulgarian stake in Topenergy. First Private Bank will hold 3,15%, Bulbank - 3,15%, Himimport - 2%. The rest shares will be possessed by Bulgargas.
Source: 24 chasa (13.11.1995)
Himco began the payments of its debt toward Bulgargas. The chemical plant has obligations of BGL 1,2 billion which have to be paid by the end of January 1997.
Source: Other (15.11.1995)
Bulgargas canceelsd its cession contract with Himco. The decision is taken on the strenght of Art. 16 of the contract.
Source: Pari (01.12.1995)
The Council of Ministers appointed Peter Sabev the new executive Director of "Bulgargas". Being on this position Peter Sabev will represent "Bulgargas" in the board of managers of "Topenergy".
Source: 24 chasa (11.12.1995)
The State Savings Bank is among Bulgargas' big debtors. Different companies owe Bulgargas BGL 35 bln. The company initiated legal proceedings against its debtors.
Source: Standart (13.12.1995)
TS Bank JSC reported a profit of BGL 186 million for the first 9 months of 1995. At the moment the bank's capital amounts to BGL 1,330 billion - BGL 500 million of them are deposited in long-term assets. Shareholders of the bank are 700-800 legal entities and natural persons. The bank owns shares of Hebrosbank JSC, Expressbank JSC, Central Cooperative Bank JSC, Bulgarian Investment Bank JSC, Biochim JSC, Bulgarian-Russian Investment Bank JSC.
Source: Other (20.12.1995)
"Bulgargas" ceased without notice the gas supply to "Neochim" - Dimitrovgrad. As a result the production of some of the products of the company is suspended.
Source: Pari (04.01.1996)
The alterations to the Board of Directors of "Bulgargas" were published in the State Gazette. Angel Popov is expeled from the board. New member of the board is appointed Peter Sabev.
Source: Other (09.01.1996)
The capital of the Bulgarian-Russian gas Company "Topenergy" is increased from BGL 60 mln up to BGL 120 mln. 24.9 per cent of the capital is split up between "Multygroup", "Overgas Inc.", First Private Bank and "Chimimport". The state-owned company "Bulgargas" decreased its participation from 50 per cent down to 25.1 per cent.
Source: Other (10.01.1996)
The documentation for the registration of the Bulgarian-Russian company "Gasenergo" is submitted to the court. The company will develop regional projects in the field of gas energetics and the construction of new power-plants. The Bulgarian party will have 51 per cent stake in the capital of the company. Shareholders of the company are "Nove Holding", TSBank, CB "Slavjani", Aleksander Belovezhdov (former member of the board of "Bulgargas") and some other natural persons.
Source: Other (10.01.1996)
The management of "National Gas Company" will discuss the approval of new shareholders, said Ivan Hlebarov executive director of one of the major shareholders "Veles Holding". Other shareholders of the "National Gas Company" are "National Electric Company", "Minstroi Holding", "Bulgargas", "Balkanbank", TSBank, "Credit Bank", CB "Slavjani", "Overgas", "Termico", "Energia i Ekologia". The "National Gas Company" is anticipated to gasificate the towns of Dobrich, Vratsa, and Rousse by the end of 1996.
Source: Standart (19.02.1996)
"Kremikovtsi" has increased its sales by 25 per cent in 1995, said Atanas Bogdanov executive director of the metallurgical plant. The company has developed a sinking plan for paying-back its obligations to "Bulgargas". According to the plan, which is approved by the Council of Ministers, BGL 2.345 billion have to be paid-back by instalments.
Source: Pari (22.02.1996)
The Council of Ministers increased the membership of the board of the directors of Bulgargas from 7 up to 9 members. The CEO of the company Petar Tsonev was disharged from his office. New members of the board were appointed Nedelcho Popov - Councellor at the Council of Ministers, Ivan Peichev and Metody Vachev.
Source: Trud (12.04.1996)
Kremikovtsi will pay back its obligations to Bulgargas in steel, says Atanas Bogdanov executive director of the metallurgical plant. The present obligations of the state joint stock company Kremikovtsi to the gas company amount to BGL 2 billion.
Source: Standart (22.04.1996)
In April 1996 Bulgargas has sold gas , USD 93 per 1000 m with expenses of USD 116-200. Bulgaria has a debt of USD 700 million according to the Iamburg agreement which is not observed now.
Source: Trud (22.05.1996)
The Council of Ministers demands the Parliament to give, by a vote, an interpretation of those of the texts from the Law on the State Budget that define the claims of Bulgargas from Chimco and Kremikovtsi as "state claims". Up to now Chimco has paid the budget BGL 1.5 million.
Source: Kontinent (03.06.1996)
The Arbitration Court rejected Bulgargas' claim for the cancellation of the cession contract with Credit Bank and Discount House.
Source: Kontinent (21.06.1996)
The report of the Anticorruption Commission for the cession between Bulgargas and the Credit bank and Discount House will be put forward for discussion in the Parliament till the end of the week.The prosecution office will be also approached with an application for investigation against the officials, who are responsible for the signing of this contract.
Source: Other (26.06.1996)
The Supreme Court will investigate again the law suit Chimko versus Multigroup because of the cession of the debts of Chimko to Bulgargas. The law suit will be re-investigated because of the new circumstances, which in this case is the amendment in the Budget Law.
Source: 24 chasa (23.07.1996)
The gross profit of the state-owned Chimko JSC amounts to BGL 464 million for the first half of 1996. According to data of the enterprise, it is ready to receive its current payments. The chemical plant has paid the whole principal of BGL 1252 million and BGL 656 million of the interests to the state-owned Bulgargas JSC. BGL 574 from the interests are left for payment.
Source: Other (29.07.1996)
The Prime minister Jean Videnov will demand from the government an increase of the capital of "Topenergy" from BGL 120 million up to USD 5 million. The other suggestion, which will be discussed is the transfer of the part of the First Private Bank in "Topenergy" to "Bulgargas". The bank held 3,2 per cent of the shares of "Topenergy".
Source: Kontinent (15.08.1996)
The Council of Ministers does not object against the increase of the capital of "Topenergy", which will be submitted on the general meeting of the company in September. The Ministers decided that the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC takes the shares of the First Private Bank in the gas company. The Government decided to open a procedure for granting of a concession to the company.
Source: Pari (16.08.1996)
The receivables of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC for the delivery of gas will be paid by the state, after the voting of the Law for the State Budget by the President of Bulgaria. In this way the cession contract for the transfer of the receivables to Multigroup remains invalid.
Source: Kontinent (12.09.1996)
"Bulgargas" fulfilled the first stage on the delivery of Russian natural gas for Greece. This is the second state after Turkey to receive Russian natural gas across Bulgaria.
Source: Pari (19.09.1996)
80 per cent of the cash incomes from sales of detatched parts of the state-owned "Mikroelektronika" JSC (Botevgrad) will be returned to the enterprise, reported the Privatisation Agency. The money will be spent on payments to the creditors- the United Bulgarian Bank JSC, the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC and "Elektrosnabdiavane" (Botevgrad).
Source: Standart (02.10.1996)
"Topenergy" will invest USD 570 million in the construction of a new 270 km gas-main from Russia to Turkey and Greece. "Bulgargas" will operate the equipment.
Source: Trud (09.10.1996)
The state-owned "Chimko" JSC (Vratza) paid BGL 1,225 billion on an interest on its debt to the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC. The principal of BGL 1,252 billion was paid in the end of 1995.
Source: Pari (14.10.1996)
The American company "American Standard Inc" will invest USD 2 million in the constructing of a gas main for industrial needs in the town of Sevlievo. "Bulgargas" has agreed that the gas main meets industrial and daily wants. The American company is owner of 89 per cent of the shares of "Vidima Ideal".
Source: Kontinent (23.10.1996)
The decision for the granting of concession to "Topenergy" is delayed till the beginning of November 1996. The Minister of Energetics Roumen Ovcharov suggests that 70 per cent of the gas mains get transferred to "Topenergy" and the remaining part remains in "Bulgargas".
Source: Standart (28.10.1996)
The state-owned "Chimko" JSC won the law suit on the contract for granting a cession against "Discount House" JSC and "Credit Bank" JSC. The Supreme Court adjudged that "Multigroup" must pay the expenses on the law suit, which amount to BGL 21 million. This law suit is a result of an application of "Chimko" against a decision of the Vratza District Court, which enacted that "Bulgargas" had to pay BGL 1 billion to the 2 companies of "Multigroup".
Source: Pari (19.11.1996)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC will sell its shares in "Montanagas" JSC. The reason is disagreement with the other major shareholder "Overgas" Ltd. At the present moment the Montana Municipality is looking for new shareholders and investors. "Montanagas" JSC was established in 1994. Among the shareholders are "Bulrosgas" with 30 per cent of the shares and the Montana Municipality with 10 per cent.
Source: Kontinent (21.11.1996)
Three terrains of the property of the state-owned "Belopal" JSC with stores, machines and equipment in the total amount of BGL 352 million will be sold on an open auction on the 13th of December 1996. This measure has been imposed because of unpaid debts of the company to the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (03.12.1996)
The Managing Board of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC decided to construct a gas main near to the town of Sevlievo. The American corporation "American standard" will grant credit without interests for this project in the amount of USD 2,300. The construction will have begun till the end of 1996.
Source: Kontinent (05.12.1996)
The Bulgarian Constitutional Court recognized anticonstitutional the amendments on the Law on the Amendment and Comlementation on the Law on the State Budget. The amendments recognized all the debts of juridical entities from sales of natural gas, supplied on international agreements by the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC. The decision of the Constitutional Court will enforce a re-investigation of the law suit "Multigroup"-"Chimko".
Source: Pari (11.12.1996)
The debts of the state-owned "Toplofikazia' JSC (Sofia) to the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC amount to BGL 7,8 billion.
Source: Pari (16.12.1996)
The state-owned "Agropolichim" JSC (Devnya) owes interests in the amount of BGL 2 billion to "Bulgargas" JSC. The principal amounts to BGL 220 million.
Source: Pari (04.01.1997)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC and CB "Biochim" JSC will participate in the establishment of a Bulgarian-Russian company for barter payments of the natural gas. It is anticipated that Bulgaria and Russia will hold equal parts of the shares of the company.
Source: Trud (13.01.1997)
The uncollectable credits of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC are in the amount of BGL 52 billion. Among the major debtors of the company is the Atomic Power Station "Devnya" with BGL 1,9 billion. The company has signed contracts for the payment of the debts of "Lecko-Co" (Radomir) and "Kamet" (Pernik).
Source: Pari (13.01.1997)
The Belgium company "Solvey" and the Thermal Power Station "Devnya" will sign a 15-year agreement for the delivery of technoligical steam for the state-owned "Sodi" JSC (Devnya). The Belgium company insists on an increase of the share of the thermal energy made of coal because of a decrease of the dependence of "Bulgargas".
Source: Pari (20.01.1997)
The Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC, Mr. Petar Subev was dismissed from the Board of Directors at his will. The Council of Ministers decided that "Bulgargas" enters the Supervisory Board of CB "Biochim". "Bulgargas" intends to establish a joint-venture with the Russian company "Invest Market" for gas-supply for goods.
Source: Pari (24.01.1997)
"Bulgargas" JSC will stop the supplying of natural gas because of unpaid debts of 3 enterprises of the Sliven District: "Kvartz" JSC, "Bulgartzvet-Sliven" JSC and "Rodopa-Sliven" JSC. The plants owe the amount of BGL 620 million.
Source: Trud (30.01.1997)
The Members of the Board of the Directors of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC were decreased from 9 down to 7, according to an order of the Council of Ministers. From the Board of the Director were dismissed Roumen Ovcharov, Ivan Peichev, Nedelcho Popov and Stoyan Kyuchukov. On their places were appointed Angel Semerdzhiev, Pavel Marinov and Alexander Belovezhki.
Source: Kontinent (31.01.1997)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC will decrease the supplies of natural gas to its major debtors. These are the following state-owned enterprises: "Agropolichim" JSC (Devnya), "Neftochim" JSC (Bourgas), "Kremikovtzi" JSC (Sofia), "Antibiotic" JSC (Razgrad), "Agrobiochim" JSC (Stara Zagora) and "Plevenski Tziment" JSC (Pleven).
Source: Kontinent (31.01.1997)
The Ministry of Energetics will become principal of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC and the Ministry of Industry-of the state-owned "Neftochim" JSC.
Source: Pari (07.02.1997)
The Council of Ministers will have the rights of an owner of the capital of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC, decided the Council of Ministers..
Source: Pari (14.02.1997)
The Council of Ministers appointed new Board of Directors of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC. Its members are: Petar Subev-former Executive Director of the company, Vasil Philipov-chief expert of the company, Penko Dimitrov-chief jurisconsult of the company, Stefan Stavrev-Deputy Minister of Industry, Hristo Gurov and Emil Milkov from the Ministry of Energetics.
Source: Pari (18.02.1997)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC started the construction of the national gas main in the neighbourhood of Sevlievo. The design and the construction will cost USD 2,4 million.The money is granted by "American Standard Inc.".
Source: 24 chasa (19.02.1997)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC will gradually stop the supply with natural gas to companies which have not paid their bills for January, 1997. These are the state-owned: "Chimko" JSC (Vratza), "Kremikovtzi" JSC (Sofia), "Antibiotic" JSC (Razgrad) and "Latex" JSC (Byala).
Source: Pari (21.02.1997)
Stefan Stavrev was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC. The other members are: Petar Subev-Dep. Chairman, Penko Dimitrov, Vasil Philipov, Hristo Burov, Emil Milkov nd Hristo Stankov. The company is represented and managed by the Executive directors Petar Subev and Vasil Philipov.
Source: Kontinent (21.02.1997)
"Overgas" Ltd bought the shares of the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC in "Montangas" JSC for the amount of BGL 300,000. In this way "Overgas" Ltd became an owner of 64 per cent of the shares of the company. The remaining shares are owned by "Bulrosgas" Ltd and the Montana Municipality.
Source: Kontinent (24.02.1997)
The German holding "Zimmermann&Janseen", the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC and "Gemet" JSC established a Bulgarian-German company for the production of gas fixtures.
Source: Pari (06.03.1997)
CB "Biochim" and "Bulgargas" JSC have become shareholders in the Bulgarian-Russian trade company "Intertrust Investment Trade". The company has to service trade between both countries and the export of fuel from Russia. The other shareholders in the joint-venture company are the Russian companies "Stolichnii sberezhnii Bank" and "Inter Investmarket"
Source: Banker (17.03.1997)
The state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC stopped the gas supply for the state-owned "Neftochim" JSC because of its debts to "Bulgargas", which amount to BGL 14 billion.
Source: Pari (21.03.1997)
The Supreme Court did not took into consideration the appeal of "Multigroup" JSC on the law suit against the state-owned "Chimko" JSC (Vratza). The state-owned company will not pay BGL 1 billion according to the cession contract from September, 1995, providing for gas supply through the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Kontinent (04.04.1997)
The interim government decided to introduce a 4 per cent retail surcharge for natural gas distributors instead of pegging the gas price to the fuel oil price as before. Our proposal was for a minimum of 6 per cent, said Mr. Vasil Phillipov - Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (20.05.1997)
The loses of "Bulgargas" are in the amount of USD 300,000 per day because of the high price of the supply of natural gas and the fixed from the Government 4 per cent profit rate. The company will bring a tender in the Council of Ministers for a change of the fixed profit.
Source: 24 chasa (09.06.1997)
The General Meeting of the shareholders of "Agrobiochim" JSC voted a new company's statues. Mrs. Galinka Filipova, Mr. Simo Michailov a Ministry of Trade and Tourism representative, Mrs. Anna Sabeva - Executive Director of First East International Bank JSC -, Mr. Stefan Spiridonov a company's representative, and Mrs. Vessela Kaleva a Ministry of Finance representative were elected members of the new Board of Directors.
Source: Pari (21.07.1997)
The Council of Ministers ordered to the representatives of the state-owned National Gas Supplier "Bulgargas" JSC to propose to the remaining Bulgarian shareholders - Chimimport JSC, Multigroup JSC, First Private Bank JSC and Overgas JSC - to transfer their shares to Bulgargas at the forthcoming General Meeting of Bulgarian-Russian "Topenergy" JSC. If the companies refused to transfer their shares to Bulgargas, It will convened a new General Meeting for ceasing the activity of "Topenergy" JSC. The next step will be an establishment of new Bulgarian-Russian join-stock company for fuel and power supply.
Source: Pari (25.07.1997)
The Council of Ministers dismissed the Chairman of the Power Committee Mr. Georgi Stoilov. Mr. Ilian Shilyashki is appointed in his place. The Power Committee is authorized with the Government's order to control directly the National Electricity Company and the National Gas Supplier "Bulgargas".
Source: Kontinent (25.07.1997)
In late August or early September 1997 will start a meeting between representatives of Bulgargas and Gasprom on the quantities of gas supplies to Bulgaria, reported Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Evgeni Bakurdzhiev.
Source: Pari (05.08.1997)
"Bulgargas" SPJSC has transited the first consignments of natural gas for Mazedonia. The total quantity of gas to transit through Bulgaria is 30 million cubic metres.
Source: Democracy (03.09.1997)
"Chimimport" JSC has agreed to sell its shares in "Topenergy" JSC to the state-owned enterprise "Bulgargas" JSC, said the Vice-Premier Mr. Evgeni Bakurdzhiev. According to the Deputy Director of "Chimimport" JSC, the prices of the shares must be fixed.
Source: Kontinent (12.09.1997)
According the Vice-president of "Gasprom" the decrease of the price of Russian natural gas which has imported in Bulgaria is impossible. Russian gas company had agreed the share of the state-owned "Bulgargas" in Bulgarian-Russian company "Topenergy" to be increased up to 50 per cent.
Source: Pari (29.09.1997)
The faience enterprise "Han Omurtag" JSC had received after its privatization the amount of USD 100,000 from the follow privatization funds: "Industrial PF" JSC, "Semeen PF" JSC and UBPF "Doverie" JSC. It was reported by the company's Executive Director. The enterprise is paying up debts to United Bulgarian Bank JSC in the amount of USD 250,000 as well as debts to "Bulgargas" in the amount of BGL 326 million at the moment.
Source: Pari (02.10.1997)
A revision of the state-owned company "Bulgargas" JSC found damages in the amount of BGL 536 million in the period December 1995 - February 1996. The damages are a result of barter deals with metals. The Executive Directors Mr. Vasil Philipov and Mr. Petar Subev are responsible for the damages.
Source: Trud (20.10.1997)
"Kremikovtzi" JSC and "Bulgargas" JSC signed an agreement protocol that determines a scheme for payment of the debts of the metallurgic works to "Bulgargas" JSC. The contract obliges "Bulgargas" JSC to decrease the gas-supply if "Kremikovtzi" JSC does not observe the payment scheme.
Source: Pari (22.10.1997)
"Bulbank" JSC, "First Private Bank" JSC and "Chimimport" JSC will sell their shares in "Topenergy" JSC to "Bulgargas" SPJSC.The two banks own 3.2 per cent of the shares each, and "Chimimport" JSC owns 2 per cent of the shares of the Bulgarian-Russian company. The shares will be sold at their face value - BGL 120,000 per 1 per cent of the capital. "Bulgargas" JSC will negotiate also with "Overgas" and "Multigroup" for purchase of their shares - 8.25 per cent of the capital of "Topenergy".
Source: Trud (28.10.1997)
"Montanagas" JSC purchased the municipal company "Toplofikazia", was reported from Montana Municipality. Shareholders in "Montanagas" are "Overgas" JSC - 34 per cent of the shares, and "Bulgargas" JSC - 30 per cent of the shares. The new onwer of "Toplofikazia" will invest DEM 400,000 for reconstruction of gas installations. Another DEM 450,000 will be invested in the gas-main network.
Source: Kontinent (30.10.1997)
"Bulgargas" JSC bought the shares of "Chimimport" JSC, "Bulbank" JSC and "First Private Bank" JSC in "Topenergy", said the Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC, Mr. Vasil Philipov. The total debts of consumers to "Bulgargas" JSC are in the amount of BGL 300 billion and the company owes Bulgarian state BGL 80 billion. Among the major debtors are "Kremikovtzi" JSC, "Neftochim" JSC, "Belopal" JSC and "Rubin" JSC (Pleven).
Source: Kontinent (04.11.1997)
"Bulgargas" SPJSC stopped the gas supply to the Bourgas-based metallurgic company "Promet" JSC, as a result of its debts. For the last 4 months "Promet" JSC has debts in the amount of BGL 2 billion. The workers in the enterprise will go on a strike in order to be dismissed the Executive Director, Mr. Lyubomir Lazarov.
Source: Trud (05.11.1997)
The General Meeting of "Multigroup - Bulgaria" JSC decided not to accept the suggestion of "Bulgargas" JSC and not to sell its shares in "Topenergy" JSC at their face value.
Source: Pari (14.11.1997)
At the General Meeting of "Topenergy" JSC was taken a decision for amendments at the Supervisory Board of the company. In the places of Mr. Roumen Ovcharov and Mr. Krasimir Nikolov were elected Mr. Antoan Nikolov and Mr. Roumen Petrov. "Multigroup Bulgaria" JSC decided to sell its shares in "Topenergy" JSC to "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: 24 chasa (17.11.1997)
"Bulgargas" JSC had claimed in Bourgas District Court to promulgate "Neftochim" JSC insolvent because of the refinerys debt in the amount of BGL 39.5 billion. According to the Minister of Industry the claim is groundless, because there is an open procedure for privatization of "Neftochim" JSC. Before the opening of the privatization procedure It was announced a 6-months term for bringing of suits against the refinery by its creditors.
Source: Other (25.11.1997)
There is already an agreement between "Kremikovtzi" JSC and "Bulgargas" JSC for periodical payment of the debts of the metallurgic works. Till the present moment "Kremikovtzi" owes "Bulgargas" over BGL 10 billion for gas supplies.
Source: National radio (27.11.1997)
Till November 31 the credits granted by "Bulgargas" JSC were in the amount of BGL 350 billion, said Mr. Ivan Shilyashki, Chairman of the Enregetics Committee. Among the major debtors of the company are: "Neftochim" JSC, "Kremikovtzi" JSC, "Neochim" JSC, "Agrobiochim" JSC, "Agropolichim" JSC, "Alumina" JSC, "Stomana" JSC, "Belopal" JSC. The company has signed contracts for payment of the debts with some of the debtors.
Source: Kontinent (02.12.1997)
Bulgargas continues the negotiations with the companies debtors and the specification of the plans most probably will end in the beginning of the next year, announced the Deputy Director of the gas company Mr. Metodi Vachev. Over the last week the company managed to deal the alternatives for rescheduled payment with 5 of its biggest debtors - Neftochim, Kremikovtzi, Plevenski tziment, Belopal - Beloslav and Diamant - Razgrad.
Source: Capital (06.12.1997)
At the General Meeting of "Agropolichim" SPJSC (Devnya) was taken a decision for a transformation of the company into a JSC. A decision was taken for a one-tier management system. Chairman of the Board of Directors is Mrs. Snezhana Tzvetanova. Members of the Board of Directors are Mr. Ivan Vulchev, Mr. Ivan Dyakov and Mr. Petar Ovcharov. The capital of "Agropolichim" is in the amount of BGL 2,736,635,000. According to the financial report, the debts of the company for 1996 amounted to BGL 12 billion. BGL 7 billion of it are to "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (08.12.1997)
"Bulgargas" JSC decided to drop out of "Topenergy" JSC. The reason is that "Multigroup" JSC and "Overgas" JSC have not filed offers for sale of their shares to "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Trud (17.12.1997)
"Bulgargas" JSC will drop out of "Topenergy" JSC and will offer its shares for sale, said the Chairman of the Committee for Energetics, Mr. Ivan Shilyashki.
Source: Pari (22.12.1997)
"Bulgargas" SPJSC stopped the gas supplies to its debtors. Among them are "Lovechgas" JSC, "Yambolgas" JSC, "Hebrosgas" JSC and "Gassupply" JSC (Purvomay). The total debts to "Bulgargas" SPJSC are in the amount of BGL 9 billion.
Source: Standart (05.01.1998)
The natural gas stored in Chiren gas-store has increased by 14.5 per cent in comparison with preceding year and already exceeds 1 billion cubic metres, said the Executive Director of "Bulgargas" SPJSC, Mr. Lyubomir Dimitrov.
Source: Democracy (05.01.1998)
"Bulgargas" SPJSC refused that its debts to "Topenergy" JSC get transferred to "Credit Bdnk" JSC. Till December 22nd 1997 the company's debts were in the amount of USD 28,5 million.
Source: Kontinent (05.01.1998)
Over 1000 workers locked the entrance of glass-producing plant "Belopal" JSC (Beloslav) to stop the representatives of "Bulgargas" SPJSC (Sofia) from stopping the gas supply. The privatized plant has a debt to "Bulgargas" in the amount of BGL 2,5 billion but according to the state-owned company, this debt amounts to BGL 4 billion. If the gas supply is stopped this will lead to non-execution of contracts with clients from Italy, Russia, Canada and Germany.
Source: Trud (16.01.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC demanded before court for a proclamation of "Neochim" JSC insovent because of its debts in the amount of BGL 13,8 billion. At the present moment there is a procedure opened for cash privatization of "Neochim" JSC. Privatization consultant is the American company "Arthur Anderssen".
Source: 24 chasa (23.01.1998)
On September 8th 1997 was signed a contract for gas supply by "Bulgargas" JSC, "Hardland Investment" and "Chimko". According to the Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC, Mr. Vassil Phillipov, on February 27th 1997 was signed the first contract by "Bulgargas" JSC, "Hardland Investment", "Neftochim" JSC and "Agrobiochim" JSC. Other contracts have been signed after that because of change in the gas prices.
Source: Kontinent (27.01.1998)
The state-owned gas company "Bulgargas" JSC (Sofia) will not be privatized this year. It is not included in the approved by the Parliament privatization programme for 1998, the Deputy-Premier Mr. Bakardzhiev said.
Source: Pari (23.02.1998)
A new Board of Directors was appointed in the state-owned gas company "Bulgargas" JSC. The Deputy Chairman of Energetics Committee Mr. Kiril Gegov is the new Deputy Executive Director. The other members of the Board are Mr. Antoan Nikolov, Mr. Hristo Kazandzhiev, the company's Chief Lawyer Mr. Iliya Ivanov as well as the current Executive Director Mr. Vassil Philipov.
Source: Trud (26.02.1998)
All Bulgarian shareholders of "Topenergy" JSC - Bulbank JSC, "Bulgargas" JSC, "Overgas" JSC, "Multigroup" JSC and First Private Bank JSC gave their temporary certificates for ownership on their shares to the Board of Directors of "Topenergy" JSC. The Board of Directors will transfer these shares of "Gasprom". It is expected that the former shareholders' representatives will drop out of the company's management.
Source: Democracy (03.04.1998)
The glass-works "Crystal" SPJSC (Pernik) owes "Bulgargas" JSC over BGL 7 billion. That's the reason why the gas supplier claims for the company to be proclaimed insolvent. On April 22, 1998 Pernik Court will pronounce on this claim of "Bulgargas" JSC. On April 15 in the Ministry of Industry was held a meeting between the Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Stefan Stavrev and the Director of "Crystal" SPJSC Mr. Krum Bozhkov. At the meeting was suggested a sale of some of the assets of the company for payment of its debts. A German investor has shown interest in the glass-works, was reported by the Ministry of Industry.
Source: Pari (16.04.1998)
The General Meeting of "Topenergy" JSC approved the companys capital restructuring into 100 per cent ownership of Russian "Gasprom". The Deputy-Executive Director of "Gazprom" Mr. Bogdan Bozdzulyak was elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Topenergy" JSC. Mr. Sergei Pashin was elected companys Executive Director. The other members of the Board are: Mr. Yuri Vyahirev, Mrs. Elena Karpel, Mrs. Mira Rosenova, Mr. Yuri Zaitzev and Mr. Boris Posyagin - all representatives of "Gasprom". The new Board of Directors will decide the price on which "Topenergy" will sell to Bulgargas the ground under the transit gas network. This questions will be discuss at the next companys General Meeting which will be held on June 19, 1998 in Moscow.
Source: Pari (08.05.1998)
On May 13 in Pernik District Court started the law suit for proclamation of glass works "Crystal" JSC (Pernik) insolvent. The claim has been brought in court by "Bulgargas" JSC - this is the only way for the company to receive BGL 5 billion rom unpaid gas supplies. A revision will be made in "Crystal" JSC to be calculated the value of production in the stores, stockpiles of materials, receivables and debts of the Pernik-based company.
Source: Pari (14.05.1998)
BGL 84,855 billion will invest "Bulgargas" JSC in 1998 in connection with government agreements, announced the Deputy Chairman of Energetics committee Mr. Kiril Gegov. The Council of Ministers approved the company's investment program.
Source: Democracy (26.05.1998)
The debts of "Chimko" JSC are in the amount of BGL 50 billion, said the Executive Director of the company Mr. Emanuil Rafailov. BGL 34 billion of them are debts to "Bulgargas" JSC, and the remaining part are debts to creditor banks. The enterprise ended first quarter of 1998 with a loss of BGL 11 billion and at the present moment its losses amount to BGL 17 billion.
Source: Democracy (27.05.1998)
Till the end of March the debts of "Agropolichim" JSC were in the amount of BGL 50 billion. BGL 26 billion of them are debts to "Bulgargas" JSC. Reason for the present state of the company according to its Executive Director Mr. Ivan Dyakov are the high prices of gas and the crisis in this branch.
Source: Democracy (05.06.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC started to supply with gas "Leco - Co" JSC. The gas supply had been stopped because of debts of the enterprise to "Bulgargas" JSC - BGL 4 billion. The two companies have negotiated a prolonged term for payment of the debt.
Source: Democracy (05.06.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC appealed before Pleven District Court for proclamation of "Plama" JSC (Pleven) insolvent. The refinery owes "Bulgargas" JSC about BGL 492 million for supplies of natural gas till May 31.
Source: Pari (10.06.1998)
Sofia Regional Court re-appointed the former Chief Accountant of "Bulgargas" JSC Mr. Kiril Ikonomov. The magistrates decided that Mr. Ikonomov had been illegally dismissed by the company's Executive Director Mr. Vassil Philipov.
Source: Trud (11.06.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC confirmed its claim in Pernik District Court for promulgation "Cristal" JSC insolvency. The glass work's debts to "Bulgargas" JSC are in the amount of BGL 6.2 billion.
Source: Pari (18.06.1998)
Two production work-shops of the state-owned glass plant "Crystal" JSC (Pernik) were closed by order of the Ministry of Industry Mr. Alexander Bozhkov. The promulgated in insolvency plant started to discharge its employees. 335 workers from total 480 employees will be discharged. The plant stopped to work on April 27, 1998 because of unpaid debt to "Bulgargas" in the amount of BGL 5 billion.
Source: Pari (03.07.1998)
There is a possibility for "Bulgargas" SPJSC (Sofia) to become owner of the manure plants, which have debts to the company and for which there is no candidate-buyer, PA's Executive Director Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov reported. "Chimco" JSC (Vratza), "Agropolychim" JSC (Devnya), "Agrobiochim" JSC (Stara Zagora) and "Neochim" JSC (Dimitrovgrad) owe nearly BGL 200 billion for natural gas supplies.
Source: Trud (13.07.1998)
"Norsk Hydro", the buyer of "Agropolychim", and Privatization Agency agreed to finalize the deal for sale of the manure plant for USD 1. "Norsk Hydro" agreed to invest USD 34 million for modernization of the plant. This week "Norsk Hydro" will start negotiations with the enterprise's creditors and "Bulgargas" JSC. The buyer intends to sign a contract for long-term gas supplying of "Agropolychim" JSC.
Source: Capital (13.07.1998)
The state will not form a holding of the manure plants, the Deputy Minister of Industry Mr. Stefan Stavrev reported. The idea for such a holding was reported by the Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC Mr. Vasil Philipov. In this holding except for "Bulgargas" JSC had to be included "Chimco" JSC, "Agrobiochim" JSC, "Agropolychim" JSC and "Neochim" JSC.
Source: 24 chasa (15.07.1998)
BGL 5,338 billion is the total amount of the debts of glass-works "Crystal" SPJSC (Pernik), was reported after an assembly of the 13 creditors of the enterprise. Biggest debts "Crystal" SPJSC has to "Bulgargas" JSC - BGL 4,324 billion.
Source: Pari (16.07.1998)
Sofia City Court registered "Topenergy" JSC 100 per cent ownership of the shares of "Gasprom". In April 1998 the Bulgarian shareholders "Bulgargas" JSC, "Multigroup" JSC, "Overgas" JSC, First Private Bank JSC, Bulbank JSC and "Chimimport" JSC sold their shares in "Topenergy" to "Gasprom".
Source: Trud (20.07.1998)
The debts of "Agrobiochim" JSC till June 30 amounted to BGL 58 billion, Mr. Stefan Mihaylov, Executive Director, reported. The chemical enterprise is the major debtor of "Bulgargas" JSC - BGL 20 billion and its debts to NEC are over BGL 7 billion.
Source: Democracy (22.07.1998)
The Minister of Finance Mr. Muravey Radev ordered a complete financial revision in "Bulgargas" SPJSC, the Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov stated. In September the government will discuss a project for differentiated prices of the natural gas. "Bulgargas" SPJSC will not be privatized in the next 2-3 years. The company's profit for 1998 is in the amount of BGL 15 billion and its receivables amount to BGL 354 billion.
Source: Standart (23.07.1998)
Inter-institutional group adopted a project for stabilization of the manure plants in Bulgaria. The measures are connected with a change in the prices of natural gas for the producers of manure as well as amendments in the contracts signed with "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Democracy (14.08.1998)
The debts of the chemical plant "Chimko" JSC (Vratza) to "Bulgargas" in the amount of BGL 38.2 billion are extended for the long-term period. The other plants debts are to National Electric Company - BGL 500 million and to the state budget - BGL 300 million.
Source: Pari (26.08.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC, Energy Committee and "Shell International Gas Limited" negotiated the start of research operations for construction of gas-main from Turkmenistan through Turkey and Bulgaria to Europe. The research of the gas-main in Bulgaria will be totally financed by "Shell" and will finish after a year.
Source: 24 chasa (09.09.1998)
"Stomana" JSC (Pernik) will stop working in 10 days because of its big debts, announced Mr. Dimitar Dimanov. The company owes "Bulgargas" JSC BGL 20 billion and NEC - BGL 20 billion. Its debts to banks amount to USD 34 million and debts to suppliers are in the amount of BGL 7-10 billion.
Source: Trud (11.09.1998)
"Neftochim" JSC is in 18 place of the 100 biggest European companies. The classification was made by audit company "Deloitte & Touche. NEC is in the 42nd place and "Bulgargas" JSC - in the 62nd place.
Source: Trud (15.09.1998)
The former Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC Mr. Vassil Philipov is accused for the non-profitable deal with the off-shore company "Haarland Investment". The deal included import of natural gas against export of nitrogen fertilizers. This was reported by the Director of the Department "Investigating Supervision" in Chief Prosecutors Office Mr. Amgel Ganev.
Source: Kontinent (25.09.1998)
Two offers were submitted for purchasing of 77 per cent of the shares of the metallurgical plant "Promet-Debelt" JSC. The applicants are "Neva Holding" JSC (Plovdiv) and Czech "Expandia" JSC. The major requirement to the buyers is to undertake the total plant's debts in the amount of BGL 16 billion. The company owes BGL 13 million to "Industrial Bank" JSC and BGL 3 million to "National Electrical Company", "Water-Supply Company" and "Bulgargas". "Neva Holding" JSC is Bulgarian-Ukrainian company, that imports nuclear fuel to "Nuclear Power-Station" (Koslodui).
Source: Pari (26.09.1998)
On October 12 "Chimko" JSC will start working again after a 100-day cease because of unfavourable market conditions and debts to "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (06.10.1998)
"Bulgargas" SPJSC will spend BGL 10 billion on construction of gas mains from Polski Senovetz to Veliko Turnovo. BGL 5 billion must be spent by the end of 1998.
Source: 24 chasa (15.10.1998)
Till September 30 "Bulgargas" JSC has uncollected receivables of BGL 356 billion, reported the company's Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov. More than BGL 50 billion are debts of state-owned companies. The company has 210 clients, of which 25 hold 99 per cent of the debts.
Source: Pari (22.10.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC will invest the amount of USD 350 million for construction of new gas-mains in Bulgaria, the company's Executive Director Mr. Iliya Ivanov reported. "Bulgargas" JSC has the amount of USD 28 million at the moment. The company has signed contracts for an extention of the payments to 20 of its bigger debtors.
Source: Kontinent (23.10.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC transferred BGL 260 million to the municipalities, on the territory of which are to be found the company's units. This will benefit the economic state of municipalities Polski Trumbesh, Vulchi Dol, Loznitza, Straldzha, Ihtiman, Petrich, Botevgrad.
Source: Democracy (26.10.1998)
"Bulgargas" JSC reported a profit of BGL 44.8 billion for the nine months of 1998, stated the company's Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov. At the present moment the company has no debts to suppliers, and in the last two months has invested BGL 7 billion in and investment programme. At the present moment "Bulgargas" JSC disposes of USD 27-USD 28 million. "Bulgargas" JSC owes the state budget BGL 322.862 billion.
Source: Capital (26.10.1998)
The construction of gas mains to Turkey is already completed. It will be put into operation by the 6th of November, 1998. The project amounted to USD 2.5 million.
Source: Trud (03.11.1998)
The debts of "Promet" SPLtd. should be remitted, was insisted by the privatization intermediary "Atkins". Otherwise the company must be sold for USD 1. The company owes NEC, "Bulgargas" JSC and "Economic Bank" JSC nearly BGL 17 billion. The term for submitting offers for the privatization of "Promet" JSC expires on November 19, 1998.
Source: Pari (17.11.1998)
MPs from Energetics Committee demanded on remission of BGL 38 billion of the debts of "Toplofikatzia" SPJSC to "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (19.11.1998)
By the end of 1999 "Petreko" will start exploration of a gas field in the vicinity of Galata cape, reported the company's Director Mr. David Archer. Thus will be supplied with gas "Devnya Tziment" JSC and "Agropolychim" JSC for the next 5 years.
Source: Democracy (20.11.1998)
The Commission for Protection of Competition did not take into consideration the claims of 6 gas companies against "Bulgargas" JSC for abuse of its monopoly status.
Source: Kontinent (26.11.1998)
From the next year four fertilizer plants will pay their debts to the state-owned "Bulgargas" JSC for three years without a grace period and in interest of 43 per cent. The payment will be in the price of the natural gas of BGL 135,738 which is 5 per cent less than the current price. This is one of the opportunities for the payment of debts of the following plants: "Chimko" JSC, "Agrobiochim" JSC, "Neochim" JSC and "Agropolichim" JSC. The other opportunity stipulates a remission of all interest and the half of the capitals in an extension of the debts for the same period.
Source: BTA (27.11.1998)
The price of natural gas for domestic consumers will drop from January 1, 1999 if the suggestion of Energetics Committee is adopted, reported the Chief Executive Director of "Bulgargas" JSC Mr. Kiril Gegov. Reason for this are decreased duties and VAT as well as the lower price at which Bulgaria will buy fuel next year.
Source: Pari (17.12.1998)
Natural gas consumer prices were cut by 9.24 per cent - 1.000 cubic meters will cost BGL 167.000 instead of the previous BGL 184.000. The proposal, made by "Bulgargas" JSC, was accepted by the Committee of Energy a few days ago.
Source: Pari (04.01.1999)
"Kozhuhgas" JSC - 80 per cent of its shares are property of "Overgas" and 20 per cent are owned by Petrich municipality, started negotiations with "Bulgargas" SPJSC for gas supply. "Kozhuhgas" JSC was the only candidate for concession for gasification of the municipality. According to preliminary data, the gas mains construction will cost nearly USD 2 million.
Source: Pari (11.01.1999)
PA invited the buyer of "Agropolychim" JSC (Devnya) - the Norwegian company "Norsk Hydro" to sign the sale contract. Despite the approval of sale for USD 1, the reason for lack of contract up to now is that there is no agreement between "Norsk Hydro" and "Bulgargas" JSC for payment of the debts.
Source: Pari (29.01.1999)
The procedure of glass-works "Cristal" JSC (Pernik) insolvency is temporarily stopped. Four potential buyers are interesting in the company. "Bulgargas" JSC is the biggest companys creditor with the amount of BGL 6.6 billion. It was signed an agreement for an extension of the debt within12 years. "Cristal" JSC must pay the amount of BGL 100 million to the dismissed 480 company's workers last year.
Source: Pari (18.02.1999)
The state will settle the debts of "Kremikovtzi" JSC to NEC and "Bulgargas" JSC amounting to BGL 83 billion, according to the financial framework sent to the candidate-buyers of the metallurgic plant, reported the Chairman of syndicate "Metalitzi" Mr. Vassil Yanachkov. Negotiations will be carried on with BDZ for a three-year contract. The BDDB debts of "Kremikovtzi" JSC amount to USD 105 million - they will not be remitted but the term for payment will be 15 years with 5-year grace period. March 8 is the final term for submitting offers for privatization by the four candidates - "Erdemir", "Deuferco", "Daru Metals" and "Tenida Anstalt".
Source: 24 chasa (24.02.1999)
The Executive Director of "Chimco" JSC (Vratza) Mr. Emanuil Rafailov reported that 500 or 530 workers will be laid off. At the moment in "Chimco" JSC are working 2150 people. The expected financial result of the company for 1998 is a loss of BGL 40 billion. The expected sales for February are in the amount of BGL 6 - BGL 7 billion. "Chimco" JSC restored the servicing of its debts to "Bulgargas" JSC. The company has paid BGL 10 billion but the total amount of its debts is nearly BGL 50 billion. An increase in the sales of carbide gave "Chimco" JSC the opportunity to start paying back its loan of USD 2.8 million granted by UBB.
Source: Banker (08.03.1999)
The Turkish company "Erdemir", the Bulgarian company "Daru Metals" JSC (Sofia) and the Swiss company "Deuferco" have submitted offers for the privatization of "Kremikovtzi" JSC in the due term, was reported from PA. The state will undertake the company's debts to NEC and "Bulgargas" JSC - USD 50 million. Debts on the Bad Loan Management Act will be replaced by two new debts in the total amount of USD 105 million. One part to Kontrol bank - Austria and the second part to the Ministry of Finance.
Source: 24 chasa (09.03.1999)
"Neftochim" JSC (Bourgas) paid in the budget BGL 1.000 billion in 1998. At a national budget of BGL 3.5 trillion the refinery secures 1/3 of the country's budget, was reported from the enterprise's press-centre. At the beginning of 1998 the debts of "Neftochim" JSC were in the amount of BGL 356 billion and at the end of 1998 they amounted to BGL 215 billion. The company paid debts to "Bulgargas" JSC - BGL 108 billion and to NEC - BGL 25 billion.
Source: Pari (11.03.1999)
Natural gas supply to "Agropolychim" JSC was sharply decreased, was reported from the company. Reason for this are debts to "Bulgargas" JSC in the amount of BGL 40 billion.
Source: Standart (09.04.1999)
"Stomaneni Trubi" JSC (Septemvri) will not take part in the auction for delivery of the necessary pipes for gas-mains, stated Mr. Vasil Yanachkov, Chairman of federation "Metals".
Source: Pari (20.04.1999)
The Executive Director of "Chimco" JSC (Vratza) Mr. Emanuil Rafailov confessed that there are some contradictions among the company's managers. According to him, the workers had been mislead to establish a manager-employee company in order to retain their jobs but in fact this was an attempt for termination of the monopoly of "Bulgargas" JSC.
Source: Pari (21.04.1999)
"Bulgargas" JSC stopped the delivery of natural gas to "Agrobiochim" JSC because of debts of BGL 41 billion. The total debts of "Agrobiochim" JSC exceed BGL 160 billion.
Source: Democracy (22.04.1999)
All production lines in Agrobiochim JSC terminate operations as from May 10. The company has a debts of BGL 61 billion to Bulgargas JSC. Last month the company stopped the production of ammonium and replaced the gas with coal. Last week Neochim JSC stopped producing ammonium.
Source: Pari (10.05.1999)
The privatization of Agropolychim JSC does not depend on PA, stated the Executive Director Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov. He also said that a favourable solution could be found for settlement of the debts of Agropolychim to Bulgargas JSC. The latter is ready to negotiate with the potential buyer Norsk Hydro.
Source: Pari (14.05.1999)
Stomaneni Trabi JSC will sign agreements with municipalities that have permission for gasification, was reported from the enterprise. Bulgargas SPJSC suggested that the municipalities negotiate with the enterprise.
Source: Standart (25.05.1999)
Against the price of USD 1 the Bulgarian company Daru Metals, with a capital of BGL 50 million and 6 natural persons - shareholders, became owner of Kremikovtzi JSC. According to the parameters of the deal, Daru Metals must make investments of USD 300 million by the end of 2005. The company will also decrease the number of jobs to 8700 people in 1999 and to 7100 - by the end of 2003.
Source: Democracy (04.06.1999)
The Energy Committee to transfer the amount of BGL 693 million on the accounts of "Bulgargas JSC (Sofia) for the payment of power plants' fuel. This has been offered to the Chairman of the Energy Committee Mr. Ivan Shiliashki. The power plants have received the amount of BGL 12.967 billion since the beginning of the current year.
Source: Sega (10.06.1999)
The Government considers the proposal for actualization of Bulgargas JSC (Sofia) capital. The actualization could be done eventually through remission of the company's debts and including of their amount in the company's capital. The capital of Bulagrgas JSC is USD 10 million but the gas company costs ten times more, stated the Deputy-Prime Minister Evgenii Bakardzhiev.
Source: Pari (11.06.1999)
The Government approved the contract with Bulgarian Daru Metals JSC (Sofia) on the sale of 71 per cent of the shares of Kremikovtzi JSC (Sofia). The deadline for the financial rehabilitation of the metallurgical plant expires June 30, 1999. The contract with the privatization adviser WS Atkins International-Raiffeisen Investment, expires June 29, 1999. The offer of Daru Metals JSC meets almost in full the framework set by the state. Gruppo Marcegaglia, the Italian long-term partner of Daru Metals JSC, was referred to as the guarantor of the long term-investments. Kremikovtzi JSC reported BGL 645 billion liabilities, towards April 30, 1999. The state assumes the companys debts to the National Electric Company JSC (Sofia) and Bulgargas JSC (Sofia), totaling BGL 183 billion, outstanding customs duties, dues to the state and municipal budgets. The buyer makes the commitment to pay off previous liabilities above the amount assumed by the state but no more than BGL 93.688 billion and to service the ZUNK debt amounting to USD 105 million.
Source: Democracy (11.06.1999)
The contract for sale of 71 per cent of the shares of Kremikovtzi JSC was signed by PA's Director Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov and Daru Metals JSC, represented by Mrs. Svetlana Dimitrova. This is only a part of the plant's privatization. In the middle of September will take place the shares' endorsement, stated Mr. Zheliazkov. Till then must be signed additional agreements and also must be established a joint-venture company between the Bulgarian company and Gruppo Marcegaglia. The deal amounts to USD 1. The state undertakes debts of BGL 183 billion. The buyer must service debts of Kremikovtzi to Bulgargas JSC, NEC, National Security Institute of BGL 93.688 billion. Daru Metals is also going to undertake USD 70 million on the Bad Loan Management Act (transformed into a debt to Kontrolbank - Austria) as well as a USD 35 million debt to the Ministry of Finance.
Source: Sega (15.06.1999)
The statements made by Philippe Rombaut, the Director of Union Miniere Bulgaria, that the privatization deal with Norsk Hydro has failed are absolutely untrue, the Executive Director of Agropolichim JSC (Devnia) Mr. Ivan Diakov reported. He further said that Norwegian concern has not yet given up their intentions to by the fertilizer plant. Norsk Hydro has submitted a proposal for a framework agreement with Bulgargas JSC (Sofia) and is expecting now the answer of the gas company and the Ministry of Industry, added Mr. Diakov.
Source: Pari (18.06.1999)
The capital of Bulgargas JSC will be increased up to BGL 370 billion, according to a draft for settlement of the debts of Bulgargas, that was approved by the cabinet. This increase will be completed through issue of new shares of BGL 370 million with a face value of BGL 1.000. The cabinet also approved a programme for restructuring of the company.
Source: Standart (02.07.1999)
The monopoly of Bulgargas JSC will not be terminated till the year of 2006. This is a part of the rehabilitation programme passed by the cabinet, stated the Minister of Finance Mr. Muravey Radev. Till then the company must pay all of its debts as well as execute the programme for restructuring. The companies that do not pay their natural gas deliveries, will not be delivered gas anymore. 22 enterprises owe BGL 500 billion to Bulgargas - among them are Kremikovtzi JSC, Neochim JSC, Agropolychim JSC, Agrobiochim JSC, Chimco JSC.
Source: Pari (05.07.1999)
After a few unsuccessful attempts PA finally sold Chimco JSC - Vratza - BGN 1.1 million for 57 per cent of the shares. Buyer is IBE Trans of NY - USA. Investments in the plant should amount to USD 50 million and another USD 10 million must be allocated for working capital. Within 6 months after the contract becomes effective, the buyer is due to present written agreements with Chimco's creditors - Bulgargas and UBB. Of USD 8 million due to UBB, Chimco has paid USD 6 million - the new owner has USD 2 million to pay. The debt to Bulgargas exceeds BGL 54 billion (old leva).
Source: Standart (09.07.1999)
The government approved to allocate BGL 193 billion from the structural reform fund into the reserve fund of Kremikovtzi SPJSC. The fund will be used for covering liabilities as follows: BGN 49.463 million dues to the budget, BGN 85.826 million dues to Bulgargas JSC and BGN 47.710 million dues to NEC. Kremikovtzi SPJSC will obtain the funds after privatization of 71 per cent of its capital.
Source: Democracy (30.07.1999)
Bank DSK JSC claims for being a creditor of Kremikovtzi JSC (BGN 10 million) on the cession contract between Kremikovtzi JSC and Multigroup JSC for the debts to Bulgargas JSC, stated Mr. Bozhko Bonev from Daru Metals JSC.
Source: Pari (02.08.1999)
The guarantee of Gruppo Marcegaglia for the privatization of Kremikovtzi JSC may be replaced with guarantees from banks and large companies, stated the Director of PA Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov. The guarantee refers to forfeits on investments non-execution - USD 12.5 million per annum.
Source: Standart (06.08.1999)
KPMG will complete the financial audit of Bulgargas JSC for 1998, stated the company's Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov.
Source: Standart (16.08.1999)
Agropolichim JSC has negotiated a deferred debt payment scheme regarding all large creditors of the works, one of the three companys liquidators Mr. Martin Martinov reported. Since 5 July the company has paid out over BGN 3 million debts to suppliers. Agropolichim JSC signed with its largest creditors Bulgargas an agreement for due payments gratis period till October 1, 1999. After this date payments of the principal standing at non-denominated BGL 47.5 million will be made on a gradual basis and non-denominated BGL 20.5 million penalties will be purged. Over non-denominated BGL 120 million dues to Port Varna will also be paid out under a negotiated deferred payment scheme. According non-official information the consortium between Union Miniere and Harland Investment will re-employ about 1500 workers in case the sale of 63 per cent in the capital of Agropolichim JSC is finalized until September 13, 1999.
Source: Democracy (02.09.1999)
PA's Supervisory Board approved of the sale of 63 per cent of Agropolychim JSC - Devnya to the consortium ACID&Fertilizers - Union Minier Pirdop Med JSC and Hardland Investment Ltd. (USA). The price is BGN 1. The new owners must reach an agreement with the company's creditors up to April 14, 2000. The debts of Agropolychim JSC amount to BGN 92.959.680. Biggest are the debts to Bulgargas JSC, Union Minier JSC, Devnya Thermal Power Station, KZM, OZK, Karimex - Beirut. ACID&Fertilizers must make investments of USD 15 million in the next 5 years.
Source: Standart (14.09.1999)
The Parliament took a decision for the state share in Bulgargas SPJSC to be increased with BGN 370 million. The debts of Bulgargas SPJSC to the state amounted to BGN 600 million at the end of June.
Source: Standart (20.09.1999)
The only candidate-buyer of Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad is a consortium formed by Lebanese company Carimex and Euro Fert JSC - Dimitrovgrad. The deal can be concluded only after the debts of Neochim JSC to Bulgargas JSC are settled, stated PA's Executive Director Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov.
Source: Pari (27.09.1999)
The state-owned stake in the capital of Bulgargas JSC will go up by BGN 370 million. The company's Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov must file an application for registration of the new capital up to September 30, 1999.
Source: Standart (29.09.1999)
Bulgargas JSC will stop gas deliveries to its debtors. If the debt is not paid in 30 days, the debtor has one month to pay it, otherwise his bank accounts will be blocked.
Source: Democracy (08.10.1999)
The Privatization Agency announces the concluded deals during June, July and August 1999. Main sales - Opticoelectron SPJSC, Panagyurishte 76 per cent of the capital sold to Opticoelectron 99 JSC for USD 1,100,000.
Source: State Gazette (08.10.1999)
PA declared the following sales: 71 per cent from Kremikovtzi JSC, Sofia were sold to Daru metals - JSC for USD 1 that are paid in cash. The buyer is engaged to invest USD 300 000 000 for the period 2000-2005. The buyer is engaged to service the debts of Kremikovtzi - JSC to Bulgargas - SP JSC, NEC - SP JSC, National Security Institute, taxes, duties and others over the amount of BGN 183 billion.
Source: State Gazette (08.10.1999)
Bulgargas JSC and US company Enron signed an agreement for cooperation, was reported from Bulgargas. Enron is expected to prepare a programme for development of the gas company.
Source: Standart (11.10.1999)
Agropolychim JSC will be granted BGN 47 million from the state budget to settle its debts to Bulgargas SPJSC. The company's privatization contract envisages for transfer of the shares after the debts to Bulgargas SPJSC are settled.
Source: Democracy (22.10.1999)
Directors of 5 glass-works sent letters to President Petar Stoyanov, Prime Minister Ivan Kostov and the Executive Director of Bulgargas JSC Mr. Kiril Gegov, saying that the monopoly of Bulgargas JSC ruins the glass industry through the high prices of gas - BGN 207 per 1000 cub. meters.
Source: Standart (05.11.1999)
Glass-works Crystal JSC - Pernik has to pay BGN 6 million debts to its creditors. According to the company's rehabilitation programme, the money must be paid back in the next 10 years. In April, 1998 the plant stopped working because of BGL 4 billion debts to Bulgargas JSC.
Source: Standart (17.11.1999)
We could reject the gas deliveries of Bulgargas SP JSC, the new Executive Director of Agropolichim JSC - Devnya Mr. Vasil Alexandrov reported after the General Meeting of the fertilizer plant's shareholders. We are in negotiations with Bulgargas SPJSC at the present moment for lower gas prices. We are ready to stop the production of ammonia and to import it from Russia, if the state-owned company refuses to give us lower gas prices Mr. Alexandrov added. The company's shareholders have taken a decision the capital of Agropolichim JSC to be increased from BGN 2.7 million up to BGN 22 million. The new owner of the Agropolichim JSC - Acid & Fertilizer, a consortium between Haarland Investments and Union Minier, will keep the company's name.
Source: Standart (15.12.1999)
A representative of Italian Edisson said the company was ready to start making deliveries if natural gas to Bulgaria, announced Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov, Chairman of the State Energy Regulatory Commission. We have good contacts with Libya and the Emirates and can supply gas from there at competitive prices, was emerged from Edission. Mr. Dimitrov explained that the talks were still in their proposal phase and there were no discussions as to where a sea terminal might be built or who would finance the project.
Source: Pari (20.12.1999)
Production of ammonia and carbamide in Chimko JSC - Vratza was suspended as Bulgargas SPJSC - Sofia stopped raw supplies on December 16, 1999. The company's management failed to collect the necessary funds to pay the amounts invoiced December 7.The transaction concerns an advance payment of 1/2 of the ordered monthly gas deliveries as per a contract between the two companies. Chimko management said the works' facilities will be loaded on Monday.
Source: Pari (20.12.1999)
The financial investigation in the gas company has found that Bulgargas SPJSC owed to the state BGN 108.4 million for the period of July 1996 up to September 1998. The debts were not included in the companys annual report. BGN 1 070 was the average wage in Bulgargas SPJSC for 1998 and BGN 752 for 1997, the MP Mr. Stefan Neshev reported.
Source: Standart (20.12.1999)
We signed a credit contract with Gasprombank and we'll receive USD 47 million for the year of 2000, stated Mr. Kiril Gegov, Executive Director of Bulgargas JSC. The first tranche of USD 9 million has already been transferred.
Source: Sega (22.12.1999)
International financial corporation Global Fidelity will grant USD 6.5 million for the gasification of Gabrovo. Gas-mains' construction will start in the spring.
Source: Standart (28.12.1999)
Neftochim JSC litigates the claim of Bulgargas JSC for BGN 20 million. The refinery has debts for delivered but not paid natural gas, accumulated before its sale to LUKoil.
Source: 24 chasa (29.12.1999)
4 Bulgarian companies are among the first 100, according to Business Central Europe Magazine. These are NEC - 29th place, Neftochim JSC - 41st place, Kremikovtzi JSC - 79th place, and Bulgargas JSC - 83rd place. The best Bulgarian bank is Bulbank JSC.
Source: BTA (30.12.1999)
Stomana JSC may stop working if the trade unions and Eurometal Ltd. and Metal Traders do not reach and agreement.
Source: 24 chasa (30.12.1999)
A joint-stock company for the gas supply of Botevgrad will be registered by February 10 this year. The requirement of the Dutch Ministry of Economy to be registered a company for the gas supply of the town will be executed. There are several variants that are developing for the future JSC. There will be an invitation for participation to Toplofikatzia Pravetz SP JSC and Plasthim SP JSC. The company will be registered with an initial shareholders' equityand then the capital will be increased and will be deposited the contributions of the all shareholders.
Source: Botevgrad News (17.01.2000)
Bulgargas JSC has paid in the budget BGN 4.4 million profit tax for January, 2000, was reported from the national gas monopolist.
Source: Sega (18.01.2000)
US Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) granted USD 276.000 to Bulgargas JSC for expansion of the gas store in Chiren Village.
Source: Standart (25.01.2000)
Overgas Inc. JSC will endow Bulgargas with USD 7 million, stated Executive Director Mr. Sasho Donchev.
Source: Pari (27.01.2000)
There is a project for establishment of 11 branches of Bulgargas JSC, stated the company's Director Mr. Kiril Gegov. Bulgargas JSC started negotiations with Petreco Sarl (Great Britain) on the project for extraction of gas in "Galata".
Source: Standart (28.01.2000)
Chimco JSC stopped the production of carbide because of unpaid bills to Bulgargas JSC and NEC SPJSC. The company owes NEC SPJSC BGN 10.000.
Source: Sega (17.02.2000)
The Ministry of Environment is going to impose sanctions on Chimco JSC and its executive Director Mr. Valentin Dimitrov because of pollution of the air in Vratza. This was reported after a meeting of Mr. Ivan Shilyashki - Chairman of the Agency for Energetics, with Mr. Kiril Gegov - Director of Bulgargas JSC, Mr. Danail Tafrov - Executive Director of NEC, and Directors of Chimco JSC.
Source: Sega (18.02.2000)
Chimco JSC paid BGN 165.000 to Bulgargas JSC and thus settled its debts to the gas company, stated Mr. Velko Gyurov, Director in Chimco JSC. Bulgargas JSC has to pay compensations to Chimco because of stopping the fuel deliveries.
Source: Standart (22.02.2000)
PA selected Neochim Invest JSC (a consortium formed by Euro Fert and Carimex Chemicals International) an exclusive buyer of Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad. The contract must be signed up to March 10th, 2000.
Source: Capital (29.02.2000)
Chimco JSC - Vratza will restore its activities on March 2nd. The company stopped working two weeks ago because of lack of gas supply from Bulgargas JSC.
Source: Standart (02.03.2000)
Toplofikatzia Sofia owes to Bulgargas BGN 41 850 million, Toplofikatzia Sliven owes to Cherno more mine BGN 1.363 million and to Bulgargas - BGN 309 000.
Source: Capital (08.03.2000)
The construction of a parallel main gas pipeline from The Romanian border to Turkey and Greece was launched a few days ago, at a point, situated at some 2.5 km from the city of Kardam. The pipeline will go parallel to the existing one, thus doubling the capacity of the route. According to the Bulgargas SPJSC - Sofia project the costs are estimated at USD 100 million and more. The first 47-km stage of the construction should be completed for 10 months by Gasstroymontzh JSC.
Source: Pari (09.03.2000)
Chimco JSC - Vratza will restart its production activities at the end of March, 2000. The company's debts to Bulgargas JSC have been settled.
Source: Pari (13.03.2000)
Overgas Inc JSC offered to Pleven municipality to prepare a scheme for the gas supply system of Pleven. Candidates for the gasification are Overgas Inc., British company Amek and Italian Salinni.
Source: Sega (13.03.2000)
BGN 75 million was the loss of Bulgargas JSC for 1999 because of delayed payments to the budget, announced the Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov. The company has to pay sanction interests for BGN 113 million on debts, not paid in the period of 1996 - 1999. At the same time the company remitted defaults to its clients for BGN 85 million.
Source: Sega (13.04.2000)
Podkrepa SU required from the Government to remit and extend the debts of Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad which is till now BGN 30 million. In other case if this won't happen the company may not be privatized and to enter in the list for liquidation. According to the contract with Bulgargas JSC the company has to deposit BGN 1 million annually.
Source: Pari (19.04.2000)
If Himko JSC do not start the payment of the debts to Bulgargas SP JSC do not abide by the privatization contract, the deal with the american company IBE Trance of New York may break. This was stated by the MP Dr. Krassimir Kamenov. The debts of Himko JSC are about BGN 60 million but it paid only the minimum of the debt, pointed from the finance department of the company. The debt negotiations with representatives of Bulgargas JSC continue.
Source: BTA (24.04.2000)
The ceramic plants may bankrupt if the Energetic Agency approved the offer of Bulgargas SP JSC for raising the price of the oil. This was reported by the directions of the biggest companies in the branch that created their union.
Source: Standart (24.04.2000)
The shareholders of Chimko JSC - Vratza decided to pay the debts of BGN 19.6 million during the next 5 years. The Director of Chimko JSC Mr. Valentin Dimitrov stated that the plant would work with 25 per cent of its capacity while the deal with Gasprom for preference prices of the natural gas.
Source: Standart (02.05.2000)
The Chairman of the State Energetic Agency, Mr. Ivan Shiliashki negotiated a drop of the transit fee for Russian natural oil for Bulgaria with 28.6 per cent during the visit in Romania. The agreement is to 2003 and in this period Bulgaria has to pay for the delivery through Russia USD 16 million.
Source: Pari (03.05.2000)
Bulgargas started to sell natural gas to Himko JSC after in February stopped to provide the product for the plant in Vratza. Himko JSC will fulfill orders of cooperated deliveries with Bulgarian companies among which are Folbek JSC - Nova Zagora, LUKoil - Neftochim JSC - Bourgas, Messer Himko gas Ltd, Neochim JSC.
Source: BTA (08.05.2000)
BGN 75 000 is the loss of Bulgargas JSC for the previous year, according the annual financial results of the state-owned gas company. The total company's expenses for 1999 amount to BGN 803 546. The total incomes of Bulgargas JSC amount to BGN 728 511, according to the annual reports. The reason for the bad financial results of the Bulgargas JSC is the decrease of the natural gas consumption in Bulgaria during the last year and the higher prices of the oil on the international markets.
Source: Standart (22.05.2000)
The plants that are producing floor and wall tiles in Han Asparuh JSC - Isperih, Han Omurtag JSC - Shoumen, Izida JSC - Elin Pelin, Faience JSC - Kaspichan and Podova keramika JSC, Montana will be forced to close some of the production capacities if the price of the gas continues to increase. Despite of the activity of the Bulgarian representation, the acieved results do not improve the position of the idustrial consumers of natural gas in the State. The financial reliefs of the reduce of the transit fees through Roumania are insignifant in comparision with the planned raise of the price of the gas from Bulgargas.
Source: Democracy (01.06.2000)
The Government did not accept the offers of Bulgargas for the increase of the price of the natural gas with 22 per cent and decided the price to raise with 17.5 per cent or BGN 268 for 1000 cubic metres with VAT. Some of the motives of Bulgargas JSC for the bigger increase are the delivery price and the change in the currency rate, stated the Executive Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov at a press conference in the Council of Ministers.
Source: BTA (02.06.2000)
A 51 per cent of the capital of the fertilizer and ammonia maker Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad will be acquired by the consortium Neochim Invest, the PA Supervisory Board ruled at its yesterdays session. The price of the deal is USD 100 000. The buyer is obliged to invest the amount of USD 5.555 million in the next 5 years and covering the plants debts and liabilities. The Neochim Invest Consortium includes Eurofert JSC and the Lebanese company Karimex Chemical International - an affiliate of Karimex Group. The major debts of Neochim JSC are to the state gas monopoly Bulgargas JSC and amount to BGN 29.8 million. As on May 8, 2000 Neochims staff was 1 865.
Source: Sega (08.06.2000)
Most of the money, necessary for the investment programme of Bulgargas this year, will be granted by the State incomes of transit fees for transport of gas for Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The money will be for the increase of the capital of the company, stated the Chief Executive Director of Bulgargas Kiril Gegov. Up to BGN 153 million will be invested this year in the transit net near Provadia. There will be more money from the reminder from the debts of Ukraine to Bulgaria according to the Jamburg agreement and the loan, received from Gasprom.
Source: Pari (09.06.2000)
PA sold 51 per cent of the capital of Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad for USD 100 000 to Euro Fert JSC - Dimitrovgrad and the Lebanese company Karimex Chemical International, was pointed in a statement of the Agency. Only 30 per cent of the price will be paid in cash and the rest - in long-term bonds on the State debt. The new owners are obliged to invest in it USD 5 555 555 for 5 years. 25 per cent of the capital of the company was sold in 1996 - 1997 in the first wave of the mass privatization. The main problem of Neochim is the debt of BGN 29 803 000 to Bulgargas, was reported from PA. The buyers are obliged to pay the debts of the company to the Ministry of Finance, Trade banks and suppliers.
Source: 24 chasa (13.06.2000)
The fertilizer plants Neochim JSC, Agropolichim JSC and Chimko JSC are ready for protest because of the new raise in the prices of the natural gas from July, stated the Director of Chimko JSC Mr. Valentin Dimitrov. The Management of Bulgargas JSC has already offered the Government to increase the price with 7 per cent. The price of the gas increased with 17.5 per cent last month because of the expensive petrol. From the presscentre of the Energetics Agency informed that there was not any intention to increase the price of the gas.
Source: Standart (28.06.2000)
Sofia City Court registered the following change for Bulgargas - SP JSC: the capital is increased from BGN 493 044 759 to BGN 512 691 344, allocated in 512 691 344 personal shares per BGN 1.
Source: State Gazette (30.06.2000)
The iron and steel works of Kremikovtzi JSC - Sofia are in talks with the Austrian steel group Voest Alpine to set up a joint venture to upgrade and manage Kremikovtzis continuos steel casting. Through this arrangement the company hopes to repay its USD 70 million debt to Austrians Kontrol Bank. Kremikovtzi JSC posted a loss of BGN 179.906 million in 1998. After the company was privatized the loss-making facilities were separated from the core operation. Sofia-based Daru Metals JSC bought 71 per cent in Kremikovtzi JSC capital in June 1999 for a token price of 1 US dollar. The plant which accounts for 80 per cent of Bulgarias ferrous metal output, had a BGN 13.005 million profit for January-May this year.
Source: Standart (03.07.2000)
Himko JSC increased its capacity of carbide to 50 per cent of the capacity with the introduction in action of two technologic lines, was reported from the company. The increase is in accordance with an order of Agropolichim JSC and with additional orders from the regional market, specified the Management. Because of the big difference between the price of the natural gas and the international price of the carbide, explained the Executive Director Mr. Valentin Dimitrov. Mr. Dimitrov also stated that it is expected from September with the introduction at the international market of China as the most considerable consumer of carbide, the price of the nitrogen fertilizer to increase and the plant to gain some of its old markets.
Source: BTA (10.07.2000)
Bulgargas SP JSC stopped the gas-supply for Toplofikatsia - Vratsa SP JSC - Vratsa, becuase of accumulated debts amounting to BGN 300 000. This was reported by the Director of the company Mr. Angel Angelov. On the ther hand Toplofikatsia - Vratsa SP JSC - Vratsa must gather BGN 3.4 million debts.
Source: Democracy (25.07.2000)
Toplofikatsia JSC - Shumen owes to Bulgargas SPJSC BGN 1 100 000. The debts of the subscribers to the company are over BGN 4 000. BGN 2500 are owed by citizens, BGN 1200 are owed by municipal and state companies and BGN 500 000 are owed by private companies. This was reported by Mrs. Milka Stefanova - Manager of the company.
Source: Standart (27.07.2000)
Privatization Agency made to the following announcement: 3.48 per cent of the capital of Medipharm JSC, Sofia were sold to rightful claimants for BGN 4257; 5. Neochim JSC, Dimitrovgrad 51 per cent from the capital sold to Euro Fert JSC and Karimex Chemicals International SAL for USD 100 000.
Source: State Gazette (01.08.2000)
18 000 households in the town of Shoumen will remain without hot water because of debts to the local Toplofikatsia of Bulgargas. The gas company refused deliveries until the bills are paid. The Ministry of Finance granted BGN 860 000 to the municipality. The Shoumen-based TPS, however, needs BGN 360 000 more to settle its accounts with Bulgargas. The unsettled sums from private households amount to BGN 2.5 million, and those from companies - to about BGN 500 000.
Source: Standart (11.08.2000)
The State granted BGN 26.7 million to the Municipalities and to Administrations, supported by the budget which have debts to the central heating stations. BGN 19.2 million of this sum is the subsidy for the municipalities, was reported from the Energetics Agency. With these funds the heating stations have to pay the debts to the company Bulgargas SP JSC. The total debts to the gas company amount to BGN 15 million, according to data of the Energetics Agency as of the end of July. The funds are being granted in accordance with the recently approved decree for a change in the norms for the price forming in the energetics.
Source: Standart (21.08.2000)
Gasprom expressed will to buy 35 per cent of Roseximbank. Currently, negotiations for the fixing of the exact share and the sum, for which the shares will be sold, are in the process. The aim of Gasprom's share in Rosexim is that the bank should become Balkan dispatcher station for the Russian company's projects in Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. USD 47 million private credits pass through the bank. These money are granted to Bulgargas by Gasprom.
Source: 24 chasa (25.08.2000)
The transit of Russian natural gas for Turkey through Bulgaria will be increased with 1 billion cubic meters to 11 billion cubic meters by the end of this year, was announced from the Energetics Agency yesterday (August 31). This was negotiated by the representatives of Bugargas and the Turkish company Botash.
Source: Standart (01.09.2000)
The glass factory Belopal is in danger of bankruptcy. Bulgargas loses about BGN 300 000 monthly because of not paid debts of Belopal that owes to the company about BGN 2.2 million. Bulgargas may stop the technological providing of gas, was stated by the Director of Sales Department Mr. Nikolai Popov but by this way will stop the gas supply of another 6 companies which are on the territory of the factory and they are regular payers. Belopal also owes to the StatThe State Receivables Collection Agency /SRCA/imately BGN 2 million. On October 5. 2000 the consecutive case against the factory, initiated by Bulgargas and The State Receivables Collection Agency /SRCA/ will begin in Varna District Court.
Source: Black sea (11.09.2000)
Stamboliiski will start negotiations with Bulgargas for gas supply. The gas supplying network passes through the western part of the town. So far the half of the buildings have been heated by Tzelhart. The Mayor Mr. Ivan Atanasov received a promise by the Turkish Ushaklar holding that will not stop the heating over the winter.
Source: Maritsa (17.09.2000)
Specialists from Gazstroymontazh finished the construction of a new section from the transit gas-main to Turkey at the compressor station Kardam, was announced from the company's press center. The normal supply of natural gas has been restored since September 22. The construction of two 45-km sections of the transit gas-main - from the Romanian border to the village of Odrintsi and from the village of Liuliakovo to the compressor station Lozenets - will be finished by December 15.
Source: BTA (25.09.2000)
In the request of Cable Bulgaria for construction of high-speed optical network there is nothing illegal. It will be illegal if by it is transferred voice in real time not for free before the monopoly of BTC has fallen. The decision of the Council of Ministers to give its support to such a project does not concern BTC as the telecommunication company has monopoly not over the network but over the service transportation of voice through it. The intentions of Cable are over the network to be transferred TV and Radio signals, as well as Internet traffic. The company has 22 licenses for televisions in different cities. It is more profitable for it to transfer the signal among them alone not by paying to BTC. A telecommunication system of this kind in Bulgaria has Gukis. The company requests from its clients a declaration that they will not transfer voice. During June the Minister of Transport Mr. Antoni Slavinski disputed the meeting the project of Cable.
Source: Sega (30.09.2000)
The National gas supply company Bulgargas is realizing its investment programme for this year and by December 15 it will be completed, was reported from the head-office of the company. BGN 105 million are spent from the total sum of BGN 153 million. The investment programme is fixed in the agreement signed between Bulgargas and the foreign trade company of Gasprom - Gasexport. it is for a USD 47 million loan, granted by Gasprombank. The execution of the three-year investment programme will give an opportunity to Bulgargas from the end of 2001 to transit 17 billion cubic metres natural gas annually through the State's territory to Turkay, Greece and Macedonia.
Source: Banker (02.10.2000)
4 months after the privatization, the new major owner of Kaolin - Alfa finance made considerable investments. It is constructing a gas pipe in which are invested DEM 3.5 million. The trace will be in use for the factories in Senovo and Viatovo. The gas pipe is erecting according to a project of Bulgargas. In the factory in Ignatovo is building a new work-shop for milled products. Now is also building a work-shop for construction glue and the ambition of Kaolin is to be a leading company in this direction. The company has not got debts anymore as they amounted to BGN 500 000 two months ago.
Source: Pari (02.10.2000)
The underground gas repository Chiren can be used for years to come, but the current exploitation regime is leading to unjustified expenses. The repositorys capacity can be kept or even increased, if measures for about USD 1 million are taken by the end of the year 2003. This becomes clear from the preliminary results from the project for enlargement of the repository and introduction of a new information system for Bulgargas JSC. The survey is financed through gratuitous help from the Agency for Trade and Development in the USA in the amount of USD 276 000 for Bulgargas JSC. An additional sponsorship for more than USD 276 000 is realized by the chief executor - Power Center Sarcase with the University of Oklahoma, the American Power Corporation Enron and American and Bulgarian companies-executors. The project for enlargement of the repository and introduction of information system for Bulgargas is the first gratuitous help by the Agency for Trade and Development - USA in the power branch in Bulgaria.
Source: Sega (11.10.2000)
The budget of the Parliament for 2001 will increase with 38.37 per cent in comparison with the funds which the Parliament has this year. This is offered in the project budget for the next year. It is expected the expenses of the Parliament to be BGN 18.806 million. The budget of the Council of Ministers will be also raised - from BGN 66.2 million this year to BGN 78.182 million for 2001. This increase is with 18.1 per cent and the expenses in the budget are increased only with 13 per cent. BGN 3.3 billion are expected for the expenses of all departments and budget organizations.
Source: Standart (25.10.2000)
About 150 workers are threatened to lose their jobs in Beloslav. A work-shop in the glass plant Belopel may stop its work because of a lack of orders for production. The work-shop began to produce half an year ago with the hope that its production will be realized at the markets in Greece and Italy. The high production costs is the main problem of the company. The natural gas is the main raw-material that they want to buy at preferential prices. However the monopolist Bulgargas is increasing the prices permanently and at the moment it is putting on trial Belopel because of debts.
Source: Black sea (25.10.2000)
The price of the natural gas is increasing with 16.42 per cent up to BGN 312 with VAT added for 1000 cubic metres, decided the Government in a decree for defining the prices of the electricity and the natural gas. The reason for the increase is the highest prices of the fuels at the International markets and respectively of the deliveries of natural gas from Russia, stated the Chairman of the State Energetics Agency Mr. Ivan Shiliashki. The increase will be compensated with an additional subsidy from the budget for this year for the heating centers that amounts to BGN 16 million.
Source: BTA (03.11.2000)
The price of oil has risen 3 times for 2 years - from about USD 10 to USD 30 for a barrel. In Bulgaria this reflected more on the natural gas than on the petrol. The reason is in the defects of the contracts with Gasprom which Bulgargas signed and the Government approved in the spring of 1998. Now Bulgaria reduced the transit fee from USD 2.40 to USD 1.66 which Topenergy owed for the transport of 1000 cubic metres Russian gas at distance of 100 km on the traces to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia.
Source: Trud (08.11.2000)
The syndic association to Agropolihim - Devnia sent an open letter to the Prime Minister Mr. Ivan Kostov and the Ministers Mr. Petar Zhotev, Mr. Muravey Radev and Mr. Ivan Shiliashki. The association reminds that the permanent increase of the price of the natural gas that is the main raw-material for the production will bring the company to liquidation. According to specialists from the association during the summer of 2000 after the consecutive increase of the prices were approved measures for relieving of the fertilizer's plants.
Source: Black sea (09.11.2000)
The members of the Board of Directors of Belopal wiil discuss about the prospectives of the company and the ways of survival at the market. There may be some changes in the Board of Directors. At the moment is working only one work-shop and 2 weeks ago was closed another one. 150 workers were dismissed. At the same time Bulgargas wants to take the assets of the company because of unpaid debts. According to experts Belopal will sell a part of the productions. Beside this it will be looking for a buyer of the trade complex. 34 per cent of the assets of Belopal are privatised by Nash dom, 25 per cent are a property of Trud i kapital and the rest are allocated between the State and a MEBO formed in the plant.
Source: Black sea (09.11.2000)
The Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Petar Zhotev declared after a meeting with the Directors of the three fertilizers' plants Agropolihim, Himko and Neohim, that there will be initiated protective measures at the import of fertilizers. The reason for this is the new increase of the price of the gas which is the main raw-material for the production. According to Mr. Zhotev there can't be made any corrections and that is way the State could prevent the plants from the dumping outside. At the moment Himko is losing USD 40 per each ton but the plant won't stop its work, stated the Director of the company Mr. Valentin Dimitrov.
Source: Sega (10.11.2000)
Neochim JSC - Dimitrovgrad has paid the amount of BGN 10 million to Bulgargas JSC - Sofia. Thus the chemical plant's debts amounts currently to BGN 28 million. The profit of Neochim JSC for the first nine month of the current year is in the amount of BGN 58 million. The privatization of the company by the consortium Neochim Invest was completed on August 28, 2000.
Source: Pari (13.11.2000)
The everyday gas-supply will be allocated between 6 or 9 companies. The State will be separated to 9 regions for gas supply, said mr. Krassimir Popov, the Director of Gasstroymontage. The company will be included in the gas supply together with Overgas and Black sea technical company that are licensed for this service. Gasstroymontage will take part in the privatization of the 11th gas allocating companies of Bulgargas.
Source: 24 chasa (15.11.2000)
Bulgargas JSC will finish the year with a loss of over BGN 75 000. This was stated by the Executive Director of the company Mr. Ilia Ivanov. He said he could not define the exact sum of the loss but it has been considerable so far. The bad financial condition of Bulgargas SP JSC is because of the record high prices of the petrol at the international markets. The other reason is the delayed with three months raise of the prices of the gas with 16.5 per cent. It had to be efficient as of July but the Government decided to raise the prices as of September. Meanwhile the second Executive Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov confirmed the statement of Mr. Ivanov that the company is in bad financial condition in spite of the increased transit through Bulgaria of natural gas from Russia to Turkey.
Source: Standart (21.11.2000)
The Director of the Energetics Agency Mr. Ivan Shiliashki dismissed secretly two of the members of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas JSC. The members Mrs. Juliana Dimitrova and Mr. Jordan Krustanov were dismissed with an order of Mr. Shiliashki. Bulgargas will be managed by 5 instead of 6 people. The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company remains Mr. Antoan Nikolov. The Chief Executive Director Mr. Kiril Gegov and the Executive Director Mr. Ilia Ivano kept their positions. The membership of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas JSC was decreased because of the difficult tasks that are connected with the reconstruction of the company and the problems with the high price of the natural gas, explained Mr. Ivan Shiliashki.
Source: Standart (29.11.2000)
The Chairman of the Board of Management of Agropolichim Mr. Vassil Alexandrov stated that the company may initiate legal measures against PA in order to receive a default because of non-execution of the privatization contract. According to the contract, the Agency had to pay half of the sum with which to be done a clearing of the old ecological pollutions at the territory of the plant. Agropolichim started to pay off its debt of the Vratza-based Himko to Bulgargas. In the plans of the owners of Agropolihim - Acid and Fertilizer are included a reconstruction of installations for fertilizers and their production. The profit of the company for 1999 will be used for covering of losses from past years, decided the General Meeting.
Source: 24 chasa (04.12.2000)
Agropolihim JSC will provide cheaper gas for Himko JSC, according to agreement of the Directors of the two fertilizers' plants. For the gas Himko JSC will supply carbamide for production of liquid fertilizers by Agropolihim JSC. The dealed quote between the plants for January 2001 is 20 000 t carbamide by March, 2001.
Source: Standart (14.12.2000)
The losses of the state-owned gas company Bulgargas JSC for 2000 will exceed BGN 75 million. The final data for the accumulated losse3s and the financial results of the company will be ready by the end of March, was specified from Bulgargas JSC. A month ago from the gas company declared that their losses will be about BGN 75 000. The hard financial state of the company is because of the raise of the petrol prices at the international markets during last year.
Source: Standart (04.01.2001)
Bulgargas JSC - Sofia starts to enlarge the gas-pipes to Turkey. The main contractor of the project, which includes construction of two gas-pipes with a length of 45 km, is Gasstroymontzh JSC - Sofia. According to the Bulgargas JSC investment programme the transited trough Bulgaria to Turkey quantity of gas will reach 14 billion cub meters this year.
Source: Pari (05.01.2001)
It is expected on January 12 the Court to declare the bankruptcy of Agrobiohim JSC-Stara Zagora by request of the biggest creditor - Bulgargas JSC. Most probably for syndic of the company will be appointed its former Director Mr. Stefan Mihailov. The chemical plants finished 2000 with a debt of BGN 95 million and with minus BGN 57 million shareholders' equity. The most attractive production of the company has been stopped for about 40 days.
Source: Sega (09.01.2001)
In 2000 to the consumers in the State were supplied 3417 million cubic metres natural gas that is with 5.07 more in comparison with 1999, stated the Executive Director of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov. totally for the countries from the Balkan region in 2000 were transported 11 894 billion cubic metres natural gas. According to Mr. Gegov this is with 14.20 per cent more than 1999 and with 57.54 per cent more in comparison with 1998. About BGN 140 million were spent from the investment programme and even though the company reported a loss in amount of about BGN 96 million for 2000. They were formed from additionally calculated taxes for 1997 at the amount of BGN 33 million and receipts of Bulgargas from Stoman at the amount of over BGN 35 million. During the last year the company contributed in the State budget BGN 220 427 153.
Source: Trud (11.01.2001)
The 15th round of the privatization is starting today. There are offered 2 completely major stakes, there are shares from big companies like Agropolihim-Devnia and Himmach-Haskovo. Many of the offered companies show considerable improve of the financial indicators during the 9th months of 2000. The biggest growth is reported for Monbat JSC-Montana and Agropolihim JSC-Devnia and for some smaller companies. Totally 2 million shares will be offered and for the first time will be offered Securities from drug companies, for instance from Aptechno-Sofia.
Source: Pari (16.01.2001)
Preliminary syndics entered the glass factory in Beloslav Belopal in accordance with a decision of Varna District Court. The control upon the activity of the company will have the same syndics who have managed Varna shipyards since 1999 - Mr. Dimitar Smilenov and Mr. Vassil Karagiozov. This measure was imposed by request of Bulgargas and includes a distraint on the property of the company. As of January 28, 2001 the plant owes the gas company BGN 3.7 million. As of January 1, 2001 Belopal has not got a contract with Bulgargas for selling of gas. The plant accumulated additionally a debt of BGN 2 million for the last 6 months.
Source: Black sea (29.01.2001)
The Executive Director of Overgas Inc JSC Mr. Sasho Donchev presented to the Mayor of Blagoevgrad Mr. Kostadin Paskalev a general scheme for the gas supply of the town. Overgas will invest USD 5.4 million. The project foresees to be gas supplied all industrial, public and administrative objects and 30 per cent of the households. The municipal objects will save about BGN 800 000 annually after the change of the liquid fuels with gas. By March 1 Overgas Inc will develop and will submit in Bulgargas a claim for permission for use of natural gas.
Source: Democracy (13.02.2001)
TPS-YUG Plovdiv owes funds to Bulgargas again. The reason for this is the disability of Plovdiv-based thermal station to gather the fees from its subscribers. Only 12 per cent from the accounts have been gathered since the beginning of the heating period and the debt to Bulgargas SP JSC exceeds BGN 2.3 million.
Source: Pari (14.02.2001)
The capital of the state-owned gas company Bulgargas JSC will be increased with BGN 140 million. The assets of the company have to be increased by March 15. At the moment the capital of the company amounts to BGN 512 691 000. The raise of the assets will be with the amount of the investment expenses at the execution of the Intergovernmental agreement as of December 31, 2000 that amount to BGN 140 million.
Source: Standart (16.02.2001)
The major owner of 83.6 per cent from the capital of the glass plant is Kitka-1 JSC. PA bought a minor stake of 25 per cent for USD 802 000, spaced out for 10 years and the rest stake was acquired by 2 former privatization funds. According to the Executive Director of the company Mrs. Galina Jordanova the reason to be delayed the owed contribution is that the plant was stopped for a half of year by Bulgargas in 1999. The company did not work because of not paid debts to the gas monopolist. Mrs. Jordanova also added that the company intended to pay by the end of the year the whole price with Compesatory Vouchers.
Source: Capital (17.02.2001)
The new name of the owner of Kremikovtzi metal works is Finmetals Holding, according to the promulgated in the State Gazette announcement of Sofia City Court. The company owner of the plant was called Daru Metals. The new company Finmetals will take only the finance of the production and the trade will be carried out by the already registered Kremikovtzi Trade, said the executive director of Kremikovtzi Mr. Valentine Zahatiev.
Source: 24 chasa (21.02.2001)
Licenses for activities in the area of energetics gave State Commission for Energetic Resource t6o nine companies. NEC JSC Sofia received the right to produce energy from Maritsa-Iztok 3 for a term of ten years. For the activity production of electro-energy from HPS the company received rights for 25 years and for distribution of electricity on the territory of Bulgaria the license is for 35 years.
Source: Pari (22.02.2001)
Agrobiohim has BGN 35 million assets and BGN 96 million debts. The plant can cover only one-third from the receivables of the creditors. At first place among the creditors is Bulgargas with BGN 48.8 million and the second place the National Electric Company with BGN 19 million. The case was called off for March 28. Then is expected the Court to declare Agrobiohim in insolvency and to define a temporary syndic. The production of the company stopped 2 years ago and in it are working 180 employees.
Source: BTA (26.02.2001)
The District Court proclaimed Agrobiochim insolvent. A procedure in insolvency was opened, added Mr. Stefan Saranendelchev, Deputy Chairman of the Stara Zagora District Court. A three-member temporary syndic was appointed. The first meeting of the creditors was set for March 23. The lawsuit was initiated after the claim of Bulgargas, which credited the company with BGN 48.8 million. The debts of Agrobiochim amount to BGN 96 million.
Source: Sega (01.03.2001)
With a decision of February 27, 2001 Sofia Appeal Court confirmed entirely the decision of Pernik District Court as of July 10, 2000 for approval the reconstruction plan of Stomana JSC. With it was rejected the complaint of Bulgargas. The Court approves the concept set in the reconstruction plan that the creditors from 4th grade among which is also Bulgargas, will not receive certificate. In Stomana now are working 2 500 employees with an average working salary of BGN 403.
Source: BTA (05.03.2001)
The temporary syndics of the glass plant Belopal Mr. Dimitar Smilenov and Mr. Kiril Karagiozav were dismissed with a decision of Varna Appeal Court. The total amount of the debts of the plant to Bulgargas is about BGN 9.5 million. On March 1 was deposited a new court-accounting expert opinion. The amount of the debt is not important at this case but the stopping of payments which is a reason for declaration of insolvency.
Source: Black sea (05.03.2001)
A corporate WAN network will connect a Sofia-based office of Bulgargas and the local networks in 13 sections in the State. After an auction, the project for the construction was won by Prima Soft, Certified Partner of Cisco Systems.
Source: ComputerWorld e-Daily (12.03.2001)
Varna District Court will decide for the bankruptcy of the glass plant Belopal within a month. The declaration in insolvency of the plant was required by Bulgargas and State Claims Agency. As of the end of February, 2001 the company owed BGN 9.822 million to the gas company and BGN 1.309 million to the National Security Institute. If the strategic programme for development fulfils and the receipts from the other companies are gathered, there will be enough funds to cover the debts of the company.
Source: Pari (19.03.2001)
The Energetics Agency has not still considered the offer of Bulgargas for increase of the capital of the company. According to decree of the Council of Ministers the assets of the company had to be increased by March 15 with the amount of the investment expenses for the last year that amount to BGN 140 000. At the moment the assets of Bulgargas are BGN 512 691.
Source: Standart (22.03.2001)
One third of the former plant for fertilizers Agrobiohim - Stara Zagora is demolished and it is not possible recovery plan to be made, announced the managers of the plant. Their conclusions are that the plant was built as one whole unit and its separate productions are connected. The lawyer of Bulgargas SP JSC holds the same position. Bulgargas is the biggest creditor of the plant again with Mini Maritza- Iztok JSC. They want the plant to be announced insolvent. The plant owes BGN 50 million to the two companies.
Source: Duma (22.03.2001)
The opportunities of restoration of the production and development of the reconstruction programme of Agrobiohim are minimum and risking. That is why Stara Zagora-based plant will be sold off in parts, became clear at the General Meeting of the creditors. This decision was also accepted by the main creditors Bulgargas with receipts BGN 48.8 million. The plant owed to 22 legal entities and 5 foreign companies totally BGN 95.7 million. The unpaid salaries of the workers are in amount of BGN 2.6 million and the assets of the company at the moment are a little over BGN 36 million. However they cover only 38 per cent of the total receipts.
Source: Standart (26.03.2001)
One of the two permanent syndics of Agrobiochim, selected by the General Meeting of the creditors, is occupied with work and hardly will find time for the fertilizer plant. This was declared by the representatives of the two syndicates KNSB and KT Podkrepa. The lawyer Mr. Dimitar Smilenov at the moment is also syndic of Varna shipyards JSC, BINDL-Energia JSC - Sofia, EKKO-ET JSC - Etropole.
Source: Standart (28.03.2001)
One of the constant supervisors of Agrobiochim - Stara Zagora elected by the General Meeting of the creditors is very busy and will not have enough time for the fertilizing factory. This was announced by the representatives of the two trade unions SITUB and KT Podkrepa yesterday before the first official meeting with the supervisors of the declared for bankruptcy factory. The lawyer Dimitar Smilenov at the moment is a supervisor of the Varna Shipyard JSC, BINDL - Energia JSC Sofia, and is a liquidator of three other companies as well..
Source: Standart (28.03.2001)
A Court claim slows down the negotiations with a foreign investor that has an interest in Pernik-based Stomana, declared the Director of Metalitzi to KNSB Mr. Vassil Janachkov. The claim is from Bulgargas that litigates the reconstruction programme of the company and wants it to be stopped. The gas monopolist insist Stomana on starting the payment of its debts. According to the reconstruction programme Bulgargas is a creditor 4th grade and will receive its funds last. The argues prevent Eurometal, an owner of 50 per cent of Stomana from the negotiations for establishment of joint-ventured company with a foreign investor.
Source: Sega (05.04.2001)
The syndical leaders from the state-owned company Stomana JSC - Pernik that is in insolvency threatened with protest activities in case the Government does not make Bulgargas to retract its claim against the reconstruction plan of the company.
Source: Dnevnik (06.04.2001)
Bulgargas will increase its capital and in this way will secure the expenses for construction when the State cedes to the gas monopolist the incomes from transit fees. The company will increase its capital to BGN 652 000 through issuing of 10 000 with face value BGN 10 per each. Bulgargas is 100 per cent state-owned company. Meanwhile the company reported a total loss of BGN 94.49 million for 2000 and is due to the sales of natural gas under the prime cost.
Source: Dnevnik (11.04.2001)
US company is interested in the production of Luxury glass, Beloslav. The interest of Lenox was directed mainly to the decorated glass production of the company. If it reached to a deal, the company will invest in the construction of new production furnace that will guarantee additional 100 work-places. Within a week the Court has to pass judgement on the claim for insolvency of Belopal, contributed by Bulgargas and State Claims Agency. The debts to them exceed BGN 12 million.
Source: Black sea (11.04.2001)
According to the syndicate (KNSB) the Greek group Viohalko wants to invest USD 50 million for renew of the production capacities of Stomana JSC in Pernik. But this may happen after the restructure of the property and at execution of the reconstruction programme for the company. The accepted reconstruction programme for the company was disputed only by Bulgargas SP JSC, reminded KNSB. BGN 28 million are the debts of Stomana JSC to Bulgargas. If Stomana - Pernik is declared in liquidation, 2 333 will remain without work.
Source: BTA (12.04.2001)
Bulgargas withdrew its claim against Stomana in Pernik Appeal Court, was reported from the Ministry of Economy. The Management of the company sent an informing letter for its decision to the Minister of Economy Mr. Zhotev. The debts of Stomana amount to BGN 180.953 million from which the receipts of Bulgargas are BGN 33.5 million. Since Stomana pays its current accounts, its debts to Bulgargas reduced to BGN 27 million.
Source: BTA (13.04.2001)
Bulgargas will invest BGN 97,6 million this year in construction of new objects of the transit gas-supplying system. A part of the money will come from the budget. This will allow the transit of Russian nature gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia to reach 18 billion qubic meters. For the reconstruction of Kardam 2 compressor station will be invested BGN 21,9 million and for the building of Provadia compressor station will be given another BGN 5 million. The reconstruction of compressor station Strandzia will cost BGN 22.4 million.
Source: Democracy (13.04.2001)
Stomana - Pernik increased its export for Italy over the first months of this year. While over the last year for this country was realized export of 3 000 - 4 000 t, at the moment there are being sold 3000 t steel per month. The company is the biggest buyer of scraps from ferrous metals in Bulgaria and processes about 40 000 - 50 000 t scrap per month. The factory has been in procedure of insolvency since 2000 and the metallurgic production is rented by Eurometal Ltd. The debts of Stomana are BGN 180 953 201. The Greek group Viohalko takes interest in the company.
Source: Dnevnik (18.04.2001)
Varna District Court refused to accept the procedure of insolvency for the glass plant Belopal. The magistrates rejected the claims of State Claims Agency and Bulgargas. The difficulties of the plant are temporary and the company can deal with them if it covers its debts, distributes ready production and starts a strategic programme for development. The plant will receive BGN 6.177 million from the sale of the not used work-shops and equipments, BGN 5 million from realization of production and BGN 2.427 million are the receipts of the plant.
Source: Standart (19.04.2001)
Until recently the companies have to transfer their taxes only through banks. From this year on thay also may pay the sums cash in the tax offices. Nevertheless the payments still are mainly through bank. The tax offices work with 6 banks. They are TB Biochim, TB Hebros, Expressbank , Bulbank, UBB and Bank DSK.Bulbank attends Bulgargas, the management of the air traffic. The same bank attends also the Ministry of Defence, NEC, BSR .
Source: Sega (23.04.2001)
The final restructure of Stomana may finish earlier than the expected in the reconstruction plan 5-year deadline, declared the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Petar Zhotev. The reconstruction programme of the company will go on when Bulgargas withdrew its claim for declaration of Stomana in insolvency. The total amount of the debts of the company amount to DEM 300 million and the evaluation of the assets exceeds DEM 40 million. For the first quarter of 2001 the profit realized by the detached part Stomanodobiv is in amount of BGN 1.2 million. Buyers of 13 detached parts from the structure of Stomana were selected.
Source: Standart (28.04.2001)
The fertilizer plant Himko finished the financial 2000 with a loss of BGN 12 million, announced the Director of Board of Government Mr. Valentine Dimitrov. According to him this result is good considering the fact that in 1998 Himko finished with a loss of BGN 49 million. The Directors of the plant expect to realize a profit in 2002. Over the last year were paid debts of BGN 7 million of Himko to Bulgargas. For the same period the Management invested USD 2.8 million in the reconstruction of equipments and machines in the plant.
Source: Standart (08.05.2001)
The state-owned gas company Bulgargas required from Gasprom changes in the contract for delivery of Russian natural gas. The contract was signed with the subsidiary of the Russian company Topenergy. The contract was signed in April 1998 and allows after 3 years the items to be redealed. The contract envisages over this year the deliveries of gas to reach 5.7 billion cubic metres at the real consumption over 3 billion cubic metres and in 2002 they to be 6 billion cubic metres. Bulgargas pays to the Russian gas company defaults of 75 per cent for the declared but not used quantities.
Source: Dnevnik (10.05.2001)
Eurometal JSC and the biggest Greek company for manufacture of profile steel Sidenor that is a part of Viohalco holding, dealed the participation of the Greek company in the shareholders' equity of Stomana industry JSC. Stomana industry is the branch of Eurometal in Pernik and is expected the company to acquire the major assets of the state-owned company for production of steel products Stomana-Pernik after finishing the necessary legal procedures. Stomana industry JSC is in process of evaluation of investment programme for modernization of the production capacities for increasing its productivity and competitive power.
Source: Pari (10.05.2001)
The Greek metallurgic holding Viohalko that is an owner of the plants Sofia med and Stilmed will buy a part from Stomana, Pernik. 25 per cent from the capital of Stomana - Pernik were privatized over the first wave of the mass privatization and the rest 75 per cent are still property of the State. Viohalko will finance the buying-up of the assets from the subsidiary of the present lodger Eurometal - Stomana industry JSC. The negotiations between the two companies are still finished. It was also signed a preliminary agreement and is expected Stomana industry to become the owner of the plant by the end of the month. it is only known that the initial investments will be about EUR 100 million.
Source: Standart (14.05.2001)
The Manager of Petreko SARL Mr. David Archer declared that over the winter of 2002 the company expects to start a real extraction of natural gas from the field near Galata. Until then the negotiations with the clients of the gas field have to finish. There has already been signed a memorandum for agreement with Bulgargas. The contract with Petreko is for 25 years but on real the life of the field is evaluated between 4 and 5 years. According to the contract the company is engaged to invest at least USD 49 million but the amount will reach USD 65 million over the next 2 years.
Source: Dnevnik (17.05.2001)
Bulgargas declared that is going to separate the allocating networks in 8 companies in different regions of the State with which starts the restructure of the company. The new regions are Dobruja, Dunav, Mizia
Source: Dnevnik (23.05.2001)
The representation of the Greek group Viohalko for Bulgaria announced that their company Teprometal SP Ltd. won an open-bid tender for one of the work-shops of Stomana - Pernik. The Greek company will also buy the rest of the company but in partnership with Eurometal. The deal for Stomana will be finalized within 10 days, said Mr. Anton Petrov who is Executive Director of Stilmet JSC and representative of Viohalko for Bulgaria. The price at which the buyer won the work-shop is BGN 7.2 million.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2001)
Bulgargas JSC will open a new compressor station in Provadia on May 30, announced from the company. The general executor of the object was Glavbolgarstroj.
Source: Monitor (28.05.2001)
By 20 per cent from BTC, DZI, DSK, Navigation Maritime Bulgare, NEC, Bulgargas, Bulgartabac and Trade Bank Biohim will be launched for privatization against Compesatory Vouchers. This will be a part of the election programme of National Movement Simeon II (NMS II). The economic team of NMS II developed offers that will create a real market of Compesatory Vouchers. Beside this the trade with Compesatory Vouchers will be remitted and will be made an uniform register for all Securities and will be listed on the Stock Exchange.
Source: Standart (31.05.2001)
United Democratic Forces will lobby in the new parliament a law that will arrange the duties of Himko to Bulgargas to be passed. Mr. Asen Agov, the leader of the list in Vratza, announced this. The plant for fertilizers owes USD 60 million to Bulgargas. In the State Budget there is Reserve fund from which money can be taken for the sink of the debts. This may be done only if there is a law. According to the Finance Minister Mr. Muravej radev, if this is done, the credit rating of Himko will be increased. The fall of the prices of carbamide to USD 73 for single ton forced Himko to stop the production of the combine until August.
Source: Standart (01.06.2001)
The scandal with the retirement of Rem Vyahirev is Russia's domestic matter, but it will adjourn the negotiations with Gazprom on Russian gas delivery, said Ivan Shilyashki, State Energy Agency's chairman, yesterday. The reshuffles in the Russian gas giant won't affect the relations between Bulgaria and Russia, Shilyashki maintains. Bulgaria on behalf of Bulgargas is a correct payer of Gazprom. Bulgargas is one of the few companies, customer of Gazprom in this region, to pay effectively for the supplied natural gas. 'The agreements between Bulgaria and Gazprom won't be changed', Shilyashki is flat. In mid-May the managing body of Bulgargas sent an offer to Gazprom to change the methodology of calculating prices of the Russian gas Bulgaria is supplied with by the subsidiary companies Topenergy and Gazexport. They have received no reply till now.
Source: Standart (01.06.2001)
The State Agency of Energetic and Energy Resources announced the regions in which new gas-supplying systems will be constructed. There are 8 regions in which the gas nets will be constructed. According to expert economically effective will be the gas nets only in the big towns. According to the model in every of the 8 regions there will be at least one big town. It is expected the big towns to be gasified first. The investors are obliged to examine for new objects regularly and to connect every customer to the net if it is profitable. This is in force to Bulgargas too. Licenses for all users that have agreements with Bulgargas will be issued. Almost all of them are industrial plants.
Source: Capital (06.06.2001)
Bulgargas started negotiations for changes in the contracts for deliveries and transit of Russian natural gas with Gasexport, the susidiary of Gasprom whose activity is export of gas. A month ago Bulgargas required changes in the contracts. The Bulgarian side insists on decreasing of the base price and the quotes for delivery. According to the contract Bulgargas pays 75 per cent of the not received but appointed quantities.
Source: Dnevnik (07.06.2001)
Varna District Court rejected the claims of Bulgargas - SP JSC, Sofia and the State Receipts Agency - Sofia against Belopal - JSC, Beloslav for opening of a procedure of insolvency of Belopal - JSC, Beloslav.
Source: State Gazette (08.06.2001)
Bulgargas and NEC are preparing to enter in the telecommunication branch as operators of nets for fixed telephones. The national gas supplier intends to compete with BTC after its monopoly finishes on January 1 2003, announced the chief executive of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov. The project of the company is to start telecommunication services. Bulgargas has its own net that serves its own needs. It is built of copper cables that are near the gas-supplying system. The general length of the gas-supplying net in Bulgaria is 2800 kilometers. The company is constructing a new digital system and until the end of the year there will be 350 kilometers of optic cables. Bulgargas has invested in satellites so far. A typical example for the participation of gas-company in the telecommunication business is the Russian Gasprom. It has a satellite Jamal 100 since 1999. It is used for transmission of 12 digital televisions. The plans of NEC to enter the telecommunication branch were announced by the chief executive of the company Mr. Danail Tafrov. It has an optic cable from Sofia to Plovdiv. It is expected a new optic cable connecting Sofia with Mizia to be constructed soon. In four years time, the company will have optic cable net connecting Sofia - Plovdiv - Bourgass - Varna - Pleven - Mizia. There is an optic cable connecting Bulgaria and Turkey too.
Source: Capital (09.06.2001)
Stomana industry became owner of 50 per cent of the assets of Stomana-Pernik, was reported from the Ministry of Economy. Stomana industry is 100 per cent property of Eurometal Ltd-Pernik. The transfer of rented assets from Stomana in Stomana industry is a part of the reconstruction programme in which is said that the assets will be rented with a next clause for buying out. Stomana has debts of USD 80 million. The planned investments in Stomana will be between USD 60 and 100 million.
Source: Pari (18.06.2001)
Bulgargas will stop delivery of oil for TEC-Shumen, if the local Tofikacia does not pay its debts till 15 July, announced the chief of Toplofikacia-Shumen Mr. Martin Donev. This date when the term of instelment payment expires. The company ows BGN 2 million for last year. Main debtor of Toflofikacia is the people. Municipality Shumen ows BGN 600 000. If the clients do not pay the company we will not be able to discharge our duties over the agreement, explains Mr.Donev. In this situation at the end of the prophylaxis period Shumen's households will not have hot water.
Source: Monitor (06.07.2001)
The Price of the steel will rise with 4 per cent by the end of this year because of the high prices of of the energy resources and the larger expenditures for purchase of ores. Bulgaria follows strictly the limitations for the export and is already out of the Black list of the countries that make financial dumping, announced the executive director of Kremikovtsi Mr. Valentin Zahariev. The metallurgic giant has already paid BGN 400 million from the total quantity of BGN 850 million debt to the National Insurance institute. It pays its bills to NEC and Bulgargas on time.
Source: Monitor (13.07.2001)
The National Electric Company sent during last week an official letter to the management of Chimko that because of the irregular payment of the debts from the fertilizer plant it intends to get an executive letter, announced Mr. Danail Tafrov, executive director of NEC. The debt of the plant in Vratsa is about BGN 20 million. Few months ago Chimko used to pay its debts in accordance with the plan for the implements but recently they stopped to service the obligation. NEC does not intend to stop the electricity supply for t5he plant because does not have the technical opportunity to do it. The financial director of the plant Mr. Plamen Jordanov explained that during March was signed a contract for the Implement payment but refused further comment. According to the Law for the State Budget for 2001 for the payments that are not received by NEC in term the monopolist could get an executive letter on the grounds of the bills if the they have not been paid after receiving a written invitation in term days. If the debtor does not pay in the plant will enter an executive judge who will sale the property of the plant until the creditor is satisfied
Source: Capital (15.07.2001)
A year after the privatization of Neohim-Dimitrovgrad , a plant for fertilizers , the managerial works hardly and purposively for the development of the company. Now 1600 employees work in the plant and the average salary is BGN 400 . In comparison to season 1999-2000 this season the sales are more than 200 000 tons.
Source: Pari (16.07.2001)
The monopoly in the deliveries of energy and power is not good for the ceramics plants. Every deliverer is strong . An example for this is the situation from last year when all factories united against the high prices in Bulgargas.Within the end of 1999 the plants used to provide raw materials extremely from domestic producers and they tried to reach the quality and efficiency of the materials from the foreign market. Since 2000 the plant works only with materials from great Britain, Germany, Checks republic. After the privatization of kaolin the situation is getting better.
Source: Capital (22.07.2001)
Bulgargas drawed over the last few days a considerable amount of its funds in Economic and Investment bank. The state-owned gas company is now being serviced by Bulbank, Biohim, Municipal bank, Rosseximbank and Economic and Investment bank. Bulbank and Biohim are also creditors of Bulgargas.
Source: Trud (23.07.2001)
The vice-minister and Minister of Finance Mr. Vasilev announced that the program of the government in the area of energetics is directed towards full privatization and liberalization of the sector. The Government hopes that the contracts with the American companies AES and Entergy will not enter into contradiction with the program of the Government. It is expected that at the second wave of privatization on the capital market will be released some parts of NEC.
Source: Capital (29.07.2001)
Until the question for the government was discussed apparently by someones order the energetic monopolists with understandable tolerances were overindulging their clients - no raise of the prices, no pressure for payment of the bills, not even a word for confiscation of property. Population and companies were lighted and heated for free, some of them for half a year or more A month after the elections it was clear that it time to pay - with the interests. For half a year heat-suppliers have accumulated a debt of BGN 70 million to Bulgargas and if they do not pay it they will have to be shut down. Bulgargas which is in a regime of strengthening may stop its payments to the budget again. Electricity enterprises on the other hand can not pay to NEC in order to buy electricity.. It is already clear - the simulation of reform in the energetics started to give bitter fruits.
Source: Capital (05.08.2001)
According to the report of the expert- accountant Hristina Vucheva Stomana JSC finishes the year with a loss of BGN 46 713 000. The procedure for bankrupt could not be accomplished as the plan for strengthening is finished as one of the creditors -Bulgargas stopped it. The company has a negative value of the own capital in size of BGN 46 713 000. Compared to 1999 there is a slight improvement of the financial state of Stomana, reported the expert-accountant. Valentin Bakalov Executive director of the Stomana explained that the plan for strengthening is based on a sum BGN 42 700 000 as minimum that Stomana has to receive from the sale of the separat5ed 56 objects.
Source: Pari (08.08.2001)
The biggest glass-factory in the country Diamand Razgrad ceased its manufacture. The reason for stopping the work of the factory is that it owes to Bulgargas BGN 8.827 million. The management of the factory handed its resignation and announced in a declaration that the development of the factory is impossible because of the investments, old technologies and too high consumption of energy. The executive manager Emil Giurov and the supervisor Mr. Lefter Lefterov who present the Working-managing company /WMC/ in the Board of Directors have sent a letter to the PA for disclaim of the contract for sale because of impossibility to pay the implements. Mr. Giurov explained that it is very hard to run an enterprise owned by four proprietors with equal shares who do not invest in the manufacture. Apart from WMC these are the privatization funds Bulgaria Holding Company Trud i Kapital and Orelinvest.
Source: BTA (13.08.2001)
On June 30, 1999, 75% of the assets in the Radomir-based plant Leko Ko (a former division of the one-time metallurgical giant, built in Chervena Mogila) were sold at BGL9BN (before the BG lev's denomination) to a consortium between the management-employee company (MEBO) Radomir-Leko Ko-Invest and the private Eurometal OOD. The buyers undertook a commitment to invest in the enterprise the huge amount of BGL11.6BN (prior the BG lev's denomination). This promise, however, remained just a promise, and in end-May 2001 the Executive Director of the Privatisation Agency Plamen Stoilov, responsible for post-privatisation control, announced that defaulted owners of the metallurgical plant will have to pay a substantial penalty exceeding DEM2MN. Meanwhile, shareholder castlings were made in the company. Kalin Rushkov-procurator of the companyq announced that Eurometal ODD sold its 34% share participation in Leko Ko to the US company I Fai, registeerd in the offshore zone of Delaware. The remaining 41% of the company's assets are in the hands of the MEBO Radomir-Leko Ko-Invest, and 25% are held by the State. Until then the company was managed by the executive director Sabin Spahiev. Nearly 98% of the plant's output is intended for export - Sweden and Finland, Denmark and Germany. We are presently working with International Bank for Trade and Development. And Bulgarian Post Bank allocated us a credit of BGL2MN, which enabled the new management to put the plant's equipment back in operation. We are now holding negotiations with ROSSEXIMBANK for getting a turnover credit from it.
Source: Banker (20.08.2001)
The fertilizing factory in Stara Zagora - Agrobiochim will be declared in bankrupt on 12 September. "I do not remember someone up to this moment to have proposed a reconstruction plan for the factory," said the syndic of the factory. On 12 September will be conducted a General Meeting of creditors of the bankrupted factory. In the agenda are included a report for the state of the assets of the company and selecting of the method of evaluation of the property. Then have to be elected the team of experts that will make the evaluation and their salaries. Probably this is the date when the biggest factory for fertilizers on the Balkans will be declared in bankruptcy. At least two months need the experts in order to determine the money value of the assets of the factory.
Source: Monitor (21.08.2001)
Agropolihim JSC together with Bulgargas SP JSC received license to build 2.5 km gaspipe from Strashimirovo to Beloslav, was reported from the company. The total investments on the project of the owner Acid and Fertilizers amount to BGN 900 000.
Source: Sega (22.08.2001)
Three people from the Boards of NEC and Bulgargas are replaced with an order of the Chairman of the Energy Agency Mr. Milko Kovachev. In the Board of Directors of NEC are appointed Mr. Angel Minev, the Deputy minister of Economy Mrs. Sofia Kasidova and Mr. Vladimir Hristov. From the Board are dismissed the Chairman Mr.Milcho Golemehov, his deputy Mrs. Paraskeva Kiseva and the deputy Executive director Mrs. Lilia Ivanova. Mr. Slavho Neikov from the State Commission for Energy regulation enters the Board of Bulgargas. The Deputy of Mr. Milen Velchev in the Ministry of Finance Mr. Krasimir Katev and the Deputy Chairman of the Energy commission Mr. Gati al Djebury are the newly appointed in the Board of the State Commission.
Source: Standart (13.09.2001)
The debts of the subscribers, municipalities and budget organizations to the thermal supplying companies are considerable and this threatens the new heating season, declared the Deputy Chairman of the State Energetics Agency Mr. Al Jeburi. The debts of the subscribers are BGN 91 million and the municipalities owe BGN 18.5 million. All thermal supplying companies owe to Bulgargas BGN 78.3 million and Toplofikatzia - Sofia owe BGN 62 million for coals. 8 thermal supplying companies will define themselves the prices of the heating services over the new season, not the Council of Ministers.
Source: Dnevnik (21.09.2001)
Deputy Minister of Economy Ms. Luibka Kachakova wants to see in details the scheme for the barter agreement between Bulgargas and the Russian concern Topenergy for delivery of a natural gas in Bulgaria against Bulgarian goods. According to her this is an agreement between the two companies and these are not governmental agreements. She said that Bulgargas will pay Topenergy and a Russian company, exporter of oil gives 20 per cent of the turnover as construction works to Glavbolgarstroy. Ms. Kachakova explained that the Government prepares this programme for strategic taking back of markets, one of them is the Russian market.
Source: Dnevnik (21.09.2001)
The fertilizer plant Chimko may start working this week. It is expected today to be signed a report for rescheduled payment of the debts to Bulgargas. The American company I B & Trans that is a major owner, received old debts in amount of BGN 71 million. From them BGN 20 milllion have already been paid. The world prices of the carbamide dropped to USD 73 per ton and this was the reason the Management of Chimko to stop the production for about 4 months. During that time in the plant were made repair of the manufacture capacities. The investments are for over BGN 1 million.
Source: Standart (24.09.2001)
The fertilizer plant Chimko restored its manufacture of carbamide after a 4-month repair and will start to pay its debts to the farmers. It is expected within the end of October the capacities to be loaded by 75 per cent. The delay of the declared quantities is due also to the prolonged negotiations with Bulgargas for rescheduled payment of debts of BGN 51 million, was reported from the company.
Source: BTA (02.10.2001)
Razgrad District Prosecutor Mrs. Elena Hadjidimitrova requested from PA the privatization deal for Diamant JSC to be revised and the sale of self-contained parts of the company - stopped. The magistrates are investigating the sale of the biggest glass factory in Bulgaria. Since 1997 Diamant JSC is 100 per cent private property. The company was privatized during the mass privatization in 1996 and its sale was finalized during the Government of Mr. Ivan Kostov. The last share of 26 per cent was gained by MEBO Diamant Prima. During the next four years the factory for glass and porcelain reduced its manufacture. In 2001 representatives of the MEBO requested the deal to be broken as they were not able to pay their implements. The Executive Director of the company Mr. Emil Gyurov explained that the absence of a majority owner is an obstacle for the investment process and the old equipment makes its production incompetitive. Meanwhile because of its big debts Bulgargas stopped the gas-supply for the factory and its work was stopped. During September representatives of Shisherjam and Glaverbel - the two concerns world leaders in the production of glass are interested in the purchase of the production stations. Both companies are ready to construct a joint factory on the Balkan peninsula and they announced that the factory in Razgrad attracts them with its location near the deposits of resources, its excellent infrastructure and its experts. The negotiations with the potential investors continue.
Source: BTA (02.10.2001)
The company in Russe Gazprom has reject in May this year the request of Bulgargas for review of the price of the natural gas for Bulgaria. The motif of Gazprom is that for the pewriod April 1998 to April 2001 when the present methods is applied the average price of the natural gas for Bulgaria has increased with 1.48 per cent only.
Source: Trud (03.10.2001)
At a meeting between the Municipality and the management of Toplofikatzia were revealed the problems of the forthcoming heating season. According to the Director of Toplofikatzia Mr. Angel Angelov the normal work of the company in the winter is only guaranteed with the gathering of all accumulated debts from the population, companies and budget organizations that amount to BGN 4 143 000. By the end of October Toplofikatzia - Vratza has to pay BGN 220 000 to Bulgargas. The amount is a part of the debt to the company that totally amounts to BGN 390 000. The deal with Bulgargas is the whole sum to be submitted by the end of the year.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (05.10.2001)
The price of the gas will fall down with BGN 12 per ton during the next 2-3 weeks. The reason is the decrease in the price of the gas on the international markets. After the last change of the prices LUKoil Neftochim sells the gas for BGN 732 per ton with Added Value Tax. The price at which the energetic companies sell the fuel does not cover their expenditures. The price at which NEC sells the electricity is equal to the price at which it purchases it from the power stations. The expenditures for the transmission of the energy are added to the value. The average salary in the energetic sector is BGN 406 and for the past three years the salaries have not been changed.
Source: Standart (08.10.2001)
The non-paid accounts of the population, budget organizations and companies to Toplofikatzia - Vratza exceed BGN 4 million, announced the Director of the company Mr. Angel Angelov. The subscribers in Vratza may remain without heating in the winter because Toplofikatzia itself accumulated debts to Bulgargas and Chimko.
Source: Democracy (08.10.2001)
Representatives of Bulgargas requested from Razgrad District Court Diamant JSC to be declared in insolvency. The glass factory owes to the state company about BNGN 9 million. During 2001 Bulgargas stopped the supply with natural gas and the work of the furnaces was ceased. Apart from the gas-supply company a claim at the court has applied a sole proprietor from Razgrad, who have claims for BGN 300 000. The court decided financial experts to enter Diamant. The experts have to find out if the company may attend its debts. If it is in insolvency a procedure will be opened and its management will be taken by syndics.
Source: Standart (15.10.2001)
Three new auctions for the sale of the property of Agrobichim -Stara Zagora will be conducted in the beginning of November. At them will be sold wagons, fire equipment and palladium. The debts of the bankrupted factory are more than BGN 90 million. The interest by this moment is more than BGN 2.5 million. Among the biggest creditors of the factory are Bulgargas - with BGN 53 million and NEC - with BGN 18 million. The public claims are BGN 1.805 million. The syndics of Agriobiochim initiates court cases with Folbek Bulgaria and other owners of detached branches of the company.
Source: Standart (15.10.2001)
The consumers with social functions may negotiate directly with the producers of electricity since 1 January 2002. These are the Water-supply (V i K) companies, Bulgargaz and Maritza-Iztok mines, as on them depend the final prices of the water, gas and electricity. Only a part of the energy market will be liberalized since the beginning of next year. By this moment NEC is the only company in Bulgaria which will export electricity. When this sector is ready to bear the competition o the European then will be allowed other companies to the export of electricity. Since 1 January 2002 the prices for sale of electricity will be equalized to the production prices.
Source: Standart (17.10.2001)
Toplofikatzia Plovdiv may be pass to working process with oil residue if from Bulgargas stop the supplies because of the accumulated debts. BGL 7 950 000 are the old debts for natural gas which the company has to cover within the end of October, in accordance with the contract with the company supplier. In order to be paid this money has to be taken from the subscribers. The first implement to Bulgargas had to be paid before the end of September but the collectors did not gather the money. The biggest debtor is the municipality of Plovdiv.
Source: Monitor (17.10.2001)
The Russian oil company LUKoil takes interest in the privatization of Bulgarian bank sector and in the gas monopolist Bulgargas, declared the General Director of LUKoil Bulgaria Mr. Valentine Zlatev. According to him a structure of such a scale needs own bank that will service the financial operations of the group. Mr. Zlatev did not hide the opportunity of participation in any of the banks and one of the alternatives for this is the upcoming privatization of Biochim. The intentions of the Government are within the end of the year the bank to be sold. He denied the alternative LUKoil to be a candidate for the state-owned share in Central Cooperative Bank.
Source: Dnevnik (17.10.2001)
Within the end of October the Bulgarian country has to announce in front of Gasprom the quantities of natural gas which the company will consume. The expectation for the consumption are about 3.4 billion cub.m. The account profit of Bulgargas for the ninth months since the beginning of the year is BGN 23 million.
Source: Dnevnik (22.10.2001)
The unpaid obligations of the heath-supply companies to Bulgargas will be changed to state bonds, issued by the Ministry of Finance. This project is included in the programme for reconstruction of the State Energy Agency. The heath-supply companies have to pay their debts to the gas monopolist through the state securities. Bulgargas will present the securities for cashing at the Ministry.
Source: Dnevnik (22.10.2001)
The treasury will gather 80 per cent of the net profit of the state-owned companies for 2001 as a dividend. The dividend for the state-owned companies defines with a decree of the Government in the end of every year. The state-owned monopolists BTC, Bulgargas, NEC, Bulgartabac, Bulgarian posts and others will bear the most considerable losses in connection with this measure.
Source: ComputerWorld e-Daily (24.10.2001)
The Municipality of Vratza has transferred to Beloizvorski Cement a sum of BGN 110 000 as a compensation for over-taxing for profit, as it appeared that the positive financial result of the company is lower the expected. This year the municipal budget has lost one of its sources of incomes as Bulgargas reported no profit for 2000 and thus its branch in Chirpan applies no profit tax.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (30.10.2001)
186 companies will not be privatized when the new Privatization Law becomes efficient, decided the Government. Among them are NPS Kozlodui, Bulgargas, BDZ, airports, ports, Bulgarian posts, water and sewerage companies in 29 towns.
Source: Standart (30.10.2001)
Varna Appeal Court postponed the case for declaration in procedure of insolvency of the glass plant Belopal in Beloslav. In the end of 2000 State Claims Agency submitted a claim request because of debts to the National Social Security Institute for BGN 1.5 million. Bulgargas has stopped the deliveries for the plant since the beginning of the year and it does not work practically.
Source: Standart (31.10.2001)
The fertilizer plants want again to buy cheaper gas and to introduce fees at the export of competitive production. This was declared by the newly established Association of the fertilizer plants which includes Chimko-Vratza, Agropolihim-Devnia and Neochim - Dimitrovgrad. At the moment Bulgargas sells the gas at BGN 300 per 1000 cubic metres without VAT. At direct deal of the import the price may drop with 30-35 per cent.
Source: Standart (15.11.2001)
Delegations of the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank and of the International Financial Corporation, which is a part of the group of the World Bank. negotiates in Bulgaria for the opportunities and conditions to credit the extract of natural gas from the deposit near Galata. Mr. Hulrez Hoda and Mr. Ahmed Kabeily, representatives of the corporation and Mr. Konstantin Limitovski from the Black sea Bank had negotiated with the Bulgarian branch of Petreko S.A.R.L. - titular of the concession contract for extraction of the natural gas at Galata. Both international financial institutions are ready to develop a consortium and their representatives have been negotiating for the conditions for a credit of nearly USD 50 million. The credit will provide nearly 76 per cent of the financing necessary for the construction of the infrastructure for extraction of natural gas,.
Source: Banker (19.11.2001)
The Executive Director of Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) Mr. Vladimir Dunchev offers to the Ministry of Transport and Communications to increase the capital of the company with BGN 130 million, just like the amount of the debts to the State. The increase of the capital has to be executed before the separation of the railway company in two companies - for infrastructure and for transport. The aim of the operation is the two companies to remain without debts to the State and workers. At the moment the capital of BDZ is BGN 200 million.
Source: Dnevnik (21.11.2001)
Hemimont-Smartkom won the auction announced by Bulgargas for the delivery of 105 km. fibres optic cable. Among the competition of 12 companies its offer of the system integrator Hemimont-Smartkom took the first place. The contract for the delivery was concluded in the beginning of November. This will be the first installation in Bulgaria of optic cable, produced by Lucent Technologies with the standard G.652 fibres.
Source: ComputerWorld e-Daily (21.11.2001)
Since the beginning of last year all installations in the fertilizers plant in Vratza have stopped working. On Monday the trade union organizations in Chimco started a protest note against the ceasing of the activity. Bulgargas sent a fax that the gas-supply of the plant will be stopped because of the debts it has accumulated. From the management of the plant announced that the work is stopped because of the high price of the natural gas and the cheap export of carbamide through Rumania. According to the requests of Bulgargas the thermal station will also be stopped on Tuesday. This will be the physical end of the plant as without thermal energy the installations will freeze. The Executive Director of the company Mr. Valentin Dimitrov explained that the plant works at a loss and thus will be accumulated even higher debts. As a result of the illegal import the sales during November were reduced five times. The work of the plant will be stopped until 10 December when it will start the execution of an order for delivery of carbamide for Kosovo by a programme of EU.
Source: Dnevnik (27.11.2001)
The Board of Management of Chimco, Vratza has a new Chairman since yesterday. The former Chairman Mr. Valentin Dimitrov became a Chairman of the Association of the Fertilizers plants in Bulgaria. The new chairman of the Board of Management of Chimco is the former Deputy Chairman Mr. Martin Makariev. Yesterday was reached an agreement for the supply of minimal quantity of natural gas from Bulgargas in order to continue the work of the HPS in Chimco and thus to be avoided the freezing of the installations.
Source: Monitor (28.11.2001)
The debts of Chinco, Vratsa are about BGN 61 million. The biggest debt of Chimco is to Bulgargas - BGN 50 million. There are two main reasons for the bad financial state of the plant for fertilizers - the high price of the natural gas and the dumping prices of the Ukrainian producers of fertilizers, who import cheap carbamide through Rumania.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (29.11.2001)
The three working factories for fertilizers Chimko - Vratza, Neochim - Dimitrovgrad and Agropolichim - Devnya will be probably be forced to stop their activity because of the high prices of the natural gas. If this really happens 500 employees will lose their job and the consumption of natural gas will be halved.
Source: Dnevnik (10.12.2001)
The Ministry of Finance transferred the first amount of BGN 6.52 million from the additional subsidy for Plovid Municipality. A part of the sum - BGN 2.893 the Ministry has destined directly for paying the debt to Bulgargas. The rest of the money will used for the paying the social aids and to purchase medicaments and fuel. Within the end of the year the Municipality is expecting to receive the second transfer from the subsidy. It will be used for the debts to NEC and Water-supply company ViK.
Source: Sega (11.12.2001)
Aghropolichim JSC requested at least a partial liberalization of the deliveries of natural gas. The Executive Director of the company Mr. Vasil Alexandrov explained that they requested equality in the relations with Bulgargas. Agropolichim works in the conditions of severe competition on the free market of fertilizers but pays a monopoly price for the natural gas.
Source: BTA (27.12.2001)
The Association of the plants for fertilizers protest against the offered contract from Bulgargas for the delivery of raw material. If the offer is not changed within the end of the week one of the giants in this industry - Agropolichim will stop its work, announced the Executive Director of the company Mr. Vasil Alexandrov. He explained that the company is selling its products on the foreign market, among great competition and at the same time monopoly conditions are imposed on them from Bulgargas, NEC.
Source: Pari (03.01.2002)
Bulgargas will not reduce the price of the natural gas because of the high dollar rate for the time being. The price of the gas for a last time was decreased with 3.9 per cent as of October 1, 2001 and in this way were saved about BGN 1 million of the heating companies. The Deputy Director of Bulgargas Mr. Ilia Ivanov declared that they were ready to negotiate on the contracts' clauses with the fertilizer plants.
Source: Dnevnik (04.01.2002)
The Regional Court of Razgrad opened the case on the insolvency of the glass factory Diamant JSC - Razgrad with appointing two syndics - Mr. Boyan Minev and Mr. Gancho Todorov. The creditors' General Meeting is scheduled on February 4, 2002. The state monopoly Bulgargas JSC is the Diamant JSC largest creditor with a debt of BGN 10 million for the last three years. According to the evaluation report the factorys total assets are below the due amount. Diamant JSC was forced to suspend production in August, 2001 after Bulgargas JSC stopped natural gas supplies due to outstanding payments.
Source: BTA (08.01.2002)
Bulgargas expects a net profit in amount of BGN 30 million as for 2001, announced the Chairman of the Board of the Directors of the gas-company Mr. Gati al Djeburi. During 2000 the company reported a loss in amount of BGN 95 million. This negative financial result was due to the old debts of the big consumers and of the gas company to the state budget and this problems were solved with the raise of the capital of the company during 2001.
Source: Dnevnik (09.01.2002)
The investors interest to the privatization in the energy sector will be indicative of how well the Bulgarian Government had done its job in providing favourable conditions for the restructuring, ABN Amro's Tim Egar thinks. He had presented his views on Bulgaria's energy sector in a meeting with energy minister Milko Kovachev and the Bulgargas JSC Chairman Gatti Jebouri, the Ministry press center announced.
Source: BTA (11.01.2002)
The biggest Bulgarian company for manufacture of glass is waiting the formal announcement of its insolvency. The activity of the company ceased during August last year and in the beginning of this year Razgrad District Court opened the procedure for declaring in insolvency of the company. The temporary syndics of the company will give their report at the General Meeting of the creditors. The debts of the company to Bulgargas is more than BGN 10 million and it is bigger than the amount of the asses of Diamant JSC.
Source: Banker (14.01.2002)
By this moment no contract for deliveries of natural gas during 2002 was concluded between Bulgargas and Agropolichim. In the end of last year the Executive Director of the Factory for fertilizers Mr. Vasil Alexandrov announced that he did not agree with the offered contract because both sides of the contract does not have equal obligations and rights.Agropolichim is discussing the programme for optimization of the expenditures because of the unfavourable market conditions. The low amount of the sales and the high prices of the natural gas brought losses in amount of BGN 2 million for the first 9 months of the year.
Source: Pari (21.01.2002)
The factory for fertilizers Chimko - Vratza restored its manufacture because of the high demand of carbamide on the domestic market, was reported from the factory. During November last year the work of the factory was stopped because of the accumulated to Bulgargas. Chimko lost most of its markets because of the import of cheaper carbamide.
Source: Dnevnik (24.01.2002)
60 are the companies that at the moment do not have the right to increase their funds for salary. Among them are BDZ SP JSC, NK Zhelezoputna infrastuktura, Bulgargas, NPS Kozlodui, WMZ-Sopot, Varna Shipyard and others.
Source: Pari (25.01.2002)
Bulgarian Clients have placed an order for 10 000 tons of carbamide with Chimco-Vratza, announced the Prosecutor of the plant Mr. Andrei Semerdjiev. The work at full capacity of the plant starts on Monday. On 23 January Chimco and Bulgargas reached an agreement for the deliveries of gas. The management of the company decided that the factory will work only on preliminary orders of the clients.
Source: Dnevnik (29.01.2002)
The fertilizer plant Agropolichim will attack the national gas company before the Competition Protection Commission, was reported from the chemical giant. If the problem is not solved soon, the fertilizer plant in Devnia will start working at economic regime, was added from Agropolichim.
Source: Black sea (29.01.2002)
As of February 1, 2002 Agropolichim JSC will equal the price of the ammonia nitrate with the price of the natural gas at the moment in Bulgaria. Now the prices are lower with BGN 10. In the end of the last year Agropolichim required from Bulgargas to be concluded a new contract for delivery of natural gas at the conditions of equal rights.
Source: BTA (31.01.2002)
Due to the high price of the natural gas Agropolichim will rise the price of the ammonium nitrate, was reported from the factory. Since 1 February the price of a ton of nitrate will be BGN 266 - with BGN 10 more then the previous price. The raise is not more than 3 per cent and it does not cover the price difference which the factory pays to Bulgargas and the price of the products. The actualization of the prices will help Agropolichim to reduce the amount of its losses.
Source: Standart (04.02.2002)
The temporary syndics of Diamant JSC Mr. Boyan Minchev and Mr. Gorcho Todorov will occupy this position continually, decided the General Meeting of the creditors. Eight legal entities and former employees of the factory for glass attended at the meeting. During the next 45 days they have to announce the amount of the claims that the factory owes to them.
Source: BTA (05.02.2002)
Sodi-Devnya is among the creditors of Diamant-Razgrad. At the next session the court will decide whether the company will be announced in insolvency or it will work on a reconstruction programme.
Source: Standart (05.02.2002)
Deliveries of natural gas in amount of 312 million cub.m. were negotiated at the meeting of the Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Mr. Nikolay Vasilev and the Chairman of the Board of Management of OAO Gazprom Mr. Alexey Miler. The deliveries are in accordance to the Yamburg agreement for the payment of the debts of Ukraine. In the end of January were concluded the contracts between Bulgargas SPLtd, NAK Naftogaz Ukraine and ZAO Gaztranzit, Kiev, which will provide the transport of the natural gas.
Source: BTA (06.02.2002)
The Minister of Energetic Mr. Milko Kovachev announced that the monopoly of the NEC will be over up to 2007. This means that the producers of energy will be able to concluded contracts for direct export with foreign companies. At the moment NEC is the only purchaser and exporter of electricity in the country. During 2001 Bulgaria has covered 48-50 per cent of the deficit of electricity in the region.
Source: 24 chasa (07.02.2002)
Glavbolgarstroy is selected for one of the sub-contractors of the project of the Swedish company IKEA for construction of trade objects in Russia together with the German company Hochfeit. Bulgarian company will build only one store in Moscow, announced the President of Glavbolgarstroy Mr. Simeon Peshov. Recently IKEA reported that the company also would start a manufacture in Russia and the first plant will be near Sankt Peterbourg. The plant will cost USD 15 million and in which will work 250 workers.
Source: Dnevnik (13.02.2002)
The private company Pio commerce Ltd. is engaged to pay off the current debts of Chimko to NEC SP JSC, became clear from the signed on February 7 agreement between NEC and the plant. The debts will be paid off from February 1 to December 31, 2002. The old debts, accumulated since July, 2000 in amount of BGN 30 million, will be paid by Chimko per BGN 300 000 monthly.
Source: Capital (18.02.2002)
The schedule for the deliveries of natural gas from Ukraine in accordance to the Yamburg agreement was finally defined after a meeting of the Minister of Energetics Mr. Mlko Kovachev with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom Mr. Yurii Komarev. The deliveries of gas in accordance to this agreement will start in the beginning of March. The schedule for the payment of the Ukrainian debt was negotiated during the visit of the Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Nikolay Vasilev.
Source: Standart (19.02.2002)
Bulgargas JSC may cease the deliveries of natural gas for Toplofikatzia JSC-Lovech because it has accumulated debts in amount of BGN 150 000.
Source: Trud (19.02.2002)
Bulgargas has no debts to Topenergy and Gasprom for deliveries natural gas, announced the Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev after his visit in Moscow. Gazprom once again refused to decrease the price of the natural gas. According to the Russian company there is no reason the price which was negotiated few years ago to be changed.
Source: Novinar (20.02.2002)
The debts of the industrial companies for electricity and gas are over BGN 500 million. The debts were accumulated for the period 1999unti now. Kremikovtzi, Chimko, Nova Plama, BDZ head the black list of the debtors of NEC and Bulgargas. Because of complicated procedures and pressure from different sides, the debts can not be gathered.
Source: Standart (27.02.2002)
Within a month Varna Appeal Court has to pronounce on the claim for declaration of a procedure in insolvency of another big debtor of Bulgargas - the glass plant Belopal - Beloslav. The claim was submitted by the State Claims Agency and Bulgargas in the end of 2000. The total amount of the debts of Belopal is BGN 10 104 050. The market price of the assets amounts to BGN 23 580 320.
Source: Standart (27.02.2002)
Five members of the Board of Directors of Diamant were suspended from the management of the company. The ban was imposed with a decision of Razgrad District Court. The ban was imposed by a request of the representatives of Bulgargas. The gas-supply company is one of the biggest creditors of the bankrupted glass factory The claims of Bulgargas are for more than BGN 10 million, which is more then the total amount of the assets of the bankrupted company.
Source: Standart (27.02.2002)
The Managers' team of Chimko-Vratza offers two alternatives for reduce of the expenses in the company. The one alternative includes a drop of the personnel with 50 per cent that means a decrease of 605 people. According to the second one the number of the personnel can be kept but if the Salary fund reduces with 40 per cent. One of these alternatives has to be chosen since the company will pay its current debts to Bulgargas and NEC.
Source: Pari (04.03.2002)
Both owners of Alkomet, Shumen - Industrial Holding Bulgaria and the Turkish company Faf metal reached an agreement. According to it the Turkish company will purchase the share of the holding in the joint company Alumetal. Alumeta holds 75 per cent of the shares of Alkometal, FAF metal holds another 15 per cent and the MEBO Alumina 98 owns 7.2 per cent of the capital. According to the agreement FAF metal and the MEBO remain the owners of the metallurgic factory.
Source: Dnevnik (05.03.2002)
The leader of SITUB Dr. Zhelyazko Hristov and the employees of Neochim JSC, Dimitrovgrad requested protection for the national manufacture of fertilizers . According to the trade unions and the employees from the branch the Council of Ministers has to impose a protection duty in amount of 40 per cent for the fertilizers. They insists for a differential prices of the natural gas for the fertilizers industry. At the moment Bulgargas is selling the natural gas for USD 135 per cubic meter In Ukraine and Rumania this price is USD 70
Source: Standart (19.03.2002)
Paper Factory SP JSC is the new owner of the assets of the paper factory Celhart based in the town of Stamboliiski. A company, especially created for this purpose, was the only candidate for the assets of the indebted company and bought them at the previously announced initial price of USD 28.944 million. The buyer is a newly-established company, which is 100 per cent ownership of the investment mediator Elana.
Source: Dnevnik (25.03.2002)
Bulstrad IRC has a new company sign, was reported from the company. The logo is in green and orange. The green colour is a symbol of the free market strategy and the orange shows the belonging of the company to the structures TBIH Group. The market share of Bulstrad is 21.78 per cent. The company is an owner of the London-based brokerage house EIRB. Among the biggest clients of the insurance company are Bulbank, State Saving Bank, Bulgargas, Balkan Airline, Hemus Air.
Source: Banker (25.03.2002)
The companies which use more than 100 million kilowatt-hours electricity or more than 80 million cubic meters of natural gas annually will be able the conclude direct contracts with independent producers of electricity or natural gas, announced the Chairman of the State Energy Regulation Commission Mr. Konstantin Shushulov. The companies which has debts to Bulgargas or NEC will not use the privilege to purchase cheaper electricity or natural gas from Petreko, Oil and Gas Exploration and Production - Pleven. Prof. Shushulov explained that the lower prices do not consider the import of natural gas.
Source: Standart (29.03.2002)
The glass company in Beloslav Belopal was on the verge to be declared in insolvency for a second time when Varna Appeal Court confirmed the decision of the district magistrates as of April 12, 2001 for rejection of the claim of Bulgargas for bankruptcy of the company. The debts of Belopal to the gas company exceed BGN 13 million. The dispute will continue in Supreme Cassation Court in Sofia.
Source: Pari (29.03.2002)
The gas company Bulgargas will reduce its investments from BGN 96 million over the last year to BGN 22 million over this year, announced the Executive Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov. During 2001 the gas monopolist built the last 46-km section of the transit gas pipe to Greece and Macedonia, enlarged the stations Kardam at Bulgarian-Romanian frontier and Stranja at Bulgarian-Turkish frontier. The net profit of Bulgargas for 2001 is BGN 24.3 million and its incomes increased with 5 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (03.04.2002)
The accounting profit of Bulgargas for the last year is about BGN 29 000, was reported from the company. The main problem of Bulgargas are the unpaid debts to the thermal-supply companies and some of the big industrial companies that amount to BGN 260 million.
Source: National radio (03.04.2002)
The management of Chimko reached an agreement with Bulgargas for rescheduling of the payment of its debts to the gas company for 10 years, announced the Chairman of the Managing Board of fertilizers factory Mr. Martin Makariev. Since 1999 Chimko has paid to Bulgargas BGN 22 million and it still owes to the gas company BGN 59 million. The State will support Bulgargas by imposing lower prices of the natural gas.
Source: Standart (16.04.2002)
The price of electricity will rise by 7.9 per cent according to the optimistic forecast and by 11.2 per cent according to the pessimistic if Bulgaria decommissions unit 3 and 4 of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant in 2006, as required by the European Union /EU/. This shows a study of the Agency for Economic Analyses and Forecasting. The analysis was prepared with the participation of specialists from the National Electric Company JSC, Bulgargas JSC and the heating companies. If the two reactors are closed in 2008-10, as envisaged in the memorandum between Bulgaria and the EU agreed by the previous Government, the price of electricity will rise by 6.7 per cent or by 10.9 per cent. If however Bulgaria succeeds to stand its position to close the two units in 2010-12, electricity price will increased by 4.1 per cent or by 9.3 per cent, said the NECs representative Mr. Stefan Kanchovski.
Source: BTA (17.04.2002)
USD 29 million are invested in the technical equipment of Zlatna Panega. This sum is more than the obligations from the privatization deal, announced the Manager for Bulgaria Mr. Mihail Polendakov. The owner Heidelberger Zement Group JSC is the biggest investor in Eastern Europe in the area of building materials. According to the new three-year programme the amount of the investment of the German company in Zlatna Panega will be USD 40-50 million. The present investments are used mainly for increasing of the energetic efficiency and limitation of the ecological damages.
Source: Pari (19.04.2002)
In the beginning of May Agropolichim will start the so called cleaning of the historical pollution, was reported from the company. This is a part of the privatization contract and is an obligation of the State. The finances in amount of BGN 16 million are provided on the PHARE programme and will be used for the cleaning of the area of the plant from old buildings and equipment. The auction for the execution of the cleaning was won by Rei holding
Source: Pari (22.04.2002)
Bulgargas will pay by the end of the year the debts of BGN 22 million instead by June. This envisages an amendment in the Tax-procedure code, used by the Chairman of the budget commission Mr. Ivan Iskrov. In 1999 the Parliament accepted an act for arrangement of debts of the company in amount of BGN 650 million and the capital was increased with BGN 370 million and the rest of the debt has to be paid by June, 2002.
Source: Dnevnik (23.04.2002)
The Executive Director of Chimko JSC Mr. Andrei Semerjiev announced that the plant was negotiating with several banks for granting a credit. The funds are necessary for advanced payment to Bulgargas of the natural gas with which Chimko will restore its manufacture. With a part of the loan the company also intends to pay a share of its present debts to the gas company.
Source: Standart (25.04.2002)
working group will be established for research of the opportunities for transit of natural gas from Turkey through Bulgaria till the middle of the current year. The working group will include representatives of Bulgarian monopoly Bulgargas and Turkish national gas company BOTASH. This was reported by the Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Milko Kovachev after his three-day visit in Turkey. Mr. Kovachev also confirmed that during the current month it will be completed the construction of the second 400 kW power line between Bulgaria and Turkey. The first such electricity line was built in 1975. The Executive Director of Bulgargas JSC Mr. Kiril Gegov and the Executive Director of NEC Mr. Vasil Antonov participated in Bulgarian delegation.
Source: BTA (08.05.2002)
A commission will coordinate the relations of Kremikovtzi with the state-owned companies - creditors of the plant - National Social Security Institute, tax and custom departments, NEC, Bulgargas and Lom and Burgas ports. The Deputy Minister of Economy Mr. Nikola Yankov will be the Chairman of the commission.
Source: Standart (09.05.2002)
The General Meeting of Rahovetzgas decided to increase the capital from BGN 500 000 to BGN 1 million. The major shareholder in the company is Overgas Inc. that holds 51 per cent of the capital. Veliko Turnovo, Gorna Oriahovitza and Liaskovetz Municipalities hold respectively 7, 5 and 3 per cent of the shares, other 2 per cent are property of private shareholders. Rahovetzgas JSC has a contract for concession for supply with gas of the three municipalities.
Source: Pari (10.05.2002)
The Government established a Commission for coordination of the relations of Kremikovtzi with the State creditors. The commission will organize the negotiations for the payment of the debts of the company. Among the biggest creditors of Kremikovtzi JSC are National Social Security Institute, Chief Tax Administration, Bulgargas, NEC and Bulgarian State Railways..
Source: Pari (17.05.2002)
National Social Security Institute prepared and distributed own countdown of the employers. It includes the names of 50 companies, in which the average salary for the last year exceeds BGN 700. The accurate state-owned companies are 8. These are Bulgargas, NPS Kozlodui, Bulgartabac holding, Blagoevgrad-BT, Kintex, Troyanovo sever groove, RVD and Elektrorazpredelenie-Plpvdiv.
Source: Banker (18.05.2002)
Representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Energetics will be included in the management of Toplofikatzia-Sofia after the reforms in the structure of the management are finalized, announced the Mayor Mr. Sofianski. The reforms are one of the terms for the company to receive a State guarantee for its credit in amount of EUR 30 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The money from the loan will be returned in a term of ten years.
Source: Dnevnik (22.05.2002)
In the next ten years gas utilities will be installed to a total of 1,800,000 households. This is one of the main parameters of the National Programme for Installation of Gas Utilities in Bulgaria, which is being drafted by the Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources and the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. This was announced by the CEO of Overgas Inc. Mr. Sasho Donchev in Rousse. The document is based on the concept for Bulgaria's new energy strategy. In order for natural gas to reach all the 262 municipalities, the state monopoly Bulgargas JSC will have to invest a total of USD 420 million, or more than USD 41 million a year in the highway gas pipeline. According to Mr. Sasho Donchev, Bulgargas JSC develops well and has financial capacity to invest these amounts.
Source: Pari (27.05.2002)
Creditors closed the instrument work-shop of Alkomet yesterday. Representatives of Raiffeisen-Bulgaria and trade bank Bulgaria invest entered the plant. The plant owes to Raiffeisen a credot on which are pleged as a compensation 400 t alluminum scrap and machines from the closed work-shop. Bulgaria invest sent to the owners of the plant a notarialinvitation to pay a debt of BGN 180 000 by 7 days. Alkoment has not worked since May 17.
Source: Standart (07.06.2002)
Topenergy will be closed after the General Meeting of Gazprom on June 24, 2002. The subsidiary company of the Russian gas monopolist in Bulgaria initiated so many scandals that it became inconvenient for its owners. On January 8, 1996 were accepted new partners and the share participation was distributed as it follows; RAO Gazprom kept its quota of 50 per cent, Bulgargas reduced its share to 25.1 per cent. The new shareholders hold: Overgaz Inc. - 8.25 per cent, Multigroup- Bulgaria holding - 8.25 per cent, First Private Ban - 3.2 per cent, Bulbank - 3.2 per cent and Chimimport - 2 per cent.
Source: Banker (10.06.2002)
860 workers from Alkomet JSC-Shumen blocked for 1 hour and a half the main road to the highway to Varna. The workers want their job and their salaries or they will block everything in the town, including railway station. Alkomet stopped working on May 17 because of non-paid accounts to Bulgargas and NEC. The total debt amounts to BGN 708 000.The workers did not receive their salaries for January and April.
Source: Standart (11.06.2002)
Rothschild Conseil International Bank is interested in the privatization of energetic objects in Bulgaria, especially in the privatization of Bulgargaz, announced the Deputy General Director of the bank Mr. Francoise Lagre at a meeting with the Management of PA. The Director of the PA Mr. Apostol Apostolov invited the bank as consultant in the privatization of Navigation Maritime Bulgare, Bulgarian River Navigation and the big monopolies in energetics.
Source: Standart (18.06.2002)
The Ministry of Economy will start an investigation of the growth in the import of carbamide in Bulgaria. The reason for the investigation is the claim of the main producer of the fertilizer - Chimco -Vratza. Representatives of the factory claim that during 2000 and 2001 in Bulgaria was registered growth in the import of carbamide with 4 000 tons and 18 000 tons. The price of the imported product is lower than the production prices of Chimco. A ton of carbamide from the Vratza-based factory costs USD 110 because of the high prices of the natural gas. The international prices of the carbamide are USD 65-85 per ton.
Source: Dnevnik (19.06.2002)
The Turkish company FAF Metal has reached an agreement for the purchase of the stake in amount of 37 per cent of the capital of Alkomet JSC, which Industrial Holding Bulgaria JSC recently sold to the off-shore company Oracle Management, announced the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Shumen-based factory for processing of aluminum Mr. Fikret Indce, who is a partner in FAF Metal. FAF Metal and the off-shore company Oracle Management hold 50 per cent of the capital of Alumetal JSC, which owns 74 per cent of the capital of Alkomet.
Source: Pari (20.06.2002)
Shumen-based Alkomet JSC resumed production after staying idle for one month. The company was cut from electricity and gas supplies due to unpaid debts to National Electric Company JSC and Bulgargas. On Wednesday the staff will receive the remainder of their salaries for the last two months. By the end of June Turkey's FAF Metal is expected to become owner of 91 per cent of the biggest aluminum works in the Balkans. This will happen after the Turkish company pays the shares currently held by offshore Orakel Management, which acquired them in late May from Industrial Holding Bulgaria JSC - Sofia, FAF Metal's former partner. On July 2 the Shumen Regional Court will hear the claim filed by Raiffeisenbank /Bulgaria/ JSC - Sofia for ruling Alkomet JSC bankrupt. According to Alkomet's Board of Directors Chairman Mr. Sikret Ince, the USD 430,000 debt to Raiffeisenbank will be paid on time and the company will avoid bankruptcy.
Source: Pari (24.06.2002)
"The Dutch brewery Carlsberg contracted an agreement with the owner of Shumensko Pivo for the acquisition of major stake of the Bulgarian Brewery" , was announced by two independent sources. According to the same information, the former major owner, the Turkish company Fin Metal, is not completely withdrawing from the factory. It will remain minor shareholder. The regional and central office did not comment the deal, but the whole deal is expected to be finished and officially announced within two weeks.
Source: Capital (24.06.2002)
Riffeienbank sold its receipt from Alkomet in the amount of USD 430 000, because of which on June 18 it demanded that Shumen District Court should announce the aluminum factory of the trade bank Bulgaria Invest insolvent. Bulgaria Invest filed a request in court on Thursday, with which it asks to terminate the production in insolvency of Alkomet - was announced from the press center of Shumen District Court. Mr. Hristo Dachev, manager of MEBO Alumina 98 - shareholder in the aluminum factory, refused to comment the cession. He, however, announced, that the situation of Alkomet has changed radically. This happened after the big shareholder in the company - the Turkish holding FAF-metal, managed to contract a deal with Lichtenstein's Oracle Management for the purchase of 50 per cent from the shares of Alumetal. Mr. Dachev refused to give information about the price of the deal, but according to a source from the factory, it is about EUR 2.5 million.Now FAF already owns 90 per cent of the combine's shares. After this deal, the combine can actually start working. Until the current moment, the management was performed by FAF and Industrial Holding "Bulgaria", which sold its shares to Oracle Management in the end of May and due to contradictions about the price of the deal, which was concluded yesterday, Holding Bulgaria blocked the activity of Alcomet," added Mr. Dachev. FAF metal, which is registered in Turkey, owns 15 per cent of the combine's shares independently. Another 75 per cent are owned by Alumetal - a company, in which FAF and the offshore zone registered in Lichtenstein Oracle Management were co-owners. The MEBO Alumin 98 holds 7.2 per cent of the combine's shares. The remaining part are ownership of small shareholders. After a one-month stay, the aluminum combine started working in the beginning of the year. All the 860 workers came back to work and are currently executing orders for Germany. They were paid their salaries for March and April. The electricity and gas are running after agreements for extended payment of the debts to Bulgargas and NEC were signed . For the first time this year, Alcomet terminated its activity in the middle of February. Back then, NEC stopped the enterprise's electricity because of unpaid liabilities in the amount of BGN 845 000. Again then it was revealed, that the factory owes considerable sums to Bulgargas. When in 1998 the Shoumen-based combine was announced for privatization, the Panama company Master Business Corporated and the consortium Alumetal expressed interest in it. Master Business Corporated was established by Fiat and Ferrari especially for this deal.
Source: Dnevnik (01.07.2002)
Chimco-Vratza is negotiating with Bulgargas for an agreement for rescheduling of the debts of the plant to the gas monopoly, announced the Chairman of the Managing Board of the Vratza-based Mr. Martin Makariev without giving the exact the sum of the debts of Chimco to Bulgargas.During the last year the Minister of Energy Mr. Milko Kovachev announced that the fertilizers factory has debts in amount of BGN 100 million to the state companies and the National Social Security Institute. The company concluded a 10-year agreement with NEC for rescheduling of is payment. Bulgargas will reduce the price of the natural gas with BGN 0.08 per 1000 cub.m.
Source: Pari (02.07.2002)
Varna Court of Appeal terminated the lawsuit for the declaration in insolvency of the Razgrad-based company Diamant. Decision 161 from June 26 2002 terminated the procedure against the biggest glass factory in Bulgaria, which started in January by decision of Razgrad District Court. The company has extremely large debts and has not stopped attending the payments to its creditors, was decided by the judges, headed by Ms. Severina Ilieva.
Source: Dnevnik (03.07.2002)
The Members of the Parliament and the Initiative Committee of the former employees of Diamant, Razgrad reached an agreement for an urgent review of the privatization deal for the factory. The investigation will be executed by the Agency for Post-privatization control. After meetings with the biggest creditors of the company- Bulgargas and National Social Security Institute will found the best way to be protected the interests of the State and the company continue its work .
Source: Standart (04.07.2002)
The German energy giant E.ON Energy, based in Dusseldorf is interested in investments in the Sofia-based electric-distribution company. According to a source from the Sofia-based company, the German company offers to establish a joint company, in which it should be a major owner, and the Bulgarian party should enter with non-monetary contribution. E.ON Energy is the second largest electric company after RWE in Germany and has 25 million clients.
Source: Dnevnik (08.07.2002)
State Claims Agency will sell off assets of Kremikovtzi. Among them are flats and buildings on which are imposed compensation measures. The Deputy Minister of Economy Mr. Nikola Yankov announced that the owners of the plant and state-owned companies-creditors dealt for this. With the funds will be covered the old debts to the creditors.
Source: Standart (15.07.2002)
Bulgargas will reduce the price of the natural gas for the big consumers with 26.5 per cent - to BGN 180 for 1000 cub.m. as from the next year, announced the Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev. The transit tax for the transporting of the natural gas, paid to Gazprom remains in the company. The reducing of the price have to be approved by the Parliament with the Budget Law during the autumn.
Source: Dnevnik (22.07.2002)
Vratza-based plant Chimko concluded a deal with the Italian company Indagro for delivery of 6 000 t carbamide. The deadline for execution of the order is the end of this month. There was signed a memorandum between the management team of Chimko and the management of Bulgargas for rescheduling of the debts of the plant for gas. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas will be reviewed the document and will be discussed and accepted the concrete parametres of the future plan for payment of the plant's debts. At the moment Chimko works with 12 per cent of its capacity.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (23.07.2002)
The Prosecutor's Office brought a charge against the former director of Bulgargas Mr. Vasil Philipov. According to the representatives of the law, when he was on this position, he contracted unremunerative deals as a result of which the state and the company suffered serious losses. Mr. Philipov contracted deals with the American company Hardland Investment. These deals were in breach of the law. He caused Bulgargas damages in the amount of BGN 2 455 744. Customs duties in the amount of BGN 1 504 380 were not remitted to the state. The Americans profited USD 2 374 149 from this. The deals were realized in 1996 with a total of 164 clients in Bulgaria and were for delivery of natural gas.
Source: Maritsa (25.07.2002)
The auctions for the election of investors for the gas-supplying systems of the eighth regions of the country will be conducted in the end of September, announced the Deputy Chairman of the of the Energetic Regulation Commission Mr. Ignat Tomanov. The eight gas-supply regions are Dobrudja - centre Varna, Miziya - centre Pleven, Dunav - centre Russe, Serdika - centre Sofia, Primorski - centre Bourgas, Zapad - centre Vraza, Trakya - centre Plovdiv, Yugozapaden - centre Dupnitza. The general principles for the conduction of the auctions in accordance to the European standards is the establishment of consortiums of three companies, financed by an organization of the World Bank. The main criterion for the election of the investor will be the balance between his interests and the interest of the consumers.
Source: BTA (25.07.2002)
The debts of the central heating utility companies to Bulgargas SPJSC by this moment are in amount of BGN 151 million. About BGN 120 from them is the debts of Toplofikacia Sofia, announced the Executive Director of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov after the meeting f the Parliament Energetics Commission. The chemical companies and the central heating utility companies are the biggest debtors of Bulgargas, but they also are the greatest consumers of natural gas. According to the representative Mr. Hristo Kazandjiev of the Ministry of Energy and Energetic resource if the differentiated prices for the natural gas for them are imposed the effect will be minimal because the work of the biggest companies is not stabile.
Source: BTA (25.07.2002)
Pernik-based glass plant Crystal looks for opportunities for export to Serbia since there are difficulties with sale of its production at the domestic market, declared the Executive Director of the company Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov. The company is the only one in Bulgaria that manufactures hardened glass. Mr. Dimitrov said that there were made attempts for export to the neighbouring countries but the demand is low because the production of the plant is not familiar at the foreign markets.
Source: Dnevnik (30.07.2002)
The Parliament gave authorization to the Government to lead negotiations with EBRD for the signing of a guarantee agreement for EUR 120 million for rehabilitation of Toplofikatsia Sofia. The deputies from Coalition for Bulgaria voted "against", because it is written in the conditions for financing of the project, that a part of the funds (EUR 30 million) are granted for the quitting of the operation of the blocks of NPP Kozloduy. The Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev was positive that this would not slow down the negotiations with EU in the chapter of Energetics.
Source: Pari (02.08.2002)
The Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Jotzev is the new member of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas SPJSC. He was appointed by the Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev. Mr. Jotzev will replace the Deputy Minister of Finances Mr. Krasimir Katev in the Board of Directors of the gas-company. The former Director of the Energetic Efficiency Agency Mr. Drumi Drumev will take the position of a Deputy Minister of Energetics.
Source: Standart (07.08.2002)
The agreement for the rescheduling of the debts of Toplofikacia - Sofia to Bulgargas will be concluded very soon, announced Mr.George Rogachev. The debts of the Sofia-based company have been reduced with about BGN 114 million. The unpaid bills for central heat-supply and hot water of the public subscribers and companies are about BGN 75 million. The hot water-supply of several public buildings with large debts have been already ceased.
Source: Standart (15.08.2002)
Bulgargas plans in the nearest future to conduct auctions for the purchase of steel pipes with a diameter of 710-1220 mm, stations for the highway gas-mains and spare parts for them, measuring equipment for the gas-distribution stations, equipment for purification of the internal and external surface of the gas-mains.
Source: Pari (21.08.2002)
The incomes from sales of Chimco-Vratza for the fist six months of the year were only BGN 11.5 million, which is nearly six times less as compared to the same period of 2001. In the end of last week its shares reached their lowest price by this moment - BGN 0.15 per share. The result of the activity of the company are not surprising as for the first half of the year the company has worked only for a month. Chimco is in a crisis for a third consecutive year, as during 2001 it reported the record loss in amount of BGN 21.7 million.
Source: Pari (22.08.2002)
The budget can grant BGN 24 million to the thermal-supplying companies in the State in order to pay their debts to Bulgargas. This is one of the alternatives that are discussed by the Ministry of Energetics and Ministry of Finance for payment of BGN 148 million to the gas company. This alternative can be realized but if there is a surplus in the income part of the budget, according to experts. In 2001 the budget granted funds to the companies because of the same problem. The subsidy for the companies for this year is BGN 50 million.
Source: Dnevnik (23.08.2002)
The Ministry of Economy has discussed the offer of American Steel Industries /ASI/, a US metallurgical company, for the purchase of Kremikovtsi steelworks. This was announced by a senior officer at the Ministry of Economy. The meeting, which was held in July, was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Finance and the Privatisation Agency. The Philadelphia-based company offers to buy 96.29 per cent of the metallurgical works and suggests and investment programme amounting to USD 400 million for an eight-year period. The current owner of Kremikovtsi - Finmetals Holding JSC - holds 71 per cent of the enterprise. ASI commits to settle Kremikovtsi's debts to National Social Security Institute, amounting to BGN 77.41 million as of July 12, 2002, to the Treasury, amounting to BGN 8.26 million as of March 1, 2002, and to the Customs Agency, amounting to BGN 27.38 million as of June 3, 2002. The debts will be repaid for 15 years with a five-year grace period and a 10-year rescheduled payment scheme. The US company plans to increase output from 1.5 to 3.8 million tonnes in 2005 and reach 5 million tonnes of steel products by 2015.
Source: Pari (03.09.2002)
PA has not announced an auction for the privatization of the Lovech-based company Toplofikatzia, was reported from the company. During June the German company RVE - Entzorgung /RWE AG/ announced in a letter to the Ministry of Energetics and Energetic Resources its readiness to participate in the privatization of Toplofikatzia. In the letter was said that the company will undertake a significant financial obligations for investments in amount of BGN 1.5 million for the rehabilitation of the capacities and for the purchase of new equipment. The District Governor Mr. Marian Balev with the support of Lovech Municipality and the Ministry of Energetics has sent a letter to PA for the acceleration of the procedure. At the moment are prepared the evaluation, the legal analysis and the memorandum, as the documentary-prepared by Beta consulting - Sofia, were not accepted by the commission of PA, explained the Executive Director of Toplofikatzia-Lovech Mrs. Margarita Kamenova.
Source: BTA (04.09.2002)
At the General Meeting of Chimco was reported a record loss in amount of BGN 21.7 million as of 2001. About BGN 15 million from that sum were from not sold production. According to the accountant report of the company the production of carbamide has declined with 40 per cent as compared to the previous year. The company has debts in amount of more than BGN 200 million as the biggest are to Bulgargas and NEC. According to the Chairman of the Managing Board of the company Mr. Martin Makariev the price of the natural gas is continuing to be the main reason why Chimco is not working and to produce losses.
Source: Pari (09.09.2002)
The Management of Bulgargas will negotiate with eight banks for different ways for fixing the rate USD/EUR in the payments of the deliveries of natural gas of the company, announced the Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Jotcev. This scheme will allow the payments to be executed on preliminary negotiated currency rate. The purpose of the deal is to be avoided the unfavourable influence of the movement of the rate of USD on the price of the natural gas.
Source: Dnevnik (11.09.2002)
The workers from workshop 202 for packing glass of Kitka JSC - Novi Pazar demanded that the Regional Governor Dr. Yovcho Dobrev should cancel the tender for the sale of the workshop's land and building, which is due to be held on September 16 2002. They reminded, that the workshop is managed by Opakovachno Stuklo SP Ltd. - Varna since 2000, but because of defects in one of the devices the workshop stopped working shortly after that.
Source: Shumenska zarya (18.09.2002)
The Municipal Board of Dobrich did not accept the offering of the municipality to buy 80 per cent of Chernomorska technologichna kompania JSC - Varna in the joint-venture Gasengineering Ltd. that had to construct the installations and the transport infrastructure for gas-supply of the town. The municipal advisors motivated their refusal with the unclear price that Chernomorska technologichna kompania JSC - Varna wants for its share. They are afraid that Gasengineering may have hidden debts with which to burden the municipality.
Source: Pari (18.09.2002)
Kremikovtzi's debts to the state exceed BGN 900 million, or USD 450 million, and this makes the company different from others. This is the opinion of Mr. Lilyan Vachkov, former Executive Director of the company (1992-1996). That is why the Government cannot stay away from the enterprise, which is practically being destroyed. And this affects the whole branch. At the same time, the debts of Kremikovtzi to NII are in the amount of BGN 77.41 million, to NEC - BGN 60.09 million, to Bulgargas - BGN 21.81 million, to the ports - BGN 2.79 million, to Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) - BGN 10.54 million. Some time ago, Metal Bulletin released a publication, according to which Bulgaria has serious problems with EU because of Kremikovtzi. The reason for this is that it gives subsidies, finances a private company. And this is still a problem. First of all, the privatization contract is not executed, the investment program is not executed either. For the second time already the owners of the plant are going to draw BGN 5 million from the guarantee for non-execution of the investment program. There is no repair program. The debts of Kremikovtzi at the time it was bought were in the amount of BGN 600 million, and now they are BGN 900 million.
Source: Pari (18.09.2002)
Vratza-based fertilizers' plant Chimko will stop working if by the end of the year the Dovernment does not reduce the price of the natural gas. At the moment the price of 1000 cubic metres is BGN 280 and the last reduce of the prices is with BGN 6 as of the end of September. Meanwhile Chimko can be declared in insolvency at any time since its debts to NEC and Bulgargas have not been still paid. The major owner of the plant - the Cyprus company A.V.S.T. Trading Limited is ready to declare the decapitalized company in insolvency and to close the plant. This year Chimko worked only 45 days.
Source: Dnevnik (09.10.2002)
DELOITTE&TOUCHE Bulgaria is working in cooperation with the Ministry of Finance on the project of PHARE programme for isolation and reconstruction of state-owned companies which is the biggest project of EU of this kind. Among the biggest clients of the company in the State are UBB, Bulgargas, DZI, Glavbolgarstroy, Naftex, Rosexim, EIBank, Municipal bank, Solvay, BDZ, NEC.
Source: Pari (17.10.2002)
The first Bulgarian rating agency will make its credit ratings and will evaluate the risk of legal entities and different sorts of debts. The Agency was established on September 17 with the partnership of Bulgarian Export Insurance Company, was reported from the press-centre of the Ministry of Economy. It is expected that the main partners of the Agency will be big creditors such as NEC, Bulgargas, as well as Chief Tax Administration, State Receivables Agency and all trade banks in the country. The establishment of Bulgarian Rating Agency JSC is a part of the strategy for development of the capital markets and improvement of the business environment in Bulgaria.
Source: BTA (18.10.2002)
It is expected State Claims Agency to free the distraint on the assets of Kremikovtzi if are paid the old debts of the plant before the privatization, announced the Deputy Minister of Economy Mr. Nikola Yankov. The commission that coordinates the relations of Kremikovtzi with the state creditors has already submitted an offering in the Council of Ministers the debts of BGN 140 million before the privatization to be paid.
Source: Pari (24.10.2002)
Bulgargas SPJSC has invested BGN 20 million in the modernization of Compressor station - Strandja, was reported from the center of the company. Last week was the official opening of the compressor Station in Gorska Polyana village. The reconstruction and modernization of the equipment for raising of the safety of the transit system started during 2001. The election of the chief executor and designer of the project was made at open international auctions.
Source: BTA (28.10.2002)
State will require the insolvency of Vratza-based fertlizer plant Chimko. Today will be held a meeting between the management of the plant and representatives of the Ministry of Economy at which will be discussed the measure. There has to be made something for the solution of this problem since Chimko can't pay the debts to Bulgargas, said the Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Yotzev. He also said that are made last analyzes about the alternatives for paying the debts. Mr. Yotzev also specified that the two companies - Bulgargas and NEC may require the insolvency of the fertilizers' plant. The accounts for unpaid electricity are BGN 31 million and the debt to the gas monopolist is BGN 60 million.
Source: Dnevnik (28.10.2002)
Bulgargas raised the transit of Russian natural gas up to 9.9 billion cub.m. as for the ninth months of the year for Turkey, Greece and Macedonia, announced the Executive Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov. During the same period of 2001 have been transported 8.9 billion cub.m. According to the long-term agreement with Gazprom is planed by the end of 2007 the transit to grow to up to 18 billion cub.m. annually. This is maximum quantity which can be transferee through Bulgaria.
Source: Dnevnik (28.10.2002)
The protests of the workers from Vratza-based plant Chimko will be turned into civil disobidience. They insist on taking concrete measures for saving the plant and to get their salaries. There will be a meeting of the Board of Management in the afternoon but it is not expected to be declared a procedure of insolvency. If the Board of Management do not submit the claim for declaration of a procedure of insolvency in the Court, the workers will block the railroad to Sofia.
Source: Dnevnik (31.10.2002)
According to Mr. Valentin Zahariev, Executive Director of Kremikovtzi JSC by June the plant had accumulated losses in amount of BGN 13 million. Since then the financial result of the company is positive and it is expected that it will report a profit in amount of at least BGN 20 million in the end of the year. At the moment the main part of the debts of plant are to the Sate and the state companies. Kremikovtzi JSC has a debt in amount of about BGN 52 million to NEC, but it had concluded a contract for the sale of a sub-station at a value of BGN 6 million. NEC does not agree to buy the sub-station because the State Receivables Agency has not blocked the property of the company and the electricity company is not sure if it will not be takes after it pays the price on the contract. Besides there is a contact for the delivery of electricity-distribution equipment to NEC. Thus the real amount of the debts of Kremikovtzi to NEC will be reduced to about BGN 32 million. The company has a debt of about BGN 20 million to Bulgargas JSC and another BGN 37 million to the National Social Securities Institute. These are the main debts of the metallurgic plant in total amount of about BGN 90 million. Since the company has restored its activity it had received no money for tax credits and all of its incomes were used for the payment of old debts. According to Mr. Zahariev the so called hidden debts are in amount of BGN 280 million. About BGN 170 of them are interests and unpaid duties for the period 1991-1998. The management of the metallurgic plant demands these debts to be remitted. Meanwhile Bulgarian State Railways intends to raise the fees for the transportation of the production of Kremikovtzi with about 45 per cent. The railways company has broken the contract with Kremikovtzi on September 29.
Source: Capital (04.11.2002)
principle settlement was reached between Bulgargas JSC and Rakhovets Gas-96 JSC of Gorna Oryakhovitsa on three projects concerning gas mains construction in Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryakhovitsa and Lyaskovets. Under the agreement Rakhovets Gas JSC will build a high pressure arm from the major northern Russia-Bulgaria gas pipeline towards the three towns and two automated gas distribution stations. The project is assessed at BGN 40 million. Bulgargas JSC will buy the construction via beneficial natural gas prices for a 10 year time with an 18 month grace period. Rakhovets Gas-96 JSC is ready to start also the intra-urban mains construction connecting first the large industrial customers. The framework agreement is to be signed in a month's time. Natural gas consumption is expected to rise from 15 million cu.m in the first year to 95 million cu.m. in the third year to 112 million cu.m. in the tenth year. Construction works are to be launched in the first days of March, 2003. Some 200 jobs will be generated, the Veliko Tarnovo municipality said.
Source: Pari (05.11.2002)
Bulgargas will gain one third of the Sofia-based Toplofikatzia. This is the last offer the Ministry of Finances, in order to be cleared the debts of the company for fuel, which are in amount of BGN 140 million
Source: Standart (08.11.2002)
Overgas Inc. will be able to transfer gas when the monopoly of Bulrgargas over the transfer of gas is eliminated, announced the Executive Director of Overgas Mr. Sasho Donchev. 50 per cent of the capital of Overgas are property of the Russian company Gazprom. In the key terms of the new Energy Law is included the elimination of the monopoly over the gas transfer. According to the experts from the Ministry of Energetics in the new law will be written that every company has the right to deliver gas. If the monopoly is eliminated Overgas will be able to built a 24-kilometer gas pipeline, which will supply gas to Gorna Oryahovitza and Veliko Tarnovo.
Source: Dnevnik (11.11.2002)
The deal for the privatization of the company for manufacture of porcelaine Kitka JSC, Novi Pazar will be broken. The motif for the braking of the deal is the fact that the MEBO, owner of the company has executed only one of the terms of the privatization contract. The company has transferred the initial implement, announced the Minister of Economy Mr. Nikolay Vasilev. Kitka JSC was listed in the trade register of Shumen District Court during June 1994 as a joint stock company for manufacture and trade with colour glass, porcelain The capital of the company is BGN 410 283, distributed in 410 283 shares with face value of BGN 1. During the summer PA sold 25 per cent of the capital of Kitka JSC at an auction with open bid tenders. The purchaser was teh newly registered Kitka 1 MEBO. The auction price was USD 802 590 and the price per share reached USD 7.824.
Source: Dnevnik (12.11.2002)
Since its creation in 1996 Rahovetz gas 96 has expected to solve the technical problem with the construction of the 26-km section from the highway gas pipe near Polski Senovetz to gas-distributing stations near Veliko Turnovo and Gorna Oriahovitza, declared the Executive Director Mr. Dimitar Dimitrov. Now is expected by the end of the month to be signed the contract with Bulgargas that has a license for transport of natural gas with high pressure. According to the preliminary calculations are necessary USD 15 million.
Source: Borba - Veliko Tarnovo (15.11.2002)
Managers, experts, representatives of state institutions and trade-union discussed today the declaring in insolvency of Chimco JSC, Vratza and the reconstruction programme of the fertilizers factory. The major creditors of the company - Bulgargas and NEC have already prepared the documentary for the procedure for insolvency. Chimco owes to these companies debts in amount of BGN 100 million, announced the representative of the gas-company Mr. Dimitar Gogov. According to the experts' analysis, prepared by the former Executive Director of the fertilizers factory Mr. Kiril Petkov the company is decapitalized, it has enormous debts (BGN 135 600 000) and is not able to pay the interests over its debts and to use the needed for the manufacture finances.
Source: BTA (19.11.2002)
Bulgargas will be launched for privatization in 2004 when is expected to finish the restructure of the company, annoinced the Minister of Economy Mr. Nikolai Vassilev. The transit of natural gas through Bulgarian territory will be increased from 13 billion cubic metres to 18 billion cubic metres per year. At the moment Bulgargas transits Russian natural gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. A month ago the Directors of the company dealt with the management of Gasprom the transit to Greece to be increased from 2 billion to 6 billion cubic per year. There is also an opportunity Bulgaria to transit fuel to Serbia, added Mr. Vassilev. He forecasts that our country can't expect many candidates that will take the transit of Bulgargas after the privatization.
Source: Monitor (27.11.2002)
The management of Chimco JSC, Vratza has sent a claim in National Electricity Company at value of BGN 123 million for the debts for rent of the equipment of the fertilizers factory, announced the Chairman of the Managing Board of the factory Mr. Nikolay Vuzev. The claim concerns the open area distributors, property of Chimco. According to Mr. Vuzev this is a step for protecting the property and the interests of the chemical factory
Source: Dnevnik (27.11.2002)
National Electric Company submitted a claim in Vratza District Court for declaration in insolvency of Chimko, was reported from the company. The claim is because of the debts of the plant to NEC in amount of BGN 33.4 million. By two or three days Bulgargas also will submit a claim for bankruptcy of the plant, also because of debts in amount of BGN 75 million. NEC rejected the the statement of Chimko for having debts to the plant for BGN 123 million for rent of equipments.
Source: Monitor (28.11.2002)
Bulgargas wanted the declaration of chimko in insolvency because of debts of BGN 69.6 million. In the end of November, this year NEC also initiated a claim against the plant for BGN 33.4 million.
Source: Trud (05.12.2002)
Vratza District Court stopped the insolvency procedure for Chimko JSC. The Court accepted that at this stage there are not receivables since there appeared complicated obligation relations between the sides. The case for declaration of Chimko in insolvency was initiated by request of NEC with a claim for BGN 33.4 million and of Bulgargas whose claim is for BGN 69.6 million.
Source: Pari (13.12.2002)
The cabinet announced its decision to establish a Consultative Council with the Ministry of Economy for monitoring the fiscal discipline and fiscal performance of the companies in which the state owns more than 50% of the capital. The council will be chaired by deputy prime minister and minister of economy Nikolay Vassilev and will include the ministers of finance, economy, regional development, agriculture and forestry.
Source: Pari (22.01.2003)
Vratza District Court confirmed the rulings of the Region Court about the debts of NEC to Chimco and about the issuing of compensation order for the blocking of a sum of BGN 89 million. The rulings of the District Court are final and are not subject to appeal.
Source: Pari (24.01.2003)
The liberalisation of the gas-market, desired by the biggest consumers, will remain a good intention as for now, despite the fact that the new Energetics Law, which had been prepared by the Parliament allows to the companies to import natural gas. It is planned that monopoly of Bulgargas over the transportation and deliveries of natural gas will be abolished under certain conditions.
Source: Dnevnik (29.01.2003)
The Russian gas company Gasprom may become a shareholder in Bulgarian companies from the chemical industry against a cheap natural gas if they want, declared the Chairman of Gasprom Mr. Alexei Miller. He also added that the Russian gas concern will take part in the privatization of Bulgarian companies that are big cosumers of natural gas.
Source: Dnevnik (06.02.2003)
Toplofikatzia-Sofia SP JSC will secure with its receipts from NEC SP JSC the state guarantee on the loan agreement with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development for repair of the heating transfer network. This is according to a contract for extraordinary gage between Bulgaria and Toplofikatzia-Sofia that the Government approved at its meeting. The Ministers of Finance and Energetics Mr. Milen Velchev and Mr. Milko Kovachev are authorized to sign the contract.
Source: Dnevnik (07.02.2003)
The preliminary data for the financial result of Bulgargas SPJSC as for 2002, showed a pre-tax profit in amount of BGN 124 382 thous. The net profit of the company is in amount of BGN 99 032 thous. The taxes paid by Bulgargas SPJSC during the period January 1 2002 - December 31 2002 were in amount of BGN 369 449 thous., as BGN 157 070 thous. from them were VAT and BGN 23 350 thous - profit tax. During 2002 the company has imported natural gas in amount of 2 958 million cubic metres.
Source: BTA (11.02.2003)
The companies with over 50 per cent state participation may raise the salaries of their employees during the year only if they had reported good financial results over the previous year, is planed in a project of the Council of Ministers for a Decree for the formation of the salaries in the companies with more than 50 per cent state or municipal participation. The Decree affects 50 companies among, which are NEC, Bulgarian State Railroads, Bulgargas, Balkancar holding, mining, and steel-producing companies.
Source: Pari (12.02.2003)
Bulgargas stopped the supply of natural gas for Terem-Turgovishte on February 5 because of not paid debt for January in amount of BGN 36 126. The deliveries were ceased after many warnings from Bulgargas. The supply of fuel was restored when Terem paid BGN 27 000 in advance for the deliveries in February. At the moment the receipts of Bulgargas from irregular debtors exceed BGN 150 million.
Source: Monitor (19.02.2003)
Glavbolgarstoy and Rosseximbank are ready to invest in the construction of houses in Russia, announced the President of Glavbolgarstroy Mr. Simeon Peshev at the presentation of the programme that Bulgaria-Russia forum organizes for the forthcoming visit of the Russian President Mr. Vladimir Putin.
Source: Dnevnik (28.02.2003)
The Russian Federation is ready to increase the transit of Russian natural gas via Bulgaria and to participate in the privatisation of Bulgaria's energy companies and the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP). This emerged during President Vladimir Putin's three-day visit to Bulgaria. The willingness of Russia's Gazprom to participate in the divestiture of Bulgargas was also confirmed. Russia is ready to increase the volume of gas transited to Macedonia, Greece and Turkey from 12 to 18 billion cu. m and take part in the expansion of the pipeline network and the installation of gas supply in Bulgaria, President Putin said. The issue about the intermediaries in gas deals is not our problem, this is a problem of the Bulgarian side, Vladimir Putin underscored. The fewer the intermediaries, the less the prices are increased, he said.
Source: Pari (04.03.2003)
In the beginning of April start the negotiations of Overgas and Topenergy with Bulgargas for mediation at the trade with Russian natural gas for Bulgaria. Russia wants to eliminate the two companies from the transit of fuel in the State, announced the Minister of Energetic and Energy Resources Mr. Milko Kovachev..
Source: Duma (13.03.2003)
Bulgargas initiated a full reconstruction and modernisation of the gas reservoir in the village of Chiren, announced the Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov. By the end of October in the reconstruction will be invested BGN 12 million. There has been no reconstruction in the object for the last 20 years. The main purpose of the reconstruction of the reservoir is that it will be turned in the most modern gas reservoir in Bulgaria.
Source: Duma (13.03.2003)
Chimco will not be declared in insolvency, announced the Chairman of the Managing Board of the company Mr. Nikolay Vuzev, after the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy Mr. Nikolay Vasilev requested a quick bankruptcy of the fertilisers factory. According to Mr. Vasilev if a company has reported losses at a value of BGN 68 million for the last four years there is no way that it could be saved. It is expected that the Supreme Administrative Court will make its decision on the claim of the main creditors of the company - NEC and Bulgargas.
Source: Pari (24.03.2003)
The prices of natural gas will grow from BGN 280.06 to BGN 287.19 VAT included for 1000 cubic meters as of April 1. This decision was taken by the State Energy Regulation Commission. The increase became necessary, after Gasprom increased the price of Russian natural gas with 20 per cent. According to the contract between Gasprom and Bulgargas, the prices may be changed every three months and depend on the prices of oil on international markets and USD rate.
Source: Dnevnik (28.03.2003)
Orbitel signed two contracts for IT services with Bulgargas - for provision, installation and configuration of software, necessary for the use of internet tranffic and for transfer of the ownership right on the techincal equipment for internet provision.
Source: ComputerWorld e-Daily (01.04.2003)
More than 400 workers from Chimco started termless civil strike. The reason is that the companys management team has not paid the employees salaries due until March 31. The workers demanded that the state should intervene in the settling of Chimcos problem and stop the draining of movable tangible assets.
Source: Pari (02.04.2003)
Bulgargas SPJSC reported an accountant profit in amount of BGN 23.2 million as for the first quarter of the year. The taxes paid by the company are in amount of 145.9 million, which is with 43.1 million more as compared to 2002. According to the preliminary data the consumption of natural gas during the first quarter of 2003 has grown to 1 084 million cub.m., which is a growth of 107.1 per cent as compared to the first quarter of 2002.
Source: Pari (11.04.2003)
The Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev, the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Mr. Valentin Tzerovski and the Chairman of the Parliament group for energetics Mr. Veselin Bliznakov opened at an official ceremony the renovated compressor stations Kardam-1 and Kardam-2 near the Bulgarian-Romanian boundary. The stations are at the entrance of the two routes for transfer of natural gas to Turkey, Macedonia, Serbia and highway gas-pipeline for Bulgaria.
Source: Dnevnik (14.04.2003)
The consumption of natural gas over the first three months of the year has grown with 7.1 per cent as compared to the same period of 2002. The consumption has reached 1.084 cub.m. was reported from Bulgargas. The accountant profit of the company has reached BGN 23.2 million. The company has paid BGN 149.5 million for taxes.
Source: Monitor (14.04.2003)
The Ministry of Energetics negotiates secretly from PA for sale of assets of the thermal companies in Pravetz and Vratza. The company in Pravetz had to be sold in the end of February through a public tender that failed because the two candidate-buyers Energosnabdiavane and L M Impex SP Ltd. Samokov. Then the experts declared that the deal failed because the initial tender price of BGN 1.5 million and the step for bidding of BGN 50 000 were high.
Source: Monitor (15.04.2003)
Austria did not sign an agreement with Greece and Turkey for construction of a gas pipe for transfer of Iran gas to Western Europe that will go round Bulgaria, announced the CEO of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov. In a letter from April 10 the President of OMV Mr. Ergas Otto Mujzelih assured that the company would not take part in Turkish-Greek project since there has already been signed an agreement for construction of a transit pipe through Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria.
Source: Monitor (15.04.2003)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will invest EUR 380 million in Bulgaria in 2003. More of the credits will be for energetic projects, announced the Director of the bank for Bulgaria Mr. John Shomeldoll. According to him the bank is ready to take part in the restructure of Bulgargas and in the project Maritza Iztok 1, if there is such one. According to the reports of the Ministry of Energetics over the next 3 years Bulgaria will need investments between EUR 2.5 billion and EUR 6 billion for the energetics sector as a whole.
Source: Duma (30.04.2003)
Topenergy dropped out its intermediary function in Bulgaria`s gas supply and will turn into a regional distribution center, which will control the transit of gas on the territory of Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia and Turkey. Topenergy is fully owned by Gazprom and together with Overgas is an intermediary in natural gas supplies from Russia to Bulgaria. The company was founded in 1995 as a Bulgarian-Russian joint-venture, but in 1997 Gazprom bought the shares of the Bulgarian companies and banks, who owned part of the capital. After Topenergy becomes a distribution point, based in Bulgaria, the only intermediary left in the gas supplies for Bulgaria will be Overgas. It is expected the price of the blue fuel to slightly decrease. The agreement between Topebergy and Overgas, signed in 1997 expired at the end if April.
Source: Monitor (07.05.2003)
Pernik District Court decided on April 29, 2003 to declare in liquidation Stomaneni otlivki I izkovki SP Ltd.-Radomir a subsidiary of Radomir JSC. It includes all main work-shops without mechanic-processing ones. The Chief Director of Radomir metali JSC Mr. Plamen Paskalev announced that the liquidation was required by the Board of Directors. Mr. Ludmil Alexandrov was appointed for a liquidator. Mr. Paskalev explained it was not a total liquidation or selling off but for restructure of the production. The subsidiary was created in February. At the moment Radomir metali produces from 500 to 800 tons production per month. According to the Directors of the company the State kills the producers by means of the monopolists NEC and Bulgargas.
Source: Pari (15.05.2003)
TPS-Sofia started a project for rehabilitation of the network at amount of EUR 114 million, announced the Executive Director of the company Mr. Valentine Dimitrov. From them EUR 30 million are a loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, EUR 26 million are a loan from the World bank, EUR 30 million are a grant from the International fund of NPS Kozlodui and EUR 25 are own funds. The gratis period is 5 years and the period for payment is 15 years. For this year the expected investments are EUR 18 million.
Source: Pari (28.05.2003)
Glass factory Belopal in Beloslav has accumulated debts to Bulgargas in amount of BGN 12 million. The company has also accumulated debts in amount of BGN 3 million to other companies. The court procedure for declaring the company in insolvency has continued for 39 weeks ago already. The case has passed through all court institutions already. Varna District Court refused to satisfy the claim of Bulgargaz and State Receivables Collection Agency for declaring of Belopal in insolvency.
Source: Pari (29.05.2003)
The Deputy Minister of Finance Mr. Krassimir Katev will be a Director of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas at the place of Mr. Gati al Jeburi. The Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev prepared the order for his appointment as a member of the Board. At the moment Mr. Katev is also a member in the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Consolidation Company.
Source: Sega (12.06.2003)
The case for the bankruptcy of Chimko will be up before Vratza District Court on June 18. The case was initiated by claims of Bulgargas and NEC because of debts of the plant in amount of BGN 100 million. Former workers and syndical organizations of the plant also initiated legal proceedings against Chimko.
Source: Duma (12.06.2003)
Bulgargas offered to State Energy Regulations Commission the price of the natural gas to be reduced on average with BGN 21 for 1000 cubic metres as of July. At the moment the price of the gas is BGN 287.19 for 1000 cubic metres and the prices were increased in the beginning of April. The upcoming reduce is due to the cheaper USD since the beginning of April in comparison with euro and optimization of the costs of the gas company.
Source: Dnevnik (17.06.2003)
BGN 18 million were invested in objects of Bulgargas in 2002. As of 2004 the funds will increase more. At least one year will be prepared an analysis whether the privatization of Bulgargas is efficient. The company must remain state-owned for a long time in order to realize its investment programme.
Source: Pari (19.06.2003)
Overgas Inc reached an agreement with Bulgargas for financial leasing for the construction of a part of the gas pipe Russia Bulgaria near the gas-distributing stations of Veliko Turnovo, Gorna Oriahovitza and Liaskovetz. The objects are included in the investment programme of Overgas for 2004. The construction of the inner distribution networks in the town will also start.
Source: Pari (19.06.2003)
We received a letter from Gazprom offering the gas supplies to be transferred to Overgas, announced the energy Minister Mr. Milko Kovachev. The idea was Overgas to replace Topenergy the subsidiary of Gazprom, who has a contract with Bulgargas for import of fuel until 2010. The price of the gas shall not be changed. Overgas intends to invest part of the profit in household gas supply infrastructure in Bulgaria. Gazprom owns 100% of Topenergy and 50% of Overgas.
Source: Trud (23.06.2003)
BGN 3.664 million is the profit of Neochim JSC-Dimitrovgrad, according to the annual financial report of the company. After taxation the net financial result is BGN 2 632 million which is with about BGN 1 million less in comparison with the former year. The incomes from the activity of the company are BGN 125 311 000 and the expenses for the activity are BGN 121 661 000. The debts of the plant to Bulgargas are BGN 19 million. The sales of Neochim JSC keep the level from the last year about 429 000 tons. The main part, 61 per cent from the fertilizers are being sold at the domestic market.
Source: Pari (30.06.2003)
The glass-producing factory in Beloslav was announced insolvent after three years of legal procedures. The decision was made by the Varna Court of Appeal on June 18 2003. Actually, the magistrates canceled the previous decision from April 12 2001 taken by the Varna District Court, which did not allow the companys bankruptcy. The starting date of the glass factorys insolvency is September 30, 1999, according to the courts decision.
Source: Banker (30.06.2003)
Vratza District Court rejected the claims for declaration in insolvency of Chimko JSC by NEC and Bulgargas JSC. The latter required a declaration in insolvency for Chimko because of debts in amount of BGN 69.4 million and NEC for BGN 33,4 million.
Source: Monitor (04.07.2003)
A new gas suppier, besides Gasprom, may start operating on the Bulgarian market before 2007, if this supplier is capable of delivering at least 25 per cent of Bulgaria's annual consumption. The other possibility is to construct a connection with a European country, which receives the same percentage of its consumption from an alternative supplier, different from the Russian company. Once Bulgaria enters EU, Bulgargas's monopoly will automatically disappear.
Source: Sega (09.07.2003)
The glass-factory Belopal JSC, Beloslav has debts in amount of at least BGN 18.950 million, announced the temporary syndic of the company Mr. Geiorge Budev at the first General Meeting of the creditors of the company, which took place yesterday. Belopal JSC is in a procedure for declaring in insolvency since July 7.
Source: Pari (16.07.2003)
The four companies that have joint property with Chimko-Vratza and remained without electricity because of debts of the fertilizer plant to NEC, will build own electricity distribution network, was reported from Elektrorazpredelenie-Pleven. The equipment will cost totally BGN 25 000.
Source: Pari (16.07.2003)
Bulgargas will invest during 2003 BGN 12 million own funds in the sole in Bulgaria crib for natural gas Chiren. These are 42 per cent of the planned investments of the gas company for 2003. The modernization of the technologies and the renew of the main funds of the gas crib will be finalized and officially opened in October, this year, said the Executive Director of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov.
Source: Standart (22.07.2003)
Bulgargas is starting negotiations with Gasprom to sign agreement for increased transit of Russian natural gas in the region. Gasprom representatives are expected to arrive in Bulgaria on Monday. The Russian delegation will be led by the member of the companys Board of Directors and General Director of Gasexport Mr. Alexander Medvedev.
Source: Dnevnik (25.07.2003)
The experts from Gasexport proposed Bulgargas to participate as minor shareholder in different gas companies with municipal share, for example in Sofia or Varna, where the private company Overgas has licenses for gas supply. Bulgargas' scope of activity does not include household gas supply, but the current legislation does not forbid the company to participate as minor shareholder with 20-25 per cent.
Source: Pari (30.07.2003)
Bulgargas and Gasexport may establish a joint company, which will construct the new sections of the transit gas-mains to Serbia and Greece and will collect the fees for transportation of Russian natural gas. This is one of the variants of the transit fees agreement, discussed between the two companies, Mr. Ilko Yotzev - Deputy Minister of Energy said. Bulgargas and Gasexport representatives discussed the execution of the memorandum with the contract for increase of the transit of Russian natural gas, signed during President Putin's visit in Bulgaria in March.
Source: Dnevnik (31.07.2003)
The Deputy Minister of Finances Mr. Nahit Zia became the new member of the Board of Directors of Bulgargas. He will replace Mr. Gati Al Djeburi was dispensed from the position. It is not clear yet if Mr. Zia will become Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Source: Pari (08.08.2003)
In the beginning of next year, Bulgarian Salt Company Kanotrans is going to construct the first factory for production of fine refined salt in Bulgaria. This was announced by the Manager of Kanotrans Holding Mr. Toni Ikonomov. He explained that the factory will be located on an area of 30 decares in Provadia, and USD 8 million will be invested in it. The plants capacity will be 60 000 tons of fine refined salt a year. The annual consumption of table salt in Bulgaria is 40 000 tons The salt will be manufactured through evaporation of brine, which Kanotrans will buy from Provadsol JSC.
Source: Dnevnik (08.08.2003)
Petreko Bulgarias gas extraction programme will be ready by October 15, announced the companys Executive Director Ms. Dorieta Angelova. This means that the construction of the facility will actually be delayed by around a month and a half. Ms. Angelova explained that the delay is due to the fact, that not all foreign supplies arrive according to schedule. The company Petreko Sarl, registered in Luxembourg, which is the sole proprietor of Petreko Bulgaria, signed a concession contract in 2001 with the former State Agency of Energy and Energy Resources, currently Ministry of Energy, for development and extraction of natural gas from the Galata deposit.
Source: Dnevnik (12.08.2003)
Three energy company will receive a credit rating. These are Bulgargas, NEC and Maritza Iztok 2. Currently, procedures for election of an agency, which should evaluate their credit rating, is ongoing.
Source: Standart (19.08.2003)
Bulgargas will accumulate a part of the finances, the company need for the investment programme by a bond issue, announced the Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Kotzev. The details for the bond issue will be announced after the election of an agency, which shall estimate the credit rating of the Bulgarian gaz Monopoly.
Source: Sega (19.08.2003)
The privatization of the Lovech-based company Toplofikatzia has been terminated. PA refused to reveal whether there had been a selected probable buyer. Toplofikatzia was announced for sale in the end of March 2003. According to information from the regional administration, a German company has demonstrated interest in it. It was supposed to buy 434 891 shares, representing 100 per cent from the companys capital.
Source: Posrednik-Pleven (20.08.2003)
The Portuguese company Gaz Natural is interested ion the privatization of Bulgargaz JSC. The Portuguese company is one of the applicants for the purchase of the Greek gas company DEPA
Source: Dnevnik (26.08.2003)
Bulgargas SPJSC opened a procedure for the election of a company, which will execute the financial audit of the company as of 2003 in accordance with the international accountant standards. The elected company will also consult Bulgargas SPJSC in the area of internal control and other specific areas.
Source: Dnevnik (28.08.2003)
Bulgargas SPJSC may gain 20-25 per cent of the capital of the gas-distribution companies in Sofia and Varna, announced the Deputy Minister of Energy Mr. Ilko Jotzev. The companies have already requested the assistance of Bulgargaz for the construction of the gas-supply networks in Varna and Sofia. Sofia gaz is 100 per cent property of Overgaz Inc. The company has a 10-year license for gas-supply services in Bankya and Bojurishte regions. Varna-gaz is a joint company of Overgaz Inc. and Varna municipality
Source: Dnevnik (29.08.2003)
The average insurance in the 20 most loyal companies insuring a staff to 15 employees is BGN 898, the National Social Security Institutes information showed. 263 people work in these companies. The companies with a staff of 100 to 250 people employ a total of 4252. The average insurance income there is BGN 699. Top 20 of the most loyal employers in these criteria includes the names of Media Holding, Sheraton Sofia-Balkan, publishing house 168 Hours, Tax Administration, Central Cooperative Bank, Bulgartabac Holding, Economic and Investment Bank, Municipal Bank, Privatization Agency. Etc.
Source: Pari (17.09.2003)
Within the next two weeks will be elected the rating company, which will prepare the credit rating of Bulgargaz JSC, announced the Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Jotzev. Interest in the deal so far have announced Standart&Poors, Moody's and Fitch. Bulgargaz has to invest EUR 100 million in the construction of new gas pipelines. The investment could be executed either by loan or by raising of the capital of the company.
Source: Pari (23.09.2003)
State Energy Regulation Commission increased the price limit of natural gas as of October 1 2003 with 10 per cent for consumers from the network of gas distribution companies, and with 9 per cent for consumers directly connected to the distribution network of Bulgargas. The highest price at which the distribution companies will be allowed to sell gas to consumers from the distribution network as of October 1 2003 will be BGN 288.72 per 1000 cubic meters (VAT included).
Source: Pari (30.09.2003)
Gazexport and Bulgargas have signed a new contract to deliver Russia's gas to Bulgaria, according to the Russian AK&M Information Agency. Gazprom said the document was sealed Oct. 8 in Moscow over the meeting of Gazexport General Director Mr. Alexander Medvedev with Bulgargas Chief Executive Official Kirill Gegov. The new contract allows the use of the transit gas-mains to Greece and Macedonia for gas supply of consumers in Southwestern Bulgaria.
Source: Dnevnik (10.10.2003)
Bulgargas received permit for construction of optical highway in the section Ihtiman - Central Office of Bulgargas. This is the last section of the optical cable line Kardam - Sofia, which is a part of the company's information servicing system. The overall length of the optical line is 630 km, and the last section of it is 80-km long. Bulgargas refused to reveal the cost of the section's construction, but emphasized that it will be completed by the end of the year, since the project is a part of the company's 2003 investment program.
Source: Pari (13.10.2003)
Bulgargas reported a profit of BGN 92.022 million after taxation for the year 2002, the company announced. BGN 388 million have been paid in the budget. The company imported 2.958 billion cubic metres of natural gas mainly from Russia through subsidiaries of OAO Gasprom. In 2002, 13.515 billion cubic metres of gas have been transported to the Balkan countries. This represents a growth of 6 per cent compared to 2001. 2741 million cubic metres of gas have been supplied to Bulgarian consumers. In the end of 2002, the company had 270 clients, including 23 gas distribution companies.
Source: Pari (24.10.2003)
Parliament's Energy Commission made a suggestion to the Ministry of Finance to tax Bulgargas as a normal trading company in the budget for 2005. The reason is that according to the draft law for the 2004 budget, Bulgargas should make non-tax payments from the transit of natural gas under the Yamburg agreement in the amount of BGN 75 million.
Source: Pari (13.11.2003)
If we have to count the biggest corporations in America, Japan or Germany, the only necessary thing is to look the exchange screens at Wallstreet, Tokyo and Frankfurt. In every developed economy the stock market is the background of the huge business. There are situated the industrial concerns, banks and insurance companies, big trade chains and the giants in the sector of services. There are also the new technologies the engine of the growth of every economy. It is quite prestigious to appear at the exchange stage where the whole world sees and assess you. It is also a business question because the capital market feeds the economy and takes the temperature every minute. 345 companies in Bulgaria have a statute of public companies. Almost all of them are on the capital market with a state force and by administrative order of the new legislation. The experiment mass privatization brought shattered shareholders structure in many giants of the social economy and in few privatization funds, which hold 15 per cent of the Bulgarian economy. As a result on the exchange came out state monopolists and whole industries. These are the metallurgic giants Kremikovtzi, Stomana and OZK-Kurjali, almost the whole chamical and pharmaceutical industry /ahead with LUKoil-Neftochim, Chimko, Polimeri and Sopharma /, the sea and winter resorts, a big part of the food-processing industry /including the whole tobacco production /, former monopoly structures in the wholesale /Petrol and Toplivo /.
Source: Pari (17.11.2003)
Around 60 per cent of the natural gas produced in Russia and consumed in Turkey is transited through Bulgaria. Around 90 per cent of the amounts destined to Greece and 100 per cent of those destined to Macedonia pass through Bulgaria. This was announced by the Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Milko Kovachev during an Energy Forum held in Athens yesterday. Mr. Kovachev said Turkey would play an increasingly important role in the transiting of gas in the region, since it was surrounded by gas producer, which is important for Bulgaria.
Source: Monitor (09.12.2003)
In 2004, Overgas is ready to start work on the construction of the gas transportation networks in all 26 towns in the country, the company announced. Three of the towns are Veliko Tarnovo, Gorna Oryahovitza and Lyaskovetz. For the building of the gas networks in these three towns, EUR 9 million have been allocated.
Source: Pari (22.12.2003)
For the fifth year in a row the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is making a rank list of Bulgarias leading 100 companies, using the world recognized assessment criteria such as Forbs and Fortune.The selection for 2002 has been made between 400 Bulgarian companies, distributed in two top lists. TOP 100 -1 includes companies, ranked on the basis of their incomes from sales, while TOP 100 2 has an additional criteria, excluding the companies whose debts to suppliers, employees or social funds exceed their profit. For the first time the experts from Bulgarian Commercial and Industrial Palace have prepared two more rank lists TOP 50 of small and medium-sized enterprises and TOP 50 of the public companies. The first rank list includes companies with incomes from sales exceeding BGN 10 million in 2002, rated by their production capacity per employee working under labour contract. The second list includes winning companies, traded at the Bulgarian Stock Exchange Sofia, rated by the return of the invested own funds in 2002 and by the change of this indicator compared to 2001. The private commercial companies are already pushing away the big state-owned enterprises from the top positions of the best developing companies in Bulgaria. Two industrial companies occupy the two top positions by profit, correlated to BGN 100 incomes from sales. The number one company is Pernik-based Stomana registering a profit of BGN 61 per BGN 100 incomes, and the number two company in the list is the cement factory Vulkan Dimitrovgrad, which posted BGN 14 per BGN 100 incomes. Sofia-based company Telelink is number three with a result of BGN 13, followed by Hewlett Packard Bulgaria (BGN 10).
Source: Dnevnik (23.12.2003)
Bulgargas sells the natural gas to its consumers at lower prices as of January 1 after a decision of State Energetics Regulation Commission. The consumers, associated to the gas-supply network, will pay BGN 219,27 per 1000 cubic metres without VAT added and the consumers, associated to the gas-distribution network BGN 226,99 per 1000 cubic metres without VAT added. This is the lowest selling price of natural gas for the last 2 years.
Source: Dnevnik (05.01.2004)
A day after a gas explosion killed 3 workers and injured another 18 on site of Sofia-based metallurgical plant Kremikovtsi, it transpired that the metals firm and the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) had signed last week a deal rescheduling the payment of 70 mln levs in overdue power bills over a 10-year period. The debt was accumulated after 2001 and accounts for 31% of NETC's overall receivables. The energy ministry, which okayed the deferral, refused to comment. Under the repayment contract, Kremikovtsi is obliged to settle its debt with equal monthly instalments. The metallurgical company consumes over 100 gWh of electricity annually. After taking over the company in 1999, current Kremikovtsi owner Finmetal Holding hired Deloitte&Touche to audit the metallurgical company. The check revealed some 80 mln levs of off-the-books debts ran up towards the National Social Security Institute, the tax and customs authorities. A working group from the economy ministry recommended in 2003 to write off 77 mln levs of these hidden liabilities but its proposal was never reviewed by the government . A total of 47 mln levs in debts towards NETC and 83 mln levs of outstanding payments to state-owned gas utility Bulgargaz were forgiven prior to Kremikovtsi's privatisation. In 2003, Kremikovtsi clinched a 10-year repayment deal with Bulgargaz similar to its current agreement with NETC. Kremikovtsi also owes 4 mln levs to railway carrier BDZ and 4.5 mln levs in pollution charges to the environment ministry. Despite the red ink, the metals firm reported a January-September 2003 profit of 53.7 mln levs and sales of 552 mln levs but both figures were flattered by an FX trading profit. Total liabilities stand at over 1 bln levs, including a 340 mln levs in debts towards connected companies and 310 mln levs in unpaid bills to suppliers. Experts attribute the income upside to the fall launch of a blast furnace. A new line for continuous casting, commissioned by Kremikovtsi to Austria's VA Industrieanlagenbau GmbH&Co, missed its late-2003 launch target. Kremikovtsi is still involved in long-running talks with Marcegaglia for the acquisition by the Italian steel group of some of Finmetal's equity.
Source: Dnevnik (12.01.2004)
As a whole, no candidates appeared during yesterdays tender for the sale of the glass factory Crystal. The tender was organized following decision by a meeting of the companys creditors. Crystals syndic Ms. Violeta Manolova announced the initial price of the enterprise was BGN 1.198 million, according to an evaluation, made by a licensed company. Her forecast is that at the next tender, the price will be cut by half. If no candidate appears on it, the company will be divided and sold in separate parts according to a decision by the meeting of creditors.
Source: Pari (13.01.2004)
The American company CBM Energy Limited will receive one more year for the license for searching of natural gas in Dobruja. This time is necessary for final works of the US project for extraction of methane from coals, was reported from the Ministry of Energetics. The methane will be sold to Bulgargas. So far the company has invested USD 1 million in the project.
Source: Sega (13.01.2004)
FITCH will make the credit rating of Bulgargas. The agency won in competition with Standard & Poors and Moody's. Within 2-3 weeks is expected the credit rating of the company to be ready, announced the Deputy Minister of Energetics Mr. Ilko Iotzev. In 2003 the clients debts to Bulgargas have reduced with BGN 15 million in comparison with 2002, said the Executive Director of the company Mr. Kiril Gegov. In the end of 2003 they were BGN 270 million. The biggest debtors of the monopolist are the heat-distribution companies.
Source: Pari (21.01.2004)
In the end of last year BGN 35 million of the debt of Kremikovtzi to Bulgargas were rescheduled for 10 years. The plant is a big consumer and increased the consumption with 30 per cent and its closing will lay-off over 8000 people. The rest BGN 5 million were generated in the days of the New Year. This is one more gesture to the metallurgic plant from the side of state-owned companies after the remitted debts to the gas company, rescheduled debts to NEC and etc. In the end of last year the national gas monopolist had receivables of BGN 270 million.
Source: Sega (22.01.2004)
Bulgargas intends to offer for rent a part of its optical telecommunication network capacity, Mr. Ilko Yotzov Deputy Minister of Energy and Energy Resources and member of the state companys Board of Directors, announced. According to him, the companys network, which is 650 km long, is the second longest after that of BTC. Mr. Yotzov added that a number of major telecommunication operators such as MobilTel, Orbitel, Spetrum Net, Cablenet, etc., have sent inquiries to the company.
Source: Monitor (26.01.2004)
The accounting profit of Bulgargas for 2003 is BGN 124 MN, the company's preliminary calculations show. About BGN 370 MN has been remitted to the budget in direct and indirect taxes and transiting fees, which places the company among the major contibutors to the Treasury. The state-run gas monopolist may also increase its proceeds by providing telecommunications services for commercial purposes. It has about 650 km of fibre optic trunk-lines, towards which telecom operators show huge interest. Gas consumption exceeded 2.9 BN cu m last year, 6% up from 2002. The energy sector remains the biggest client with 39% (1.1BN cu m) of the total conusmption. Next comes the chemical industry with 29.7% (865MN cu m), maintaining the 2002 level of consumption despite the decommissioning of the Vratsa-based Chimco. In metallurgy consumption was 418MN cu m, or 14.3% of the total. Bulgargas major customer from this sector is the Krememikovtsi iron ans steel works, whose consumption rose 30% from 2002. Consumption declined in the cement industry (due to the use of coal as fuel) and in glass-making (after the enterprise in Razgrad stopped operation). Bulgargas has managed to supply the agreed quantities of gas to all its clients and has no liabilities. The company closed 330 contracts within that period and natural gas was being delivered to 270 customers, the 27 gas distribution companies in the country among them. But things stand differently regarding Bulgargas receivables, totalling BGN270MN (BGN15MN down from 2002). Its biggest debtors are the domestic central heating utilities, whose liabilities amount to BGN136MN, down BGN3MN from 2002. The Sofia Central Heating Company is the biggest debtor, owing BGN112MN, followed by the untilities in Plovdiv (BGN10MN), Bourgas (BGN 5.5 MN), Pleven (BGN5MN) and Shoumen (BGN3MN). The biggest debtor among industrial enterprises is Kremikovtsi, whose liabilities total BGN40MN. Bulgargas has rescheduled repayment of BGN35MN for 10 years but nevertheless there are problems regarding the current payments, the gas company's Executive Director Kiril Gegov explained. A total of 13.5BN cu m of natural gas were transited to the Balkan countries in 2002. The greatest increase of delivered quantity - by 15% - was to Greece, while gas supply to Turkey dropped by 1.7 per cent.
Source: Banker (26.01.2004)
IFC, the private-sector arm of the World Bank Group, will bankroll the construction of a 100MW combined-cycle gas facility on the site of the Sofia thermal power plant (TPP) commissioned to U.S. company Horizon, Bulgarian deputy energy minister Mr.Angel Minev said on Wednesday after meeting with IFC official Denise Clark. Total project value is estimated at USD 100 mln with 70 per cent coming as loan-financing. A Horizon Energy Bulgaria (HEB) company wholly-owned by Horizon was registered here on Wednesday. Toplofikacia, the heating utility of the Sofia municipality, will acquire 30% of HEB in exchange for land property. Horizon plans to launch the new facility by 2006. The U.S. company is in talks with the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) for a long-term power purchase deal. State Energy Regulation Commission chairman Konstantin Shushulov said another topic that was discussed with IFC on Wednesday were the incentives for the production of co-generated electricity. Under the new energy law, NETC buys at preferential tariffs the power output of combined-cycle facilities with capacity of up to 50MW but in the rest of the cases the pricing is cost-based, Shushulov said.
Source: Dnevnik (05.02.2004)
One of the requirements for our accession to EU is to liberate Bulgarian electricity and gas markets. Now they are held by monopolists NEC buys the entire electricity, produced by the stations and sells it at regulated prices for public and industrial needs. Bulgargas is the sole importer, wholesaler and transit company for natural gas in the State. The new Energy Law envisages the markets of electricity and gas to liberate regularly. For this purpose will be allowed privileged consumers that will be able to buy energy from the producer that sells at the most reasonable prices and to transfer it through the networks against a transfer fee. By the end of March has to be adopted a decree for access of other countries to the electricity-transfer and distribution network. According to the decree, the privileged consumers in 2004 are those with over 100 million and with 40 million kw/h annual consumption of electricity. In 2005 privileged consumers will also be those with over 20 million and during 2006 with over 9 million kw/h. The market liberalization must be full even if the public subscribers choose the supplier in July, 2007. At the moment the market does not stimulate the producers to cut their costs, neither to offer the consumer a lower price of the final product. The price, at which NEC buys out the electricity from them, is confirmed by the State Energetic Regulation Commission in accordance with the costs that can be proved by the respective company. The Commission has already defined that in 2004 23 per cent from the producers manufacture have to be sold at the market principle and they must find clients for it, otherwise there will be registered a loss. The percentage of the non-realized energy will grow proportionally with the extents of the markets opening. This will force them to cut the production costs in order not to bankrupt. For the first six months of 2004 from TPS Maritza-iztok 2 were liberated 880 000 MW/h, from TPS Varna 520 000 MW/h, from TPS Bobovdol - 340 000 MW/h. TPS Ruse can sell at the free segment electricity, produced only by IV block. The electricity from NPS Kozlodui and TPS Maritza-iztok 3 will be sold only to NEC. Companies that receive licenses to trade with electricity from the State Energetic Regulation Commission, will be able to buy electricity from all stations, to mix cheaper and more expensive productions and to offer lower prices than NEC. The trade will be realized through bilateral contracts between the producers and consumers. On them will be registered the main quantity of electricity - 95-97 per cent and for the rest 3-5 per cent will have a balance mechanism. The prices will be confidential and wont be known even to the trade operator. The privileged consumers have to pay to NEC a transfer fee for using the network that is BGN 11.80 per MW/h, without VAT as of July 1, 2003. The first privileged consumers are 10 big industrial companies with consumption over 100 billion kw/h and without debts to NEC and electricity-distribution companies. These are Maritza-iztok mines, Stomana industry, KZM, Assarel Medet, Elatzite med, Umicore med, Devnia cement, LUKoil-Neftochim, Agropolichim and Neochim. Their interest to take part in the free market is dictated by the opportunity to drop out NEC and to deal the quantity and price of the electricity directly with the producer.
Source: Pari (05.02.2004)
Black sea technologic company, a property of the Italian company AMGA, won in the tender for receiving of gas-distribution license for Mizia region, announced the Deputy Chairman of the State Energetic Regulation Commission Mr. Ignat Tomanov. In the competition also took part Technotermengineering and Plevengas, property of Overgas. The license will be issued for 35 years and the company will invest EUR 75-76 million for 10 years in construction of the network in the region.
Source: Dnevnik (11.02.2004)
BGN 215.483 million are the debts of the fifty biggest debtors to the National Social Security Institute in the end of 2003. The amount includes the principal and the calculated interests. The top list is headed by the metallurgic plant Kremikovtzi, then follow Stomana-Pernik, Varna shipyards and Vidachim. The average insurance income in the 20 most correct companies with 15 employees is BGN 885. In these companies are working 267 people. Among them are Siemens business services, Coca-Cola Bulgaria, Daewoo-Bulgaria, Crown Agents, TBI leasing and others.
Source: Pari (17.02.2004)
The management of Central Gas-supply Haskovo JSC requested from the State Energy Regulation Commission to deprive the rights for distribution of natural gas the present licensee Gazosnabdyavane Haskovo and to issue a license for a term of 15 years its company to its company. There is a gas-supply system in Haskovo, but for the last three years the supply of natural gas has been ceased and the municipality is losing BGN 1.2 million annually.
Source: Pari (18.02.2004)
Energy Minister Mr. Milko Kovachev may increase the capital of Bulgargas by March 15 2004 with the value of the assets of the gas network, which are financed through incomes from sales of natural gas according to the Yambourg agreement and from transit, according to a decree about the implementation of the 2003 state budget, published in the State Official Gazette. Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources explained the companys capital would not be increased, adding this text was a part of a decree published in 2001.
Source: Pari (18.02.2004)
The Minister of Energetics Mr. Milko Kovachev can increase the capital of Bulgargas by March 15, 2004 with the amount of the assets of the gas-transfer system. The assets are financed by net sales of natural gas in accordance with Jamburgsk agreement and by transit. In 2002 the investment programme of the company finished and the gas on the agreement reduced and the opportunity for increase of the capital was not used.
Source: Pari (18.02.2004)
No offers were submitted for the tender for sale of Chimco JSCs property, earlier announced by the regional directorate of the State Receivables Collection Agency Vidin. The offers for the secret bidding tender had to be opened yesterday, but the Agency announced there were no buyers. According to the law, the initial reduction in the price for the next tender will be from 100 to 80 per cent of the propertys assessment, and could further be reduced to 70, 60 and 50 per cent.
Source: Pari (19.02.2004)
Bulgargass capital wont be increased, in spite of the opportunity for its rising, envisaged in the Governments decree for execution of budget 2004. A decree was published in the State Gazette, which allows Mr. Milko Kovachev to rise the companys capital by March 15 with the amount of the fixed assets from the gas-transfer system. At the moment the shareholders equity of Bulgargas is BGN 645.3 million.
Source: Dnevnik (19.02.2004)
The companies with over 50 per cent state-owned share that realized profit last year and do not have debts, will be able to increase their employees salaries within 5 per cent. A special decree was adopted by the Ministers. The decree refers to 60 trade companies, among which are BTC, BDZ, the 7 electricity-distribution companies, the heat supply companies, NPP Kozlodui, Terem, WMZ-Sopot, Bulgargas, Navigation Maritime Bulgare and others.
Source: Pari (20.02.2004)
LUKoil Neftochim received the award 2003 Biggest Tax Payer. The prize was awarded to the companys Director Mr. Valentin Zlatev during an official ceremony by Minister of Finance Milen Velchev personally. In 2003, LUKoil Neftochim paid taxes in the amount of BGN 1.5 billion. Bulgarias major tax payers consist of around 500 companies, that pay 66 per cent of all taxes paid in Bulgaria. In 2003, they paid in the budget almost BGN 4.5 billion. The companies nominated for the award Big tax payer were divided in eight categories according to their activity. The winners were Blagoevgrad BT, Bulgargas, BTC, Metro Cash and Carry Bulgaria, Albena, Bulbank, GBS Sofia, Balkan News Corporation.
Source: Standart (23.02.2004)
The case for the insolvency of Diamant glass factory will be reviewed at the Supreme Cassation Court on March 11, announced the lawyer of the company Mr. Veselin Zapryanov. But even if the court rules in favour of the company it has no chance to start working again. Diamant is among the greatest debtors of Bulgargaz, with debts in amount of over BGN 11 million.
Source: Banker (23.02.2004)
The Executive Director of Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov and the Chairman of the Managing Board of Rurhgaz Mr. Fritz Gautir are going to sign a cooperation agreement today. Mr. Gautir is a member of the delegation, accompanying the German Minister of Economy and Labour Mr. Wolfgang Klement, who is on a visit in Bulgaria for the opening of the Bulgarian-German Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Sofia.
Source: Pari (09.03.2004)
Metan group JSC opened on Tuesday a new gas-station in Varna, announced the Manager of the company Ms. Jordanka Zhivkova. The value of the investment was BGN 900 000. The capacity of the methane-station is 800 cub.m. per hour.
Source: Dnevnik (10.03.2004)
The ammonia and carbamide facilities in Chimco are expected to start operating in the end of March, Mr. Andrey Semerdjiev Director of the fertilizer plant said. BGN 1.5 million have been invested in the partial modernization of the nitrogen fertilizer production. The plant was expected to start operating earlier, but the starting date was delayed because of the negotiations with the main supplier Bulgargas.
Source: Standart (12.03.2004)
Nabuko gas-pipeline for transit of natural gas from the Caspian region to Western Europe will be launched in exploitation during 2009, was reported from Bulgargas. The deadlines for launching the gas pipeline in exploitation will be accelerated. The preliminary financial, marketing and economic research of Boston Consulting Group planed the pre-project research to be finalized by 2003-2004, the working project by 2005-2006, the financing to be provided by 2007-2008, and during 2009 to be initiated the construction.
Source: Pari (15.03.2004)
Supreme Court of Cassation canceled a decision by Vratza District Court, ruling against NECs and Bulgargass claims for Chimcos insolvency. The two energy companies filed for Chimcos insolvency in 2002, because the company had BGN 100 million debts to them. The case will be returned to the court in Vratza, where a new membership will be inspecting it.
Source: Sega (25.03.2004)
In 2003, 6.2 per cent more natural gas has been consumed in Bulgaria compared with the previous year, Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources reported yesterday. This happens for the first time in years, and the reason for it, according to the ministry, are the new consumers, which were connected to the network and the stabling of gas prices. Although Bulgargas bought gas at prices 20 per cent higher, it raised it prices with only 3.46 per cent compared to the previous year, because of the lower USD rate. Natural gas transit, however, from which our state profits much more, has grown with only 0.3 per cent due to the smaller supplies to Turkey, which have been compensated with bigger supplies to Greece.
Source: Pari (26.03.2004)
Mr. Lilian Vachkov is former Director of the metallurgic plant Kremikovtzi. At the moment is attracted as an expert in the Parliament Commission, which inspects the plants state after the tragic accident that has recently happened, when died 4 people. He left the plant in the end of 1996. - Mr. Vachkov, what is Parliament Commission Kremikovtzi doing at the moment? What is the situation after the tragic accident? - It is not quite clear what is happening in Kramikovtzi. According to the plants management, everything is ok. There are some optimistic forecasts because the plant manufactures and sells products. - So, the scandals with the unpaid salaries have ended? - Ive been in the metallurgy for 40 years now but I did not remember such a boom of the prices in the sector. It is strange that the plant is selling and there is no money. The inspections reveal that there are not funds for labour security, the salaries and insurances are not paid. - In June expires the 5-year privatization deadline, whats next? - We can observe two kinds of privatization in the metallurgy: successful, in Stomana-Pernik, where the Greek owners realize their engagements, the salaries are over BGN 400 - 500. The second one is not successful, which is Kremikovtzi case. In 1999 the management of the plant announced that if it was not sold, it would have bankrupted. On June 16 Daru metals bought the plant for USD 1 and promised to pay all debts and to bring fresh USD 300 million investments for 5 years. In my opinion, now will be very hard to close Competition chapter in the negotiations with EU. - Because of Kremikovtzi? - Because of the governmental policy connected with the plant. Some time ago Metal bulletin, issued in London, warned that Bulgaria had subsided a private company, which is forbidden in EU as a disloyal competition. The State also granted to Kremikovtzi a loan of BGN 400 million at relieved regime. - Didnt the Competition Protection Commission react? - The Commission reported that this is not allowed, except if it is not about closing of non-efficient capacities. Probably this will be our explanation before EU. At the moment is being prepared a reconstruction plant of Kremikovtzi. But how will be proved that were closed capacities for 500 000 tons metal per year? If they are closed so quickly, this means hundreds of dismissed workers. - But the things were getting better, were not they? - There is something very important, which is not mentioned. Kremikovtzi did not have any debts to NEC as of the day of privatization. On March 18, 2003 Post-privatization Control Agency found out that the debts to NEC were already BGN 65 million for 3 years. The situation with Bulgargas is the same the accumulated debts reached BGN 44 million. The debts to the National Social Security Institute on February 26, 2003 were BGN 72 million. However, the State did not require from the plant these funds, amounting to BGN 1.4 billion. With such a privilege were not honoured either Stomana Pernik or the plant in Debelt. - Whats the explanation? - I do not know. There is one more strange item in the privatization contract the buyer is obliged to service the Austrian debt of USD 70 million, taken because of the machine for permanent steel overflow. However, the State did not define a creditor and there were not any payments. But there are calculated interests. - What is the major problem, according to you? - In the trade activity. This is the black box of Kremikovtzi. However, the Parliament Commission does not have access to there. There are rumours for the way of sale through offshore family companies. There are also doubts connected with the bankruptcy of the pipe rolling plant of Kremikovtzi because a competitor may be favoured from the free 180 000 tons. - Are there any guilty for the break-down in the plant? - There has already been prepared a report of the internal commission and the labour inspection. The break-down exploded at first furnace after many reconstructions. It proved to be that the gas-purifying equipment was repaired. There always has to be an alternative in the metallurgy if something does not work out. The water had to be started from the other water pipeline. - What are we going to expect after June 16? - There are two alternatives. After this date the owner is free to do anything with Kremikovtzi, even to cut the plant into scrap. If the State is reliable, it can terminate the contract and to declare the plant for sale. Buyers will be found.
Source: 24 chasa (29.03.2004)
The price of natural gas will be reduced by an average of 3.3 per cent in the second quarter of 2004, State Energy Regulation Commission decided following proposal made by Bulgargas. The new prices will become effective as of April 1. For consumers, connected to Bulgargass distribution network, the price will be BGN 213.9/ 1000 cub.m. (VAT not included), which is BGN 6/1000 cub.m. lower than the current price. For clients of the gas-distribution companies the reduction is with almost BGN 7/1000 cub.m. to BGN 220.81/1000 cub.m. (VAT not included). The main reason for the lowering of the price is the lower USD rate.
Source: Pari (30.03.2004)
The price of the natural for each group of consumers may be different, states the project of a decree for regulation of the prices of natural gas, prepared by State Energetics Regulation Commission. The company, which supplies natural gas, will propose to the Commission for confirmation different groups of consumers. They may be distributed in accordance to the amount of the consumption or by other indicators. It is expected that the greatest consumers of natural gas will have the right to buy natural gas at preferential price. This will make more competitive the production of chemical factories like Agropolichim, Orgachim, Neochim, Polimeri, metallurgic plants Kremikovtzi and Stomana Industry, cement and glass factories and of the greatest consumers of natural gas heat-supply companies.
Source: Pari (30.03.2004)
The drop in the price of natural gas with BGN 6.00 per 1000 cub.m. excluding VAT as of the beginning of April will have almost no effect on the activity of the big consumers of natural gas. On Monday State Energetics Regulation Commission decided that Bulgargaz should lower the prices with average 3 per cent to the level of BGN 213.09 per 100 cub m., excluding VAT. These are the utmost prices and Bulgargas and the gas-distribution companies may sell at these prices, announced the Chairman of the Regulatory Commission Mr. Konstantin Shushulov. Heat-supply companies occupy about 33 per cent of the market of natural market. Representatives of Stomana Industry commented that the company would not feel the drop in the price. During the last year metallurgy has consumed 418 million cub.m. natural gas. The decline in the price of the gas is due mainly to the drop in the exchange rate USD/BGN as of the beginning of the year and the reducing of the transit of natural gas for the neighbor countries with 180 million cub.m.
Source: Dnevnik (30.03.2004)
Bulgargas started negotiations with the companies Obritel, Netera, and Hungarys Pangel for the use of its optical network. On Monday, the companys Board of Directors decided to continue the negotiations. Its lawyers are discussing the legal form of the future agreement, which will most probably be clear within a month. According to Bulgargas management, contracts may be signed with one or more than one companies, as long as their offers are acceptable.We are leading negotiations with different companies, which are willing to use a part of the networks capacity, since additional optical fibres were put, which will allow the transfer of data, Mr. Kiril Gegov Executive Director of Bulgargas, said.
Source: Dnevnik (31.03.2004)
NEC signed a contract with Standard & Poors for the elaboration of the companys credit rating, the company announced. The agency was selected through public procurement procedure among other agencies such as Moodys and Fitch. The electrical distribution company needs a rating because of its intention to issue an euro-bond loan for the implementation of different project and searching of additional methods of financing.
Source: Dnevnik (31.03.2004)
Bulgargas and Cabletel are going to construct a national optic infrastructure. The two companies signed a frame agreement for strategic cooperation. They did not point any concrete projects and ways, on which they will work because at the moment the details are still discussed. The investment programme of Bulgargas envisages an investment of BGN 3 million in the optic infrastructure, said the Director of the gas company Mr. Kiril Gegov.
Source: Dnevnik (08.04.2004)
On April 15 and 26 in the State Receivables Collection Agency Vratza will be held two open-bid tenders for totally 23 self-contained parts from the fertilizer plant Chimko JSC. The total initial tender prices of the objects are BGN 7 711 969. On the bidding that will take place on April 15 will be offered five self-contained parts with total price of BGN 3 196 151. The total amount of the initial tender prices of the rest 18 self-contained parts, which will be sold on April 26, is BGN 4 515 818.
Source: Dnevnik (09.04.2004)
A Bulgarian-Ukrainian Business Council will be established tomorrow within the frames of the bilateral business forum, organized by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). Representatives of 11 Ukrainian companies, accompanying Ukraines Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kostyantin Grishchenko during his official visit to Sofia, will take part in the forum. The companies are operating in the field of power engineering, oil and gas industry, machine building, mining, river transport, etc. Some of the Bulgarian companies taking part in the forum are Bulgargas, Metalsnab Holding, Stomana, Schenker, Metro, Technomarket, Technopolis, etc.
Source: Pari (13.04.2004)
The Cabinet will grant BGN 12.6 million to Sisecam for its plants near Targovishte. The money will be used to build the infrastructure of the two facilities. According to the preliminary accounts, NEC will have to invest BGN 6 million in the building of power transmission lines network. Bulgargas will invest over BGN 900 000 in the gas distribution network. The rest of the money will have to be used for the building of a water-main and waste waters purifying station, road and railway transport connections.
Source: Standart (16.04.2004)
A private company applied for a license from the State Energy Regulation Commission for storage of natural gas from the depleted deposits Devetaki and Uglen, the commission announced. Currently, Bulgargas holds a similar license for the depleted gas depository Chiren.
Source: Pari (19.04.2004)
Today Vratza District Court may initiate a new lawsuit following claims by NEC and Bulgargas for the announcing of the fertilizer plant Chimco JSC in insolvency. On April 6, the lawsuit was postponed for April 20, because Chimco did not have valid representation. Mr. Nikolay Vuzev and Mr. Vasil Velinov, who are members of the companys management, did not appear in court as witness. Chimcos lawyer was not in court either.
Source: Pari (20.04.2004)
The management of Chimco has been selling the companys long-term assets and real estate illegally, according to official letter addressed by the Deputy Minister of Justice Mr. Sevdalin Bojikov to the Government and labour union KNSB Vratza. Over the period December 2002-Decmeber 2003, without the permission of the syndic Ms. Rositza Tomova, installations, spare parts and materials for scrap were sold to different companies. The investigation found this property was under restraint and its sale was illegal. Yesterday, Vratza District Court started the lawsuit for the plants insolvency, following claims by Bulgargas and NEC for debts in the amount of BGN 140 million.
Source: Standart (21.04.2004)
BSE made a top list of the 100 Bulgarian companies with a major private share, the most appropriate for potential issuers of papers. The top list includes totally 100 companies, contained in 13 different sectors and the interest in the food-processing industry is the greatest. Among the 15 graded companies, from this sector are popular producers like Tandem-V Ltd., Vinprom-Peshtera JSC, Kendy Ltd. and Kenar SP Ltd. Among the appropriate companies from the trade at first place is Doverie Briko JSC the owner of the chain of stores Mr. Bricolage and from the hotel and restaurant-keeping business is Varna-based company Happy. The selection was made among 7342 companies. The survey of the top list was prepared by SFB Capital market by order of the stock exchange and is based on the accountant and financial documents of 7342 companies for 2001 and 3937 for 2002.
Source: 168 hours (26.04.2004)
Varnagas JSC is going to invest over EUR 800 000 in the gasification of Varna this year, the company announced. Varnagas holds a gasification license for the regions of Odesos, Primorsko and the resort complexes Golden Sands and St. St. Constantin and Helena. According to plant, the construction of the gas-main, starting from Bulgargas distribution station in Vladislavovo, should start in June. Over the next 10 years, Varnagas is going to invest a total of EUR 15 million in the gasification of Varna. So far, Varnagas has invested EUR 700 000 in designer activities.
Source: Monitor (26.04.2004)
The first by its kind specialized exhibition for the petrol and gas sector "Petroleum Sofia" was opened yesterday in Inter Expo Centre. Petrol, Shell, Prista Oil and Opet/Aygaz are among the 43 Bulgarian and international companies that present over 200 products. During the forum will be also organized bilateral meetings between representatives of the State Energetic Regulation Commission and the Turkish Commission for regulation of the energy market and between Bulgargas and the Turkish gas company BOTAS.
Source: Sega (28.04.2004)
For the first time since 1998, Kremikovtzi registered a net annual profit of almost BGN 120 million. The loss from previous years has been gradually reduced from BGN 170 million in 1999 to BGN 10. 680 million in 2002. The net incomes from sales last year were in the amount of BGN 680 352 million. The average sale price per ton production grew last year, reaching BGN 555 per ton. In 2003, Kremikovtzis old debts to NII from the pre-privatization period. They were due in extended payment within a period of 36 months. In the same way, the company reached agreement with NEC and Bulgargas to pay up its debts to these companies in a long-term period at equal monthly installments.
Source: Company information (29.04.2004)
Bulgargas has opened a procedure for supply of winter, summer and all-seasonal automobile tires. The deadline for submission of offers is June 4. The deadline for execution of the order for supply of summer and all-seasonal tires is one week after the signing of the contract. The supply of winter tires is due no later than October 1. The guarantee for participation in the tender is BGN 1000.
Source: Dnevnik (04.05.2004)
Overgas Inc. reported a BGN 63.8 million incomes for the first quarter of the year. This is 20 times higher than the companys financial result for the same period of last year, when revenues were in the amount of BGN 1.84 million. The net profit for the review period was almost BGN 2.8 million, which is 10 times premium to the same quarter in 2003. According to company information, the better fiscal indicators were a result of the increased sales of natural gas in the country and the improved fuel distribution system. Another reason is the gas supply contract, signed between Overgas Inc. and Bulgargas in August 2003.
Source: Pari (04.05.2004)
Gazosnabdyavane-Rousse signed its first natural gas supply contract with a Rousse-based company. Gazosnabdyavane is a joint venture between Overgas and Rousse municipality. The contract has been signed with the construction company MISS96 Ltd. Gazosnabdyaven Rousse has been provided with EUR 2 mln by Overgas to build the 16-km household gas distribution network and 18-km public and administrative network, which will serve around 20 public and administrative facilities.
Source: Dnevnik (06.05.2004)
The project Nabuko for the building of a gas-main from the Caspian region through Bulgaria to Central Europe, received the support of the Dutch gas company Gasunie. The company has started negotiations with the founders of Nabuko about the possibility of building a gas-main with a length of 1400 km connecting the end point of Austria with the Netherlands. This was announced by Mr. George Werber, CEO of Gasunie in front of the Iranian Gas Export Conference.
Source: Standart (11.05.2004)
US-based Ropa Bulgaria Holding LLC, represented by Mr. Venelin Gachev, has brought in a claim to join Chimcos insolvency legal procedures, initiated by the companys main creditors Bulgargas and NEC. The claim was registered in Vratza District Court on April 27 2004, but the court refused to list the foreign claimants in the process, Ms. Penka Alexandrova, Chairperson of the membership leading the case announced.
Source: Pari (20.05.2004)
The average social security income in the 20 most correct companies, employing up to 15 people, is BGN 989, according to a reference on the most correct insurers in the first half of this year, published by National Social Security Institute. The total number of employees engaged in them is 248. Some of the entities included in the list are the embassy of Switzerland, Prista Oil Trading, BM Leasing, Sony Bulgaria, Coca-Cola Bulgaria, Biochim Leasing Bulgaria, 3M, Solvay-Bulgaria, etc. BGN 216.061 million are the unpaid insurances of the 50 biggest debtors of the National Social Security Institute. The top list is headed by the metallurgic plant Kremikovtzi, followed by Stomana-Pernik, Varna shipyards and Vidachim.
Source: Pari (21.05.2004)
Private subscribers from Pleven owe a total of BGN 6 600 000 to TPP after the end of the heating season, Ms. Ivanka Burdjeva, Deputy Economic Director of Toplofikatzia announced. The sum was bigger than last year, because some of the prices of the services had been changed, but the overall situation has not altered significantly, Ms. Burdjeva added. The thermal plant owes to the fuel supplier Bulgargas over BGN 4 million.
Source: Posoki-Pleven (25.05.2004)
The price of natural gas will jump with 11 per cent in July, Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Milko Kovachev forecasted. Bulgargas has cut the price of the blue fuel two times since New Year once with 8 and once with 3 per cent. The price will most probably reach its level from the end of 2003.
Source: 24 chasa (26.05.2004)
Kremikovtzi, the Sofia-based metallurgical plant 71%-owned by Finmetals Holding, is about to wrap up negotiations with Indian steel powerhouse Ispat International on a co-management deal that could result in a USD 170 mln investment in the Bulgarian company, Dnevnik learned from Kremikovtzi executive director Mr. Valentin Zahariev on Thursday. The investment will be spent to streamline production costs, crack new foreign markets, overhaul one of the blast furnaces and to modernise the electric-arc furnaces and the cast iron production, Kremikovtzi said. Annual output is seen rising to 2.2 mln tons. Co-operation between Kremikovtzi and Ispat kicked up a gear in February 2004. The Indian firm supplies coke to Kremikovtzi and semi-finished products for its international operations. In 2003, Kremikovtzi swung to profit for the first time since 1998, banking BGN 120 mln. But most of the upside was due to the transition to International Accounting Standards and only BGN 39 mln were actually generated by its core production. The losses of the privatised company were once as wide as BGN 170 mln but were gradually reeled in to BGN 10.6 mln in 2002. Sales totalled BGN 680.352 mln last year. Some BGN 397 mln were injected in the company in 1999-2003. Despite the reversal of its financial fortunes, Kremikovtzi still remains one of the biggest debtors in the Sofia region. The company owes substantial amounts to the National Social Security Institute, the tax administration, the National Electricity Transmission Company and gas supplier Bulgargaz. Some of the debts have been rescheduled but the bulk of the red ink consists of legacy debt pre-dating the 1999 privatisation of the company and is being contested in court by Finmetals. The owner, for his part, owes USD 48 mln for failing to honour post-privatisation commitments. The investor pledged to pump USD 300 mln in the metallurgical plant over a five-year period but investment spending totalled a mere USD 61 by 2002.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2004)
The Agency for Post-privatization Control is to make a claim against the buyer of Chimco in Paris Court of Arbitrage, Mr. Rusi Statkov, member of the Agencys supervisory board said. The agency is going to sue the owner of the fertilizer plant for extremely big forfeits under the privatization contract. The claim for non-execution of the obligations under the investment program is in the amount of USD 6 700 000, and for the employment BGN 2 500 000; for non-observing the three-lateral contract with Bulgargas BGN 1 000 000.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (31.05.2004)
The Government and IMF have agreed to limit to 5 per cent the general state account on the salaries in 60 public companies, which are monopolists, and which have received subsidies or have registered a loss in the third quarter of last year.
Source: Trud (03.06.2004)
National Social Security Institute Sofia announced the 20 most honest employers with 100 up to 250 people staff for the first quarter of 2004, securing 4 076 people with average security income of BGN 674: 1. Amylum Bulgaria SPJSC Razgrad 2. Willi Betz GmbH & Co. KG - Balkan Star Branch Sofia 3. Bulgartabac Holding JSC Sofia 4. Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC Radnevo 5. Polichrom POAP JSC Sofia 6. Bulgargas Stara Zagora 7. Festo Production SPLtd. Sofia 8. Unionbank JSC Sofia 9. Communications Regulation Commission Sofia 10. Informational Technologies in Communications Center Sofia 11. New Television - First Private Channel SPJSC Sofia 12. Bulgaria Net JSC Sofia 13. Piccadily Holding LTD Sofia 14. Electricity Distribution Company Pleven SPJSC Vidin Branch Vidin 15. Research Institute of Communications Sofia 16. DZI - General Insurance JSC Sofia 17. Neftochimproject Bourgas 18. Bourgas Free University Bourgas 19. High Voltage Networks Electricity Transmission Region Gorna Oryahovitza Gorna Oryahovitza 20. Heat Supply-Pleven SPJSC Pleve
Source: Other (08.06.2004)
The Managing Board of Chimco JSC will hold General Meeting of the companys shareholders tomorrow. The report on the companys activities in 2002 and 2003 and the annual accounting reports and balance sheets for the two fiscal years are expected to be adopted. According to unofficial information, the companys 2002 loss is in the amount of almost BGN 4.5 mln., and its debts to creditors reach BGN 170 mln.
Source: Pari (11.06.2004)
34 bln cubic meters annually may reach the Russian gas transit through Bulgaria, the Chief Manager of Gasexport Mr. Alexander Medvedeev announced. This means that 14 bln cubic meters for Turkey and 6 bln cubic meters should be reached. Italian Company ENI should decide by October 2005 whether it would start the project for delivery of liquid gas in the South Italy terminal. A transit for the Mediterranean country will pass through Bulgaria if the project is approved.
Source: Pari (14.06.2004)
Chimco JSC Vratza owners are holding negotiations for the sale of their shares in the fertilizer factory, Valentin Dimitrov announced. He is the representative of A.V.S.T. Trading company that owns 51 per cent of the factorys capital. The offshore company Jagoil Limited is the other owner of the enterprise. BGN 35 mln is Himkos loss for the previous year. The factory keeps announcing losses this year as well.
Source: Monitor (14.06.2004)
Kremikovtzis debts as of March 2004 are in the amount of BGN 284.7 mln, according to the report, prepared by the temporary commission in parliament, which is investigating the labour conditions in the plant. The commission was established in the beginning of the year, following the breakdown in one of the plants blast furnaces. The report also reveales that the biggest liabilites of the plant are to NEC -BGN 93.92 mln, followed by State Receivables Collection Agency BGN 78 mln, NSSI BGN 62 mln, Bulgargas BGN 37 mln, and BDZ BGN 5 mln. According to the report, these liabiliites should be extended in time in order to avoid the insolvency of the plant. Repayment agreements have been signed with Bulgargas, NSSI and NEC. Deputies will demand the Cabinet to make a full analysis of the companys overall state within a period of 2 months, and then to give account of the specific measures that have been undertaken.
Source: Monitor (24.06.2004)
Among all state-owned enterprises, excluding Bulgartabac Holding, the biggest average monthly wages in Bulgaria are those in the energy sector. The leader in this respect is NPP Kozloduy, where the average salary is BGN 816, according to 2003 data, followed by the national gas monopolist Bulgargas BGN 740. Non of these enterprises can be compared with Bulgartabac, where the average monthly wage is a little over BGN 2000.
Source: Sega (25.06.2004)
Another BGN 1.54 mln from the state budget will be allocated as subsidy of the metallurgical plant Kremikovtzi. The funds will be granted in the form of state aid, which the company is to receive starting this year and ending in the end of 2006. The money will be used for compensations and re-qualification of the workers, which will be dismissed in the current and the next two years, according to the report, prepared by the temporary commission in Parliament, associated in relation to the breakdown, which happened in the plant on January 10 this year. 3 people died and another 22 were injured in the accident. Besides this BGN 1.5 mln, the state has also poured in the plant another BGN 431.075 mln, which makes the total amount of the funds over BGN 432.5 mln. All the money have been granted in the form of state aid. The state obligation is envisaged in the Steel Industry Restructuring Programme, covering the period until 2007. The programme itself has been approved at a session of the Council of Ministers held in March this year. The document allows Kremikovtzi to reduce its workforce from 6709 people to 5780 people within a period of two year. This means that BGN 1.5 mln will be used for compensation and re-qualification of the dismissed 900 people. The Steel Industry Restructuring Programme was requested by the European Commission as a precondition for the closing of the Competition negotiations chapter. The document included a whole chapter, prepared in the form of a plan for the development and stabilization of the Kremikovtzi plant. Exactly in this plan, the option of cutting jobs in the plant was mentioned, with the aim of increasing the plants productivity. The granting of BGN 1.5 mln from the budget has been coordinated with the Competition Protection Commission. The antimonopoly watchdog ruled the state aid was in conformity to the law, therefore it was admissible. The European Commission also allowed the granting of the money, as long as they were to be used for the companys stabilization. As early as in the middle of 1999, when the company was privatized by Daru Metals (currently Finmetals Holding), the state forgave BGN 393.556 mln of the plants debts. BGN 200 930 of them were debts under the Law on Settlement of Non-performing Debts, BGN 183 mln were debts to the state and municipal budgets, NEC and Bulgargas, and BGN 9 626 mln were from a granted, but non-sunk credit from the State Fund for Restructuring and Development. The debts were accumulated before the company was privatized, but were forgiven in the name of its stabilization. Following the privatization, another BGN 100 mln were poured in the plant through the state-owned enterprises NEC and Bulgargas. Both of them have receivables from the plants in this amount, which are due to be completely paid up in 2013. BGN 36 mln of them are state aid, according to the Competition Protection Commission, because the state is crediting the company. According to the report, the plant also has BGN 5.13 mln debts to the Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) as of March 2004. It turned out Kremikovtzi had not completely paid up all its liabilities to the carrier. Europe will cut some of the financial aid it promised us earlier after we join EU in 2007, if Kremikovtzi does not manage to invest EUR 260 mln in modernization projects, Mr. Ramadan Atalai Chairman of the Parliamentary Commission, said. Europe has promised to grant EUR 4.361 bln gratuitously over the period 2007-2010. Kremikovtzis obligations are included in the steel industry development programme. According to it, the company should invest EUR 256 mln over the period 2003-2007. The funds should be used for the launching of machines for continuous casting, modernization of one of the blast furnaces, and ecological projects. According to Mr. Atalay, if the plant fails to perform its obligations, EU will deduct the granted funds from the financial framework sum. The other option is EU to request us to close some steel producing capacities, Mr. Atalay commented. Europe has already asked us to close almost 1/3 of the production capacities in Kremikovtzi ( one blast furnace and some looms), explaining the company has received state aid in its privatization. Kremikovtzi refused to comment the report, arguing they had not received it as yet. Company officials said they had required it from the head of the Parliamentary Commission Mr. Ramadan Atalay yesterday.
Source: Monitor (29.06.2004)
Chimco insolvency proceedings stayed for September 21 in the Vratza regional court. NEC and Bulgargas claim over BGN 133 mln. Triple forensic-accounting experts report on the fertilizer plant was not ready, explained judge Penka Alexandrova.
Source: Standart (30.06.2004)
Kremikovtzis net debts, according to the companys accounting balance sheet, are in the amount of BGN 476 mln. For comparison, when it was privatized back in 1999, its debts totaled BGN 648 mln. In 2003, Kremikovtzis liabilities to NSSI were settled. Their payment was rescheduled and is due over the next 36 months. The payment of the companys debts to NEC and Bulgargas was rescheduled over the next 10 years. In 2003, the plant employed 7930 people, compared to 15 000 before the privatization deal. During the privatization, the average monthly wage in the enterprise was BGN 401, while now it is BGN 604. In 1999, the companys incomes from sales were in the amount of BGN 639 249 mln, while in 2003 they reached BGN 680 mln.
Source: Trud (30.06.2004)
The gas field exploited by Petreco supplied the first 100 000 c.m. gas to Bulgargas. Fuel is expected to start running to foreign clients in a month. Petreco has invested about USD 50 mln. in drilling, a platform and a pipeline, which starts from the sea, goes under the beach and reaches a big station on dry land. Newly opened jobs are 100 but accompanying activities supplement up to 500. Extraction will satisfy about 10% of country's total needs. This is the first time a foreign investor supplies Bulgarian gas from the sea to domestic consumers.
Source: Cash (02.07.2004)
Gasprom offered Bulgargas SPJSC Sofia to calculate the transit fines for natural gas transfer through Bulgaria in a market principle. Overgas Inc. JSC Sofia, which is a shareholder in Gasprom, is only natural gas importer since 2003 when Topenergy JSC Sofia dropped out of the delivery scheme. The transit negotiations are related to the memorandum signed by the Russian President Mr. Putin on his March 2003 visit.
Source: Dnevnik (02.07.2004)
The National Assembly, following discussions on the report, prepared by the Temporary Parliamentary Commission, investigating the safe and healthy labour conditions in Kremikovtzi JSC and the execution of the National Assemblys decision dated March 29 2002, on the grounds of art. 86, par. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria DECIDED: 1. Adopts the report, prepared by the Temporary Parliamentary Commission, investigating the safe and healthy labour conditions in Kremikovtzi JSC and the execution of the National Assemblys decision dated March 29 2002, and finds urgent the adoption of all measures, suggested in the report. 2. Evaluates as non-satisfactory the work of Kremikovtzi JSCs operative management regarding the creation of healthy and safe labour conditions, environment protection and fulfillment of the companys obligations to its workers and employees under the Collective labour contract 3. Finds that the majority owner of 71 per cent of Kremikovtzi JSCs capital Finmetals Holding JSC, does not fulfill its obligations for the financial stabilization of the company, the reducing of Kremikovtzis debts to the state creditors BDZ SP JSC, NEC SP JSC, Bulgargas SP JSC, NSSI and the investment obligations, stipulated in the privatization contract. 4. Evaluates as non-satisfactory the work of the Council of Ministers on the execution of the National Assemblys decision dated March 29 2002, regarding the coordination of its policy between the Government and the producers and regarding the fulfillment of Bulgarias international commitments; regarding the relations between the state creditors; regarding the observing of the owners financial discipline; regarding the implementation of the commitments under the privatization contract and the provision of current control over the activities of Kremikovtzi JSC. Evaluates as non-satisfactory the work of the representatives of the state organs in Kremikovti JSCs managing bodies, in protection of the interests of the state as a co-owner. Obliges the Council of Ministers, within a two-month period: - to examine and evaluate the state of Kremikovtzi JSC; - to undertake immediate measures for the collection of the state receivables from Kremikovtzi JSC; - to specify the measures and guarantees, providing the execution of the National Programme for the Restructuring and Development of Bulgarias Steel Industry by the year 2007 on the basis of joint work between Kremikovtzi JSC, Finmetals Holding JSC, the Ruling Committee and the Ministry of Finance as a monitoring organ; - to inform the National Assembly about the results. This decision has been adopted by the XXXIX National Assembly on June 30 2004 and has been sealed with the National Assemblys official seal. Chairman of the National Assembly: Ognyan Gerdjikov.
Source: State Gazette (09.07.2004)
Selling off the assets of the fertilizer manufacturer Agrobiochim of Stara Zagora continues despite some problematic deals. On June 15 the trustees in bankruptcy Kiril Karagyozov and Dimiter Smilenov will offer for the 211th time in succession the assets of the fertilizer producer. They'll try to sell two plots of 1,371 sq. m and 2,461 sq. m at initial tender prices of BGN12,800 and BGN19,500 respectively. The candidate buyers could also bid for cupboards, pumps, fans, and other assets of the company, evaluated at a total of BGN169,300. A subway and two railroad lines, estimated at BGN60,300, will be also offered for sale on July 15. The trustees in bankruptcy have obviously picked mid-summer as an appropriate time for cashing Agrobiochim's assets, because in addition to the above-mentioned items, another group of articles, evaluated at BGN64,000-plus, will be put up for sale as well. Mr. Karagyozov and Mr. Smilenov are definitely not worried by an eventual lack of interest towards the company's assets. So far they have succeeded to satisfy claims for more than BGN10MN. A considerable part of that amount was due to employees, whose remuneration has been almost entirely paid off. All liabilities of the company are about BGN95MN. Bulgargas is its biggest creditor, with receivables of almost BGN60MN. But as loan has not been ensured Bulgargas is waiting its turn in the queue with the other creditors. It's not clear, however, when it will get it money, the more so that lawsuits have already been initiated for some of the deals, closed by the trustees in bankruptcy. It turned out that the selling of Agrobiochim's assets was not so problem-free. The most contested sale was effected in 2003 when the two trustees in bankruptcy sold two self-contained parts of the enterprise - the workshops for production of ammonium nitrate and nitric acid - against BGN4.5MN, ignoring an offer of almost BGN8MN. According to experts, their aggregate value is not less than BGN12MN. The assets were purchased by a consortium between Smart Chemicals and the Dutch company Yevometal Stainless processing. The higher bid was offered by IPM OOD, owned by Ivan Minev. The deal is being attacked by the prosecutors office, which wants to declare it null and void. The problem is that the deal includes 100 dca of land, that has been sold, and according to Bulgarian legislation foreigners are not allowed to buy land. Immediately after acquiring it, however, the Dutch transferred it to a Bulgarian company. Agrobiochim was declared insolvent in 2001. The enterprise was producing ammonium nitrate, but in 1999 it stopped operation. At that time the Privatisation Agency (PA) sold the bulk of its production assets as self-contained parts. Among them were: the workshop for dicalcium phosphate, the workshop for production and packing of foodstuffs, the manufacture of caprolactam, of technical phosphates, technical carbon dioxide, and gaseous oxygen and nitrogen.
Source: Banker (12.07.2004)
The Bulgarian Commission for Regulation of Communications (CRC) decided to issue a TETRA licence to the only candidate to have submitted an offer, Bulgaria's Pro Wave OOD, the company said. A co-owner in the company with 50% is Maxim Behar, owner of M3 Communications. The civilian TETRA network is envisaged to provide services to large corporate clients, which will reduce their communication expenditures. Currently only the ministry of interior has built a TETRA network, equipped by Nokia. The term of the licence is 15 years. The price of the document stands at BGN 199,800. Meanwhile the cabinet approved a strategy for development of 3G mobile communications, UMTS. According to the document, by September 30, 2004 the CRC will open a procedure to issue a 20-year UMTS license to two mobile operators.
Source: Pari (23.07.2004)
The Sofia city court initiated on Monday insolvency proceedings for Kremikovtzi on a petition filed by local company Stroykomplekt which is trying to collect 520,000 levs from the Sofia-based metallurgical plant. The news was confirmed for Dnevnik by Kremikovtzi supervisory board chairman Bozhko Bonev. The official rebutted claims that a temporary administrator is already in charge of the company and said an appeal against the insolvency motion will be submitted on July 28. Stroykomplekt, which is the first creditor to seek Kremikovtzi's insolvency, bought the 520,000 liability under a debt cession deal before the 1999 acquisition of the metals firm by Daru Metals. The debt was assigned to Stroykomplekt by a company that had supplied water pipes to Kremikovtzi. Since the debt transfer was priced at 1 lev, the management concluded that it was dealing with phantom supplies and refused to pay the debt, Bonev said. It is ridiculous to kick off an insolvency procedure over a liability worth only half a million levs when the assets of the company are valued at many millions, said Bonev. The temporary administrator manages a company undergoing insolvency proceedings until the end of the procedure. If the company is adjudicated bankrupt, a permanent administrator is appointed. Kremikovtzi's liabilities exceed 500 mln levs, found a parliamentary committee after scouring the books of the metallurgical plant for several months earlier this year. The Stroykomplekt petition could be joined by other disgruntled creditors. So far the government prevented major state-owned creditors like the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC), Bulgargaz and BDZ from collecting forcefully their debts from Kremikovtzi, a company with some 7,000 workers. Kremikovtzi and NETC clinched a deal in 2003 to reschedule over a ten-year period a debt of 70 mln levs owed to the power utility. The rescheduled debt, however, represents only 31% of the overall amount owed to NETC. Under a similar agreement, Kremikovtzi rescheduled in 2003 a debt of 25 mln levs owed to gas supplier Bulgargaz. The metallurgical company also owes 4 mln levs to national railway carrier BDZ. No government official was willing to comment on Tuesday the launch of insolvency proceedings against Kremikovtzi. The towering red ink of the metallurgical plant has forced Finmetals Holding, which owes 71% of Kremikovtzi, to seek new partners. After futile negotiations with Italy's Gruppo Mercegaglia, Kremikovtzi said in April 2004 that India's Ispat was to conduct a due diligence and could sign an agreement for joint management.
Source: Dnevnik (28.07.2004)
Black Sea Technology Company (BSTC) launches natural gas supply in four towns in the Dobrudja region from the middle of August, the sales director of the Bulgarian company, Valentin Habarliev, said. This year BSTC will invest BGN 7.5 million in Shumen, Provadia, Dalgopol and Axakovo. In the beginning of 2004 BSTC acquired a 35-year licence for gas distribution in the Dobrudja and Mizia regions (northern Bulgaria). The first consumers in Axakovo and Shumen have to be plugged to the gas network by October 15, the deadline for the other two towns is November 15. Besides a gas distribution network, the company will also build automated stations for regulation of gas pressure. In early August BSTC will begin implementation of its investment programme in Dobrich, where it holds a 10-year gas distribution licence. The supplier will expand its network to 110 industrial and public and administrative clients and 188 household consumers. So far only 66 families have signed contracts and if no more clients turn up, BSTC's investment programme in Dobrich will drop to BGN 500,000. Currently BSTC services 265 household consumers, 91 public and administrative buildings and 27 industrial projects.
Source: Pari (29.07.2004)
Metal works Kremikovtzis entire accounting record is to be revised by inspectors. Sofia District Court will appoint them at the request of vice-prime minister Ms. Lidia Shuleva. The measure was taken because of the temporary parliamentary commissions report on the labour safety and healthiness in Kremikovtzi. Financial minister Mr. Milen Velchev shall take immediate action for collecting state receivables from Kremikovtzi, says the government decision. The company owes BGN 100 mln to the National Social Security Institute, over USD 30 mln of defaults and interests on them under after-privatization commitments. Creditors of the works are also Bulgarian State Railways and Bulgargas.
Source: Sega (30.07.2004)
The average insurance income at the 20 most law-abiding companies in Bulgaria employing up to 15 people stands at BGN 1,018, first-half data of the National Social Security Institute show (NSSI). Such companies employ 273 people. The leader in the group is the embassy of Spain. Companies with staff of 15 to 50 people have a total of 804 employees. The average insurance income there is BGN 995. The employer paying the highest contributions for its employees is BORICA. Companies with 50 to 100 staff insure a total of 1,579 people with an average insurance income of BGN 902. Another 4,057 are employed in companies with staff ranging between 100 and 250, where the income is BGN 778. The biggest number of people, 51,560, are employed in enterprises with more than 250 workers. The average insurance income there is BGN 622.
Source: Pari (05.08.2004)
The average insurance income at the 20 most law-abiding companies in Bulgaria employing up to 15 people stands at BGN 1,018, first-half data of the National Social Security Institute show (NSSI). Such companies employ 273 people. The leader in the group is the embassy of Spain. Companies with staff of 15 to 50 people have a total of 804 employees. The average insurance income there is BGN 995. The employer paying the highest contributions for its employees is BORICA. Companies with 50 to 100 staff insure a total of 1,579 people with an average insurance income of BGN 902. Another 4,057 are employed in companies with staff ranging between 100 and 250, where the income is BGN 778. The biggest number of people, 51,560, are employed in enterprises with more than 250 workers. The average insurance income there is BGN 622.
Source: Pari (05.08.2004)
For the fifth time in a row, an auction for assets of embattled urea maker Chimco JSC, organised by the State Receivables Collection Agency (SRCA) failed to attract any bidders. The combined price tag of the assets, which include a crypton-xenon installation, is BGN 2.507 mln. SRCA is trying to enforce a debt of BGN 8 mln owed mainly to the National Social Security Institute, the tax administration and the courts. Chimco has been idle for two years but the management says it is preparing to restart the carbamide production.
Source: Dnevnik (10.08.2004)
The National Social Security Institute announced the top 20 most law-abiding employers with personnel of 50 up to 100 people for the first quarter of 2004. They insure totally 1579 people with an average insurance income of BGN 902: 1. Les Laboratoires Servier - Sofia 2. Association of Bulgarian Road Transport Enterprises - Sofia 3. Siemens - Sofia 4. Bulgargas - Vratza 5. Glaksosmitklajin Limited - Sofia 6. Daru Car - Sofia 7. Henkel-Bulgaria - Sofia 8. IBM-Bulgaria - Sofia 9. Wuerth-Bulgaria - Sofia 10. Aims Human Capital - Sofia 11. TM-Auto - Sofia 12. Information services Plovdiv branch - Plovdiv 13. Encouragement bank - Sofia 14. SG Expressbank JSC Transport branch - Varna 15. Berlin Hemi AG - Sofia 16. SG Expressbank JSC branch Varna - Varna 17. Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain - Sofia 18. Sofia City Prosecution Office -Sofia 19. Foundation Catholic Relief Services (CRS) - Bulgaria - Sofia 20. Code Assistance SP LTD - Sofia
Source: Other (10.08.2004)
National Social Security Institute announced the Top 20 most law-abiding employers with personnel between 100 and 250 for the first half of 2004. The Top 20 companies insure a total of 4057 people with an average insurance income of BGN 778. 1. Media Holding - Sofia 2. 168 Hours SPLTD - Sofia 3. Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC - Radnevo 4. Sap Labs Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia 7 Avtomotor Corporation - Sofia 13. Siemens Information and Communication, Sofia 18. Festo Production SPLTD - Sofia
Source: Other (10.08.2004)
The Nabucco project, aimed at bringing down natural gas from Western Europe through Turkey and Bulgaria, was approved by the Financial Supervision department of the Dutch company ABN AMRO Bank N.V. The team of the bank, which was selected as financial advisor, will provide support to the Nabucco consortium during the initial survey stage of the building of the project, estimated at some EUR 4.4 bln. The consortium unites gas companies from Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Austria, Hungary, and Serbia.
Source: Sega (20.08.2004)
On Thursday, the Government transferred the supervision of the debts of the metallurgical plant Kremikovtzi to the Managing Committee of the National Programme for the Restructuring and Development of Steel Industry, which will operate until the year 2007. Ministers closed the commission, coordinating the relations between Kremikovtzi and its state-owned creditors, which was associated in 2002, explaining it has run out of functions, because an agreement for settling of the financial problems between the debtor and its creditors (National Social Security Institute (NOI), Chief Tax Directorate, Customs Agency, Bulgargas, National Electricity Distribution Company (NEC), Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ), the ports in Bourgas and Lom, and Napoitelni Sistemi (Irrigation Systems), has been reached. From now on, the coordination of the actions and measures, related to Kremikovtzis debts, will be assigned to the National Programme for the Restructuring of Steel Industry. This programme is aimed at bringing Bulgarian metallurgy in compliance with EU production standards. The plants debts amount to some BG N500 mln, including debts to private suppliers, according to the report of the parliamentary commission, investigating the plants activity following the labour accident in January, in which three people were killed. According to labour union information, the plants debts for social insurance are in the amount of around BGN 100 mln. Half a year ago, Kremikovtzi and NOI adopted a sinking plan, according to which the plant had to remit BGN 5 mln a month. This plan was recently corrected. The plants BGN 70 mln debt to NEC was extended and is due payable over the next 10 years. Similar agreement was reached with Bulgargas. Recently, Kremikovtzis name made quite a stir again, after Sofia-based Stroycomplect addressed the Court, asking it to decalre Kremikovtzi in insolvency, because of a BGN 500 000 debt. The bankruptcy case will be heard in September. Other companies may join Stroycomplects claim as well.
Source: Dnevnik (20.08.2004)
The privatisation-bound companies in which the state holds a majority stake number 82. Pre-privatisation preparations have already been launched at these enterprises and the manner of their sell-off is being discussed. For another 200 the privatisation method has already been chosen. The number of companies that will be sold away, however, may grow if the ministries request from the privatisation agency to sell the companies that are pending liquidation.
Source: Dnevnik (23.08.2004)
Vratza District Court will hear today the lawsuit for claiming the Fertilizer Company Chimco JSC Vratza in insolvency under the claims of National Electricity Transimission Company and Bulgargas SP JSC Sofia for more than BGN 133 million. The case was put off on July 29 for the reason of the uncompleted triple court accounting expert investigation of the fertilizer plant. The new Chimco case began on April 20 after the Supreme Court of Cassation returned the insolvency case to Vratza District Court for the second time.
Source: Monitor (21.09.2004)
European-American consortium along with two powerful Russia-based companies is to buy the Vratza-based factory Chimco, announced the chairman of the plants Managing Board Mr. Velislav Vuzev yesterday. According to him the negotiation are to be finalized soon. Meanwhile Chimco was given a postponement of another month for the insolvency case, filed by Bulgargas and National Electricity Distribution Company (NEC). The creditors claim for unpaid bills of gas and electricity is already topping BGN 160 million.
Source: 24 chasa (23.09.2004)
The Vratsa District Court is going to decide whether or not to initiate new insolvency proceedings for the Chimco fertilizer plant on October 19. The magistrates examined the results from the triple expertise of the economic situation of the combine on September 21. However, the expertise appeared incomplete and the experts were asked to make additional assessments. The parties in the case decided not to reveal information about its contents. The National Electricity Company (NEC) asked for declaring the Vratsa-based company bankrupt in November 2002. NEC's claims reached BGN33MN. The company was followed by Bulgargas which requested Chimco's insolvency, too. According to the state monopolist, the plant has accumulated its debt since 1996 as it failed to pay gas deliveries worth BGN70MN. According to Chimco's balance-sheet of the first half of 2004, its fixed assets total BGN225MN, of which machines and equipment are worth BGN175.8MN. They are down by nearly BGN40MN compared to the same period of 2003. The company's capital amounts to BGN13.6MN. The chemical combine reported a BGN112.6,000 profit for the first half of the year. However, the profit is mainly due to the sale of assets of the company. Three months earlier Chimco reported a loss amounting to BGN2.6MN, while uncovered prior losses reached BGN68MN. Chimco is owned by the off-shore AVST Trading company which holds 36.06% of its capital and Jagoil Limited which has a 35% stake. The rest of the shares are distributed among small shareholders.
Source: Banker (27.09.2004)
Within days, debt-throttled metallurgical plant Kremikovtzi JSC has managed to dodge one insolvency lawsuit only to stumble straight into a new one. The Sofia-based metals firm has worked out a deal with creditor Stroykomplekt after the latter filed an insolvency suit over an outstanding debt of BGN 520,000. Kremikovtzi has reportedly agreed to pay off half of the litigated amount if Stroykomplekt drops the lawsuit filed in July this year. But only a day after the court stayed proceedings in the Stroykomplekt case on September 23, another creditor of the metallurgical plant, Inzhtalant, filed a separate insolvency petition in a bid to collect a court-certified debt of BGN 400,000 from Kremikovtzi. Mr. Nikolay Batashki, the Inzhtalant lawyer, said he has alerted the Commission for the Protection of Competition about the rescheduled payment of some BGN 146 mln that Kremikovtzi owes the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC), Bulgargas and the National Social Security Institute. The commission said on Monday it was not poised to act on his petition but Batashki said he would appeal before the Supreme Administrative Court. The anti-trust authority said in late 2003 that the rescheduling of Kremikovtzi's debts to state-owned creditors did not constitute state aid. The news of the Stroykomplekt insolvency suit prompted several creditors to join the legal action in an attempt to recover in excess of BGN 3 mln from Kremikovtzi. One of the litigants, the Pepo-Petar Rizov company, is now appealing the staying of the Stroykomplekt lawsuit. In 2003, Kremikovtzi clinched a deal to reschedule the payment of BGN 36 mln to gas supplier Bulgargas over a 10-year period while convincing NETC to consent to an identical repayment scheme for debts of BGN 76 mln. Two months ago, parliament urged the government to take measures to collect the BGN 146 mln that the plant owes the state. On September 8, the government instructed the ministers of economy and of finance to prepare a report with the exact debt figures and the schemes for their repayment. Meanwhile, Finmetals Holding, which owns 71 per cent of Kremikovtzi, is in talks to sell a majority stake in the metallurgical plant to India's Global Infrastructure Holdings Ltd.
Source: Dnevnik (28.09.2004)
Bulgargas suggests to increase the price of the natural gas by some 1.9 percent as of October 1 this year, this is read in a report to the State Commission for Energy Regulation. The elements that form the natural gas price on the entrance of the gas conducting network have been changed for the past 3 months. Black fuel and gas oils prices have increased between 15,2 and 23,8 percent, this is written in the reasons for the change. Meanwhile the currency rate of the BGN reported a 1.2- percent decrease against the USD.
Source: Novinar (28.09.2004)
The state may take the Sofia-based Heat Supply if an international companys manager is not chosen in October, the Minister of Energy Mr. Milko Kovachev warned. He is to demand on a states share increase that currently is 42 percent. Stolichna (Sofia) Municipality holds the rest 58 percent. According to Mr. Kovachev one of the ways for state participations increase is through sinking a part of the Heat Supply Sofias debts to Bulgargas.
Source: Capital (04.10.2004)
We are launching a procedure to select a consultant for the privatisation of Bulgargas EAD, Bulgarian minister of energy Milko Kovachev told journalists on Saturday. The consultant is to develop a programme for restructuring of the gas company and indicate appropriate methods for its sale, the minister added. Besides, it is high time the state returned the amounts attained from transit fees for transportation of natural gas to the company, the minister believes. Currently the state budget acquires the full amount of fees, totalling BGN 50 million annually. According to Kovachev at least a portion of the fees must be alloted to the company responsible for transportation. At the moment gas consumption in Bulgaria is on the rise, and the quantities transported to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia are increasing as well. Additionally, a project to install gas pipelines to Serbia and Montenegro is underway.
Source: Pari (18.10.2004)
The energy ministry has once again proposed to the finance ministry to allow Bulgargaz, the nation's gas supplier, to pocket 20% of fees charged from Gazprom for the transmission of Russian gas via Bulgarian territory. Bulgargaz currently pays the fee revenue, which topped 140 mln levs in 2002 and 90 mln levs in 2003, into the state budget after deducting investment costs. If the finance ministry consents to the proposal, retabled several time in the past couple of years, state-owned Bulgargaz will be transformed into a commercial corporation and will be liable only for corporate income tax. The European Commission is expected to ok soon a consultant for a 1 mln euro Phare-funded strategy for the privatisation of the gas supplier.
Source: Dnevnik (18.10.2004)
Chimco Vratza has a new owner, which holds 71 per cent of the companys stock. This is the US investment fund, which is related to the chemical and energy industry. According to the new chair of the companys Supervisory Board Mr. Nikolay Velkov, ammonia and carbamide production in Chimco will be restored by the end of this year. The new owners intend to invest more than USD 40 mln in the companys technical modernization.
Source: Darik Radio (19.10.2004)
Gazprom is interested in buying Sofia municipalitys stake in Heat Supply-Sofia, became clear yesterday after the meeting between Russia's minister of energy Mr. Victor Hristenko and Sofia's mayor Mr. Stefan Sofiyanski. During the meeting, Mr. Hristenko asked whether the municipality was to sell its 58-percent stake in the company. Mr. Hristenko is accompanying Russia's prime minister Mr. Mihail Fradkov on his 2-day visit in Bulgaria.
Source: Novinar (20.10.2004)
Italys Gruppo Sicieta Gas Rimini, Construzionni Dondi, and Enel, Austrias EVN, which recently bought the electricity distribution companies in Stara Zagora and Plovdiv, and Overgas Inc., have submitted offers to receive gas distribution licenses for the Trakia region, State Energy Regulation Commission announced. The deadline for submission of offers expired Monday. Within three months, the regulation commission is due to choose the winner in the competition.
Source: Dnevnik (21.10.2004)
Bulgarias minister of energy and energy resources opened the tenth session of the Power Engineering working group with the Bulgarian-German Cooperation Council, which is currently held in Berlin, and enjoys the interest of major German energy companies, such as Siemens, Framatom, ABB, Alstom, etc. Minister Kovachev is accompanied by representatives of the energy ministry, the energy efficiency agency, as well as by the executive directors of the National Electricity Transmission Company (NEC) Mr. Vasil Anastasov, Bulgargas Mr. Kiril Gegov, Maritza Iztok mines Mr. Shteryo Shterev, TPP Varna Mr. Kamen Boshnakov.
Source: BTA (26.10.2004)
Natural gas consumption has dropped with 4.5 per cent as of the end of September, compared with the same period in 2003, due to lower consumption by heat distribution companies. Nevertheless, local thermal power plants remain the biggest consumers of the raw material, accounting for 36.5 per cent of total consumption. They are followed by the chemical and metallurgical industries.
Source: Standart (26.10.2004)
Top 50 of the most loyal employers with a staff from 100 to 250 people insuring a total of 72 056 people, and with an average insurance income of BGN 670 for the period January August 2004 Name Town 1. Bulgargas Varna 2. Prosecution of the Republic of Bulgaria Prosecutor-general Sofia 3. Tax Administration Sofia 4. American University in Bulgaria Association Blagoevgrad 5. Corporate Commercial Bank Sofia 6. Bulgargas Sofia 7. Sap Labs Bulgaria Sofia 8. Unionbank CB Sofia 9. Automotor Corporation Sofia 10. Municipal Bank Sofia 11. Sofia Hotel Balkan Sofia 12. Commission for Regulation of Communications Sofia 13. Siemens Information and Communication Sofia 14. Polichrom POAP Sofia 15. DHL International-Bulgaria Sofia 16. Festo Production Sofia 17. Litasco Bulgaria Sofia 18. Eurobank Sofia 19. Financial Supervision Commission Sofia 20. Privatization Agency Sofia 21. Supreme Administrative Court Sofia 22. BNB Printing Works Sofia 23. Regional Tax Directorate Dobrich 24. ING Bank Bulgaria. - Sofia branch Sofia 25. Administartion of the President of the Republic of Bulgaria Sofia 26. Actavis Sofia 27. National Arts Academy Sofia 28. Sofia Regional Prosecution Sofia 29. Curtis-Balkan Sofia 30. Intersnack Bulgaria Sofia 31. Customs - Varna Varna 32. Bank DSK SPJSC Varna branch Varna 33. BNP PARIBAS /Bulgaria/ Sofia 34. Regional Tax Directorate Shoumen 35. Allianz Bulgaria CB Sofia 36. Regional Tax Directorate Big Taxpayers - Sofia 37. Regional Tax Directorate Sliven 38. UNIBANK Sofia 39. Petrol holding Varna 40. Hebrosbank JSC National Canter branch Sofia 41. Melexis Bulgaria Sofia 42. Ministry of Energy and Energy Resources Sofia 43. Regional Tax Directorate Vratza 44. Piraeus Bank JSC - Sofia branch Sofia 45. Regional Court Plovdiv 46. Bulgarian-American Credit Bank Sofia 47. Provadsol Provadia 48. District Court Plovdiv 49. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Sofia 50. Veterinary Medical School Stara Zagora The data is provided by the personal PC of the National Social Security Institute to October 8, 2004
Source: Other (26.10.2004)
Chimcos new owner a US Investment fund, is planning to resume the production in the fertilizer plant by the end of this year, the companys CEO Mr. Andrei Semerdjiev announced. Currently, technical and economic studies are being conducted at Chimco, as well as schedules for putting into operation 25 per cent of the production capacities in December. Negotiations for supply of natural gas are being held with Bulgargas, the National Electricity Transmission Company (NEC), and the thermal power plant, located on the territory of Chimco
Source: Sega (27.10.2004)
The auction for the sale of Chimco JSC Vratzas assets was put off for a fourth time in a row. The State Receivables Collection Agency /SRCA/ temporary postponed the public bidding appointed for today. The reason is that the plants creditors - National Social Security Institute and General Tax Directorate, have sent a claim to the Agency insisting on the sales deferring. Chimcos property should have been sold for BGN 3.6 mln on the auction put off. The case for claiming Chimco insolvency is appointed for November 11 at the demand of National Electricity Distribution Company and Bulgargas SPJSC Sofia.
Source: Sega (29.10.2004)
Local construction company Ingtalant Ltd. has backed out of the two insolvency cases it filed against Sofia-based Kramikovtzi in a bid to recover 400,000 levs from the debt-throttled steel plant. The two sides have settled out of court. A similar agreement convinced another Kremikovtzi creditor, Stroykomplekt, to drop in early September its own insolvency case against the metallurgical company. Kremikovtzi still faces two cases filed by creditors at the Sofia city court.
Source: Dnevnik (01.11.2004)
The selection of manager for district heating company Toplofikacia Sofia JSC could to drag on for another couple of months, the three applicants for the position said after an interview with the working group in charge of the selection early this week. The draft management contract will be amended to describe the obligations of the manager, the ways in which his performance will be assessed and the possible liability clauses. The general opinion is that, in its current version, the content of the document is more akin to that of a consultancy contract. The award of the consultancy contract to a private investor, which was supposed to happen in 2003, will clear the way for the disbursement of EBRD and World Bank loans for the rehabilitation of the heating utility with an estimated cost of 114 mln euro. Germany's MVV, Dalkia of France and the RWE Industries/Stadtwerke Leipziger tie-in have already passed the pre-qualification round for the management contract held in 2003 and will be invited to submit bids. One of the contentious issue in the draft contract is why the heating utility has to pay an annual fee plus a share of the profit to the manager, who has no say in the company's investment policy, said the working group's manager Plamen Iliev. The document's philosophy should be revised, he added. In his words, in its current version the document does not envisage sanctions for the future manager. The obligations of the future manager, as described in the draft, prevail over his rights, said NDSV adviser Atanas Tassev. This is the common stand of both the candidates and the municipality and the energy ministry, he explained. The energy ministry commented that a meeting with representatives of the municipality will be held to clarify the sides' position on the document. The state owns 42% of the heating utility. Some time ago the state said the municipality should name a consultant as otherwise the state would increase its stake in the company and cover the BGN 60 mln debts to gas supplier Bulgargas. Toplofikacia Sofia provides heat and hot water to over 800,000 customers that account for 65% of district heat consumption in Bulgaria.
Source: Dnevnik (05.11.2004)
National Social Security Institute announced the top 50 most loyal employers wit ha personnel of 50 to 100 people for the first nine months of 2004, insuring a total of 4139 workers with an average insurance income of BGN 678: 5. Daru Car - Sofia 8. TM Auto, Sofia 9. Bimak - Chelopech 12. JSC Information services office Plovdiv Plovdiv 16. Kammarton Bulgaria - Sofia 20 Electrorazpredelenie - Varna 22. Lindner Bulgaria - Sofia 24. Heat Supply-Plovdiv 26. SIAD BULGARIA - SOFIA 27 Shell Gas Bulgaria - Sofia 45. Euratech Ltd., Sofia 48. JSC Information services office Varna Varna 50. Electricity Distribution Company Plovdiv - Karlovo region
Source: Capital market (08.11.2004)
Top 50 of the most loyal employers with a staff from 100 to 250 people insuring a total of 9580 people, and with an average insurance income of BGN 608 for the first nine months of 2004: 1. Mines Maritsa-Iztok - Radnevo 2. Bulgartabac Holding - Sofia 3. Commercial Bank Unionbank JSC - Sofia 4. Kronospan Bulgaria - Bourgas 15. Delta Bulgaria - Sofia 25. Datecs, Sofia 26. Transimpex - Sofia 31. Toplofikacia - Sliven 33. Curtis-Balkan SPLTD - Sofia 34. Electrorazpredelenie - Gorna Oryahovitza, Silistra branch 36. Intersnack Bulgaria SPLTD - Sofia 39. Kremikovtzi Trade SPLTD - Sofia 49. Melexis Bulgaria - Sofia
Source: Capital market (08.11.2004)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, will create a wholly-owned subsidiary, Bulgartel, to operate the fiber-optic network of the parent company, Bulgarian energy minister Ilko Yotsev said on Wednesday. Bulgargaz, which was licensed last year to provide datacasting services, has a 680 km fiber-optic network reaching the borders with Romania, Greece and Turkey. Bulgarian telecom operators Neterra and Orbitel and cable operator CabelTEL are in talks to hire lines from Bulgargaz. Bulgargaz and CabelTEL, co-owned by Bulgarian and U.S. investors, signed an agreement six months ago for a partnership in the provision of telecom services and for the link-up of their networks. BUlgargaz is pursuing a similar connectivity deal with gas distributor Overgas Inc.. Vestitel BG, a subsidiary of Overgas, said in mid-October it will invest BGN 4 mln in the installation of a fiber-optic pipe linking Sofia and the town of Kulata on the Bulgarian-Greek border. The 223 km cable will have 72 fibers, including 12 broadband channels, and will be installed by April 2005. At the moment, local ISPs buy international connectivity mainly from BTC Net, Neterra and PanTel.
Source: Dnevnik (11.11.2004)
Vratza-based fertilizer plant Chimco is insolvent, the court and accounting expertise for the economic state of the company concluded. Chimcos debts are in the amount of over BGN 150 mln, and its assets are three times smaller some BGN 43 mln, Mr. Marko Pelov announced. He is a court expert in the companys insolvency case. Another two experts have come to the same conclusion as him.
Source: Shans Express Vratza (12.11.2004)
Telecommunications company CableTel and the Greek sector company OTE signed a contract for mutual connectivity of their networks, it emerged during the presentation of CableTel's new service Triple Play. At present, there is already an international connection between the the two networks, the capacity increase is forthcoming. CableTel is Bulgaria's largest cable operator that has been active for ten years already and has a coverage in 20 towns. In 2003 the company started construction of a optic cable ring around Sofia to use it for high-speed data transfer. The total investments for a period of two years are projected to come to EUR 100 million. In a fortnight's time the company is to sign an agreement for mutual connectivity with the Bulgarian telecommunications Company (BTC) and will continue its efforts to secure mutual connectivity with the telecom companies of the Balkan region. The company's Triple Play was introduced at the beginning of November this year. Under this name the company offers in fact cable TV, Internet and phone services.
Source: Pari (19.11.2004)
Bulgaria's Privatisation Agency (PA) sees an opportunity to drop in 2005 companies like Bulgargaz, Technoexportstroy, Metalni Konstrukcii Holding and Industrial Construction Holding from the non-privatisation list of the Privatisation Act. The denationalisation of enterprises defined in the Privatisation Act as having national security relevance will get underway in earnest in 2005. That list of security-sensitive companies is dominated by the defence industry. The PA action plan for 2005 envisages the divestiture of 46 equity packages of companies majority-owned by the state, 20 transactions with self-contained parts and 167 transactions with minority stakes. The sell-off regulator expects to wrap up the privatisation of the thermal power plants in Bobov Dol, Varna and Rousse in the first half of 2005 and to continue readying for privatisation the district heating companies based in Plovdiv, Shumen, Varna and Pernik. National flag-carrier Bulgaria Air, the Bulgarian River Shipping Corporation and national maritime fleet NMB are also expected to go private next year. After the privatisation of the cigarette factories and processing units of tobacco monopoly Bulgartabac, the PA could move to divest the holding structure as well in 2005. The PA expects to contract 450 mln levs in cash privatisation proceeds next year and another 300 mln levs in non-cash payment instruments.
Source: Dnevnik (23.11.2004)
Bulgargas reported revenues to the amount of BGN 672 846 in the first nine months of 2004. The companys tangible assets total BGN 1 119 552. The net profit for the period under review reached BGN 82 813. Local natural gas supplies have increased with 14 per cent over the period January-September 2004 y/y, the company reported. However, consumption has dropped with 4.5 per cent.
Source: Monitor (23.11.2004)
Next week, Sofia City Court will register Bulgargas subsidiary to deal in telecommunication sphere. It is titled Bulgartel, the Bulgargas CEO Mr. Kiril Gegov announced. Bulgartel owns 650-km optic network that will go over the national gas-supply network and will connect the Romanian and Turkish frontier. The optic network is of 24 channels, as Bulgargas needs 2 channels for it own need. This will be the second powerful operator after the Bulgarian Telecommunication Company, as no other company in Bulgaria has a similar network.
Source: Sega (25.11.2004)
The Bulgarian energy sector needs EUR 6.6 billion investments until 2007, calculations of the energy ministry show. The funding is needed for reconstruction, expansion of existing capacities and construction of new ones. As much as EUR 4.14 billion of the total amount will be used for reconstruction, modernisation and rehabilitation and for expansion of the National Electric Company's transit network. Another EUR 2 billion will be invested in boosting Bulgargas's gas transit network and in surveys needed for the Nabucco project for transit of Caspian gas via Bulgaria. Some EUR 331 million will be alloted for rehabilitation of the heating network and construction of combined capacities for heating and electricity. In coal mining, as much as EUR 125 million in needed for the upgrade of the Maritsa Iztok Mines alone.
Source: Pari (01.12.2004)
Bulgargas may stop the deliveries to Heat Supply-Burgas, and 80 000 households in the sea-coastal city are facing the threat of leaving without heat. The problem is the companys debts to the fuel supplier amounted to BGN 4 100 000. The CEO of Heat Supply-Burgas Mr. Petar Rusev stated yesterday that the enterprise has already breached the agreement for rescheduled payment. The Gas Company managed by Mr. Kiril Gegov has warned that the company is to stop at any moment the supply of the natural fuel.
Source: Monitor (02.12.2004)
By 2005 Bulgargas, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, will have a new structure with more power concentrated in the hands of a CEO and his several deputies, the energy ministry reported. At present the company is run jointly by a CEO and a managerial agent. The latter's position however will be scrapped. The Bulgargas board of directors adopted a decision to this end last week. It is still unclear of the managerial agent, Iliya Ivanov, will stay with the company. The restructuring program will probably merge the company's economic and financial operations in one directorate, as will the legal and the administrative management. The telecommunication operations of Bulgargas's fiber optic units will be transferred to a new entity, Bulgartel. The energy ministry explained that the changes were prompted by provisions in the energy legislation under which gas companies should spin off their natgas supply operations after Bulgaria joins the EU, which is expected to happen in 2007. Also upon its EU accession Bulgaria will be required to import gas from EU members exclusively and the nation's main supplier should control 75% of the market. Bulgargas has signed a long-term contract with Russian gas giant Gazprom which expires in 2008. The company is also working on the NABUCCO project for alternative supplies of natgas from the Caspian basin to Central and Western Europe. A week ago the Privatisation Agency proposed that Bulgargas is removed from the list of state-owned companies whose sale is vetoed. Energy minister Milko Kovachev, however, said he was opposed to the idea.
Source: Dnevnik (07.12.2004)
Vratza District Court declared Chimco unsound and started an insolvency procedure. The decision is under the petitions of the biggest Chimcos creditors Bulgargas and National Electricity Distribution Company that the company owes a total of BGN 133 mln to. According to the triple accountant expertise Chimcos debts are over BGN 150 mln, and the assets are BGN 43 mln. The temporary syndic Mr. Boris Borisov will manage the company until December 21 when the creditors will have to elect a constant one.
Source: Sega (08.12.2004)
US Horizon Energy will sign a five-year contract for sale of electricity generated at the Sofia heating utility to Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK). The US company has pledged to invest USD 100 million in the utility to build a co-generating facility for combined production of heating and electricity. The capacity of the plant after the project is completed will be 100 mW. However, the sales agreement reached concerns 50 mW at preferential prices of BGN 80 per mWh. Horizon hopes we will reach an acceptable agreement for sale of the remaining quantity at market prices, a company official said.
Source: Pari (09.12.2004)
The heating utility in Lovech will have to be sold for BGN 1 following another unsuccessful attempt to privatize the company, according to the companys Manager Ms. Margarita Kamenova. She commented the most appropriate price which would attract investors would be to pay the debts of the indebted company in the amount ofBGN 350 000. Instead, the price fixed by PA in the first of the auctions was BGN 1.2 mln. In the second auction, held in the end of November, the only interested candidate was Elite Group 2003 Sofia, but it did not submit an offer. The heating season may fail, because the company has accumulated debts to Bulgargas.
Source: Sega (09.12.2004)
A subsidiary of Italys Indagro-Geneva, which is among the worlds top five fertilizer producers and distributors, has rented the production capacities of the Vratza-based fertilizer plant Chimco for a period of one year. This was announced by the newly appointed CEO of the company Mr. Vladimir Nenchev. The contract between Vratza District Court, the new provisional syndic of the company Mr. Boris Borisov and Indagro-Bulgaria, was signed yesterday.
Source: Sega (10.12.2004)
Sofia City Court has registered changes in the company case 1371/90 for Bulgargaz SPJSC - Sofia with municipal property: registers new companys statute, approved with a decision State gazette-136 from November 4, 2003 by the Minister of energy and energy resources.
Source: State Gazette (14.12.2004)
Representatives of IBE Trade Crop. of the U.S., one of the companies seeking to be recognised as the rightful owner of Vratsa-based fertiliser company Chimco, told a news conference on Tuesday the company is ready to reboot the idled Bulgarian plant and to start negotiations with the main creditors on the rescheduling of Chimco's debts and the staying of insolvency proceedings. The investment that Chimco needs to ingest could come either from IBE Trade or from its partners, the company reps said, citing no timetable for their recovery plan. IBE Trade's future actions depend on the outcome from a case filed before Bulgaria's Supreme Court of Cassation in an attempt to recover a 71% stake in Chimco. The development of the Chimco case is followed closely overseas as suggested by a bill moved to Congress which conditions United States military co-operation with the government of Bulgaria within the territory of Bulgaria on evidence that U.S.citizens are afforded full due process of law. The bill states that the U.S. Secretary of Defence may not enter into any contract or other agreement with the government of Bulgaria regarding United States military co-operation with the government of Bulgaria within the territory of Bulgaria, including contracts or agreements for joint training activities or the construction of United States military facilities, unless the Secretary certifies to Congress, after consultation with the Secretary of State, that United States citizens and corporations are afforded full due process of law in Bulgaria, which would be evidenced at least in part by the full and fair resolution of the claims of IBE Trade Corporation, a United States corporation, for the wrongful conversion of its shares of stock of Chimco consistent with the decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of New York in IBE Trade Corp v. Iuori P. Litvinenko. The court convicted Litvinenko of wrongful conversion of IBE Trade assets and restored to the plaintiff ownership over Chimco in 2001. It was announced in October that a U.S. fund will acquire 70% of Chimco after buying its Cyprus-based owners A.V.S.T. Trading Ltd. and Jagwele Inc. The IBE Trade lawyers said on Tuesday they were not familiar with the circumstances of said transaction. After the Vratsa district court initiated insolvency proceedings against Chimco in early December, it emerged that a subsidiary of Italy's Indagro SA had hired the assets of the plant for one year against a monthly lease of 100,000 levs.
Source: Dnevnik (15.12.2004)
Southwestern Bulgaria will be gas supplied directly from the transitional gas conduct to Greece. This opportunity springs out of the contract signed between Bulgargaz and the Rusia-based Gazexport, that has a deadline in the end of 2010.
Source: Standart (22.12.2004)
The natural gas quantities transited through Bulgaria to Greece will grow by 50 per cent for the period 2005-2010. This is stipulated in the yesterday-signed contract between Gazexpport and Bulgargaz, the local company announced. Thus the full capacity of the transit gas conduct and revenues increase for the state budget and Bulgargaz. Currently the company transits 60 per cent of the natural gas used in Greece.
Source: Sega (22.12.2004)
The company is registered as a big tax-payer in the Tax administration.
Source: Other (01.01.2005)
The amount of the natural gas transferred through southwestern Bulgaria and destined to Greece will be increased with 50 per cent over the period 2005-2010 as of the beginning of January 2005. The managements of Gazexport and Bulgargaz have signed the contract stipulating these intentions. Thus both companies will negotiate for the construction of gas-measuring stations near the towns of Samokov, Kjustendil, Dupnitza, Blagoevgrad, Simitly /Bansko/, Snadanski and Petrich.
Source: Struma - Blagoevgrad (03.01.2005)
Varnagas JSC, co-owned by Overgas Inc. and the Varna municipality (34%), will spend 5.3 mln levs to install 46,100 m of gas mains and increase its household customers to 3,000 and the number of serviced public buildings to 94, the company's managerial agent Ognyan Spasov said. Varnagas, the holder of a 10-year gas distribution licence, estimates it will invest 30 mln euro in the gasification of the coastal city by '13, deploying a 309 km gas network and targeting 40,000 potential household customers and some 30 industrial clients. Varnagas will kick off the gasification of the nearby Zlatni Pyasatsi resort in '06, a year later than that of adjacent SS Konstatin&Elena resort.
Source: Dnevnik (24.01.2005)
The metallurgy plant Kremikovtzi reported a net profit of BGN 7.5 mln for the third quarter of 2004. This emerged from the companys financial report that was published at last at the web site of the Stock Exchange. It also shows that the companys long-term liabilities have increased, reaching some BGN 325 mln. Three months earlier they were BGN 290 mln. The short-term credits show an opposite trend. They have decreased from BGN 310 mln to BGN 284 mln. The biggest plants creditors are the state-owned companies National Electricity Distribution Company, Bulgargaz, and Bulgarian State Railways, but they have not launched court actions against the plant. Few months ago the Kremikovtzis lawyer Mr. Batashki asked the Commission on Protection of Competition to reschedule the debts of BGN 146 mln that the plant owes to National Electricity Distribution Company, Bulgargaz and the National Social Security Institute (NSSI). The short-term companys assets have grown during the period, but the balance-sheet value of the long-term assets has gone down by some BGN 40 mln. The most notable decrease is the one in the Machinery and Equipment column. The amount of these assets is BGN 183 mln. Trade credits granted to another companies have been increasing, which makes Kremikovtzi dependent on the financial state of its clients. As a whole, the spendings for the last quarter posted a growth of BGN 26 mln, as this result is mainly due to the amounts spent for operative activity. The positive item is that in the period to September 2004 the total volume of the Kremikovtzis incomes from the core activity have grown rapidly compared to the relevant spendings. The sales revenues have increased by BGN 26 mln, reaching BGN 732 mln. Kremikovtzis obligations to the state budget are slightly over BGN 20 mln. The wages unpaid and the outstanding obligations to the staff total to over BGN 8.5 mln. The India-based Global Infrastructure Holdings, controlled by the Mittal family and holding the metallurgy giant Ispat, showed in 2004 interest in buying the plant. The holding entirely deals in the companys investment operations abroad and holds 6 per cent of Ispat industries. The buyer is in talks with the current owner Finmetals Holding for purchasing the majority stake of the company. Since March, the owner actively negotiates with four foreign companies, which have declared interest in investing in Kremikovtzi. The last changes in the companys management were made in August, when two Indians, representatives of Ispat Industries, entered the Board of Directors. The majority owner Finmetals Holding expected to draw foreign investors in the management by the end of the year, but yet there was no deal. The company Deloitte & Touche was re-elected for companys auditor in 2005 at the Extraordinary General Meeting.
Source: Dnevnik (25.01.2005)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, said accounting profit increased by BGN 32 mln to BGN 160 mln in 2004 while operating income rose BGN 77 mln to BGN 995 mln. Domestic gas consumption fell 10 per cent to 2.96 bln cu m last year, Bulgargaz said. Gas transit to Greece is seen at 2.5 bln cu m in 2005 and at 3 bln cu m annually in 2007-2010. The company transited 11.2 bln cu m of gas to Turkey in 2004, slightly below the maximum capacity of 14 bln cu m.
Source: Dnevnik (27.01.2005)
Today Bulgargazs telecommunication company Bulgartel will sign a contract with Turkey-based Aisel for the building of a connection between their networks, the head of Bulgargazs Board of Directors Mr. Milen Chakarov announced. Aisel is the telecommunication company of the Turkish Koc Holding, which two years ago showed interest in buying 65 per cent of BTC. The contract aims at building a 35-km connection between the optic networks of Bulgratel and Koc holding, that should be built in Turkey. This would allow phone and Internet traffic from Turkey to Romania and Western Europe passing through Bulgaria.
Source: Sega (28.01.2005)
The state-owned enterprises will have to allot 50 per cent of their profit to the state until May 31. This is written in a Governments enactment for the budget 2005 implementation, promulgated in the State Gazette. The joint stock companies will distribute the dividend after allotting the 10-per cent payment in the Reserves fund, in compliance with the Commercial Act. Each quarter, Bulgargaz will have to pay in the budget the payments due from the natural gas sale, supplied against stake participation under the Yamburg agreement.
Source: Dnevnik (31.01.2005)
Local natural gas prices to be slightly reduced backdate as of January 1 2005. This proposal, made by Bulgargas will be considered by Bulgarias State Energy Regulation Commission tomorrow. The price cut should come as a result of the change in one of the parameters in the formula, used to calculate the price of gas sold by Bulgargas the circulating capital. Therefore, the gas company suggests the transmission price to be reduced from BGN 23.10/1000 c.m. to BGN 21, e.g. with 9.1 per cent, while storage price to go down from BGN 2.67 to BGN .49/1000 c.m., or with 6.8 per cent.
Source: Sega (03.02.2005)
The construction of a replacement lignite-fired capacity on the site of the Maritsa Iztok 1 thermal power plant (TPP) and the completion of the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) will be the two biggest investment projects in Bulgaria's power industry until 2006, says an investment overview prepared by the energy ministry. The cost estimates for the two projects bandied around by government officials have increased steadily during the past couple of months. The initial price tag for the Belene NPP was 1-2 bln levs but on Thursday the figure cited in the overview had somehow soared to over 4 bln levs. The government is likely to select at its next meeting the nuclear technology that will be supplied to the Belene site and to give the go-ahead to the project in principle. The facility should be operational by 2011. The construction of the replacement facility on the Maritsa Iztok 1 site will cost 1.9 bln levs, says the government overview. The facility is due for delivery by 2008. The document also predicts that the future buyers of the TPPs in Varna, Rousse and Bobov Dol will chin in 1.3 bln levs for eco improvements. Other ongoing big-ticket projects in the power industry include the construction of the Tsankov Kamak hydro complex, the rehabilitation of TPP Maritsa Iztok 3 and the small units of TPP Maritsa Iztok 2, the installation of desulphurisation devices in Maritsa Iztok, the modernisation of the district heating utilised in Sofia and Pernik and the upgrade of the national electricity transmission grid. The cost of the projects in progress adds up to 3.7 bln levs. Bulgaria's power industry absorbed investment for 960 mln levs last year with 43% of the resource provided by the energy companies themselves. Five power projects have been granted state guarantees, the document says but does not specify if the Belene NPP will enjoy similar treatment.
Source: Dnevnik (04.02.2005)
NSSI announced the top 20 most loyal employers with a personnel of 50 to 100 people for 2004, insuring a total of 4032 men with an average insuring income of BGN 835. The company is included in the list. 27 JSC Information service Plovdiv office Plovdiv
Source: Other (08.02.2005)
NSSI announced the top 20 most loyal employers with a personnel of 100 to 250 people for 2004, insuring a total of 10 046 men with an average insuring income of BGN 739. The company is included in the list.
Source: Other (08.02.2005)
NSSI announced the top 20 most loyal employers with a personnel of 250 to 500 people for 2004, insuring a total of 20 300 men with an average insuring income of BGN 627. The company is included in the list. 16 Information services JSC - Sofia
Source: Other (08.02.2005)
The natural gas is going cheaper with less than 1 per cent as of March 1, State Commission for Energy Regulation announced. In stead of BGN 229.65 1000 cubic meters will cost BGN 228.38. When Bulgargaz sell the gas to gas distribution networks the price will be BGN 236.10 in stead of BGN 237.37. The transport price will also go slightly down from BGN 23.10 to BGN 19.73.
Source: Dnevnik (15.02.2005)
Indagro Bulgaria said on Thursday, February 17, it is in talks with gas supplier Bulgargaz to settle the outstanding payments of Vratza-based urea maker Chimco, Leonid Berenbaum, co-manager of Indagro Bulgaria, said. Indagro Bulgaria, itself a unit of the Geneva-based subsidiary of Italy's Indagro, leased the assets of the idled fertilizer plant three months ago against a monthly rent of BGN 100,000. The company plans to bring the plant back to full production capacity over the next three years. Indagro has so far invested USD 1.5 mln in the company, Berenbaum said. Chimco's outstanding payments to Bulgargaz, national electricity utility NETC, the Bulgarian state and other creditors are estimated at BGN 160 mln, Berenbaum said. As Indagro was signing on the lease, an insolvency procedure was launched against Chimco. In addition, IBE Trade Crop. of the U.S. has stepped up the legal efforts to regain control over the company. It has filed a case before Bulgaria's Supreme Court of Cassation in an attempt to recover a 71% stake in Chimco. The litigation involves Chimco's former managers and IBE Trade and has no bearing on Indagro's plans, Berenbaum said. The efforts to unravel the Chimco ownership imbroglio have been just as unsuccessful as those to reboot the company over the past couple of years. According to one story, U.S. company IBE Trans brought 57% of Chimco, paying with a loan drawn by Cyprus-registered A.V.S.T. Trading. The Chimco shares were furnished as loan security. Meanwhile, then IBE Trans president Yurii Litvinenko and IBE Trade started to contest in court the ownership of IBE Trans. Facing a default on its loan to IBE Trans, A.V.S.T. Trading takes the debtor to court in Bulgaria and is awarded ownership of the collaterised Chimco equity.
Source: Dnevnik (18.02.2005)
Russian energy giant RAO - United Energy System bought a 33.4-per cent share in Chimco - Vratsa. Thus, the subsidiary of the Russian giant Inter RAO Bulgaria JSC becomes the majority holder of the local mineral fertilizer producer. The company was chosen to chair the Board of Directors of the Vratsa-based plant. The new shareholder declared its intention to conclude agreements with the plant's creditors and restore production. The debts of Chimco as of June 30, 2004 amounted to BGN 145 million, the major creditors being the National Electricity Transmission Company (NEC) and Bulgargas.
Source: Standart (22.02.2005)
Bulgargaz will have new chair of the Board of Directors, the energy ministry announced. In the end of the last week minister Milko Kovachev dismissed the former chairman Mr. Milen Chakarov and appointed the head of juristic directorate the Mr. Julian Zhelyazkov for member of the board. The changes are forced by the need of better coordination in the companys activity and its oncoming restructure, the minister commented. According to one of the versions floating the change is related to the governments intention to transfer Bulgargaz to the ministry of economy.
Source: Dnevnik (22.02.2005)
Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Bulgargaz SPJSC - Sofia: Mr. Milen Ivanov Chakarov was registered as chairman of the Board of Directors.
Source: State Gazette (08.03.2005)
The former deputy district governor of Vratza- Mr. Rumen Kostov, is the new production director of Indagro-Bulgaria, Nov Zov newspaper reported. Mr. Kostov was an executive director of Chimco JSC Vratza in the period from 1992 to 1993.
Source: Dnevnik (09.03.2005)
Chimcos new majority shareholder INTER RAO Bulgaria, reached an agreement with Bulgargas to immediately resume the operations in the plant and sink its debts, the Russian company announced. INTER RAO Bulgaria bought 33.4 per cent of Chimcos shares at a price of BGN 1.98 per share through the stock exchange on February 21 this year. The debts of the Bulgarian fertilizer maker amount to some BGN 145 mln, half of which it owes to Bulgargas.
Source: Sega (10.03.2005)
The State to hold at least 51 percent in the capital of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant, but to search for opportunities for a minimum financial participation in the project, reads the ultimate version of the annex to the memorandum with the IMF in its Energy part, said Energy Minister Miroslav Sevlievski. Saturday last, he held talks with IMF Mission Leader for Bulgaria Hans Flickenschield. At the request of Minister Sevlievski, the version proposed by the IMF and stipulating the State to have a minority share in the project has been scrapped. By this moment, this is inadmissible and politically incorrect, Minister Sevlievski elaborated. At this stage it is pointless to talk privatization in the field of nuclear energy, he underscored. The agreement with IMF provides for further restructuring of the National Electricity Company and Bulgargas, as well as for the privatization of the TPPs based in Varna, Bobov Dol and Rousse.
Source: Standart (17.03.2005)
The state will hold at least 51 per cent of the capital of the second nuclear power plant in Belene, nut it would search for possibilities for low financial participation in the project. This is stipulated in the final reading of the additional agreement to the memorandum signed with the IMF in the Energy section, the energy minister Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski announced. On Mr. Sevlievskis demand the reading offered by the IMF where the state should hold a minority stake in the NPP Belenes realization has been rejected. Currently this is unacceptable and politically unfair, the minister explained. He added that the talks of privatization in the nuclear energy sphere are devoid of sense at the nowadays situation. The agreement writes that the restructure of the National Electricity Distribution Company (NEK) and Bulgargaz will continue, as well as the privatization of the thermo-electric power stations in Varna, Bobov dol and Rousse.
Source: Duma (17.03.2005)
In a supplementary memorandum for the economic policy towards the agreement with the IMF, is stated that the state has to own 51 per cent of the capital of Nuclear power plant station Belene, but will seek for minimal participation in the project. In the project is also stated that the reconstruction of the National Electricity Distribution Company and Bulgargaz will continue, as well as the privatization of the thermo-electric power plant stations Varna,. Bobovdol and Rousse.
Source: Pari (17.03.2005)
Two companies Russias Inter RAO and Spains Indagro, are willing to buy Chimcos debt to the local state-owned company Bulgargas, but with a reduction, sources from the energy ministry said. On February 22 this year, Inter RAO bought 33.4 per cent of Chimcos shares through the stock exchange. In December last year, the local fertilizer plant was let out to Indagro Bulgaria at a monthly rent of BGN 100 000.
Source: Sega (22.03.2005)
The new team of the energy ministry does not mind the idea for increasing the capital of Bulgargaz and then offering the minority stake of some 10-15 per cent to the international stock exchanges in London and Frankfurt. The energy minister Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski assured this Stara Zagora MPs who met him during his 2-day visit in the region.
Source: Standart (23.03.2005)
The leaseholder of Chimco Indagro Bulgaria, which entered the claimed insolvency company as of December last year, is planning to negotiate with Bulgargaz in a way to buy up from it the fertilizers producers debts. According to the syndics estimation the plants obligations are over BGN 170 mln.
Source: Duma (23.03.2005)
The new energy minister Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski discharged Mr. Milen Chakarov from the Board of Directors of Bulgargaz SPJSC. Mr. Sevlievski appointed Mr. Viktor Tokushev to replace him.
Source: 24 chasa (25.03.2005)
Two foreign-capital companies are vying for a majority stake in Bulgaria's Chimco AD, the Vratsa-based fertiliser maker. Indagro Bulgaria, a subsidiary of Italy's Indagro, signed a lease agreement with Chimco's receiver late last year. The rent Indagro will pay for the one-year period is BGN 1.2 million. The company also pledged to invest some USD 40 million in technological renovation. On February 21, 2005 Inter RAO Bulgaria, a subsidiary of Russia's RAO EES, announced it had acquired 33.4% of Chimco's shares in a stock-exchange deal from the Cypriot owner. About a week later Inter RAO said it was holding negotiations with Bulgargas to cover Chimco's debts to the gas supplier. The information was confirmed by Bulgargas. In the meantime the PARI daily learned from insiders that Inter RAO was in talks to acquire the majority stake in Chimco. Lawyers said there were no legal obstacles to the purchase of the remainder of the shares by the Russian energy giant. An obstacle, however, has emerged: Indagro Bulgaria. About the same time when RAO announced its intentions, Indagro said it was ready to agree the settlement of Chimco's debts with Bulgargas and the National Electric Company and work out a rehabilitation programme. That may turn out Indagro's ticket to ownership of the plant.
Source: Pari (25.03.2005)
Bulgargaz SPJSC opened a procedure for the delivery of motor vehicles under the Public Procurements Act. As the assignor is a sector one the Law give it the right to chose each of the procedures. Based on this possibility the gas company announced a procedure of negotiating with an announcement, in which the assignor leads talks for defining the contracts clauses with one or more applicants it elected after a preliminary selection.
Source: Dnevnik (25.03.2005)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, is in talks with Russia's Gazexport to update a 1998 agreement specifying the transit fees that Moscow pays to Sofia for the transit of Russian natgas via Bulgarian territory. A working group is tasked to put together by April 25 a proposal for the rewrite of the contract which otherwise expires in 2010. Gazexport has said it is ready to double the quantities transited to Greece after it agreed with Bulgargaz in 2004 to up the traffic to 2.7 bln cu m by 2010.
Source: Dnevnik (29.03.2005)
Natural gas prices will increase by 0.7% from April 1, 2005, Bulgaria's State Energy and Water Regulation Commission said. The raise will be discussed at a session Wednesday. In the second quarter of 2005 natural gas will be sold at BGN 230.000 per 1,000 cu. m, VAT exclusive, to consumers linked to the gas transit network and at BGN 237.72 to consumers linked to the gas distribution network. The price of transit will be BGN 19.73 per 1,000 cu. m, VAT exclusive. The request for an increase in prices was submitted to the commission on March 1 and was prompted by the higher prices of black oil. The latter are used as a basis for natural gas pricing. Another reason for the increase is the change in the US dollar rate, which jumped by 0.5% to the Bulgarian lev.
Source: Pari (29.03.2005)
Inter Rao Bulgaria JSC plans considerably large investments in Bulgaria. The company is a subsidiary of the Russian giant RAO EZS. Chimco is our first investment in Bulgaria and we want to resume the manufacture in 6-7 months and thus we will provide for hundreds of families in Vratza, the CEO Mr. Roman Miretzki said. In a way to fasten work however first negotiations with Chimcos creditors should be lead for the companys debts and to specify the amount of the obligations, which the major shareholders are ready to pay. That is the reason why Inter Rao Bulgaria has sent a letter to Bulgargaz and the National Electricity Distribution Company (NEK) stating the will to pay fertilizers producers debts.
Source: Duma (29.03.2005)
The creditors of Bulgaria's fertiliser maker Chimco have to elect a second permanent receiver at a general meeting on May 5, 2005. The decision for appointment of a second receiver, which was requested by the National Electric Company (NEK), was taken by the district court in Vratsa. The court also approved the list of creditors' receivables. The meeting of creditors has to determine the rules and procedure for sale of Chimco's property and for evaluation of its assets. An expert appraisal has established that Chimco's debts exceed BGN 150 million, while its assets stand at BGN 43 million. The company's main creditors are NEK and Bulgargas. In early December 2005 the Vratsa court ruled Chimco insolvent and opened a bankruptcy procedure. Boris Borissov was appointed temporary receiver and later chosen for permanent receiver by the creditors. Chimco's management and supervisory boards were deprived of managerial functions and the court distrained the plant's property. The substantial financial losses, however, have not reduced the appetites to the fertiliser maker. Insiders say that besides Indagro and Inter RAO, interest in the company is also demonstrated by a serious western investor in the chemical, cosmetic and fertiliser business. PARI daily's sources say that the investor has bought shares in Chimco on the bourse and his representatives already act on his behalf in the plant. Specialists explain the interest in Chimco with its trademarks, which are registered on the international market. The loss of the fertiliser maker in 2004 reached BGN 80.951 million due to record-high depreciation costs of BGN 75.064 million.
Source: Pari (06.04.2005)
The consumers of natural gas, provided by Bulgargaz, owe BGN 275 mln, companys CEO Mr. Kirl Getov announced. Heat Supply-Sofia is indebted with BGN 140 mln. The heat supply companies in Plovdiv, Pleven, Shoumen, Bourgas and Varna are also among the big debtors. All the current proposals for rescheduling Chimcos debts are unsatisfactory, the energy minister Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski stated.
Source: Standart (07.04.2005)
A new transit gas pipeline worth some EUR 400 million will be constructed in Bulgaria in the years to come as part of the Nabucco international project. In a months time an agreement will be signed between Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary and Austria, the five countries participating in the Nabucco project. Immediately after that, the Nabucco Company Pipeline Study, in which Bulgargas holds 20 percent, will be transformed into Nabucco International Investment Company. By end-2005 the needed funds for the construction (EUR 4.6 billion) will be provided with the support of ABN Amro.
Source: Standart (07.04.2005)
The two companies which wanted to buy Chimcos debt to Bulgargas Russias Inter RAO and Swiss-registered Indagro have not presented proof they were able to relaunch production in the Vratza-based fertilizer plant, minister of energy Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski said. Their offers have been assessed as unsatisfactory.
Source: Sega (07.04.2005)
Italy's Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini will invest some 300 mln levs over the next couple of years as part of the deployment of networks for the household and industrial consumption of gas in the Trakia region, the company saif on Wednesday, April 6. The first consumers are expected to be plugged into the gas distribution network in early 2006. Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini won the 35-year gas distribution permit in February 2005. Two of the other candidates for the Trakia licence - a tie-in led by Italy's Costruzioni Dondi S.p.A., gas and water utility Enel and EVN of Austria, have contested the outcome form the tender in court, arguing that the composition of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, the authority that issued the permit to Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini, does not comply with the effective legislation. Bulgarian gas supplier Overgas Inc. was the fifth contender for the licence but has not joined the litigious effort. Trakia is one of the eight districts into which Bulgarias territory has been zoned for the award of contracts to build networks for household and industrial use of natural gas. The Trakia region encompasses 39 municipalities, including five where the gas licences have been awarded. The region is rich in industrial gas consumers but as much as 71% of the households don't have central heating. The only exceptions are the municipalities of Kazanlak and Plovdiv which have district heating companies. The consumption of gas in the region is estimated at 188 mln cu m. At least 58 mln euro will have to be invested in the region's gas distribution infrastructure. In related news, Kiril Gegov, executive director of state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz, said the company has started signing over its end-users to the investors in the gas distribution regions.
Source: Dnevnik (07.04.2005)
The capacity of the gas-depository near the village of Chiren, Vratsa region, will be increased by 300 million of cubic meters, as the new operation system for tilted probing took force today. The value of the unique natural depository is EUR 1 bln, the energy minister Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski was the first to announce. Bulgargaz has invested over BGN 30 mln in the modernization of the Chiren gas depository.
Source: National television (11.04.2005)
Indagro Bulgaria, the lessee of idled urea maker Chimco, has sent a letter to Bulgaria's energy ministry, asking to receive a response by April 20 to the proposal extended in late March to settle the debts of the idled fertiliser plant to gas supplier Bulgargaz. Indagro Bulgaria leased Chimco's assets in late 2004 against a monthly rent of BGN 100,000. Energy minister Miroslav Sevlievski has said the proposal does not guarantee that the plant will resume operation and has dismissed it as unacceptable. Chimco owes Bulgargaz BGN 120 mln.
Source: Dnevnik (11.04.2005)
The case against the former head of Bulgargaz Mr. Vasil Filipov was postponed again. The session scheduled for Thursday /April 7/ was postponed because of the claim of one of the experts, having prepared the triple economic expertise. The document should answer the question if Bulgargaz has non-tax obligations for the State Budget for 1997. Mr. Fillipov was accused in not implementing his official duties and concluding in 1997 a not advantageous deal with the US offshore company Hardland Investment.
Source: Banker (11.04.2005)
Bulgargaz announced two public procurements through negotiating with an announcement under the Public Procurements Act. One of them is for project, delivery and fitting of videowall in the Central office of the gas company, and the other for expansion if the information system. The screen will improve the dispatcher observation of the work processes, the company announced.
Source: Dnevnik (15.04.2005)
Four private companies have used Bulgargass gas depot near the village of Chiren (Vratza region) to store their own natural gas, the state-owned companys CEO Mr. Kiril Gegov said. These are Devnya-based fertilizer maker Agropolychim, Pernik-based Stomana Industry, Stamboliiski Paper Plant, and Dexia JSC. A total of 104 mln.c.m. of natural gas for the needs of these companies were crammed into the depot at a price, fixed by the regulatory commission BGN 2.49/1000c.m. a month. For the past two years, a total of 230 mln.c.b. of natural gas owned by other companies have been stored in the depot of Bulgargas. The storage and profit from this operation became possible following the adoption of the Energy Act in the end of 2003. Before that, the gas depot near Chiren was used only for the needs of the state monopolist.
Source: Banker (18.04.2005)
Orders from the New World will save this summer the workers of the Dimitrovgrad-based Neochim from the usual long summer vacation. The fertilizer enterprise has received orders for some 20,000-25,000 tons from Brazil and the USA, the company's BoD Chairman Tosho Dimov told the BANKER weekly. "Because of these orders the plant will be working till June instead of going out on a 'summer holiday' as usual", Mr. Dimov added. He recalled that last year the company entirely renewed its main ammonia production, investing EUR6MN in it. "We'll continue the construction of an electricity generator that will serve Neochim", Mr. Dimov added. About EUR3MN has been invested in the generator so far and the amount may reach EUR5MN till the project's completion. Neochim's net profit for the first quarter of 2005 is BGN4.3MN, about BGN400,000 down year-on-year. Sales proceeds for the same period totalled BGN51.1MN, down from BGN54.9MN in January-March 2004. The plant's expenditures in the first three months of 2005 amounted to BGN37.5MN, and the undistributed profit was BGN59.5MN. Like all domestic fertilizer enterprises Neochim has huge liabilities to the state-run gas distributor Bulgargas - BGN14.1MN - rescheduled for ten years under an agreement from the end of 2002. The Necohim joint-stock company has equity capital of BGN2.7MN, distributed between Euro Fert AD - Dimitrovgrad (49%), Karifert International - Lebanon (16.05%), Agrofer International Establishment - Liechtenstein (7.68%), Albena Invest Holding (6.38%), and others. The company is managed by the Executive Director Dimiter Dimitrov and has 1,380 employees. Neochim has eight subsidiaries: Neochim Engineering, Himik, Neochim Catering, Neochim Tour, Neochim Protect, Trakia Press 21 Century, Neochim SA - Odrin, and Neochim Ltd. - Odrin. On October 25, 2002 and November 2004, respectively, the managers of the Dimitrovgrad-based firm made decisions to wind down Neochim SA - Odrin and Himik. The process in the Turkish subsidiary has not been completed yet, while Himik has already begun to get the statute of Neochim's workshop. At the expense of that the company's managers increased the capital of Neochim Tour EOOD to BGN740,000 by contributions in kind - land, buildings and equipment.
Source: Banker (03.05.2005)
The State Receivables Collection Agency /SRCA/ in Pernik will sell-off real estates of the glassmaker Crystal. The offers for purchasing the separate real estates estimated to the total amount of BGN 987 470 will be opened on May 11 in the departments office in Pernik. Crystal plant is the only local manufacturer of green glass. Few years ago, however, the company almost stopped operating, as Bulgargaz cut off the natural gas supply because of debts accumulated. Later Bulgargaz asked declaring Crystal insolvent due to a claim of some BGN 5 mln.
Source: Dnevnik (04.05.2005)
Sliven municipality will become partner in the second gasification and gas-supply company in the region. This became clear, after a session of local municipal councilors, on which they adopted the proposal of the towns mayor Mr. Yordan Lechkov, according to which the municipality is to participate in the newly-established company with at least 20 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (04.05.2005)
The creditors of Bulgaria's Chimco of Vratsa elected a second receiver of the fertiliser maker. This is the lawyer of Chimco's biggest creditor, Bulgargas. The two receivers have recommended a rehabilitation programme for the restart of the plant. The plan can be worked out by the creditors, the company's management and Inter RAO, which holds 33.4% of Chimco's shares and which claims that it has a majority stake together with connected persons. Readiness to recovery the Vratsa-based chemical plant has been so far voiced by Inter RAO and by the Bulgarian division of Swiss-registered Indagro, which signed a lease contract for Chimco's facilities in December 2004. Indagro recently said it was ready to build a new heating plant for Chimco and had agreed the supply of 500 million cu. m of natural gas a year from Gazexport. The complete list of credits and their receivables has to be updated by May 25, 2005. A triple expert appraisal has established that Chimco's debts exceed BGN 150 million, while its assets stand at BGN 43 million. Last December the Vratsa district court ruled Chimco insolvent.
Source: Pari (09.05.2005)
The National Social Security Institute announced the list of the first quarter of 2005 top 50 most loyal employers with a personnel of 50 to 100 people, insuring a total of 4001 people with an average insurance income of BGN 903. The company is included in the list. 46 JSC Information service Plovdiv office Plovdiv
Source: Other (09.05.2005)
The National Social Security Institute announced the list of the first quarter of 2005 top 50 most loyal employers with a personnel of 100 to 250 people, insuring a total of 9,772 people with an average insurance income of BGN 773. The company is included in the list.
Source: Other (09.05.2005)
The residual 33-per cent state-owned stake in all 7 local electricity distribution companies (EDCs) will be listed on the stock exchange, deputy prime minister Mr. Nikolai Vasilev said during a discussion on the future of Bulgarias capital markets. The government is also planning to sell its 30-per cetn minority stake in Navigation Maritime Bulgare against compensatory notes, as well as a minority stake of the freight unit of local railway carrier BDZ following the companys split into separate companies.
Source: Monitor (12.05.2005)
The view of the Bulgarian energy ministry is that Sofia's heating company can be put up for sale after it repays its debts to gas distributor Bulgargaz, said deputy energy minister Ilko Yotsev who is also chairman of Bulgargaz's Board of Directors. The heating utility accumulated some 60 mln levs in debts by 2003, but has been paying regularly its bills since then, Yotsev explained. One option to cover its liabilities is through a capital raise which, however, should be oked by the finance ministry first. At present the utility's capital stands at 107.6 mln levs. The state holds a 42% stake, the remainder is municipal property. Earlier this week municipal councilor Plamen Iliev, who also sits on the commission for the appointment of a foreign manager of the utility, announced that 51% of the utilitys capital could be sold to a private company by the end of the year and that the manager competition could be called off. Asked to comment Iliev's words, Yotsev said he was expressing his personal opinion, and added that it is still not clear how the municipal council would react to the proposal. The energy ministry will back a proposal for equity disposal only if it is guaranteed that the buyer will service the 114 mln euro loans to the EBRD and World Bank loans for the rehabilitation of the heating utility. The appointment of a manager is one of the conditions for the loans' disbursement put forth by the two lenders but the selection procedure has been dragging on for more than two years. Earlier this year the energy ministry proposed that the future manager should be offered a stake in the company. The commission on the appointment of a manager is expected to announce a new competition on Tuesday. Germany's RWE VV and France's Dalkia will be invited to submit bids. The Sofia utility provides heat and hot water to over 800,000 customers that account for 65% of district heat consumption in Bulgaria.
Source: Dnevnik (13.05.2005)
Without any auction or competition Bulgargaz SPJSC is starting a large-scaled construction of gas-regulation station near the village of Pokrovnik in a way to supply Blagoevgrad with gas. The total area of the facility will be 625 sq. m., the local municipal administration admitted. After the detailed structure plan enters into force the municipality will have to assign the estimation of the construction right and after its coordination with the Economy and Privatization Commission an order will be issued and a contract will be signed for founding the construction right.
Source: Viara-Blagoevgrad (16.05.2005)
A loan of the World Bank, which will be paid by the Sofia Heat Supply Company, will be used for electing a new consultant for companys restructure. The special committee for the election of a company-manager of Heat Supply-Sofia decided this yesterday. Its more than a year since it has not elected a company to manage the Sofia Heat Supply, as required by the credit agreement with European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for repair of the network in Sofia. The new consultant will have to analyze all the possibilities for the future of the company and to present its research in 22 weeks. According to Mr. Plamen Iliev the new consultant will consider the option of selling the 58 per cent of the shares of Heat Supply that are held by Sofia Municipality. The rest shares are owned by the state. According to the councilor Mr. Atanas Tasev it is possible the consultant to offer a variant reading for selling the companys obligations to Bulgargaz through a cession. They exceed BNG 70 mln.
Source: Sega (17.05.2005)
A new joint stock company Novo Chimco, was established for the special purpose of putting forward the recovery programme for Chimco, the Vratza-based fertilizer plant. The company was registered for unlimited term, and has a capital of BGN 50 000. A foreigner with Bulgarian citizenship Mr. Leonid Berenbaum, holds one-fifth of the firms stock, and the rest of its is controlled by the Italian citizen Giovanni Del Conte. Mr. Del Conte is the owner of Indagro the company that hired the capacities of the Vratza-based plant for a period of one year. The court registration happened for a day only. BGN 12 500 of the share capital was deposited, and the rest should be transferred in 2 years. Chimco is under insolvency procedure following the claim of the creditors Bulgargaz and National Electricity Distribution Company.
Source: Standart (26.05.2005)
Bulgargas will use 50 per cent of the dividend allotted for the state in 2004 for rehabilitation and modernization of the existing gas transmission network and building of a new one, the Government decided. The company has been assigned to study possible ways of expanding the market of natural gas, as a highly ecological and effective primary energy carrier.
Source: Pari (27.05.2005)
The management of Chimco JSC Vratza /insolvent/ put forward in the Court a recovery program, which was prepared by the new Managing board and the major shareholder Interrao, the plant announced in a fax signed by the CEO Mr. Stoyan Kolev. The program stipulates paying companys debts to Bulgargaz in 10 years and payment to the smaller creditors. The total amount of the Chimcos obligations to the National Electricity Distribution Company and Bulgargaz is BGN 133 mln.
Source: Sega (27.05.2005)
Gas Supply-Haskovo JSC was declared insolvent. Haskovo District Court approved the claim of Bulgargaz SPJSC, because of unpaid debts of BGN 224 000, formed by unpaid natural gas delivery and interests accumulated. Chimmash JSC also joined the claimants.
Source: Pari (30.05.2005)
Inter RAO Bulgaria, where the Russian giant RAO EES Russia is a shareholder, which won the auction for TPP Varna and Rousse, bought over 700 000 shares of the fertilizer maker Chimco Vratza through Bulgarian Stock Exchange Sofia. Capital Markets JSC is deals consultant and direct executor.
Source: Pari (01.06.2005)
Inter Rao Bulgaria is the company that bought 33.4% of the shares in Chimco of Vratsa. Earlier this week Inter RAO acquired another 5%. Nevertheless, its representatives have not been yet admitted to management of the fertiliser maker. Inter RAO's rehabilitation programme was submitted before Novo Chimco's plan, which has been already approved. By June 6, however, the district court in Vratsa has to decide whether to admit Inter RAO's programme for consideration. If the decision is affirmative, a meeting of the creditors will be called to choose between the two programmes. Inter RAO's plan envisaged immediate payment of all debts of the company, except for dues to the National Electric Company and Bulgargas, where the amount exceeds BGN 100 million. These bigger debts will be rescheduled for ten years and will be paid in semi-annual installments with an annual interest of 3%, Inter RAO lawyer Alexander Georgiev said. Willingness to rehabilitate the chemical plant has been so far shown by Inter RAO and the Bulgarian branch of Swiss Indagro, which has rented Chimco's facilities since December 2004. One of Indagro's shareholders and its executive director are shareholders in Novo Chimco. According to the company, Chimco can reach 30% of its capacity in a couple of months. Chimco's loss last year surged four-fold, reaching BGN 80.951 million, company data show. The negative result was mainly due to the depreciation of fixed tangible assets worth BGN 75.064 million and the low income (just BGN 2.111 million).
Source: Pari (02.06.2005)
The Nabucco gas pipeline, which will connect the Caspian region with West Europe, will cross the Bulgarian-Turkish border in the municipality of Bolyarovo, Yambol region. The pipe will cross the border with Romania near Kozloduy, energy minister Miroslav Sevlievski and Bulgargas CEO Kiril Gegov said in Varna. The two attended the meeting of the managing committee of Nabucco Study Company, which includes the gas companies of Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria. The five manage more than EUR 10 billion, Sevlievski explained. The meeting discussed the restructuring of Nabucco Study Company into Nabucco International, which will take over the construction of the pipeline, Gegov said. The pipe will be 3,300 km long and will have a transit capacity of 25.5 to 31 billion cu. m a year. The pipeline on Bulgarian territory will be about 400 km long. Nabucco International is envisaged to have subsidiaries in the five transit countries. They can take over the operation of the facility or assign it to another company with more experience in gas transit. The total investment in the project is assessed at EUR 4.6 billion. The Bulgarian section is estimated at some EUR 400 million. The project has to be launched in 2008 and finished in 2010.
Source: Pari (03.06.2005)
OMV Gas and Bulgargas signed an agreement for cooperation in the gas business on the basis of their engagements under the NABUCO gas-main project, OMV Gas announced. By the year 2011, the gas-main, connecting Turkey and Austria and passing through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, is expected to be completed.
Source: Pari (06.06.2005)
Bulgargaz SPJSC announced a contract procedure without promulgation for electing a legal bureau to represent the company in the action for collecting unpaid receivables of Lukoil-Neftochim JSC. Bulgargaz said it was about collecting debts for exhausted by the petroleum company natural gas some 7-8 years ago. The obligation totals millions of Bulgarian leva, and raised in the years before Lukoil-Neftochims privatization.
Source: Dnevnik (08.06.2005)
The Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Miroslav Sevlievski officially opened yesterday in Dupnitsa the new gas-measuring station of Bulgargaz. It is built on the ground of the purifying facility Piperovo. The companys CEO Mr. Kiril Gegov also presented at the opening. The new station will allow supplying the towns of Dupnitsa and Sapareva Banya with natural gas. The Piperovo purifying station is the beginning of the future gas-conduct for Serbia, Mr. Gegov said.
Source: Pari (08.06.2005)
Turkey's Sisecam will build three instead of two sheet glass plants in Targovishte (northeastern Bulgaria). This emerged at the opening of an automated gas distribution station and a gas measuring station on the plant's grounds Wednesday. The inauguration of the facilities, which cost a total of BGN 1.342 million, was attended by energy minister Miroslav Sevlievski. The construction of the two stations was financed and designed by Bulgargas. The facilities will supply a total of 80-85 million cu. m of natural gas a year. Sisecam's Trakia Glass has requested some 60 million cu. m. Later in the day minister Sevlievksi turned the first sod for the construction of an electricity supply substation to the glass plants. Trakia Glass needs a capacity of 50 mW, National Electric Company (NEK) chief engineering Mityo Hristozov said. The investment totals some BGN 6 million and has been provided by NEK. The project will be completed in eight months and will employ 70 people. A total of 350 people hired from all over the country are currently building Trakia Glass plants. Some 1,100 people will be employed in production after all the three facilities are finished.
Source: Pari (16.06.2005)
In accordance with Vratza District Court decision, from the 15 of June, two rehabilitation programs for Chimco JSC Vratza will be considered by the creditors board- those of new-founded Novo Chimco and the one of Inter Rao Bulgaria JSC. The latter possesses 38 per cent of the Vratza -situated enterprise, and the former puts forward the program from the behalf of all syndics, said Mr. Andrei Semerdjiev from the managing board of Novo Chimco.
Source: Pari (17.06.2005)
Electricity Distribution Company Stara Zagora JSC, which was bought in 2004 by the Austria-based EVN, was awarded yesterday for lowest electricity losses on the occasion of The Power Engineers Day. Only 13.52 per cent of the electricity are lost in the network of the Stara Zagora-based company, which includes the Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Yambol, Bourgas and Sliven districts. This is 5 per cent less than the average index for the country. Electricity Distribution Company Varna was prized for the company with the largest number of electro-meters replaced 168,500. The other prizes were granted to the National Electricity Distribution Company, Bulgargaz, Rahovetzgas, Thermo-electric power station Maritsa-iztok-2, HPP Teshel, Tera Invest Sliven, Heat Supply Vratza, and to the former Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Milko Kovachev for the electricity power strategy and new energy law voted.
Source: Sega (20.06.2005)
Yesterday Bulgargaz started the construction of a new gas-measure station in the town of Simitly, which would allow the gas-supply of Simitly, Bansko, Razlog and the local villages Banya, Dobrinishte, Krupnik, and Cherniche. The deputy Minister of Energy and Energy Resources Mr. Ilko Yotsev and the Bulgargaz CEO Mr. Kiril Getov presented at the ceremony.
Source: Pari (21.06.2005)
EUs Association Committee has pointed Bulgargaz monopoly over the foreign trade in natural gas, and the slow advance of the construction of nuclear waste storage as reproof to Bulgaria. The European affairs minister Ms. Meglena Kouneva stated yesterday in the town of Rousse. According to experts it concerns the delay in the construction of nuclear waste raw storage, which should be built by NPP Kozloduy. It costs EUR 48 mln, as the funds are a part of the aid granted by the EU for closing the small reactors.
Source: Sega (21.06.2005)
The development strategy of the state-owned Bulgargaz SPJSC, which is based in the Bulgarias energy strategy, stipulates fast development of the natural gas market and wider spread use in households, in public and administrative sector, in smaller enterprises and agriculture. The company announced that one of the projects of priority is constructing a plant for manufacture of flat and household glass near the town of Targovishte. The company will make investments to the amount of BGN 1,343,800. The gas supply aims at attracting other foreign investors in Bulgaria, providing better option for development of concomitant manufacture, and making Bulgaria a regional leader in the glass making.
Source: Cash (24.06.2005)
The price of natural gas will go up by 1.9 per cent in the third quarter, which means that Bulgargaz is going to sell it at BGN 234.46/1000 cu m, instead of the former price of BGN 230. The reason for the increase are the higher prices of alternative fuels. The State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation is expected to make a decision in a few days.
Source: Sega (28.06.2005)
Veliko Tarnovo District Court registered the following changes for Evifrusich SPLTD, Veliko Tarnovo: The following companies were registered as partners: Evis Emil Boyanov ST Veliko Tarnovo, OAO Sumsko Machine Construction Science and Manufacture Union M. V. Frunze Ukraine, and OAO Motor Sich Ukraine; Mr. Emil Boyanov Pavlov was effaced as capitals sole proprietor; The company was registered under a new title limited liability company Evifrusich LTD; The registered line of activity was effaced; The following new line of activity was registered: execution of the contracts with Bulgargaz SPJSC Sofia, import, export and modernization of gas-compressing aggregates; the company shall be managed and represented by Mr. Olexandr Koroliov, who will manage and represented the company together with Mr. Emil Boyanov Pavlov
Source: State Gazette (28.06.2005)
The state-owned company Bulgargas is obliged to provide at least EUR 200 mln for the building of the NABUCCO gas-main, which will transfer natural gas from the Caspian sea to Central Europe. A day ago, a joint venture was registered in Vienna under the name Nabucco Gas Pipeline International. The agreement for the establishment of the joint venture was signed by the directors of Bulgargas, Turkeys Botas, Hungarys MOL, Romanias Transgaz, and Austrias OMV Gas.
Source: Sega (30.06.2005)
Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Bulgargaz SPJSC: registers an increase of the capital of own funds of the company from BGN 725 310 642 to BGN 825 310 642, by issuing of 100 000 000 new registered bonds with a nominal value of BGN 1 each; registered changes in the companys rules according to the changes in the protocol decision of the minister of energy and energy resources.
Source: State Gazette (05.07.2005)
Sofia City Court allows the application in the companies register, of the verified and adopted annual finance report for the year of 2003 for Bulgargaz SPJSC.
Source: State Gazette (05.07.2005)
Sofia City Court registered changes for Bulgargaz SPJSC: registers an increase of capital from BGN 645 310 642 to BGN 725 310 642 by using its own funds and through issuance of 80 000 000 registered shares with a nominal value of BGN 1; registered changes in the company rules in accordance to protocol decision of the minister of energy and enrgy resources.
Source: State Gazette (08.07.2005)
The capital of state-owned gas company Bulgargaz will be raised by 80 mln to 725.3 mln levs, shows a an announcement published in Bulgaria's Official Gazette last week. The exercise will be financed with the company's own funds. The '04 investment budget of the company is 45 mln levs, down from 51 mln levs a year earlier. Among the projects slated for implementation this year is the construction of gas meter stations in Blagoevgrad, Simitli, Bansko, Razlog, Sandanski and Pavlikeni.
Source: Dnevnik (11.07.2005)
Two rehabilitation programs for Chimco JSC will be discussed today on a creditors meeting in the building of Vratza District Court. The first program is put forward by the major shareholder of Chimco JSC- Inter Rao Bulgaria JSC, and the second by Novo Chimco, a company established in May. Both programs offer different schemes for paying back Chimcos debts towards Bulgargaz SPJSC and the National Electricity Distribution Company SPJSC, which exceed the sum of BGN 150 mln.
Source: Standart (28.07.2005)
The general meeting of Chimco was postponed for a non-fixed date. The reason is that there is a new judge on the insolvency case for the Vratza -based company. On the meeting a new rehabilitation plan for the company will be chosen. Two companies have put forward rehabilitation plans, and those are: Novo Chimco and Inter Rao Bulgaria JSC. Magistrates declared Chimco insolvent with debts of BGN 158 mln. Both rehabilitation plans offer different ways for paying back the BGN 151 mln debts towards the major creditors Bulgargaz SPJSC and National Electricity Distribution Company SPJSC.
Source: Pari (29.07.2005)
3 per cent of the population in Bulgaria have been giving up BTC annually over the past 2-3 years. This is read in this years report of the Applicable Researches and Communications Foundation about Bulgarias development in the information community sphere. The people forsake their home fixed phones as they dont have the ability to pay the increasing monthly charge and the short distance calls, the research stated. A part of the subscribers switch to the mobile operators preferring the pre-paid cards allowing them to be asked for without paying anything. Another parts of BTCs clients turn to the alternative telecoms. By 2008 the new operators of fixed service, which are currently 13, will take away some 50 per cent of BTCs international calls, 20 per cent of the long distance ones, and 6 per cent of the short distance, providing revenues of BGN 100 mln, the analysis said. Almost all of the big infrastructure companies such as Bulgargaz, National Electric Company, Overgas, National Company Railway Infrastructure, etc. have been constructing national networks for internal needs, for leasing, and offering telecommunication service at the market.
Source: Novinar (01.08.2005)
Bulgargas increased the transit of Russian natural gas through the territory of Bulgaria by 9.166 billion cu m in the first seven months of the year, up by 24.47% as compared to the situation a year earlier. Bulgargas delivers Russian gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia, with the Turkish share leading the way. Simultaneously, internal consumption was also increasing, the largest augmentation was generated by electricity distribution companies that used 30% more gas over the same period. Lukoil Neftochim raised its natural gas demands by 15.5%. Other large consumers were metallurgy companies, firms from the construction sector, glass and porcelain makers. At present, Bulgargas is focusing in building methane filling stations, because the methane is becoming increasingly attractive in the context of the high petrol prices.
Source: Pari (08.08.2005)
Notification about the top 50 of the most loyal employers with a staff of 50 to 100 people, insuring a total of 4054 officers with an average insurance income of BGN 898, for the first half of 2005 48 JSC Information service Plovdiv office Plovdiv
Source: Other (08.08.2005)
Heating Company of Veliko Tarnovo, northern Bulgaria, will reduce the prices of heating for corporate clients, simultaneously increasing those for households in autumn 2005. The price per MWh of heating for companies will be decreased to BGN 70.23, down from BGN 91.88 which is asked at present. Households will pay BGN 52, up from the BGN 49.90 they pay now. The prices do not include VAT. The Veliko Tarnovo Heating Company was prvatised by Eco Energia Holding on February 1, 2005 and the new owner unilaterally without any notice raised the prices making a promise that its services will become cheaper by 30% after the company shift its heating production to natural gas. However, the company did not keep its promise and did failed to modernise its production.
Source: Pari (16.08.2005)
Heat Supply-Pleven has receipts of BGN 12 mln as to the beginning of the month. The major part of them amounting BGN 11.17 mln is accumulated from unpaid heat power used by subscribers. Some BGN 2 mln are owed to Heat Supply by industrial and budget consumers. Thus a special unit for receipts collection was settled. The new companys CEO Mr. Lyubomir Lyubenov, the owner of Metroni SPLTD, was the one to made the idea.
Source: Monitor (17.08.2005)
The good news for the company became possible after the National Electric Company (NEK) has bought a 400-KV sub-station of the Radomir-based Radomir - Metals JSC located in Chervena mogila, as the sub-station is included in the energy ring of the country. This was announced by Mr. Lyudmil Alexandrov a member of the Board of Directors of the Radomir-based company. When finalizing the sale deal all the debts of the metallurgy enterprise to the electric company. According to Mr. Alexandrov currently Radomir - Metals JSC does not owe anything to NEK for used electricity. The sub-station was built in the period 1986-88. Later the facility was included in the assets of the state-owned company Redomir Metals. Despite this the sub-station was managed for years by NEK, which decided to claim its ownership via court a few years ago. The already privatized company Radomir Metals showed to the judges all the necessary ownership documents. After nearly 4 years lasted lawsuits the court stated that the sub-station was ownership of the Radomir company. However the problem with the Bulgargaz threats to cease supplying the company with gas is not yet worked out.
Source: Other (17.08.2005)
Over the next five years, natural gas prices will vary between BGN 47.21/1000 cu m for industrial consumers and a little over BGN 500/1000 cu m for household consumers, show the business plans for 2009 prepared by a number of gas distribution companies. All 6 companies are planning to increase their sales over this 5-year period and to expand their gas distribution networks, located in Targovishte, Dobrich, Kyustendil, Kavarna, Dolni Dabnik and Nova Zagora.
Source: Sega (23.08.2005)
While oil prices keep soaring, the fact that natural gas prices grew by 1.6% in a year came as a pleasant surprise to chemical plants which are among the largest blue fuel consumers in the country. Bulgargas currently sells 1,000 cubic metres of natural gas to chemical enterprises at BGN234.46. A year earlier plants paid BGN231.75 for the same quantity. However, even these figures will hardly satisfy the managers of fertilizer plants which pay 80% of their material costs for blue fuel. The only operating companies in the branch right now are Neochim and Agropolychim. They demonstrated enviable results for the first half of the year and still never stop seeking ways to raise their efficiency. Being a public company, Neochim drew the attention of the investors also due to the fact that its share prices grew up by 16.67% in the past three months. The company ended the first six months with a non-consolidated profit amounting to BGN9.85MN. It is worth mentioning that for the same period of 2004 the profit was twice lower - BGN4.6MN. Sales revenues of the Dimitrovgrad-based plant went up, too - from BGN94.5MN to BGN109.7MN. Neochim's swollen turnover is mainly due to sales abroad which brought it BGN66.7MN worth revenues. It should be noted that the plant went out in summer holiday a little later than it usually does because of orders from the USA and Brazil for about 20,000-25,000 tons of fertilizer. Ammonium nitrate is the most actively bought product on both the foreign and the domestic market and accounts for a half of the company's revenues. The expenses of the Dimitrovgrad-based fertilizer producer have grown, too, although with a slower speed - from BGN90.9MN to BGN101.3MN. BGN59.7MN of the money went for the purchase of natural gas. That is why it is no surprise that the company accumulated long-term liabilities to Bulgargas. They amount to BGN14.1MN as of June 30. In 2002, the managers of Neochim reached an agreement with the state monopolist to pay off their debt rescheduled in ten years with a two-year grace period. At present, large stakes in the company are held by Euro Fert AD - Dimitrovgrad (49%), Karifert International - Lebanon (16.07%), Agrofer International Establishment - Liechtenstein (7.68%), and Albena Invest Holding AD (6.38%). The managers of the other fertilizer plant operating now, the Devnya-based Agropolychim, did their best in 2005 to limit as much as possible the company's relationships with the monopolist Bulgargas. In July, the Commission for the Protection of Competition permitted the Swiss company Wintershall Erdgas Handelshaus Zug AG to acquire 51% of the shares of Agropolychim in Dexia Bulgaria EOOD - Devnya. The deal aims at improving the efficiency of the natural gas commercial operations. In fact, it is worth noting that Dexia-Bulgaria's only activity is to buy natural gas from the producer, Petreco Bulgaria EOOD, and sell it to the Devnya-based fertilizer plant. In 2004, Dexia-Bulgaria delivered about 27% of the blue fuel Agropolychim needed, and for the first half of 2005 its share in the supplies reached 78 per cent. The Swiss company's role is to propose a solution for the construction of energy saving production installation. The partnership also stipulates a future possibility for additional natural gas supplies. Currently, Bulgargas controls 92.15% of the natural gas trade in the country, and companies from the chemical branch consume 33.79% of the raw material. Another big natural gas consumer is the Rousse-based producer of paints, lacquers and glues Orgachim. The company became a hit on the Bulgarian stock exchange as its share prices jumped from BGN40.40 to BGN63 for three months. It ended the first half of the year with a net profit amounting to BGN880,000. For comparison, the profit amounted to BGN571,000 a year earlier. It should be noted, however, that the company ended the first quarter at a BGN833,000 loss which its managers explained with the changed dollar/lev rate and the slack market of paints and lacquers. However, Orgachim's half-year revenues indicate that the new season is much more beneficial. They are up from BGN21.5MN to BGN37.5MN. Sales revenues (grown from BGN21.2MN to BGN34.4MN) contributed most to that growth. Orgachim holds about 37% of the domestic paints and lacquers market. Still, export accounts for 57% of its revenues. The company exports its products to Turkey, Greece, Romania, Egypt, Central Europe, the Near East and the former Soviet republics. Its operating costs have increased, too (up from BGN20.5MN to BGN33.4MN). As it happened with Agropolychim, Orgachim's market position attracted the interest of a western company. In June, the Spanish Nubiola acquired a unit of the Bulgarian chemical enterprise and paid EUR1.5MN. A great part of the products will be used in the production of the Rousse-based company. Orgachim was established almost one century ago. In 1998, 51% of its capital was privatized by the Maltian Whitebeam Holdings Limited (which currently controls 64.21%). However, the actual owner is the Romania-registered Policolor AD which is also Orgachim's trade partner.
Source: Banker (07.09.2005)
The gas supply of the Aktavis plant in Dupnitsa started. The gas supply will be implemented via joining the transit gas conduct from Russia to Greece and Macedonia. The project stipulates the construction of a link from the gas measuring station of Bulgargaz to the plant.
Source: Struma - Blagoevgrad (10.09.2005)
The first stage of the project for the gasification of Bansko, Razlog, Dobrinishte, Banya and Gotze Delchev will start by the end of this year, according to information by Sofia-based Chimcomplect Engineering JSC, which won the competition for executor of the project, organized by Bulgargas SP JSC. At a special meeting with representatives of the municipal authorities, specialists from the company explained the stage of the implementation of the big project.
Source: Monitor (12.09.2005)
Bulgarian firms may have to deal with a 23% hike in gas prices On top of the buoyant oil prices on the international markets and the forthcoming upward adjustment of electricity tariffs for the small businesses, Bulgaria's economy may well have to cope with yet another shocker: state-owned gas company Bulgargaz has asked the energy regulator for permission to increase the price of natural gas by 23% from October 1. Sources told Dnevnik the energy ministry was sounded on the increase which Bulgargaz motivates with the rising oil prices and the new gas delivery tariff enforced by Russia's Gazprom. The confluence of these two factors gives Bulgargaz the right to request the price revision which, unofficial sources said, would see the fuel go from 234.46 levs to 288.18 levs/1,000 cu m. Bulgargaz executive director Kiril Gegov refused to confirm the proposed price adjustments before the regulator has reviewed them. The major gas consumers worry that not only is the unexpected price hike not been factored into their budgets and pricelists but it coincides with the soaring oil prices, the pressure from the ruling BSP to increase salaries, the upcoming upward correction in the occupation-specific social insurance floors and the lack of visibility on the government's tax policy. One of the biggest domestic gas consumers are the district heating companies where fuel costs account for 70% of the price of their output. The Sofia district heating company alone consumes 30% of the natural gas sold on the local market. If the price increase is approved by the regulator, the company will have to focus exclusively on export, said Vasil Alexandrov, executive director of fertiliser plant Agropolychim. The move will force us to close the inefficient company divisions and invest in less fuel-intensive technologies, said Spas Shopov, executive director of sanitary wares maker Han Asparuh. The price hike is expected to hurt also the metallurgy and mining industries, the producers of construction materials and owners of methane-fuelled vehicles.
Source: Dnevnik (13.09.2005)
"The price of natural gas will go up by about BGN 50 per cu m as of October 1," Deputy Chair of the Energy and Water Regulation State Committee (EWRSC), Mr. Ignat Tomov said. The price will be increased after a proposal by Bulgargas. "The proposal has already been approved by the Ministry of Economy and Energy and is currently awaiting the decision of EWRSC," Ms. Ivelina Burneva from Bulgargas said. The price of natural gas is to be increased due to the hike in oil prices. At present, Bulgargas sells natural gas at a price of BGN 281,35 to big consumers and BGN 290,62 to small ones. VAT is included in the prices.
Source: Standart (14.09.2005)
The contract with Gazprom for delivery and transit of natural gas will be reviewed by the end of this year, deputy prime-minister Mr. Rumen Ovcharov said. He admitted that the contracts were signed at prices which were favourable for Gazprom, but considering higher oil prices and cheap US dollar, they are already too low. Therefore, the Russian party asked for the reviewing of the contracts. We will do our best to protect Bulgarias interest, but there is a risk of a negative impact for Bulgargaz, minister of economy said.
Source: Sega (14.09.2005)
There are no obstacles to the privatisation of large state-owned companies like Bulgargas and the National Electric Company (NEK) but they have to be restructured first, Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov said Tuesday, presenting his team. According to the European restructuring requirements, the legal activities of public supply should be separated from the service operator, the minister recalled. The question is if it is worth doing, since in recent years many European companies have become multi-utilities, i.e. suppliers of natural gas, electricity and heating all at once. The model chosen in Bulgaria makes companies compete for small segments and this prevents them from generating big financial resources and penetrate the international markets, Ovcharov explained. The fate of the privatisation deals for the thermal power plants (TPP) in Varna, Rousse and Bobov Dol are clear already. The prosecuting authorities have banned the sale of Bobov Dol's assets. The sale of the Varna TPP to Russia's RAO United Energy Systems (UES) has to be finalised within a week. The company offered EUR 478.819 million for the plant. Whether RAO UES will also buy the facility in Rousse depends on the decision of the Supreme Administrative Court. A new sales procedure may have to be opened. A revised appraisal of the assets of the electricity distribution company (EDC) in Sunny Beach is expected within a week. The utility had to be included in the package of the EDC in Stara Zagora as part of the deal with Austria's EVN. Prices are not within the prerogatives of the economy ministry but I believe that the new prices of natural gas were provided for in the 1998 agreement between Bulgargas and Gazprom, Ovcharov added. The Agency for Economic Analysis and Forecasting is preparing an analysis of the impact to be exerted by the rising crude prices on the Bulgarian economy. After the document is ready, we will see whether to reduce excise duties or take other measures, the energy minister said.
Source: Pari (14.09.2005)
The strategy for the privatization of local tobacco monopolist Bulgartabac Holding should be clear by the end of this year, minister of economy and energy Mr. Rumen Ovcharov said yesterday, upon presenting his deputies. Mr. Ovcharov explained that before initiating any actions related to the sell-off of local tobacco enterprises, a political decision has to be made as to whether the holding would continue to combine market and social activities, as well as whether it would produce both tobacco and cigarettes. If we decide to privatize the enterprise in parts, the procedure will most probably be conducted by the holding, the minister commented.
Source: Monitor (14.09.2005)
The shareholders of Bulgaria's Chimco will hold a general meeting Friday on the initiative of Inter RAO, which holds 33.4% of the capital. The agenda includes changes to the company's statutes, to ensure that management decisions will be taken unanimously in future, Inter RAO told the PARI daily. The representatives of Cypriot A.V.S.T., which holds 36.442% of Chimco's shares, will be removed from the supervisory board on Friday. They will be most probably replaced by Inter RAO's reps. Together with connected persons, Inter RAO holds the majority package in the company. Nordic Oil, a Norway-registered subsidiary of Russia's RAO UES and Atomstroyexport, holds 34% in Inter RAO. Other shareholders are companies from Great Britain, the USA, Finland and Bulgaria. A meeting of Chimco's creditors is scheduled for September 30, 2005. The main creditors of the enterprise include Bulgargas and the National Electric Company, which have to decide which rehabilitation programme to back up: Inter RAO's or Novo Chimco's.
Source: Pari (15.09.2005)
Local heating utilities costs will jump by some BGN 65 mln this winter due to higher natural gas prices. This is the main conclusion in the report explaining the reasons for the new fuel prices, submitted for approval in the State Energy and Water Regulation Commission (SEWRC).
Source: Standart (16.09.2005)
During the next 10 years, the stability of energy supplies in Europe will strongly depend on the relationship between EU and Russia, the British Minister of Energy Mr. Malcolm Wicks announced in Moscow on Sept. 13. According to Mr. Wicks, the EU has mutual interest with Russia, which already meets 50 per cent of the natural gas demand in Europe. The establishment of a unified European energy market will relieve the trade within the community and will also significantly expand the potential market of the Russian natural gas, Mr. Wicks added.
Source: Banker (19.09.2005)
Bulgaria's biggest open-cast mine, state-owned Maritsa Iztok Mines, has a new executive director. By order of economy and energy minister Rumen Ovcharov, Shteryo Shterev has been replaced by Ivan Markov, a former member of the board of directors and chairman of the Bulgarian mining association. Two new deputy directors have also been appointed: Vladimir Sotirov and Tencho Kayryakov. The board of directors will be chaired by Hristo Ovcharov, his deputy will be Krassimir Nikolov. Galya Tosheva and Dimitar Gerassimov remain members of the board. The new management will work to stabilise the company technologically and financially, Ivan Markov said. Due to the delay of the modernisation and rehabilitation of the Maritsa Iztok thermal power plants the mines will be working at reduced capacity in the next few years. Recently the mines' management said it had begun to prepare a crisis business plan for production of less than 18 million tonnes of coal a year, which would most probably entail staff downsizing.
Source: Pari (19.09.2005)
In the wake of the hike in domestic natural gas prices requested by state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz, the economy ministry has asked the company to provide information about its expenses, local gas consumption in 2004 and 2005 and local gas production and transit. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission will discuss today the 22.5% price hike proposed by Bulgargaz. The company motivated the move with the 52 lev increase in the price per 1,000 cu m of the natural gas it buys from Russia. The tariff adjustment came under scrutiny after major industrial gas consumers opposed the factors that have factored by Bulgargaz into the new price rate. Unofficial sources said economy minister Rumen Ovcharov met with representatives of big corporate gas consumers to hear their view. In the price hike proposal submitted to the regulator, Bulgargaz says 2005 consumption will reach 984 mln cu m. However, that target overshoots the actual consumption estimates which are for 845.2 mln cu m. If Bulgargaz is allowed to pocket the 40 mln levs it will be paid by Russia's Gazprom in transit fees for 2005, the requested price increase of 54 levs per 1,000 cu m could be reduce by 5-6 levs per 1,000 cu m. The finance ministry is amenable to the idea but said the initiative should come from the economy ministry.
Source: Dnevnik (27.09.2005)
Local trade unions and employers strongly oppose high fuel prices Trade unions and employers in Bulgaria are ready to sue the State Energy and Water Regulation Commission (SEWRC) for the increase in natural gas prices, the leader of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria, Zhelyazko Hristov, said at a meeting with representatives of the most affected sectors: metallurgical enterprises, fertiliser plants, producers of inert materials. The meeting was held just a few hours before SEWRC's closed-door session, which had to approve Bulgargas's proposal for appreciation of natural gas by 22.54% from October 1. However, the regulator did not take a decision on the issue, nor on the suggested increase in electricity prices for low- and medium-voltage users. Such a drastic raise will result in lay-offs and wage freeze; it will affect the cost prices of the products of energy-intensive sectors and the enterprises using natural gas as raw material, employers warned. The companies working on international contracts base on the old prices expect to suffer enormous losses. If the proposal is approved, both employees and employers will go to the streets, the trade union said. The drastic jump in natural gas prices will result in collapse in local metallurgy, although this sector is developing very well at the moment, Ms. Politimi Paunova, CEO of the Branch Chamber of Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metallurgy said. 37 per cent of the total consumption of natural gas in Bulgaria goes for this sector and when the price of the material becomes unfavourable, the company may choose to use cheaper energy sources, such as fuel oul and solid fuel. This will have negative effect on the environment and the companies wont be able to meet EU ecological requirements. The prime cost of Kremikovtzis production has increased by 6 per cent due to higher natural gas prices, the member of the plants managing board Mr. Bojko Bojkov said. By the end of this year, the company will work at loss. The successful implementation of the investment programme is under threat, because at the time of its privatization, the price of fuel was BGN 170/1000 cu m, while now it has already reached BGN 280. Agropolychim is planning an 18-per cent increase in ready-produce prices, which means the prices of fertilizers on the domestic market will jump by BGN 35-40/t. This will result in higher grain prices by over 6 per cent, and a 7 per cent rise in the price of bread, Mr. Vasil Alexandrov, CEO of Agropolychim said. The planned loss of the company under export contracts will increase to 50 per cent. A series of installations may be stopped. Similar forecasts were made by the Dimitrovgrad-based fertilizer plant Neochim. Kaolin JSC expects an annual loss of over BGN 1 mln due to higher natural gas prices and growing annual costs (this year, they are higher by BGN 200 000) due to the 5-per cent rise in electricity prices, mid-voltage. The company warned it might have to cut 150 jobs. The problem is that the market is not liberalized and Bulgargaz is a monopolist in the import of natural gas, Mr. Konstantin Stamenov from Stomana Industry summarized.
Source: Pari (28.09.2005)
"If Bulgargas' proposal is approved, the natural gas will hike from tomorrow with 52,84 levs (1euro=1.95levs) per 1,000 cubic meters and the new price of natural gas in Bulgaria will be by 7% lower than the cheapest price in Europe," Dimitar Gogov, head of department in Bulgargas, stated. The state-owned company proposes that the price of natural gas is increased as of October, 1. The price of the natural gas for consumers, which are directly connected to the net, will go up from 234,46 levs to 287,30 levs - VAT excluded, while for clients, which use natural gas from the distribution net, the price hikes from 242,18 levs to 295,02 levs - VAT excluded. Today, the Energy and Water Regulation State Committee (EWRSC) will announce if it accepts Bulgargas' proposal. The hike in the price of the natural gas is due to the increase of the price of gas delivered by Gasexport with 52,84 levs - from 214,73 levs to 267,57 levs. Bulgargas wants exactly the same increase.
Source: Standart (30.09.2005)
The State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) affirmed a price hike of 18.5 per cent of the natural gas instead of 22.54 per cent, offered by Bulgargaz. Thus, the final price will be BGN 277 per 1000 cubic metres of the blue fuel. The Commission will announce today what reserves were found to prevent further hikes. From the beginning of 2004 till Sept 2005, all prices have grown with 200 per cent. Even with the latest changes, local natural gas prices are 7 per cent lower than the lowest in Europe, Mr Gogov said.
Source: Dnevnik (30.09.2005)
The national gas transmission system operator Bulgargaz SPJSC, signed a contract for the development of a work project for the liquidation of the drilling facilities located on the territory of the Chiren gas storage. The project is entrusted to a consortium of Bulgarian Drilling company Sp.JSC and Petrogaz Antika Ltd. Sofia.The project is entrusted to a consortium of Bulgarian Drilling company Sp.JSC and Petrogaz Antika Ltd. Sofia. The final aim is a safety isolation of the product gas-transmission horizon and lack of migration of natural gas to the upstanding collector rocks to be achieved.The order is worth BGN 565 000 with VAT excluded.
Source: Dnevnik (30.09.2005)
A request for canceling the decisions taken by the general meeting of creditors of Nova Plama was received in Pleven District Court, the courts spokeswoman Ms. Silvia Krasteva said. The owners of the insolvent company think that the general meeting held on 9 September was held with lapsed procedure and has made decisions contradicting the clauses of the Commercial Act. Also, the voted regulations were in contradiction with the Trade Codes clauses. The sitting of the court on Nova Plamas request, is expected to be held this month. The court members are not specified yet. On Sept 9, Nova Plamas creditors decided the refinery to be sold completely. In case no buyers show up, the selling will be made in parts.
Source: Monitor (03.10.2005)
The owners of Nova Plama asked the decisions of the general meeting of the refinerys creditors to be canceled. The bankrupted companys owners stated that the meeting held on September 9, was held under a vitiated procedure. on September 9, the creditors of Nova Plama decided on selling the refinery as a whole, and is case there are no buyers as self-contained parts. Refinerys major creditors are the State Receivables Collection Agency, seven banks, Bulgargaz, and the National Electricity Transmission Company (NEK).
Source: Sega (03.10.2005)
The general meeting of creditors of insolvent fertilizer company Chimco, has chosen the recovery program prepared by Novo Chimco JSC. Representatives of the creditors including Bulgargaz and NEC were also acquainted with the program of the main shareholder at the moment Inter RAO Bulgaria JSC. We were chosen because of the guaranteed delivery of cubic metres 5000 mln natural gas through the Russian company Gazexport and the access to international markets through the Swiss company Indargo, the Executive Director of Novo Chimco, Mr. Leonid Berenbaum said.
Source: Pari (03.10.2005)
Cheap natural gas imported from Russia is the main thump with which the recovery plan of Novo Chimco won the goodwill of the creditors of the Vratsa-based fertilizer factory, thus eliminating from the battle its sole rival Inter RAO-Bulgaria. Half of the capital of Novo Chimco is owned by Centrix Energy-Geneva, a subsidiary of Gazexport, which on its side is the trading company of Russian giant Gazprom. Novo Chimco produced a document signed by the Executive Director of Gazexport, Alexander Medvedeev. The document engages the powerful gas distributor to especially deliver 500 million cubic meter natural gas annually for the production of Novo Chimco. The chair of the Board of Directors of Novo Chimco, Andrei Semerdjiev, forecasts that the production will start on the New Year's Eve, initially with a 25%-load of the production capacities.
Source: Standart (04.10.2005)
For several months NEC has been selling rest homes, land plots and buildings worth millions of leva, without organizing any auctions. The state-owned company does not apply the Public Procurement Law, but is choosing the buyers through negotiations instead. Among the real estates for sale are: Momina Salza - Borovets, two buildings, close to Socolets hotel, together with a land plot of 2.5 decares, bungalows around Batak lake, also a rest home together with a land plot of 5 decares in Sunny Beach resort. For the time being, the exact list of the real estate properties for sale, as well as what was sold by now and to whom, remains a secret.
Source: Dnevnik (10.10.2005)
The company Novo Chimco whose rehabilitation programme was approved at the meeting of Chimco's creditors on September 30 doesn't want to waste time and intends to enter as a tenant in the Vratsa-based enterprise (until now its major shareholder Indargo Bulgaria was its tenant, but failed to start production due to various reasons). Re-employment of the workers from Indargo Bulgaria in Novo Chimco has even started and 278 people have already received their new labour contracts. On October 5 alone, 140 former employees of the chemical plant filed applications for jobs. According to Novo Chimco's plans, 650 people will be employed till the New Year. By then the chemical enterprise should be operating at 25% of capacity. Aggregate monthly production of ammonia and carbamide will reach 36,000 tons. The rehabilitation programme projects that Chimco should begin working at entire capacity in the 18th year after its commissioning. According to the Executive Director of Indargo Bulgaria, Leonid Berenbaum, however, that could become a fact as early as in the end of the third year. New installations and equipment should be purchased for the purpose and a lot of funds should be invested for satisfying ecology standards. Investments of BGN17.1MN have been projected in the rehabilitation plan for the first year. The hiking of natural gas prices is not much of a problem for the new, old tenants of Chimco's production capacities, as they have already signed a contract with Gazexport through the Swiss company Centrics, which, on its part, has acquired 50% of Novo Chimco's capital. The remaining shares are distributed among Indargo Bulgaria (30%) and the managerial team (20%). If fulfilment of the rehabilitation programme begins, Chimco's liabilities of BGN85.7MN will be paid off. Novo Chimco has proposed to pay half of its debts to its top creditors, Bulgargas and the National Electricity Company within 15 years, after a 3-year grace period. Under the proposal, the other half of the plant's liabilities are to be written off. The debts to the State will be repaid immediately after terminating the company's insolvency. The reason to ask for writing off half of Chimco's liabilities to the state-run monopolists is that very important assets, such as the thermoelectric power plant, the installation for chemical treatment of water, the railway station, the Varna terminal, etc., have been expropriated from the company. Currently, Chimco is holding negotiations in order to restore its possession on the thermal power station which is located on its territory. The transfer of the trade enterprise Chimco to Novo Chimco should be effected within a month after suspending the insolvency procedures against the fertilizer manufacturer. This has been projected in the already approved rehabilitation plan. Thus, practically, the moment when implementation of the stabilization programme begins, Chimco AD will remain in the past (the small investors, as well as the bigger shareholders like the Cypriot offshore company ABCT Trading Ltd., and Inter RAO Bulgaria will remain with stocks which will be worth a zero) and all its assets will go into Novo Chimco's hands. In fact, that scheme is well-known in Bulgaria in recent years. The green light for the rehabilitation plan, however, will be given only if the court that will extend a ruling on the plant's insolvency does not accept the arguments of Inter RAO Bulgaria, appealing against the decision of the meeting of creditors of September 30. The motive of the appeal is that at the meeting the creditors voted for accepting an evaluation of BGN140MN for Chimco's assets. According to representatives of Inter RAO Bulgaria, there was not such an item on the agenda and it should not had been discussed. The ruling of the Supreme Cassation Court on the fertilizer works' bankruptcy is expected as well by end-October. If the supreme magistrates confirm the ruling of their colleagues from the regional court (who announced insolvency procedures against Chimco) Novo Chimco will get the chance to fulfil its plans. Otherwise, the plant's management will be undertaken by Chimco's present shareholders. Meanwhile, representatives of Novo Chimco announced that the Executive Director of Inter RAO Bulgaria, Roman Miretski, was expelled from Bulgaria. The information, however, was flatly rejected by Inter RAO.
Source: Banker (10.10.2005)
The 30-km long initial gas-supply network for the town of Pavlikeni has been constructed, as well as the 8.5-km section starting of the highway gas conduct, the CEO of Pavgaz JSC Mr. Vladislav Stoyanov said. Currently there are only completing works performed at the network. The initially announced deadline of October 15 for launching the gas into the town however will be broken because of the uncompleted construction of gas-measuring station and a small section. The construction is assigned to the state-owned company Bulgargaz. Besides Pavlikeni, the village of Butovo will be also supplies with gas at this initial stage. The biggest industrial consumer of the natural fuel the ceramic plant Badeshte-Butovo is placed in the village.
Source: Yantra - Veliko Tarnovo (14.10.2005)
Bulgarian industry may save between BGN 1.2 billion and BGN 1.4 billion if it take measures to modernise the heating and insulation systems in public, residential and industrial buildings, said Rumen Ovcharov, Minister of Economy and Energy. A detailed plan for these measures will be presented by the deputy ministers Lachezar Borisov and Valentin Ivanov at the end of January 2006. Talks between the Government and representatives of the oil refinery LUKoil Bulgaria will be initiated to discuss options for reduction of the petrol prices for end-consumers.
Source: Pari (17.10.2005)
In a bid to dilute the economic impact of the hike in regulated gas prices, the Bulgarian energy minister has proposed to allow state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz to retain in full the 45 mln levs in revenues it is expected to be paid in '06 by Russia's Gazexport for the transit of gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. At present, Bulgargaz is allowed to pocket only 30% of the transit fees. If the proposal is adopted, domestic natural gas prices could be cut by 14 levs per 1,000 cu m. The current price is 284.63 levs/1,000 cu m.
Source: Dnevnik (17.10.2005)
After the creditors of the Vratza-based fertilizer plant Chimco approved the rehabilitation plan proposed by Novo Chimco, Vratzas district judge Ms. Tzvetana Mihaylova also confirmed the document. Novo Chimco submitted its rehabilitation plan on 30 September. Back then, the General Meeting of Creditors rejected the rehabilitation plan submitted by the major shareholder in Chimco Inter RAO Bulgaria JSC, owner of about 34 per cent of the enterprise, choosing to trust Novo Chimco due to its guarantee to deliver 500 000 000 cu m of natural gas a year. The gas will be delivered directly to the fertilizer maker through the Russian company Gazexport. Another reason for the decision was the fact that Novo Chimco guaranteed international markets through the Swiss company Indagro.
Source: Duma (18.10.2005)
The subsidiary of Bulgargas Bulgartel officially inaugurated its new office in Sofias Dianabad district. The communication company uses the free capacity of the optic cables of the gas company to develop its own business. It was registered a year ago and is already operating.
Source: Pari (31.10.2005)
This year, the natural gas consumption has risen by 18 per cent and the transit - by 17 per cent, the minister of economy and energy, Mr. Roumev Ovcharov, said at the opening of the forum. Bulgaria has exported a record quantity of electricity. Bulgaria's domestic consumption has increased by 2 per cent, and the rise in Turkey and Romania has been 7 and 4 per cent, respectively. The high petrol prices should stimulate a better energy efficiency of the local economy, minister Ovcharov added.
Source: Standart (02.11.2005)
Italian Rimini Gas will allocate BGN 35 million to build the gas delivery network of Kazanlak, central Bulgaria, town mayor, Stefan Damyanov said. He pointed out that in 2005 2,200 metres of pipes have been installed. The total project is to end in two and a half years. At the final stage, the nearby municipalities of Maglizh and Nikolaevo as well as other settlements in the region will be connected to Kazanlak's network. Bulgaria's gas supplier Bulgargas will invest BGN 1.25 million in the project development for the pipes' route. Next year the pipe will reach the local heating company which will cut the prices significantly.
Source: Pari (09.11.2005)
Natural gas will not become cheaper in 2006, Bulgargazs CEO, Mr. Kiril Gegov announced yesterday in front of the parliamentary energy commission. The price cannot be cut at least in the first half of the year unless the dollar exchange rate falls down rapidly, the CEO added. Recently, after approving the price rise of the blue fuel, causing higher cost of the central heating too, the chairman of the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation, professor Konstantin Shushulov forecast that by the end of this year a reduction in the gas price could be expected if oil price goes down.
Source: Sega (17.11.2005)
Bulgargaz will examine the opportunity of buying a land plot for the construction of a new building for its new company Bulgargaztransgaz, which will be in charge of the local network maintenance and gas transit. The monopolists schedule envisages this as part of the restructuring of the companys activity. The total investment work will take nine months. Bulgargaz has to receive permission from the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) for the planned restructuring. The separation of a gas-trading company and a transmission company has to be finalized by 2006, but Bulgargaz is waiting for the European Commissions standpoint, so as to postpone the establishment of the two companies until 2010. Then, the long-term contract for supply of natural gas from Russia expires and the gas-distribution network in Bulgaria will be connected with the one of the EU.
Source: Dnevnik (21.11.2005)
The National Social Security Institute's Top 50 of the most law-abiding employers with personnel between 50 - 100 employees, insuring a total of 4031 people with average insurance income of BGN 892 during January-September 2005 48 JSC Information service Plovdiv office Plovdiv
Source: Other (24.11.2005)
The National Social Security Institute's Top 50 of the most law-abiding employers with personnel between 100 - 250 employees, insuring a total of 9959 people with average insurance income of BGN 807 during January-September 2005
Source: Other (24.11.2005)
The National Social Security Institute's Top 50 of the most law-abiding employers with personnel between 250 - 500 employees, insuring a total of 20533 people with average insurance income of BGN 655 during January-September 2005. The company is included in the list. 7. Zlatna Panega Cement JSC - Zlatna Panega 9. Information services JSC - Sofia 48. Holcim Bulgaria JSC - Beli izvor
Source: Other (24.11.2005)
Sofias heating plant Toplofikacia will report a loss of BGN 21 mln in 2006 if the natural gas price rises by 10 per cent, the company CEO, Mr. Valentin Dimitrov said after a session of the Sofia municipal commission of infrastructure. Mr. Dimitrov presented an analysis of natural gas price movement and of the financial condition of the municipal company. The report says a soaring hike in the fuels price by 35 percent would induce losses of BGN 65 mln. The government holds 42 per cent of the heating plants shares. Natural gas accounts for some 72-75 per cent of the companys expenses.
Source: Dnevnik (30.11.2005)
The six state-owned heat supply companies based in Plovdiv, Rousse, Varna, Sliven, Pernik, and Sofia, reported a loss of BGN 4.3 mln for the nine-month period of 2005. For the same period 2004 they reported a profit of BGN 2.8 mln. This is concluded in the report for the status of the heat supply companies prepared by the Ministry of Economy and Energy, which was put forward in the energy commission yesterday. The companies accumulated losses because of the ceased subsidies for sales to household consumers and because the regulatory commission did not allow them to increase the prices.
Source: Sega (01.12.2005)
Austrian company VA Tech Hydro GmbH&Co is exploring the opportunities to build a co-generation facility on the site of the Sofia-based Lyulin thermal power plant (TPP), a senior official from the energy ministry said on Thursday, December 1. The Austrians are also interested in building a similar facility on the site of the Zemlyane TPP, also in the Sofia area. The facility will most likely have a 50MW capacity. Under Bulgarian law, its output will be purchased by the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) at a preferential price. The final decision whether to grant VA Tech permission to go ahead with its plans lies with the Sofia municipal council and the energy ministry. The state holds 42% of the shares of the heating utility of Sofia, the remainder are municipal property. The Austrian company has already been contracted by the state on another project, for the construction of the 220 mln euro Tsankov Kamak hydro complex which is due for delivery in 2009. The project employs a carbon credit scheme agreed with Austria. The Austrian government is to buy out 228,000 tons carbon dioxide emissions from Bulgaria annually at $10 per ton of reductions. Horizon Energy Development of the U.S. and Japan's Mitsui, too, have announced interest in building a co-generation facility in Sofia. Horizon Energy Development, a subsidiary of National Fuel Gas, has offered to build a 100MW facility on the site of the Sofia TPP which is part of Sofia's heating utility. For three years now the U.S. company has been negotiating a long-term contract with the NETC, seeking that the arrangement last for at least five years and that it contain an option for two extensions with an adjustment of the tariff. Japan's Mitsui, which refurbished units 1 through 4 of Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP, is conducting a feasibility study for a co-generation facility. The project is part of the conditions under which the state provided guaranties for the financing of the power plant's rehabilitation.
Source: Dnevnik (02.12.2005)
According to Heat Supply-Sofias estimation, four new Thermal Power Plants with electricity and thermal power mixed production will save up to 50 per cent from the central heating bills in Sofia. With one and the same quantity of natural gas, two products could be produced thermal power and electricity. The cost price of the sold electricity will tumbled rapidly, Heat Supplys CEO, Mr. Valentin Dimitrov estimated. More than 10 western companies applied for construction of the four new facilities.
Source: Monitor (07.12.2005)
State-owned gas distribution company Bulgargaz has budgeted BGN63 mln for investment in the expansion and modernisation of its transmission infrastructure. The gas company ingested BGN45 mln of investment this year. The mayors of Bansko, Kardjali, Silistra and Ihtiman have asked Bulgargaz to integrate their municipalities in its transmission network.
Source: Dnevnik (14.12.2005)
Heat Supply-Kazanluk, owned by AKB Fores, has to proceed to natural gas as to keep its subscribers and to continue the companys service activity. Thus, Heat Supply-Kazanluk could develop a network to the towns of Kazanluk and Haskovo, the chairman of State Commission for Energy and Water Regulations (SCEWR), Mr. Konstantin Shoshulkov consider. Now the company use black oil and wants to stop this service but for now the ministry of economy and energy does not support it. The black oils high price forms the heat supply cost in town, which is one of the highest in the country.
Source: Dnevnik (14.12.2005)
Bulgargaz has lodged a proposal for higher prices of natural gas in Bulgaria after January 1, 2006, company representatives said. The reasons for the move were the appreciation of the gas on the world market and the U.S. dollar exchange rate. This was most probably the reasons pointed out by the president of Russia's Gazexport, Alexander Medvedev, who was on an unofficial visit to Sofia in early December. Medvedev then allegedly asked for the natural gas prices to be raised by 30 USD per 1,000 cu. m.
Source: Pari (19.12.2005)
Heating in Bulgaria will appreciate if Bulgargas's proposal for increasing natural gas prices by 12 to 15% from January 1, 2006 is accepted. The rise in natural gas prices cannot be avoided, because it is demanded by Russia's Gazexport, Bulgargas said. According to estimations of the Bulgarian company, natural gas prices will jump from BGN 275.91 to BGN 311.21 per 1,000 cu. m. An analysis will be made to see if heating utilities can compensate the price increase by shrinking their profit margin and cutting down on some repair expenditure in the first quarter of 2006, State Energy and Water Regulation Commission (SEWRC) chairman Konstantin Shushulov said. Natural gas makes up 70 to 75% of the heating price. The commission will do its best to prevent a heating price rise from January 1. If necessary, the tariff will increase within the 6% range, Shushulov said. According to SEWRC data, only 11% of households in Bulgaria use heating. A few years ago customers of the utilities were 18% of the population.
Source: Pari (21.12.2005)
Business Community Rises Voice Against Gas Price Hike The ungrounded hike in the price of natural gas will deal a hard blow to the entire Bulgarian economy. The proposed rise of 12,4 percent will lead to a substantial increase of the production costs and a forced reduction of output in metallurgy and fertilizer industry, reads the official letter to the minister of economy and energy, Mr. Rumen Ovcharov and the chairman of the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation, Mr. Konstantin Shushulov. The letter is signed by executive director of fertiliser plant Agropolychim, Mr. Vassil Alexandrov, and member of the managing board of the Metallurgy Branch Chamber, Mr. Anton Petrov.
Source: Standart (23.12.2005)
Natural gas will increase on average 7.15% as of January 1, 2006, while the heating prices will remain unchanged, State Energy and Water Regulation Commission (SEWRC) decided. In the next quarter, Bulgaria will have a price of BGN 296.70 per 1,000 cu m (VAT excluded) as compared to a price of BGN 276.91 that has been valid up to now. The actual rise thus will come to BGN 19.79 for 1,000 cu m,as compared to a rise of BGN 34.3 as asked by the country's gas transit company Bulgargaz. 'I don't expect gas price increase in the second quarter of 2006,' SEWRC CEO Konstantin Shushulov said. Heating companies will have to compensate a 3.0% increase of the natural gas prices from own funds.
Source: Pari (27.12.2005)
Bulgaria could lose as much as $1 bln in the period up to 2010 if the agreement for the transit of natural gas with Russia's Gazprom is renegotiated, Bulgarian economy minister Rumen Ovcharov said. Gazprom has requested a reduction in the transit fees it pays to Bulgargaz - the national gas transmission system operator, the owner of the transmission network and the network for the transit of a natural gas, and a new, market-based method for their calculation. The agreement between Gazprom and Bulgaria, which expires in 2010, fixes the charge at $1.65 for the transit of 1,000 cu m per 100 km. The bulk of the revenues from the transit charges are funnelled by Bulgargaz to the state budget, a remittance seen at $45 mln in 2006. As part of the deal, Bulgargaz is entitled to certain amount of supplies of natural gas at reduced prices. The Russian company wants to pay all transit charges in cash. The transit volume may decrease if the demands of the Russian side are granted, said Ovcharov. The review of the gas transit agreement was suggested a year ago during the visit to Bulgaria of Gazprom executive Alexei Miler. The issue resurfaced once again during last month's unofficial trip to Bulgaria of Alexander Medvedev, director general of Gazprom subsidiary Gazexport. In related news, Bulgaria's State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission decided last Friday to raise domestic natural gas prices by 7.15% effective January 1, 2006. The adjustment approved by the regulator falls some way short of the 12% hike requested by Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (27.12.2005)
Bulgaria's Cassation Court stopped the liquidation procedure for the Pleven-based Plama refinery. The bankruptcy proceedings were opened in 1996 and a recovery plan was initiated by the unknown Evroenergy holding following a government's decision. After a decade of scandals, deliberate examples of syphoning, and several managers going to prosecution, Cassation Court stopped the bankruptcy proceedings on the grounds of the fact that the petition was signed by Yorset Holding, which is a creditor with 14.83% of the total claims against Plama, shortly bellow the 15% requirement of the law. The court refused to take into account that the second largest creditor of Plama, DZI, with 7.9% of the claims lately joined the original petition of Yorset Holding. According to experts, however, the supremacy of the law's requirement for speed when the court is viewing bankruptcy trials has thus not been met. Plama has not paid even a penny to its creditors and ex-employees for the last five years and the Supreme Cassation Court thus delays the procedure.
Source: Pari (29.12.2005)
The gas war between Russia and Ukraine may leave thousands Bulgarian households without central heating. The central heating companies in Bulgaria will be the worst affected by the expected lower supplies of natural gas. An economic regime is provided in the Bulgarian Energy Law, if its introduction is necessary. It is the last possible stop-gap expedient in case of an energy crisis. "The Sofia Central Heating Company has 375,000 subscribers and uses three hundred million cubic meters of gas a year," said Ilko Yotsev, Chairman of the Directors' Board of the Sofia Central Heating Company. The districts of the capital city will be left without central heating, if the pressure in Bulgaria's gas transmission network goes down by fifty percent. "We have an emergency operative plan in case of an energy crisis," said Mirko Ugrinov, CEO of the Plovdiv Central Heating Company. He explained that the company may switch to black oil if the supplies of natural gas are reduced, but this is only a temporary stop-gap measure, because black oil causes extensive air pollution and is far more expensive than natural gas. "We expect no problems with the supply of natural gas in the weekend," said Kiril Gegov, CEO of Bulgargaz. He said that all customers of Bulgargaz were receiving the quantity of natural gas they had required. "There is no drop in the transit of natural gas through Bulgaria to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia," Gegov added. Bulgaria's national gas transmission system operator supplies its customers with about three billion cubic meters of natural gas per year and transmits fourteen billion cubic meters of natural gas to Bulgaria's neighbors.
Source: Standart (03.01.2006)
Natural gas prices remain unchainged for now The prices of natural gas in Bulgaria will remain unchanged, despite concerns that the gas war between Russia and Ukraine may affect this country, sources from Bulgargaz said. In 2006 Bulgaria may pay between USD 230 and USD 260 per 1,000 cu. m, the spokesman of Russia's Gazprom, Sergey Kupriyanov, said. Gas supply in Bulgaria is normal for the time being, we have reserves for three months, Dimitar Gogov of Bulgargaz said. During the Christmas and New Year holidays consumption was lower, because some of the big industrial consumers did not work. The nearly five-fold increase in natural gas prices in Ukraine prompted different reactions in Bulgaria. Steelworks like Kremikovtsi and Stomana Industry have been insisting for years on protective measures against the dumping imports of ferrous metals from Ukraine, which are 10 to 30% cheaper than the Bulgarian products. Other metallurgical enterprises, however, use mainly import products and Ukraine holds 70% of the market here. The more expensive gas in Ukraine will appreciate the products of local fertiliser makers, too. This will not happen in Russia, which is expected to flood the Bulgarian market with fertilisers. According to knowledgeable sources, Russia's Gazexport insists on a revision of the contract for transit of natural gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia via Bulgaria. The company suggests paying the transit in cash, rather than in gas. Under the current agreement, for each 18 billion cu. m of natural gas transited to other countries, Russia gives Bulgaria 1 billion cu. m for domestic consumption. For the first six months of 2005 gas transit to Turkey through Bulgaria amounted to 7.793 billion cu m; Greece received 1.328 billion cu m, Macedonia, 45 million cu m. The total amount of gas transit increased by 24.47%, year on year. Bulgargaz and Gazexport have a long-term contract - until the end of 2010 - and there are no reasons to revise it, Bulgarian experts commented. The fact that transit is paid in natural gas allows Bulgaria to control domestic prices and prevent shock increases. Russia has not presented an official request for a revision of the transit contract, the Bulgarian ministry of economy and energy said. Following a recent meeting with Gazexport officials, minister Rumen Ovcharov said the demands of the Russian company were absurd.
Source: Pari (04.01.2006)
For the first six months of 2005 natural gas consumption in Bulgaria increased by 7.86%, year on year, Bulgargaz data show. The biggest consumers were chemical enterprises (730 million cu m), followed by the companies in the energy sector (656 million cu m). Electricity distribution utilities used 139 million cu m of gas, up by some 30% compared with the corresponding period in 2004. The metallurgical industry consumed 214 million cu. m, the glass and porcelain industries, 60 million cu m, construction material producers, 38 million cu m. The other sectors of the economy consumed 139 million cu m of natural gas. Under the Energy Act, limited supply is introduced in case of need; the last to be affected by such a measure are the consumers without alternative fuel supply options, Dimitar Gogov from Bulgargaz explained. A possible reduction in gas supplies will depend on consumption both in Bulgaria and in other countries, he explained. The total capacity of the gas storage facility at Chiren is 400 million cu m.
Source: Pari (04.01.2006)
The agreement on supply of Russian natural gas to Bulgaria will not be revised; it cannot be revised, Gazprom's press office said, commenting on information that the Russian gas monopolist will raise the price of the fuel for Bulgaria. Gazprom strictly observes all its foreign business obligations and nothing is to be changed, the company stated. By saying that the gas price for Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary will range between USD 230 and USD 260 per 1,000 cu. m in 2006, Gazprom's spokesman Sergey Kupriyanov meant that the market price of natural gas could reach such levels. The day before Gazprom's statement, Dimitar Gogov of Bulgaria's Bulgargaz commented that Kupriyanov's words were probably misinterpreted. According to PARI daily's information, however, in early December the deputy chairman of Gazprom and CEO of Gazexport, Alexander Medvedev, suggested a revision of the terms of transit envisaged in the gas supply agreement of 1998 between Gazprom and Bulgargaz at an unofficial meeting with minister of economy and energy Rumen Ovcharov. Under the agreement, Gazprom pays the transit in gas for Bulgaria. The fact that the two parties have a long-term contract - until 2011 - makes possible negotiations tougher, since currently the transit terms are advantageous for Bulgaria. Undoubtedly, Gazprom will try to renegotiate the agreement of 1998.
Source: Pari (05.01.2006)
Bulgaria to lose USD230m a year from Gazprom Russias Gazexport is pushing Bulgargaz to pay USD230-260 for the delivery of each 1,000 cubic meters of natural gas. Now the price is USD83. This is the price of the fuel, which Bulgaria receives instead of transit charges for the transportation of some 14 bln cu m of gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The new price request emerged from a report, which the national gas transmission company (Bulgargaz) has sent to the Bulgarian government. The change in the gas price shall be put into effect by amendments and annexes to the contract between Bulgargaz and Gazexport on the Russian natural gas transit through our country. The agreement was signed in April 1998. Bulgaria receives 1.4 bln cu m of gas (about 42 percent of the countrys consumption) as barter instead of transit charges. Estimates show that Bulgargaz and end consumers in Bulgaria will lose some USD230m a year or USD1.15 bln for the five years of the contract until 2010. If Bulgargaz yields to the pressure, the price will jump by about BGN110 for 1,000 cu m or by 30 percent. The consequences for the Bulgarian economy will be catastrophic. Firstly, central heating bills will rise by at least 20 percent. Besides the shock for the people, the public expenditure on hospitals, schools and other public administration buildings will automatically soar. The price hike will boost the operating expenses of Kremikovtzi, chemical and glass plants. This will result in non-competitive prices of their production and as a final effect bankruptcies.
Source: Standart (06.01.2006)
Nabucco Project to be stepped up Alternative energy sources cannot be developed by a single country, even less by a country like Bulgaria. They have to be developed in an all-European context and I think the European Union is already aware of it, Bulgaria minister of economy and energy Rumen Ovcharov said Thursday. A meeting of the ministers of energy is to be held soon to discuss the problem, he added. Bulgaria is an active party in the search of a solution. Sofia does not accept the new prices for transit of natural gas via Bulgaria. The rates cannot be changed under the contract with Gazprom until 2010, Ovcharov explained. Bulgargaz does not receive cash but 1 billion cu. m of gas for the transit of 18 million cu. m through Bulgarian territory. This allows it to regulate gas prices on the domestic market. An alternative that is already at an advanced stage is the Nabucco project for transit of natural gas from Iran and the Caspian region to West Europe. Nabucco Study Company was set up in June 2005 by the gas companies of Turkey (Botas), Bulgaria (Bulgargaz), Romania (Transgaz), Hungary (MOL) and Austria (OMV Gaz). These are actually the countries named by Russias Gazprom a few days ago as not paying market prices for the gas supplies. Now the project will be accelerated. Nabucco is included in the EU programme for Trans-European Network (TEN). The EU finances the feasibility study and analysis of the project. Nabucco Gas Pipeline International Ltd. is the company responsible for the development of the projects financial concept and for the coordination of its implementation. The Nabucco gas pipeline will be 3,300 km long and will cost EUR 4.5 billion. Some 400 km of the pipe will pass through Bulgarian territory, which will cost about EUR 400 million. If construction begins in early 2008, the project has to be completed in 2010.
Source: Pari (06.01.2006)
Bulgaria may sue Russia's Gazprom if it breaches the agreement of 1998 and raises natural gas prices for Bulgaria, ex vice premier Evgeniy Bakardjiev said. However, the issue is unlikely to be referred to the court, he added. Late last week Bulgargaz sent an official refusal to Gazprom's request for a revision of the transit agreement between the two companies. The same stand had been voiced by minister of economy and energy Rumen Ovcharov. Even now the prices we pay for natural gas are higher than those charged by the Baltic republics. Nobody can accuse us of not paying at market prices, the minister said. At the end of last year Gazexport's director Alexander Medvedev was on an unofficial visit to Bulgaria to insist on a revision of the contract. This is unacceptable for Bulgaria, Bulgargaz's letter reads.
Source: Pari (09.01.2006)
Bulgaria and the rest of the countries, included in the Stability Pact of Southeast Europe, are going to sign a gas supplying contract, the special coordinator of the pact, Mr. Erhard Busek announced. After the hikes of the gas prices in Europe, there is more willingness in the region to work on this matter. Turkey announced it is ready to start operating the process. Among the important projects is the international gas transmission project Nabuko, Mr. Busek pointed out.
Source: Monitor (12.01.2006)
Citigas Bulgaria, owned by Italy's Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini, will start the gasification of city of Kazanlak, Southern Bulgaria. Kazanlak is part of the Trakia gasification region where Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini has been licensed to deploy gas supply infrastructure. The launch of the civic gasification will allow the district heating utility based in Kazanlak to switch from fuel oil to natural gas. The Kazanlak municipality has vowed to complete the eminent domain proceedings for the private properties affected by the project in the next 8 weeks. Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov has suggested to Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini to go ahead with the Kazanlak gasification despite the fact that the award of the Trakia permit to the Italian company is still being contested in court. Konstantin Shushulov, chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, said the regulator, in the event that Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini is deselect as the permit winner, will make sure the new investor buys the infrastructure installed so far by the Italian company. Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini is in talks to acquire the Kazanlak heating utility, said Shushulov. The utilities based in Kazanlak and Yambol were sold on the Bulgarian stock exchange in March 2004 to AKB Fores. Trakia is one of the eight districts into which Bulgarias territory has been zoned for the award of contracts to build networks for household and industrial use of natural gas. The Trakia region encompasses 39 municipalities, including five where gas licences have been awarded. The region is rich in industrial gas consumers but as much as 71% of the households don't have central heating. The only exceptions are the municipalities of Kazanlak and Plovdiv which have district heating companies.
Source: Dnevnik (13.01.2006)
Ovcharov asks business community about the price of gas Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Rumen Ovcharov and the largest consumers of natural gas will discuss the country's supply with natural gas. Representatives of Bulgaria's national gas transit system operator Bulgargaz will also take part in the talks. The meeting is occasioned by the demand of Gazexport (Russia) for amendments to the gas transit contract, which would regulate higher wholesale prices of natural gas for Bulgaria. "The state and the business community will come up with a common stand on the problem," Ovcharov told Nova TV. Representatives of the central heating companies, which consume eighty percent of the Bulgarian natural gas, will also be present at the forum, along with their colleagues of LUKoil Bulgaria, the Neochim and Agropolychim mineral fertilizers plants, the Kremikovtzi smelter and Stomana steel works. At the end of December 2005, Gazexport sent a letter to Bulgargaz, in which they demanded that the prices of transit of Russian natural gas through Bulgaria should be re-negotiated. Bulgargaz replied that the proposal was unacceptable. Shortly before the end of 2005, the wholesale price of natural gas went up by eighteen percent to BGN296 (EUR151) per 1,000 cubic meters (VAT excluded).
Source: Standart (16.01.2006)
Talks between Bulgargaz, Gazprom get tough Russias Gazexport continues to insist on a change in the current agreement with Bulgaria and is unwilling to alter its demands for a revision of the gas transit agreement with Bulgargaz, knowledgeable sources said. Currently Gazprom's subsidiary pays the transit via Bulgarian territory in natural gas, rather than in transit fees. The Bulgarian company pays a price of USD 83 per 1,000 cu m for the fuel, compared with USD 257 per 1,000 cu m for other gas supplies. In exchange for the new contractual terms, Gazexport is ready to sign an agreement on increasing the transit amounts via Bulgaria to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia and to participate in the construction of transport facilities to Serbia and Montenegro. So far Bulgargaz has refused to invest in a gas pipeline to Serbia, because the transit amounts have not been guaranteed. In early January Bulgaria officially refused to revise the terms of the long-term agreement, which expires on December 31, 2010. Meanwhile it emerged that the supply of natural gas from the deposit at Chiren, Vratsa municipality, to Bulgarian consumers had nearly tripled at the request of Bulgargaz. Formerly supplies amounted to 300,000 cu m a day. The volume of the deposit is some 3 billion cu m, which can cover consumption for a few months.
Source: Pari (16.01.2006)
Government and business community to decide together on gas price The state and the big corporate consumers of natural gas will determine together the blue fuels price movement. This was agreed yesterday during a meeting of the minister of economy and energy, Mr. Roumen Ovcharov, and representatives of Bulgargaz and the companies. The first serious changes in the gas price are expected in 20072008, when the resources of the Galata field will be exhausted and excise duty on the gas price may be introduced. The excise however is not going to affect the price seriously. A price shock is expected in 2011, when the contract with Russias Gazexport expires. Then Bulgaria is likely to start buying natural gas at market prices. Minister Ovcharov advised the companies to conform their business plans to the expected price shock after 2010. There were different options for its mitigation, Mr. Roumen Ovcharov pointed out. They supposed the price to be raised in advance and deferment of the hike after 2010. Working groups including representatives of the government and the companies will draft joint standpoints on these issues. The meetings will be held regularly. The next one will be after a month when the business is expected to submit its joint opinion.
Source: Standart (17.01.2006)
Two factors could affect the natural gas price after 2007. The first one is that it is expected the finding Galatas sources to finish by the mid-2007, which up to now supplies 14% of the local natural gas needs. After Bulgarias EU accession, it is possible a minimum excise on the natural gas to be imposed to Bulgaria. This was discussed yesterday during the closed for journalists meeting between experts from the ministry of economy and energy, Bulgargaz and the biggest gas consumers.
Source: Pari (17.01.2006)
Black Sea Technology Company (BSTC), the local subsidiary of Italy's AMGA Azienda Multiservizi S.p.A, has completed the installation of another 1,000 m of gas mains in Pleven, Northern Bulgaria, coupling the network with the transmission grid of gas distributor Bulgargaz. At end-2005, the company had 107 household and 9 industrial subscribers. BSTC has deployed a total of 42 km of gas mains in Pleven so far.
Source: Dnevnik (17.01.2006)
During the first day of PM Sergei Stanishev's visit to Turkey it became clear that Bulgaria would renew its electricity exports for Turkey. The Bulgarian PM and his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a one-to-one conversation. Turkey stopped importing electricity from Bulgaria in 2003. "Now the country is ready to restore them," Stanishev announced. "We have the potential to export electricity for Turkey," The Bulgarian PM added. Erdogan described Stanishev's visit as a new period in bilateral relations. Turkey expressed its will to follow the example of Bulgaria which is successfully nearing its EU accession. Erdogan stressed the important role of the emigrants for the friendly relations between Turkey and Bulgaria. He addressed the Bulgarian PM with the words: my friend and counterpart Sergei Stanishev. "There aren't political problems of any kind between the two countries and this favours the development of the good relations between them," Erdogan accentuated. Turkish investments in Bulgaria amount to US$500 000 and are constantly rising. Stanishev invited Erdogan to Bulgaria to inaugurate together Sise Cam's plant near the town of Targovishte, northeastern Bulgaria. Erdogan laid considerable stress on tourism as a factor for improvement of the relations between the Turkish and Bulgarian people and enhancement of the cultural dialogue. He mentioned that 1.5 million Bulgarian tourists visited Turkey in 2005 but that the same hardly held true for Bulgaria. For this reason he recommended alleviation the visa control for Turkish citizens on Bulgarian borders. Both Bulgaria and Turkey are interested in the Nabucco project for transit of gas from Iran via Turkey and Bulgaria towards Europe. Stanishev believes the implementation of this project will be of use for the European countries. "The Turkish authorities control the bird-flu situation and are doing their best to prevent the epidemic from spreading into Turkey's neighboring countries," Erdogan said.
Source: Standart (18.01.2006)
Bulgaria's finance ministry will tender in March an advisory contract for the restructuring of gas distributor Bulgargaz and the development of the domestic natural gas market. The project, with a guide value of 454,000 euro, will be financed by EU's Phare program. Bulgaria's energy law envisages Bulgargaz to be split into a transmission grid operator, Bulgartransgaz, and a public gas supplier by the end of 2006. The management of the gas distributor has insisted that Bulgaria negotiate with Brussels a postponement of the restructuring for after the country joins the EU, pointing out that two requirements set out in the Energy Act - that Bulgaria secure alternative natural gas supplies and that the transmission network is coupled with that of an EU member state, have not been fulfilled. A decision on the timeframe and format for the restructuring of the company will likely be taken in February, said deputy energy minister Ivanka Dilovska. The process is made difficult by the lack of competition on the gas market, the official said. According to the restructuring plan prepared by the Bulgargaz management, the spin-off of the 2 successors of the gas distributor will take 9 months.
Source: Dnevnik (19.01.2006)
National Electricity Transmission Company most probably will restructure the company in Holding with subsidiaries for the transfer and trade activity. In the parent company will stay the debts. This is one of the variants, which was presented by part of the companys management during the meeting with the minister of economy and energy, Mr. Roumen Ovcharov and European Bank for Reconstruction and Developments representatives, at the end of last week.
Source: Dnevnik (23.01.2006)
The 2005 preliminary financial result of Bulgargaz amounted to BGN 128 mln accounting profit, representing a narrowing by BGN 32 mln as compared a year earlier. The reason for lower profit expectations is on last year fuel delivery price rise, the company, managed by the CEO, Mr. Kiril Gegov, announced. The total expenses in 2005 amounted to BGN 802 mln. BGN 35 mln from this sum were invested in modernization and facilities repair. Last year, the Bulgarian gas company entered in the state budget BGN 225 mln in taxes and dividents.
Source: Monitor (25.01.2006)
Natural gas consumption in Bulgaria in 2005 jumped by 11.08%, year on year, Bulgargaz said. A considerable increase was registered in the consumption of natural gas from local deposits, mainly from Galata, which is run by Melrose Resources. Compared with 2004, natural gas supply from Galata surged by 7.6%. In 2005 Bulgargaz's gas transmission system conveyed a total of 3.472 billion cu. m of natural gas. This included 3.065 billion cu. m Russian import gas and 407 million cu. m Bulgarian gas. Gas distribution companies continued to increase their market share last year, Bulgargaz CEO Kiril Gegov said. That was due to the expansion of the network to end consumers and the liberalisation of the market, Gegov explained. As a result of this Bulgargaz's share in the total amount of gas sales declined by 5.07% in 2005. The quantities transited to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia last year amounted to nearly 15.5 billion cu. m, or some 14.62% more than in 2004. Bulgargaz posted an income of BGN 930 million, expenditure stood at BGN 802 million. Preliminary data show that the accounting profit of the company declined by BGN 32 million to BGN 128 million, mainly due to the low prices for domestic consumption. Last year prices jumped by 9.6%.
Source: Pari (25.01.2006)
Eight companies are willing to become shareholders in the Nabucco consortium, which will build a the natural gas pipeline connecting the Caspian region with Central and West Europe, Bulgarian Bulgargaz's CEO Kiril Gegov said. The candidates include big European oil and gas companies and two of them will probably join the project. Currently participants in Nabucco include Turkey's Botas, Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, Romania's Transgaz, Hungary's MOL and Austria's OMV Gas. The project has become important not only for Bulgaria but also for Europe after Gazprom embarked on a price increase policy, Gegov added. The feasibility study of the project has been already completed. Nabucco Company Pipeline Study GmbH has been re-registered as an investment company: Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, based in Vienna. The development of the project is planned for 2006-8 and construction works have to be completed by 2011. The total length of the pipeline will be 3,300 km, the capacity will range between 25.5 and 31 billion cu. m of natural gas a year. The necessary investments are estimated at EUR 4.6 billion.
Source: Pari (26.01.2006)
Mounting debts to halt power supplies to Kremikovtzi steel works The National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) said on Friday it would gradually cut electricity supplies to steel maker Kremikovtzi over unpaid debts totalling 95 mln levs. The power company said it would bring supplies down to the technical minimum of 20MW by February 17. In early 2004, NETC agreed to a 10-year rescheduling of Kremikovtzi's debts which back then stood at 70 mln levs. More rescheduling agreements, which the steel maker subsequently failed to honour, followed. The latest was negotiated in July 2005 when the power company again threatened to discontinue supplies. Meanwhile Kremikovtzi's liabilities increased by 5-6 mln levs over the past several months. Kremikovtzi said it will take steps to normalise relations with NETC, adding that it had met with understanding on the part of the electricity operator in the past. Kiril Gegov, the executive director of gas distributor Bulgargaz, announced in the beginning of this week that his company too was owed money by Kremikovtzi, but would not cite figures. Last August India's Global Steel Holding Ltd. (GSHL), part of the Ispat Group, acquired a 71% stake in Kremikovtzi from Finmetals Holding. Kremikovtzi posted an unconsolidated loss of 78.2 mln levs and 30% drop in sales for January-September 2005. Debts stood at 425.5 mln levs.
Source: Dnevnik (28.01.2006)
Gazprom continues to insist for lower transit taxes over the natural gas, which would lead to higher prices on the local market in Bulgaria, the minister of economy and energy, Mr. Roumen Ovcharov announced yestdray in the parliament. This is the Russian position, sent the day before yesterday to Bulgargaz. Mr. Ovcharov explained the new letter is not connected to the gas delivery narrowing. The stable oil and gas price increasing trend would lead to the need of second nuclear power station in the country, minister Ovcharov pointed out.
Source: Sega (28.01.2006)
Moscow ready to extend gas transit contract Moscow insists that the term of the contract for gas transit through Bulgaria after 2010 should be signed for a period longer than 20 years. Russia proposes to give up "gas-for-transit" barter, Russian Industry and Energy Minister Viktor Khristenko said after the meeting with his Bulgarian counterpart Roumen Ovcharov. Viktor Khristenko added that Russia highly appreciated the fact that Bulgaria fulfilled diligently and without risks the terms of gas transit to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The prospects for increasing the gas supplies for Greece and building of a new gas main to Greece and Montenegro were discussed at the meeting. "It's important that the preparation of the new agreements be started now in order to discuss with Bulgaria the most effective transit routes and the most advantageous conditions," the Russian Industry and Energy Minister said. The two ministers discussed the delivery of Russian nuclear fuel for Bulgaria as well as the possibilities for Russian participation in the building of Belene nuclear power plant. "The offers connected with the project are opened this moment," Roumen Ovcharov said. In March, the trilateral commission for the Bourgas-Alexadroupolis oil pipeline will gather, Minister Ovcharov siad further. Its members will discuss the necessity of signing a trilateral agreement between the three countries for speeding up the project's realization. President of RAO EES Anatolii Chubais told Minister Ovcharov that despite the unsuccessful participation in the privatization of the Varna thermal power plant the energy venture did not lose interest in other power units in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (02.02.2006)
Russian state-owned gas monopoly Gazprom has asked to be granted ownership of the transit mains used by Bulgarian gas company Bulgargaz to pump Russian natural gas to neighbouring countries, Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov said upon his return from a trip to Moscow. The transfer of ownership could be executed through the acquisition of a stake in Bulgargaz or participation in the construction of the transmission pipelines. Ovcharov said he told the Gazprom management that due to the ongoing restructuring of Bulgargaz, there are no plans to denationalise the gas distributor. Gazprom recently took over the ownership of 100% of the gas mains in Belarus. It also controls 50% of the gas mains in Moldova. The Russian gas monopoly had similar take-over designs on the gas pipelines in Ukraine during those two states' recent stand-off on gas supplies.
Source: Dnevnik (03.02.2006)
Gazprom wants second Topenergy Russian company Gazprom has once again raised the question for joint ownership of the Bulgarian transit gas pipelines, Bulgaria's energy minister Rumen Ovacharov said upon his arrival from a two-day working visit in Moscow on Thursday. Ten years ago a special company, Topenergy, was established arrange Gazprom's access Gazprom to the gas distribution network in Bulgaria. Topenergy, which became the bone of contention between the then prime minister Zhan Videnov and the late Andrey Lukanov, was closed later. There will be no revisions in the contract for Russian transit gas supplies to Bulgaria. However, Bulgaria is not such a big country to withstand a giant such as Gazprom. It is obvious that we will have to use all our available resources in order to balance our mutual interests, Ovcharov said. The possibility of signing a 20-year contract for the delivery of transit gas via Bulgaria, which is to come into effect after 2010, was also discussed during Ovcharov's visit. Gazprom shows interest in Bulgaria's TPPs, the gas distribution network in the country and the future privatisation of Bulgargas. The Russian company is willing to take part as an investor in the project for the construction of the Bourgas - Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. The company will participate through its unit Sibneft. Other Russian companies to take part in the project include THK British Petroleum and LUKoil.
Source: Pari (03.02.2006)
Mr. Pramod Mittal, owner of Kremikovtzi JSC: I must admit that the beginning of the work in Kremikovtzi proved much more difficult than I expected. We were forced to take many unexpected charges. We invested BGN 32 mln of our own capital and quite a lot of our family funds in current repairs. However our experts are just before finishing of the all-round strategy for the company's development, which will transform it into a modern and competitive steel maker. - Mr. Mittal, why did the management of the National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) threaten you that it would stop the power supply to Kremikovtzi? Is it true that you do not pay your debts to NETC? NETC says you owe it a total of USD 95 mln. - The debts of Kremikovtzi that we succeeded are being paid according to the contracted payment schedules. So current difficulties are impossible but total non-execution not. I would like to assure the management of NETC of our correctness. We in Global Steel have a more radical offer to repay in advance all Kremikovtzis old debts to NETC and Bulgargaz and to sign a mutual agreement with the Government for the resolution of open and succeeded problems. - Does the Government know for your intentions? - In the coming days we will offer to the ministers Mr. Rumen Ovcharov and Mr. Plamen Oresharski such an agreement. It will create totally new situation for Kremikovtzi and particularly for our relations with NETC and Bulgargaz. - A rumour has it that you have problems with your debts to the National Social Security Institute (NSSI). - Our relations with the NSSI are completely satisfactory. The debt of the past has decreased significantly over the past years. We have an agreement that both sides are observing. The employees of Kremikovtzi JSC should not worry. Their old age is secured as the law provides. - Last September you said that in three years you will invest more than USD 300 mln in Kremikovtzi and will make the company "the steel lion of the Balkans". Will you manage to fulfill your investment programme? - There is no doubt that these investment intentions will be fulfilled. The funds however should be invested when there are clear projects. They will be implemented in compliance with the requirements of the European Commission within the framework of the so-called viability plan. The good news is that we are about to finish a new overall strategy for the development of the company. - What does this strategy include? - It concerns a package of projects, which will make Kremikovtzi very stable and competitive steel maker. Our aim is to make it a centre of new technology projects. The first task of the company this year is to produce over 1.2 mln tons of finished production, which means over 120,000 tons a month, as the increase of the output is the basis of all other successes. These are really ambitious but realistic tasks. - How are you going to solve the serious environmental problems of the company? The installations are from the 1960-70s? - By 20092010 Kremikovtzi should set its capacities in compliance with the EUs principal environmental standards. This supposes big capital investments and if we do not make them, we are going to suffer hard sanctions by the European Commission. And these sanctions would be fair because modern industries are good when they do not pollute the environment. - Quite often in the past and even now workers could be heard to complain that their wages are not paid on time. The trade unions have even protested recently. What are the reasons for the delays? - I heard some time ago one of the plants directors to say, Kremikovtzi may delay but always pays. The truth is that every problem with the supply or marketing of the finished production leads to delay of the salaries in the company. Thus, in January because of the low temperatures and the stop of the gas supply we got direct losses and this delayed the payment of the wages. I think though that this system must be changed. Kremikovtzi should have more financial and input reserves. Now the average wage is BGN 730-750, which is about twice the average salary in the country. This is not the limit however. If we fulfill our programme for 2006, I expect the wages to rise more. - What is your opinion of the business climate in Bulgaria? You have units in dozens of countries all over the world. - Trends are very positive. Even impressive. The credit rating of the country has been rising. At the same time the world economy is now entering a new cycle higher prices of oil and natural gas, fierce competition on all markets, global redistribution of the investments. I think that Bulgaria and its business will cope with these challenges. But I expect the role of the state monopolies to decrease as it is in all Europe. I also expect local statesmen to pay greater attention to big investors. - What are your relations with the government? - I had only brief meetings but I have wonderful impressions by the Prime-Minister Sergey Stanishev and the ministers Roumen Ovcharov and Plamen Oresharski. I believe we will come to an agreement on all open issues, which will also bring direct benefits to the budget. - Kremikovtzi is one of Bulgarias biggest exporters to Europe. Do you expect any changes after the countrys accession to the EU? - The company will continue exporting where its production is valued most. In the first place, this is Europe. The European markets are our absolute priority. We will pay bigger attention to the domestic market. It is necessary however to change everything according to the European criteria discipline, order and most of all efficiency. Every employee at our company should produce as much as the employees at our rival companies. And it is our duty to provide the necessary equipment and investments. - Indian experts have already arrived at Kremikovtzi. How do they work with their Bulgarian colleagues? - My style is not to separate people by nationality or origin but by skills and loyalty. We have fantastic Bulgarian experts. We have good experts from India and Germany. I think we need more young professionals on leading positions. - Tell us something about Global Steel? Legends about your familys fortune are told. - My father started making steel in 1950 when I was not born yet. The whole life of my family is connected with this business. Global Steel, the owner of Kremikovtzi JSC, produces an average of 12 mln tons of steel a year, which ranks us among the worlds first 15-17 companies. I have to point out that Global Steel is one of the most dynamic companies, which is obvious by the support of big international banks. - Mr. Mittal, you have already been in Bulgaria for half an year. How do you like it? - I have not traveled in Bulgaria a lot but I could say that you have beautiful country and very skilled metallurgists. I would like to thank everybody who believed us and with whom we work every day. The world is one big village we all bring our cultures closer. In this respect Bulgaria is among the best countries in Europe by hospitality and tolerance.
Source: Trud (06.02.2006)
British steel trader eyes state-owned interest in Kremikovtzi British steel trading company Stemcor wants to buy the 25.29% stake in Sofia-based metallurgical plant Kremikovtzi held by the Bulgaria state, the economy ministry said on Monday, February 13. The ministry said the written notification of interest was received on January 3. Stemcor is willing to assume $71 mln of Kremikovtzi's outstanding debts and to negotiate the acquisition of the state-controlled equity at a fair price, said the economy ministry. The acquisition costs will be financed with a syndicated loan. In related news, it emerged that the ministers of economy and finance and the CEOs of national power grid operator NETC and of gas distributor Bulgargaz, the main creditors of the metallurgical company, met last Friday with Kremikovtzi's Indian owners. Global Steel Holdings Ltd reportedly undertook to present to the government the updated investment program of the metallurgical plant. Sources close to the talks said Global Steel Holdings Ltd asked the government to reschedule Kremikovtzi's outstanding debts but that proposal was rejected. No one from the Kremikovtzi management was available for comment.
Source: Dnevnik (14.02.2006)
The National Social Security Institute's Top 50 of the most law-abiding employers with personnel between 50 - 100 employees, insuring a total of 4079 people with average insurance income of BGN 898 40 JSC Information service Plovdiv office Plovdiv
Source: Other (14.02.2006)
The National Social Security Institute announced the top 50 most loyal employers with personnel of 100 to 250 people for 2005, insuring 10008 people with average salary of BGN 829: 1 Johnson Controls electronics Bulgaria - Sofia 2 Media Holding - Sofia 3 Deven - Devnia 4 Amylum - Razgrad 5 Bulgaria Prosecution chief prosecutor - Sofia 6 Corporate Commercial Bank - Sofia . . . 38 SGS-Bulgaria - Sofia 39 Sofia Hotel Balkan - Sofia 40 Piccadilly Holding - Sofia 41 DZI - General Insurance - Sofia 42 National Academy of Arts Sofia . . . 50 Sofia District prosecution - Sofia.
Source: Other (14.02.2006)
Bulgargaz will be split into two legally independent companies. One of them will buy and sell natural gas. The second one will transport, transit and store the fuel. It will be a 100% state-owned company called Bulgartransgaz, said CEO Kiril Gegov. The proposal has already been sent to the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy that has to take the final decision on the restructuring. "The restructuring of Bulgargaz should not send up gas prices," Gegov said further. The new holding will be put on the list of companies banned for privatization. "The future holding could participate as a shareholder in the oil pipeline BourgasAlexandroupolis, as well as in the upcoming construction of a transit gas pipeline to Serbia," said Valentin Ivanov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy. It is envisaged that the company will have a 20-% share in the Nabucco transcontinental pipeline.
Source: Standart (15.02.2006)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, will be restructured into a holding of 4 independent companies by the end of 2006. The company will break up into separate divisions the gas supplies, the management of the transmission infrastructure and storage facilities, the construction of new facilities and pipelines and the telecommunications business of the parent structure. The two key units in the future holding structure will be Bulgargaz, in charge of supplies, import and trade, and Bulgartransgaz, in charge of transmission, transit and storage, said Bulgargaz executive director Kiril Gegov. Bulgargaztel will be the name of the telecom division. The fourth division of the holding structure will participate in the expansion of the Serbia-bound pipeline, the Nabucco pipeline project and the likely construction of an Italy-bound pipeline. The energy ministry is expected to approve the proposed reshuffle of the gas monopoly within days. There are no plans to privatise the future holding company, said deputy energy minister Valentin Ivanov
Source: Dnevnik (15.02.2006)
New director to clear Kremikovtzi's debts All debts of Kremikovtzi JSC will be paid in the nearest future, yesterday said the new executive officer of the company Mr. Vilas Jamnis. The Holding Global Steel that bought Finmetals Holding JSC and owns 71 per cent of the metallurgical giant will pay to all creditors proved their taking in the court, and to the others it will offer buy back of the debts, explained Mr. Jamnis. From yesterday Kremikovtzi has renovated and extended managing Board. Mr. Vilas Jamnis that replaced Mr. Alok Gupta as Director of the company, has been member of the Managing Board. Mr. Maurizio Rosa will be sales manager. Eng. Dimitar Kuzmanov will negotiate the arrangement of accounts and arguments. We are negotiating with but still have no agreements with Bulgarian State Railways, National Electricity Transmission Company and Bulgargaz, which are some of the biggest creditors of Kremikovtzi, reported Mr. Kuzmanov.
Source: Sega (21.02.2006)
Kremikovtzi JSC steel plant starts construction works on a new electric furnace in April. Investments in the project are expected to total USD 30 million. This is a completely innovative technology which has been implemented only at the Mumbay plant of Ispat Industries, Vilas Jamnis, the new executive director of Kremikovtzi said. From yesterday Kremikovtzi has renovated and extended managing Board. Mr. Vilas Jamnis that replaced Mr. Alok Gupta as Director of the company, has been member of the Managing Board. Mr. Maurizio Roza will be sales manager. Eng. Dimitur Kuzmanov will negotiate the arrangement of accounts and arguments. We are negotiating with but still have no agreements with Bulgarian State Railways, National Electricity Transmission Company and Bulgargaz, which are some of the biggest creditors of Kremikovtzi, reported Mr. Kuzmanov.
Source: Standart (21.02.2006)
New furnace under construction in Kremikovtzi Kremikovtzi JSC steel plant starts construction works on a new electric furnace in April. Investments in the project are expected to total USD 30 million. This is a completely innovative technology which has been implemented only at the Mumbay plant of Ispat Industries, Vilas Jamnis, the new executive director of Kremikovtzi said. The Indian company acquired 71% in Kremikovtzi in the summer of 2005. The Indian owner appointed a completely new management board to the company as of yesterday. Former executive director Alok Gupta resigned for personal reasons. The new capacity is expected to double the output and reduce the cost value of the end product, Jamnis added. The new furnace will be built in twelve months. The installation of a new Japanese quality system has already started at four of the Kremikovtzi plants. The system is expected to reduce significantly flaws to the end product, the company said. Kremikovtzi will produce 1.5 million tonnes of steel in 2006 under the form of hot-rolled coils. The output is expected to reach 2.0 million t, Jamnis said.
Source: Pari (21.02.2006)
All debts of Kremikovtzi JSC will be paid in the nearest future, yesterday said the new executive officer of the company Mr. Vilas Jamnis. The Holding Global Steel that bought Finmetals Holding JSC and owns 71 per cent of the metallurgical giant will pay to all creditors proved their taking in the court, and to the others it will offer buy back of the debts, explained Mr. Jamnis. From yesterday Kremikovtzi has renovated and extended managing Board. Mr. Vilas Jamnis that replaced Mr. Alok Gupta as Director of the company, has been member of the Managing Board. Mr. Maurizio Roza will be sales manager. Eng. Dimitur Kuzmanov will negotiate the arrangement of accounts and arguments. We are negotiating with but still have no agreements with Bulgarian State Railways, National Electricity Transmission Company and Bulgargaz, which are some of the biggest creditors of Kremikovtzi, reported Mr. Kuzmanov.
Source: Sega (21.02.2006)
The State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation prepares the tender documents for opening of procedure for giving license for gas-distribution in Sliven. There are two candidates for the town - Gas Supply-Sliven and Promishleno gazosnabdyavane Kyustendil. According to the Energy Act in such cases opening of contest is required. Gas Supply-Sliven is company owned by Overgas and the Municipality that hold 20 per cent of the shares. In Promishleno gazosnabdyavane LTD 51 per cent of the shares are owned by Mr. Aleksandar Tasev, major owner of Furnir Story. Recently was registered the company Germaneya gas LTD where Promishleno gazosnabdyavane Kyustendil holds 66 per cent and the other 34 per cent are owned by Sapareva Banya Municipality.
Source: Dnevnik (24.02.2006)
The Bulgarian finance ministry has tendered a contract for the provision of institutional support for the corporative restructuring of state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz. The maximum budget of the project is 454,000 euro. The consultant will perform the following activities: carrying out the necessary analyses as regards the preparation for legal and organisational unbundling of Bulgargaz; benchmarking against the experience of EU member states and accession countries; assistance in improving the relevant legislation necessary to implement unbundling; proposal of a plan for legal and organisational unbundling of Bulgargaz; working out detailed trade regulations based on the EC Regulation on conditions for access to the Gas Transmission Networks. Participation is open on equal terms to all natural and legal persons of the EU member states, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia and Montenegro and Turkey. The selection criteria include total annual revenue of the candidate (a firm or a leading partner of the consortium) for each of the last 2 years for which accounts have been closed amounting to at least 900,000 euro. The candidate should also have a total of at least 15 persons permanent staff. The deadline for the receipt of applications is March 31. The restructuring of the gas distributor, required under the EU gas directive, should be completed by the end of this year. In mid-February, Bulgargaz executive director Kiril Gegov suggested to transform the company into a holding structure with 2 independent units: one handling trade, supply and transit and the other in charge of transmission and storage.
Source: Dnevnik (01.03.2006)
Regulator to review gas price hike request Bulgargaz, the state-owned gas distributor, has asked the power regulator to approve a price hike of 6.26 levs per 1,000 cu m for natural gas. As of April 1, Bulgargaz wants to sell the fuel at a new price of 302.95 levs per 1,000 cu m without taxes, citing the increase in international gas prices, the movements of the U.S. dollar and the domestic consumption forecasts for 2006. Bulgargaz sets the natural gas tariff using a formula specified in the gas supply contract with Russian monopoly Gazprom which runs out in 2010.
Source: Dnevnik (14.03.2006)
Bulgaria's gas transmission company Bulgargas will be restructured by the end of 2006. The company will be split into an operator and a public supplier. The new holding structure will also include Bulgartel and Bulgargas's interest in the Nabucco project. The proposal was presented by company executive director Kiril Gegov to the parliamentary energy committee. The changes are necessitated by the EU requirements. The legal aspects of the restructuring have to be settled by the end of August. This concerns the contractual relations among Bulgargas, Bulgartransgas, Bulgartel and Bulgargas Holding. Within two years the holding will have a new building, which will house some 1,200 employees. Bulgargas already keeps separate books for each of its activities, Gegov said. It prepares and publishes annual reports in conformity with both the national and the international financial reporting standards.
Source: Pari (16.03.2006)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned company in charge of the import and supply, transmission, storage and transit of natural gas, will participate in the design and construction of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, it emerged after Bulgarian ministers of energy and regional development minister Rumen Ovcharov and Asen Gagauzov met with representatives of Russian counterparts. The idea of the Bulgarian regional development ministry is to incorporated a new company to invest in the project. The new company will be 20%-owned by Bulgargaz while the remaining equity will be controlled by Universal Terminal Bourgas (UTB). UTB was created in 2005 by the Bulgarian government as a catch-all structure for the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis and Bourgas-Vlore pipeline. Bulgarian state-owned construction company Technoexportstroy is a 55% co-owner. A meeting with the representatives of the companies that will be involved in the project is scheduled to take place in March in Moscow. The Transbalkan Oil Pipeline Bulgaria (TOPB) was incorporated by MG Energy and Natural Resources, LUKoil Bulgaria, Monolit 3, Industrial Holding Bulgaria, KZU and Magnum 07 three years ago to implement Bulgaria's 33% share of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project. One of the options being considered by the Bulgarian regional development ministry is TOPB to be digested by the new company.
Source: Dnevnik (20.03.2006)
Half of Bulgaria may have no hot water in the summer. Bulgargaz threatened to stop deliveries for heat supply companies if they do not repay their debts until April. The total debts of all consumers to Bulgargaz are BGN 250 mln. BGN 120 mln are for the heat supply companies. The biggest debtor is Heat Supply-Sofia with over BGN 80 mln, followed by Plovdiv, Pleven, Shoumen, Varna and Bourgas.
Source: Standart (23.03.2006)
Bulgaria's Kremikovtzi mandates Merrill Lynch for note sale Bulgaria's largest steel mill Kremikovtzi mandated Merrill Lynch as sole lead manager and bookrunner for a euro-denominated note sale, a market source familiar with the details told news agency Reuters on Tuesday. The marketing roadshow for the financing vehicle, known as Bulgarian Steel Finance - incorporated as a private company with limited liability in the Netherlands, is ongoing, the source was quoted as saying by Reuters. No price guidance has been issued as of yet. Kremikovtzi is the guarantor of the notes, according to the preliminary offering circular obtained by Reuters. On March 10 the company, which is owned by India's Ispat Industries, said it would take a loan for up to 300 mln euro from an undisclosed Dutch lender. The marketing materials state the proceeds from the sale of the notes would then be onlent to Kremikovtzi with the intention that the company, subject to shareholder approval, terminate or swap old debt obligations for newer ones with its creditors and Global Steel Holdings Limited (GSHL), said Reuters. GSHL acts as the holding company of the Ispat group of companies. The balance of net proceeds are to be used for Kremikovtzi's general corporate purposes. It plans to use the funds to help boost production, improve environmental standards, meet its social obligations and ease the burden of debt owed for years to Bulgaria's state budget and state-owned companies, said Reuters. According to the marketing materials, Kremikovtzi had approximately 670.30 mln levs in total short-term and long-term debt. The brochure said Kremikovtzi has been the subject of bankruptcy petitions in the past and currently is the subject of an insolvency petition started in Sofia city court of 'an alleged unpaid claim of approximately 1.07 mln levs ($664,600).' The petition has been rejected by Sofia city court, but the creditor is appealing the decision to the Supreme Court of Cassation, the brochure stated. According to the brochure, Kremikovtzi is in arrears with regard to tax and duties payments, and payment of salaries, said Reuters.
Source: Dnevnik (23.03.2006)
State-run gas distributor Bulgargaz has urged the local heating utilities to pay 90% of their debts by April or face an array of enforcement measures that could include insolvency proceedings, said the head of the company's economic department Dimiter Gogov. The utilities owe Bulgargaz 125 mln levs. The biggest debtors are the heating utility of Sofia with outstanding liabilities of 93 mln levs and the utility of Plovdiv which has accumulated 13 mln levs in unpaid bills. The gas company is confident that the utilities will respond to its call as a large part of their subscribers pay their heating bills after the end of the winter. During this winter the heating utilities have collected from subscribers some 83-84% of their dues versus 65% a year ago, said Gogov. For the time being, the energy ministry is not contemplating an option to settle the Sofia heating utility's debts to Bulgargaz in exchange for more equity. Bulgargaz has threatened to cut down natgas supplies to its debtors if they fail to solve the issue by the summer. The gas company said it may take the matter to court and seek an injunction on its debtors' accounts or the launch of bankruptcy proceedings. In 2005, the heating utilities consumed some 1.04 bln cu m of gas out of a total consumption of 3.2 bln cu m in this country. Seven heating utilities have asked for a revision of the central heating tariff as of this summer citing a 26.6% hike in natgas prices over the past four months. Their request is yet to be reviewed, said Konstantin Shushulov, chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission.
Source: Dnevnik (23.03.2006)
The receivables of Bulgargas from customers stand at BGN 250 million. The debts of heating utilities account for BGN 120 million of the sum. Toplofikatsia Sofia owes BGN 80 million alone. If the heating utilities fail to settle the bulk of their debts for the current heating season with Bulgargas by the end of April, the company will terminate gas supplies to the debtors, Dimitar Gogov of Bulgargas said. Bulgaria's State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) and Bulgargas discussed at an open meeting yesterday an increase of the natural gas price, proposed by the gas distributor. Bulgargas suggests a 2.11% increase to BGN 302.95 per 1,000 cu. m (VAT excluded) as of the second quarter of 2006. Bulgargas suggested at the end of 2005 that the natural gas price be increased with over 20% but the the SCEWR lowered the demanded increase by almost 3%. This time, the proposed price hike by Bulgargas is grounded on the increase of the international prices of black oil and gas oil, which play a major role in the formation of the natural gas price. The US dollar has depreciated by 1.5% against the Bulgarian lev over the last 30 days. This enables Bulgargas to ask for a minimal increase of the natural gas price as the gas quantities Bulgaria receives instead of the transit fees for the transportation of the gas to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia allow regulation of the domestic gas prices. The transmission fee is calculated in the new price proposed by Bulgargas, SCEWR chairman Konstantin Shushulov said. The SCEWR will take a final decision on the change of the natural gas price at a closed sitting, scheduled for March 27.
Source: Pari (23.03.2006)
Price of natural gas up BGN 6.26 From April 1 the price of natural gas jumps from BGN 296.69 to BGN 302.95 without VAT. Yesterday the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) approved the update of the price, which Bulgargaz asked for the second quarter of 2006. The increase of BGN 6.26 (2.11 percent) is a result of the hike of the delivery price of natural gas at the Romanian-Ukrainian border near Isakcha. The main reason for the rise is the price increase of the liquid fuels on the international markets in the first quarter. The new price of the natural gas will not lead to changes in the price of heating and hot water, the SCEWR said.
Source: Standart (28.03.2006)
The Sofia district heating company is slipping dangerously close to insolvency under the weight of over 150 mln levs in debts towards gas supplier Bulgargaz. At the same time, the utility is struggling to collect over 200 mln levs it is owed by non-paying customers. Bulgargaz has already urged the domestic heating utilities to settle their outstanding gas bills by April or face supply cuts. The energy ministry is reportedly discussing options to keep the Sofia heating utility afloat. They range from insolvency proceedings to privatisation but the ultimate decision can be taken by the Sofia municipality which owns 59% of the company. The other 41% are held by the Bulgarian state. Sources from the energy ministry said Russian gas monopoly Gazprom, France's Dalkia and utility companies CEZ of the Czech Republic and EVN of Austria are among the parties interested in buying the Sofia heating company. When Gazprom requested a revision of the gas transit supply tariff in late 2005, the Bulgarian side tied the issue to the Russian company's likely participation in the denationalisation of heating utilities and the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant. Sofia mayor Boiko Borisov said he will propose to the municipal council to replace the current Sofia heating utility executive director Valentin Dimitrov with his deputy Georgi Rogachev. Borisov said he will also propose to energy minister Rumen Ovcharov to draft a recovery plan for the indebted utility. The Sofia district heating utility, the nation's biggest, services 386,000 households. The company is the biggest client of gas supplier Bulgargaz with annual consumption of 1 bln cu m. Bulgargaz said it has considered requesting insolvency proceedings but had ruled out the measure as last-ditch. After Bulgaria turned the tap on government handouts to the heating utilities for good in early 2005, production costs have outstripped heating prices. The World Bank and EBRD have recommended to the government to engage the private sector in the financial rehabilitation of the Sofia utility or opt for the privatisation of the company. The Sofia heating company is implementing an upgrade of the transmission network on 114 mln euro loaned by 2 banks and the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund. The loans are state-guaranteed and provided on the condition that an international manager is picked to run the company. However, the municipal council has been unable to select a manager for the struggling heating company in past 3 years.
Source: Dnevnik (28.03.2006)
There are no drastic violations and bad managing in Heat Supply-Sofia, yesterday reported Mr. Konstantin Shushulov, Director of State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation. He based his arguments on inspection of The Ministry of Economy in the company. According to him the problem is that families and budget organizations has not paid their heating bills. These non-collected takings are about BGN 160 mln. The Ministry of Mr. Rumen Ovcharov reported that the debts of Heat Supply-Sofia to Bulgargaz are BGN 158,4 mln until March 12.
Source: 24 chasa (29.03.2006)
Bulgarian gas supplier Overgas is ready to build civic gas distribution networks in Bansko and Simitli, said Bansko mayor Alexander Kravarov. Overgas confirmed it was interested in the project. Ski resort Bansko and Simitli are located on the eastern and western side of the Pirin mountain respectively. The Bulgarian government decided in May 2005 to allocate 30 mln levs from the dividend that state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz was due to remit to the national budget for investment in infrastructure connecting the Bansko, Razlog and Simitli areas with the exiting gas pipeline grid. Bulgargaz executive director Kiril Gegov assured the said infrastructure will be built in 2006. The Bulgargaz board is expected to discuss the issue later this week.
Source: Dnevnik (03.04.2006)
Heat Supply-Sofia should change its politics and introduce stimulation for its correct subscribers, as well as to give opportunity for payment on installment plant. This recommend experts after the inspection of the Ministry of Energy in the company, ordered by Minister Mr. Rumen Ovcharov and the Mayor Mr. Boiko Borisov. The private heat supplies in Vratsa and Rousse has already launched such stimulation. According to the experts the company should introduce information system for its debtors and system for payments control. The inspection has also found out that the debts of the home subscribers in 2005 have increased by 15,8 per cent from 2004 and amount to BGN 129,1 mln. The debt to Bulgargaz from 2003 until now is about BGN 100 mln, as at the middle of March it increased by BGN 158,4 mln.
Source: Dnevnik (03.04.2006)
Kremikovtzi sells EUR 300 mln bond Kremikovtzi will sell bonds for EUR 300 mln to pay its creditors, the general meeting of the shareholders decided on Thursday. Law Debenture Trust Corporation is the trustee for the issue and Merrill Lynch will place the bonds. The bulk of the loan will repay the debts of the metal plant to State Receivables Collection Agency, National Electricity Transmission Company (NETC) and Bulgargaz, and the rest of the money will be invested. The former owner and director of the company Mr. Valentin Zahariev was dismissed as member of the Supervisory Board. The state representative Mr. Ivan Mihaylov was replaced by Mr. Atanas Bogdanov, also former director of the company.
Source: Standart (07.04.2006)
Bulgaria will have to make concessions to Russia's Gazprom and agree to a revision of the formula for calculation of the price for natural gas transit. That emerged after the latest talks between minister of economy and energy Rumen Ovcharov and Gazprom deputy executive director Alexander Medvedev. Currently Sofia pays supplies at the market price of USD 270 per 1,000 cu. m. The problem is that Russia no longer wants to pay its transit fees in gas deliveries, as these quantities are billed USD 82-83 per 1,000 cu. m. The formula of the transit fees has to be changed, because it is no longer economically grounded, Alexander Medvedev said. Otherwise we will have to approach the European Union's regulatory bodies, he added. Rumen Ovcharov in turn recalled that the transit fees in the agreement are fixed, while the European energy charger bans barter deals below the market prices.
Source: Pari (17.04.2006)
Bulgargaz SPJSC seeks for company to design and construct exploitation drilling of the underground gas depository Chiren, according to the announcement for public procurement in the electronic register. The gas company offers to the executor a contract for 11 months. The executor should also design and construct the necessary for exploitation of the drilling train and telemetry, as well as to connect it to the existing individual separation knot.
Source: Dnevnik (18.04.2006)
The Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association (BBSPA) will ask the Parliament for tax relieves for companies that have won auctions for petrol and gas exploring in the off-shore part of Black Sea. Members of the association are British Petroleum, Exon Mobile, Shell, Total, Eni, Gaz de France, Lukoil, OMV, Statoil, Bulgargaz, Romgaz, Helenic Petroleum, PricewaterhouseCoopers, KPMG and ING Bank. The investments for research and exploration are huge, one drilling costs more than USD 50 mln, and there is no guarantee for repayment. The Association also asked the price of the natural gas for the home market not to be bounded with the revenues from transit charges neither with the possible investments from Gasprom.
Source: Standart (20.04.2006)
Bulgargaz could finance 25% of the project for the construction of the BurgasAlexandrupolis pipeline, CEO of the company Lyubomir Denchev said for Mediapool. By the end of the year a meeting between the potential investors will be held in Moscow to negotiate what their shares in the project will be. It is clear that Greek companies will take part in the project.
Source: Standart (25.04.2006)
The Bulgarian government decided Wednesday to opt out of Transbalkan Oil Pipeline Bulgaria (TOPB), the consortium that will design and build the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. TOPB was created two years ago by MG Energy and Natural Resources, LUKoil Bulgaria, Monolit 3, Industrial Holding Bulgaria, KZU and Magnum 07 which each have a 14.2% share.
Source: Monitor (04.05.2006)
The state company Technoexportstroy especially popular with the concession of Trakia Highway wil join Bulgargaz in the consortium that will invest in a project for the pipeline Bourgas-Alexandroupolis. This said the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ivailo Kalfin who assured its Greek colleague that Bulgaria continues to be highly interested in the project for the pipeline. Technoexportstroy is one of the two Bulgarian companies that together with three Portuguese ones are in the consortium Trakia Highway, which was granted the concession without an auction or tender. On Wednesday evening the Bulgarian official representatives flatly denied the information that the Bulgarian companies and the Government leave the consortium for the project Bourgas-Alexandroupolis.
Source: Sega (05.05.2006)
Bulgarian steel mill Kremikovtzi taps bond proceeds to repay debts Bulgaria's largest steel mill Kremikovtzi, majority owned by Indian steel maker Ispat Industries, has retired outstanding debts of 112.8 mln levs towards the National Social Security Institute, the State Receivables Collection Agency and the tax administration. The debts were repaid from a 325 mln bond placed by the steel works a week ago. Kremikovtzi is now negotiating with NETC and Bulgargaz on the repayment of some 130-140 mln levs it owes to the national power grid operator and the state-controlled gas distributor. In addition to the settlement of outstanding debts, which have been under a lid since early 2006, Kremikovtzi also plans a large-scale investment program. The company will absorb $70 mln in 2006 and $300 mln over the next 5 years. The spend should double annual steel output to 2 mln tons in 2 years with exports seen at $1 bln. The payments made to government agencies and companies has not yet resolved the problem with the injunction imposed on the shares of the majority owner in 2004 in connection with a $50 mln euro claim against the steel mill filed by the Post Privatisation Control Agency. The agency is trying to penalise the company for defaulting on post-privatisation obligations.
Source: Dnevnik (08.05.2006)
Sofia Municipality allowed the local Heat Supply utility to ask higher heating prices. The company asked for an increase by 8 percent because of the price hike of natural gas. However the company has to negotiate it with the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation. The DSB suggested instead Heat Supply wanting price increase of the heating, Bulgargaz to decrease its income and to offer cheaper fuel to the company.
Source: Standart (12.05.2006)
Natural Gas, AK-47 and MiG are the top agenda in Moscow A strong smell of natural gas could be felt at the negotiations, which kick off in Moscow today. Sofia and the Kremlin will again put on the agenda complicated problems, which they have tried to solve for years now. Will Russia finally admit that Bulgaria produces submachine-gun Arsenal, which has nothing to do with AK-47? When will Moscow pay the rest of its debt to Sofia? Who is going to repair the MiG-29 fighters? The natural gas, which Bulgaria receives from Russia, remains the biggest issue to be discussed. What price of natural gas will Minister of Economy and Energy Roumen Ovcharov manage to negotiate? All Bulgarian citizens want to know the answer of this question, because it has an immediate bearing on the contents of their pockets. The session of the Joint Bulgarian-Russian Commission for Economic, Commercial, Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Moscow will last three days. This time the session will take place against the background of the ongoing tender for the construction of Bulgaria second NPP in Belene. One of the two bidders is Russia-based Atomsroyexport.
Source: Standart (15.05.2006)
Kremikovtzi secured bonds with equipment from the new plant The metallurgical company Kremikovtzi lodged machines and equipment from its new plant for continuous steel casting as provision for its debenture loan of EUR 325 mln. The mortgage of the company is already written in the registered pledges of the Ministry of Justice. The company has already taken part of the debenture loan and has paid off all its debts and taxes, duties and obligatory security payments, which amounted to BGN 113 mln. After the repayment the State Receivables Collection Agency canceled the distraint of the bank accounts, motor vehicles, movable property and real estate of the company. Two weeks ago the metallurgical plant sold through the Dutch Bulgaria Steel Finance a total of EUR 325 mln of bonds with 7-year maturity and annual rate of 12 per cent. In order to make the bond more attractive, for each purchase of EUR 1 mln Kremikovtzi gave to the investors warrants for 6172 shares of the company. The shares of the major owner of the plant GSHL Bulgaria are blocked so it cannot control them due to a restriction on lawsuit for penalty of EUR 50 mln that should be paid to the Agency for post-privatization control. The equipment in the new plant, pawned as provision for the loan, was delivered by the Austrian company Voest Alpine, one of the leading companies for development of metallurgical technologies. For its launch were invested EUR 3,5 bln, according to preliminary reports. The equipment was started in the summer of 2005, after 10 years of postponing their launch due to lack of money. Kremikovtzi will use the funds raised through bond issuing not only for repayment of debts to companies but also for implementing an investment program. Still active are the debts to Bulgargaz and National Electricity Company (NEK), which are between BGN 130 and 140 mln, but negotiations for repayment are being held. In 2006 Kremikovtzi plans to invest EUR 70 mln, and during the next five years up to EUR 300 mln for the modernization of the production process, for environment protection and improving the working conditions.
Source: Dnevnik (15.05.2006)
Russia demanded higher prices for natural gas, which Gazprom delivers to Bulgaria under a barter contract. Bulgaria receives gas against transit fees for the gas transited through its territory to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. "Gazprom demanded that Bulgaria should have a clear vision by end-June as to how this country will make up for the low prices of gas," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Rumen Ovcharov informed after his meeting with Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom's management board. "We have come to terms with Mr. Miller that the two sides should seek a solution of mutual interest, not to the detriment of Bulgaria or Gazprom. We shall definitely do our best to find ways for a favorable for both sides short-term and long-term cooperation," Minister Ovcharov added. The construction of "Bourgas-Alexandrupolis" oil pipeline was also the agenda at the meeting between Ovcharov and Miller.
Source: Standart (17.05.2006)
The Sofia municipality, a majority owner of the city's district heating company Toplofikatsia, has banned the disposition of company property for the duration of the ongoing financial audit. The measure will have to be approved by the energy ministry, which owns 42% of the company. The audit of the heating utility, which began on May 16, was prompted by customer complaints. On the very first day of the audit, the officials discovered that former executive director of the utility had built a secret office with luxury furniture, a massage chair and a tanning saloon, among other amenities.
Source: Dnevnik (19.05.2006)
Russia renews demands for revision of natgas transit agreement The contract with Gazprom on the transit of natural gas via Bulgarian territory will be updated only if the revision balances out the interests of the Russian monopoly and its Bulgarian counterpart Bulgargaz and the knock-on effect for domestic prices is rescheduled up to 2015-2020, Bulgarian economy minister Rumen Ovcharov said during the weekend. Gazprom managing board member Bogdan Budzulyak said on Friday that the Russian company is proposing a gradual increase of natgas prices in Bulgaria. The two sides are not making progress in the negotiations, an outturn that could led to a supply stoppage, said the Russian company executive. Bulgaria is not facing a supply crunch similar to the one experienced by the Ukraine earlier this year because our contract is purely commercial and envisages default penalties, responded Ovcharov. Under the long-term natgas contract with Gazprom, Bulgaria receives gas supplies instead of fees for the transit of the Russian gas. The Russian side is insisting that the payments are effected in cash and not in gas supplies at fixed prices. Bulgaria currently transits 1.4 bln cu m of Russian natgas annually at USD82 per 1,000 cu m, a level substantially lower than the going market tariff. The agreement allows Bulgargaz to maintain lower natgas prices on the domestic market.
Source: Dnevnik (29.05.2006)
The Council of Ministers decided yesterday that Bulgargaz will hold 25 pct share of the new company that Bulgaria will take part in, in the international company, for the pipeline Burgas Alexandropulis.
Source: 24 chasa (02.06.2006)
UTB and Bulgargas will hold 75% and 25% stakes, respectively, in the new Project Company Bourgas-Alexandroupolis - BG, which is to represent Bulgaria in a future international project company for the construction of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. UTB was established by the former government with the sole purpose of constructing and operating the common entrance of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis and Bourgas-Vlore pipelines. State-owned Technoexportstroy holds a majority stake in UTB. Private company Frontier holds a 45% stake. The new Bulgarian company will hold an at least 24.5% stake in the international project, agreed upon in a memorandum. The company will also be able to participate actively in the taking of all important decisions, exerts told the Pari daily. The signing of the memorandum is a crucial step in the implementation of the project. The signing of the document has been delayed as a meeting between Bulgaria, Greece and Russia on the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project, which was supposed to take place in the beginning of May in Moscow, still has not been scheduled.
Source: Standart (05.06.2006)
Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-controlled gas monopoly, and the Universal Terminal Bourgas (UTB) company will be involved in the international corporation that will design and build the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, Sofia decided late last week. UTB was created in 2005 by the Bulgarian government as a catch-all structure for the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis and Bourgas-Vlore pipelines. Bulgarian state-owned construction company Technoexportstroy is a 55% co-owner. Neftoprovod Bourgas-Alexandroupolis BG, co-owned by UTB and Bulgargaz, will control at least 24.5% of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline contractor. The company will also screen the Bulgarian contractors that want to participate in the project and negotiate the financial packaging of the project. An official press release from the Bulgarian government said the recent consultations with Washington, Brussels, Moscow and Athens entail to fast-track the creation of the international corporation. The cost of the 280 km Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline is estimated at 700 mln euro. The facility will initially transit 35 mln barrels of oil.
Source: Dnevnik (05.06.2006)
The shareholders of Heat Supply-Sofia will vote changes in the companys management at the general meeting appointed for June 23, the minister of economy and energy Mr. Rumen Ovcharov announced. The ministry is still considering on who will manage Heat Supply replacing the current head of the Board of Directors Mr. Ilko Yotsev. The member of the Board of Directors and former manager of the state-municipal company Mr. Valentin Dimitrov already hinted at he was ready to resign even before the deadline of his contract July 9.
Source: Monitor (06.06.2006)
The Ministry of Economy and Energy and the Sofia Municipal Council both agreed with the privatization of 100% of the capital of Heat Supply-Sofia JSC. This announced for journalists the Minister of Economy and Energy Mr. Rumen Ovtcharov and the Chairman of Sofia Municipal Council Mr. Vladimir Kisiov. The debts of the heat supply company to Bulgargaz will be assumed by the new owner. On 23 June a General Meeting will be held for taking decisions for discharging the Managing Board of Heat Supply-Sofia and electing a new one.
Source: Dnevnik (08.06.2006)
Toplofikatsia, the heavily indebted central heating company, looks as a morsel to energy giants. Five companies compete for Sofia central heating company, Standart learnt. The leading energy providers sent letters of intent to the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy. These are: Gazprombank, Dalkia, EVN, CEZ and Prisma Electric (USA.) Two of the candidate buyers - Gazprom and CEZ - have confirmed before Standart their interest in the deal. Prisma Electric, for instance, say they are prepared to buy central heating ventures across Bulgaria. According to Rumen Ovcharov, Minister of Energy and Economy, the debts of Toplofikatsia run at 111 million levs (over 50 million euro.) In the opinion of experts, it would be more profitable to sell Toplofikatsia as a whole business instead of offering it as separate companies, which would bring down the price by at least 50 million levs.
Source: Standart (09.06.2006)
Bulgargaz, the state-run gas supplier, has given a 4-day notice to district heating companies to either settle their outstanding gas bills or negotiate their rescheduling. The gas supplier is willing to postpone the full payment of the bills until Sept. The unpaid gas bills of the utilities surged to 150.3 mln levs at the end of the last heating season. Bulgargaz has already cut off the gas supply of the district heating company in Burgas.
Source: Dnevnik (13.06.2006)
Natural gas price not to go up in July Natural gas price will not be raised as of July 1, State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) head Konstantin Shushulov said yesterday. We have been assured by Bulgargas that the price of natural gas will not go up in the third quarter of 2006, Shushulov said. The SCEWR sets the price of the natural gas quarterly at the request of the state-owned company. Bulgargas refuses that the natural gas price be revised twice annually, it emerged last week.
Source: Pari (13.06.2006)
The district heating companies based in Sofia, Plovdiv and Burgas have reached an agreement with state-owned gas supplier to reschedule the payment of their outstanding gas bills. Bulgargaz gave the heating utilities notice to either agree to a rescheduling plan or settle their outstanding payments by June 16 or face supply stoppages. Sofia's district heating company has rescheduled until September the payment of BGN 70 mln. The company owed Bulgargaz a total of BGN 111.3 mln by the end of March. The heating utility in Plovdiv has rescheduled the payment of BGN 12.4 mln while the agreement with the Varna utility covers a debt of 2.2 mln levs. The privately-owned utilities in Burgas, Pleven and Vratsa said they expected to hammer out an agreement with Bulgargaz by the end of next week. The Burgas heating utility has so far refused to comply with the demands of the gas supplier to sign an agreement rescheduling the payment of its entire debt of BGN 7.4 mln. The clients of the district heating company based in Shumen have been left with no hot water after the utility refused to reschedule the payment of BGN 5.8 mln in gas bills to Bulgargaz. The unpaid gas bills of the heating utilities ballooned by BGN 46.9 mln to 150.3 mln levs in November 2005-April 2006.
Source: Dnevnik (19.06.2006)
he heating utilities in Sofia, Plovdiv, Pleven, Varna, Bourgas and Vratsa have reached agreement with Bulgargas and the Bulgarian gas transmission company will not suspend supplies to the six cities. The agreement envisages a mechanism for repayment of the debts incurred by the utilities during the past heating season. According to Bulgargas's press release, the heating company in Shumen has itself terminated the use of natural gas and the supply of hot water to its subscribers. Meanwhile Sofia mayor Boyko Borissov said that the final report on the check-up at Sofia's Toplofikatsia was ready. According to him, the breaches at the heating company under the management of ex head Valentin Dimitrov amounted to BGN 12 million.
Source: Pari (20.06.2006)
The future owners of the district heating companies in Varna, Plovdiv and Shumen should be required to retire at least half of the companies' debts to gas supplier Bulgargaz, to develop a strategy for the reduction of transmission losses and adopt new technologies like co-generation. The economy ministry is insisting that the above requirements are included in the tender documents for the upcoming privatisation of the heating utilities. The timetable for the privatisation of the utilities and the eligibility criteria for the potential buyers will be announced at the end of June, said economy minister Rumen Ovcharov. The sell-off procedures will be open to companies in the business of heat production with a credit rating equal to that of the Bulgarian government, said Privatisation Agency chief Todor Nikolov. Austria's EVN and CEZ of the Czech Republic, which own power distribution outfits in Bulgaria, as well as French utility company Dalkia and Italian gas and water company Enel have so far indicated their interest in the privatisation of the Bulgarian heating utilities. Bulgarian companies can gain entry to the procedures as part of consortia.
Source: Dnevnik (21.06.2006)
EK, Bulgaria's national power grid operator, and national railway carrier BDZ have announced plans to deploy telecommunication networks to compete with the likes of BTC, the former telecom monopoly. BTC and BDZ will both apply for telecom licences while BDZ intends to pursue a permit for electricity distribution as well. NEK plans to install by the end of 2007 a fibre-optic backbone second only to that of BTC, said the company's executive director Mardik Papazyan. The 2,200 km network, which will provide datacasting, international connectivity and leased lines, will pack 24 optical fibres. NEK already has in place 700 km of the network, mainly in Central Bulgaria. After the NEK's corporate restructuring is finished in late 2006, the company will register a telecom subsidiary, NEK Tel. Telecom experts said NEK was unlikely to be able to reach end-customers. BDZ said their fibre-optic network was conceived back in 1998 but the company was still unsure about the sources of the 150 mln levs in financing needed for the project. The railway carrier has already completed a datapipe linking Sofia and Gyueshevo, on the border with Serbia, and is working on a link between Blagoevgrad and Kulata, on the border with Greece. NEK's fibre-optic network will reshuffle the leased lines market currently accommodating BTC, Bulgargaz unit Bulgargaztel and cable operator CableTEL. The state-owned Bulgargaz and NEK could opt to merge their telecom units, emerging as the nation's biggest infrastructure operator, said Bulgargaz board chairman Valentin Ivanov.
Source: Dnevnik (26.06.2006)
Bulgaria may be left empty handed after the creation of the international corporation that will implement the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis crude oil pipeline project, unless it agrees that the Russian side is granted a 51% stake in the venture, said a source close to the negotiations on the project with the Russian side. Russia presented at a meeting in Moscow a couple of weeks ago its vision for the shareout of the corporation that will design and operate the pipeline. A month ago, Bulgaria said that Bulgargaz, the state-controlled gas monopoly, and the Universal Terminal Bourgas (UTB) company will co-create a Bulgarian corporation that will control at least 24.5% of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline contractor (half of the remaining 49%), a move that squares with the position of the Russian side. It is unclear if Greece, the third partner in the pipeline project, will accept the new condition. The three partners had previously agreed to split the project into equal 33% stakes. The Greek candidates have created the Thraki company for the purposes of the project. Participants in the Moscow meeting said they were rather left with the impression that TNK-BP, one of the Russian companies involved in the project, had presented its own vision for the project and that it was not supported by its fellow Russian partners Gazprom Neft and Rosneft. According to unofficial sources, if the Bulgarian representatives consent to the Russian demands for a bigger share of the pipeline that could be interpreted as a compromise in the context of the two sides' ongoing dispute over a long-term gas supply agreement. If Moscow has made any demands for a bigger share of the pipeline project, these were tabled at expert level with no moves made in that direction on political level, said the Bulgarian economy ministry. Bulgargaz and UTB will have to raise EUR 230-240 mln for the project. That amount should not be a problem, said the Bulgargaz management. The cost of the 280 km Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline is estimated at EUR 700 mln. The facility will initially transit 35 mln tons of oil annually.
Source: Dnevnik (27.06.2006)
"The Nabucco pipeline that will supply gas from the Caspian region for Europe has to be ready not later than 2011," said Ovcharov. The energy ministers of Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungry and Austria agreed to speed up the construction of the pipeline that will be 3300 km long and will cost an estimated 4.6 billion euro. The five countries will have to provide only 30% of the necessary money. The other 70% will be covered by the company that will construct the pipeline - Nabucco Gas International. "There are four options for transit of Russian gas through Bulgaria that are being negotiated with Russia," said Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Rumen Ovcharov. The first option is that the gas transit contract with Russia remains unchanged until 2010. However, after that only six billion cubic meters of gas will pass through our territory. For comparison, last year around 15.5 billion cubic meters of gas passed through Bulgaria. "The second option is to renegotiate the volumes which will lead to changes in the prices," said Ovcharov. This means that the gas will become more expensive but the rise in prices will be compensated by the fees collected for the higher volumes of gas transit, explained experts. The best option for Bulgaria would be to sign a new contract until 2030 under which the volumes of gas transit will be raised to 20 billion cubic meters after 2010. Ovcharov did not explain what the fourth option was exactly. Next week Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister will leave for Russia for a meeting with representatives of Gazprom. The Russian company insists that the 1998 barter agreement is revised and prices of natural gas be determined according to the market price of the fuel. "I hope that a memorandum will be signed with Gazprom until the end of the summer," said Ovcharov.
Source: Standart (29.06.2006)
Till the end of the year a gas-distribution station will be constructed in Simitli, which will supply Bansko and the region. Three projects have been drafted by Chimcomplect engineering JSC for research of natural gas supply for Bansko, Razlog, Dobrinishte and Banya. One of them will be approved of, after which a joint company between Bansko municipality and the company-contractor is to be founded.
Source: Darik Radio (30.06.2006)
The Russian companies involved in the international company that will implement the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis crude oil pipeline project have demanded additional guarantees that the venture will be profitable. That would slow down the project as it would require the spending of extra cash on further feasibility studies, said experts. This would not be the first time that the Russian side has requested assurances about the profitability of the pipeline. Executives from the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis company, 25%-owned by Bulgaria's state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz, Russia's TNK-BP, Gazprom Neft and Rosneft and Greece's DEP/Thraki discussed on Thursday and Friday last week the shareout of the pipeline company. Sofia has decided that the Bulgarian and Greek companies should have at least 24.5% share of the project, leaving 51% to Russia. The final document adopted at the meeting calls for a 12-15% guaranteed rate of return, an objective included at Sofia's insistence. The cost of the 280 km Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline has been revised to a billion euro from an initial estimate of EUR700 mln. The facility will initially transit 35 mln tons of oil annually.
Source: Dnevnik (03.07.2006)
Revision of contract with Russia would raise natural gas price by 11% A revised contract for natural gas transit from Russia, which would exclude deliveries of natural gas to Bulgaria at preferential prices, would raise the value of net imports of oil and natural gas by between 8.7 and 11.3% in 2006, Industry Watch analysts say. A similar development would result in the widening of the current account gap by 5% or 0.8% of GDP for 2006. Heating utilities and the chemical industry will be the most affected, if the contract is revised in the middle of 2006 instead of in 2007. A similar scenario would bring about an increase of 14% in the costs of the heating utilities. The chemical industry costs will go up by 10-12%. Bulgaria in Russia participate in a number of large-scale energy projects, which depend on the bilateral relations. The value of the projects for the transfer of oil and gas alone is estimated at EUR 6-7 billion. Investments on the territory of Bulgaria under the projects are expected to total EUR 1.3-1.5 billion or 4-5% of the estimated investments in the Bulgarian economy for the next four years.
Source: Pari (04.07.2006)
If barter payment agreement for the natural gas transit through Bulgaria is cancelled the prices of natural gas and crude will up by 8.7-11.3 percent by the end of 2006, shows the analysis of Industry Watch based on the possible scenarios of changes in the agreements between Bulgargaz and Gazprom. The impact on the balance of payments will lead to a 5-percent higher deficit in 2006, the prognoses show. This means a deficit increase in the trade with Russia of about USD 90 million, experts explain. In 2006 a hike in gas prices will raise the expenditures of central heating companies by about 14 percent, while the chemical companies will pay 10-12 percent more.
Source: Standart (04.07.2006)
Moscow has sent the preliminary contract for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline to Bulgaria and Greece, writes the Greek newspaper Imerisia. Russia takes up the commitment to ensure the unproblematic transit of oil and Greece and Bulgaria should guarantee full political support to the companies - participants in the project, as well as the cancellation of harbor dues and custom duties in the ports of Burgas and Alexandroupolis.
Source: Monitor (05.07.2006)
Sofia Central Heating Company (SCHC) may be declared bankrupt just before the beginning of the new heating season. "All I can do is declare SCHC bankrupt," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Roumen Ovcharov stated in connection with the sluggish preparation for the privatization of the company. Over a month ago, Minister Ovcharov negotiated with the Chair of Sofia Municipality, Vladimir Kisiov the establishment of an interdepartmental working team to decide the privatization procedures of SCHC. But nothing has been done so far. As Standart already wrote, Mayor of Sofia Boiko Borissov is against the privatization of the heating company. Mayor Borissov is even working out a recovery strategy. Borissov has not appointed officials for the working group yet. "I will have to declare the SCHC bankrupt to start the privatization procedure," Minister Ovcharov stated. At present, SCHC owes over BGN 60 million to the state-run company Bulgargaz, which makes well informed think that Borissov's intention to keep SCHC all municipality-owned is far from achievable. The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the World Bank are also pushing for the privatization of SCHC. End-last week, representatives of the two financial institutions had a meeting with Bulgaria's Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy, Valentin Ivanov, to discuss the serious delay of the privatization of the company. The two banks have granted state-guaranteed loan to the heating company, but due to non-execution of a clause from the contract - entering of a foreign operator in the management of the company, EUR 15 million from the loan were cut off.
Source: Standart (01.08.2006)
No bids were submitted for the main facilities of Bulgarian glass-maker Kristal of Pernik. The auction was scheduled for Wednesday. According to industrialists, the region is attractive for its infrastructure and proximity to the capital city. The start prices, however, were inflated by the higher tax assessments, which probably discouraged buyers. A new auction, where prices will be cut to 80%, will be announced within two months.
Source: Standart (10.08.2006)
Two banks are bidding for Kremikovtzi's debts Two big European banks are bidding for Kremikovtzi JSCs debts to National Electricity Company (NEK) SPJSC and Bulgargaz SPJSC. These are old debts accounting around BGN 100 mln that on an installment plan determined by the ex-government. The bank bids that are submitted to the Ministry of Economy and Energy offer covering all debts but with some reductions made by the government. Currently Kremikovtzi is accurately following its installment plans to National Electricity Company (NEK) SPJSC and Bulgargaz SPJSC, said the executive director Vilas Jamnis. He reminded that not so far ago the company has paid BGN 112.8 mln. With these funds all debts to National Social Security Institute and State Receivables Collection Agency for taxes and pensions were covered. This actions increased the companys rating.
Source: Trud (18.08.2006)
Bulgaria's power regulator has launched a competitive procedure for the award of a gas distribution licence for the territory of ski resort Bansko. The submitted bids will be unsealed on February 19, 2007. The recipient of the permit will be required to install the gas distribution network at least partially by the 10th year of the permit's entry into force. The regulator was forced to resort to a competitive procedure after 2 companies - Lexington and Pirin Power, said they were interested in the Bansko permit. Tamplier, 50 per cent-owned by former deputy energy minister Ilko Yotsev, controls 70 per cent of Lexington. Enemona, the local power engineering company, owns 50 per cent of Pirin Power. Overgas, the local gas supplier co-owned by Russia's Gazprom, also said it will buy the tender papers for the Bansko permit. The power regulator plans to award the gas distribution permits for Nesebar and Ravda by the end of 2006. The bid submission deadline for the Sliven gas permit expires next Tuesday. The offers will be unsealed on October 3.
Source: Dnevnik (25.08.2006)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned gas distribution company, is once again engaged in negotiations with Russian gas monopoly Gazprom on the terms for the agreement for the transit of Russian natural gas via Bulgarian territory, Dnevnik learned from a Bulgargaz source. Bulgargaz executive director Lyubomir Denchev and sales director Dimitar Gogov are in Moscow for the purposes of the bilateral talks. The Bulgarian energy ministry refused to confirm officially the trip to Russia of the Bulgargaz executives and to release any information about the ongoing talks. The Russian side has suggested to extend by 20 years the gas transit agreement which expires in 2010. Moscow is ready to boost the transit traffic but has also demanded a price hike. Under the existing deal, Bulgaria is paid a transit fee in the form of natural gas at USD 82 per 1,000 cu m, almost three times lower than the current market prices. The gas deliveries under this deal amount to 1.4 bln cu m annually or almost half the domestic consumption for such a period. Sources told Dnevnik the Bulgarian side has proposed that the transit fees are increased gradually through 2012 to prevent a spike in domestic gas prices which could reach 20-40 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (25.08.2006)
Bulgaria will pump natural gas to Romania through a 13 km pipeline that will connect Ruse and Giurgiu on the opposing banks of the Danube, Bulgarian news agency BTA quoted Romanian newspaper Evenimentul Zilei as saying Thursday, August 31. The Romanian publication said the project was kept on the back-burner for the past couple of years due to lack of financing. The project for the construction of the 1.5 bln cu m pipeline was discussed during the recent visit to Bulgaria of the Romanian economy minister Codrut Seres. According to Evenimentul Zilei, the pipeline will pump Russian gas to household customers in Giurgiu and will offset the fuel shortage that the capital Bucharest faces during the winter. Bulgargaz, the state-owned gas distributor, and Germany's Wintershall, which holds the gas distribution permit for the Giurgiu region, are already negotiating on a supply contract, said Kiril Gegov, chief executive director of the Bulgarian outfit. Initially, the pipeline will supply 100 mln cu m of gas annually to household customers in Giurgiu. Bulgargaz does not rule out an increase in that volume if industrial consumers joins the gas network. The power regulators of the two countries have already discussed the transmission charges.
Source: Dnevnik (01.09.2006)
Gas trader Dexia Bulgaria, 49 per cent-owned by local fertiliser plant Agropolychim, will build the 13 km cross-Danube gas pipeline between Ruse and Giurgiu, said Agropolychim executive director Vasil Alexandrov. Gas supplier Wintershall AG owns 51 per cent of Dexia Bulgaria. The new pipeline will service mainly household customers in Giurgiu, Romania. Dexia will invest EUR 9 mln in the project which already at the geological study stage. The pipeline will pump 1.5 bln cu m of natural gas annually. Bulgargaz, the state-owned gas distributor, will act as transmitter despite statements by its CEO that the pipeline is a joint venture with Wintershall. One moot aspect of the project is whether the gas volumes will be billed as delivery or transit. Bulgargaz has insisted that the operation of the pipeline should incur delivery charges of 19.73 levs/1,000 cu m per 100 km. In contrast, the view of the Bulgarian power regulator is that the project will represent gas transit. Bulgargaz' refusal to consent to a transit charge is believed to be motivate by the desire of the company to retain its monopoly position. Dexia Bulgaria buys 100 mln cu m of natural gas annually from the local Galata deposit operated by Britain's Petreco.
Source: Dnevnik (04.09.2006)
The latest high-powered summit expected to jump-start the dormant Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project ended Monday in Athens with nothing more than a general purpose political declaration in support of the initiative. The meeting between Russian president Vladimir Putin and Bulgarian president Georgi Parvanov hosted in Athens by their Greek counterpart Carolos Papoulias wrapped up with the adoption of a document committing the 3 nations to the signing of an intergovernmental agreement on the project by the end of 2006. The endorsement of the agreement would allow the 3 partners to proceed with the technical aspects of the project. The heads of state agreed in Athens that the creation of an international corporation to design the pipeline should be accelerated. Athens, Sofia and Moscow are yet to discuss how they are going to share out the new company. Initially, the partners agreed on a 33 per cent three-way shareout but later Russia demanded first 51 per cent and then 90 per cent. State-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz and Universal Terminal Burgas will represent Bulgaria in the project. TNK-BP, Transneft and Rosneft are the Russian participants while the Thrace consortium, comprising Latsis and Hellenic Petroleum among others, will represent the Greek side. The pipeline could be up and running by 209-2010, Rosneft CEO Sergei Bogdanchikov was quoted as saying Monday by news agency Reuters. The cost of the 280 km Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline is estimated at EUR 700 mln. The facility will transport crude oil delivered by tankers to the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas from the Russian port of Novorosiisk.
Source: Dnevnik (05.09.2006)
The government would like to see the Sofia district heating company go private through a competitive procedure, said economy minister Rumen Ovcharov. The utility should be acquired by a strategic investor with long-term commitment to the development of the company, said the government official. Ovcharov met late last week with representatives of the World Bank and the EBRD which are loan-financing the rehabilitation of the company's transmission network. The government is proposing to divest 100 per cent its 42 per cent stake in the utility and for the Sofia municipality, which controls the remainder, to do the same. An advisory commission made up of representatives of the government, the Sofia municipalities and the creditors will be set up for the privatisation procedure. The World Bank and the EBRD have suggested to hire a company to advise the privatisation procedure. The idea is seconded by the municipality. The energy ministry and the creditors are backing a quick and transparent privatisation procedure, an approach that is not supported by the municipality. The utility should not be sold before it gets back into shape, said Sofia city mayor Boiko Borisov. There is yet no agreement on who should be in charge of the sell-off: the Sofia Privatisation Agency, the Privatisation Agency or a third party. The experts anticipate glitches in the procedure due to the complicated ownership structure of the company.
Source: Dnevnik (11.09.2006)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned natural gas distributor, has submitted for review by the power regulator a proposal to hike domestic prices by BGN 20 to BGN 322 per 1,000 cu m without taxes. This was bad news for the heating companies which consume just over 1 bln cu m of natural gas annually. The Sofia district heating company, expected to consume 800 mln cu m of natural gas in 2006, said it will finish the year in the red if the regulator rubber-stamps the new tariff.
Source: Dnevnik (13.09.2006)
Bulgarian state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz has warned that the non-payment of some BGN 130 mln in gas supply bills by the district heating companies could leave the company with no cash to pay for the fuel it buys from Russia's Gazprom. The issue with the mounting debts of the heating companies resurfaces on the eve of the new round of negotiations with Gazprom on the demands of the Russian gas monopoly for a revision of the bilateral gas agreement which would automatically jack up domestic gas prices. At the same, time Bulgargaz has asked the Bulgarian power regulator to approve a 6 per cent hike in domestic gas prices as of October. The big gas guzzlers in the chemical, metallurgical and ceramic industries are urging the regulator to postpone the tariff hike because it would damage the competitiveness of their output. The fears of the major industrial consumers stem from estimates that a tweak in the Gazprom contract would translate into a 15-25 per cent rise in gas prices by the end of the year. Bulgargaz data shows that the district heating companies in Sofia, Plovdiv, Pleven, Varna, Burgas, Shumen and Vratsa collectively owe some BGN 131 mln in unpaid gas delivery bills. The Sofia heating utility, which accounts for 28 per cent of domestic gas consumption, is by far the biggest debtor with BGN 97.4 mln in unpaid bills. At the same time, the company is owed BGN 160 mln by household customers.
Source: Dnevnik (18.09.2006)
Following the numerous breaches established at Toplofikatsia of Sofia, minister of economy and energy Rumen Ovcharov appointed check-ups a the heating utilities in Varna and Rousse. Working groups will analyse the way in which the cost price of heating is set and the spending of funds at the two companies between January 1, 2005 and June 30, 2006. The inspections will continue for 30 business days. A check-up of the readiness for the upcoming heating season will also be conducted at the utility in Shumen. The general shareholders' meeting of Toplofikatsia of Sofia, which was scheduled for September 15, was postponed until the end of the month, because the representatives of the majority owner, the Sofia municipality, did not turn up. The meeting had to discuss the dismissal of two board of directors' members, Georgi Nenkov and Georgi Rogachev. The debts of heating utilities in Bulgaria to Bulgargas currently total BGN 131.5 million, up by BGN 21.2 million since August 2005. The utilities account for about 35% of the total natural gas consumption in Bulgaria.
Source: Pari (18.09.2006)
Sofia's heating utility Toplofikatsia will auction off luxurious items used by former CEO of the company Valentin Dimitrov. Boats and water jetskis have drawn the strongest interest of the five bidders expected to take part in the auction. The total value of the items that will be auctioned off stands at BGN 50,000. The proceedings will be used for the settling of part of Toplofikatsia's debts towards Bulgargas. The sum, however, is an insignificant part of the total liabilities of the company, which exceed BGN 100 million.
Source: Pari (19.09.2006)
The major industrial consumers of natural gas are campaigning against the annexes to their supply contracts with state-owned gas monopoly Bulgargaz. The Bulgarian Fertiliser Industry Association and the branch chamber of the ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy have sent a letter to energy minister Rumen Ovcharov requesting a meeting to discuss the proposed annexes which are related to the pending revision of Bulgaria's gas supply agreement with Russia's Gazprom. The companies behind the letter account for 45 per cent of domestic gas consumption. The industrial consumers fear a spike in gas prices in early 2007 which could force some companies to shut down or scale down their production operations. The talks with Gazprom are ongoing but should wind up by the end of the summer. The Russian side is seeking changes to the agreement that will allow it to pay in cash for the transited fuel. Under the current deal, some of the payments are made with gas supplies which allows Bulgaria to maintain low domestic prices. According to unofficial estimates, a revision of the agreement with Gazprom would add 15-25 per cent to domestic gas prices. The gas supply contracts that the major industrial customers have with Gazprom are annexed on annual basis to include a consumption forecast for the respective year. These forecasts are then used to calculate the volumes that Bulgargaz orders for delivery from Russia. Both Bulgargaz and its clients are obliged to pay for the ordered volumes regardless of whether they are used or not. The industrial consumers argue that they would be unable to preorder in the absence of any price visibility.
Source: Dnevnik (20.09.2006)
Monopolies feature heavily in Top 100 For a fourth consecutive year the National Electric Company (NEK) has remained a leader in sales income, according to the Top 100 ranking prepared annually by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BCCI). In 2005 the national electricity transmission company registered a 8.15-percent increase in sales to BGN 2.39 billion. Other strong performers in sales income include the Bulgarian Telecommunications Company, Petrol, Nafta Trading, Maritsa Iztok thermal power plant, Overgas Inc. However, last year's leaders like Kremikovtsi, Lukoil Neftochim, Kozloduy nuclear power plant and the electricity distribution utilities are not in the ranking this year. The absence of the first two is due to the fact that they did not present their reports on time, while the others posted losses, Alexander Dimitrov of the BCCI explained. The surprise this year is OMV's third position. The year 2005 was also very successful for Stomana Industry and Navigation Maritime Bulgare. The biggest sales growth - nearly 80-fold - was registered by GlaxoSmithKline, which is ranked 29th in Top 100. Nearly all companies on the list are with foreign equity participation. Small and medium-sized companies find place in BCCI's two other rankings. For a second time the chamber names the best performers in terms of financial profitability (profit to equity) and economic efficiency (profit to total assets). Substantial changes are also observed in the ranking of holdings. Bulgartabac and Festa Holding have dropped out of the list and Bulgargas is first with a net profit of BGN 11.664 million. It is followed by Industrial Holding, which has shifted from the eighth position.
Source: Pari (21.09.2006)
NEK, BTC and OMV lead '05 domestic sales rankings National power grid operator NEK, telecom BTC and fuel retailer OMV lead the Top 100 domestic sales rankings for 2005 prepared by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The 8th annual edition of the rankings is based on the financial reports, stock exchange filings, audits and otherwise publicly disclosed corporate information from some 5,000 local companies. The sales total of the companies included in the survey rose 30.7 per cent to BGN 56 bln versus a nation-wide average growth of 14.2 per cent. The rankings are dominated by energy, telecom, construction, transport and business service companies. NEK's BGN 2.387 bln in sales for 2005 (+8.15 per cent y-o-y) ensured it remains in the top spot for the 5th year in a row. It is followed by BTC with BGN 1.014 bln in sales (-2 per cent y-o-y) and OMV Bulgaria with BGN 576 mln (+94 per cent y-o-y). Drug maker GlaxoSmithKlein posted the highest sales growth - in excess of 8,000 per cent, while the Droujba Glassworks turned in the best performance in terms of profit per BGN 100 of sales. The biggest profit-makers among the domestic holdings and economic groups were Bulgargaz (BGN 111.7 mln), Industrial Holding Bulgaria (BGN 29 mln) and Videolux Holding (BGN 25.8 mln).
Source: Dnevnik (21.09.2006)
Investment banks, consortia and international advisory companies are eligible to consult the privatisation of the Sofia district heating company, it was announced Monday after a meeting of the working group in charge of the procedure. The successful candidate will have to devise the privatisation format for the company and will receive remuneration from the EUR 15 mln provided for the rehabilitation of the transmission network by the EBRD. The EBRD has committed EUR 30 mln in total. Half of the amount has been absorbed. The remainder will be made available after the start of the privatisation procedure. The World Bank has contributed EUR 26 mln for the reconstruction of the utility with a further EUR 30 mln coming from the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund. The government, a 42 per cent shareholder in the utility, and the majority owner, the Sofia municipality, are pushing 2 different sell-off approaches. The economy ministry insists that the utility should be divested 100 per cent while the municipality advocates to spin off the transmission and power generation operations and offer for sale only the transmission division.
Source: Dnevnik (26.09.2006)
The recognised debts of Nova Plama exceeded BGN 300 million, after the three receivers of the bankrupt refinery submitted the list of creditors to the Pleven district court. A total of BGN 60 million were added to the BGN 240 million liabilities accumulated as a result of the failed rehabilitation plan of the company. Nova Plama owes BGN 3,846,072 and BGN 91,274 to Bulgargas and the national Elelectric Company (NEK), respectively. The State Receivables Collection Agency (SRCA) claims receivables for BGN 47,205,014. Nova Plama was declared insolvent for the second time at the demand of Jorset Holding, the successor of First Private Bank and Mineralbank.
Source: Pari (27.09.2006)
Natural gas prices rise insignificantly Natural gas prices in Bulgaria will jump by 1.86% to BGN 308.58 per 1,000 cu. m, without VAT, in the fourth quarter of 2006. That emerged after an open-door meeting of the State Energy and Water Regulation Commission (SEWRC) on Tuesday. Bulgargas initially requested a price increase by 6.57% due to the higher price of gas supplied by Gazexport. The SEWRC will take its final decision on the new prices at a meeting on Thursday. Natural gas prices in Bulgaria are revised quarterly and depend on the prices of oil, the exchange rate and the requested quantities. The regulator set a price of BGN 302.95 per 1,000 cu. m for the third quarter of 2006.
Source: Novinar (27.09.2006)
The 3 receivers of Pleven-based oil refinery Nova Plama submitted for review Tuesday to the Pleven regional court a list of the company's creditors and their dues. The biggest creditor on the list is the State Receivables Collection Agency which is owed BGN 47.205 mln in back taxes and fees by Nova Plama. The list also features a BGN 3.846 mln debt to gas distributor Bulgargaz and a BGN 91.274 mln debt to national power utility NEK. The new list of creditors is not related to the recovery plan of the refinery approved in 1999. Under that plan, the refinery has rescheduled the payment of BGN 241 mln in debts over a 35-year period. However, the creditors have moved a bankruptcy petition against Nova Plama, claiming the recovery plan is making no progress. An appeal of the bankruptcy proceedings against the refinery, whose main installations have been idled since end-1999, will be heard by the Supreme Cassation Court on November 9.
Source: Dnevnik (28.09.2006)
Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK) and Italy's Enel are signing a memorandum of understanding on Wednesday concerning feasibility studies for the construction of additional electricity-generating facilities on the site of thee Maritsa Iztok 3 thermal power plant (TPP). The capacity of the new plant will be about 600 mW. The Italian company is a majority partner with NEK in Energy Company Maritsa Iztok 3 and has committed to upgrade the TPP's units and install desulphurising facilities. The plans for a new plant were first unveiled in December 2005. Later on it emerged that Enel would invest some EUR 15 billion in the region. Enel is also expected to sign a memorandum with Bulgargas on the development of a gas pipeline from Bulgaria via Macedonia and Albania to Italy, which will parallel transport Corridor No. 8.
Source: Sega (04.10.2006)
Italian utility Enel plans to invest 900 mln euro in a 640MW coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria, to boost its generation capacity in the Balkan state to 1480 megawatts, its chief executive was quoted as saying Wednesday by news agency Reuters. Fulvio Conti signed a memorandum of understanding to launch a feasibility study with Bulgarian power grid operator NEK for the new unit, which Enel wants to build next to its existing plant in the country's Maritsa Iztok power complex. 'The approximate future investment in the project will be around 900 mln euro,' Enel said in a statement quoted by Reuters. Enel is also upgrading its majority-owned 840MW plant under a 600 mln euro program aimed to boost the generator's capacity and bring it up to EU environmental standards, said Reuters. NEK holds a minority stake in the plant. If carried out, Enel's plan will join a number of other foreign-backed energy projects in Bulgaria, which is fighting to stay southeast Europe's leading power exporter after it closes two 440MW nuclear reactors ahead of EU entry next year, said the news agency. The nuclear plant provides around 40% of the Black Sea country's electricity. The Maritsa Iztok lignite coal complex accounts for another 30%. German utility RWE has expressed interest in building a 600MW plant in the complex, which also hosts Bulgaria's largest coal-fired plant, a 1,450MW unit currently being upgraded by Japan's Mitsui. U.S. energy firm AES is also building a 670MW coal-fired plant there, expected to come on line in 2011, said Reuters. Bulgarian Energy Minister Rumen Ovcharov has said Bulgaria must first to study the need for new generator and then decide how to proceed. Enel also signed a memorandum of understanding to look into developing a gas line between Bulgaria to Italy that will pass through Macedonia and Albania, but gave no further details.
Source: Monitor (05.10.2006)
Russia takes control over Balkan oil pipeline Russian companies will hold a 51-percent stake in the project for the setting up of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. The remaining stake in the project will be distributed equally between Bulgaria and Greece, Russian news agency Interfax reported after the visit of Russia's prime minister Mihail Fradkov to Athens. The governments of the three countries are expected to sign the agreement for the establishment of the pipeline by the end of 2006. Russia's Transneft, Rosneft and Gazprom will hold the majority stake in the project. The companies representing Bulgaria and Greece in the project will hold 24.5-percent stakes, respectively. Bulgaria expressed approval of the new distribution of stakes in the project at the meeting of the presidents of the three countries in Athens in September. Project costs are estimated at EUR 783 million. The oil pipeline will be 300 km long and will convey 35-50 million tonnes of Caspian oil annually.
Source: Pari (09.10.2006)
Bulgaria may merge into a holding structure national power grid operator NEK, gas distributor Bulgargaz, thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2, nuclear power plant Kozloduy and the Maritsa Iztok mines after the gas and electricity companies complete their corporate restructuring, said economy minister Rumen Ovcharov. Shares in NEK and Bulgargaz could then be floated on the local or international bourses. The energy ministry should be ready with the concept for the large-scale restructuring - which will have to be cleared by the creditors of the affected companies, within 3 months. If the full-scale consolidation is ultimately ruled out, the merger could involve only the electricity production, NEK and Bulgargaz, said Ovcharov. Four companies, including owners of electricity distribution utilities in Bulgaria, have shown interest in swapping shares in the mentioned energy firms, said the government official. The CEOs of Bulgargaz and NEK said the corporate restructuring of their companies will wrap by the end of 2006.
Source: Dnevnik (09.10.2006)
Bulgarian gas distributor Bulgargaz and Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom should set up a joint venture for the transit of Russian natural gas via Bulgaria. This proposal was made by Sofia during the negotiations on the revision of the long-term agreement for the transit of natural gas, Dnevnik learned from 3 independent from each other sources. The idea of the Bulgarian gas company is for the new outfit to service 1.4 bln cu m of gas annually. In December 2005, Gazprom requested to start paying in cash for the transit via Bulgarian territory, a switch that will push up domestic gas prices. Bulgargaz has also requested to take current supply go-betweens Overgas Inc. and Wintershall out of the picture so that it can sign a direct supply deal with Gazprom. That would make possible a slight decrease in gas prices.
Source: Dnevnik (13.10.2006)
Bulgarian Economy and Energy Minister Roumen Ovcharov will inaugurate an automatic gas measuring station near Pokrovnik Village, Blagoevgrad Municipality. The station, built by Bulgargaz, will feed natural gas for supply of Blagoevgrad and Simitli.
Source: BTA (16.10.2006)
Bulgargaz will have to invest EUR 400 mln if it wants to take part in the Nabuko pipeline project. If the company decides to add a few new shareholders, having in mind that there are currently 4 companies that are interested, then this sum will be reduced. A list of 6 candidates as a contractors for the Nabuko pipeline projecting will be discussed by Nabuko Company Pipeline Study on its meeting in Istanbul that will be held on November 2. Currently Bulgargaz is rated with equal chances like the Turkish Botash, Romanian Transgas, Hungarian MOL and Austrian OMV.
Source: Monitor (17.10.2006)
The EIB is ready to bankroll half of the cost of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, reports news agency ITAR-TASS, quoting the chairman of the bank's board Philippe Maystadt. Maystadt's statement for the agency further clarifies that the financing will be provided for the construction of the pipe on Greek territory. In April 2005, Greece, Bulgaria and Russia signed a memorandum on the construction of the oil pipeline. In September 2006, the 3 partners agreed to establish by the end of the year an international corporation to design the facility. A new trilateral agreement on the project is also expected to be inked before end-2006. Moscow is insisting to get a 51 per cent share in the corporation with Athens and Sofia splitting the balance. The Russian media have reported that this demand has already been conceded. Bulgaria recently decided to scale its share in the project down to 24.5 per cent. The 300 km Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline will pump 15 mln to 35 mln tons of Russian oil to Mediterranean terminals, bypassing the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straights, said ITAR-TASS.
Source: Dnevnik (23.10.2006)
The Pleven district heating company said it will invest EUR 13.3 mln in a new General Electric gas-fired turbine. The exhaust emissions from the operation of the 32MW turbine will be used to produce steam. The trial runs of the turbine are scheduled for Feb-Mar '07 with the official launch seen by Apr. The utility is owned by Sofia-based Metroni OOD.
Source: Dnevnik (07.11.2006)
Nexcom, the local telecom start-up, said it completed in late October the rerouting of all telecom traffic to its just-finished fibre-optic backbone. Nexcom has looped Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora, Sliven, Varna, Burgas and Veliko Tarnovo and plans to add over the next 3 months Ruse, Pleven, Shumen, Haskovo, Dobrich, Yambol, Vratsa and Blagoevgrad. The new infrastructure, boasting VOD, conferencing and multimedia application readiness, will serve as a launch pad of Nexcom's WiMax network. BTC, vivatel, Mobiltel, Globul and CableTEL are on the list of local cable and telecom carriers with proprietary fibre-optic backbones. Several major utility companies like national power grid operator NEK and gas distributors Bulgargaz and Overgas have also installed sections of fibre-optic cables with their main infrastructure.
Source: Dnevnik (09.11.2006)
Russia is pressing Bulgaria for a 40 per cent - increase in the price of natural gas from January 1, 2007. Gazprom has put dictatorial demands on Bulgaria, Focus Agency released citing a Russia-side participant in the negotiations. The proposal drives at an equalization of the prices of the gas - the gas prices which Bulgaria receives as a barter payment for the transit of gas and the market prices. If this becomes a fact, the gas price for consumers will be upped by 40 per cent from January 1, 2007, the source informed. At present, Bulgaria consumes 3 billion cubic meters of gas. Of them, 1.3 billion cubic meters of gas are paid at a price of USD 82,5 for 1,000 cubic meters as a barter for the transit of the fuel to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The other 1.7 billion cubic meters Bulgaria pays at prices on the international market, which is about USD 360. Russia's proposal means that Bulgaria pays all 3 billion cubic meters at the price of the international market. "No such official proposal has been received in Bulgargaz," sources from Bulgaria's Ministry of Energy and Economy informed. But according to well-informed, it is quite possible that with this information Moscow tests Bulgaria if it is ready to yield. There is a struggle of two lobbies going in Gazprom itself - a softer and a harder lobby regarding Bulgaria. Over a month and a half ago, Bulgaria sent a counter proposal for alternations in the contract. The counter proposal contains more favorable for Bulgaria conditions. No answer has been received so far, sources closely following the negotiations explained for Standart.
Source: Standart (15.11.2006)
Increase of the prices of natural gas in Bulgaria by 40% after January 1, 2007 is impossible, the Bulgarian Minister of Economy Rumen Ovcharov said, cited by a reporter of FOCUS News Agency. Ovcharov noted that the Cabinet has been negotiating with the Russian Gazprom since the beginning of the year with the clear knowledge that this is an energy resource, which is not guaranteed to anyone. Ovcharov says there were two options for Bulgaria either leave the contract unchanged, which would lead to a number of complications after it expires in 2010, or re-negotiate contract clauses seeking a strategic partnership.
Source: Agency Focus (16.11.2006)
Bulgaria to integrate mines, power and gas utilities into holding structure The Maritsa Iztok mines, thermal power stations Maritsa Iztok 1, 2 and 3 and the company that will design the future Belene nuclear power plant will form a unit within the holding structure of national power grid operator NEK. The restructuring is the first stage in a plan to consolidated power production presented Wednesday by Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov. The consolidation process should get underway in 2007. Bulgartal, the telecom division of gas distributor Bulgargaz, and NEK's telecom operations will be integrated into the holding structure at the second stage of the project. The third stage will entail the consolidation of electricity production and transmission and gas transmission. The idea is to establish a separate company in charge of power and gas system management and transmission. The consolidation concept also envisages the creation of a financial outfit involving only the power stations which could be listed on the local or a foreign stock exchange. Bulgaria may list 5 per cent to 15 per cent on the Bulgarian bourse and add a further 10-15 per cent in 12-14 months; a second option is to offer 10 per cent to 30 per cent in the company to select investors in the U.S. and UK; a third option is to list 5-19 per cent on the Bulgarian bourse and 20-30 per cent abroad.
Source: Dnevnik (16.11.2006)
The price of natural gas will gradually increase until 2012, a participant in the negotiations with Gazprom said for the Standart. It is expected that there will be a slight increase in the first years but the hike in prices will be more tangible at the end of the period. However, the exact percentage of increase is still unknown. There are a lot of options but the negotiations are focused on three possibilities. It is still unclear whether the transit tax of USD 1.67 per 1,000 cubic meters will remain valid.
Source: Standart (29.11.2006)
Pan-European voice and data network operator Interoute Ltd Telecom Partners Network (TPN) Wednesday officially announced its arrival on the Bulgarian market. Interoute's expansion reached Bulgaria earlier this year with the acquisition of Telecom Partners Network, a leading Bulgarian telecommunications company offering a wide range of voice, data, and Internet services to corporate customers through its national MPLS network. The Interoute fiber-optic network has now reached Southern Italy and Sicily, Serbia and Romania where the company is building links to the Balkan region, Greece and Turkey. The company plans to install an info pipe linking Sofia and Istanbul going further east, said Gareth Williams, president of global markets at Interoute. A fiber-optic backbone linking Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna and Veliko Tarnovo should be in place within 2 years. Interoute, which has slated EUR 10 mln for investment in Bulgaria and Turkey, said it will upgrade existing infrastructure with no spending on new info pipes. Interoute is in talks to lease dark fibers from local cable operator CableTEL and Bulgartel, the telecom division of gas distributor Bulgargaz, which have deployed fiber-optic infrastructure in the direction of Plovdiv and further south-east to Turkey. TPN will focus no large corporate customers, said marketing and sales director Milen Shumanov. The corporate client base of the company numbers 200. The telecom carrier plans to poach over the next 2 years 5-10 per cent of the fixed-line revenues that BTC, the former telecom monopoly, generates from business clients. In Bulgaria, Interoute will offer high-speed Internet for business customers, VPN, IP telephony and iSip, a corporate VoIP service.
Source: Dnevnik (07.12.2006)
The tardy one-year long negotiations between Bulgargas and Gazprom are likely to result in a long-term contract until 2030, at the proposal of economy and energy minister Rumen Ovcharov. In order to cushion the price hike, Rumen Ovcharov also suggests that Gazprom and Bulgargas should establish a joint venture company that will manage the equipment for the transit of Russian natural gas through Bulgaria. In return, Gazexport will supply the natural gas directly to Bulgaria without the help of the present intermediaries Overgas and Winterschal. The volume of the natural gas transited through Bulgaria will increase along with the transit fees under the conditions of the new contract. The volume is expected to reach 24 billion cu. m annually. The agreement will cause the price of natural gas in Bulgaria to rise gradually and will secure a stable economy. Gazprom and Serbia recently negotiated the details on the setting of a gas pipeline that will go through Bulgaria, Serbia and Croatia and will reach Italy. The project is estimated at USD 800 million. The pipeline will convey 20 billion cu. m of gas annually. It is envisaged to go through Bulgaria, but it is also possible that the Serbian stretch be connected directly to the Blue Stream pipeline that goes from Russia to Turkey. There is a real possibility that Russia may set up an alternative pipeline, circumventing Bulgaria, which has happened once already. Bulgaria lost 13 billion cu. m of transit gas with the setting up of the Blue Stream pipeline. This time Bulgaria faces the possibility of losing 20 billion cu. m of transit gas annually.
Source: (07.12.2006)
The price of the natural gas may increase by 10 per cent from January 1, 2007. This would happen if until the end of the year Bulgargaz do not sign a new contract for transit of Russian fuel through Bulgarian territory. This week the boss of Gazprom Mr. Alexey Miller arrives in Sofia to sign the new agreement. The council of the governing coalition within a few days decides whether to change or not the contract for supply and transit of Russian natural gas. At the latest meeting the Chairman of NDSV Mr. Simeon Sakskoburgotski and of DPS Mr. Ahmed Dogan asked for some time in order to become familiar with the two projects for memorandum of the Ministry of Economy and Energy.
Source: Novinar (11.12.2006)
State-run gas distributor Bulgargaz has proposed to the local power regulator to approve a 4.06 per cent increase in gas prices from January 1, 2007. The move could add BGN 12 to the price of gas which will reach BGN 321.11 per 1,000 cu m without taxes. The regulator should review the proposal by the end of the year. In a press release, Bulgargaz said the hike is necessary because the regulator lowered the price increase proposed by the gas distributor for Q4. At the time, Bulgargaz asked for a BGN 20 hike to BGN 322.87 per 1,000 cu m but the regulator approved only an increase to BGN 308.58. Bulgargaz said the latest proposal is not related in anyway to the ongoing negotiations between Bulgaria and Russian gas monopoly Gazprom on gas transit and delivery agreement. Bulgaria's ruling government coalition is expected to decide this week whether or not the agreement, due to expire 2010, will be updated. The Russian side is demanding that Bulgaria start paying cash for the gas it receives at discount prices, allowing it to maintain low domestic prices. At the moment, Bulgargaz is paid for the transit of Russian gas with gas deliveries at USD 83 per 1,000 cu m versus a market price of USD 257. Bulgaria's annual consumption of gas is around 3 bln cu m; almost half of that volume comes from gas deliveries made instead of cash transit charges.
Source: Dnevnik (12.12.2006)
Bulgarian state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz and Gazprom Export, a subsidiary of Russian natural gas monopoly Gazprom, will sign today a memorandum on supply with Russian gas and the transit to third countries which will be in force until 2030, the press office of the Bulgarian government announced last Friday. The memorandum would serve as a baseline for the early termination of the existing bilateral agreement, which does not expire until 2010, and the signing of a new pact in line with the demands of the Russian monopoly. According to Bulgaria's energy ministry, the document will ensure a stable macro-economic environment and will put Bulgaria on par with many other European gas consumer that have supply deals with an equal term of validity. The first adjustment to domestic gas prices in the aftermath of the new bilateral agreements will happen in April 2007. An anonymous source quoted by news agency Reuters said gas prices will jump 20 per cent in the second quarter of 2007 and will add a further 40-45 per cent over the current tariff in 2011-2012. Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov Sunday told the Bulgarian National Radio that domestic gas prices will rise 10 per cent in 2007 and that the gradual hike will continue for 6 years. Under the memorandum, gas prices in Bulgaria should reach 95 per cent of the going market levels by 2012. The Russian side is demanding that Bulgaria start paying cash for the gas it receives at discount prices, allowing it to maintain low domestic prices. At the moment, Bulgargaz is paid for the transit of Russian gas with gas deliveries at USD 83 per 1,000 cu m. That quote will remain as a reference price in 2007, said a source close to the Bulgargaz management. At the moment, the Russian gas delivered in addition to the in-kind transit payments costs Bulgaria USD 221.75 per 1,000 cu m.
Source: Dnevnik (18.12.2006)
The coalition partners in the Bulgarian government approved the draft memorandum between Bulgargas and Gazprom Export, a subsidiary of Russia's Gazprom, the cabinet press office said. The memorandum guarantees Russian natural gas supplies to Bulgaria and transit quantities to third countries until the end of 2030. The document will be signed at a ceremony on Monday by deputy minister of economy and energy Valentin Ivanov, who also chairs Bulgargas management board, and by Gazprom's chairman, Alexey Miler.
Source: Agency Focus (18.12.2006)
Natural gas price in Bulgaria will increase gradually till 2012, when it is expected to reach the levels of the gas market in Europe, it transpired from the memorandum between Russia's Gazprom and Bulgaria's Bulgargaz. The memorandum was signed yesterday by Bulgaria's Council of Ministers. The document guarantees Bulgarian-Russian "gas relations" till 2030. The papers will be kept secret for quite some time as the Russian monopolist does not want the other European countries learn its favorable and yielding policy towards Bulgaria, well-informed sources explained. The Russian side refused to name the exact hikes in the gas price in the years. The rises will start next April by a 10% increase. The next hike is expected to be at the beginning of July, 2007. In the rest of the period, the prices of gas will be altered every six months. What is quite positive for Bulgaria is that it will receive 4 times bigger money from transit taxes. So far, the contract envisaged a barter deal. Thus, in stead of receiving $1.67 for 100-kilometer transit of 1,000 cubic meters of gas, Bulgaria used to get gas. From January 1, Bulgaria will receive transit taxes as the guaranteed receipts till 2030 will increase from 1.2 to 4.7 billion levs (1euro=1.95levs). "The transit taxes will be actualized every year by the index of inflation in the EU," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Rumen Ovcharov, stated. "This is a precedent in a contract of Gazprom," Minister Ovcharov said further. The positive financial results for Bulgargaz from this indexing will be over 900 million levs. The transit taxes may increase to 7.8 billion levs if the transit of gas through Serbia for Europe is realized. This will happen after construction of new transit gas pipelines. "By 2030, the quantity of transited gas through the territory of Bulgaria will increase to 17,8 billion cubic meters," Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom's Management Committee, stated. The transited gas may be raised by another 5-6 billion cubic meters if pipelines to Serbia are constructed. Thus, Gazprom is turning Bulgaria into a central gas distributor in the region. The well played cards by the Bulgarian politicians in the negotiations with Gazprom have left a door open for new negotiations in 2008, Standart learnt. "The tender for the construction of NPP Belene was a good chance in the negotiations with Gazprom. This is the reason for the 3-month delay of the selection of executor of the NPP Belene project," Minister Ovcharov stated after the signing of the new contracts with Gazprom.
Source: Standart (19.12.2006)
The new contract Signed between Bulgargas and Russia's gas monopoly Gazprom guarantees an increase in the transit fees and the transit of natural gas through Bulgarian territory. The contract also guarantees deliveries and a gradual transition towards market prices until 2012. Bulgaria will pay the natural gas at market prices and Russia in return will guarantee that the transit is carried out through the territory of the country, under the new contract, economy and energy minister Rumen Ovcharov said. Bulgaria's guaranteed revenue from transit by the end of 2030 will grow from BGN 1.2 billion to BGN 4.7 billion. If the most optimistic forecasts are fulfilled, the revenue may amount to BGN 7.8 billion. The prices at which Bulgaria will pay the natural gas were not disclosed. The transit tariffs in turn will grow each year depending on the inflation of the EU.
Source: National radio (19.12.2006)
The State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) approved a 4.06-percent increase in the price of natural gas in the first quarter of 2007. The price will go up from BGN 308.58 to BGN 321.11 per 1,000 cu. m (VAT excluded) at the proposal of Bulgargas. SCEWR reviewed the initial proposal for a 1.89-percent increase in the price due to an order for the supply of 20 million cu.m of gas which Bulgargas received from the Varna thermal power plant (TPP) last week. The gas supplies will secure the normal functioning of the TPP in the first three months of 2007, when units three and four of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant will not operate. Bulgargas does not have the 20 million cu. m of gas in stock and SCEWR has decided that the purchase should be calculated in the price as well.
Source: Pari (27.12.2006)
A majority is taking shape in the Sofia municipal council that wants to settle the outstanding payments of stricken Sofia district heating company to gas supplier Bulgargaz in a debt-for-equity deal, Dnevnik learned from councillors on condition of anonymity. The municipality is likely to resort to the swap if no other way is found to turn around the dismal fortunes of the company. The scheme has already been employed once and as a result the state acquired a 42 per cent stake in the heating company.
Source: Dnevnik (16.01.2007)
The Varna thermal power station, owned by Czech CEZ, will switch to natural gas in the case of a coal supply shortage, said the company's executive director Ivan Bachvarov. The power station has sufficient coal supplies to meet its reserve capacity mechanism obligations towards national power utility NEK. Coal consumption at the plant totalled 1.3 mln tons in '06, 1.15 per cent more than was planned, said CEZ. The owner is concerned that the approved 9.6 per cent hike in the price at which the power station sells its output does not offset the 30 per cent jump in the cost of coal supplies which is causing the company a loss of BGN 7 per MWh of electricity sold to NEK.
Source: Dnevnik (19.01.2007)
The Italian company Enel wants to take 49 per cent in the project for the construction of NPP Belene, said Piero Gnudi, president of the company as quoted by Reuters. The company is ready to invest two billion euro in Bulgaria and another 1.5 billion in Romania, announced officials with Enel earlier. In Bulgaria the money will be used for the construction of the second nuclear power plant while in Romania they will be provided for the modernization of the power distribution network in the country. In Bulgaria the Italians are also involved the project for TPP Martiza Iztok 3. Enel has proposed to modernize the existing units and to construct new ones of about 600 mega watts each. The company has also signed a contract with Bulgargaz for studying the possibilities for the construction of a pipeline from Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania to Italy that will be parallel to corridor No 8.
Source: Standart (19.01.2007)
The Sofia Municipal Privatisation Agency is seeking to hire a consultant for the privatisation of 56 per cent of the capital of the Municipal Insurance Company (MIC). The bid receipt deadline is March 19. The tender documents can be purchased until March 12. After the appraisal of the insurer is ready, the municipal council will decide on the sell-off format: auction, competitive procedure or bourse listing. It is expected that the municipal council will manage to unload the MIC stake before its term expires in October this year. Potential buyers would pursue the insurer, one of the nation's smallest with a market share of 0.76 per cent and January-September 2006 premium income of BGN 5.48 mln, mainly for its licence and steady position. Last year, local businessman Hristo Kovachki accumulated a 20 per cent stake in MIC after several equity transactions. Another local insurer, Lev Ins, had also notified to the municipality its interest in the company. According to municipal councillors, representatives of insurer Armeec had also inquired about the possible sell-off.
Source: Dnevnik (22.01.2007)
A month after Bulgaria and Russian gas monopoly Gazprom updated their long-term gas transit and delivery agreement, Bulgarian energy minister Rumen Ovcharov told parliament that the two sides had also discussed an equity swap involving local state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz. Although the idea was initially rejected on political grounds, Ovcharov said it could yet be revived if it wins backing from the ruling coalition and the right-wing opposition. Experts and politicians criticised the idea, saying it would increase Bulgaria's already alarming dependence on Russian energy supplies since Gazprom would assume partial ownership of the Bulgargaz transmission network. An equity swap with Gazprom could also entitle the Russian company to a share of the Nabucco gas pipeline project which Moscow has so far tried to foil. The deal will also increase Grazprom's hold on the Bulgarian gas market through local gas distributor Overgas Inc. which owns a substantial portion of the domestic gas distribution licences. In related news, it was announced that Bulgargaz has been reregistered as a holding company comprising of transmission, sales and delivery divisions.
Source: Dnevnik (22.01.2007)
The contract for the transit of natural gas through Bulgarian territory signed between Bulgargas and Gazprom protects the interests of Bulgaria, economy and energy minister Rumen Ovcharov said. The contract guarantees the natural gas supplies, as well as an increase of the transit through the territory of the country. Bulgaria's revenue from gas transit by the end of 2030 is expected to total USD 4.7 billion.
Source: Pari (22.01.2007)
A group of Bulgarian industrial consumer of natural gas Monday issued a declaration demanding that the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission repeal the price hike effected in early January as unlawful and ungrounded. According to the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers, the power regulator failed to organise a public discussion of the hike proposal, effectively violating the Energy Act. Earlier this month, the domestic gas price was adjusted by 6.08 per cent at the insistence of state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz. The domestic price of natural gas is set on the basis of a domestic consumption forecast, quarterly oil prices, the fluctuations of the U.S. dollar and the price of 1 per cent and 3 per cent sulphur content fuel oil. The federation contends that the regulator has overestimated domestic consumption and points out that the price of oil and of 1 per cent and 3 per cent sulphur content fuel oil have backed down. Yet another gas price hike is expected in April when the revised gas supply agreement with Russia's Gazprom takes effect. Energy minister Rumen Ovcharov said back in December that the increase will not exceed 10 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (23.01.2007)
Bulgaria, Greece and Russia will sign an agreement for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline on February 7, said the Bulgarian regional development ministry. No information was immediately available on the parameters of the agreement or the concessions that Sofia made during the negotiations. Dnevnik learned from informed sources that the agreement does not resolve the dispute between Sofia and Moscow over the ownership of the Burgas terminal. If the Russian companies are granted control over the facility, they will also handle the fuel supplies pumped through the alternative Burgas-Vlore pipeline as well as Sofia's state reserve stocks which is seen by some experts as a threat to Bulgaria's national security. Russian companies Transneft, Rosneft and Gazprom Neft will own 51 per cent of the pipeline with 24.5 per cent shares each earmarked for Sofia and Athens. Russia has reportedly abandoned its demands to install Transneft as pipeline operator. Transneft will co-ordinate the supplies from the port of Novorosiisk to Alexandroupolis in Greece. The cost of the 280 km pipeline is seen at EUR 783 mln. It will pump 35 mln tons of oil annually, a capacity that could later reach 50 mln tons.
Source: Dnevnik (29.01.2007)
Melrose Resources will shortly commence a drilling programme of three firm and two optional wells in Bulgaria, news agency Dow Jones reported late last week. These will be the Izgrev, Obzor and Ropotamo wells. Melrose said, depending on drilling results, up to two further wells may be drilled. One well may test the Kamchia prospect. Melrose is 100 per cent owner and operator of the Galata gas field, offshore Bulgaria in the Western Black Sea. In addition, Melrose has a 100 per cent working interest in four exploration concessions offshore Bulgaria covering a total of over 10,000 sq m.
Source: Dnevnik (29.01.2007)
The Pleven district court has approved the auction sale of the non-core assets of bankrupt oil refinery Nova Plama. The assets that will auctioned include recreational and storage facilities, expired chemical products and transportation equipment. The appraisal of the refinery's production assets is not ready yet. The list of Nova Plama's biggest creditors includes the State Receivables Collection Agency, Biochim, UBB, DZI Bank, International Asset Bank, Bulgargaz and NEK. The company owes some BGN 300 mln to its creditors.
Source: Dnevnik (29.01.2007)
Bulgaria, Greece and Russia will discuss the text of the agreement for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline at a working meeting in Athens on February 7, news agency ANA reported on Monday. The final details of the agreement will be honed out at expert level, Greek regional development minister Dimitris Sioufas was quoted as saying. Last week, the Bulgarian government said the 3 parties to the project had reached consensus on the agreement and the document was to be inked on February 7. The meeting will take place in Burgas, said the Bulgarian regional development ministry, adding that Athens and Moscow were not backing off. The ministry reiterated that the agreement will indeed be signed on February 7.
Source: Dnevnik (30.01.2007)
Anton Petrov: Competitiveness is decided piece by piece Currently at the Stomana Industry site a new rolling mill is being built that will provide production of reinforcement steel and special steel products. The whole amount of the investment is EUR 45 mln. The new production line is installed by Italian Danieli, Stomana Industry is part of the Greek industrial group Viohalco that is also owner of Steelmet Sofia, Lesko Blagoevgrad, Sodia Med, Tempo Metal Sofia, Thermocalibrating plant in Pernik, Sigma Is Pernik, Steelmet Holding, Energy Solutions Pernik, Prosal Tubes Pernik, SID PAK Bulgaria Sofia. When do you expect all construction works at the new facility within Stomana Industry park to be completed? - The construction works are expected to be completed until mid-2007 and the new facility to start production in October. Starting a brand new company is a long and difficult process but we are confident that until October it will be ready to start production. How this new facility will change the current situation at the company? - The new mill will be with a production capacity to 800 thous. tons which of course would not be reached immediately but having in mind the current production capacity of 700 thous. tons means that Stomana Industry will actually double its output. Within 2 years we expect that Stomana Industry will produce over 1.2 1.3 mln. tons steel products per annum. How do you rate Bulgarian market of steel products? Which markets will be Stomana Industrys priority foreign or domestic? -Our main priority will be the domestic market despite the low share that Stomana Industry currently has. Bulgarian steel market is still very small. Currently only 15% of Stomana Industrys output is sold on the domestic market. With the building of the new rolling facility we will extend our product range and we expect that the share of our product that is sold in Bulgaria will increase to 30-40%. Bulgarian steel market is very dynamic and also has big potential as the metal products consumption is still very slow compared to the consumption in the early 90s that has been way higher or the consumption in some neighbor countries like Greece for instance. If the total demand for reinforcement steel in Bulgaria is currently 350 400 thous. tons, in Greece it is about 2 mln. tons. There is some information that several companies have joined their forces and are trying to set dumping prices. Do you know if this is true and what is your view and reaction over such action? - We know about that case, we even called a meeting with these companies. We rate this as unacceptable and not proper activity. Such alliance forming is unacceptable because this is a sure way to set dumping prices and monopolizing certain field in the industry. The idea is simple four companies are joining forces. They reach some big producer and demand to buy big volumes at a better price and than they earn as they sell the products at lower prices than the market price and thus they accumulate fast and easy cash. But this is just not the right way to do business such actions cause great damages to the market as the demand and supply equilibrium is artificially changed. Do you think that the increase of gas prices is justified? - An increase by 4% since the beginning of the year and especially with such strange explanation that TPP Varna does not have enough coal and is going to use gas instead is just ridiculous and outrageous towards clients. If for example some other company decides that it will also use gas in exchange of electricity, Bulgargas will have to increase gas prices once again as new clients has emerged. So lets say that we have one company that needs more gas, why all other companies will have to pay more? I just do not see any sense if TPP Varna could not import enough coal why the other companies will have to pay higher gas prices? What are your expectations about the business having in mind the new contract with Gasprom? - I can not comment the new contract with Gasprom and if this increase that was negotiated before 2010 was absolutely necessary. There is not enough information that could help me to form my opinion. When within a year gas price increases by 30-35% it is obvious that there are not so many companies that will be ready to face such higher expenses. In our production process the gas price is forming between 5-8 of the total production cost of out products, but at fertilizing plants it is much higher. For sure this increase will affect the whole economy. Is the declaration against the new higher prices going to be the only reaction of the big producers? Arent you going to appeal in court? - We can not appeal as the deadline for appeals has already expired. As usual such major changes are often decided just before the Christmas holidays. Till the end we had the information that the increase will be by 1.7% and it will not reach 4%, but of course in the end without any discussion it was decided the increase to be 4%. But even if we had the chance to appeal the new prices so what? Time goes by, situation changes, court cases are not solved. We had that bitter experience with the electrical energy fee we did not win almost anything out of it. There are just so many ways to get round certain appeals. Is it necessary to play the mouse and cat game? The attractiveness of the Bulgarian economy is a combination of factors and here should be the Government to do whatever needed to ensure economic growth, more job opportunities, higher wages and provide better life standard.
Source: Dnevnik (02.02.2007)
State-run corporations Bulgargaz and Technoexportstroy will represent Bulgaria in the International Project Company that will build the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. The make-up of the new joint venture is expected to be discussed by the government on Thursday when it is also scheduled to approve the draft of the pipeline agreement endorsed last week by the 3 participants in the project, Greece, Russia and Bulgaria. Location points have been designated at the Black Sea port of Burgas for the 2 unloading buoys that will service incoming tankers carrying oil for the Greece- and Albania-bound pipelines. A total of 3 independent of each other terminals will operate at the port. They will service the 2 pipelines and the Bulgarian state contingency reserve. The decision for the Bulgargaz/Technoexportstroy outfit makes redundant the specially incorporated company Universal Terminal Burgas which is co-owned by Technoexportstroy and the privately-run Frontier. The latter company learned from the media about the upcoming government decision. The trilateral agreement is likely to be signed on March 6 at the proposal of Greek regional development minister Dimitris Sioufas who has notified his Bulgarian and Russian opposite numbers. The Bulgarian state will not hold on to its stake in the pipeline for too long and will eventually offered it to private oil companies, said Bulgarian regional development minister Asen Gagauzov. The Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline is expected to be operational by 2011.
Source: Dnevnik (14.02.2007)
The private company Frontier will be out of the project for Bourgas- Alexandrupolis pipeline, said the Regional minister Mr. Asen Gagauzov yesterday. He will offer this to the governments session on Thursday. So far the reasons for companys leaving are yet not clear. Companys owners are Mr. Eduard Manukian, Mr. Georgi Sotirov and Mr. Krassimir Georgiev. The latter is believed to have huge interests in the energy and to be close to the energy minister Rumen Ovcharov. Frontier said they were not informed about companys falling out the project. The company says that in the past 2-3 months it was totally out of touch with the negotiations of the working group between Bulgaria, Russia and Greece. Frontier along with the state-owned company Technoexportstroy, which is one of the future concessionaires of the Trakia highway, established the company Bourgas Universal Terminal. The company said it had spent funds on preliminary project researches of the terminal, but they would decide on how to reimburse them after the governments Thursday session.
Source: Sega (14.02.2007)
The International Project Company, which is to build and operate the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline will take control over the universal terminal of Bourgas as well. A similar development became possible after the Bulgarian government gave up its intentions to build a common infrastructure for oil pipelines to Alexandroupolis and Vlora. The terminal will now be split in three and used used by the companies operating Bourgas - Alexandroupolis and Bourgas - Vlora oil pipelines, as well as by the Contingency Reserve. Russia will control the terminal of Bourgas as Russian companies hold a 51-percent stake in the International Project Company. Bulgarian Technoexportstroy and Bulgargas Holding will acquire a 24.5% in the project. They will be able either to sell their stake or to provide the funding needed for the project, vice premier Ivaylo Kalfin said. Representatives of AMBO, which is to operate the Bourgas-Vlora pipeline supported the splitting of the terminal.
Source: Pari (16.02.2007)
Trilateral agreement on Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline deferred The signing of the agreement between Sofia, Athens and Moscow on the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline has been postponed, the Bulgarian regional development ministry said on Monday, giving no further details. The ministry said the Russian side is expected to propose a new date for the signing within the current month. Sources told Dnevnik the delay was caused by the Russian side which was apparently having difficulties with the translation of the document. The same sources claim the signing ceremony will take place March 14-16 depending on a confirmation form the Greek hosts. The signing of the trilateral agreement is deferred until next week, Russian news agency RIA Novosti reported, citing informed sources. According to the online edition of Athens-based Naftemporiki, the signing of the agreement has been put off indefinitely. The Greek newspaper claims the insecurity shrouding the signing of the agreement stems from the Greek position on the deployment of elements of an U.S. anti-missile system in the Czech Republic and Poland which is interpreted by Moscow as supportive of Washington.
Source: Dnevnik (06.03.2007)
Russia, Greece, Bulgaria to sign oil deal next week Russia, Greece and Bulgaria will sign an agreement next week to build an oil pipeline between the Black Sea and the Aegean, bypassing the congested Turkish straits, the Kremlin said on Tuesday in a statement quoted by news agency Reuters. The statement said the three governments would sign the deal on the pipeline running from the Bulgarian port of Burgas to the Greek port of Alexandroupolis during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Athens on March 14-15. In Sofia, the Bulgarian government said in a statement prime minister Sergei Stanishev will attend the signing. The three states have been discussing the pipeline for about a decade but Russia has pushed for a deal since winning Greek and Bulgarian agreement that three Russian state-controlled firms would share control of the pipeline, said Reuters. For years, the three governments disagreed on key issues such as who would build the pipeline, the ownership of the terminals and transit fees. They said last year that the project was finally approved and would be launched in 2009. Oil producers Rosneft and Gazprom Neft and crude oil pipeline monopoly Transneft will now share 51 per cent of the pipeline, ensuring Russia is in command. Greece and Bulgaria will share the remaining 49 per cent. According to Reuters, Sofia plans to hand its stake to state firms Bulgargaz and Transexportstroy but has said it could sell some or all of its share to oil majors such as KazMunaiGas or Chevron. Greece will participate with Hellenic Petroleum , Latsis group and the Greek unit of Gazprom, Petroleum Gas. The first stage of the EUR 700 mln pipeline will pump up to 200,000 barrels of Russian oil per day onto the Mediterranean market. A second stage could increase that volume to 700,000 bpd from around 2011. The agreement to build the pipeline could have a positive knock-on effect for another project, the Chevron-led Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC), which pumps oil from the Caspian Sea to the Black Sea, said Reuters. Russia has long resisted CPC's request to double the pipeline's capacity to around 1.4 mln bpd to accommodate rising oil production from Kazakhstan. Last year Rosneft, which is a shareholder in CPC, said it would only support the expansion of CPC if construction of Burgas-Alexandroupolis went ahead.
Source: Dnevnik (08.03.2007)
The second tender for assets of Nova Plama, held last week, saw some weak interest on behalf of investors. Nova Plama has already started refunding its debts to creditors with what it had bagged in the first run of the tender, one of the company administrators said. Among the greatest creditors to the bankrupted refinery are the National Revenue Agency (NRA), HVB Bank Biochim, UBB, DZI Bank, International Asset Bank, Bulgargaz, etc., as its indebtedness measures up to BGN 300 million.
Source: Dnevnik (13.03.2007)
Although 2007 will see the first real steps being made for the implementation of the Nabucco gas pipeline, the project is facing a delay of roughly 12 months at a time when Russian gas monopoly Gazprom is doubling its efforts for the extension of its competing Blue Stream gas pipeline from Turkey to Western Europe in a bid to have the project completed simultaneously or even before the Nabucco facility. The 3,300 km Nabucco pipeline will pump 13.5 to 16 bln cu m of natgas annually from the Caspian region and Iran to Central and Western Europe. The pipeline project is developed jointly by Turkish state-owned company BOTAS, Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, Hungary's MOL Rt., Austria's OMV and Romania's Transgaz SA Medias. The participants should set by mid-2007 regional units that will take charge of the project and will apply for gas distribution permits from their respective native power regulator. A tender procedure should be launched by the end of 2007 for the preodering of the delivery volumes that the five companies will be using going forward. The delivery volumes are destined for each company's home market. The companies will preorder 12-15 bln cu m while the balance to 16 bln cu m will be placed on the deregulated market, said Dimitar Gogov, executive director of Bulgargaz. He said there's been interest from 6-7 unnamed gas traders so far. Gaz de France is holding talks to become the sixth shareholder to build and own the Nabucco gas pipeline, Gogov told Reuters on Tuesday. Gogov said talks with GDF were launched after negotiations with France's Total for the stake collapsed earlier this year. Bulgargaz has said talks for a sixth partner that would have an equal stake in the project, could be held also with Germany's energy majors E.ON and RWE . On Tuesday, OMV said the final decision to launch the project had been delayed due to extended talks for finding a new partner and saw the pipeline operational as early as 2012. The delay sparked sharp criticism by Hungary, whose prime minister told the International Herald Tribune newspaper that the pipeline was taking too long to be planned and was lacking a reliable timetable for gas supplies. The Nabucco pipeline is seen as key to Europe's efforts to reduce its reliance on Russian energy, shipping the gas via Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Austria to western Europe, said Reuters.
Source: Dnevnik (14.03.2007)
Bulgargaz threatened the heat supply companies again. As for now, we do not intend to stop the gas supply to the heat supply companies. However, Heat Supply-Sofia may force us to do so in case thye company keeps on accumulating huge debts after the end of the heating season, said the procurator of Bulgargaz Georgi Gogov. Until yersterday the Sofia heta supply company had a debt of BGN 148 mln. He added that before stopping the supply, Bulgargaz will seek help from the principal of the company. Among the big debtors to Bulgargaz are the heat supply companies in Shoumen, Varna, Vratsa, Bourgas, Pleven and Plovdiv. Their debts are already reduced and none of them exceeds BGN 10 mln.
Source: Sega (14.03.2007)
Bulgargas posted BGN 143 million pre-tax profit for 2006, up by BGN 17 million compared to 2005. Bulgargas has contributed BGN 233 million to the state budget for 2006, under the form of taxes, non-tax contributions and dividend, Kiril Gegov, CEO of the company said. Bulgargas raked in BGN 1.204 billion revenue for 2006, an increase of BGN 300 million compared to the year-ago period. Gas prices rose by 24% on an average in 2006, according to the company. Bulgargas sold a total of 3.327 billion cu. m of gas in Bulgaria in 2006, up by 3.7% year on year. Companies operating in the energy and chemical sectors are the largest gas consumers in the country. Bulgargas also transited 15 billion cu. m of Russian gas to neighbouring countries in 2006, down by 1.8% compared to 2005. The volumes of natural gas transited to the Balkan countries have risen by 15% in 2007, compared to the period January-February 2006. Domestic consumption, however, has dropped by 10% in 2007 due to the smaller consumption of heating utilities prompted by the mild winter.
Source: Pari (15.03.2007)
Leading Russian gas company Gazprom may transport natural gas to western Europe through the planned Nabucco pipeline which will connect Europe with the Caspian Sea but will not take part in the financing of the project, OMV board member Werner Auli told Bloomberg news agency on March 15, 2007. The 3,300 km long pipeline is to start transporting up to 30 bln cu m gas from the Caspian Sea through Austria to southern and central Europe from 2011. The cooperation project of Austria, Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria and Romania will cost roughly EUR 4.6 bln. Russia and especially Gazprom were so far considered competition for the Nabucco project. In June 2006 Gazprom and Hungarian sector group MOL agreed on an extension of the existing EUR 5.0 bln Blue Stream pipeline, a cooperation project between Gazprom and Italian ENI, connecting Russia with Turkey via the Black Sea. The extension project called South European Gas Pipeline (SEGP) is an alternative to Nabucco and should transport natural gas over southeastern Europe to Italy and the rest of the continent. Auli underlined that Blue Stream was not a rival project as regards Nabucco as Europe's gas consumption was constantly increasing. It was unlikely that MOL had abandoned Nabucco in favour of Blue Stream, as it was much more reasonable for the company to build as many pipelines as it could, Auli said. The Nabucco consortium is still seeking further financially strong Western European partners for the project in order to secure the assimilation of the guaranteed natural gas volumes. Latest reports suggested that Gaz de France may join in. Gazprom, however, was not in the spectrum of interest, Auli said.
Source: Dnevnik (19.03.2007)
The local companies licensed to distribute natural gas to household and industrial customers have notified the Bulgarian power regulator they plant to collectively invest BGN 107 mln in gas main this year. Citigas, a subsidiary of Italy's Gruppo Societa Gas Rimini, leads the investment spending plans with BGN 49.6 mln. The company is licensed to deploy a gas network in the Trakia region. The Italian-owned company plans to install 1,797 km of gas mains in the first 10 years of its permit lifespan. Some 170-200 km of gas mains will be laid in Plovdiv in 2007 alone. Citigas is aiming for 25,000 customers in two years' time. The regional subsidiaries of gas distributor Overgas Inc. plan to invest BGN 31.6 mln in new infrastructure this year. The consortium between Acegas and Costruzioni Dondi, licensed for the Western gas distribution region, has budgeted BGN 13.2 mln. The smallest budget for new infrastructure was reported by the Black Sea Technology Company, owned by Italy's AMGA Azienda Multiservizi S.p.A. The company owns the gas distribution permits for the Mizia and Dobrudja regions.
Source: Dnevnik (20.03.2007)
Bulgargaz demanded the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation to decrease by half a percent the price of the natural gas as of April 1. After this change the heat and hot water price may fall s of July 1, said the chair of the regulatory body Mr. Konstantin Shushulov to journalists. If the heat power price falls from July 1, we will search a way to keep it to this level for the entire oncoming heating season, Mr. Shushulov said. According to him this is possible if there is no sharp increase in the price of the natural gas by the end of the year. The regulatory expects the heat-supply companies to declare by April 1 eventual changes in the hear power price.
Source: Darik Radio (21.03.2007)
The costs of central heating and hot water will go down from July 1, 2007, announced sources from the Bulgarian State Energy Regulatory Committee (SERC). The reason for that is expected decrease by 0.5% of the price of natural gas from April, 1. As it is known, gas is the main fuel of the central heating ventures. "We will decrease the tariffs in order to make the heads of the companies save resources. We hope that they will start managing their companies better," said Konstantin Shushulov, head of SERC.
Source: Standart (21.03.2007)
Kremikovtzi JSC is planning a 0.4 mln tons output increase in 2007 Kremikovtzi has increased its output volumes in 2006. As of information released by the metallurgical plant, in 2005 the plant has produced a total output of 1.09 mln tons while in 2006 1.2 mln tons. In 2007 the plant is planning to increase its output even more reaching 1.6 mln tons. There is also a constant trend of increase of the monthly gross salary, as in 2000 it was BGN 405, in 2006 BGN 786 and in 2007 it is planned to reach BGN 903. Kremikovtzis debts have decreased three times since 1999. From BGN 1 024 453 thous. in 1999 to BGN 303 869 thous in 2006 (Dec 31st 2006). The biggest creditor of Kremikovtzi is Bulgargas BGN 24 024 592. About this debt the two companies have signed a contract in 2003 saying that it will be paid back until 2013. Kremikovtzi also has liabilities to NEK BGN 84 632 333 etc. In 2006 Kremikovtzi has paid back its debts to the National Social Security Institute BGN 58 853 873, Bulgargas BGN 114 921 849, NEK BGN 88 355 873, BDZ BGN 48 901 922 and another BGN 17 812 441 for taxes. As of NAP information of March 16th 2007 the company has no more debts.
Source: Capital market (23.03.2007)
Russian pipeline monopoly Transneft will be in charge of pumping oil through the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline, signing up oil producers and running the controller service, says the agreement on the construction of the facility signed last week by Greece, Russia and Bulgaria. The text of the document has been posted on the website of the Bulgarian regional development ministry. The Bulgarian government is expected to approve the agreement next week before it is submitted for parliamentary ratification together with the Burgas-Vlore pipeline convention inked by Sofia, Tirana and Skopje. Transneft will draft the timetables for the oil transmissions and the unloading of the tankers. Bulgarian regional development minister Asen Gagauzov has been adamant that Transneft will act as co-ordinator and that Bulgaria's Bulgargaz and Greece's Hellenic Petroleum will operate the sections of the pipeline on their respective territory. The project will be exempt from any adjustments to fees, customs duties and taxes enforced after the agreement takes effect. Ditto for the project contractors from the start of construction until the project breaks even. The trans-Balkan pipeline that will pump cheap crude to the Mediterranean and consolidate Russia's influence in the European energy market. Once launched in 2009, the EUR 950 mln link will run 279 km from the Bulgarian Black sea port of Burgas to the north Aegean port of Alexandroupolis. It will pump 700,000 barrels per day, or 35 mln tons of crude a year, with potential to rise to 50 mln per year.
Source: Dnevnik (23.03.2007)
Bulgargas Holding CEO Kiril Gegov has tendered surprisingly his resignation, which was accepted by the board of directors, the company said. Gegov, who served as CEO of Bulgargas for nearly 10 years, will remain member of the board of directors of the company. Executive director Lyubomir Denchev will succeeded Gegov as CEO of Bulgargas. The longstanding work at the company and the successfully achieved targets are among the motives for Gegov's resignation, which comes shortly after Bulgargas was restructured into a holding company. The restructured company is in charge of the natural gas supplies and trade and the Nabucco gas pipeline project. The promotion of Lyubomir Denchev, who represents the company in the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project, comes at a time when the works on the project started picking up. Bulgargas strengthened its positions in the project after private company Frontier pulled out of the project.
Source: Pari (28.03.2007)
The board of state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz Mon relieved chief executive director Kiril Gegov at his own request. Gegov, who will remain on the board of directors, quits the post after a 10-year stint and will be replaced by his deputy Lyubomir Denchev. The board has revised the articles of association of the company to put in charge an executive director instead of the current power-share between a chief and an executive director.
Source: Dnevnik (28.03.2007)
Kazakhstan officially confirmed its interest in share participation in the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. The Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Baktykozha Izmukhambetov who visited the Azerbaijani capital Baku, said that Kazakhstan wanted to buy from Bulgaria and Greece a part of the pipeline, where 51% are held by Russia, the Russian informational agency RusEnergy released Wednesday. The Minister also said that Kazakhstan was interested in project. The preliminary agreement is that Kazakhstan will participate in the project through the 49 percent share of Greece and Bulgaria, he said. A Russian consortium of the Transneft, Rosneft and Gazprom energy companies participate in the project now holding 51 percent, and Bulgaria and Greece hold equal shares of 24,5%.
Source: BTA (05.04.2007)
Gazprom CEO pays surprise visit to Sofia The unexpected trip to Sofia undertaken by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller suggests that Moscow may be having some concerns about likely obstacles to the realisation of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project. At a meeting with the Bulgarian prime minister and economy minister, Miller reportedly inquired about possible procedural glitches that the project could be facing, Dnevnik learned from a source on condition of anonymity. Last month, Bulgaria, Russia and Greece signed an accord on the creation of the 279 km pipeline which will run from the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas to the north Aegean port of Alexandroupolis, bypassing the congested Turkish Bosporus Straits. The launch of the project has stirred concerns about the environmental impact of the unloading of oil tankers in the Burgas bay before the oil is transported to Greece. The project does not yet have an environment impact assessment because the company that will invest in the facility is yet to be set up. Russian oil producers Rosneft and Gazprom Neft and pipeline monopoly Transneft will share 51 per cent of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline while Greece and Bulgaria will share the remaining 49 per cent. Bulgarian deputy regional development minister Kalin Rogachev told Dnevnik in a recent interview that the project may not be implemented if the environmental hazard is too great. The source also told Dnevnik Miller insisted before the prime minister that Bulgaria speed the realisation of the project. The accord on the oil pipeline is expected to be moved for ratification by the Bulgarian parliament by the end of April.
Source: Dnevnik (06.04.2007)
Bulgaria's power regulator Tuesday granted a 35-year gas distribution permit for the territory of ski resort Bansko to local gas supplier Overgas. For the purposes of the project, Overgas will have to invest BGN 7.5 mln in a 35 km gas main linking Bansko with Simitli. In partnership with the economy ministry, Overgas will apply for project financing from the regional development funds of the EU, said Overgas CEO Sasho Donchev. The construction of the gas distribution network will begin in 2008 when 180 and 49 industrial customers are expected to be signed up. A total of 53 km of gas mains will be laid through 2027 at a cost of BGN 20 mln. The potential customer base is seen at 3,000. A possible challenge looming for the project could be the routing through the northern fringes of the Pirin nature reserve. The other bidder for the Bansko gas distribution permit was Pirin Power, co-owned by local power engineering company Enemona.
Source: Dnevnik (25.04.2007)
All Kremikovtzi liabilities are cleared Kremikovtzi does not have any liabilities to the state. This was said by the chairman of the supervisory board of Kremikovtzi JSC Alexander Tomov in March. He also introduced a paper issued by the National Revenues Agency, proving this statement. Since 2002, when Global Steel Holdings acquired the majority stake in Kremikovtzi, till now the company has paid BGN 776.441 mln to different state institutions. BGN 77 mln were paid in 2007. We periodically cover our debt installments to NEK (BGN 86 mln), Bulgargas (BGN 24 mln) and the State fund for reconstruction and development (BGN 70 mln), said Tomov. NEK and Bulgargas, confirmed this information and stated that currently they do not have any problems with Kremikovtzi. The company still have liabilities to private companies totaling BGN 124 mln.
Source: Pari (04.05.2007)
Sensors detect pollution caused by Kremikovtzi Sensors will detect the emissions around Kremikovtzi metallurgical plant. They will be mounted in the surrounding villages. This was promised by the chairman of the supervisory board of Kremikovtzi Alexander Tomov during a meeting of the ecology commission, part of the Sofia municipal council. A new environment friendly programme is already adopted at it will implemented pretty soon, added Tomov. For its implementation, about BGN 319 mln will be required over a 4-year period. Companys experts have already developed a scheme for stopping the waste waters from the plant. Currently 7 200 workers are employed at the site and their average salary is BGN 900, said Tomov. The current liabilities to NEK, Bulgargas and other major creditors, total BGN 303 mln.
Source: Novinar (04.05.2007)
London-based banks willing to acquire Kremikovtzis liabilities Two London-based bans are willing to acquire Kremikovtzis and Bulgargass liabilities. The total liabilities are BGN 24 mln. Alexander Tomov announced about British interest in Kremikovtzis policy. The two banks are willing to become shareholders in the company by acquiring its liabilities. Tomov refused to point their names. Kremikovtzis old liabilities total BGN 304 mln. Despite all these debts, the average monthly salary at the metallurgical site is BGN 903. As Tomov says, there are some 54 000 people who are somehow bounded to the company. The plant is currently considering the idea of installing a new electric furnace for steel processing.
Source: Pari (04.05.2007)
Gazprom plots foray into Europe through Bulgaria Russian state-controlled gas monopoly Monday announced a new project for the transit of Russian fuel to Southern and Central Europe via Bulgarian territory. The announcement was made at a meeting in Moscow between Gazprom CEO Alexei Miler and Bulgarian economy minister Rumen Ovcharov. The implementation of the project in partnership with Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-owned gas distributor, will take Sofia's geostrategic position to another level, said Miler after the meeting. Ovcharov refused to give any details about the project but said it will increase several-fold the current gas transit volumes. In his view, the project could be activated as early as the beginning of June. Energy experts said the project concerns the expansion of the incumbent transit network through Macedonia to Italy and through Romania to Hungary. Ovcharov dismissed as untrue a report in Russian newspaper Komersant claiming that Moscow will tie the increase in transit volumes to the granting to Russian companies of access to the modernisation of Bulgaria's gas distribution network. Moscow has long had an eye on the gas distribution business in Bulgaria. A long-term memorandum on gas deliveries signed last year between Gazprom and Bulgargaz envisages the creation of joint ventures for the supply and distribution of natural gas. A Gazprom press release said that the transit of Russian gas via Bulgarian territory rose to 3.2 bln cu m in 2006. Before his get-together with Miler, Ovcharov met with Sergei Shmatko, CEO of AtomStroyExport, tapped to build a new 2,000MW nuclear power plant at Bulgarian Danube town of Belene. It was announced that an agreement will be signed by late May on the shipping to a Russian nuclear power plant of the disused equipment delivered to the Belene site in the early 1990s before the project was mothballed. AtomStroyExport said it has specified the Belene works that will be farmed out to Siemens and Areva. AtomStroyExport has nothing to do with the financing of the Belene project, said Ovcharov in response to media reports that the Russian company was preparing to issue bonds in a bid to secure funding for the undertaking.
Source: Dnevnik (08.05.2007)
Dalkia Bulgaria, the local unit of French utility Dalkia International, said it is interested in acquiring a 20 per cent stake in district heating company Toplofikacia-Sofia in a debt-for-equity scheme. Despite the lack of an official response to the letter the company said to this effect to the Bulgarian energy ministry in late 2006, Dalkia Bulgaria said the offer still stands. The French company is ready to settle a portion of Toplofikacia's debts that corresponds to a 20 per cent equity stake. The heating utility, co-owned by the government and the Sofia municipality (58 per cent), is some BGN 300 mln in the red. Czech utility company CEZ has also indicated it is interested in a debt-for-equity swap with Toplofikacia-Sofia. The government and the Sofia municipality have clashing ideas for the future development of the heating company which makes unlikely the privatisation of the company over the near-term. The Sofia municipality insists that the heating utility should be dismembered and then sold off in pieces while the energy ministry is pushing for the privatisation of 100 per cent of the capital in one go. Dalkia Bulgaria said it will definitely join a privatisation procedure for Toplofikacia-Sofia if such is launched. The French company, however, is not interested in a piecemeal privatisation and wants 100 per cent ownership. Dalkia said it has slated BGN 20 mln for investment over the next 5 years in the Varna district heating company which it acquired for EUR 6.8 mln in early 2007. The owner will invest in the rehabilitation of the transmission infrastructure and in the reduction of losses in transmission from the current level of 30-35 per cent to around 11 per cent. The company's developing a project for the adoption of a technology for biomass energy production at the Varna utility. The cost of the project is included in the 5-year investment program.
Source: Dnevnik (14.05.2007)
Sofia and Moscow to ink agreement on new gas pipeline Two months after endorsing the project for the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, Bulgaria and Russia are working on a new intergovernmental energy agreement, Dnevnik was told by a source from the Bulgarian energy ministry. The new agreement concerns the project for the transportation of Russian natural gas via Bulgaria to the rest of Europe. The planned trans-Black Sea gas pipeline will most likely connect Russian port Novorosiisk with Bulgarian port Burgas. Once it reaches Bulgarian territory, the pipe could have up to 5 onward routes to destinations in Central and Southeastern Europe, in particular Greece and Italy. There is also an option that the new pipe could replicate the route of the rival Blue Stream project and connect Turkey with Bulgaria. State-owned gas suppliers Gazprom and Bulgargaz are expected to give more details about the project in June. The implementation of the project is expected to take Sofia's geostrategic position to another level. There are still no official estimates for the likely cost of the new gas pipeline. The Blue Stream project cost USD 3.2 bln with more than half of the funds spent on the undersea section of the facility which is three times shorter than the proposed Novorosiisk-Burgas route. At the moment, Bulgargaz transits 15 bln cu m of Russian natural gas annually and has the infrastructure capacity to increase the volume to 17 bln cu m per year. In related news, Svetoslav Ivanov, deputy executive director of local gas distributor Overgas, said the new government energy strategy sets a goal of some 11 per cent of Bulgarian households switching to gas by 2011 with that share reaching 30 per cent by 2020. Only 3 per cent of Bulgarian households have already made the switch versus over 50 per cent in the rest of the EU, said Ivanov. Some 4.5 mln Bulgarians, out of a population total of 8 mln, live in municipalities with no gas distribution infrastructure.
Source: Dnevnik (23.05.2007)
The receivers of Razgrad-based glassworks Diamant said they expect to clinch a BGN 13.8 mln deal by the end of the week for the sale of the assets of the bankrupt company to Via Properties. The plant has been inoperational for over a decade. Most of the production equipment has been canibalised. Via Properties, a company active in construction, tourism and leasing, said it will invest EUR 50 mln within 2 years to reboot glass production. The product range will include flat, patterned and tableware glass. The insolvency proceedings against Diamant were initiated in January 2002 at the request of its main creditor, state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz. The glass factory owed various creditors BGN 12 mln, including unpaid gas bills for BGN 9 mln.
Source: Dnevnik (29.05.2007)
Bulgaria's MPs gave a "green light" to the tripartite project for the construction of Bourgas - Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. Yesterday, the Bulgarian government ratified the cross-governmental agreement between Bulgaria, Russia and Greece. The majority of MPs (109) gave their vote for the construction of the oil pipeline; 19 MPs were against and 3 MPs abstained from voting. According to a prognosis made by Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation, Viktor Khristenko, a meeting of the management of the international construction company, commissioned to implement the project is due to take place by the end of May so that a start is given to the necessary legal proceedings. The cross-border agreement has already been ratified by Moscow and Athens. Bulgaria and Greece hold each 24,5 percent of the shares, whereas Moscow is the shareholder with 51 percent of the shares.
Source: Standart (31.05.2007)
Bulgarian state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz will participate in the exploration of natural gas deposit concessions abroad, says the development strategy of the company which was presented to the parliamentary energy policy committee on Wed. The company said no talks are yet underway to join the exploration of gas deposits. The management said it has signed strategic partnership agreements with Italy's Enel, Gaz de France and OMV. Bulgargaz is in talks with Melrose to use as a repository the Galata gas deposit the British company is mining at the moment.
Source: Dnevnik (31.05.2007)
Kazakhstan will start negotiations with Bulgaria and Greece for acquiring shares from the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, Nurlan Nogaev, Director of the Oil Industries Department to the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Kazakhstan, said for Interfax-Kazakhstan news agency. In this project Bulgaria and Greece hold 24,5% each and Russia holds the rest 51%.
Source: Standart (01.06.2007)
Gazprom will study a Greek proposal to build a gas pipeline alongside the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, the company was quote as saying by Russian online news outlet Moscow Times. That pipeline would eye the same southeast European markets as Nabucco, the project to diversify European supplies by delivering gas from Central Asia. Greek President Karolos Papoulias made the new pipeline proposal after talks with President Vladimir Putin. The pipeline could be connected at the Bulgarian port of Burgas with a link from the Blue Stream pipeline which takes gas from Russia under the Black Sea to Turkey. Gazprom has long been looking to use Blue Stream as a link to increase supplies to southeastern Europe and considered Greece as a possible transit country, said the publication. Greece had previously not shown interest in the project. Blue Stream is able to carry 16 bln cu m of gas every year, but shipped just 5.1 bcm in 2005. Gazprom has an edge over Nabucco thanks to its proven resources and possible lower costs due to laying the gas pipeline next to the oil pipeline, Vladimir Vedeneyev, an analyst at the Bank of Moscow, told the newspaper.
Source: Dnevnik (05.06.2007)
Bulgaria's power regulator will issue permits for gas distribution and for power transmission network management on a non-competitive basis if the permit area falls outside the eight regional gas distribution districts into which the country has been zoned. The no-bid award will be legislated with draft changes to the ordinance on power industry licensing which will be tabled for a public discussion on Friday. However, in case the permit is contested by more than one candidate, there will be a competition. The changes will provide for a transparent licensing procedure with clear requirements for the paperwork expected from the applicants for no-bid permits. The proposed changes will also allow the municipalities to ask the power regulator to include them in gas distribution regions where the gas distribution permit has been granted. The power regulator has so far granted gas distribution permits for the Mizia region, centered in Pleven, the West region, centered in Blagoevgrad, the Trakia region, centered in Plovdiv and the Dobrudja region, centered in Plovdiv.
Source: Dnevnik (08.06.2007)
Kazakhstan to start negotiations for the pipeline in June Kazakhstan will start negotiations to acquire 49 per cent of the shares that Sofia and Athens have in the oil pipeline that will run between the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Burgas and the Greek Aegean Sea port of Alexandroupolis, report Russian media. Talks are underway to sell the shares controlled by Bulgaria and Greece to oil corporations that will ensure the oil deliveries. This option is provided for in the trilateral agreement for the construction of the pipeline signed by Russia, Greece and Bulgaria.. Sources close to the project said Moscow would like to see a prompt sale of the shares and is reportedly backing Kazakhstan entry in the project. Russia has reportedly insisted that Sofia respond to the invitation for the negotiations within the next 3 weeks. Bulgarian regional development minister Asen Gagauzov confirmed for Dnevnik that Kazakhstan is keen to join the project but said that such negotiations could be launched after the incorporation of the company that will design and build the pipeline. Simeon Veinstoc, president of Russia's Transneft which has been tapped to operate the oil pipeline, told news agency Interfax that U.S. company Chevron and Russian-British company TNK-BP will likely negotiate for the Bulgaria and Greek stakes in the project. Transneft has also asked the Bulgarian side to speed up work on the pipeline project. Veinstock was quoted by the Russian media as criticising Sofia for failing to name the Bulgarian companies that will be involved in the undertaking.
Source: Dnevnik (11.06.2007)
Bulgaria and Greece have been subjected to pressure on the part of Russia to sell their shares in the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, representatives of the companies participants in the project said after the meetings conducted in Moscow, as quoted by the Mediapool news agency. The participants in the talks from Russia, Bulgaria and Greece discussed the structuring of the International Designing Company, which would finance and carry out the construction of the pipeline. Russian energy companies Transneft, Rosneft and Gazpromneft hold a fifty-one percent stake in the trans-sea pipeline, whereas the Bulgarian companies Bulgargaz and Technoexportstroy hold a 24.5 percent stake, and the stake of the Greek companies Hellenic Petroleum and Prometheus is also 24.5 percent. At the talks Bulgaria was represented by Deputy Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Kalin Rogachev and Emil Kotsev, CEO of Technoexportstroy. A participant in the meeting told The Standart that pressure was exerted on Bulgaria and Russia to sell their stakes. It was explained to them that such a move was necessary so that Kazakhstan could be included in the project, but experts say it seems more likely that the Russian companies want just to lay their hands on a bigger share in the project. Kazakhstan has already started talks with Greece on a possible acquisition of its share, it transpired at the economic forum in Saint Petersburg. The news was spread by Semyon Vainshtok, CEO of the state-owned oil pipeline monopoly Transneft. The US giant Chevron also shows appetite in the project. Kazakhstan has reportedly given Bulgaria's Minister of Regional Development and Public Works Assen Gagauzov a two-week term to decide on possible negotiations about the sale of Sofia's share in the project. "We are not going to sell anything until we see oil flowing in the pipe," Emil Kotsev said. "Bulgaria should step up the project's implementation," Semyon Vainshtok said. He added that a few days ago he sent a letter to PM Sergey Stanishev, in which he asks him to take the necessary measures to secure the speedy implementation of the project on the part of Bulgaria. "The Greeks have already come up with a definite stand on the issue, and Bulgaria is still shilly-shallying about it," Vainshtok said also. Russia has already come up with proposals for the registration of the international company, which will manage the pipeline and the draft sheet of the company's regulations. "The disagreements arose from Bulgaria's refusal to accept the decisions taken on one of the discussed issues," Vainshtok said further.
Source: Standart (11.06.2007)
The Bulgarian and Greek companies that will participate in the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline have rejected as unrealistically short the deadlines set in the project's implementation timetable as suggested by Moscow. Representatives of the corporations will meet July 9 in Sofia to discuss the draft statutes of the company that will design and build the crude oil pipeline. Under the agreement signed by Bulgaria, Greece and Russia, the international project company should be incorporated by the end of 2007. Russian oil producers Rosneft and Gazprom Neft and crude oil pipeline monopoly Transneft have 51 per cent in the project. Greece is represented by Hellenic Petroleum/Thraki with the government retaining a 1 per cent stake. Sofia has tapped Bulgargaz and Technoexportstroy. At a meeting in Moscow a week ago, the Russian side raised the issue for the sale of the Bulgarian and Greek stake in the project. Kazakhstan has already said it is interested in buying the two states out of the project. Although the proposal was backed with intense pressure from Moscow, Sofia said no equity will change hands before the international project company is incorporated. The trilateral agreement requires the consent of all three states for a new player to join the project. Alternatively, Kazakhstan could also acquire a portion of the Russian share. Russia has reportedly insisted that Sofia say within the next 3 weeks whether or not it is willing to cash out of the project. On Sunday, Transneft asked the Bulgarian side to speed up work on the pipeline project.
Source: Dnevnik (12.06.2007)
Austrian utility company EVN plans to invest around BGN 7 mln in the Plovdiv district heating company through 2009, it was announced after the signing of the privatisation contract on Thursday. The investment resource will be spent primarily on the modernisation of the heating infrastructure. The new owner has also budgeted EUR 32 mln for the construction of a co-generation facility. EVN is paying EUR 32.1 mln for 100 per cent control of the heating utility. The new owner will be barred from divesting any equity or lowering his equity holdings below 51 per cent over the next three years. EVN also undertakes to align the operation of the utility with the EU requirements towards large combustion installations. The Austrian company has also agreed to settle an outstanding debt of BGN 12 mln owed to gas supplier Bulgargaz. In Bulgaria, EVN also owns the regional power distribution companies in Stara Zagora and Plovdiv. The Austrian company Thursday declined to comment on the progress of the sale of the Sunny Beach resort power distributor which it is poised to take over.
Source: Dnevnik (13.07.2007)
Austria's EVN signed a contract for privatisation of 100% of the heating utility in Plovdiv, Toplofikatsia. The company won the tender with a EUR 32.100 million bid. The contract provides for stiff forfeits in case of default, so it protects the public interest, Privatisation Agency CEO Todor Nikolov said. EVN undertakes to repay Toplofikatsia's BGN 12 million debt to Bulgargaz. It has to invest BGN 7 million in modernisation of the company and BGN 32 million in the installation of co-generation facilities for production of heating and electrical power. The company has to invest BGN 2.127 million in 2007 and another BGN 3.700 million in 2008. The new owner has no right to transfer shares or reduce its stake to below 51% for a period of three years. The company has to keep labour expenses unchanged for the same period.
Source: Pari (13.07.2007)
The state companies such as Bulgargaz, NEC, BDZ and other monopolists to be privatized only if they have real competitors, otherwise to stay state-owned. This said in interview the new Minister of Economy and Energy Mr. Petar Dimitorv, who also is in charge for the Privatization Agency. Over the last few month high officials from the Cabinet insist on putting out some of the state mastodonts of the forbidden for privatization list.
Source: Novinar (16.07.2007)
The shareholders of the international company specially incorporated to build the Nabucco gas pipeline have decided to start negotiations with Germany utility RWE on joining the project, said a sources from the Bulgarian side on condition of anonymity. Nabucco Gas Pipeline International was set up by the five companies behind the project -- Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, Austria's OMV , Hungary's MOL, Turkey's Botas and Romania's Transgaz. Bulgargaz confirmed the launch of the RWE talks. The new shareholder will get a share even with that of the others, said the source. The consortium has been seeking a sixth party to join the project and RWE was the runner-up among the candidates. The German company became a come-from-behind contender after the talks with first-choice Gaz de France stalled when Ankara refused to back the entry of the French company. The EUR 4.6 bln 3,300 km pipeline will bring Iranian and Caspian gas to big consuming countries in Europe. The 2,000 km first phase of the pipeline between Ankara in Turkey and Baumgarten in Austria will offer 8 bcm from 2012 The European Union sees Nabucco as a key supply route which should reduce the bloc's reliance on Russian gas after winter supply cuts to Europe.
Source: Dnevnik (19.07.2007)
French company Dalkia, which recently completed the take-over of the Varna district heating company, is in talks with local businessman Hristo Kovachki to buy from him the district heating companies in Burgas, Vratsa, Pleven and Sliven, Dnevnik learned from a source close to the negotiations. Dalkia Bulgaria declined to comment. The Kovachki office failed to respond to questions about the negotiations before Dnevnik went to press. Czech utility company CEZ is also interested in the Kovachki companies. CEZ Bulgaria CEO Martin Roman recently told Dnevnik that talks have been held on the acquisition of some assets controlled by Kovachki. The Vratsa district heating company went private through the local stock exchange. It was acquired by the Kamibo company for BGN 790,000. Kovachki was named as a Kamibo consultant. No data has been supplied to the power regulator on the investment that has been ploughed in the three utilities which collectively service 100,000 households. A successful deal would strengthen Dalkia's positions on the Bulgaria power market, putting it in the same bracket as Austria's EVN which recently bought the Plovdiv heating company. Dalkia is also eyeing a 20 per cent stake in the ailing Sofia district heating company under a proposed debt-for-equity scheme. The only state-owned district heating companies remaining are those in Sofia, Shumen and Pernik.
Source: Dnevnik (20.07.2007)
Bulgarian state-run Bulgargaz Holding and Austrian oil and gas corporation OMV have signed a memorandum to conduct joint Black Sea shelf drilling and co-operate for the expansion of the local gas market. The experts of the two companies are drafting an agreement specifying the projects that will be implemented jointly. The participation of the Bulgarian company in the OMV gas licences will also require financing, an issue that will be further discussed by the two partners. The OMV partnership is part of the strategy for Bulgargaz's development through 2009, said executive director Lyubomir Denchev. Bulgargaz is considering a joint venture with OMV or even joining under a management contract the Austrian company's Avanti chain of service stations which will sell, diesel fuel, gasoline A-95, propane-butane and methane, said Denchev. That would allow the holding company to set foot on the local methane market. Bulgargaz plans to build methane filling stations or a virtual pipeline system, supplying methane from compressor stations to clients within a 80 km radius. Bulgargaz is also in partnership talks with Melrose Resources Ltd. Which is licensed to drill for gas and oil in five Black Sea shelf blocks. Melrose's ongoing gas development is in the Galata concession area which should be depleted in 2008. The gas output is sold to Bulgargaz. The holding company plans to repurpose the depleted deposit into a gas repository. Bulgargaz is reviewing its long-term co-operation deals with Germany's Ruhrgas and Gaz de France. The review should be completed by the end of July. The agreements are expected to be updated with the inclusion of commitments for the implementation of concrete projects. At the moment, the partnership under the agreements is limited only to staff training initiatives, said Denchev.
Source: Dnevnik (23.07.2007)
The company that will design the planned Nabucco gas pipeline will be selected by the end of 2007, news agency Rompres quoted sources from the Romanian economy ministry as saying. The head design firm should complete its project task by 2009 when the construction of the facility is due to kick off. The pipeline should be operational by 2012. Rompres said that each of the participant countries will pick a local company to assist the work of the designer. The five companies behind the project -- Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, Austria's OMV , Hungary's MOL , Turkey's Botas and Romania's Transgaz, are currently in talks with Germany utility RWE on joining the project. The consortium has been seeking a sixth party to join the project and RWE was the runner-up among the candidates. The talks with first-choice contender Gaz de France have not been broken off, reported news agency Reuters. The negotiations had stalled when Ankara refused to back the entry of the French company. The EUR 4.6 bln 3,300 km pipeline will bring Iranian and Caspian gas to big consuming countries in Europe. The 2,000 km first phase of the pipeline between Ankara in Turkey and Baumgarten in Austria will offer 8 bcm from 2012 The European Union sees Nabucco as a key supply route which should reduce the bloc's reliance on Russian gas after winter supply cuts to Europe.
Source: Dnevnik (25.07.2007)
The city of Sofia has chosen a public auction format for the divestiture of its 56% stake in the Municipal Insurance Company (MIC). The municipal council will set in September the minimum sale price for the stake which has been valued by an independent appraiser at 6.3 mln levs. The sale procedure is expected to be concluded in October ahead of the local elections. The municipal stake is made of the 9.57% held by the city itself, the 46.41% controlled by municipal company Sofiiski Imoti and the 9.57% of municipal company Parkings and Garages. The municipal stake will not be broken up for the purposes of the privatisation procedure. Last year, local businessman Hristo Kovachki accumulated a 20% stake in MIC after several equity transactions. Another local insurer, Lev Ins, had also notified to the municipality its interest in the company. Insurer Armeec has reportedly also inquired about the possible sell-off. Potential buyers would pursue the insurer, one of the nation's smallest with a 2006 premium income of 7.4 mln levs, mainly for the sake of its licence and steady position.
Source: Dnevnik (03.08.2007)
Customers of Heat Supply-Sofia JSC currently owe BGN 190 mln to the company and the collection rate is 38 percent, said CEO Petko Milevski. Meanwhile the heat supply company owes BGN 150 mln to Bulgargaz for delivered fuel. The company commented that the low collection rate is because the equalizing bills have not yet been received. According to Milevski most of those bills will be received in September.
Source: BTA (03.08.2007)
Alma Tour, one of Bulgarias biggest tour operators, has bought the Tamplier holiday homes complex in local ski resort Bansko. The deal was confirmed by Alma Tour executive director Lyubomir Pankovski and former Tamplier owner Ilko Yotsev. The four-star Tamplier was among the first condo complexes to be built in Bansko. The BGN 12 mln facility offers 50 apartments on four floors. The list of amenities of the 12,000 sq m complex includes swimming pool, gym, spa center, restaurant, bar and underground parking. The buyer said the complex will continue to operate as a hotel with further apartments to be added. The tour operator has already purchased 0.5 ha of land for the expansion of the complex. An aquapark will also be built. Alma Tour also owns the Atlas hotel in local sea resort Golden Sands. The company invested BGN 12 mln in the 580-room hotel which opened in 2003.
Source: Dnevnik (07.08.2007)
Blast in Bulgarian Pipeline Cuts Supply An explosion ripped through a pipeline in Bulgaria, interrupting Russian gas supplies to Greece on Monday, authorities said. No injuries were reported, according to AP. Police officials said the explosion occurred near the town of Blagoevgrad, 50 miles south of Sofia, and damaged about 30 feet of the pipeline running beneath agricultural land. The most likely cause of the blast was a gas leak, said Angel Semerdjiev, general manager of Bulgartransgas, an affiliate of state-owned gas company Bulgargaz. "There is no other visible cause for the incident." Energy Ministry spokeswoman Veselina Velcheva said authorities were investigating the incident. A recent inspection had shown "that everything was in good order," she said. A police spokesman said safety systems in the pipeline automatically shut off the flow of gas and the situation was under control. The area was cordoned off and measures taken to prevent any risk from the gas to people living nearby. Repairs were being carried out on the damaged part of the pipeline, and Semerdjiev said the flow of gas should be back to normal within 48 hours. Velcheva said earlier that the work could take up to 78 hours. Bulgargaz transports gas from Russia's Gazprom through Bulgaria to Greece, Macedonia and Turkey.
Source: Other (07.08.2007)
"Bulgarian tankers will supply oil for the Bulgarian sector of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. At least two Bulgarian vessels will be shipping crude oil to Novorossiisk. The Bulgarian tankers will compete with Greek and Russian vessels in the tenders for crude oil shipping," said Assen Gagauzov, Bulgaria's Minister of Regional Development and Public Works. Yesterday, Minister Gagauzov and Interior Minister Rumen Petkov had talks with Bourgas Deputy Mayor Venelin Todorov and some municipal councilors. The ministers promised that part of the collected crude oil transit fees would be granted to Bourgas Municipality to help the city solve some of its environmental and infrastructure problems. The expected revenues to the State Fisc from Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project vary between thirty-five and fifty million US dollars a year and about fifteen million of this money will be granted to Bourgas Municipality. Minister Gagauzov also said that only the latest and the safest technologies would be used in the construction of the necessary facilities.
Source: Standart (08.08.2007)
Bulgarian state-run Bulgargaz Holding gearing to go public Bulgarian state-owned Bulgargaz Holding is preparing to list on the local and international stock markets. The holding was incorporated in late 2006 to comply with EU requirements for the unbundling of natural gas trade and transmission operations. It comprises subsidiaries Bulgartransgaz, Bulgargaz and Bulgartel. The goal is to float over the next 2-3 years a 20-30% stake first on the Bulgarian bourse, said Bulgargaz Holding chief executive director Lyubomir Denchev. The package will then be increased and listed on the London Stock Exchange, said the company official. Unless Bulgargaz Holding, with a capital of 500 mln euro, goes that route, it would not achieve parity in terms of market capitalisation with its European counterparts that are in the 2 bln to 10 bln euro range, said Denchev. The Bulgargaz management plans to meet with representatives of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange soon to discuss the listing procedure. In view of Bulgaria's EU membership, an LSE listing could happen within six months, said Denchev. The company is currently included in the list of enterprises with no privatisation option. Unless the holding goes public, there will be a push to strike it from the no-privatisation roster, said Denchev. Any Bulgargaz listings will be preceded by the adoption of a development strategy through 2011. The holding intends to hire a consultant to advise on the financial packaging of the companys participation in projects like the Nabucco, South Stream and Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipelines. On the homefront, the company plans to grab a share of the gas business in areas left off the energy ministry-approved map of the local gas distribution regions. To this end, talks have been scheduled with the local authorities in Smolian, Kardjali, Vidin and Srednogorie. Bulgargaz Holding and Austrian oil and gas corporation OMV recently signed a memorandum to conduct joint Black Sea shelf drilling and co-operate for the expansion of the local gas market. The holding company also has co-operation deals with Italy's Enel and Gaz de France and plans to soon meet with representatives of Germany's Ruhrgas.
Source: Dnevnik (17.08.2007)
Struggling district heating company Toplofikacia Sofia has asked state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz to agree to the rescheduling of some 150 mln levs in outstanding gas bills, said Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov. The gas distributor said it is amenable to a debt-for-equity payment scheme. Bulgargaz is owed 203 mln levs in unpaid gas bills by the domestic heating utilities carried over from the '06-'07 heating season.
Source: Dnevnik (20.08.2007)
It seems Russia has again found a way to twist arms of Bulgaria and Greece in the Burgas-Alexandroupolis project. Moscow is now trying to compel the two countries to sell their shares in the project - 24.5 percent each. Surprisingly, during the meeting in Athens the Russian experts made a proposal off the agenda, under which Bulgaria and Greece are to take the financial responsibility, if they fail to supply their quotas of crude oil for the pipeline. A meeting of the companies - partners in the International Project Company has been going on in Greece since Monday. Bulgargaz CEO Angel Semerdzhiev and Emil Kotsev, CEO of Technoexportstroy are also participants in the meeting. The clause proposed by Russia practically compels Bulgaria and Greece to sell their shares, because it is virtually impossible for them to provide the required quantity of crude oil for the pipeline, the capacity of which amounts to 35 million tons of crude oil per year on the average, or 50 million tons at the maximum. This means that Bulgaria, according to our share, is to provide eight and a half million tons of crude oil a year. The candidate buyers are Western oil companies and also the Government of Kazakhstan.
Source: Standart (29.08.2007)
A new set of conditions tabled by Moscow have raised question marks over the implementation of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project and have undermined Bulgaria's possible benefits from the facility. At a meeting in Athens, the Russian side has demanded that its partners in the project, Bulgaria and Greece, provide 49% of the oil that will be pumped. Unless Sofia and Athens comply, they will be facing financial penalties. When the Bulgarian parliament ratified the intergovernmental agreement on the pipeline it was announced that the government will have no financial commitments towards the project. It was claimed that the facility will generate over $35 mln in annual income for Sofia.
Source: Dnevnik (29.08.2007)
Bulgaria attempts to slip away from Russia's energy grasp. Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Ivailo Kalfin has been entrusted with the mission to negotiate gas from Turkmenistan, The Standart learnt. A governmental delegation departs for the Caspian republic today. One of the most important meetings will take place on September 6 in Ashkhabad. Kalfin will hold talks with the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhammedow. In case an agreement is reached, the gas will be transported via the Gazprom pipelines and Bulgaria will pay only transit fees, said Deputy Minister of Energy Luchezar Borissov, member of the delegation. According to the gas directive, observed by the countries all over the world, Russia is under an obligation to allow the gas be transported via its pipelines, no matter how unpleasant this may be for the Kremlin.
Source: Standart (03.09.2007)
Bulgarian tycoon to invest 98 mln euro in new cold rolling mill Bulgarian businessman Valentin Zahariev has announced plans for a large-scale investment in a new cold rolling mill on the outskirts of capital city Sofia. A complex comprising two units for cold-rolled steel coils and one for zinc-plated steel sheets will be constructed over the next three years on the site of the Zahariev-owned Inter Pipe steel pipes factory. The size of the investment in the new Inter Pipe mill, to be located in the vicinity of Kremikovtzi, Bulgaria's biggest steel maker, is seen at 93.8 mln euro, including 25 mln euro that will be provided by Zahariev's Intertrust Holding BG. Bulgarian and international lenders will also be involved in the financial packaging of the project. Inter Pipe, which is implementing the project, has won a First Class Investor certificate from the InvestBulgaria Agency, the local investment promotion authority. The government thus undertakes to facilitate the project not only in terms of the permits that will have to be obtained but also in the interaction with state-owned utilities for the purposes of the new substation, gas main and related infrastructure that will have to be put in place. The first two cold-rolled production units will be operational by the end of 2008. They will have an annual production capacity of 0.4 and 0.3 mln tons. The output will be marketed locally as well as in the rest of the EU and Turkey. The third Inter Pipe factory will produce 0.25 mln tons of zinc-plated steel sheets annually.
Source: Dnevnik (05.09.2007)
Poland-based top-refiner PKN Orlen is the CEEs biggest company and Lukoil Neftocchim is ranked on the highest position among the Bulgarian companies in top 500 for the past year. A total of 9 local enterprises are ranked among the top 500 CEEs companies with the highest income, set by Rzeczpospolita - the Polish business daily, assisted by Deloitte auditors company. It shall be noted that about one third of the companies ranked in top 100 are operating in the Energy sector. The leader reported income for 2006 of EUR 13.57 bln, followed by MOL Hungary with EUR 11.39 bln, and the Czech Skoda with EUR 7.37 bln. The local Neftocchim is ranked 65th with the revenues of EUR 1.632 bln.
Source: Sega (10.09.2007)
The state-owned stake in Heat Supply-Sofia JSC might be sold. Experts from the Ministry of Economy and the minister Petar Dimitrov himself have met representatives of the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which are the creditors of the Sofia-based company on the state-guaranteed loans. We have been calculating what is to be lost and what is to be won, if we sell the shares, said sources of ministry. The state holds 42 percent in Bulgarians biggest heat supply company.
Source: Standart (11.09.2007)
Sofia has balked at the proposal of natural gas major Gazprom that the Russian state-controlled company is granted a majority stake in the joint venture it will co-create with the local Bulgargaz to install and operate the stretch of the South Stream gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory. The Bulgarian side fears possible Russian ownership claims over the gas mains in case of a majority participation, Dnevnik learned from a government source that asked not to be named. An interdepartmental working group set up by the Bulgarian government is already discussing the parameters of the future bilateral agreement on the South Stream project and on the joint venture that will be incorporated by Gazprom and Bulgargaz after the document is signed. It is expected that the two sides will put pen to paper by the end of 2007.
Source: Dnevnik (11.09.2007)
Fuel prices prod Bulgarian inflation The perfect storm of recent electricity and food price gains and the just announced proposal for a 11% increase in gas tariffs could well send Bulgaria's annual inflation on track to beat all forecasts. Experts quoted by news agency Bloomberg have forecast a 1.4% month-on-month price inflation for August with the year-on-year increase seen at 9.9%. The increase in fruit and vegetable prices and the rising fuel costs have cancelled out the price deflation that is usually recorded in August, Georgi Ganev from the Center for Liberal Strategies told Bloomberg. The upward revision of gas prices requested by Bulgargaz will spike heating tariffs and production costs in the metallurgical, chemical and ceramic industries, among others.
Source: Dnevnik (12.09.2007)
The price of natural gas may go up by 10.78 per cent to slightly over BGN 353,000 per cu. m in the fourth quarter of 2007. The figure would represent an increase of BGN 34.46 compared to the price of natural gas at present, according to the estimates of state-owned gas monopoly Bulgargas, which were tabled for approval by the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR) on Tuesday.
Source: (12.09.2007)
Bulgaria Not to Sell Its Share of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis Pipeline Bulgaria has given up the idea of selling its share in the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, the news was spread by Reuters, as quoting a Bulgarian energy expert. Initially, the Bulgarian Government planned to sell Bulgaria's share of 24,5% to the US oil giant Chevron and Kazakhstan's national oil and gas company Kazmunaigaz, Reuters writes further. A week ago, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Ivaylo Kalfin paid a visit to Kazakhstan to negotiate the supply of crude oil for the pipeline. If Bulgaria fails to provide crude oil for the pipeline, the country should sell her share at the insistence of Russia, which is a majority shareholder in the project. "The sale of Bulgaria's share is no longer considered a possible option," Bulgargaz CEO Lyubomir Denchev said.
Source: Standart (12.09.2007)
Indian companies are interested in engaging in the Nabucco gas pipeline project via Bulgaria, it emerged at a business forum in Delhi during the state visit of Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev. "Bulgaria would welcome offers by companies that want to take part in Nabucco," Stanishev said. Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov, who is in the Bulgarian delegation accompanying Stanishev, explained that the delay in the EUR 4.6 B, 3,300 kilometre project was triggered by politics, not business.
Source: Darik Radio (13.09.2007)
Bulgargaz stooped the gas supply to Heat Supply-Pleven SPJSC for nearly three hours. The Pleven-based compny owes more than BGN 14 mln. The unpaid customers bills are worth more than BGN 11 mln, said chairman Ivan Getov. In case Pleven citizens pay their bills until September 30, the interest will be remitted. The heat supply this year will be BGN 2 cheaper. The price will be 76.15 BGN/MWh. Getov said that if the company does not manage to pay Bulgargaz in time, it may start the heating later.
Source: Standart (14.09.2007)
Protests against Kremikovtzi a month before the verdict Pressure over Kremikovtzi is brought a month before the final date of Ministry of environment and waters decision to whether permit Kremikovtzi to operate or close it. Civil organizations protested against the polluting production and the governments protection. The ecology minister refused to meet the remonstrants. The final date for the department of Jevjet Chakarov to grant or refuse an integrated permit to the plant is 31 October 2007. Ecological organizations, fighting against the government decision to prolong the operations in Kremikovzi from last year, swore they would bring the case to the court in Strasbourg if the Supreme Administrative Court does not take into consideration their appeal. In their opinion the government interference was illegal and only the Ministry of environment and waters can decide whether the plant to function or not.
Source: Sega (26.09.2007)
Bulgaria's power regulator has shaved 5 levs off the gas hike requested by local distributor Bulgargaz. The watchdog is scheduled to review at an open-door meeting today the Bulgargaz proposal. The gas distributor has asked by a 34.46 lev increase to 353.98 levs per 1,000 cu m without taxes while the regulator said it is more amenable to 348.98 levs. The 10.78% upward revision requested by Bulgargaz prompted economists to warn that it could fuel inflation.
Source: Dnevnik (26.09.2007)
If the ruling coalition approves a long-time discussed plan, Bulgaria might offer minority interests in its government gas and energetic monopolies on the stock exchange in the beginning of 2008, the Minister of Economics and Energetics Petar Dimitrov announced in an interview for Reuters. The government will not consider a complete privatization of Bulgargaz and The National Electricity Company as long as they insist on defending the users and keeping the energy prices low, he said.
Source: Darik Radio (27.09.2007)
Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-owned gas distributor, said it is considering differentiated tariffs for industrial users tied to the consumption volume of the respective company and the scheduling of the deliveries. The proposal will have to be approved by the regulator. The watchdog is scheduled to take a final decision on a Bulgargaz proposal for a hike in domestic gas prices at a closed-door meeting on Mon. The gas distributor has asked by a 34.46 lev increase to 353.98 levs per 1,000 cu m without taxes while the regulator said it is more amenable to 348.98 levs. The 10.78% upward revision requested by Bulgargaz prompted economists to warn that it could feed inflation.
Source: Standart (27.09.2007)
Bulgaria's transmission company Bulgargaz may sell natural gas at prices lower than the ones set by the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (SCEWR). A similar option is possible in case the state decides to give up its dividend from the company, Petar Dimitrov, economy and energy minister, said. Estimates are currently being made, Dimitrov said. The figure at stake is BGN 51.6 million and accounts for almost half of Bulgargaz's net profit for 2006. SCEWR chairman, Konstantin Shushulov, suggested last week that Bulgargaz should give up its guaranteed 3-percent profit. This is another option for the natural gas to be sold at lower prices. Bulgargaz initially asked for an 11-percent increase in the price of natural gas. SCEWR, however, suggested that the price may be hiked by as much as 9% and the final decision will be taken today. This means that Bulgargaz will incur losses over the next three months, estimates of the company show.
Source: Pari (01.10.2007)
Bulgaria's state-owned gas firm Bulgargaz and the Toplofikatsiya heating utility in capital Sofia agreed on Friday to reschedule the payment of the debts owed by the heating firm. Toplofikatsiya owes Bulgargaz BGN 150 M for deliveries of gas, the main source of energy it uses. It will pay back the debt over the next six years. The managing boards of both firms have already approved the deal. Toplofikatsiya was found to be on the verge of bankruptcy last year after an impromptu audit, and its chief executive Valentin Dimitrov was arrested. He has since been indicted on charges of currency fraud and is being investigated for alleged money laundering and embezzlement.
Source: Darik Radio (01.10.2007)
Minister: Bulgaria to Forgo Bulgargaz Dividend to Keep Prices Low Bulgaria's cabinet could forgo its dividend from state-owned gas company Bulgargaz in order to mitigate the gas price hike, economy and energy minister Petar Dimitrov said on Friday. Bulgargaz wants prices to rise by 11% next month, but utility prices regulator DKEVR said earlier this week that it would not authorise a hike of more than 9%. DKEVR is expected to rule on the issue when it next meets on October 1. The economy ministry is currently calculating the impact of the hikes, as well as how forgoing the dividends would impact the gas prices, Dimitrov said. Bulgargaz has also offered to sell gas at lower prices to its biggest customers, like the Kremikovtsi steel mill and the Sofia heating utility Toplofikatsiya.
Source: Darik Radio (01.10.2007)
State-run gas distributor Bulgargaz and beleaguered district heating company Toplofikacia Sofia signed last week an agreement rescheduling the payment of 150 mln levs in unpaid gas bills through 2013. The deal, which will have to be reviewed by the nation's anti-trust authority to make sure it does not constitute unacceptable state aid, was made possible after Toplofikacia Sofia settled a fraction of its outstanding obligations by paying around 7 mln levs to the gas supplier. This is the second time that the two companies have hammered out an extended debt payment schedule. In 2003, Toplofikacia Sofia was allowed to spread the payment of some 60 mln levs to Bulgargaz over a five-year period. At the time, the government became a shareholder in the heating utility, converting the Bulgargaz debt into a 42% equity stake.
Source: Dnevnik (01.10.2007)
Bulgaria's utilities regulator DKEVR approved on Monday a 9,2% increase in the price of natural gas to BGN 349 per 1000 cubic metres, nearly 2,6 percentage points less than demanded by state-owned firm Bulgargaz. Although natural gas is little used in Bulgarian households, it is one of the main fuels used by Bulgarian thermal power plants and heating utilities. With weather forecasts predicting a cold winter and consumption expected to rise strongly compared to last year, which saw a much milder winter than usual, Bulgaria's government has been scrambling for solutions to minimise the impact of the hike on end users. Bulgargaz is allowed to sell gas at a lower price, but that would mean cutting into its profit margins and would need a cabinet decision in order to do so. Bulgaria's economy and energy minister Petar Dimitrov has said the ministry could forgo its dividend to temper the price hike, but needed to analyse how the measure would impact the prices first.
Source: Darik Radio (02.10.2007)
New prices hit chemistry New prices of Bulgargaz holding SPJSC will affect chemistry and metallurgy companies as well. In such companies gas is significantly smaller part of the prime cost but has an effect. State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation announced they regulate the prices, However each of the gas companies may sell below BGN 348.96. This is the first significant increase of prices after the new contract with Gasprom. Another 30% increase are expected before 2012.
Source: Standart (02.10.2007)
New Price-Tsunami to Hit Bulgaria A new price-tsunami will sweep through the pocket of the Bulgarian. Starting in 2008, electricity and natural gas prices will increase by 10% in Bulgaria, the Chairman of the State Energy Regulatory Commission (SERC) Mr. Konstantin Shushulov stated before the MPs from the Energy Commission with Bulgaria's Parliament. "The blue fuel, which raised its price in October by 9.21%, is to become more expensive by another 10% in January, 2008," Mr. Shushulov said further. "The reason for the increase is the growing prices of the alternative fuels on the Mediterranean markets," he pointed out. "Between 7 and 10% will be the hike in electricity price next year. However, it will be introduced no sooner than July because the regulatory period is one year," said Valentin Mirchev, Deputy Chairman with the (SERC). Expensive fuels are again the cause for the electricity price-hike. Shushulov also pointed out that last year's price of imported coal had went up by 20%, and this was exactly the type of coal used in most thermal power plants in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (04.10.2007)
Bulgartransgaz, a unit of state-owned gas distributor Bulgargaz Holding in charge of natgas transmission, transit and storage operations, said it will seek to introduce differentiated tariffs for the injection, stockpiling and withdrawal of gas in the Chiren underground repository. The new tariffs will likely take effect in the first quarter of 2008. The Chiren storage tariff is set based on the inventory volume ordered by the respective client. Some customers may benefit from lower tariffs because they don't subscribe for all services offered by the Chiren repository, said Lyubomir Denchev, chief executive director of Bulgargaz Holding. In related news, it emerged that Bulgargaz's dividend payouts for 2007 will be lowered after the government opted for a dividend waiver of a yet-to-be-specified amount.
Source: Dnevnik (08.10.2007)
Bulgargas is signing a memorandum with the gas distributing companies in Bulgaria, under the auspices of the economy and energy minister Peter Dimitrov, announced the press centre of the Ministry. The contract objective is to ensure the fair dealing with all natural gas consumers. During the 4th three-month period of 2007 Bulgargas will be selling natural gas to those who have signed the contract at the price of BGN 332.30/ 1000 cubic metres (no VAT included), i.e. the price is raised by 4% in comparison with the price of the 3rd three-month period.
Source: Zastrahovatel (08.10.2007)
Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-owned gas supplier, said it is in talks with private counterpart Overgas Inc. to create a joint gas distribution venture. Establishing a foothold on the segment for retail gas sales to household customers is part of Bulgargaz's development strategy. The news was confirmed by Overgas Inc. which declined to comment further. The state-run corporation intends to have a majority control in the planned joint venture. The partnership will have to be approved by the energy ministry and the government because it would involve a major state-owned enterprise. Bulgargaz will also have to apply for a gas distribution licence for the new company.
Source: Dnevnik (09.10.2007)
Local gas supplier Overgas Inc. said it has marginally lifted the sale price tariffs of its subsidiaries. The average tariff for retail customers is revised to 0.073 levs/kWh, the new price for customers from the public, administrative and retail sectors is 0.062 levs/kWh while for industrial customers it is 0.053 levs/kWh. The tariff update was prompted by an increase in the price at which Overgas buys natural gas from local state-owned distributor Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (10.10.2007)
Veliko Tarnovo-based Heat Supply signed an agreement directly with Bulgargaz for blue fuel supply. So far the company paid for the supply to Rahovetzgas-96 JSC, said companys deputy CEO Milcho Mihailov. The law allows us to negotiate a direct supply. Rahovetzgas-96 will be paid only for the energy carrier transfer from Ivancha to Veliko Tarnovo. This will reduce our costs significantly, Mihailov told. The past two heating seasons were marked by a number of conflicts between Heat Supply - Veliko Tarnovo and Rahovetzgas-96 JSC, as the gas supplier suspended for a few times the heat supply company deliveries.
Source: Borba - Veliko Tarnovo (18.10.2007)
The Pleven district heating company has brought on stream a new gas-fired GE turbine that is expected to lower heating tariffs by around 2.62 levs/MWh over the '06-'07 winter season. The utility has the go-ahead from the nation's power regulator to charge a heating tariff of 76.15 levs/MWh with taxes from Aug 1. The company invested over 13.3 mln euro in the purchase and installation of the 32MW turbine. In related news, the heating company has acknowledged a debt of 14.3 mln levs to gas supplier Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (29.10.2007)
NEK, Bulgargaz, BTC and several other big companies are out of the traditional rating of the leading Bulgarian companies and holdings, made by the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for seventh year in a row now. By last year they used to be ranked top positions, but now the Chamber has altered the leading criterion in stead of the net sales revenues of the companies, the key factor this year is the profit per each BGN 100 of income. The new criterion made the Varna-based Roads and Road Facilities become leader, as last year the company ranked 86th. Practically all the companies providing communal services, electricity distribution companies all that were well-presented in 2006, dropped out of the rating. On the other hand, the top companies are construction companies and big industrial companies, except Kremikovtzi. Over 4,500 companies have applied for a participation in the rating.
Source: Sega (02.11.2007)
Top officials from the Bulgarian government will have a talk with the Russian Gazprom about the South Stream projects. Bulgarian ministers of regional development and economy Asen Gagauzov, Petar Dimitrov, his deputy Galina Tosheva and Kiril Gegov, a member of the Bulgargaz holding board of directors, will have a discussion with the Russians about the gas pipeline from Russia to Italy and the Bulgarian participation in it. In mid-2007, the Russian gas monopoly and ENI signed an agreement on the implementation of the South Stream project. 'We will request guarantees for the supplies at the South Stream entry point. They could be provided either by the Russian side or by Italy's ENI which will own the bulk of the transmitted gas volumes,' said Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (08.11.2007)
Bulgargaz may stop the reduce and even stop the gas supply for some heat supply companies, which delay their payments. The state-owned company said that this does not concern Heat Supply-Sofia JSC as it conscientiously pais its obligations. Not long ago the two companies signed an agreement for the space out of a BGN 150 mln debt.
Source: Pari (09.11.2007)
The price of the central heating in Sofia will become 20 per cent higher since New Year, if The State Commission for energy and Water Regulation accepts the required by Bulgargaz increase of the blue fuel with more than 33 per cent. The gas share in the heating is 70-80 per cent in the different heat-and-power supply, branch experts comment. This means that 1 megawatt per hour in Sofia will cost more than BGN 72 without VAT included compared to BGN 60.25 now. If the gas price increases by 20 per cent, the heating will register an increase of 14 per cent, if it increases by 10 per cent, the equivalent for the heating will be 7 per cent, experts estimate. They hope from the branch that the regulator will not change the price of the heat energy in the winter, though. They expect an increase in the price of the electricity, manufactured by the heat-and-power supply, which NEK is obliged to buy. The State Commission for energy and Water Regulation is worried by the demand for a drastic increase of the price of the natural gas, they say.
Source: 24 chasa (19.11.2007)
State-owned distributor Bulgargaz intends to request a 33.5% hike in domestic natural gas prices from January 1, 2008. If the proposal is accepted by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC), major industrial consumers like heating utilities, chemical, metallurgical and ceramics companies will pay 111.54 levs more per 1,000 cu m of gas or 443.84 levs without tax, a record increase for the past decade.
Source: Dnevnik (19.11.2007)
Bulgaria's state-owned gas company Bulgargaz said on Friday it plans to ask permission for a 33,6% price hike to BGN 444 per 1000 cubic meters from utilities regulator DKEVR, effective from January 1. The company argues the hike is justified by the record high prices for crude oil and other fuels. Such a drastic increase would hit thermal power and heating plants worst, since they are the biggest consumers of gas in the country.Bulgargaz also said it could ask for a smaller hike if gas consumption in winter is lower than expected. DKEVR's next meeting is on December 11. It could also ask for a lower increase if the economy ministry, which owns the company, agrees to subsidise the difference. Gas prices rose by 4% in October, instead of the initially planned 11%, after the ministry agreed to cut its planned dividend from the company.
Source: Darik Radio (19.11.2007)
The industry stunned by the threat of a gas price hit The heat-suppliers and the companies from Chemistry, Metallurgy and Ceramics face a new price shock because of the demanded rise of 33 percent of the gas prices starting January 2008 by Bulgargaz. If the demand is accepted by the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation, industry consumers will pay BGN 111.54 more for 1,000 cub.m. natural gas, or BGN 443.84 (VAT not included). The increase will be a record for the last ten years. The news threw the companies in panic as they have not recovered yet from the shock of the July 30 to 45 percent rises. Currently they even refuse to calculate the reflection of the rise to their production waiting for a No answer from the watchdog. Unofficial comments from the Ministry of Economy, a principal of the gas company, however, do not support such hopes. The industry has to get used to market prices and invest in energy efficient installations, said representatives of the Ministry Sunday. They turned down the possibility that the state withdraw their dividend from the gas company in order to cushion the price shock like they did a month and a half ago. Most of the Metallurgy furnaces are gas supplied. However, the steel prices will not increase even if the Bulgargaz demand is accepted because they depend on the international stock-markets, commented the head of the Branch Chamber of Ferrous and Non-ferrous Metallurgy Mrs. Politimi Paunova. That means that the difference will be on the steel companies. Mrs. Paunova explained that due to the lack of differentiated prices of the blue fuel for the different consumers, the industry will have to cover the whole rise, while in other countries the tariff for big consumers is lower than the tariff for the rest. According to her the fall of the USD by 20 percent from the beginning of the year has to be taken into account as well as the increase of the petrol prices pointed out in the Bulgargaz demand.
Source: Dnevnik (19.11.2007)
Shares in the energy holding that Bulgaria will set up in 2008 will be listed on the Bulgarian bourse and on one of the foreign stock exchanges, Bulgarian energy minister Petar Dimitrov said on Monday. The holding will be created through the consolidation of the Maritsa Iztok mining company, thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2, nuclear power plant Kozloduy, national power grid operator NEK and Bulgargaz Holding. The initial plans were to consolidate into the holding structure first the power stations and the mines, then Bulgargaz telecom division Bulgartel and NEK's telecom operations and then the gas and electricity transmission operations.
Source: Dnevnik (20.11.2007)
Bulgaria's economy minister Petar Dimitrov left the door open on Monday for more government intervention to temper the rise in the natural gas prices. "The government might intervene when the next price hike is discussed," Dimitrov said, but refused to commit himself to any definite action in that sense. Bulgaria's state-owned gas company Bulgargaz said on Friday it plans to ask permission for a 33,6% price hike to BGN 444 per 1000 cubic meters from utilities regulator DKEVR, effective from January 1.
Source: Darik Radio (20.11.2007)
The Bulgarian power regulator has asked Bulgargaz, the state-controlled gas distributor, to provide the rationale for a natural gas hike the company is contemplating for the beginning of '08. The regulator said it will everything possible to ensure the upward revision is less than the 33.5% eyed by Bulgargaz. The regulator said it has not been briefed on the idea of the energy ministry to enforce a new mechanism that will ensure simultaneous hikes in the heating tariffs and gas prices.
Source: Dnevnik (21.11.2007)
Nat'l railway carrier to hike haulage tariffs for industrial customers BDZ, Bulgaria's state-owned railway carrier, said it will raise tariffs for major industrial clients by 5.5% on average, citing the increase in electricity prices that took effect on July 1 and diesel price gains. The railway carrier has already updated its tariffs once this year, in August by 10% to 15%. Under the new tariff table, the increase for some cargo shipments transported by diesel engines will be around 30%. The biggest impact will be felt by clients shipping over short distances. The increase for them will be around 15%.
Source: Dnevnik (22.11.2007)
Kremikotvzi becomes scrap Sasho Mirchev is a secretary of the newest union Zashtita in the company organization of Kremikovtzi. He is an ex-member of Confederation of Labor Podkrepa. He was fired because of the numerous signals for corruption in the confederation. He was inquired what is happening in the steel-maker and why there is a preparation for a strike on the yellow pavement. - Mr. Mirchev, what is happening in Kremikovtzi? - The steel mill is being chopped into pieces for almost an year. Loom 250 became a second scrap unit. Operating installations are being uninstalled. Lots of companies were engaged in order to tear the mill into pieces. It is being cut and chopped at all tracks. There is no control. The plant has become Great Andromeda Nebula. According to latest data the owner will gain BGN 1.2 bln if the whole mill is turned into scrap. Hardly someone is seeking a solution for the mill problems. The cold rolling unit does not operate since 20 November. The doors are sealed. One of the best productions before the Indian came, the plastic covered sheet iron production, is no more. - Did you ask the management what is the reason for ceasing the productions? - We made numerous signals to Alexander Tomov, but there is no response. We cannot reach Mittal. We would like to know why fully operational machinery is being cut into pieces, as well as why are company real estates being sold out in panic. - What has been sold? - We ask why apartments, mansions and stores were sold without auctions, but yet no response. Only Alexander Tomov tells what the prices will be. He manages everything and answers to no one. The state owns 25 per cent, however, nothing is done. They were in a hurry to sell everything and managed to do so only in three months. There are absurd situations in which apartments have been sold while the tenants have not been warned and the new owner go and throw them away by force. I am aware of three cases similar to this, but they are a lot more. - Are the money from cutting for future investments ot for the company liquidation? - That is the big question. These funds have to return to Kremikovtzi as the mill is finished without them. It is the only steel plant that was not granted an integrated ecological evaluation. Now the two bought unions will force the government to grant it as no money have been invested for ecology and pollution reduction. It may seem to the detriment of Kremikovtzi but the only way is to shut down the polluting installations and to modernize the remaining. The problem is that no one wants to invest. They may be granted an integrated permit but then the State will pay the fines and they will keep on stealing. - What is the Kremikotzi future? - If Kremikovtzi is not modernized up to two years, it will shut down all by itself. It is like a 100 year-old man that is being prepared for an Olympics. The death is tolerated by the state. Why is nobody looking for the debts of the company? Why are Bulgargaz closing their eyes? Other plants can pay everything, but not Kremikovtzi! Unofficial information shows that the debts is near BGN 1 bln. Half of it is owed to the state. They are saved by the good market conjuncture. Currently the metal prices are high. However, there is a cycle trend in the price collapses of 5-6 years. In a situation of such a collapse, Kremikovtzi will shut down immediately. - Do you see any solution? - The State has to intervene. Mittal has not invested a single lev in any production. A real investor has to be found and the owner has to be changed. Otherwise the plant will be a Moon sight in an year or two. The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria and Confederation of Labor Podkrepa saying that everything is normal, bearing all that in mind, is not serious. They were bought with apartments. One of the Podkrepa chairmen Luydmil Pavlov was given an apartment in Metalurg quarter, block 32. It is not clear whether he will pay for it. The former chairman Cvetozar Boyanov was given a 110 sq.m. apartment for BGN 5,000. The water supply company bought Podkrepa the Suzuki jeep.
Source: Standart (26.11.2007)
EVN Bulgaria will clear off the debts of Heat Supply-Plovdiv to Bulgargaz holding and the negotiations about this are the reason for the delayed finalizing of the deal, Todor Nikolov, the executive manager of the Privatization Agency said in an interview for Darik. This means that the deliveries of natural gas for Plovdiv will not be stopped and 40 000 clients of the Heat Supply will not be left without heating because of the unpaid BGN 14,5 million for gas.
Source: Darik Radio (27.11.2007)
Austrian utility company EVN is nearing an agreement with state-owned Bulgargaz on the unpaid gas bills of a district heating company it owns in Bulgaria, sell-off agency chief Todor Nikolov told Darik Radio on Tuesday. Bulgargaz recently warned the Plovdiv heating utility it will ration down gas supplies if the unpaid bills are not settled. The two sides are engaged in intensive negotiations and the agreement should be concluded soon, said EVN.
Source: Dnevnik (28.11.2007)
Gas price to be considered It is still unclear what the gas price increase from 1 January 2008 will be, said Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov at an Energy Commission in Parliament meeting. He pointed out that currently Bulgargaz representatives and Ministry experts discuss the matter so that the gas price do not injure any of the parties. According to Dimitrov the situation in most of the heat supply companies is outrageous. It is not proper to assume the debts for Bulgargaz with transportation fees and other money, he said. It is possible to unite the energy companies in Bulgaria into a holding until the middle of next year, added Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (29.11.2007)
Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-controlled gas distributor, said it is in talks with several banks to sell a debt it is owed by Kremikovtzi, the nation's biggest steel maker. The steel mill rescheduled four years ago a 35 mln lev debt to Bulgargaz, spreading the repayment over a 10-year period. The debt has since been whittled down to 18 mln levs. Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov said there has been interest towards the debt on the part of some banks but that the talks with the Kremikovtzi management are still ahead.
Source: Dnevnik (06.12.2007)
Bulgargaz intends to propose to the nation's power regulator a 26.5% increase in domestic gas tariffs from January 1, 2008, backing off from earlier demands for a hike of 33.5%, said a source from the state-owned gas distributor on condition of anonymity. The new proposal will lift the price to 441.40 levs per 1,000 cu m. The gas distributor will motivate the proposal with the cheaper oil which recently fell from around $99 per barrel to $86.
Source: Dnevnik (07.12.2007)
Bulgargaz tries to sell Kremikovtzi debt Bulgargaz tries to sell the debt that Kremikovtzi owes to the gas holding. The matter is for BGN 19 mln. It will be offered to several banks and the talks will start immediately after New Years Eve, Bulgargaz informed. We are ready to negotiate with all international financial institution on the local market. Real offers will be made not until February, forecasts the holding. Until then the fund market that is currently unstable will calm. Kremikovtzi shares dropped recently due to the troubles with the implementation of the EUR 325 mln bond emission obligations. In the present conditions there can hardly be found a bank to cover more than 50 percent of the Kremikovtzi debt, said the gas monopolist. The debt of the steel-maker was rescheduled five years ago when it was BGN 36 mln. Nowadays it is cut in half. We welcome the idea of Bulgargaz. We will be able to sell our claims to a bank which is a sign for our financial stability, commented Kremikovtzi. They have not yet been approached, however, on the idea of claim sale. Other big debtors to Bulgargaz are the heat supply companies, informed ENErgy Commission deputies on Wednesday the CEO of the gas holding Lubomir Denchev.
Source: Standart (07.12.2007)
After recrunching the numbers, the Bulgarian energy ministry has come up with a domestic gas tariff increase lower than that eyed by gas distributor Bulgargaz from January 1, 2008. Pricing in current gas inventories and U.S. dollar fluctuations, the energy ministry said gas tariffs should be revised upwards only by 16%. That compares with the 33.5% increased proposed a month ago by Bulgargaz. The gas distributor is scheduled to announce Monday the exact tariff hike it has proposed to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. The gas company has since back-pedaled, revising the hike down to 26.5% but sources form the commission told Dnevnik the maximum adjustment that the regulator is likely to sanction is up to 20%.
Source: Dnevnik (10.12.2007)
The price of the natural gas may go up by 16% as of the beginning of 2008, rather than by the 33% suggested by Bulgargaz, Galina Tosheva, deputy minister of economy and energy, said. The ministry's estimates show that the price hike demanded by the state monopoly is unreasonable. Some 9% of the price increase suggested by Bulgargaz may be offset by the declining value of the US dollar, according to Tosheva. When the demand was made the USD was valued at BGN 1.44 and currently it is traded for BGN 1.33. According to the Ministry reports, Bulgargaz may decrease the gas price growth by 5 more percent if the supplies in the Chiren gas storage are used. The gas in it costs less than the gas sold to us by Gazprom. According to Bulgargaz CEO Lubomir Denchev those supplies can be used only if emergency occurs. However Tosheva cannot point out what quantities from Chiren will be used and on what basis the analysis was made. 2 more percent may be dropped out of the price increase if Bulgargaz guaranteed profit is shrunk to 1 percent from 2 percent, Tosheva added.
Source: Pari (10.12.2007)
Two Heat Supplies demanded rise in the price of the heating Five of the largest heat supply companies in the country of Sofia, Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas and Pernik, demanded rise in the prices from the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation. The heat supplies of Sofia and Varna want a correction of the prices of the heating, and all five insist on the Commission to increase the prices, on which they sell the produced electricity to the National Electricity Company. The corrections for the heating are minimal they want a rise from BGN 72 to 75 for one megawatt per hour in Varna, and according to the director of the heat supply in Sofia the company demand 8% rising.
Source: Sega (11.12.2007)
Bulgargaz Holding has signed a deal for the purchase of 0.1% of the outstanding stock of Romanian gas distributor Transgaz, Bulgargaz CEO, Lyubomir Denchev, said. The investment amounts to BGN 1.1 million and is Bulgargaz's first acquisition of foreign stock. Bulgargaz also plans to take part in large-scale investment projects jointly with companies such as OMV, ERV, Gaz de France, Denchev said. In order to secure funding for such projects Bulgargaz will have to get listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE). Some 20-30% Bulgargaz's stock may be listed on the BSE. Thus, the market capitalisation of the company will amount to between EUR 4 billion and EUR 6 billion, Denchev said. Bulgargaz also plans to set up its own engineering company, which will be part of the holding structure. The new company may also be a joint venture but Bulgargaz will own 50% of its capital. Bulgargaz also considers getting involved in the gas distribution business. A considerable improvement has been achieved in the projects for transnational pipelines in which Bulgargaz participates. A meeting with the partners in the Nabucco project will be held shortly. The sixth participant in the project will be disclosed after the meeting.
Source: Pari (11.12.2007)
Unpaid natural gas worth millions of BGN is the reason for the warning periods for stop of supply at the end of the year, which Bulgargaz has announced for some of the heat supply companies, said Valentin Terzyiski, spokesperson of the innitiative board of the heat supply managements. Heat Supply-Vratsa SPJSC owes BGN 3.8 mln and a warning shut down date on December 21, 2007. Heat Supply- Burgas SPJSC owes BGN 10 mln and has a warning shut down date on December 27, 2007. Both companies are owned by the energy boss of Bulgaria Hristo Kovachki. . Heat Supply Pleven SPJSC has a debt of BGn 13 mln and a warning shut down date on December 21, 2007. Sofia heat supply company owes BGN 140 mln has no warning shut down date.
Source: Sega (20.12.2007)
Bulgaria's utility regulator DKEVR and state gas monopoly Bulgargaz failed to reach an agreement on Wednesday regarding the gas price hike planned for January 1. Earlier this month, Bulgargaz demanded a 26% increase to stay profitable and claimed it would need at least an 11% increase to maintain a cash flow that would allow the firm to pay its own suppliers. DKEVR has said it is willing to allow 8% quarterly hikes, starting from January, but Bulgargaz insists it is not enough. The regulator is due to announce its decision on Thursday. It does not need Bulgargaz' consent to set the ceiling for the gas prices, but met with the company's executives hoping that Bulgargaz would agree to its counteroffer. Bulgargaz has said its rationale for the drastic hike request was the big rise of fuel prices on global markets, but DKEVR is unwilling to trigger the inevitable requests for central heating price hikes, since all heating utilities use gas as their primary energy resource.
Source: Darik Radio (20.12.2007)
There will be a 9.87 per cent increase in the price of the natural gas since January. Thats what the Energy regulator decided. The price of the blue fuel will be BGN 365.64 per 1000 cub. m. VAT not included. This is a BGN 33.34 increase instead of the wanted BGN 68.
Source: Standart (21.12.2007)
Economists against energy holding Economists stood against a merge of the state companies into an energy holding. This would trouble the competition and will affect negatively on the market, said in an analysis Petar Ganev of Market Economy Institute. The idea for an energy holding is from the time of Milko Kovachev management and is supported by ex-Minister Roumen Ovcharov and the current Minister Petar Dimitrov. The Ministry is proceding on the preparation of a holding that will unite Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC, Thermo-electric power plant Maritsa-iztok-2 SPJSC, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC, National Electricity Company (NEK) SPJSC and Bulgargaz holding SPJSC.
Source: Standart (07.01.2008)
Heat supply companies in the country will be a priority for gas supply if the weather conditions worsen, decreed yesterday the Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov, to the management of Bulgargaz. He called for the head of Bulgargaz, State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation and Sofia Heat Supply, after numerous signals that the heat supply in several cities has been weak since Thursday. This means that Bulgargaz will have to suplly its biggest debtors as the problems were registered in Sofia, Plovdiv, Vratsa and Veliko Tarnovo.
Source: Sega (08.01.2008)
Rahovetzgas-96 JSC stopped the gas supply for Heat Supply-VT in Tuesday morning and Veliko Turnovo remains without heating. Nobody knows how long 4000 households, 11 schools and the National Military University will be without heating, said Milcho Mihailov, a deputy executive director of the heat supply company. The argument is to whom Heat Supply-VT has to pay BGN 600 000 for the natural gas in January to Rahovetzgas-96 JSC or to Bulgargaz holding SPJSC.
Source: Dnevnik (23.01.2008)
Heat Supply-Sofia spends BGN 1.5 mln a day for gas and collects bills worth BGN 400-700 thousands from its customers. That was announced by the head of the company Petko Milevski. He was summoned at the Municipal Financial Commission because of a warning letter from Bulgargaz. For the 20 days from the beginning of the year Heat Supply-Sofia has made a BGN 50 mln debt, alarmed the gas-supplier. The debt has already been decreased to BGN 30 mln, said Milevski. Every year the heat-supply unit makes short term debts and manages to pay off until the summer. However an old debt of BGN 137 mln is still paid off on parts.
Source: Standart (23.01.2008)
The privatization of Heat Supply-Sofia should finish until the end of 2009 at latest, announced the Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov. The company should be sold as a whole and not at parts. If Sofia Municipality agrees we will do it together. Otherwise only the 42 percent owned by the state will be privatized together with the debt to Bulgargaz worth BGN 150 mln, added the Minister.
Source: Monitor (24.01.2008)
The natural gas agreed with Gazprom subsidiaries for January has been exhausted. In certain moments Bulgariaz has consumed 13-14 mln cub.m. in stead of the agreed 9 mln cub.m. Russia supplies Bulgaria on free will. The supplies may be shut down at any time in case Moscow decides to supply according to the contract. In fact, Russia has suppplied us with about 20% more natural gas this month, said Bulgargaz PR Ivelina Barneva. According to her the higher consumption will not affect the neighbour countries. The crisis situation forced Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov to gather at an emergency meeting representatives of Bulgargaz and of the big heat supply companies in Sofia, Plovdiv and Pleven.
Source: Trud (29.01.2008)
Negotiatons for Kremikovtzi Finished Within Hours Negotiations over Kremikovtzi wil be finished within hours, announced the minister of energy and economy, Mr Peter Dimitrov, after his meeting with the current owner, Mr Pramod Mital who however did not make any comments, reported the National Radio. The company cannot be declared bankrupt and the investors are to follow the agreement made, Mr Dimitrov also said. There were several applicants for the purchase of the combine but the cabinet contacted only Mr Konstantin Zhevago. EC, however, is launching new proceedings against Bulgaria reads a notification letter sent by the mayor of Sofia, Mr Boiko Borissov, and addressed to direction of Environment of EC. The complain was filed in view of the excessive pollution the Kremikovtzi manufacture inflicts.
Source: Zastrahovatel (30.01.2008)
They tighten the control over enterprises with more than 50 per cent of State participation in the capital. These companies will be under a special supervision by the Minister of Finances Plamen Oresharski. This is what a decree for supervision of the financial state of the State companies says.
Source: Standart (31.01.2008)
Moscow and Brussels in Gas Race Moscow and Brussels started a real gas competition in implementing the two gas projects - the Russian South Stream and Nabucco, considered an alternative for Kremlin's influence in the EU. Nabucco gas pipeline can start functioning in 2013, Bulgaria's Minister of Energy, Petar Dimitrov said in Vienna. To him, this is the optimistic variant for the start of gas supply on the European pipeline. The pessimistic one has not been considered yet. The first supplies of gas from Russia to Italy along South Stream are expected to start in 2013. During the visit of Russia's President Vladimir Putin to Bulgaria in the middle of January, the Bulgarian Government decided to let the pipeline cross the territory of Bulgaria. Now Europe seems determined to outrun Russia and start Nabucco project earlier than South Stream. And it seems that Sofia's decision has triggered the action on the otherwise quite slumbering lately Nabucco. Experts see as the darkest option for Nabucco to be inaugurated in 2025, the Standart learnt. The main obstacle for the implementation of the project is the lack of natural gas supply. Nabucco Pipeline are explicit that gas will flow in the pipeline in 2013 the latest. Yesterday in Vienna Bulgaria's Energy Minister and his counterparts from the other participant countries in Nabucco project - Turkey, Romania, Hungary and Austria singed a memorandum for acceding a sixth shareholder in the pipeline - the German giant RWE. The officials also agreed on accelerating the construction of the pipeline. The accession of the German energy company in the deal diminishes the shares of the previous participants to 16,7% each. The French Gaz de France is also willing to participate in Nabucco.
Source: Standart (06.02.2008)
Distraint on Kremikovtsi Land Bulgarian state institutions have levied a distraint on Kremikovtsi's land thanks to a big state-owned company that has lent large sums to the steel works, anonymous sources from Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Ministry told the Standart. The claim was laid in Sofia City Court last week and has not been answered yet. The claim was made at the explicit request of Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Sergey Stanishev himself in order to guarantee that the steel works will not fall into the hands of speculators who could sell the tempting property as separate businesses. The land owned by Kremikovtsi is about 17 million sq. m. and costs over a billion levs. Over three thousand workers gathered to protest in front of the plant yesterday. Trade unions started negotiating a 25% wage rise.
Source: Standart (07.02.2008)
The international project company for the construction of the pipeline Burgas Aleksandrupolis was registered in the capital of the Netherlands Amsterdam. The name of the company is Trans Balkan Pipeline. The Russian participant in the project holds 51 percent of the capital. The Bulgarian share is 24.5 percent of the Proektna programa Burgas - Aleksandrupolis BG JSC a consortium of the state-owned Bulgargaz holding SPJSC and Technoexportstroy SPJSC. The Greek share in the project is 24.5 percent as well.
Source: Darik Radio (08.02.2008)
Stanishev Stops the Sale of Bulgargas Bulgargas and NPP Kozloduy will be the only state-owned energy giants, Standart learnt. PM Sergey Stanishev ordered the gas holding to be removed from the government program. One of its versions dated January 31 provides for the privatization of Bulgargas. Currently the company is on the restrictive list and is not a subject to denationalization. It is of key importance for Bulgarian economy as it provides natural gas for the country and takes part in strategic projects such as Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline, South Stream and Nabucco. If Bulgargas becomes a private company that will deprive the state of million-euro profits coming from transit fees and dividends.
Source: Standart (08.02.2008)
The state-owned energy companies should go public while the government should abandon its plans to consolidate all state-owned energy assets into a holding structure, representatives of the Bulgarian power industry demanded at a public discussion Monday. The government coalition decided this past weekend to move ahead with plans to merge Bulgargaz Holding, power grid operator NEK, the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2 and mining company Maritsa Iztok. The new structure will further complicate the problems already afflicting the management of the companies and as a solution is tailored only to the needs of power generation, said expert Lyulin Radulov. The creation of the mega-holding would stunt the development of the market and would provide opportunities for cross-subsidising, said executives from non-ferrous company KCM.
Source: Dnevnik (12.02.2008)
Bulgaria's Business Community: Put Power Engineering on the Counter Bulgaria must place its power-engineering on the counter if it wants to stabilize the state-owned enterprises in energy sector. This was the conclusion drawn yesterday at a roundtable discussion of the Bulgarian Industrial Association, under the topic The Bulgarian Electricity Market. According to representatives of the Bulgarian business community, the setting up of an energy holding would not solve the issues of the state-owned energy enterprises. It would rather deepen the crisis in the state-owned energy companies, which resulted from complicating their management hierarchy, experts said flat. "To revive the state-owned energy companies requires heavy investments," asserted Liulin Radulov, who is an energy expert. In his opinion, merging the state-owned Maritsa Iztok Mining, Bulgargaz Holding, National Electrical Company, Maritsa Iztok-2 Thermal Power Plant and Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant into a single large holding would not settle their issues and magically change them into companies capable of withstanding fierce competition on the liberal market. "Therefore a decision has to be taken whether to denationalize them or draw in strategic foreign investors, well-known at the European energy market, who would pour money into them," Radulov pointed out. The example Radulov gave to bear out his argumentation was the privatization of the power distribution companies, which lead to their restructuring and the stabilization.
Source: Standart (12.02.2008)
The Council of Ministers decided to unite five power-supplying companies into Bulgarian Energy Holding. Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC, Thermo-electric power plant Maritsa-iztok-2 SPJSC, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC, National Electricity Company (NEK) SPJSC and Bulgargaz holding SPJSC will became a part of the new company. The assets will be EUR 4 billion and the forecast year income EUR 1,8 billion. It will be one of the largest power-supplying companies in the region. The state will own 100% of the capital of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Darik Radio (14.02.2008)
Bulgaria Launches Mega Energy Holding for Christmas The new mega holding will foster the five state energy companies - Maritsa -Iztok Mines, Maritsa -Iztok 2 Thermal Plant, Kozloduy NPP, the National Electric Company and Bulgargaz. The Ministry of Energy and Economy will keep the majority share (between 51% and 75%) in the five companies and the minority shares (between 25% and 49%) will be transferred to the newly-established mother company. The restructuring will be realized in two stages. The BEH's assets will amount to four billion euro which means it will be one of the largest energy companies in the region. The company is planned to have an annual income of 1.8 billion euro. The state will hold 100% of the holding's capitals.
Source: Standart (14.02.2008)
Bulgarian state-controlled Bulgargaz Holding and France's Dalkia, owner of the Varna heating utility, intend to set up a joint venture for co-generation in neighboring Macedonia, Dnevnik learned from Bulgargaz sources. The investment is envisaged in the business plan of the gas distributor through 2012 approved last year. It was not immediately clear how the two partners intend to split the equity of the future joint venture.
Source: Dnevnik (20.02.2008)
Mittal Begs for Three Months' Grace The management of Kremikovtsi Steel Works requested from the Bulgarian government that the company operates for three more months under current owner Pramod Mittal. The plant has been supplied with raw materials enough for it to operate for 90 days and make 100-110 thousand tons of steel products. The request was made in a letter to the Bulgarian government. Mittal's subordinates pleaded to the government for understanding and entreated that the company discharges its current financial obligations to state-owned companies such as BDZ (the national railway operator), National Electric Company (NEC) and Bulgargaz alone, otherwise an "extremely negative" situation would befall Kremikovtsi the outcome of which would be unpleasant for both the company itself and all parties interested in it.
Source: Standart (20.02.2008)
Unions: Kremikovtzi goes out to 24 hours if the Council of Ministers does not take urgent measures The syndicates in Kremikovtzi demand urgent intervention from the government and the creation of a schedule for the payment of the debts to the natural gas and electricity suppliers, as well as to the BDZ system. If the necessary political steps are not made, we go out in front of the Parliament on Friday, together with the miners, chemists and power engineers stated Vassil Yanachkov, head of the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions (CITU) at Kremikovtzi. According to him the Kremikovtzi operations must not stop and then the steelmaker will be able to pay off the old and the current debts as well. If this does not happen and Bulgargaz and BDZ take the measures they threaten to take, Kremikovtzi will cease operations in the next few hours. According to CITU data, currently Kremikovtzi is supplied with smaller quantities of natural gas and BDZ has blocked the supplies with resources and materials, which hampers the realization of the ready output.
Source: Darik Radio (21.02.2008)
The integration of state-owned National Electric Company (NEK), Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP), Bulgargaz, Maritsa Iztok-2 thermal power plant (NPP) and Maritsa Iztok Mines may result in a delay in the implementation of the project for the setting of the Belene NPP, Jan Skvaril, management consulting director at Deloitte Bulgaria, who is also in charge of the development of the project, said. One of the major challenges ahead of the energy holding is the delay of projects that are already underway, an analyses of the consultancy company shows. The reasons may be purely organisational, such as the delay in the making of a decision, Lyudmil Garkov, who is in charge of the corporate finances at Deloitte said. It is unclear as to who will take the decisions on projects such as the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis, Nabucco and Belene NPP after the setting up of the holding, according to Garkov. The state, however, has insisted that the delays of these projects be avoided. Another challenge before the energy holding is to secure investments for all these projects. This depends entirely on how transparent the management of the holding will be, according Skvaril. The fact that the structure of the five companies is very different may also obstruct their consolidation. This may lead to the ineffectiveness of the holding, according to Deloitte's analyses. The new structure will not have enough resources to expand to other countries. The inability to take decisions, the difficult allocation of responsibilities, the poor motivation of the managers of the different companies and the prolonged decision making process will be among the weaknesses of the new holding company, according to Deloitte's analysis. If the state manages to overcome all these challenges, the megaholding may be useful after all. The energy holding will be able to attract more investments, to secure the supply of energy resources and will be competitive. It also will turn Bulgaria into a regional a player on the regional energy market. One of the major tasks of the holding will be to propose changes to the regulatory framework in the energy sector. The ministry of economy and energy will remain the majority owner in the five companies at the first stage of the establishment of the holding. Equal minority shares in the five companies will be transferred to the parent company. The five companies will remain legally and financially independent but will work under the new structure. The five companies should be restructured in two years, if everything goes as planned. The second stage, which envisages the setting up of an operative holding will be launched afterwards. It will will also be decided whether the new company should be listed on international stock exchanges.
Source: Pari (21.02.2008)
Bulgaria Keeps Mittal in Check Bulgaria keeps Pramod Mittal in check after the state won a legal case and made Mittal pay 239,35 million levs in penalties to the national Post-Privatization Control Agency for failing to fulfil the privatization contract. "The case has been going since 2006. Last week, the court finally ruled," Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said. "We'll obtain a writ of execution, and if they refuse to pay, other steps will follow," Minister Dimitrov said in answer to the question whether the state would resume ownership over Kremikovtsi. "For now the main packet of shares is in the hands of Finmetals, and we'll have to consider well what our next move will be," Minister Dimitrov added. He also declared the government would reject Mittal's request to be given a three months of gratis payment to the National Electric Company, BDZ (the state-owned railway transport enterprise) and Bulgargaz. "Mittal made a promise that he would invest US$100 million under the viability plan for Kremikovtsi, but he did not keep it. So I say enough with the lies. The government will not trust tears anymore," Minister Dimitrov concluded. The measures adopted today keep Kremikovtsi steel at bay. Apart from the penalties Kremikovtsi has to pay and its current and overdue liabilities to the state-owned giants. There has been a distraint on the company's shares, which are property of Finmetals, by the Post-Privatization Control Agency since 2004. To top it all, a week ago the State Receivables Collection Agency demanded a ban on the sale of 500 hectares of land, possession of Kremikovtsi.
Source: Standart (21.02.2008)
Bulgarian govt refuses to shield Kremikovtzi from creditors Bulgarian economy minister Petar Dimitrov Wednesday refused to grant the request of local steel mill Kremikovtzi for a three-month leeway on outstanding debts as the beleaguered company works down its operative financial obligations. Dimitrov said Wednesday that Finmetals Holding, which owns a 71% stake in the nation's biggest steel maker, has been sentenced by the Sofia City Court to pay 239.2 mln levs in investment defaults to the Post Privatisation Control Agency (PPCA). The ruling is final as Finmetals Holding has failed to lodge an appeal in time. 'There is no more room for compromise,' said Dimitrov in response to the request of the Kremikovtzi management that the government keep at bay for another three months the economy ministry and its investment commitment pressure on the plant and the state-controlled railway carrier BDZ, gas supplier Bulgargaz and power utility NEK which have been clamoring over unpaid bills. The three-month breathing room, Kremikovtzi owner Pramod Mittal argued, would allow the company to eke out an operative profit and find a strategic partner to shore up its business. BDZ last week refused to ship any Kremikovtzi cargo while the trade unions at the plant said Wednesday that gas supplies had been lowered. The court-ordered injunction that the PPCA had imposed on Kremikovtzi shares held by Finmetals Holding four years ago did not prevent then owner Valentin Zahariev from selling the majority owner of the mill to Indian businessman Mittal. The award of 239.2 mln levs equals the amount that the majority owner was obliged to furnish as security for the implementation of the investment program in the five years after the privatisation deal. Going forward, Finmetals Holding will either have to voluntarily make the payment as the court ordered or the debt could be enforced through a writ of execution. No one at the Mittal press office in Sofia was commenting Wednesday. The government has so far recognised $140 mln in Kremikovtzi investment made by the owner versus a commitment for an investment of $300 mln in 1999-2004. The Finmetals Holding stake is also furnished as security on bond placed by Mittal in 2006. In an effort to get the plant on the path to recovery, the economy ministry has already started talks with the biggest among the Kremikovtzi noteholders. If the noteholders decide to take control of the steel mill through Finmetals Holding, they will end up debtors to the state under the Sofia City Court ruling. In that case, one course of action mulled by the noteholders is selling off the plant's blast furnaces, the coke and chemical production unit and the continuous casting line, key assets whose disposal would idle the steel mill. Collaterising the bond with certain assets of the plant was approved by the Bulgarian government which controls a 25% stake in Kremikovtzi. A representative of the noteholders suggested to Dnevnik a couple of days ago that the government issue 325 mln euro in debt to repay the notes and regain control of the company. The preliminary financial results of the company show that it narrowed its yearly loss to 35.93 mln levs in 2007, down from 280 mln levs at the end of 2006. The report shows that losses were tempered by the sale of assets. The revenues booked under 'miscellaneous', the item tracking asset revenues and write-downs, indicated that the company pocketed 418.248 mln levs with overall output sales at 989 mln levs. In Q4 2007, Kremikovtzi posted a net profit of 30.982 mln levs versus a loss of 63.399 mln levs a year ago. The last quarter also saw the disposal of the bulk of assets that were shed in 2007 with revenues thereof reaching 392 mln levs versus 210 mln levs in output sales. A look at the non-current assets of the company reveals that in the last three months of 2007, the company parted with land booked at 11.95 mln levs, buildings worth 9.45 mln and machinery worth 19.57 mln levs.
Source: Dnevnik (21.02.2008)
Kremikovtzi execs unfazed by govt hardball Senior Kremikovtzi executives appear unflustered by the refusal of the Bulgarian government to coddle the owners of the struggling steel maker. Former chief executive director Alexander Tomov said the government is following a certain scenario and that all actions to date have been accurate and appropriate. While resisting pressure to sell, the Bulgarian government has repeatedly indicated that Indian businessman Pramod Mittal is no longer acceptable as a Kremikovtzi owner. On Wednesday, economy minister Petar Dimitrov said the government will cut no more slack when it comes to the continuing failure to honor obligations stemming from the privatisation contract and to the overdue payments to state-controlled resource and service providers like Bulgargaz, NEK and BDZ. The ruling against Mittal-owned Finmetals Holding, a 71% shareholder in Kremikovtzi, handed down by the Sofia City Court is seen as a further blow to the Indian businessman. Finmetals Holding has been ordered by the court to pay to the Post Privatisation Control Agency 239 mln levs for the breach of security provisions in the sell-off contract. In the aftermath of the ruling, the government is now a creditor to the Kremikovtzi majority owner as well as the steel mill itself. In case Finmetals fails to comply with the court ruling, the government will have sufficient grounds to have the privatisation contract voided, said Rusi Statkov, member of the PPCA supervisory board. To get to that point, however, an additional analysis of the pros and cons of such a move will have to be made, said Statkov. The government still controls 25% of the steel maker. Finmetals' failure to appeal the Sofia City Court ruling further complicates the steel mill's indebtedness relations with its multiple creditors. Bulgarian Steel Finance, an outfit specially set up for the placement of a bond issue in 2006 collaterised with some Kremikovtzi assets, is owned by Mittal's Global Steel Holding which in turn controls 71% in Finmetals. Under these circumstances, the noteholders could find themselves both majority owners and creditors of the steel maker. The state, for its part, could end up as a creditor to the noteholders if they assume control of Finmetals or as a debtor to them in case the privatisation contract is scrapped and Global Steel/Bulgarian Steel Finance dodge their obligations towards the noteholders. The government has so far been reluctant to seek the cancellation of the sell-off contract and has instead focused on pressuring Finmetals to honor its obligations, said Statkov. The intentions of some of the noteholders to dismember Kremikovtzi and then shut it down thus clearing the way for a reported office and housing development on the plant site run counter to the interests of the Bulgarian state. Prime minister Sergei Stanishev has himself publicly opposed the closure of the steel maker while the government has engaged in talks some of the larger noteholders under a format that excludes Mittal. The only issue on which the two sides have so far found common ground is Mittal's failure, be it through Global Steel Holding or Finmetals, to deliver on all undertaken commitments.
Source: Dnevnik (22.02.2008)
Bulgargaz limits the gas supply for Kremikovtzi Bulgargaz limits the gas supply for Kremikovtzi because of upaid financial debts, said the executive director of the gas company Lyubomir Danchev. The supplies for the steelmaker will be reduced to the technological minimum within hours. Bulgargaz will reduce the supplies as much as there is enough only for the operations of the furnaces of the plant, said Danchev. If the gas supply is totally ceased, there might be a natural cataclysm, explained Danchev. Kremikovtzi owes Bulgargaz BGN 19 mln and has current unpaid bills worth BGN 6 mln. Danchev also said that the steel plant has began to pay off the extended debts, but nothing is done for the current accounts. Of course that we care about whether the plant is going to be shut down, said Danchev and added that Bulgargaz has tried to sell Kremikovtzi debts to a bank institution.
Source: Darik Radio (22.02.2008)
Bulgarian govt trying to wrest Kremikovtzi from Mittal's grasp State-controlled gas distributor Bulgargaz announced last Friday it has ramped down supplies to Kremikovtzi over the 19 mln levs in unpaid bills it is owed by the nation's biggest steel mill. The supplies are lowered to the technological minimum that will allow the Kremikovtzi furnaces to remain operational but without any real output. The move puts Kremikovtzi owner Pramod Mittal in a position where he will be unable to generate any profits from the company's business. At the same time, the state, a 25% shareholder in Kremikovtzi, has repeatedly opposed any moves to have the steel mill adjudicated bankrupt or liquidated. The government would like to find a new investor with strategic interest in rebooting the company. Since the majority stake in the steel maker is subject to a court injunction, a likely sale would involve Finmetals Holding which owns the majority stake. Last week, Finmetals, owned by Mittal's Global Steel, was at the receiving end of a court ruling awarding the Bulgarian state 239.2 mln levs in damages stemming from sell-off contract defaults. In its new capacity as a key creditor, the government will now have more leverage over Mittal. In case Finmetals is unable to make the court-ordered payments to the Post Privatisation Control Agency (PPCA), the sell-off contract may be voided, a development that carries a certain risk not only for Mittal but also for the holders of notes collaterised with some Kremikovtzi assets. The noteholders may become the new owner of Finmetals Holding, inheriting the Kremikovtzi stock injunction and a sizeable debt to the Bulgarian state. A foreign financial investor holding a big packages of Kremikovtzi notes said the court ruling in favor of the PPCA was a blow to the interests of the noteholders. The last-ditch plans of the noteholders do not rule out the liquidation of the mill, including the stripping of assets. In order to avoid such an outturn, the noteholders have pressured Mittal to hire Merrill Lynch to advise the sale of the mill. The Indian businessman said it would take around three months to find a strategic partner. To ensure the best possible outcome, Mittal had asked the government to hold off from cutting gas supplies and other services but his request was rejected. Last week, state-owned railway carrier BDZ also reduced the handling of Kremikovtzi shipments to the technological minimum. The biggest noteholders would like to see a public auction for the mill but it is not clear if the last run of events and the pressure exerted on Mittal by the government have been co-ordinated with the noteholders. Representatives of the noteholders had a series of meetings at the economy ministry with less than encouraging results. Ukrainian billionaire Konstantin Zhevago is the only candidate buyer for Kremikovtzi to step forward so far
Source: Dnevnik (24.02.2008)
Bulgaria's Bulgargas Holding will participate in the construction of a 200-megawatt co-generation facility at a heating utility of Macedonia's state-owned LM. Most probably our interest will be about 20%, Bulgargas's CEO, Lyubomir Denchev, said. The procedure for selection of partners has to begin within a few months. The contract will be signed by the middle of 2008. France's Dalkia is also expected to take part in the project. Bulgargas's participation in the project will help it diversify its investments, Denchev pointed out.
Source: Pari (25.02.2008)
The steel plant is stick with USD 1.2 bln -Mr. Banker, what is the real state of kremikovtzi? -We are not privileged in receiving information. But according to our estimates, Kremikovtzi debts exceed USD 1.2 bln, which includes the current debts to suppliers worth about USD 500 mln. We suspect that right after Global Steel Holding Limited received control over Kremikovtzi in 2006, they found a big hole in the means of circulation of about USD 50 mln. As the former owner said later, the missing resources are due to seizure of output at the custom storehouses and at other places. As a whole, the plant is at very bad shape. But a simple repair works and renovation of some installations would allow it produce 124 thous. tons a month and it was accomplished in the first quarter of 2007. -Is there a dnger for the plant to be shut down or for the state to become a co-debtor on the bond loan and be forced to pay the EUR 325 mln? -We have always stated that this bond emission is a quasi-sovereign risk. I can think of at least six reasons for that and I think that the UK court would agree with me. First, the government owns a gold share of 25.29 percent. Second, the government has a representative in the Supervision BoardThird, it controls the issuing of the integrated permits. Fourth, the state is Number 1 creditor on the line through Bulgargaz, BDZ and NEK, which can at any time force the plant cease operations. Fifth, at the general shareholders meeting in 2006, the state voted For the bond issue by its 25.29 percent. The state, represented by the government, has been a direct beneficiary of the emission income. The British court would find that very interesting and it is possible that the court may declare the state an obligated entity on the bond pay off. Sixth, the distraint over the Kremikovtzi shares owned by Finmetals, which is in states favor. If the shares distraint is executed, like Minister Petar Dimitrov said a few days ago, it would make the state an owner of 96.29 percent of Kremikovtzi and would have the control over the plant. This would activate the condition in the bond loan contract - Change of control. According to the British legislation, the bondholders may demand a preliminary pay off of the bonds at 101 percent of the principal. -Do you think a solution can be found? -Yes, there is a solution, and it is the state to take control over the plant. The Kremikovtzi assets we see are several. The first one is the land. It may be sold for about a billion EUR after long and hard negotiations with some country in the Persian Gulf, which dreams to construct a Satellite City. There are a lot of other assets that can be realized into profit by an experienced strategic investor and can be used to finance the expansion of Kremikovtzi. -Do you have any information if the bond holders consider a preliminary demand for pay off? -Some of the big bondholders owning more than 40 percent of the bond wish a preliminary acquittal. The agent of the bondholders has already declared that such a demand is necessary by the holders of at least 20 percent of the bonds. If such a demand is made, there will be a gratis period after which the non-fulfillment on the whole sum would become effective. The acquisition of the security is a different matter and I suspect it has to be decided into a Bulgarian court. As far as I know there is no precedent by which the court would go. -Do you have any information about the plans of Pramod Mittal to sell the plant in the next 3 months? -There are several strategic investors. Among them are two Russian, one Ukrainian, one Indian, one European and one American. I cannot say how serious their interest is. Global Steel has not allowed a single potential investor to make a preliminary inspection.Besides, Finmetals shares are providing the bond loan and there is not a scenario Mittal sells Kremikovtzi. Of course, there is an option that Pramod Mittal swallows his pride and calls his nephew Aditia Mittal, who certainly observes the story from his palace in Kensington Palace Gardens in London. Kremikovtzi debts may seem enormous for the ordinary people, but it is pocket money for Lakshmi Mittal, father of Aditia, and it can easily fit his Balkans operations.
Source: Standart (25.02.2008)
Another Indian Buyer for Kremikovtsi Indian Essar Steel Holdings Ltd eyes Bulgaria's largest steel works - Kremikovtsi. The company that failed to enter the tender for Navigation Maritime Bulgare is now considering options to become a strategic partner in the steel works, brokers from London told the Standart. The sources point out that these Indians are ready to get really interested in the complex only after the property issues are cleared and the bond holders are satisfied; presently the current Kremikovtsi owner, Pramod Mittal owes them 325 million euro. The other parties interested in Kremikovsi are Ukrainians Kostyantin Zhevago and Rinat Akhmetov, a Russian company possibly related to Oleg Deripaska, a European company and the US Steel. "We will not allow production and draining of Kremikovtsi at the expense of the state," said Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov. Minister Dimitrov explained that was the reason the state had decided to let the steel works function at "artificial respiration" by supplying it only with the minimum amounts of electricity and gas from the state-owned National Electric Company and Bulgargaz. "Bulgaria cannot be such a creditor. I cannot think of creditors who loan money without receiving any guarantee they will have it back some day," Minister Dimitrov commented further. Petar Dimitrov said he was doing his best "to keep the works alive but we cannot stimulate its operation for free."
Source: Standart (26.02.2008)
Zhevago has prepared USD 1 bln for Kremikovtzi Ukrainian billionaire Konstantin Zhevago has drawn a USD 1 bln loan from the London branch of Deutsche Bank. A part of the funds will go for the Kremikovtzi purchase, according to bankers from the City. Another part about USD 185 mln, is for the development of the mining fields near Poltava. The investment boosts the production of the ore pellets with high metal content to the highest quality and the effectiveness reaches 15 percent, according to analyses of Zhevago owned Ferrexpo. His 443,326,058 shares in Ferrexpo plc cover the money through the company Fevamotinico S.a.r.l. The agreement was made on February, 5, said people familiar with the matter. Zhevago is supposed to own 75 percent of Ferrexpo, market capitalization USD 3 bln. As of Deutsche Bank practice, the bank would not loan money for more than 35 percent of the shares at pawn, which is a little under USD 1 bln. There is a secret plan for the sale of the steel plant. It is impossible that everyone to urge for their money at same time, said head of Confederation of Labor Podkrepa representation at Kremikovtzi Lyudmil Pavlov. In his opinion, the state puts pressure on Mittal to sell quickly. The plant is on the edge. It is supplied with 18,000 tons of gas for twenty-four hours, while we need 24,000 tons. Loom 1,700 does not operate and production is piling at its entrance, as no production comes out of it. Only one train brings in resources in the morning and carries out the output in the evening, said Pavlov. According to the plan, the steel plant will be sold to the first candidate who shows USD 50 mln operative funds. There is also an urgent need of money for the workers salaries as the strikes keep on today. Monday Minister Dimitrov sad that the state has decided to leave the steel mill at artificial respiration in order to cease its draw out on behalf of the budget. The state-owned NEC and Bulgargaz will supply minimal quantities of electricity and gas.
Source: Standart (27.02.2008)
Kremikovtzi steel plant under siege Bulgaria's Kremikovtzi has been under siege for the past few weeks. It all started when railway carrier BDZ rapidly reduced the cargo transported to and from the steel plant due to a BGN 24 million debt. Late last month Bulgargas also cut gas supplies to the metallurgical giant and the National Electric Company is threatening to terminate power supplies for similar reasons. The company's creditors are also on the prowl. It may turn out that Kremikovtzi is not actually owned by Pramod Mittal. In 2006 the company floated a EUR 325 million bond issue, which was secured with equipment. In the case of default on coupon payments, the bondholders gain control over the pledged assets. Therefore the future of the plant depends to a great extent on creditors, as they have to approve a possible sales deal. The state initially defended the plant but then minister of economy and energy Petar Dimitrov warned that the government may interfere in the event of default on commitments. The Post-Privatisation Control Agency imposed a BGN 239.250 million fine on Finmetals (which is owned by Mittal's Global Steel) for failure to observe its privatisation contract. Minister of environment Djevdet Chakarov warned the plant will hardly be able to meet the requirements for an integrated pollution prevention and control permit. Kremikovtzi may have to be shut down and demolished, because pollution in the region is well above the admissible levels. Kremikovtzi's BGN 311 million environmental programme is part of the viability plan until the end of 2008. If the company fails to carry it out it will have to return a BGN 180 million state aid and the plant will be closed. The municipality also joined the attacks. According to its long-term plan, Kremikovtzi will become Sofia's City area with residential buildings, business centres, two highways and a metro connection. Given all this, the most likely outcome for the plant is its closure. That is supported by the financial indicators of the company, too. According to the non-consolidated report for the last quarter of 2007, Kremikovtzi's debts to creditors and suppliers exceed BGN 1.6 billion. It traditionally posts losses from core activities. The BGN 119 million profit for 2003 was due to foreign exchange gains. The improved current indicators are the result of rescheduling of debts. The company booked a BGN 35.9 million loss for 2007. However, all this theatre of the absurd may be just a way of exerting pressure for sale of the plant to a particular strategic investor. For nine years 'strategic investors' have been syphoning Kremikovtzi. The first was Valentin Zahariev, a Bulgarian businessman, who bought the steelmaker for USD 1, striking the deal of his life. For six years he managed to pocket about USD 200 million by selling Kremikovtzi products below their cost price to connected companies. In 2005 he got another USD 100 million from the sale of the plant to Pramod Mittal. According to the economy minister, the state has lost some EUR 300-400 million from Kremikovtzi under Mittal's management. Several potential buyers are rumoured now, including Ukrainian billionaire Kostyantin Zhevago and Pramod's brother Lakshmi Mittal.
Source: Pari (06.03.2008)
The Solution a notified death in the autumn In the current situation the end is clear: a notified death in the beginning of the autumn. This is shown by the financial-economic results of the company. As of the Economy logic Kremikovtzi is into debt company, which has to go bankrupt. The disputable, indisputable and sums for private creditors owed by Kremikovtzi totaled BGN 847 mln four years ago according to experts. According to the unconsolidated report for the last quarter of 2007, the steelmaker has accumulated debts of BGN 1.6 bln. The state, however, is laying low as an eventual shut down of the plant would leave creditors empty handed and this would reflect on the financial stability of the economy. Disturbing for the capability of Kremikovtzi to pay its obligations is the fact that, except in 2000, the company has never reached any effectiveness from basic operations. It is not wondrous that the steel mill records losses from basic operations. For example, the profit in 2003 of BGN 119 mln was as a result of the so-called variations of the exchange rates, currently missing. The improved indices of the general liquidity are due to the transformation of the debts to NEC, Bulgargaz and National Social Security Institute into long-term debts. The spacing out defines the debts owed in more than an year as long-term liabilities. This reclassification leads to improvement of the current indices, although the company recorded a loss of BGN 35.9 mln in 2007.
Source: Pari (06.03.2008)
Kremikovtzi prepares an action plan for ending the crisis Kremikovtzi is considering an action plan for ending the crisis, was made clear after the latest meeting of the company Board of Directors. The plan foresees clients of the steelmaker to open accredited accounts to NEC, Bulgargaz and Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) for realization of ready products. Currently Kremikovtzi is overrun by output that cannot be realized as BDZ refuses to transport shipments in and out the steel plant. Tons of resources are stockpiles at Port Bourgas and Port Lom. Kremikovtzi does not have enough funds to pay Bulgargaz as well, and this is why the plant operates at minimum capacity. It is essential that the entities on the matter find a solution as soon as possible, commented the Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Nina Radeva. According to informed sources, the steelmaker has done business mainly with the UK-based Stemcor. The British company has both supplied resources to Kremikovtzi and realized the production of the mill. Stemcor has made the payments to NEC, Bulgargaz and BDZ. Often the payments have been delayed which led to the tension.
Source: Trud (07.03.2008)
NEC, BDZ and Bulgargaz renew kremikovtzi service The state monopoly Bulgargaz and NEC renew the supplies for Kremikovtzi and BDZ starts normal shipments of resources and output to the mill, said the press center of Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITU). The reason is the signed agreement between Minister of Economy and Energy Petar dimitrov and Kremikovtzi representatives late last night. According to CITU information the supply resumption is in relation with the regular pay-off of the debts to the state-owned companies. CITU added that the agreement includes regular salary payments to the workers and employees. Until yesterday the salaries of half of the workers have been paid and the management of Kremikovtzi has engaged to pay the rest until the end of the week. This is why the planned strike is postponed.
Source: Dnevnik (13.03.2008)
Kremikovtzi to pay the state companies through special accounts There is an agreement between the management of Kremikovtzi JSC, the Ministry of Economy and Energy and the state companies, to which the metal works has debts, special bank accounts to be opened to serve the direct payments to National Electricity Company, Bulgargaz holding SPJSC and Bulgarian State Railways SPJSC. As a result of this agreement the state companies agreed to restore the supplies of raw materials for the steel factory. Two days after that credit accounts will be also opened, through which Kremikovtzi will pay until the 15th day its current debts for the delivered electric power, gas and the transport for the raw materials.
Source: (14.03.2008)
Kremikovtzi went insolvent The Prosecution will seek the people responsible for the bad situation in Kremikovtzi. Yesterday the Minister of Economy and Energy sent the next alarm for frauds by the steelmaker management and Sofia Prosecution Office starts an inspection. There is information for abandonment, signing of unfavorable deals and crimes toward the creditors, shows the letter of Petra Dimitrov. The Work group checking the operations for 2006 and 2007 have reported to the Minister that Kremikovtzi has went insolvent. The Law of Commerce forces the board of directors to face the court and begin a procedure on insolvency. If they do not so it in 30 days, they face forfeit, and even imprisonment. This is the latest signal sent to the Prosecution by the Ministry recently. A few days ago the Minister alarmed the Ministry of Interior that the plant is not secured. The current frauds discovered are known since last year as the Ministry has a representative in the Board of Directors of the plant Stoyan Pavlov, and the Minister a deputy in the Consultative Board of Kremikovtzi Nina Radeva.
Source: Sega (14.03.2008)
Turkish and Swiss examine Kremikovtzi Representatives of Erdemir and Duferco have been at the steelmaker for an inspection last week and have declared that they are extremely interested in the plant, said Vassil Yanachkov, head of the Metalitzi Federation at Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria. The Turkish and Swiss investors were interested in the steel plant back in 1999 during the privatization procedures, but they lost the battle with Valentin Zahariev, who privatized it for USD 1 through Daru Metal. Alexander Tomov is again chief of command in Kremikovtzi, said Lyudmil Pavlov, head of national Federation Metallurgy at Confederation of Labor Podkrepa. According to him this was included into the journal of the meeting on February 4, when Pramod Mittal altered the management of the plant. Guntopali Dzhaganadam replaced Tomov as CEO. After the participants in the meeting signed, the corporate secretary Bozhko Bonev added by hand Tomovs name as Chief Executive Officer, said Pavlov. The explanation to the present was that this is Mittals order. Lyudmil Pavlov added that the new Board of Director has not yet been registered.
Source: Standart (14.03.2008)
The Bulgarian environment ministry has issued an integrated pollution prevention and control permit to the Pleven district heating utility after the company brought on stream last year a gas-fired turbine. The document certifies that the company is able to meet its greenhouse emissions reduction target. The utility invested some 15 mln euro in the new facility which enabled a cut in heating prices to 63.46 levs/MWh with taxes. Despite the lower heating tariff, the utility said it is still owed 12 mln levs from non-paying customers. In turn, the company owes as much to state-controlled gas supplier Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (14.03.2008)
Govt to assist Kremikovtzi recovery as co is groomed for sale Bulgaria's economy ministry has accepted a role in whipping steel maker Kremikovtzi into shape as Pramod Mittal, the majority owner of the struggling company, prepares to shop the business to prospective buyers. Deputy economy minister Nina Radeva Thursday said Merrill Lynch, hired by Mittal to advise him on the Kremikovtzi situation, is likely to find by the end of March a strategic investor for the debt-throttled company. In line with the government's commitment, state-controlled utilities Bulgargaz and NEK have resumed supplies to the steel maker while railway carrier BDZ is again accepting Kremikovtzi shipments. The news was announced by the CITUB trade union but was later confirmed by the economy ministry. Kremikovtzi had settled the outstanding wages of half of its workforce by Wednesday and said it was committed to clearing up the remaining arrears by the end of the week. The news prompted the workers to relocated a protest rally planned for Friday in Sofia to the Kremikovtzi site. Ukrainian billionaire Konstantin Zhevago was the only strategic buyer to officially show interest in the Bulgarian steel mill. He even met with prime minister Sergei Stanishev in January. Sources told Dnevnik Mittal did not go for a deal with Zhevago due to the low price offer which was reportedly between 20 and 30 mln euro. Holders of bonds secured with Kremikovtzi assets confirmed that Zhevago is indeed the party with the strongest interest towards a possible sale as he seeks a processing capacity for his iron ore business.
Source: Dnevnik (14.03.2008)
Natural gas will become more expensive by about 13 percent starting April, announced the head of the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation Konstantin Shushulov. The hike of 32% demanded by Bulgargaz will not be happen. The Commission will not fulfill the demand and explained that Shushulov sadi that the chances for a 32% hike are zero. He added that the total price increse of natural gas will be calculated for the last three quarters in order to define the new increase of prices.
Source: Darik Radio (18.03.2008)
Creditors seek Kremikovtzi buyer Creditors of Kremikovtzi take the steelmaker in their hands. They will seek a strategic investor to manage it. If such is not found the will be declared insolvent, said Angelo Moskov, owner of QVT fund. The fund is among the four big bondholders of Kremikovtzi. The others are Moor Capital, York Capital and Mars Capital. An official letter sent in the end of March by the biggest creditors of the steelmaker demanded their money ahead of schedule. The letter was sent on March 28 by the guarantee of the emission Law Debenture Trust Corporation plc to the owner of the mill Global Steel Holding Ltd. as issuer of the emission and to Kremikovtzi as a guarantee. According to the letter the emission is to be payed off due to technical violations and debts worth millions to Bulgargaz, NEC and BDZ. Another reason is the concern that some of the securities of the bondholders may suffer after the Post-Privatization Agency won a court case against Kremikovtzi for BGN 239 mln. Most probably the matter concerns the blast-coke production and the continuous casting line, in pawn as guarantee of the loan. Because of the violations the bondholders demand the whole loan plus 1 percent interest which totals about EUR 328 mln. If it is not payd the bondholders may demand the guarantee on the loan Pramod Mittal shares in the plant plus the main assets on the guarantee.The sale of assets is a step pointed out in the letter of Law Debenture. We will cooperate with any candidate willing to work for the modernization of Kremikovtzi and reaching the ecological standards, said Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (03.04.2008)
Bulgargaz Holding, the state-controlled gas distributor, is considering the launch of an engineering division for equipment supplies, repairs and expansion of its existing gas infrastructure, said the economy ministry. The board of the company recently authorised chief executive director Lyubomir Denchev to examine the opportunities for the creation of the new division and report back within three months. Bulgargaz subsidiary Bulgartransgas already has a division that handles investment, pre-investment control and equipment supplies.
Source: Dnevnik (09.04.2008)
Kovachki treated Pleven with interests for Easter as well. Heat Supply-Pleven SPJSC offered interest-free period until the end of April. The total debt of Pleven citizens is BGN 9.65 mln. The company hopes to gather at least BGN 4.4 mln in order to pay their debt to Bulgargaz. Due to the warmer weather the heat supply has started to be stopped by stages.
Source: Standart (14.04.2008)
EVN Bulgaria provides U.S. $ 6 million for the full rehabilitation of the transmission network in Plovdiv, which will reduce the losses on the route. The company plans by 2012 to be built a new plant for both generating electricity and heat, replace old substations and the acquisition of those owned by clients, announced Jorg Zolfelner, Chairman of the Board of "Heat-Plovdiv. For three months "Heat" has collected more than U.S. $ 2 million old debts. For the purchase of "Heat" in December 2007 Austrian company E VN heritage debt by 17 900 000 leva to the Bulgargas and 20 700 000 leva obligations to customers without written limitation on debtors. Three months later through share "Alliance correct customers' collection of private subscribers has increased by 9 percent, a business with 10 percent, said Zolfelner.
Source: Monitor (24.04.2008)
Gazprom and Bulgargaz, the Russian and Bulgarian state-controlled gas distributors, will sign an agreement for the creation of a company to design the section of the trans-Black Sea South Stream gas pipeline that will cross Bulgarian territory, Gazprom deputy chairman Alexander Medvedev said. The countries signed in January 2008 an intergovernmental agreement on the project, splitting evenly the project company equity and opting for a Bulgarian domicile.
Source: Dnevnik (25.04.2008)
Kremikovtsi Bankruptcy Demanded Six private companies have demanded a bankruptcy declaration of the Kremikovtsi steel works. Sofia City Court has accepted the claim, it is to appoint two receivers at Kremikovtsi. These are Anna Milenkova and Alexander Georgiev. Kremikovtsi owner Indian tycoon Pramod Mittal cannot sign any deals without their permission. The bankruptcy case will be heard in court on June 17. Kremikovtsi steel works has accumulated debts of over 1.5 billion levs (1euro=1.95levs) mainly to state-owned National Electrical Company (NEC) and Bulgargaz.
Source: Standart (07.05.2008)
Bids for job to advise creation of energy holding due Jun 10 Bulgaria has opened a procedure to select a consultant for the incorporation of an energy holding that will consolidate major state-owned power assets like the Maritsa Iztok mines, the Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant, gas distributor Bulgargaz and the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The task of the advisor will be to organise and implement the preparatory work, to register the holding and come up with guidelines for the consolidation of the company and for the improvement of the regulatory framework. The eight-month advisory contract will generate a remuneration of 800,000 levs without taxes. The procedure is open to local and otherwise outfits, tie-ins and individuals. The bids should be submitted by June 10. Deloitte Bulgaria was hired by the economy ministry to draw up the energy holding concept. The model for the restructuring of the companies that will be consolidated into the holding was okayed by the government two months ago. Deloitte estimates that the consolidated revenues of the new structure will add up to 1.78 bln euro with assets topping 4 bln euro. The consultant cautions that the lumping together of the earmarked companies will not automatically result in a higher credit rating for the umbrella structure.
Source: Dnevnik (07.05.2008)
Domestic gas prices may increase 15% to 20% from July 1 if international oil prices remain unchanged over the next 20 days, said sources close to Bulgarian state-controlled gas supplier Bulgargaz. Oil topped $126 per barrel last week while the prices at which Bulgargaz suplies local consumers are calculated at a price of $100-$105. The tariff hike proposal will be submitted for review by the opwer regulator by june 12 but it is difficult to say at this point the extact figure that will be proposed as this will unfold over the next 20-25 days, said the company. Domestic gas priced were revised upwards by 13.25% in April this year, an increase that was fairly low compared to the 32% requested by Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (12.05.2008)
Moody's downgrades Kremikovtzi Moody's Investors Service said it has downgraded the corporate family rating of Kremikovtzi AD, the embattled Bulgarian steel maker, to Ca from Caa3 and the rating on its 325 mln euro senior secured guaranteed notes raised at Bulgaria Steel Finance BV to Ca/LGD 4(53) from Caa3 / LGD 4(53). The outlook is stable. The rating action reflects Kremikovtzi's failure to make a timely payment of interest under its 325 mln euro notes. The assigned LGD rates take into account the remaining uncertainty with respect to the resolution of the situation at the company and a timely implementation of any remedial actions that the management and the principal shareholder may consider, including a potential disposal of the stake by the main shareholder, if providing sufficient cash to repay liabilities, said the rating agency. Moody's noted, that the indentures include a change of control prepayment option. As previously stated, Moody's considers the value of the security (including pledge of accounts, assets and shares) to be insufficient to cover the principal amount raised under the notes.
Source: Dnevnik (14.05.2008)
Zhevago Wants to Rent Kremikovtsi Ukrainian businessman Kostyantin Zhevago does not want to buy Kremikovtsi, but to take the plant on lease," Lyudmil Panov, Chairman of the National Federation "Metallurgy" with the Podkrepa Labor Confederation said yesterday. Mr. Zhevago has close ties with Vorskla Steel Bulgaria Company, representatives of which are expected to present a draft of the lease contract to Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov. If the contract is ratified, Vorskla Steel will become an operator of Kremikovtsi. The lease agreement will be for at least one year, for which period the company takes a commitment to invest nineteen million dollars in the plant. The money will ensure the import of raw materials, necessary for the work of the plant. It will also be used to repay the company's debts, especially the ones to the big state-owned companies, and for payment of the workers' delayed salaries "This is the only way to save Kremikovtsi from bankrupt, said Dr. Konstantin Trenchev, Chairman of the Podkrepa Labor Confederation. In addition, representatives of Vorskla Steel promise to deposit 30 million US dollars at Bulgaria's Ministry of Environment and Waters as a warranty for the willingness of Kremikovtsi management to keep on implementing the plant's environment protection and pollution reduction program. "Kremikovtsi has not exhausted its potential and, given a good management, it can turn into a European steelworks, the workers at which are paid European salaries," Dr. Trenchev said. Last Friday, representatives of the Podkrepa Labor Confederation and the Confederation of the Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria signed an agreement with representatives of Vorskla Steel, under which the company should invest 100 million US dollars in Kremikovtsi steelworks. Zhevago's men have also promised to pay off the worker's delayed salaries by Friday, as well as their food allowances, the payment of which ceased last November. The debts of Kremikovtsi amount to over 1.2 billion levs, most of them are accumulated to big state-owned companies like the National Electric Company, the national railway carrier BDZ and Bulgargaz. Kremikovtsi's debt to the latter grosses 100 million levs. To operate normally, the steel-maker needs at least eighty million levs a month.
Source: Standart (14.05.2008)
The Ministry of Economy and Energy (MEE) has imported in the Commission for Protection of Competition a notice of its intention to create an energy holding company, including five public companies - Bulgargaz, NEC, Mini Maritsa Iztok, TPP Maritsa Iztok-2 and NPP Kozlodui, announced from the Ministry on Thursday. The preliminary assessment for a possible monopoly is compulsory for merger or acquiring of companies. The submitted file for the creation of future megaholding is the second step in its structuring. Recently, MEE announced a procedure for assigning of public order for choosing a consultant in case of implementing the holding model.
Source: (23.05.2008)
The Bulgarian economy ministry said Bulgargaz Holding, the Bulgarian state-controlled gas distributor, and the Azerbaijani state gas and oil company will begin negotiations on the delivery of natural gas for the Nabucco pipeline. According to the press release, the delivery of 1 bln cu m to Bulgaria and the region will be negotiated. No one at Bulgargaz could be reached for comment Sun. The European Commission has allowed OMV, Bulgargaz, Transgaz, Botas, MOL and RWE - the company in charge of the Nabucco project, to utilise 50% of the pipeline capacity. Late last week, project company Nabucco Int'l said the cost of the facility may have to be revised upwards by 50% due to higher resource prices.
Source: Dnevnik (02.06.2008)
Three companies are offering their consultancy services for the implementation of a holding model for the restructuring and consolidation of the state energy companies NEC, Bulgargaz, NPP Kozloduy, TPP Maritsa-iztok-2 and Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC into a megaholding. This was reported by the Ministry of Economy and Energy a day after the deadline for submission of offers for participation in the contract expired. The candidates are Deloitte Bulgaria, which consulted the Ministry during the previous procedure for preparation of a concept for merger of the five state energy companies. Their participation was expected, given the fact that the government approved the principal scheme of the future energy holding. The other candidates are Bulbrokers Consulting and Euroaudit BX.
Source: (11.06.2008)
Three consulting companies are in the running to advise the Bulgarian energy ministry on the model for the consolidation of state-owned power assets into a holding structure. The bids handed in by Bulbrokers Consulting, Deloitte Bulgaria and Euroodit BX were officially unsealed on Wednesday. The financial parameters of the offers will be announced on June 13. All state-owned power enterprises - national power grid operator NEK, Bulgargaz Holding, the Maritsa Iztok mines, Maritsa Iztok 2 power plant and the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, will be folded into the new holding structure, creating a concentration of assets valued at over 4 bln euro. The annual revenues of the new company are estimated at 1.8 bln euro. The main tasks that will be entrusted to the selected consultant will include making the necessary preparations for the registration of the holding, coming up with guidelines for the consolidation and transformation of the different assets and recommendations to improve the regulatory framework. The selected advisor will also draw up the blueprint for the financial and investment management of the holding.(
Source: Dnevnik (12.06.2008)
Bulgargaz, the state-controlled gas distributor, has asked the local power regulator to approve an 81.20 lev increase in the domestic price of natural gas to 494.67 levs per 1,000 cu m without taxes. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission will review the proposed adjustment which is otherwise scheduled to take effect on July 1. The distributor blamed the need for a tariff adjustment to an increase in the international price of gasoil and fuel oil with 1% and 3% sulphur content, commodities that influence the movement in the domestic tariff.
Source: Dnevnik (17.06.2008)
South Stream to Begin Gas Transfer as of 2013 "Natural gas will start flowing through South Stream pipeline no later than 2013-2014, which is when the whole project will be thoroughly implemented," is the prognosis of the Deputy Chief of Gazprom's International Business Department, Sergei Korovin, who partook yesterday in a video-bridge discussion with Bulgarian media representatives. "We have just begun drawing up the technical and economic feasibility of the project as well as the possible routes the pipeline will take as soon as it reaches Bulgaria. This stage will be complete by 2009, that is why no specific route has yet been decided on," Korovin said. One possibility is the pipeline extends to Austria; another is to stretch all the way down to Italy. Gazprom and Bulgargaz have already assembled working groups to arrange the setting up of a joint venture, which will orchestrate the project. "It is too early to draw any figures or make preliminary calculations about what revenues will Bulgaria get from transit fees," Korovin said, thus, giving his comment on the prognoses by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy that US$300 million from transit fees will enter the state budget per annum. Korovin also stated, he saw no problem with the fact that the two governments had not yet ratified the intergovernmental agreement on the project. The agreement stipulates a fifty-fifty ownership of the joint venture and according to Korovin, funding and construction services will be provided later on.
Source: Standart (24.06.2008)
Full Power to Bulgaria's Energy Sector After Bulgaria's President convened the Consultative Council on National Security as regards energy policy, Bulgaria's top politicians gave full power to all energy projects. Their goal is to make Bulgaria the Balkans' energy giant. "I am much pleased with the debate on the country's energy security. The prevailing opinion was that the projects South Stream, Nabucco and Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline are of strategic importance for Bulgaria," President Georgi Parvanov said appearing from the four-hour sitting. The President said that there were no risks of an energy crisis in Bulgaria and that in the next few years the country would become an energy center in the region. Economy Minister Petar Dimitrov said there was no risk of power cuts even if the winter comes harsh. President Parvanov also praised our diplomats saying that had been their most successful mission in the energy sector so far. He also said that Bulgaria's energy policy would be an inseparable part of the EU energy strategy and added that Nabucco was a priority project. President Georgi Parvanov, PM Sergey Stanishev, Director of the State Agency for National Security, Petko Sertov, ministers and MPs, registered a delay in the realization of the NPP Belene and South Stream energy projects. As regards the construction of new capacities on the site of NPP Kozloduy, President Parvanov gave the floor to PM Stanishev because, he said, the Prime Minister was better acquainted with the issue. The two demonstrated unanimity and accord of opinions. "There should not be party struggle and political intrigues when it comes to the energy security of the country," Mr. Stanishev said. He said additional capacities could be built on the site of NPP Kozloduy. To his words, Bulgaria will assume a leading role in the transit of natural gas with a total of ten or twelve percent of the natural gas flow to the EU passing through its territory. President Parvanov also said he would inform the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria Movement (GERB) and the rest of the political parties that are not represented in Plenary Hall about the recent energy projects, so that the projects could receive maximum social support. Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said that the South Stream project would be ratified by the Government tomorrow. He added that big investors were interested in the construction of the extra capacities of NPP Kozloduy. "A seventh reactor of NPP Kozloduy will come quite good, but this will mean that we will have to give up our claims for the reopening of reactors 3 and 4," the minister said.
Source: Standart (25.06.2008)
After an open procedure for assigning a public order and after Ministry of Economy and Energy made a decision, Deloitte Bulgaria SPLTD was chosen for the consultant of the Ministry on the foundation of Bulgarian Energy Holding, said the press center of MEE. The candidates, which applied offers in time for the public order Consultant services for realization of holding model for re-structuring and consolidation of the energy company with sole capital owner the State, were three - Bulbrokers Consulting SPLTD, Deloitte Bulgaria SPLTD and Euroaudit BX Consortium.
Source: Agency Focus (27.06.2008)
Deloitte Consults Bulgarian Government on Energy Holding Delloit Bulgaria Ltd has been selected as a consultant on the establishment of an energy holding, sources from the Ministry of Economy told The Standart. The other candidates were Bulbrokers Consulting and the consortium EuroAudit BX. EuroAudit were ousted from the tender because their offer was incomplete; Bulbrokers' offer was for 725,000 levs (VAT excluded) and Delloit - 736,000 levs (VAT excluded). The energy holding will unite five state-run ventures.
Source: Standart (27.06.2008)
The economy ministry said it has picked Deloitte Bulgaria to advise the creation of a holding structure for major state-owned power assets. The two other candidates that were eyeing the contract were Bulbrokers Consulting and Evroodit BX. The latter company was barred from the second phase of the procedure - the opening of the financial proposals, due to omissions and non-compliance with requirements in the public procurement procedure.
Source: Dnevnik (27.06.2008)
CPC: The energy holding does not threaten the competition The Commission for Protection of Competition decided that the establishment of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, with the purpose of capital participation and/or management of Bulgargaz holding SPJSC, National Electricity Company (NEK) SPJSC, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC, Thermo-electric power plant Maritsa-iztok-2 SPJSC and Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC, would not be concentration of economic activity. The companies would preserve their independence after the establishment, while the Bulgarian Energy Holding would not perform production ot trade activities. Each of the companies would be able to define its market behaviour, it would develop and introduce operational strategies in order to meet the financial goals, put by the holding, would preserve the individually issued licenses and would remain independent, by the other companies and the holding, economic unit.
Source: Darik Radio (01.07.2008)
The Commission for Protection of Competition has permitted the structuring of the Bulgarian Energy Holding with the capital of Bulgargaz Holding, National Electricity Company, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy SPJSC, TPP Maritsa-iztok-2 SPJSC and Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC. It was determined that the creation of mega-holding is not a concentration of business, but represents an internal restructuring of the state companies and that is why it is not covered by the Law on Protection of Competition.
Source: (02.07.2008)
Kremikovtzi will operate with materials of the client Kremikovtzi will produce with materials of ArcelorMittal, according to the plan of the Luxembourgh-based company of the bigger brother of the current owner Pramod Lakshmi Mittal. After the declarement of bankruptcy, ArcelorMittal plans to supply raw materials, to trade in the output and to control the spending of its invested money. A team of experts of Lakshmi Mittal would provide expert and technical aid for the management of the steelmaker. The management would be undertaken by the court and assignees of bankruptcy, as planned during insolvency procedures, said Volker Schwich, vice president projects for Central and Eastern Europe at ArcelorMittal.
Source: Standart (04.07.2008)
The chief executive officer of Bulgargaz Holding Lyubomir Denchev and Jean-Francois Sireli, president and CEO of the French company Gaz de France signed on Thursday a Memorandum for strategic partnership for the development of the market and securing the supply in the field of natural gas. The signing of the memorandum was expected more than a year ago when the initial talks began between the two gas companies. The talks became more frequent in February 2008 after the French company had joined the South flow in which Bulgargaz also participates.
Source: (04.07.2008)
Bulgargaz cuts supplies for Kremikovtzi Bulgargaz reduced the amount of natural gas supplies to Bulgaria's mettalurgical plant Kremikovtzi. The state-owned gas transmission company decided on this move following a steady rise in Kremikovtzi's debts, Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov said. ArcelorMittal has started negotiations with NEC, Bulargaz and BDZ. I have met with the executives of the three companies because the supply should not be cut during the bankruptcy procedure. The situation at Kremikovtzi is really critical, its financial condition is very close to bankruptcy, Volker Schwich, vice president projects for Central and Eastern Europe at ArcelorMittal, said. According to him the management of Kremikovtzi cannot manage it in the state of overindebtedness. This is why ArcelorMittal now is only negotiating with the Government, which is a sharehodler in the steelmaker, and with the big creditors, which are also state companies. Thanks to the due diligence we have an idea of the plantss debts, but we cannot comment on them until a court decision comes, Schwich said.
Source: Pari (04.07.2008)
Bulgarian MPs voted on the list of companies prohibited from privatisation, which includes 66 healthcare institutions, as well as companies with over 50% state participation. The list includes NPP Kozloduy, NEK, Bulgargaz, the National Sports Base, etc. Parliament also adopted the requirement that following the privatisation of a healthcare institution, it still has to offer the minimum range of services described in the National Health Card. Thus, the privatised institution will have to offer medical services adapted to the needs of the population in the respective region.
Source: Pari (10.07.2008)
18 members of the Bulgargaz holding Board of Directors have been given salaries for total of BGN 666 thous last year, which is BGN 55 thous per month. This was presented in the financial report of the gas holding and its 3 subsidiaries. Among the members of the management boards of the four companies are deputy ministers, counsellors of the PM and the Minister of Economy, even municipal councillors. 2007 is the first whole year of the newly-formed Bulgargaz holding SPJSC.
Source: 24 chasa (21.07.2008)
Cheaper gas from South Stream Gas pipeline South Stream would provide cheaper gas and independence from the supply from other countries for the whole EU, said Minister of Economy and energy dyring a parliament discussion about the pipeline. He pointed out that it would supply gas from Russia for Italy and would reach Bulgaria from the bed of the Black Sea. Bulgaria may earn between USD 250 and 400 mln per year from transit charges, according to data fro the economic Ministry. The whole construction work on the pipeline is expected to be between USD 7 and 10 bln.
Source: Novinar (24.07.2008)
Bulgargaz, the state-controlled natural gas distributor, has warned it will turn the tap on supplies to the heating utilities in Sofia, Burgas, Vratsa, Pleven and Shumen unless they settle their outstanding bills under the timetable set by the gas distributor. The gas distributor refused to say how much it is owed by the non-paying utilities. It warned that the current situation may disrupt gas supplies during the upcoming winter period. On Monday, Petko Milevski, executive director of Toplofikacia Sofia, said the company's current debt to Bulgargaz was 80 mln levs while its total debt was 116 mln. In September 2007, Bulgargaz and Toplofikacia Sofia rescheduled the payment of 150 mln levs over a six-year period. The Burgas utility is understood to have 13 mln levs in outstanding payments to Bulgargaz. The office of local businessman Hristo Kovachki, owner of the heating utilities in Vratsa, Burgas and Pleven said the companies are ready to negotiate new payment timetables. Both the utilities and Bulgargaz place the responsibility for the pricing environment and the indebtedness of the sector on the power regulator. The regulator has cut sharply all gas tariff hikes proposed by Bulgargaz since late 2007.
Source: Dnevnik (24.07.2008)
9 banks keen to advise Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project Nine banks have handed in their credentials to advise the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline project, said Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG, the outfit in charge of Bulgaria's share of the venture. The advisory contract will be contested by France's Calyon, Societe Generale, BNP Paribas, ING, Project Finance Solutions, RBS, Lazard, Citi Group and Gazprombank. The selected consultant will use the technical and economic feasibility studies as a baseline to draw up the documents needed to apply for loan financing and research the market interest towards the project, said Stefan Gunchev from the regional development ministry. The official said the advisor is expected to be picked in August. Germany's ILF should update the feasibility study for the project by the end of 2008. The facility will cost 1.5 bln euro, judging by statements from Nikolai Seryogin, member of the supervisory board of the international project company in charge of the pipeline. The figure is significantly higher than the initial price tag that was seen at around 800 mln euro. The shareholders in the project company will contribute 30% of the necessary financing, securing the remainder from external sources. Russia's Transneft, Rosneft and Gazpromneft control a combined 51% in the project company. Bulgaria and Greece each have 24%. Bulgargaz and Technoexportstroy, the co-owners of Burgas-Alexandroupolis BG, will have to raise 110 mln euro in funding. The Russian media have reported that problems with the taking of private land for the project will cause the pipeline to be rerouted on Bulgarian territory. The Bulgarian side had previously reported no difficulties with the expropriation of private land.
Source: Dnevnik (29.07.2008)
South Stream Gas Pipeline Project to Require USA 20 B The project for the construction of the gas pipeline "South Stream" is going to require investments of over USD 20 B, instead of USD 10 M as it was previously calculated from estimates in the beginning of 2008. This was announced by the Russian Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko cited by Russian press publications. According to experts, this double increase of the necessary investment amount was possibly going to add additional obstacles for the realization of the gas pipeline project. They have stated that the competitor "Nabucco" project was going to be with 30% to 40% cheaper, which would make it more feasible.
Source: Darik Radio (31.07.2008)
Bulgargaz says may cut gas supplies to struggling steel maker Kremikovtzi Bulgargaz, the state-controlled gas distributor, has warned Kremikovtzi it will discontinue supplies August 1 unless the debt-ridden steel maker pays its 7.5 mln lev July gas bill, said Lyudmil Pavlova, leader of the Podkrepa trade union at the plant. His statement disproved earlier reports that Bulgargaz had already stopped piping gas to the steel maker on Wednesday morning. In related news, 22 operative managers and directors at the steel plant released a declaration addressed to the prime minister and the ministers of economy and transport., voicing their outrage at the genocide policy towards the company pursued by Bulgargaz and state railways BDZ. The declaration further calls out the government on its failure to take a clear stand on the plans for the company's future. The press office of the steel maker said the management was aware of the declaration but did not say if they support it or not. Economy minister Petar Dimitrov Wednesday reiterated that he will not allow a shutdown of the plant. Arcelor Mittal, the Indian steel maker in the mix of potential buyers, has broken off its tolling agreement with Kremikovtzi (after failing to square positions with the government) but yesterday reaffirmed its interest in the acquisition of the company.
Source: Dnevnik (31.07.2008)
Bulgaria Energy Minister: Kremikovtsi Will Continue to Receive Gas Supply The gas supply for the steel mill "Kremikovtsi" would not be lowered under the ctiritcal minimum as promised by Bulgarian Energy and Economy Minister Petar Dimitrov Thursday. Wednesday the company "Bulgargaz" warned the steel mill that if they did not receive the amount of BGN 7,5 M from Kremikovtsi by 4:00 pm Thursday, they would terminate the gas supply to the mill. The above amount is the mill's dept towards "Bulgargaz" for the month of July. At the moment, the gas supply company is still waiting to receive an offer from "Kremikovtsi's" management proposing a solution of the problem. From "Bulgaragaz" have been firm that they do not wish to stop the gas supply to the mill since "Kremikovtsi" was their biggest customer. At the same time, the trade unions from "Kremikovtsi" have informed that there was no payment to "Bulgargaz" yet, but they believed that the gas company was serious enough to keep the gas supply at the critical minimum and to negotiate installment payments. Liyudmil Pavlov, leader of the "Podkrepa" trade union at the mill further explained before Darik radio that "Kremikovtsi's" management was still awaiting a meeting with Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev. It is expected that at the meeting Stanishev would announce the State's decision regarding the mill's future. The trade unions at the mill have stated once again that they supported declaring the mill insolvent and executing a rehabilitation plan, offered so far only by the Ukrainian company "Vorskla Steel" owned by Konstantin Zhevago. The Indian businessman Lakshmi Mittal and the Ukrainian Konstantin Zhevago have been competing for months with offers to purchase the steel mill. The insolvency claim has been filed by one of Zhevago's companies along with several other businesses while the Sofia District Court announced Tuesday that they would make the decision about the insolvency of Bulgaria's infamous steel mill in 14 days.
Source: Darik Radio (01.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi gas supplies safe Bulgargaz, the Bulgarian state-controlled gas distributor, said on Thursday it will hold off from cutting gas supplies to ailing steel maker Kremikovtzi after the country's economy minister publicly opposed the move. A day earlier, trade unionists said the gas distributor was preparing to stop gas supplies from Aug 1. Bulgargaz will continue to pump only the technological minimum until the appointed administrators take charge of the company. The steel plant owes 38 mln levs in unpaid bills to Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (01.08.2008)
Trade was weak on the last day of the week, with the blue-chip Sofix once again falling below 1,000 points. The index closed at 1,002.95 points, down by 1.12%. The broader BG40 of the most traded stocks dipped by 2.24% to 247.33 points. BGREIT of real estate investment trusts fell by 0.62% to 97.84 points, while BGTR30 of the best performers in total return fell by 1.33% to 656.64 points. Shares of Lomsko Pivo lost 8.33% to BGN 2.74. Shares of Real Estate Investment Fund rose by 1.93% to BGN 1.53%.
Source: Pari (04.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi could be shut down by stages In case the Court does not make a decision whether Kremikovtzi would be declared insolvent, there is a high probability that steelmakers operations are shut down by stages. A meeting is expected to be called in the next days so that it is decided which operations would be ceased first so that it would not lead to emergencies. Because of the cut supply by Bulgargaz, the gas is insufficient for production operations and is enough only to keep the furnaces warm. Kremikovtzi can continue its existance only in case fresh finances and a new investor enter the troubled steel plant. However, this could not happen before the court comes out with a decision on the insolvency case. It is expected to be made within a week.
Source: Novinar (05.08.2008)
Bulgaria's Economy Minister: Kremikovtsi's Fate Is up to the State "Choosing the future owner of Kremikovtsi Steelworks is entirely up to the Bulgarian state," Bulgaria's Minister Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said with the Bulgarian National Television (BNT). "The reason is that the Bulgarian state is the smelter's largest creditor. Kremikovtsi owes the state 900 million levs," he explained. The amount the treasury could claim back is 400 million levs. This represents the debt it remitted prior to Kremikovtsi's privatization in return to a commitment for heavy investing as stipulated in the vitality plan, which, though, no one has ever even cared to follow. The European Commission defines this very 400 million levs as "illegal state aid" which must reenter the Kremikovtsi's bank accounts should the vitality plan remain unimplemented. Thus, when insolvency is announced by the court, which is expected to happen within one week, the state will automatically top the list of creditors. The state aid plus the interests amounts to 700 million levs. Apart from these Kremikovtsi is in debt to Bulgargaz, the State Railways and the National Electric Company as well as to the State Fund for Reconstruction and Development and the total sum of the smelter's liabilities reaches up to about 900 million levs, according to Minister Dimitrov. "The chief creditor is undoubtedly the Bulgarian state. This is the reason why the candidate buyers take no actions before making sure they have the support of the state," Dimitrov said. He was reportedly astonished with the managers and the trade unions that attempted to indirectly exert pressure on the state to take side and single out the favourite candidate buyer. "The state will not be subdued, besides the bidders should compete for the steel works," the Minister said.
Source: Standart (05.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi debt to Bulgarian govt may reach 900 mln levs The money that debt-ridden steel maker Kremikovtzi owes to the Bulgarian government may top 900 mln levs, elevating the state to the top of the creditors' list, economy minister Petar Dimitrov said on Monday. The steel maker owes some 200 mln levs in unpaid bills to gas distributor Bulgargaz, state railway operator BDZ and electric utility NEK, said Dimitrov. In addition, the government may be in position to make a 400 mln lev claim against the plant. The amount was made available to the company prior to its privatisation. The management's subsequent failure to execute a viability program renders the lifeline inadmissible under EU rules. The amount now stands at around 700 mln levs with interest, said Dimitrov. With claims of around 900 mln levs in total, the government will also have a leading role in the selection of a new owner for the struggling steel maker, said the government official. The total liabilities of the company are estimated at around 2.5 bln levs. The economy ministry has reiterated that a court ruling on an insolvency case against Kremikovtzi should be handed down within a week. That will be followed by the appointment of interim receivers and the drawing up of the list of creditors. The meeting of the creditors will likely take place in September or early October, said Dimitrov. 'The government is undoubtedly the main creditor,' said the economy minister. 'To my surprise both the management and the receivers are exerting indirect pressure on the government to take sides.' After Indian steel maker Arcelor Mittal confirmed last week its interest in Kremikovtzi, the bonds secured with assets of the plant ticked up on Monday.
Source: Dnevnik (05.08.2008)
Kremikovtsi Bankrupt since 2006 Kremikovtsi has been insolvent since December 31, 2005, ruled Sofia City Court yesterday. There are plenty of indicators pointing out the progressive worsening of the steel works' economic condition. The liabilities increase every year, the enterprise's profitability decreases and by December 31, 2007 the booked account payables amounted to BGN 1,629,709,000. All these facts tell of the actions taken by the management of the debtor enterprise that for sure do not lead to successful development of the enterprise, the court ruling reads. Ana Milenkova has been appointed acting assignee in bankruptcy. She was nominated by Rua Invest &Trading connected to Kostyantin Zhevago. The company was the first to demand declaration of bankruptcy for Kremikovtsi steel works. The creditors' meeting is fixed for September 26th, 2008. The bondholders from London, lay one of the largest claims at the cost of EUR 325 million. The Bulgaria state will probably be one of Kremikovtsi's creditors. When Kremikovtsi was privatized the state cancelled BGN 400 million of debts to the steel works. The European Commission declared them for a wrongful state aid and that Kremikovtsi should pay the aid back if it did not implement the viability plans. The total state loan to Kremikovtsi, including the steel mill's debts to Bulgargas, the National Electrical Company and the state Railways amounts to BGN 900 million. We are content with the ruling of Sofia City Court to declare Kremikovtsi bankrupt, reported from Bulgaria's Ministry of Energy and Economy. They believe the country ruling will give opportunity to Kremikovtsi to quickly restore its activity so that the productivity and the jobs are preserved. We will comment on the ruling after getting familiar wit it, said some from Kremikovtsi.
Source: Standart (07.08.2008)
Since aqcuiring 100 percent of the assets of Heat Supply-Plovdiv SPJSC in December 2007, EVN Bulgaria has decreased the operative debt to Bulgargaz holding SPJS by BGN 3.4 mln. The debt to Bulgargaz reached BGN 17.9 mln in the end of 2007. Meanwhile the debt was reduced to BGN 14.5 mln. The most important move in this direction was the implication of the Alliance with the correct customer project, which led to the collection of BGN 2.1 mln for covering some of the liabilities.
Source: Monitor (08.08.2008)
Bulgaria's Supreme Administrative Procuracy and the National Security State Agency (NSSA) have been investigating this past month the procedures for the collection of transit fees paid by Russian gas monopoly Gazprom. The check aims to establish the legality of the transit fees for gas pumped to Greece and Turkey pocketed by Bulgargaz trading unit instead of Bulgartransgaz and if the scheme is prone to abuse. Both of the cited companies are subsidiaries of state-controlled gas distributor Bulgargaz Holding. The probe was launched in response to a request from Bulgartransgaz executive director Angel Semerdjiev that the authorities ascertain the energy legislation and the gas directive were being upheld in the way that the transit fees are collected. The prosecution authorities confirmed that such an investigation was in progress. A NSSA spokesperson said the agency was not involved in the case in any capacity.
Source: Dnevnik (11.08.2008)
The Bulgarian energy ministry will decide whether Bulgargaz or Bultransgaz will collect the fees for the transiting of Russian natural gas through the country's territory, the chief of the nation's power regulator told Dnevnik on Tuesday. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) has sent a letter to the energy ministry, insisting that the fees are pocketed by the transmission unit and that the trader Bulgargaz would not be a loss-maker at the prices that entered into force on July 1 when natural gas appreciated by 5% instead of the 19.6% proposed by Bulgargaz, said SEWRC chairman Konstantin Shushulov.
Source: Dnevnik (13.08.2008)
A working group set up by the Bulgarian economy ministry to investigate the handling of gas transit fees by Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz has recommended a regulatory penalty for the two companies for breaches of their respective licences, sources from the working group told Dnevnik. The check was ordered by energy minister Petar Dimitrov after Bulgartransgaz executive director Angel Semerdjiev asked the prosecution authorities to investigate if the agreement between trader company Bulgargaz and the transmission company on the collection and distribution of fees paid by Russia's Gazprom for the transiting of its gas via Bulgarian territory violated the energy law. The agreement puts the trader in charge of the collection of the fees instead of the transmission company as is required by the gas directive.
Source: Dnevnik (18.08.2008)
Zhevago team prepares to take over Kremikovtzi's operative management Vorskla Steel, controlled by Ukrainian billionaire Konstaitn Zhevago, is preparing to join the operative management of debt-ridden Bulgarian steel maker Kremikovtzi, said Viktor Demyanyuk, Zhevago's reprehensive in Bulgaria. 'A meeting is scheduled on Monday with executives from [gas supplier] Bulgargaz, [power utility] NEK and [railway carrier] BDZ to negotiate a repayment scheme [for Kremikovtzi's debts]. Consultants will be hired immediately in connection with the environmental program that will have to be implemented,' said Demyanyuk. In July, Vorskla Steel signed a tolling agreement with Kremikovtzi. Some of the managers of the Bulgarian company later said the agreement was signed under coercion and notified the prosecution authorities. Although the agreement was declared null and void by the managers that opposed it, Vorskla continued to supply input materials to Kremikovtzi with the management of the Bulgarian steel maker constantly delaying the recognition of the arrangement by suggesting a series of annexes. Last Friday, Demyanyuk said the plant will produce 60,000 to 70,000 tons of steel per month in the first 60 days. An upgrade that will be launched immediately will later increase the output to 95,000-105,000 tons per month. Kremikovtzi receiver Ana Milenkova said she has approved for implementation neither the tolling agreement with Vorskla Steel nor that with India's Arcelor Mittal 'There are two contracts and both of them should be honored,' she said.
Source: Dnevnik (18.08.2008)
Kremikovtsi Steelworks to Resume Production on Credit Kremikovtsi Steelworks will resume its manufacturing process thanks to a loan in gas. The company's temporary assignee in bankruptcy Anna Milenkova and a representative of Kostyantin Zhevago - Viktor Demyanuk held talks about recommencing the gas supply for Kremikovtsi with Bulgargaz yesterday. Zhevago's reps said they would pay Kremikovtsi's current bills, but not past ones, which size up to tens of millions of levs (1 euro = 1.95 lev). For the sake of giving a vague idea of the total amount of Kremikovtsi's liabilities, it is enough to only mention the figure of the gas bill for July alone: 7,5 million levs. And the plant was not even working! The anticipated decision of the state-owned Bulgargaz whether or not the supply of gas for Kremikovtsi will resume, should be announced today. Up to now, the gas giant would furnish so much as 20 thousand cubic metres of gas to keep the smelters hot. We need 25-30 cubic metres to restart production, Kremikovtsi trade unionists announced. Negotiations the National Electrical Company (NEC) and the Bulgarian State Railway Company (BDZ) over the possibility of resumption of the raw materials supply to Kremikovtsi as well as the revision of the payment conditions under certain contracts are being held concurrently.
Source: Standart (21.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi restores operation within days Within a few days the normal gas supply to Kremikovtzi would be restored. The assignee on bankruptcy Anna Milenkova, the management of Bulgargaz and of the Ukraine-based Vorskla Steel have negotiated that the gas company raise the supply to the plant to 30,000 cub. m. per hour, said the head of Podkrepa at the plant Lyudmil Pavlov. Currently Bulgargaz supplies 20,000 cub.m./h to Kremikovtzi due to unpaid debts. The way to pay the old debts of the steelmaker to the gas monopoly have to be decided today. The operative payments would be made normally and within the deadlines, the company said. As to date, the debts to Bulgargaz are about BGN 40 mln. So far the quantity was enough only to keep the furnaces warm, but not enough for normal operations leading to profit, representatives of the steelmaker commented. Currently, a list of the creditors, among which the State is the biggest with BGN 900 mln, is being prepared. On September 26 a meeting between the creditors would take place in order to elect a permanent asignee and an operator company, which would manage the steel mill. The chosen company would be able to manage the raw materials and to allocate the output earnings to pay the debts to the creditors, the wages of the personnel and for investmenmts in the ecology programme of the plant.
Source: Novinar (25.08.2008)
Sopot and Hisar will be supplied with gas by the end of next year by Black Sea Technological Company JSC. The Varna-based company expects to receive an official license for both municipalities after the meeting of SCEWR on Monday. The gasification of the two municipalities will be in two stages. In the first 5 years the supply will be with tanks, which will deliver gas to the terminal where the blue fuel will departs to consumers. In the second stage the gas network will be connected with the network of Bulgargaz in the area between the Graf Ignatievo and Stryama. The total investment for the two municipalities will exceed EUR 10 million, but the company assesses the region as very promising and fast-developing.
Source: Darik Radio (27.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi Gas Supply Is at Full Capacity Starting Wednesday, the steel mill "Kremikovtzi" is receiving the full volume of necessary natural gas - 30,000 cubic meters per hour, as confirmed by the trade unions at the mill. The company of the Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Zhevago, "Vorskla Steel", which has a contract to manufacture steel with own materials, has wired BGN 3 M to "Bulgargaz", which cover part of the mill's dept for the use of natural gas. In the next two months "Vorskla Steel" intends to fully reinstate the "Kremikovtzi" production capacity and to reach 60,000 tons of production, which, according to plans, would later go up to 100,000 tons. "Bulgargaz", however, have not yet confirmed the information about the BGN 3 M transfer. They have stated that by the end of the week they would issue an official press release regarding their agreement with "Kremikovtzi" and "Vorskla Steel." Until now the gas supply to the mill was reduced down to 20,000 cubic meters per hour due the mill's unpaid depts.
Source: Darik Radio (27.08.2008)
Kremikovtzi Gas Supply Is at Full Capacity Starting Wednesday, the steel mill "Kremikovtzi" is receiving the full volume of necessary natural gas - 30,000 cubic meters per hour, as confirmed by the trade unions at the mill. The company of the Ukrainian businessman Konstantin Zhevago, "Vorskla Steel", which has a contract to manufacture steel with own materials, has wired BGN 3 M to "Bulgargaz", which cover part of the mill's dept for the use of natural gas. In the next two months "Vorskla Steel" intends to fully reinstate the "Kremikovtzi" production capacity and to reach 60,000 tons of production, which, according to plans, would later go up to 100,000 tons. "Bulgargaz", however, have not yet confirmed the information about the BGN 3 M transfer. They have stated that by the end of the week they would issue an official press release regarding their agreement with "Kremikovtzi" and "Vorskla Steel." Until now the gas supply to the mill was reduced down to 20,000 cubic meters per hour due the mill's unpaid depts.
Source: Darik Radio (28.08.2008)
The natural gas supply for the heating utilities in Sofia, Pleven, Bourgas and Vratsa is going to be gradually reduced beginning September 1, 2008 due to the above companies' unpaid debts, according to the company supplier "Bulgargaz." The supplier data shows that the heating utilities in those four cities now owe a total of over BGN 235 M. "Bulgargaz" further reminds that a month ago they have informed in writing their debtors as well as the governors and the mayors of the four cities that a reduction in the natural gas supply was forthcoming. Despite that, the heating utilities have not undertaken any measures to repay the owed amounts. The heating utilities such as those in Varna and Rousse, who have paid their bills regularly would not encounter any problems with the supply of natural gas, the supplier further confirmed.
Source: Darik Radio (29.08.2008)
South Stream Route to Be Laid out in Autumn "The final layout research for South Stream pipeline will begin this autumn," deputy head of the Environment department of the Peter Gaz-Moscow said during a videoconference yesterday. A comprehensive program for environmental safety of the pipeline bed will be developed simultaneously. During both the South Stream research and construction works, the contractors will be able to draw experience from the already implemented similar project called Blue Stream, which runs between Russia and Turkey. During the videoconference, the Chairman of the Bulgarian party Green Bulgaria, Aleksander Karakachanov proposed the setting up of a fund for improvement of the environmental situation along the Black Sea coast. Karakachanov added his party would support the South Stream project as long as it is implemented according to all environmental requirements.
Source: Standart (29.08.2008)
State-controlled gas distributor Bulgargaz has requested a 30% price increase from October 1. On Monday, the company is due to power down the gas supplies to the district heating companies in Sofia, Burgas, Pleven and Vratsa over unpaid bills. According to the heating utilities, the pricing policy of the Bulgarian power regulator is to blame for the poor financial state of the companies in the sector. The regulator has approved a series of gas tariff hikes while the price of the heating is adjusted only once a year. The power regulator said t was not likely that it would approve the requested 30% tariff hike unless Bulgargaz argues a very convincing case.
Source: Dnevnik (01.09.2008)
Bulgaria was on the brink of an unprecedented gas crisis because of heating companies (the Toplofikatsiya utilities around the country) unpaid debts, the state-owned gas company Bulgargaz said on September 3. Bulgargaz was urgently trying to collect at least 80 million leva from its debtors, the Sofia, Pleven, Vratsa and Bourgas heating companies, to pay Russian gas provider Gazprom. The companies debts to Bulgargaz amounted to 230 million leva. If the company failed to collect its clients unpaid debts, the country might have to buckle down on gas usage, private broadcaster bTV said. Bulgargaz lacked the floating capital to pay Gazprom. Although the heating companies themselves could cut off gas consumption, the measure was not efficient enough and would not prevent a gas crisis, bTV wrote on its website. Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov told bTV that the 80 million leva was the amount the company needed to get a breath of air, so to say. Gas provision security was no longer problem only for the debtors, but for all consumers in the country. It would not only be the paying customers of the heating companies who would be affected, but also customers in the economic and industry sectors all gas consumers would be affected, Gogov said. Toplofikatsiya Sofia was Bulgargazs greatest debtor. Sofia city hall, which is a majority shareholder in the company, was seeking for a way to help the debt to be paid off, bTV said. Among the possibilities was taking out a loan or increasing the companys capital.
Source: (05.09.2008)
"Bulgartabac's cigarette plants in Sofia and Blagoevgrad will be sold separately on the stock market, but on one condition: that the buyers are strategic investors," Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov told The Standart yesterday. "This is the only possible way to denationalize Bulgartabac Holding under the adopted strategy," he said. "We have still not decided yet on the buyer of Kremikovtsi Steelworks," Dimitrov added. Who is going to get Kremikovtsi ownership will be the state's call, since it is the company' largest creditor. The first general meeting of the creditors of the steel company will be summoned on Septermber 26 when they will have to choose the next owner. But before that, all of them have to declare that the company owes them money to be included in the list of the assignee in bankruptcy and approved by the court. Bulgaria already claimed back 700 million levs (1 euro = 1.95 levs) of principal amount and interests, which the company, up to this point, has been considering as a state aid. And that's not all: the smelter must also repay old liabilities to the state-owned enterprises such as the National Electrical Company, Bulgargaz and the State Railway Company (BDZ).
Source: Standart (08.09.2008)
Bulgargaz presses for 36.5 pct price hike Gas retailer Bulgargaz said it has asked for the regulators nod to put up natural gas prices by 36.51 pct in the fourth quarter of the year. It said the demand was prompted by soaring alternative fuel prices, the rising U.S. dollar and the lower third-quarter price approved by the regulator. The watchdog can either okay or reduce the price hike request.
Source: Dnevnik (11.09.2008)
A hundred creditors are all agog on Kremikovtzi Several dozens, if not thousands, appeared to be the creditors of Kremikovtzi. The deadline for application of claims by creditors of the steelmaker was yesterday, September 11. Verifications with the account reports of Kremikovtzi are already being made in order to find out whether the applied claims are for realistic sums. After that the court would decree on whether the steel plant has to pay them, said Lyudmil pavlov, head of the Podkrepa union at Kremikovtzi. The state is expected to be the major creditor after the claim from last year for BGN 700 mln. The sum represents remitted debt before the privatization, which is state aid and Kremikovtzi has to return the funds. BGN 90 mln more is the debt to National Electricity Company (NEK). BDZ and Bulgargaz also have vast amounts of money to take. The gas holding said that no claim has been applied. In stead, Bulgargaz negotiates with the assignee on bankruptcy of the mill for the payment of the debt. Kremikovtzi bondholders won a legal case back in May, when the English Supreme Court decreed that Kremikovtzi has to pay them the bond loan of EUR 325 mln. It is reported that Lakshmi Mittal has not given Kremikovtzi up yet. His company ArcelorMittal may buy Kremikovtzis debt to the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank of EUR 18 mln, and thus enter the ranks of the creditors.
Source: Standart (12.09.2008)
So far the amount of gas delivered to Heat Supply-Sofia JSC has not changed, but it is possible to be reduced as early as this week. This was stated by the executive director of Bulgargas Dimitar Gogov. Gogov said that there is new payment schedule for the Heat Supply and still it is fulfilled. If we see that Heat Supply-Sofia is not fair to us, we will begin to reduce the gas supply quantity, said Gogov.
Source: Monitor (16.09.2008)
The debt of Heat Supply-Plovdiv JSC to Bulgargaz is BGN 14,359 million. At the end of 2007 the liabilities to Bulgargaz were BGN 17.9 million. The heat company intends to continue to pay the accumulated debts correctly. This will help the recovery of the company and will allow Bulgargaz to carry out regular supplies of fuel.
Source: Banker (17.09.2008)
Energy companies under the control of Bulgargaz Bulgargaz will be the top company in the future Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC (BEH SPJSC). The rest of the state-owned companies to be included in the holding will be NEC, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy, TPP Maritsa East 2 and Mines Maritsa Iztok. The new company will be based on Bulgargaz as the name and basic line of business will be altered. BEH will remain a joint stock company, 100% state-owned. Capital shares of NEC, TPP Maritsa East 2 and Mines Maritsa Iztok will be transferred into BEH. Except for these companies, the holding will include also the existing Bulgargaz Holding subsidiaries Bulgargaz - Sofia, Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel. The new energy giant will have assets worth BGN 8.5 bln, earnings of about BGN 3.6 bln and 21 thous. employees.
Source: Standart (19.09.2008)
Bulgarian Business Rises against Expensive Natural Gas The business in Bulgaria is bitterly protesting the high prices of natural gas. The Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria has declared itself against the one in a row increase in the price of natural gas. In its declaration, CEIBG firmly supports the position of the Bulgarian Federation of the Industrial Energy Consumers against the announced by Bulgargaz increase in the price of natural gas by 36.5% from October 1. The Bulgarian business says it is inexplicable why Bulgargaz does not seem to take into consideration the serious decrease in the price of crude oil over the next trimester, although the price of natural gas is calculated against the prices of alternative fuels. Bulgargaz says the price of natural gas is calculated against the price of crude oil over the past ninety days, and on some of these days the price of crude oil went as high as about 150 US dollars per barrel. The average exchange rate of the US dollar against the Lev over the past thirty days is also taken into account, but just then the dollar started getting stronger. However, CEIBG are of an opinion that the formula used in the calculation of the price of natural gas is outdated and needs to be adjusted by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. The industrialists also say that by setting higher prices to natural gas the state maybe wants to "encourage" the big companies to subsidize some of Bulgargaz's big debtors like the central heating companies and Kremikovtsi. CEIBG says that the Ministry of Energy and Economy, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission and representatives of the business should meet and discuss the current situation, because this is the only way to prevent bankruptcies and a sharp fall in the foreign investments in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (19.09.2008)
The heating utility of the northern town of Pleven will settle its debts to state-controlled gas distributor Bulgargaz by directly transferring its power output dues from the national power grid operator NEK, the utilitys press office said. The utility has already sent letters to energy minister Petar Dimitrov, Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov and NEK chief executive officer Lyubomir Velkov. The Pleven heating utility produces some 4.0 mln levs worth of power a month and sells it to NEK. The company owes more than 3.1 mln levs to Bulgargaz. The proposal talked the gas distributor into keeping supplies to the utility on Monday. The negotiations between the two parties are still underway.
Source: Dnevnik (23.09.2008)
The three central heating companies Vratza, Burgas and Pleven have found a short term solution to the problem with unpaid bills towards "Bulgargaz". Representatives of the three central heating companies have met with the management of "Bulgargaz" yesterday evening. The signing of the agreement will take place today, when details will be announced, BNR (Bulgarian National Radio) announces. According to the three companies - the long-term solution to the problem with financial obligations towards "Bulgargaz" depends on the morals and conscience of the citizens, who use the service. If they start paying their bills on time, central heating companies will not be in a situation, where they cannot pay their liabilities. Despite the many liabilities of the central heating companies towards "Bulgargaz", opinions were expressed that the action of the gas monopolist is political, and not economic, since all three cities are governed by mayors of the opposition. The future of Sofia Toplofikatsiya is being discussed at the moment.
Source: (26.09.2008)
Bulgaria and Bondholders Rival for Supremacy in Kremikovtsi The horn of the expected battle for control over Kremikovtsi Steelworks has sounded at last at yesterday's meeting of Kremikovtsi's creditors in Sofia City Court. The difference between the Bulgarian state and the bondholders' claims is BGN 6 million. Adding the liabilities Kremikovtsi has incurred with the State Receivables Collection Agency the precise amount the smelter owes to the Bulgarian state reaches BGN 698.9 million or 29.5 percent of the company's total liabilities. In turn the bondholders are breathing down Kremikovtsi's neck with a claim for BGN 696.6 million or 29.2 percent. However, if we count up what the National Revenues Agency, Customs Agency and several state-owned companies such as Bulgargaz, the National Electrical Company (NEC) and the State Railway Company (BDZ) must get, Bulgaria definitely wins the fight. A total of 725 legal and natural persons are on the creditors' list, and the size of their claim is BGN 2.371 billion. All of them were diligently described by the court panel with Sofia City Court Chairman Svetlin Mihaylov in charge of it.
Source: Standart (27.09.2008)
Gazprom supply contracts hurt Bulgaria The gas supply and transit contracts signed with Russian Gazprom in 2006 are against Bulgarias interests and face consumers with shock price hikes, showed a supplemental agreement to the contract for supply of natural gas to Bulgaria and the memorandum for further development of Russian-Bulgarian cooperation in the gas sector. Under the new contracts, Bulgaria is to increase each year by a set agenda the price of natural gas for the domestic market received as a transit fee from the transfer to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The contracts, signed by Bulgargas and its partners Overgas Inc. (a Gazprom subsidiary) for supplies and Gazprom Export for transit, say that the gas from transit fees should cover about half of domestic consumption. This can explain why the rising price is having such an enormous effect on Bulgargass average sell price. Depending on the supplier, the 2008 price ranges from USD 383.18 per 1,000 cu m (for Overgas Inc.) to USD 415.87 under the contract with WIEE-ZUG. The price is increased semi-annually and was set at 60% of the market price for July 2008 and 82.5% for January 2009. It should catch up with the price of normal supplies by 2013. The documents also change the payment scheme for the transit fee.
Source: Dnevnik (29.09.2008)
Price of Natural Gas to Soar by 50% by January 2009 Bulgarian Government is preparing to introduce shockingly high prices of natural gas. Today, its price goes up by 23,89% and on January 1, 2009 - by another 21,4%. Thus, in three months alone, the price of gas will go up by about fifty percent, representatives of the trade unions said after yesterday's sitting of the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation. In the afternoon, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission set the price of natural gas at 538,66 levs per 1,000 cubic meters (VAT excluded) from October 1 on. This is by 103,86 levs higher by the current price of gas, which is 434,80 levs per 1,000 cubic meters (VAT excluded). Bulgargaz profit is 0.5% per 1,000 cubic meters of gas. Experts say the new price of gas will guarantee the unproblematic functioning of Bulgargaz. "The employers' organizations agreed to a two-step increase in the price of natural gas," Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said after the sitting of the Council. "This increase in the price of natural gas will prove deadly to the business," representatives of the employers' organizations said in answer. Prof. Konstantin Shushulov, Chairman of the State Energy and Waters Regulatory Commission, said the higher price of gas may cause the price of central heating to go up by over 12%. On Monday, the Commission submitted at the office of Deputy PM Ivaylo Kalfin a proposal for amendments to the Ordinance for Formation of the Price of Heating Energy, but its experts have not analyzed the options for a future increase in the price of gas, yet. "We will find mechanism to compensate the socially-handicapped," Minister Dimitrov said. Benefits may be allotted to the households consumers of natural gas.
Source: Standart (01.10.2008)
Russia Raises Gas Prices for Europe In October Russia will sell natural gas to its European consumers at US$500 for 1000 cubic metres. "The reason is the quicker pace of price increase than expected," said Alexey Miller, Gazprom CEO. The prices of petrol products are rising and the price of natural gas is formed on their basis. Experts believe that by the end of the year the price of natural gas for the European consumers will rise up to US$550 for 1000 cubic metres. Energy projects in Bulgaria will be the top agenda at the session of the intergovernmental Bulgarian-Russian commission for economic cooperation to be held in Sofia October 8-9.
Source: Standart (03.10.2008)
Gazprom Delays Launching of South Stream Gas Pipeline Report The Russian energy giant "Gazprom" is going to take its time with the South Stream gas transit pipeline by putting off the launching of the projects by at least two years, the Russian business newspaper Vedomosti reported Friday. In January the Gazprom Director Aleksei Miller stated the first gas would be delivered through the pipe in 2013. Bulgaria is an important participant in the South Stream project. Vedomosti, however, cites the company's "General Plan for the Development of the Gas Sector by 2030", of which it claims to have a copy, as saying the gas deliveries through South Stream would start in 2015-2024. The documents also mentions the exact projected capacity of the pipeline, which had not been revealed previously - 31 billion cubic meters per year. The exact time of the launching of the South Stream would depend on a number of factors, according to the Gazprom's General Plan, including the conditions on the domestic and foreign markets, the state policy in the sectors, and the success of the negotiations on its route with other countries. Vedomosti points out the document did not contain any estimate of the cost of the construction of the pipeline but it reminds that earlier the South Stream section going through the Black Sea was estimated to cost USD 10 B, plus at least as much for its land part. The General Plan also mentions that Russia needed to construct 2 400 km of pipeline on its own territory in order to be able to launch South Stream. The article cites a Russian analyst as saying this delay by at least two years could allow the EU-sponsored Nabucco gas pipeline, which is considered a competitive project, to grab hold of the Central European market. Respectively, this could then force Russia and Gazprom to reconsider the South Stream project.
Source: (03.10.2008)
Bulgarian Companies Struggle for Projects in Sochi 'The participation of Bulgarian construction companies in the building of facilities for the winter Olympics in Sochi will be one of the topics of discussion at the oncoming Bulgarian-Russian Commission for Economic Cooperation. The forum will be held in Sofia October 8-9, Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov told the Bulgarian National Radio. The top agenda at the conference is Bulgaria's cooperation with Russia in the energy sector, the big energy projects Belene nuke and South Stream pipeline. The Russian delegation will be led by Deputy PM Sergey Sobyanin. There will be eighty people on the Russian delegation, six of them are deputy ministers. 'Since the end of 2007, the price of Russian natural gas transited via Bulgaria has increased by 85.4% and the end users pay by 72.9% more for natural gas,' Minster Dimitrov said also.
Source: Standart (06.10.2008)
Bulgaria will seek talks with Russian gas major Gazprom on adding an extra 500 million cubic metres to the 3 billion cu m it gets a year because of growing consumption, energy minister Petar Dimitrov said on the sidelines of a session of the Bulgaria-Russian economic commission. Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), a newly-created structure bundling Bulgarias key power generation assets, may join hands with its Russian peer on oil and gas exploration projects. The minister said there will not be legislative bars before a future cooperation although Russia keeps foreign companies out of its mineral, oil and gas fields.
Source: Dnevnik (10.10.2008)
Bourgasgas EAD, the company for distribution and supply of gas, will put up a claim against Bulgargas for breaking the contract for fuel supply by stopping the gas for six hours, the executive director of the company Zlatin Dimov announced for Pari Daily. The company is still in the process of building up the supply network. For 2008 BGN 5 million will be invested for the building of 26 km. Already 200 enterprises have been gasified.
Source: Pari (13.10.2008)
Bulgaria's Cabinet Has Taken up the Heavy Cross of Natural Gas Supplies President Georgi Parvanov - Mr. President, the Opposition is mainly criticizing the Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) about the negotiated price of natural gas. Some say that you have also participated in the formation of these prices. Is it true? - Let me explain. I have contributed to the negotiations on the three strategic projects signed in January this year, including the agreement on the South Steam project, which does not touch upon any prices. The issue about prices had been decided long before that and I was informed about the results of these negotiations only post factum. Of course, such negotiations might, as well, not have been conducted. This Cabinet could have left the issue undecided, thus passing the responsibility about it on to the next Government. Had this happened, however, the next Cabinet would have faced a fait accompli after the expiration of the previous contract and would have had to choose between a turned off gas tap and a hike in the prices of the supplied natural gas. It is true that the present increase in the prices of natural gas is also shocking, but you could imagine how drastic the hike would have been in the other scenario. In this line of thoughts it is praiseworthy that the incumbent Cabinet took the responsibility to solve this issue. On the other hand, the Bulgarian people should have been informed of the coming increase in the price of natural gas and protection buffers should have been provided for the socially handicapped, as well as for some companies. It is also true that some companies benefited a lot from natural gas subsidies in the past, but now they have to understand that we have to stick to the market prices of natural gas. Otherwise the gas subsidies for these "privileged" companies should be paid by the Bulgarian tax payers. - Some share the opinion that you are Russia's man as regards the energy projects. Is it so? - I have heard all sorts of things about my foreign policy. I have visited Brussels more than ten times. There isn't a European capital that I haven't visited. When the issue of Bulgaria's EU membership required timely and adequate diplomatic actions, I did not my spare efforts. As a EU member, Bulgaria's policy should become more economically oriented and in this line of thoughts we should find a more efficient mechanisms for development of our energy policy. Two months after the agreement with Russia was signed, I went to Azerbaijan, where I negotiated the supply of one billion cubic meters of natural gas for Bulgaria - our quota in the Nabucco project. Now we are preparing shuttles to Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - countries that are potential suppliers of natural gas for the same project. And I will not stop here. I believe it is all for Bulgaria's good. It is for the good not of this Cabinet, perhaps not of the next. But till 2030 many Bulgarian governments will benefit and what is more important, the Bulgarians will benefit. As long as Russia is concerned, our relations are based on honesty, principles, and I think, on mutual benefit. - You said you were organizing an energy forum to be attended by representatives of Russia, Europe and the USA. When will it take place and what will be the main topics of discussion? - We have sent the invitations already. The possible dates we have proposed are April 24 and 25, 2009. It promises to be quite a broad forum - with the participation of over 25 heads of state and prime ministers, of European institutions, with the support and understanding on part of the USA. Their support was aired literally a couple of days ago by the US energy ambassador for the region. Russia has confirmed its participation at the highest possible level, a number of countries from the Black Sea and Caspian regions have confirmed their participation as well. I hope this forum will yield results. For the first time issues related to diversification of Europe's energy supply will be discussed in such deep detail. - Not long ago you demanded that a discussion should be held on the relations between the media and the rule. Is the Bulgarian public mature enough for starting a debate on which media are financed by the grey sector? - Look, I will not pretend that I am simply confused because I am outright irritated at the fact that representatives of the grey sector have confidently cropped up from among the media. These representatives give advice. They dare behave like mentors. They behave insolently. They establish their media, mostly sites in the Internet. They attempt to conquer some of the yellow press and use it as a tool for carrying out their political racket. And since this press is subject to no rules, the discrediting of anybody is as easy as a piece of cake. This obviously aims at the return of grey sector. The grey sector tries hard and does its best to stop Bulgaria's permanent incorporation into the European structures and the European mentality and behaviour. It is not so much the job of the politicians as the media sector itself, to judge who is who and the roles of everyone in this space on the basis of its inner rules and ethics. It is wrong to reduce everyone to a common denominator.
Source: Standart (14.10.2008)
The state will provide BGN 300 million for the increase of the capital of the National Electric Company (NEK), which is part of the structure of the Bulgarian energy holding (BEH), created a month ago. The minister will vote on the increase of the holding's capital. It was registered through a change of the registration of "Bulgargaz holding", whose capital is 1 billion levs. BEH unites Matitza ast ines, thermal-electric power station Maritza ast 2, NEK, Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel. With the BGN 300 million a resource is provided in the intermediate stage of the preparation of the "Belene" project until its financial completion in December 2009.
Source: (16.10.2008)
Zhevago Jilts Kremikovtsi Kostyantin Zhevago has decided to terminate his Vorskla Steel's outsourcing relations with Kremikovtsi Steelworks, Vorskla Steel Bulgaria CEO Viktor Demyanyuk announced. "They are taking us for an ATM machine," he said. Vorskla Steel's withdrawal was because they felt like "uninvited guests" in Bulgaria. "We never met the support of the Bulgarian government or the bankruptcy officers," Demyanyuk said.
Source: Standart (21.10.2008)
Bulgarian Government Granted 150 Million EUR For NPP Belene The Bulgarian government granted 150 million euro for accelerating the construction of the nuclear power plant (NPP) Belene. The resources will be transferred to the capital of Bulgarian energy holding. The money will secure the intermediate stage of the preparation of the project NPP Belene till its financial conclusion in December 2009. By the end of the next year the expenses which should be born by the National electric company are around 450 million euro. Mainly the sources are for advance and current payment in the ordering of equipment reactor, steam generators and others, preparation of working projects and funding of the first activities of the new construction. The granted today money will help the National electric company secure source for its part of the capital in the forthcoming establishment of a joint venture between NEC and the chosen investor RWE.
Source: Darik Radio (23.10.2008)
The Government will grant BGN 300 mln to raise Bulgarian energy holdings capital. This will result in raise in the capital of the National electric company, necessary for acceleration of AES Belenes construction. The money will be generated from correction in the budget of the Ministry of economics and energetics.
Source: (24.10.2008)
New gas-field discovered in Bulgaria A new gas-field was discovered in Bulgaria by the British company "Melrose resources", the British newspaper "Scotsman" writes. The gas-field is located in the Kavarna region, for which the company has a permit. "Melrose resources" supplies 15% of the natural gas in Bulgaria from the Galata field, which will become a depot. Recently, the company found another gas-field in the Kaliakra region. The blue gas will be accepted in the Galata depot next summer and will be on the market next winter, when energy consumption increases, the paper writes. The initial estimations show that the field has 24 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The favorable conditions create an opportunity for financial success of the Edinburgh based company, after the Galata field is depleted. Extraction from the Galata field will be reduced.
Source: (30.10.2008)
Bulgaria's Government to Wait for RWE's Answer by the Spring of 2009 The Bulgarian government has not set a deadline for Germany-based company RWE to ratify the joint stock agreement for the acquisition of 49 percent of the project for construction of NPP Belene, but an answer from the Germans is expected not later than the spring of next year, Deputy Economy and Energy Minister Yavor Kuyumdzhiev said during the 10th Economic Forum on Southeast Europe that opened in Sofia. "RWE will make a foolish mistake, if they give up on the contract," he said. According to him, if they give in under the pressure of the greens and give up on the project, the construction of the nuclear power plant will not stop, but their place will be taken by some of the other candidates. If not other candidate appears, Belene will be built with bank loans, or with money from the currency reserve, which now amounts to 12 million euro. Another option is the about four billion euro, which Russia has provided in its budget by 2010, should financing of the Belene project be necessary.
Source: Standart (07.11.2008)
Bulgaria admits German RWE upset about Belene NPP Bulgarias national power utility NEK will wait till next spring for German company RWE to decide whether it will join the Belene nuclear power plant project in the Danube town of the same name. The energy ministry has not set a deadline for approval of the shareholders agreement which gives the German strategic investor a 49% stake in the project company, said deputy minister Yavor Kuyumdjiev adding that RWE would make a grave mistake if it succumbed to pressure by eco activists. German newspaper Handelsblatt reported recently that RWEs supervisory board may postpone the vote on the agreement until 2009 to make sure that the project is not risky and see how what turn the global economic crisis would take. Meanwhile, Greenpeace urged the German company to quit the project. If the plant failed to attract funding, the state may dip into the EUR 12 billion foreign exchange reserves, Kuyumdjiev said. He probably meant the fiscal reserve of BGN 12 billion. The forex reserves are just above EUR 14.2 billion, under data of the central bank. As a last-ditch option, the nuclear plant will be funded by Russia. Economic parliamentary committee chairman Yordan Tsonev declined that the government has ever discussed funding infrastructure projects by the fiscal reserve.
Source: Dnevnik (07.11.2008)
The financial crisis might delay "Southern stream" even more The financial crisis may force the Russian energy giant "Gazprom" to revise the project "Southern stream". This was announced by an employee of the company at a conference in Slovenia, AFP announced. The current financial crisis might influence to a certain degree the results of every international company, "Gazprom" being no exception - Stanislav Zyuganov, head of the department for international business for the Russian company, said. He has pointed out that "Gazprom" might be forced to reconsider its "Southern stream" project in response to the crisis. Information appeared in the Russian media that "Gazprom" is delaying the start of "Southern stream" until 2015 or 2 years after the deadlines, pointed out by the Chief Executive Officer Alexei Miller in January. The gas pipe, connecting Russia with Southern Europe through the Black sea, is designed by "Gazprom" and the Italian energy company Eni. "Gazprom" already guaranteed the participation in the project of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary and Serbia. The participation of Austria and Slovenia is also possible.
Source: (10.11.2008)
GDF Suez could subsitute RWE in NPP "Belene"? The French energy giant GDF Suez claimed on Monday that in principle it is interested in the purchase of a share in the second Bulgarian nuclear power plant Belene. Last month the Bulgarian government decided to determine the German energy company RWE for its strategic partner, who to buy a share of 49% of the planned NPP Belene. The Bulgarian side gave the opportunity the share of 49% to be divided into parts in order the second participant in the tender, the Belgian Electrabel, which is owned by GDF Suez, to be included in the investment. The vice-president of the French company on nuclear issues Paul Rorive has confirmed GDF Suez' interest during the energy conference in Sofia pointing our that he was not informed about the conditions under which the Bulgarian government has negotiated with RWE. The government in Sofia has claimed: you can participate in the project but you cannot change the conditions so now the French company is checking the conditions. According to Rorive in the next week GDF Suez will explore carefully the strategic framework agreement between RWE and the Bulgarian National electric company, which remains with 51% of the shares of the new nuclear electric station.
Source: (18.11.2008)
Bulgaria Produces 32 Billion kWh for Export In 2020 Bulgaria would have 32 billion kWh in excess if the energy projects currently supported by the cabinet are implemented. This was announced by Plamen Tsvetanov from the Institute of Nuclear Research and Nuclear Power Engineering with the Bulgarian Academy of Science. According to him, currently Bulgaria exports 5-6 billion kWh per annum, but in twelve years there won't be markets for the extra power. By 2050 Bulgaria will be able to rely on electricity generated by wind farms or solar batteries, which would make the country energy independent.
Source: Standart (20.11.2008)
The Sofia heating utility may enter the newly-founded Bulgarian Energy Holding after the ministry was granted a 58% municipal share in the ailing company, deputy minister Galina Tosheva told Dnevnik. The ministry and Deloitte Bulgaria, which advised the creation of the holding structure merging major power generation assets, are weighing different rescue options including a capital boost at the holding company to lend cash to Bulgargas, Tosheva said. Under the scheme, the holding company will buy into Toplofikatsia Sofia against paying off its debts to the gas company. The Government is due to vote on a BGN 80 million capital hike next week. The money will be sourced from the state budget. Tosheva said this did not violate EU law as confirmed the ministrys legal experts. Another option on the table is giving Bulgargas a loan to guarantee supplies from Russian major Gazprom. Consumers owe the struggling utility more than BGN 300 million.
Source: Dnevnik (25.11.2008)
'Bulgargas' to gradually increase the gas prices for the big energy consumers Bulgargas will secure gradual increase in the prices of natural gas in 2009 for the big energy consumers. This announced the Bulgarian chamber of commerce, according to the suggestion of which the decision was taken. The business energy consumers will have the possibility for a deferred payment of the contracted with Bulgargas amounts of natural gas. The decision was taken yesterday at a working meeting of the management boards of the enterprise, the nationally represented business organizations and the big energy consumers. The new mechanism is expected to help the business and the citizens cope easier with the burden of the expected increase of the natural gas price from 1 January 2009, informs the Bulgarian chamber of commerce.
Source: (26.11.2008)
New prices of natural gas The new prices for the distribution and supply of natural gas of "Burgasgas" become effective today. They were approved with a decision of the State commission for energy and water regulation. The prices of natural gas for private consumers decrease on average by 3 percent beginning today. In the private usage sector 1 kilowatt energy, produced with natural gas will cost 9,9 stotinki, while the price of electric energy for private consumers is 15,3 stotinki per kilowatt. The price of gas is 20,8 stotinki per kilowatt. In the commercial sector 1 kilowatt energy, produced with natural gas will cost 7,8 - 9,4 stotinki (minimum-maximum). The new prices for distribution and supply with natural gas of "Burgasgas" EAD keep the competitive price of natural gas compared to the alternative energy sources, the company announced.
Source: (01.12.2008)
Bulgarian Energy Holding, the structure created two months ago to consolidate key power generation assets, reported a 22% rise in nine-month profit revealing no financial details. BEH comprises the countrys biggest coal-fired power plant, the state-owned Maritsa East 2, coal miner Maritsa East, Kozloduy nuclear plant, state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz, telecom services provider Bulgartel, national power grid operator NEK and the Electricity System Operator. Kozloduy NPP was the best performer in the group. Bulgargaz landed at the other end of the scale with a loss of BGN 35.4 million for the nine months blaming the regulatory axe on its price hike proposal. At the same time, the gas company continued to pocket fees for the transit of Russian gas via Bulgaria at the expense of Bulgartransgaz in breach of the gas directive. The two companies are expected to sign an agreement on the fees by the end of the year.
Source: Dnevnik (03.12.2008)
The government increased the capital of the Bulgarian energy holding by 400 million levs. The State will acquire nearly 63 000 shares of "Toplofikatsiya Sofia" AD for free and in this way will become a 100% owner of the company. The 400 million levs will be disbursed by the Economy Ministry and will be used for the purchase of the shares of Toplofikatsiya. The Sofia company produces over 1 billion kilowatt hours electric energy and currently renders services to over 400 000 households in the capital. "Toplofikatsita Sofia" AD is the biggest central heating company in the country.
Source: (05.12.2008)
Bulgarian Energy Holding will buy Sofia heating utilitys BGN 240 million debt to state-run gas company Bulgargaz, deputy energy minister and BEH executive director Galina Tosheva said after the Government voted Thursday on a BGN 400 million capital hike. Toplofikatsia Sofia has amassed a BGN 80 million debt for supplies. Last year it was rescheduled a BGN 150 million debt until 2013. BEH, which bundles Bulgarias core state-run energy assets, will acquire a stake in the utility after boosting its capital by as much as it owes to Bulgargaz.
Source: Dnevnik (08.12.2008)
Bulgargaz demands a 21% increase of the price of natural gas A price increase of natural gas of at least 21% beginning January 1 was demanded by Bulgargaz from the State commission on energy and water regulation. Thus, in the next quarter of the year, 1000 cubic meters of gas will be sold at about BGN 653, VAT not included. The gas company motivated the demanded price increase with the over 15% increase of the value of the USD in the last period, as well as the lower price, which was ordered by the national regulator for the previous quarter. At the same time, during setting of the new prices, employees of the company have taken into account the lower prices of alternative fuels.
Source: (10.12.2008)
"Gazprom" decreases prices for Bulgaria In the next year "Gazprom" will reduce the price of natural gas for Bulgaria by 35-40% according to the current situation. This was announced by the spokesman of the Russian gas company Sergey Kupriyanov. The delegation of the company is on an unofficial meeting in our country. "As you know the price of gas is connected to the price of petrol products. Within this year, the price of petrol products was dropping and of course, all of this is going to be reflected in the wholesale prices of "Gazprom" for Bulgaria in the next year. Up to this moment it is impossible to say how prices will change throughout the year, because the situation continues to develop and we don't know how the price of petrol will change next year. According to our estimates the price of gas in the next year will drop by 30-40%," Kupriyanov pointed out.
Source: (12.12.2008)
Gazprom sees 30-42% price cut from 09 Russian gas major Gazprom may lop off by 30 to 42% the tariff for supplies to European consumers next year due to the recent record decline in oil prices on the global markets, spokesman Sergei Kupriyanov said. Kupriyanov said Bulgaria will also buy at lower prices but did not elaborate further. According to Bulgargaz, Bulgarias state-run gas distributor, the effect of the price cut will not be felt before April. The company is demanding a 21.3% price hike from January to limit the bad impact of soaring black oil and gas oil tariffs. While seeing consumption picking up 3% for 2008 against a planned 7% as warm weather lingered and production capacities were shut, the gas monopoly will pay for all it has ordered under a take-or-pay clause in the supply contract. Bulgaria should consume less than 3 billion cu m for the clause to be triggered, Kupriyanov said. The ongoing financial crisis will not affect the South Stream natural gas pipeline project, Kupriyanov said.
Source: Dnevnik (15.12.2008)
The price of natural gas increases by nearly 12% on January 1 The price of natural gas will increase by 11,79% on January 1 2009. This has been planned by the State commission for energy and water regulation. If this plan becomes effective, the raw material will increase in price from BGN 538.66 per 1000 cubic meters (without VAT) to BGN 602.17 per 1000 cubic meters (without VAT). The final decision will be taken by the regulator next week after the open session for review of the report of the work group and a hearing of the arguments of Bulgargaz SPLTD.
Source: (16.12.2008)
Bulgaria to Export Electricity to Macedonia The National Electrical Company will export electricity worth 9.5 million euro to Macedonia, as reported from yesterday's inauguration of the Dubrovo-Chervena Mogila overhead power line, attended by Bulgaria's PM Sergey Stanishev and Minister of Economy and Energy Peter Dimitrov. The 150-kilomenter long power line costs 50 million euro. Bulgaria's participation in the project is 16,6 million euro. Bulgaria's PM Stanishev and his Macedonian counterpart Nikola Gruevski also discussed the possibility of Macedonia joining in the construction of Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). Stanishev was firm that Belene NPP was an important guarantee of constant power supply not only for Bulgaria, but for the entire region. "Negotiations as to Macedonia's involvement in Belene NPP are yet to be scheduled," Stanishev clarified. Both Stanishev and Gruevski expressed their satisfaction with the economic partnership between Bulgaria and Macedonia. "The commercial exchange between our countries has increased by 15 times in the last 9 years", Gruevski pointed out. According to Stanishev, so far Bulgaria has invested 36 million euro in Macedonia. Gruevski expressed his hope that the trade exchange between Bulgaria and Macedonia soon reached 1 billion euro.
Source: Standart (16.12.2008)
Bulgarias energy regulator may slap a BGN 1 million fine on Bulgargaz, the state-run gas monopoly, for importing costlier Russian gas instead of tapping on the gas repository in Chiren in the past quarter, said chairman Konstantin Shushulov. The gas company snubbed a regulatory decision to increase prices for Chiren quantifies in a bid to trim imports from Witershall Erdgas Handelshaus, Gazexport and Overgas Inc.. Bulgargaz has caused a BGN 44 million damage to the state by importing Russian gas at the highest possible prices instead of using 209.2 million cu m from the Chiren depository at BGN 396.78 per 1,000 cu m, Shushulov said.
Source: Dnevnik (17.12.2008)
Bulgarian Companies Extract Gas for Nabucco Bulgarian companies would be licensed for extracting natural gas for Nabucco project. Bulgarian businessmen will be able to take part in joint ventures and invest in the production of natural gas from countries where this fuel is abundant, the Standart learnt from sources from the delegation led by Bulgaria's President Georgi Parvanov who is on a two-day visit to Turkey. Nabucco is a rival project to the Russian South Stream and is expected to start functioning in 2013 and transport gas from Turkey to Austria via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. Turkey assured Bulgaria gas will be supplied just in exchange for the transit fees,it emerged at the meeting of President Parvanov and Turkey's Prime Minister, Recep Erdogan who talked in the Swissotel in Ankara under tight security measures. By now Bulgaria has negotiated two billion cubic metres of natural gas on Nabucco project. Today Georgi Parvanov will make an official visit to Turkmenistan where an energy agreement is also expected to be signed.
Source: Standart (18.12.2008)
Gas-rich Turkmenistan, Bulgaria sign energy pact Bulgaria secured a tentative deal Friday to receive gas supplies from energy-rich Turkmenistan that could lay the grounds for increased gas deliveries to Europe from the Central Asian nation. Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov said that Turkmenistan has backed a proposal to provide 2 billion cubic meters of natural gas to his EU-member nation through the existing pipeline network through Russia. The two countries also signed a memorandum of understanding that will help ensure coordination on boosting global energy security, Parvanov said. "I believe that on the international level, we will begin to speak with one voice when it comes to supporting (energy security)," Parvanov said after a meeting with his Turkmen counterpart, President Gurbanguli Berdymukhamedov. Parvanov has backed a U.S.- and EU-backed Nabucco pipeline that could ease Europe's reliance on Russian energy. The route would run from the Caspian Sea across Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to Austria. But Parvanov also has signed a deal with Russia to build a pipeline under the Black Sea which Moscow has offered to underline Nabucco. Russia and the West has been competing for Turkmen and other Central Asian energy resources in what was widely compared to the 19th century "Great Game" race for domination in the region between the British empire and czarist Russia.
Source: (20.12.2008)
NPP Belene Construction May Turn Cheaper The construction of Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant Belene may turn out cheaper than expected because of the deflation following the global financial crisis, NEC CEO Lyubomir Velkov said yesterday. Mr. Velkov signed the agreement between the Bulgarian state and Gemany-based energy company RWE for the establishment of a joint venture on the Belene project. According to initial calculations, the construction of NPP Belene will cost four billion euro. Although the initial price of the construction was included in the signed agreement, there will not be a problem if the total cost of the project goes down, Velkov says. Belgium-based Electrabel, which until recently was a competitor to the German company, may now decide to join the joint NEC-RWE joint venture. Dr. Gerd Jager, Member of RWE Power AG's Executive Board in charge of Nuclear Power Plants the Standart that there would be talks between the German company and Electrabel in the next few days. He and Antonius Voss, Executive Vice President and CFO of RWE Power AG, signed the join venture agreement on the part of RWE. On the part of the Bulgarian state, the agreement was signed by Velkov and NEC Executive Director Mardik Papazyan. If Electrabel joins in the joint venture, they and RWE will hold 24.5% each and NEC will hold 51% of the shares
Source: Standart (20.12.2008)
Bulgaria Threatened by Gas Cut-off The consumers of natural gas in Bulgaria are threatened by shorter supplies, if the argument between Ukraine and Russia continues. According to Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov, the situation will become critical if the gas supplies drop to 6 or 6.5 million cubic meters a day. The average gas supplies to Bulgaria are slightly over nine million cubic meters, but they have fallen by about fifteen percent since last Friday.
Source: Standart (05.01.2009)
The beginning of the new year brought new gas problems. Russia and Ukraine cannot come to agreement over the price of natural gas and that disturbed gas deliveries to a number of European countries, among which is Bulgaria, too. There is no threat of gas shortage for the gas consumers, Feran Taradelas, spokesman for the European Commissioner on Energy Andris Piebalgs, said. According to him, the most affected countries are Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, and Poland but there are no serious problems in any country, member of EU. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine is mainly commercial and the eurocommission will not take the role of mediator, he commented. According to statistics, reserves of the European countries are between 70 and 90%, which are sufficient. Yet, the conflict raised the question for alternative ways for the gas supplies from Russia, the country that provides 25% of the blue fuel for Europe. By the end of 2008, Russia wanted Ukraine to pay USD 413 for 1,000 cubic m plus USD 600 million fees for delayed payments. Ukraine denied to pay the fees and said the price was too high: it was ready to pay not more than USD 235 for 1,000 cubic m. The decreased supply by 20-30% will not seriously influence Bulgarian economy as it is working with lower capacities at the moment but the most affected will be metallurgy and power heating utilities, Bozhidar Danev, chairman of Bulg
Source: Pari (06.01.2009)
Cabinet with BGN 3, 6 million expenditure The Bulgarian Governments fiscal reserve has lost a record amount of BGN 3.6 million for a month, according to a weekly statistic of the Bulgarian National Bank Emission department. Data of the central bank shows the cabinets deposits totaled up to BGN 11.06 billion on November 21 and were reduced to BGN 7.4 billion until December 23. During the same period of 2008 BGN 1.8 billion were spend from the Governmental financial resource. The Ministry of Finance stated the reason for the expenditure were traditional capital expenses at the end of the year as well as BGN 1.2 billion from the budget surplus assimilated by decision of Parliament. The Bulgarian Energy Holding and the Bulgarian Development Bank have had the greatest share of the fiscal reserve.
Source: Trud (06.01.2009)
Bulgaria Crashed by the Gas War The gas war shoveled Bulgaria into a freezer. This country has happened between the blows Moscow and Kiev are exchanging. Without a warning yesterday at 3:25 a.m. the gas supply for Bulgaria was stopped. This stirred panic in the whole country. The heating companies en masse decreased the supply for homes and offices. Schools, hospitals and nurseries remained in the cold. People rushed to buy electrical heaters. The big consumption of electricity led to breakdowns in the electricity network. Half of Sofia was switched off in the early afternoon. Electricity supply restrictions are inevitable if the central heating is stopped everywhere, sources from the National Electric Company informed. Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Sergey Stanishev urgently summoned his ministers to find way-outs of this crisis.
Source: Standart (07.01.2009)
Bulgaria's Energy Minister: Gas Crisis Will Be over In One Week Bulgaria's Energy and Economy Minister Petar Dimitrov stated that the gas shortage caused by the Russia-Ukraine price dispute would be over in a week. Dimitrov made this statement after his meeting with representatives of sixty large Bulgarian industrial consumers of natural gas, during which he informed them of the measures to restrict gas consumption. The Bulgarian government is introducing austerity measures in natural gas consumption starting at 8 am on Thursday, January 8, after the country was cut off from the Russian gas supplies early Tuesday morning. The industrial consumers have expressed their concerns that some plants might have to be shut down because of the natural gas shortage. Dimitrov himself announced that Bulgaria's chemical industry would suffer the most from the lack of gas.
Source: Darik Radio (08.01.2009)
Mass bankruptcies because of the gas crisis Bulgarian companies may hit the rock bottom because of the gas crisis as many of the installations operate only with the blue fuel, said the head of Confederation of Employers and Idustrialists in Bulgaria, Evgeny Ivanov. According to him the losses each day reach half a billion. In the next few days several of the leading metallurgical companies in the country may go bankrupt, said the CITUB union leader Vassil Yanachkov. They are Stomana Industry SA in Pernik, Promet in Bourgas, Shoumen-based Alcomet, Sofia Med and Steelmet in Sofia. Only a few installations operate on gas at Kremikovtzi, however, the supply as at minimum and in case of further decrease of the gas supply, emergency situations and ecological crisis may occur, the union said.
Source: Novinar (08.01.2009)
Bulgaria to import gas from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Egypt Construction of an intersystem 70-km connection from Comotini to Dimitrovgrad would allow Bulgaria to use the negotiated gas supplies from Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Egypt. This option was discussed at the National Security Consultancy Council, called by the president Parvanov. According to him, the pipeline may be constructed either entirely by national funds, ot by European program financing or public-private partnership. An option for a terminal for liquified gas in Greece was also discussed.
Source: Novinar (08.01.2009)
President Parvanov: Bulgaria Can Survive 100 Days Bulgaria can survive the gas crisis for 90 to 100 days applying restrictions and without cutting off electricity and central heating, said yesterday president Parvanov after the meeting of the National Security Consultative Council. He explained that all recourses in the country have been mobilized, as the production of Galata and Chiren natural gas deposit supply daily 4 million cubic meters of gas. Parvanov added that all authorities agreed Bobovdol thermal power plant to be set in operation soon. Bulgaria's President pointed out as priorities Nabucco and South Stream pipeline projects. "Bulgaria needs alternative fuel sources and it needs to build a terminal for liquefied gas from Egypt and Qatar", added the president. He added that the pipeline Turkey - Greece should have an extension connecting it with Bulgaria. Both projects can be financed by EU funds and public private partnership, explained Parvanov. PM Stanishev has already raised the issue in a telephone conversation with the president of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso.
Source: Standart (08.01.2009)
Dubyna: Bulgaria to be First to receive Gas when Supply is Restored When Russia restores the natural gas supply, the first volumes would be sent to Bulgaria, the CEO of the Ukrainian "Naftogaz" Oleh Dubyna stated on Wednesday. The statement, quoted by the Bulgarian information agency BGNES, came as a reply to a question asked by the Bulgarian Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Vladko Panayotov. Panayotov spoke during the meeting of the Foreign Policy Commission at the European Parliament in Brussels. The MEP described the emergency situation in Bulgaria with schools closed over the lack of heat, chilly hospitals, and women, children and elderly people in dire need as in time of war. The Ukrainian CEO explained that the technology time frame required to resume regular gas supply was 36 hours, adding that he hopped that experts could shorten the period.
Source: Standart (09.01.2009)
EU Lends Shoulder to Bulgaria The entire European Union is firmly supporting Bulgaria in the critical situation caused by the halt of the natural gas supplies. In a declaration adopted at an informal meeting of the EU foreign ministers attended among all by Bulgaria's No. 1 diplomat Ivailo Kalfin it was emphasized that the issue equally concerns all EU member states and the EU will not leave any of its citizens in trouble. The participants were unanimous that Bulgaria is most severely hit by the gas supply cutoff. This is the reason why Ivalo Kalfin was the first to take the floor at the meeting. The signees of the declaration appeal to Russia and Ukraine to resume supplies without further delay. The EU is prepared to send independent observers to Ukraine. EUR five billion are allotted for establishing connections between gas consumers, suppliers and transit countries. Bulgaria has two projects aimed at connecting its national energy systems with Greece and Romania. However, the EU may provide financing only under one condition - Bulgaria should be prepared to table them within a month.
Source: Standart (09.01.2009)
EU Says Economic Damage From Gas Cuts Very Significant Europe is suffering "very important" economic damage due to the cuts in Russian gas supplies through Ukraine, a European Comission spokesman said Friday. "It's certainly very important but (there is) no estimation at this point in time," European Commission spokesman for energy issues Ferran Terradellas told journalists when asked about the economic fallout of the cuts. "We will have a clearer picture in the coming days," he added.
Source: Darik Radio (09.01.2009)
Russia to Resume Gas Supply Tomorrow, Europe will take a breath as Russian gas is expected to start flowing towards the Old Continent again. The resumption of Russian supplies was made possible after Ukraine signed a protocol with Russia and EU for accepting international monitors. They will inspect the gas transit through Ukraine, Reuters informed. The agreement was reached late on Saturday after Czech PM Mirek Topolanek, whose country currently holds the rotating EU presidency, had shuttled between Moscow and Kiev. "Russia would resume the gas supplies after the international observers arrive at the locations. This is expected to happen within hours and most probably in 36 hours all European countries would have Russian gas," Topolanek said Saturday. However, Gazprom assured that the supplies might be resumed immediately after the observers arrive and promised that the Balkans would be the first to receive gas. The observers will report to Kiev, Brussels and Moscow. Meanwhile Gazprom stated that the company already suffers severe losses caused by the gas row totaling $120 million daily, 'Vedomosti' daily (Russia) informed yesterday.
Source: Standart (12.01.2009)
Gas from Ukraine Is an Illusion Ukraine won't supply gas to Bulgaria from its own reserve as it was agreed a day before, minister of economy Petar Dimitrov unexpectedly announced yesterday yearly afternoon. On Saturday Bulgaria's President Georgi Parvanov and his Ukrainian counterpart Victor Yushchenko agreed in a telephone conversation Kiev to supply gas to Bulgaria from its own reserves supplying 2 million cubic meters gas daily till the end of the crisis. The proposal of Naftogaz was to transit the gas via Romania. Experts explained yesterday that because of the uncompleted 30-km-long pipeline between Russe and Giurgiu there's no way to pump gas to Bulgaria. The problem is that Ukraine doesn't have the amount needed to fill the pipeline. Over 25 cubic meters of gas are needed, specified minister Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (12.01.2009)
Gaz de France Ready to Supply Bulgaria with Gas through Greece The French Ambassador in Sofia Etienne de Poncins announced Monday Gaz de France was ready to supply Bulgaria with liquefied natural gas through a terminal in Northern Greece. His Excellency pointed out Bulgaria should not rely solely on one gas supplier, and gave as an example France, which used gas from Russia, Norway, and Algeria. In his words, the liquefied natural gas was transported to Northern Greece, and it could easily be transited to building if a connection was built between Bulgaria and the Greek gas network. De Poncins said it was urgent for Bulgaria to be linked to Greece. He reminded that in 2008 Gaz de France and Bulgargaz signed a framework cooperation for agreement, which, however, did not include any details. The Ambassador did point out, however, that GDF was ready to work with Bulgargaz in order to build the necessary pipeline connection. His Excellency spoke at a special press conference during which he announced the program of the French Embassy for the celebrations dedicated to the 20th anniversary since the visit of the French President Francois Mitterand in Bulgaria on January 18-19, 1988.
Source: Darik Radio (13.01.2009)
Bulgaria's PM Urgently Visits Russia Bulgaria's PM flies for Moscow this morning to have talks with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. Putin phoned Stanishev yesterday afternoon and invited him to Moscow. He also told Stanishev that Russia had resumed the supplies of natural gas for Europe but, to his words, gas had not been transited through Ukraine because their transportation system was not functioning. Putin added that Ukraine should take the necessary actions to ensure a proper transit of the Russian natural gas to the European consumers. During his one-day working visit to Moscow Stanishev will be accompanied by Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov, his deputy, Galina Tosheva, and Bulgarian experts, who will control the transit of Russian natural gas through the territory of Ukraine.
Source: Standart (14.01.2009)
Standard and Poors has supervised the rating of National Electric Company (NEC). The reason for the decision is the lack of information on the financial situation of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), of which NEC is a part. In 6 weeks Standard and Poors expects to receive more data that would allow it to decide whether the rating of the NEC will be changed. By the rating agency indicated that the credit ratings of other units in BEH - Mines Maritsa Iztok, TPP Maritsa East 2 and NPP Kozloduy may not be as high as the rate of NEC, which could decrease the entire rating of the energy holding.
Source: Dnevnik (14.01.2009)
Bulgarian MPs Want to Restart NPP Kozloduy's Reactors All fifteen members of the Energy Committee in the Bulgarian Parliament agreed on the restart of NPP Kozloduy's power units 3 and 4, which were shut down two years ago. Their proposal was supported by their colleagues from the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Committee on Energy Issues. "It is now the time to quote article 36 of Bulgaria's EU Accession treaty, which allows the restart of the nuclear reactors," MPs say. Three independent proposals for the restart of the decommissioned facilities were heard at an extraordinary sitting of the Energy Committee. All members of the Bulgarian Parliament share the opinion that power units 3 and 4 of NPP Kozloduy meet all safety standards of the European Commission and in that they are just as good as any West European facilities of that kind. However, none of the proposals was voted. This will probably happen today, during the regular sitting of the Committee, when Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov will also be given the floor. Towards the end of the sitting, the members of the Energy Committee agreed that they should make a common proposal for the restart of the shut down reactors 3 and 4 of NPP Kozloduy. Energy Committee Chairman Ramadan Atalay says such a proposal could be voted today and put forward for discussion in Plenary Hall tomorrow.
Source: Standart (14.01.2009)
Greece and Turkey to Help Bulgaria With Gas Bulgaria's southern neighbours Greece and Turkey are ready to help Bulgaria deal with the gas crisis. An agreement with Athens was reached to supply 2 million cubic meters of gas daily, minister of economy Petar Dimitrov announced. Greece's gas supplying system has been connected to Turkey's system, which allows Greece to receive supplies both from Azerbaijan and Russia via "Blue Stream" pipeline. According to minister Dimitrov the gas supplies can be received through the pipeline connecting Russia and Greece via Bulgaria. The amount of 2 million cubic meters is just one sixth of Bulgaria's daily gas needs - 12 million cubic meters on the average. Liquefied gas can be supplied at Revitusa gas station near Athens, added Petar Dimitrov. He has already hold talks with his Greek and Turkish counterparts as Turkey is also ready to help Bulgaria. The financial aspect of the deal between Bulgaria and Greece is still under negotiations. "So, Bulgaria's government is managing well the situation", stated minister Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (16.01.2009)
Bulgaria Imports Greek Gas Yesterday at 04:00 p.m. gas flowed from Greece to Bulgaria, reported the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy. The supply started from the Greek station of Strimonohori and the tap was turned in the presence of representatives of Bulgartransgaz and the Greek gas company DEPA. The initially contracted amounts of gas will be increased. The contract was concluded for a supply of gas within a week with the option this period to be lengthened or reduced depending on whether the gas supplies from Russia will start for Bulgaria. The Ministry of Economy cannot still answer how much Bulgaria would pay for the Greek gas. According to informed sources, the price would be higher than that of the Russia gas because the liquefied gas at the world markets is more expensive. Nevertheless the situation would be clear after Bulgargas CEO, Dimitar Gogov returns from Athens where he is to sign the contract with his Greek counterpart from DEPA, Asimakis Papageorgiou.
Source: Standart (20.01.2009)
Russia and Ukraine Sign Gas Transit Agreement Russia and the Ukraine have reached the agreement for the supply of Russian gas to Europe via the Ukraine, the Russian information agencies report Monday afternoon. The agreement has been signed by the CEO of the Russian energy giant "Gazporm" Alexei Miller and his Ukrainian counterpart - the CEO of "Naftogaz" Oleh Dubyna as well as by the Prime Ministers of the two countries - Vladimir Putin for Russia and Yulya Timoshenko for the Ukraine. Putin, quoted by the Russian information agency ITAR-TASS, stated at the meeting's conclusion that "Gazprom" has received an order to begin immediately Russian gas transit trough the Ukraine in all European directions. Timoshenko, on her part, declared that the Ukraine was to begin delivering gas to European consumers right after the first volume reached the pipes in the Ukraine. The European Commission (EC) immediately issued a declaration regarding their reaction to the signing of the Gazprom-Naftogaz gas contract, saying that the EC "notes the signing of a ten year contract between Gazprom and Naftogaz in the presence of Prime Minister Putin and Prime Minister Tymoschenko in Moscow this afternoon." "We now need an indication of the precise time that gas deliveries will be resumed. Our monitors will verify when the gas actually starts to flow," the statement concludes.
Source: Darik Radio (20.01.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on 19.01.2009. Meeting agenda includes: changes within the management bodies.
Source: Registry Agency (20.01.2009)
Over BGN 169 million losses from the gas crisis The losses, calculated by companies up to the present day, are about BGN 169 263 699. This was announced by the Economy Minister, cited by BTA. These are the direct losses, which different companies incur, the Minister specified. By the end of the day the Crisis headquarters will choose the consumers, which have the greatest need of receiving natural gas. Now the big question is that Russian gas flows in the network, so that we can release bigger quantities to consumers. Gas is most urgently needed in fertilizer and metallurgical factories, Dimitrov added. Among the consumers, who urgently need an increase of deliveries, are the companies "Stomana" (Pernik) and "Agropolichim", as well as some greenhouses and animal farms, in which there is a heating crisis. Dimitrov added that starting tomorrow morning the regime of gas will be changed, so that the industrial consumers in greatest need receive more blue fuel. The Minister specified that for now central heating companies can continue working on black oil, because if natural gas is delivered to them, the needs of the industry will have to be limited, which is not a good idea.
Source: (21.01.2009)
The head of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov and the Deputy Minister of Economy Galina Tosheva will be a part of the Bulgarian Energy Holding board of directors. Other members of the board will be Dimitar Dimitrov, head of the board of directors of Bulgargaz, Boris Petkov CEO of the state-owned Radioactive Waste and Tencho Popov, a financial consultant and ex-chief secretary in the Ministry of Finance. Deloitte Bulgaria consulted the officials in the Ministry of Economy during the election of the board members. The board of directors will control, organize and manage all activities of the mega holding.
Source: Novinar (21.01.2009)
Gas crisis costs Bulgaria BGN 170 mln The Bulgarian economy suffered losses in the size of BGN 170 million since the outbreak of the gas crisis until yesterday. The losses have been calculated on the basis of information received at the crisis HQ from the affected companies. Provided that Bulgaria's average consumption of natural gas is about twelve million cubic meters a day, during the gas crisis about 180 million cubic meters of natural gas just failed to reach the consumers in the poorest EU country during the gas dispute between Moscow and Kiev. It is still unclear who is to compensate the Bulgarian companies for their losses. "We received a letter from Gazprom which reads that Kiev is to blame for the gas crisis and we should seek compensations from Ukraine's Naftogaz," said Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Ministry Petar Dimitrov. Naftogaz replied that they had not received such a letter and therefore they declined to comment the question. "We can claim additional supplies of natural gas at an eight-percent discount from the market price," Minister Dimitrov said. "It is uncertain whether Gazprom would agree to a new direct contract, but probably the formula for the prices of the natural gas that we receive from Russia may be reconsidered," Bulgargaz Director Dimitar Gogov said. Claims may also be filed to the suppliers of natural gas. According to PM Sergey Stanishev, the supplies of natural gas from Russia should first be fully restored so that the companies start operating normally and only then could the losses from the gas crisis be accurately calculated. Given that Russian gas reached Bulgaria at 09:05 a.m. yesterday, the calculations can be made within twenty-four hours.
Source: Standart (21.01.2009)
Gas War Binds Balkans Countries Together The gas crisis demolished to pieces one of the most persistent historical myths about the Balkans - that the peninsula is Europe's Powder Keg and populated by morose and wild barbarians. History has its good reasons. In these harsh days, however, when the Balkan countries faced a common problem, they acted in a way that put the rest of Europe to shame. While Brussels was wondering what steps exactly to take, on the 'powder keg" Balkan governments behaved like real Europeans. Despite its own serious economic problems, Hungary helped Serbia with natural gas, in spite of the thousands of years of bitter hatred between the two states. On their part Serbia pumped gas into the mostly Muslim Sarajevo. This gesture came as a positive shock for the local people as they keep too fresh memories of the massacres in Srebrenica and Gorazde. The same holds true for Romania and Bulgaria. Romania offered Bulgaria mazut and Greece forgot about old misunderstandings and differences and signed an urgent gas supply contract at first approach. No matter Greece's gas reserves are not exactly profuse. We shall wish that these kind neighbourly relations would become a practice and the west should stop considering us a second class Europeans.
Source: Standart (21.01.2009)
Ukraine: Sofia should sue the suppliers "Ukraine has not signed any contracts with Bulgaria for the supply of natural gas on the grounds of which it could be brought to court,' Vitaliy Peychev, Press Attache for Ukraine's Ambassador in Sofia Viktor Kalnik, said yesterday. "Bulgaria has no legal grounds to sue Ukraine, because we do not know the countries for which the natural gas that we transport is meant. Gazprom issues all supply orders. You should file claims against the companies with which you have signed contracts for supply of natural gas,' he went further. Mr. Peychev quoted Commissioner for Energy Andris Piebalgs saying that Ukraine has not stolen a single cubic meter of natural gas since January 1 and that Russia's claims that gas disappears in the territory of Ukraine are absolutely groundless.
Source: Standart (22.01.2009)
Bulgaria to Demand Compensations from EU over Gas Crisis "Bulgaria may demand compensations from the EU due to the gas crisis. This will become possible if the losses to Bulgaria's economy due to the cut gas supplies exceed 0.6% from this country's GDP," informed Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Peter Dimitrov in the Parliament. Minister Dimitrov explained that according to the EU practice in case the losses of a certain EU member state reached such sizes this would mean a crisis. Then, the EU renders a joint help. According to the latest data of the crisis staff with the Ministry of Economy and Energy, so far Bulgaria has calculated losses of nearly 200 million levs. Bulgaria's GDP for 2009 is expected to reach 73.48 billion levs which means that in case the economic losses total 440 million levs, Bulgaria may demand compensations from the EU.
Source: Standart (23.01.2009)
PM Stanishev: Bulgaria needs a clever plan for NPP Kozloduy "Our arguments in favour of the restart of NPP Kozloduy power units 3 and 4 should be presented before the European Commission very cautiously and cleverly," Bulgaria'0s PM Sergey Stanishev said in the town of Rousse on the Danube. To his words, Bulgaria should not leave the EU with the impression that it acting out of spite. Rather, we should take into consideration the clauses and conditions provided in the EU accession treaty. "The analysis of our experts should be very precise, as the European Commissions chief argument is that the gas crisis is over. However, it is equally true that the Russia-Ukraine relations are quite unstable, despite the agreement that the two countries signed," Mr. Stanishev said. "And it is this instability that gives the Bulgarian government a reason to request a temporary restart of Kozloduy nuke's decommissioned power units," he went on.
Source: Standart (26.01.2009)
Gas Crisis Makes Nabucco Project Popular The gas crisis has made the Nabucco pipeline project extremely popular. The row between Ukraine and Russia left half of Europe without natural gas and the interest in the project that is meant to make the European citizens less dependent on Gazprom's mercy has grown. Representatives of all countries through which the pipeline is planned to pass - Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, Hungary and Germany, which joined last, as well as representatives of the companies that are partners in the Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH Consortium - Bulgargaz, BOTAS, Transgaz, MOL, OMW and RWE - have gathered in Budapest. Today they will discuss options to speed up the implementation of the pipeline project, which is expected to cost about ten billion euro and will have an annual throughput capacity of up to 31 billion cubic meters of natural gas. The pipeline will be three thousand kilometers long, four hundred of which will be in the territory of Bulgaria, and will supply natural gas to Southeast and Central Europe.
Source: Standart (27.01.2009)
NEK will develop wind-energy business State-owned Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania SPJSC (NEK) will enter the business with wind-generated electricity, which guarantees high profits. NEK will invest in the construction of 3 wind parks of total power 72 MW south of Krumovgrad through the Bulgarian-Greek company Neko. It is registered in Athens in 2002 and has a capital of EUR 60 thous. NEK owns 50% of its shares and the rest are divided between the Greek companies Prometeas Gas and Damko Energy. The latter is owned by the energy group Kopelousos. NEK plans on constructing the wind park Chernichevo 20 MW, Taushan Tepe 26 MW and Tumbata 26 MW. They would have totally 36 generator vanes. The installations would start operations in January 2010. Electricity from wind power plants is 4 times more expensive than the NPP-generated it costs BGN 185.95 per MW.
Source: Trud (28.01.2009)
EU Says 'No' to Nabucco Financing The European Union does not consider financing the Nabucco pipeline project. Reuters quotes European Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs saying that the European Union should not consider providing the Nabucco gas pipeline capital financing but it could provide loans and guarantees. Reportedly, this became clear at the conference in Budapest, attended by Bulgaria?s PM Sergey Stanishev. According to a publication, the European Investment Bank is ready to consider a financial contribution to the Nabucco project in the size of a quarter of its total cost. The author quotes a statement that EIB Director Philippe Maystadt made at the forum in Budapest. To be granted a loan, however, the project should meet all technological, political and economic criteria, and Mr. Maystadt also requires an intergovernmental agreement. Reportedly, EBRD has also shown interest in financing Nabucco. 'Nabucco gained considerable importance after the gas crisis. It will provide an alternative to the gas supplies from Russia, connecting Europe to the natural gas producers in the Caspian region and the Middle East,' PM Stanishev said at the forum.
Source: Standart (28.01.2009)
Bulgaria Expects 1 B cum of Gas from Azerbaijan Some 1 billion cubic meters of gas coming from Azerbaijan may start flowing into Bulgaria from next year, Bulgaria's PM Sergei Stanishev and the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliev agreed upon. As of the next week, the gas companies of the two countries will start additional negotiations. Gas from Azerbaijan may be supplied to Bulgarian and Greece even this year in case an agreement for transit is reached with Turkey. Tuesday evening, the project for linking Bulgaria's gas transit network with those of Greece and Romania, received a substantial support during the sitting of the Council on General Affairs and External Relations with the EU. Thus, the project may be financed with part of the 5 billion euro with which the EU intends to compensate the aftermath of the financial crisis within the Union.
Source: Standart (28.01.2009)
No clauses for gas compensations for Bulgaria This is clearly stated in the additional agreement signed at the end of 2006 between Overgas and Bulgargas, worked out by ex-minister of energy Rumen Ovcharov. The quantity in question is over 1.4 billion cubic m annually, which the country has received since 2007. This means that the existing clauses for 4% or 8% discount in the price, which the country hoped to get, are not valid for these quantities. Overgas denied this information without presenting any facts to prove the opposite. The quantities mentioned are the greater part of the total 2.5 billion cubic m per year of Overgas supplies. According to an additional agreement signed in May 2007, the quantities decrease until 2010 from 6.600 billion cubic m to 2.5 billion cubic m including the gas on preferential price, which by 2012 should reach market values. It is these 1.4 billion cubic m gas, which Bulgaria received at preferential price that cost USD 305.68 per 1,000 cubic m for the fourth quarter of 2008, Pari daily learned. The remaining part to 2.5 billion cubic m cost USD 503.79 per 1,000 cubic m. In its corrective statement Overgas says that natural gas price is USD 321, which in fact is the average figure and it by no means refutes the data published in yesterdays issue of Pari daily.
Source: Pari (29.01.2009)
Bulgaria's President: We Insists on No Contracts with Mediators "During his visit to Moscow, President Georgi Parvanov will insist on a new contract with Gazprom," Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov said. Gogov added that Parvanov would directly refer Bulgaria's demands to Gazprom Vice President Alexander Medvedev. "President Parvanov will require supply from Gazpromexport alone, as it is the only company directly related to Gazprom. Currently, Bulgargaz has contracts with two other mediators Overgas Inc. and Wintershall. We'd also demand a better-guaranteed supply, just as we provide bank guarantees for our future payments. Thirdly, we'd insist on a contract that would expire in at least ten years," Gogov explained. Bulgaragaz has lost BGN 110 million over the January gas conflict between Ukraine and Russia. "We have notified the Ministry of Economy and Energy's ad hoc committee on the gas crisis of the figure," Gogov announced. The company has incurred direct losses for USD 20 million out of unsupplied quantities as well as another BGN 80-million losses out of future earnings. Bulgargaz will hold that the unsupplied quantities be delivered in the future at better financial conditions. The company is also due to notify every one of its three suppliers - Overgas, Gazpromexport and WIEE-Zug - of its claims.
Source: Standart (04.02.2009)
Bulgaria to Negotiate Transit of Asian Gas with Russia Bulgaria will insist before Russia that pipelines of 'Gazprom" be used to transfer fuel from Asia, a member of the delegation accompanying Bulgaria's President Georgi Parvanov on his visit to Russia said. The negotiations will be on the transit of 1 billion cubic meters gas that Bulgaria has already negotiated with Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. The former Soviet republics stipulated that Bulgaria had to negotiate the transit with Russia. Bulgaria will ask for gas compensations due to the gas crisis, caused by the suspended gas supply in January.
Source: Standart (04.02.2009)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) intends to establish a subsidiary with an investment objective to take the implementation of the projects for renewable energy that are currently in the plans of another subsidiary - the National Electricity Company (NEC). This was announced by Galina Tosheva, Executive Director of BEH. It is expected the investment company to be formed by the end of 2009 - early 2010 and to start with the wind projects of NEC near the southern border. The hydro power plants, however, will remain in the structure of NEC as they are critical for the energy balance of the country, added Tosheva.
Source: (04.02.2009)
Moscow Feels Twinges of Guilt about Bulgaria The Russian-Ukrainian gas conflict that had affected Bulgaria has changed the 'ceremonial' agenda of president Parvanov's visit to Russia. A source from the Kremlin emphasized that Moscow "would rather not jeopardize the particularly friendly relations with Sofia because of the January events." It seems that the Russian part feels twinges of guilt about Sofia and it might be helpful to the Bulgarian delegation in the negotiations on obtaining some concessions. Based on Russia's example, Bulgaria has been considering the possibility to get rid of the mediator companies 'Wintershall' and especially 'Overgas Inc' ('Gazprom' owns shares in both companies). According to the Kremlin source, Russian authorities do not oppose the direct gas supply "if 'Gazprom' and 'Bulgargas' agree on the commercial conditions." Meanwhile it is obvious that the Russian monopolist is not ready to give up the mediators. Most probably 'Gazprom' would avoid financial compensations and would prefer additional gas supply for the consumers and for the emptied gas depots of "Bulgargas'. However, authorities in Sofia count on complete reconsidering of the gas supply plan, harmonized in 2006, within the framework of the political dialog.
Source: Standart (05.02.2009)
Parvanov: Bulgaria will again be energy centre on the Balkans Bulgaria will regain its position as the energy centre on the Balkans, just as it was before Units 3, 4 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant were decommissioned. This will happen after the construction of the new nuke in Belene is completed, Bulgaria President Georgi Parvanov said during the premier of his book "Bulgaria in the Global World" in Moscow. The President arrived in the Russian capital for a three-day official visit yesterday. Parvanov reminded that before the two units were closed in compliance with the EU accession treaty Bulgaria made up for 50 percent of the power deficit in the Balkan region. He also said that the Belene project involves Russia, although it is also a pan-European project because Bulgaria is an EU member and several European companies will take part in its implementation.
Source: Standart (05.02.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding posts BGN 154m pre-tax profit Bulgarian Energy Holding, the mega structure bundling the countrys major energy assets, booked a pre-tax profit of BGN 154 million for 2008, under preliminary data. The main contributors were the state-controlled power company NEK, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and nuclear plant Kozloduy. Another shot in the arm were the higher electricity prices. The structure, which was set up last summer, brings together the countrys biggest coal-fired power plant, the state-owned Maritsa East 2, coal miner Maritsa East, Kozloduy nuclear plant, state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz, telecom services provider Bulgartel, national power grid operator NEK and the Electricity System Operator. BEH said it expected profit will increase to BGN 471 million in 2009, and revenue will gain BGN 292 million to BGN 5.9 billion. The structures long-term bank debt totaled BGN 1.7 billion, but new loans will be sought to back a BGN 2 billion investment plan. Bulgargaz swung to a loss of BGN 118 million from a pre-tax profit of BGN 90 million in the previous year, blaming high gas prices and costly delieveries from Gazprom. Kozloduy NPP turned out to be the gem in the structure, posting a record-shattering profit of BGN 81 million against a BGN 27 million target. The growth was driven by buoyant sales on the deregulated market, where the plant sells 40% of its output.
Source: Dnevnik (05.02.2009)
Kremlin moots buy of Bulgaria Overgas stake Gazprom weighing a proposal to buy all or some of Bulgargaz stake in Overgas Inc, one of the firms that ship gas to Bulgaria, reported Russian daily Vremya Novostei, quoting an unnamed Kremlin source. Gazprom vice-president Alexander Medvedev, who also heads Overgas board of directors, hinted at a possible deal at a Sofia visit two weeks ago. Gazprom and Gazpromexport hold a combined share of 50% of Overgas Incs capital, the remainder in the hands of private investors grouped in Overgas Holding. London-based DDI Holdings Limited is majority shareholder in the holding company with a 98.1% stake. Executive director Sasho Donchev has s 0.37% interest, and the rest is equally split between Nikolov Invest SPJSC and Ivan Todorov, accorording to the commercial register.
Source: Dnevnik (05.02.2009)
Parvanov Negotiates Gas Supplies without Intermediaries Bulgaria's gas company Bulgargaz will be supplied with Russian natural gas without intermediaries. This was negotiated yesterday in the Kremlin between Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov and his Russian counterpart Dmitry Medvedev. The two talked for about an hour and a half, far longer than initially scheduled. Medvedev and Parvanov also agreed to speed up the South Stream pipeline project. To Mr. Medvedev's words, the pipeline's throughput capacity may also be increased. 'Bulgaria has always worked hard and will continue working towards the implementation of this project,' Mr. Parvanov said. He underscored that the Nabucco pipeline project that is to be realized in cooperation with the EU, was also of equal importance. The two heads of state agreed that guarantees that the gas crisis will not repeat itself are needed. Mr. Medvedev proposed two options against future gas problems, the first involving the establishment of international legislation aimed at preventing a future halt in the gas supplies, and the second involves diversification of the gas routes to Europe. Mr. Parvanov expressed his satisfaction with the talks, adding that the problems can be solved at an international forum on energy issues, scheduled to take place in Sofia at the end of April. Mr. Medvedev said once again that the construction of NPP Belene was of great importance and added that the project would be completed on time.
Source: Standart (06.02.2009)
Medvedev: Bulgaria should ask compensations from Ukraine Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev agreed Bulgaria had been worst affected by the gas crisis. "The whole blame for the suspended gas supply falls on Ukraine and due to this financial compensations should be sought from Ukraine," President Medvedev stated. Medvedev added that Russia would strictly follow the observation of the new contract with Ukraine.
Source: Standart (06.02.2009)
Gas Price to Fall by 12 percent 'Bulgargas' proposes the price of natural gas to drop by nearly 12 per cent as of April 1. "The decrease will be 11,56% which means that from $399 per 1000 cubic meters it will drop to $338," Bulgaria's minister of economy and energy Petar Dimitrov announced. Later the Bulgarian gas company also announced the proposed new price. The proposal will be submitted to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission on March 11. 'Bulgargas' explained that in case of market changes there might be a different price at that time. The drop in gas price will let Bulgarian enterprises and power plants that suffered substantial losses from the economic and gas crisis, to take a breath. However, prices of central heating will hardly fall before the end of the season. "We are still expecting Russia's, and, in particular, 'Gazprom's decision on the possible compensations for the suspended gas supplies in January. We are expecting compensations for Bulgaria's real economy that suffered losses from the gas crisis besides the undelivered amounts of gas on a lower price," added minister Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (10.02.2009)
Gas Pipeline to Connect Bulgaria and Greece The preliminary work on a project for a gas pipeline meant to connect Bulgaria with Greece gas transit system is scheduled to begin in three month?s time. The news has been spread by the town administration of Kurdzhali in southern Bulgaria. The results of the analyses should be announced by October. The total cost of the project has not been calculated yet, but it is expected to reach 100 or 120 million euro. The preliminary works involve mapping out the pipeline?s technical parameters and estimating its possible impact on the environment. The pipeline will be 150 km long, 125 of which will pass through Bulgarian territory. The pipeline is planned to begin at the Greek town of Komotini, passing through the Bulgarian towns of Momchilgrad, Kurdzhali and Haskovo, and end in the town of Dimitrovgrad. The executor of the preliminary research work is to be selected by a public tender, sources from the Bulgarian Energy Holding said.
Source: Standart (10.02.2009)
Bulgaria Expects US$1 Billion US Investments "Bulgaria expects investments of US$1 billion in two projects of US companies this year. This is quite important in times of world financial crisis," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Peter Dimitrov, stated. Minister Dimitrov will have a meeting with a team of the General Electric that are ready to invest 800 million euro in a wind farm in Bulgaria. Energy company AES is willing to invest 240 million euro. "Bulgarian media do not want to believe me, but according to a report of the United Nations Committee on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Bulgaria occupies second place in the world in terms of favorable investment climate after Hong Kong," Minister Dimitrov added. Minister Dimitrov also said he expected a deal for cigarette producer Bulgartabac by the summer.
Source: Standart (10.02.2009)
Russia Eager to Possess Bulgarian Gas Transport Network "Bulgaria explicitly disagrees with the notion the South Stream gas to be transported via the existing gas transportation system in Bulgaria," the Minister said at a public discussion of the state energy strategy to 2020. "We consider the future pipeline as an alternative route to the currently existing one," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Petar Dimitrov, said. Minister expressed disappointment that the pipeline route under the Black Sea to Bulgaria was not specified. "This must have happened during the visit of President Parvanov in Moscow from February 4 to 6th. Reportedly the Russians wanted to increase the transited amounts of gas. This, though, would totally waste the transport systems in Bulgaria," Petar Dimitrov explained. The Russian access to the Bulgarian pipes via South Stream would allow Gazprom implement its long-cherished intent to gain possession over the Bulgarian pipes, experts commented. The project envisages that both parties in the Bulgarian-Russian joint venture would possess 50% of the pipes. For the time being the company has not been established because of discords on the choice of contractor for the pre-project survey, Dimitrov explained.
Source: Standart (12.02.2009)
Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipe faces one-year delay Groundbreaking on the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline will be put off by a year over a delay in the development of the Kashagan field in Kazakhstan and disagreements between Bulgaria, Greece and Russia, reported. Speaking to Dnevnik, Stefan Gunchev, board chair of the Bulgarian project company, said building works were scheduled to begin this year, with the design due by end-July and the environmental impact assessment expected in the next year. The project is going by schedule at the moment, he added. Bulgaria holds 24.5% in the oil pipeline project through state-run companies Technoexportstroy and Bulgargaz. A further 24.5% stake belongs to Greece, with the remainder controlled by Russia. Russian analysts pointed to the ongoing financial crisis as one factor for the delay, but added another portion of the blame should be laid at the door of oil companies, which failed to assess the complexity of the project. Despite its geopolitical importance, the Burgas-Alexandroupolis is not high on Russias to-do list. Moreover, the pipes future operator, Transneft, is focused on Eastern Siberia and the Baltic Pipeline System-2, which will carry 50 million of oil annually from West Siberia to the Gulf of Finland.
Source: Dnevnik (13.02.2009)
Bulgarian electric power market had to be liberalised in the middle of 2007 after the country had undertaken some responsibilities as EU member. Principally, this happened on paper. In fact, a lot of restrictions are still active on electricity market hindering real liberalisation. The main obstacle are the so called preferential or regulated prices, which State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) introduced for household consumers and small companies as a way to protect vulnerable consumers that cannot pay the expensive electricity. As the country has not followed the rules, two weeks ago EC sent a warning letter in which Brussels puts the question about the specific measures the country is undertaking for the real opening of energy market otherwise the country will be sued in the European Court in Luxemburg. According to ministry of economy and energy, SEWRC is responsible for the implementation of EU requirements. SEWRC told Pari daily that decisions could not be taken for two days. Ex-deputy minister and present chairperson of Bulgarian Energy Holding Galina Tosheva said the market in the country was unique. If the quota from the regulated market are abolished, price of electricity will jump considerably, Ivan Genov, director of Kozlodui nuclear power station commented. In this way, electric power producers will export electricity as the price abroad is higher thus leading to power deficit in the country.
Source: Pari (16.02.2009)
Gaz de France eyes Balkan market French energy company Gaz de France Suez is eager to take active part in the development of the Balkan market, said the press office of the Bulgarian government. Last week Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev met with the firms executive committee member Pierre Clavel and Bulgarian Energy Holding executive director Galina Tosheva. During the recent gas crisis GDF said it wanted to supply from the LNG terminal in northern Greece and to build a gas pipeline linking Bulgaria and Greece. The firm is interested in investments in the gas transmission and distribution grids of Romania, Bulgaria and Greece, in gas deposits and in the privatisation of the Sofia heating utility. In July 2008 GDF signed a memorandum for strategic partnership with former Bulgargaz Holding but the parameters have not been disclosed yet. The French firm bid to be the sixth shareholder of the Nabucco gas pipeline, which will pump gas from central Asia to Europe starting in 2013. However, it failed to win the support of Turkey. BEH, the structure grouping Bulgarias key energy assets, said it plans to strengthen the regional cooperation between gas companies. It will seek to negotiate emergency gas supplies from Turkish Botas, Greek Depa and Romanian Romgaz.
Source: Dnevnik (16.02.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is planning to expand across Southeast Europe, said the chief executive director of the state company Galina Tosheva. The expansion will begin by establishing joint ventures in the region and the first market, which BEH will enter, is Macedonia. In the future, BEH will also participate in explorations of wells in gas-rich countries. The company is considering expanding its activities in Albania and Serbia as well. Along with this BEH plans to implement projects valued at EUR 900 million in Bulgaria over the next two or three years.
Source: (20.02.2009)
Bulgaria and Romania will start a joint pre-investment research for the construction of an inter-system link for the transfer of natural gas in the section Ruse-Giurgiu. The two sides will analyze the opportunity for using partial financing from the European funds for the construction of the link, the Bulgarian Energy Holding announced. This was discussed at a meeting between the managements of Bulgartransgaz EAD, subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and Transgaz, Romania, which took place in Sofia on 18-19 February.
Source: (20.02.2009)
Bulgaria may require EUR 40 million for the expansion of the gas storage in Chiren, announced the Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov. However, the Minister explained that there is still no official decision about it. In his opinion the total investment, needed for the complete expansion amounts to EUR 250 million. Petar Dimitrov further explained that the resources are needed to increase the storage capacity as well as to reach daily production equal to the daily consumption of Bulgaria.
Source: Darik Radio (23.02.2009)
Bulgaria may face gas crunch in 2010 Bulgaria could suffer a gas shortage in 2010 unless it agrees new volumes from Gazprom and reworks its supply contract, Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov told the energy conference Security, Liberalisation and Climate held by Capital weekly and Business and Ecology magazine. In 2006 Bulgaria negotiated a little over 3 billion cubic metres of gas annually for the time until Russia starts pumping into the South Stream pipeline. After 2010 Bulgaria will quench its thirst for gas through the Nabucco and South Stream pipes. According to its new energy strategy, the country should derive 34% of its energy from renewable sources by 2030 and 7% from LNG terminals that are yet to be built. Januarys gas crisis might repeat itself, but on a smaller scale, Dimitrov predicted.
Source: Dnevnik (25.02.2009)
Bulgaria's energy market overregulated, businesses say Bulgaria holds a tight grip on its energy market and there is no real competition in the sector, Bulgarian Industrial Association chairman Bozhidar Danev said, and called for new, flexible power rates and new rules. His statement came a week after the European Commission told Bulgaria that it would trigger an infringement procedure for violations of the electricity directive and setting allowances for exports to the national grid at preferential tariffs. Power retailers association chairperson Roumyana Georgieva said that at least 40 per cent of the market should be deregulated. We hear the talk every year but nothing ever changes, Georgieva said. Power companies estimated that only 20 per cent of their output is sold at free prices. Extra volumes are thus offered at very high prices of up to 260 to 270 leva a MWh, CEZ Trade Bulgaria executive director Vladimir Dichev said. Although they may end up with spare volumes, companies usually order 20 per cent extra supplies, which threatens the market, Dichev said. BIA urged the Government to only regulate the buy-out prices under long-term contracts with the investors in the construction and upgrade of power stations at coal miner Maritsa East. The deal with US firm AES for Maritsa East 1 lignite-fired power plant was signed 10 years ago and runs for 15 years, the same duration as the contract with Italian Enel for Maritsa East 3. The agreement for coal-fired power station Maritsa East 2 also has a 15-year term.
Source: Dnevnik (26.02.2009)
Bulgaria Demands another EUR 700 M over Kozloduy Nuke Weve got good chances to receive 500 to 700 million euros in compensations over the decommissioned units 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, Bulgarian MEP Atanas Paparizov told the Bulgarian National Radio. Demanding this, however, the Bulgarian government must provide some solid grounds, because the EC would not let us have the money just like that, Paparizov added. Reasons to ask for this money are sufficient. Bulgaria has already been given the negotiated 550 million euros, which was allotted to the Kozloduy International Fund. The good news is that the talks left a loophole for additional calculation of the losses. And the better news is that Spokesman for Energy for the European Commission Ferran Tarradellas thinks so, too. He flatly discarded all possibilities for reactors restart, but nevertheless announced that the Commission is ready to consider a request for additional compensation.
Source: Standart (27.02.2009)
Italians to Build the Gas Pipeline Link The Italian Edison S.p.A will partake in the Komotini-Dimitrovgrad gas pipeline implementation. The news came following Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanovs meeting with Italys PM Silvio Berlusconi. Despite the death of Berlusconis sister Maria Antonietta, Berlusconi and Parvanov had an hour-and-a half-long lunch. We discussed Edisons interest in the building of the Komotini-Dimitrovgrad section, which is very important to Bulgaria, Parvanov told journalists after the conversation. He also said he was happy that Italys business community was reconfirming their interest in Bulgaria. The crisis has not yet decreased Italys investments in Bulgaria. They even tend to increase, Bulgarias Head of State added.
Source: Standart (27.02.2009)
The last volumes of gas which will compensate the lack of fuel from January 6 to January 21 will be delivered the following days, announced CEO of Overgas Inc. Sasho Donchev. "This means that we have fulfilled our commitment to Bulgargas within three months to supply the nonsupplied amount of gas during the gas crisis", he explained. "We are not faced with the question of compensations," said the CEO of Overgas. He added that the company had not received any letter with a claim for compensation of losses and the lost benefits of Bulgargas because of the gas crisis. Donchev said that the recently observed pressure from the state for concessions for certain social groups contravenes with the Law on Competition. He said that concessions could be made only to consumers who regularly pay. According to him, the prices in Bulgaria are managed by the Minister of Economy and Energy.
Source: Sega (11.03.2009)
Bulgarian Bulgargaz Offers 10% Lower Prices The Bulgarian gas supply company Bulgargaz has proposed State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation to lower the natural gas prices by 10.53%. Bulgargaz demands a price of BGN 549.96 per 1000 m3 (no value added tax included), which is BGN 64.7 per 1000 m3 less, compared to the current price. The reason for the price cut is the lower prices of the alternative to natural gas fuels on the international markets. A month ago Bulgargaz announced that it would lower the prices by 12%, but due to the higher USD exchange rate, an increase was needed.
Source: Standart (11.03.2009)
The gas pipeline South Stream will run in 2015, said the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. In June last year the Russians said categorically that there would be no delays and the project would be ready in 2013-2014. The value of the pipeline will be about EUR 10 billion. There will be no problems with financing and provision of the necessary volumes of gas, as Moscow has enough fuel for the European consumers for the coming 100 years, Putin said. According to the director of the Russian Gazprom Alexey Miler South Stream has no competition. The pipeline will provide gas from Russia to the countries of Western Europe, as the facility will pass on the bottom of the Black Sea.
Source: Novinar (12.03.2009)
Bulgaria/EBRD consider joint schemes for expansion of gas storage in Chiren Bulgaria and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development /EBRD/ have considered joint schemes for the expansion of gas storage in Chiren. They have considered the variant EUR 250 million to be given. How they will be allocated in time and whether such contact will be signed depends both on Bulgarian Energy Holding and the bank. This is what Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov told. The matter in point is about loans, which Bulgaria will receive on different directions. Future intentions in Galata are have general view due to the fact concession has to be stopped and new agreements have to be searched. There is no courts decision for now on this issue and we cannot ask for concrete financial support, Minister said. There have been talks for several month but they became more intensive after gas crisis in January. Dimitrov expressed his hope results will come during this governments term of office. According to holdings assessments EUR 250 million is the amount of money, needed for the expansion of gas storage in Chiren.
Source: Agency Focus (18.03.2009)
Nabucco Pipeline Removed from EU Priority List The Nabucco gas pipeline project to pump natural gas from Central Asia to Europe transiting Bulgaria has been removed from a European Union list of priority projects. The EU had initially planned to allocate EUR 250 M to finance the project, but later the funds were cut to EUR 50 M, Russian news agency Novosti reported Tuesday. The USD 10 B Nabucco pipeline, backed by the European Union and the US, is intended to link energy-rich Central Asia to Europe through Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria, bypassing Russia and Ukraine. Construction has been tentatively scheduled to begin in 2010. The Nabucco project is seen as a rival to Russia's South Stream gas pipeline designed to annually pump 31 billion cubic meters of Central Asian and Russian gas to the Balkans and on to other European countries. The project involves Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Italy and Greece. Russia's transit disputes with its former Soviet neighbors have raised concerns in Europe about too much energy dependence on Russia. Russia cut off gas supplies to Ukraine on January 1 after failing to reach a deal over debt and prices for 2009 in late December, and later halted gas deliveries to Europe, saying Ukraine was stealing transit gas.
Source: Capital (18.03.2009)
The EU spends EUR 350 billion each year on import of fuels, Directorate General for Energy and Transport in Brussels data shows, said Gergana Miladinova - an expert at the department. The Commission's intentions in the coming years is to expand opportunities for financing projects related to energy efficiency. 54% of the energy use in the European Union is imported, said Gergana Miladinova: This means that EUR 350 billion are paid each year to countries that produce, and thus assist other countries outside the EU, instead of using the money in Europe. Miladinova also announced that Brussels paid EUR 9 billion for projects to produce renewable energy and energy efficiency: In the context of this economic recovery, there are new opportunities to finance energy efficiency and renewable energy. Until recently it was impossible to finance projects on private housing level. Now this would be possible.
Source: Darik Radio (19.03.2009)
Bulgaria's PM Demands Millions of Euro for Kozloduy NPP Bulgaria's PM, Sergei Stanishev, demanded additional compensations from the EU for the pre-term decommissioning of Units 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy nuke. At the summit of the Council of Europe held in Brussels, PM Stanishev underlined that Bulgaria had already submitted a detailed and well-grounded document regarding the additional compensations. The reason for PM Stanishevs demand is the present re-examination of the EU financial perspective till 2013. Bulgaria insists on getting the same amount in compensations as the other EU states that decommissioned their reactors received. It is a question of millions of euro. During the meeting with his counterparts from the EU, PM Stanishev insisted on coordinated European policies for fighting the economic and financial crisis. Stanishev presented the anti-crisis plan of Bulgarias cabinet before the leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats in the European Parliament Graham Watson. Stanishev also stressed that due to the prudent fiscal policy of his cabinet, Bulgaria had not demanded a single eurocent from the EU to cope with the crisis.
Source: Standart (20.03.2009)
EPP: Bulgaria should re-boot NPP Kozloduy reactors Bulgaria should restart the shut down reactors of NPP Kozloduy to save its economy from the spreading global financial crisis, said Struan Stevenson, Group of the European People's Party (Christian Democrats) and European Democrats, Vice-Chairman, at a forum of the member parties of the EPP-ED organized yesterday in Sofia on the initiative of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (GERB) party. Mr. Stevenson added that the nuclear reactors should be restarted by the end of the year to help Bulgaria avoid energy dependence on Russia. "Thus, only in a year and a half Bulgaria will make profit equal to the compensations paid by the EU for the reactors decommissioning, he added. Reactors 3 and 4 of NPP Kozloduy were closed as a condition for Bulgarias accession into the EU and the country was compensated with half a billion euro.
Source: Standart (20.03.2009)
Gas Field Discovered in Northern Bulgaria "Bulgaria can extract natural gas from the newly discovered field by the village of Deventsi, northern Bulgaria for the coming six or seven years," energy expert, Prof Atanas Tassev told The Standart. According to geologists, the field holds about 6.6 billion cubic metres of gas. Tassev believes the extraction capacity of the field will be about 500 million cubic metres a year but in extraordinary situations, like gas supply crisis, for instance, the volume can be increased. Besides after gas is pumped out the deposit can be used as a storage facility taking in about five billion cubic metres of gas. Such a capacity will be considerably greater than the Chiren gas storage facility, which can hold no more than 1 or 1.2 billion cubic metres of gas. Deventsi and Chiren together will provide Bulgaria with storage facilities almost as big as those of Ukraine, Tassev believes, definitely something that would help Bulgaria become a stabilizing factor for gas supply in the region.
Source: Standart (20.03.2009)
Russia Ready to Finance NPP Belene In an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio, Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said the government was searching for alternative sources of financing for the construction of Bulgarias second nuclear power plant in Belene (on the Danube.) According to initial plans, Germanys energy giant RWE, which won the tender for constructor, was supposed to start pouring money into the project as soon as the joint venture with Bulgarias National Electric Company was founded. But it appears that the Germans have altered their conception, probably because of the spreading global financial crisis. They now say they would start financing the project only after it is completely structured, which is expected to happen in 2010 at the earliest. For this reason the Bulgarian government has started seeking alternative sources of financing, including Russia. Last week Minister Dimitrov paid a working visit to Moscow, where he had talks with Russian Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko and Leader of GK Rosatom Sergey Kirienko. Minister Dimitrov quoted Russian PM Vladimir Putin who during his last years visit to Sofia said that his country could allot 3.8 billion euro for the construction of Bulgarias second nuclear power plant.
Source: Standart (23.03.2009)
Brussels may dig into state aid for Bulgarias Belene NPP The European Commission (EC) is checking if the BGN 300 million of budget money allocated to the construction of Bulgarias Belene nuclear power plant is state aid and if it is lawful. An expert from the Competition directorate-general confirmed for Dnevnik that the Commission has asked Bulgarias ministries of finance and energy for details about the distribution of the funds. Last year the government decided to back the nuclear power scheme with BGN 300 million it handed to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all mega structure of key state-run energy assets, which used it to hike the capital of national power grid operator NEK. The Commission acts on tip-offs from conservation group Greenpeace and the Green Science Policy Institute, which argued that the resources were an unlawful state aid of which Brussels has not been notified.
Source: Dnevnik (25.03.2009)
Nabucco starts in 2014 with 12 milliard cub.m. gas Reinhard Mitchek, Executive Director of the Nabucco project, announced the pipeline will be operational as of 2014. The first quantities of natural gas that will flow trough it will amount between 8 and 12 billion cub.m and will come from Azerbaijan, Mitchek said. The shareholders OMV, Bulgargaz, MOL, Transgaz, BOTAS and RWE will be the first to transit gas trough Nabucco. Only 50% of the pipelines capacity will be at their disposal. Mitchek informed, that Gazprom will also have the opportunity to transport gas trough Nabucco. According to him, Russia and Russian gas were very important for Europe. Even so, he emphasized on the establishment of alternative routes for gas transit that would guarantee intense competition and market liquidity.
Source: Novinar (30.03.2009)
Kremikovtzi Wastes Natural Gas for BGN 236,000 a Day The debts of Kremikovtzi to the state-owned companies Bulgargaz, BDZ and NEC have reached BGN 300 million and they are growing every day. Keeping the plant alive is like flogging a long dead horse, economists say. If we finally let it die, the money of the Bulgarian taxpayers will stop sinking in the black hole called Kremikovtzi. Kremikovtzis debts amount to at least BGN 2.2 billion, the creditors say. The plants debts to the bondholders amount to EUR 325 million, plus the money that Kremikovtzi owes its suppliers, workers and the National Social Security Institute. Recent calculations show that natural gas for 235,857 burns every day in the furnaces of the dying plant. Kremikovtzis debts to Bulgargaz have grossed BGN 100 million. Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov said that the supply of natural gas to Kremikovtzi would be cut off with a decision of the State Energy and Water regulatory commission. In addition, Kremikovtzi owes the National Electric Company BGN 140 million and its debt to the state railway carrier BDZ amount to over BGN 21 million.
Source: Standart (02.04.2009)
Bulgaria to press for new South Stream gas grid Bulgaria is sticking to its case that the South Stream natural gas pipeline should use a new transmission network instead of the existing infrastructure, deputy energy minister Yavor Kuyumdjiev told the Bulgarian National Radio. The project will be reviewed during the visit of Bulgarian prime minister Sergei Stanishev to Moscow on April 26-28, when he will meet with president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin. The visit is expected to see parties seal the gas route agreement, according to Kuyumdjiev. Bulgarian energy minister Petar Dimitrov said in February that using the existing gas transmission grid to pump gas from Russia to Europe would affect Russian gas transits to Greece, Turkey and Macedonia and rule out options for alternative supplies. In addition, he argued this would require expansion of the capacity of the existing network. Once the framework agreement has been signed, the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which groups the countrys main state-owned energy assets, and gas major Bulgargaz will set up a 50-50 project company, giving the Russian ownership on the pipelines.
Source: Dnevnik (06.04.2009)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all mega structure of key state-run energy assets, has acquired around BGN 215 million of the BGN 328 million total debt of the Sofia heating utility to gas retailer Bulgargaz, a source close to the deal said. Last year the Bulgarian government allocated BGN 215 million to helping the utility get back on its feet. Toplofikatsia Sofia has current gas liabilities of some BGN 140-150 million. Last week the supplier threatened the utility it would turn the tap unless it pays down its debts, prompting it to give it some BGN 38 million. Last year a separate BGN 110 million was moved to a deferred payment scheme over a five-year period. The acquisition practically makes BEH a shareholder in Toplofikatsia Sofia. BEH executive director Galina Tosheva confirmed the deal has been signed and the company was now awaiting energy minister Petar Dimitrovs decision on its participation in the utility.
Source: Dnevnik (06.04.2009)
Sofia Asks Moscow for a New Gas Pipeline Sofia has asked Moscow to build a parallel South Stream pipeline to transit the natural gas to Western Europe. Thus, Bulgarias internal gas transportation network will not be used to carry the fuel. This transpired from an interview of Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Yavor Kuyumdzhiev. He said Sofia was firmly against Moscows proposal to use the pipeline system of BulgarTransGas to carry the South Stream fuel to Europe. An intergovernmental agreement on the issue is expected to be signed during the energy summit in Sofia on April 24-25 or a day later, when PM Sergey Stanishev leaves for Moscow.
Source: Standart (06.04.2009)
Sofia: South Stream should use different infrastructure According to Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Petar Dimitrov, Bulgaria's gas transmitting infrastructure cannot be incorporated in the South Stream pipeline. "Filling up our system with natural gas from Gazprom only will make useless Bulgaria's initiative to seek alternative energy suppliers," Minister Dimitrov says. Russian journalists suggest that Sofia's moves aim to increase the price of the project and to urge Moscow take measures to eliminate the intermediaries in supplying natural gas to Bulgaria. RBK Daily writes that Gazprom wants to use Bulgaria's pipeline to Greece in order to save from the construction of an alternative pipeline, which would cost US$ 2 million per kilometer. "We are still decided to file claims against the parties responsible for the gas crisis in January," Minister Dimitrov said. He raised the question during his visit to Moscow.
Source: Standart (08.04.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which groups the countrys core state-run energy assets, will set up by the end of the year a special vehicle to develop renewable energy projects. Speaking at a wind and hydropower conference held by Dnevnik, BEH executive director Galina Tosheva said the company will explore clean energy generation alone or in partnership. She added there has been investment interest in the creation of a joint venture, but would not elaborate further. NEK, which handles Bulgarias national power grid, currently operates 29 hydropower stations with a total capacity of over 2,500 MW, of which 14 generate the bulk of Bulgarias energy output. The power utility has already submitted an application with the energy watchdog SEWRC for a permit to harness wind power. It plans to build a 72 MW wind park in Krumovgrad, southern Bulgaria, a joint project with Greece-registered company NECO S.A., where it holds a majority stake. Greek companies Damco Energy S.A. and Gas S.A. each hold a 25% stake in the scheme. The project hit a stumbling block when it turned out it falls within the Natura 2000 Network of protected species habitat sites. The Tsankov Kamak hydro complex should be up and running in 2010.
Source: Dnevnik (15.04.2009)
Energy Interests Clash at Forum in Sofia A global energy forum will be organized in Sofia on Friday and Saturday under the motto "Natural gas for Europe - security and partnership". The event will be attended by heads of state, ministries, experts and heads of energy companies. Observers expect a silent energy war to unfold at the forum, waged by centuries-old diplomatic means like the presence or absence of certain delegates, which expresses the position of their countries on certain issues, and the pushing of certain projects and topics up on the agenda at the expense of other. A few days before the opening of the forum, it is still uncertain who will be coming to Sofia. High representatives of twenty-nine countries and international organizations among them being Austria, Azerbaijan, Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Georgia, Greece, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), EU institutions, Egypt, Italy, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Macedonia, Moldova, Romania, Russia, USA, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Ukraine, Hungary, Germany, France, Croatia, Montenegro and the Czech Republic. Russian PM Vladimir Putin, Qatar Amir H.H. Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, heads of state from the region and EC President Jose Barroso are expected to attend the forum. However, few of the invited statesmen have confirmed their participation in the forum. The exact topics to be discussed at the forum are not completely clear yet. Bulgaria's President, Georgi Parvanov, at the personal initiative of whom the energy summit in the National Palace of Culture is organized, has forwarded four ambitious goals, which are especially topical after the gas crisis in January that hit Bulgaria hardest. These are as follows: 1. Defining new European energy policy; 2. Search for new international agreements and achieving permanent guarantee for the energy security in Bulgaria, the Balkans and Europe; 3. Implementation of strategic projects like Nabucco and South Stream; 4. Prevention of crisis situations related to supplies of natural gas and oil. "Bulgaria endeavors to develop good relations with Russia," Bulgaria's President Georgi Parvanov said in an interview with German newspaper Seuddeutsche Zeitung. President Parvanov put the stress on the friendly relations between our country and important and promising gas suppliers as Aserbaijan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. "This are good prerequisites for Bulgaria to play the part of a mediator, fulfilled with good will, if that is what the EU wants," Parvanov commented. At the same time, Sofia will host a parallel business forum which is to be joined by the representatives of leading gas companies. The event is organized by the Bulgarian Energy Holding. It will be opened by Bulgaria's PM Sergei Stanishev.
Source: Standart (21.04.2009)
Ten World Leaders to Attend Bulgaria's Energy Forum More than ten heads of state or government are expected to arrive for the energy forum in Sofia, news agencies announced. The leaders of Albania, Croatia, Azerbaijan, Montenegro Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece and Armenia will attend the forum. Macedonia initially confirmed its president's participation but then decided it won't be sending anyone. The Emir of Qatar will make his second visit to Bulgaria and attend the meeting. "The President of the European Commission Jose Barroso hopes he would be able to make it for the energy conference in Sofia, but the final decision whether he would be able to travel has not been made yet," EC Spokesperson Mark Gray said. The Czech Republic will be represented by Deputy PM Alexandr Vondra. Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Egypt, Italy, Romania, Austria, France, Germany, Ukraine will commission representatives, too. It is expected that the meeting will finish with a joint declaration by the participants. A day before the energy forum takes place Turkmenistan will host another big energy security conference of the countries of its region that will be attended by Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov.
Source: Standart (22.04.2009)
Varna Becomes Gas Klondike Bulgaria's coastal city of Varna may become a Klondike of natural gas, it emerged during a discussion anchored by Standart's Editor-in-Chief Mrs Slavka Bozukova. "The exploitation of the newly-discovered gas deposits Kavarna 1 and Kavarna 2, Kaliakra and the small deposits that meet local needs will boost the city's economic development," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said. "The strategy for diversification of the gas supplies to Bulgaria also involves the construction of a depot in the Galata gas field and terminals for supply of liquefied and compressed natural gas at Port Varna. It is also possible that South Stream pipeline reaches Bulgaria at the coast of Varna," Minister Dimitrov added. "We are now fully dependent on Russia for natural gas supplies, but we think that by 2020 this dependency will fall to 59 percent, because by then Bulgaria will be able to meet 30 percent of its domestic demand for this fuel through supplies from the gas networks of Turkey, Greece, Italy (GI) and the Nabucco pipeline, and by 2030 Bulgaria will become even less dependent on Russian gas, as the TGI pipeline will connect to our gas transportation network," the minister said in conclusion.
Source: Standart (22.04.2009)
Gazprom to Contract Bulgaria for South Stream in 2009 Gazprom will sign agreements with Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece for its new South Stream gas pipeline to Europe this year, the deputy director of the Russian energy giant told. According to Alexander Medvedev the technical and economic assessments of all sections in the project should be prepared in 2009. He also said that Gazprom will insist that the European Union puts the South Stream pipeline on its list of priority projects. The 10 billion euro South Stream pipeline, which Gazprom and Italian oil firm Eni plan to build, will bypass Ukraine, the biggest and most politically troubled route for Russian gas to Europe. It is seen as a rival to Nabucco and will take Russian gas under the Black Sea to southeast Europe.
Source: Darik Radio (22.04.2009)
Bulgarian energy network requires big investments Big investments in the electric energy network of Bulgaria are needed, believe experts from energy companies, which took part in the conference On the route to liberalized electric energy market: successes and perspectives. The Czech ambassador in Bulgaria Martin Klepetko also attended the event. The politicians should explained to the people the advantages of the liberalized market, claimed ambassador Klepetko in his speech to the participants in the conference. According to him at the moment the issues has only social dimension, which is related to the price of electricity, while a much broader public debate should be organized for the way in which the energy market should develop. Kalina Trifonova vice-president of EVN Bulgaria pointed out that in order to secure the development of the energy network, big investments were needed. Therefore the state should have a clear policy on the water energy sources and should specify their territorial distribution. Tomas Laivic chair of the Ad hoc group for Southeast Europe in EURELECTRIC presented in his lecture the necessity for establishment of a regional electric energy market. Participants in the forum are also representatives of Scandinavian, Turkish and English energy companies, of Enel and the Bulgarian federation of the industrial energy consumers.
Source: (23.04.2009)
No Gas for Kremikovtsi after St George's Day Kremikovtsi steel mill is likely to cease functioning after St George's Day, that is May 6. After the holidays, May 1-6, Bulgargaz will stop the gas supply to Bulgaria?s largest metalworking company, reported Dimitar Gogov, head of Bulgargaz. "Unless the future of the company is clear by then, we will stop the fuel supply," Gogov told on the Bulgarian National Radio. No more gas supplies means no more processing of coke in the mill. Thus the furnaces in Kremikovtsi will be able to work on imported coke only.Meanwhile the workers in Kremikovtsi announced they would carry on their protests in front of the plant because Sofia downtown is closed for the energy forum.
Source: Standart (24.04.2009)
South Stream to Warm Europe for 100 Years Sergey Ivanovich Shmatko, Russias Energy Minister - Mr. Shmatko, how do you see Bulgaria as an energy center on the Balkans? - Bulgaria boasts a wonderful geographic location. It is on the way of all energy transit routes starting from Russia, Central Asia, the Middle East, northern Africa, the Black Sea region and the Caucasus that reach the EU. Bulgaria has all prerequisites to be the new energy center of Southeastern Europe. - All parties are interested in the speeding up the construction of the South Stream pipeline. It is said that for that purpose natural gas should be transited via Bulgarias territory through the already existing pipe network. What are the pros and cons of such a decision? - The routing issue and the use of the existing network of Bulgargaz will be examined according to the results of a technical and economic research. An option will be discussed at which the gas transit to third countries of a certain volume supplied through the pipeline will be realized with the use of the existing gas transit system. - Bulgarias current agreement on gas deliveries expires in 2010, which means that there will be new talks. Would the middlemen fall out? Would there be new gas transiting conditions? And most important: would there be a change in prices? - You should seek an answer to this question from the Gazprom and Bulgargaz officials. It is an issue to be settled on a corporate level and by means of a corporate agreement. - And what developments should be expected with regards to South Stream? - Regarding South Stream, our decision is to have its pipelines up and running no later than 2015. And so shall it be. We have, in practice, completed the process of concerting the necessary intergovernmental papers. That the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation did not arrive to Sofia and there are plans for the agreement to be signed in Moscow doesnt mean we see any risks having to do with the projects implementation. The South Stream project is being implemented as planned. The projects major problem its resource basis has already been solved. The resource basis will be linked to Russian gas deposits, and Russia has enough gas to secure deliveries to Europe in the next 50, even the next 100 years.
Source: Standart (24.04.2009)
South Stream Project to Be Implemented as Planned Doctor of Geology Valentin Kanev has chaired the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association since its establishment in February 1995. - Dr. Kanev, in your capacity of gas expert you are familiar with the news concerning the organization of the energy summit ?Natural Gas in Europe. Security and Partnership? held in Sofia. In your opinion, why Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and other heads of state who were invited as well as EU Energy Commissioner, Andris Piebalgs refused to take part in the forum? - Putin's decision is related mostly to the negotiations on the South Stream project which were supposed to happen but for certain reasons it turned out that they will not be held in Sofia. And South Stream is so significant a project that it is by itself a sufficient reason for the presence or absence of Russia's Prime Minister. As long as the other reasons circulated lately and cited for Putin's refusal, such as the presence of Georgia's President, they do not sound serious. - Do you think the Russians are right to insist on South Stream gas being transported on the currently existing Bulgarian gas transit network or does Bulgaria have the right to demand the construction of a new pipeline for the project? - I think the gas of South Steam can be transited via Bulgaria's existing network only is the latter does not have to change ownership for the purpose. Consequently Bulgaria may transit South Stream gas against a certain transit fee.
Source: Standart (24.04.2009)
Moscow is speaking Bulgargaz and Gazprom will sign the agreement on South Stream gas pipeline in the middle of May. This was announced after the end of the talks in Moscow. Bulgarian PM paid a three-day working visit to Moscow. Russia has accepted all Bulgarian arguments following the meeting between Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin on Monday before the opening of Bulgarias national commercial exhibition in the Russian capital. Tuesdays meeting between the two prime ministers lasted more than half an hour. According to experts new obstacles can be put before the project in reference to dissensions with transit countries- resource deficit in reference to conflict with Turkmenistan as well as not enough financing, having in mind crisis influence upon Gazprom. It was announced in Sofia there were dissensions with Gazprom in reference to South Stream. Bulgaria refused proving part of its pipeline network to be used in the frames of the projects. Moreover it became clear at Energy Summit in Sofia this dissension could become the main one. Sofia asked Russia to sign new, more profitable contract on natural gas deliveries, to increase transit taxes as well as guarantees on natural gas deliveries on alternative routes in case of another gas crisis. Two-day summit on Natural Gas for Europe: Security and Partnership was held in Sofia on Friday at the initiative of Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov. The Summit seeked to engage EU's major energy partners in a dialogue on the EU energy security approach. Invitations to the two-day forum have been extended to 28 countries from Southeast Europe, Black Sea and Caspian Regions, Central Asia, EU member states, Russia, Egypt, Qatar, to the European Commission and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso attends the summit. Main aim of the Summit was energy security in Europe and at the Balkans as well as opportunities on reaching united European Energy market. Immediately after the end of the international conference in Sofia, Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev arrived in Moscow. Russia expected that a preliminary agreement on the construction of the Bulgarian section of South Stream gas pipeline will be signed, but on the background of the growing competition of European project Nabucco, Sofia insisted on signing a new agreement on supplying Russian gas to Bulgaria under conditions that are more beneficial for it. Immediately after his meeting with Vladimir Putin PM Stanishev held talks with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev Russia Arms informed. At the beginning of the talks Russian President said he was familiar with the details of Monday and Tuesdays talks and welcomed the constructive dialog between the two countries. You had a good full-fledged negotiations with the chairman of our government ... There are tangible results of your work. Anyway, the final agreement, I understand that the energy project. I hope that in this sense, we can finally go to the signing of documents at the earliest time, despite the difficulties of preparing the relevant documents, "- said Medvedev at the meeting. "You had a good full-fledged negotiations with the chairman of our government ... There are tangible results of your work. Anyway, the final agreement, I understand that the energy project. I hope that in this sense, we can finally go to the signing of documents at the earliest time, despite the difficulties of preparing the relevant documents, "- said Medvedev at the meeting. Sergei Stanishev also expressed satisfaction with the successful conclusion of talks with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. "Well, that has successfully completed negotiations today to resolve the relationship between the Bulgarian Energy Holding and Gazprom pipeline" Southern stream ", - said Stanishev. He pointed to the complexity of the negotiations, in which" each side is looking for its maximum benefit, their interest. "
Source: Agency Focus (27.04.2009)
There's No Room for Concessions Peter Dimitrov, Bulgaria's Minister of Energy and Economy - Minister Dimitrov, what is the level of the negotiations that are currently being held between Bulgaria and Russia regarding the South Stream project? - Presently, no negotiations are being held. But they will probably be discussed on the highest political level. The questions that remained unsolved must be settled on the highest political level. - How do you interpret the postponed meeting between Russia's President Medvedev and Bulgaria's PM Stanishev? - Let's first see if the meeting was postponed or cancelled. - Does Russia insist on binding South Stream with the new agreement with Gazprom? - No, I do not think that the two issues are interrelated, though there are explicit questions in this direction. This is exactly what it was the case at the last negotiations before Putin intervened. The issues that remained unsolved are not to be settled at an expert level. The purpose of South Stream is to transport Russian gas to Europe. There will be no concessions on matters that hurt Bulgaria's interests. Bulgaria has already declared its position. This was noted in the intergovernmental agreement. Bulgaria's position cannot be changed. South Stream cannot used the present gas transiting system. Bulgaria insists to keep the current quantities of transported gas through the old system.
Source: Standart (28.04.2009)
Moscow Yields to Bulgaria's Conditions over South Stream Project The South Stream gas project already includes the construction of a new pipeline through the territory of Bulgaria: this resulted from the game of nerves between Bulgaria and Russia. Before this meeting, Moscow insisted on using the already existing transiting pipelines of Bulgargaz. The South Stream pipeline will be a brand new one, but the Russians insisted on an appendix to the agreement reading that in case they need to use the existing network, an additional contract on the transit will be concluded, explained Galina Tosheva, head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). BEH and Gazprom negotiated the details of the agreement on the South Stream project by e-mails. The contract will be signed within two weeks. Yesterday, an agreement on the construction of the pipeline was sealed in the presence of Russia's PM Vladimir Putin and his Bulgarian counterpart Sergei Stanishev. The negotiations on the energy projects between the Bulgarian and Russian delegations in Moscow continued about two hours yesterday. The Russian PM described the development of the bilateral economic relations as dynamic. Putin explained that in their bilateral talks they had discussed the construction of Belene NPP in details. Stanishev asked Putin for an offer for the construction a Belene NPP. "Last year we offered Bulgaria a credit, which was included in the budget. Bulgaria declined it and we redirected the money," explained Russia's Prime Minister in obviously good humour. Stanishev added that Bulgaria managed to secure funding of the project in the last two years. The completion of the project will need further billions, though. "We will solve the problem," Putin concluded with a smile. The construction of Belene NPP will need 3.8 billion euro more. The Bulgarian Government hoped to find financing through Western European Banks. These attempts have proved fruitless so far. "We have sailed smoothly over the tension of the last few days between Moscow an Sofia concerning South Stream, said PM Putin. He, though, diplomatically evaded answering on the elimination of mediators in the contract for gas supply for Bulgaria. Bulgaria wants to receive gas directly without the three suppliers, one of them Overgaz. The two prime ministers defined their dialogue as constructive. At the start of the talks, Putin welcomed his counterpart saying:" Friends, I am glad to see you in Moscow. We are significant economic partners to each other and I am glad we have the opportunity today to talk about all issues concerning our cooperation, to analyze what has been done so far and map out our future perspectives," Putin stated.
Source: Standart (29.04.2009)
Moscow Realized Bulgaria Can Do without Russia Peter Kunev, MP from BSP party - Mr. Kunev, did Bulgaria's delegation led by PM Stanishev fulfil the maximum of its program in the negotiations over the energy projects in Moscow? - We have never set a maximum or a minimum program before us. We flew for Moscow absolutely well-prepared; we had previously sent our written proposals both regarding the South Stream project and the new agreement for deliveries of natural gas and the financing and construction of Belene NPP. I think that we fulfilled all our goals at 100%. Bulgaria is quite satisfied that the Bulgargaz proposal for South Stream was accepted. This move defends at a maximum level Bulgaria's interest in this project. - What does the signed agreement for South Stream read? - The demands of the Russian side for inclusion of the already existing Bulgarian pipelines in South Stream was dropped. Bulgaria explained that such a thing was impossible to happen. In my opinion, we defended Bulgaria's interests quite well. The use of the Bulgarian gas transiting system in the South Stream project would have hurt Bulgaria's interests. - What was the turning point in the negotiations? - The turning point came in several aspects. First it came from the firm and well-balanced statement of PM Stanishev in the Diplomatic Academy with Russia's Foreign Ministry. PM Stanishev was explicit that corporate interests of a group of companies or a group of people should not take the upper hand over political decisions that had already been negotiated at governmental and presidential levels. The second thing which PM Stanishev stressed upon was the Bulgarian participation in the Nabucco project and the coming signing of an intergovernmental agreement on the issue next month in Prague which is a new development on this project. The third very important issue was the diversification of suppliers. An example is the establishing of a terminal for compressed gas in Greece. The Russians realized they will have to seek for a kind of a compromise and a solution to the situation. - How concrete were the negotiations for the possible Russian funding for Belene NPP? - The Belene NPP talks were very interesting. The topic needs calm discussion, without emotions. Why does everybody shudder when mentioned Bulgaria will take a loan from Russia' Is Russian money worse than the Kuwaiti, Omani or any other? - Within what time is the Russians' answer expected? - We did not specify time. Sergey Kiriyenko (head of Rosatom)will probably arrive in Sofia within a week or two.
Source: Standart (30.04.2009)
The company is registered in Territorial administration Big taxpayers and insurers towards 2009, 04.30
Source: Tax Administration (30.04.2009)
EU Gives to Bulgaria E55 M for Gas Projects Bulgaria will receive 55 million euros from the European Union to implement energy projects as envisaged by the EU Program for Economic Recovery, whose overall funds amount - 3,98 billion - is going to be distributed among projects that will interconnect gas and electricity transfer systems, erect wind turbines along coastlines, and capture and store carbon dioxide. Bulgaria will be offered 45 million euros to link its gas transfer system with Greeces along the Stara Zagora Dimitrovgrad Gyumyurdzhina route. The other 10 million will be absorbed by a gas link with Romania. Bulgaria and 11 other member states will be granted funding to build infrastructure and facilities that would allow gas deliveries in cases where supply has been temporarily interrupted. The Union is also planning to allot 200 million euros to Nabucco, which is going to bring Caspian gas to Europe.
Source: Standart (07.05.2009)
EIB to invest EUR 2, 5 billion in Nabucco Philippe Maystadt, President of the European Investment Bank (EIB) stated that the institution was willing to invest EUR 2, 5 billion in the Nabucco project. Mr. Maystadt commented, that the quantity of gas produced by Azerbaijan will not be sufficient for the implementation of the project and that Turkmenistan must by all means take participation.
Source: Standart (11.05.2009)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will establish four new companies as part of a new development strategy presented to the energy parliamentary committee. The structure, which brings together the countrys key energy assets, will branch out into engineering, gas exploration and extraction, renewable energy sources and finance. The finance unit will be tasked with arranging the financing for large-scale projects and raising capital and will come into being only if it is necessary, according to the document. The new engineering company, which will be open to external contractors as well, will deliver a reduction of subcontractor assignment costs by an estimated BGN 50 million each year. In addition, it is expected to shorten implementation periods.
Source: Dnevnik (11.05.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys top energy assets, withdraws from the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project, which should carry Russian oil via the Bulgarian Black Sea port of Bourgas and Greece's Alexandroupolis on the Aegean. The decision follows a new strategy to pursue a more conservative investment policy amidst the global economic downturn. The pullout leaves state-run construction company Technoexportstroy Bulgarias sole representative in the project. Russia controls 50% in the project company that will construct the pipeline, with Bulgaria and Greece holding 24.5% each. The Bulgarian share was so far distributed 50:50 between BEH and Technoexportstroy, but now the holding company will sell its state to the building firm for BGN 2.9 million, the amount the energy firm has ploughed in the project so far. BEHs new investment policy involves participation in high-priority energy projects aimed at guaranteeing security of supplies, the companys executive director Galina Tosheva said in a letter to Technoexportstroy, sources told Dnevnik. Earlier this year, BEH said the projects top of its agenda are building new gas links with Greece and Romania, the construction of a new gas storage facility in near Galata cape, on Bulgaria's northern Black Sea coast, and the expansion of the existing facility in the northwestern village of Chiren. Its other priorities include the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project near Alexandroupolis, the construction of a new coal capacity at Maritza East coal mines and the Belene nuclear power plant scheme in the eponymous Danubian town.
Source: Dnevnik (15.05.2009)
Kremikovtzi to turn into the new Boyana within 3 years Chief Architect of Sofia, Petar Dikov, said that there are plans for turning Kremikovtzi District into an area of low-store luxurious buildings. This means that within 2-3 years there may be a new quarter near Kremikovtzi, such as Boyana or Dragalevtzi. The plant, which was born exactly 50 years ago froze to death yesterday and said fairwell to its most polluting installation the coke chemical mill. Even if it is reborn someday, the Northeast part of Sofia would never see such black clouds ever again.
Source: 24 chasa (16.05.2009)
12:43 p.m.: Kremikovtsi Dies on Its Birthday As of yesterday Bulgarias steel manufacturing giant Kremikovtsi is in clinical death. At 8:00 am worker teams began turning off the taps of the pipes that fuel the furnaces with natural gas. At 12:43 the gas supply for the coke-chemical plant stopped, which practically put halt all other activities, and, ironically, this happened on the very birthday of the plant. Its two batteries were for the first time switched on precisely on May 15, 1963 and never went off in the 46 years that followed, chief technologist Daniela Ermenkova said. The decision to cut off the gas supply became a must after the yesterdays negotiations with the Brazilian investor CNS failed. The order for the closure was given by the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy.
Source: Standart (16.05.2009)
South Stream Flows out of Sochi The 2014 Winter Olympics venue Sochi - yesterday gathered the reps of the Russian, Italian, Greek, Serbian and Bulgarian gas companies that were supposed to sign an agreement for setting up a joint venture and building the South Stream pipeline that would run through the territories of these countries. Gazproms agreement with Bulgargaz will read there would be brand new pipes laid in Bulgaria, ITAR-TASS reported. Bulgaria will be using this new gas transfer system to cover its own needs. Gazprom and Bulgargaz are getting ready to establish a new joint venture with a 50:50 share of ownership. According to current schedules, the project should be fully implemented by 2013.
Source: Standart (16.05.2009)
NPP Kozloduy without nuclear heat supply Kozloduy NPP announced a tender for construction of a heating plant for steam and hot water. The new installation shoul start until the end of 2012. The construction is necessary due to the early closure of units 3 and 4 at the end of 2006. The heating plant will be financed by the International Fund for closure of the Kozloduy NPP. Last winter the city of Kozloduy relied on the NPP for the heating. Thus the cost of heating and hot water for the population in the city of the NPP was the lowest in the country BGN 36.60 per MWh, VAT included. Companies applying for the construction of the new heating plant should have built at least 2 similar ones over the past 5 years, which should have successfully been put into operation. Furthermore, each must submit a EUR 500,000 of bank guarantee. The announcement does not specify what fuel is to be used at the plant in the future - gas, coal, biomass or other. Its power is not given either.
Source: Trud (19.05.2009)
Energy Experts Suggest Construction of Unit 7 of NPP Kozloduy "The possibility for the construction of a seventh nuclear unit within the structures of Kozloduy NPP is entirely realistic and the money necessary for the implementation of the project will be about the half of that needed for the optional construction of a nuclear unit on a completely new ground," said Rasho Parvanov on behalf of the energy workers in Kozloduy NPP. Mr. Parvanov is the head of the Exploitation Department in the NPP. "The construction of Belene NPP is possible to be delayed," said Bogomil Manchev, chair of the Bulgarian Atomic Union at a conference on nuclear energy production. "We are doing our best to avoid this and will try our best that the ground where two units of Belene will be located be ready for the construction works within two months," he added.
Source: Standart (20.05.2009)
Heat Supply-Sofia reported the successful implementation of its five-year rehabilitation program of EUR 90.66 million. The project is financed by loans EUR 15 million from the World Bank, EUR 26 million from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and EUR 26.4 million from the International Fund for the closure of Kozloduy NPP. Part of the resources in the period 2003-2009 was used for the replacement of 6840 subscriber stations. In these buildings heat losses have reduced on average by 22%. About 6000 other subscriber stations were upgraded with funds of the company. Another 2000 remain, for the replacement of which EUR 10 million are required.
Source: Trud (21.05.2009)
RWE German company, that was elected as strategic investor in the construction of Belene nuclear power plant (NPP), is negotiating with the Russian Inter Rao for joining the project, Mardik Papazyan, executive director of National Electric Company (NEC), the majority owner of the future plant, said. RWE is also holding talks with a Finnish company with experience in working with Russian nuclear reactors to participate as well. In the opinion of experts, the company in question has been interested in the project and may provide part of the financing. Some EUR 200-250 million will be needed for the construction of Belene NPP, Papazyan said. According to him, the funds have to be provided not only by NEC but also by the German RWE. The investor shows understanding that the money is needed lest the project will have to be suspended. The Germans are liable to help after setting up the project company with NEC. We hope this will become a fact in the middle of this summer, Boris Pekov, chairman of the board of directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), commented. NEC has no funds and in these days of crisis, it is extremely difficult to provide the funding. Experts say there is no bank ready to grant a EUR 3.8 billion credit to Belene NPP. That is why one of the most realistic possibilities is the loan from Russia. Another is to seek credits from the state or BEH but it is not very likely to get them.
Source: Pari (28.05.2009)
Bulgaria faces over EUR 1m loss from Belene NPP delay Bulgaria will incur a loss of more than EUR 1 million from a one- or two-year delay in the construction of its second nuclear power plant Belene, said Ivan Atanasov, member of the project management unit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding and director of national grid operator NEK. Speaking at the annual conference of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum (Bulatom), Atanasov explained the loss was calculated on the basis of electricity that could have been produced if the capacity was operational at a price of EUR 0.35 per kWh. The start of building works is already between nine and eleven months behind schedule, and the strained financial environment threatens a further postponement of the project.
Source: Dnevnik (29.05.2009)
Bulgaria Govt Moves Closer to Nabucco Pipeline Agreement Bulgaria's cabinet voted Thursday to authorize the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Energy and Economy to sign an intergovernmental agreement for the construction of the Nabucco gas transit pipeline. Bulgaria's Energy and Economy Minister, Petar Dimitrov, commented that providing the funding for the realization of the EU-sponsored Nabucco project was the job of the six companies that are part of the Nabucco consortium, including the Bulgarian Bulgargaz. The securing of the natural gas supplies to fill the pipe, however, is more of a political issue rather than an economic one, and necessitates a political commitment on part of the interested states, Dimitrov said.
Source: Darik Radio (29.05.2009)
Negotiations on Gas in Moscow Negotiations on gas supply started on Thursday in Moscow. Head of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov met with Alexey Miller, Chairman of Gazprom Management Committee, sources from the Russian company announced. Gogov himself has confirmed before Mediapool that these were the first talks after Bulgaria had sent a proposal for a new contract. Gazprom has also made its offers. Due to the fact that the stands of the two parties do not coincide "two small teams have been created to solve the pending questions". He explained that quantities, prices, fees and terms will be negotiated at the next meeting. "The question about the intermediaries hasn't been discussed," he added.
Source: Standart (30.05.2009)
NPP Kosloduy Reactor VII to Cost EUR 1 M The construction of NPP Kozloduy seventh power unit is going to cost less than one million euro, the presentation of Mr. Rasho Parvanov, head of the power plant?s exploitation department, showed. The reason why a new power unit of NPP Kozloduy will cost several times less than one at the site of NPP Belene is that all the necessary facilities for a new nuclear reactor such as a turbine island, a cooling system, infrastructure and a connection to the national electrical network are existent and operational in Kozloduy. Practically, the only thing that should be built is the reactor itself. All the other facilities are present and they can operate safely for at least fifty years more, Mr. Parvanov said. In addition, after the decommissioning of power units 1-4, the auxiliary facilities are functioning at less than fifty per cent of their capacity. This means that the existing equipment at the site of NPP Kozloduy can fully service a new power unit of over 1,700 megawatts, and there are qualified nuclear power engineers in the region that can be hired. NPP Kozloduy also has all the necessary licenses and permits, which will significantly cut down the term for the construction of a new nuclear reactor. And if power units three and four are restarted, the power plant will be able to finance the construction of the new power unit on its own, Mr. Parvanov said in conclusion.
Source: Standart (30.05.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys main energy assets, will collect BGN 20 million in management fees this year from the seven companies it consolidates, according to its business plan until 2011. The management fee it collects is based on the companies annual revenue, but the firms declined to provide any figures. The proceeds will finance management services and guarantee structuring and fulfillment of key strategic goals, BEHs management told in response to an inquiry.
Source: Dnevnik (01.06.2009)
After the gas crisis in January, the threat of gas shortage appears at the end of every quarter. The reason is the difficulties the transit country Ukraine has in paying Russia for the consumption of the blue fuel. In this situation, Bulgaria is in absolute dependence as the only gas pipeline to Bulgaria runs across the Ukraine. Gas from Greece and Romania is twice more expensive, Boris Pekov from Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) told the Pari Daily. In case the crisis repeats in the summer months, it will not be as severe as it was in January, the crisis headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Energy commented for the Pari daily. The reason is that consumption now is twice less than during the winter, about 5 million cubic m per day against 12 million cubic m in January. Another relief is the fact that Chiren gas depot is full. It can provide 4.6 million cubic m of gas per day, which is almost enough to satisfy the needs of the country and with its 800 million cubic m capacity it can guarantee supplies for a long period. Despite these facts, the business is worried. The reasons are several: lack of transparent criteria for determining the distribution of gas among consumers, lack of information which companies will be included in the restrictive plan and the fact that some production processes cannot use alternative fuel but only gas.
Source: Pari (02.06.2009)
Bulgaria to Have Second Natural Gas Depot in August In two months time Bulgaria may have a second natural gas storage depot,? Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov said in the coastal city of Varna, yesterday. The minister added he had in mind the Galata natural gas deposit, which had recently exhausted its resource. Mr. Dimitrov went on to say that the operator of the Galata gas deposit, Melrose, was still to solve some legal issues in order to start its activity in Bulgaria, but talks would continue and a solution would be hammered out. By June 15 Bulgaria, Romania and Greece are to apply to the European Commission for financing a project aimed at interconnecting the gas transport networks of the three countries, the minister said further. The foreign investments to Bulgaria will drop twofold this year, down to only 7.5% of the country?s GDP, Mr. Dimitrov said.
Source: Standart (08.06.2009)
Kremikovtzi supplied with gas Kremikovtzi is being supplied with gas since June 4 and processes scrap, said the assignee in bankruptcy Tsvetan Bankov. The processing of materials would continue until June 15. Only the electrical furnace operates and the aim is to reduce the debts of the steel plant and to pay the advance payments of the workers for May. The current gas supply is paid daily after a new contract with Bulgargaz, said Bankov. The steelmaker supplies hot-rolled steel to 5 of its regular clients. The steel production needs gas worth BGN 100-130 thous a day. Thanks to the restarted operations, the planned for June lay-off of 1500 workers would be delayed for the end of August.
Source: Standart (09.06.2009)
ONET Dismantles Kozloduy Units 1 and 2 The decommissioned first and second units of Kozloduy NPP will be dismantled and recycled by the French ONET. Yesterday the company signed a contract for the recycling of 3,600 cubic metres of radioactive materials, waste from the decommissioned units of Kozloduy NPP. For the purpose, ONET will establish installations in close proximity to the NPP. The contract was signed in France's Embassy to Bulgaria in the presence of Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Petar Dimitrov. The recycling activities will be funded by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
Source: Standart (16.06.2009)
Eco Power Plants Under Government Control The construction works of the power plants, which would produce electricity from wind and sun, should be under government control in order to prevent serious end consumer price hike, said the head of SCEWR Konstantin Shoushoulov. According to him the the new government and parliament should adopt a strategy for fulfilment of the EU requirements on the introduction of renewable energy sources. It should also consider the resources of the coutry, he said. Similar strategies have already been adopted in Germany and Spain. In those countries limits for the number of eco power plants constructed each year have been imposed, because in Spain it has lead to double electricity price. According to the chairman of NEK Mardik Papazyan Bulgaria can add to its network a maximum of 1500 MW wind power. Otherwise could lead to disruption of the energy system of the country. Papazyan offered that the eco energy does not exceed 20 percent of the total power produced in Bulgaria from all resources. Shoushoulov said that currently thre are applications for 12,000 MW of green energy, while countrys energy network can transport a maximum of 10 thous MW.
Source: Standart (18.06.2009)
Bulgaria to Receive Natural Gas without Intermediaries after 2013 "Bulgaria will be receiving natural gas directly from Gazprom without the interference of any intermediaries from 2013 at the earliest, when the contracts that the government has signed with the intermediary companies expire," Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov said. "Despite the start of the Nabucco and South Stream pipeline projects, Bulgaria is firmly decided to keep its gas transport network," Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov said at the opening of the upgraded Kardam 2 gas compressing station - the gateway of the Russian gas supplies to Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (24.06.2009)
NEK phases out power supplies to troubled Kremikovtzi Bulgarias national power grid operator NEK has started to cut power supplies as it seeks to collect upwards of BGN 150 million in outstanding debt. Metal companies that slashed production under the weight of the economic recession bore the brunt of the campaign. Kremikovtzi, which tops the list of debtors with a ballooning BGN 130 million, will be gradually shut off, NEK executive director Mardik Papazyan told Dnevnik. The debt-saddled steel mill has already been ordered to reduce power consumption to 20 MWh and come up with a debt settlement plan if it wants to keep volumes flowing in. The plant has had another debt of more than BGN 70 million rescheduled under the Cabinet of the National Movement for Stability and Progress (NMSS). Bulgarias Electricity System Operator (ESO) has already said it will turn the tap on the steel maker from July 1 in a move that has won over the management of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys top energy assets, including NEK. BEH executive director Galina Tosheva said ESO will use all means to keep Kremikovtzis debt pile at bay. The plants receiver Tsvetan Bankov said power use must be trimmed down by 2400 hours local time on Thursday. But sources say power will continue to trickle to the mill at least until the general elections on July 5. Ihtiman-based cast iron foundry Tchugunoleene also faces cut-off unless it pays down its BGN 4.5 million debt to the grid operator by July 7. ESO executive director Ivan Ayolov said the company will seek sanctions for the plant, which shut out its teams on Monday. Statutory rules require electricity consumers to comply with the operators instructions and turn off capacities if ordered. Ilchev said ESO has rejected a proposal by the plant to reschedule its debts, some of them dating back to 2003.
Source: Dnevnik (25.06.2009)
Gazprom: No-Middlemen Contract with Bulgaria No Earlier than 2013 Gas deliveries without intermediaries may be a fact no earlier than 2013. A direct agreement between Bulgargaz and Gazprom is possible, but not before all previously made arrangements are fulfilled, Gazprom vice president Alexander Medvedev said, as quoted by the Bulgarian National Radio. The currently valid agreement is with Overgas and will be terminated in 2012. Medvedev prognosticates that the average price of Russias gas for the European Union this year will be 280 dollars per 1000 cubic metres. Medvedev also announced that the Gazprom fuel export in the first half-year will be 26 percent or nearly 60 billion cubic metres less than initially planned.
Source: Standart (25.06.2009)
Bulgaria to be Sanctioned for Energy Monopolies The European Commission launched punitive procedures against Bulgaria and another 24 EU countries for breaking the laws regulating energy production and distribution. The problem is that the consumers are deprived of their chance to benefit from the opportunities offered by an open and competitive energy market. According to the EC, these states don't apply the standards in a way that would make the operators of power and power distribution networks give enough information to the consumers as regards the choice of electricity and gas suppliers. The transborder cooperation between the operators is not at a level that would allow the consumers buy electricity or gas from the other EU member states. The EC thinks that even the regulation of prices is sometimes to the benefit of the big consumers and not to the citizens.
Source: Standart (26.06.2009)
Seventy plants generate electricity from wind More than 70 wind power plants are operating in Bulgaria at the moment. Besides the crisis the investors interest in such projects is huge. Most numerous are those in the region of Kavarna and Balchik, as well as around Sliven, Aitos, Yambol, Targovishte and Somovit. Two more parks are being constructed around Kaliakra and are to be set in operation in 2010. Then, the of wind power plants total capacity is expected to reach 300 MW. The installed capacity at the moment amounts to 112 MW.
Source: Standart (29.06.2009)
Bulgargaz, the state-owned gas distribution firm, said that it posted a 91 million leva loss in 2008, as opposed to 87 million leva profit for 2007. The loss was reported despite a 29 per cent increase of annual turnover. Revenue from natural gas retail rose by 27 per cent to 1.57 billion leva, but the company paid 1.81 billion leva to buy natural gas, 241 million leva more than it actually managed to sell on the domestic market. Transit revenue figures stood at 140 million leva in 2008, an 8.42 increase as opposed to 2007, despite dwindling transit traffic as supplies to Greece fell by 9.44 per cent and a 1.62 per cent decline in supplies for Turkey. But the main reason for the net loss were the debts owed by utility companies. At the end of 2008, Toplofikatsiya Sofia owed Bulgargaz 268 million leva, which has been covered partially since then. Bulgargaz is also due 9.5 million leva from Toplofikatsiya Pernik and 196 000 leva from Toplofikatsiya Shoumen. All three heating utility companies are currently state-owned.
Source: (01.07.2009)
State-run Bulgargaz wades into the red in 2008 Bulgarias state-controlled gas company Bulgargaz swung to a loss of BGN 90.5 million in 2008 from a profit of BGN 86.9 million for the previous year. The company attributed the negative performance to the prices said by the energy watchdog, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC), which halved most of its price hike requests. Bulgargaz raked in sales of BGN 1.3 billion, some BGN 300 million on top of last years figure. Supplies prepayments rose to BGN 95 million. Transit fee receipts paid by Russian gas mammoth Gazprom to carry gas across Bulgaria to Greece, Turkey and Macedonia, marked a slight decrease after earlier this year receipts were channeled to grid operator Bulgartransgaz to overhaul the infrastructure. The move, which was prompted by the regulator and the European Commission (EC), left Bulgargaz with BGN 73.9 million of the total 140.2 million, where a portion was given to the grid operator. The state-run firm has taken bank loans to the amount of BGN 196 million, including debt to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys top energy assets. Short-term liabilities have widened to BGN 356 million from BGN 123 million.
Source: Dnevnik (07.07.2009)
Bulgaria eyes gas deliveries from Turkmenistan Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will purchase gas from Turkmenistan, said Dimitar Gogov, executive director of state-run gas company Bulgargaz, which is part of the catch-all structure for the countrys major energy assets. Gogov, as quoted by news portal Trend News, said that after the expiry of its Russian gas supply contracts in 2010-2012, the gas firm will seek to diversify sources by tapping supplies from Central Asia. While currently selling to Russia, Turkmenistan is keen to explore European markets as well, with one of the options on the table supplying the Nabucco pipeline, which should pump gas from central Asia to Europe starting in 2013. Azerbaijan will also play a key role in diversifying Bulgarias gas delivery sources, according to Gogov. The country is tipped as Nabuccos likeliest supplier despite Russias eager attempts to buy out all volumes as it seeks to block the scheme. Bulgaria has already said it plans to use one billion cubic metres of gas each year from the pipeline. The quantities should be provided by Azerbaijan. The financial meltdown will have a serious impact on natural gas consumption, but, as with any crisis, the downhill slide will hopefully be short and I believe that demand and consumption in Europe and Bulgaria will start to recover as soon as at the start of 2010, Gogov said.
Source: Dnevnik (08.07.2009)
Energy Holding managers cost over BGN 1 mln The five members of the Bulgarian Energy Holding have cost the state-owned company BGN 649 thous until now. In case the new Government decides to replace them, the figure may reach BGN 1 mln. The calculations are based on the financial reports of BEH in the last 2 years, available on the web site of the company. A few days ago the future PM of Bulgaria Borisov said that the management of the company would be changed, whatever the cost. The motive is that the 5-year contracts of the five members of the board include a condition for a 3-year prenotice. The 5 members are the chairman Galya Tosheva, Dimitar Dimitrov, Bulgargazs chair Dimitar Gogov, Tencho Popov, who is ex-secretary general at the Finance Ministry of Milen Velchev, and Boris Petkov, executive of the state-owned company for radioactive waste. If they are discharged they would have to receive their salaries for the next 3 years. In 2007 the total sum paid for them is BGN 347,000. In 2008 their salaries are lower, but they have voted themselves higher bonuses. According to calculations, the main monthly salary of each of them is about BGN 3000 on average. In case of discharge, the State would have to compensate them with about BGN 540,000 and the total expense for them would reach BGN 1 mln. For comparison, the net profit of the holding after taxes is BGN 52 mln.
Source: Sega (09.07.2009)
Chairs for BGN 2914 beheaded a mining executive The Bulgarian energy Holding (BEH) discharged two members of the board of directyors of Mines Maritsa East Ivan markov and Gocho Hristov. However, they would not be released from responibility, the Holding said. Todor Todorov, financial officer at TPP Maritza East 2, has been appointed for head of the mines. Markov was a majority candidate from the Coalition for Bulgaria in Stara Zagora in the past elections, but he did not manage to enter the Parliamnet. The decision for the discharge was taken after a report of an expert commission of BEH, appointed two months ago. The results of the audit show serious violations of the financial discipline, lack of control in planning and spending finances, lack of control in planning and implementation of the procedure under PPA, during the operative management of Mines Maritsa East SPJSC. According to the report, the profit is highly decreased as a big share of the expenses made does not correspond to the main goals and priorities of the company management.
Source: Trud (13.07.2009)
Belene Construction Site Swallows BGN 500 M Over half BGN 1 billion have leaked out of Belene Nuclear Power Plants construction site into someones pocket. It took more than BGN 800 million to prepare the nukes contsruction site alone, Bulgarias future Deputy PM and Minister of Finance Simeon Dyankov said in an interview. As far as Im informed, the same task costs the equivalent of around BGN 250 million in other countries, Dyankov said. He pointed out that in the last months of the outgoing cabinet, the Ministry of Economy and Energy signed agreements worth billions that undermined Bulgarias state budget for years ahead. Future PM Boyko Borissov has forbidden outgoing Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov to sign any contracts whatsoever. I do not trust him, which is why I demanded that he should stop signing anything, Borissov said.
Source: Standart (13.07.2009)
Borissov Suspends Powers of Outgoing Economy Minister Outgoing Economy and Energy Minister Petar Dimitrov has been forbidden to sign any contracts and agreements by Prime Minster designate Boyko Borisov. I do not trust this person, Petar Dimitrov, and thats why I have suspended his powers to sign any documents, Mr. Borissov said in an interview. He went on to say that he did not mind outgoing PM Sergey Stanishev signing an intergovernmental agreement on the Nabucco pipeline project in Ankara, today, but objected the signing of agreement on the connection of the gas transportation systems of Bulgaria and Greece. The project is expected to cost 100-150 million euros. Mr. Borissov has had a talk with Mrs. Galina Tosheva, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, and assured her that he would not dismantle the holding after he is sworn in as Prime Minister. Mr. Borissov gave the holding a green light to carry on with its activities and said it neednt wait until the new Cabinet is formed, which is expected to happen on July 27. The incoming Prime Minister added that the energy holding should work to fill up the natural gas depot near the village of Chiren.
Source: Standart (13.07.2009)
Bulgarias national power grid operator NEK has greenlighted a proposal to form a joint venture with Hydropower Bulgaria 2009, the hydro power stat-up of local businessman Grisha Ganchev, to revamp three hydropower plants. However, the proposal sparked a big wrangle at the board of directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) lumping together the countrys main energy assets, including NEK, which demanded more details about the selection mechanism and the parameters of the contract. Hydropower Bulgaria 2009 was selected not through a competition or a tender but on the basis of letter of intent. NEK claims statutory rules do not require it to hold a competitive procedure and explained it is in talks with several companies that could provide the BGN 10-12 million needed to overhaul the Tazha, Vidima and Troyan power stations. If approved, the deal will see NEK making an in-kind contribution of the power capacities in exchange for a majority stake in the undertaking, while the privately-owned company will invest BGN 17 million. Iliya Terziev, board member of Hydropower Bulgaria 2009, insisted the company has built up significant experience in upgrade and operation of hydropower plants, having pumped BGN 30 million in such projects so far. He pledged the company is ready to plough at least BGN 17 million into the joint project despite the tight economic conditions.
Source: Dnevnik (13.07.2009)
Fifteen percent of state-run companies to be listed at Bulgarian Stock Exchange "Fifteen percent of the shares of the state-owned companies will be listed at the stock exchange," said finance minister designate Simeon Dyankov. This move kills two birds with one stone, as it will encourage the trade at the Bulgarian Stock and will also prevent corrupt practices in these ventures. "One of the priorities of the program of our government is to bring the stock exchange to a higher level," Dyankov added. "Currently, the state-owned companies are run by different ministries and, in most of the cases, ineffectively. Our plan is to make a common package of the shares of all companies, in which the state has a stake of fifty percent and higher. This common package of shares will be placed under the jurisdiction of the economy ministry and fifteen percent of the shares of each company in this package will be listed on the stock exchange," Dyankov explained. "This will expand two or three times the volume of trade at the stock exchange," Dyankov added. "All the companies whose shares are listed on the stock exchange are public and as such they are to report on their activities in public. This will prevent instances of conflict of interests and corruption," Dyankov said in conclusion.
Source: Standart (14.07.2009)
Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC, the biggest coalmining company in Bulgaria, has a new CEO since yesterday. Todor Todorov, who comes from TPP Maritsa East 2 SPJSC, was presented to the management team on Wednesday. He has been chosen by the meeting of the directors in Sofia. The board of BEH released two executives, Ivan Markov and Gocho Hristov, on July 10. The move was a result of the audit inspections at Mines Maritsa Iztok, which showed irregularities in public procurements, causing millions of BGN damage.
Source: Sega (16.07.2009)
Bulgaria might buy gas from Blue Stream Bulgaria could buy natural gas from the Russian-Turkish gas pipeline Blue Stream, the executive director of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) Galina Tosheva said. In her words, BEH had already talked to Gazprom on the matter, but no deal had been clinched that far. Bulgaria had other options as well receiving gas via Greece. BEH had already filed the application papers with the European Commission (EC), seeking funding for the construction of the intersystem links with Greece and Romania, worth respectively EUR 45 million and EUR 10 million.
Source: Standart (17.07.2009)
Overgas Inc. JSC, the biggest gas distributor in Bulgaria, applied for a license for storage of gas in the underground depository Galata. The company said that the depository has already been depleted. Overgas offers to construct a new depository there, which to be exploited 35 years from 2009 to 2046. However a work group from the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission said that as for the moment such request cannot be approved. SEWRC said that Galata depository is still functioning and its concessionaire until 2026 is Melrose Resources.
Source: Trud (20.07.2009)
A total of BGN 17 mln is the Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC for the first half of 2009, said the newly appointed director Todor Todorov. The long-term credits of the company are BGN 104 mln, short-term BGN 44 mln. TPP Maritsa East 2, TPP Enel Maritza-East 3 and TPP Brikel owe a total of BGN 24 mln to Mines Maritsa Iztok. Liabilities to personnel of the Radnevo mines, which is 7500 workers, is BGN 16 mln, and it was all paid up on Wednesday, Todorov said. There would be no lay-offs until the end of the year, he added. A new financial audit would be made after the prescriptions of the previous one are implemented.
Source: Darik Radio (24.07.2009)
Bulgarias new energy ministry to probe into big projects The Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism will launch an investigation into the large-scale energy projects such as the Belene nuke plant and the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, said the new minister, Traycho Traykov, who took over from Petar Dimitrov on Monday. Traykov assured the new ministry would not put a single project on standby before it studies its economics and the legislative provisions. Unfortunately, one could work effectively only for 20 hours and therefore I could not provide a concrete timeframe for checking the large-scale infrastructure projects, Traykov explained, adding that most importantly they should be profitable for Bulgaria and benefit the Bulgarian citizens. The new minister said he has already proposed the members of his team but the candidacies are still pending approval and his deputies are most likely to be announced by the end of the week. My colleague definitely takes up the toughest ministry at a very tough time, said Petar Dimitrov. Excluding the effects of the economic turmoil, Bulgaria boasts some of the most favourable economic climate, he stated. Traykov turned out to hold a different view, saying one of the top priorities of his ministry will be polishing the countrys reputation as a symbol of corruption, which is seriously undermining business climate. Petar Dimitrov expressed hopes the new administration will preserve the structure of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which now lumps together the countrys main energy assets, saying it very much facilitates energy management in the country. BEH should be listed on the stock exchange and there is no question about it; the problem is that this cannot happen immediately, Traykov said. He was adamant that the Sofia heating utility should go private but provided neither timescales, nor possible methods.
Source: Dnevnik (28.07.2009)
Bulgaria Rightist Leader: Belene NPP Project Should Be Frozen The new Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Energy, and Tourism, has called for Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant project at Belene to be frozen. Dimitrov, one of the leaders of the rightist Blue Coalition, and leader of the United Democratic Forces (UDF), stated Thursday that the state should not have to support the Belene NPP project and that instead they should find private investors. According to Dimitrov the project will cost a lot of money and in this time of crisis could de-stabilize the country's economy. Some EUR 430.5 mln have been spent so far by the Bulgarian state in preparation for the construction of the country's second nuclear power plant at the Danube town of Belene. The figure was made public on July 17 by the press service of the Ministry of Energy and Economy. Of these, EUR 161 mln have been spent for developing the technical project; EUR 78 mln - for the clearing of the construction site; EUR 89.5 mln for the purchase of long-term equipment; EUR 90 mln have been spent for paying consultants - WorleyParsons, Deloitte, Paribas; and EUR 12 mln - for paying off interest on a BNP Paribas loan.
Source: Novinar (31.07.2009)
Bulgarias top-notch energy assets have rounded off the first six months of the year bleeding red ink, showed the consolidated report of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which lumps them all together. The national power grid operator NEK, its subsidiary Electricity System Operator (ESO) and mining company Maritsa Iztok mines have accumulated a loss of BGN 98 million from January to June, widening from BGN 42 million, BGN 37 million and BGN 19 million, respectively, from the previous month. For the entire 2007, NEK booked a net profit of BGN 34 million and Maritsa Iztok netted BGN 8 million. The deterioration was attributed to the unfavourable business environment of an economy ravaged by recession, according to report of the holding company published yesterday. NEK, which holds a power trade licence, has sold slimmer volumes both on the domestic and on the foreign markets. This was coupled with lower export rates dragged by softened demand in neighbouring countries.
Source: Dnevnik (04.08.2009)
Bulgarias top energy projects wasteful and piecemeal Bulgarias major energy projects, such as the Belene nuclear power station, have been developed by a piecemeal approach, without feasibility analysis or a clear funding idea, while taxpayers cannot account for the heaps of money ploughed there, said Traycho Traykov, the new minister of economy, energy and tourism, at his maiden media briefing. The ministrys top priority by the end of the year will be salvaging from the red its patchy budget. Options on the table include privatisation of tobacco monopoly Bulgartabac Holding, the Sofia heating utility and possibly the minority government holdings in power distributors. Another variant is floating on the stock exchange a portion of the capital of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys best energy assets. A total of EUR 430 million has so far been splashed out for preparation of the site, consultation, payments to the contractor and ordering of equipment for the 2,000 MW nuclear power station, Bulgarias second, which is designed to offset the lost generating capacity from the early closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors at the countrys sole nuclear power station in Kozloduy at end-2002 and end-2006, respectively, as part of the country's EU accession commitments.
Source: Dnevnik (04.08.2009)
International Energy Projects to Drag Bulgaria out of Crisis Ilian Vassilev, chairman of Deloitte Bulgaria and expert in energy projects. - Mr. Vassilev, EUs pipeline project Nabucco is beginning to make progress. Apart from the opera name, what else does Nabucco stand for? - Nabucco is EUs declaration of pursuit for energy independence and diversification of the energy resource suppliers Nabucco is an expression of EUs self-confidence and determination to take words to action. But apart from natural gas sources, it seems to me it would be very difficult to match the stakeholder interests of participant countries. - What about Bulgarias role in the project? Are the Bulgarian institutions and companies ready to play successfully and on an equal footing with the other participants in such a large-scale transnational project? - Bulgaria has a key role to play both in Nabucco and South Stream. Unfortunately, were not writing our lines on the European and global agenda on the subject by ourselves. What is worst is that Bulgaria only seeks to gain from transit fares and other peanut benefits for this company or the next. We are not taking actually advantage of the opportunity to drag Bulgarias economy out of the crisis and expand the scope of the participation of its institutions and companies along the entire value added chain, both at home and abroad. Nabucco and South Stream are a unique opportunity to master the art of managing our participation in the globalization process in our own interest. But, accomplishing this, takes some adequate preparation of the Bulgarian governmental and non-governmental institutions and corporations. - Are Nabucco and South Stream rival projects? Moscow has already expressed the apprehension the new Bulgarian government would turn a cold shoulder to South Stream? - Emotions can be dangerous when dealing with energy policy. I consider these projects only through the business point of view, I think as time passes differences will get smaller and smaller. Consumers will not accept any extreme price which is the meaning of diversification. The absence of alternatives drastically lowers the chances the consumers have to influence the decisions of the monopoly suppliers.
Source: Standart (06.08.2009)
The government will discuss in Wednesday whether to return the projects for the Bourgas-Alexandrupolis oil-pipes construction in the Bulgarian energy holding. The suggestion was made by the construction minister Rosen Plevenliev. The holding quit the planned company which is to construct the oil-pipe on Bulgarian territory with the Stanishev governments decision, motivated by the fact that the crisis imposes reconsideration of investment. Till the end of May the Bulgarian participation was shared by Bulgargas and Technoexportstroy, as the latter was granted the whole share of 24.5 % in the project and paid BEHs subsidiary company about BGN 3 million for the expenses made on the project.
Source: Novinar (12.08.2009)
Bulgarian electrical energy exports dropped by nearly 30% in the first six months of 2009 year-on-year. This was announced Friday by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), as cited by Darik Radio. The losses of two of the companies in the holding - Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD and National Electrical Company (NEK), for the same period are close to BGN 60 M, the financial result of the first 6months of 2009 showed. As a whole, BEH has considerably improved its financial condition compared to 2008. The net profit of the holding in the first half of 2009 was BGN 160 M, while for the whole 2008 it was BGN 86 M. The electricity export in the first six months of the year decreased by 28,4% from 2,16 million MWh in the middle of 2008 to 1,5 million MWh in July 2009.
Source: Darik Radio (17.08.2009)
Three of the companies in Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) posted losses for the first half of 2009. National Electric Company logged the biggest loss, BGN 44.2 million, followed by Maritsa Iztok Mines (BGN 17.3 million) and Bulgartel (BGN 0.17 million). The holding as a whole, however, booked a BGN 226.4 million pre-tax profit, up 35.4% year on year. Income rose by BGN 271 million to BGN 2.577 billion.
Source: Pari (17.08.2009)
Power exports shed more than a quarter in Jan-Jun09 The National Electric Company (NEK) exported 28.4% less electricity in the first six months of the year, shows the consolidated report of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the mega structure that groups major state-run energy assets. The dwindling exports have vitiated the power company's performance plunging it into a first-half loss of BGN 42.2 million from a year-ago profit of more than BGN 21 million. The softened demand and the energy surplus have dragged prices at which NEK sells electricity to southeast European partners below 0.03 euro per kWh making exports inefficient and gnawing at the power export monopoly's profitability. At the same time, sales revenue which used to offset NEK's losses on the regulated segment, contracted by 44.2% in January to June, as sales on the free market have taken a slide, too. Domestic electricity consumption shrank by 5% following the 20% fall in industrial production in the first half of the year, with 22% higher sales of power distributors CEZ Electro, EVN and E.ON providing no significant relief. Furthermore, the pricing decisions of the energy regulator were detrimental to the electric company turning it into a social buffer and pushing it into the red, BEH said. Two more units of the energy holding, the Maritsa East coal mines and Bulgartel, the telecoms arm of gas major Bulgargaz, posted first-half losses of BGN 17.3 million and BGN 170,000, respectively. The mining company, which has low labour productivity, sank due to a 28.8% surge in fuel and raw material costs, while Bulgratel attributed its loss to the slump in wholesale telco services. Bulgargaz, on the other hand, reversed its BGN 93 million loss to a BGN 52.8 million profit on the back of a 3% mark-up cleared by the regulator. Natural gas consumption in Bulgaria dropped by 20% in the first half of 2009 but the decline was smaller than in Romania and Greece, the holding company said. Nevertheless, BEH, which consolidates the country's sole nuke plant in Kozloduy, Maritsa East 2 coal-fired power plant, Maritsa East coal mines, NEK, Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel, pulled off a BGN 226.4 million profit for January to June, a result that would have been higher should its units operated in a more favourable regulatory framework, the group said.
Source: Dnevnik (17.08.2009)
Bulgarian Maritsa East coal mining company will terminate detrimental contracts and transactions to the tune of BGN 32 million in a bid to keep its staff intact, executive director Todor Todorov told. The new management, which was appointed a month ago by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), conducted an audit and found out misuses and lack of control in public procurements, which resulted in contracts suspension. The check led to the dismissal of former executive directors Ivan Markov and Gocho Hristov and the appointment of the incumbent head Todor Todorov who is ex-financial director of another state-owned energy firm, the Maritsa East 2 coal-fired power station. Todorov announced he has requested a second internal inspection on the transactions and warned he would notify the investigation and the prosecution offices if the check gives new embezzlement data. The mining company sank into a BGN 17.3 million loss in the first six months of the year, shows the consolidated statement of BEH which lumps together top-notch energy assets. The poor result was attributed to the rising costs of fuels and spare parts and sizable sub-contracts. Todorov called for a more flexible pricing mechanism as the coal prices are currently pegged to an annual efficiency indicator set by the energy minister. The mining company has an onerous debt burden of more than BGN 100 million, of which BGN 12 million are BNP Paribas loans with an approaching maturity. The mines are in talks with the lender to defer the due installments. On the other hand, the three power plants in the Maritsa East basin collectively owe BGN 29 million to the mining firm.
Source: Dnevnik (18.08.2009)
The question about listing some of the capital of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) or its companies on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) has not received a categorical answer yet, a Pari daily's inquiry shows. BEH is not so well structured, so it is better to list separate companies of the holding, the chairman of BSE's board of directors, Viktor Papazov, said. BenchMark Asset Management CEO Petko Valkov, however, thinks it is uncertain whether separate companies could be offered for trade. Our main idea is to unite state-owned stakes in different companies into a single holding and list it on the BSE, deputy finance minister Vladislav Goranov told the Pari daily before the July election. It is easier to list the holding but it is better to list separate companies, because financial accountancy and strategy are better on a corporate level, finance minister Simeon Dyankov said after the government took office. Whichever option is chosen, the capital market will be given a strong impetus, analysts are unanimous. I expect increased interest in the state-owned companies that will be offered for trade on the BSE, Papazov forecast. Companies that may get listed are BEH's Bulgargas, National Electric Company, Sofia's heating utility, Maritsa Iztok Mines. The main problem is that they are currently banned from privatisation and nobody dares to say how long it will take to make them public.
Source: Pari (20.08.2009)
Bulgarias coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 posted a profit of BGN 59.6 million for the first six months of 2009, showed the consolidated report of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the countrys top-notch energy assets. The increase by BGN 34.2 million helped the plant outperform Kozloduy nuke plant, which booked a profit of BGN 54.3 million. The increase was backed by the higher electricity prices that came into effect from July 1, 2008, which is purchased under a five-year agreement thanks to the construction of flue gas desulphurization units at reactors five and six on a project bankrolled by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). The performance was helped also by the completed upgrade of units one to four at the nuclear facility, which will enable an increased output without extra coal. Speaking to the state-owned Bulgarian National Radio (BNR), former energy minister Roumen Ovcharov credited the companys better efficiency on the low price of coal supplied by the Maritsa East mine complex. Meanwhile, Kozloduy executive director Ivan Genov told BNR he will submit his resignation on the first days from returning from holiday. Last week energy minister Traycho Traykov stated that the power trading contracts for the unregulated market do not fully defend the companys interests and power traders have been selected by vague criteria. Im not shirking responsibility, Genov replied, pointing out that the nuclear plant is in good financial health thanks to both supplies to the domestic market that helps it offset losses and the companys staff. He said he has spent 29 years at the facility.
Source: Dnevnik (24.08.2009)
From the beginning of the year the National electric companys sales have decreased by 8 %. At the same time, the company cut its expenses by 2 %. The situation is grave, so Bulgarian energy holding considers passing on to crisis management, which will let companies minimize their losses and to register profit. The examination is still under way, but in BEHs opinion the unprofitable tendency in NECs management is even deepening. In the last few weeks several meetings with the management of BEHs subsidiary companies were initiated, in consideration of the companies half-year financial statements. The common opinion is that the results are more than unsatisfactory. NECs bad management was exemplified by the credit amounted to EUR 250 million, granted in normal economic conditions for APP Belenes construction. Because of unimplemented conditions, the rate of the credit jumped from % to 8%.
Source: Darik Radio (25.08.2009)
The two executive directors of the National Electric Company (NEK), Lyubomir Velkov and Mardik Papazyan, will be dismissed by this week's end. The decision will be voted at a board of directors meeting of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Members of NEK's board may also be fired. NEK's managers did not take measures to reduce the company's expenses and losses, BEH said. The holding even accused the two heads of negligence of duty. According to BEH board of directors chairman, Tencho Popov, the cost price of electricity had to be cut as a measure against losses. NEK's only excuse for the losses is that it sold power on the regulated market at a loss, which is unacceptable, Popov pointed out. The current economic situation requires crisis management techniques to curb losses and no such measures were applied. Instead, an interim check-up showed that NEK's sales slumped 8%, while expenses were reduced just 2%. NEK's losses for the first half of 2009 amounted to BGN 42 million, Popov went on to say. An example of poor management is a EUR 250 million loan from BNP Paribas, which became executable because of omissions made by somebody at NEK. As a result, the company had to close an agreement with the bank but the interest rate jumped eight-fold. By this week's end BEH will also decide on the resignation of the executive director of Kozloduy nuclear power plant, Ivan Genov. Most probably it will be accepted.
Source: Pari (25.08.2009)
The executive officer of NPP Kozloduy Ivan Genov sent his resignation to Bulgarian Energy Holding. It would most probably be accepted until the end of the week as he no longer wishes to head the company. The two executives of National Electricity Company (NEK) Lyubomir Velkov and Mardik Papazyan would also be fired. They have not taken cost cutting measures amid the economic turmoil, officials from BEH said. The inspection in NEK conducted by BEH continues. The main charge over the power company management is that costs have been cut by 2 percent as sales decreased by 8 percent in the first half of 2009.
Source: Trud (25.08.2009)
Management of the energy holding to be also changed Minister of Economy Traicho Traykov said that there is an option to replace the management of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The holding was founded last year and unites Mines Maritsa Iztok, TPP Maritsa East 2, Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy, National Electricity Company, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgas. Mr. Traykov added that the members of the board of directors would be reduced from 5 to 3. The deputy chair of the board Tencho Popov is likely to be the first one replaced. Traykov did not disclose the future of the current executive of BEH Galina Tosheva.
Source: Novinar (26.08.2009)
Winds power may free Bulgaria from energy dependence. The country is among the best places in the world for generation of power from wind. Investors interest towards power generation is present, but legislative obstructions and limited capacity of the national electric network slow down construction of wind parks. According to European bank for reconstruction and development, Bulgaria may develop capacity of 3 400 MW in few years. Bulgaria is dependent on energy resources import, as it covers most of its energy needs via import from Russia. Moreover, we should add the electricity, generated by water power plants, the atomic power plant in Kozlodyu, as well as the planned new capacities in the future APP Belene. With the help of wind, however, Bulgaria may generate as much power, as the two atomic power plants altogether.
Source: (27.08.2009)
Bulgarian energy holdings five members of the Board of directors will leave the boards of the subsidiary companies, in which they participate. Traicho Traikov, the minister of economy, energetics and tourism said that the number of members in Boards of directors will be reduced, and consider changes in BEH board possible, too. In Tuesday, BEH appointed the new management of APP Kozloduy and reduced its board. This is expected to happen with the board of the National electric company, as well.
Source: Dnevnik (27.08.2009)
Borissov and Putin Discuss Future of Energy Projects The ice between Sofia and Moscow is beginning to break as a phone conversation between Bulgaria PM Boyko Borissov and Russia PM Vladimir Putin on the hot topic of Bulgarias frozen major energy projects took place today. The two Heads of Government discussed the future possibilities for strengthening their countries traditionally good diplomatic relations, and more specifically the implementation of the South Stream and Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline projects as well as the construction of Bulgarias second nuke at Belene. We are currently scrutinizing the details on every contract we have made, Borissov clarified. Borissov and Putin agreed to continue the active talks on major projects, and to commission experts of both countries to speed up the projects coming into being, Council of Ministers sources disclosed. Borissov offered his Russian counterpart that the regular session of the Intergovernmental Working Committee be held earlier than initially scheduled, and take place in Sofia in the autumn instead of Moscow in November. Both Borissov and Putin expressed their willingness to meet personally as soon as they may chance.
Source: Standart (28.08.2009)
Bulgarian energy holding is absolutely obsolete, so its activity may stop in two weeks time in the Prime minister words. The minister of economy, energetics and tourism will analyze its operation and will assess its activity. The energy holding, which unites energy companies in the country, was founded in September last year with decision of the Government Stanishev. It unites the National electric company, Bulgargas holding, APP Kozloduy, TPP Maritsa East 2 and mines Marista-east, Energy system operator and Bulgargas subsidiary companies- Bulgargas, Bulgartsansgaz and Bulgartel. BEH is a joint-stock company with 100% state participation.
Source: Pari (31.08.2009)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) elected Friday a new Board of Directors of its subsidiary, the National Electric Company NEK. During Friday's meeting of the Board of Directors of BEH, the Board of NEK was reduced from five down to three members. The three new directors of NEK are Evgeni Angelov, Georgi Mikov, and Mihail Andonov. Angelov was born in 1975. He has a BA in information systems from Guildhall University, UK, and MBA from Harvard Business School. He has worked for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In 2008, he founded Attria Capital, a shareholders investment fund for Southeast Europe, and became its CEO. He is also the founder and director of another company - New Energy Partners - dealing with renewable energy projects. Angelov was recently appointed Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy, and Tourism. Georgi Mikov was born in 1963. He has a degree in electrical engineering, and a MA in business administration from the American University in Bulgaria. He has been working at NEK since 1991. Since 2005, he is a member of the governing board of the Czech-owned electricity provider, CEZ Bulgaria Jsc. Mihail Andonov was born in 1960. He has a degree in industrial economy. He has worked at NEK's Audit and Internal Control department, since 1998, and since 2002 has been the deputy chief accountant of the company. On Monday, BEH announced that the two CEOs of the National Electric Company, Lyubomir Velkov, and Mardik Papazyan had been fired over failure to act in order to cut the company's losses from the economic crisis.
Source: Darik Radio (31.08.2009)
The government plans to list 15% of each company in the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) on the BSE and to introduce as quickly as possible an on-line control system in tax and customs storehouses, Simeon Dyankov, financial minister and deputy prime minister, said on bTV. In his opinion, the reforms in the customs have given results. He also promised to stop unjustifiable expenses in the energy sector.
Source: Pari (01.09.2009)
15% of the subsidiaries of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will be placed on the exchange, said Finance Minister Simeon Diankov. Holding does not work and the option is that it be closed and percentage of companies operated by him to be placed on the stock exchange and their activities must be transparent, "he explained. Holding was established in September last year by the cabinet "Stanishev" and it included NEK, Kozloduy NPP, TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 "Maritsa East" Bulgargaz with its subsidiary companies Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel, the Energy System Operator (ESO).
Source: Novinar (01.09.2009)
Georgi Mikov has been unveiled as the new Executive Director of the National Electric Company NEK. Georgi Mikov was born in 1963. He has a degree in electrical engineering, and a MA in business administration from the American University in Bulgaria. He has been working at NEK since 1991. Since 2005, he is a member of the governing board of the Czech-owned electricity provider, CEZ Bulgaria Jsc. Mikov takes his position after the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) elected Friday a new Board of Directors of its subsidiary NEK. During Friday's meeting of the Board of Directors of BEH, the Board of NEK was reduced from five down to three members. The three new directors of NEK are Mikov, Evgeni Angelov and Mihail Andonov. Earlier Tuesday Finance Minister Simeon Djankov announced that a 15% stake in NEK and dominant gas supplier Bulgargaz will be listed on the Bulgarian stock exchange. Last Monday, BEH announced that the two CEOs of the National Electric Company, Lyubomir Velkov, and Mardik Papazyan had been fired over failure to act in order to cut the company's losses from the economic crisis. The losses are expected to reach BGN 76 M by the end of the year. Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, announced Friday morning that his government was going to shut down BEH which was formed as a mega energy structure by the Socialist government in 2008, uniting all major state-owned energy companies.
Source: Standart (01.09.2009)
Borissov, Putin meet to talk on energy business Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin will hold his first meeting on September 1 in Gdansk with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borissov, Yuri Ushakov, deputy head of government staff said as quoted by Russian news agency ITAR-TASS. The meeting will form part of events marking the 70th anniversary of World War Two. Putin will also meet his counterparts Yulia Tymoshenko of Ukraine, Jan Peter Balkenende of the Netherlands, Matti Vanhanen of Finland, Jadranka Kosor of Croatia and Borut Pahor of Slovenia. Western media point out that Putin will shake hands with the premiers of the countries where Russia has energy interests. Ukraine hosts the main sections of Russias pipeline pumping gas to Europe, while the other countries are linked with the North Stream and South Stream gas pipes. Dutch company Gasunie holds a 9% stake in the project company that will develop the South Stream pipeline that should cross Finlands territorial waters. Croatia and Slovenia are potential participants in the South Stream scheme. According to Ushakov, Borissov, who recently said Bulgaria could balk out of a string of joint Russian projects, is ready to hold constructive dialogue.
Source: Dnevnik (01.09.2009)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding, a mega-structure, which groups all big state-owned energy firms, but has been marked for closure by the new center-right government, said net profits rose by BGN 29.3 mln in July. Net profits increased by 29.3% on an annual basis, towering to BGN 57.9 mln, helped by the improved financial performance of four of the companies that go into the holding and a slow-down in losses incurred by the national electricity distribution company NEK. EBITDA rose to BGN 255.8 mln, while operating income marked a 12% rise. The holding was created in 2008 with the merger of five state-owned companies into a EUR 4 bln energy giant.
Source: Darik Radio (03.09.2009)
Income of the Privatization Agency for 2009 and 2010 may reach BGN 880 mln if the State manages to sell Bulgartabac Holding JSC, Heat Supply-Sofia SPJSC, Vazov Machine Works SPJSC, Kintex SPJSC and its minority stakes in the electricity distribution companies. The Agency reported BGN 17.6 mln income for the first half of 2009 blaming the financial crisis and the lack of investors interest. PA said that the companies included in BEH may also be considered for privatization at a later stage, but such move is not planned for the time being.
Source: Monitor (03.09.2009)
Bulgaria's Government to Recalculate Belene Nuke Costs within 3 Months It will take three months for the experts of the Minister of Energy to calculate the actual cost and the potential profit of Belene NPP. In November Bulgaria PM Boyko Borissov will respond to his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin if Bulgaria's cabinet is in support of the project, it became clear from Borissov's words in an interview with the Bulgarian National Television. PM Putin and PM Borissov had a talk in Gdansk on Tuesday. Putin demanded a quick answer as to whether the energy projects would be implemented or not. Borissov was categorical that he favoured South Stream. "We agreed with Prime Minister Putin that Bulgaria will be ready with the financial planning of Belene NPP by November. Until then, our experts will do the calculations. We will inform the public if the project is worth it when we finish the calculations," Borissov said. To his words, the previous government did nothing on the implementation of Belene NPP or Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline projects, besides making 250 million euro vanish into thin air. "In three months, when the Bulgarian-Russian intergovernmental commission will have a sitting in Sofia, there will be a categorical answer as to South Stream, Bourgas-Alexadroupolis and Belene NPP will be continued," Borissov said explicitly. Borissov clarified that Putin never tried to press him during their talk.
Source: Standart (03.09.2009)
Russia Eager to Finalize Belene NPPFinalize Russia is pushing hard to finance the construction of Bulgaria's Belene Nuclear Power Plant, it became clear from the words of Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Alexey Kudrin. Kudrin stated that Vladimir Putin's cabinet was seriously considering the application for financing the construction of Belene NPP. "The precise sum Russia will release from its state budget will become clear during the negotiations," Kudrin clarified.
Source: Standart (04.09.2009)
Sofia Does Not Believe in Tears, Too It seems that the game is getting tough. Although in a nice tone, in Gdansk Russia's PM Vladimir Putin wagged a finger at Sofia. The warning that Russia might exclude Bulgaria from some of its big energy projects is, in fact, a threat. And an ultimatum to Sofia to decide quickly and in favour of the cooperation with Russia or otherwise it will be weeded out of the projects. And this will be the end of Bulgaria's dream to become an energy center on the Balkans. Forgive me the cliche, but this "dream" seems to have lost it's meaning long time ago. Obviously, Moscow is nervous. One small country like Bulgaria, entirely dependent on the Russian energy supplies, feels free to send from pillar to post a world energy power as Russia; to keep it at bay on projects worth billions and which have vital importance to Russia's economy, politics and geostartegic plans for the future. How come Sofia dares to behave so impertinently!? And who the hell is Boyko Borissov to let himself such frivolities? This first foreign policy collision, in which the new Bulgarian government is a party, will, to a great extent, reveal who the new Bulgarian PM is. Borissov's first reaction while listening to Putin's "sermon", gives hopes. Yes, the new Bulgarian government should clearly know what the commitments made by the former Sofia cabinet are and the reason is understandable: with the exception of the statement that the negotiated projects are an energy "grand slam" for Bulgaria, there's not a single proof that these deals defend the Bulgarian national interest. And not only the government should know the truth, the whole Bulgarian public should be convinced that Bulgaria will benefit from these projects as well as that the country can afford being part of them. And only if a project meets these two criteria, it can be defined as acceptable for Bulgaria. These requirements immediately exclude the largest of the projects - the construction of the Belene nuke. The country can't afford the implementation of this project without the participation of private investors. The new Bulgarian PM will win this battle only if he succeeds in resisting both Moscow's pressure and provocations, and these of the powerful Russian energy lobby in Bulgaria. It will be then that Bulgaria will prove that Sofia, "does not believe in tears", too.
Source: Standart (04.09.2009)
The deal for purchase of 77 luxurious automobiles made by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is illegal, said energy minister Traycho Traykov. The deal is worth BGN 5 mln. A week ago it appeared that the energy megaholding has signed the deal for the vehicles without a public procurement procedure. The Public Procurement Agency said that it is not quite clear whether one should take place. BEH commented that no public procurement has been announced but the deal has been signed according to the regulations of the holding. They added that the autos are mainly for the needs of BEHs subsidiary Bulgartransgas. Traykov said that this is exactly why a public procurement procedure should have been appointed.
Source: Novinar (09.09.2009)
Borissov Should Defend the National Interests Georgi Parvanov, President of the Republic of Bulgaria Bulgaria needs leadership in its energy policy, as well as continuity of its energy strategy. Over the past few weeks, Russia has tried to reopen talks on some already decided issues. Instead of stating that everything is fine with South Stream, PM Boyko Borissov should have used the meeting with his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to object such pretensions. It is inexplicable why the Prime Minister and his team did not raise the question about a new long-term contract with Gazprom under better and more flexible conditions for the supply of natural gas to Bulgaria until 2030. Maybe Borissov's Cabinet is satisfied with the existing contract, which probably allows them to draw dividends at the expense of the Bulgarian taxpayer? The global economic crisis is not an argument against but rather for the construction of NPP Belene. The government are mulling over this half a billion necessary to launch the construction of the power plant this year, but they did not hesitate to give the green light to the Gorna Arda project, which also costs half a billion euro? The fact that the economy minister is also a representative of one of the major contractors of Gorna Arda to a great extent accounts for the speed with which the project was started. It also seems that the incumbent government is not competent enough as regards the energy policy - the leader does not have to be informed about everything, but the decisions he takes should be well-grounded.
Source: Standart (09.09.2009)
EC Pays Bulgaria Another E300 M for Kozloduy Nuke Closure The European Commission will pay Bulgaria another 300 million euros as a compensation for the closure of units 3 and 4 of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant Bulgarias only nuclear facility. The news came from Bulgarias economic minister Traycho Traykov who is currently on Prime Minister Boyko Borissovs delegation to the European Commission. The compensation amount will come from the crisis management fund of the European Union. The delegation arrived in Brussels yesterday and will spend two days there. The first meeting of the Prime Minister was with the head of the European Anti-Fraud Office Franz-Hermann Bruner. Another Bulgarian delegate Regional Development and Public Works Minister Rossen Plevneliev said that Brussels was well informed of all the actions the Bulgarian cabinet has taken and expressed hope an agreement would be reached on a one-year expansion of the deadline for the implementation of ISPA projects that are significantly delayed. A plan for Schengen entry requirements implementation was signed yesterday by two deputy prime ministers: Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov and Minister of Finance Simeon Djankov. We must absorb the EU funds for border monitoring technology as soon as possible otherwise we will have to pay it from the national budget, Tsvetanov said.
Source: Standart (10.09.2009)
The Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) Galina Tosheva has entered an application to be exempted from the Board of Directors of Mines Maritsa Iztok. From now on the board of the company will consist of three members instead of five. The Board adopted her request without quitting of responsibility. The termination of the contract of Galina Tosheva enters into force on 8 September, when the decision is expected to be registered in the Commercial Register.
Source: Dnevnik (11.09.2009)
Big Slam for Bulgaria's PM in Brussels Brussels has unfrozen all funds under the Sapard program for Bulgaria. The news came on the second day of the official visit of Bulgaria's PM Boyko Borissov to Brussels. "It has to be clear that I will defend every euro from the EU funds for Bulgaria," stated PM Borissov during his meeting with the newly elected President of the European Parliament Jerzy Buzek. Before leaving for Brussels, PM Borissov stated that the defrosting of EU funds for Bulgaria would be his key priority. The EC decision means that by the end of 2009 Bulgaria will have to absorb 156 million levs under Sapard. Borissov expressed his gratitude for the support of the European institutions to Bulgaria and the Bulgarian citizens who do not deserve to be called "the poorest and most corrupted in Europe." Borissov and Buzek discussed Bulgaria's energy policy as well as the implementation of Nabucco and South Stream projects.
Source: Standart (11.09.2009)
EC President Lobbies for Additional Compensations for Kozloduy NPP "The next 6 months are extremely important for the relations between Bulgaria and the EC. The EC will engage itself to submit a proposal in the European Council and the EP for the release of additional compensations of 300 million euro for the pre-term closure of units 3 and 4 of Kozluduy NPP," stated EC President Jose Barroso during his meeting with Bulgarias PM Boyko Borissov. "Mr. Barroso has given his full credit to the actions of Bulgarias new cabinet and PM Borissov in their fight against corruption and organized crime," Bulgarias Foreign Minister Rumyana Zheleva stated for the Standart. Mr Barroso has also stated that Bulgarias efforts for receiving additional compensations for the decommissioned units of Kozloduy NPP should be supported.
Source: Standart (11.09.2009)
Belene NPP Sold out as Swarf The Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been sold as swarf. The large-scale fraud was committed while power in Bulgaria was changing hands : Sergei Stanishev's cabinet had already stepped down and that of Boyko Borissov's hadn't taken the helm yet. Metal materials used in the construction of the Belene NPP foundation have been sold as scrap three times. The state budget has suffered damages standing at BGN 1 million. "The Economy department of the Criminal Police revealed the fraud. The Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Economy carried out the checkups," announced Minister of Interior Tsvetan Tsvetanov. In the period between April 23 and August 28, the National Electric Company (NEC), which owns 51% of the Belene NPP shares, resold the expensive equipment for a song. It all began with 9 thous tons of scrap. The first purchaser was VDK 1. The valuer of the announced for sale blocks and steel pipes is Mini Consult M LTD, manged by Liliana Hristova. However noone of the valuers showed at the site to actually evaluate the stock. Meanwhile the contract is added an annex claiming that the blocks and pipes are swarf. No such swarf was present. Thus, the valuer cuts the price to the ridiculous BGN 160 per ton of scrap. The sale goes through the Sofia Commodity Exchange. After deduction of the transportation costs, the price fell to BGN 110 per ton. And this is the beginning of ruthless sales. The next purchaser is Evrometal, related to Lyudmil Stoykov. The company paid BGN 280 per ton but also sold the metal with profit. The last of the purchasers is Stomana Industry SA paying over BGN 300 per ton, which is the realistic price, prosecutors said. In the period May 24 August 16 the price of a ton of scrap varied between BGN 284 and BGN 304. If the sale was legal, the metal ought to have left the Belene site at this price. The documentation on the case has been submitted to the Prosecutor's Office.
Source: Standart (17.09.2009)
Russia Ready to Buy out Bulgaria's Share in Belene Nuke Russia showed a growing interest in Belene NPP only a day after Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov informed that Bulgaria was ready to keep only a small share in the project. "Moscow wants to hold negotiations over the purchase of Bulgaria's share in Belene NPP," stated yesterday Russia's Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko. The day before yesterday, Minister Traikov underscored that Sofia would give a chance for the realisation of the Belene NPP project. However, he was explicit that this should not be paid with taxpayers' money. The Borisov-led cabinet intends to find a new formula for financing the construction works. "The main option for Bulgaria is to reduce its share from 51% to 20%," Mr Traikov said. In minister Traikov's opinion, the Belene project should be open to smaller investors, too. The possibility that Russia acquires part of Bulgaria's share in the project will probably be discussed at tomorrow's meeting between Bulgaria and Russia energy ministers. The meeting is at the initiative of Bulgaria Energy Ministry. The director of Russia's state corporation Rosatom Sergey Kirienko will also take part in the meeting.
Source: Standart (17.09.2009)
PM Borissov Asks Brussels for Compensations on Kozloduy Nuke Bulgaria's PM Boyko Borissov will ask Brussels for a 150-million euro compensation for the decommissioned units 3 and 4 of the Kozloduy NPP. This is one of the main issues on Borissov's agenda in the negotiations with the European leaders today. Bulgaria's PM will leave for Brussels to take part in a special meeting aimed at harmonizing a joint anti-crisis strategy. However, during his previous visit to Brussels PM Borissov came to an agreement with the president of the EC Jose Manuel Barroso to put forward before the EC a proposal for additional compensations for Bulgaria. Today PM Borissov will have talks with Jose Barroso about Bulgaria's new European commissioner and his/her sphere of responsibility.
Source: Standart (17.09.2009)
Sofia, Moscow agree to speed up South Stream gas pipe The governments of Bulgaria and Russia will accelerate work on the South Stream gas pipeline project in the next two months. Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borissov and energy minister Traycho Traykov met with Russian energy minister Sergei Shmatko and agreed that the two countries will go ahead with the pipeline which will carry Russian gas to Italy and Austria. The Belene nuke project and the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipe, which will pump Russian oil into Greece, also remain on the drawing board. Two working groups will be formed to draw up the articles of association of the future project company and prepare the pre-feasibility study for the South Stream scheme. The Russian side rejected claims by Bulgarian president Georgi Parvanov it is interested in buying out the 50% stake the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will hold in the project company, the rest being in the hands of Russian gas mammoth Gazprom. In the past months, the project with a price tag of some EUR 25 billion got new momentum after Turkey sealed an agreement with Russia. Bulgaria and Russia agreed to carry out a legal and financial audit into the contracts for the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant aimed to offset the lost generating capacity after Bulgaria bowed to EU pressure for an early closure of two pairs of 440-MW units at Bulgaria's sole nuclear power station in Kozloduy at end-2002 and end-2006. But Bulgarias participation in the Burgas-Alexandroupolis project is on the rocks after it sparked vehement opposition from greens and the local community. While expected to fetch around USD 35 million in transmission fees each year, the scheme threatens spills in the Black Sea that could cause an environmental disaster, according to critics.
Source: Dnevnik (23.09.2009)
RWE Mulls Withdrawal from Belene Nuclear Station Germanys RWE strategic partner of Bulgarias National Electric Company in Belene nuclear plant construction is considering withdrawal from the project. According to RWEs Chief Executive Officer Juergen Grossmann, the reason behind the decision would be the continuous rise of building related expenses. This, though, was not the first report of RWEs possible back-stepping. A month ago Heffa Schucking - leader of the German environmentalist organization Urgewald - said at a Sofia-held press conference that mass protests in Germany against RWEs involvement in Belene were beginning to yield results, making the company to rethink partnership with NEC. Schucking stated that the final decision about RWEs withdrawal will be made at the end of the month when a general meeting of RWEs shareholders is to take place.
Source: Standart (26.09.2009)
Gazprom Wants Damages from Bulgaria Gazprom is demanding damages from all European buyers of blue fuel, including Bulgaria, the Russian edition Kommersant reported. The Russian energy giant stated it would apply the "take-or-pay" clause over lower gas consumption in Europe. Basically, this clause regulates that in case a nation does not fully consume the negotiated yearly volume, it has to pay Gazprom damages. Last week Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov announced Bulgargaz was buying less than agreed and had began negotiations to circumvent payment of damages.
Source: Standart (29.09.2009)
Bulgaria Refuses to Pay EUR 200 M to Russia "The Bulgarian government has refused to pay a large amount to Atomstroyexport," Bulgaria's Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov told Nova Television Sunday night. Shortly before the visit of Russia's Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko and Rosatom Director Sergey Kirienko, Atomstroyexport insisted on signing a bridge deal on producing the next set of components for Belene Nuclear Power Plant for the price of 100-200 million euros, but met with stern refusal in the face of the Bulgarian government. Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov yesterday announced that Belene's strategic investor - the German energy giant RWE - had not given up participation in the project and that the talks would continue. "The future of Belene NPP will become clear by the end of October," Borissov added.
Source: Standart (29.09.2009)
Bulgarian companies should participate in the transportation of oil from Novorossiysk to Burgas, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov proposed. The implementation of this idea, announced by the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov, would increase Bulgarias potential benefits from the construction of the Burgas Alexandroupolis pipeline. This is one of the three Russian energy projects, frozen by the GERB-government of Borisov. Minister Traykov added that Bulgaria is not satisfied with the current transit and royalty taxes for transportation through the territory of the country under the current contract. They are USD 1 per ton at annual capacity of 35 mln tons.
Source: (29.09.2009)
Think towards Solar Energy, Not Nuclear Dr Dominique Raynaud is an expert at climatic change issues. Along with other researchers from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and Al Gore he received the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2007. Al Gore's film, An Inconvenient Truth is partially based namely on the research of Raynaud. Dr. Raynaud was on a visit to Sofia where he delivered a lecture on the preparation of the conference on climate change in Copenhagen. - Mr. Raynaud, how real is the threat of global warming? - Generally the stakes are rather high. Take Africa for example. This continent is already in a very dangerous situation. The sea level will rise by 50 or 80 cm or even more by the end of the century. This means there will be a lot of problems in many coastal countries. In Bangladesh, for instance, thousands of people will have to be evacuated. Millions of people will have to immigrate, increase of conflicts is very possible etc? - You believe the future of the Earth is to an extent in the hands of the people. Do you think that they, though, can really be motivated to change the status quo? - People should be educated, things should be explained to them. This issue should not be abandoned; people should be persuaded without being compelled. We are talking of a threat, of a possibility, not about something that will for sure happen. I also hope we are wrong. But even if we are right, this will happen for good because we will have to change our lifestyle. - What do you think of nuclear energy? A lot of discussions are currently being held in Bulgaria on the necessity of constructing a second NPP? - Nuclear energy is not the only solution. I am not familiar enough with the situation in Bulgaria but generally I believe more efforts should be focused on renewable energy sources. In Bulgaria you have a lot of sunshine, it should be used. It is not expensive, simply solar cells have to be installed. I think soon and earnestly Bulgaria has to consider the solar energy issue because here you have very favourable conditions. I do not say it is stupid to think of nuclear energy. If it is well controlled it can help slow down global warming. Bulgaria, though, should consider using solar energy.
Source: Standart (29.09.2009)
Bulgaria Belene Nuclear Plant to Bring EUR 80 B over 60 years If built, the Bulgarian Belene nuclear power plant will bring incomes of EUR 80 bln in a period of 60 years. This has been announced Tuesday by Bogomil Manchev, one of the consultants on the power plant project. The discussion on Belene issues was organized by the Parliament, and the Energy Minister, Traicho Traikov, and National Energy Company Director, Georgi Mikov, also attended it. The Belene NPP project is economically sound. The incomes in a 60-years period will amount EUR 80 bln, while the expenditures will not exceed EUR 200 mln, Manchev said. Until 2020 the powers of the heat powered plants in Varna, Bobov Dol, Maritsa-Iztok 3, and Brikel will be stopped. However, the amount of electricity produced by wind power will increase by then. On the other hand, the economist from Open Society, Georgi Angelov, said that talking about incomes in 60 years is arguable. The market is unstable. Do you know whether Turkey will need electricity from Belene NPP in 60 years, he asked the NEK representative.
Source: 24 chasa (30.09.2009)
Poseidon, a joint venture of Greek Depa and Italian Edison, will control 50% in the new 170-km gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece, said the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The holding company, which lumps together Bulgaria's top-notch energy assets, will team up with Poisedon for the gas link construction. The project will swallow around EUR 120 million under rough estimates. The parties involved inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) in May. Through an extension of the existing gas pipeline running through Turkey, Greece and Italy, the link will diversify Russian deliveries from the Caspian region. The new gas route linking Stara Zagora, Dimitrovgrad and Komotini will reduce dependence on Russian gas supplies by 20-30%, experts projected. The document was inked despite the freeze on energy projects imposed by the incumbent Cabinet of Prime Minister Boyko Borisov on the grounds it would bolster the country's energy security.
Source: Dnevnik (01.10.2009)
Previous Bulgarian deal with Gazprom filed with the Prosecutors Office The deal between Bulgargaz and Gazprom will be filed with the Prosecutors Office over alleged neglect of duty on behalf of Rumen Ovcharov, then Minister of Economy and Energy, Maria Cappone said. According to calculations of her experts, Bulgaria had been losing and would keep on losing BGN 500 million a year or a total of BGN 2 billion for the period 2007-2010. Cappone explained this is hurting the Bulgarian businesses. Back in 2006, Bulgaria signed a new gas supply agreement with Gazprom 4 years before expiry date of the 1997 contract. The base price was raised from USD 82.5 up to USD 91. A special clause was attached to the paper, envisaging that gas costs would increase on each 6 months.
Source: Standart (01.10.2009)
The pre-tax profit of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) companies surge over BGN 80 million to BGN 309 million in August compared to June 2009, the holding's report for the first eight months of 2009 show. The profit rise in August compared to July was over BGN 53 million. Despite all efforts to curtail expenses, they gained 10% in August compared to July.
Source: Pari (02.10.2009)
Heat Supply-Sofia will have to return BGN 240 million to the Bulgarian Energy Holding, if the company becomes once again municipal property, said the Minister of Economy Traicho Traikov yesterday. This sum was given by the previous government to BEH for development of the heating sector. On its part BEH bought the debts of Heat Supply Sofia to Bulgargaz. Thus BEH had to acquire a stake in the heating utility, but the former Minister of Economy did not signed the documents.
Source: Monitor (06.10.2009)
At Least Two Bidders for Belene NPP "Two foreign investors have been said to show interest in bidding for acquiring 30% of Belene NPP, Bulgaria's to-be second NPP, before the November deadline," reported Bulgaria's Finance Minister, Simeon Djankov, in an interview for Dow Jones Newswires, published by the Wall Street Journal that Djankov gave in Istanbul where he went for the upcoming annual meeting of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Bulgaria's Finance Minister did not revealed the names of the investors. 49% of the future nuclear plant is owned by the German energy company RWE. The new Bulgarian government has recently decided to sell 30% of the future plant in order to find funding for its construction. The state share was supposed to be 51% but the government believes it would be very difficult to finance the project on the state budget. In lines with Djankov's statement, Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Traicho Traykov said in Parliament that the possible bidders may be more than two but he did not give names either. Minister Traykov took part in a round table discussion called Energy Diversification and Energy Security. "Bulgaria never asked Russia for a loan," Traykov commented the statement by Russia's Deputy PM and finance minister Alexei Kudrin that Russia will consider lending Bulgaria EUR 3.8 billion to construct Belene NPP. "Bulgaria's energy is like English football: too much running and low efficiency," Traykov said in the course of the discussion. Bulgaria's current energy efficiency levels are the lowest in the EU, which is why this country spends so much on heating. Energy efficiency would therefore be embedded as a priority in Bulgaria's energy strategy, which will be drafted by the end of the year. Traykov, however, did not comment if this strategy would include large-scale projects such as Belene NPP and the South Stream and Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline projects. The European Commission must by the end of the month give its approval to the measures related to Bulgaria's gas links to Greece, Turkey and Romania.
Source: Standart (06.10.2009)
The heating utility firms in the cities of Sofia, Vratsa, Pleven and Burgas may face gas cut if they do not pay their debts to Bulgargaz. I will not let the gas supply as we cannot pay in advance the gas to the Russians, said Dimitar Gogov, head of the state-owned gas monopoly. We sent letters to the heating utilities months ago alerting them about the possible gas stoppage. The total debt is over BGN 175 mln as BGN 30 mln are instantly exigible. Heat Supply-Burgas, Heat Supply-Pleven and Heat Supply-Vratsa has signed prolongations of their debts. Heat Supply-Sofia has not reached such a deal due to the change of ownership. A debt of BGN 120 mln is being extended and if the Ministry of Economy, being the owner, approves such a scheme, Sofia would have heating in the winter.
Source: 24 chasa (07.10.2009)
Revenues from State-run Companies Fill Bulgaria's Budget Gap Six state-run companies will have to contribute fifty percent of their profit for last year to the state budget as dividends. This will probably be decided during today's sitting of the Council of Ministers. State-owned companies Sofia Airport, Kintex, Bulgarian Energy Holding and Bulgarian Posts have to deposit to the state budget half of their profit for 2008 by October 30, while Bulgartabac Holding and national Information Service should make their contributions until December 15. The revenues to the Fisc for September amounted to 1.959 billion levs, up by 130 million levs from August and the gap in the budget shrunk to only 62 million levs end-September, experts from the Finance Ministry said. As there are no indications that the economy has started emerging from the global recession, the only explanation of these positive results is that the anti-crisis measures of Deputy PM Simeon Djankov have started working.
Source: Standart (14.10.2009)
Bulgaria under Russian Pressure over Joint Energy Projects "Bulgaria has been ousted South Stream project" according to an Euractive headline. The website, citing prominent Russian media, reports that Russia has obtained all the permits necessaryto build its 'South Stream' gas pipeline through Turkish territorial waters, discarding Bulgaria as one of the project's transit countries. Taner Yildiz, Turkey's economy minister, has granted all the necessary authorisations for the South Stream project to run through Turkish territory, the Russian daily Kommersant writes. The event, which was hosted by Italian Economy Minister Claudio Scajola in Milan on Monday (19 October), eliminated Bulgaria as a transit country for the Gazprom-favoured pipeline, the daily writes. Sofia and Gazprom denied the allegations. "Bulgaria has not been informed about any intention of Russia to exclude this country from "South Stream" gas pipeline project," stated officials from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The press center of Gazprom also denied the information, BEH says. Today experts from Gazprom got in touch with BEH representatives to specify the schedule of the working meetings in next week. According to "Komerssant" daily, Bulgaria has been excluded from "Bourgas - Alexandrouplis" gas pipeline as well. "Bourgas - Alexandroupolis" project should not be considered as closed for Bulgaria, because the information from Milan was aimed to be noticed by the Bulgarian officials, concludes Kommersant. By cutting out Bulgaria from the two gas projects - "South Stream" and "Bourgas-Alexandroupolis" Russia's PM Vladimir Putin gives an apparent answer to the new Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov. Recently Borissov told his Russian counterpart that his cabinet needs time to consider Bulgaria's participation in the big energy projects in which Russia is involved, "Komerssant" writes
Source: Standart (21.10.2009)
Russia repeated its request to use Bulgaria's gas transportation system Russia has made a second attempt to gain control over Bulgaria's system for transportation of natural gas. Moscow has submitted information concerning the expansion of the South Stream project. This emerged after yesterday's meeting of Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov and his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shmatko, in Moscow. The Russian party presented a detailed analysis of all possible options for the realization of South Stream project, including the one that regards the utilization of the now existing natural gas transit system, Mr. Shmatko said, as quoted by Russian news agencies. According to a publication of, such a move will increase the capacity of the pipeline. Exactly a year ago, the Bulgarian government turned down such a proposal from Moscow and said that South Stream should use a new infrastructure. Bulgarian experts have voiced concerns that if the transit system is full of natural gas from South Stream, Bulgaria will not be able to use alternative supplies through Turkey. The proposal of Moscow has surprised the experts in Sofia, who received it during Minister Traykov's visit to Russia and they are still to analyze it. Italian companies have shown interest in Bulgaria's NPP Belene project. This emerged after the meeting of Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov with his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shmatko, in Moscow yesterday. Minister Traykov did not name the Italian companies, but only said that the interest was demonstrated during the visit of Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi to Sofia a week ago. Italy's Enel participated in the tender for the realization of NPP Belene project some years ago. Sofia's government said they would put under the hammer part of their 51-percent share in the nuclear plant. According to information of the national radio, Traykov and Shmatko did not discuss the option of Russian financing of the construction of NPP Belene. During his talk with Mr. Shmatko, Minister Traykov confirmed Bulgaria's commitment to continue working on all three projects - Belene, South Stream and Bourgas-Alexandroupolis. "Work on the realization of South Stream shall be accelerated," the two ministers said after their meeting. During the talks in Moscow, Minister Traykov was informed that South Stream would not circumvent Bulgaria, even though some segments of the pipeline might pass through Turkish territorial waters. Experts are now analyzing the technical and the economic parameters of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis, as well as the impact of the project on the environment, Mr. Traykov added.
Source: Standart (23.10.2009)
Putin: South Stream May Be Ready before North Stream Russias Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, has told his Italian counterpart, Silvio Berlusconi, that the South Stream gas transit pipeline might be completed before the similar project in the Baltic. According to the existing plans, the first lot of the North Stream pipeline connecting Russia to Germany through the Baltic Sea is scheduled to be opened in 2011. At the same time, the South Stream, which also passes is not supposed to be ready until 2013. Putin and Berlusconi met in Russia to discuss the realization of South Stream in which the Italian energy company Eni is a major participant, together with the Russian Gazprom. Putin and Berlusconi also had a video conference with Turkeys Prime Minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, thus repeating their three-way meeting in Turkey in August 2009. Earlier this week, Turkey allowed Russia to carry out explorations in its exclusive economic zone in the Black Sea for the proposed future route of the South Stream pipe. Reports in the Russian media said that thanks to that Russia will be able to build South Stream circumventing Bulgaria. During the video conference, the three Prime Ministers also confirmed their intention to go ahead with the Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline project.
Source: Darik Radio (23.10.2009)
Russia Cannot Take Hold of Bulgaria's Gas Transit System Valentin Kanev, Director of the Balkan and Black Sea Oil&Gas Association Last week, Bulgaria Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov paid a visit to Moscow and discussed with his Russian colleagues important joint energy projects. The second round of the negotiations is scheduled this week in Sofia. The Standart asked Mr. Valentin Kanev, Chairman of the Bulgarian and Black Sea Oil&Gas Association, to comment on the latest developments of the Bulgarian-Russian natural gas projects. Mr. Kanev, how would you interpret the statements of Russia that the technical parameters of the South Stream will be altered towards expansion of its capacity? - Initially, the throughput capacity of South Stream was estimated at 31 billion cubic meters of natural gas a year. Later the information was released that the pipeline's capacity would be increased to 63 million cubic meters of gas a year. During their meeting with Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi last week, Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev and PM Vladimir Putin said that the pipeline's capacity would increase twofold, but did not mention particular figures. So it did not become clear whether it will increase twice from 31 or 63 billion cubic meters. Still, the throughput capacity of South Stream will be quite substantial and Moscow will probably propose the transit of natural gas through Bulgaria to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia (about 17 billion cubic meters a year) to be replaced with gas from South Stream. The rest of the supplies will be transported to Europe, Italy, Hungary, etc. So, Russia wants to replace the quantities of Russian gas transported through Ukraine to Europe with natural gas from South Stream. The additional 55 billion cubic metres that will be transported via "Nord Stream" pipeline will almost put Ukraine out of the way of Russian gas. But it is not clear if minister Traycho Traykov discussed the issue during his visit to Moscow. - Was Bulgaria pressured regarding the property of the transit pipelines of "South Stream"? - "Gazprom" insists on ownership on the transit gas pipelines. I suppose Bulgaria has answered that it cannot concede the existing pipe network. In the new infrastructure of "South Stream" the property of the pipelines might be shared, but this has already been discussed. The demand of "Gazprom" concerning the transit gas pipes contradicts EU legislation. The third energy package is the final decision of the European Parliament and the European Commission on energy policy. According to the directive the companies, which extract natural gas can't have control over the transit pipes. Because of that if "South Stream" project is implemented the control over the gas transport system should be exercised by Bulgaria, by its national operator. This is a very important benchmark in EU energy policy that should be taken into consideration.
Source: Standart (26.10.2009)
Russian Experts Arrive for New Gas Contract The clauses of a new Russian gas supply contract will be negotiated this week in Sofia. Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Traycho Traykov has included the discussion of this issue in the forthcoming Bulgarian-Russian negotiations on expert level. Working groups will meet this week in Sofia to re-consider their views on the South Stream project. They will work on an agreement between the gas pipeline shareholders as well as on the requirements of the bid for the project's preliminary study. The new parameters of the pipeline, connected with its bigger capacity, of which the Bulgarian Minister of Energy has been informed, will be discussed at the meeting.
Source: Standart (26.10.2009)
Brussels Offers Extra EUR 300 M for "Kozloduy" NPP The European Commission made a proposal that Bulgaria be compensated by additional 300 million euro for the pre-term decommissioning of units III and IV of "Kozloduy" NPP, AFP informed. Till the end of 2008 the EC allotted 550 million euro compensation for putting out of action the two nuclear reactors. The additional funding would be for the period 2010-2013, if the European Council and the European Parliament approve it.
Source: Standart (28.10.2009)
WE is pulling out of the construction of Belene nuclear power plant (NPP). Bulgarian Energy Holding has received an official letter from the German company, deputy minister of economy and energy Maya Hristova said. RWE was named strategic investor in the project with a 49-percent stake. The company cites the global financial and economic crisis and the failed financial structuring of the project as reasons for its withdrawal. The lack of a final agreement with contractor Atomstroyexport is another motive for the decision. However, RWE is willing to participate in future joint projects with Bulgaria. RWE's withdrawal will necessitate complete restructuring of the project, Bulgarian Energy Holding CEO Galina Tosheva said. A new consultant will have to be chosen, the tender will be announced in about two months. A few more months will elapse before the right candidate is chosen. The consultant will then need a year or so to prepare criteria for selection of an investor, Tosheva pointed out. That means that the project will be delayed by at least a year and a half.
Source: Pari (29.10.2009)
German energy utility RWE, the private investor in Bulgarias Belene nuclear power project, has told the government it is withdrawing from the joint venture with state-run grid operator NEK. The announcement was made Wednesday by Galya Tosheva, executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the mega structure for the nations top-notch energy assets. Deputy energy minister Maya Hristova explained that the Bulgarian government will stick to the 2,000 MW project, which is meant to offset the loss in generating capacity at the Kozloduy nuclear power facility following the premature closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors. The government is now scratching its head on how to bring in new investors. The decision of the German concern, which held 49% in the joint venture that was formed to develop the Belene nuke plant, came after a string of signals indicating it plans to call it quits. The main reason behind the decision to pull out of the project was that it had not secured funding yet, Stephanie Schunck, spokeswoman for the company's power generation unit RWE Power, told Dnevnik. Financing for the construction of the projects two 1,000-MW reactors should have been secured by the end of October but funding options were limited back at the start of the year. NEK has reiterated that the economic downturn will dry up funding for the scheme, whose cost had soared to EUR 6 billion, according to AtomStroyExport, the Russian company appointed to build the plant. But the government continues talks with international banks amidst public protests against green groups that contested the reliability of the Russian technology chosen for the project. Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borissov called on his predecessor Sergei Stanishev to come out and spill the beans about RWE to prove the projects feasibility. They [RWE] dont want to buy a cat in a bag, Borissov noted. The economic ministry will restructure Belene before picking a consultant to develop a procedure to attract new investors, Hristova said. Preparation and selection of an advisor will take around five months and pen could be put to paper with the new investor in the next 12 or 18 months. Hristova confirmed reports that the state is pondering lowering its 51% stake in the joint venture. Finance minister Simeon Djankov has forecast it could drop to 20-30%. According to Hristova, the project has sparked interest with two or three investors. So far, only Russia has formally expressed interest, saying it could fully finance the project and acquire 100% of its capital. The Belene project will mark the entry of Russian nuclear technology in EU territory.
Source: Dnevnik (29.10.2009)
Former Bulgaria's PM Aware of Financing Problems with Belene NPP Bulgaria's former Prime Minister, Sergey Stanishev was warned a couple of months ago that the German RWE would most probably withdraw from Belene construction project. As early as March Stanishev was reportedly informed the German company would not commit in providing the advance payment of 320 million euro for the purchase of nuclear units, emerged also from the words of RWE Energy Policy Department head, Jorg Kerlen for Deutsche Welle radio. "We told the previous Government that obviously there was a problem with the funding of the project. The money was not provided in the envisaged time and a decision could not be found," Kerlen said yesterday.
Source: Standart (30.10.2009)
Atomstroyexport Ready to Proceed with Belene NPP Construction "We have no intention to stop the work on the construction ground of Belene," sources from Atomstroyexport stated in their official stand after the news broke that the German RWE withdraws from the project. The stand reads that the Russian company will continue carrying out their commitments on the contract and keep deadlines and will not reconsider the agreements. Meanwhile the environment protection organization Greenpeace stated they welcomed the decision of RWE to give up its participation in Belene as this move was a nail in the coffin of nuclear energy production which was expensive and very dangerous.
Source: Standart (30.10.2009)
Nabucco will be supplyed from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and northern Iraq The European project for supply of gas from the Middle East Nabucco, will be filled with blue fuel from Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and northern Iraq, said Joschka Fischer, former vice-chancellor of Germany and consultant on the project of RWE and OMV. According to him, a key year for the pipeline will be 2010, when its realization should begin. "Europe and Bulgaria in particular, should remember the gas crisis from the beginning of this year and to seek alternative sources of supply," said Fischer. So far, there are opportunities to bring gas from Iran, but there is no arrangement for the time being. The Nabucco project complements the planned Russian gas pipeline - the South Stream, because Europe will need more gas in the future. European gas pipeline will cost EUR 8 billion. Currently we estimate no appreciation of the project, the expert added. Bulgaria will provide EUR 300 million of the necessary funds, said Economy Minister Traicho Traikov. In his words, every euro is valuable in a time of crisis, but we can always find money for important things, this is why they are important, the minister said. In 2010, Nabucco enters a decisive phase, which started with the Ankara Agreement signed between the governments involved in the project and companies. Yet each country is to ratify the treaty. Half of the project to transport gas will be owned by the participants and the remaining 50% will be offered to potential investors.
Source: Dnevnik (03.11.2009)
Bulgaria ready to allocate EUR 300 M for Nabucco Bulgaria is prepared to allocate EUR 300 M for the construction of the Nabucco gas pipeline. This is a share the country has to pay as a participant in the project. The calculations are based on the fact that Bulgarias cut is 16.6 percent given the condition that the pipeline is to be financed by the partakers who pay 30 percent each, whereas the remaining 70 percent will be paid by the designing company. This emerged after the meeting between Traicho Traikov, Bulgaria Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism and Joschka Fischer - political consultant of energy giants OMV and RWE on the Nabucco pipeline and former foreign minister of Germany. According to Traikov, every spent euro is of importance in times in crisis; however, such a crucial project justifies heavy investments. He added that so far Bulgaria has not considered an option of selling its share in the project and becoming a transitory country. During the meeting the minister has confirmed Bulgarias commitments in the Nabucco project and said that an intergovernmental agreement is being drafted.
Source: Standart (03.11.2009)
BGN 300m for Belene NPP spent unlawfully BGN 300 million allocated for the setting up of the joint venture between National Electric Company (NEK) and RWE for the construction of Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) has been spent, though the plans for the company failed. This emerged from the report of the Public Financial Inspection Agency. The funds were earmarked by the state to raise Bulgarian Energy Holding's capital after which they had to be transferred to NEK. Minister of economy and energy Traycho Traykov said his predecessor Petar Dimitrov should be held responsible.
Source: Pari (09.11.2009)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Contributes EUR 1.3 mln to Nabucco Company The Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding decided Friday to deposit EUR 1,345 mln for increasing the capital of the Nabucco Gas Pipeline International company. The sum reflects the proportional share of the Bulgarian participant in the company, BEHs subsidiary Bulgargaz. Each of the six companies participating in the project - OMV (Austria), MOL (Hungary), Transgaz (Romania), Bulgargaz (Bulgaria), BOTAS (Turkey), and RWE (Germany) has an equal share. In June 2009, the CEO of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International requested that the partners made two consecutive deposits for increasing the companys capital. As a result, BEH made its first deposit amounting to EUR 1,972 mln in August 2009, when the capital of the Nabucco company reached EUR 773.8 mln. It will be increased by another EUR 8 mln after the second deposit of each of the partners. The Nabucco gas transit pipeline is supposed to bring natural gas supplies from the Caspian region and the Middle East to the EU. It will have a total length of 3 300 km, and is expected to cost about EUR 8 bln.
Source: Dnevnik (09.11.2009)
The Bulgarian government will float between 10 and 15% of some state-run companies for trade on the local stock exchange, energy minister Traycho Traykov said. The subsidiaries headed for the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) include national grid operator NEK, gas company Bulgargaz, transmission system unit Bulgartransgaz, telecoms operator Bulgartel, etc. Minister Traykov added that in order to implement the idea, the requirements under EUs third energy liberalisation package for independence of the operators. Thus, Electricity System Operator and Bulgartransgaz should be separated from NEK and BEH respectively.
Source: Monitor (11.11.2009)
By the middle of 2010 some of the state energy companies included in Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will be listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), deputy minister of economy, energy and tourism Maya Hristova said. On Tuesday the ministry rendered an account of the first 100 days in office and presented its priorities. The state is considering listing some 10 or 15% of Bulgargaz, Bulgartel and National Electric Company. The future of Kozloduy nuclear power plant, Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant and Maritsa Iztok Mines, which are also part of BEH, has not been discussed. Bulgartransgaz and Electricity System Operator will not be quoted, as they will be taken out of the holding due to EU requirements. The question still under discussion is whether to list the companies individually or as a part of the holding.
Source: Pari (11.11.2009)
Bulgarias Economy Minister Calls for Liquidation of Kremikovtsi The best possible option for Kremikovtsi is a procedure for the plants liquidation, Bulgarias Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov said during his report on the first a hundred days of the government. This is necessary because the plant has turned into a fake industrial structure, it has accumulated considerable debts to the state energy utility NEC (13 million levs as of August this year) and to the railway carrier BDZ. Mr. Traykov said further that the plan for the plants liquidation had been coordinated with the bondholders, but its implementation might take years.
Source: Standart (11.11.2009)
Traykov: The only real alternative to the Kremikovtzi is liquidation Liquidation of Kremikovtzi is the only real alternative for the plant, said Economy Minister Traycho Traykov only a day after the deadline for company's creditors to declare their position on the recovery plan. The largest private creditors rejected the possibility for recovery of the plant. The State has missed many golden chances to intervene in the fate of Kremikovtzi, said Traykov. "We were wondering why when ArcelorMittal had 30 experts in Kremikovtzi and wanted to buy the steelmaker last year, it did not happened", the minister said. Because of this, in the words of the minister, the plant has turned into "fake industrial entity", which dragged down many other companies. Since August only the metallurgical plant has accumulated another BGN 13 million debt to the National Electricity Company. BDZ transports for Kremikovtzi and expects to get money for it, but will also not receive it. Ministry of Interior guards the trains and also expects to receive money for it, but will not get such, the minister said. Because of this, the future of the plant is liquidation. "By the judiciary we will have to establish transparency, fairness and legality of the liquidation. This will be a process that will last a long time", said Minister Traykov.
Source: (11.11.2009)
Bulgaria's Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov, has removed the board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), a Ministry press release announced. Traikov released the Directors after terminating their contracts by mutual consent, with no pay out offered. Boris Pekov - Chairman of Board of Directors, Tencho Popov - Deputy Chairman of Board of Directors and members of the board Galina Tosheva, Dimitar Gogov and Dimitar Dimitrov were all removed. The new Board of 3 Directors is headed by Maya Hristova - Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism. The two other Board members are Galina Tosheva, who was re-elected as Executive Director and Dobrin Stefkin -civil servant in the State Commission on Information Security. Traikov concluded that the changes were intended to improve operational performance in the management of the Holding.
Source: Darik Radio (16.11.2009)
The European Union and Russia agreed to an "early warning" mechanism to shield Europe from potential energy supply cuts and protect consumers in the event of a repeat of last year's Russia-Ukraine gas dispute. The agreement requires both sides to notify the other of any likely disruption to supplies of oil, natural gas or electricity and to work together to resolve the problem. Third parties would also be allowed to participate, the European Commission said. "An energy crisis like the one the EU suffered in January is harmful for supply, transit and consuming countries alike," EU Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs said.
Source: Reuters (16.11.2009)
Foreign investors interested in BEH Foreign investors are already showing interest in the conditions and the time of listing parts of the Bulgarian Energy Holding on the Stock Exchange, said BSE head Bistra Ilkova. Interest in the listing of 10-15 percent of the state-run energy companies comes from Germany. Ilkova said that an experts work group would cooperate for the procedure. The experts team was assembled in order to assist the institutions with the initiatives related to the listing on the Stock Exchange potential allocation of part of the money to the Silver Fund, privatization, legislative changes. According to the information that BSE may change its regulation concerning the minimal requirements for the listed entities, which would lead to the delisting of over 200 companies in 2 months, Ilkova commented that The Exchange has rules and they are kept.
Source: 24 chasa (18.11.2009)
Bulgaria's Gas Connection with Neighbouring Countries under Question A problem has occurred with the facilities meant to interconnect the natural gas transmission system of Bulgaria with the systems of its neighbors, Greece and Romania, following a decision of Brussels to review the European plan for economic restoration, under which the project is to be financed. The problem is not with the Bulgarian party, which has submitted all necessary documents and is ready to act further - it became clear from a press conference given in Brussels by Bulgaria's Foreign Minister Rumyana Zheleva and Boyko Kotsev, permanent representative of Bulgaria in the EU. In March this year, the two joint projects were included in the plan for economic restoration. As a result, the interconnection with Greece was financed with 45 million euro and that with Romania received 10 million euro in EU funds. Normally, the EU member states may rely on as much as 1.75 billion euro financial aid for the realization of such energy project, but now this sum has been reconsidered. A decision has been taken to assess the level of readiness of the participants in the projects, Mr. Kotsev said. We will give this issue a careful consideration, as we cannot afford losing these funds, Mrs. Zheleva said on the sidelines of a meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels. Bulgaria and Slovakia are fully dependable on supplies of natural gas from Russia and we are doing everything possible to prevent another gas crisis like that in January, Mrs. Zheleva said. "The meeting of the Bulgarian-Russian committee in December is expected to shed light on the development of the joint energy projects of Sofia and Moscow," she added.
Source: Standart (18.11.2009)
Minister Traykov: the state won't pay Kremikovtsi's debts "I cannot allow the debts of Kremikovtsi steelworks to be paid from the state budget," stated yesterday Bulgaria's minister of energy and economy Traycho Traykov at a discussion on the future of the bankrupt metallurgical plant. "If big state-run enterprises become Kremikovtsi's owner, they will have to pay its debts. In a situation of crisis, the National Electric Company (NEC) and Bulgargaz will have to pay off its debts to the ministry of finance. As a person responsible for the financial status of NEC and Bulgargaz, I cannot render them my support for such a decision," stated minister Traykov. Thus minister Traykov said no the a rescue plan which envisaged that Kremikovtsi's creditors become its owners. "Now, the discussion should be focused on what should be built in the place of Kremikovtsi," minister Traykov said further. In Traykov's opinion, the several thousand workers facing the risk of being left jobless in Kremikovtsi are the only reason that the Kremikovtsi issue is still discussed.
Source: Standart (19.11.2009)
Renewable energy developers to pay for grid upgrades Clean energy investors in Bulgaria will pay a one-off fee to fund power transmission grids, according to a proposal by the energy watchdog that could come in from next year. The idea of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) could be incorporated into the new Renewable Energy Act being drafted by the economy ministry, which should be voted by parliament by December 5, 2010. The new fee will be tied to the size of the capacity plugged to the grid. It is estimated that hooking up 100 MW of new projects annually would absorb roughly EUR 20 million. Grid development costs could be alternatively split between investors and operators but the calculation mechanism is yet to be discussed, SEWRC member Plamen Denchev said. The proposal is aimed to assuage a funding gap for grid expansion as new capacities are lining up to get connected. State-run grid operator NEK has not made any investments in expansion in the past years, stalling grid-connection for wind and solar parks in northeastern Bulgaria. As of 2010, Bulgaria will introduce a new mechanism to set grid-connection prices to factor in expenses made by power distributors and utility company NEK. The current fee covers operators expenses to the connection point and developers are forced to build they own pipes and substations as operators refuse to hook up new projects. Denchev explained the new fee will be higher and will be combined with the new grid development fee to ensure higher feed-in tariffs. The proposed changes got a lukewarm response from the clean energy industry. Even if the new fee is introduced, there will be no guarantee that investors wont have to queue up for connection, said Velizar Kiryakov, chairman of the Bulgarian renewable energy association. He proposed that operators should be required to pay for electricity even when the plants are idle to account for lost profits.
Source: Dnevnik (19.11.2009)
Bulgargaz to seek BGN 30 million from clients for unused gas Bulgargaz, Bulgaria's gas monopoly, will impose penalties of BGN 25 million-30 million on business clients that have used less natural gas than initially agreed in 2009, executive director Dimitar Gogov said at a discussion of gas prices regulation. The company has not resorted to such measures so far, but it is itself facing penalties by its suppliers of Russian gas for agreeing bigger volumes. There is a "take or pay" clause in the contracts of Overgas Inc, Wintershall and Gazexport with all European companies. Some energy groups such as German E.on, Italian Eni and Turkish Botas have already requested that the condition be removed, but Russian gas major Gazprom has snubbed their proposals. "We have not breached the clause and we hope to reach an agreement with suppliers, so that we owe nothing," Gogov said. But so far the Bulgarian company has struck such an agreement only with Wintershall. Because of the crisis and a slump in production, gas consumption in Bulgaria dived by 30% year-on-year in the first 10 months of 2009. According to Konstantin Stamenov, the chairman of the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), gas prices should be changed once a year amid the crisis until the market is liberalised. In Bulgaria prices are higher than on the exchanges in Germany, he said. Under the contracts with Gazprom prices change every three months.
Source: Dnevnik (25.11.2009)
Bulgaria Keeps Golden Share in NPP Belene When constructed, NPP Belene should not be entirely private, said Russian Ambassador to Bulgaria Yurii Isakov. To his worlds, there are no insurmountable obstacles before the implementation of the project, including financial difficulties. According to Mr. Isakov, the construction of the new power plant is important to Russia, but the project is also of strategic importance to Bulgaria, because Europe will soon introduce environmental quotas that Bulgarias thermal plants will not be able to meet. Mr. Isakov said that Sofia government would probably keep a 20-percent stake in NPP Belene.
Source: Standart (26.11.2009)
Bulgaria Saves a Billion with a New Unit in Kozloduy NPP "Bulgaria would save over a billion levs (1euro = 1.95 levs) if a new unit is built in Kozloduy NPP, instead of constructing a new nuke in Belene," Operation Department head in Kozloduy, Rasho Parvanov said. The reason is that as a result of having decommissioned four of its units, the plant now avails of enough capacity for servicing a new unit and the only thing which needs to be built is the nuclear unit itself. Yesterday Bulgaria's Minister of Energy, Economy and Tourism, Traycho Traykov reported that the probability for constructing a seventh unit in Kozloduy is very high. Asked whether it is possible to build both Belene NPP and the new unit in Kozloduy, Minister Traykov said it would be economically justified if there is a market for electricity. "Currently the region suffers power deficit but there are also a number of rival projects as well," Traykov said. He believes what would matter is which project would prove most cost-effective.
Source: Standart (27.11.2009)
The Board of Directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) have announced a reshuffle of the top management of subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Maritsa Iztok 2. Two new members Boris Todorov and Georgi Gegov - have been elected to the Board of Directors, along with Dimitar Gogov, who has been until now the CEO of Bulgargaz. The BEH board have also decided to make changes to the senior management at Maritsa Iztok 2, appointing Jivko Dinchev, Ilko Jeliazkov and Georgi Hristozov as new members. Hristozov was, until now, CEO at Maritsa Iztok (Maritsa East 2). Two serving members of the board of management of the thermal power plant, Evgeny Stoikov and Georgi Hadjiyski, were removed from their positions.
Source: Darik Radio (30.11.2009)
The crisis hit Bulgargaz Over 1 billion cubic meters less is the consumption of natural gas this year as to the previous. This is a decrease of about 30 percent, Bulgarian Energy Holding announced. In 2008 the country imported 3.341 billion cubic meters of gas. Reasons for the decline in consumption are three. First is the shut down of Kremikovtzi. While working at full capacity, the plant spent 30 thousand cubic meters of gas per hour (about 260 million cubic meters annually). The other reasons are the interruption of supplies from Ukraine in early January this year and the smaller quantities purchased by district heating utilities in February, March and November. Bulgargaz's earnings would be BGN 500 mln down as a result. At the same time the crisis is hardly reflecting on the consumption of electricity - the decrease is only about 6%.
Source: Standart (07.12.2009)
Bulgarian gas distributor Bulgargaz saw its sales volume fall by 43% on the year in the first 10 months of 2009, hit by the economic crisis, the closure of steel mill Kremikovtzi and reduced consumption by district heating firms. The clients of the monopoly bought just 1.9 billion cu m of gas, its parent, state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), said in a press release. Despite the weak sales, Bulgargaz made a profit of BGN 3.2 million on the back of higher prices in October. Coal miner Maritsa East, which is also part of BEH along with a number of key state-owned power assets, slashed its loss by BGN 16.6 million compared with September to BGN 1.9 million at end-October, the group said. The National Electricity Company narrowed its loss by BGN 3.4 million to BGN 14 million. BEH ended the 10 months with a profit of BGN 367.3 million, earning BGN 36.3 million in October, which is an increase of 11%. Coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 was the most profitable asset of the group, achieving a BGN 94.3 million profit in January-October. Nuclear plant Kozloduy reported a decrease in earnings.
Source: Dnevnik (08.12.2009)
The Loss from the Pipeline Exceeds the Profit The transit fees and the environment protection are the two key points that will finally "unlock", or, on the contrary "lock" the realization of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project. Most probably this will be one of the major issues of discussion at the forthcoming sitting of the inter-governmental Bulgarian-Russian Commission in Sofia, which is to be held at the end of this week. The statement belongs to Russia's Minister of Energy Sergey Ivanovich Shmatko and was made several years ago. He informed the MPs from the Russian Duma that problems were to be expected in connection with the implementation of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project. Bulgaria's Prime Minister Boyko Borissov posed the question on Sunday: at the celebrations, dedicated to the Day of Bourgas, he announced his intention to make public the contract on the oil pipeline so that the Bulgarians would know there was no clause in the document allowing any of the parties to withdraw. This is the argument with which Borissov will ask for a re-negotiation of the conditions at the Sofia sitting of the commission on December 10 and December 11. Only after the alternation of the project in a way that would guarantee serious profits for Bulgaria, the construction of the pipeline will have chances to start. On the other hand, the contract should guarantee that Bulgaria will keep one of the country's greatest riches: its beautiful nature. The construction of the pipeline hides serious risks for Bulgaria's environment.
Source: Standart (08.12.2009)
Bulgargaz: Natural gas to hike by 17% in first Q3 of 2010 Bulgargaz proposed the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) to approve price of the natural gas for the first Q3 of 2010 at the amount of BGN 437.80 per hm3 without VAT. The hike by BGN 63.67 per hm compared to the present price is a result of the higher over the last months prices of the alternatives of the natural gas fuels at the international markets, the Bulgargaz announced. In compliance with the requirements included in the Natural Gas Act Regulation, Bulgargaz daughter company of Bulgarian Energy Holding issues every three months a proposal, which summons to the SEWRC, on approving selling price of the natural gas.
Source: Monitor (10.12.2009)
Financial Crisis Drains South Stream Some Russian experts have voiced serious concerns regarding the implementation of Gazprom's largest energy projects in Europe South Stream and North Stream pipelines. South Stream, which is planned to pass through Bulgaria, will have a throughput capacity of 63 cubic meters of natural gas per year, and North Stream's throughput capacity will be 55 million cubic meters of natural gas a year. Russian sources estimate South Stream at 25 billion euro. However, the global financial crisis has caused the consumption of natural gas to shrink and the prognosis for the next five years predicts a difference of 200 billion cubic meters between the global supply and demand of natural gas. This makes some Russian experts think that Gazprom is already experiencing economic difficulties. Given the changeable financial situation in the world, hardly anyone could forecast the economic efficiency of the two pipeline projects. For example, the Russian Institute on Globalization and the Human Condition has criticized Gazprom's South and North Stream projects as economically ineffective. According to Mr. Vasily Koltashov, head of the economic studies center with the institute, Gazprom will postpone the construction of the pipelines, because 2010 is expected to be a very difficult year for the company. It is obvious that the suppliers and producers have been the hardest hit by the global economic meltdown. Being a producer, Gazprom has not yet experienced the worst effects of the crisis and has not given up on its large scale projects, but in 2010-2011 the company will probably announce that the implementation of these projects has been postponed. The falling demand for natural gas on the global markets is another prerequisite for such a decision and it is also the main cause of Gazprom's problem. Is "South Stream' project advantageous to Bulgaria? Mr. Koltashov commented the words of Gazprom's official representative Sergey Kupriyanov that Bulgaria should not bargain on 'South Stream'. "Gazprom's objective is simple - to maximize its profit and to spend as less as possible on transit. In this sense, of course, Russia is interested the agreement to contain the most favourable clauses to 'Gazprom', while transiting countries also would like the transit to be advantageous to them." Under these circumstances are "South Stream' and 'North Stream' gas pipeline projects effective? At least the dynamics of global economy and the quickly changing situations compel a careful assessment of the perspectives, especially today, when this question will be determined at the sittings of the Bulgarian-Russian commission in Sofia.
Source: Standart (10.12.2009)
Revelation For Musty Problems with Russia A time has come for clarification in the Russian-Bulgarian relations. All things will be put to their places at the sitting of the Russian-Bulgarian intergovernmental commission which will take place today and tomorrow in Sofia. The discussions will determine the future of not only a couple of projects but also most probably the relations between the two states in the next few years. The key topics will be of course the three joint energy projects - Belene NPP, South Stream and Bourgas-Alexandroupolis. Last week Russia's Minister of Energy Production, Sergei Shmatko while conversing with Russian MPs hinted that the big problems would most probably arise in lines with the petrol pipe-line project Bourgas-Alexandroupolis. As for South Stream, he assured them that things were going smoothly and the project needed only intensified negotiations on corporate level. Referring to Belene NPP, Shmatko said that Russia could perceive potentials for development despite RWE's withdrawal from the project. For sure, the themes South Stream and Belene NPP would not be just mentioned at the talks in Sofia, especially when the Russian delegation is led by Shmatko himself. Obviously the Russians got tired of insisting before the new Bulgarian Government on more clarity whether the joint projects will be continued or not. This time the Russians come to Bulgaria to get concrete answers. Apart from the hot topics of energy production, the two-day talks will have to see to solving other issues. Some of them are the schemes for pension paying of Russians living in Bulgaria and of the veterans from the World War II. It is expected that the decades-long dispute over Bulgaria's licence to produce Kalashnikov automatic guns will be solved. The sittings on Thursday and Friday are expected to bear not only trouble but cooperation as well. Experts from Moscow are expected to present the Russian achievements in the spheres of IT and nanotechnologies. Another stale problem which might be solved at the discussion is the facilitation of visa issuing for Russians traveling to Bulgaria. It is still unclear to what extent Bulgaria could benefit from the solving of each of these problems. Both sides have their argumentation. The question is who will make a better use of them.
Source: Standart (10.12.2009)
Moscow Offers to Pay Bulgaria's Share in Bourgas-Alexandroupolis Russia is ready to pay Bulgaria's share in the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, it transpired a day after Russian media informed that Moscow would offer a loan to Bulgaria to finance the country's share in Belene NPP project. Bulgaria has not paid yet 5 million euro to the International company Trans Balkan Pipeline (TBP) that will build Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline. "We cannot pay our share in the project as currently we don't have enough money for the Bulgarian kids," Bulgaria PM Borissov recently commented. "To avoid any problems with the payment delay Russia is ready to provide a loan to Bulgaria, while Bulgaria will pay it off later," TBP president Alexander Tarakanov said. Mr. Tarakanov is in Bulgaria for the negotiations of the intergovernmental commission of Bulgaria and Russia. The negotiations are held in Sofia December 10-11. As to this moment, the cost of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project is estimated at about 1.5 billion euro as the investment will pay back in at least 12 years.
Source: Standart (11.12.2009)
Belene NPP Agreement Extended by Three Months The agreement between the Bulgarian National Electrical Company and the Russian Atomstroyexport on the construction of Belene NPP was extended to March 31, 2010. The preliminary agreement signed in November 2006 expires in the middle of January. The final agreement with the Russian contractor, NEC and a chosen strategic investor had to be concluded after the financial sources and the financing schemes were defined. RWE withdrawal from the project, the financial difficulties of the Bulgarian state and the time necessary for a new strategic investor tender necessitated the three-month extension of the preliminary agreement. Russia Minister of Energy, Sergei Shmatko will announce the Kremlins new concept of the Belene NPP project and then Moscow will wait for the response of Bulgaria Prime Minster, Boyko Borissov. Most probably the Kremlin will propose the plant to be constructed after all at the cost of the Russian share in it.
Source: Standart (11.12.2009)
EU Parliament Approves EUR 75 M for Kozloduy Nuke The European Parliament has approved the EU budget for 2010. It gives Bulgaria a green light to additional compensations on the decommissioned four units of Kozloduy NPP. Out of the negotiated 300 million euro compensations for Bulgaria, 75 million euro are provided in the EU budget for 2010. The rest of the funds will be paid in parts till 2014. So far, Bulgaria has received a total of 550 million euro of compensation for Kozloduy NPP pre-term closure of units.
Source: Standart (18.12.2009)
Melrose to Invest US $ 78 M in Gas Projects in Bulgaria Edinburgh-based oil explorer Melrose Resources plans to invest 78 million dollars in its projects in Bulgaria next year. Next year, Melrose plans to spend $51 million in prospecting and development of the Kavarna and Kaliakra fields in 2010. The group plans to invest 27 million US dollars in the Galata field to turn it into a gas storage facility.
Source: Standart (21.12.2009)
NEC undertakes Kremikovtzi on rescue plan National Electricity Company (NEK) will become the majority shareholder in Kremikovtzi with 70 percent of the capital, if the recovery plan is adopted. On 30 December the last updated plan was submitted to the Ministry of Finance. "We considered all remarks made by the finance minister. -Claims to be converted into share capital of the company are shown. Simeon Djankov will now have to decide whether to authorize the rescheduling of the public debt for a period of 8 years," said the assignee in bankruptcy of the steelmaker Bankov. 14 creditors, including NEK, have pledged to transform their claims into shares of the plant. According to recent estimates, if the plan is approved, NEK would receive 60 million shares with a nominal value of BGN 1. "It is clear that NEK will not begin to make steel, but it may temporarily manage the plant until a suitable buyer is found and a deal is made," said Bankov. According to him, at a later stage, the shares could be sold for more than BGN 200 million.
Source: Trud (08.01.2010)
The former fertilizer plant Chimco in Vratsa, which closed 6 years ago, will run to months. The new owner Nikolai Galchev gave such assurances to the mayor of the city Konstantin Shahov. Several days ago the businessman from Blagoevgrad, owner of Galchev Engineering, bought the shares from Novo Chimco through the company Ecoen. His goal was to implement the recovery program of the plant. The factory has accumulated BGN 160 million debts to Bulgargaz, NEC and other creditors. So far Galchev has purchased the controlling stake for BGN 85,740 million, as with them he will repay half of the old debts. According to professional chemists, however, the condition of the technical equipment of the plant is desperate and workshops are looted.
Source: Trud (19.01.2010)
Transneft Hints Bulgaria Omitted from Russian Oil Pipeline Russian state-owned company Transneft has started talks with Turkey, Italy, and Greece for forming a consortium to manage the two oil pipeline projects Burgas-Alexandroupolis and Samsun-Ceyhan. This has been announced by the President of Transneft, Nikolai Tokarev, as cited by the Russian agency PRIME-TASS. Tokarev has said there was a real possibility to unite the two projects for oil pipelines circumventing the Turkish straits, and that the idea was currently a matter of discussion among the Russians and Turkey, Greece, and Italy. In his words, the other parties have accepted with interest the idea to bind together the two pipeline projects in one consortium because such an arrangement would create an opportunity for eliminating other proposed routes and would ensure the high quality of the oil delivered through both pipes. Tokarev is quoted as saying that the proposal of the Turkish side to give the Russian companies favorable conditions for transporting oil through the Bosphorus if they participated in the Samsun-Ceyhan oil pipeline was also very appealing. He has underscored that the two routes were not competing. In the report of PRIME TASS there is no mention of Bulgaria, which is one of three participants together with Russia and Greece in the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline that is actually supposed to pass mostly through its territory.
Source: Darik Radio (20.01.2010)
Bulgaria's largest coal-fired thermal power plant Maritsa East 2, part of state-owned power group BEH, launched the second phase of a BGN 100 million overhaul programme of unit 6 to dial up its capacity to 230 MW from the current 210 MW. The first phase was completed in 2009 and modernised units 1 to 4. Japanese company Toshiba was picked to replace the units rotor, while local company Risk Engineering will install a new power generator. The upgrade will increase the complexs combined nameplate capacity by 80 MW from 1,556 MW at present.
Source: Dnevnik (20.01.2010)
Bulgarian Government Puts NPP Belene on the Counter The tender for the construction of NPP Belene will be announced by the end of the year, Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov said emerging from a meeting with his German counterpart, Mr. Rainer Bruderle on Monday. Minister Traykov was on the Bulgarian delegation led by PM Borissov that paid an official visit to Berlin. Minister Traykov suggested that the procedure for selection of a strategic investor in the Belene project will start before the end of the year. "The second stage of the selection of a consultant for the tender has already started," he added. To his words, some of the biggest energy companies in Europe are expected to take part in the tender, including Germany's RWE, which pulled out of the project a few months ago. "We will not set geographic quotas for the participants in the tender, although we want to attract the interests of Europe's energy giants in NPP Belene," Mr. Traykov said. "We had to freeze the contracts signed by the previous government, because a lot of money had been poured in the Belene project so far without any result," Bulgaria's PM said during talks in Berlin. "We are going to review the project's form and calculate all costs of its realization," Borissov added. To his words, the Russian companies interested in Bulgaria's energy project appreciate the pragmatic energy policy of the government in Sofia.
Source: Standart (27.01.2010)
Bulgaria likely scapegoat for Burgas-Alexandroupolis The lack of an official reply from the government about Bulgaria's participation in the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline has started to tax the patience of the majority shareholder in the project, Russia's Transneft. The obscurity about the implementation of the project has shifted Russia's attention to the alternative pipeline of Samsun-Ceyhan, experts said. If Moscow withdraws from Burgas-Alexandroupolis, Bulgaria may bear the blame for the failure of the project, Trans-Balkan Pipeline Bulgaria CEO Plamen Rusev pointed out. Thus Bulgaria may be forced to recover all expenses made so far, which amount to some EUR 25 or 30 million. Besides, additional forfeits may be claimed from Bulgaria that may reach as much as EUR 300 million. There are good grounds for such claims, as Bulgaria has not yet given an official reply whether it will participate in the pipeline construction or not. Moreover, it has not yet paid its EUR 5 million shareholder contributions to the project design company. During the meeting of the Bulgarian-Russian intergovernmental commission last December Sofia promised to effect the payment within a few weeks but that has not yet happened, Rusev pointed out. It is not even clear which ministry will be in charge of the project. A proposal for transferring Burgas-Alexandroupolis from the regional ministry to the economy ministry was on the cabinet's agenda last week but it was not put to vote. The government is obviously trying to postpone its decision on the pipeline. All that gives reasons to Moscow to shift its focus to Samsun-Ceyhan. On October 19, 2009 Russia's Rosneft, Transneft and Sovkomflot announced they will take part in the construction of the pipeline and supply oil for it. Until then the main shareholders in the project were Turkey's Calik Energy and Italy's Eni. The pipeline is planned as a Bosporus bypass located on Turkish territory only. It will connect the Black-Sea port of Samsun with Ceyhan on the Mediterranean. In the middle of January 2010 Transneft's head Nikolay Tokarev said that the two projects may be united into one consortium. In his words the option has been discussed and met with understanding by Turkey, Italy and Greece. Such an option has to do with Russia's participation in the projects, Plamen Rusev explained. That most probably concerns its participation with a single company in both projects. It is impossible to merge the two projects physically, as the pipelines are at a different stage of implementation and have different shareholders. What is more, Turkey and Greece are direct competitors. Greece's participation in Burgas-Alexandroupolis is connected with its desire to have a share in oil transportation in the region. It is not very realistic to expect that Athens will readily accept the Samsun-Ceylan project.
Source: Pari (27.01.2010)
Belene Project to Start with Russian Funds "It is not excluded that Belene NPP project be launched with Russian resources. One of the options that are discussed is a preliminary financing by the Russian side," Bulgaria's Energy Minister Traicho Traikov said. Sofia and Moscow will keep small shares in the project, while the majority package will be offered to a private investor at a tender. Talks are held with German, Italian and French companies," Minister Traikov added. Minister Traikov also informed Bulgaria did not have to pay damages if the Bourgas-Alexandoupolis oil pipeline project is not realized. Earlier, media informed that Bulgaria should pay damages of EUR 300 million if the project fails.
Source: Standart (28.01.2010)
Maritsa Iztok 2 to invest BGN 100m in upgrade Last was one of the most successful years for Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant (TPP), which is part of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), CEO Georgi Hristozov told the Pari daily in an interview. Results The company reported record-high electricity production and achieved very good financial results. Six of its eight units are already equipped with desulfurising facilities and have European certificate issued by TUV Rheinland. The rehabilitation of the last two units will be completed by the end of 2011. The project amounts to EUR 226 million. The investment programme for 2010 includes reconstruction and modernisation, as well as construction of new facilities, and amounts to BGN 100 million. However, the financial crisis hit most enterprises in Bulgaria. Electricity consumption decreased in 2009 and Maritsa Iztok 2 failed to sell 3 billion kWh on the market. The management cut spending to ensure better financial results. Finance Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP expects to book a pre-tax profit for 2009. Operating income stood at BGN 582,276, expenses, at BGN 466,179. That makes an operating profit of BGN 116,097. Total assets amounted to BGN 1.093 million at the end of the year. Despite the global economic downturn, Maritsa Iztok 2 regularly pays its loan installments, dividends and taxes. The company is one of the biggest taxpayers in this country. The taxes and insurance contributions paid in 2009 alone exceeded BGN 55 million. Maritsa Iztok 2 paid BGN 13.366 million dividend to BEH for 2008 and the remaining BGN 8.300 million will be transferred by the end of June. The dividend for 2009 will amount to BGN 14.419 million.
Source: Pari (29.01.2010)
Oligarchs vs Euro "Oligarchs hamper Bulgaria on its way to the adoption of Euro," Vice PM Djankov said. "The energy lobby, catering to the Russian interests, is afraid that when the Bulgarian economy becomes a part of the European this would put an end to our country's dependance on Moscow," explained Bulgaria's No.1 Financier. According to him, the oligarches are interested in the lifting of the monetary board, giving up the idea of euro adoption and the construction of the Belene nuke. They fear that the reforms I?m implementing will be a success, Djankov added. In his opinion, the opposition attacks against him are an attempt at keeping the status quo. To me the fact that political failures like Sergei Stanishev, Rumen Ovcharov and Stefan Sofianski want my resiugnation means that what I'm doing runs counter to their interests, said the Vice PM.
Source: Standart (01.02.2010)
Ankara, Sofia engines behind Nabucco gas pipeline project Bulgaria and Turkey will build two liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals at the Sea of Marmara, a new pipe for alternative gas supplies and join forces on the Nabucco gas pipeline, under a new cooperation memorandum signed in the Turkish capital. Bulgarian energy minister Traycho Traykov amd his Turkish counterpart Taner Yildiz agreed that Bulgarias state-run gas company Bulgargaz and Turkish Botas will take around a year to study the projects. Speaking to Dnevnik, Traykov said the agreement calls for technical capacity for Turkish gas deliveries via an existing Russian transit pipeline in case of a new suspension of supplies from Moscow. The new pipe will link Marmara Sea terminals with Lozenets compression station. According to preliminary estimates by Bulgargaz, Bulgaria will pump around EUR 120 million into the project. The Turkish pipeline could carry gas from Azerbaijan, Qatar or Egypt. During the meeting, Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged Bulgaria to back the acceleration of the Nabucco project, which will which plans to pump gas from central Asia to Europe starting in 2013.
Source: Dnevnik (01.02.2010)
Krasimir Parvanov is the new CEO of NEC, announced yesterday the Bulgarian Energy Holding. Parvanov will replace the current director Georgi Mihov. The change aims at the optimization of the company, improvement of teamwork in decision-making by the Board of Directors and synchronization of development of the company in compliance with government priorities in the energy sector, announced by the Ministry of Economy and Energy. Parvanovs last employment was in CEZ Bulgaria. There he was Director of Investments.
Source: Monitor (02.02.2010)
Bulgaria's Cabinet to Assign New Bank on Belene NPP Project After NPP "Belene" project is restructured and a new consultant assigned, which most probably will happen by the end of 2010, the need of a new structure bank will be also considered, Bulgaria's Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism regarding the information that BNP Paribas has withdrawn from the project. According to the Ministry of Economy and Energy even on November 25, 2009 the National Energy Company (NEK) and the French BNP Paribas broke up the mandate agreement on the project which defined the responsibilities of the French bank on a mutual consent.
Source: Standart (03.02.2010)
Bulgaria's Cabinet Ratifies Nabucco Project "Nabucco gas pipeline will be fully operational in 2020," stated Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov commenting the ratification of the agreement in Bulgaria's Parliament. Bulgarian MPs unanimously passed the document. The pipeline will transport natural gas from Turkey's eastern border to Austria via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. "So far, only Hungary has ratified the project while in the rest of the countries its implementation is at an advanced stage and I am happy that Bulgaria is the second country to ratify the Nabucco project. This is indeed a priority project of the EU," Minister Traikov said further. Traicho Traikov also added that the first sector of the Nabucco pipe would be put into operation by the end of 2015, the second one would start functioning in 2017 and in 2020 the gas pipeline should start working at its full capacity.
Source: Standart (04.02.2010)
Nabucco seeks EUR 2bn financing from EIB The Nabucco consortium is seeking EUR 2 billion financing for the gas pipeline, Reuters cited European Investment Bank (EIB) vice president Mathias Kollatz-Ahnen as saying. In his words, the partners will have to pass legislation that approves the pipeline's transit in their countries before the bank can sign off on such a loan. However, the bank is willing to contribute to the financing of this important project, Kollatz-Ahnen said. Of the five transit countries Bulgaria, Hungary and Austria have ratified the agreements for the EUR 7.9 billion project. The other partners in the project are Romania and Turkey through their national companies, as well as Germany's RWE. The construction of Nabucco will cut dependence on Russian natural gas, which makes up nearly a quarter of European consumption.
Source: Pari (09.02.2010)
Gazprom agrees to direct gas supply contracts The new gas supply contracts between Bulgaria and Russia will be signed directly and will exclude intermediaries. That emerged after the meeting of Bulgaria's president Georgi Parvanov with Alexey Miller, chairman of Gazprom's management board. The two discussed the South Stream project and new contracts for gas supply and transit. Bulgaria asked for direct supplies without intermediaries in the spring of last year, ex energy minister Petar Dimitrov reminded. Currently there are three gas providers to Bulgaria: Overgas Inc, Wintershall and Gazpromexport. The contracts with them expire at a different time until 2012. Miller demanded that Bulgaria's new agreement with Gazprom should be linked to the South Stream project. According to him, Bulgaria's interests will be protected. Miller paid an unexpected visit to Sofia and had a meeting with prime minister Boyko Borisov and energy minister Traycho Traykov as well.
Source: Pari (17.02.2010)
Bulgaria to Buy Gas Directly from Gazprom Bulgargaz will buy natural gas directly from Gazprom or its daughter company Gazpromexport, Director of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov stated for the Bulgarian National Radio. A contract will be signed with one of the Russian companies which will gradually substitute the contracts with the intermediaries which expire in two years. In the coming weeks it is likely to have a development in the negotiations for a change in the formula of pricing of the gas which Bulgaria buys from Russia. With a coming decision of Bulgaria's cabinet, the Bulgarian share in Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline will be shifted from the ministry of economy to the ministry of finance.
Source: Standart (18.02.2010)
FinMin to control stake in Burgas-Alexandroupolis The finance ministry will take over the control on Bulgaria's interest in Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, it emerged after a cabinet meeting on Wednesday. The stake of the ministry of regional development and public works in Technoexportstroy, which presents Bulgaria in the project, will be transferred to the finance ministry, regional minister Rosen Plevneliev said. The cabinet will take its final decision on the operation next Wednesday. As much as BGN 50,000 will be transferred from the republican budget to the regional ministry for the stake. The transfer of the stake is aimed at consolidating the state's position, said Plevneliev, commenting on the motives for the decision. Bulgaria owes EUR 4.690 million to the engineering company that will build Burgas-Alexandroupolis. Another EUR 1.225 million is due for the first quarter of 2010. Next week finance minister Simeon Dyankov will explain how the dues will be paid, Plevneliev said. Upon taking office, prime minister Boyko Borisov was categorical that the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline will not be built unless there are full guarantees for the environment along the project's route. No progress has been made so far on the environment impact assessment. The government is firm that it will not come up with a decision on the project's implementation before an environment impact assessment is prepared according to the highest international standards, Plevneliev pointed out. No such documentation has been filed yet, he added.
Source: Pari (18.02.2010)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) -- the catch-all structure for the nations top energy assets -- will provide a loan to state-run power utility NEK to repay BGN 90 million in power purchase debt to Kozloduy nuclear power plant, a company source said. BEH board chair and deputy energy minister Maya Hristova told Dnevnik discussions are being held on such an option but no final decision has been taken yet. NEK said a number of options are on the menu but declined to elaborate. Sources close to the matter told Dnevnik the holding company will most likely make a BGN 75 million loan to NEK, with the decision expected at Fridays board meeting.
Source: Dnevnik (19.02.2010)
Russia's Energy Minister Arrives in Sofia to Speed up NPP Belene Project Russia's energy minister Sergey Shmatko arrives in Sofia to discuss with his Bulgarian colleagues the implementation of the NPP Belene project. Mr. Shmatko will be leading a delegation of Russian energy experts together with Rosatom Director Sergey Kirienko. The Russians are expected to offer their Bulgarian colleagues a bank loan of two billion euro to finance the work on the power plant until 2012. Shmatko and Kirienko will first have talks with Bulgaria's energy minister Traycho Traykov. Well-informed sources told the Standart that the Russian delegation would be received by PM Boyko Borissov. During the talks with their Russian colleagues, the Bulgarian energy experts will insist on attracting a European investor to NPP Belene project. The negotiations will be considered successful if a concrete decision for the future of Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant is reached. The exact form of the Russian loan for the constriction of NPP Belene is still unclear. Most probably, a decision on this issue will be taken today. The energy experts of Bulgaria and Russia are expected to discuss the realization of the other two big energy projects - South Stream and Burgas-Alexandroupolis. Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller paid a surprising visit to Sofia on Tuesday. He promised to meet all demands of our experts concerning the supply and transit of Russian natural gas to Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (19.02.2010)
BG Economy Minister Rescues Gas Pipes from Russia The Bulgarian Government has taken urgent measures to rescue the Bulgarian gas transport system from the appetite of the Russians. The Bulgarian Ministry of Economy will abstain for the time being from listing 15% of Bulgartransgaz at the stock exchange, reported Minister of Economy, Traycho Traykov in an interview for a Bulgarian daily. These measures aim at rescuing the pipeline from Russia's appetite. If the shares of the gas transporting company were listed at the exchange, Gazprom would buy them out right away. This would solve their problem with the implementation of South Stream project, experts believe. Bulgaria insists that the new gas pipeline would pass across Bulgaria through completely new pipe network while Russia has repeatedly stated that the currently existing network might be employed in the project which would be more profitable for Moscow.
Source: Standart (23.02.2010)
Lack of strategy may thwart big privatisation hopes Prime minister Boyko Borisov recently said that privatisation revenue in 2010 may reach BGN 1 billion. We asked economists, member of parliament and government officials if they think the statement is a PR trick or a realistic objective. Most of them commented it is an ambitious target that is not very likely to be attained. To achieve the cherished goal, the government will rely mainly on the sell-off of energy companies or stakes in them. The highest market price can undoubtedly be taken for a minority package in Bulgarian Energy Holding. For the purpose, a decision has to be taken to remove the holding from the list of companies banned from privatisation, the chairman of the former Privatisation Agency (now Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control Agency), Todor Nikolov, said. A proposal for revision of the list is expected to be submitted about the middle of the year. It is yet to be decided what share will be offered for sale and on which stock exchange. Another attractive option is the sell-off of the state's minority packages in the electricity distribution companies. Energy privatisation is a very delicate issue and must be handled with caution, MP Anna Yaneva (Bulgarian Socialist Party) pointed out. I do not think the state should renounce its share in the electrical utilities at this stage, because it will lose the instrument of controlling their operations, she explained. Bulgaria can hardly rely on receipts from the sale of the heating utility in Shumen for instance, as the company has been unsuccessfully offered for privatisation twice so far. Toplofikatsia of Shumen's debts to Bulgargaz exceed its capital; besides, its sale is not good from the viewpoint of consumer base, the deputy chairman of the association of heating utilities, Valentin Terziyski, said. The paradox is that the government relies on energy companies for the bulk of privatisation revenue, while it does not have a long-term strategy for the sector, Terziyski commented. The strategy now followed was adopted in 2002, while the draft prepared in 2008 has not been approved yet. According to Terziyski, the energy sector should be reviewed to ensure complete transparency and clear strategy before privatisation begins. Otherwise potential investors will try to minimise their risk and even the attractive companies and stakes will not get a good price, he explained. BGN 1 billion revenue is absolutely unrealistic, unless the list of companies banned from privatisation is revised. Anyway, I believe that Bulgartabac Holding will be sold this year, economist Vladimir Karolev said. The company's value has been falling in the wake of its shrinking market share but privatisation as a single entity is the right approach, MP Kornelia Ninova (Bulgarian Socialist Party), said. However, the procedure may take more time and continue until the end of the year.
Source: Pari (23.02.2010)
Bulgartransgaz, part of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, will not be listed on BSE and the IPO is postponed for the time being because t is more important that the state remains in control of the companys assets, minister of Economy and Energy Traycho Traykov announced. The company is the main figure in the negotiations with Gazprom for new gas delivery agreements and participant in the South Stream gas pipeline. The possibility of Gazprom acquiring a share in Bulgartransgaz may affect Bulgarias strategy for South Stream, Traykov explained.
Source: (24.02.2010)
Nabucco Pipeline Construction To Start in 2011 The construction of the Nabucco gas transit pipeline should start by the end of 2011, and should be completed by 2013. This was announced Tuesday night during an energy strategy forum in Sofia by Christian Dolezal, Spokesperson of the Nabucco Consortium. Dolezal has made it clear that the Nabucco pipeline will be transiting natural gas from Iraqi Kurdistan, Turkmenistan, and Azerbaijan. He said the complete investment plan and the funding for the pipeline should be available by the end of 2010. The Spokesperson has defended the feasibility of the EU-sponsored Nabucco project by saying that natural gas demand is going to increase in the long run even though it will fall over the coming years. Dolezal said the gas transit pipe would bring a lot of investments in energy storage facilities and hubs.
Source: Darik Radio (24.02.2010)
Russia might gain full control over Belene nuke Kommersant Russia might acquire up to 80% in the capital of Bulgarias Belen nuclear power plant project against providing a EUR 1.9 billion loan to finance construction works, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported. Sofia could buy out this share if Belene sells power on the deregulated market but unless it uses this option Moscow will complete the facility and retain ownership. On Tuesday, Bulgarias energy minister Traycho Traykov announced the state will keep 50% in the project if it attracts a strategic investor. He said Russia might get an up to 15-20% share, with the balance paid off in the form of electricity. The Belene nuclear power project was designed to offset the loss in generating capacity at Bulgarias Kozloduy nuclear power facility following the premature closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors and will be developed by Russian company AtomStroyExport. Sergey Kirienko, director general of Russia's state-owned nuclear power corporation Rosatom, said Friday Russia could lend Bulgaria around EUR 1.9 billion so as not to stall building works until it finds a strategic investor. The proposal comes after last year German energy utility RWE pulled out of the project.
Source: Dnevnik (25.02.2010)
Listing BEH companies to restore interest in capital market The year 2009 was very difficult for the capital market in Bulgaria, though it was better than expected for UniCredit Bulbank. We were the only one to carry out significant deals, i.e. Chimimport's capital increase with privileged shares and BG Agro's listing, which was the only IPO in 2009, the deputy head of corporate, investment and private banking at UniCredit Bulbank, Spas Vidarkinski, told the Pari daily in an interview. Both operations were successful but that could not help the market maintain acceptable liquidity levels. As a matter of fact, smaller markets are much more vulnerable to crises. Liquidity The main reason for the poor interest of investors is the low liquidity of the market as a whole. There are not more than 10 stocks that trade actively. Investors' concerns that they may have to sell out of a position in the short term discourages them from buying stock, even if they like a given company. The first thing that needs to be done to increase liquidity is listing new and big companies. The government's decision to list the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will catalyse the process. The companies in the holding are big enough and if larger stakes are offered, that will lure investors back to the market. Another important factor is listing bigger packages. The free-float of many companies in Bulgaria is very low. All holdings below 5% are considered free-float but many of the shareholders with less than 5% are not very active, which hampers the liquidity of the position. Some companies on the developed markets have 100% shares outstanding. Measures The new management of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) have a limited set of tools to revive the market, as there are many outside factors. What they can do is work towards attracting issuers and investors. It is good that now Bulgarian companies can get listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, as that will improve the liquidity of the BSE, too. Double listing will give investors comfort in opening such positions. However, companies have to be big to meet the criteria of the Warsaw market. It is a fact that foreign investors are not very interested in the BSE at present, so getting listed in Warsaw is a way to reach those investors. Forecast Even the most optimistic projections about Bulgaria's GDP in 2010 are about zero. UniCredit forecasts a drop in GDP. Given all that we cannot expect many positive developments, Vidarkinski pointed out. In 2009 a lot of companies started considering getting public. However, the situation so far in 2010 does not suggest the time for that has come. I expect things to get moving in the second half of the year, he said. Therefore in the end the year may turn out not that bad.
Source: Pari (01.03.2010)
Georgia Extends Its Gas Transit Network to Export Liquefied Gas to Bulgaria The Georgian Energy Minister Alexandre Khetaguri has notified his Bulgarian counterpart that his country was ready to complete by the end of 2010 an additional 30 km pipeline to connect its gas transit system to the Port of Supsa on the Black Sea. This will allow Georgia to increase its capacity for transiting natural gas by 3 billion cubic meters, and will make possible the export of liquefied natural gas to Bulgaria, the Bulgarian Economy Ministry said in a statement. Minister Khetaguri has declared Georgias readiness to participate in the discussions for transit of natural gas from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria through the Black Sea.
Source: Standart (04.03.2010)
Bulgaria, Serbia to Sign Pipeline Deal The energy ministers of Serbia and Bulgaria wil sign a deal on Friday in Brussels, which will enable the implementation of the gas interconnection project between the two countries. The 180-kilometre, 2 billion cubic metre gas pipeline passing through Nis and crossing the border near Dimitrovgrad will be the first interconnection between the Serbian and Bulgarian transportation systems. Serbia's Energy Minister Petar Skundric will travel to Brussels to sign a joint statement with his Bulgarian counterpart Traicho Traikov, the ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The European Union Energy Commissionaire Guenther Oettinger will also attend the ceremony, it added. The cost of the pipeline is estimated at between EUR 100 M and EUR 120 M.
Source: Darik Radio (05.03.2010)
New Gas Pipeline Project Launched The first real step towards building a gas pipeline connecting Bulgaria and Greece is already a fact. Bulgaria's minister of economy, energy and tourism Traycho Traykov signed in Thessalonica a protocol for establishing a joint company for designing, building and exploitation of the new pipeline. By signing the protocol Bulgaria confirmed its participation in the second priority EU project for a gas pipeline, connecting Turkey, Greece and Italy. Bulgarian Energy Holding holds 50% of shares of the new company. The rest belong to IGI Posseidon consortium, which unites the Greek company DEPA and the Italian 'Edison' company.
Source: Standart (05.03.2010)
Bulgaria to Import Gas from Qatar Bulgaria's Minister of Energy Traycho Traykov and his Qatari counterpart Abdullah Bin Ahamad Al-Attiyah discussed Bulgaria's possibilities to import liquefied gas from Qatar. Both ministers took part in an international conference on the use of nuclear energy for peaceful aims in Paris. The forum was inaugurated by France's President, Nicolas Sarkozy. Traykov presented Bulgaria's vision for the nuclear energy development in the country. To his words, Belene NPP will be restructured as a private project and Kozloduy NPP is currently undergoing preliminary research targeted at planned construction of one or two more nuclear units.
Source: Standart (10.03.2010)
South Stream and Nabucco Should Combine to Cut Costs The sectors of the gas pipelines South Stream and Nabucco which cover one and the same route should get united, proposed Paolo Scaroni, CEO of Italian company Eni, cited by ITAR-TASS. This move would reduce the expenditures and increase the efficiency, Mr. Scaroni grounded himself. In his opinion, Europe should increase the investments in infrastructure projects. As it is known both gas pipelines are planned to cross Bulgaria's territory.
Source: Standart (11.03.2010)
System bug may thwart fast privatisation plans The obscurity about the mechanism to be used for sell-off of the state's residual stakes in companies may foil the operation in embryo. Options considered so far include listing companies directly on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), organising public auctions through the BSE, and direct negotiations. However, a Pari daily's inquiry shows that none of them guarantees success and the state may fail to get the much-needed revenue. If the government decides to sell state stakes by centralised auction on the BSE, that will exclude institutional investors from the bidders' list. The law does not allow pension funds and insurers to invest in companies that are not traded on the official market. Interest in the residual stakes could be shown by the companies' current majority owners or by portfolio investors. However, equity investors are rarely ready to buy small stakes. The electricity distribution utilities are the most attractive companies for investors. However, the government cannot list them on the BSE, because that has to be decided by their majority owners. What is more, the majority owners are not interested in buying the state's 33-percent stake in the companies. The sale of the state's minority stakes can provide between BGN 300 and 500 million. The exact amount will depend on which companies will be offered, Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control Agency acting executive director Todor Nikolov told the Pari daily. The estimation does not include the possible sale of a minority stake or a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Listing 10 or 15% of BEH may secure an additional revenue of BGN 1 billion. The list of minority stakes for sale should include a portion of BEH, which will lure investors, Nikolov advised. Minority packages that are currently up for sale will also be put on the list. These include the former duty-free zones in Varna (46%), Bourgas (19.45%) and Plovdiv (46.4%). The first package is being offered by auction. As for the other two stakes, two procedures have failed so far and a third one is under way. Even now the agency is selling minority packages, provided they do not exceed 10%. What is new in the idea is to put bigger stakes under the hammer. Currently centralised auctions are closed procedures that do not allow achieving a good price. Making the auctions open will encourage bidding, Nikolov was adamant. The main problem in the upcoming privatisation procedures is connected with technical issues. The process will depend on the companies' managers and majority owners. The second problem is the interest the stakes can attract. On the one hand, the crisis has substantially reduced interest in privatisation. On the other, the very condition of the companies is of crucial importance.
Source: Pari (17.03.2010)
Bulgaria to Negotiate Qatari Funding for Danube Bridge 3 During his visit to Qatar on Sunday, Bulgaria Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov will negotiate a large infrastructure project with the Emir of Qatar, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani. Borissov will discuss the possibility for financing the construction of a third bridge over the Danube with the Qatari State Fund but the site has not been specified yet. Currently there is one functioning bridge over the Danube to Romania and another has been designed and financing partially ensured from the EU. Bulgarias aim is to attract investments from the Qatari Fund which is financed by the Emirates revenues from gas and oil. Experts believe that under the conditions of a financial crisis Qatar has the largest source of free capital for investments.
Source: Standart (19.03.2010)
Six candidates have submitted documents to bid in the tender opened by the Bulgarian Energy Holding for a consultant to help it decide how to proceed and attract new investors for the planned Belene nuclear power plant.The names of the companies were not disclosed by the holding.This is the first phase in the tender, which was opened by BEH on February 19. The shortlisted candidates will be invited to submit offers in the second part of the procedure. The project's consultant will be obliged to develop its economic model and proceed to the selection of investors, the update of the financial model, etc.
Source: Standart (26.03.2010)
SANS raise the curtain on grave embezzlements in Mini Maritsa Iztok Mini Maritsa Iztok SPLTD had been plagued by embezzlements worth billions in local currency, PM Boyko Borisov and the head of SANS Tsvetelin Yovchev announced during their visit at the Troyanovo mine. In Borisovs words, the inspection gave them grounds to approach the prosecutor general and initiate a probe into the shady past of the state-owned company, suspecting serious misuse of funds. Borisov also asked the Bulgarian Energy Holding to reveal the perpetrators of the embezzlement in a report. Yovchev confirmed the allegations, saying the agency had been long investigating signals for financial violations in Mini Maritsa Iztok, mainly through orchestrated public procurement procedures, vague quality control and illicit price formation.
Source: Pari (31.03.2010)
Bulgaria and Turkey to Build Joint Gas Terminal Bulgaria and Turkey may build a joint terminal for delivery of liquefied natural gas. Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Traicho Traikov, and his Turkish counterpart Taner Yildiz discussed the project. The capacity of the port will be 6 billion cubic meters and it will be located on Turkish seaside. During the energy forum held in Mexico Minister Traikov had a meeting with Oman's Minister for Oil and Natural Gas, Mohammed al-Rumhy who proposed that Bulgarian companies extract natural gas in Oman. Oman also showed interest in investing in Belene NPP.
Source: Standart (01.04.2010)
Nabucco Contradicts Not South Stream "The gas pipelines Nabucco and South Stream will not be in conflict when realized," reportedly said Bulgaria's Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traycho Traykov in front of the Atlantic Council in Washington, according to the Bulgarian News Agency. To his words, Bulgaria hopes both projects will be implemented despite the difficulties around Nabucco project. As long as South Stream is concerned, Traykov said that Bulgaria had established extremely constructive cooperation with Gazprom. "The moment details are tied up, a project company will be established to undertake the construction of the pipeline," Traykov explained.
Source: Standart (07.04.2010)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has registered a profit of BGN 72.5 M after taxes in 2009, a company report revealed. The Bulgarian state-owned energy giant paid a total of BGN 3.846 M in taxes for 2009. The 2009 profit of BEH shows a tangible increase as it is BGN 20 M greater than the after-tax profit the company made in 2008 when it was set up by the government of Sergey Stanishev. The company statement attributes the good results achieved by the Holding in 2009 to the successful economic policies and the implementation of austerity measures. In 2009, the total expenditures of BEH were BGN 9.817 M, a substantial decrease from the BGN 25,479 M it spent in 2008. The expenditures for outside services and salaries were reduced by BGN 1.5 M year-on-year. The company management stresses that it has managed to meet all of its responsibilities to Bulgarias national economy and its international commitments such as the participation in the Nabucco gas transit pipeline and the construction of a gas pipeline connection between Bulgaria and Greece despite the reduction of its spending. In addition to the taxes it paid, in 2009 the BEH also contributed BGN 47.03 M to the state budget in the form of dividends. The company states it expects even higher profits in 2010, and respectively, a greater contribution to the state budget.
Source: Darik Radio (08.04.2010)
Three Headed Dragon Dominates the Energy Supply A three-headed dragon in Bulgarian Energy Company has been stealing from the people for five years. The private energy supply companies CEZ, E.ON and EVN reap colossal profits at the expense of the Bulgarians and the state. The companies, which own the electric power distribution net, have been buying the electric power from the National Energy Company at 88 leva (1 euro=1,95 leva) and were selling it to the customers at 146 leva. The scandalous figures were announced by PM Boyko Borissov yesterday. He accused the state Energy Company of working at a loss and in interest of the private companies. The privatization contracts were signed during the ruling of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha -led cabinet and kept in secret because of the shameful clauses.
Source: Standart (08.04.2010)
The net profit of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) increased some BGN 20 million to BGN 72.5 million in 2009. The holding reduced its expenses to BGN 9.8 million from BGN 25.5 million in 2008. Cost cutting is one of the best measures for fighting the crisis, the company said. The company's financial income increased substantially in 2009. They reached BGN 27.2 million from BGN 5.3 million in 2008. BEH paid BGN 47 million dividend to the state budget in 2009. That is the whole profit of the holding less the mandatory 10% reserves. The company paid BGN 3.8 million taxes.
Source: Standart (08.04.2010)
Electricity Prices in Bulgaria Go Down Prices of electricity in Bulgaria may fall for the first time in eleven years if the government manages to prove that the three utility companies operating in the country, CEZ, E.ON and EVN, had lied about the investments in the infrastructure and the energy distribution facilities that they were obliged to make under their privatization contracts. The surprising news was announced by the State Energy and Waters Regulatory Commission, which may introduce lower prices of electricity, if the ongoing audits at the utility companies ordered by PM Boyko Borissov prove that they had not fulfilled the investments that they were bound to make. Well-informed sources told the Standart that the electricity companies had not fulfilled the investments they had to make each year, but they still had had the cheek to ask for one in a row increase of the retail prices of electricity in the poorest EU member state. Even more disturbing is the fact that their recent request has been granted by the state regulator, which is currently rethinking its decision. "I hope the companies have not lied about the investments, because in this case we will impose on them fines worth millions of levs," PM Borissov said.
Source: Standart (12.04.2010)
BEH to be dissolved by end-June Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which manages eight state-owned companies, will be dissolved by the end of June, minister of economy and energy Traycho Traykov said after meeting members of AmCham in Bulgaria. The holding will be split into independent companies initially, though other forms are also being considered, Traykov pointed out. One of the options is uniting gas companies into one group. Alternatively, trade companies may be put under one umbrella and their assets, under another, he added. BEH includes Maritsa Iztok Mines, Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant, Kozloduy nuclear power plant, National Electric Company (NEK), Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel. All companies are 100% owned by the state. The holding was set up in September 2008 to manage, assess and sell interests in the eight trade firms. We wanted to give BEH a chance and let it optimise the activities of the companies. However, we cannot see any positive effect yet, Traykov said. The government is considering privatising or listing NEK or parts of it on the stock exchange, the minister told reporters. The same holds true for Electricity System Operator and Maritsa Iztok 2. All documents have been prepared for a consolidation company that will sell the state's minority stakes, Traykov pointed out. Two of the three electricity distribution companies are ready to buy the state's 33-percent stake, he added.
Source: Pari (12.04.2010)
Bulgaria to shut BEH by June, sell off stakes in NEK The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) -- the mega structure that lumps together the nations juiciest energy assets -- will be closed by the end of June, energy minister Traycho Traykov told businesses Monday. Speaking at the round table Bulgaria: Attractive Investment Destination hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria (AmCham), Traykov explained the holding company has failed to prove it is fulfilling the purposes for which it was set up and going ahead will be efficient. BEH was incorporated in 2008 to group the assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, NEK and ESO, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines. Traykov mapped out two scenarios for the firms making up the group including continuing operations as separate entities or being lumped together in a number of holding companies by function. Gas companies could be put together in one entity and power transmission and distributions firms could make up a second one. Traykov said staff at the energy companies will be reduced but did not reveal any names. BEH booked a profit of BGN 72.5 million for 2009. Prime minister Boyko Borissov said last week the holding company has failed to deliver on its main mission of attracting financing for major investment projects and only generated profits through consultation. On Tuesday the Ministry of Economy is expected to present its new strategy for the development of Bulgarias energy sector. Stakes in state-run power utility NEK will be offered for sale by the end of the year.
Source: Dnevnik (13.04.2010)
Minister: Russian projects no sacred cows The large energy projects will be mentioned in Bulgaria's energy strategy but they will not be described in detail, minister of economy and energy Traycho Traykov said. The Russian projects will not be treated as sacred cows. Big projects should not be split into Russian and non-Russian ones, he pointed out. Parliamentary speaker Tsetska Tsacheva recently said in Moscow that Belene nuclear power plant, Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline and South Stream will make up the core of Sofia's energy strategy. The document will set the objective that renewable energy sources should make up 16% of total power production. Nuclear energy, which currently accounts for 33% of the output, will preserve or increase its share. Since nuke power is a low-carbon energy source, the government will provide institutional support. Whether the support will be in the form of investments is a matter of investment decisions, Traykov underscored.
Source: Pari (14.04.2010)
Bulgaria ponders new mega power utility as BEH goes After closing the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the Bulgarian government will lump together all energy companies including Kozlodyt NPP and Maritsa East 2 coal-fired power plant, deputy energy minister Maya Hristova said. Speaking at the Renewable Energy Sources & Energy Efficiency International Congress and Exhibition in Sofia, Hristova said the government has not yet come up with plans what stakes will be put on the chopping block. We can potentially offer majority stakes but the plans will be drafted by June, she said. Energy minister Traycho Traykov said on Tuesday that the BEH -- the mega structure that brings together the nations top-notch energy assets -- will be closed by the end of June as it has been ineffective and is therefore unnecessary. He explained the group failed to fulfill its mission to arrange financing for major energy projects and streamline operation of the assets of the companies it comprises. BEH came into being in 2008 to group the assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, NEK and ESO, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines. The Ministry of Economy said one of the options on the table is creating two holding companies that will include energy and gas firms. Hristova confirmed speculations that Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa East 2 TPP will most likely merge into NEK.
Source: Dnevnik (15.04.2010)
In order to stabilize the Bulgarian stock market a large stake from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) should be immediately floated on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, experts said during the Pari Daily organized discussion on the problems of the financial markets. Analysts, financial experts, directors of asset management companies and economists participated in the event. Additional measures could include amendments to the regulation for management of pension funds, the experts said. Most of the participants believe that at least 49% of the states stake in BSE should be floated. Lower percentage will not have the desired effect, experts believe. 76% of approve BEH sell-off through the stock market. 18% of experts believe that listing of BEH on BSE will have limited effect, as this is not enough for attracting investors to the market. 6% oppose the idea with the argument that floating BEH will have no effect whatsoever.
Source: Pari (19.04.2010)
Russians to Build Power Plant in Bulgaria Russian Business group SINTEZ plans to built a 200-megawatt power plant in Bulgaria. According to the consortium's press office quoted by the electronic issue Big Power, the options for the power plant's construction have been discussed at a meeting of SINTEZ CEO Andrey Korolyov and Bulgaria's deputy minister of economy and energy Maya Hristova in Sofia. If constructed, this will be SINTEZ's second power plant on the Balkans after the one built in Skopje.
Source: Standart (21.04.2010)
Bulgaria Ready to Greenlight Construction of 7th Power Unit at NPP Kozloduy Maya Hristova, deputy Minister Of Economy, Energy And Tourism - Mrs. Hristova, experts have calculated that the constructions of new power units on the site of NPP Kozloduy is cheaper and more profitable for Bulgaria, and some investors have already lent an attentive ear to this idea. Can we assume that the Council of Ministers will soon greenlight such a project? - Yes, investors and energy experts are interested in the possible construction of an extra power capacity at NPP Kozloduy. But the council of Minister can decide on the construction of such a power unit only after a serious investor is found. The contracted company should demonstrate technical and financial abilities to realize the project, and it will also present the necessary certificates for safe exploitation of nuclear power facilities. If these conditions are fulfilled, the Bulgarian state will greenlight the start of the necessary procedures that will pave the way to the expansion of NPP Koloduys power capacity. - Is it true that Atomstroyeksport intends will claim compensations from the Bulgarian government for the delay in the implementation of NPP Belene project? - We are in negotiations with the Russian party over possible mutually beneficial outcomes of this stalemate situation. Experts are searching for options to re-negotiate some technical and financial conditions of the project. Our goal is to achieve greater flexibility in some of the most important clauses concerning the implementation of the project, which to allow for possible delays in its realization. If we succeed, the claims for compensations will simply be ruled out as irrelevant. - How could Bulgaria benefit from a gas pipeline connecting it with Greece? - At the beginning of March, the Bulgarian Energy Holding, DEPA of Greece and Edison of Italy signed several documents of key importance, which marked the first step towards the implementation of this project. The countries reached agreement on the principal issues and concerted some definite measures and schedules. The construction of the inter-system connection with Greece will link Bulgaria with the pipelines running through Turkey, Greece and Italy. This project will be financed through the economic restoration plan of the European Union. We expect that in May the European Commission will take the decision that will actually mean approval for the start of the project. - How would you comment the idea of uniting some sectors of the South Stream and Nabucco pipelines? -In principle, Bulgarias policy in energy sector is focused on securing more sources of energy supply and more routes. In both projects South Stream and Nabucco Bulgaria is neither a source nor a final destination. We are a transiting country and an intermediary consumer. To our country it is important to have a guaranteed gas supply at competitive prices and to reap sustainable profit from transit fees. - Recently, several publications have appeared in the press about natural gas deposits in Bulgaria. Will their development decrease the dependence of Bulgaria on Russian supplies? - Naturally a country with its own energy resources boasts the highest energy security. No matter how small are the local deposits Bulgaria should encourage research and development of new fields both in the Black Sea shelf and inland regions.
Source: Standart (26.04.2010)
Belene Nuke Project May Be Frozen over Construction Delay If the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant does not start within several months the foundation mattress of Unit 1 may crack because of atmospheric influence and will have to be conserved, vice president of Russian Atomstroyexport Gennady Tepkian warned during the energy forum in Sofia. According to his computations, the conservation process will cost over 7.5 million euro. Bulgarias National Electric Company should analyze the situation and decide if the conservation is necessary and, in case it is, find money for it, added deputy energy minister Maya Hristova. Atomstroyexport, picked to build Bulgarias second nuke on the Danube, has already ordered a larger part of the equipment for the Belene plant. However, even if Bulgaria gives up the project it will not affect negatively the Russian company, because it is currently building nuclear plants in several other countries around the world and would be able to sell the equipment there, Tepkian commented. Bulgaria will not start off the construction of the new nuke without a Western investor and the government didnt approve the Russian offer for financing the project unless a Western partner is found, Maya Hristova said.
Source: Standart (27.04.2010)
Van Orden: It wasnt necessary to shut down NPP Kozloduy reactors It wasnt necessary to shut down reactors three and four of NPP Kozloduy, because they were still operational and safe, MEP Geoffrey Van Orden said. According to him, Bulgaria is quite right to claim higher compensations for the losses it has suffered from the power units premature decommissioning. The compensations will be voted in the European Parliament on Wednesday and I truly hope that my colleagues will support them, Van Orden added.
Source: Standart (27.04.2010)
Sofia Must Be Precise in Gas Talks with Moscow Mr. Dimitar Gogov, CEO of the state-owned company Bulgargaz - How are the gas supply negotiations with Gazprom going? - The talks are not so much about new gas supply contracts as about our desire to cut out any intermediaries from the chain and get down to the producers of Russian natural gas or at least to a company that is close to the direct producers. I think we are already close to signing an agreement with such a company. In this line of thoughts, the visit of Gazprom CEO Alexei Miler to Bulgaria in February was a positive sign for both sides in these negotiations. - Is Gazpromexport the company you mean? - I think Gazprom should decide that. But it could possibly be Gazpromexport, since they already hold a license to export Russian natural gas. - Will the intermediaries be cut out of the gas supply chain? - We want to get in touch with a company that is close to Gazprom, because Bulgaria's present suppliers or natural gas are merchants, but not producers. - Will Bulgaria see a new, more lucrative gas price-forming formula after the contracts with Gazprom are signed? - Prices will depend on our efforts, on the extent to which we will manage to successfully present our opinions to our partners about how the price-forming formula should be devised. A formula which will reflect all the nuances of the international market and the gas consumption in Bulgaria. - If after some time Bulgaria develops inter-system links with neighbouring countries - like the pipelines South Stream and Nabucco and also terminals for liquefied gas, will this affect the price? - Absolutely. Bulgargaz is interested in and will cooperate with all of its human and intellectual resources for the development and diversification of the Bulgarian gas-transport network.
Source: Standart (12.05.2010)
Bulgarias Corporate Commercial Bank, which is believed to finance the media group of mogul Irena Krasteva, holds nearly half of the money of strategic state-owned companies. The data was provided Sunday by Finance Minister Simeon Djankov at the request of the editors-in-chief of eleven of the biggest print media in Bulgaria, who approached the department, citing the law for access to information. The eighteen companies listed include the Bulgarian energy holding and its units (gas monopoly Bulgargas, gas pipeline operator Bulgartransgas, state power utility NEK, nuclear power plant Kozloduy, thermal power plant Maritsa East II), as well as tobacco monopoly Bulgartabac, Bulgaria Posts, Sofia Airport, the Bulgarian Railways Company. The data has been dated March 31, 2010. Nearly 65% of the money of these companies are concentrated in three banks, whose market share does not exceed 9% - Corporate Commercial Bank (48%), EIBank, where the prime minister's long-time live-in girlfriend Tsvetelina Borislavova holds a 18% stake and the Central Cooperative Bank, the data shows.
Source: Darik Radio (17.05.2010)
The Russian company Atomstroyexport will file a claim against the Bulgarian government over the delays in the construction of the Belene NPP. In the same time Minister of Economy and Energy Traycho Traykov opened an energy forum in Sofia. Traykov did not answer the question what will happen with the financial resources of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) after its liquidation planned for the beginning of the summer. Currently 95% of BEHs finances are deposited in Corporate Commercial Bank.
Source: Class (18.05.2010)
Spare parts abuse was found during an inspection in Mines Maritsa Iztok. On the territory of mine Troyanovo-Sever are found illegally stricken out parts that were not used in the production. The violation is in particularly large size, said inspectors. Stocks are at a total value of BGN 15 400. Spare parts were found in a van outside the warehouse.
Source: Standart (18.05.2010)
PM Borissov: "Belene" One of the Most Important EU Projects "Belene" NPP project might become one of the most important on the Balkans and in Europe," PM Boyko Borissov said during his meeting with Stefan Mappus - Minister President of Baden-Wurttemberg federal state in Germany. According to PM Borissov Bulgaria has at hand all necessary documents to start the construction of "Belene" nuke. "However, after the German company RWE cancelled its participation we need to find a West European investor for the project," PM Borissov thinks. The future of "Belene" NPP would become clear after a tender for new strategic investor is submitted, minister of economy, energy and tourism Traycho Traykov stated during a discussion regarding the diversification of Bulgarian energy. "Besides, the technical project of the Russian contractor, Atomstroyexport has not been approved by the Nuclear Energy Regulatory Agency," Traykov added. He reminded that Bulgaria has not declined the Russian offer for financing the project till an investor is found but this offer has not been accepted either. Meanwhile the Czech Internet edition reported that Atomstroyexport has concluded a contract with the US legal consulting company Sidley Austin LLP to defend the Russians' Interests in case Belene NPP project sees no improvement till the expiry of its contract with the Bulgarian National Electrical Company this autumn.
Source: Standart (19.05.2010)
NEK and EVN to sign a contract for the construction of the Gorna Arda hydropower cascade The negotiations between NEK (the National Electricity Company) and Austrian company EVN for the construction of the Gorna Arda hydropower cascade are expected to finish by the end of the year, said yesterday to Mediapool Peter Layr, Member of the Management Board of EVN AG. According to him, the technical assessments of the project should be clear by the end of 2010. Afterwards, the process of issuing building permits should be initiated. According to EVN forecasts, the construction of the cascade could cost about 400 mln. The technology, as well as environmental requirements, have changed in the last 10 years and we will have to comply with EU requirements while we try to optimise the project, said Layr. In his words, Bulgaria is a key location for EVN investments and the cascade is of particular importance. The request of the Austrian shareholder is for NEK to remain a partner in the project in order for Bulgarian interests to be represented. Last year, the company offered the State to become a majority owner in the project by acquiring a 75% stake in the cascade. So far, NEK had 70% of the project and the remaining 30% were controlled the Turkish conglomerate Ceylan Holding. After the bankruptcy of the Turkish company, the company CCG Insaat Sanayi Yatirim Ve Turizm A.S took over the project. More details on the Gorna Arda cascade will be reported after the contract with NEK is signed. Then, the 75 mln compensation request, for which Ceylan Holding filed a lawsuit with the ICC International Court of Arbitration in Paris, will be waived. EVN and the Turkish company have already agreed and have signed document for the transfer of the shares, explained Layr. He refused to announce the price at which Ceylan Holding transferred its stake to the Austrian company.
Source: Class (21.05.2010)
Experts Forecast Natural Gas Price Hike in Bulgaria The price of natural gas prices in Bulgaria is predicted to up in the summer of 2010 although it is unclear yet by how much, according to the chair of a state regulator. There will be a hike in natural gas prices by end-year, we just have to calculate the precise amount of the hike. Luckily, the summer is coming up so the gas price increase will not affect the heating prices immediately, explained Angel Semerdzhiev, Chair of the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (DKEVR), quoting documents that he received from Bulgarian state natural gas monopoly Bulgargaz. Last week Semerdzhiev announced he expected the gas price to go up by 10-15% as of July 1, 2010. However, on Thursday he clarified that this forecast had not factored in the recent collapse of the exchange rate of the euro, which hit a four-year low against the dollar earlier in the week.We are buying the natural gas in US dollars, so this is invariably going to have an effect on the coming gas price increase, stated the head of DKEVR.
Source: Standart (21.05.2010)
Brussels Pays Bulgaria EUR 300 M for Kozloduy Compensations Brussels has finally approved additional compensations of 300 million euro for the pre-term decommissioned four units of Kozloduy NPP. Yesterday, with 518 votes "pro" the EP agreed that Bulgaria should receive the additional compensations till 2013. Some 180 million euro will cover the taking out of operation of the decommissioned reactors while the rest 120 million euro will go for energy efficiency and saving of energy resources.
Source: Standart (21.05.2010)
Bulgaria gas tariffs could go up by over 15% Natural gas prices in Bulgaria will increase by more than 15%, said Angel Semerdjiev, chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). He confirmed there would be a gas spike July but the price rise is still being hammered out. Semerdjiev grounded the upcoming hike in gas tariffs on the rising US dollar against the euro. He said that the higher gas rates are unlikely to translate into an increase in heating tariffs. A week ago Semerdjiev expected gas prices will go up by between 10 and 15% in real terms. The SEWRC is awaiting the gas hike proposal from state-run Bulgargaz. Gas tariffs have already been lifted twice this year, with the latest revision in April, when they were revised upwards by 5.88%. The SEWRC approved a 10.88% hike, cutting the original proposal of 24%, but the Ministry of Energy trimmed that to 5%. A source close to Bulgargaz said this time the company will seek a spike of more than 34%.
Source: Dnevnik (21.05.2010)
It is not acceptable for a monopoly to report a minimal profit, said Minister of Economy Traicho Traykov, concerning the dismissal of the head of LB Bulgaricum Hristo Yungarev. State-owned company exports yogurt starter and holds 40% of the markets in Japan and South Korea. To realize a minimum profit on these huge markets is unacceptable and we took measures to improve the company, said Traykov. The project Belene NPP will depend on the market, but without a quality investor it has no future. A good thing is that the contest to choose a financial adviser, which will help to make a fair decision on the future of the NPP, is close to completion. About the new prices of electricity, gas and heating, Traykov said the watchdog must make decisions transparently and according to the methodology. Today Bulgargaz will announce the formula used for calculating the price of gas for the domestic market.
Source: Standart (07.06.2010)
Kozloduy Functions till 2049 At the energy forum near Varna, at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, after the presentation of Emil Tomov from Risk Engineering, it emerged that Kozloduy NPP may be allowed to function till 2049. The fifth and fourth units of the nuclear power plant are licensed to operate till 2017 and 2019. After this time, however, the NPP is very likely to ask the Nuclear Regulatory Agency for licence extension. If the extension is for 15 years, the two units will work till 2032 and 2034. After the expiry the licensing could be theoretically prolonged for other 15 years. The licence extension, especially for the first 15 years, will hardly be a problem as long as Kozloduy proves the units are safe, according to experts from the sector.
Source: Standart (11.06.2010)
PM Borissov: Bulgarians Are no Fools on "Belene" Bulgaria is not going to throw money away on energy projects, transpired from the words of PM Boyko Borissov. "First the cabinet needs an answer how much would cost the building of "Belene" NPP, how long it will take the investment to pay back and to whom Bulgaria would sale the electricity, produced by the nuke. When we have the answers to all these questions, then we will decide to say "yes" or "no" to the project," PM Borissov stated. To his words if Bulgaria approves the realization of such projects "it turns out the Bulgarians are fools and are paying without asking for what". According to Bulgaria's premier the official position on Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline is the most beneficial for Bulgaria. Burgas district doesn't want the pipeline, PM Borissov stated. To his words the project won't pass successfully the assessment regarding environment requirements and the people from the city of Burgas and the region does not want the pipe to pass through their district. PM Borissov added that the project is not profitable for Bulgaria and besides there are not sufficient funds in the budget to support the project. Commenting on the article in Forbs magazine reading that Bulgaria's withdrawal from Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project and the standstill position the country has assumed on Belene NPP could be perceived as a tilt from Moscow to Washington, Borissov stated that he did not see this as a tilt. He was explicit that Bulgaria was on the right path. "We have normal, pragmatic relations with Russia. Bulgaria is a Euro-Atlantic country and has decided to make this tilt the moment it left the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union and chose to join NATO and the European Union," the Prime Minister said. In lines with the future of the two projects, Russia's Ambassador to Bulgaria, Yuri Isakov stated that Russia completely understood and respected Bulgaria's stands. "It is true, the topic is delicate and without the 100% certainty that Bourgas-Alexandroupolis would be environmentally safe, it would be insensible to start the project," the Russian Ambassador said. He added, however, that he always believed the Bulgarian-Russian energy projects could be realized a bit more dynamically. It emerged from his words he was sure the projects would be implemented, which, to Isakov, would give Bulgaria a new quality in geo-political standing. The Russian Komersant wrote that Bulgaria would have to pay a billion euro penalties if it withdrew completely from Belene NPP project.
Source: Standart (16.06.2010)
Gazprom Courting Bulgarias Neighbors Over South Stream Gazprom and Romania have started negotiations over the possible participation of Bulgarias northern neighbor in the South Stream gas pipeline project, as concerning the pipelines passing through Romanian territory. This has become clear from a statement of Russias gas giant Gazprom, who says it was highly possible the pipeline to circumvent Bulgaria and pass through Romania. The maneuver started a year ago when Bucharest first declared its desire to join in the project, but the Russians have so far maintained that no negotiations between Moscow and Bucharest have been going on behind Sofias back. Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller and Romanias economy minister Adrian Videanu had a working meeting in Moscow, yesterday, at which they opened a discussion on the options for the pipelines circumventing Bulgaria. The heads of Romanias gas companies Romgaz and Transgaz also took part in the meeting. Vdeanu and Miller agreed to continue the talks this autumn, when the latter is scheduled to pay a working visit to Bucharest.
Source: Standart (17.06.2010)
SEWRC proposes some 30% increase in natural gas prices A 29.64% price increase in natural gas prices as of July 1 has been proposed by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). Thus, the blue fuel will be hiked by BGN 129 per 1,000 cu m and will cost BGN 564.30 per 1,000 cu m, VAT excluded. In its proposal, SEWRC has cut down the trade surplus of the state-run Bulgargaz, without specifying by how much. Under the ordinance, the trade surplus payable to the company is up to 2%. The new prices do not include the non-received proceeds of the company for the first three months of 2010 which is in violation of the ordinance on price formation, approved at the end of last year. According to data of Bulgargaz, its non-received proceeds for the period amount to some BGN 28.3 mln. On the Day of Energy, SEWRCs Chairman, Angel Semerdjiev, said that additional mechanisms will be sought for reducing the shocking price increase of natural gas to about 24-25%. He added that after mid-July, some 10% of the total gas consumption in the country will be secured by supplies from the gas depository near Chiren. If SEWRCs proposal is approved, the price of heating in Bulgaria will have to increase by 20% on average, experts calculate. Semerdjiev promised a 15% price hike for cities like Sofia and Plovdiv. According to him, higher heating prices could be partially offset by a jump in the price of electricity generated by heating utilities in the country. SEWRC is expected to propose a 30-40% price increase in cogeneration energy prices.
Source: Class (20.06.2010)
The state owned company Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which by order of the Prime Minister Boyko Borisov will be closed by the end of June, concluded a contract on Friday with PR company to promote its business. The contract is signed with the unknown company Brand PR. It is for about six months, amounting to BGN 60 thousand. The contract was concluded, without public order. The holding invited by letter several PR companies to participate in a contest organized under the internal rules of BEH. Mila Popova, manager of Prime Time, said she was very surprised by the call because the holding will be closed, but sent an offer. The decision the holding to pay for PR was taken in a very strange way. On June 4 it was held a board of directors with a single participant - the executive director Maya Hristova.
Source: Sega (21.06.2010)
Extra high salaries for the employees of NEC, outsourcing and high profits - that lies behind the expensive power tariffs. This became clear from a report of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, signed by its President Angel Semerdjiev. All analyses indicate that the National Electricity Company is leader in salaries not only among government, but also among private companies. Also, the report includes a table showing the prices for electricity transmission for 2008 in the region. It is clear that in Bulgaria it was the highest - 44 euro cents, while in Romania - 36, Serbia - 31, Turkey - 22 and 17 euro cents in Macedonia. The analysis of the regulator indicates that there was a permanent trend of increase of prices of access and transmissions of electricity between 2007 and 2009.
Source: Standart (22.06.2010)
Moscow Twists Sofia's Hands over South Stream Moscow is again trying to twist Sofia's hands over the joint-Bulgarian-Russian energy projects. In an interview with Moscow Times, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller said that the South Stream pipeline might circumvent Bulgaria. The route of the pipeline may be altered and Bulgaria may be excluded from the initial layout, following Russia's disappointment with the delayed realization of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis and NPP Belene joint energy projects. Miller's comments come at a time when Bulgaria expects the international environmental risk assessment for Bourgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline and a consultant is being sought for Belene NPP. Instead of getting out from the Black Sea near Varna, Bulgaria, South Stream pipe could be constructed via Romania. He informed that the opportunity for South Stream to reach Serbia via Romania will be studied and the Bulgarian territories which are currently included in the plan for the pipeline construction will be excluded from the project. "Bucharest offers us a wide range of cooperation opportunities in the sphere of energy production," Miller said. To his words, the research on the implementability of the project will be ready by three months the longest.
Source: Standart (22.06.2010)
Bulgaria and Romania Are No Competitors for South Stream "It is possible for Romania to join in the South Stream pipeline project, but this does not necessarily mean that Bulgaria will drop out," Gazprom Deputy CEO Alexander Medvedev said in Moscow. "Following a proposal of the Romanian party, we will first make technical-economic assessment, which will help the concerned parties determine if Romania's participation in the project is economically reasonable, and only after that will we proceed to make technical-economic grounding of Romania's involvement in the deal. "Some geological factors should also be taken into consideration and therefore it is unreasonable to fuel rivalry between Bulgaria and Romania over their participation in the project," Medvedev said.
Source: Standart (23.06.2010)
The state gas company Bulgargaz may use a loan to ensure the payments for blue fuel supplies to Gazprom. The option of obtaining a credit has been proposed to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, said the executive director of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov. He took part in public discussion of the gas tariff by July 1. Gogov explained that Bulgargaz has offered two options for obtaining the loan. The first one is drawing on a bank loan, which according to the head of Bulgargaz will take a long time since the procedure must be conducted under the Public Procurement Act. Alternatively, a credit may be obtained from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) or its successor.
Source: Monitor (24.06.2010)
Bulgaria to Pay $400 For Russian Gas A hike of gas price expects Bulgaria in the beginning of next year. As of January 1, 2011 Bulgaria will have to pay to Russia $400 per 1,000 cubic meters gas delivery, Dimitar Gogov - Executive Director of Bulgargaz announced. Current price is 338 US dollars. The increase has been provided in the annex signed three years ago by the minister of energy at that time Roumen Ovcharov, experts explained. According to the annex the price of gas Bulgaria buys from Russia on the contract for transit will be rising gradually till the end of 2012 while it reaches the market price. Under this contract Bulgaria is buying about 1.4 billion gas or about 40% of its yearly consumption. A hike of natural gas price is not expected in the last quarter of 2010, Dimitar Gogov foresaw before the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation.
Source: Standart (24.06.2010)
Bulgaria to Double Nuclear Energy in 2030 The project of the ministry of economy on Bulgaria's energy strategy envisages a twofold increase of the power produced in NPPs. According to the project, the generated power in nuclear reactors in 2030 should reach 30 terawatt hours a year. Presently it stands at 14,7 terawatt hours a year and it should be kept till 2015. From 2020, the strategy envisages an increase to 22,3 terawatt hours a year which means that in the following 10 years at least one 1000-megawatt reactor should start operating. The strategy does not tell if this will happen through Belene NPP or new reactors in Kozloduy nuke.
Source: Standart (25.06.2010)
Prices of natural gas to increase by almost 25% Natural gas price will increase by 24.63% as of July 1, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) decided yesterday. Thus, the blue fuel will rise from BGN 435.30 per 1,000 cu m, excluding VAT, to BGN 542.50 30 per 1,000 cu. m. The price hike is a shocking one, compared to the current gas price. The increase would have been by 18.39%, if the price of natural gas had not been decreased with the permission of Economy Minister Traicho Traikov in the second quarter of 2010. SEWRC does not include in the price the company's non-received proceeds for the first two quarters, as per the requirement of the ordinance on price formation. According to data of Bulgargaz, these amount to some BGN 28 mln. Yesterday, company representatives stated that Bulgargaz would continue to operate at a loss, regardless of the price increase. They did not rule out the possibility of appealing against SEWRC's decision after getting officially acquainted with the regulator's motives. Heating energy in Bulgaria is expected to be hiked by some 15% as a result of the shocking price rise of natural gas, experts calculated. In addition to central heating and hot water prices, the increase will also directly affect the products of the chemical and food industry, the heavy industry and part of the transport sector.
Source: Class (29.06.2010)
We have to forget about exports after the latest hike of the natural gas price. The international price of the ammonium nitrate from today is USD 180, said Prof. Hristo Petrov, CEO of Agropolichim in Devnya. In case of 24.6 percent increase of the fuel, the price is USD 363. Agropolichim sells on the domestic market the fertilizer at BGN 300 per ton. Now the new prices are calculated after the increase of the basic raw material, which forms 70% of the production costs. We estimate whether there will be outflow of orders, how the hike would be accept and then we will run the production line for ammonium nitrate. By July 15 the capital overhaul would be finished, but whether the plant will work is questionable, Mr. Petrov said.
Source: Standart (30.06.2010)
Melrose Resources to invest $65 mln near Kaliakra Melrose Resources plans to invest $65 mln in Bulgaria by the end of 2010, David Archer, Executive Director of the Scottish oil and gas explorer, said to Klassa yesterday. He pointed out that that the company has, so far, been supplying about 10% of the natural gas needed by our country. Extraction from the new gas deposit near Kaliakra is expected to begin by the end of this year. The companys investments will benefit Bulgarias budget by some $30 mln via the payment of VAT and other taxes. Melrose has already held negotiations with the Bulgarian Government for the setting up of a gas depository on the spot of the gas deposit near the Galata Cape near Varna. Melrose plans to invest $35 mln in this venture. Since the Scots are not licensed to store natural gas, they cannot be legal concessionaires of the future depository. According to the Governments plans, about 250 million cu m of gas should be stored at Galata after 2010, projecting to raise the depositorys storage capacity to 800 million cu m in the future. Meanwhile, during the visit of Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov to Azerbaijan yesterday, he discussed, in a face-to-face conversation with his counterpart Ilham Aliyev, the project for the delivery of compressed gas from Azerbaijan via Georgia and the Black Sea to Bulgaria, and the readiness of both sides to implement it was confirmed. The two heads of state stated there were other options for Bulgaria to receive blue fuel from Azerbaijan and the aim was to begin deliveries in 2011. "By the middle of July, a joint working group from both countries will issue a statement on the economic parameters of the project, explained to Klassa daily CEO of Bulgartransgaz, Ivan Drenovichki. President Ilham Aliyev supported the proposal of the Bulgarian Head of State for a tripartite meeting between the gas companies of Bulgaria, Turkey and Azerbaijan, where the specific parameters of cooperation will have to be agreed. Georgi Parvanov and Ilham Aliyev confirmed as a priority the Nabucco project for the diversification of gas deliveries to Europe and the crucial role of Azerbaijan as one of the main gas suppliers for Nabucco.
Source: Class (01.07.2010)
Bulgaria Pays Twice More for Russian Natural Gas than Germany Bulgaria pays twice more for the natural gas it buys from Russia than Germany, a report of the East European Gas Analysis consulting company shows. According to the publications on the company's website, in the second quarter of 2010 Germany paid $150-155 for 1,000 cubic meters of Russian natural gas, while Bulgaria paid $295. The situation could have been just the opposite, if former economy minister Rumen Ovcharov had not signed an additional agreement in December 2006, under which the price of the natural gas that Bulgaria received from Russia soared from $83 to $295 per 1,000 cubic meters. At the same time, the transit fees that Bulgaria receives for the transportation of Russian natural gas through its territory are the lowest in the world.
Source: Standart (05.07.2010)
Borissov: My Cabinet's Top Grades Depend on Talks with Putin "If we manage to convince the Russians to agree on our terms, I will give myself top grades. Because at the moment the prices we have agreed upon and the gas delivery are not as they should be and we will do what we can to lower the price. If I am to grade the achievements of the Cabinet so far I would put it the second best mark," said Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov a year after the general elections. On July 5, 2009 GERB won 42.3% of the Bulgarians' trust and thus earned 116 seats in Parliament. To Borissov's words, the Government's successes are measured by the actions of the Interior Ministry and the halt in the vicious real estates barter practices. "We stopped the estates swapping, returned the EU funds, detected kidnappings and highway robberies, we busted the almost official plundering of state companies," Borissov commented on the work of the Government. He added that he enjoyed wonderful dialogism with Russia's PM, Vladimir Putin. "He understands me better than the Bulgarian opposition politicians do. For this reason the energy projects will be discussed by both countries and if we reach an agreement it would be at the expense of no one. The important thing is that at the moment we set the pace," Borissov pointed out.
Source: Standart (05.07.2010)
Bulgaria Negotiates Cheaper Gas for South Stream and NPP Belene Bulgaria will receive cheaper natural gas from Russia in exchange for the acceleration of the joint energy projects South Stream and NPP Belene. This became clear after yesterdays meeting of Bulgarias PM Boyko Borissov with Russias first Deputy PM Viktor Zubkov. During the meeting Borissov was surprised to learn that the price of the natural gas from Russia increases by about $200 per 1,000 cubic meters by the time it reaches the final consumer. "Where is this money draining? I smell a rat like that with the local electricity distribution companies! Borissov was seething with indignation. After the meeting, he immediately ordered Bulgargaz chief Dimitar Gogov to find out who pockets the difference in the price of the Russian natural gas.I will order the state security agency to investigate this corrupt scheme, he added. It is quite realistic that in the next trimester of 2010 the price of natural gas in Bulgaria will go down, stated PM Borissov. In his turn, Mr. Zubkov personally committed himself to pass on to Russias PM Putin the wish of his Bulgarian counterpart. There is no war between the PMs of Bulgaria and Russia, PM Borissov and Mr. Zubkov were explicit. Road maps of South Stream project and Belene NPP has been worked out, it transpired from the statements of PM Borissov and Mr. Zubkov. The road map for Belene NPP shows that foreign investors will be involved in the project. By September 2010, the first unit of Belene will be completed, for which Bulgaria will have to pay 280m euro, otherwise Bulgaria could be sued to pay damages. "I come to terms with the Russian side more easily than with my Bulgarian opponents, PM Borissov stated.
Source: Standart (07.07.2010)
Borissov Slashes Gas Prices by $200 The consumer price of natural gas in Bulgaria may fall by $200. The good news came after the meeting of PM Borisssovs team with the representatives of his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. During the meeting, Borissov was surprised to learn that Moscow sends natural gas to Sofia at a price of $339 per 1,000 cubic meters, but the intermediary companies inflate its consumer price to $576 per 1,000 cubic meters. "Where has this money been draining? I smell a rat! Borissov said indignantly. After the meeting, he ordered the State Agency for National Security to probe the artificially inflated prices. Russias Deputy PM Zubkov promised Borissov to pass his request for lower final price of the natural gas to his Russian counterpart Putin. Bulgarians may start using cheaper gas from October 1, Borissov said.
Source: Standart (07.07.2010)
US Ambassador James Warlick: Bulgaria's agreements with Gazprom should be public US ambassador in Sofia James Warlick said that the gas supply agreements between the Bulgarian government and Russias Gazprom should be made public. A day after the visit of Russia's deputy PM Viktor Zubkov and Gazprom Deputy Chief Alexander Medvedev to Sofia, who came to discuss the amended agreement for supply of Russian natural gas to Bulgaria, US Ambassador in Sofia James Warlick held talks with Bulgarias Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov. "I understand that the Bulgarian people want to know who inflates the consumer price of the Russian natural gas with more than 30%, but this cannot happen as long as the gas supply agreements are confidential,' Mr. Warlick said. On his part, Minister Traykov assured the American ambassador that he will insist on the new agreements being made public. Mr. Warlick emphasized once again that the diversification of the energy supplies to Bulgaria is of fundamental importance to the security of the whole region. "Our position on the realization of the NPP Belene project has not changed," Mr. Traykov said answering a question of the US ambassador. After the Warlick-Traykov meeting, PM Boyko Borissov came up with a statement, in which he emphasized the importance of Bulgarias energy independence. The Prime Minister also reiterated that the state currently does not have enough free capital to finance the construction of the Belene power plants first reactor. "We are seeking a European investor for the realization of this project," he added. Meanwhile, it became clear that Sofia and Moscow will sign an agreement on the realization of the South Stream project on July 16.
Source: Standart (08.07.2010)
Serbia to Pay Belene NPP Reactor The nuclear reactor of Unit 1 of Belene NPP may be paid by Serbia. The reactor will be ready in the middle of September 2010 and Bulgaria will have to pay 280 million euro for it, stated Bulgarias PM Borissov on Tuesday after his meeting with Russias First Deputy PM Viktor Zubkov. Bulgaria has already paid 300 million euro for the reactor but rest 280 million euro have not been transferred in the budget. "The National Electric Company (NEC) does not have the needed 280 million euro and they will not be paid if we do not find an investor. We are working on the project with the clear view about that and if it is needed the financial relations with the Russian partners will be structured, stated Bulgarias Minister of Energy and Economy Traykov. At the same time, PM Borissov announced he was waiting for an answer from Serbias PM Boris Tadic regarding his countrys participation in the project. PM Borissov informed that the price of Belene NPP would not exceed 7 billion euro. Yesterday morning, in an interview for the bTV, PM Borissov said it would be very good if PM Tadic gave a positive answer regarding Serbia entering Belene NPP project. This will, in practice, guarantee a market for the produced in Belene electricity, something Bulgarias cabinet tries to ensure.
Source: Standart (09.07.2010)
Bulgarias alternative gas routes remain only on paper Bulgaria does not have an alternative to the supply of large volumes of gas as most projects for the creation of new routes are still only on paper, energy minister Traycho Traykov said. His comment comes after prime minister Boyko Borissov said earlier this week that Bulgaria will participate in the construction of the Italian-Russian gas pipeline South Stream and connect to it its existing gas transmission grid from Romania to Greece and Turkey. We are working to diversify gas deliveries. We signed an agreement with Turkey on its liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal. [Bulgarias minister in charge of EU funds] Tomislav Donchev is currently considering a project for an LNG terminal in Bourgas [] In other words, we are working on all issues regarding diversification, Borissov told bTV channel on Thursday. Alternative gas supply routes are a benchmark in Bulgarias Draft Energy Strategy unveiled last week. According to plans, by 2013, Bulgaria should construct an LNG terminal on the Greek Aegean shores and develop a project for compressed natural gas deliveries from Azerbaijan across the Black Sea for which the two countries have reached an agreement in principal. The other alternative routes outlined in the strategy include gas links with Romania, Greece, Serbia and Turkey. The projects with Greece and Romania are in the most advanced stage, having secured financing from the European energy recovery package. Around 17 billion cubic metres (cu m) of gas currently passes through Bulgarias transit grid. Plans call for the same volume flowing through the pipes once they have been connected to South Stream. The total amount of gas that should be transited through Bulgaria through South Stream is 63 billion cu m.
Source: Dnevnik (09.07.2010)
Macedonia Wants Share in NPP Belene Reportedly, Skopje has been probing for opportunities to get a minority stake in Bulgaria's NPP Belene. Macedonia is the second Balkan country to show interest in the project after Serbia, but it has not announced its intentions, yet. A few countries in the Balkan region have shown interest in the construction of Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant. It's good if our neighbors join in, as they will provide part of the funds necessary to build the plan, as well as potential markets for the electricity that it will generate," MPs said. On Friday Serbia's President Boris Tadic arrives on an official visit to Bulgaria. One of the main topics he will discuss with his Bulgarian counterpart, Boyko Borissov will be Belgrade's possible participation in Belene project. Serbia's possible participation as an investor in the project has been rumoured for about two months. Such an option has been defined as very beneficial for the Serbian side by both politicians and scientists because it would provide Serbia with electricity for dozens of years ahead purchased from an EU member state. Meanwhile Bulgaria's Minister of Energy and Economy, Traycho Traykov stated there was not a hundred percent certainty on Belene NPP construction being carried out. If the project is abandoned, Bulgaria will avail of the opportunity to build new units in Kozloduy NPP.
Source: Standart (13.07.2010)
Big sharks eye oil drilling projects in Bulgaria Leading global oil and gas exploration companies are interested in deep-water crude oil exploration and extraction concession at Bulgarias Black Sea shores. The procedure for drilling at the almost 6,940 square metres site, north of Rezovo, was launched by the Bulgarian government back in 2009. Participation papers could be purchased by the end of this month. Interest in drilling at the site has been expressed by Frances Total, US-based Anadarko Petroleum, and other big players, Deloitte Bulgaria executive director Ilian Vassilev told. Deloitte has been hired by the government to advise it on attracting investors into projects exploring Bulgarias Black Sea waters. The winner will receive a five-year drilling and exploration permit and will be expected to pump up to USD 200 million into the project. If it discovers an oil field and registers the discovery, it will get an extraction concession contract. No such deep-water oil exploration project has ever been done in Bulgaria so far, Ilian Vassilev told. Up till now, Bulgaria and Romania have only studied shallow Black Sea waters, unlike Turkey, which is studying as many as three potential deep-water fields.
Source: Dnevnik (14.07.2010)
Brussels to Compensate Sofia with EUR 150 M for Decommissioned Nuclear Reactors ECOFIN has decided to compensate Sofia with a total of 150 million euros for decommissioning power reactors one to four of its NPP Kozloduy. This is part of the extra compensation that Bulgaria has been entitled to receive for the early shutdown of its old nuclear reactors. Earlier this year, the European Parliament and the European Commission approved a proposal, under which Bulgaria was to receive 300 million euros by 2013. The money should be used to increase the security and efficiency of Bulgaria's energy resources.
Source: Standart (14.07.2010)
US Companies to Probe for Natural Gas in Bulgaria The US Company Chevron has showed interest to probe for and explore natural gas deposits in Bulgaria. This has emerged from a statement of John W. McDonald, Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Chevron Corporation. According to US ambassador in Sofia James Warlick, the deposits of natural gas in Northeastern Bulgaria, close to the Romanian border, amount to over 25 billion cubic meters. Taking into consideration Warlick's words, the Chevron management has requested permission from the Bulgarian government to start exploring the deposits' potential. Talks have also been held with PM Boyko Borissov. "Chevron's offer presents a real option for diversification of Bulgaria's energy supplies," Mr. Warlick made it a point. Chevron's preliminary studies show that the deposit lies at two or four km under the ground.
Source: Standart (14.07.2010)
Price of Russian Gas far Bulgaria May Drop to $300 The price of the natural gas supplied to Bulgaria from Russia may drop to less then $300 for 1,000 cubic meters, which is close to the price, at which Germany buys Russian natural gas. The news was broken after a news conference with the participation of Bulgarias PM Boyko Borissov, Angel Semerdzhiev, chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, and Bulgargaz chief Dimitar Gogov. There will be tough negotiations over the next few days, and we still have to overcome the negative consequences of our predecessors unprofitable deals, Borissov said. Borissovs team are trying to lower the consumer price of natural gas by 10 or 15%. The Expansion of the gas transportation network is a prerequisite for lowering the price of natural gas, as at present only 12 or 15 per cent of the Bulgarian households use natural gas for heating or cooking. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission will check out of the intermediary companies properly maintain the gas transportation network.
Source: Standart (15.07.2010)
Texas-based firm to vie against Chevron for shale gas US company Integrity Towers Inc will compete with Chevron in two shale gas fields in Bulgaria, the Ministry of Economy said. The announcement comes just a day after US ambassador to Bulgaria James Warlick presented a project by US integrated energy company Chevron Corporation to extract shale gas in northeastern Bulgaria. The company has submitted an application with the economy ministry for a shale gas exploration permit for the site, where it expects to discover 25 billion cubic metres (cu m) of gas through drilling at a depth of around 4000 5000 metres. According to ministry data, Chevron is interested in exploring for natural gas in shale deposits at two sites, whereas Integrity Towers wants to drill at five northeastern sites. The competitive procedure will be launched following coordination with the Ministry of Environment. At a meeting with his Canadian counterpart Peter Van Loan, Traykov also invited Canadian companies to explore for gas in Bulgaria. Direct Petroleum Bulgaria was the first to register a geological discovery of shale gas through drilling into rock complexes and industrial extraction could be expected within five to ten years, according to the ministry.
Source: Dnevnik (15.07.2010)
Budget 2011 to Provide Funds for South Stream The money for the construction of Bulgarias share of the South Stream gas pipeline has already been provided in next years budget, finance minister Simeon Djankov said. The minister also highlighted the most important achievements after the Bulgarian-Russian talks the consensus on the South Stream project and the elimination of the intermediary companies. We are also working to diversify the gas supplies to Bulgaria so as not to be 100% dependent on Russia, Djankov added.In a week or so we will have talks with Greek ministers over the construction of natural gas links between our two countries. Bulgaria will get the reactor for NPP Belene, but will not pay 280 million euro in cash, as it is provided in the agreement. Rather, Sofia will seek foreign investors to finance the project.
Source: Standart (19.07.2010)
South Streams roadmap still does not specify route Bulgaria and Russia on Friday put pen to the roadmap for the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline project, which will pump gas to Italy and Austria. The document sketches out timeframes and steps for preparing the pre-project study and the creation of a joint company to develop the pipeline, said Bulgarian economy minister Traycho Traykov. The Bulgarian portion of the facility will take in approximately USD 840 million. The project will have a capacity of 63 billion cubic metres and will be joined by Bulgarias existing gas transmission infrastructure. Up till now, up to 17 billion cu m of gas has crossed Bulgarias territory from Greece to Turkey. The sole existing gas pipeline using Bulgarias grid now comes from Russia through Ukraine, Moldova and Romania. Once the South Stream has been constructed, Bulgaria will preserve its transmission grid capacity and will continue to transport gas for the same countries. A new route will be developed to connect Serbia and Hungary. It has not been decided yet whether transit through Ukraine will be suspended. Two weeks ago, Kiev proposed using the existing gas transit infrastructure instead of developing South Stream, a scenario that contradicts Russian major Gazproms plans to diversify its routes. The South Stream roadmap still does not elaborate the route of the project, nor does it specify the total cost. Its too early to think who and how will finance [the project], said Traykov, adding that the Bulgarian section of the project could be completed by 2015.
Source: Dnevnik (19.07.2010)
Bulgarian govt tells Russian gas fairy tales After two days of negotiations with Russia in the Black Sea city of Varna, the Bulgarian government bragged about the oral agreement it reached for a reduction in the natural gas price and for removing middlemen between state-run gas supplier Bulgargaz and Russian major Gazprom. HowAlthough, Russian company Gazprom Export remains between the Bulgarian and the Russian companies, and talks on the precise price cut is yet to be negotiated, Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borissov and energy minister Traycho Traykov are pleased with the outcome of the talks. We still havent reached the final version about prices, said Bulgarian finance minister Simeon Djankov. Bulgargaz was calling for a drop of at least 15% but unconfirmed reports claim Russia has only agreed to lop off between 3% and 7%. Djankov did not deny there has been such a proposal but said the truth lies somewhere in the middle. He noted that global markets play a pivotal role in Gazproms gas formation. Gazprom vice-president Alexander Medvedev said the company has not made a rather big compromise. Sofia and Moscow will continue to negotiate and are due to sign ten-year gas delivery contracts by the middle of 2011. In Varna, Bulgaria and Russia sealed a roadmap for the South Stream gas pipeline project, which will pump gas to Italy and Austria. While Bulgarias existing has transmission grid will be utilised for the project, it is unknown whether the country will continue to get gas through the pipeline coming from Ukraine.Bulgaria is going to stick to the 2,000 MW Belene nuclear power plant project but it faces going to court with the Russian side unless it manages to find investors, Djankov said. He reiterated government plans to sink no more money into the scheme and not pay the EUR 280 million it owes Russian contractor AtomStroyExport for building the first reactor. Premier Borissov said a European investor for the power station designed to offset the loss in generating capacity at Bulgarias Kozloduy nuclear power facility following the premature closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors should be secured by mid-September.
Source: Dnevnik (19.07.2010)
Bulgaria's PM: No commissions in the construction of Gorna Arda "No consultants and commissions, please!" This was the warning of Bulgaria's PM Boyko Borissov before the signing of a shareholders' agreement between Austria's energy giant EVN and Bulgaria's energy utility NEC over the realization of the Gorna Arda hydro energy project. Borissov arrived on a two-day official visit in Vienna via Rome. "I told my Austrian partners that we'll keep a close eye on the realization of the project. "Austria is the biggest investor for Bulgaria and I hope we all will be working by the rules, as they do in Austria," PM Borissov said. He will insist Bulgarian companies to participate in the construction of "Gorna Arda" as this will ensure jobs to about 5 thousand workers. The first sod of the hydro-energy complex most probably will be done in the beginning of 2012, Burkhard Hofer - executive director of EVN announced. EVN and Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK) signed the contract on the energy facility in the Bulgarian embassy in Vienna. According to the contract EVN will own 70% of the energy company under the same name and NEK will own the rest 30%. In Vienna the PM talked with Austria's President, Heinz Fischer about issues of bilateral interest.The document signed between the Bulgarian National Electrical Company and EVN is a necessary base for the ratification of the memorandum for cooperation between Bulgaria and the province of Lower Austria. The memorandum specifies the commitments the two countries would take on the implementation of the project for the construction of hydro-energy complex. The document was signed by Borissov and the Prime Minister of Lower Austria, Dr Erwin Proll. The document was signed with the highest state official of Lower Austria because the central seat of EVN as well as the larger part of the company's property is situated in that territory.
Source: Standart (20.07.2010)
EVN and NEC to build hydropower plants of 170 MW capacity The National Electricity Company (NEK) and Austrian EVN will apply to the European Commission (EC) in order to be granted subsidies under the Regional Development Programme. These grants will fund infrastructure works linked to the construction of the Gorna Arda hydropower cascade, said yesterday Werner Casagrande, Head of the EVN project in the Rhodope Mountains. A day earlier, a joint-stock agreement was signed for the construction and operation of the cascade between NEK and EVN. The event was attended by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and the delegation headed by him in Vienna. At that time, the Prime Minister commented that construction should begin by the beginning of 2012. The construction of the cascade will not cost more than BGN 500 mln, stated Energy Minister, Traicho Traikov. By holding a 70% stake, EVN remains the only project partner of NEK. Werner Casagrande added that EU subsidies, for which NEK and EVN will apply, will be used for the construction of roads and infrastructure in the region. Currently, the two companies are discussing changes to the technical project for Gorna Arda since it was drafted in the 1980's. The option now is to discuss the construction of two dams - Madan and Ardino - but not three dams as expected. This comes as a result of environmental problems which could easily be inflicted by the construction of the dam of Sarnitsa. Two more hydropower plants (HPP) on the cascade are expected to be built the HPP Beli Izvor (White Spring) at the dam of Madan and HPP Kitnitsa, to be located downstream from the dam of Ardino. The total capacity of the two hydroelectric power stations will be about 170 MW.
Source: Class (21.07.2010)
Bulgaria Wants to Be 1st Operational Link in Nabucco Pipeline The establishing of the Bulgaria-Turkey natural gas pipeline should become the first functioning part of the EU project for the Nabucco pipeline, believes Bulgarias Economy Minister Traikov. Traikov met Tuesday in Vienna with representatives of the senior management of the Austrian company OMV AG, which is one of the partners in the project, and with the CEO of the international project company Nabucco Gas Pipeline International, Reinhard Mitschek. The Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy, and Tourism is in Vienna as part of a delegation led by Bulgarian PM Boyko Borisov. In his talks with OMV and the Nabucco company, Traikov has suggested boosting the efforts to construct a natural gas pipeline connection between Bulgaria and Turkey, which can later become a part of the entire Nabucco pipeline. The realization of this pipeline link will practically turn into a start of the project which is going to provide Bulgaria and the EU as a whole with an access to the gas resources of the Caspian Region and the Middle East, Traikov said. The Austrian experts have presented to him the work of the Central European Gas Hub (CEGH), which is 80% owned by OMV, and discussed opportunities to set up a similar natural gas trade platform in Bulgaria.
Source: Darik Radio (21.07.2010)
Bulgarias Cabinet Supports Nabucco Bulgarias Council of Ministers has decided to approve the agreement on Nabucco gas pipeline project. Two months ago in Turkeys capital Ankara an inter-governmental agreement was signed between the countries, which will take part in the European project - Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Romania and Turkey. With its decision Bulgarias government also supports the agreement between Nabucco Pipeline Bulgaria Company and Nabucco Pipeline International Company. The purpose of such agreements between companies from different countries is to work out the details of the project.
Source: Standart (22.07.2010)
Schistose gas extraction to cost up to $270 per 1,000 cu m Operating costs for the extraction of schistose gas are substantially greater than the costs for the conventional extraction of natural gas, told Klassa experts familiar with the technology. Costs vary between $250 and $270 per 1,000 cu m of gas. Currently, Russian gas to Bulgaria is delivered at a price of nearly $339 per 1000 cu m, including transit costs. As a result, schistose gas will be way more expensive for consumers. The price of schistose gas is substantially greater because of higher production costs, told Klassa Valentin Kanev, Chairman of the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association. American Chevron wants to extract schistose gas in Bulgaria. According to their estimates, the country has around 25 billion cu m of schistose gas. Company officials also stated that this type of gas is significantly more expensive than gas extracted in the conventional manner. According to Chevron estimates, gas reserves in the country are located in northeastern Bulgaria, near the border with Romania. Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov, said that there are at least two companies which want to explore the area for such deposits. According to him, this can bring about a real diversification in gas supplies to the country. He added that merely exploring the deposits would cost hundreds of millions of dollars but it is not certain whether there is any natural gas in the region.
Source: Class (25.07.2010)
Gas prices might drop by 15% as of 1 October Retail gas prices might drop by 15% as of early October this year, Standart Daily reads, quoting an anonymous source from the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). The price cut for household consumption will come as a result of the overall reduction by 4% to 7% in the cost of Russian gas deliveries to Bulgaria, agreed earlier this month. Monitor Daily cites PM Boyko Borisov as saying that Sofia will be purchasing Russian gas for no more than USD 300.
Source: Standart (26.07.2010)
Two US Companies Ready to Build NPP Belene Two US companies have shown readiness to acquire a 40% stake in Bulgaria?s NPP Belene project. This became clear from the statement of Prof. Zahari Zahariev, chairman of the federation for friendship with Russia, as quoted by the Bulgarian news agency, BTA. The professor declined to disclose any details, saying that this could be done by Energy Minister Traycho Traykov. Germanys RWE is also willing to come back to the project, Zahariev went on. To his words, the realization of the project is a matter of political will. According to MP Rumen Petkov, the constriction of NPP Belene will reduce the CO2 emissions by up to 40% and will open job positions for 42,000 people. In addition, when constructed the power plant will bring direct investments to the economy of 2.5 billion euro.
Source: Standart (26.07.2010)
National Electricity Company (NEC) has started to review its investment budget for this year in search of additional BGN 20 million for rehabilitation of main power lines mostly in the ring Burgas-Balchik, announced the executive director of the company Krasimir Parvanov. In recent years it did not build any new kilometer of network, investment costs for repair and maintenance of the distribution network were directed to projects for the construction of Belene NPP and Tsankov Kamak instead of covering activities for the implementation of the basic licensing business of NEC, said Parvanov. The same are the conclusions in the report of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, prepared at the request of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: (27.07.2010)
Sofia Municipality has contracted nearly 5-year deferral of the new obligations of Heat Supply-Sofia, announced the Deputy Mayor for Finance Minko Gerdzhikov. Last week, the Sofia Municipal Council took the company with over BGN 510 million debts. Part of them BGN 214 million had been accumulated before Bulgargaz became part of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), has been already rescheduled to 2017. The new obligations - over BGN 296 million, were accumulated after the end of 2008 and the municipality has negotiated for them 57-month deferral to 2015. The main cause of accumulated debt is low the collection of debts, said Gerdjikov.
Source: Sega (28.07.2010)
Bulgaria invites Greece to partake in the Belene NPP. The Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline postponed until an environmental impact assessment has been drafted Greece may partake in the construction of Belene NPP (Nuclear Power Plant). The news was released yesterday after a joint meeting of the Bulgarian and Greek Governments in the Boyana Residence. Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said that Bulgaria had invited its southern neighbour to buy a minority stake in our second NPP project. His Greek counterpart, George Papandreous, did not reveal more details about the negotiations. Besides Greece, Serbia was invited to partake in the project as well. Serbian officials are considering the opportunity for participation. They are negotiating with the China Development Bank on the necessary funding for the investment in the NPP. The bank expressed an interest in the project after talks with Petar Shkundrich, Minister of Energy and Mining Industry of Serbia, posted the Ukrainian Kiev Post newspaper. Besides its interest in the Belene NPP, Greece continues to support its request for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. We understand Bulgaria's concerns about environmental problems with respect to the construction of the pipeline and we will wait for the international environmental impact assessment in order for the issue to be decided finally, said Papandreous. The document is expected to be ready by February next year, said Borissov. He added that funds are required for the drafting of the assessment. That is why the Government voted an increase in the capital of the Bulgarian company responsible for the pipeline. Last week, Managers from the Trans-Balkan Pipeline company, which owns the pipeline, said that within few months Bulgaria will remit its contribution of nearly 5 mln to the budget of the company. The environment is more precious than the project for both Bulgaria and Greece, stated Borissov. Bulgarian-Greek relations do not revolve around the pipeline alone. We still have several areas of cooperation," said Papandreous.
Source: Class (28.07.2010)
Melrose Finds New Natural Gas Deposits in Bulgaria Natural gas prices in Bulgaria will go down in the fall of 2010 as a result of extraction from three new deposits discovered by UK-based company Melrose resources. The three new natural gas deposits Kaliakra, Kavarna, and Karvana East are located in the very northeast of Bulgaria, in the Black Sea off the Kaliakra Cape. The discovery of the new deposits was announced Wednesday by Bulgarias Economy Minister Traicho Traikov together with the CEO of Melrose David Archer and UK Ambassador to Bulgaria Steve Williams. Archer has pointed out that the new deposits are a real commercial discovery, and that the company will start laying pipes for the extracting of the natural gas in August. The price of the natural gas will be negotiated between Melrose and the Bulgarian government. However, the UK company has made it clear that it will be a lot under USD 300 per 1000 cubic meters of gas, which is the price that the Bulgarian government is currently trying to get from Gazprom, the countrys only natural gas supplier. Our own production will reduce the average price of natural gas in Bulgaria. This will be in addition to the reduction of the price of the Russian natural gas that we may achieve in our talks with Gazprom. The natural gas from these new deposits will be 5%-10% cheaper than the price that we will request from Russia, explained Bulgarias Economy Minister Traikov. The three new deposits discovered by Melrose contain over 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas which will guarantee 20% of Bulgarias annual consumption (20% = 500 million cubic meters) over a period of 6 years.
Source: Darik Radio (29.07.2010)
Natural Gas Deposits in Bulgaria May Lower Its Price on the Home Market by 10% Newly discovered natural gas deposits in Bulgaria may lower its price on the domestic market by ten percent. UK-based company Melrose has discovered three new natural gas deposits - Kaliakra, Kavarna, and Kavarna-Iztok. We have confirmation for over three billion cubic meters of natural gas, which will secure 20% of Bulgarias gas consumption for a period of six years, said Energy Minster Traycho Traykov. Next week, the Council of Ministers will grant Melrose Resources PLC concession rights over the exploitation of the gas deposits, Mr. Traykov said appearing from a meeting with UK Ambassador in Sofia Steve Williams and Melrose CEO David Archer. The deposits capacity has been estimated at 500 million cubic meters of natural gas a year.
Source: Standart (29.07.2010)
Bulgaria on course to split BEH in two The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will most probably be split into two separate holding companies, energy minister Traycho Traykov said Friday. He explained that the first holding company will lump together the Electricity System Operator (ESO) plus transmission system assets, whereas all generating capacities will be bundled in the second one. Traykov pointed out that while there are a few other options on the table, this is the likeliest possibility. At the moment, BEH brings together the countrys main energy assets including national grid operator NEK, state-run gas distributor Bulgargaz, nuclear power plant Kozloduy, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2, coal miner Maritsa East, Bulgartransgaz, telecom operator Bulgartel and the Electricity System Operator. Its assets amount to some EUR 8.5 billion. Traykov said that a small portion of the holding company grouping generation companies could be listed for trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE), but no timescale has been set yet. Last week BEH welcomed a second executive director -- Yordan Georgiev, who previously worked at German consultancy Roland Berger Strategy Consultants. Sources read the appointment as a sign for a future slit-up at the company, with each of the current executive directors to be in charge of a separate group.
Source: Dnevnik (02.08.2010)
EU could finance gas link between Bulgaria, Turkey Construction on the future gas link between Bulgaria and Turkey should be modeled on the Nabucco gas pipeline that will pump gas from central Asia to Europe, Bulgarias energy minister Traycho Traykov said. Presenting his report on the work done by his ministry over the past year, Traykov said that the ministries of economy and foreign affairs have pooled efforts to work towards attaining this goal. He added that the gas link could be financed by a portion of the BGN 200 million the EU gave Bulgaria under the European Economic Recovery Plan. Traykov said the aim is to break ground on the project within one year. The idea was backed by the joint project company Nabucco Gas Pipeline International and EU energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger. At a recent meeting with Nabucco Gas Pipeline International managing director Reinhard Mitschek during an official visit to Austria, Traykov proposed speeding up works on the gas pipeline which will link Bulgaria and Turkey, but there was no response from the other party.
Source: Dnevnik (03.08.2010)
Chiren's Gas Depot to be Upgraded "The upgrade of the gas depot near the town of Chiren will start in a month," Economy Minister Traycho Traykov said. The construction works will be financed with a loan from the European Investment Bank worth 250 million euro. Meanwhile it emerged that the Bulgarian government has opened talks with UK's Melrose Resources PLC, the concessionaire of the already exhausted gas deposit at Cape Galata, over its reconstruction into a gas storage facility. In two weeks it will become clear how exactly the privatization of Bulgartabac Holding will be carried out. The consultancy company has already prepared its report and it is now to be approved by the Privatization Agency. "The privatization of the holding should be completed by the end of this year," Minister Traykov said. "We are working to open a tender for licensing an oil and gas exploration company to probe the Black Sea shelf for deposits of compressed natural gas," he added. "We are calculating the price of compressed natural gas that may be shipped to Bulgaria from Azerbaijan via Georgia," the minister went on. If the deal is found cost-effective, Bulgaria may receive up to 2.5 billion cubic meters of Azeri natural gas a year.
Source: Standart (03.08.2010)
Bulgarias tobacco monopoly Bulgartabac, building firm Montazhi and the state stake in the power distributor majority-owned by Germanys E.ON should be privatised by the end of the year, energy minister Traycho Traykov told Dnevnik. On Wednesday, the government decided to transfer Montazhi from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEG) -- which bundles the countrys top-notch energy assets -- into the State Consolidation Company, through which the Privatisation Agency will sell state assets. The sell-off method for Montazhi has not been determined yet, but the government will certainly offer a majority stake, according to Traykov. He added that a competition will be invited for the selection of a broker for the sale of the state stake in E.ON Bulgaria Networks and E.ON Bulgaria Sales. The government planned to list its 33% stake on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE).
Source: Dnevnik (05.08.2010)
Extraction form Kavarna Deposit to Lower the Price of Natural Gas Bulgarias Cabinet has granted a ten-year concession for the extraction of natural gas to the UK company Melrose Resources, Minister of Economy Traycho Traykov announced. According to minister Traykov, about 250-300 cubic meters of natural gas will be extracted from the Kavarna deposit annually, which is about 10% of Bulgaria's total consumption. Melrose Resources can start the extraction in four months. The Kavarna deposit is located in the Black Sea shelf near the town of Kavarna and has an area of 4.36 square km. It is estimated to have about 773 million cubic meters of gas. The British company will work in two other deposits nearby. The three deposits have supposed total reserve of 3 billion cubic meters of natural gas. Once the three deposits are linked to the respective infrastructure, they can provide about 20% of Bulgaria's annual gas consumption over the next 6 years. The price of Bulgarian gas would be much lower than the one delivered from Russia and as a result the price of natural gas would drop.
Source: Standart (05.08.2010)
Official register f renewable energy projects to be ready in September The national public register of projects for renewable energy sources (RES) is expected to be ready after mid-September, said yesterday for Klassa Nikola Gazdov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association. The register will have a website where everyone will be able to see the most important events in the field of green energy. All projects for facilities, planned to be built in Bulgaria, will enter the register. Besides them, the already installed capacities will also be listed. According to Gazdov, the State owned NEK (National Electricity Company) and ESO (Electricity System Operator) and the private electricity distribution companies - CEZ, EVN and E.ON should also provide information on this type of projects. Information will be requested from the Ministry of Economy, Energy, and Tourism, the Ministries of Agriculture and Environment, and the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. The register will help us decide whether the projects are realistic and which of them could be implemented, explained Gazdov. The map which is to be drafted will show the areas where the electric mains supply is overloaded and the attachment of new capacities is impossible. It is expected the register to provide information on the type of land where the facilities are being build or planned to be built. The system will show what the actual impact of renewable energy sources (RES) on the transmission and distribution grids in the country is and the amount of investments needed for the development of the energy infrastructure in general. Once the register is created and becomes operational, it will be placed at the disposal of the State authorities as well, said Gazdov. He noted that, according to the European Directives, each country had to prepare such a register and to make regular updates.
Source: Class (06.08.2010)
Gazprom: we decide on South Stream, not Borissov, Tadic Serbia and Bulgaria can express their desires about the route of the South Stream gas pipeline project, which will pump gas to Italy and Austria but Gazprom will have the final say, the Russian companys press office told Belgrade-based newspaper Blitz. The comment comes after statements quoted by Bulgarias state-run news agency BTA that Belgrade, through Bulgaria, is attempting to push for moving the pipelines entry into Serbia to Dimitrovgrad from Zaychar as contracted with Russia. In exchange for Bulgarias support for this idea, Serbian president Boris Tadic agreed that the country will participate in the construction of Bulgarias Belene nuclear power project with EUR 350 million, Serbian energy experts say. Russian newspaper Kommersant on Tuesday wrote that Belgrade uses Sofia to get through its view on the pipeline route. Bulgarian prime minister Boyko Borissov and Serbian president Boris Tadic last week announced they had agreed for the pipeline to enter Serbia at a point near Dimitrovgrad. Belgrade is interested in using Dimitrovgrad as thus the pipeline will cross the countrys entire territory. Gazprom argues that this would lengthen the route the raise the projects price tag.
Source: Dnevnik (12.08.2010)
Half of Bulgarias Gas Supply May Come from Azerbaijan Bulgaria may secure as much as 50% of its natural gas consumption with supplies from Azerbaijan. The project may become operational not earlier than in 2013, Bulgartransgaz Director Ivan Drenovichki told the Standart. A meeting of a Bulgarian-Azeri working group was held in the capital, Baku, on Tuesday. The experts discussed the options for shipping compressed natural gas to Bulgaria with the participation of Bulgartransgaz, SOKAR and the Shah Deniz consortium, represented by Statoil, BP and Total. After the construction of the necessary infrastructure, Bulgaria will be receiving two billion cubic meters of natural gas a year.
Source: Standart (13.08.2010)
Bulgaria to sign agreements for gas deliveries with Azerbaijan and Georgia Bulgaria, Georgia and Azerbaijan will sign an agreement for the conduct of a feasibility study on compressed natural gas deliveries to our country by September 24, Ivan Drenovichki, Executive Director of Bulgartransgaz, told Klassa yesterday. According to him, panels of experts from the three countries will meet in Azerbaijans capital Baku on that date. Drenovichki suggested it was possible the meeting to be held in Georgias capital Tbilisi as well. The idea is Azerbaijani gas to be transported across Georgia and shipped to Bulgaria at the Black Sea coast, Bulgartransgaz sources explained. Thus, about 2 billion cubic metres of gas per year could be delivered to our country. For comparison, Bulgarias overall gas consumption stood at some 2.6 billion cubic metres last year. Bulgaria may ask for an extension of the deadline for absorption of the EU funds intended for the construction of a reverse-flow gas connection with Greece, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Marii Kossev told Klassa. The reason for the required extension is that the negotiations between Bulgaria and Greece on the project have not been finalized yet. Half of the stock of the future company, responsible for the construction, will be owned by the Bulgarian Energy Holding, and the other 50% of it will be shared between the Greek company DEPA and Italys Edison. The EU has earmarked 45 mln for the construction of gas pipeline connecting the towns of Komotini and Stara Zagora. The facility will enable our country to receive gas from Azerbaijan or liquefied gas from the terminals in Turkey. According to Kosev, it is not likely the EU to refuse an extension of the deadline for the absorption of these funds. The negotiations are not over yet, because we want to better defend the Bulgarian position in the project, said the Deputy Minister. According to the plan, the construction of the pipeline had to start this summer and be finalized in 2012.
Source: Class (16.08.2010)
HSBC, Rothschild, SocGen vie to advise Belene nuke HSBC, Rothschild & Cie, and Societe Generale made it through to the second phase of the competition for the selection of financial advisors of Bulgarias second nuclear power plant Belene near the Danubian town of the same name, said the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for the nations major energy assets. Six companies showed up for the process, but KPMGMaguire, Argyle and Ernst and Young dropped from the race. The selected company will carry out a financial analysis of the project and study its economic viability. The Ministry of Economys press office told it could not provide a timeframe for selection of an advisor, and noted that building works at the site have been put on hold until completion of the competition.
Source: Dnevnik (20.08.2010)
Gas for the South Stream pipeline is ensured, but for Nabucco - not "The Nabucco gas pipeline, which is supported by the EU, would most likely not materialize because natural gas for it is not ensured," said yesterday Professor Nina Dyulgerova, an expert in international energy security issues. She added that Nabucco was endangered not only because of the lack of natural gas, but also because of Turkmenistan's opposition for supplying fuel and Iran's inability to deliver gas for Nabucco. Another reason for the failure of the project, according Dyulgerova, is a legal case regarding the territories of the Caspian Sea and the unclear financial relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey. "Unlike Nabucco, the Russian South Stream project will be completed, because Gazprom has enough gas," Dyulgerova said. Both planned pipelines are expected to pass through Bulgaria, ensuring the transfer of a total capacity of 94 bn cu m of gas to Europe annually. The capacity of South Stream will be twice as much as that of Nabucco - 63 bn cu m of gas annually. "The advantage of the Russian project is that it will be built on a route agreed between Russia and the other participants in the project rather than by agreements between the transit countries," Dyulgerova said. According Dyulgerova, the Bulgarian Government is deferring its decision on the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline by waiting for the environmental impact assessment. The international EIA is expected to be ready by February next year. "The Government copes well with the complicated situation around the energy projects in the Black Sea region. This is a situation in which the administration has to maintain equally good relations with Moscow, Brussels and Washington," says the professor.
Source: Class (20.08.2010)
Consumer Price of Natural Gas in Bulgaria may Fall by 16% "The consumer price of natural gas in Bulgaria may fall by 16 percent over the next few years, if we start exploiting the gas deposits on our territory," said Valentin Kanev, Chairman of the Bulgarian-Black Sea Oil Association. Sofia should also build gas links to Greece and Turkey, which will give the country access to the so-called 'spot markets' According to Mr. Kanev, if we manage to extract 100 million cubic meters of natural gas a year from the deposits on the Black Sea shelf, the consumer price of natural gas in the country may go down by 1.5%. Bulgaria's total consumption of natural gas varies between 4 and 6 billion cubic meters a year. "If we double the yield, the final price may fall by 2.3%, while an annual yield of half a billion cubic meters of gas will slash its consumer price by 8.2%," Kanev went on. Also, the construction of gas links with Greece and Turkey may trigger a twelve-per-cent drop in the final price of natural gas.
Source: Standart (24.08.2010)
The purchase of gas from Melrose would be top priority for Bulgargaz "The top priority for Bulgargaz would be the purchase of maximum quantities of natural gas from the Scottish company Melrose. Those would be included into the energy mix and lead to a significant reduction of gas prices." This is how Energy Minister, Traycho Traykov, answered the question whether the public supplier would purchase in advance some quantities of blue fuel of the deposit at Melrose near Kavarna. "If we want Bulgargaz to purchase a substantial amount of natural gas from the filed of Melrose, this would involve a larger payment. Even if Bulgargaz faces problems with this, we will find a solution," the Minister promised. The expected annual production of natural gas of the Scottish company from this deposit is around 500 mln cu m. If Bulgargaz starts to purchase the entire extracted quantity of gas, the domestic price will fall by 8.2%, predicted the Balkan and Black Sea Petroleum Association. Provided that the volumes are up to 200 mln cu m - the cost of gas will be by 2.3 % lower. As for the Greek interest in Belene NPP, Traykov commented: "The Greek interest in Belene NPP, as well as the Macedonian, Croatian and Romanian is a matter of principle and it has always existed as an option. No particular interest has been revealed. It always results from a specific proposal." Traykov explained that currently the expected total cost of the Belene NPP would be between 8.5-9.5 bn, depending on the agreed increase (indexation compared to inflation in the EU). The index for raising the NPP price has not been yet negotiated with the Russian side, neither has the construction contract. The Minister specified that presently negotiations with Atomstroyexport were being held on the possible reduction of the project value. "When this happens, the cost of each stake percentage would be estimated and after that offers to investors could be made," said Traykov.
Source: Class (27.08.2010)
Russia seeks to double cost of Bulgarias Belene NPP AtomStroyExports proposal for adjusting the base price for construction of the two reactors in Bulgarias Belene nuclear power project is double the EUR 3.997 billion offer on which the Russian firm was picked over Czech Skoda Alliance, energy minister Traycho Traykov said. The Russian company and Bulgarias state-run power utility NEK are in intensive talks on signing the main contract for the design, construction and commissioning of the 2,000 MW Belene project, which is meant to offset the loss in generating capacity at Bulgarias Kozloduy nuclear power facility following the premature closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors. The preliminary accord inked in early 2008 expires at the end of September, after which the Russian company could seek between EUR 800 million and EUR 1 billion in damages for Bulgarias failure to fulfill its commitments. The main agreement was initially scheduled to be prepared by the middle of 2009 and serve as the basis for the inclusion of German conglomerate RWE. However, Bulgaria and Russia did not forge an agreement within the deadline coordinated with the German firm, which led to its withdrawal from the project, alongside other factors. Traykov said that AtomStroyExport is seeking to adjust the project price tag by between EUR 2.5 billion and EUR 3.5 billion. The reactors base price is set at EUR 4 billion. Traykov expressed his hopes the Russian company will agree on a much smaller adjustment during the ongoing negotiations. He told reporters that the power plant is estimated at EUR 9 billion and the government aims to bring this down.
Source: (27.08.2010)
GDF Suez gears for sale of Bulgarian electricity in region The Romanian unit of energy company GDF Suez has submitted an application for a licence to enter the Bulgarian power market, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) said. The company explained the timing has to do with the pick-up the market is experiencing at the moment, noting that it plans to sell electricity oversees and not in Bulgaria. Plans call for purchasing power from Bulgarian generators and sell it on in Romania, Greece and Turkey. In a report filed with the SEWRC, the French company said it will trade in Bulgarian power through Bucharest-based entity GDF Suez Energy Trading Bulgaria. The new unit is 100%-owned by a Romania-registered company by the same name, which is in turn owned by Belgiums Electrabel. Bulgarias energy watchdog will come up with a decision on the licence application at a closed-doors session on September 13. GDF Suez has submitted with the regulator a business plan by 2014, where it outlines buyout electricity prices of EUR 43 per MWh against a transmission fee of EUR 9.3. However, SEWRC sees this is an unrealistically low price. A company representative said GDF Suez is not interested in the rates at which power sells on Bulgarias regulated market because they would not affect its operations.
Source: Dnevnik (01.09.2010)
Moscow Offers Sofia Financing for Bourgas-Alexandroupolis After offering to finance the construction of Bulgarias NPP Belene, Moscow has now offered to financially secure Sofias participation in the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project. During negotiations between representatives of the Russian and the Bulgarian shareholders in the jointstock company Trans-Balkan Pipeline, Russias Transneft company ha sproposed to finance the realization of the project in full, sources from the Finance Ministry informed. In all probability, Bulgarias Finance Minister Simeon Djankov also attended the negotiations, although this information has not been explicitly confirmed by the finance ministrys press office.
Source: Standart (09.09.2010)
No financial consultant for Belene NPP selected yet The Government has not selected a financial advisor for the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) project yet, Deputy Energy Minister Marii Kosev, told Klassa yesterday. Despite the promises that a consultant would be selected by the end of August, this did not happen. Kosev explained that the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which is responsible for the procedure for the selection of a consultant, is still working in accordance with its plan. The technical proposals of candidates were opened last week and the financial offers will be opened this week, specified Kosev. The candidates for a financial consultant for the Belene project are the banks HSBC, Societe Generale and a consortium led by the bank Rothschild. The consultant will be expected to give proposals for changing the financial model of the project and help in selecting a strategic investor for the NPP. A new round of negotiations for the construction of the Belene NPP with the Russian contractor Atomstroyexport is expected to be held in September. The additional annex to the contract signed with the Russian company expires at the end of the month. Moscow has already sent the necessary documentation for the NPP to the Bulgarian Government. If the contract is not extended, the Russian side could ask to be paid compensations that might amount to 1 bn. In late August, Energy Minister Traicho Traikov stated that Russia had demanded a nearly two-fold increase of the projects price. Atomstroyexport won the tender for the construction of the Belene NPP with its proposal to build two nuclear power units with a capacity of 1000 MW for 3.997 bn. The price of the electricity generated there should not exceed 3.5- 3.7/kWh, the offer also projected.
Source: Class (13.09.2010)
NEK to seek an additional 50 mln for the completion of Tsankov Kamak Hydro Power Plant The Bulgarian National Electricity Company (NEK) is seeking an additional 50 mln loan for the completion of the Hydro Power Plant (HPP) Tsankov Kamak (the Stone of Tsanko), announced yesterday to Klassa NEK's CEO, Krassimir Parvanov. According to him, currently negotiations are being held with experts from Credit Suisse and Bank Austria for the granting of the funds. They even offered us more money than we need. This happened due to the good financial performance of the company from the beginning of the year, stressed Parvanov. For the first six months, NEK reported a profit of BGN 80 mln before taxes. The construction of HPP Tsankov Kamak was delayed by nearly two years because of geological problems encountered in the construction of the dam wall. At the moment, the dam has already been filled with water and it is expected to be put into operation by the end of the year.HPP Tsankov Kamak is expected to have a capacity of 85 MW and, thanks to it, Bulgaria will save around 150 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. Austrian company Alpine Bau and Va Tech Hydro are the investors in the project. After the completion of the hydropower system, Bulgaria has undertaken commitment to sell quotas from the saved emissions to Austria in the course of 16 years. NEK also continues negotiations for the construction of Belene NPP, said Parvanov. According to him, currently NEK's representatives want to sign a new additional agreement to extend the deadline for the construction of a second nuclear power station since the previous contract will expire by the end of the month.
Source: Class (24.09.2010)
Bulgargaz lashes out on watchdog over natural gas tariffs The management of Bulgarias state-run gas supplier Bulgargaz is baffled by the maneuvering the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) is doing to avoid paying out the entire uncollected revenue to the company. Bulgargaz executive director Dimitar Gogov made this statement during an open-doors session of the energy watchdog on the new gas price that should take in from October. The firm requested a 1.36% reduction in the tariff, which was trimmed to 0.96% by the regulator. The watchdogs proposal factors in the companys uncollected revenue for the six months of the year it estimates at BGN 16 million. Bulgargaz, however, pegs the due revenue at BGN 78 million. Our financial reports, which are checked by a licensed auditor, explicitly calculate the indicator and I cant see why SEWRC is disregarding factual figures, Gogov argued. SEWRC chairman Angel Semerdjiev asked Bulgargaz to submit a written statement on the matter. Obviously were going to continue our theoretical bickering over uncollected and overcollected revenue but in other place and other time, he said. In august, SEWRC changed the gas price formation mechanism, where uncollected revenue is based on the difference between the companys revenue and expenses for the review period. Up until then, it was based on the difference between the expenses set by the regulator and actual expenses made by the company.
Source: Dnevnik (29.09.2010)
AtomStroyExport annex expires Bulgaria has still not sealed a fresh agreement with Russian company AtomStroyExport, which was picked contractor for the 2,000 Belene nuclear power project, state-run utility NEK said. The Russian company had agreed to hold on construction works until September 30 until the selection of strategic investor for the project. Experts say there are two possible scenarios for Bulgaria, where it could clinch extension of the delay agreement or be taken to court by AtomStroyExport. A NEK source said the country is keen on the first option but it has yet to win the approval of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the catch-all structure for Bulgarias top-notch energy assets. AtomStroyExport said it will continue honouring its commitments under the annex. Belene was designed to offset the loss in generating capacity at Bulgarias Kozloduy nuclear power facility following the premature closure of two pairs of 440 MW reactors.
Source: Dnevnik (01.10.2010)
NEK to extend its contract with Atomstroyexport The National Electric Company (NEK) has sent a letter to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) demanding an extension of the contract for the construction of the Belene NPP with Russian Atomstroyexport which expired yesterday. A week ago, NEKs Executive Director, Krasimir Parvanov, said for Klassa that negotiations were being held on the signing of a new annex to the contract but did not go into details. The initial contract for the construction of Belene was signed with Atomstroyexport in 2006 with the promise that the NPPs two 1000-megawatt units will be completed by 2013-2014. Construction was estimated at 3.997 bn and the generated electricity was to be sold at 3.5-3.7 per kWh. At present, the Russian side claims more money are needed for the project because of inflation since 2006. The delay in the construction of the generators is a fact. Construction is also costlier. The Government is still looking for European investors in the project after Germanys RWE gave up its participation last year. A new financial consultant on the project is expected to be selected as well in order to help the State in finding a new investor. This was supposed to become clear at the beginning of last month but the procedure was delayed. Currently, the contenders are HSBC and a consortium headed by Rothschild Bank. The Russian side has already explained that they have prepared a legal claim for nearly BGN 2 bn in compensation for the delay in the construction of the Belene NPP.
Source: Class (01.10.2010)
In an interview Ivan Drenovichki, Executive Director of Bulgartransgas, emphasized on the establishment of gas links with Greece, Turkey and Serbia as the companys highest priority. In his words, the new links would secure gas deliveries and create competition on the gas market. At the same time they would provide for the considerable available capacity of the Bulgarian gas transit network only 30% of which is used at present. He explained that it was of Bulgarias interest to establish the links regardless of the major projects Nabucco and South Stream. Drenovichki noted that Bulgartransgas and the Azerbaijani SOCAR, as well as companies from the Shah Deniz consortium were cooperating successfully in the implementation of the project for the transit of compressed natural gas from Azerbaijan via the Black Sea. Drenovichki expressed the opinion that both Nabucco and South Stream were beneficial for Bulgaria and would generate significant income for the country, as Nabucco secured the diversification of deliveries while South Stream of routes. He explained that Bulgarias income from South Stream would be higher compared to Nabucco as South Stream had a greater capacity and Bulgarias share in it is was also bigger.
Source: Standart (04.10.2010)
Construction of the Nabucco pipeline to start in 2012 Construction of the Nabucco pipeline to start in 2012 "The construction of the Nabucco pipeline is expected to start in 2012," said Dimitar Abadzhiev, Nabucco Gas Pipeline Internationals Head of Corporate Affairs, yesterday. He explained for Focus agency that the so-called supporting agreements between the countries and the company owner of the pipe would be signed soon. According to Abadzhiev, various global financial corporations are interested to invest in the construction of the pipeline currently. The facility is expected to cost around 8 bn and Bulgaria has to pay about 350 mln of this amount. Bulgarian Energy Holding, Turkish Botas, Romanian Transgaz, Hungarian MOL, Austrian OMV, and German RWE are shareholders with equal participation in the Nabucco project. Abadzhiev did not exclude the option for a seventh partner to participate in the EU-backed pipeline. "Iraq will be a major supplier of natural gas for the pipeline in the beginning," said the Bulgarian expert. Iraq is expected to supply some 10 bn cu m of gas per year, as of 2015. Another 8 bn cu m per year will most likely come from the Azerbaijani Shah Deniz 2 field, which still is not being exploited. "By 2018, the entire capacity of Nabucco, of 31 bn cu m of gas annually is expected to be achieved. Iraq alone is able to supply completely the pipeline with gas, but the project aims at diversification of the deliveries," said Abadzhiev. Apart from Iraq and Azerbaijan, Egypt will be able to provide natural gas for the pipeline as well. Two supply tubes - one of the Georgian-Turkish and the other on the Iraqi-Turkish borders will be built for the Nabucco pipeline.
Source: Class (04.10.2010)
Bulgaria not to pay a BGN 2 bn penalty for the construction of Belene NPP. The contract has been extended. The contract for the construction of the Belene NPP has been extended by six months, broadcast TV+, quoting sources from the Russian corporation Rosatom. In this way, Bulgaria will be protected from a lawsuit for a penalty of BGN 2 bn which Atomstroyexport was ready to launch had the contract not been extended. JSC Atomstroyexport (JSC ASE) is controlled by the state-owned corporation Rosatom which is the contractor for the construction of the second nuclear power plant in Bulgaria. The last annex for the contract's extension expired at the end of September. The new contract annex is expected to help both parties in their agreement on the project until the end of March 2011. At the end of September, NEK (National Electric Company) sent a letter of inquiry to the Bulgarian Energy Holding SPLTD as to whether the contract's deadline for the plant's construction will be extended. So far, BEH have not sent an official response. Until December, Bulgaria and Russia are expected to agree on the construction costs of the plant. The requirement is that its value should not be altered, regardless of the time its construction will take. In the first quarter of 2011, in turn, the consultant for the selection of the plant's strategic investor will be designated, stated for Klassa sources familiar with the procedure. Afterwards, the consultant will need about a year and a half to propose a company as an investor in the nuclear power facility. Actual construction is expected to begin in the middle of 2012 at the earliest.
Source: Class (11.10.2010)
NEK needs BGN 1.1bn to hook up renewables projects Bulgarias state-owned power utility NEK needs BGN 1.1 billion in grid investments to be able to connect around 2,000 MW of clean energy projects, according to an analysis of the Bulgarian Energy Forum (BEF) commissioned by the company. Under its EU commitments, Bulgaria should source 16% of its gross energy consumption from renewables and boost energy efficiency by 20% by 2020. Weve estimated that NEK will need BGN 1.1 billion to plug in 1,500 MW of wind farms and 500 MW of photovoltaic (PV) power plants, said energy expert Ivan Hinovski. Inquiries have been submitted about available grid capacity for a mind-boggling around 14,000 MW worth of potential wind and PV power plants but just around 2,000 MW of this could be constructed and grid-connected, according to BEF. The 14,000 MW figure includes also people who own a small lawn they want to install a PV system on, Hinovski noted. The energy generated from some renewable sources is intermittent, and experts claim a further 400 MW of hydro power projects will be required as back-up capacity. These facilities have already been established, the experts said. According to the analysis, the government is taking no action at the moment to accelerate the process of increasing Bulgarias energy efficiency. Around BGN 4 billion will be needed to beef up the energy efficiency of 80,000 homes but we cant how this is going to happen by 2020, Hinovski said.
Source: Dnevnik (12.10.2010)
Serbia expects an invitation for the construction of Belene NPP Serbia expects to receive a written proposal by the Bulgarian Government for its involvement in the construction of Belene NPP in the next month and a half, said before BNR (Bulgarian National Radio) Serbian Minister of Mining and Energy Petar Skundric. He confirmed that during his visit to China this summer he had held principle talks with China Development Bank which was interested in investing in the project. It is also expected to finance the Serbian participation. The proposal was made by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during the visit of Serbian President Boris Tadic in August. According to Skundric, the stake of the Serbian side has not yet been specified. Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov said that Belgrade would probably buy a minimum share in the second nuclear power plant. So far, they have revealed only an interest to participate as shareholders in the Belene project. PM Borissov offered to Greece to take part as well, while Minister Traykov is having talks with Western European companies that are expected to show interest in the new facility. Until now, however, none of them has responded to the proposal after the German company RW AG withdrew from the project for the construction of Belene NPP in the middle of last year. The reason for this was the lack of clarity on the project financial structure. Skundric anticipates to receive the proposal from the Bulgarian side until early December. The Bulgarian Government has estimated that the plant's construction will cost between 7-10 bn.
Source: Class (13.10.2010)
Bulgaria Extends NPP Contract with Russian Atomstroyexport Bulgaria has extended by six months the contract with Russian company Atomstroyexport for the construction of stalled Belene NPP, confirming earlier reports. The Bulgarian Energy Holding has extended its Atomstroyexport contract, which expired September 30, by six months, ending March 31, 2011, as reported by There has been persisting unclarity whether the Belene NPP will eventually be constructed, over withdrawal of earlier investor, German RWE, and lack of clear government commitment earlier this summer. The Bulgarian government has of late warmed up on Belene again. This far, the only concrete investment interest has come from Russia, with some suggestions for possible involvement on the part of China too. The Bulgarian government has expressed the wish to attract a European investor.
Source: Darik Radio (13.10.2010)
NPP Belene Contract with Russia Extended The contract between the Bulgarian National Electric Company (NEK) and Russian company Atomstroyexport has been extended by 6 months, Russian agencies informed. The contract which expired on September 30 has been prolonged till March 31, 2011. During this period Russia expects that the selection of a new consultant on the project is finalized in Bulgaria. The consultant is expected to restructure the project and to find new investors, Standart sources state. So far, Serbia shows the strongest desire to buy shares in Belene NPP. In the energy circles it is said that a westen company shows a very serious interest in the project but it still waits for the selection of the new consultant and just then to take an active part in the project.
Source: Standart (14.10.2010)
Gas Price Frozen Till 2011 Spring Price of natural gas won't be raised until the spring of 2011, to the words of Minister of Economy Traycho Traykov. In an interview with the Bulgarian National Radio he stated that thanks to the negotiated decrease in delivery price at which Bulgargas buys natural gas from Russia and local production retail prices would not be raised as of January 1, 2011. Minister Traykov underlined that at today's meeting with Gazprom president Alexey Miller the Bulgarian part would use all possibilities to negotiate a low price in the new contracts for Russian gas supplies. On the other issue of the negotiations - South Stream gas pipeline project, Minister Traykov expects to be reached an agreement for founding a joint company.
Source: Topix (15.10.2010)
RWE and OMV to decide next year on their investments in Nabucco gas pipeline Two of the major shareholders in the Nabucco gas pipeline project - the German RWE and the Austrian OMV postponed for next year their decision on the project's funding, posted The Economist. Both companies had to make public their intentions for investments this month. One of the reasons for the postponement of the decision is Turkey's announcement that the laying of the tubes for the EU-backed gas pipeline will be carried out by Turkish companies. The Nabucco consortium has planned the construction of the tubes to be implemented by REW and OMV. Apart from the two companies, shareholders in the project are also the Bulgarian Energy Holding, the Turkish Botas, the Romanian Transgaz and the Hungarian MOL. Further delay of the project could make Brussels assume more responsibilities for the gas pipeline construction, according to The Economist. A month ago, Nabucco's shareholders launched discussions with EIB, EBRD and the International Finance Corporation for granting of a loan of about 4 bn for the gas pipeline construction. Another problem facing the project is the lack of source of natural gas for the pipeline, explained the edition. In order the project to be launched, at least overall 8 bn cu m of gas should be transited to Europe annually and the basic quantities are expected to come from Azerbaijan. In order the requirement for transit capacity of 31 bn cu m of gas supply to Europe to be fulfilled, more resources will be needed and the best option for this is Turkmenistan, wrote The Economist.
Source: Class (18.10.2010)
Bulgaria Gets Alpine Bau to Knock EUR 10 M Off Hydro Plant Price Austrian company Alpine Bau has agreed to knock off EUR 10 M from the money owed to it by the Bulgarian government for the construction of the much problematic hydro power plant "Tsankov Kamak". The hydro plant in the Rhodope Mountain near the southern town of Devin became notorious after Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov visited the site in March 2010 and expressed his outrage at the fact that a 22-km road to the plant cost the state budget the staggering BGN 220 M. Borisov blamed the former governments, and most notably, the Socialists and the ethnic Turks for using the project to drain money from the state. The outrage of the Borisov government at the situation that it uncovered with respect to state spending on Tsankov Kamak eventually culminated in an investigation and a suit against the leader of the ethnic Turkish party DPS (Movement for Rights and Freedoms) Ahmed Dogan for conflict of interest since Dogan, despite being a MP, was a consultant for Tsankov Kamak and three other similar projects, and received a fee of over BGN 1.5 M. Interestingly, just as the Borisov government haggled with the Austrian construction company, a Bulgarian Court acquitted Dogan of the conflict of interest charges. On Monday, Borisov made his second visit to the site of the hydro plant and met with representatives of Alpine Bau, together with Bulgarian Economy Minister Traicho Traikov and the head of the National Electric Company NEK Krasimir Parvanov. According to Traikov, the Austrian company has agreed to reduce its escalation cost claims by EUR 10 M. Thus, Bulgaria still owes Alpine Bau EUR 20 M in "escalation costs." With Monday's knockoff, the total cost of the Tsankov Kamak, an 80-MW hydro power plant, that Bulgaria is paying Alpine Bau is rounded at EUR 380 M. When the additional expenses of NEK (such as the problematically costly road mentioned above) are factored in, the total price of the project, which was started in 2004, reaches EUR 500 M. NEK CEO Krasimir Parvanov has announced that the state-owned energy company is considering seeking a new loan to finance the payments it has to make to Alpine Bau for Tsankov Kamak because the Austrian company has threatened to file suits over some delays on its part. This is largely the reason the Bulgarian government started "political" negotiations with Alpine Bau over the price. The notoriously expensive hydro power plant is still expected to be started by the end of the year although any revenue that will come from its operation will be insufficient to cover the costs for its construction at least in the years to come. NEK has already gotten an EUR 160 M loan from Credit Suisse for Tsankov Kamak. Since it is said to have been overburdened with investment projects in the past few years, NEK is unable to finance its due payments to Alpine Bau, and has asked its principal, the Bulgarian Energy Holding, to start a tender for a new EUR 50 M loan. Parvanov said NEK has already started preliminary talks for such a loan with Credit Suisse and Bank of Austria but the two banks are said to be "twisting the arms" of the Bulgarian state company by demanding huge interest rates. The NEK CEO said that the company might avoid having to seek a loan to finance Tsankov Kamak if it manages to increase its allowed overdraft from the Bulgarian banks keeping its reserves, and receives up to EUR 250 M that it expects to get from exporting electricity to Turkey starting at the end of 2010.
Source: Darik Radio (19.10.2010)
Faulty Pipes Delay the Start of NPP Kozlody's Reactor 6 Bulgaria will lose up to quarter of a million euros because of some faulty Russian pipes that are part of the safety system of the sixth reactor of NPP Kozloduy. The National Electric Company expected revenues of about 250,000 euros from the export of 160 megawatt-hours of electricity to Turkey in October and November, but this benefit has now been missed, because of the delayed launch of the power reactor. "The export of electricity will be lowered by two-thirds, so as to avoid power insufficiency in Bulgaria," energy and Economy Minister Traycho Traykov said. To his words, the delay has been caused by corroded pipes in the reactor's safety control system. The pipes were supplied by the Russian company Gydropress in 2004 and their warranty expired two years later. Sources from the company said they would do everything possible to supply new pipes by November 15. The power reactor will be operational in three or four weeks, Mr. Traykov said.
Source: Standart (20.10.2010)
Experts to Decide on Belene NPP Safety On Friday, it will become clear if Belene NPP safety will meet the world standards. On Monday, experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency will arrive to Sofia for a second check of the documentation. Last year the Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) returned the project to the designers of Belene NPP to correct some errors and the draft project was submitted to NRA in the spring. By Friday international experts will form an opinion if all observations have been taken into consideration. It is expected that the Nuclear Regulatory Agency to gives a license the State Enterprise for Radioactive Waste for managing units I and II of Kozloduy nuke and thus to start their decommissioning.
Source: Standart (20.10.2010)
Offshore Transactions Become Taxable Ten-percent tax will be levied on all bank transactions of the Bulgarian citizens to offshore zones. This is to apply to payments for services rendered, legal rights, forfeits and damages. This measure will put an end to tax evasion and import of profits to offshore companies. Along with that the amendments to tax code passed in parliament at first reading will facilitate business in the EU. The tax levied on earnings from interest rates, copy and license rights that Bulgarian subsidiaries pay to their mother companies in the EU will be decreased from 10 to 5 percent.
Source: Standart (22.10.2010)
Siemens Invited to Team up on Belene Nuke Construction During his recent one-day working visit to Munich (Bavaria) Bulgarias PM Boiko Borisov had talks with reps of Siemens, one of the key contractors in the project for the second nuclear power plant. It is also possible that the global powerhouse in electronics and electrical engineering will take part in the project as investor. The negotiations are still to be held but Bulgaria showed interest already during the Days of Bulgarian Economy in Munich October 21. Horst Seehofer, Minister-President of Bavaria said he will lend a shoulder to Bulgaria for Schengen entry. Im really impressed by the progress Bulgaria has made. I appreciate and respect the policy your government is pursuing, Seerhofer told Boiko Borisov.
Source: Standart (22.10.2010)
South Stream company to be set until November 15 Until November 15, a Bulgarian-Russian company for the South Stream pipeline will be set up, negotiated the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin during a telephone conversation, informed the Russian government, cited by news agency PRIME-TASS. The joint venture will undertake the development of the techno-economic tasks for the construction of the pipeline. Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding will be shareholders owning equal stakes in the company. It is expected that a Bulgarian will be elected as Chairman of the Company, said a week ago Energy Minister Traicho Traikov. Then, he and Prime Borissov met with the Head of Gazprom Alexey Miller who was on a visit to Bulgaria. Despite the parity participation of both companies in some of the questions, Russia will have the decisive role, said then the Energy Minister. The marine part of South Stream is anticipated to be completed by 2015. Afterwards, a total of 15.6 bn cu m of gas will be transited via our country annually. The entire pipeline is expected to be completed in 2018 and then over 63 bn cu m of gas will be transferred to Europe. In their phone conversation, Borissov and Putin also discussed the Belene NPP project, which according to both PMs marked a positive development at the moment. The contract deadline for the construction of the second nuclear plant was extended until the end of March next year. NEK (National Electric Company) and the Russian Atomstroyexport are anticipated to agree by then on the construction cost of the plant. Within a month, the Bulgarian side should take a political decision on the NPP construction. Before that, representatives of Rosatom and Atomstroyexport are expected to visit our country so that the final cost of the project is negotiated.
Source: Class (22.10.2010)
Missed benefits for NPP Kozloduy are BGN 9 million In the current work schedules the energy system VI unit of NPP Kozloduy will be started on 6 November, said Energy Minister Traycho Traykov. In his words this was made possible after the good effort of Bulgarian and Russian experts. The new drivetrains of the reactors have already been delivered and are being installed. Thanks to the rapid response, expected missed benefits of electricity production by the NPP are only BGN 9 million, said Traykov. Manufacturer of the equipment is the Russian company Hydropress, which is part of the Rosatom corporation. The express replacement of the drivetrains was made possible after a telephone conversation between the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The urgent delivery was required after the location of cracks on half of the tubes in the reactor. Manufacture of such equipment takes up to eight months, but the parts sent to Bulgaria were being built for a Russia's nuclear power plant under construction, Rosatom said. The installation of the equipment is expected that to take about a week.
Source: Class (25.10.2010)
Gazprom agrees to launch feasibility study in Bulgaria Gas giant Gazprom and Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) have sealed a deal to launch the feasibility study of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream natural gas pipeline, Bloomberg said, citing a statement published on the Russian company's website. Gazprom has pledged to carry out the procedure "quickly", the news agency added. The accord follows an arrangement between Sofia and Ankara at the beginning of October to build an inter-connector, which will be part of the European Union-backed Nabucco gas pipeline project. The gas link is intended to ensure the delivery of 2.0 billion cubic metres of gas annually, which will be infused into Bulgaria's existing pipeline system. Thus, from a transit destination, Sofia will become only a deviation of the European project designed to limit EU's dependency on Russian natural gas supplies,
Source: Dnevnik (25.10.2010)
German Company Shows Interest in Belene Nuke An investor from the German free province of Bavaria has stated interest in Bulgaria's project to build a second Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Danube town of Belene, a high-ranking official with the Bavarian Economy Ministry confirms. The Head of the Southeastern and Central Europe Directorate at the Ministry, Martin Grossman, revealed the information for journalists Wednesday, saying it was true Bulgaria approached Bavaria about the NPP, however, the talks were held without a representative of his institution. Grossman declined offering further details, but promised more would be announced when "the time is right." On Monday, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov made it clear Bulgaria has found a strategic foreign investor for Belene's construction. He said that the investor is a company from Bavaria, and that he held talks with the German company in question during his last week's visit to Munich. A day earlier, the Speaker of the Parliament, Tsetska Tsacheva, made the same announcement.
Source: Standart (28.10.2010)
Belene NPP to Cost up to 6.5 Billion Euro The cost of Belene nuke will exceed by 0.5 to 2.5 billion euro the base reference price of the project - 3.997 billion euro. The negotiations with the Russian company have been conducted in that framework as Bulgarias goal is the final price to be close to the lower limit, Minister of Economy Traycho Traykov stated. The base reference price of 3.997 billion euro is written in the contract with Atomstroyexport. The negotiations with a possible German investor in Belene project are still in progress. Including Russia as an investor is also probable, as long as this is strategically and economically profitable to Bulgaria, Minister Traykov said.
Source: Standart (29.10.2010)
Minister Traicho Traikov: The price of Belene NPP may rise with an additional amount of up to 2.5 bn The price of Belene NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) may rise with an additional amount in the range from 0.5 bn up to 2.5 bn, said yesterday Traicho Traikov, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism. The talks between Bulgaria and Russia about the indexation of the project price are currently underway. The final cost of the project is expected to be clear by the end of this year. According to the contract signed in 2006, the construction of the blocks was expected to cost nearly 4 bn. Officials from the Russian Atomstroiexport company which is the project contractor explained early last year that the construction of the two 1000-megawatt reactors would cost more than 6.5 bn. This price does not include the construction of the respective infrastructure needed for the connection of the reactors to the electrical grid which NEK (National Electricity Company) has to build. "The increase in the value of the Belene NPP project depends on the inflation but we will demand the price appreciation to be as small as possible," said Traikov. "The agreed decrease in the natural gas prices this summer, after negotiations with the Russian partners, was an extraordinary event," said the Minister. He added that prices would become even higher. Two days ago, Stanislav Tsigankov, Chief of Gazprom External Economic Activity Department, said that a further reduction in Russian gas prices for Bulgaria would not be made. Our country shows interest in participating in the development and delivery of gas from an offshore field in the Mediterranean. It is located in the Israeli economic zone and is expected to contain substantial volumes of gas. I would like to discuss how Bulgaria, Eastern and Southern Europe will be able to participate in the building of this infrastructure immediately after the discovery is established in order to ensure a new level of energy independence, added Traikov.
Source: Class (29.10.2010)
Bulgaria negotiating cost escalation for Belene NPP Bulgaria is negotiating a fixed cost escalation of EUR 1 billion to EUR 2.5 billion to the price of Belene nuclear power plant with Russian Atomstroyeksport, Economy Minister Traicho Traikov said as quoted by Dnevnik. The country and the Russian company sealed an agreement in 2008 to construct the plant for some EUR 4 billion, with the price to be adjusted to the average inflation rate. The Minister also said that Russia could join the NPP project as an investor if the move is economically and strategically advantageous. At the end of 2009, Russian state-run nuclear company said it was keen to extend a EUR 2 billion loan to Bulgaria to fund the project, bu the country decided not to take the finance, as it is seeking an European investor for the plant after the withdrawal of German RWE. A week earlier, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov stated that the country has already held meetings with potential investors for the NPP in Germany. So far, Serbia is the only party to have shown interest in the project, which is however seeking financial resources in order to take part.
Source: Dnevnik (29.10.2010)
Energy sector still most profitable in Bulgaria Bulgaria's energy industry remains the country's most profitable sector, while segments strongly backed by the government such as transport continue to witness obstacles, according to the earnings reports of state-run companies as at end-June, published on the Ministry of Finance's website. Hospitals reported contradictory figures in the period, while entities under the wing of the Finance and Defence Ministries registered weakened results. State-run power utility NEK booked the highest profit of slightly over BGN 130 million against a loss of BGN 17 million a year earlier. Among the best performers was also Kozloduy nuclear power plant, which saw its profit surge 76% to BGN 42.6 million. The growth was attributed, however, to the deferred costs for spent nuclear fuel disposal, which saved the company BGN 42.6 million. Electricity System Operator (ESO), a subsidiary of NEK, and Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) also reported positive results of BGN 52 million and BGN 104.3 million, respectively. Meanwhile, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 registered a loss of BGN 28.3 million, down 67% on the year, due to lower proceeds from electricity sales. National railway carrier BDZ, the weak spot of the country's transport industry, widened its loss on a consolidated basis by 40% to BGN 62 million. Although its cargo transportation started to increase, underpinned by the recovery in economic activity, it was still below the September 2009 levels. Postal services operator Bulgarian Posts also suffered a BGN 822,000 loss against a positive result of BGN 2.8 million a year earlier, due to a drop in revenue from postal services. Among the Transport Ministry's major entities, Sofia Airport was the only company to preserve last year's profit of BGN 11 million despite the 7% decrease in revenue. Military vehicle repairer Terem-Khan Krum, controlled by the Defence Ministry, broadened its loss for January to September to BGN 3.115 million against BGN 2.38 milion in the same period of 2009. The performance of local state-run hospitals proved to be the most inconsistent, with the hospitals in Ruse, Varna and Sofia's St. Anna reporting negative results.
Source: Dnevnik (02.11.2010)
Bulgarias Economy Minister Turns on Natural Gas Tap From today on, the Bulgarian consumers of natural gas may rely on home supplies, in addition to those from Russia. Economy Minister Traycho Traykov will open a new gas field near the coastal city of Varna at 1 pm today. The exploitation of the natural gas field is carried out by the Melrose Resources Company, which has signed a concession agreement with the Bulgarian Government. Until two years ago, the company was exploiting the Galata gas field at the north coast of Bulgaria. The new gas field is expected to pull down the consumer price of natural gas by about one percent, as Bulgargass expenses on its exploitation are lower than the price of the natural gas supplied from Russia.
Source: Standart (04.11.2010)
No Gas Price Hike in Bulgaria after New Year The price of natural gas in Bulgaria will not increase as of the New Year 2011, stated the director of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov during the symbolic opening of a new gas fields in Kaliakra and Kavarna at the Black Sea. "State-run Bulgargaz is now a competitor of Russian Gazprom, Bulgarias PM Borissov joked when he personally turned on the tap. The local extraction of natural gas guarantees diversification of the market and lower prices, PM Borissov added. The event was attended by Bulgarias Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov, UK Ambassador to Bulgaria Steve Williams and the director of Scottish company Melrose Resources PLC David Archer. The deposits capacity estimated at 400 million cubic meters a year will satisfy 15% of the domestic consumption as the gas deposits will be exhausted no sooner than in 6-7 years.
Source: Standart (05.11.2010)
Steel pipes for South Stream will be made in Kremikovtzi Pipes for South Stream and Nabucco could be made in Kremikovtzi. This option was discussed with representatives of the German Manesman, which is the largest producer of the so-called seamless pipes necessary for the construction of gas pipelines. In case the company is chosen to supply the equipment, it can be done on a site of the steelmaker. Kremikovtzi does not have the required equipment, but the Germans can bring the installations for pipes here and to make only prefabs in the factory. Two Chinese companies will argue for the assets of the plant on auction today. One of the companies is from Shanghai and the other is also Chinese, but its headquarters is in Singapore. They will bid for the production site with starting price of BGN 452 million. Today Kremikovtzi also turned 47 years old. The first five mills in the metallurgical giant were launched on November 5, 1963. This day is celebrated as official holiday of the steelmaker. In the 13th fatal hour of the day it would become clear whether the second attempt to sell the assets of the bankrupt plant would be successful. No candidates appeared at the previous auction on September 13. The price was EUR 565 million but was reduced due to lack of interest. According to trustee Tzvetan Bankov, if there are no candidates now as well, other options would be sought, but the price cannot be reduced further as the funds would not satisfy the claims of creditors. The smelter has debts of over BGN 2 billion. Among them is the state aid of over BNG 700 million, which is not yet recognized by the court.
Source: Standart (05.11.2010)
Bulgaria could export electricity from Belene NPP to Syria "After Bulgaria completes the construction of the second nuclear power plant, Belene NPP could create prerequisites for electricity exports to Syria, where there are shortages of electricity," said yesterday the Bulgarian President Georgi Parvanov after his meeting with his Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad, who is attending Bulgaria. This the first visit of the Syrian Head of State in our country for the last 24 years. According to Parvanov, both sides have been holding negotiations with Turkey and Azerbaijan, with other countries of the Black Sea and Caspian region for the opportunity to be supplied with natural gas and oil. "I think, in the network to be set up, both sides could find common ground and means of interaction," said further Parvanov. Al-Assad pointed out that Bulgaria could become part of the establishment of energy and transport systems of Syria and Turkey. According to him, Syria is currently building strategic relationships with its neighbor Turkey, implementing numerous infrastructure projects. "Why not extend this infrastructure so that it covers Bulgaria which is another neighbour of Turkey," said Al-Assad. The Delegation of the Syrian President also includes the Syrian Minister of Economy and Trade, Lamia Asi, the Chairman of the Syrian-Bulgarian Business Council, Dr.Assef Mohammad Issa and representatives of over 35 Syrian companies. In 2009, the trade turnover between Sofia and Damascus fell by 57% year-on-year. For the first half of 2010, however, nearly 130 % growth was registered in merchandise traffic over the same period of 2009. Syria's share of the total trade volume between Bulgaria and Arab countries was 20.4% for the period . For the first half of 2010, the trade turnover stood at $ 93.1 mln.
Source: Class (10.11.2010)
Ministry of Environment and Water requests a revision of the assessment of the Burgas - Alexandroupolis oil pipeline The Ministry of Environment and Water returned for revision the environmental impact assessment of the Burgas - Alexandroupolis pipeline which has to transport Russian oil. This will practically delay the implementation of the project for an indefinite period of time and will confirm Bulgarias position which is to be stated during the forthcoming visit of Russian PM Vladimir Putin to our country, experts commented to Klassa. Back in September 2009, PM Boyko Borissov stated that the environmental impact assessment for the oil pipeline was not favourable and that our country could withdraw from the project for the transportation of Russian oil through Bulgarian territory from Burgas to the Greek port of Alexandroupolis on the Adriatic coast. There are four reasons why the Supreme Expert Environmental Council returned the assessment. These are that the option for the reloading of oil at dock is deemed inappropriate, but without specifying any reasons, and that there is no assessment on how an oil spill would affect fisheries, mussels farms and tourism. No measures for dealing with oil spills have been specified either. The project assignor - Trans Balkan Pipeline BV - Bulgaria Branch - has two months to deal with these issues. The Ministry of Environment will come up with a decision a month after. If a positive assessment is made, there will be meetings for public discussions with municipalities that could be affected by the construction of the pipeline. The Minister of Environment has to announce his final position 45 days after that.
Source: Class (10.11.2010)
NPP Kozloduy to Receive Second Breath "The management of NPP Kozloduy has taken measures to extend the life-span of nuclear reactors five and six," NPP Kozloduy CEO Kostadin Dimitrov told the national radio. A public procurement tender to analysis and assessment of the reactors' potential will be announced soon. The plant's management is in negotiations with the Russian company TVEL over lower prices of the supplied fresh nuclear fuel. Dimitrov will also ask the state energy regulator to increase by ten percent the quotas of electricity that could be traded freely. At present, 70% of the electricity generated by NPP Kozloduy is traded on the regulated market.
Source: Standart (10.11.2010)
Borissov Tries to Lower Gas Price by 5% during Talks with Putin Bulgaria's PM Boyko Borissov and his team of experts will try to negotiate a five-percent decrease in the price of the Russian natural gas supplied to Bulgaria during their meeting with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. This became clear from a statement of Economy Minister Traycho Traykov. Mr. Putin and is scheduled to pay a working visit to Sofia on Saturday, during which he will be accompanied by Russia's Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, Rosatom President Sergey Kirienko and Russia's Deputy Foreign Minister Vladimir Titov, who held an office as Russian ambassador in Sofia. From Traykov's statement it becomes clear that natural gas price will be one of the priorities on the agenda during the Borissov-Putin talks. As to the possible participation of Serbia and Croatia in NPP Belene project, Traykov said the decisions of Zagreb and Belgrade are to be announced in a few days. Quoting sources from the Serbian government, the Belgrade-based Blitz newspaper wrote Tuesday that Serbia may buy a five-percent share in the nuclear power plant, which will cost between 200 and 350 million euro. According to Croatian PM Ms. Jadranka Kosor, Zagreb will not participate in the NPP Belene project, as it is following its own energy strategy.
Source: Standart (10.11.2010)
Borissov and Putin talk details of the bilateral agreement The Prime Ministers of Russia and Bulgaria, Vladimir Putin and Boyko Borissov, held a third telephone call for the last three weeks, in which they again discussed the implementation of joint energy projects. This was announced by the Russian Government's Spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, quoted by the Russian news agency ITAR-TASS yesterday. The conversation was conducted as soon as the Government decided on the bilateral agreement on the establishment of a Bulgarian-Russian joint venture company between the Bulgarian Energy Holding SPLTD and Gazprom as well as on the shareholders' agreement between the two companies. The new company will operate the Bulgarian section of South Stream gas pipeline, which will transmit overall 63 bn cu m Russian natural gas to Central Europe. According to Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov, the provided signing of the shareholders' agreement for the South Stream and statute of parity company is targeting the implementation of the arrangements at intergovernmental and inter-corporate levels. The majority quota for taking decisions in joint stock company, however, will be determined ultimately during the visit of the Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin on Saturday. On Friday, the Chairman of the Gazprom Management Board, Alexey Miller is also expected to arrive in Bulgaria and perhaps also his Deputy Alexandar Medvedev, who in turn is the CEO of the Gazpromexport LLC. This means that on Saturday talks for price decrease of the Russian natural gas supplied to Bulgaria will be held, both under the existing contract and under the contract for delivery after 2011, predicted Russian sources. In October, Miller agreed with the Bulgarian Energy Holding SPLTD on the Bulgarian transit gas pipeline to Greece to be the basis for the bifurcation of the South Stream to Italy, instead of constructing of a new facility. Yesterday, Traikov indicated that the final decision for investment on the Bulgarian side would be taken as soon as the pre-investment feasibility study is ready, which would determine the profitability degree of the project for Bulgaria. The project value of the pipeline section through our territory stands at about 800-900 mln. The Spokesman of the Russian PM, Peskov explained that in addition to this project, Borissov and Putin also discussed other issues of bilateral co-operation with a view to his upcoming visit.
Source: Class (11.11.2010)
Bulgaria's govt okays South Stream JV creation Three days before the official visit of Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin in Sofia, Bulgaria's government gave the go-ahead to the creation of a joint venture (JV) which will build and operate the Bulgarian section of the South Stream natural gas pipeline. The new business will be registered in Bulgaria and will be controlled on an equal-equity basis by state-held Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Russian gas major Gazprom. The JV's capital will be with a size sufficient to cover the respective stage of the project's development, Energy Minister Traicho Traikov said without revealing whether BEH will provide part of the funds.
Source: Dnevnik (11.11.2010)
Bulgaria has finally dispelled any doubts about its commitment to the Russian-sponsored South Stream gas transit pipeline as the Borisov Cabinet decided to sign a shareholders' agreement with Gazprom for the construction of the project's Bulgarian section. During its regular meeting on Wednesday, the government decided in favor of the setting up of a joint venture with Gazprom for the construction of the Bulgarian route of South Stream. The actual agreement is to be signed during the upcoming visit of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to Sofia on Saturday, November 13, 2010. Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) each will have a share of 50% in the joint venture, which will manage the construction and the operation of the Bulgarian section of South Stream. Last week, the Bulgarian Energy Holding and Gazprom have announced the start of a tender to select a company to carry out a preliminary investment study for the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory. The start of the tender was announced Thursday by the press office of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, a state-owned mega-structure. The long-anticipated first specific step towards the realization of the Russian-sponsored project South Stream came after months of uncertainty about the fate of the project amidst rough talks between the Borisov Cabinet in Bulgaria and the Putin-led leadership in Moscow.
Source: Darik Radio (11.11.2010)
Bulgaria insists on up to 5 bn price for Belene NPP Bulgaria insists on a price of around to 5 bn for Belene NPP, said Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov. According to him, our country would not accept the Russian offer for the construction of 6.3 bn. This was the latest proposal for the final cost of the project, said Russian PM Vladimir Putin during his visit to Bulgaria. In 2006, the Russian company Atomstroyexport won the tender for build a second nuclear power plant in our country. The construction of its two 1,000-megawatt units had to cost 3.997 bn. The Nuclear Regulatory Agency is expected to approve the technical project for the plant by the end of 2010. Minister Traikov added that the consultant for Belene NPP was to be selected yesterday. The name will be announced officially today, Maya Hristova, head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), explained to Klassa. The shortlisted candidates are HSBC bank and a consortium headed by Rothschild Bank. The selected consultant is expected to offer a new option for the financial structuring of the Belene NPP project and to assist in the preparation of a tender for selecting a strategic investor for the plant. Once the consulting company is chosen, the programme for its work will be drafted, said Traikov yesterday. According to his opinion, strategic investors interested in the project would appear when the State announces the proposed parameters of their financial contribution. Preliminary discussions have already been held, on an intergovernmental level, with Serbia and Macedonia, which have been offered minority shares in Belene NPP and they have shown interest, the Minister added.
Source: Class (16.11.2010)
Bulgaria to Profit EUR 1 Billion From South Stream Bulgaria will profit about one billion levs from the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, owing mostly to the economic activity that the project's realization will trigger. This became clear from a statement of Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov during a meeting with representatives of the business. The sum has been calculated on the basis of the new job positions that the realization of the energy project will open, as it includes various side activities such as, for instance, the construction of the necessary infrastructure. In addition, Bulgaria will profit $2.4 billion from transit fees over a period of ten years. At present, Bulgaria makes about 100 million dollars a year from the transit of Russian natural gas to Europe. When it becomes operational, the South Stream pipeline will bring profit of about 300 million dollars a year from transit fees alone, but it should be equally shared by the partners in the project.
Source: Standart (16.11.2010)
Sofia Joins South Stream, Nabucco Is Priority, too Sofia has no intent to limit its energy interests with South Stream and watches carefully the future of the other European gas pipeline - Nabucco, Rossiyskaya Gazeta writes. The visit of PM Vladimir Putin to Sofia and the signing of agreement for founding a Russian-Bulgarian joint stock company for the construction of South Stream gas pipeline and the future of this important to Europe project yesterday were still the main topic in Russian media. Rossiyskaya Gazeta puts an accent on the statement of Alexander Miller - president of the Russian gas giant Gazprom, that currently there is no problem with the financing of South Stream project. Alexander Miller stated on Saturday that Romania could not take the place of Bulgaria in South Stream project any more, but it could join the project on general grounds as one of the partners. Bulgaria might get reduction in gas price and might have majority in the board of directors of the joint company, which will manage the local segment of the pipeline, Russian business daily Vedomosti thinks.
Source: Standart (16.11.2010)
HSBC is the new financial consultant on Belene NPP The British HSBC Bank was selected as financial advisor on the Belene NPP project, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov said yesterday. It won in a competition with a consortium headed by Rothschild Bank. HSBC will replace Deloitte, whose contract for consultancy services was terminated. The consultant is expected to offer a new option for the financial structuring of the Belene NPP project and to assist in the preparation of a tender for selecting a strategic investor for the plant. Traikov commented that the construction of Belene NPP is like a car that is almost ready, but still a quarter of the agreed price should be repaid for the wheels. The supplier tells you that the car will cost 4 bn if it is white and 6.3 bn if it is metallic, but that only metallic vehicles are made. Traikov was adamant that the agreement between the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Gazprom on the South Stream project was in full compliance with EU legislation. According to him, the most sensitive moment in it concerns the access of third parties which are no shareholders in the project to the pipeline. According to the agreement, the joint company will demand derogation from the EU, related to the ability to provide access of third parties to the pipeline. This was stated in the shareholders' agreement, added Traikov. We will demand derogation for the Nabucco pipeline as well, where half of the pipeline capacity is reserved for the shareholders in the project. The problem is that in the intergovernmental agreement of 2008 is stated that the whole capacity will remain for the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Gazprom, said the Minister. Five companies have expressed interest to conduct the feasibility study for the South Stream project, announced officials from BEH. These are Russian Giprogaztsentar, Saipem - a subsidiary of Italian Eni (participant in the South Stream), a consortium between the Ukrainian Yuzhnigiprogaz and the Bulgarian Gastec BG, the British Jacobs Consultancy and the Dutch ILF Consulting Engineers.
Source: Class (17.11.2010)
HSBC to counsel Bulgaria on Belene NPP project Bulgaria has picked UK bank HSBC to advise it on the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) project, Energy Minister Traicho Traikov told. The Minister declined to provide details on the price agreed with the bank, saying only that the UK bank was chosen over Rothschild. Frther information will be disclosed by state-held Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which is the projects' contractor, he added. BEH has so far unveiled no details regarding the consultancy tender, which has been running for almost a year. The nuke plant's construction was put on hold after the withdrawal of the project's strategic investor German RWE in 2009. The Bulgarian government plans to lower its stake in the plant to 20% from the current 51%. The country's Prime Minister Boiko Borisov has repeatedly stated Bulgaria's eagerness to proceed with the plant's construction only after attracting a new European investor.
Source: Dnevnik (17.11.2010)
Bulgaria to Import Electricity if Kozloduy Nuke Stops Bulgaria faces the risk of importing electricity if one of the units of Kozloduy nuke stops for some reason during the winter. There are certain problems with power generating facilities kept as cold reserve in Varna and Bobovdol Thermal Power Plants, GERB MP Valentin Nikolov explained. According to him, these power plants wont be able to substitute even one of the 1000 megawatt units of Kozloduy NPP in case it is switched off. Valentin Nikolov claimed that Bulgarias coal reserves were insufficient. So, in case of any problem in Kozloduy nuke in the winter hydropower plants will have to compensate for deficient power supply. In his words, Bulgaria doesnt face a risk of power restrictions as it could import electricity as Macedonia does, because it doesnt maintain a cold reserve.
Source: Standart (19.11.2010)
NEK, Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP to merge The National Electric Company (NEK) and the state-owned power plants Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP could merge, Valentin Nikolov, MP from GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) and member of the Parliamentary Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism Committee said yesterday. According to him, this is one of the options for restructuring the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) from which the gas operator Bulgartransgaz and the Electricity System Operator (ESO) are expected to be removed by the end of March 2011. The merger will improve NEKs financial situation and will prevent its decapitalisation, Nikolov argued. NEKs operating profit for the first half of 2010 stood at BGN 80 mln. Nikolov specified that attracted capital currently accounts for 70% of NEKs funds and the share of its own capital is 30%. If the proposed merger is approved, the new company, along with ESO, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz, will constitute the future BEH, Nikolov explained, adding that the absurd situation of NEK and Kozloduy NPP competing to sell their electricity on international markets would be avoided. The other option for BEHs restructuring is to separate the companies generating electricity from power distribution utilities. In this case, Kozloduy NPP, Maritsa Iztok Mines and Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP will constitute one structure, while NEK, ESO and Bulgartransgaz will be in another one. Distribution companies might be structured as a directorate under the umbrella of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, said Nikolov. It is not yet clear what will happen to the large hydroelectric power plants owned by NEK. The future of Bulgargaz and Bulgartel is not known either. According to Nikolov, the cold reserve maintained in the Bobov Dol TPP and the Varna HPP is endangered. He specified that less than half of the required 1,000 MW capacity is being maintained there. The cold reserve is switched on in case of problems with any of the power generating capacities in the country in order to ensure electricity supply. According to Nikolov, the maintained reserve is not sufficient and this might turn out to be a problem if one of Kozloduys units stops. In such a case, the large hydroelectric power plants should be used to compensate for the decommissioning of Kozloduys generator. Part of the problem is that the Varna HPP does not have sufficient quantities of coal in stock, the MP said.
Source: Class (19.11.2010)
Bulgaria may add Kozloduy NPP, Maritsa East 2 to NEK's structure Bulgaria considers merging Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP) and coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 into state-run power utility NEK, which will be in turn pulled out from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), Valentin Nikolov of the ruling GERB party said on Thursday. The reshuffle is aimed at making NEK a more competitive company, Nikolov, who is also a member of the parliament's energy committee, said. Sofia and Brussels are currently talking over two possible scenarios concerning the holding's restructuring. Apart from the integration of Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa East 2 to NEK's structure, affiliated companies Bulgartransgaz and Electricity System Operator could be united into a single entity controlled directly by the Economy Ministry. That way, Bulgaria will seek to meet the requirements of the EU's third energy package, which will come into force by March 2011. Meanwhile, the fate of the other entities part of the holding is still unclear. BEH was created in 2008 to group the assets of the country's Kozloduy NPP, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, NEK and ESO, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines. Bulgaria unveiled its decision to shut BEH in August 2009.
Source: Dnevnik (19.11.2010)
NEKs estimates of electricity consumption exaggerated for the sake of the Belene NPP project It is not certain whether there will be a market for the electricity generated at Belene NPP, energy expert Professor Plamen Tsvetanov said yesterday before the conference of the Association of Bulgarian Energy Agencies to be held in Plovdiv. He explained that the National Electric Company (NEK) had deliberately exaggerated its forecasts for electricity consumption in the region for the next 15 years. The aim was to justify the construction of the Belene NPP, specified Tsvetanov. According to the expert, Bulgarias new energy strategy is full of manipulations, one of them being that our countrys industry is 0.79 times more energy-consuming than the average level for other EU countries. Compared to Turkey, Bulgarias industry consumes 4 times more energy, explained Tsvetanov. Another problem of Bulgarias energy policy is improving our energy security and the countrys dependence on external supplies should be known for this purpose. According to Tsvetanov, Bulgaria is dependent for 48% of the fuel supply for domestic power plants because we import Russian deliveries for the Kozloduy NPP. According to him, our national sovereignty was betrayed by the sale of Bulgarian energy utilities to foreign companies. There are also problems related to the modernisation of the countrys power grid where NEK has not invested any money over the last 10 years, while the funds were used on building the Tsankov Kamak Hydro Power System and the Belene NPP. A similar stance was voiced some time ago by NEKs Executive Director Krassimir Parvanov, who admitted that NEK had been operating without a business plan, while its proceeds were pumped into the construction of these facilities. NEK has used part of the 250 mln loan from the French BNP Paribas to complete the construction of Tsankov Kamak. The energy strategy which is being prepared now does not mention the modernisation of existing facilities in the country. According to Tsvetanov, it is not necessary to build new plants because it is not clear whether they will be competitive compared to those already existing in the region.
Source: Class (23.11.2010)
Serbia confirms willingness to join Belene nuke project Serbia has officially declared its eagerness to participate in the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) project, Bulgaria's government press office said on Tuesday. In a letter to Bulgarian counterpart Prime Minister Boiko Borisov, Serbia's Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic has requested further information on the project, stating the state would decide whether to be one of Belene's investors after becoming familiar with the documentation. Borisov has ordered the Economy Ministry to shortly send Serbia the required papers, according to the statement. Bulgaria has been on the lookout for a new strategic partner for the nuclear plant for over a year, following the withdrawal of German RWE. In 2009, the company gave up its 49% stake in the project after the government announced plans to reduce its 51% holding in the plant.
Source: Dnevnik (24.11.2010)
Austria Shows Interest in Bulgaria's Nuclear Plant Project Austrian companies have shown interest in taking part in the project to build a second Bulgarian Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Danube town of Belene. The information was reported Tuesday by Dr. Michael Angerer, Commercial Counsellor with Austrian Embassy in Bulgaria, during a conference dedicated to the competitiveness of Bulgaria's economy. Austrian businesses can become subcontracts in the construction, Angerer said, adding Austria is very interested and follows closely the development of the nuclear energy sector in countries such as the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia and Bulgaria. According to the Austrian diplomat, the fact the new NPP will use secure standards is of major importance to Austrian investors. In conclusion, Angerer reiterated the Austrian interest in participating in the development of Bulgaria's energy sector.
Source: (24.11.2010)
Bulgaria okays BEH, Poseidon JV creation Bulgaria's government has given the greenlight to the creation of a joint venture between Bulgarian Energy Holding and IGI Poseidon, which will build, own and operate the interconnection gas link between the two countries. Speculations on the stretch's construction emerged in early 2008, when Russian gas deliveries through Ukraine to the EU were suspended, with Bulgaria suffering the most severe gas shortages due to the lack of alternative routes. For that reason, Brussels agreed to grant Bulgaria EUR 45 million under the European Energy Recovery Programme to build the link. The 168.5-kilometre gas route linking Dimitrovgrad, Haskovo and Komotini is valued at a total EUR 117 million, with Sofia and Athens to provide EUR 36 million each to the project. The pipeline, expected to ensure alternative gas deliveries to Bulgaria from the Caspian area and the Middle East, should be moved into investment phase by the end of 2011. The country also considers building inter-connectors with other neighbouring countries, including Romania, Turkey and Serbia.
Source: Dnevnik (25.11.2010)
Serbia Prepared to Invest in Belene Nuke Serbia has officially stated its interest in becoming one of the investors in Bulgaria's project to build a second Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in the Danube town of Belene. The official letter was sent to Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, from his Serbian counterpart, Mirko Cvetcovic. In the letter, Cvetkovic voices the desire of the Serbian Energy Ministry to examine the documentation on the NPP. After that the Serbian side is to make the final decision on the country's participation. Borisov has ordered the Bulgarian Economy and Energy Ministry to provide the requested information ASAP.
Source: Standart (25.11.2010)
Only Long-Term Energy Export Contracts Make Belene Cost-Effective " The construction of Belene, Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant, at Belene will be cost-effective only if long-term power export contracts are sealed , according to a report of the National Electric Company NEK that has based its 10-year business plan on these calculations. The news came from NEK CEO Dimcho Kanev who broke it at the Bulgarian Economic Forum. If the 2000-MW Belene plant is completed, by 2020 Bulgaria's electricity consumption will be secured, and the country will have free quantities of electricity for exports, says a NEK analysis presented at the Bulgarian Economic Forum in Sofia on Thursday. One of the scenarios described in the report says that Bulgaria's energy consumption will not change over the next 10 years because improvements in energy efficiency; another scenario says that it might grow by about 1.4% annually, which means it could reach 42 billion kW/h by 2020. At the same time, if the Belene NPP is completed by that date, Bulgaria will be producing about 52 billion of kW/h per year, meaning that 10 billion kW/h could be exported. Recently Serbian Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic and Energy Minister Petar Skundric have declared Serbia's interest in holding a 10-percent share in Bulgaria's second nuclear power. However, on second thought they decided that Participation in Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant at Belene will be unfeasible for Serbia, according to an article of Serbian newspaper Politika.
Source: Standart (26.11.2010)
Nabucco Pours EUR 400 M in Bulgaria's Economy Bulgaria's economy will gain about 400 million euro in direct investments from the construction of Nabucco gas pipeline through its territory. The project will open several hundred jobs during the construction works and another one thousand indirectly. Apart from that, Bulgaria will profit from the revenues in the budget from tax and fees and the profit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding which is a shareholder with 16,66%, informed Christian Dolezal, spokesperson of consortium Nabucco Gas Pipeline International. It is expected that the first contracts with the gas suppliers from Nabucco be signed by the middle of 2011. Nabucco gas pipeline will start operating in 2015.
Source: Standart (26.11.2010)
Russian Gambit for Belene A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. This saying should be kept in mind by all politicians who are to conduct important and tough negotiations, the outcome of which could cost billions. Tomorrow, Sofia and Moscow are to con duct hard talks over the construction price of Bulgarias second NPP in the Danube town of Belene. The Bulgarian delegation will try to lower the initial construction price set by Russia during tomorrows meeting with Rosatom CEO Sergey Kirienko. Thursday, he told Bulgarian journalists in Moscow that it was almost impossible to bring down the power plants construction costs below 6.4 billion euro, but the calculations of the Bulgarian experts have shown otherwise. For Russia Belene project is not just a construction work that has to be completed and respectively paid. This nuclear plant in Bulgaria is much more important - it would be Russias presentation card in the European Union after the democratic changes in the Eastern Bloc and the upturn of nuclear energy. Because of that the Russians will insist the project be implemented by all means; even if they have to yield and agree to a lower price. Bulgarias premier Boyko Borissov has repeatedly voiced the desire of this country to have the cheapest and safest nuclear power plant and it was confirmed again during the meeting with Vladimir Putin on November 13 in Sofia. Bulgaria will have to negotiate the final price as soon as possible, experts maintain. If the agreement is inked during the visit of Sergey Kirienko in Sofia this Tuesday the project will at last have a green light. Thus potential investors will be able to finalize all calculations and the funds for the construction of the new NPP will be found at last.
Source: Standart (29.11.2010)
Bulgaria could lose EU funding on cross-border pipelines - report Bulgaria could lose EU funding allocated for the construction of cross-border pipelines with neighbouring countries unless the country speeds up the projects' execution, Vladimir Uruchev, member of the European People's Party, said as quoted by news agency BTA. "I appeal to companies selected to implement the projects to do everything necessary in the rest of the year in order to retain the funds provided by the European Union," Uruchev told an international conference in Thessaloniki. The construction of the interconnection gas links were given strong impetus after the gas crisis in the winter of 2009. Bulgaria was also granted European funds as part of the financial and economy recovery plan, which was agreed last year, Uruchev noted. Recently, the EU adopted a directive concerning measures to safeguard security of natural gas supply. Under the mechanism, each member state should ensure continuous gas deliveries to consumers even in the event of a supply disruption at the single largest gas infrastructure, which will result in the creation of a sole EU gas infrastructure, transporting gas in both directions on cross-border interconnections. Earlier this week, Bulgaria gave the go-ahead to a joint venture with Greece, which will build and operate a gas pipeline connecting the two countries. Meanwhile, Brussels agreed to grant Bulgaria EUR 45 million under the European Energy Recovery Programme to build the link, while another EUR 10 million were earmarked for the gas pipeline with Romania.
Source: Dnevnik (29.11.2010)
Finnish and French Investors Join Belene Project Bulgarians and Russians made a breakthrough on Belene nuke project negotiations in Sofia yesterday. Although the situation was defined as dead-end by both sides because of the dispute on the fixed price of the project, PM Boyko Borissov and Rosatom chief Sergey Kiriyenko found a solution. The way out is a memorandum - signed late afternoon yesterday - for establishing a project company on Belene NPP. Its members include Bulgaria, Rosatom and two new investors - the French Altran Technologies and Finland Corporation Fortum. Thus the apple of discord - the fixed price of the nuke project - will be negotiated by the investors in the project company. According to the Russians the price could not drop below 6.3 billion euro. We made a mistake with the price of Belene NPP, Rosatom president Sergei Kiriyenko admitted yesterday morning. The surprising statement came after an ultimatum made by PM Borissov who said he would sit at the table for negotiations if Mr. Kiriyenko admitted that the 4 billion euro price for Belene was not realistic when the contract with the National Electric Company was signed. Initially Mr. Kiriyenko refused to comment on the statement of PM Borissov but after minutes he stated that at the signing of the contract with Atomstroyexport for the contractor of the project was made a mistake inclusive on behalf of the Russian side. The mistake was made with the writing down of a price of 4 billion euro without specifying how the inflation rates in the different countries where the equipment would be made would influence the price. Thanks to this mistake the Belene project was seriously delayed. A bit later the Minister of Economy and Energy aired the names of the investors. The names were confirmed by Kiriyenko. To his words, initially Bulgaria will keep its majority share of 51% in the new company. He asked for 43% of the shares for Rosatom. The other two investors will at first hold 1% each and the memorandum will explicitly state that at a later stage it would be possible that they could increase their share. The project company would remain open for new investors like Serbia for instance which is likely to obtain between 5 and 10% of the project. Currently negotiations are held with four or five potential investors. Kiriyenko repeated the Russians' offer to cover all the initial financing of the project. Within four months the main issues on the creation of the project company would be clarified. It is expected that Belene NPP will start operating in 2016.
Source: Standart (01.12.2010)
Bulgaria before Brussels: Nabucco Guarantee Outside the State Budget Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov asked the European institutions that the figures of the bank guarantee that Bulgaria would provide for the construction of Nabucco gas pipeline would not be included in the calculations of Bulgaria's budget deficit. "If we now provide a guarantee of 2 billion euro, the budget deficit will immediately exceed 3 billion," Borissov explained at the inauguration of the Energy without Borders forum. He also said he believed the implementation of the project could be attempted at more accelerated rates. Later the managing director of the international company Nabucco Pipeline International, Reinhardt Mitschek said that indeed the project share holders, Bulgaria among them, would have to provide bank guarantees for its implementation. The sum would, however, reportedly vary between 1.7 and 2 billion euro depending on the stage of the project implementation. The highest of guarantees is expected in 2015 when the first gas is planned to start flowing in through the pipe. Then with the profit from the pipe, the construction costs will be gradually covered and the sums on the guarantees will lower till diminishing. "I am sure all countries will be able to provide the bank guarantees," Mitschek said.
Source: Standart (01.12.2010)
Bulgaria, Greece to Have Full Gas Interconnection 2013 Bulgaria and Greece have signed Tuesday a contract for interconnection of their natural gas networks that must be built by 2013, announced Bulgarian Minister of Energy Traicho Traikov. Speaking after the "Energy without Frontiers" forum held in Sofia, Traikov said that an agreement has been concluded between the Bulgarian Energy Holding and the Greek company IGI Poseidon. Each of the two companies will have a 50% share of the project, which is estimated at EUR 160 mln, 45 of which come from EU funds. "This is an important step forward toward the actual diversification of gas supplies for Bulgaria," said the Minister of Energy and Economy. He vowed that the first amounts of gas will flow in the interconnection pipe early 2013. The connection will run between Haskovo in Bulgaria and Greece's Komotini. Earlier at the "Energy without Frontiers" forum it was announced that Bulgaria and Romania are now ready for the road map for a similar gas network link (between the cities of Russe and Giurgiu). The project, sealed between Bulgartransgaz and Romanian Transgaz must enter its investment phase by the end of 2010. The EU has planned a total of EUR 8.9 mln within its European Energy Program for Recovery for the project. A further EUR 11 mln has to be invested by Bulgartransgaz. The Bulgaria-Romania interconnection is designed to be 23.8 km long and to have a maximum capacity of 1.5 bln cubic meters of natural gas each year.
Source: (01.12.2010)
NPP Belene Deal Is like a Cat in a Bag How much does a nuclear power plant cost? Only experts could answer this question after serious calculations. And even if the plants price is counted in billions, it is hard to imagine that anybody would miscalculate it by two billion levs. Potential investors in Belene NPP are asking themselves if a mistake inflating the price of an investment project by as much as 50% has been made only by chance. This question is also important to the Bulgarian taxpayers, who might have to pay off huge compensations if the deal collapses. On Tuesday, PM Boyko Borissov blamed his predecessor Sergey Stanishev and President Georgi Parvanov for having signed a contract pinning the plants price at 3.997 billion levs which, Borissov says, is too much. The real price of the plant is hidden in the inflation index, which has not been specified in the deal. This became clear from a statement of Rosatom President Sergey Kiriyenko. "We made a mistake not specifying the inflation rate which should be taken into consideration when calculating the projects final price, he said. It is still a moot question, however, whether this was a premeditated mistake. Be as may, but it will cost the investors of the second Bulgarian nuke over 2 billion euro, comment investment experts They mean 6.298 billion, a sum that was mentioned in the memorandum on the construction of Belene. The price is not final and is a subject for further discussions between the investors. However, such raise of costs is detrimental to any project, because when a decision is taken to build something every participant in the project is supposed to have made preliminary calculations and figured out when investment pay off and profits, reaped. So if at a certain point the projects price rockets everyone would start pondering whether it is worthwhile to keep on.
Source: Standart (02.12.2010)
We Have Only Cleared the Table for Belene NPP Traycho Traykov, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Mr. Traykov, has Bulgaria benefited from the signed memorandum on Belene NPP? - We can hardly use the word benefit to describe the effect of Tuesdays memorandum. Rather, it provided a good starting point of the negotiations on deal. In fact what we have now is the two sides agreement as regards the principles for the establishment of a joint company for the implementation of the Belene project. However, this is still not a real agreement on the establishment of such a company. Second, the memorandum clearly states that Sofia will hold the golden share in the future joint company and third, two big European companies have already shown interest in the project and will most probably become part of the process of its realization. The question about drawing in other possible investors remains open for the time being. In a nutshell, the memorandum has provided a good road map, but no particular decision on the project has been reached yet. - Bulgaria keeps its majority stake in Belene, but will possible new investors in the project, such as Fortum, Altran and some Serbian companies, be allowed to acquire shares in the power plant? - After the Tuesday negotiations the expectations are that the Russian side will cover the costs. The memorandum was published yesterday night on the front page of the Council of Ministers website, so you probably saw that Bulgaria once again has confirmed that it insists on the majority stake in the project. - What share should Bulgaria hold in the Belene NPP project to guarantee that it will be profitable for the country? - If Belene doesnt yield money it wont be built at all. Otherwise it would be madness to start this project. I think that all shareholders follow this logic. Of course, we consider it from many aspects, but the commercial profit is the key argument we have to bear in mind. - What were the Bulgarian trumps during the negotiations and do we have any other up a sleeve? - The actual negotiations have not started yet. So far we have just cleared the table for further talks. We have at least to know the results of the consultants work on the HSBS project to form a clear opinion about the projects cost effectiveness and the relative price of each stake. This will give potential investors a better idea about the overall layouts.
Source: Standart (02.12.2010)
RES Act might be ready in November 2011 The Renewable and Alternative Energy Sources and Biofuels Act will not be adopted earlier than November 2011, predicted Kostadinka Todorova, adviser to the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism at a conference dubbed "Photovoltaics in Bulgaria - Prospects for Solar Development''. Bulgaria had to have an effective document by December 5, said Niklola Gazdov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association. The country is already in breach of EU requirements. The penalties for each postponement vary between 250 and 610 a day, while the lump-sum fine could reach 770,000, pointed out Todorova. The current draft law is creating administrative impediments. It provides for 11 months of waiting for permission for accession, said also Todorova. By the end of 2010 (in the last ten years alone), the PV industry will reach 38 GW installed capacity in Europe. In Bulgaria, its industrial output is expected to be 15-20 MW, which is very low, announced Pieterjan Vanbuggenhout, Business Analyst at the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA). If administrative barriers are not abolished, Bulgaria will not be able to develop its potential of 700 MW by 2014 and will only reach a 300 MW capacity. Technological developments and the cost rise of conventional power after 2013 will reduce the price of solar electricity and its levelling with that from other sources. Effectiveness will increase over 22%, while costs could reach 9-12 eurocents per Kwh.
Source: Class (07.12.2010)
Bulgaria's Largest Thermal Power Plant under Investigation The second biggest energy company in Bulgaria, the Maritsa East 2 Thermal Power Plant, is under investigation for law violations, according to Plovdiv's Regional Prosecutor's Office. The violations have allegedly cost millions of Euro to the Bulgarian state. A reason for the investigation is reportedly the deal between Maritsa East 2 and the Japanese company Mitsui, which should have rehabilitated the plant's 4 older power units. Due to a delay in Mitsui's work, though, the plants former executives had to pay a EUR 8 M forfeit. Maritsa East 2 is the largest thermal power plant in the Balkans. It has a total installed capacity of 1,465 MW and generates 30 % of Bulgaria's electricity. Maritsa East -2 consists of eight generating units, two of which are equipped with flue gas desulphurization plants. Maritsa East 2 is wholly state-owned. It is a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: (07.12.2010)
Austrian EVN to become owner of the Gorna Arda HPC Within 4 months, the Austrian EVN company expects to receive a 70% stake of the Gorna Arda hydropower complex (HPC), said yesterday Jorg Sollfelner, Regional Manager at EVN. He explained that the shares of the Turkish CCG Insaat Sanayi Ytirim Ve Turizm AS have not been transferred to EVN yet. The company is the successor to the bankrupt Ceylan Holding which participated with NEK (National Electricity Company) in the Gorna Arda HPC. The Turkish company has to transfer its share to EVN and, later, the Austrians are expected to raise the capital of Gorna Arda, in order to reduce the participation of NEK to 30%. The construction of the cascade is expected to cost less than 500 mln. At present, we are negotiating with the public provider on the redrafting of the project of the cascade in order for less concrete to be used, said Sollfelner. EVN's proposal is for the construction of only 2 dams - "Madan" and "Ardino, and for the Sarnitsa dam not to be built. By November next year, the co-generation unit in the Central-North TPP (Thermo-electric Power Plant) of EVN DHC (District Heating Company) Plovdiv should be completed, promised experts from the company. EVN owns the electrical grid in south-eastern Bulgaria as well. Some BGN 100 mln will be invested in the new unit and the contract on the gas supply has already been signed with Bulgargaz. The Austrian company plans to invest the amount of BGN 113 mln in its electrical grid next year. The company has resources to increase its investment by BGN 100-130 mln, if the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission approves its program.
Source: Class (08.12.2010)
Macedonia Invests EUR 400 M in NPP Belene According to information of the Bulgarian news agency BTA, Macedonia has expressed readiness to invest 350 or 400 million euro in the construction of Bulgarias NPP Belene. The author of the publication quotes a statement of Prof. Atanasko Tunevski, who is part of a working group of energy experts with the Macedonian government. Tunevskis statement comes after Bulgarias ambassador in Skopje officially extended an invitation to the Macedonian authorities to join in the realization of the strategic energy project. As the power plants construction is expected to coast about 6.3 billion euro, Macedonias share will be 6.5% of the ventures capital. According to Prof. Tunevski, Macedonias participation in NPP Belene is a good opportunity, because the investment could be returned in 13 or 14 years. However, Tunevskis colleague, Prof. Konstantin Dimitrov said that Macedonia had better construct its own nuclear power plant rather than pour money in Bulgarias second one.
Source: Standart (09.12.2010)
NEK owes BGN 60 mln to Kozloduy NPP The National Electric Company (NEK) owes BGN 60 mln to the Kozloduy nuclear power plant," announced the companys Executive Director, Krassimir Parvanov. According to him, repayment of the debt by September 2011 has already been agreed with Kozloduy. Parvanov added that by the end of October 2010 the companys profit amounted to BGN 150 mln (before payment of due taxes) while during the same month of last year, losses amounted to almost BGN 14 mln. NEK expects to post BGN 130 mln in profits for 2010. About 20% of this profit comes from export of electricity. NEK believes it will export 7.5 billion kWh of electricity by the end of 2010 and 500 MW to Turkey by the end of March 2011. Trade has slowed down due to a technical problem. NEK has receivables amounting to BGN 246 mln from the Kremikovtzi steel mill, from Chimco of Vratza and the cast iron factory in Ihtiman. The company reported a 14% drop in electricity consumption from the power utilities supplying energy to households. Nevertheless, electricity consumption is expected to increase by 1.5% as a whole in 2010 and by some 5-8% in 2011. NEKs total liabilities, which stood at BGN 1 bn in the summer, decreased considerably. The Tsankov Kamak hydro power plant is to be commissioned at the end of March 2011. The plant is currently operating in trial mode and its final price will be 540 mln. "NEK will invest BGN 27 mln next year for the consolidation of Belene NPPs site. Experts from Russia will visit Bulgaria this week to hold negotiations on the price of Belene," added Parvanov. According to him, our country wants to retain its majority stake in the project with a 20% contribution in kind the investments made so far. NEK projects to invest BGN 130 mln in rehabilitation of its network next year.
Source: Class (13.12.2010)
Sofia, Moscow Wrap up Deal on South Stream JV Sofia and Moscow have finalized the deal on the establishment of 50/50 joint stock company that will design, build and operate the Bulgarian section of the future South Stream gas pipeline. "Russian gas giant Gazprom has received a 50% stake in South Stream Bulgaria, the joint venture operating the Bulgarian sector of the South Stream pipeline project, which will pump gas to Southern and Central Europe," Moscow-based news agency RIA Novosti said, quoting a Gazprom statement. The South Stream, a joint project of Gazprom and Italy's Eni, is expected to carry 63 billion cubic metres of Russian natural gas per year under the Black Sea to Europe, starting in 2015. Bulgaria has already shortlisted five candidates to conduct a feasibility study for the section of the South Stream gas pipeline on its territory. The feasibility study is expected to be completed in February or March of next year and will form the basis for taking the final investment decision. Gazprom said last month it expects the cost of the South Stream gas pipeline to reach around 15.5 billion euro ($20.5 billion) calculated at current prices.
Source: Standart (17.12.2010)
Bulgaria Might Kill Burgas-Alexandroupolis Pipeline by Not Paying Dues Bulgaria has failed to pay the EUR 6 M that it owes as its contribution to the joint project company with Greece and Russia, which is supposed to construct the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline. Even though at the last meeting in Amsterdam of the shareholders of the Trans-Balkan Pipeline company, the joint Bulgarian-Greek-Russian venture that should construct and manage the pipe, the Bulgarian government pledged to pay its dues by December 15, 2010, it has failed to do so, revealed Mikhail Barkov, Vice President of the Russian oil company Transneft. "They did not keep their word, and they are jeopardizing the entire project. This is a fact," Barkov stated making it clear that the failure of the Bulgarian government to make its financial contribution could result in the freezing of the pipe. He revealed that as a result Greece has made the payment of its own contribution to the joint project company conditional on the payment by the Bulgarian government. (Darik)
Source: Dnevnik (17.12.2010)
Finish Investors Backtrack on Belene The Finish company Fortum Corporation, which joined in Bulgaria's NPP Belene project as an investor, has now reported it will not take more than one per cent of the plant. This becomes clear from a statement of Mr. Tapio Kuula, President and CEO of Fortum Corporation, quoted by the Russian e-issue This is a serious backtrack from the company's initial intention to acquire up to 25% of Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant. Fortum Corporation, together with France's Altran technologies, signed a memorandum with Bulgaria's energy utility NEC and Russia's Rosatom on November 30, 2010 in Sofia, according to which the two companies take a commitment to acquire at least one per cent of Belene's shares initially, while at a later stage their share could grow up to 25%, at the expense of the Russian or the Bulgarian share in the plant, while the French company's share could increase to five per cent. Initially, Bulgaria's share in the plant will be 51% and Russia's - 47%.
Source: Standart (22.12.2010)
Wikileaks: RWE was apprehensive about the safety of NPP Belene German company RWE gave up on its involvement in the construction of the Belene NPP because of its apprehensions about the safety of the nuclear plant, high costs, financial problems, as well as doubts that Bulgarians will not work in conformity with European labour practises, stated a secret report of former U.S. ambassador to Bulgaria, Nancy McEldowney, circulated by the WikiLeaks website and quoted by The Guardian Daily. The document was meant for Richard Morningstar, US Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy. The Belene NPP project itself could incur further costs for Bulgaria in the long run, explained McEldowney in the report. She said that construction works on the NPP continued despite the experts' apprehensions on the safety and quality of the facility. RWE was selected by NEK (National Electricity Company) as a strategic investor in the project and would have received a 49% stake but, subsequently, withdrew due to funding problems. The company's involvement in such a discredited project, which "was reeking of suspicious transactions", even before RWE had purchased its share, could have injured its reputation. The document published by Wikileaks posted that, in 2009, everyone was in great haste to launch the construction of the NPP and for RWE to remain involved in the project. The German company was kept in the dark on most technical problems concerning the plant. At that time, experts expressed "serious concerns" about the plant, should construction safety practises continue be neglected. The information about the project was also not disclosed completely to the Bulgarian side, said to McEldowney Galina Tosheva, former head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). According to her, our country was persuaded to receive a Russian loan of 3,8 bn for the construction of the NPP. She explained that she expected Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin to "dictate the lending terms and conditions directly to former Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev". Yesterday, Tosheva was unavailable for comment.
Source: Class (22.12.2010)
Serbia's participation in Belene nuke project lacks action Serbia's participation in the construction of Bulgaria's Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) has not been brought into action so far, the country's environment minister Oliver Dulic said as quoted by news agency Beta. The country's participation in the project has been subject to more discussions by media than by the government, Dulic said in an interview, adding that Serbia should not embark on building nuke plants before utilising all renewable energy sources available. According to the minister, the state also needs to examine options to cover its power deficit with the help of green energy, as he sees a huge potential in power generation from biomass and water. Dulic further noted that the ministry would be against the use of nuclear power in Serbia before all renewable energy alternatives were not put into use. Serbia's energy minister Petar Skundric has repeatedly confirmed Belgrade's willingness to join the Belene project, expecting Bulgaria to present a study on the facility's construction. In late November, Bulgaria sealed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the creation of a project company for the nuke plant. Under the agreement, Bulgarian utility Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK) will hold a majority stake in the project, Russian State Atomic Energy Corp (Rosatom) will control up to 40%, while Finnish energy company Fortum Oyj and French technology consultancy Altran Technologies will each own 1%.
Source: Dnevnik (28.12.2010)
Bulgargaz to post a loss of BGN 30 mln for 2010 Bulgargaz will post a loss of over BGN 30 mln for 2010, the companys Executive Director Dimitar Gogov said yesterday. According to him, this is mainly due to the heavy regulations imposed by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). The company has a lot of receivables, most of them from the central heating utility in Sofia. According to Gogov, the liabilities of the Sofia company have tripled since the beginning of the heating season and stand at BGN 100 mln. If the company continues to accrue debts as it has until now, in the middle of the winter, the gas supply to Sofia might be stopped, Gogov stated. Bulgargaz will hold a meeting with the new managers of the company at the beginning of next week. The public gas supplier will limit today the supply of natural gas to Shumen because of its problems with the local central heating company whose liabilities to Bulgargaz amount to BGN 15.5 mln. In the last two months alone, its debts totaled BGN 2.3 mln. The workers of the network operator Bulgartransgaz were not allowed yesterday to stop the gas supply only to the Shumen central heating utility. Therefore, it will be limited from the gas station near the town. This could affect fuel supplies to the four private companies in the region the gas distribution company Black Sea Technology Company, and the private companies Tesy, Contax and Uspeh Metalprint SSB. This will happen if the Shumen central heating utility does not stop using the gas intended for other companies, said Gogov. According to him, the gas supply will be limited to the necessary quantities of fuel for the private companies with the exception of the heating utility. Bulgargaz is not a bank and cannot credit the operation of other companies, stated Gogov. He added that Bulgargaz had waited for the heating utility to remit its first instalment, as pursuant to the agreement with the Municipality of Shumen from end-November, but this has not happened. The gas supplier is ready to resume regular gas supplies only if the heating utility pays at least BGN 2.3 mln.
Source: Class (30.12.2010)
Bulgargaz and Sofia Municipality to renegotiate Central Heating Utilitys debt "The management of the Sofia Central Heating Utility, Sofia municipality and Bulgargaz will hold a meeting to negotiate a deferral of the heating company's liabilities to the gas supplier," Stoyan Tsvetanov, Executive Director of the heating utility, said for Focus agency yesterday. He reminded that the company had liabilities of almost BGN 500 mln and another BGN 100 mln in overdue payments to Bulgargaz. Tsvetanov expects the heating utility's losses for 2010 to exceed BGN 16 mln. The main reason for this is that the company sells the heating energy below cost. As of January 1, the price of the central heating in Sofia decreased by 5.1%. "The reduction is certainly in favour of consumers and they will feel it in their bills for January," said Tsvetanov. According to him, the new prices of the heating energy will result in losses to the company but they will be acceptable. Currently, the customers of the Sofia Central Heating Utility owe about BGN 260 mln to the company, out of which BGN 230 mln is the debt of households and BGN 30 mln - of businesses and organisations. Tsvetanov specified that outstanding bills of BGN 15,000 were being paid to the utility every day but this happened only after lawsuits. Tsvetanov added that 80% of the company's receivables were accounted for by about 60,000 of its clients. The company is expected to present its new business plan to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Company this month. It will project investment in cogeneration capacities which will contribute to the cheapening of the heating energy for the residents of the capital. "One of the biggest challenges facing the company is the reduction of losses along its network. The decision for the funding of these investments will be made by the company's owner Sofia Municipality," said Tsvetanov. According to him, money can be attracted by borrowing low-interest loans and through public and private partnerships.
Source: Class (03.01.2011)
Serbia Willing to Join Bulgaria's Belene NPP Serbia is in favor of participating in the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant in Bulgaria, the country's Deputy Prime Minister Bozidar Djelic said. He has pointed out that the increased number of high-level meetings between Bulgarian and Serbian officials is a solid proof that the two countries are important partners with common interests with regard to nuclear energy, the South Stream gas pipeline and the Danube Strategy. "If a contract is to be signed on Belene, Serbia will be in favor of the project. However, we still need more information about the technological and economical details," Djelic said. On Monday, Serbia's participation in the project to build a second Bulgarian nuclear power plant located in Belene was declared unfeasible by Serbia's Environment Minister, Oliver Dulic who, added that Serbia should not commit to NPPs before using all renewable energy sources and their huge potential.
Source: Darik Radio (03.01.2011)
Sofia Central Heating Utility to pay BGN 90 mln to Bulgargaz By mid-February, the Sofia Central Heating Utility will pay about 90% of its BGN 100 mln debt to Bulgargaz, it became known after a meeting between Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova with the Executive Director of the heating company Stoyan Tsvetanov and the head of Bulgargaz, Dimitar Gogov. Mr. Tsvetanov assured us that within about 40 days, some 90% of the BGN 100 mln I told you about at the end of 2010 would be repaid. For us, this is a guarantee that we shall be able to cover our liabilities to our suppliers. The greatest consumer and client of Bulgargaz should get this credit of confidence and should, of course, honour it, said Gogov. Legal proceedings are the only mechanism for collecting the outstanding receivables of the Sofia Central Heating Utility, said the companys Executive Director Stoyan Tsvetanov. He added that he had pledged to double the efforts regarding non-prompt payers. Some BGN 14-14.5 million under overdue bills was collected from consumers last year following court proceedings. The expectations are that this amount will increase this year. According to Tsvetanov, the company expects to get about BGN 50 mln from sale of electricity from its cogeneration capacities by February 10. We can guarantee the heating season to the residents of the capital, said Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova. I am grateful to Mr Tsvetanov and Mr. Gogov, and especially to the new management of the heating utility, who work during the holidays in order to ensure the repayment of the outstanding debt for 2010 until mid-February, which in turn will allow Bulgargaz to provide regular supplies for the entire heating season, commented Fandakova. The new management of the Sofia Central Heating Utility has important tasks to collect its receivables and mobilize additional efforts but the important thing is that an agreement has been reached and we can reassure people, added Fandakova. The heating utilities in Burgas, Vratsa and Pleven are the ones with the biggest problems with the payment of their current liabilities - Bulgargaz has to receive anywhere between BGN 5 mln and BGN 6 mln. The heating company in Shumen has the greatest liabilities to Bulgargaz, said its Executive Director Dimitar Gogov. If the heating company tells us that it will pay 90% of its BGN 15 mln debt in 40 days, you must be certain that our attitude to it will be the same as to the Sofia Central Heating Utility, he said. According to Gogov, if the indebted heating companies do not pay their liabilities to Bulgargaz, it will not be able to supply gas for lack of funds to buy the fuel with.
Source: Class (04.01.2011)
Chinese Investors Eye Bulgaria's NPP Belene Chinese companies have shown interest in investing in Bulgaria's energy sector, sources from the Council of Ministers said. Representatives of China's state electric utility have had talks with Finance Minister Simeon Djankov and Economy Minister Traycho Traykov, during which they said they were interested in investing in some of Bulgaria's major and not so major energy projects. Well-informed sources told the Standart that the guests from Beijing were mostly interested in Bulgaria's NPP Belene project.
Source: Standart (11.01.2011)
China Eyes Kozloduy NPP A delegation of the Chinese Energy Corporation has visited the Kozloduy NPP, the Standart learnt. The visit took place after a meeting they had this week with Bulgarias Deputy Prime Minister, Simeon Djankov and the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traycho Traykov when the Chinese declared their interest in the Bulgarian energy sector. According to sources from the Kozloduy NPP, the Chinese delegation talked with the nuclear power plants management and were made familiar with the plants history, its contemporary status, the recent large-scale modernization of the functioning 5th and 6th units and the prospects of the Kozloduy NPP. On their part, the Chinese invited the management of the Kozloduy NPP to visit China and get acquainted with the experience and capacity of the corporation.
Source: Standart (14.01.2011)
Bulgaria Starts Electricity Export to Turkey April The National Electric Company (NEK) will start the export of power to Turkey as of April. Sources of the Electricity System Operator confirmed that Turkish power distribution system would be harmonized with the Bulgarian one in about two months. This is the last obstacle before the start of electricity export from Bulgaria to Turkey, which was supposed to start end-2010. Meanwhile, the Turkish national electric company published a report, according to which, the power consumption in Turkey will increase by between 5% and 7.5% year-on-year till 2019. Thus, even in 2016, Turkey will face a serious shortage of power, which increases Bulgaria's chances to get better revenues from power export, Bulgaria energy experts reckon.
Source: Standart (14.01.2011)
Bulgaria's Largest Coal Mining Company to Invest BGN 88 M in 2011 Bulgaria's largest coal mining company - Maritsa Iztok Mines EAD has announced a massive investment plan for 2011, after in 2010, and especially in the last quarter, it registered record output and profits. The state-owned company, which is part of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, a government energy megastructure, plans to invest a total of EUR 88.2 mln in expanding and modernizing its production in 2011. The investment program is designed for an output of 27 250 000 metric tons of coal in 2011, after in 2010 the company planned to produce 25 000 000 metric tons of coal, but completed the year with an output of 26 090 853 metric tons, surpassing its planned production by 4%. Its 2010 production was 2 013 728 metric tons more than the amount of coal extracted in 2009. The largest coal quarry in Bulgaria Troyanovo 1, which last year registered its highest output since 1960, with a total of 8.62 million metric tons of coal extracted in 2010, surpassing the 2007 record of 8.95 million metric tons, is the absolutely priority in the investment program, with the planned construction of a new loading terminal in order to secure the lignite coal supplies for the AES Galabovo Thermal Power Plant, an investment of the American energy giant AES, which is part of the Maritsa East 1 TPP complex, with a capacity of 670 MW. The Maritsa Iztok Mines will also invest big in the modernization and rehabilitation of its equipment, new facilities at the Troyanovo 3 quarry, new geological surveys and strengthening the existing earthworks. "The Mini Maritsa Iztok (Maritsa East Mines) company faces big challenges in the new year but we take them to stand for incentives for our proactive work with the other partners of ours in the Maritsa East I TPP complex. We will work to guarantee Bulgaria's energy independence," said Todor Todorov, CEO of the Maritsa Iztok Mines EAD.
Source: Dnevnik (17.01.2011)
Metals Prices Endear Belene Project This week a new cycle of negotiations on Belene NPP project with representatives of the Russian Rossatom Corporation is at hand, reported in a parliamentary discussion Krassimir Parvanov, CEO of the National Electrical Company. To him, the final cost of the project will be clear after all the 150 items on activities and resources concerning the nuclear power plant are discussed. Parvanov confessed that lately the NPP project cost has been increasing as a result of the constant growth of prices of metals. Bulgaria's Minister of Economy, Traycho Traykov said that negotiations on expert level with the Russian side continue. To his words, if Bulgaria's final decision would be to drop off Belene NPP, the options for constructing the eighth and seventh units of Kozlduy remain.
Source: Standart (19.01.2011)
NEK to raise electricity prices by 4-5% for convenience National Electricity Company (NEK) will request a 4-5% rise in electricity prices as of early July this year, executive director Krasimir Parvanov told MPs yesterday, saying higher prices would provide for the financial convenience of the company. NEK planned BGN 219 million in investments this year - 50% up on levels back in 2010. The electricity price hike of 1 July 2010 had already boosted NEKs revenues by 30%, Parvanov said. In his words, utility providers CEZ, E.On and EVN would shortly follow suit in claiming higher prices as of July, though they had not yet agreed on a percentage.
Source: Trud (19.01.2011)
Management of Bulgaria's energy firms in poor condition - CDR Management of state energy companies and large projects in Bulgaria's power continues to be impeded by corruption, poor management and regulators' idleness, which in turn affects taxpayers and hinders the country's energy security, according to a report of the Centre for Democracy Research (CDR), presented on Tuesday. According to the study, energy companies lack basic accounting norms and control, which threatens the financial stability of companies such as power grid operator NEK and gas monopoly Bulgargaz. The two entities are still under risk of bankruptcy despite the introduced cost reductions, the think-tank stated. Furthermore, management responsibility is divided between various structures, but it is still not clear which authority is responsible for state-owned companies -- the energy ministry, the Bulgarian Energy Holding or their management teams. As much as 56% of energy procurement orders in 2008 and 2009 were carried out without any real competition due to political pressure. Along with the contracts signed irrespective of the required procedure, the escape from market competition in the sector appears to be "a rule rather than exception", the CDR noted. The CDR also considers that nuclear power plant Belene is a project combining all vicious practices in the sector and in state companies' management for the last 20 years. According to the think-tank, Belene is grounded on misleading forecasts, with its final price seen to reach between EUR 10 billion and EUR 12 billion.
Source: Dnevnik (19.01.2011)
Bulgaria, Japan to co-operate in smart grids development Bulgaria and Japan have agreed to co-operate in the development of the so-called smart grids, Bulgaria's Economy Ministry said on Monday. Smart grids provide for the utilisation of unused energy by returning it back to the distribution network and could also be used by electric vehicles. During his visit to Japan, Traicho Traikov, Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister, met with representatives of consumer electronics maker Toshiba Corp, which confirmed its decision to build a solar park near the southeastern city of Yambol. The company will build a facility with a capacity of 10 MW worth EUR 37.6 million, Toshiba's executive head, Norio Sasaki, told Traikov, dismissing earlier reports of Japanese daily Nikkei that the investment would make up EUR 1.2 billion. Toshiba has also made a commitment to state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH) to help it with the feasibility studies on key infrastructure and also agreed on co-operation in energy production from thermal, hydro, nuclear and other sources.
Source: Dnevnik (25.01.2011)
Bulgaria to be supplied with natural gas without intermediaries as of 2013 Bulgaria will be supplied with Russian natural gas without intermediaries as of 2013, reported yesterday the Russian Vedomosti business daily, citing the press release of Russian Gazprom. Both parties have agreed on direct deliveries after negotiations held in Moscow between Bulgargaz' Head, Dimitar Gogov, and Gazprom's CEO, Alexey Miller. Currently, three companies - Overgas, Wintershall and Gazprom - supply natural gas to Bulgaria. All three companies are linked to Gazprom, while the Government's purpose is to sign a new contract with only one company considered a subsidiary of the Russian giant Gazprom Export. By the end of 2012, current gas supply contracts will expire. Afterwards, a new contract is expected to enter into force. The document itself is anticipated to be signed by the end of June this year, announced Gazprom. At present, our country purchases from Gazprom-associated companies around 70% of the needed natural gas, reminded Vedomosti. Last year, the concern supplied to Bulgargaz 2.6 billion cu m of gas. The remaining quantities are extracted by the Scottish company Melrose Resources in the Black Sea near Kavarna. During the summer, a reduction of 5%-7% in Russian fuel prices was agreed until the end of 2012. During the current negotiations, Gogov and Miller also discussed the implementation of the South Stream gas pipeline project, announced Gazprom headquarters. Both expressed the opinion that due to the increasing demand for natural gas in Europe, the project must be implemented. It is expected, that the gas conduit will pass along the bottom of the Black Sea and will connect the Russian and Bulgarian coasts. On our territory, the tube fork. Its northern section will continue to Serbia, Hungary and Austria, and the southern branch will extend to Greece and Italy. Initially, the conduit will transmit 15.6 billion cu m of natural gas and, subsequently, it will transfer 64 billion cu m. The first deliveries are scheduled for the end of 2015. According to expert estimates, the project will cost 15.5 bn.
Source: Class (27.01.2011)
Gazprom, Bulgargaz to switch to direct gas deliveries in 2013 Russia's gas major Gazprom and Bulgarian state-run gas supplier Bulgargaz have discussed options for gradual transition to direct gas deliveries in 2013, according to a statement by the Russian company cited by RIA Novosti. At a meeting in Moscow held on January 26, Gazprom CEO, Alexey Miller, and Bulgargaz executive head, Dimitar Gogov, also talked over the joint projects of the two companies, the news agency added. The Russian company expects Bulgargaz to seal a gas delivery contract with its subsidiary Gazprom Export on June 30, 2011, which will provide for the elimination of intermediaries from the supply chain, as the unit is fully-owned by Gazprom. Should the new agreement be signed, the company will start delivering gas to Bulgaria in January 2013. By that time, the country will continue to get gas from Gazprom Export and the other two intermediaries, Overgas and Wintershall. Bulgaria purchases some 70% of its gas from Russia. According to Gazprom's preliminary estimates, Russia exported 2.6 billion cu m of gas to Bulgaria in 2010 against 2.4 billion a year earlier.
Source: Dnevnik (27.01.2011)
Russian Inter Rao seeks EUR 300m loan to buy Enel's Bulgarian plant Russia's energy giant Inter RAO is seeking to borrow EUR 300 million to fund its planned acquisition of a 73% stake in Bulgarian Marista Iztok 3 (East) thermal power plant from Italian utility company Enel. The company's shareholders will meet on 21 February to discuss the proposed loan agreements with Russian lenders Sberbank, Gazprombank and VTB. Apart from the Russian company, Enel was also in talks US investment fund Contour Global for the sale of its Bulgarian unit, the news agency added.
Source: Dnevnik (28.01.2011)
One-third of the activities connected with the construction of Belene nuke will be assigned to Bulgarian companies, deputy chief of the Construction Department of Belene NPP Valeriy Ryabenko announced. Thanks to this measure hundreds of millions of euros will be poured in Bulgarian economy, it became clear at a seminar organized by the contractor of the project Russian company Atomstroyexport. About 10,000 people will be hired for the construction of Belene nuke. Currently there is no nuclear power plant construction site in the world at such high level, expertise from German Company Wolfel shows. The expertise writes that in Belen project has been registered the high seismic activity in the region and has been matched with technologies for active and passive safety.
Source: Standart (07.02.2011)
Rosatom could exit Belene nuclear plant project Russian nuclear power engineering company Atomstroyexport has advised its owner, state power corporation Rosatom, to drop Bulgaria's Belene nuclear power project, French daily La Tribune reported, citing a letter that Atomstroyexport sent to its parent. Rosatom told it would not comment on the letter as it was an internal document and the company was yet to decide whether to exit the project. The proposed withdrawal would be considered a possibility only if Rosatom failed to sign its 12th consecutive agreement with Bulgaria, the company said. Earlier on Monday, Atomstroyexport said in a statement to Bulgarian media that it would proceed with the construction works on the project. "After signing the necessary contracts, Atomstroyexport will be ready to start building the Belene power plant in 2011," the company's vice president, Gennady Tepkyan, said.
Source: Dnevnik (08.02.2011)
The French 'Areva' to extend a loan of 1.5 bn for the construction of Belene NPP The French and German export credit agencies (ECAs), Coface and Hermes could extend a loan of 1.5 bn for the construction of Belene NPP, stated yesterday before Klassa anonymous sources. The bid was placed by the French company Areva last Friday during a workshop on the construction of the nuke plant. This tender was submitted to Deputy Energy Minister Marii Kosev. The information on the offer was not denied by the Ministry of Economy and Energy after an inquiry made by Klassa. Besides this loan, so far bids on the project funding have been placed by the Russian side. Rosatom is willing to invest overall 2 bn in the construction of Belene NPP against the acquisition of a stake in the nuke plant which subsequently might be reduced. In fact, the funds deposited so far by NEK (National Electricity Company) reaching over BGN 1 bn will be added to the total assets amount of the future construction project of Belene NPP. The China Development Bank has also expressed interest in investing in the construction of a second NPP some time ago. According to the initially contracted price, the Belene NPP construction is expected to cost 4 bn but because of the recent project delay, the Russian side insists now that the construction of both blocks should cost not less than 6.3 bn. The project contractor is the Russian Atomstroyexport JSC (ASE).
Source: Class (09.02.2011)
Electricity to be traded in real time At the electricity spot market, transactions can be concluded mainly one hour to one day before the actual supply, wrote The Electricity System Operator (ESO) is envisaged to play a leading role in the organisation of this kind of market, as it is aware of the availability and consumption of electricity at any moment and with the surplus (deficit) and options for redirecting them accordingly. This is the model intended to begin operation in Bulgaria within a few months. The Energy Exchange being organized by ESO will be the place for conclusion of spot market transactions, said Executive Director of the Sofia Commodity Exchange (SCE) Simeon Elazarov. Producers and traders of electricity (some companies combine both) currently being designated as primarily the three electricity distribution companies (EVN, E. ON, CEZ), the National Electricity Company (NEK) and some electric power plants will submit their bids in a given day in order to be considered the next one. The sellers' offers will contain the quantity of electricity that can be sold (for the next day), the actual time of supply and price of electricity. Since the current estimates indicate that the aggregate amount of electricity ordered by purchasers will be much higher than that total amount offered, in practice, the bid will be carried out on the principle of the open auction," considered Simeon Elazarov. On its part, ESO will coordinate these supplies technically, i.e. depending on the capacity of the electricity grid in order to be avoided overloading of a certain transmission line at a given moment. The next day, during the course of the auction itself, the purchasers will bid on each newly-filed offer submitted by the sellers. Upon opening the Energy Exchange, electricity will be sold at the maximum offered price reached during the auction and not at the so-called single spot price for a given period of time (hour or several hours) which represents the "equilibrium" price for that period. As it might be expected, the electricity price at peak hours of the day will be the highest, and at night - the lowest.
Source: Class (09.02.2011)
Research of South Stream Layout to Be Launched The research of South Stream gas pipeline layout is to start in two weeks. Yesterday, a commission composed by representatives of Gazprom and Bulgarian Energy Holding had a meeting in Moscow and chose as executor of the technological and economic grounds of the project between Gastec BG and Yuzhniyprogas. The agreement on the preliminary study will be signed tomorrow in Sofia.
Source: Standart (10.02.2011)
Belene - Interests and Pretence Sergey Kondratiev - nuclear energy expert The construction of Belene NPP will allow Bulgaria to preserve its positions in the energy system of the Balkans, will increase electricity export for neighbouring countries (Turkey, Greece, Serbia), will guarantee the stable economic development in the coming decades. The nuclear plant will render considerable contribution to the growth of Bulgarian economy even before the first nuclear unit is put into operation, through awarding contracts to local companies (the total amount of such contracts may reach up to 30% of the project's cost) and recruiting local work force. The last factor is especially significant bearing in mind the rather sluggish rates of recovery the Bulgarian economy makes after the world economic crisis 2008-2009. Sofia's withdrawal from implementation of the project will lead to significant changes in the energy production system of the whole of the Balkans and the strategic initiative in this sphere will soon after be transferred to Romania and Turkey who have been actively developing their energy systems (including via implementing projects in the nuclear sector). In this case, Bulgaria will have to import electricity from its neighbors and increase the import of natural gas so as to boost the output of its thermo-electric plants. As a result, consumer prices of electricity in Bulgaria will hike, which will have a very negative effect on the country's economy and will make it less attractive to foreign investors. Presently, consumer prices of electricity in Bulgaria are 30% lower than that in its neighbors. In the last years Russia made great efforts the implementation of the project to move to a practical level. However, at the moment this project is not so important to Moscow ? in the last couple of years Rosatom managed to reach certain diversification in its portfolio with offers for construction of nuclear power plants and has signed contracts with China, India, Vietnam, Turkey and other countries. Now Bulgaria is more interested in the construction of Belene nuke, because prolonging the delay or withdrawal from the project would cause serious losses to the economy (including Bulgaria would have to pay damages to Rosatom). Turning to the other participants in the project (Areva and Westinghouse) would raise the costs of the project, not to speak that should be reopened the long process of coordination and negotiations, which practically turns Belene nuke project in unrealizable.
Source: Standart (10.02.2011)
A consortium to examine Bulgarias route for the South Stream gas conduit Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) entrusted the study of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas conduit to a consortium, including the companies YuzhniiGiproGaz, based in Donetsk, Ukraine and Bulgarias Gastec BG, Gazprom announced, quoted by RIA Novosti. The South Stream pipeline will reduce the dependence on gas supplies from transit countries like the Ukraine. Part of the conduit will pass under the Black Sea in Turkish territorial waters and will link the Russian and the Bulgarian coast. The pipeline will be about 900 km long and its maximum depth - more than 2 km. In 2010, Moscow and Sofia signed a road map, Gazprom reminded. The gas pipeline should be commissioned in 2015.
Source: Class (10.02.2011)
Nobody Wins if Belene NPP Gets Sabotaged The perspectives are "vague" for the Russian nuclear giant Rosatom to receive damages pay from Bulgaria for political sabotage of the intergovernmental agreements on the construction of Belene NPP. In the end of last year in Sofia definite concords were reached on Belene and literally on the next day these were cancelled through political statements made by Sofia. Rosatom has almost given up trying to provoke Bulgaria's state leadership into adequate steps towards the construction of the nuclear plant "For Russia as represented by Rosatom, it would be more suitable economically to withdraw from the project and get the penalties in court, rather than continue working with the Bulgarian authorities," believes the Russian analyst, Dmitrii Kumanovski. He believes that under the pressure of other countries, the incumbent Bulgarian government deliberately pushes into a dead end the construction of Belene on the base of Russian technology. For five years of empty talks, the prices of the materials, the equipment and assemblage increased several times, Kumanovski says. In his words, however, Moscow is quite unlikely to withdraw from the NPP Belene project, as it will thus lose a strategic market of its nuclear technologies. According to Prof. Atanas Tassev, member of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum, Russia is hardly likely to give up on Belene. The latest developments may encourage the Bulgarian government to speed up the bureaucratic procedures. Halting construction works on Belene's site will hurt the interests of both Sofia and Moscow, as the Kremlin will thus compromise its geopolitical positions on the Balkans, says Boris Shmelyov, political analyst with the Economy Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In his words, it is far more sensible to continue with the implementation of the project, despite some minor problems that may occur in the process.
Source: Standart (15.02.2011)
French Areva could take part in nuclear power projects in Bulgaria Bulgaria's prime minister Boiko Borisov and Anne Lauvergeon, head of French nuclear group Areva, have discussed the company's possible participation in the construction of a new reactor at Kozloduy nuke plant (NPP) and in the development of the Belene nuclear power project, the government said in a statement on Tuesday. "During the meeting, the parties made a review of the problems in the field of nuclear security and discussed possibilities for co-operation in this area," the statement said. A week earlier, French media reported that Russian Atomstroyexport had advised its owner, state power company Rosatom, to exit the Belene project, suggesting that Areva and German company Siemens, which are supplying equipment for the plant, could also end their participation. According to the report, the Russian state company could also take Bulgaria to court and seek EUR 220 million in damages.
Source: Dnevnik (16.02.2011)
The technical project for Belene NPP to be approved within a few months "The Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) may approve the technical project for the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) within a few months," NRA Chairman Sergey Tzotchev said yesterday for BNR. According to him, the project's contractor, Russias Atomstroyexport, together with the National Electric Company (NEK) are already compensating the accumulated delay. "NRA's main remarks concern the safety of the new generators," specified Tzotchev. According to him, there are no major defects in the project as a whole but there are some gaps in the explanation of details. Initially, NRA was expected to approve the NPP Belene technical project by July 2010. After approving the technical project, NRA must issue a building permit for the plant. "This, however, will not happen if the financing of the project is not clear," Sergey Tzotchev stated. "It is unacceptable to suspend or delay the construction in time," he added. "In addition to clarity of the financing, the company should be structured, the licensee should be appointed, as well as the operator of the plant and the person who will bear the responsibility for it," explained NRA's head. The site of Belene NPP has only received a general building permit from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works. This allows the building of ancillary facilities but not the two nuclear units. Under the project, whose assignor is NEK, two 1,000-megawatt last generation units should be constructed on the site. Under the initial contract, the cost for construction of the two units was estimated at 3.997 bn and the first of them should be ready by the end of 2012. The financing of the project is still not clear. So far, willingness to extend credits has been expressed by the Russian side and by two export credit agencies the German Hermes and the French Coface.
Source: Class (17.02.2011)
Bulgaria will list its minority stakes in CEZ and EVN on BSE-Sofia by the end of 2011, as confirmed by deputy economy minister Evgeni Angelov. In Angelovs words, the state was gauging the demand for its shares in E.ON before making the final decision for the other two utilities. An investor would be looked for it after completion of the restructuring of BEH at a later stage, added Angelov. Within 2-3 weeks the procedure for the sale of Bulgartabac will start. According to Angelov there is great investor interest from both in Bulgaria and abroad, which will allow the best possible price for holding to be negotiated.
Source: Standart (18.02.2011)
No party withdraws from the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline project. Environmental assessment expected. The construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis pipeline continues and no party has withdrawn from the tube's construction, stated yesterday for Klassa the Financial Ministry, representing Bulgaria in the project. Its officials clarified that the meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Trans-Balkan Pipeline (TBP), which was held in Rome yesterday, had proceeded normally. Russia and Greece again showed understanding and will wait for the environmental assessment on the project to be submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Water. It is expected that the redrawn Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) will be submitted for consideration by the end of February. Afterwards, a deadline must be set for the wide-ranging public discussion of the project. The first EIA report was returned for further review after the request of the Bulgarian government for the submission of a plan for oil unloading at the Port "Rosenetz''. At the meeting, no financial aspects were discussed. The Bulgarian side acknowledged that it was indebted with contributions of 7.3 mln to the company. The funds will be remitted when there is more clarity on the project, specified the Ministry of Finance. For the operation of the project's consultants from the Germany-based ILF Consulting Engineers, so far, TBP has transferred about 15 mln. This amount involves the funds allocations for EIA, explained to Klassa, the former head of the Bulgarian branch of the pipeline project company, Plamen Rusev. The subcontractor in the hammering out of the environment assessment is the Bulgarian company GeoMarin Centre Ltd. Rusev predicted that if Bulgaria and Greece continue not to cover their liabilities within a few months, Russia will suspend the financing of the oil pipeline construction. Moscow is the majority shareholder in the project through its companies Transneft, Gazprom Neft and Rosneft. Bulgaria and Greece each have a stake of 24.5 % in the project.
Source: Class (18.02.2011)
Belene NPP Costs Nothing to the State The Bulgarian budget and the National Electrical Company (NEC) will not have to pay a lev more for the construction of Belene NPP, reported the communications department of Rosatom as a responses to the statements made by Bulgarian politicians and the media enquiries. This has been settled as early as the negotiations in Sofia last November when a memorandum was signed on the establishment of a project company to construct Belene NPP. Then both parties agreed on definite financing schemes for the construction works. One of these envisages NEC preserving its share of 51% in the project company calculated as the expenses the company has already made in the project. The further funds, the construction of the plant needs, will be raised as banks loans. These loans service will not begin before the first unit of Belene NPP starts functioning in 2016 and will take about 20 years the estimated time for the investments in Belene NPP to be returned. During these twenty years Bulgaria will avail of pure energy at a low price and in the following forty years the plant will work for profit only that will be enter the state fisc as the state is the principal of NEC. The worries have been made redundant about the cost escalation index that may increase Belenes price during its construction time. The memorandum of November 2010 features a fixed price of 6.298 billion levs thus leaving the responsibility for dealing with inflation risks during construction solely to the project contractor - Atomstroyexport. The construction of the plant is planned to complete in 2017 when the second unit of the plant will start functioning. Till a project company is established Atomstroyexport will continue working on the base of the documents already signed these agreements, however, expire in March. Rossatom warns that as long as Annex 12 is not existent after this date, Atomstroyexport will not have legal grounds to work on Belene project. The Russians also reminded that the participation of the Finnish Fortum company and the French ALTRAN Technologies in the project fulfills Bulgarias requirement to have Western investors in the project.
Source: Standart (21.02.2011)
Bulgargaz projects 6.3% increase in gas prices in Apr The price of natural gas in Bulgaria is expected to rise by 6.3% to BGN 541.62 per 1,000 cu m in April, when taking into account the current market indicators, state-run gas supplier Bulgargaz said in a media statement. The final decision regarding the gas price will be made by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) at the end of March. By that time, Bulgargaz will have presented its proposal to the regulator. The future hike in gas prices follows the increase in petroleum products prices on the international markets, according to the statement. Currently, the company is appealing the regulator's decision of December 2010 to reduce the price of natural gas by five per cent. According to SEWRC, the move would allow Bulgargaz to recover its uncollected income for 2010, which is estimated at BGN 10.1 million. The gas supplier claims, however, that the sum it should get is 10 times higher.
Source: Dnevnik (22.02.2011)
Bulgaria to sign contracts for the supply of compressed fuel in 2011 The contract for the supply of compressed natural gas (CNG) from Azerbaijan and Georgia via the Black Sea to Bulgaria will be signed this year, Bulgarias Ambassador to Azerbaijan, H.E. Vassil Kalinov, said yesterday in an interview for Trend agency. No money problem exists because big financial institutions are willing to extend credits for a sufficiently effective and profitable project, added H.E. Kalinov. The construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline is profitable for our country, Plamen Russev, former director of the projects Bulgarian branch, said yesterday. For corporate financing of the oil conduit, Russia offers a loan with a 7% interest rate and up to 20 years repayment term. If this proposal is accepted, Russia will entirely assume the financial risk, specified the Ambassador.
Source: Class (23.02.2011)
Bulgaria, Serbia Ink Economic Cooperation Protocol A bilateral protocol on economic cooperation was signed between Bulgaria and Serbia. The document was inked by Bulgaria's Minister of Transport and IT Alexander Tsvetkov and Serbia 's Minister of Trade and Services Slobodan Milosavljevic. The collaboration between partner institutions from the two countries on export growth, the cooperation between small- and medium sized companies and trade chambers, as well as organizing business forums have been pointed out as its key priorities. As for the energy sector, the construction of a gas pipeline connection between the two Balkan states has been discussed by Bulgaria's authorities and the Serbian delegation, as well the South Stream gas pipeline and Serbia's potential participation in Bulgaria's Belene Nuclear Power Plant. On Monday, Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic, who is heading Serbia's official delegation and met with his Bulgarian counterpart Boyko Borisov, confirmed his country's continued interest in acquiring a share of Belene, Bulgaria's future second Nuclear Power Plant "Belene". Serbia's Prime Minister also confirmed that is interested in the construction of the Sofia-Nis highway, in participating in the Russian-sponsored South Stream gas transit pipeline.
Source: (23.02.2011)
NEK demands a 5% hike of electricity as of July 2011, CEZ and E. ON call for a 13% and a 15% price increase, respectively CEZ, the company owner of the power grid in Western Bulgaria, proposed yesterday a price increase of electricity of 13.12% on average as of July and E. ON, the owner of the electricity grid in Northeastern Bulgaria, called for a 14% price hike. The two companies justified their demand by their intentions to invest more in the power grid in order to improve the quality of the service and plans to purchase energy utilities. CEZ projects to invest BGN 152 mln in the power grid and, for this purpose, wants to raise the price for access to its power grid by 110.59% to BGN 0.01173/kWh. The company also insists on raising the transmission price by 16% for businesses and by 30% for household consumers. If this proposal is accepted, daytime electricity for households will cost BGN 0.169/kWh, VAT excluded, and BGN 0.118/kWh, VAT excluded, at night. E. ON proposes a price increase of more than 40% for access and transmission of energy via its power grid, it became clear from an announcement of the company. E. ON also demanded a 27.27% price hike of the night tariff for households and the daytime tariff to remain unchanged. The new prices will increase the electricity bills of households by less than BGN 0.02/kWh. The National Electric Company (NEK) also demanded a price hike of electricity as of July but of 5.09%. The increase will be due to inflation and the increased share of renewable energy capacities incorporated in the power grid. Electricity prices will not rise by 13-14% as of July, Angel Semerdjiev, Chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) assured yesterday, speaking to BNR. He explained that, in the worst case, the price of the service will go up by 5%.
Source: Class (01.03.2011)
US Westinghouse keen to participate in Kozloduy NPP's reactors life extension US Westinghouse Electric Company is interested in taking part in procedures for extending the lifetime of the fifth and sixth reactors at Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear power plant (NPP), Bulgaria's economy ministry said. Westinghouse is also willing to supply the facility with fresh nuclear fuel, according to the statement. The announcement follows a meeting between Bulgaria's economy minister Traicho Traikov and Jose Gutierrez, managing director and vice president for southern Europe of the US company, which was carried out within the visit of prime minister Boiko Borissov to Madrid last week. This is the second time that Westinghouse expressed interest in the Bulgarian plant, after in April 2010 it said it was willing to participate in the construction of a new reactor at the NPP after the country asked the US to help it find a strategic investor for the Belene nuke project. In the autumn of 2010, Traikov stated the power plant had prepared a timeframe for extending the lifespan of the units, whose operation permits expire in 2017 and 2019, respectively. In November, Kozloduy NPP's head Kostadin Dimitrov said the life of both reactors should be extended by at least 20 years.
Source: Dnevnik (07.03.2011)
Bulgaria Sells Electricity to Iraq Iraq is ready to conclude straight off a contract with Bulgaria for the delivery of electricity of whatever quantity, emerged after the meeting of Bulgaria's Foreign Minister, Nikolay Mladenov with Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki. As the Standart wrote, Bulgaria's Foreign Minister has been on an official visit to Iraq. He reportedly answered that in shortest possible terms he would respond to the Iraqi wish for cooperation in the sphere of energy and he suggested a visit of the Bulgarian Ministers of Energy and of Agriculture, Traycho Traykov and Miroslav Naydenov, according to sources from the Foreign Ministry. Iraq's Deputy Prime Minister for Energy, Shahristani said that an Iraqi delegation is ready to visit Bulgaria at once and negotiate on the purchase of electricity. Within shortest possible terms Iraq is also willing to restore the cooperation in the spheres of agriculture and irrigation. Mladenov stated he hoped Bulgaria would be able to open an embassy in Baghdad and that Sofia was ready to render assistance to Iraq within the framework of the European Union.
Source: Standart (15.03.2011)
Bulgaria to loose 1 bn if the reactor produced for the Belene NPP is moved to the Kozloduy NPP Bulgaria will loose a total of 1 bn if the unit produced for the Belene NPP is transferred to a site near the Kozloduy NPP, said yesterday Kirill Komarov, Director of the Nuclear Energy Complex Directorate with the Rosatom corporation at a forum of suppliers from the nuclear industry. He explained that the money will be lost because of the investments already made under the Belene NPP project. The moving of the nuclear reactor might also slow down the project by another 2-3 years. The site at the town of Belene is ready for construction, large investments are made and the plant can be built there in the shortest possible time. About 40% of the project price covers security systems, explained Komarov. And he even joked that if the investors in the project insist on more security even a breakwater against tsunami may be built at the future plant. New security facilities will certainly make the project more expensive, are clear from Rosatom. The Russian side is well disposed, expecting to achieve tangible results in the negotiations with Bulgaria for the price of the Belene NPP. Komarov repeated that the standard price was 6.3 bn so far, and it had been established because the Bulgarian Government had requested it. Now, we are talking on an increased price and we are ready to work on both options. According to him, if both parties achieve an agreement on the price by the end of March, in September, the work on the site might be launched and both units will be ready in 2017. If the price remains fixed, it will not change even if the project is not completed within 7 years, said Sergey Novikov, spokesman of Rosatom
Source: Class (17.03.2011)
Kozloduy NPP Breaks Record in Safety Tests The nuclear reactors powering Bulgarias Kozloduy NPP are among the most frequently checked in the world. And those of Belene NPP are the only ones, which have undergone safety tests before the construction of the plant even began, said Yordan Kostadinov, former director of Kozloduy NPP at a roundtable on the future of Bulgarias second nuclear power plant. He pointed out there are 104 nuclear units in the USA and six of them have been checked for proper exploitation and neither for safety. There are 23 units functioning in England and three safety checks have been performed, in France the figures are 76 units against 22 safety checks. Bulgaria possesses six functioning units which have undergone 25 safety checks for both exploitation and project risks. If Belene NPP is not constructed, Bulgaria will have to compensate electricity shortages through production from the thermal plants and this will automatically increase electricity prices as green house gas emissions will have to be paid, according to Prof Atanas Tassev.
Source: Standart (18.03.2011)
Russia Threatens to Scrap South Stream Gas Line Russia is considering giving up the project for the South Stream gas line in case it meets insurmountable obstacles, Dmitry Psekov, spokesperson of Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, says. Peskov, confirmed earlier reports the project's underwater section might be replaced with liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminals on the Black Sea. Russian Deputy PM, Igor Sechin, also stated Moscow is mulling cheaper alternatives of delivering Russian gas to Europe, including LNG terminals. The news come on the heels of failed negotiations between Moscow and Ankara where Turkey refused to agree on having the gas line pass on the bottom of the Black Sea in its economic zone. Sechin points out the Russian side does not understand Ankara's motives because Turkish partners insist "Gazprom" has not delivered economic evidence for the project's sustainability, but on the other side, they issued the permit for such study only on May 31, 2010. Experts commented that all this talk about LNG terminals is just wondow-dressing, aiming at pressuring Turkey. They say the building of such terminals would mean also their construction in Bulgaria and Romania while large tankers cannot pass through the Bosphorus, but for two months during the entire year.
Source: (18.03.2011)
Stress-test in Kozloduy NPP A stress-test will examine the safety of Kozloduy NPP. The expert check will start at the order of Bulgaria's PM Borissov after a meeting with the director of the National Electric Company (NEK) Krassimir Parvanov and the director of Kozloduy NPP Kostadin Dimitrov and experts on NPP safety. The inspection will be held on seven basic criteria. Experts will check the seismological stability of the nuke and the risk from floods. The test will also have to show if the cooling systems work properly in extreme situations. The age of the whole equipment will also be checked. The project of the Kozloduy NPP will also be examined. Apart from that, experts will hold special tests for possible terrorist attacks as well as the stability of the nuke in cases of fire and natural disasters. The tests will be held in several stages under criteria of the EC and the IAEA.
Source: Standart (23.03.2011)
Belene Constructed after Safety Tests Belene NPP will be constructed only if all safety criteria are met. By the end of the year Europe will define new regulations on nuclear safety, the establishment of which has been necessitated by the disasters in Japan, Bulgarias Minister of Energy and Economy, Traycho Traykov said for Nova TV. Having considered the safety issues, the next most important thing to be taken into account is the economic cost the plant will have. The state has promised nothing against the moratorium on fuels. The electricity prices for consumers have really increased as a result of unfulfilled commitments the investors have made that the capacities in Maritsa Iztok 1 would start functioning. Justice, however will be restored and investors would be fined 30,000 euro and the sums on overpaid bills will be compensated, Traykov explained.
Source: Standart (28.03.2011)
HPP Tsankov Kamak becomes operational in September The operational launch of HPP Tsankov Kamak may be delayed until September because of unsettled servitude rights of the transmission lines, posted BNT. The National Electricity Company (NEK) currently expects the Ministry of Agriculture and Food to issue an act so as to legalize one of the two power transmission lines of 110 kW to Tsankov Kamak HPP. NEK has the documents needed for the other power line, explained Nikolay Gaitandjiev, expert from the Hidroelektroinvest company, which is a part of NEK. He explained that operations of the HPP could not be started without obtaining servitude rights, but the Ministry of Agriculture had not yet started the procedure for the issuing these documents. It usually takes about six months. In order for the tests to be completed the water level in the dam should be raised by another 5 m. This would happen after the road to Devin is rebuild at a higher level, because otherwise part of it would be over flooded. The reconstruction is expected to be completed by the end of May, said Gaitandjiev. The launch of the HPP has been postponed several times. The last information on the part of NEK was that the facility would become operational by the end of March. The public provider will transfer ownership of the new Devin bypass road to the Road Infrastructure Agency as well. The section is 22 km long and according to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov it has proved to be extremely expensive. Initially, experts from NEK planned the section would cost 41 mln , but its actual price has reached 120 mln. The HPP has a capacity of 80 MW and is an investment of NEK. The capacity is expected to become operational after a delay of two years. At first, the public provider planned the construction of the dam and the HPP to cost 220 mln. Because of poor geological prospecting and the expensive bypass road, the price increased to 550 mln. Austrian company Alpine is the project contactor.
Source: Class (30.03.2011)
Record-high 4.5 million MWh generated by Kozloduy NPP in Q1 2011 Kozloduy NPP generated 4.5 million MWh of electricity in the Q1 2011, 297,000 MWh more than in the same period of last year, setting a record for the operation of the power plants units V and VI. If this electricity was sold on the open market alone, Kozloduys proceeds would had been up by BGN 20 mln, the company specified. The generators have not stopped operation this year due to failures of equipment, while in the first quarter of last year units had stopped working briefly on three occasions. Then, the plant succeeded to produce and supply for the countrys needs 4.2 million MWh of electricity. Kozloduys head Kostadin Dimitrov has already told Klassa that he expected the company to net a profit of about BGN 65 million for 2010. He explained that the plant would demand from the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) to reduce its quota for the regulated market because some about 70% of electricity produced is now earmarked for protected consumers. A panel of experts from the Association of European Nuclear Regulators will propose by May how to prepare the stress tests for nuclear plants in Europe, the Associations Chairman Jukka Laaksonen, told BNR. He explained that the tests would be based on physical inspections in the plants and would probably continue for about six months. Laaksonen was adamant that there would be no reason for freezing the construction of new nuclear facilities and that there would be no failed plants at the stability tests. If a plant shows some deficiencies during the tests, this would mean that the operator must take additional security measures, explained Laaksonen. He expects inspections would find an isuee that needs to be improved in each of the plants, but it could be corrected within a year or two years, without decommissioning the respective nuclear power station.
Source: Class (04.04.2011)
Bulgaria is being strictly monitored with respect to the way it spends the money for the decommissioning of the reactors at the Kozloduy NPP The compensations which Bulgaria receives for decommissioning the reactors at the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) must be managed in a more transparent way and stricter control must be exercised on the part of European institutions, stipulated the report adopted by the European Parliament on the disbursement of EU funds allocated to Bulgaria, Slovakia and Lithuania for the closing down of their NPPs. Marian Marinescu, Romanian MEP from the European People's Party presented the report. According to him, too much money is being spent on new energy projects in Bulgaria, announced the Bulgarian National Radio. The main thesis stated in the report was that the amounts allocated to the three countries were huge and significantly exceeded all initial estimates. Therefore, greater control will need to be exercised over the way EU funds are being spent. The money is allocated for the closing down of the reactors at the Kozloduy NPP, at the Lithuanian Ignalina NPP and the Slovak Bohunice NPP. Lithuania was granted the largest amount of 1,367 mln for the decommissioning of two reactors. Bulgaria received a total of 868 mln for the closing down of four small units at our first NPP and Slovakia was given the smallest amount of 613 mln for the decommissioning of two reactors. According to Marinescu, there is not enough transparency with respect to the way the money is being spent and there are already delays in the decommissioning process. Regarding Bulgaria in particular, he noted with concern that large amounts have been earmarked for energy projects rather than for the closing down of the blocks. Therefore, the MEP urged the European Commission to monitor closely this process and called for the allocation of a greater share of the funds for the decommissioning of the reactors. The resolution adopted yesterday provides for the establishment by the EC of special bodies in the three countries in charge of monitoring the completion of the process, with clearly specified deadlines and guidelines on how the money is to be spent.
Source: Class (06.04.2011)
Largest Bulgarian Mine with Record Coal Production Q1 The Maritza Iztok Mine in southern Bulgaria has scored 2011 its greatest yield for the first quarter of the year since 1997. For March 2011 miners at Maritza Iztok excavated some 2.5 M tonnes of coal, while for Q1 the amount is close to 7.5 M tonnes. The mine is reporting that it is fulfilling its plans for ground excavation, with close to 24 M cubic meters of earth dug up for the first quarter. The Maritza Iztok Mine, the largest coal mine in Bulgaria, is built upon a deposit of lignite coal and feeds the three Martiza Iztok power plants, as well as the Brikel briquette factory.
Source: Class (06.04.2011)
Maritsa Iztok TPP Is More Radiation Hazardous than Fukushima In terms of radioactive emissions the thermal power plant in Maritsa Iztok is much more hazardous for Bulgaria than the Fukushima nuke, said Alexander Petrov, director of the Solid Body Physics with the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Burning of brown coal generates emissions of radioactive isotopes that cause massive air pollution, Petrov commented. In Bulgaria, these are 28 isotopes that the plants chimneys spew out at a 200-m height. According to the physicist, these radioactive emissions are much more hazardous than those reaching Bulgaria after the disastrous Fukushima leak. Currently, the gauging at the Bulgarias tallest Moussala Peak shows that the concentration of Cesium 137 is 500,000 times lower than the admissible norm. The levels of other radioactive isotope that reached Bulgaria, Iodine 131, are 40,000 times below the admissible norms. Scientists comment, however, that additional safety measures would be over expensive and would bring up electricity prices considerably. One of the solutions, in their opinion, is the construction of the second nuclear power plant in Belene, which is a good alternative for polluting coal-fueled power plants.
Source: Standart (07.04.2011)
Bulgarian businessmen Ognyan Donev and Lyubomir Pavlov have obtained a controlling stake in Media Group Bulgaria Holding, the company publishing mass-circulation newspapers 24 Chassa, Trud and 168 Chassa, according to trade registry data. On Saturday, Donev and Pavlov were entered as the group's 83% owners, holding 40% and 43% in the group, respectively. The remaining 17% in the publisher is owned by BG Printmedia, which is in turn 47%-controlled by Pavlov, while Hristo Grozev and Daniel Rutz hold the rest. Grozev said he would appeal against the decision in court. Several days earlier, Donev requested the country's antitrust regulator to give its opinion about the concentration of media ownership on its stake in Media Group Bulgaria. According to Trud, the opinion will be most probably positive, as Donev has no shareholdings in other media.
Source: Dnevnik (11.04.2011)
Three Scenarios for Belene NPP English consultants from HSBC will work out three scenarios for Belene NPP - a pessimistic, realistic and optimistic, Valentin Nikolov, GERB MP told the Standart. Nikolov is a member of the Energy Commission in Parliament. In two months the consultants will be ready with an analysis of the financial economic and structuring conditions for the plants construction and what is normal and acceptable price escalation, Bulgarias Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov said. He was explicit that for a project of such scale the cost was of great importance. In his words, Minister of Energy, Traycho Traykov shares the same opinion. Belene will be a successful project provided the price of power it will generate is attractive for foreign power markets, Borisov explained. He added that in his opinion it was important to work out a perfect financial scheme for Belene to be able to compete with the Russian bid and ensure the lowest price.
Source: Standart (11.04.2011)
HSBC to consult Bulgaria on the Belene NPP for a fee of 2.7 mln The British HSBC Bank has won the tender for a consultant for the Belene NPP, offering to make a financial analysis of the project for a fee of 2.7 mln. If its analyses prove that the construction of the Belene NPP is economically sound, it will get an additional 0.95% of the final price for the projects implementation. HSBC will be able to make assessments and evaluations of the work on the Belene NPP over the next two years. With these criteria, the company was selected as financial consultant by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), sources close to the negotiations told Klassa. HSBCs analysis will be the basis for the Governments decision on whether to build a second nuclear power plant in Bulgaria or freeze the project. The contract with the consultant HSBC was expected to be signed yesterday, remotely, by exchange of signatures by fax, announced the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism. No official ceremony was projected either. By the time Klassa went to press, the contract had not been endorsed but it is expected to become a fact within days. In November 2010, the UK bank was selected as financial consultant for the Belene NPP after winning a tender in competition with the Rothschild Bank, Societe Generale, KPMG in a consortium with McGuire, Argil and Ernst & Young. Energy Minister Traicho Traikov predicted then that the first results of HSBCs work on the restructuring of the project and the setting of its price should be ready by the end of May. The bank will determine the acceptable price escalation of the project, said PM Boyko Borissov, cited by BNR. According to him, two months after the signing of the contract for consultancy services with HSBC, the financial and economic conditions for the project will be clear, as well as the acceptable price escalation in relation to the base price of 3.997 bn with which Atomstroyexport won the tender in 2006. He repeated his statement that the Belene NPP will be a successful project if the electricity generated there can be sold abroad at competitive prices. HSBC experts will present their forecasts for the market of the electricity generated by the future Belene NPP, as well as a financial model which is missing at present, sources close to the negotiations told Klassa. The Bulgarian society will be informed of each step for the structuring of the project. No comments to this article. Add the first one.
Source: Class (12.04.2011)
Kommersant daily: Rosatom threatened with losing its project in Bulgaria The Bulgarian authorities have again changed their position on the Belene NPP which is being constructed by the Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom, posted the Russian Kommersant daily yesterday. The opponent of the project, Minister of Economy, Traicho Traikov, backed by Parliament, remains in office, while the analysis on the effectiveness of the project will be assigned to the British bank HSBC. The political decision on the Belene NPP project will be taken by June 1 on the basis of HSBC's conclusions. The scandal in the Bulgarian GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) Government over the new agreement reached with Rosatom on the Belene NPP construction project was decided in favour of the Minister of Economy and Energy, Traicho Traikov. He will remain the project's coordinator, decided Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov after a meeting with Traikov and Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Djankov. According to Borissov, the construction of the Belene NPP will continue only if its cost-effectiveness is proven and if there is a viable option for the export of electricity to neighbouring countries, reported also the newspaper. Traicho Traikov announced that a contract should be signed with HSBC as consultant to Bulgaria on the project's implementation. According to the analysis of the Bulgarian Institute for Market Economics, NEK (the National Electric Company) "intentionally raises the estimates for energy consumption''. If HSBC's analysis on the forecasts for energy consumption in the Balkans over the next 15 years fails to show the need for the installation of the power capacities of the Belene NPP, the construction project will be frozen. HSBC will present its conclusion by June 1, posted the edition. "We will take our political decision on the basis of the conclusions of the consultant's analysis," stated Traikov. Last week, NEK's Head, Krassimir Parvanov and Vice President of Atomstroyexport JSC Gennady Tepkyan signed the 12th annex to the contract from 2008 for the construction of the Belene NPP, reminded Kommersant daily. The annex obliges the parties to draw up an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract by June 1, which must be signed by July 1. However, the annex was inked only after the verbal approval of Deputy PM Simeon Djankov. Afterwards, Traikov demanded the resignation of Parvanov.
Source: Class (12.04.2011)
Frances Areva to Support NPP Belene Construction French energy company Areva signed a memorandum for cooperation with the Bulgarian energy holding (BEH) in the presence of PM Boyko Borissov. The fields of cooperation include the highest nuclear safety standards and renewable energy sources. We are hiring the best experts in the world, and we will also need a nuclear lobby before Brussels, Mr. Borissov said. Arevas experts are expected to advise the Bulgarian government how to proceed with the realization of the NPP Belene project. Anne Lauvergeon, President of the Executive Board of AREVA group, thanked Bulgarias Economy Minister Traycho Traykov and Ambassadors Marin Raykov of Bulgaria and Philippe Autie of France for their cooperation. Borissov notified Areva of the latest documents signed by Bulgarias national electric utility NEC and Russias Atomstroyexport regarding the postponement of the NPP Belene project realization, and of the contract that the Bulgarian government signed with HSBC, drawing the British bank as a consultant on the project.
Source: Standart (14.04.2011)
The board of directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has unanimously decided to release Krassimir Purvanov from his position of chief executive officer of the National Electricity Company (NEK), the country's Economy Ministry said in a statement on Thursday. The board has concluded that Purvanov had grossly overstepped hierarchical rules and failed to follow the established procedures for negotiations concerning the future of the Belene nuclear project, the statement said. Mikhail Andonov, serving as chief accountant and board member at the state-owned company, has been appointed acting chief executive at the state-owned company, while deputy economy minister Marii Kossev will take the vacant position at the board of directors. NEK's board has also decided to launch a procedure to choose a new executive director of the company, according to the statement. After signing a routine addendum with the Russian contractor for Belene, Atomstroyexport, Purvanov was sacked by economy minister Traicho Traikov, saying that NEK's head had gone beyond the terms of his negotiations mandate in signing the memorandum that bound Bulgaria to build the nuker plant. Purvanov was later reinstated after prime minister Boiko Borissov intervened, as the move needed the approval of BEH, which is the parent holding company of NEK.
Source: Dnevnik (15.04.2011)
Rosatom does not agree with a new rescheduling of the construction of Belene NPP Russian Rosatom corporation does not agree with a new rescheduling of the construction of the Belene NPP (Nuclear Power Plant) and if the final contract is not signed by July 1, Russia will claim damages of 980 mln, reported the Russian Kommersant newspaper, highlighting further that, at present, the corporation is working under Agreement 12, signed in early April. According to it, the EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) contract has to be signed by July 1. After that date, the project contractor Atomstroyexport will have no legal basis to continue its work on the Belene NPP. If the EPC contract is not signed on time, this will be viewed as a refusal on the Bulgarian part to implement the project, explained the newspaper. Such a refusal would give grounds to the Russian side to claim penalties for the project. The financial analysis of the project for the second Bulgarian NPP is being drafted by the British HSBC bank. The contract for consulting services was signed with the bank on Monday and it will expire in 18 months. Therefore, according to the edition, Sofia hopes for Rosatom to show understanding and to agree on a new extension of the deadline for the signing of the EPC contract. The Russian side was ready to claim damages at the beginning of April, when the last Agreement 11 expired. Kommersant quoted the statement of Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov that he expected HSBC to complete the financial analysis of the project by July 1. According to the Minister, however, the bank is unlikely to be able to carry out a thorough analysis of such a large project on time. I will not rush the decision on the Belene NPP because it comes down to billions, said yesterday Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. He added that the contract for the construction of the Belene NPP, described as a "Grand Slam" by President Georgi Parvanov, was signed in 2006. The then ruling Government postponed the signing of the final contract by 12 months and the deal was concluded in 2007, Borissov said.
Source: Class (21.04.2011)
Bulgarias NPP Belene to Have the safest Reactors in Europe The nuclear reactors of Bulgarias NPP Belene will be the safest of their kind in Europe and will meet all possible safety requirements, even if new ones are introduced after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. This became clear from a statement of Mr. Sergey Boyarkin, Director for Programs of Russias Rosatom State Corporation. What will make the reactors of NPP Belene stand out among other such facilities across the world are their unique safety systems, combining active and passive protection methods, which secure the reactors safe functioning under all possible conditions. Each of the nuclear reactors of NPP Belene will have four active and two passive safety systems, Mr. Boyarkin explained.
Source: Standart (26.04.2011)
US Company Presents Novel Nuclear Reactor in Bulgaria US energy company Westinghouse presented Tuesday a new generation nuclear reactor in Sofia by invitation of Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov. The model of the 3+ generation reactor in question is AP 1000 and it takes into fullest possible account the issue of safety. Tuesday minister Traikov also met Westinghouse vice-president for Southern Europe Jose Gutierres, who presented his company's advances in the field of safety management systems for NPPs. Another topic of discussion was Westinghouse's possible contribution to the full decomissioning of Units 1-4 of Bulgaria's Kozloduy NPP. The name of Westinghouse was mentioned as a possible contractor to build additional two units to Kozloduy, a project that is still very much up in the air. Westinghouse was moreover mentioned as a possible participant in the execution of the projected Belene NPP, where the main contractor is Russian Atomstroyeksport. (darik)
Source: Dnevnik (27.04.2011)
LUKoil: No problem with crude oil supplies to Bulgaria The decision of the Russian government to stop exporting petrol products will not affect the supplies to Bulgaria, the press office of the LUKoil refinery said. Basically, Russia halts the export of fuels such as gasoline and diesel, but not that of crude oil. Thus, the LUKoil Neftochim refinery will continue operating normally. LUKoils statement comes in response to an inquiry of Bulgarias economy minister Traycho Traykov. In a letter to LUKoil Neftochim Bourgas CEO Sergey Antronov, the minister requires information as to the quantities of crude oil and fuels currently stored by the refinery and its readiness to secure steady supply of fuels to the domestic market in the context of the decision of the Russian government to suspend the export of petrol products.
Source: Standart (02.05.2011)
Russia Halts Oil Export, Bulgaria Demands Guarantees Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister, Traicho Traikov, has asked for guarantees from Russia for enough fuels for the country's market amidst reports that the Federation is halting oil export. On Sunday, on the grounds of an unprecedented global fuels crisis, Russia stopped exporting oil products with Russian media reporting that fuels export tax has gone up on May 1 by 44% to reach USD 408 per ton. With the measure, the Russian government aims at making oil products export less profitable and to overcome the crisis on its internal market. Traikov has asked guarantees from the only oil refinery in Bulgaria Lukoil Neftohim Burgas. An official response is yet to be received. Darik radio cite their own sources saying the refinery imports only raw oil, not oil products, meaning the Russian decision would not have a direct effect on the volumes for Bulgaria. It also remains unclear how the latest developments will influence raw oil prices, and consequently, fuel prices in Bulgaria. -=DARIK=-
Source: Dnevnik (03.05.2011)
NEK to sell cheaper electricity after July 1 The price at which the National Electricity Company (NEK) will be selling electricity to electricity distribution companies (EDCs) will probably be reduced by about 1% as of July 1, Angel Semerdjiev, Chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC), said yesterday. Because the price of electricity generated by the AES Galabovo thermoelectric power plant (which is still not operating) was included in the total energy mix in 2010, NEK had to fill in the gap by purchasing electricity from other plants. However, the prices of that energy were lower and NEC spent less money. For this reason, NEKs proceeds will be cut down. This will reduce the wholesale price of the electricity purchased from NEK and prices along the chain will fall as well, specified Semerdjiev. No problems are expected this summer with the power supply of the Sunny Beach seaside resort, added Semerdjiev.
Source: Class (04.05.2011)
Nabucco Pipeline Delayed for 2 Years over Natural Gas Supplies The much-anticipated EU-sponsored Nabucco gas transit pipeline will be delayed by two years, the Nabucco consortium has announced raised doubts of increasing uncertainty about the project. Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH has pushed back the start of construction of its EUR 7.9 B pipeline to carry Caspian natural gas to Europe to 2013; thus, Nabucco is now expected to start operations in 2017 instead of 2015, as previously expected, the company said in a statement. "The timeline has changed as a direct result of the changes in the timing for gas supplies in the Caspian and Middle East regions, as announced by potential suppliers. Construction is envisaged to commence in 2013 to align the Nabucco timeline with gas suppliers," the consortium explained on its website. "Nabucco's progress has been positive so far, with the progress of the Environmental & Social Impact Assessment and concrete steps for procurement and other important work-streams. The Open Season process will start as soon as there are firm indications that gas supply commitments are in place. The Final Investment Decision will be taken consequently. We now expect first gas to flow through the pipeline in 2017. The Nabucco project continues to be driven by the needs of its customers," Reinhard Mitschek, Managing Director, Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, commented.
Source: Darik Radio (09.05.2011)
A new fuel storage repository at Kozloduy NPP to be launched into operation within a year The dry storage repository for spent nuclear fuel at the Kozloduy NPP is expected to become operational in April 2012. The inauguration of the facility was attended by the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, Energy Minister, Traicho Traikov and part of the management of the Bulgarian Energy Holding SPLTD. The new depot can store 5,256 spent fuel cartridges for at least 50 years, explained the CEO of Kozloduy NPP, Kostadin Dimitrov. It can store the used caskets of the 4 decommissioned small reactors of the plant. The spent fuel will be stored in compliance with the most modern technology, while construction will cost 70.5 mln. The funds for this construction project were allocated under the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF). The waste storage site will provide a favourable alternative for our country to the spent fuel transportation outside Bulgaria's borders, explained Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov. According to him, the future economic benefit from the plant will come from the savings in transportation costs. According to experts, the cost of fuel transportation to Russia is the same as the import cost of fresh fuel of about $20 mln per single charge. The idea was for the Bulgarian state to be able to use the 50-year old spent cartridges for fresh fuel generation for the reactors. The Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency has not yet issued the required licenses for the operation of the new facility, explained before Klassa, Dimo ??Ivanov, Director General of the Department of Engineering Maintenance and Monitoring on the Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository. According to him, the new facility could store all of the 2,800 spent fuel casks of the small NPP units. As of 2012, the Government will work for the expansion of the storage depot in order to enable it to accommodate the fuel used by the 5th and 6th NPP units, said also the PM Borissov. The US-based company Holtec International has already shown interest in the repository's expansion. In fact, it has already presented to the Cabinet its fuel storage project for a period of a 100 years. There has always been a great chance for the construction of both the Belene NPP and the 7th reactor of the Kozloduy NPP, commented also the PM. Prior to the issuance of the final decision on the construction of nuclear power units in Bulgaria, however, we must wait for the EC' official announcement on the clear nuclear safety criteria for both plants. In response to a question posed by Klassa, Borissov stated that he had repeatedly examined the construction plans for the new unit of the Kozloduy NPP. In 2010, 36% of the electricity consumed in Bulgaria was generated here, explained Traikov. He added that, for the first quarter of 2011, the NPP had produced 7% more electricity, equal to around 300,000 MW.
Source: Class (13.05.2011)
Prices of solar energy to be reduced by one third The preferential price of electricity, generated by solar parks, to be reduced by almost 200 BGN/MWh (one third), projects a report of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) on the change of green energy prices. The document stipulates that photovoltaic plants with a capacity of up to 30 kWp (kilowatts-peaks) will get BGN 576.50/MWh for the electricity produced. Solar parks with a capacity of 30 kWp to 200 kWp will be paid BGN 567.41/MWh for their energy, while those of over 200 kWp will get BGN 485.6/MWh. Currently, BGN 760.48/MWh is paid for solar energy from panels of up to 5 kWp, and BGN 699.11/MWh - for electricity from larger solar parks. The report is expected to be considered by SEWRC on May 25. The electricity from wind farms operating for up to 2,250 hours a year will be paid at BGN 191/MWh, compared to the current BGN 188.29/MWh. Facilities operating for more than 2,250 hours a year will be paid BGN 173.06 /MWh, up from BGN 172.95/MWh at present. The preferential price of electricity, generated by micro hydropower plants with a capacity of up to 200 kilowatts, will be raised by 2%. The price of electricity, produced by them, will go up from BGN 222.9/MWh to BGN 227.43/MWh. The price of electricity, generated from wooden biomass in plants with a capacity of up to 5 megawatts, will be reduced by 1.79%. According to SEWRCs proposal, the purchase price of energy from these plants should be BGN 248.28/MWh, compared to the current BGN 252.73/MWh. If the plant produces heating energy as well, the price will be BGN 281.85/MWh, compared to the BGN 288.04/MWh at present. Facilities with a capacity above 5 megawatts will be paid BGN 234.45/MWh, instead of BGN 218.6/MWh. Biomass plants with a capacity of up to 150 kilowatts will supply electricity at BGN 420.30/MWh, down from BGN 425.02/MWh. For facilities with a capacity of up to 500 kilowatts the price will fall by 1% to BGN 393.90/MWh. If the capacity of the plant is up to 5,000 kilowatts, the price of the energy from it will go up by 16.5% and will be purchased at BGN 352.64/MWh, up from BGN 302.73/MWh.
Source: Class (16.05.2011)
Energy regulator will lower tariffs for power generated by photovoltaic parks by 25% The power generated by photovoltaic parks will become cheaper by between 17.53% and 25.39% to 576.50 BGN per MWh. This was offered by experts of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. It will discuss the new prices at an open meeting on May 25. The change is required under the new law on renewable energy, that is in force from early May. The decrease was expected by business and comes a week after parliament banned the construction of parks on the lands first to the fourth category. The law requires power distribution companies and NEC to buy at feed-in-tariffs quantities of green energy. Its price is calculated as 80% of the average selling price for power plus a sum which takes into account the accumulated inflation. In calculations of the tariffs from July 1 regulatory commission took into account as well as the investment operation costs on installed megawatt, rate of return of about 9% and life-time of different types of plants. The tariff for power generated from biomass of agriculture crops will be increased from July by 16.41% to 195.03 BGN per MW. Highest tariff - 248.28 BGN per MW, will be for energy produced by plants under 5 MW that use wood from thinning of forests.
Source: Dnevnik (17.05.2011)
Stress Tests Carried Out at Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy "Numerous stress tests are being currently carried out at the sites of power units five and six of Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy, aimed at proving the facilities resistance to natural disasters, although a common nuclear reactors testing program of the EU has not been developed yet," said Sergei Tsochev, head of Bulgaria's nuclear regulator. In his words, a European common framework for stress tests of nuclear facilities will be developed very soon. Should there be any additional safety requirements of the EU, the management of NPP Kozloduy will be ready to meet them. Mr. Tsochev also said that the regulator had already completed the technical analysis of the NPP Belene Project, but that there might be additional safety requirements after the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In his words, NPP Belene's reactors will be third-generation facilities, much safer than the ones at NPP Kozloduy.
Source: Standart (19.05.2011)
Turkey to sign an agreement on Nabucco with shareholders on June 6 Turkey will sign an agreement on the Nabucco project on June 6, said Turkish Minister of Energy and Natural Resources Taner Yildiz, quoted by RIA Novosti. The document will be signed by all the companies participating in the project Bulgarias Bulgargaz, Turkeys Botas, Austrias OMV, Romanias Transgaz, Hungarys MOL and Germanys RWE. Yildiz added that the participants in the project were trying to get a concrete answer from Azerbaijan regarding the gas supplies to Nabucco. If Azerbaijan answers negatively, we will contact Turkmenistan, Iraq and Iran for gas supplies. The project is of great importance for Turkey and Europe, commented the Turkish Energy Minister. According to projects, Nabucco is expected to transport some 31 billion cu m of natural gas from the Caspian region to the EU, bypassing Russia. The construction of the pipeline had to begin in 2012 and the first deliveries to be effected in 2015 but, a month ago, the Nabucco consortium announced that the implementation of the project will be extended by a year in accordance with the schedule for gas deliveries. Meanwhile, Bulgaria has requested the EU to find a solution to the issue of compulsory declaration of free capacity along the transit pipelines. This is a requirement under the third European energy liberalisation package but its application is impossible because of the confidentiality clauses in the bilateral contracts with Russias Gazprom. The issue was discussed during the meeting between Bulgarias Energy Minister Traicho Traikov and EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger. The effective contract with Gazprom forbids Bulgaria to declare the quantity of spare capacity since it considers this data confidential trade information. Thus, our country is now between the hammer and the anvil. On the one hand, the EC threatens to sue Bulgaria if we do not declare the spare capacity. On the other hand, Gazprom threatens to sue us if we do so, explained Minister Traikov. According to experts, the gas transiting network of Bulgartransgaz is currently operating at just 30% of its capacity.
Source: Class (25.05.2011)
Bulgaria to Sign on Nabucco Pipeline in Turkey on June 6 Bulgaria's Bulgargaz, a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, will participate in the official signing of an agreement on the Nabucco gas transit pipeline in Turkey on June 6, 2011. Besides the Bulgarian company, the shareholders which will sign the agreement are OMV (Austria), BOTAS (Turkey), Transgaz (Romania), Mol Natural Gas (Hungary) and RWE (Germany) Each shareholder holds an equal share of 16.67% of Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH. Nabucco is estimated to cost EUR 8 B, and Bulgaria, as a partner with 1/6 of the shares, will be expected to provide 1/6 of the total sum, or about EUR 1.3 B, rather than finance just the section on its territory. Bulgaria plans to finance its share in Nabucco with a EUR 1.2 B loan from the European Investment Bank. The sides engaged in the project are waiting for a decisive answer from Azerbaijan on its possible participation. "If Azerbaijan's response will be negative, we'll contact with Turkmenistan, Iraq and Iran. This project has a great importance for both of us and Europe. That's why we can not lose time and we'll use all of the options," Taner Yildiz commented on Azerbaijan's possible participation I the project, as cited by the Azarbaijani APA agency. Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, the Vienna-based project company, has been involved in talks with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, and the International Finance Corporation, a member of the World Bank Group, asking for an EUR 4 B loan. These negotiations are expected to be completed in 2011. The Nabucco gas pipeline is supposed to reduce EU's energy dependence on Russia by bringing in natural gas from the Caspian region, Central Asia, and the Middle East. (Sofia Echo)
Source: Monitor (25.05.2011)
EU NPPs to be subject to a 3-stage inspection A total of 143 EU NPPs will be subjected to a 3-stage inspection to be launched on June 1, announced yesterday in Brussels EU Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger. He explained that the first tests will be carried out by the operators of facilities and, afterwards, their reports will be reviewed by the national nuclear regulators. The final third-stage check will be related to the security inspection of facilities by experts from the EU member-states. Oettinger appealed to the neighbouring countries of the EU to join the initiative aimed at checking the status of EU NPPs after the crash at the Japanese Fukushima NPP, reported BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency). We reckoned that, against the background of events in Japan, we should take into consideration all unexpected consequences for the operation of NPPs as a result of any natural disasters. Besides, we should assess potential risks for the newly constructed nuclear power plants, specified the EU Energy Commissioner. He pointed out that testing for resistance to earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cold, heat has also been provided for. The overall effect of these natural events on the plants' security will be assessed on an individual and general basis. Inspections have also been scheduled for the applied nuclear technologies in NPPs, as well as for the equipment for cooling the reactors. The Kozloduy NPP has already launched the stress tests, which should be completed in June as scheduled. If necessary, further inspections will be carried out in compliance with EU nuclear power safety standards, said a week ago Energy Minister, Traicho Traikov. By the year's end, the final results of the NPP's inspections are expected to become clear. Besides, Brussels is expected to issue an opinion on the matter. In our country, the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency will examine the technical documentation for the construction of the Belene NPP and the final results from its stress tests.
Source: Class (26.05.2011)
Lukoil teams with ERG Renew for renewable energy projects in Bulgaria, Romania Lukoil Ecoenergo, a unit of Russian oil giant Lukoil, and Italian renewable energy company ERG Renew signed an agreement on May 25 2011 to set up a joint venture which will develop wind and solar energy capacities in Bulgaria and Romania, the Russian company said. The new business, named LUKErg Renew, will be headquartered in Vienna. The renewable energy joint venture will initially focus on projects in Bulgaria and Romania and later in Ukraine and Russia. LUKErg Renew's business plan will be reviewed in June and approved by the end of 2011. Each of the partners will provide 50 per cent of the company's capital, which will make up 35 000 euro. The creation of the new company is part of Lukoil's strategy to enter the renewable energy business.
Source: Dnevnik (26.05.2011)
Bulgaria Buys US Nuclear Fuel Today or on Monday Bulgaria will sign an agreement with the US Westinghouse company for the supply of nuclear fuel, Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov reported in Parliament. Today (yesterday editors note) I talked with Westinghouse as they supply fuel for some units in Ukraine. We will sign an agreement similar to that with French Areva and in the coming years the supply and deposit of nuclear fuel for Bulgaria will be diversified, Borissov said. Westinghouse is the strongest rival to Russian state corporation Rosatom in the construction and maintenance of nuclear capacities. The US company was invited to invest in Belene NPP but denied. Westinghouse, however, is ready to construct a seventh nuclear unit to Kozloduy NPP and has even presented the parameters of their new reactor AP 1000 to Bulgarias Minister of Economy, Traycho Traykov. Currently Kozloduy is supplied with fuel under a contract with Russian TVEL that expires in 2020. Short before that the licences of the two units also expire and Bulgaria would demand their exploitation time lengthening by 15 or 20 years.
Source: Standart (28.05.2011)
Bulgaria imports 70% of the raw materials for the energy sector Bulgaria imports 70% of the raw materials for the energy sector, said Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov at the meeting of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly near the city of Varna, announced BTA (Bulgarian Telegraph Agency). Earlier this day, he inaugurated the Galateya power transmission line repaired by NEK which left the Sunny Beach resort without electricity supply in 2010. According to Traikov, our country must diversify its energy supplies, but it is not easy to import raw materials from countries that do not cause any problems. Precisely because of the diversification of the energy sources, currently the construction of new gas connections with Greece, Turkey, Romania and Serbia is underway. Besides, the agreement on possible supplies of American nuclear fuel for Kozloduy NPP is expected to be signed. Options for supply of compressed natural gas from Azerbaijan through Georgia and the Black Sea are also being considered, added the Minister. According to Traikov, the nuclear energy projects could play an important role in the energy strategy of our country. It is essential uniform EU safety standards to be introduced both for the EU member states and for the countries bordering the EU. Currently, 55% of Bulgaria's electricity is generated by thermal power plants (TPPs), while 35% is produced by NPPs and the remainder is green energy, generated by the largest hydropower plants (HPPs) in Bulgaria. According to the Minister, in 2020 the wind farms will generate 7% of the electricity in our country, HPPs will produce 9%, whereas the rest 3% will be yielded from biomass processing and the solar energy output will constitute only one percent. A day earlier, Traikov stated that it was highly likely a new contract for the construction of Belene NPP to be prepared. The analyses of the financial consultant on the project, the British bank HSBC, indicated that the final construction contract should not refer to a plant, operating according to market principles. This will be a contract signed between two countries with secured funding and it is clear that there will be some investment, explained Traikov. He added that it was unrealistic to expect a final agreement to be concluded with the Russian AtomStroyExport for the Belene NPP construction at the beginning of June. Regarding the intention of the US Westinghouse Electric Company to supply a fresh nuclear fuel for our Kozloduy NPP, Traikov explained that the Bulgarian State would help the company to license its fuel at the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency. This will authorise the company to bid in future tenders for the fuel supply for Kozloduy NPP. In his words, in Ukraine in view of the price competition with the US fuel, the cost of the Russian raw materials for reactors' operation dropped three times. In the coming days, a deal over the stakes in Gorna Arda hydropower cascade is expected to be signed between EVN and the Turkish company which is the successor of Ceylan Holding. Thus, the Austrian firm will officially enter the Management Board of the company. The already negotiated statute of the company stipulates that EVN will receive a 70% share in the cascade, while NEK will hold the remaining 30%. The project is expected to have two times greater capacity than Tsankov Kamak Hydro Power Station and two times lower value.
Source: Class (30.05.2011)
Bulgaria's Energy Sector to Remain State-owned A big part of the energy companies in Bulgaria will remain state-owned, the trade unions in Bulgaria, PM Borissov, Finance Minister Simeon Djankov, and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov have come to terms. The Confederation of the Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and Confederation of Labour Podkrepa have demanded that the big energy companies like the National Electric Company, Electricity System Operator, Thermo-power plant Maritsa-iztok 2, Kozloduy NPP and its replacing capacity Chaira Hydro Power Plant, for which PM Borissov personally insisted, to become state-owned and the state to have a dominating role in the sector. Bulgaria's cabinet has supported the proposal. "There will be no privatization of a big energy company and such rumours are groundless," Energy Minister Traykov announced after the meeting.
Source: Standart (31.05.2011)
Bulgarian Nuclear Plant StressTest to Cost BGN 12 M The stress-test of the Bulgarian Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant, NPP, required by the European Union, will cost anywhere between BGN 10 and 12 M. The information was reported by the company's CEO, Kostadin Dimitrov, during a public debate on electric power prices, held Monday at the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). According to the CEO, SEWRC failed to acknowledge some of the important expenses of the NPP when determining the new prices of electricity, effective July 1, such as expenses for fuel, for energy for Units 3 and 4, and for the safety and security tests. "We are not trilled by your proposals. You did not take into account the BGN 20 M Kozloduy will have to spend on nuclear fuel we were able to obtain, for the next three years, supplies at prices 2-3% lower, but currently we still place the orders under the old prices and this must be acknowledged," Dimitrov told SEWRC representatives. The NPP management proposes to SEWRC to lower the mandatory quota for the sale of electric power by the company at capped prices. The quota now stands at 70%, which the CEO says is inapplicable because everything Kozloduy needs comes at marker prices while it is asked to provide 70% of the electric power on a regulated market. The SEWRC Head, Angel Semerdzhiev, said the quota can be lowered since the NPP is the cheapest plant in the country, but the issue needs further examining and discussions.
Source: Sega (01.06.2011)
Russian-French consortium likely winner to extend lifespan of Kozloduy reactors A consortium led by Russia's nuclear company Rosenergoatom and French electricity group Electricite de France (EDF) is the most likely winner in the tender for extending the lifespan of the fifth and sixth reactor units at Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear power plant, Kozloduy chief executive Kostadin Dimitrov said on June 2 2011. Extending the lifespan of the units will cost more than 100 million leva, Dimitrov said on the sidelines of an international nuclear energy forrum in Varna, organised by local lobby group Bulatom. About 15 companies purchased tender documentation to take part in the tender, but most of them decided to join the consortium led by Rosenergoatom and EDF. However, receiving only one offer for the procedure would not make the tender invalid and Kozloduy will announce the project's contractor in August or September, Dimitrov said. Works on extending the service life of the two 1000-MW reactors should be completed in 2017 at the latest to allow the Nuclear Regulatory Agency to examine the effectiveness of the procedure. The lifespan expansion wil be financed with the plant's own funds.
Source: Dnevnik (03.06.2011)
Earnst & Young Rank Bulgaria 32nd in Renewable Energy Attractiveness Bulgaria has been ranked among the most attractive countries in the world for investments in renewable energy projects, a report from the US auditing and consulting company Ernst & Young showed. The top three in the ranking are China, the US, and India while Bulgaria is among the top 35, according to the attractiveness indices. This is the first time Bulgaria is included in the report along with Morocco, Taiwan, and Chile. The report points out the last several months were not only very tumultuous for the Middle East and Northern Africa, but confusing for the world renewable energy markets by directing the attention once again to the need of security of energy supplies and oil prices volatility. The earthquake-triggered serious damage at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, NPP, in Japan is also noted as grounds for increased expectations towards the renewable energy sources. "China has reached its highest index position yet, due mainly to diversification of its renewables portfolio with an increased offshore wind and CSP focus. This broadening scope as new technologies become commercially viable illustrates a key trend seen elsewhere with offshore wind in Taiwan, UK and the Nordics, and CSP in Morocco, the US and India. The US stays in second position. President Obama has voiced support for renewables, but Republican opposition in Congress is causing a stalemate. Utility scale solar projects seem immune to this, but lack of liquidity in power offtake arrangements remain the major barrier to new utility scale wind projects," the report reads. Ernst &Young further note that "European government budget cuts and reductions in feed-in tariffs are causing cell prices to fall, yet rising commodity costs are squeezing solar manufacturers' Bulgaria is 32nd, ahead of Austria, Chile and the Czech Republic. The Ernst & Young experts point out Bulgaria's natural resource potential is being hindered by policy barriers.
Source: Darik Radio (03.06.2011)
Electricity from Belene NPP to be sold at eurocents 5.5 /kWh The Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) would be able to sell its electricity at a price of about eurocents 5.5 / kWh, said Alexander Gluhov, President of the Russian Atomstroyexport JSC yesterday, during the Atomekspo 2011 international exhibition, being held in Moscow. He explained that when the NPP is built, this price would be competitive with the other electricity prices offered in the Balkan region. According to the estimates of the Russian side, the first block of the Belene NPP would become operational in 2018. The President of the contractor company explained that the cost of electricity from the second NPP would be less than eurocents 5.5/ kWh, but he did not specify an exact figure. An increase in electricity prices is expected in the countries from the region. For that reason, the Belene NPP will be particularly attractive with the planned prices after 5 years According to the initial contract for the construction of the plant, signed between the National Electricity Company and the Russian company, the electricity generated by the NPP was likely to cost between eurocents 3.6 and 3.9 / kWh. The price for the construction of the two units was expected to reach up to 4 bn, but now the Russian side demands a price of 6.3 bn. We are fully convinced that the Belene NPP project will be effective and therefore we are planning to buy a large stake in it, said Sergey Kirienko, Director General of Rosatom. According to him, the Russian share in the second NPP will depend on the proposal of the Bulgarian Government. Kirienko said that the project would certainly cover the investment expenses entirely. According to him, Rosatom is ready to offer to its other partners, a similar investment scheme, if they are interested. The experts from the Russian corporation are convinced that the upcoming stress tests of NPPs from the EU will prove the reliability of the Russian reactors.
Source: Class (07.06.2011)
BEH and Areva to collaborate on the construction of a new Kozloduy NPP unit The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and the French company Areva will set up a joint working group on the construction of the new nuclear power unit at Kozloduy NPP. This became clear yesterday in Paris after a meeting held between Bulgarian Energy Minister Traicho Traikov and President and CEO of the French Areva company Anne Lauvergeon. Traikov is in Paris for a summit meeting with the EU Energy Ministers on nuclear safety issues. According to Traikov, the nuclear safeguard measures must be applied both by the EU member states and the neighboring countries. Bulgaria has accumulated more than 40 years of experience in the operation of nuclear power facilities. It decommissioned some of its reactors and launched an intensive programme to upgrade the 15-year-old 5th and 6th NPP blocks, indicated also he. According to the memorandum, signed last month between Areva and BEH, they can cooperate in the modernization of the 5th and 6th Kozloduy NPP units. Minister Traikov stressed that the most important criterion for the construction of the new nuclear power capacity was its compliance with the nuclear safety standards. As early as at the end of last year, Kozloduy NPP submitted to the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism an elaborated project for the construction of the 5th NPP unit. A week ago, NPP's representatives explained that there were two areas on the site where the new nuclear power facilities could be built. Experts expect that the new block could be finished for about eight years. According to specialists in the nuclear field, however, the construction of a single 1000-megawatt unit is not so cost-effective compared to that of two reactors sharing a common infrastructure. Areva is a subcontractor of the Russian Atomstroyexport JSC for the construction of Belene NPP. The French company, however, is not responsible for the higher cost of the main construction contract, explained yesterday Lauvergeon. She added that her company has carried out the commissioned activities since 2008 without changing the contract price.
Source: Class (08.06.2011)
French Units in Kozloduy NPP The new nuclear units of Kozloduy NPP may be supplied by French Areva Group, emerged after the meeting of Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Tourism, Traycho Traykov and Areva's CEO, Anne Lauvergeon. They have agreed that within a month Bulgarian and French experts will begin work on the memorandum signed a couple of months between Areva and the Bulgarian Energy Holding about the opportunities for construction of new capacities in Kozloduy NPP. The memorandum also envisages cooperation towards the lengthening of exploitation period for units five and six of the nuke as well as cooperation on the construction of Belene NPP. Meanwhile in Moscow Atomstroyexport's Vice President, Gennady Tepkian reported that Bulgarian experts were at that time in Russia to receive a part of the prepared equipment for Bulgaria's second NPP. He pointed out that within a month everything concerning the final Belene contract would have to be agreed upon and the next step would be the establishment of a Bulgarian-Russian project company.
Source: Standart (08.06.2011)
Bulgaria Gets Gas via Turkey Soon Bulgaria will be able to receive natural gas via Turkey, Bulgarias Minister of Economy and Energy, Traycho Traykov reported after talks with his Turkish counterpart, Taner Yildiz. Both agreed on speeding up of the works on the intersystem links through which Bulgaria will receive access to natural gas from Azerbaijan. The supply of Azerbaijani gas has been contracted in an intergovernmental agreement for a billion cubic metres a year. Once the pipe is constructed, it will guarantee about 30% of Bulgarias annual consumption.
Source: Standart (10.06.2011)
HSBC to be ready with its assessment for Belene NPP in August The British bank HSBC, selected as financial adviser for the Belene NPP, will be ready with its assessment for the project at the end of August, Vladimir Karolev, owner of Balkan Advisory Company and a member of the banks team in Bulgaria, said yesterday in front of journalists during a forum on clean energy. HSBC leads the negotiations with Atomstroyexport on Annex 12, which should determine the way in which the cost of the project will increase. An eventual delay of Bulgarias stance may result in a default claim on the part of the Russian contractor. HSBCs assessment will refer to a period of 25-30 years and will forecast the market opportunities and potential for the use of energy in the country and for its export in the region. In addition, the bank is preparing a financial and technical evaluation of the project. Karolev declined to comment on more specific parameters associated with the cost of the project or the cost of the electricity to be generated by the Belene NPP. Bulgaria signed a contract only for the equipment but not for the financing of the plant, reminded Karolev. According to him, the Belene NPP should not be built with a Government guarantee. We can seek credit from commercial banks or accept financing from Russia, he reminded. Renewable sources cannot ensure Bulgarias energy stability, only nuclear power can be the basis for this, said Bogomil Manchev, Chairman of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum and Executive Director of GCR, a sub-contractor of the Belene NPP project - Parsons. Manchev reminded that while nuclear power engineering is not supported by governments and the electricity produced from it is sold on a market principle, green energy is supported at several levels by preferential prices, contracts for long-term purchase of electricity and emissions trading. According to Manchev, the price of electricity from the Belene NPP will be 35-38/MW.
Source: Class (10.06.2011)
Bulgargaz seeks 6.91% increase in gas prices Bulgaria's state-run gas monopoly Bulgargaz has asked the country's utilities regulator to raise the price of natural gas by 6.91 per cent to 568.92 leva a 1000 cu m from July, the company said on June 10 2011. A month earlier, Bulgargaz said it would seek a seven per cent increase in gas prices to 570.05 leva a 1000 cu m. The final price will determine the increase in heating and hot water tariffs, which are also expected to be revised in July. According to estimates of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC), the spike in heating prices will be up to 10 per cent. The proposed increase, however, does not include the anticipated rise in gas prices. SEWRC will set the new tariffs for gas, heating and hot water in mid-June. The proposed hike in gas prices follows the increase in petroleum products prices on the international markets, Bulgargaz said.
Source: Dnevnik (13.06.2011)
A new unit at Kozloduy NPP to be built after a tender The contractor for the construction of a new unit at the Kozloduy NPP will be selected in a tender, PM Boyko Borissov said yesterday after the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the US company Westinghouse and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The document sets out all the options for cooperation in atomic energy - from the construction of new generators and their modernisation to the decommissioning of old nuclear power plants. The Government is doing everything possible for Kozloduy NPPs units 5 and 6 to operate for at least another 10 years, PM Borissov said. The first sod for the Belene NPP was turned three times because the tenders were conducted in such a way as to know the winner in advance. Therefore, the foundations of the generators had to be built several times, added PM Borissov. Now, having signed contracts with Westinghouse, Frances Areva and Russias Rosatom, we can choose companies to supply fuel or repair the units. We have put security first and price, efficiency and diversification second, specified PM Borissov. Westinghouse has again presented its nuclear reactor AP 1,000, to be considered as an option for the future unit 7 of the Kozloduy NPP.
Source: Class (14.06.2011)
Kozloduy NPP to Live Longer Bulgaria will extend the exploitation period of fifth and sixth units of Kozloduy NPP with the support of the best companies in the world, stated Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov. Bulgarian Electrical Holding and the US Westinghouse signed a memorandum for cooperation in nuclear energy production. The PM pointed out that the Government was doing its best to extend the life-expectancy of the nuclear units by at least ten years. He also mentioned that now Bulgaria had entered into business partnerships with the US energy giant and the French Areva who a similar paper had been recently signed with. "Besides we have an inherited contract with Russia," Borissov added. Thus, to him, Bulgaria would achieve real diversification of nuclear supply and the best and safest products will be received at the lowest prices. Westinghouse President for Europe, Middle East and Africa, Anders Jackson, said that his company could participate in the construction of new capacities in Kozloduy with their latest AP-1000 reactor.
Source: Standart (14.06.2011)
Westinghouse To Help Extend Lifespan of Bulgaria's Kozloduy N-Plant U.S.-based Westinghouse Electric company will help extend the lifespan of the two operating reactors at Bulgaria's Kozloduy nuclear power plant, the Bulgarian Energy Holding said on Monday. Westinghouse willl also work jointly with Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) for the decommissioning and dismantling of the four non-operating reactors at Kozloduy, according to a memorandum of understanding which the two sides signed on Monday, BEH said in a statement. The two companies will work together for the extention of the lifespan of the two 1,000-megawatt (MW) operational units of the Bulgarian nuclear plant and for the decommission and dismantling of the four non-operating units at Kozloduy. Under the memorandum BEH, of which Kozloduy is part, and Westinghouse will also explore projects for the construction of new nuclear power capacities in Bulgaria, as well as the current use, storage and recycling of nuclear fuel. (SeeNews)
Source: (14.06.2011)
US Chevron Corporation to look for shale gas in the Dobrudja region The American Chevron Corporation will look for possibilities to extract shale gas in the Northeast of Bulgaria, announced yesterday after a meeting of the government, the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov. He explained that the Council of Ministers had decided that the company should search the area around the town of Novi Pazar in the course of 5 years in compliance with environmental standards. Chevron also submitted an operational programme for gas search worth 50 mln, while the environmental protection investments would be 4 mln. In fact, some 30 mln would be transferred by the company just for the launch of the exploration procedure and all risks as to whether gas is discovered, as well as the drawing up of the environment assessment would be at the expense of the company, said the Minister. According to him, the selection procedure was carried out transparently. Besides Chevron Corp., another bidder was the American company BNK Petroleum. According to the company's forecasts, the Dobrudja region could contain around 1 trln. cu. m of the fuel. This quantity may be sufficient for the normal gas consumption over the next 300 years, said a month ago Traikov. A year ago, some shale gas was discovered in the Pleven District by another US company - Direct Petroleum Exploration Inc. The company was granted permit for gas drilling in the area of the Deventsi village. Meanwhile, a group of hoteliers from the town of Devin staged a protest yesterday over the fallen stones along the new highway section Devin-Mihalkovo. The section was constructed as a bypass route because a part of the old motorway was flooded by the Tsankov Kamak Dam. As a result of the problems with the new highway, there could be an outflow of tourists, explained yesterday hoteliers from Devin. They urge NEK (National Electric Company) to clear and secure the road. Currently, the company is lifting another 3 km section of the old road at the town entrance because it could also be flooded. The bypass highway worth 220 mln has not yet been released officially. NEK also constructed a highway route to the village of Osikovo, which was donated to the Devin Municipality.
Source: Class (16.06.2011)
Bulgaria to build two more power units at Maritsa East Bulgaria will build two more power units at its largest energy complex Maritsa East, which will have a capacity of 230 MW to 240 MW each, Economy Minister Traicho Traikov said. Currently, the ministry is reviewing two options for funding the project - through a public-private partnership or through placing for sale a minority stake in the plant, he said. In late May, the ministry said it was in talks with potential investors for adding new capacity to the plant. The new units could be separated into a new company, Maritsa East 4, or become part of the existing state-owned plant Maritsa East 2. On a separate note, Traikov said the ministry could decide to replace the generators of the fifth and sixth power units at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, a move that would cost 20 million euro. The proposed rehabilitation would ensure an additional 60 MW of power.
Source: Dnevnik (22.06.2011)
Kiril Temelkov is replacing Ivan Drenovichki at the post of CEO of the Bulgartransgaz company, the Bulgarian Energy Holding, BEH, announced Thursday. Ivan Drenovichki, executive director of Bulgartransgaz, was removed from the position one year and a half after taking office. Temelkov, 37, has graduated from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia with a major in Economy and Management of Trade. He has extensive experience in the energy sector and has worked for Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz, where he has been the Head of the Trade Department from 2000 to 2008. Since May, 2010, Temelkov is the Bulgarian representative at the Nabucco gas pipeline and manager of Nabucco Gaz Pipeline Bulgaria. State-owned Bulgartransgaz is a natural gas transmission and storage system operator and a subsidiary of BEH. Bulgartransgaz is part of a gas grid interconnection project with Romania, which, according to the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov, is to be completed by mid-2012. The gas transmission operator was involved in an argument with private natural gas supplier Overgas after denying the Bulgarian-Russian firm access to its pipeline grid.
Source: Darik Radio (24.06.2011)
Bulgaria Delays Bourgas-Alexandroupolis Project Again The final decision on the construction of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline will be delayed with at least two months. Yesterday, Bulgaria's Ministry of Environment and Waters returned the evaluation report on the environmental impact to the project company Trans Balkan Pipeline. The Ministry of Environment and Waters gave a negative mark to the presented report. Trans Balkan Pipeline has two months to add details to the environmental report in order to correspond to the requirement. This is the last chance of the company to present proofs before the Ministry of Environment and Waters that the oil pipeline will not have a negative effect on the environment. At the end of March, 2011, the report on the compatibility of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline with the laws on Natura 2000 received a positive evaluation.
Source: Standart (24.06.2011)
Bulgarian PM Calls for Investigation into Belene Construction Some people must be brought to court over the delayed construction of NPP Belene, Bulgarias PM Boyko Borissov said. In his words, GERB first alerted the Prosecutors Office about possible breaches of the procedure, regarding the NPP Belene deal years ago, but no investigation has been launched, yet. The Prosecutors Office should bring up charges against those guilty of the projects unaccounted delay, or else the speculations on the topic will continue, Borissov said. Just pray for the quickest possible naming of the guilty. Currently Bulgaria does not avail of a fixed and justified price for Belene construction and the mere comment of constructing a nuclear plant in Europe sounds as a joke, the PM said. He also reported that he would demand the results of the stress tests of Kozloduy NPP. Thus we will show to Brussels that the units were able to work in 100% safety but Bulgaria, namely for the sake of European safety, sacrificed them, this would stop them from talking about Kozloduy, Borissov said.
Source: Standart (27.06.2011)
The new Head of NEK has been officially announced Mihail Andonov is the new CEO of the National Electric Company (NEK), Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov announced yesterday. Andonov occupied only temporarily the post of CEO before that. There were 13 applications for this position and Andonov was preferred among the four shortlisted candidates. He announced that one of his first tasks would be to draft a long-term programme for repayment of NEKs liabilities. Andonov succeeds to the post Krasimir Parvanov, who was dismissed by Traikov in April.
Source: Class (29.06.2011)
Bulgaria to link Maritsa East 2 power plant to Plovdiv, Bourgas Bulgaria will build two 400 kV power transmission lines connecting the country's coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 with substations in Plovdiv and Bourgas by the end of 2014, Economy Minister Traicho Traikov said on June 28 2011. As much as 37.8 million euro of the financing will be provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund, operated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), while the remainder will be funded by state-owned electricity utility National Electricity Company. The agreement on the project financing was signed by Mikail Andonov, the newly-appointed head of the state-run power utility, and EBRD's nuclear safety department head Vince Novak. The project will provide for a reduction in electricity losses along the grid and also ensure secure supplies, Traikov said. According to the agreement, the transmission lines linking Maritsa East 2 with the substations in Bourgas and Plovdiv will cost 32.4 million euro and 21.6 million euro, respectively.
Source: Dnevnik (29.06.2011)
Bulgaria's Govt Tries to Negotiate Lower Gas Prices with Gazprom We will sign a long term contract for supply of natural gas with Russia's Gazprom, provided that a lower price is agreed, Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov said. In his words, the government will seek to sign a short term contract if the gas prices are higher. "We will pump natural gas into the storage facility at Chiren, provided that the central heating companies pay their debts to Bulgargaz before September 2011. The heating utility of Sofia, for instance, owes 70 million levs to the state natural gas company.
Source: Standart (29.06.2011)
Russia to help Bulgaria find shareholders for Belene nuclear plant Russia has pledged to help Bulgaria find potential shareholders for the project company that will build and operate the Belene nuclear power station, Atomstroyexport, the Russian contractor for the plant, said on July 4 2011. The announcement came three days after Atomstroyexport and Bulgaria's state-owned power utility NEK agreed to delay until September 30 the negotiations on the plant's construction and its price. Despite the three-month delay, Russia will continue discussions on the project, although Bulgaria's Economy Minister Traicho Traikov had said that Sofia would seek to freeze talks on Belene during the period, Atomstroyexport said. The Russian company also said it was committed to assisting NEK in the creation of a working group that would seek to solve the problems with the project's financing. In late 2010, Atomstroyexport's parent company, state nuclear corporation Rosatom, helped Bulgaria secure the two current foreign investors in the Belene project. Finland's major utility Fortum Corp and French technology consultancy Altran Technologies then agreed to get stakes of one per cent each in the project, with Fortum securing an option to increase its holding to 25 per cent. A stake of 51 per cent in the plant will be controlled by NEK, while the remainder will be owned by Rosatom unless other shareholders can be found.
Source: Dnevnik (05.07.2011)
Bulgaria Produces 50% of the Gas It Needs In the nearest future about half of the natural gas consumed by the Bulgarian industry will be home-supplied, calculations show. "This will be made possible once we start exploiting the newly found gas deposits near Lovech, something which will not take long," said Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Traycho Traykov. To his words, the finds are worth 10 billion cubic metres; annually about one billion cubic metres will be extracted. For the last few years Bulgaria has consumed about three billion cubic metres of natural gas a year. Along with the newly-found gas deposit in Lovech, the other fields at the Bulgarian Black Sea coast - in Kavarna and Kaliakra will be able to satisfy half of the annual consumption in the country. This will allow lower prices for the Bulgarian industry and heating companies as the Bulgarian-extracted gas will cost less than the gas currently imported from Russia. The news for the new field comes just in time while Bulgaria is in negotiations with Gazprom for a new contract of supply and one of the main issues is the price of Russian gas. The Standart has been recently told by no other but Dimitar Gogov, Bulgargaz CEO that the contract would be a long-term one only if the set price is suitable for Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (06.07.2011)
Toshiba exploring for new thermal power plant with CO2 capture installation in "Maritsa Iztok 2" Toshiba Corporation will investigate the possibility of building a new plant with installation for CO2 capture in "Maritsa Iztok 2", the company said. The survey will be conducted with the support of the French company Schlumberger Carbon Services, University of Sofia and the Japanese corporation Taisei. Japan Corporation was chosen to do applied research on systems for high efficiency use of coal, which is funded by the Japanese Organization for Development of New Energy and Industrial Technology (NEDO). It will start in July and completed by the end of March 2012. For the construction of new coal plant in the complex there is talk for several years. The previous government chose the working committee that developed the conditions of the tender for consultant for building of the plant. Was conducted examination for the development of state-run mines "Maritsa Iztok" that will deliver coal for the new plant. In late March Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov announced Toshiba interest in building new capacity and stated that the investment will be about 350 million euro. A month later, in discussing the new Energy Strategy of Bulgaria until 2020, he explained that the new plant could be built at the site of "Maritsa Iztok 2 and the state company may participate in the financing. According to him, it is possible two units to be detached into an independent company and building to be carry out through public private partnership. "The examination is part of Japanese government policy to promote economic growth in Japan, while reducing global emissions of CO2 through the implementation of leading energy and high efficiency technology abroad," said the statement of the Japanese corporation. It is intended the examination to cover all coal plants in Bulgaria. In the statement is said that it is supported by the Bulgarian Energy Holding company. The Japanese corporation has signed a memorandum of cooperation with BEH and the Bulgarian economy ministry.
Source: Standart (06.07.2011)
Bulgaria's and Turkey's Presidents Demand Nabucco Meeting The construction of Nabucco gas pipeline was one of the topic in the talks between Bulgaria's President Georgi Parvanov and his Turkish counterpart Abdullah Gul. Turkish President Gul in on a two-day official visit to Sofia. The two presidents also discussed energy issues among them the inter-system gas connection which can supply natural gas from Azerbaijan. President Parvanov's idea is that the gas companies of the three countries which take part in the connection - Bulgarian Bulgargaz, Turkish Botas and Azerbaijan's Socar hold a meeting. According to President Parvanov, Turkey, with its key contacts in the region could ensure the over 31 billion cubic meters of natural gas need for the functioning of Nabucco project. Bulgaria's head of state emphasized that the work of the joint Bulgarian-Turkish commission should be expedited. The commission was established on initiative of president Parvanov to solve the problems between the two countries. "There are no insoluble problems if there is political will," president Parvanov stated. Turkey's president Abdullah Gul commented that the economic, social and cultural relations between Bulgaria and Turkey are progressing very positively.
Source: Standart (12.07.2011)
Bulgaria hikes capital of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis project company Bulgaria has decided to increase the capital of Project Company Bourgas - Alexandroupolis Oil Pipeline BG, the Government's press office said on July 13 2011. The capital hike will be carried out through the issue of 150 new shares worth a combined 150 000 leva. The issue will be taken up by the state with funds from the budget of the Finance Ministry. The sum is the minimum amount required to keep the company operational until the country decides whether to take part in the pipeline's construction, the statement said. The funds will be also used for fulfilling the entity's obligations as a a shareholder in Amsterdam-registered Trans Balkan Pipeline (TBP), the project company behind the BourgasAlexandroupolis pipeline. TBP, set up as part of an agreement signed by Russia, Bulgaria and Greece, is in charge of all activities concerning the project, including research, design and construction of the pipeline.
Source: Dnevnik (14.07.2011)
Bulgaria's Govt Seeks Deal with Chevron "We are now sorting out the last details of the contract with US gas giant Chevron to carry out exploration and extraction of shale natural gas in Bulgaria," Bulgaria's economy minister Traycho Traykov said during a discussion dedicated to the issues of the exploration and extraction of shale natural gas in Bulgaria. In his words, tenders for new concessionaires of shale gas fields in northern Bulgaria will be announced soon. "There are no risks in the extraction of shale gas. Drilling will be carried out only after the risks for the environment have been assessed," minister Traykov said further.
Source: Standart (20.07.2011)
Moscow Smells Economic War By suspending the license of the largest refinery on the Balkans, LUKOIL, Bulgaria's government cast a heavy blow on Moscow's interests in the region, Russian media wrote yesterday. LUKOIL Neftochim has a processing capacity of 142,000 barrels of crude oil a day. Half of its production is for domestic consumption and the other half is exported to third countries - Bulgaria's neighbors, USA and Asia, the New Region daily writes. The editor makes it a point that the move is aimed at reducing Russia's influence on the Balkans. According to, the suspension of LUKOIL's license may result in shortage of gasoline on Bulgaria's home market. With its decision Bulgaria destines itself to a fuel collapse, representatives of the Russian company stated for the website. Apart from that, Bulgaria "robs" itself of its biggest tax-payer which provides 25% of all tax revenues to the state treasury. Bulgaria dictates conditions to Lukoil, Neftegaz.RU edition commented. "It can be suggested that this move did not happen without the influence of the delayed developments connected with the construction of a NPP in Bulgaria - (Belene NPP - editor's note) with Russian investment. Namely, under the influence of these developments Bulgaria declared its intention to diversify its oil and gas supplies at the expense of the reduction of import of energy resources from Russia," the edition underlines.
Source: Standart (28.07.2011)
Bulgaria, Greece pick project company for cross-border pipeline State-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has said it had selected Greek-Bulgarian joint venture ICGB AD to take up the design, construction and operation of a gas pipeline connecting the two countries. Bulgaria and Greece have also picked British-Greek consortium Penspen - C&M Engineering SA to carry out the engineering design of the inter-connection and the project's environmental impact assessment. The international tender for selecting a project company for the pipeline was announced at the start of the year. The project's implementation will start in late August and is expected to be completed in 2012, BEH said. Sofia and Athens had to start the project by the end of 2011 in order not to lose the European funding for the pipeline. Brussels granted the two countries a combined 45 million euro for the inter-connector, which is valued at a total 160 million euro. The 170-km gas route linking Dimitrovgrad, Haskovo and Komotini is considered part of the Turkey-Greece-Italy pipeline, which could be later linked to the Nabucco gas pipeline. The pipeline will have an annual transit capacity of three billion cu m which could be boosted to five billion cu m. It is expected to ensure alternative gas deliveries to Bulgaria from the Caspian Sea area, as well as liquefied natural gas from terminals in Greece and Turkey. The inter-connection is expected to come on stream in 2014, about a year later than previously planned.
Source: Dnevnik (15.08.2011)
GERB party MP: NEC to buy assets of energy companies in the region National Electricity Company (NEC) to acquire assets of energy companies in Southeast Europe and to become a player in the region. This was proposed by the deputy chairman of the parliamentary group of GERB party and a member of the Parliamentary Committee on Economy, Energy and Tourism Valentin Nikolov. Before 3E he explained that the utility company can buy shares from the Greek PPC. Because of the crisis Greece sells assets that can be acquired at a lower price and the Bulgarian state company can take advantage of the situation. MP believes it is possible NEC to establish subsidiaries across the region which can apply for licenses to trade power. MP said that NEC currently delivers electricity at a lower price than the price at which it sales in Bulgaria. New companies will allow it to get more profit from the export. At the same time Greece buys power from the electric company and then exports to Italy. In his words thus will be eliminated intermediaries in trade. Once again, energy traders are confused by intermediaries. Realization of the idea is rather an attempt to be removed the traders who are the backbone of EU trade in the liberalized energy market. Most experts have criticized the idea of Nikolov arguing that NEC may buy negligible stake because of financial resource constraints. However, they recognized the advantage of possible buying of assets at a lower price. "More important for the NEC is to take action for the divesting of Electricity System Operator (ESO) this is a requirement of the EU third energy package. The company should invest in developing and maintaining infrastructure to ensure the security of supply said Lachezar Bogdanov from "Industry Watch" think-tank. He added that it should be decided whether the company will have hydro power stations and will participate in the construction of "Belene". "The state must declare its strategy for development of the company, said Bogdanov. In his words, until now the government has not announced a strategic idea of buying assets from companies in the region. Such ambitions previously had Bulgarian Energy Holding, part of which is NEC. (
Source: Other (25.08.2011)
BEH, NEC and ESO all are too much The selected national model for spinning-off of transmission operators and production activities requires gas supply operator (Bulgartransgaz) and power energy operator (ESO) to be separated as two detached and independent legal entities which own as well grid assets. Recently adopted by the National Assembly Energy Strategy 2020 provides for: - the control on activity of these new companies to be carried out by their principal in the face of the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism; - restructuring to be completed as soon as possible before the deadline set in the EU directives - December 31, 2011, expires. When these intentions are met, at least one of the two major state energy companies - BEH or NEC - will go down in history. What is the current corporate structure? Gas transmission network and its operator are integrated into Bulgartransgaz - a subsidiary of BEH. ESO is subsidiary of NEC, which in turn is also subsidiary of BEH. Power grid assets are in the transmission company, which is also owned by NEC. By the spin-off of both operators along with grid BEH will lose a subsidiary, most of the assets in the second subsidiary company and its only "grandchild". Orphaned holding will remain with the capital of Maritza Iztok" mines and two power generation companies Maritsa Iztok 2" and "NPP "Kozloduy", while NEC will retain only hydropower plants. Thus, in practice, both BEH and NEC will own and manage several power plants. How to avoid such duplication - whether coal, nuclear power plant and mines will merge with NEC or hydropower plants will merge with BEH it is a matter of technology. It is clear that changes are inevitable and that the establishment of power generation company (or power generation companies) descending from the state power plants will run parallel with the processes of spinning-off of independent transmission operators for gas and power. It is not clear or at least is not mentioned in the energy strategy whether this serious restructuring will be accompanied by transformation of the grid companies into public ones and by issuing of their shares, what were the original ideas in the anti-crisis government programs. Pending is the issue of gas and electricity public supplier. These are Bulgargaz and NEC-Public Supplier. Their existence is reminiscent of the old model of single buyer, when a single intermediary centralized wholesale trade of gas and electricity. Yet their existence is dictated mainly by the presence of trade agreements to which they are party. The faster the processes of liberalization, the faster their functions will die down and they will pass in the history of the Bulgarian energy sector. (
Source: Other (02.09.2011)
Kozloduy Nuke Has a New Director The state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding has appointed a new director of the Kozloduy NPP, the only Bulgarian nuclear power plant, after the acting CEO sought a release for health reasons. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced Monday that Kostandin Dimitrov, the acting CEO of the only Bulgarian nuclear plant, asked to be dismissed on September 2, 2011. He was discharged as Kozloduy NPP CEO and member of the Board of the Directors of the plant at the very end of last week, the holding said. On September 12, Monday, BEH appointed Alexander Nikolov as CEO of the Kozloduy plant, who had already been a Board member; Mitko Yankov was appointed a member of the board in the place of Kostadin Dimitrov. The new CEO of the Kozloduy NPP, Alexander Nikolov, was born in 1962. He is a graduate of the Sofia Technical University with a degree in thermal and nuclear energy.
Source: Standart (13.09.2011)
Kozloduy N-plant posts January-July profit of 133 Mln BGN The financial effect of the policy of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant for conclusion of transparent contracts for electricity sale is a profit of 133,387,000 leva in the first seven months of 2011, Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov said. By comparison, the plant's profit was 87,402,000 leva in January-July 2010, and 57,726,000 leva in the year earlier period. The plant's priority is to meet the requirements of the regulated market to cater for the consumers' needs. Answering a question about alternative natural gas links, Traikov said that the roadmap for the interconnectors with Greece envisages deliveries to start early in 2014 and to become regular in the summer of that year. Traikov added that the team working on the Bulgarian-Greek project wants natural gas delivery to start as early as 2013. Traikov said that according to schedule, the underwater crossing of the Danube for the gas interconnector with Romania must be completed by the end of 2012. The realistic date for design and construction of the gas interconnector with Serbia is mid-2013. Traikov said the government is working on a project for a gas interconnector with Turkey. Agreement has been reached with Turkey's national gas operator and joint working groups will elaborate the technical, economic and commercial aspects of the project.
Source: (20.09.2011)
Iran offers to build oil refinery near Varna Iran has offered to build a crude oil refinery near Bulgaria's city of Varna, on the Black Sea coast. During a meeting between Iran's ambassador to Bulgaria, Gholamreza Bagheri Moghadam, and Varna's governor Dancho Simeonov, the diplomat said that his country was willing to build the refinery on its own, through a partnership or a contract. "We are ready to implement this project in a way that favours Bulgaria," the ambassador said. The ambassador said that Iran had significant experience in the oil processing industry. The country currently has 10 refineries and more facilities are in the pipeline. In addition, Iran ranks second in terms of crude oil reserves globally and is the second-biggest oil exporter among OPEC members, the ambassador said. In turn, Simeonov said he would notify the Government about his talks with Iran's delegation and the proposed refinery construction. Earlier on September 20, Simeonov and Vahid Jalalzadeh, governor of the West Azerbaijan Province in Iran, signed a memorandum of co-operation between the two regions. The Iranian province is keen to collaborate with Varna on transit, tourism, economy, exports of fruit juices and concentrates. The parties also discussed a potential launch of a bus service between Varna and West Azerbaijan's capital in the future.
Source: Dnevnik (21.09.2011)
Economy Minister Traikov: Natural Gas Can Start Flowing from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria in 2013 The first natural gas can start flowing from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria in 2013, Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov said emerging from a meeting with Azerbaijan Industry and Energy Minister Natig Aliyev, Traikov's Ministry said in a press release. The sides agreed on ensuring the land route of deliveries making maximum use of the capacity of Bulgaria's inter-system links with neighbouring countries. Aliyev expressed the readiness of Azerbaijan to look for other possibilities in addition to the Nabucco gas pipeline. A common concept is needed about the Southern Gas Corridor; the efficiency of an additional diversification of the routes should also be assessed, the two ministers said. The inter-connector with Turkey can also carry gas to Bulgaria and the region; compressed gas can be delivered from the coast of Georgia to Bulgaria's coast across the Black Sea and a feasibility study will be made for this purpose.
Source: 3e-news (26.09.2011)
Natural gas and district heating prices to increase by more than 5% Natural gas prices will increase by 6.67% as of Saturday, October 1, decided the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) yesterday. Thus, 1000 cu m of natural gas will cost BGN 594.37, VAT excluded, said Head of SEWRC Angel Semerdjiev. The proposal of Bulgargaz JSC was for a price increase of the natural gas of 13.86%, but the Commission reduced this percentage. SEWRC relies on the local production in order to limit the increase in fuel prices. Gas extraction in the Black Sea will become more expensive by 22%, said Dimitar Gogov, Executive Director of Bulgargaz. The company, which produces gas near the town of Kavarna - Melrose Resources Plc, demanded higher prices, and the proposal has already been submitted for approval to the Bulgarian Energy Holding. Gogov added that despite the price increase in the local gas production, it remained by above 30% cheaper than the imported natural gas. The district heating prices will rise next month because of the surge in the natural gas prices. The District Heating Company (DHC) Pleven will record the biggest increase of 4.77% to 71.58 BGN / MWh, VAT excluded, said Angel Semerdjiev. In Sofia, the district heating prices will be up by 3.35% to 80.08 BGN / MWh, and in Plovdiv, the increase is 3.75% to 91.95 BGN / MWh. In Vratsa, the heating energy prices will jump by nearly 3% in the new season, to 83.98 BGN / MWh. In Bourgas, the increase will be 2.12% to 68.85 BGN / MWh. The district heating prices in Ruse, Pernik, Sliven and Varna will rise by less than a percentage, and in Gabrovo they will remain unchanged. A reduction of the service price will take place in the town of Veliko Tarnovo alone - by 1.38%, but the district heating there is the most expensive. The price increase of hot water and district heating energy from July must be added to these prices as well, so the household bills will increase by another 4-5%, said Semerdjiev.
Source: Class (28.09.2011)
Nabucco 2 to Go through Bulgaria British Petroleum wants to build an alternative to Nabucco gas pipeline which will also cross Bulgaria's territory, ITAR-TASS reported. For one year now, British Petroleum has been working out a new gas pipeline from Azerbaijan to Europe. One of the options is that the pipeline goes through the Black Sea, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Croatia. Probaly, it is a question of a much bigger project than the one for a gas pipeline from Azerbaijan through Georgia, the Black Sea and Bulgaria about which Bulgarian Bulgartransgaz, Georgian GOGC and Azerbaijan's SOCAR repeatedly informed.
Source: Standart (28.09.2011)
European Commission opens probe into Bulgaria's gas market The European Commission (EC) initiated on September 28 2011 unannounced inspections at four Bulgaria-based gas companies, namely Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its two subsidiaries Bulgargas and Bulgartransgas, as well as private company Overgas, which is 50 per cent-owned by Russian gas major Gazprom, the companies said. In its statement, BEH also said that the probe was being conducted at dozens of companies in 10 countries from central and eastern Europe. Bulgaria's Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) has also taken part in the check, the regulator said without providing further information. The Commission is examining whether gas companies comply with the rules for free competition in trade and distribution of natural gas, and whether they fulfill the commitments related to access of third countries to the gas network, which may have been violated unilaterally or through bilateral agreements. The inspections are expected to be completed in up to a week. The last check of Bulgaria's gas market took place in 2009. The probe was carried out by CPC, which found no breaches in free competition rules.
Source: Dnevnik (29.09.2011)
Bulgaria Negotiates on Gas Supplies from Kazakhstan It is possible that Bulgaria imports natural gas from Kazakhstan and to direct it to Europe. This will be one of the tropics between Bulgaria's minister of economy and energy, Traycho Traykov, and Kazakhstan's Vice PM Aset Isekeshev. Bulgaria delegation includes representatives of business in the spheres of oil-refining, logistics and machine-building which will discuss the opportunities for cooperation with local companies. The Bulgarian delegation will have similar talks in Uzbekistan.
Source: Standart (29.09.2011)
Bulgaria, Russia Agree on New Nuclear Project Delay Bulgaria and Russia have reached an agreement to extend the negotiations over Belene nuclear project by another six months as of the beginning of October amidst continuing haggling over its price and feasibility. Bulgaria's National Electric Company NEK and Russia's Atomstroyexport, a subsidiary of Rosatom, signed on September 30 a new annex extending by the end of March 2012 their contract for the construction of two 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors at Belene, a statement of the Bulgarian state utility said. The new, fourteenth, annex between the two sides will allow them to take into account the results from the stress tests and the expected developments on the electricity market. Bulgaria's Economy Minister Traicho Traikov recently commented that the project's consultant HSBC has already come up with its first conclusions, which show that there are ways to make Belene profitable. Traikov however stressed that the line between "profitable" and "unprofitable" is very thin and a matter of detailed negotiations.
Source: Darik Radio (03.10.2011)
Bulgaria to Build Ports at Caspian Sea Bulgarian companies to participate in the construction of ports, shipyards and dockyards at Caspian Sea, including for oil-tankers and tankers for compressed natural gas - this issue was discussed by Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traycho Traykov and Kazakhstan Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Sauat Mynbayev during their meeting in Astana. Kazakhstan is considering Bulgaria as a serious partner in regard of the country's plans to increase the export of oil and gas by 2020, the president of Kazakhstan's National Oil-gas Company KazMunayGas Kairgeldy Kabyldin stated before Minister Traykov. He pointed out that this might be realized by transit via Caspian Sea, Black Sea and Bulgaria. For Bulgaria gas deliveries via Black Sea are important possibility to diversify the sources and the routes, Traycho Traykov said.
Source: Standart (05.10.2011)
NPP Belene to Meet Latest Safety Standards Bulgaria's NPP Belene meets the latest and the highest safety requirements, according to the results of the additional stress tests under the newly adopted by the EU safety standards in the awake of the Fukushima nuclear disaster. The report is ready, and it has already been submitted to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency, Atomstroyexport said. Reportedly, the documents had been prepared by experts of the Russian company, together with their colleagues from Bulgaria's energy utility NEC and the project's architect-engineer Worley Parsons. The report contains analyses of the possible effects of natural disasters such a flood or an earthquake on the nuclear power plant; it also outlines emergency measures that should be taken in case of a breakdown or loss of external power-supply to the units, as the case was at Fukushima. The analysis shows that NPP Belene meets the highest safety requirements, while the nuclear reactors are of the latest 3+ generation, the constructor Atomstroyexport said. The stress tests on the site of NPP Belene shall be evaluated by experts of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who are expected to arrive in Sofia on December 12, 2011.
Source: Standart (05.10.2011)
Bulgaria's National Electric Company files 61 mln euro claim against Russia's Atomstroyexport over Belene Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK) said on Thursday it has filed a claim against Russia's Atomstroyexport at the International Court of Arbitration (ICA) in Paris, with Geneva as the venue for dispute resolution. NEK is claiming over 61 million euro in payments owed by Atomstroyexport under a framework agreement of November 28, 2007. The news comes after Russian media reported in July that Atomstroyexport had filed a claim at ICA for 58 million euro in overdue payments from NEK for work performed in the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant in Bulgaria. Back then, NEK said it would take similar action over 61 million euro in unpaid equipment. Last Friday, NEK and Atomstroyexport extended until March 31, 2012 the term of a 2006 agreement on building Belene. NEK will be represented in the arbitration proceedings by the international law firm White & Case LLP, which has won lawsuits for Bulgaria before and has much experience in disputes in the field of energy, including nuclear energy.
Source: Standart (07.10.2011)
Russia's Gazprom interested in energy assets in Bulgaria Russia's gas giant Gazprom is interested in energy assets in Bulgaria, UK, Germany and the Benelux countries, Denis Fyodorov, chief executive of the group's power unit GazpromEnergoHolding, said as quoted by Reuters on October 7 2011. "We plan to present three or four projects (in Europe) to the board of directors to the board (of Gazprom) by the end of the year. We have a short list (of European assets) which contains about 10 projects," Fyodorov told reporters. According to Fyodorov, Gazprom was seeking to fully control the assets where it decided to participate and was ready to pay for them in cash. Joint ventures are being negotiated only with German utility RWE, he said.
Source: Dnevnik (10.10.2011)
Central Heating Price Goes Up in Bulgaria The price of central heating will increase again in Bulgaria. As of January 2012 the Bulgarians will pay higher bills for their central heating. This will be the third increase after the hikes in July and October. Presently, the central heating has gone up in price by 7% on the average. The hike in January 2012 will be by about 6%. The reason for the next increase of the price of central heating is the forthcoming introduction of excise on natural gas which is used as fuel by the central heating companies. The ministry of finance plans a rate of 1.70 levs for a gigajoule which will increase the price of the natural gas by about 8%. "If the excise comes into force, this will inevitable increase the final price of natural gas," stated the chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission Mr Angel Semerdjiev. The next increase of the price of central heating will make the bills for January by 30 levs higher compared to the same month of 2011.
Source: Standart (12.10.2011)
London companies will be invited to participate in the privatization of state shares in companies on the stock exchange. This will happen during the conference on capital markets The European Exchanges Summit on 17-18 October 2011 in London. The management of BSE in the face of Ivan Takev, Vasil Golemanski and Georgi Bulgarski are said to hold meetings with potential investors for the electricity distribution companies. It is likely that the board of directors would seek a strategic investor for the Exchange itself. During the discussions, CEO of BSE Ivan Takev will present ideas for developing markets, consolidation of markets and their regulation. BSE went through very tough times in recent years. As a result of the financial crisis regulation increased, exchanges seek consolidation and technology enables innovative marketing tools, the impact of which is still a ground for arguement among the participants in the sector.
Source: Standart (13.10.2011)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding doubles its profit A National Information System for Renewable Energy Consumption will be developed by the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, announced its officials. The System will become operative after the approval of a special ordinance. The new structure will show the potential, generation and consumption of domestic renewable energy. The Information System will be controlled by the future Sustainable Energy Development Agency. The Economy Ministry has already announced the opening of a public procurement tender for contracting consultants, who will propose schemes for the development of the Bulgarian heating and gas sectors by 2020. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, in turn, will consider tomorrow the prices for green energy generated by plants, funded under EU grant programmes. The State Regulator proposed that the electricity generated by these facilities should be sold at prices depending on the share of subsidy in the total investment. The profit for the first six months of 2011 of the state companies under the umbrella of the Bulgarian Energy Holding increased by 102.9%, announced The BEH itself reported a positive growth of 148% in its non-consolidated profit worth BGN 228 mln, which was accrued primarily as a result of the dividend income of BGN 214 mln. For the same period, BEH has reimbursed the state with dividends worth BGN 57 mln. The most profitable companies, controlled by the Energy Holding, are NPP Kozloduy, which registered a profit of BGN 106 mln, and the Electricity System Operator EAD with a profit of BGN 92 mln. The National Electricity Company earned a total of BGN 49.5 mln in six months. According to the financial report, solely Bulgargaz registered a loss of BGN 3.7 mln. Actually, the gas provider is indebted with over BGN 160 mln to companies incorporated in the BEH structure. The profit of the gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz SPLTD, in turn, amounted to BGN 45.8 mln.
Source: Class (17.10.2011)
There will be no excise duty on methane, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov said Monday. "Excise duty should not be imposed on methane because the prices of many other services will rise. We cannot afford this at a time of crisis," he added. "Finance Minister SImeon Djankov's idea to impose excise duty on methane is good, but in the conditions of crisis this cannot be done," Borissov said. "That is why I have told the ministers that even when they 'think aloud' terrible political conclusions are made after that," the Prime Minister underscored. "I bear the political responsibility for the governance of the country. If we impose taxes on everything we can tax we will fill the budget but the people will become poorer, which we cannot afford," Borissov said.
Source: Standart (18.10.2011)
BEH to hire a business consultant for the gas link with Greece The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is looking for a consultant which will develop and evaluate a business plan for the interconnector gas pipeline from Greece to Bulgaria. The information can be found on the companys website. Applicants must submit their offers by October 31 to the office of ICGB (Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria). The deadline for drafting of the plan and its cost are not clear yet. According to Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov, the gas connection could be ready at the end of 2013. BEH holds a 50% stake in ICGB and the other shareholders - Greeks DEPA and Italys the other 50%. Our country is expected to receive 1 bn cu m of natural gas from Azerbaijan along the pipeline. The construction of the gas conduit between Komotini and Stara Zagora will cost 130 mln. The EU extended 45 mln under the reconstruction plan. Meanwhile, the Government decided to transform the Agency for Energy Efficiency Agency to an Agency for Sustainable Development. The new structure will employ 70 people and will be also responsible for the development of the renewable energy sector in Bulgaria.
Source: Class (27.10.2011)
Minister Traicho Traikov: Bulgaria has not received new claims for Belene NPP Bulgaria has not officially received new claims from Russia regarding the construction of the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), said Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov. He made this statement after the head of Russias Atomstroyexport Alexander Gluhov said the companys legal claim against Bulgarias National Electric Company (NEK) for not remitting the money for the equipment produced by Atomstroyexport for the Belene NPP might be raised to 130 mln. According to Traikov, the relationship between NEK and Atomstroyexport must be based on hard work and the use of the channels for their respective activities. He added that, if things really come down to a new claim against NEK, then lawyers will explain whether it has grounds or not. Because of the problems at Japans Fukushima NPP, the construction of Belene will be some $2.1 bn more expensive than the initial estimates, experts from the Centre for Balkan and Black Sea Studies in Sofia pointed out. According to them, this renders the implementation of the project almost impossible. Meanwhile, the Kozloduy NPP announced that the repairs of unit 6 have been completed and the facility is generating electricity for the national power grid. In 2012, Bulgaria will start building smart energy networks, Traikov said during the forum on the development of this type of systems. Their introduction will contribute to the easier and more effective management of the energy grid, while the access of green energy to the grid will be improved and increased.
Source: Class (28.10.2011)
The new owner of "Maritsa Iztok 3" will expand its business in Bulgaria The American company Contour Global, which recently bought 73% of TPP "Maritsa Iztok 3", intends to build a plant for production of carbon dioxide in Kostinbrod with Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling Company, and to build a power plant, said CEO of the company Joseph Brandt. Contour Global applied technology that enables gas engines to produce electricity and the heat from engine work to go on steam and hot water, and hot water to cool. Exhaust gases that go into the atmosphere to be captured and purified and used in bottling. The new owner was officially introduced today. The ceremony was attended by Ministers of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov, and Social Policy Totyu Mladenov and U.S. Ambassador James Warlick. "We plan to develop joint production of steam, electricity, heat and carbon dioxide. We have such joint productions with Coca-Cola in Poland, Romania and Ukraine," said Brandt. He gave no further details on investment objectives. In his words Contour Global and Coca-Cola negotiate a joint venture. The Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov said that before the government decide to support or not the investor, he must be familiar with the project. The American company is also interested in investing in renewable energy. In Italy it owns solar power plants with power of 11 MW. In last mid-June, Contour Global finalized the acquisition of 73% share of the Italian company "Enel" in the power plant. It paid for the stake 230 million euro. "Maritsa East 3" was estimated 540 million euro. Currently the state does not intend to sell its stake in the plant. "I am delighted by this participation," said Traikov. Next year the new owner plans to invest 28 million BGN in ecology and social activities. Investments will be directed towards reducing the level of emissions of nitrogen oxides up to 200 milligrams per cubic meter. This is requirement of EU that large plants have to achieve by 2016. Will be introduced electromagnetic capture of particulate matter by electrostatic precipitators. Thanks to the so far invested funds in building of sulfur purifying installation the carbon dioxide emissions were limited by more than 94%.
Source: 3e-news (04.11.2011)
Ivan Kostov: GERB party is preparing financing of NPP "Belene" with public money GERB party is preparing financing of NPP "Belene" with government money or government guaranteed debt, said on Monday before TV7 DSB leader Ivan Kostov. He said there is no other explanation of provided by the draft budget increase of public debt from 13.7% to 19% of gross domestic product (GDP). Kostov warned that this will "literally" separate Bulgaria from "the Euro-Atlantic world and will make the country energy satellite of Russia." "I analyze with great concern the budget and see that there is preparation this thing to be done," said the leader of the DSB. According to him such as a sharp increase in government debt cannot be explained by the forthcoming swap of Brady bonds, placed at the time of the NDSV party rule. Deal of the former Finance Minister Milen Velchev planned to replace Brady bonds for about 900 million euro by other government securities.
Source: 3e-news (09.11.2011)
Bulgarian Kozloduy Nuke Passes Stress Tests with Flying Colors The stress tests carried out in the Kozloduy nuclear power plant after the disaster in the Fukushima nuke have proven that Bulgarias plant would withstand a natural calamity without a problem. The plants safety systems (both active and passive) are so built that they can endure even stronger quakes that the one occurred in Japan, the same applies to such hazards as floods. Safety reserves of all facilities at the Kozloduy nuke (such as nuclear waste storage rooms, reactors, etc.) amount to 50-80 percent and will withstand even the maximum eartquake admissible for the region, said director of the Safety Department Plamen Vasilev at a conference devoted to Kozloduys future. Even in case of a worst possible scenario all facilities in the Bulgarian nuke will be restored and functioning within four hours, Vassilev assured.
Source: Standart (14.11.2011)
Bulgargaz demands a 17.65% price increase in 2012 Yesterday the state-owned Bulgargaz company offered the price of natural gas to increase by 17.6%, in 2011. The company demanded that natural gas be raised by BGN 104.68 per 1000 cu m and its price be set at BGN 699.05 per 1000 cu m (VAT excluded), as of January 2012. The increase is needed because of the rising prices of oil and gas oil on the world markets and because of the higher exchange rate of the US$ against the BGN, stated managers from the gas company. According to their data, the US$ has appreciated by 3.65% against the BGN over the last three months. The price should be increased because of decisions of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, resulting in a total decline of 14.49% in fuel prices, which have been reduced four times recently, explained officials from the public provider. They did not make it clear whether they still expected payment for the quarter. If the proposal of Bulgargaz is accepted, the heating energy in the country would inevitably rise by over 10%. So far, the energy regulator has always found inner reserves in order to mitigate the price increase of natural gas. Experts from the SEWRC even stated that they did not expect any change in the price of the heating energy this winter. On 9 December, the gas company will submit a formal proposal for the new prices. Meanwhile, it became clear that the Russian Gazprom company is ready to review its gas prices for European consumers, posted the Russian Novye Izvestia daily. According to the release, the European partners of the Russian company are dissatisfied with the suppliers dictate and started to seek a review of their contracts last year. Natural gas prices were reduced as a result of negotiations or court decisions for some of the countries. The prices of Russian gas for European consumers increased by 15% in the last year alone.
Source: Class (15.11.2011)
Structural changes in Bulgarian Energy Holding management Members of board of directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) were reduced from five to three, decided Traicho Traikov, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism today after he was back from a visit to Azerbaijan. Maya Hristova was dismissed as Executive Director and board member and Evgeni Angelov, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism was dismissed as a board member. Jordan Georgiev became single Executive Director of BEH. So far BEH had two Executive Directors - Maya Hristova and Jordan Georgiev. Delyan Dobrev, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and Valentin Gruev, director of the Industrial Relationships and Management of the State Participation Directorate with the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, kept their positions as board of directors members.
Source: 3e-news (16.11.2011)
Brussel Cuts down Compensations for Closed Nukes It may well happen that Brussels will not allot to Bulgaria additional compensation for the preterm decommissioning of the four units of the Kozloduy nuke, said deputy minister of economy, energy and tourism Delian Dobrev quoting opinions of MEPs. Until recently there were comments in the EP that Bulgaria and two other countries that applied for additional compensations will not get the money in full. After Bulgaria received 300 M euro at the start of the GERB rule the government decided to ask for additional 450 M, reminded Minister of Economy Traicho Traikov. It appears, however, that we will no be able to get the full sum. That is why Bulgarian MEPs will have to work towards getting the maximum of the possible compensation, Delian Dobrev added.
Source: Standart (17.11.2011)
Bulgaria makes sure to start receiving Azeri gas within two years "The gas pipelines via Turkey and Greece are the shortest way to supply natural gas from Azerbaijan. We have done what it takes to make sure that within two years Bulgaria will have a real opportunity to receive Azeri gas according to its needs," Bulgarian Economy, Energy and Tourism Minister Traicho Traikov told Azeri Industry and Energy Minister Natig Aliyev. "Over the last two years, Bulgaria has taken real steps to diversify its gas supplies by beginning to work actively on building gnterconnectors with its neighbours. The interconnector project with Greece has advanced most of all. It will allow supplies to begin in late 2013," Traikov said. The two ministers concurred that other projects for transiting Caspian gas, including compressed and liquefied gas, via the Black Sea also require in-depth analysis. The projects can be implemented rapidly and successfully through coordinated action and a common supply concept, Traikov said. Aliyev said Azerbaijan has 750,000 million cubic metres of natural gas reserves and good prospects of exporting the fuel.
Source: 3e-news (17.11.2011)
Boyko Borissov: "Safety of Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline is yet to be proven, project is off government's agenda" "The government's stand on the construction of the Bourgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline remains unchanged. There should be solid proof of its benefits to the country and it should be safe for the people, the traditional ways of living, tourism and nature in the region. No proof has been submitted yet, so the project is off the agenda," said Friday Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, taking a question by MP Stoyan Ivanov during Question Time. Borissov recalled that the positive environmental impact assessment of November 3 means that there are sufficient data in regard to the risks the pipeline poses to the environment and human health. However, the assessment does not mean an immediate approval of the investment project, according to the Prime Minister. An expert ecological council comprising representatives of affected municipalities will propose to the Environment and Water Minister whether to approve the investment project. "I expect public debates and economic assessments to render enough data to make a decision which will protect the interests of the public," said Borissov.
Source: 3e-news (21.11.2011)
Bulgaria, Turkey sign political agreement on construction of gas interconnector Bulgaria and Turkey will sign a political agreement on the construction of a gas interconnector, thus declaring in effect that the project is of strategic importance to both countries. This emerged during a meeting of Energy Minister Traicho Traikov and his Turkish counterpart Taner Yildiz in Istanbul, Traikov's ministry said. The two ministers met within the framework of the Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum in Turkey. They discussed the results of the work of an expert group which is tasked to assess the technical and commercial aspects of gas transiting to Bulgaria via Turkey. The Bulgarian-Turkish interconnector along with the link between the gas systems of Greece and Bulgaria will secure deliveries of Caspian natural gas to the country and the region, bringing the price down by using a terminal for liquefied natural gas.
Source: 3e-news (21.11.2011)
South Stream to Go Through Bulgaria The final decision on South Stream gas pipeline project will be made in the end of 2012, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Board of Directors Alexey Miller said in an interview with Bulgarian National Radio. He denied media speculations that the pipeline could go round Bulgaria. The company has been discussing options the pipeline to go via Bulgaria or to pass through Bulgaria and Romania at the same time, became clear from Mr. Miller's words.
Source: Standart (23.11.2011)
Bulgaria reports record-high exports of electricity of 30% more in a year The export rate of electricity reached record-high levels and jumped by almost one-third in a year alone. This year, regional markets expect a supply of 10,5 bn kWh of electricity from our country, explained yesterday Mityu Hristozov, Director of the Central Dispatching Unit with the Bulgarian Electricity System Operator (ESO). He was involved in the discussion for the liberalisation of energy markets in the region which was part of the Bulgarian Economic Forum. The current record export rate of electricity resulted mainly from the fact that, at present, there is not enough rainfall in the region in order for HPPs (hydropower plants) to operate so that our country remains the major electricity exporter, stated Hristozov. Neighbouring countries have at their disposal considerably less water supplies. Therefore, they experience a shortage of energy. Currently, dams hold about 65% of the water supply for electricity generation but, at the same time, last year this stood at 90%. In 2010, 8.5 bn kWh of electricity were exported, while, until November 23 this year alone, a total of 9.6 bn kWh were exported. Electricity was exported mainly to Greece, Serbia and Romania. Hristozov added that significant growth has been registered in domestic electricity consumption. According to ESO data, this year, users are expected to consume 1.5 bn kWh more - an increase of 4%. For the first time since 2000, the domestic consumption rate rose by more than 1.5%, explained the expert. He added that this could be due to greater domestic consumption and the cold weather.
Source: Class (25.11.2011)
Bulgaria to receive an additional 185 mln from the EU for the closed units at the Kozloduy NPP The European Commission has approved the allocation of an additional 185 mln for Bulgaria up to 2020 because of the closed units at the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The extra funding is aimed at supporting the decommissioning of nuclear power units in Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia and amounts to 500 mln. Lithuania will receive some 210 mln until 2017, and Slovakia - 105 mln up to 2017. The funds are intended for the safe decommissioning of nuclear power units at the Kozloduy, Ignalina and Bohunice NPPs. "It is in the interest of our citizens for these reactors to be safely removed from service and never put into operation again. This extra financial aid will help the three countries concerned carry out the removal of fuel and decommissioning of these reactors in line with the schedule. This is an expression of EUs solidarity for which nuclear safety is a priority, "said EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger. Before receiving the funds, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Lithuania will have to implement EU's legislation on nuclear safety and nuclear waste management, and submit detailed plans for the decommissioning of the units.
Source: Class (25.11.2011)
Bulgaria Seeks to Amend Contracts with Gazprom The Bulgarian government will insist on amending some of the clauses in the gas transit contracts with Russian Gazprom to meet the EU requirements for competitive natural gas market, said sources of the Ministry of Energy and Economy after the EC declared that it launches a lawsuit against Bulgaria and Romania over failing to obey the gas market rules. The EU requires that every state should ensure access to its network to all third countries on equal footing to observe the fair competition rules. Bulgaria has largely met the EU requirements with the exception of gas transit contracts concluded with Gazprom in 2006.
Source: Standart (25.11.2011)
Maritza East 2 TPP among the top 3 polluters in Europe The state-owned Maritsa East 2 Thermal Power Plant (TPP) was the second largest air polluter in the EU in 2009, according to the report of the European Environment Agency (EEA). The damage assessment included the effects of pollution on human health and the cost of the negative environmental impact. The report contains a list of the industrial enterprises responsible for the major part of air pollution across the EU in 2009. The biggest Bulgarian TPP occupies the 2nd place in this ranking. Damages caused by the plant amount to billions of Euros. These stood at 1.4 - 3.3 bn, depending on the evaluation methodology used. In 2009, the Polish Rogoviets TPP ranked first in terms of pollution in Europe. TPPs using coal held the first 22 places in the ranking of the worst polluters. The Maritsa East 2 TPP, however, introduced Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) plants at the end of 2009. The installation of the facilities was delayed because the tender for the contractor selection was litigated by another participant - Alstom Power Italia SpA. The TPP has appointed the Italian-Chinese Idreko Insigma consortium to build the plants. On the other hand, the Bulgarian anti-monopoly watchdog has imposed a fine of BGN 150,000 on the consortium because of the use of false information. Bulgaria's presence on the list of the top 50 air polluters in Europe is further enhanced by the Brickel JSC and the Bobov Dol TPP which occupy the 40th and 41st positions, respectively. The Varna TPP ranks 82nd. EEAs calculations showed that, in 2009, industrial air pollution cost each EU citizen between 200 and 330.
Source: Class (25.11.2011)
EC refers Bulgaria, Romania to court to ensure European gas market rules are properly implemented The European Commission considers that Bulgaria and Romania are still not fully in line with EU gas market rules and has therefore decided to take these countries to the EU Court of Justice, the Commission said in a press release Thursday. The best guarantee for ensuring security of supply and affordable energy prices is to have a competitive internal EU energy market. An efficient and properly functioning internal market in natural gas will give consumers the choice between different companies and help ensuring energy affordability. To allow this choice the EU legislation aims at facilitating cross-border gas trade and increasing the capacity of gas markets. Cross-border trade can only happen if all market participants have equal access to gas transmission networks to supply customers. To guarantee this equal third party access it is important that maximum network capacity is being offered to the market. It is equally important that reliable and transparent information on the capacity of the network is provided to all market participants. In practice the non-compliance of Bulgaria and Romania with the EU gas market rules means that the customers of those Member States are deprived of the possibility to get offers from other Member States as the markets are not sufficiently integrated. In concrete terms, the Commission considers that in Bulgaria and Romania no interruptible reverse flow capacity (also known as 'backhaul') is offered at all interconnection points. The inclusion of reverse flow capacity is essential to use the network to its maximum capacity. Moreover, interruptible capacity and short-term services are vital for newcomers to enter the market, the Commission argues. Later in the day, the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism responded by issuing a statement that the Bulgarian government will seek to change some of the conditions in the transit gas contracts with Gazprom where necessary so that the country would be fully adequate to European requirements for a free and competitive gas market.
Source: 3e-news (25.11.2011)
BEH to select a consultant for the separation of ESO from NEK The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will seek a consultant to make an analysis on the options for separation of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) from the structure of NEK (National Electricity Company), stated yesterday Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev during the forum dubbed "The impact of low-carbon investment on the economy". The separation of the Operator should start by the middle of next year. The European Commission has set as final deadline the end of March 2012, but this could hardly happen. The reason for the delay is that the ESO assets were pledged as collateral for NEK's loans. The drafted amendments to the Energy Act will also regulate the separation of the System Operator in order to comply with the EU requirements, explained Dobrev. He expects the amendments to be discussed by the Council of Ministers in early December and the Bill to be debated in Parliament by the end of the month. By the middle of next year, it is expected that the contract clauses, signed with Gazprom for natural gas transit to our country, will be renegotiated. The Russian company is not willing to announce the spare capacity of the pipes in our country under the pretext that it is a trade secret. However, the EU instituted legal proceedings against Bulgaria for the lack of free gas market. According to Dobrev, 90 percent of the EC requirements have already been implemented and the rest will be fulfilled at the beginning of next year. In 2012, a new contract should be signed again with Gazprom for gas supply to our country. However, the negotiations on both contracts are not related, expressed confidence Dobrev. The current contract for natural gas supply expires at the end of 2012 and the negotiations on its resigning are chaired by Bulgargaz.
Source: Class (29.11.2011)
Traikov: The gas connection with Turkey can be constructed within a year The gas connection with Turkey can be constructed within a year, stated yesterday Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Traicho Traikov during the Energy Charter Conference in Sofia. According to him, the connection itself is part of the South Gas Corridor, while Bulgaria will have a major contribution to the actual initiation of the gas supply for this project. The launching of the construction of our gas connection with Greece will start the construction of the first Southern Corridor infrastructure, added Traikov. Our relations with Greece and Turkey will help us provide a diversification of the natural gas supply, while our objective, by 2020, is for no single gas supplier operating in Bulgaria to have a market share of more than 50%. Because of the absence of a free gas market in Bulgaria, the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg has instigated legal proceedings against us. According to Deputy Energy Minister, Delian Dobrev, if sanctions are imposed, we might be penalised with a fine of up to 700,000. Bulgaria, Lithuania and Slovakia will prepare a common position on the compensation for the decommissioned nuclear facilities, which stands at 500 mln for the three countries, said the Minister. According to him, the amount of funds should be higher. Besides, the financial advisor - the London bank HSBC - continues to work on the cost-effectiveness analysis on the construction of NPP Belene.
Source: Class (30.11.2011)
Gas Grid Interconnections Are Financially Ensured The statement that Brussels will cancel the financing for Bulgaria for building gas grid connections with Greece and Romania after Bulgaria withdrew from Burgas-Alexandroupolis project is absolutely incorrect, director of Bulgartransgaz Kiril Temelkov said at the Transparent Energy forum. He added that Bulgaria is working in close touch with the European Commission and currently there is no unsolved problem in the relations or on any project. The company is working actively on all projects and in a few years all intersystem connections will be functioning, Mr. Temelkov was positive.
Source: Standart (09.12.2011)
Gas near Deventsi Is Better than Russian The natural gas discovered near the village of Deventsi, northern Bulgaria seems to be of better quality than the Russian gas, according to the first samples taken from the field, much to the pleasure of US petroleum experts. Not far away from the village a probe was taken from about 6km depth, some four years ago. At the layer of the 4740th metre the US experts discovered dry, high caloric gas rich in condensate without water or hydrogen sulphide alloys and under great pressure. On Saturday Bulgarias Minister of Economy, Traycho Traykov predicted that the gas deposits near Deventsi discovered by the US Company Transatlantic Petroleum would lower the gas price by about 30%. By now the field in Deventsi is believed to hold about three billion cubic metres of gas but these quantities may very well be twice bigger. If environment experts complete checks by the end of the year and prove the deposit exploitation would not endanger the nature, the Direct Company will receive concession for industrial exploitation and the gas from the deposit near Deventsi could begin being extracted in the middle of 2013.
Source: Standart (12.12.2011)
Burgas-Alexandroupolis project companys Supervisory Board meeting postponed at the request of Greece The meeting of the Supervisory Board of Trans-Balkan Pipeline, the company responsible for the construction of the Burgas-Alexandroupolis oil pipeline, scheduled for December 14, was postponed for an indefinite period, Russian news agencies reported. They cited Igor Dyomin, spokesman of Russian company Transneft, who stated the meeting was cancelled at the request of the Greek side. The Russian oil operator, which is a majority shareholder in the project, and two Russian companies added that they expect instructions from the Government as to how they should react after Bulgarias decision to abandon the project. Moscow and Athens have already received official letters notifying them about Sofias intention to withdraw from the project. Dyomin explained that Bulgaria has asked for the cancellation of the intergovernmental agreement between the three countries. There are many options winding up or freezing the company or continuing its operation without Bulgarias participation, specified Dyomin. According to him, the claim that Bulgaria may be required to pay $1 bn in default for its quitting the project is not realistic. At the beginning of December, Deputy PM and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov announced that Bulgaria will withdraw from the Burgas-Alexandroupolis project because it is economically disadvantageous for us. We will pay BGN 12.8 mln overdue since 2009, added Djankov. Meanwhile, the U.S. Chevron Corp. and the Kazakh KazMunaiGaz company expressed interest in purchasing Bulgarias stake in the oil pipeline.
Source: Class (14.12.2011)
Bulgaria to Receive Natural Gas from South Stream Pipeline from 2015 The first supplies of Russian natural gas via South Stream pipeline will be released at the end of 2015. Last week the share-holders of the project company South Stream-Bulgaria - the Bulgarian Energy Holding and Gazprom approved and signed the technical and economic terms of the project. The status "Project with a national significance" which Bulgaria's cabinet voted for the gas pipeline, gave a serious impetus to all processes connected with its realization. All actions go in full accordance with the road map which was signed in the Black Sea city of Varna last year, sources from South Stream-Bulgaria commented.
Source: Standart (21.12.2011)
Kozloduy NPP Registers Bigger Profit NPP Kozloduy will realize by 73 million levs higher profit than the planned for 2011, Bulgaria's minister of economy and energy Traycho Traykov stated. Minister Traykov visited the nuke on the occasion of equalizing its record from 2008 in size of power production. At exactly 02:38 p.m yesterday the monitors of Kozloduy NPP registered 15,765 billion kilowatt/hours of generated electricity since January 1, 2011.
Source: Standart (21.12.2011)
Economic ministry will decide what stake of BEH to list on the stock exchange Within a week or two, the economy ministry must decide minority stakes in state-owned energy companies that will be sold on the exchange, said in an interview with newspaper "24 Chasa" Deputy Prime Minister Simeon Djankov. He indicated two options - for a package of Bulgarian Energy Holding shares or shares of "Bulgartransgaz" and Electricity System Operator. Before Christmas, Economy Minister Traicho Traikov explained that it is considered the option of placing 15% of the energy holding the stock exchange. Government's intentions are to retain up to 66% of large energy companies. Intentions are the sale of packages to be implemented by the end of 2012. I think the more attractive it will be BEH, because there is diversification. BEH will arise interest of German and Austrian pension funds," Djankov said. The government will intervene aggressively in the pricing of goods and services to protect consumers. Deputy Prime Minister acknowledged that the financial and economic ministry have few rights, but certain products have higher prices without clear reasons. He did not specify whether the prices of electricity, heating and water, which are fixed by the formal independent State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, will be subject to interference.
Source: 3e-news (05.01.2012)
Court to Decide on Legality of Coal Miners Strike The management of Maritsa Iztok Mines AD will address the Stara Zagora District Court, seeking that the looming strike at the state-owned coal mining company be declared illegal. A one-hour warning rally will be staged on Tuesday, while the actual strike will start on Sunday. In the beginning of 2012, the National Institute for Conciliation and Arbitration (NICA) allowed the miners to go on strike, specifying that it could last until energy supplies were disrupted. After that, the management of Maritsa Iztok Mines AD submitted another claim with the NICA, asking it to reconsider its stance on the matter. NICA has not yet presented its stance on the matter. The Stara Zagora District Court will review the claim submitted by the management of the state-owned company within a seven-day period, meaning that there will be no changes to the scheduled start of the strike activity. The subsequent turn of events will be determined by the court's decision.
Source: Standart (10.01.2012)
Five more electricity retailers will be supplied by the NPP Kozloduy in the first half of 2012, announced Executive Director Alexander Nikolov. After the scandal of the last few days because of reduced amounts of electricity from nuclear power plants for businesses and allegations of large plants for artificial raises of the price for them, the plant's management has decided to provide an additional 80 megawatts. They will go to five dealers which have most strongly expressed dissatisfaction that had failed to qualify at the auction held in December. These are CEZ Trade, EVN Trading, E.oN Bulgaria Trading, Enemona Utilities and Energy Supply. During talks with them Alexander Nikolov has promised to provide electricity but asked them to update their bids submitted earlier for the auction in December. During the auction held in December the minimum price announced by NPP Kozloduy for the proposed electricity was BGN 69 per megawatt.
Source: Standart (12.01.2012)
Bulgaria government cancels Chevron shale gas permit The Bulgarian government, preparing a full ban on shale gas drilling due to environmental concerns, on Tuesday cancelled a exploration permit for the unconventional energy source that it granted to U.S. energy major Chevron in June. The centre-right government decided Chevron can still prospect for oil and gas in northeastern Bulgaria but only by using conventional drilling techniques and not hydraulic fracturing, which involves injecting water mixed with sand and chemicals at high pressure into shale formations. Traikov said Chevron had not been informed and talks with the company were pending. The decision comes a day before the parliament debates a total ban on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, in the Balkan country and its Black Sea territorial waters - a proposal drafted by the ruling GERB party which is expected to be passed. The government in June granted a 5-year permit to Chevron to prospect for shale gas at the 4,400-square-km Novi Pazar field for which initial estimates, based on similar rock formations, showed potential reserves of between 300 billion and 1 trillion cubic metres of shale gas.
Source: 3e-news (19.01.2012)
Finns Eager to Take 20% of Belene NPP Finnish Fortum Company, which is the only nuclear power plants operator in Finland, declared interest in buying out 20% share in Belene NPP, according to the Russian on-line Vzglyad, quoting its own sources. Fortum is interested in an engineering company, to be contracted for building Bulgarias second nuke. In November 2010 Fortum officially bid for investor in Belene NPP and joined the already signed memorandum for the establishment of an engineering company. The paper read that Fortum would take no less than 1% from the future companys shares and would keep the option to increase their share to 25%. The French Altran would initially take 1% but their plans are to increase their share up to 5%. The majority shareholder would be the National Electrical Company with 51% of the shares.
Source: Standart (20.01.2012)
Miners Strike in Bulgaria Is over Bonuses of 300 leva (about 150 euro) per capita have appeased the striking miners in the Marits Iztok mines. As of yesterday the strike is over. The decision was taken at 6 a.m. after 15-hour-long negotiations between the trade unions, mines management and deputy minister of economy Delian Dobrev. The morning shift in the mines has started working and the first coal supplies have been brought to grass. The sum total of the bonuses to be dispensed to miners amounts to 2,13 million lela. Meanwhile it has transpired that the losses the mines suffered as of the beginning of the strike January 15 amount to over 8 million leva in missed benefits and unsold stocks, reported. During the talks with the striking miners the mines management and trade unions reps declared the commitment to work towards technological modernization, higher production efficiency and output in Bulgarias biggest coal mine complex. All sides in the negotiations said they were content with the agreement they reached.
Source: Standart (23.01.2012)
Extending the life of the fifth and sixth unit of NPP "Kozloduy" is energy project N1 in Bulgaria Extending the life of the fifth and sixth unit of NPP "Kozloduy" is energy project N1 in Bulgaria, because it is the cheapest way to generate power energy. That said the Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov before btv. The licenses of both units expire in 2017 and 2019. Intentions are the Nuclear Regulatory Agency to extend them by another 10 years, but for that purpose the nuclear plant must submit a program for the measures that would be taken. NPP "Kozloduy" already selected a consultant for extending the life of reactors. For that purpose it should be consulted by the Russian manufacturer "Gidropress." Asked whether Russia will not blackmail Bulgaria for the two 1000 MW units in result of delay in the construction of NPP "Belene" Traikov said: "It would be naive and child behavior." Negotiations for NPP "Belene" with Russian state-owned company Atomstroyexport for inflation-adjusted price and appreciation of the materials continue. On this issue negotiations go for a second year without significant success for both parties. The Russian side insists on to be taken into account the inflation in Russia and for Bulgaria - reported by Eurostat inflation. The cost of the project also remains unclear. Initially, the Russian contractor offered a fixed price of 6.8 billion euro, but Bulgaria wants price about 5 billion euro.
Source: (24.01.2012)
Subsidiary of Citigroup wants to trade electricity in Bulgaria Registered in London Citigroup Global Markets, owned by U.S. Citigroup, will step on the Bulgarian electricity market. The company has asked the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) to issue 35-year license for electricity trading. The Commission will consider its request tomorrow. The maximum term of the license is sought because the company intends long-term market presence that will improve competition between the participants and will positively affect prices for end-users, who are on the free market, is said in the report of regulatory commission experts. They found that the company has the needed financial resources to perform this activity. It paid 150 thousand BGN warrant. The company has experience in the electricity trade in Central and Eastern Europe and has attracted 250 customers in the last two years. By issuing new license the number of power energy traders in Bulgaria is more than 100, but five companies are most active on the market.
Source: 3e-news (24.01.2012)
Finance Minister Simeon Djankov: Transactions at the domestic and Eurobond markets will cover the state debt The Bulgarian GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government will continue to privatise state-owned shares this year. It is also considering the drafting of a mixed strategy for issuing debt bonds at the domestic market and resorting to the Eurobond market, stated the Finance Minister Simeon Djankov in an interview for Reuters. According to him, the government's objective is to sell a share of 10 - 25% of the state Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) by the end of the year through auctioning at a foreign stock exchange, which could bring a profit of several million euros. The Eurobonds, in their turn, can have a seven-year maturity and a value of 500 mln - 1 bn, specified the Deputy Prime Minister. The domestic market became attractive this week after the sale of 7-year government securities yielding 3.9%, indicated the news agency, quoting the Finance Minister. According to him, the pension funds and local banks have excess liquidity and are willing to invest in government securities. The news agency reminded that our country had the lowest debt compared to the GDP ratio of a mere 16%, but it will purchase Eurobonds worth 816 mln, maturing in January next year. It comes down to the replacement of part of the Brady bonds of the Bulgarian external debt for global bonds during the former government of the NMSP (National Movement for Stability and Prosperity). Some experts claim that the transaction was concluded in the period when the dollar exchange rate was too high compared to the euro, as a result of which Bulgaria suffered financial losses. The former Finance Minister Muravey Radev estimated that the incurred losses amounted to about $ 2 bn. Djankov himself pointed out that it came down to some BGN 1 bn. Besides, the transaction failed to have a positive impact on the credit rating of our country. Other options for providing funds refer to the investment of 60% of the state budget reserves from the Silver Fund into Bulgarian or foreign government securities. Up to 20% of the budget reserves should be deposited with private banks, up to 20% should be invested in foreign government securities and up to 10% - in shares of public companies traded on the Stock Exchange. However, a few days ago the Chairman of the Financial Supervision Commission, Stoyan Mavrodiev opposed this idea. Ultimately, the strategy of the GERB government will include a combination of the different options. GERB is expected to improve its budget deficit target of 1.3% of GDP this year, which is important for avoiding the pressure on the Monetary Council (Currency Board), was also explicit Djankov before Reuters. According to him, the forecast for economic growth of 2.8% seems feasible.
Source: Class (30.01.2012)
Businesses demand rules for the development of the free market of electricity The State to present a roadmap on how the quotas of electricity for the free market will be increased in the future, demanded large companies in the country after their meeting with trade unions, suppliers and producers of electricity. There is an artificial shortage of energy on the open market in Bulgaria after the recent auctions for electricity from the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in December. The provided 250 MW were insufficient and this move increased energy prices, which led to closure of production facilities, said Konstantin Stamenov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial and Energy Consumers. According to him, if the large companies are not able to cope with the price increase in electricity, then the small and medium-sized businesses could not be expected to do it either. The Government should be more focused on the Bulgarian industry, rather than on the export of electricity, said Anton Petrov, Chairman of the Bulgarian Association of the Metallurgical Industry. The electricity distribution companies also demanded an increase in the quotas for the free market. The Kozloduy NPP and the Maritsa-Iztok 2 TPP are currently the only legitimate suppliers of electricity on the open market. Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev explained that the listing of a 10-15% stake of the Bulgarian Energy Holding on an international stock exchange was being considered.
Source: Class (30.01.2012)
Rosatom to Convince Serbia to Take Part in Belene NPP Project Russian state-run corporation Rosatom has started negotiations over Serbias participation in Belene NPP project. Atomstroyexport delegation visited Belgrade and had a meeting with Serbias minister of infrastructure and energy Milutin Mrkonjic and the advisor to Serbias PM and former minister of energy Petar Skundric. The talks were personally conducted by Rosatoms deputy general director Kiril Komarov. Last year, Bulgarias PM Borissov had a personal talk with Serbias President Boris Tadic and the two discussed Serbias participation in Belene NPP as an investor in the project with 5% to 10%. After his meeting with Kiril Komarov Minister Mrkonjic had stated that Serbia is interested to participate actively in Belene project, ITAR-TASS informed. Notwithstanding the ban for building nuclear power plants in Serbia till 2015, the country has a number of well-trained specialists, who could assist the construction of Belene nuke, Serbian minister added. Although it was not announced officially Serbia is joining the project experts believe that practically it will participate as an investor even with a small share because of the shortage of electricity it suffers.
Source: Standart (02.02.2012)
Construction of new units at Maritsa-Iztok 2 to begin in a year By the end of the year, we could have a detailed draft for the construction of two new units at Maritsa-Iztok 2, the Governor of Stara Zagora, Nedyalko Nedyalkov, said to Klassa today, explaining that the Bulgarian Energy Holding had returned the project for redrafting. Some time ago, Energy Minister Traicho Traikov announced that units 9 and 10 at Maritsa-Iztok 2 could be built for about five years and would cost some BGN 700 mln. According to Nedyalkov, the first sod can be turned as early as next year. The necessary investments are too large to be undertaken by the state-owned thermoelectric power plant. Therefore, an option is being considered to establish a subsidiary to operate the two new units together with the other two generators of the plant. The company might be listed on the stock exchange and attract funds in that way, explained Nedyalkov. Investments in the new power plants in the area of the Maritsa Iztok Mines have not been projected for the time being, he said. However, AES Galabovo TPP may ask to build new units in the near future. Coal deliveries to Maritsa-Iztok 2 have been suspended because of the floods in the region. The reason is that the Trayanovo 2 Mine has been flooded and cannot supply coal, added Nedyalkov. Supplies to Brickel TPP have also been suspended, reported Darik Radio.
Source: Class (07.02.2012)
Sergey Shmatko: Gas Deliveries for Bulgaria Ensured Russia will deliver the negotiated volumes of natural gas and Bulgaria won't suffer another gas crisis, Russian Minister of Energy Sergey Shmatko promised during the meeting with Bulgarian counterpart Traycho Traykov and vice premier Simeon Djankov. The three of them have discussed issues of mutual interest - extending the life of units V and VI at Kozlodyu nuclear power plant, the construction of Belene nuke and South Stream project. However, no details on the talks on Belene project have been announced till late afternoon yesterday. Minister Shmatko assured Bulgarian ministers that Russia will continue its work on South Stream project notwithstanding its relations with Ukraine. During the talks was discussed the flow of Russian tourists to Bulgaria and the growth of trade between the two countries. Sergey Shmatko has thanked Bulgarian ministers for the abolishment of visas for Russian citizens, who already have a Schengen visa. Meanwhile the Bulgarian part confirmed there is no problem with natural gas deliveries from Russia.
Source: Standart (08.02.2012)
Workers of Maritsa Iztok Mines restarted operations from the three mines. Supply of coal to Maritza East 2 TPP was expected late yesterday. The extraction of coal at the Radnevo mines was halted yesterday morning. The reason was the heavy snowfall in the region and flooding in the mines. Currently the company is working on restoring the operation of the pumping station, which flooded us and restoration of the railroad between Mine Troyanovo 1 and Mine Troyanovo 2, which prevented the transportation of coal. Maritsa Iztok Mines has restored the supplies of coal to Brikel as well.
Source: 3e-news (08.02.2012)
Bulgaria and France to Cooperate on Energy Projects Nuclear engineering, shale gas prospecting and the Southern natural Gas Corridor were some of the issues that Bulgarias Economy and Energy Minister Traycho Traykov discussed during his visit to Paris. Regardless of the moratorium that is in place in France, I expect this debate to be reopened, Frances Minister of Industry, Energy and the Digital economy Eric Besson said. Besson and Traykov discussed opportunities for participation of French companies in nuclear energy projects in Bulgaria. Minister Traykov also had a talk with Lord James Sassoon, UKs first Commercial Secretary to the Treasury, during which the two discussed the development of the Southern Gas Corridor, in which BP is a key player.
Source: Standart (13.02.2012)
Four companies want to consult the ESO separation from NEK Four companies have submitted bids and indicated the price and conditions under which they would consult the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) for separation of Electricity System Operator from the National Electricity Company (NEK), Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Delyan Dobrev said. The deadline for submission of expired on 10 February. Nine companies declared Interest in the proceedings. Dobrev, who is chairman of the board of directors of BEH, declined to give details. Bids evaluation will be delayed by a week and will be ready in March. Consultant will negotiate with creditor banks on restructuring of NEK loans. This calls for because ESO will be separated along with the grid that serves as collateral on loans. NEK negotiates with BNP Paribas for rescheduling by year the allocated 250 million euro for preparation of the project for construction of NPP Belene, Dobrev said. The maturity is in May. After choosing of consultant, it will participate in negotiations. "Project" Belene "and 3 million BGN a day are ticking because of commitments taken under the project," said Minister of Economy and Energy Traicho Traikov on the occasion of allegations of MP "Coalition for Bulgaria" and former Energy Minister Rumen Ovcharov for delaying the decision and stopping its construction.
Source: 3e-news (17.02.2012)
Bulgaria allocates up to BGN 2.1 mln for the gas connection with Greece The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has earmarked some BGN 2.1 mln for the preparation of a technical project for the construction of the interconnector with Greece, reads the procedure for the selection of a consultant for the project, posted on BEHs webpage. Companies may submit their offers until 16 March at the ICJB office, the company, which is responsible for the construction of the pipeline between Komotini and Stara Zagora. The deadline for implementation of the order is until a permit for the construction of the interconnector is obtained, explaine BEH. Under the plan, the construction should be completed by the end of 2013 and the Bulgarian section of the pipeline will be some 150 km long. The construction of the pipeline between Komotini and Stara Zagora will cost around 130 mln and the EU has allocated 45 mln to the project under the recovery plan. At least 1.4 billion cu m of gas per year will pass along the conduit and the quantity should subsequently be increased to 5 bn cubic m per year at the most. Bulgaria is expected to receive also 1 billion cu m of gas from Azerbaijan along the pipeline, negotiated by former President Georgi Parvanov. The consortium building the Nabucco gas conduit is considering to halve its capacity, reported Wall Street Journal, citing its own sources. The new idea is for the pipe to be only between Austria and Bulgaria, and it is not clear where the gas would come from. The initial Nabucco project planned the construction of a 3,900-km long pipeline, connecting Central Asia and Austria through Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary. The capacity of Nabucco was planned at 31 billion cu m of gas and the project was expected to cost around 8 bn.
Source: Class (21.02.2012)
Bulgaria Starts Export of Power again Bulgaria has started anew the export of power to its neighbouring countries. With an order of Bulgaria's Minister of Economy and Energy, Traycho Traykov as of 01:00 a.m. this night Bulgaria started the export of power. This became possible after the temperatures went up and the Bulgarians decreased the consumption of power. The export of power was suspended for a second time this year on February 10 due to the severe colds which hit Bulgaria and the record-breaking consumption which led to a power shortage of 400 megawatts/hours.
Source: Standart (21.02.2012)
Bulgaria's government plans to privatize this year a minority stake in the state-owned energy holding, which groups the country's top energy assets, the finance minister has confirmed. Talking in parliament at the end of the week, Simeon Djankov said the government aims to sell a stake of between 10 to 25% in state energy company BEH (Bulgarian Energy Holding) via a foreign stock exchange by the end of the year. The deal is expected to raise "several hundred million euros". Bulgaria's government is expected to list its 33% minority stake in E.ON and CEZ power distributors in April and May respectively in a bid to enliven the local stock exchange and boost revenues.
Source: Darik Radio (27.02.2012)
EC Gives Gives Ultimatum to 8 EU Member States The European Commission gave a final ultimatul on Monday to eight EU countries, including Bulgaria, for failing to inform the EC about their measures to implement the EU's third power and gas market opening directives. "So ofar Bulgaria, Cyprus, Spain, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Romania and Slovakia have not informed the Commission of any transposition measures for the two directives and Estonia has not done so as regards the gas directive," the EC said. The EC has sent reasoned opinions, the second and final written warning in the EU's formal infringement process, to the national governments involved. The governments have two months to respond. If they fail to comply, the EC said it may refer the cases to the EU Court of Justice. All 27 EU countries were required to transpose most of the provisions in the EU's third power and gas market opening directives, adopted in 2009, by March 3, 2011 and to inform the EC of them. The EC said that some EU nations had only notified partial transposition of the directives, and that it is analyzing the measures they had notified. It said it "will decide in the coming months on appropriate further steps." In February 2011 EU leaders committed to complete the EU's internal energy market by 2014. Many EU countries were also late transposing the EU's second power and gas directives into national law, and the EC had to launch formal infringement procedures against nearly all of them.
Source: Standart (28.02.2012)
Bulgaria to Liberalize Energy Market "With the adoption of the amendments to the Energy Act, Bulgaria will correspond to the European directives for liberalization of the gas and energy and power market," stated Bulgaria's Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Delyan Dobrev in line with EC warning that Bulgaria fails to observes the rules of the EC and may be sanctioned. "The reason for the critics is that the National Electric Company (NEC) has not been separated from the Electricity System Operator (ESO)," Mr Dobrev stated. A contract with the consultant on the separation of the two companies could be signed within a month. The term for the separation is 9 months. In the first 3 months the consultant will make analysis on then best way to separate the companies and how to restructure the assets and arrears to NEC. The second three months are for the real separation of the companies and the last three months are for the clearing the remarks," Mr Dobrev added.
Source: Standart (29.02.2012)
Bulgaria to sign a new contract for gas supplies without intermediaries A new contract for gas supplies will be signed between Bulgargaz and Russian Gazpromexport. This became clear after the yesterday's meeting between Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Alexey Miller, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gazprom. The contract will not include participation of intermediaries in the supply process, said Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Traicho Traikov, who attended the meeting. This confirms the intention of both sides declared a year and a half ago that two of the current gas suppliers - Overgas and Wintershall - should drop out from the process of gas imports to the country. The new contract is expected to be finalised by the end of the year. The period for the future gas supply under the new contract is yet to be specified. The present contracts with the three companies expire at the end of December and the largest volumes of gas so far have been supplied by Overgas. Gas prices will be tied to the quotations on the spot market, not to the oil market, Traikov explained. This change will also be introduced in the new contract. The Minister added that in a month or two the reduction of natural gas prices under the new contract with Gazprom would become clear. So far, Bulgaria has managed to negotiate discounts of around 7%. Because of the price increase of natural gas on world markets, however, Bulgargaz has already requested a price increase of nearly 27% as of April 2012. The South Stream gas pipeline project was discussed at the meeting with Prime Minister Borissov as well. It was agreed that the research activities would be completed in the coming months. This will allow for the final investment decision on the construction of the pipeline on Bulgarian territory to be made in November.
Source: Class (01.03.2012)
CEZ, E.On and EVN requested tariffs to be raised by 3.6% to 9.1%. Electricity distribution company in northeastern Bulgaria E.On asked night-time tariffs to be doubled from BGN 0.002 per KWh to BGN 0.004. The company also requested 3.8% for day-time tariffs, VAT not included. EVN also suggested larger uptake for the night-time tariff. According to the companys calculations night-time prices should be raised by 4.2%, day-time tariff should be raised by 3.6%. Electricity distribution company in Northwestern Bulgaria CEZ proposed average uptake of 7%. But the uptake that will be approved by the SEWRC regulatory body could be even higher because of the growing prices of green energy.
Source: Standart (01.03.2012)
Bulgaria Asks Russia for Cheaper Natural Gas Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov, Economy Minister Traycho Traykov and Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov had talks with Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, at which they insisted on Russia's gas giant lowering the wholesale prices of the natural gas supplied to Bulgaria. The Bulgarian statesmen asked for a ten-percent discount, which has already been granted to Germany, Slovakia, France and Turkey. The discount, if granted, is to come into force immediately as amendment to the agreements that expire at the end of the year, and this clause will also be provided in the future direct contract between Bulgargaz and Gazprom Export, which is to be signed by December 2012. "In a month or two it will become clear how much the wholesale price of the natural gas supplied to Bulgaria can be lowered," Mr. Traykov said after the meeting. However, during the talks Miller emphasized that Gazprom would expect something in exchange for the lowered price of natural gas. Alexey Miller did not deny that such a possibility exists but this should be tied to certain engagements on behalf of Bulgaria. For example, this could be the acceleration of the construction and making the final investment decision on South Stream gas pipeline which will ensure Gazprom the exclusion of Ukraine from the route of the natural gas from Russia to southern and central Europe and at the same time opens the opportunity for bigger amounts of deliveries for these countries. Another option for the reduction of the price of natural gas for Bulgaria is that this country allows Gazprom make investments in Bulgarian economy and step on the local gas market, energy experts state. Gazprom has received similar "bonuses" from Germany where the price of natural gas for the households is cheaper than the one in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (01.03.2012)
Bulgargaz to draw BGN 60 million from CCB Bulgargaz will draw a BGN 60 million loan from Corporate Commercial Bank (CCB) in order to pay for part of its Russian gas deliveries, the state-owned company announced, the Trud daily learned. Buglargaz will pay BGN 5.7 million to the bank in interest and fees. By the end of the third quarter of 2011 Bulgargaz used to keep USD 72 million in a deposit at CCB. In end-2011 Bulgargaz owner - the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), refused another loan to the company forcing it to seek funding elsewhere. Bulagargaz is facing difficulties to pay for Russian gas due to the debts of its major clients heating utilities, and the State Agency and Water Regulatory Commissions (SEWRC) refusal to allow a price hike. The loan will be issued for three years, CCB was chosen as financing bank in end-December, but was approved by the BEH only two weeks ago. The bank was the only candidate.
Source: Trud (06.03.2012)
Bulgaria Pays Foreign debts with BEH Shares and Bonds The payment on Bulgaria's foreign debt in January 2013 in the size of 1.8 billion levs will be realized with resources from privatization and emission of state bonds on the foreign and domestic market, the Standart learnt. The Bulgarian state thinks of selling 20% from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) in the coming months. This is one of the options which is being discussed in an attempt to provide the necessary funds for the next due payment of the foreign debt. The 20% share of the BEH is calculated to 1 billion levs and it is expected to be listed on a foreign stock exchange. It is not clear yet if a small part of the BEH shares will be released on the domestic stock exchange. In case the Bulgaria state decides to use this option it will need to look for a much smaller foreign financing than the initially talked 500 million euro.
Source: Standart (07.03.2012)
UDF appeals for suspension and audit of the NPP Belene construction project The construction of NPP Belene should be suspended immediately, demanded yesterday UDF (Union of Democratic Forces) leader Martin Dimitrov. He explained that the current negotiations conducted with the Russian side on the plant's construction continue to be held in the dark. In late March, the extended deadline, within which a decision must be issued as to whether the NPP Belene project will be implemented, expires, added Dimitrov. In 2006, the Russian company Atomstroyexport offering a bid of 3.977 bn was selected as the project contractor. In 2011, the Russian company offered the amount of 6.3 bn as the fixed price for the plant's construction. In turn, the financial project adviser - the London-based HSBC Bank - has been making its analyses on the extent of the project's cost-effectiveness in view of the new price. According to the initial data, the NPP could be launched into profitable operation since this makes sense due to the lack of energy-generating facilities in the region. Besides, the UDF demanded that Prime Minister Boyko Borissov present the HSBC analysis to MPs instead of the GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria) government evading the questions posed by the Bulgarian Parliament. The Prime Minister must publicly disclose the contents of the report, as well as all possible future actions of the Cabinet on this important project, reckoned Dimitrov. According to him, if the government continues to hide information from Bulgarian citizens, it will repeat the disadvantages of the natural gas supply contracts unfavourable for Bulgaria, which were signed by BSP (Bulgarian Socialist Party) ministers with Russia. The right-wing party also demanded that a complete audit be carried out on the hitherto implemented construction works of the NPP Belene project. It would be better if the billions of leva that the Bulgarian state will allocate for the construction of the NPP are invested in the improvement of the energy efficiency of our economy and the homes of Bulgarian citizens, explained Dimitrov.
Source: Class (14.03.2012)
Hot Negotiations for Cheaper Gas in Moscow Hot negotiations for cheaper gas from April 1 have been on since yesterday in Moscow. A special delegation of Bulgargaz led personally by the director of the company Dimitar Gogov has departed for Moscow. The task of the delegation is to meet with Gazprom officials and to negotiate a reduction of the price of natural gas by 10-15% from April 1. The meeting between Dimitar Gogov and Gazprom's Alexey Miller will decide if the gas for Bulgaria will be reduced in price by 10-15%. So far it is not clear what exactly will Bulgaria give to get cheaper prices of natural gas. Miller also does not exclude such an option as he himself admits for such a possibility for Economics magazine several weeks ago.
Source: Standart (20.03.2012)
Erdogan: Forget Your Worries over Natural Gas Supplies I would not permit Bulgaria to have problems with natural gas supplies, Turkish premier recap Erdogan promised to counterpart Boyko Borissov during the joint session of the two governments in Ankara. Reportedly Erdogan personally forwarded the signing of the agreement yesterday, according to sources from the Bulgarian delegation. In the morning it was not clear whether the Turkish gas company possessed the necessary licence to sign the papers. Later the problems were solved through the energetic intervention on the part of the Turkish PM, for which Borissov expressed his special gratitude. After his talk with PM Erdogan, PM Borissov announced that a meeting between the PMs of Bulgaria, Turkey and Greece had been prepared in order to accelerate the hydro-energy projects Tundzha and Maritsa. Before that PM Borissov will gather in the Black Sea city of Varna PM Erdogan and his Qatar's counterpart at a forum to be held in May on the possibilities for Turkish and Qatari investments in Bulgaria. PM Erdogan bore the new nickname of Bulgaria's minister of Culture - Vezhdi Rashidov who presented PM Erdogan with his sculpture. "Te Big Plus in your cabinet is called Vezhdi Rashidov," Turkish PM stated.
Source: Standart (21.03.2012)
Russia Wants Clear Answer on Belene NPP Construction Russia's state-owned energy company Rosatom has urged Bulgaria to quickly make up its mind about the Belene nuclear power plant project. "Bulgaria's government is yet to inform us about its political decision," Rosatom head Sergey Kiriyenko said. Kiriyenko has pointed out that Bulgarian officials come up with statements once every month, often contradicting themselves. "If the decision is to construct it - we will. If the Bulgarian government decides it does not need a nuclear power plant, it won't be a big problem for us," the Rosatom head has stated. Rosatom's subsidiary Atomstroyexport has already assembled the reactor for the first block of the NPP to be built in the Bulgarian Danube town of Belene. Kiriyenko underlined that Rosatom (daughter company of Atomstroyexport has an agreement with the Bulgarian National Electric Company for the construction of Belene NPP) is ready to keep its obligations if Bulgaria keeps hers. Kiriyenko also informed that a possible refusal on behalf of Bulgaria to construct Belene NPP will not be a problem for his corporation which doubled the volume of its contracts last year and has many directions where to focus its efforts. In October 2011, Bulgaria and Russia reached an agreement to extend the negotiations over Belene nuclear project by another six months as of the beginning of October amidst continuing haggling over its price and feasibility. Mr. Kiriyenko also commented the position expressed by Bulgaria's PM Borissov that Bulgaria would give up Belene NPP as Bulgarian-Russian project and is thinking of installing the ready nuclear reactor at the ground of Kozloduy NPP but only waits for the stand of the consultant of the project - HSBC bank. The tern of the next annex to the Bulgarian-Russian agreement for the construction of Belene NPP is to expire next week.
Source: Standart (22.03.2012)
Bulgarian Energy Holding head Yordan Georgiev has been dismissed and replaced by Mihail Andonov, announced the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy and Economy Sunday. Georgiev was serving as executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), an umbrella entity uniting state energy companies, since July 2010. On his part, Mihail Andonov was up to now the director of Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK). "BEH needs a manager who knows in detail the development of the energy sector in Bulgaria. Andonov has worked in energy for 17 years and has an excellent knowledge of its issues," stated the Ministry.
Source: (26.03.2012)
Bulgarian Energy Holding head Yordan Georgiev has been dismissed and replaced by Mihail Andonov, announced the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy and Economy Sunday. Georgiev was serving as executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), an umbrella entity uniting state energy companies, since July 2010. On his part, Mihail Andonov was up to now the director of Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK). "BEH needs a manager who knows in detail the development of the energy sector in Bulgaria. Andonov has worked in energy for 17 years and has an excellent knowledge of its issues," stated the Ministry.
Source: Standart (26.03.2012)
Bulgargaz wants to drill for natural gas "Bulgargaz will ask for a permission from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to participate in the exploration and extraction of natural gas in Bulgaria," announced the company's CEO Dimitar Gogov after a meeting between Valentin Nikolov, Deputy Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, and the the largest domestic consumers of natural gas. The event was organised by the Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) because of the already announced price hike of natural gas of 12.73% as of April 1. "We have repeatedly addressed BEH with such a request but we have received no answer. I have reasons to believe that this will change under the new management of the Energy Ministry," added Gogov. "Gazprom is ready to revise the price of natural gas exported to our country because they know it is high for Bulgarian consumers. This, however, should be mutually beneficial," said Gogov. He reminded that among the elements for setting the price of natural gas are the prices of petroleum products which skyrocketed due to the crisis in the Middle East. "Specify a spot market of your choice where you have access and we will change the way of setting the price of natural gas," Gazprom allegedly told Gogov's team. According to Gogov, Bulgaria is now ready to begin supplying gas from other countries besides Russia - the Caspian region or the Middle East, provided there is such an arrangement.
Source: Class (28.03.2012)
Bulgargaz Wants to Extract Natural Gas in the Black Sea Bulgargaz may start extracting natural gas within two years, Bulgargaz CEO Dimitar Gogov informed. It is a question of gas deposits in the Bulgarian Black Sea waters and on land, as well as in neighboring to Bulgaria countries. The idea is that Bulgargaz becomes a partner to concessioners of natural gas deposits. "Currently, Bulgargaz has offers from 6-7 companies, Mr. Gogov stated. Bulgargaz has been invited to take part in the extraction of natural gas by one of the concessioners which exploit the recently found big natural gas deposit in the Romanian Black Sea waters. Through its own extraction of natural gas, Bulgargaz may to a certain extent compensate the expensive natural gas from Russia.
Source: Standart (28.03.2012)
First Gas Station Instead of a Second Nuke Instead of a second nuke, Bulgaria will have a first gas plant. This has been the Cabinet's decision on the hot topic concerning the nuclear project some thirty-three years after its start. "We give up on constructing Belene and after paying 140 million euro for the nuclear unit, it will be installed in Kozloduy," Bulgaria's PM, Boyko Borissov stated. "Mr. Putin and I agreed to avoid turning this project into an apple of discord and prolonging the saga for years," the PM also said. Today Bulgaria's new Minister of Energy, Delian Dobrev will leave for Moscow to try and "find a friendly way out" of the project, without having to go to court. Borissov defined South Stream pipeline as the main priority for Bulgaria. It is possible that the new gas station would be directly supplied by the pipeline.
Source: Standart (29.03.2012)
Bulgarian Delegation to Negotiate Reduction on Gas Price We expect serious deal and great news for Bulgaria about the negotiations on reduction of natural gas price, officials close to the negotiations with Russia commented before The Standart. The positive development of South Stream pipeline project is the trump card of Bulgarian delegation leaving for Moscow today. The delegation led by Economy Minister Delyan Dobrev includes deputy Minister of Economy Valentin Nikolov, the president of Bulgarian Energy Holding Mihail Andonov and Executive Director of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov. In Moscow they will meet with Russia's Energy Minister Sergey Shmatko and the Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller as the decision depends mostly on the last. In fact Gazprom would receive confirmation on the realization of South Stream project and for building a gas power plant in Bulgaria that will be direct client of the Russian company. Most probably on these reasons Moscow will agree on decrease of the price, expects forecast. Recently Alexey Miller explained that discount could be given to those countries in which Gazprom has pipelines, gas power plants or direct buyers without mediation of local operators. In Bulgaria now the Russian company will have all the three elements so good news are expected, experts comment.
Source: Standart (29.03.2012)
South Stream in the Making As early as 2012 the South Stream project company will start selecting suppliers for the pipes and the equipment for the construction of the future pipeline, informed sources told the Standart. After Bulgaria's Prime Minister, Boyko Borissov declared that the state would give full support to the construction of South Stream, shareholders in the project can now move to taking the final investment decision which was impossible a week ago. The reason was that Gazprom that holds 50% of South Stream Bulgaria Project Company was not sure the project would have a future. Now, all obstacles have been removed and the work can be seriously pushed. Even this year, the share-holders - Gazprom and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will make the final investment decision after which the financial structuring of the project for the Bulgarian part of the gas pipeline will be started. This will give the opportunity that the Russian side immediately starts the construction of the gas pipeline on Russia's territory as well as on the Black Sea route. This will realize the acceleration of the project which Russia's PM Putin recently placed before Gazprom. "In the South Stream project Bulgaria will put all its ambitions and efforts so that in 2015 the first gas supplies be started," PM Borissov is explicit.
Source: Standart (29.03.2012)
Sofia Seeks Short-term Contract with Gazprom As of next year, Bulgaria will be seeking a short-term flexible contract with Gazprom, regarding the supply of Russian natural gas to Bulgaria. "We do not want a long term contract with the Russian company, as we will be seeking alternative suppliers - either through interconnections with the gas carrying systems of our neighbors or, which is far more important, through local extraction of natural gas," Economy and Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev told the national television BNT 1. His optimism is based on some foreign companies? interest in exploring natural gas fields deep into the Black Sea. Mr. Dobrev also said that the Bulgarian government was to review two controversial clauses in its contract with Gazprom, so as to avoid punishment from the European Commission. He added that soon Bulgaria's profit from the transit of Russian natural gas would increase by 12% while the South Stream pipeline, when built, would bring a profit of 150 million euro a year.
Source: Standart (03.04.2012)
Bulgarian Govt Set to Build 7th Reactor of NPP Kozloduy "A procedure for the preparation of the construction of a seventh power unit at NPP Kozloduy could be launched soon," Bulgaria's Deputy Economy Minister Valentin Nikolov said, speaking at a conference organized by the Vienna Economic Forum and the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. In his words, the proposal will be voted at the sitting of the Council of Ministers next week. Once the ministers decide to launch a procedure, a working group on the project could be set up. According to Mr. Nikolov, power units five and six of NPP Kozloduy will be upgraded as scheduled.
Source: Standart (05.04.2012)
PM Boyko Borissov: Bulgaria has natural gas deposits I am optimistic that the country has deposits of conventional gas and that, within a year and a half, we can start using it, stated Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in an interview for BTV yesterday. The Prime Minister refused to say where the gas deposits are and when they had been discovered. I promised the Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Delian Dobrev not to announce details on the gas fields, but they are considerable and will contribute effectively to the energy independence of the country, added Borissov. Delian Dobrev refused to answer the question of Klassa, whether the availability of deposits of natural gas in the country and in the continental shelf had been confirmed but promised to give details later." In March, the Press Office of the Council of Ministers announced that three tenders for the selection of contractors for prospecting for oil and natural gas will be cancelled because of the lack of interest on the investors' part and the fourth tender will be suspended because only one offer was submitted and it does not meet the requirements of the Government. The tender procedures were called for the exploration of the land areas: 2 Silistra, 3 - Tsar Kaloyan, 4 Kubrat and 5 - Byala. The tenders for land areas 3, 4 and 5 were suspended because no applications were submitted on time. In March 2009, David Nelson, Vice President of the American company Direct Petroleum Exploration Inc, involved in prospecting for natural gas near the village of Deventsi, region of Pleven, announced that the deposit contained at least 6.6 billion cu m of natural gas. The American specialists were surprised by the excellent quality of the gas found in terms of low sulphur content. The natural gas from the field is different from the gas produced in Bulgaria so far. The fuel is highly calorific, with a methane content of about 95%. This is not merely a deposit but a new geological formation, said Edward Gandelman, President of the US company Direct Petroleum Exploration Inc, which holds the concession.
Source: Class (10.04.2012)
Mines Maritsa Iztok launched the largest of three projects financed by the fund to support the decommissioning of NPP Kozloduy. The project is worth over EUR 12.5 million, of which EUR 8.8 million are grants. The first delivery of the main contractor Siemens Bulgaria is already a fact - cables for medium voltage worth BGN 7 million, the company announced. It was the beginning of a long-awaited rehabilitation and modernization of equipment in two mines of the company. The delivery included a new current-collection devices and batteries for excavators. The main objective of the project is to improve power quality of heavy mining equipment, reducing electricity costs and modernize the technology used.
Source: Standart (18.04.2012)
Bulgaria to Extend Life of Kozloduy NPP by 20 Years Bulgaria's Kozloduy NPP has started the first phase of the procedure to extend the life of its two 1000 MW reactors by 20 years. The Kozloduy NPP has made a contract with a consortium of Rosenergoatom Russia and French company EDF formally called Consortium OAD "Concern Rosenergoatom" (Russia) - EDF (France) for complex surveying and appraisal of the resources and equipment of the two operational reactors, Units 5 and 6, announced the CEO of the plant Alexander Nikolov at a joint news conference with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Finance Minister Simeon Djankov. The results of the survey will be the base for the preparation of a program on the extension of the exploitation life of the two units. The second stage will focus on the realization of the measures on this program. After that Kozloduy NPP submit an application to the Nuclear Regulatory Agency for new licenses of Units 5 and 6 respectively till 2037 and 2039.
Source: Standart (21.04.2012)
Sofia Has Already Paid EUR 400 M for NPP Belene Sofia has already paid 400 million euro to Russia's Atomstroyexport for the construction of NPP Belene. Of it, 130 million euros has been paid under a contract that has not been signed to this day. The payments were made from November 29th 2006 to March 31st 2012. This becomes clear from a report of the State Finance Inspection Agency, published by the Economy Ministry. The conclusion is that such actions are incompatible with the current legislation in Bulgaria, having in mind that no contract for realization of the NPP Belene Project has been signed to this day. This is the gravest violation of the laws which the financial inspectors discovered. But they state there are a series of violations on behalf of the contracting authority at the procedures on the election of a candidate and the realization of the public procurement. In contrast to the law, no public procurement was announced while a dismantling of the already installed fittings on the ground of Belene NPP worth 100 million euro was assigned. It turns out that the electricity produced in Belene NPP would be much more expensive than the one generated by natural gas, for example, shows the analysis of British bank HSBC which was hired as a consultant of the project with the task to state if it would be profitable or not. According to the report, the price of power generated in a gas power station will be US$59 per megawatt. According to the calculations of HSBC, the power produces in a thermo-power plant as well as wind and geothermal energy will be also cheaper than the Belene NPP electricity.
Source: Standart (24.04.2012)
NEK Emits Bonds to Pay for Belene NPP The National Electric Company (NEK) will emit bonds in order to pay a 55-million euro installment on the loan of 250 million euro to a bank consortium led by BNP Paribas. The credit was drawn for payments to the Russian side for the purchase of equipment for the Belene NPP project. Despite the attempts of Bulgarias cabinet to spread the payment on the credit by 1 year, at this stage only 4 of all 6 banks in the consortium agreed to do so, Bulgarias minister of economy and energy Delyan Dobrev commented. The other two banks insist that Bulgaria should pay the due installments, as the sum of 55 million euro has to be paid on the maturity day, which is May 23. The National Electric Company, however, doesnt have money to pay this installment, Minister Dobrev said flat. For six months now we have been working to cure the current financial situation. It is not easy to find a way out of it and space out the loan, he explained. Two of the banks refused because of the problems with their own portfolios, he commented further. Others agree to space out the payments although under more advantageous payoff conditions. That is why the maturity in May will be paid by BEH. In the long term experts mull over the issuance of NEK bonds that will enable the country to settle the debt, the Minister declared.
Source: Standart (25.04.2012)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will cover EUR 55 million (BGN 107 million) from the syndicated loan that its subsidiary the National Electricity Company (NE) has towards the consortium of banks led by BNP Paribas, NEʒs Executive Director Ivo Lefterov said. By end-October 2011 the BEH had BGN 114 million in deposits, BGN 79 million of which kept at Corporate Commercial Bank.
Source: Capital Dily (04.05.2012)
NEK to recieve a one-year deadline extension for the loan from BNP Paribas The National Electricity Company (NEK) will recieve a one-year deadline extension for its loan from BNP Paribas, amounting to 250 mln. Part of the loan will be paid with credit from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), granted to NEK, said Delian Dobrev, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, who attended the fourth International Environmental Congress 2012, organized by Overgas yesterday. The Minister noted that the current instalment would be between 50 and 70 mln and that the BEH was likely to pay the amount of 50 million because NEK had free resources to repay the rest. The payment of the remaining part of the loan will be extended by one year. The maturity of the loan expires on May 23, 2012. The deadline extension was agreed by the bank and the decision on the current contribution was made by the Management Boards of BEH and NEK last week. The Bulgarian authorities are still calculating the amount, which NEK owes for the Russian nuclear reactor for the Belene Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The amount is not large and we have no firm deadline in which to pay this liability. After having justified exactly how much we owe to Atomstroyexport, the funds will be paid within a normal term, Dobrev said. According to Sergey Kiriyenko, Head of Rosatom, our country owed about 1 bn for the reactor at the end of April. Dobrev did not exclude the option of selling the equipment, but noted that the registration of the project company for the construction of the 7th unit at the Kozloduy NPP was underway. Bulgarian end users still do not consume cheaper gas, even after Russia reduced the fuel price by 11% as of April 1. A decision of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission is expected. According to the Minister, the reduction will be calculated retroactively after signing the relevant agreements with Gazprom. He did not announce how this would happen and how it would affect consumer prices of natural gas.
Source: Class (08.05.2012)
Transit fees for the Nabucco and South Stream gas to be determined under a special methodology The prices for natural gas transmission via the Nabucco and South Stream pipelines will be determined under a special methodology that will synchronize the regimes of price setting in all relevant countries, stipulate amendments to the Energy Act, which were passed at a second reading by the Parliamentary Committee on Economic Policy, Energy and Tourism. The MPs agreed that "the prices for access and transmission of natural gas via the transmission and distribution networks had to be subjected to regulation by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC), except in cases where the Commission, at its discretion, approved a methodology for their determining." This exception applies only to the South Stream and Nabucco projects, said Chairman of SEWRC Angel Semerdjiev. The committee will continue determining the prices for the gas distribution networks. In early April, the Government specified the Nabucco pipeline, in the section, which will be built in Bulgaria, as a site of national importance. The Nabucco pipeline is intended to transport Caspian gas to Europe. Together with the Turkey-Greece-Italy pipeline and the Trans Adriatic pipeline it is included in the so called Southern Gas Corridor. Some 6 companies partake in the Nabucco Gas Pipeline International Corporation with equal shares of 16.67%: Austrian OMV, Hungarian MOL, Romanian Transgaz, Bulgarian Energy Holding, Turkish Botas and German RWE. At the end of April, it became clear that the northern ground section of the future South Stream gas pipeline would be built first. It includes the infrastructure, passing through Bulgaria, Serbia and Austria.
Source: Class (17.05.2012)
Six Oil and Gas Companies bid for Black Sea Gas Field Six of the leading oil and gas companies in the world have tabled bids for exploring the deep water gas field Khan Asparuh off Bulgarias Black Sea coast. The participants in the tender so far are UKs Melrose, Austrias OMV, US ExxonMobile, Frances Total, Spains Repsol and the Dutch company. The participants are expected to table their competitive bids by June 17th, Economy Minister Delyan Dobrev said.
Source: Standart (21.05.2012)
Stara Zagora mayor Zhivko Todorov proposed to move Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC and Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator SPJSC in the city. The initiative is supported by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Club of the employers, representatives of both unions. We support the idea of decentralization, because besides creating new jobs, it allows regional development, said the mayor of Stara Zagora. The proposal will be formally submitted along with photos, a proposal for premises and financial statement. Besides BEH and Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator, in Stara Zagora can be moved the Agency for Selection and Reproduction in Animal Breeding, National Grain Office, Agricultural Academy. It is yet to be calculated what resources will be needed to repair the buildings to house the state structures.
Source: Darik Radio (28.05.2012)
ITAR-TASS: Nabucco project to be dropped by June The EU-backed Nabucco natural gas pipeline project may be dropped for good by late June, according to the ITAR-TASS News Agency, which has cited London business circles. The fiasco of the project has been reportedly predetermined by drastic changes on the global gas market. ITAR-TASS has reminded that a number of energy giants, including BP, have already pulled out of the project. The Nabucco project aimed at lessening Europe's energy dependence on Russian energy was supposed to achieve a gas transport capacity of 31 billion cubic metres (bcm) a year. On May 16, the Nabucco Consortium presented a revised, smaller version of the gas pipeline project called Nabucco West to the consortium developing the Shah Deniz II gas field in Azerbaijan. On Sunday, Dimitar Abadzhiev, Bulgaria's representative in Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH, sought to dispel claims that the EU-backed energy diversification project is unfeasible.
Source: 3e-news (29.05.2012)
Sofia Claims Extra EUR 255 M for Shut down Nuclear Reactors According to NPP Kozloduy CEO Valentin Nikolov, Bulgaria could claim as much as 255 million euro for the decommissioned four reactors of NPP Kozloduy for the period 2014-2020, provided that the sum is accepted by the Kozloduy Fund donors.
Source: Standart (31.05.2012)
Moscow Claims EUR 1,1 B as Compensation for Belene Project Rosatom, Russian state nuclear energy corporation, will demand from Bulgaria 1,165 billion euro in compensation for dumping Belene nuke project. The sum covers the equipment ordered by Bulgarias National Electric Company, groundwork at the construction site carried out by Russian contractor Atomstroyexport, etc., a source close to the negotiators told The Standart. The sum is not finalized and may vary within narrow margins. The manufactured equipment includes two reactors, their cost accounts for the largest item in the balance sheet. The first reactor is almost ready and could be delivered to Bulgaria by end-year. As for the second one, the claims of the Bulgarian and the Russian negotiators differ Sofia claims that it is 25 percent ready, while Russians maintain that the reactor is 80 percent ready. Bulgaria plans to sell the second reactor to a third party.
Source: Standart (01.06.2012)
Private Company to Buy Belene NPP Project A private company will most probably buy the Belene NPP by the end of the year, the chairman of the Bulgarian Atomic Forum Bogomil Manchev stated before the BTA. The consortium will include one key company and several more which can change in time. A serious interest in the construction of the company has been expressed. In case the Bulgarian state and the private investor come to terms for the construction of the project, the turning of Belene NPP into a private one should be agreed upon and with the Russian side which is a supplier of the equipment," Mr Manchev added.
Source: Standart (05.06.2012)
Cheap Gas Agreement Delayed due to South Stream Project "The signing of the agreement for reduction of the price of natural gas by 11,1% as of April 1 is being delayed due to new requirements from the Russian side towards the financial model of South Stream project," Bulgaria's minister of economy and energy Delyan Dobrev stated. "The new requirement cannot be accepted easily as Bulgaria will have to defend its national interests," Mr. Dobrev added. Bulgaria has to make the final investment decision on South Stream gas pipeline by November 15.
Source: Standart (05.06.2012)
Russians to Build Unit 7 in Kozloduy NPP Rosatom, the Russian state-owned corporation, and its subsidiary Atomstroyexport will build the nuclear power generating facilities of the new Unit 7 of Bulgarias Kozloduy nuke on the Danube. Sofia and Moscow have confirmed the news almost synchronously. The fact that the reactor originally made for Unit 1 of the suspended Belene NPP project and the Russian part has nearly completed it automatically means that the nuclear part of Unit 7 in Kozloduy will be manufactured by our partners from Atomstroyexport. Bulgarias minister of energy Delyan Dobrev broke the news. Minister Dobrev added that another contractor was searched for the non-nuclear part of Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP in order to diversify the project. "The negotiated reduction of natural gas price for Bulgaria by 11,1% as of April 1 will come in force when Bulgaria takes a written commitment for a final investment decision for the construction of South Stream project by Novemner 15, minister Dobrev also stated.
Source: Standart (06.06.2012)
Natural Gas Europe: Bulgaria has not secured money for the South Stream project Bulgaria has not found an investor to finance its participation in the South Stream gas pipeline project, posted the online edition Natural Gas Europe, quoted by Focus agency. In order to avoid a new scandal like the one regarding the shelved Belene NPP project, we must find the money first and only afterwards - sign a contract, said Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Delian Dobrev, quoted by the online edition. The Bulgarian Government should sign an agreement for building the pipeline by November 15, 2012. According to Minister Dobrev, the South Stream project will cost Bulgaria BGN 300 mln and up to 70% of the construction costs will be guaranteed by loans. The money for Bulgarias participation in the South Stream project should come from loans, Dobrev specified on Saturday for Darik Radio. Once again, he explained that the reduction in the price of Russian natural gas by 11% as of April 1 will come into force after Bulgaria signs the final agreement for the gas conduit, which must happen by November 15. Politically, it is very tempting to sign an agreement on this 11% reduction. Had we signed that agreement back in April, we would have probably become national heroes the only ones in Bulgarias history who have achieved a decrease in the price of gas. The latter has always increased with one exception - in 2009 - when it was reduced by about 2%, commented Minister Dobrev.
Source: Class (18.06.2012)
Bulgarian Energy Holding to select a new Head of the National Electricity Company Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced the start of the procedure for selection of a new Executive Director of one of its subsidiaries - the National Electricity Company (NEK). The applicants must be Bulgarian citizens or citizens of an EU member state. They should have higher education - technical, economic or legal one. They also should have experience in senior management positions in commercial companies or government structures from the energy sector. The new Head of NEK should not perform leading or control functions in a political party. The applicants cannot be related to a member of the management or supervisory body of BEH or its subsidiaries, and cannot be agents or managers of an offshore company. Previous experience in investment projects in the energy sector and a good understanding of the mechanisms of operation of the EU institutions will be considered an advantage. On March 28, 2012, Ivo Lefterov, Finance Director of NEK, became acting manger of the company. He assumed the post from Mihail Andonov, who became Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Class (27.06.2012)
Scottish and French Companies Compete for Black Sea Gas Field Two companies Frances Total and Scotlands Melrose Resources - have tabled bids for probing and exploitation of the natural gas fields in the Bulgarian territorial waters of the Black Sea. The news was broken by Bulgaria's economy minister Delyan Dobrev. The third bidder, the U.S. Exxon Mobil, pulled out of the tender in the last minute. Minister Dobrev speculated that they might want to focus on the exploitation and probing of their gas fields in neighboring Romania.
Source: Standart (06.07.2012)
Dozens of violations in the state-owned enterprise Mines Maritsa Iztok SPJSC were revealed by a comprehensive review of the public procurement procedures undertaken by the Agency for State Financial Inspection (ASFI) for the period 2009 2011. Inspectors have imposed a total of 100 fines on current and former executives of the mining company, and another 17 violations were not administered, because the three-year limitation period had expired. Some of the violations are serious indeed. The Agency has determined that management has concluded 11 contracts for which a tender had not been made, although all prerequisites for this were available. Their total value is BGN 1.092 million. This is the first comprehensive examination under the Public Procurement Act of ASFI in Mines Maritsa Iztok, but the violations are by no means the first in recent years. The management of the company declined to comment the report on the grounds that it is not yet public.
Source: Capital (10.07.2012)
The state of Bulgargaz deteriorate The state of Bulgargaz deteriorate - the gas supplier wants Its capital reduced by a further BGN 72.7 million to BGN 257.6 million, the company announced. The reason - the company does not have enough money to cover its losses. The owner of the company Bulgarian Energy Holding explained that they have yet to consider the request of the gas company and so far have only adopted the report and audits for 2011. BEH has refused to discharge the management of Bulgargaz for the financial decisions taken in 2011. The gas company was in serious condition since last year. The reason, according to the state company, is the retention of prices of natural gas from the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. This forced it to sell natural gas at a lower price than it had purchased it from Russia.
Source: Trud (18.07.2012)
Turkish Intermediaries to Supply Azeri Natural Gas to Bulgaria Private companies from turkey will probably become intermediaries in the supplies of natural gas from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria. This became clear from a statement of Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister, Taner Yildiz, as quoted by local and Azeri news agencies. Mr. Yildiz met with his Bulgarian counterpart Delyan Dobrev in Ankara Wednesday and discussed the ongoing construction of an interconnection between the natural gas networks of Bulgaria and Turkey. The interconnection will supply Azeri natural gas to Bulgaria. As the Standart wrote earlier, Sofia and Baku agreed supplies of at least one billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. Earlier it was considered that the gas interconnection will be constructed and exploited by Bulgartransgaz and Turkey's BOTAS Petroleum Pipeline Corporation. However, at a press conference following his talk with Minister Dobrev Yilfiz said that any private Turkish company may become an intermediary in the supplies of Azeri natural gas to Bulgaria, provided it has obtained the necessary license for such activities from the state regulator in Ankara. With this move Taner Yildiz has turned the tables, as now Turkey, who until not before long was regarded as a mere transit country on the natural gas route from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria, has now secured ten billion cubic meters of natural gas per year from Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz-2 gas field. Thus, Ankara is now planning to become an authorized reseller of Azeri natural gas for Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (03.08.2012)
More players enter the transit of gas Monopoly of Russian suppliers of gas through transit pipes in Bulgaria will fall. This is provided in a project for a contract between the transmission network operator Bulgartransgaz and potential buyers of spare capacities. The type document has been put for public consultation and suggestions are accepted until 25 August. Bulgartransgaz allocate capacity for transit of gas through the "first said - the first received" principle. Preference will be given to the state-owned Bulgargaz. Currently the majority of capacity is held by the Russian-Bulgarian company Overgas (50% owned by Gazprom). Many industrial companies complained in Brussels and last year the European Commission started an infringement procedure against Bulgaria. Capacities will be given for month, quarter, one year or more. The condition is to have equal amounts of free entry and exit of the network. Only they can be transferred. If the document is approved before the end of the year, traders besides Overgas in practice can only benefit 9 million cubic meters of spare capacity. The reason is the mismatch between the physical volumes of the inlet pipe from Romania and the three exit pipes to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia, and in the reserved amounts of the subsidiary company Gazprom for this year.
Source: Trud (14.08.2012)
Bulgarian Economy Minister Delyan Dobrev has reshuffled the management of two major state energy corporations the National Electric Company NEK Jsc and the Maritsa East Mines Jsc, the press service of the Economy Ministry announced. Dobrev has thus accepted a resignation submitted by Ivo Lefterov, the head of NEK. Lefterov will be replaced by Krum Anastasov. The Bulgarian Minister of Economy, Energy, and Tourism has at the same time dismissed Evgeni Stoykov, the CEO of the Maritsa East Mines Jsc (Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD), and has appointed Teodor Drebov in his position. "Evgeni Stoykov's dismissal is necessitated by the need to improve coordination and the speed of work in the company," the Economy Ministry explained. The management reshuffle has been approved by the boards of NEK and the Maritsa East Mines as well as by the management of their parent company, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The new CEO of NEK, Krum Anastasov, is a graduate of the Sofia Technical University; he has specialized economics and management at KPMG Advisor and Eagle's Flight Creative Training Exellence Inc.. Anastasov has 21 years of experience in the energy sector, including 10 years at senior management positions. He is a former employee of Czech-owned utility in Western Bulgaria, CEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria AD. Until now, he has been the head of the regulated market department at NEK. The new CEO of the Maritsa East Mines, Teodor Drebov, is a mining engineer who graduated from the Sofia University of Mining and Geology back in 1986. He has been the director of other Bulgarian state-owned mining companies "Antratsit" and "Bobov Dol", and has worked at the former State Commission for Energy, and State Agency for Energy and Energy Resources. Until now, he has been a employee of the Natural Resources and Concessions Directorate at the Bulgarian Economy Ministry. Drebov has 26 years of experience in his field.
Source: Capital (21.08.2012)
NPP Kozloduy sell a beach complex NPP Kozloduy announced an auction with a secret bidding for a sale of a beach complex and a store. The company wants to release itself from an entertainment complex, situated at the Danube Rivers coast, to the name of Paradise. The initial auction price of the beach complex is to the amount of BGN 129 150 with VAT excluded. The offer includes an administrative building, a restaurant, a summer bar and a workshop for boats, as well as a land with an area of 4,180 square meters. A watchtower, portals, parking, and an artificial beach have been built on it. The deposit for participation in the tender is BGN 12,900, while the starting price is BGN 14,300 VAT excluded.
Source: 24 chasa (26.08.2012)
Westinghouse to Carry out Feasibility Studies for Kozloduy Unit 7 Westinghouse Electric Company has received a contract to perform a feasibility study on a potential seventh unit at Bulgarias Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant. The required study will encompass a review of two potential designs: a reactor of WWER design utilizing equipment already purchased by the customer together with Westinghouse instrumentation and control (I&C) systems, fuel and a Toshiba Corporation turbine generator, and the construction and operation of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) 1000-1200 MW design. The scope of the feasibility study includes an evaluation of the site, radioactive waste and spent fuel management, reuse of existing infrastructures and facilities, licensing, local economic aspects, and the profitability of the two reactor designs. The Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant has an excellent operational and safety record, which provides a strong basis to host an additional reactor at the site, Westinghouse has pointed out in a press release. Five companies had submitted documents to develop a project for the new Unit 7 of Bulgaria's Kozloduy NPP. The companies were Westinghouse, French Areva, Areva in a consortium with Mistubishi, Bulgarian company Risk Engineering and Australian Worley Parsons. The initial assesment must be ready some 7-9 months after concluding the contract; by the end of 2013 the company must choose the site for the new Unit 7. At present, only the 1000 MW units 5 and 6 are operational at the Kozloduy NPP, after Bulgaria agreed to shut down the 440 MW units 1-4 in 2002 and 2006 as part of its EU accession talks under pressure from Brussels.
Source: Standart (28.08.2012)
Bulgaria's state energy holding company BEH plans to tap international markets with a bond issue to raise up to $300 million at the beginning of next year to refinance existing debt, its Chief Executive Mikhail Andonov said on Monday. Speaking on the sidelines of an energy event, Andonov said BEH needed to find a way to pay 195 million euros ($244 million) its NEK unit owes to a syndicate of banks led by BNP Paribas by next May. Andonov said BEH, whose assets are valued at over 12 billion levs ($7.7 billion), plans to get a credit rating this autumn which he expected to match Bulgaria's sovereign rating. He said the group aimed to issue between $250 million and $300 million worth of dollar-denominated bonds. "We are thinking U.S. dollars, as the dollar markets are quite deep and resourceful," he said. "It will be good if we can get a coupon at about 3.5 to 4.5 percent." He declined to elaborate on the maturity of the issue. In July, Bulgaria tapped global markets for the first time in 10 years, selling 950 million euros worth of new five-year Eurobonds with a coupon of 4.25 percent. Bulgaria is the European Union's poorest member state, but one of its least indebted, and is rated at investment BBB grade by Standard and Poor's, level with Lithuania and Russia, Baa2 by Moody's and BBB- by Fitch.
Source: Capital (29.08.2012)
BEHs Head: If we find large gas deposits in the Black Sea, Bulgaria will be independent of supplies If we find large deposits of gas in the Khan Asparuh field in the Black Sea, all major players on the gas market will have to take into consideration the supplies on our territory, Mihail Andonov, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on BNR on Sunday. If the existence of industrial quantities of gas is proven in the Black Sea shelf, in some four or five years, Bulgaria will become independent of gas supply over the next 25-30 years. Explorations will begin with the signing of the contract, so we hope for results within three or four years, added Andonov. In October 2011, a decision was made to open a procedure for issuing permits for prospecting and exploration for oil and gas in the 1-21 Khan Asparuh field. The oil giant Total won the tender. The contract is for five years within which the French company will invest more than BGN 1 bn in the exploration. Asked about the prices of fuels, Andonov said these are rising worldwide. Everything is interrelated and Bulgaria cannot remain an island and not be influenced by the prices on international markets. The Government is taking adequate steps for getting out of this situation. As of October 1, the price of gas might be reduced. What could be better than that, Andonov asked rhetorically referring to the protocols signed with Gazprom, stipulating an 11% decrease of natural gas prices, at that, with a retroactive effect as of April 1, 2012.
Source: Class (03.09.2012)
One Billion Cubic Meters of Natural Gas under Bulgaria's Svilengrad The Bulgarian part of the so-called oil and gas basin spreading over the territory of Greece, Turkey and Bulgaria, may provide as much as one billion cubic meters of natural gas per year and thus meet a third of the country's demand for the fuel, preliminary explorations show, At present, Bulgaria consumes between three and 3.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year, of which only ten percent is home-extracted. If the Thrace bloc proves reliable, it can provide a third of the country's natural gas at prices 40% lower than these of the natural gas imported from Russia. The explorations in the region of Svilengrad, whose start was announced by economy minister Delyan Dobrev on Sunday, will be carried out with the so-called vibration method, which is absolutely harmless for the people and the environment. The activities start on September 15th and will last for about two and a half months.
Source: Standart (05.09.2012)
Bulgarian PM: Russia launches an all-out attack about Belene The one-billion-euro claim of Russia's Atomstroyexport against Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEC) is a blatant provocation, Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov said during yesterday's sitting of the Cabinet. Borissov was surprised by the unexpected move of the Russian constructor of NPP Belene to inflate its claim towards Bulgaria's electric utility NEC, regarding the compensations for the cancelled project. "This is below the belt," he shouted on hearing Economy Minister Delyan Dobrev's report, and immediately urged him to contact Rosatom's CEO Sergey Kirienko. During the sitting it transpired that Russia's President Putin will make one-day visit to Bulgaria on November 9. Apart from that Putin and Borissov will definitely discuss the future of South Stream project.
Source: Standart (13.09.2012)
The New Reactor Fits Kozloduy NPP "The producer reactor for Belene NPP could be installed as Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP," the deputy director of Russian state-run company Rosatom, Kiril Komarov stated, cited by Interfax agency. "Atomstroyexport's 1-billion-euro claim, daughter company of Rosatom, against the Bulgarian National Electric Company (NEC) does not mean that the reactor once meant for Belene NPP cannot be installed as Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP through a suitable project," Mr Komarov commented. Mr Komarov pointed out that two reactors were ordered for Belene NPP and the second one is nearly ready while the Kozloduy NPP could take only one reactor with the construction of a new unit. According to Mr Komarov, Bulgaria has not demanded the termination of the contract for the production of the equipment for Belene NPP yet and part of the equipment is still being produced. Mr Komarov stated that due to this reason the claim of Atomstroyexport worth 1 billion euro is justified as it is based on the work accomplished, inclusive of the production of the equipment and the claim is not kind of a sanctions or fines.
Source: Standart (14.09.2012)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced a competition for rating agency. The mega company involves the largest state-owned energy companies - NPP Kozloduy, NEK, TPP Maritza East 2, Mines Maritsa Iztok, Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Bulgartel. The money from the issue will be used to help the two troubled companies - NEK and Bulgargaz. The announced competition for rating agency is divided into two stages - credit rating and its transformation into issue. The first phase should be completed at most for two months, and the second for a month and a half. The competition can be entered only by agencies, which over the past three years have performed at least 3 successful agreements on rating energy companies with a turnover of at least EUR 1 billion. Furthermore, their previous guarantors must have successfully issued bonds for a minimum of EUR 250 million.
Source: Trud (17.09.2012)
Moscow wants NEK as compensation for Belene NPP The fret over Belene NPP continued as Moscow announced that Russia has filed a lawsuit against Bulgarias National Electric Company (NEK) for the suspended nuclear power plant project, which could bring NEK to bankruptcy. If NEK loses the lawsuit and fails to repay its debt, the Russian state-run corporation Rosatom is ready to take steps for acquiring NEKs assets as compensation, said an unnamed Russian nuclear sector source, cited by RIA Novosti. Although Bulgarias withdrawal from the project was sanctioned by the Government and the National Assembly, this is a matter of relations between two commercial companies. It must be seen what has been ordered and paid and if Bulgaria has to pay more, this cannot be avoided. Moreover, I guess that in addition to Atomstroyexport, equipment has been ordered and paid to French and German companies, Yordan Kostadinov, a former MP and CEO of Kozloduy NPP commented for On September 11, the Russian company Atomstroyexport (a subsidiary of Rosatom) announced that it will increase its default claim for the suspended Belene NPP project to 1 bn. The Russian claim has been submitted for consideration by the International Court of Arbitration at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris. The amount of the claim is so high and Russias arguments are so serious that the legal dispute could bring NEK to bankruptcy in the end. This is not the best option for Bulgaria, but, unfortunately, it is possible, RIA Novosti quoted the unnamed Russian source.
Source: Class (19.09.2012)
Energy Minister Inquires about Belene NPP Investor Bulgarias Minister of Economy and Energy Delyan Dobrev sent letters of inquiry to the US Energy Department. He requires more information about the US company Global Power Consortium Ltd., a candidate investor in the Belene NPP project. The Bulgarian government has already declared that it will start negotiations with the investor only after the company confirms that its intentions are serious. Global Power, in its turn, has declared before the National Electrical Company and the MPs of the parliamentary economic committee that it has investment interests in Belene project. So far it has become known that the consortium is based in New York and is represented by Samuel Reddy. Its major shareholder is Quantum Group Inc., USA. What are the Western European and American companies behind the Global Power Consortium will become clear after NEC and Global Power Ltd. sign an agreement, Bogomil Manchev, CEO of Risk Engineering and consultant of the US investors said.
Source: Standart (29.09.2012)
Bulgartransgaz to invest 650 mln in gas transmission infrastructure Bulgartransgaz plans to invest nearly 650 mln in the development of gas transmission infrastructure over the next 10 years, posted, citing CEO Kiril Temelkov who presented to journalists the ten-year investment plan of the company at the Golden Sands Black Sea resort. The large-scale investment is aimed at ensuring reliable and secure infrastructure for gas flows into and through Bulgaria and diversification of the sources and routes of gas supply, specified Temelkov. He added that the investment will be ensured by own funds of Bulgartransgaz, grants schemes and attracted external financing on a project basis. The interconnector links with Greece, Turkey, Serbia and Romania with a total capacity of 8-15 billion cu m and a total length of 300 km will absorb 117 mln. Some 272 km of new routes will be built that will make the access to gas available to regions. Their total capacity will be approximately 2.5 billion cu m of gas and these will cost 49 mln. The expansion of the transmission network will cost 250 mln and, within five years, the capacity of the gas depository in Chiren will be doubled from the current 550 million cu m to 1 billion cu m of storage and up to 10 million cu m for injection and extraction. According to Temelkov, this will cost the company some 200 mln. The capacity of Chiren is not being completely used at present and cannot be used without an extension of the depository. Gas from Chiren is now offered on the Bulgarian market but, after the expansion, it will be marketed in the entire region.
Source: Class (01.10.2012)
Ukraine to Buy Natural Gas from Bulgaria Ukraine has asked to buy natural gas from Bulgaria, Bulgartransgaz CEO Kiril Temelkov said. Kyivs interest has been triggered by Sofias plans to expand its natural gas transfer system by building interconnections with its neighbors Turkey, Greece and Romania, as well as by the construction of the Nabucco West pipeline. The realization of these plans may turn Bulgaria into a major natural gas hub in Southeastern Europe. By 2017, Sofia expects to start receiving natural gas from Azerbaijan, either through the interconnection with Ankara, or the Nabucco West pipeline. The first quantities of natural gas from the South Stream pipeline are expected to enter Bulgaria at the end of 2015. In 2013, Bulgaria will be extracting about one-third of the natural gas it needs from own fields. Currently, these fields meet 15% of the countrys demand for the fuel.
Source: Standart (01.10.2012)
Bulgaria Wont Pay for the South Stream Pipe Bulgaria will not invest money in the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline. The draft financing plan for the pipelines route through the Bulgarian territory envisages that the project will be paid by the Russians but Bulgaria will not collect transit fees for 15 years. This is the final agreement concerning the construction of the South Stream pipe that will be inked in November, sources close to the negotiating parties reported to Saturday, Minister of Economy and Energy Delyan Dobrev said that the financial participation of Bulgaria in the project was symbolic and pointed out that up to now the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) invested a 6-million euro stake in the capital amounting to 12 million euro of the South Stream project company set up by BEH and Gasprom that will build and operate the pipeline on the Bulgarian territory. According to the preliminary agreement, the pipeline that will supply Russian gas through the Black Sea via Bulgaria to Austria, Bulgaria had to pay 30 percent of the projects cost, which amounts to 900 million leva, but the sum was unaffordable to BEH.
Source: Standart (01.10.2012)
An Operator and a bank Want to Finance NPP Belene Among the participants in the Global Power Consortium, which has shown interest in financing the construction of Bulgarias NPP Belene, there are an investment bank, a venture operator a licensing and an engineering company, Risk Engineering CEO Bogomil Manchev said. In his words, the consortium consists of nine companies, eight from the USA and one registered in Western Europe. He said the consortium cant have been laundering Russian money, because had they been doing so, the American financial intelligence would have known about that. According to Mr. Manchev, the investors are billion-dollar-worth companies with wide experience in nuclear engineering. Their names will be made public after the official start of the negotiations, the businessman said. According to Manchev, the price of the Belene nuke project will total 8 billion euro, this is the overall price.
Source: Standart (01.10.2012)
Bulgaria and Serbia to Sign Gas Connection Agreement "Bulgaria and Serbia will sign an agreement for the construction of inter-system natural gas connection by the end of November. The construction of the gas pipeline will be launched next year," Serbia's PM Ivica Dacic informed. The construction of the gas pipeline should be finalized in 2015 when the first gas supplies will be started. The planned capacity of the pipeline be between 1.8 and 5 billion cubic meters a year. The length of the pipeline, which will connect the gas grids of the two countries from Nis to Sofia will be about 150 km, 55 km of which are on the Bulgarian territory. For the construction of the pipeline Bulgaria will receive 10 million euro funding under the Regional Development Operational Program of the EU.
Source: Standart (04.10.2012)
M. Andonov: We propose a six-year contract with Gazprom Important negotiations will be held in Moscow next week for natural gas deliveries from Gazprom and on the final parametres of the South Stream project, Mihail Andonov, head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), told Darik radio on Saturday. Our proposal is for a six-year agreement, it was approved by the Russian side, and we have to negotiate the specific parametres, he explained. The negotiations have almost been completed. Our proposal regarding the price is for a lower price than the adopted 11.1% reduction of gas prices, added Andonov. According to him, within the same period by November 15 the two sides must agree on the financial model, the procedures to be implemented, the feasibility studies and the drafting of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the South Stream gas pipeline and Bulgaria will have to announce its investment decision. Andonov was explicit that our country will not concede any ownership on its transit gas pipelines. Currently, BEH is in a stable financial state, with a positive result exceeding BGN 500 mln for the first eight months of 2012, but this does not hold true of the National Electric Company (NEK) and Bulgargaz which are in dire financial straits. NEKs investments in the Tsankov Kamak dam and the Belene NPP amount to some BGN 1.5 bn. Moreover, the company owes about BGN 450 mln in arrears for electricity supply. The rating agency Fitch will evaluate BEHs credit rating. The contract will be signed this week and the evaluation can be ready within 6 - 8 weeks. Then, the holding company may issue a bond loan in order to enable NEK to pay to its suppliers.
Source: Class (08.10.2012)
Russian Company Bids in Kozloduy NPP Tender Russian company Rosatom Overseas has submitted documents for participation in the tender for elaboration of the Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) in connection with the construction of Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP, a source well informed about the Bulgarian nuclear industry informed the RIA Novosti. Not long ago, the project company Kozloduy NPP - New Capacities invited a tender for the elaboration of the ERA for the construction of Unit 7 in Kozloduy NPP. The information was confirmed by the Executive Vice President of Rosatom Overseas Leos Tomicek. It is true that we have recently submitted a bid for the invited tender on the environmental risk assessment act for the new unit of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. Bulgaria is our traditional partner in nuclear power engineering that is why our interest to this kind of projects is understandable, Tomicek said. After the Belene NPP project was frozen the Bulgarian government has an idea to install the reactor, which Atomstroyexport and its subcontractors originally built for the Belene nuke, at Unit 7 of the Kozloduy plant. The new facility should be a cross between a Russian reactor and a turbine generator designed using Western technology. Experts recon that Unit 7 of the Kozloduy nuke may be set in operation by 2024.
Source: Standart (11.10.2012)
Bulgargaz and Gazprom will sign a contract for the supply of gas to 15 November The new contract for the supplies of Russian natural gas for Bulgaria between Bulgargaz and Gazprom is due to be signed by November 15, 2012, Bulgarian deputy economy minister Evgeniya Haritonova has announced. She spoke at a meeting of the Economic Committee at the Bulgarian Parliament on Wednesday, as cited by Sofia News Agency. Haritonova has not revealed any details about the terms of Bulgaria's new contract with Gazprom. As Bulgaria's is over 95% dependent for its natural gas on Russian supplies, the government's deals with Gazprom are traditionally one of the country's hottest political issues, with the usually high prices paid by Bulgaria's state company Bulgargaz being blamed on the intermediaries between Bulgargaz and Gazprom. Haritonova has assured the public that the government is making progress on the natural gas interconnectors with Romania, Turkey, and Serbia, which have been touted by the Borisov Cabinet as the means to diversify Bulgaria's natural gas supplies presenting coming only from Russia.
Source: 3e-news (18.10.2012)
A flood of dismissals is about to hit Bulgaria's national electricity transmission company after a discrediting letter surfaced, allegedly reviving the nuclear power plant project at Belene. Marin Angelov, head of Trafelectroinvest company with NEK, was the first to get kicked out on Thursday. His dismissal came shortly after the right-wing opposition alleged the government has not halted the construction of Belene nuclear station and the project is in full steam. They based their allegations on a letter, which they obtained, by the national electricity transmission company NEK to the mayor of the Danube town of Svishtov Stanislav Blagoev regarding the construction of high voltage lines needed "to ensure the connection of future facilities that will be built on the site of NPP Belene." The document is dated October 8, 2012. "The lines are part of Belene infrastructure and will connect the plant with the energy system of the country," Martin Dimitrov, co-chairman of the Parliamentary Group of the Blue Coalition, said. "Marin Angelov was dismissed because he sent this letter. Anyone who has anything to do with this will have to face the music," Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev warned on Thursday. "This letter is a clear sabotage against the government. I find it hard to believe there are still people who are not aware this project is a thing of the past," he added. The minister went as far as to thank the right-wing opposition for alerting the government about this letter. Bulgarians will probably vote on the future of its Belene nuclear station before the end of the year, but the right-wingers says the referendum will just be a tool to legitimize the nuclear plant construction. The referendum was initiated by the Socialists and backed the ruling party. Bulgaria decided to abandon plans to build its second nuclear power plant in March this year after failing to agree on its cost with Russian company Atomstroyexport, a subsidiary of Rosatom, and find Western investors. Bulgaria's government is currently tangled up in a EUR 1 B dispute with Russia over the termination of the Belene project. Last month recently registered US consortium Global Power Consortium expressed interest in taking over the project to install two 1,000 megawatt nuclear reactors at the Danube River town of Belene and build it without state funds or guarantees. The companies behind the consortium however are yet unknown.
Source: Standart (19.10.2012)
Nearly three years after Bulgaria cancelled relations with one of the leading rating agency Fitch-it is to work for our country again. Now it is hired by the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which needs rating in order to issue bonds to the amount of EUR 250 million on international markets. With it the company plans to cover the remaining debt of NEC, its subsidiary, which is assessed to EUR 195 million and is taken for the project "Belene. Its maturity expires at the end of May next year. BEH officially stated that Fitch is the chosen candidate. The reason is the lowest price offer, which was the basic requirement. BEHs intention to issue bonds on the international markets became clear in September. The bonds are to the amount of EUR 250 million, the term is 5 years.
Source: Capital (26.10.2012)
Sofia Signs New Contract with Gazprom on November 9th The Bulgarian government is expected to sign a new contract with Russia's state-owned company Gazprom, regarding the supply of natural gas to the 7.2-million country. The new contract can be signed on November 9th, Energy and Economy Minister Delyan Dobrev told the Bulgarian news agency BTA in Brussels. An agreement between Sofia and Moscow about the construction of the South Stream natural gas pipeline is also to be signed on November 9th. According to Mr. Dobrev, the term of the new contract between the Bulgarian government and Gazprom will be six years and it will come into force as of January 1st, 2013. The prices of the Russian natural gas that Bulgaria is to receive under the new contract have not been discussed yet, but Minister Dobrev made it a point that they should be more favorable. He visited Brussels to discuss the construction of the South Stream and Nabucco West pipelines with representatives of the European Commission. On the whole, Bulgaria's EU partners supported the construction of the Southern Natural Gas Corridor, which will supply natural gas from Azerbaijan via Turkey, including the Nabucco pipeline, as well as the Russia-backed South Stream.
Source: Standart (30.10.2012)
The revenues of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) JSC for the first nine months of 2012 were double the amount for the same period of last year, showed the published financial report of the Finance Ministry. The gross profit for January-September is almost equal to the revenues, totaling BGN 560.86 mln, while last years profit before taxes was BGN 235.1 mln. The gross profit of Bulgartransgaz for the period amounted to BGN 94 mln, up from BGN 83 mln last year. The Kozloduy NPP concluded the first nine months of 2012 with a pre-tax profit of BGN 142.6 mln, compared to BGN 178.2 mln for the same period of last year. The companys revenues amounted to BGN 655.1 mln, registering a slight decrease of 2.4%, compared to the same period of 2011. Proceeds from electricity accounted for the largest share (95%) in the structure of revenues from the overall operation of the plant. These decreased by BGN 25.75 mln (4.03%), mainly due to the 3% drop in the electricity sold during the period, compared to 2011. The costs incurred for the activities of Kozloduy NPP amounted to BGN 515.4 mln. For the first nine months of 2012, another company of BEH the National Electric Company (NEK) accumulated a loss of BGN 77.2 mln, compared to a profit of almost the same amount for January-September 2011. This is due to the low selling wholesale prices of electricity on the regulated market, as the company has already warned. However, after the hike of electricity prices as of July 1, 2012, NEK posted a profit for Q3 of the year, as per preliminary data.
Source: Trud (05.11.2012)
Bulgarian Energy Holding to Sign Final Investment Decision on South Stream Bulgaria's government has authorized Delyan Dobrev, Minister of Economy, Energy, and Tourism, to grant permission to Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD to adopt a final investment decision on the South Stream gas pipeline project on Bulgarian territory. The condition for the adoption and the signing of a final investment decision on South Stream is the signing of a gas supply contract for 2013 between Bulgaria's Bulgargaz EAD and Russia's Gazprom Export whose key points satisfy the Bulgarian state-owned gas supplier. Earlier Wednesday it was announced that the Bulgarian Energy Holding would sign the contract with Gazprom on Friday. The parameters of the final investment decision were discussed at Wednesday's Cabinet meeting. The pipeline project includes a 540-km long main pipe with a divergent 59km section to Provadia, three compressor stations with the corresponding loops to the main pipe, with a technical capacity of a total of 63 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The total indicative construction cost of the project is EUR 3.308 B but the estimation is yet to be revised and updated as the designing and the environmental impact assessment procedures progress. The project is estimated to have a payback period of up to 15 years after the start of the commercial exploitation of the gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory. A few days ago, right-wing party Democrats for Strong Bulgaria accused Prime Minister Borisov of conducting secret negotiations with Russia over the South Stream project. However, Dian Chervenkondev, Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Energy Committee and MP of center-right ruling party GERB, insisted that the activities surrounding the agreement on the project were transparent and all steps had been coordinated between all project participants, including the European Commission.
Source: Capital (08.11.2012)
BEH to sign with Gazprom for South Stream Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev will authorise the Bulgarian Energy Holding JSC to accept a final investment decision on the South Stream project in Bulgaria, the ministers decided on Wednesday. A condition for the adoption and signing of the final investment decision is the conclusion of a new contract between Bulgargaz JSC and Gazprom Export for gas supplies to Bulgaria in 2013, which has to meet Bulgargaz's critical issues. The gas pipeline's main pipe is approximately 540 km long with a diversion to Provadia of 59 km and three compressor stations - Varna, Lozen and Rassovo, with a technical capacity of 63 billion cubic metres of gas annually. The target date for redemption of the investment will not exceed 15 years from the start of the gas pipeline's commercial exploitation on Bulgarian territory. As for the base period to reach the necessary level of the internal rate of own funds return, the parties have agreed on 25 years, starting from the issuance of the operation permit. The internal rate of return, provided in the Protocol, is 8% of own funds invested in the project. In case the requirements for project financing are met and in case of inability to provide it 100%, OAO Gazprom will provide funds to cover BEH JSC's own funds invested in the construction, but this will not change the equal participation of BEH JSC as a shareholder. The allocated funds to cover BEH JSC's deductibles will return through dividends from the activities of the South Stream Bulgaria AD. The South Stream project involves state institutions, as well as public and private companies from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Slovenia and Russia. Its main objective is, at achieving an acceptable return for the investors, to provide natural gas from Russia to meet growing demand for natural gas in Europe.
Source: Class (08.11.2012)
M. Andonov: There is enough information on the South Stream project The Bulgarian society has been presented with sufficient information on the South Stream pipeline project, Mihail Andonov, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on BNR on Sunday. Everything that could be said before signing the contract on November 15 has been said, he underlined, commenting on President Rosen Plevnelievs statement from Saturday that there is not sufficient information about the project. According to Andonov, the Head of State has also been given adequate information. The signing of the South Stream contract was postponed to November 15 because of the day of national mourning in Bulgaria for the death of Patriarch Maxim. No one has held secret negotiations. Bulgarias interests are adequately protected. Everything is transparent, assured BEHs head. He specified that the talks on the South Stream project had been held by BEH on behalf of Bulgaria, and Gazprom on behalf of Russia, which are are shareholders in the gas pipeline. The most recent intense talks were held in August and September. We are now ready to sign the investment decision, explained Mihail Andonov. The State and BEH have not undertaken any commitments for financing the South Stream gas conduit, he pointed out. The term of operating the pipeline is 25 years and its life cycle - 40 years. The facilities will be owned by the South Stream Bulgaria company, in which we and Gazprom have an equal 50% stake, specified Mihail Andonov. He explained that the real price of gas will become clear after all tenders for supply of pipes and other materials are held. However, Andonov is adamant that the proceeds from the gas conduit are guaranteed.
Source: Class (12.11.2012)
President Rosen Plevneliev: It's final: Bulgaria will sign on South Stream on November 15 The final investment decision on the South Stream gas pipeline will be signed on Thursday, President Rosen Plevneliev said after a meeting with Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev on Monday. The Minister gave the President a report on the South Stream project. Plevneliev said he will examine the report and stressed that an approach to transparency is important. Our country will have to invest about 500 mln in the South Stream project, Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev stated in an interview for Nova TV about the investment decision our country has to sign for the construction of the gas pipeline. Dobrev reminded that the company South Stream Bulgaria was created in 2010 and its shareholders include the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Gazprom. They have equal stakes in it. At the signing of the agreement, it was agreed that the pipe will be financed by 70% attracted funding and 30% own funding. According to estimates of engineers working on the gas project, the pipe will cost about 3.3 bn. Since Russia and Bulgaria have equal shares in South Stream Bulgaria, roughly estimated, our country will have to invest about 500 mln in the project. Dobrev said, however, that our country lacks the necessary resources to make the investment. The Economy Minister reminded that the term of exploitation of the pipe is 25 years and the life cycle is 40 years. Regarding the new parameters of the project, he stated that there will only be a change in the technical requirements for the pipe.
Source: Class (13.11.2012)
Bulgaria negotiates more than 20% lower price for Russian gas The new contract with Gazprom for gas supply to the country will be for a period of ten years and at prices which are 20% lower than before, became clear at the signing of the contract on Thursday. The document was signed by Deputy Chairman of Gazpromexport Alexander Medvedev and Executive Director of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov. The final investment decision on the South Stream gas pipeline, however, will be signed by Alexei Miller, Gazprom's Chairman, and Mihail Andonov, Executive Director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. The ceremony at the Council of Ministers was attended by Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism Delian Dobrev. During the negotiations, a more than 20% decrease in the price of natural gas for the country was achieved, i.e. a discount of another 9-10% of the 11% reduction agreed for the period April-December this year. The contract's term is 10 years, but in the sixth year, Bulgaria will have the right to renegotiate both the price and quantity of supply, depending on local production. The contract states that the annual gas supplies to Bulgaria will be 2.9 billion cubic metres, since the commercial clause "take or pay" refers to 80% of the volume (versus 90% in the previous contract). Energy Minister Delian Dobrev said that the exact price of gas for Bulgaria is a "trade secret", but it is one of the lowest, although slightly higher than that for Germany. According to Prime Minister Borissov, the achieved price is the lowest possible for a country which does not invest in the facilities. In this regard, Alexei Miller explained that Gazprom has a number of joint energy projects with Germany from which it also has revenues, therefore the price of gas there is lower.
Source: Class (16.11.2012)
Bulgaria Joins the Club of Big Gas Players Bulgaria now ranks among the big gas players. This has become possible after the country took its final investment decision on the construction of the Bulgarian sector of the South Stream pipeline. The document was officially inked in the Granite Hall of the Council of Ministers by CEO of the Bulgarian energy holding Mihail Andonov and Chair of the Gazprom Directors Board Alexey Miller. This decision makes Bulgaria one the biggest transitors of natural gas in Europe; 63 billion cub.m/y of gas that will flow via Bulgaria to the West will make Bulgaria one the biggest gas players on the Old Continent, Miller said after putting his signature under the document. He added that now a gas supply crisis, similar to the one occurred in 2009, are ruled out in Bulgaria. The South Stream pipe guarantees that Bulgaria will always be able to divert gas for its needs and the Bulgarians will never remain in the cold, PM Boiko Borisov commented. The Premier said further that the negotiations were tough, especially when it came to setting the price in the new agreement. The parties started negotiating late Thursday evening right after Moscows heavy artillery arrived in Sofia. To the Bulgarians surprise Miller brought along his deputy Alexander Medvedev. We have put in great efforts to get rid of the three intermediaries in gas supplies to Bulgaria. We have been wasting millions on them at the expense of the Bulgarian consumer. We have been discussing this particular topic till morning, Borisov said.
Source: Standart (16.11.2012)
Gazprom to Build TPP in Bulgaria Gazprom is working hard for the construction of a gas-fueled Thermal Power Plant (TPP) in Bulgaria, it transpired from the words of Gazprom president Alexey Miller straight after the signing of the new contract for natural gas deliveries from Russia in 2013 and the final investment decision on the South Stream natural gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory. "According to the already made preliminary analysis on the possibility for the construction of steam-gas power plant in Bulgaria we have already spotted three potential sites. After more thorough research their number may increase, Mr Miller stated further. In an interview for Economics magazine in February Alexey Miller explained that several European countries get Russian natural gas at lower prices because Gazprom makes business on their territory. Part of these activities are namely the construction and exploitation of gas-fueled TPP. In case such a TPP is built in Bulgaria this may have a positive effect on the price of natural gas in Bulgaria, Mr Miller stated then. "Thus the conditions for the Bulgarian citizens will become even better, Alexey Miller said.
Source: Standart (16.11.2012)
Bulgaria's Maritsa Iztok 2 Thermal Power Plant to Get 2 New Units The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and the management of the state-owned Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant (TPP) have an investment plan to build two new units at a specially earmarked site at the plant. The announcement for the construction of the future units 9 and 10 at the Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP was made by Pencho Penchev, director of the Repairs Directorate at the plant. Speaking Friday in the southern city of Stara Zagora, Penchev made clear that the opportunities for building units 9 and 10 at the Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP were being studied and the government was looking for a strategic investor. Penchev noted that the costs and revenues would be split on the basis of percentage ownership. He explained that the entire plant, including the units that were to be built, would be run by the staff of the Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP. Penchev announced that the option of supplying coal from the state-owned Maritsa Iztok Mines to the two new units of the TPP was being examined. He said that each of the new units would have an increased capacity of 280 MW. The head of the Repairs Directorate at the Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP announced that the projects would be implemented by the repair staff of the state-owned company and supervisors from Japan. Penchev emphasized that the scope of the reconstruction had been expanded and the high-pressure cylinder would be made in Japan by Toshiba. He said that the reconstruction would add at least 40 MW to the total installed capacity of the Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP of 1600 MW.
Source: (19.11.2012)
BEH CEO: Gas Prices for End Consumers to Go down by 10% The price of natural gas in Bulgaria will go down by over 20% after the latest contract with Russian energy giant Gazprom, says the CEO of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, BEH, Mihail Andonov. Speaking Saturday for Darik Radio, Andonov noted the price reduction would be in the vicinity of 22% - 23% under the new contract, but this would not be the reduction for the end consumer. The contract with Gazprom for natural gas supplies was signed Thursday in the presence of Gazprom CEO, Alexey Miller. "Bulgargaz sold gas at a price below the cost it was purchasing it for, but it is regulated by the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation, DKEVR. I expect the price for end consumers to go down by 10%, which will also affect the prices of electricity and heating," said the BEH CEO. Earlier Saturday, Bulgargaz Head, Dimitar Gogov, announced the reduction for end consumers will be about 6% - 7%, but Andonov noted Gogov was protecting the interests of his company and reiterated the country has an energy watchdog. He was firm consumers must pay their bills regularly and on time, otherwise the achieved discount would "melt" in a year and a half.
Source: (19.11.2012)
Natural Gas from Russia Not that Much Cheaper Buyers and dealers of natural gas in Bulgaria have been busy calculating how much exactly the sector of industry will save on the newly-negotiated price of the natural gas imported from Russia. The new agreement between the Bulgarian government and Gazprom was signed on November 15th, providing 20% reduction of the prices of Russian natural gas imported to Bulgaria from January 1st, 2013. It is now up to the state energy and waters regulatory commission to decide on the price at which Bulgargaz will be selling the fuel to the Bulgarian buyers, after the company submitted its offers to the state regulator on November 10th. From the new contract between the industrialists and Gazprom Export it becomes clear that the sector might save not more than 40 million levs from the new natural gas supply contract. The chair of the Bulgarian federation of the industrial energy consumers (BFIEC) Konstantin Stamenov calculated the new prices. "For the past year the Bulgarian industry consumed about 550 million cubic meters of natural gas.
Source: Standart (26.11.2012)
EU opens investigation into Bulgarian Energy Holding for possible abuse of dominant position The European Commission said on Monday it has launched an investigation whether state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is abusing its dominant position on the wholesale electricity market in Bulgaria. The Commission has concerns that BEH might be hindering competition on wholesale electricity markets in Bulgaria and neighbouring member states through territorial restrictions, it aid in a press release published on its website. The Commission will investigate certain provisions in electricity supply agreements entered into by subsidiaries of BEH, which include clauses, prescribing where the electricity has to be delivered. These provisions may constitute territorial restrictions and thus both hinder competition and undermine the integration of EU electricity markets. BEH ( incorporates the assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, the National Electricity Company and its wholly-owned subsidiary Electricity System Operator, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines.
Source: Capital (04.12.2012)
M. Andonov: We are currently complying with the EC's requirements On Tuesday, Mihail Andonov, CEO of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), explained for BNR the Holding's position with regard to the letter from the European Commission of a possible misuse of BEH's dominant position on the market for electricity. The letter from the EC specifies no practical example. The initiation of proceedings does not mean that a violation has been discovered, but that the case is tried as a priority. We are currently implementing the requirements of the EC and we are dividing NEC and the Electricity System Operator. The separation of the two companies will be completed in February-March 2013. In a statement from Tuesday morning, the Holding says: "Since June this year, BEH and its subsidiaries have taken all necessary action to enforce the requirements of the Third Energy Liberalisation Package in their work. BEH's subsidiaries, Kozloduy NPP, TPP Maritsa East 2 and NEC drafted rules for the implementation of procedures for the sale of wholesale electricity. These rules are posted on the websites of the companies. All procedures which have been carried out by companies, so far, are in full compliance with and following the rules of trade. The Holding expects that the division of NEC and ESO, as well as the open procedures for electricity trade announced by our companies, in practice will implement the Third Energy Package's liberalisation procedures. After the division of NEC Ltd. and ESO Ltd., all contracts for the production and supply of energy to the market will be reviewed in the spirit of the liberalisation requirements of the Third Energy Package. The new rules for natural gas transfer by Bulgartransgaz announced last week are also an element of the implemented market transparency.
Source: Class (05.12.2012)
Bulgargaz offers to lower gas prices by 9.3% as of January 1, 2013 Considering the factors forming the level of gas prices, Bulgargaz JSC offered the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) to confirm a price of natural gas for the first quarter of 2013 amounting to BGN 660.64 per 1,000 cubic metres of natural gas, VAT and excise duty excluded, the company announced on Monday. Compared to the current price, the BGN 67.70/1,000 cu m (9.30%) decrease is a result of the agreement with the Russian side on lower delivery prices of natural gas. The proposed price includes a 2% surcharge - BGN 12.42/1,000 cu m and BGN 7.58/1,000 cu m for the recovery of Bulgargaz JSC's income from prior periods. In accordance with the requirements of the Gas Price Regulation Ordinance, every three months Bulgargaz JSC, a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding JSC, has to prepare and submit to the SEWRC a proposal on confirmation of natural gas sales price.
Source: Class (11.12.2012)
Bulgarian Natural Gas Also Goes down in Price The natural gas extracted in Bulgaria, will go down in price as of 2013," Bulgaria's minister of economy and energy Delyan Dobrev informed. The contracts of the companies which extract natural gas in Bulgaria read that the purchasing price of natural gas will be by 35% lower than the imported gas. "The new contract for natural gas deliveries recently signed with Gazprom reduces the price of gas by 20% which means that the price of the gas extracted in Bulgaria will also go down by the same percentage," minister Dobrev added. The size of the extracted natural gas in "Bulgaria will increase from the current 490,1 million cubic meters a year to 656 million cubic meters in 2014. Thus, its share will increase from 15% to over 20% from the consumption of gas," Mr Dobrev calculated. "From May 2013 Bulgaria will be able to import gas from Romania through the interconnector between the two countries which will be ready by this time," Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Evgenia Haritonova stated at a conference organized by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). "The future of the interconnector with Turkey will be decided on January 10, 2013," stated BEH CEO Mihail Andonov. This will happen during a meeting of the energy ministers of the countries which take part in the Nabucco project.
Source: Standart (12.12.2012)
A court in the Bulgarian city of Varna has declared local chemical products maker Polimeri [BUL:51P] insolvent, the company said on Tuesday. The court approved on December 12 an insolvency request against Polimeri filed by the Electricity System Operator (ESO), the chemical company said in a statement to the Sofia bourse. A meeting of the companys creditors is scheduled for January 29, the statement added. Polimeri's liabilities to ESO amount to some 36,000 levs ($24,200/18,400 euro). Last year, the chemical producer posted non-consolidated net loss of 10.04 million levs.
Source: Capital (19.12.2012)
Bulgaria to Renegotiate with Moscow Gas Transit to Greece The Bulgarian government will renegotiate with Moscow the agreement on the transit of Russian gas to Turkey and Greece via the pipeline of Bulgaria's Bulgartransgaz. The reason are the new requirements to gas transit grids set by the EU. According to the new EU rules, all pipes' owners have to declare their vacant capacities and to offer opportunities to all gas traders to transit the corresponding volumes of natural gas. Currently, however, only Russian gas is flowing through the Bulgarian pipes to the country's southern neighbors. If no agreement complying with the EU requirements is reached between Sofia and Moscow by January 1, 2017, Bulgaria will terminate the agreement concluded in 1986, the Council of Ministers reported.
Source: Standart (20.12.2012)
The international consortium developing the Shah Deniz II gas field offshore Azerbaijan is expected to sign an agreement to acquire a 50% stake in the Nabucco gas pipeline project, according to Mihail Andonov, CEO of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). BEH is a Nabucco shareholder, alongside Turkish Botas, Romanian Transgaz, Hungarian MOL, Austrian OMV and German RWE, each of them controlling 16.7% stakes. Austrian Minister of Economy Reinhold Mitterlehner informed in early October that the partners in Azerbaijan's Shah Deniz II gas field were in talks for the acquisition of a stake in the Nabucco consortium. At the beginning of December, it was announced that Austrian OMV was in talks to buy the stake of German RWE in Nabucco. At a Thursday press conference, Andonov explained that each of the Nabucco shareholders would sell a part of their stake to the Shah Deniz II consortium. Andonov also told journalists that there were no indications that Botas would leave the Nabucco project. After the deal, the partners in the Shah Deniz II gas field would control a 50% stake and the Nabucco shareholders would be left with 10% stakes, the CEO of BEH made clear. Andonov noted that the money that the new participant would pay to enter the Nabucco project would be used to finance the pipeline. The agreement for the inclusion of the Shah Deniz II consortium as a shareholder in Nabucco is expected to be signed on January 10 in Sofia at a meeting of the energy ministers of countries participating in the gas pipeline project, according to reports of The agreement will determine which pipeline Shah Deniz II partners will use to carry Caspian gas to Europe. The Shah Deniz II partners are expected to decide between the shorter version of Nabucco, the 1300-km long Nabucco West, and the Trans-Adriatic pipeline (TAP). The deal is believed to be essential for the EU/US-backed Nabucco project because it will secure gas supplies, which will enable the Nabucco consortium to obtain loans for the construction of the pipe. The Shah Deniz II consortium includes UK's BP (25.5%), Norway's Statoil (25.5%), Azerbaijan's SOCCAR (10%), France's Total (10%), Russian-Italian Lukagip (10%), Iran's NIOC (10%), and Turkey's TPAO (9%). Meanwhile, Kiril Temelkov, Executive Director of state-owned Bulgartransgaz company, announced that the concept for the construction of the Bulgaria-Turkey gas grid interconnection was clear. He explained that Bulgaria wanted the gas link to be part of Nabucco and to use the EUR 200 M granted by the European Commission for the implementation of the gas pipeline project. Temelkov declared that the Bulgaria-Turkey gas grid interconnection was to be ready by end-2014. The CEO of Bulgartransgaz added that no official agreement had yet been signed on the project despite the fact that a number of agreements in support of its implementation were in place.
Source: Capital (21.12.2012)
The state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) expects to post a profit of some 36 million levs ($24.4 million/18.4 million euro) this year on gross revenue from sales of 6.46 billion levs, the companys chief executive officer said on Thursday. The company plans a bond of no less than 350 million euro ($465.1 million) in 2013 and expects to be assigned a credit rating by Fitch by the middle of January before proceeding with the issue. It has not been decided how the proceeds will be spent, Mihail Andonov told a press conference in Sofia. BEH ( incorporates assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, NEK and its wholly-owned system operator Electricity System Operator, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines. The companys assets equal 12.8 billion levs while its capital is 8.84 billion levs. About 22,600 people work for BEH.
Source: Capital (21.12.2012)
Bulgarian energy holding is to apply for a license for a fourth mobile operator in Bulgaria. For this purpose subsidiary Bulgartel will be used, as it owes network for transfer of data in Bulgaria and other countries. At present Bulgartel provides telecommunications services in Macedonia.
Source: (21.12.2012)
Japanese Companies to Build Smart Networks for NEC Japanese companies Mitsubishi and Hitachi will construct the so-called smart networks along the Bulgarian power distribution mains. The step was negotiated during the visit of Bulgarias minister of economy, energy and tourism, Delyan Dobrev, to Japan, the CEO of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), Mihail Andonov, informed. Negotiations are underway between the National Electric Company (NEC), the Electricity System Operator and the Japanese companies in order to specify when and how the work on the pilot project would start. Most probably the site of the project will be northeastern Bulgaria where wind farm Kaliakra Wind Power, owned by Mitsubishi Heavy Industry is located, Mr Andonov stated. The purpose of the smart networks is to reduce the power losses along the power mains. The networks will also make sure that the generated at a certain moment power corresponds to the consumption of power in the country and the power export. The BEH and its daughter company NEC have already started negotiations with banks for revision of the credit conditions and renegotiations of the received credits.
Source: Standart (21.12.2012)
Bulgaria Power Exports Shrink by 21% "Bulgaria exported 21% less power end-November, 2012, compared to the same period of 2011," Ivan Yotov, CEO of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) stated. The total amount of exported power till the beginning of December, 2012 is 7.7 billion kilowatt/hours while in 2011 it was 9.752 billion kilowatt/hours. The reason for the decreased amount is the general stagnation on the electricity market in the Balkan region which to a great extent refers to the financial problems in Greece. Relatively warm weather also reduces power consumption, Yotov explained. There have been certain problems in payments to the Electricity System Operator on the part of the Greek operator. Currently our company even had to wait for three months to receive the money, he said. Yotov added that the price of power on the international markets has fallen. During the tenders on the capacities of the power grids the prices decreased three and half times, which will also have a negative effect on the ESO revenues from fees. At the same time this will provide an opportunity for setting more advantageous prices of power generated in Bulgaria, which will be a benefit for the National Electric Company and Electricity System Operator and power plants.
Source: Standart (21.12.2012)
The state returns to Heat Supply Sofia Yet another transfer of ownership on Heat Supply Sofia between the state and municipality is about to be made. This time the idea is for the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to acquire a minority share in the company, the Executive Director of Heat Supply Sofia Stoyan Tsvetanov said. The goal is for the Sofia heating utility to settle a debt of over BGN 200 million to BEH from end-2008. BEH will acquire a minority stake, or up to 49%. Instead of the constant transfer of ownership, the company could have been privatised a long time ago. Thus the necessity to allocate state funding that placed the Sofia heating utility in a privileged position compared to other companies in the sector would have been avoided. It was in 2007 that French Dallda, owner of Heat Supply Varna, and Czech CEZ, which privatised the Sofia power utility and TPP Varna, were interested in buying the distressed company. There were many other offers throughout the years, but none were accepted. According to Tsvetanov one of the reasons was that this would have increased the cost of the service due to the investments that would have been made.
Source: Capital (03.01.2013)
Between 12 and 15th January Fitch is expected to announce Bulgarian energy holdings rating. In that way, till the end of February and the beginning of March the company will be ready to list bonds for EUR 250 million. If market conditions are favourable, sum may go up to EUR 400 million.
Source: 24 chasa (07.01.2013)
Bulgarian Energy Holding may acquire minority stake in Heat Supply-Sofia at the expense of some of the company's debt for gas. But this is only one of the variants of solving the problem with the debt of the company to Bulgargaz, said Economy Minister Delian Dobrev. The aim of the deal is not to change the ownership of Heat Supply-Sofia but to provide additional funds for the company to invest in projects for modernization and new cogeneration facilities, he added. Currently, Heat Supply-Sofia has prepared about 20 different projects that are looking for options for financing, Sofia Mayor Yordanka Fandakova added. However, the most important task for the company at the moment is to ensure the heating season, she said. Sofia mayor stressed that the most important for the future of Heat Supply-Sofia are investment opportunities. Addressing the obligations of the company is among the major problems.
Source: Standart (08.01.2013)
Nabucco Pipeline Route Finalized June 2013 The Shah-Deniz-2 Consortium is expected to decide on the exact route of the Nabucco pipeline in European territory by the end of June 2013, Bulgarian Energy Holding President Mihail Andonov said. The agreement between Nabucco International and the potential investors shareholders in Shah-Deniz-2, is to be signed on January 18th. If the companies in the consortium Shah-Deniz-2 choose Nabucco, as of 2018 Bulgaria will be receiving two billion cubic meters of Azeri natural gas per year through the gas link with Turkey.
Source: Standart (14.01.2013)
Bulgarian Energy Expert Accuses HSBC of Plagiarism "The report of UK's HSBC is a compilation of passages, plagiarized from previous analyses, reports, textbooks and theses," Bulgarian energy expert and former program coordinator of the nuclear energy department of the International Atomic Energy Agency Yanko Yanev told the Standart. He took part in a conference on the national nuclear energy referendum, organized by the Bulgarian nuclear forum Bulatom. Yanev logically concluded that the price of two million euro that the Bulgarian government paid for HSBC's report is unacceptable and unjustified. "The preparation of such an analysis can be carried out by just two experts and shall not take longer than two months. Such a report should cost not more than 20,000 euro," Mr Yanev commented. At the same time the report made by the HSBC cannot serve as a base for whatsoever investment decision, as is written down on the last page of the report by the HSBC itself. The report reads that the data for the report had been presented by the private company NARA (Nuclear Action Reliability Assessment) and HSBC did not bear any responsibility for the credibility of the figures in it. At the same time the remarks in the report read that the it is not a kind of advice for making or rejecting whatever investment or political decision," Mr Yanev who has a copy of the report explained. Mr Yanev also commented that HSBC does not have the capacity and expertise for the elaboration of such a report and due to this it was expelled from India some time ago.
Source: Standart (16.01.2013)
Bulgarians Say Yes to Belene Nuke The national referendum on the development of nuclear energy projects in Bulgaria had a turnout of just twenty percent. Still, two-thirds of the 1,400,000 Bulgarians who went to the polling stations said yes to the future development of nuclear energy projects in the country and the issue of the construction of NPP Belene will now be debated in Plenary Hall. For the first time in Bulgarias democratic history, the vote was not marred by corrupt practices such as vote buying or election tourism. The turnout was also low in the regions with predominantly Muslim population, while 23% of the electorate of the ruling political party, GERB, voted for the construction of NPP Belene, despite the explicit instructions of PM Boyko Borissov. Similarly, a large part of the electorate of Meglena Kounevas political formation Bulgaria for Citizens went to the polling stations in spite of her call to boycott the referendum, and even voted for Belene. As it was expected, both the government and the opposition were pleased with the outcome of the referendum - the former pointed the low turnout as a sign of the peoples low interest in the development of nuclear energy projects in Bulgaria, while the latter said that it was a victory, even if not a landslide one.
Source: Standart (28.01.2013)
Sofia and Athens Become Gas Export Competitors In the near future Sofia and Athens may become competitors in the export of Caspian natural gas to Europe. This emerged after the end of Gas perspectives: First regional gas conference, held yesterday at Sofia's Sheraton Hotel Balkan. Greece is planning to receive natural gas from a number of sources in Cyprus and Azerbaijan, as well as from liquefied gas terminals, and export it to Europe, using the interconnection with Bulgaria. This became clear from a statement of Dimitrios Manolis, International Projects Monitoring Director at DEPA S.A. However, Bulgaria's Bulgargaz is also eyeing opportunities to export natural gas to Europe, judging by the statement of its CEO, Mr. Dimitar Gogov. He linked the company's future to an expansion on the European markets. "We are in negotiations with Shah Deniz 2 for the maximum capacity share of ten billion cubic meters of natural gas 2019," Gogov said.
Source: Standart (06.02.2013)
Bulgarian Parliament Confirms Decision to Stop Belene NPP Construction Bulgaria's Parliament confirmed the country's decision to abandon the construction of Belene NPP. The vote was prompted by a recent referendum on the construction of a new nuclear power plant in the country. As provided by the law, the results of the recent referendum should be put back on the Parliament's agenda, as voters turnout slightly exceeded 20%. 61% of the voters said "yes" to the construction of a new nuclear power plant; 39% cast a "no" ballot. The right-wing Blue Coalition and the ruling center-right GERB opposed plans for the construction of Bulgaria's second nuclear power plant, while the left-wing Bulgarian Socialist Party and the far-right nationalist Ataka strongly supported the project. Ahead of the Tuesday sitting, the Blue Coalition tabled a proposal to stop the project for good, while BSP countered with the exactly different attitude. 114 MPs voted in favor of the Blue Coalition's proposal, while 40 were against.
Source: Standart (28.02.2013)
Fitch Rates Bulgarian Energy Holding BB+, Stable Outlook Fitch Ratings has assigned Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH), Bulgaria's largest electric and gas utility company, a long-term foreign currency issuer default rating (IDR) of 'BB+' and long-term local currency IDR of 'BB+' with stable outlooks. The ratings reflect BEH's and its 100%-owned subsidiaries' (BEH group) dominant position in the country's electricity and gas markets, its strong links with the Bulgarian state ('BBB-'/Stable) and evidence of tangible state support. The ratings also incorporate the weakness of the Bulgarian regulatory framework, corporate governance limitations and the group's large capex plan for 2013-2015 that will likely increase its financial leverage. Future developments that could lead to positive rating actions include: FFO net adjusted leverage below 1.5x on a sustained basis, for instance due to a lowered capex plan and an improved financial performance, including liquidity management and debt maturity profile; rising and more predictable remuneration for regulated activities; progress in the liberalisation of the electricity market through a rising share of market-based pricing in the generation sector, as well as a stronger corporate governance. Future developments that could lead to negative rating action include: FFO net adjusted leverage exceeding 3x on a sustained basis, for instance due to financial underperformance or substantial payments related to the ongoing litigation concerning the terminated Belene nuclear project; weakening links between BEH and Bulgaria, for instance, significant reduction of the share of state guaranteed debt and/or lack of additional tangible support if needed; a negative change in Bulgaria's ratings; or a failure to maintain sufficient liquidity.
Source: Capital (04.03.2013)
At an extraordinary sitting of the Consultative Council with the outgoing Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev on Monday, the minister ordered the Electricity System Operator (ESO) to take advantage of its right to limit renewable energy production whenever the electricity distribution network is endangered. The Council ordered for the countrys cold reserve to be reduced by 200 MW as of 1 April in order to lower the losses of the ESO, that is in a very deteriorated financial state. The head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding Mihail Andonov explained that the reduction will be made at the expense of the cold reserve of TPP Varna (owned by CEZ) and TPP Maritsa Iztok 2. Meanwhile, it transpired that as of 5.30 p.m. on Tuesday there are new electricity prices in Bulgaria. CEZ clients now pay an average 7.17% less. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and the Economy Ministry have begun negotiations with the two US owners of TPPs operating in Bulgaria - AES and Contour Global, regarding an electricity price reduction, the BEH Executive Director Mihail Andonov announced Tuesday. In his words, the two TPPs are willing to make discounts, but require guarantees that the next government will not ask for a further drop of prices, the Trud daily writes. The three power utilities will conduct an extraordinary report on the measurements of electric meters in relation to the average 7% electricity price cut as of 5 March. The companies will accept data on power consumption provided by clients. CEZ set a deadline until 11 March, EVN until 8 March.
Source: Standart (06.03.2013)
Bulgaria's state energy holding company, which groups the country's top energy assets, plans to launch within days a procedure for tapping international markets. The group aims to issue EUR 250 M worth of bonds, Chief Executive Mikhail Andonov announced. The money will be used for BEH participation in various projects such as "Nabucco" and gas interconnections with Turkey and Greece. Meanwhile the energy holding announced plans to seek EUR 250 M syndicated loan to refinance the existing debt to BNP Paribas for the nuclear power plant project at Belene. The previous Socialist-led government hired in 2007 BNP Paribas SA to arrange a EUR 250 M loan, assess the financial risks and prepare tenders to select banks for funding the project at the Danube river town, whose price tag towered from EUR 4 B to EUR 10 B. NEK's poor results, triggered by a fall in power consumption, however forced it to breach the conditions on the loan, making it callable. BNP Paribas SA, France's largest bank by market value, ditched the project in February 2010. Fitch, the rating agency which was surprisingly selected by the state energy holding company, assigned it at the beginning of March a long-term foreign currency issuer default rating (IDR) of 'BB+' and long-term local currency IDR of 'BB+' with stable outlooks. The ratings reflect BEH's and its 100%-owned subsidiaries' (BEH group) dominant position in the country's electricity and gas markets, its strong links with the Bulgarian state ('BBB-'/Stable) and evidence of tangible state support. Standard and Poor's rate Bulgaria at investment BBB grade, Moody's at Baa2 by Moody's and Fitch - BBB-. Bulgaria officially broke up with Fitch in March 2010 in a bid to cut costs and amid a flood of negative assessments and warnings, which Sofia slammed as manipulation of public opinion and blackmail par excellence. It is not right if a small country such as Bulgaria pays BGN 300,000 each year to be rated by yet another rating agency, the finance ministry commented back then. The statement echoed the comments of local analysts, according to whom the gloomy forecasts for Bulgaria that Fitch Ratings had lately begun to churn out were in response to the state decision to suspend its contract with the agency. Insiders say outgoing Finance Minister Simeon Djankov was surprised by BEH decision to contract Fitch rating agency, but was assured its bid was the best. BEH was incorporated in 2008 with a decision of the previous Socialist-led government. BEH EAD is a shareholding company with 100% state owned participation. The Holding includes Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, Maritsa East 2 TPP EAD, Kozloduy NPP EAD, NEK EAD, Electricity System Operator EAD, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD. All companies, brought together in the holding structure, preserve their operational independence and licenses, as they are all owned and directly subordinated to the corporate center BEH EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is one of the largest companies in the region, and national energy leader. Bulgaria tapped last summer international markets to raise funds to repay the first tranche of about EUR 835 M (USD 1.07 B) in 11-year Eurobonds, which matured on January 15, 2013. The next tranche however is due in 2015 and Sofia may be forced to go to the markets again.
Source: Dnevnik (07.03.2013)
Bulgaria's Energy Holding Takes Out EUR 250 M Loan Bulgaria's state energy holding company, which groups the country's top energy assets, has already launched a procedure for seeking a EUR 250 M loan, the energy minister announced. After that the company will tap international markets, aiming to issue EUR 250 M worth of bonds, Economy and Energy Minister Delyan Dobrev announced. It was not immediately clear whether the money will be used for BEH participation in various projects such as "Nabucco" and gas interconnections with Turkey and Greece or to refinance the existing debt to BNP Paribas for the nuclear power plant project at Belene. The previous Socialist-led government hired in 2007 BNP Paribas SA to arrange a EUR 250 M loan, assess the financial risks and prepare tenders to select banks for funding the project at the Danube river town, whose price tag towered from EUR 4 B to EUR 10 B. NEK's poor results, triggered by a fall in power consumption, however forced it to breach the conditions on the loan, making it callable. BNP Paribas SA, France's largest bank by market value, ditched the project in February 2010. Fitch, the rating agency which was surprisingly selected by the state energy holding company, assigned it at the beginning of March a long-term foreign currency issuer default rating (IDR) of 'BB+' and long-term local currency IDR of 'BB+' with stable outlooks. The ratings reflect BEH's and its 100%-owned subsidiaries' (BEH group) dominant position in the country's electricity and gas markets, its strong links with the Bulgarian state ('BBB-'/Stable) and evidence of tangible state support. Standard and Poor's rate Bulgaria at investment BBB grade, Moody's at Baa2 by Moody's and Fitch - BBB-. Bulgaria officially broke up with Fitch in March 2010 in a bid to cut costs and amid a flood of negative assessments and warnings, which Sofia slammed as manipulation of public opinion and blackmail par excellence. It is not right if a small country such as Bulgaria pays BGN 300,000 each year to be rated by yet another rating agency, the finance ministry commented back then. The statement echoed the comments of local analysts, according to whom the gloomy forecasts for Bulgaria that Fitch Ratings had lately begun to churn out were in response to the state decision to suspend its contract with the agency. Insiders say outgoing Finance Minister Simeon Djankov was surprised by BEH decision to contract Fitch rating agency, but was assured its bid was the best. BEH was incorporated in 2008 with a decision of the previous Socialist-led government. BEH EAD is a shareholding company with 100% state owned participation. The Holding includes Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, Maritsa East 2 TPP EAD, Kozloduy NPP EAD, NEK EAD, Electricity System Operator EAD, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD. All companies, brought together in the holding structure, preserve their operational independence and licenses, as they are all owned and directly subordinated to the corporate center BEH EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is one of the largest companies in the region, and national energy leader. Bulgaria tapped last summer international markets to raise funds to repay the first tranche of about EUR 835 M (USD 1.07 B) in 11-year Eurobonds, which matured on January 15, 2013. The next tranche however is due in 2015 and Sofia may be forced to go to the markets again.
Source: Capital (11.03.2013)
The power generating system in Bulgaria is experiencing serious financial difficulties, Bulgarian Energy Holding CEO Mihail Andonov said. In his words, the companys debts have reached one billion levs. Andonov warned that the holdings collapse, which may pull down the whole energy sector in Bulgaria, could be prevented only with an emergency loan of at least half a billion euro. However, as a state-run company, the Bulgarian energy holding needs a permit from economy ministry to apply for a loan, which is not an option given the political crisis in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (11.03.2013)
The costs of Heat Supply Sofia for external services exceed BGN 25 million per year, shows the statement provided by the company to the Finance Committee of the Sofia Municipality together with its investment program for this year. Of all costs the company allocated most to heat accountants. The company has given them BGN 6.1 million in 2011. Last year the amount was BGN 6.4 million, and this year it is expected to be BGN 6 million. Costs in 2012 were expected and this year they are only estimates. Among cost accountants, other big expenditure of the company is related to interest on debts to Bulgargaz. In 2011, the supplier has received BGN 4.6 million, and in 2012 BGN 6.6 million. In this year interest rates are expected to reach BGN 8 million, The report does not include interest on old debts of the company, which have been transferred to the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Sega (13.03.2013)
Just two international banks want to give a EUR 250 million loan of Bulgarian energy holding, as to the alternative-bond emission with a bridge loan candidates are five. Ther term for handing out of papers expired on the 21st of March. The two candidates that showed interest towards the loan are Citibank and Deutsche Bank. The two banks submitted bids for the bond issue, too (where Citibank is in consortium with Raiffeisen). The rest are J.P. Morgan, HSBC and Societe Generale. There was a proposition from Goldman Sachs, but the offer was incomplete. The interest towards the procedure can be determined as average. Initially from the holding announced that 30 banks made presentations for the loan. Now the question is which of the two options will the state holding company choose. One possibility is to choose the easier one with taking credit where candidates are scarce and the cost of the loan may be higher. The second is the bond that is more complex tool, but it can be more financially beneficial and will ensure greater transparency around the otherwise secretive state company.
Source: Capital (25.03.2013)
Bulgaria and Hungary Enter into Energy Alliance Bulgaria will enter into a new energy alliance with Hungary and three other central European countries. Bulgaria has received an invitation to join in the project during the meeting of President Rosen Plevneliev with his Hungarian colleague Janos Ader in Budapest. We need to cooperate in the sphere of power engineering and gas supplies, the Bulgarian President underscored. This will enable us to resolve a number of current issues, he added. Unlike Bulgaria Hungary has an access not only to the Russian but also to the Norwegian gas, which is much cheaper. If Bulgaria had such a connection it would have saved the national economy about 10 billion USD for gas supplies, Plevneliev explained. The idea to form an energy alliance dates back to September 2012 and was embraced by Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland. The counties share a common goal to diversify and liberalize their energy markets and seek alternatives to energy monopolies. Bulgaria and Hungary are both ready to join the Nabucco and South Stream projects.
Source: Standart (03.04.2013)
The power of NPP Kozloduy fell by 700 MW Electricity System Operator (ESO) has ordered the NPP Kozloduy to reduce the power of the 5th and 6th block to prevent the collapse of the power system. ESO pointed out as reason the lower consumption and export, as well as the large flood, and hence - and production of hydro power plants. ESO did not answer the phone to confirm or deny the information, or to clarify whether besides the cheapest producer of renewable electricity it would also reduce other plants. The order of the ESO was to reduce the power of the 5th block to 750 megawatts, and of 6th - down to about 550 MW, however, confirmed the head of NPP Kozloduy Valentin Nikolov. That makes a total reduction of nuclear power by 700 MW. He explained that the measure would require the planned annual stopping of the 5-th block for repairs to be delayed by 2-3 days. Yesterday the state-owned Maritza East 2 worked with less than 430 megawatts in three of the eight blocks.
Source: Monitor (04.04.2013)
Bulgaria's National Electric Company, has committed a number of breaches, mostly related to the production of excessive quantities of electric power, the prosecution probe has concluded. The probe of the National Electric Company, NEK, the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation, DKEVR, and the three power distributors CEZ, EVN, and Energo-Pro was launched in the aftermath of mass protests in the country against high utility bills that turned to civil unrest and led to the resignation of Prime Minister, Boyko Borisov, and the Cabinet of his Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party, GERB. Prosecutor, Borislav Dzambazov, stated at an emergency press conference Wednesday that NEK had improperly committed to purchase 100% of the produced electric power regardless of the market demand. According to the prosecutor, there is evidence senior NEK employees have acted in premeditation in contracting unfavorable clauses, something that would require a pre-trail proceedings.
Source: Standart (04.04.2013)
BEH decides on the loans up to 13 May Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will decide by May 13 whether to borrow or to place a bond issue totaling EUR 250 million, the company announced late last week. Money is needed to refinance a syndicated loan to BNP Paribas, whose repayment period expires in May. The money was withdrawn from NEK, which is part of BEH, to finance the project for a second nuclear power plant at Belene. Later came the construction of the still non-operational hydropower Tsankov Kamak. BEH announced a competition for the loans a month ago, after receiving a credit rating of BB+ by Fitch. Initially, the company announced that it wants to draw two loans, one by a bond issue of BGN 1 billion. Then stated that it plans to borrow BGN 500 million. The company needs money not only to cover the debts of its subsidiaries, but also to participate in the construction of the pipeline Nabucco.
Source: Trud (08.04.2013)
Bulgaria's energy holding co rejects single bid for 250 mln euro loan The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said it turned down a bid by Deutsche Bank, the single candidate to extend a 250 million euro loan to the company, after it failed to meet the tender requirements. Deutsche Bank was disqualified because it failed to submit a document certifying it had paid the required guarantee, BEH said in a statement on its website last week. The tender procedure was canceled. BEH plans to borrow the money to refinance a credit taken out by one of its units, the National Electricity Company. Another option to raise the money which the holding company is contemplating is a bond issue. It has received six offers for an advisor to the planned issue. BEH ( incorporates assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, the National Electricity Company and its wholly-owned system operator Electricity System Operator, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines.
Source: (16.04.2013)
Citigroup will arrange the refinancing of NEC's loan to BNP Paribas. This became clear from the notice of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). International Bank will first need to provide up to 21 May short-term loan of 195 million euro, and then it has to sell bonds to 250 million euro. No information on when the contract will be signed, but probably only a matter of days. It is almost certain that the state holding company will be able to fit in time to the maturing loan which energy company drew for "Belene" project. Besides Citigroup offers in the competition for bonds, which was announced on March 7, filed several banks - Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan (in consortium with First FBH), HSBC, Societe Generale and Goldman Sachs.
Source: Capital (23.04.2013)
Citigroup will organize the refinancing the loan of the National Electric Company (NEK) to BNP Paribas, according to a media statement of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Citigroup will first have to provide a short-term loan of EUR 195 M by May 21 and then trade bonds worth up to EUR 250 M, according to reports of The maturity date of NEK's loan of EUR 195 M from BNP Paribas is May 21. The contract with Citigroup is to be signed within days, meaning that BEH will most probably manage to fit within the maturity date for the loan which the energy company withdrew for the Belene NPP project, according to reports of In early March, BEH launched two simultaneous tenders one for a bank which had to supply a loan of EUR 250 M and one for an investment consultant on a bond issue worth EUR 250 M. One week ago, it turned out that the first procedure had collapsed after the only candidate to submit a final bid, Deutsche Bank, was found to have tabled an offer which did not meet the requirements of BEH. As regards the second procedure, a total of six companies filed bids for becoming investment consultants on the bond loan, including Goldman Sachs, Citi Group, a consortium of JP Morgan and First Financial Brokerage House (FFBH), Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale and HSBC. BEH, which is undergoing a top-level reshuffle, approved a decision to withdraw a bond loan from Citigroup on April 11. The decision was endorsed by Asen Vasilev, caretaker Minister of Economy, Energy and Tourism on April 19. The bond issue will be considered successful if it raises at least EUR 150 M. Citigroup is also to offer a scenario for bridge financing in the case of a failed bond issue by May 11, 2013. The bonds mature in five years.
Source: Darik Radio (24.04.2013)
Bulgarian energy holding has uncollected debts from its subsidiaries to the amount of over BGN 437 million. This is evident from the company report for the first quarter of the year. Among the largest debtors are as follows: National Electricity Company (NEC) and Bulgargaz. Due to shrunk revenues, profit of the holding is by BGN 1.5 million smaller, as compared to the same period last year. BEH is composed of the following companies: TPP Maritsa iztok 2, Mines Maritsa Iztok, Bulgartel, Bulgartransgaz and Nuclear Power Plant Kozloduy.
Source: Trud (14.05.2013)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has withdrawn a bridge loan to the amount of EUR 250 million. With part of the money, the holding is to finance National Electricity Company, which on the other hand has to pay back its loan towards the French Paribas, taken for NPP Belene, several years ago. With the rest, BEH is to insure its participation in investment projects as construction of Nabucco, gas connections with neighboring countries and the development of the grid. Maturity of the loan for Belene was due last May. It was rescheduled after a partial payment. The idea is in six monthstime BEH to place bonds with which to repay the bridge financing.
Source: Sega (21.05.2013)
The Corporate Commercial Bank, the Central Cooperative Bank, Investbank, UBB, UniCredit Bulbank, Raiffeisenbank are the financial institutions managing funds of state companies, 24 Chasa daily reveals. Standart daily specifies that the number of these banks is 11 and adds the names of Postbank, First Investment Bank, D Commercial Bank, CIBank and Bulgarian-American Credit Bank. Some 41 of state companies have deposited too much of their money into only one bank, research by Bulgarian ministries revealed. Some 59.44% of money of NEC, 96% of money of Bulgartransgaz, 88.20% of BEH and 90.85% of deposits of Bulgargaz are managed by the Corporate Commercial Bank. Five companies related to the Ministry of Economy have large deposits in the Central Cooperative Bank. 42.54% of the money of Kozloduy NPP is deposited in Investbank. Money of BDZ Passenger Services is managed by UBB and Eurobank, money of BDZ Freight Railway Services is managed by the Corporate Commercial Bank, 61% of the money of Bulgarian Posts is managed by UniCredit Bulbank, while 91.95% of the money of Bulgarian Port Infrastructure Company is managed by the Central Corporate Bank.
Source: Standart (23.05.2013)
Public provider Bulgargaz New is preparing to withdraw new large loan. The company needs USD 150 million to purchase natural gas. The company, which has worked for years at a loss for determined lower prices of natural gas in 2011 by the state regulator, has withdrawn a loan to the amount of BGN 80 million from CCB. Still the money is not enough. The Company has a debt towards its mother company BEH, as well. The new loan will most likely be used by Bulgargaz for filling up the emptied storage in Chiren. Quantities stored there are used in the winter
Source: Trud (23.05.2013)
OMV sells 9.0% stake in Nabucco West to GDF SUEZ Austria's OMV sold some 9.0% in Vienna-based Nabucco Gas Pipeline International (NIC) to French power giant GDF Suez, after it recently took over Germany's RWE share in the project company, OMV said on Tuesday. "Closing of the transaction is subject to certain conditions and expected to occur in H2 2013," OMV said in a statement. The parties to the deal did not disclose the purchase price. In April, RWE sold its 17% stake in NIC to OMV. Adding France as a new partner is a clear sign of the pan-European support for Nabucco West, the statement added. Following closing, NIC is owned by Bulgaria's BEH, Turkey's BOTAS, Hungary's FGSZ, GDF SUEZ, OMV and Romania's Transgaz. NIC was set up in 2004 to develop, construct and operate the Nabucco pipeline, which was originally planned to start at the Georgian-Turkish border but was later downsized. The shorter 1,300 kilometre Nabucco West pipeline will instead start at the Turkish-Bulgarian border and bring Caspian region gas via Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to the vicinity of the gas hub at Baumgarten, near Vienna. Nabucco West is competing with the rival Trans Adriatic Pipeline to deliver gas from the Shah Deniz II field. The Shah Deniz group, led by BP and Norway's Statoil, has said it will announce their pick by the end of June. Last week the governments of Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey signed a joint declaration confirming their commitment to the Nabucco West project.
Source: Darik Radio (29.05.2013)
BEH can not be closed now because of loans Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) does not execute the functions, for which was created 6-7 years ago. But from the perspective that it is the only player in the Bulgarian energy sector, which is subject to credit, it cannot be closed, said socialist MP and former Deputy Energy Minister Yavor Kuyumdjiev regarding the findings in the audit reports of the European Commission and the World Bank on the state of the Bulgarian energy sector. They state that management under the umbrella of the state-owned BEH is not transparent. BEH was established in September 2008 and Kuyumdjiev stated that then the idea of its operation was quite different and "from this perspective, perhaps we should reflect on its development." "To date EUR 250 million bridge financing are allocated to the Bulgarian Energy Holding to cover the loan to BNP-Paribas (drawn by NEK to prepare for the construction of NPP Belene).
Source: (04.06.2013)
Russia Expects a Decision on NPP Belene Project Rosatoms claim for one billion euro against Bulgarias national electric company (NEC) for the equipment for NPP Belene that the Bulgarian company ordered, but has not paid yet, may be withdrawn, if the Bulgarian government decides to restart the project, while NEC and Rosatom reach an agreement, as to how and in what term the debts of the Bulgarian company to its Russian partner shall be paid. This became clear from a statement of Genadiy Tepkyan, Vice President of Atomenergoproekt, the company that Atomstroyexport merged with. For the time being, Rosatoms claim against NEC filed at the Court of Arbitration in Paris is still valid. By the end of the current week the Russians will have submitted all claims, then the sum claimed by Rosatom will be finally announced, Tepkian said. However, he didnt specify what the sum is. It transpires from his statement that it will hardly differ from the sum quoted several months ago 1 billion euro.
Source: Standart (06.06.2013)
Bulgargaz, a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) offered the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission to tie the natural gas price for the third quarter of 2013 at BGN 630 per 1,000 cubic meters, the company said. The price is without VAT and excise duty. It represents a decrease by 0.15% (BGN 0.94 per 1,000 cubic meters) compared to the current price. Proposal of Bulgargaz is in accordance with the requirements and conditions of the Ordinance to regulate gas prices, the company added. The state watchdog is to consider the proposal for the price of gas and to come with pre-decision, as after public discussion a final decision will be taken.
Source: Class (11.06.2013)
Mihail Andonov, Chief Executive Officer of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), has been dismissed. Andonov, former CEO of the National Electric Company (NEK), was appointed CEO of BEH in March 2012. According to a media statement posted on the website of Bulgaria's Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, Dragomir Stoynev, Minister of Economy and Energy, has dismissed the Board of Directors of BEH including Mihail Andonov, Bozhan Stoyanov, and Todor Shopov. The newly elected members of BEH's Board of Directors are Boyan Boev and Georgi Hristozov. The media statement does not specify motives for the staff reshuffle at BEH. According to reports of Sega daily, the departure of senior officials of BEH comes at a time when the National Electric Company (NEK) is to spin off the Electricity System Operator (ESO). The delay by over one year of the spin-off transaction caused the European Commission to launch infringement proceedings against Bulgaria, notes.
Source: Standart (19.06.2013)
Rosatom Wants to Construct Belene NPP Rosatom is quite interested to finish the construction of Belene NPP, the general director of the Russian state-owned corporation Sergey Kirienko stated during Petersburg International Economic Forum, Internet portal Neft Rosiy reported. Mr Kirienko reminded that the legal proceedings against the Bulgarian state-run company National Electric Company (NEC) initiated by Atomstroyexport worth 872 million euro for the construction of Belene NPP was under way. "The legal proceedings are going, the lawyers are working, Mr Kirienko stated further. Rosatoms general director Kirienko did not answer whether Bulgaria had demanded an out-of-court agreement. The final pleas in the legal case in the court of arbitration in Paris are scheduled for July 2014 so before that period there should be clarity on the project, experts commented.
Source: Standart (21.06.2013)
NEK will purchase electricity with priority from the cheapest stations in the country - NPP Kozloduy and TPP Maritsa Iztok 2. This is one of the measures which will achieve cost reductions for residential customers, said the Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev. This will happen after the adoption of the amendments to the Energy Act and renewable energy, which already passed its first reading in parliament. Stoynev added that this has not been done. On the contrary, NEK has bought primarily from expensive electricity plants. It is possible that such a measure would cause a strong reaction from the U.S. thermal power plants in the Maritsa Iztok region and RES plants that have agreements for the purchase of energy at a higher price, fearing experts. "To stabilize our electricity system, everyone should take a step back," said Deputy Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Energy Yavor Kuyumdjiev.
Source: Standart (25.06.2013)
Major Reshuffles Hit Bulgarias N-Plant, Energy Holding Bulgarias state energy holding company, which groups the country's top energy assets, including its sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, has seen a new wave of reshuffles, it emerged on Wednesday. The Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding Ltd. released Borislav Borisov from the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Transmission Company. He will be replaced by Sava Savov. Major changes have also been made in the management of the countrys sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy. Valentin Nikolov, Teodor Shopov and Valentin Gruev were released from the Board of Directors, to be replaced by Ivan Genov, Aleksandar Nikolov and Georgi Hristozov. The Executive Director of the mining company Mini Maritsa Iztok Ltd. Teodor Drebov and its member of the Board of Directors Dimo Dimov have also been released. The newly elected members in Mini Maritsa Iztok Ltd. Board of Directors are Stanimir Kazlachev and Shteryo Shterev. There is also a change in the line-up of Maritsa East 2 Board of Directors. Georgi Hristozov was released and replaced by Mihail Mitkov. Kozloduy is the only nuclear power plant in Bulgaria and the largest electricity producer in the country, providing more than one third of the national electricity output annually. The company is entirely state-owned and a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. It has raised safety concerns, and the country agreed to shut four of its reactors as a condition of joining the European Union. Under that treaty, Kozloduy was to be decommissioned by 2009, but the work was not completed on time. Bulgaria therefore asked that the EU funding be extended until 2013, to allow it to be completed safely. BEH was incorporated in 2008 with a decision of the Socialist-led government. BEH EAD is a shareholding company with 100% state owned participation. The Holding includes Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, Maritsa East 2 TPP EAD, Kozloduy NPP EAD, NEK EAD, Electricity System Operator EAD, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD. All companies, brought together in the holding structure, preserve their operational independence and licenses, as they are all owned and directly subordinated to the corporate center BEH EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is one of the largest companies in the region, and national energy leader.
Source: Capital (27.06.2013)
The Shah Deniz II consortium has suggested that it has chosen not to use Nabucco West for the transportation of natural gas from Azerbaijan's most promising field to Europe. If this decision is formally confirmed and carried out, it will cast significant doubt over the protracted Nabucco project, designed to build a pipeline to transport Azeri gas to Europe. The Shah Deniz consortium had to decide between Nabucco West and the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP). The Nabucco project would have shipped Azeri gas from Turkey through Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary on to Austria, which has made Bulgaria a country highly committed to it. On the other hand, TAP would transport natural gas directly westwards through Greece, Albania on to southern Italy. The Shah Deniz consortium has informed Greek PM Antonis Samaras, as well as Nabucco shareholder OMV of its intention to choose TAP. Shah Deniz II is operated by BP, together with Statoil, SOCAR, Total, Lukoil, NIOC and TPAO.
Source: Sega (27.06.2013)
Standard&Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) affirmed its BB- long-term corporate credit rating on Bulgaria-based power utility Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK), the agency said on Friday. At the same time, we removed the rating from CreditWatch, where it was placed with negative implications on Dec. 20, 2012. The outlook on NEK is negative, the rating agency said in a statement. S&P also said in the statement: The affirmation reflects our view that NEK's immediate refinancing risk has been eliminated following the refinancing of its 195 million syndicated loan, which matured in May 2013. We understand that NEK's parent company, BEH, provided NEK with proceeds from a 250 million bridge loan as an intragroup loan to repay the syndicated loan. We understand that BEH plans to refinance the bridge loan with a public bond issue at the BEH level. Furthermore, NEK sold its stake in the monopoly system operator ESO EAD to BEH, using the funds for the settlement of intragroup loans other than that NEK has just received from BEH. We understand that NEK will transfer three project-related credit facilities with total outstanding principal of 50.8 million (at May 31, 2013) to ESO as part of the transaction. These actions will result in a material reduction in NEK's external financial bligations, which we forecast at about Bulgarian lev (BGN) 215 million at year-end 2013 (BGN734.0 million at year-end 2012). We understand that NEK's tariffs for the next regulatory period starting July 1, 2013, are still under negotiation. We are uncertain as to whether the new tariffs will reflect the continuing increase in costs for green energy and other electricity system costs in a full and timely manner. Moreover, the tariff review is to be completed in the context of recent changes in the Bulgarian government and regulator. This uncertainty weighs on our assessment of NEK's business risk profile. These factors, in combination with a contraction in domestic and export demand, resulted in NEK reporting a consolidated loss of BGN192.4 million in 2012. Our base-case scenario for 2013 factors in BGN120,000 of compensation for under-recovered costs over 12 months. We also deconsolidate the contribution of ESO from the second half of the year. Based on NEK's tariff application for the next regulatory period, we anticipate that NEK's Standard & Poor's-adjusted funds from operations (FFO) to debt will exceed 15% in 2013. In our forecast, we treat the intragroup loan from BEH as debt because it is funded by a short-term bridge loan on BEH's balance sheet, and has a short maturity and a lack of flexible terms. Nevertheless, we recognize that it is provided by what we consider to be a supportive strategic owner. We apply our criteria for rating parents and their subsidiaries to NEK and add two notches of parental support to NEK's stand-alone credit profile (SACP) of 'b'. The uplift reflects BEH's stronger credit quality than that of NEK due to BEH's stronger business risk position and cash flow generation, as well as its positive discretionary cash flows and significant cash holdings. Our assessment of NEK's 'b' SACP is based on our view of the company's "highly leveraged" financial risk profile under our criteria, which in our opinion mainly reflects its "less-than-adequate" liquidity position and aggressive financial policies. We assess NEK's business risk profile as "weak." This reflects the company's meager profitability and regulatory uncertainty owing to annual tariff resets by Bulgaria's State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. Our assessment of NEK's business risk profile also factors in the legal unbundling of ESO, NEK's lowest-risk operations, and the uncertainty related to the Belene nuclear power plant project, which we understand is on hold. The negative outlook reflects our uncertainty as to whether NEK's electricity tariffs for the next regulatory period will cover the ongoing increase in electricity system costs. Full and timely pass-through of costs and a fair return on assets will be important for NEK to maintain its current business risk profile and, ultimately, the ratings. We could lower the rating if NEK is not able to achieve adjusted FFO to debt exceeding 12% on a sustainable basis, which we see as commensurate with its SACP of 'b'. In accordance with our criteria for rating parents and their subsidiaries, a downward revision of NEK's SACP by one notch would result in us lowering the long-term corporate credit rating on NEK to the same extent (as long as we assess BEH's credit quality as unchanged). In addition, any evidence of a weakening of the link between BEH and NEK could cause us to revise our approach of factoring in parent support to the SACP. We could revise the outlook to stable if we believe that NEK's financial risk profile has improved to "aggressive" from "highly leveraged" following a decision on tariffs in the next regulatory period and the unbundling of ESO. In particular, this will depend on NEK's ability to reach and maintain adjusted FFO to debt of more than 12% on a sustainable basis, alongside more conservative liquidity management.
Source: Class (01.07.2013)
NEK and ESO exchange bosses Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which includes NEK and ESO, exchanged some of the executives in both companies, and appoint a new one. The former executive director of NEK Ivo Levterov assumes the same position at ESO, from which is released Ivan Yotov. At the Board of Directors of the network company enters the new Deputy Energy Minister Ivan Ayolov, who was executive director there up to 2010. From NEK in the management of ESO is also transferred Kamen Todorov. Vladimir Inkov was appointed Executive Director of NEK, hitherto on the board of ESO and led procurements of BEH. At the Board of Directors of the National Electricity Company has been appointed another former Deputy Minister of Economy of the triple-coalition cabinet - Lachezar Bogdanov.
Source: Standart (03.07.2013)
Mines Maritsa Iztok Jsc. has a new CEO. This is Stanimir Kazlachev who days ago was appointed to the Board of Directors of the mining company, together with Shteryo Shterev. They took the places of the released Dimo Dimov and Teodor Drebov. Now Kazlachev is selected as CEO of the company, and Shterev as Chairman of the Board of Directors. Nuclear Regulatory Agency (NRA) has a new chairman as well. Due to the expiration of his term, Sergey Tsochev was released of office. His place was taken by Lachezar Kostov, who is deputy chairman of the NRA since 2006.
Source: Standart (04.07.2013)
European Commission Opens Proceedings against Bulgarian Energy Holding The European Commission announced it has opened formal proceedings against Bulgarian Energy Holding and its subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz for an alleged hindering of competition. The European Commission will investigate whether Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), its gas supply subsidiary Bulgargaz and its gas infrastructure subsidiary Bulgartransgaz might be hindering competitors from accessing key gas infrastructures in Bulgaria, in breach of EU antitrust rules. An opening of proceedings does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation. The Commission has concerns that the Bulgarian energy incumbent BEH and its subsidiaries may be abusing their dominant market position on the natural gas markets in Bulgaria, in breach of Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). In particular, the Commission has concerns that these companies may be preventing potential competitors from accessing the Bulgarian gas transmission network and the gas storage facility by explicitly or tacitly refusing or delaying access to third parties. In addition, these companies may be preventing competitors from accessing the main gas import pipeline by reserving capacity that is consistently not used, without releasing it on the market. Without access to this key infrastructure, it is impossible for any companies to compete with Bulgargaz on the Bulgarian gas supply markets, the commission said in an official statement. It points out that such practices, if established, restrict competition and may lead to less choice and worse gas supply conditions, ultimately to the harm of EU consumers.
Source: Dnevnik (08.07.2013)
South Stream construction to employ 6,000 ''Overall, the South Stream project will create 6,000 jobs in Bulgaria. The construction itself will employ 2,500, and the rest will add up from the workers of the supply and service units'', South Stream Bulgaria CEO Georgi Gegov informed. According to the documentation of the project, at least 16 specifications will be sought in relation to the construction of the Bulgarian part of the pipeline. When it comes to the operation, the South Stream will continuously employ 200 Bulgarians at the 3 compressor stations located in Bulgaria: KS Varna, KS Lozenets and KS Rasovo. In total, there will be 8 compressor stations in Europe. There was a public consultation on the topic in Varna, the 25th of its kind in a row in the country. The main emphasis was the assessment of the environmental impact / EIA / of the South Stream, which passed in a heated discussion. The debate was opened by Ivan Portnih, the new mayor of the city. The project company, true to the principle of hearing all the parties, insisted on dialogue with the people, who were impatient with their questions. The constructors reassured the public that the noise of the compressor station near Varna, where the 4 gas pipes will pass, will not exceed the norms.
Source: Standart (17.07.2013)
BIA: Export prices of electricity should not be lower than those for domestic consumption Public Advisory Council to the regulator discussed changes in the electricity prices. In its statement one of business organizations - Bulgarian Industrial Association (BIA), says: "Bulgarian Industrial Association takes a position based on the following principles: 1. Axiomatic, export prices should not be lower than those for domestic consumption, because it makes the production of the Bulgarian companies uncompetitive; 2. Changes in pricing should not hamper the opportunities for reproduction of the participants in the electricity market, i.e. decrease of the electricity prices should not be at the expense of the necessary investment costs of the electricity companies; 3. The funds of the sale of CO2 allowances should be directed towards energy-efficient technologies in the industry and not to cover the price difference from production. You have to look long and not making time! 4. We need a radical reform in the sector. For this purpose, the country should buy the rights or property of "Maritsa Iztok" 1 and 3, as well as renewable energy sources with a raise target resource outside estimates of the country, and bring to the market conditions, the pricing of these proceedings."
Source: BIA (23.07.2013)
Everybody against the cheap electricity Almost all companies in the chain production-transmission-distribution of electricity are against reducing their revenues and consequently the price. This became clear during the public discussion of the proposition of SEWRC for price reduction on 1 August with an average of 5%. Only the state-owned Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP had no objection against the intended selling price of energy. All other public and private companies said cuts in their incomes will lead to deleveraging and financial collapse. For 2012, the ESO reported BGN 38 million losses from the transmission of energy, and now they will increase if prices are accepted as such, warned CEO Ivo Lefterov. He added that ESO needs BGN 60 million to cover accumulated losses, which are now expected to rise. NEK complained that it will need BGN 50 million per month only for the payment of green energy, and these are not provided. The plans set by the regulator miss BGN 12 million revenues for repairs. EDCs reacted even more strongly, and their overall opinion is that with the lower prices they would "go to the emergency room." CEZ, EVN and Energo-Pro united around a strong reduction of their technological losses thet the watchdog provides. "The targeted figures are intended to stimulate you to reduce these losses," responded Elenko Bozhkov of regulator. The final decision on the new prices will be made on July 29.
Source: Standart (24.07.2013)
Discussions about South Stream enter their final The public discussion about the environmental impact assessment (EIA) of the South Stream are about to end, with the last two meetings on the topic to be held today. Today the people of Strajitsa and Polski Trymbesh will be able to ask questions and make suggestions about the pipeline project. The public hearings on the EIA of the South Stream were launched on July 1 this year and they were carried out for just 26 days in all 39 municipalities which will be crossed by the pipeline. As the next step, the ministry has to approve the final document and then to submit it for a building permit to the Ministry of Regional Development.
Source: Standart (26.07.2013)
Gas connection with Romania starting from next year Gas connection between Bulgaria and Romania will start early next year and by the end of 2014 - the Bulgarian section of the route with Turkey. That said the boss of "Bulgartransgas" Kiril Temelkov on a hearing at the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (regulator). In his words, placing a gas connection with Romania will be delayed by six months because during construction were found many archaeological sites - tomb and artifacts from the Middle Ages. So instead of the initial deadline for entry into commercial operation of the pipe - the end of June this year, it will start in early 2014. Temelkov explained that section of the pipeline on Bulgarian territory is built entirely in ongoing trials on the track. We are currently working on the drilling of the Danube and up to November this process will be completed. The minimum bandwidth in Romania is 0.5 billion cubic meters per year, the maximum - 1.5 billion cubic meters per year, added BTA. He explained that the company has deposited in the regulator mechanism by which to allocate capacity and congestion of the pipe will be announced and procedures under the rules for use of the network. On reverse the gas connection with Greece Temelkov commented that it does not develop from "Bulgartransgas" rather than design company registered BEH and the Greek company "Poseidon." The project is on schedule and is conducted EIA flow and procedures for approval of the route of the pipeline itself. The pipeline is expected to be ready in early 2015. "Even before the date of the relationship of Bulgarian transmission system in Turkey, after it became clear that the project" Nabucco West "will not be implemented in our territory," commented Temelkov. He noted that the financing of this project, our country will be able to rely on EU funding under the EC Regulation on Trans-European infrastructure. Besides the relationship with Turkey, the country is defending three more such projects - the expansion of gas storage in UGS, expansion and rehabilitation of the transmission network in the country and build a permanent reverse gas flow with Greece on the existing network.
Source: Monitor (01.08.2013)
The cabinet hides data on public deposits again Although PM Plamen Oresharski pledged that ministries should observe the rules for selection of financial institutions, which will hold state company funds, most ministries did not publish data on the concentration of their companies money, Capital Daily reports. The Ministry of Agriculture was the only ministry that published a report about its activities on its website. After Capital Daily questioned the ministries about their activities, the Ministries of Economy and Transport also published their reports. These two ministries hold most of their funds in the Corporate Commercial Bank, which is controlled by Tsvetan Vasilev. Data published in May confirmed unofficial information that the bulk of state company funds were concentrated in just a few banks. The first one was the Corporate Commercial Bank, where 18 public companies had deposited their money, including the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Second was the Central Cooperative Bank, which was the favourite bank of 15 public company managers. However, according to the data published now, none of the public companies related to the Ministry of Finance exceeds the 25% barrier. Three months ago, the money of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange was held mainly by Postbank and the Corporate Commercial Bank, while now it is deposited in six banks. However, companies related to the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Regional Development are still holding their money mainly in D Commerce Bank and the Central Cooperative Bank respectively.
Source: Capital (01.08.2013)
Production of largest BG coal mine decreases by 5m tons y/y in H1 2013 Because of the energy crisis, Mini Maritsa Iztok produced 5 million tons less in the first half of 2013 as compared to the same period last year. The 9.39 million volume in the first six months this year is also 1.3 million tons less than the estimates. Even more worrying is the 69% year-on-year decrease in the debris land mass before the miners get to the coal itself. With 31 million cubic meters, the total landmass digged out in the first half was 5.6 million cubic meters less than prevised. Maritsa Iztok's repair program was also seriously stripped: as compared to the planned BGN 37 million, actually only BGN 24.6 million were spent on repair and maintenance of the heavy mining equipment, processing machinery, and vehicles. Most alarming was the lack of realization of the investment program. As opposed to the originally estimated BGN 100 million for 6 months, only BGN 36 million were invested indeed. Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD is the largest coal mining company in the Republic of Bulgaria. It works the Maritsa Iztok lignite field and has been of decisive importance for the national energy balance since over 50 years.
Source: Standart (12.08.2013)
NEC pays back to TPPS After a meeting between BEHs CEO Boyan Boev and representatives of miners tradeunions NEC starts to pay off its duties to some of the TPPs. The electric company will pay BGN 1.5 million debts back to Heat Supply Pernik for produced via CHP electricity that will enable Opencast Coal Mining also to receive its retarded payment. Besides, NEC is to pay back BGN 1.755 million to Thermal Power Plant Bobov Dol. This is to let suppliers of the electric power plant from the mines Beli Breg, Stanianci, Chukurovo and Vagledobiv Bobov dol to get their delayed payment, too. Representatives of trade unions declared their willingness at least 40% of Bulgarian electric energy to be generated by coals. At present, though the quantity is scarcely about 20-30%.
Source: Standart (13.08.2013)
Bulgartransgas plans to increase domestic gas consumption to 30% by 2020 With only 2.6% of all users, household natural gas consumption in Bulgaria is lagging behind the EU average of 30%. Therefore, Bulgartransgas is planning to develop its transmission network via active investments in order to reach the 30% European average of domestic natural gas use by 2020, the company announced in its 10 years plan which it presented to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. This is the first document by the company that provides clarity and transparency about the long-term transmission network development plans of the company. The plan foresees grand investments in the first 5 years. By the end of this year, the pipeline Silistra Region pipeline and the inter-collector link Ruse-Giurgiu will be both completed. Internal pipelines to Pirdop, to Svishtov and between Simitli Bansko are also in their feasibility study phase. Their construction is to be paid from the next year's budget and and funding is sought from the Kozloduy International Fund.
Source: Standart (14.08.2013)
Bulgarian Court Orders Belene NPP Reports of HSBC Declassified Bulgaria's Administrative Court Sofia City (ACSC) has ordered the government, the Ministry of Economy and Energy (MIET) and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to declassify all analyses and evaluations of HSBC bank, the Bulgarian government consultant on the Belene Nuclear Power Plant project. The lawsuit was initiated on the basis of a complaint by the National Movement for Stability and Progress (NDSV) party, Sega daily informs. With a decision #5174 from July 24, 2013, the ACSC revoked the refusal of BEH to grant access to public information concerning all documents, assessments, and reports of HSBC bank on the economic terms of the construction of the Belene NPP. BEH's refusal was explained with the fact that it was not a "body governed by public law"as defined by the Access to Information Act and that the requested information was confidential by virtue of the contract with the consultant. The decision of the ACSC says that BEH EAD is bound to provide the requested piece of information which cannot be interpreted as manufacturing or commercial secret because there is "overwhelming public interest" in the disclosure of the information. The decision of the court can be appealed. If the decision is not appealed or is upheld by the court of cassation, it will be a fundamental change to the existing court practice, which does not treat BEH as a "body governed by public law" bound to provide information under the Access to Information Act. According to NDSV, the step will remove the legal barrier used to protect the secrets in Bulgaria's energy sector. Back in end-October 2012, NDSV asked the Prime Minister for permission to access public information concerning the documents, reports, and assessments of HSBC bank on the economic terms of the construction of the Belene N-plant. The request for access to information was forwarded by the Council of Ministers to the Ministry of Economy and Energy (MIET), but the Ministry informed that it did not have the requested data, adding that the information could be found at BEH, as a result of which, the request was forwarded to BEH. After launching a lawsuit against MIET, the NDSV party submitted a complaint with the ACSC over the refusal of BEH to provide access to public information about the HSBC record on the Belene NPP. Bulgaria's formerly-ruling center-right Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria party, GERB, government scrapped the Belene project in March 2012, declaring it economically unfeasible.
Source: Sega (20.08.2013)
Bulgaria to ask the EC to extend deadline for meeting air pollution requirements to 2020 The Bulgarian government will demand that the European Commission should extend the deadline for meeting EUs strict air pollution requirements to 2020. Pursuant to the Large Combustion Plants Directive of the European Commission from 2010, large combustion plants such as thermal power plants (TPP) should drastically reduce emissions of toxic pollutants by 2016. Thermal power plants are among the biggest polluters in Bulgaria. However, the construction of purification installations in Bulgaria is slow and difficult, while Bulgaria is among EUs top air polluted countries. Therefore, the European Commission has started punitive proceedings against the country. Data by the Bulgarian Ministry of Environment show that twelve TPPs in Bulgaria do not comply with EU requirements. Bulgarian TPPs should invest about 850 million in environment protection. Yet, Bulgarian Environment Minister Iskra Mihaylova said that there was a trend of reduction of emissions in 2012 and 2013 because a lot of TPPs installed sulphur purification installations.
Source: Sega (22.08.2013)
South Stream gets environmental green light The South Stream gas pipeline project meets the environmental standards in Bulgaria and the EU, the Supreme Expert Environmental Council of Bulgaria (SEEC) of the Ministry of Environment and Water decided. Accordingly, the construction of the pipeline was approved. The decision of the SEEC was taken unanimously, the ministry announced and reminded that the competent authority for the decision is Minister of Environment Iskra Mihailova. Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and the Ministry of Agriculture , municipalities , NGOs, Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEWs) and representatives from the Black Sea and Danube regions also joined in for the 4-hour discussion. The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedure on the South Stream was opened in August 2011 with public hearings held in 39 municipalities through which the pipeline will pass. 52 special measures were adopted to limit the impact of the pipeline on the environment, 9 of which protect the life and health of people with the rest guarding the flora and fauna of Bulgaria. The 540 -mile pipeline passes through 11 districts - Varna, Shumen, Targovishte , Razgrad, Rousse, Veliko Tarnovo, Pleven , Lovech, Vratsa, Montana and Vidin. Along its route in Bulgarian territory are a reception terminal at the beach and three compressor stations - " Varna ", " Lozen" and "Rasovo".
Source: Standart (30.08.2013)
South Stream - Bulgaria with new management Project company South Stream - Bulgaria has new management. The changes apply only to the Bulgarian part of the Board of Directors of the company that will build the Bulgarian section of the eponymous pipeline. Released from their positions are CEO Georgi Gegov and members of the Board of Directors Boris Todorov and Mihail Andonov, who until recently was head of BEH. Their place in the management of South Stream - Bulgaria were taken by the current head of BEH Boyan Boev, Yordan Zhelev, who is a manager at Bulgargaz and as Executive Director of the project company was appointed Ilia Ivanov. Castling somewhat surprised people in the gas industry, who commented that the old management had been doing well with their duties.
Source: Standart (04.09.2013)
The state Elektroenergien Sistemen Operator, which manages basic electric network in the country will have new managers, BEH (Bulgarian Energy Holding) has decided. This will happen just two months after the present CEOs of the company were appointed. CEO of the company will be the ex-advisor of State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission Valentin Kolev, who is manager of Elcontrol OOD. He replaces Ivo Lefterov. After two months in the company Kamen Todorov will vacant his position in favour of Severin Vartigov.
Source: Trud (10.09.2013)
Bulgarian energy boss back in court for BGN 16m tax evasion Following a decision of Bulgaria's Supreme Court of Cassation, the case against Bulgarian energy boss Hristo Kovachki over charges of BGN 16 million tax is back in court just a year and a half after the businessman was acquitted. The three-judge panel of the Supreme Court, headed by Judge Ivan Nedev, returned the case to the Court of Appeal for reconsideration sue to alleged procedural breaches. Kovachki, whose party failed to win seats in 2009 parliamentary election, has diverse business interests, ranging from manufacturing to banking and from energy to retail, noted. Owning the Thermal Plants "Maritsa-Iztok 3" in Dimitrovgrad and "Bobov Dol", several mines, as well as the heating utilities in Vratsa, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo and Pleven, the grocery chain "Evropa" and the "Atomenergoremont" company, Kovachki is believed to be one of the richest men in the Balkans, informed. The media outlet also noted that if found guilty, part of Kovachki's propertycould be confiscated.
Source: Standart (12.09.2013)
Bulgaria Seals Deal to Purchase Azeri Gas Bulgargaz, Bulgaria's sole public supplier of natural gas has signed a deal with Azeri's consortium Shah Deniz for the purchase of natural gas for a period of 25 years. The import from the Shah Deniz field, the largest natural gas field in Azerbaijan, will not commence before 2019. Under the deal, Bulgargaz is expected to import 1 billion cubic meters annually, reports the Bulgarian National Radio. The clauses in the contract will become effective upon the adoption of the investment decision for the second phase of Shah Deniz II. This project will include an additional offshore gas platform, subsea wells and expansion to the gas plant at Sangachal Terminal, at an estimated cost of at least USD 10 B. As early as the beginning of 2013, Bulgargaz's CEO, Dimitar Gogov, announced negotiations for the purchase of Azeri gas have been set in motion. Deliveries to Bulgaria have been hurdled, however, because Shah Deniz II rejected the use of the Nabucco West pipeline. The Azeri gas is expected to come through the Transatlantic line, which passes through Greece and reaches Italy. Bulgaria will use the interconnectors with Greece and Turkey, which are yet to be built. The plans for them are to be finished next year. This contract is the first real diversification of natural gas sources and the routes for its delivery to the Bulgarian market. It is expected that it will expand the scope of services provided by Bulgargaz and increase security of supplies for Bulgarian consumers.
Source: Darik Radio (20.09.2013)
Bulgaria-Turkey Gas Grid Interconnection Delayed until 2019 The implementation of the Bulgaria-Turkey gas grid interconnection project has been delayed and it will be completed no earlier than 2019, according to Ivan Ayolov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy. Speaking Thursday during a conference titled "Natural gas infrastructure and services" organized by the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers, Ayolov suggested that the government had inherited gas projects which had not been developed to the stage they were supposed to have reached. He informed that the construction of the gas link with Romania was to be wrapped up in end-October, after which the facility would undergo tests. According to reports of energy news portal, Kiril Temelkov, CEO of state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz, vowed that the Bulgaria-Romania gas grid interconnection would start functioning by end-2013. Ayolov also informed that small progress had been registered with the Bulgaria-Greece gas link but the implementation of the Bulgaria-Serbia gas grid interconnection project had been fast-tracked, especially after the visit of Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihaylovic. Bulgaria's Deputy Economy and Energy Minister specified that the land expropriation procedures for the Bulgaria-Serbia gas link and the selection of a designer were to start by end-October, thereby allowing the launch of construction works in May 2014 and the completion of the project by 2017.
Source: Standart (04.10.2013)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Seeks 30% Tax on Revenues of Photovoltaic Power Plants The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has asked the government and Parliament to agree to levy a 30% tax on revenues of photovoltaic power plants from electricity sold at preferential tariffs. According to a letter of Boyan Boev, executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), as cited by, the measure will achieve three goals, including to balance the system, which is currently plagued by a deficit which cannot be covered with the existing electricity prices, to capitalize the National Electric Company (NEK), which is currently in a state of technical bankruptcy with debts of over BGN 2 B, and to once again reduce electricity prices for household consumers, which were downsized by 4.5% in August. Boev's letter was sent last week to Parliament Chair Mihail Mikov, to Ramadan Atalay, Chair of the parliamentary energy committee, to Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev. This emerged from a letter sent last week by Boyan Boev, executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to Parliament Chair Mihail Mikov, to Ramadan Atalay, Chair of the parliamentary energy committee, to Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev. In his letter, Boev proposes the adoption of changes to the Energy from Renewable Sources Act and he explains what burden renewable sources place on the energy system and electricity bills, not only in Bulgaria, but all over Europe. However, he proposes legal amendments which introduce a tax applicable to photovoltaic power plants only. In the letter, the chief executive of BEH points out that the energy system, which has been hit by the renewable energy boom, can be optimized through measures "such as changing the support mechanism and introducing tradable green certificates with a view to alleviating the burden on the budget and avoiding the regulatory risk, or the introduction of price restrictions ceilings on purchase prices of renewable power." The letter also proposes the introduction of an additional tax on the preferential prices for purchasing renewable electricity. "The tax rate is to be set at 30% and is to be levied on a monthly basis directly by the public supplier on the quantities of electricity sold by the producers," he suggests.
Source: (04.10.2013)
Photovoltaic Association Seeks International Audit of Bulgarian Energy Holding The Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA) has called for an independent audit by an international authority of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries, the National Electric Company (NEK) and the Electricity System Operator (ESO). The step was requested over a recent letter of BEH proposing the introduction of a 30% tax on photovoltaic power plants and restrictions on the output of all producers of renewable electricity, according to Meglena Rusenova, BPVA Chair, as cited by the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency (BTA). Rusenova commented that the proposal of BEH to use the funds raised through the tax for capitalizing NEK as "absurd and scandalous," adding that pouring money into unreformed state-owned energy firms would deepen the crisis in the sector and there would be no transparency about how NEK or BEH would use the proceeds. "We insist on an audit by an international body, which should recommend measures for restructuring BEH, which was also mentioned in the World Bank report published in Bulgaria on May 27, 2013,"the BPVA Chair declared. She said that giving up on reforms in state-owned energy firms actually denoted a refusal to upgrade the energy sector and an unwillingness to keep track of global development trends in the sphere. She said that an example of this was the obstructions placed byBEH subsidiaries like NEK and ESO before the launch of the balancing market. She informed that the BPVA members would announce their next steps after the government came up with an official stance of the proposal of BEH.
Source: Dnevnik (07.10.2013)
Export of electricity jumped 16 times Export of electricity from Bulgaria to neighboring countries increased about 16 times in late September from early June, when the crisis in the Bulgarian power generation was in full swing, according to data from ESO for interconnecting physical flows of electricity between Bulgaria and Serbia, the Republic of Macedonia, Greece, Turkey and Romania. The reasons for the significant growth in the export of electricity are complex, experts commented. On one hand, there is increased energy consumption in Bulgaria's neighboring countries. But a significant impact comes from the reduced export tax on Bulgarian electricity. As a result of the higher export, electricity producers use their capacities more fully, revenues in individual energy companies increase, as well as in the state budget, and jobs are kept.
Source: Standart (07.10.2013)
Electricity System Operator will take over the grid Bulgaria's Electricity System Operator (ESO) is set to take over the grid, currently run by the National Electric Company (NEK), as well as its asset-backed debt to banks. A new model for the redistribution of the companies is being discussed with NEK's creditors, revealed Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy, Ivan Ayolov. The splitting of NEK and ESO is a requirement under the Third Energy Liberalization Package of the European Commission. Bulgaria decided that ESO, which is a subsidiary of NEK should be transferred to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which owns NEK. It has become clear, however, that some of the creditors of NEK disapprove the transfer of assets to ESO due to the lack of an acceptable financial model and risks associated with the repayment of loans. Ayolov clarified that the new model is ready and has been consulted with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the European Investment Bank, and Credit Swiss Bank, which is among the nine creditors of NEK, said. Due to the delay of adopting the Third Energy Liberalization Package, Bulgaria is threatened with EUR 8448 daily fines if the EC Court in Luxembourg decides against the country.
Source: (09.10.2013)
Lukerg Renew to get 10.6 mln euro loan from Raiffeisen for 14 MW Bulgarian wind farm Austria's Lukerg Renew, a joint venture of Italys ERG Renew and Russias Lukoil Ecoenergo, has arranged EUR 10.6 million financing from Raiffeisen Bank International (RBI) for the acquisition of the 14 MW Hrabrovo wind farm in Bulgaria, ERG said in a press release. Raiffeisen will act as a mandated lead arranger for the loan, ERG added. Lukerg Renew bought in June the Hrabrovo wind farm from Danish turbines manufacturer Vestas. It has been fully operational since March 2012. The project was estimated at EUR 17.6 million, co-owner Vestas added in the press release on the sale of the facility. The financing is for five years and was agreed on in 2012 when Lukerg Renew and Raiffeisen bank signed a loan arrangement for a 40 megawatt (MW) wind farm in Bulgaria. The wind farm, which Lukerg bought from one of RBIs subsidiaries for EUR 52 million, brought the company a 10% share of the Bulgarian wind power market. (SeeNews)
Source: Other (09.10.2013)
EC may fund 11 Bulgarian energy infrastructure projects by 2020 The European Commission (EC) adopted a list of 250 energy infrastructure projects, which may receive funding of up to EUR 5.85 billion from the Connecting Europe Facility between 2014 and 2020. The projects will benefit from accelerated licensing procedures but should meet four requirements: at least two EU member states should benefit from them; they should develop energy markets and competition; they should improve the diversification of energy supply; and they should reduce carbon emissions. The list includes 11 Bulgarian energy projects, such as new electricity interconnections, gas interconnections, and expanding Chaira Hydro Power Plant, Capital Daily and Duma daily explain. EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger said: "We have to make sure that our limited funds are used wisely and that EU money goes where it can create most benefits to European consumers. With this list of energy infrastructure projects and their accompanying benefits we also hope to attract more investors."
Source: National television (15.10.2013)
Another state-owned company will be responsible for the electricity grid New state-owned company will measure the load on the power system and will calculate the surpluses and deficits of the electricity at different manufacturers. So far, its role is not clear. Perhaps the company will deal with the maintenance schedules for production plants from renewable sources (RES) and will support the activities of any balancing group of NEK. Green plants can become among the first customers of the new company as they should start to balance their production soon. Information is particularly important because the production of renewable energy is intermittent and often forces network operators and other manufacturers to adapt to green power. Energy Operator for Measurement and Information Technologies Spjsc , registered in the Commercial Register on 19 September, is solely owned by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) under whose umbrella are the big state-owned companies in the energy sector.
Source: Capital (16.10.2013)
Fed Delay Spurs Bond Sales From Bulgarian Energy to Gazprombank Bulgarian Energy Holding will meet investors next week for a possible debut sale of bonds in euros as emerging-market issuers from OAO Gazprombank to Brazil seize on bets the Federal Reserve will delay tapering stimulus. State-run Bulgarian Energy hired Citigroup Inc. and Raiffeisen Bank International AG for meetings in Europe from Oct. 28, a person familiar with the plan said today, asking not to be identified because the details are private. The company which controls assets in power, natural gas and coal mining, plans to sell securities after Poland and Romania raised benchmark-sized debt and as Brazil markets 2025 dollar bonds. Emerging-market issuers are stepping up debt sales amid bets the Fed will delay trimming its $85 billion of monthly asset purchases. Tapering will start in March after the U.S. government shutdown this month slowed fourth-quarter growth, according to a Bloomberg survey. Gazprombank, part owned by state-run OAO Gazprom, is selling 1 billion euros ($1.4 billion) of five-year bonds, a person familiar with the sale said today. Sovereign names will take this window of opportunity to issue now, Regis Chatellier, senior emerging-market sovereign strategist at Societe Generale SA in London, said by e-mail. I wouldnt be surprised if Hungary and Ukraine come to the market. Ukraine is monitoring international markets for a potential debt sale, First Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov said Oct. 17 in an interview in Brussels. Hungary is evaluating if conditions may improve further for a foreign-currency debt sale this year, Laszlo Andras Borbely, deputy chief executive officer of the debt agency, told reporters in Budapest Oct. 21. The average yield on emerging-market sovereign bonds tumbled 77 basis points, or 0.77 percentage point, to 4.8 percent at 4 p.m. in London since a 2013 high on Sept. 5, the Bloomberg USD Emerging Market Sovereign Bond Index (BEMS) shows. Qatar National Bank SAQ is selling $1.5 billion of three-and five-year debt today, while Russias Vneshprombank hired banks to arrange investor meetings from Oct. 29 for potential debut dollar bonds, people familiar with the plans said. Latvia, Pakistan and Honduras also announced plans to sell bonds. Increasing demand from investors enabled issuers to narrow spreads. Gazprombank priced five-year bonds at 280 basis points over the benchmark midswap rate compared with initial guidance in the low-300 basis-point area, the person said. Industrial Bank of Koreas 500 million-euro sale priced at a spread of 85 basis points over mid swaps, narrower than initial guidance of around 95 basis points, according to a person familiar with the transaction, who asked not to be identified.
Source: (25.10.2013)
Bulgarias Bulgartransgaz extends tender deadline for 4.6 mln euro gas storage project Bulgarias gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has extended the deadline of a 9.0 million levs tender for the construction of an exploitation well for the country's Chiren underground gas storage, the company said The deadline has been prolonged to November 28 from October 24, the company said in a filing on its website on Friday. It did not specify the reasons for the change. The project includes the construction of the pipeline to the well and a separation unit. The Chiren underground gas storage, located in northwestern Bulgaria, has 22 exploitation wells and a capacity to hold 550 million cubic metres of gas. Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH).
Source: Construction City (29.10.2013)
South Stream to be constructed by BG companies Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev informed that most of the work on the Bulgarian section of the South Stream will be done by local companies. This will help them to get out of the current difficult economic situation, he noted. Today marked the official start of the construction of the Bulgarian section of South Stream pipeline with a symbolic first connection of tubes at the compressor station of Rasovo. The event was broadcasted via video call to the Council of Ministers, where Gazprom leader Alexey Miller was hosted by the Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski and Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev. Furthermore, it was also agreed that the project will be carried out at a ratio of 70% of borrowed capital and 30% own capital. This means that the Bulgarian Energy Holding will have to take a loan of EUR 620 million, the energy minister informed. The compensation for it will come from the dividends from the pipe's transit fees for the transport Russian natural gas . Importantly, the earlier agreed interest rate of 8% for Bulgaria was lowered to 4.25%. Also, Bulgaria will receive a dividend already from 2018 and not in the initially agreed 15 years after the first flow of the gas in the tube. The minister estimated that for the period 2013 - 2043, Bulgaria will earn a staggering EUR 2.8 billion from the project.
Source: Standart (01.11.2013)
On 31 October 2013 the Bulgarian Energy Holding successfully completed prior recording of a bond issue in the amount of EUR 500 million. The issue has a maturity date in November 2018 and 4.287% interest. The original intention was to seek EUR 250 million, but after the queries were for about EUR 1.2 billion, or five times the amount, the issue was increased. Conditions agreed by BEH are better as compared to the bond issue placed by the Ministry of Finance in 2012 with a yield to maturity at the rate of 4.436% for EUR 950 million of the same maturity - 5 years, says in the message of the holding. Money is to cover the liabilities of NEK under the project of NPP Belene, as well as other investment projects, including gas connections.
Source: Dnevnik (01.11.2013)
Bulgaria's BEH Raises EUR 500 M from Bond Issue Bulgaria's state energy holding company BEH has raised EUR 500 M, the company announced as the early signing for its bond issue on international market was wrapped up. The company initially planned a EUR 250 M bond issue, needed to refinance debt which matures in May. The bond issue, which will cover the bridge financing, is for five years with an interest rate of 4.287%. BEH was incorporated in 2008 with a decision of the then ruling Socialist-led government. BEH EAD is a shareholding company with 100% state owned participation. The Holding includes Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD, Maritsa East 2 TPP EAD, Kozloduy NPP EAD, NEK EAD, Electricity System Operator EAD, Bulgargaz EAD, Bulgartransgaz EAD and Bulgartel EAD. All companies, brought together in the holding structure, preserve their operational independence and licenses, as they are all owned and directly subordinated to the corporate center BEH EAD. The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD is one of the largest companies in the region, and national energy leader. Bulgaria tapped last summer international markets to raise funds to repay the first tranche of about EUR 835 M (USD 1.07 B) in 11-year Eurobonds, which matured on January 15, 2013.
Source: Capital (04.11.2013)
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) opens a procedure for direct agreement on the construction of new nuclear capacity at the Kozloduy NPP. The press release is published on the official website of BEH on November 1, 2013. The original announcement reads, as follows: Based on Article 46, par.1, item 5 of its Internal Policies for procurement, tender and direct negotiations for supply, works and services, Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) is opening a procedure for direct negotiation for rewarding a contract with an advisor for Elaboration of a Roadmap for construction of a new nuclear power capacity in Kozloduy NPP options for developing the potential investment as an international project .
Source: Class (04.11.2013)
Two important documents, based on which was launched the South Stream pipeline construction, were signed. Without these documents, we will not give the start of the "South Stream". The first is the financial model, by which the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will receive a loan from Gazprom to build the project on Bulgarian territory, something that so far has been downplayed. The best possible financial conditions for Bulgaria were reached, said Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev. According to him, Bulgarian interest is fully protected and not a single BGN lev is to be paid by the taxpayers for the construction of the South Stream. The second important point is that Gazprom categorically refused to hold talks about the project company South Stream giving access to the pipeline to third parties. Eventually it was agreed and is very important because in this way European legislation is protected.
Source: Duma (04.11.2013)
Bulgaria Seeks Contractor for Roadmap for New Unit at Kozloduy NPP The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has opened a procedure for the preparation of a roadmap for building new nuclear capacity at the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The procedure will be awarded by direct agreement, according to a media statement of BEH, as cited by An opportunity will be sought to implement the investment plan as an international project. In early October, Bulgaria's Ministry of Environment and Water issued a positive statement on the environmental impact assessment (EIA) report on the project for a new unit at the Kozloduy NPP. In the summer of 2013, the Nuclear Regulatory Agency issued a permit for a site to be sought for new capacity at the Kozloduy NPP. At the end of last week, it emerged that BEH was issuing bonds worth over EUR 1 B. The company managed to raise EUR 500 M through 4-year bonds and it expects to receive another EUR 620 M at an interest rate of 4.25% from Gazprom. The loan from the Russian energy giant is related to the implementation of the South Stream gas pipeline project. The issue of a new unit at the Kozloduy NPP came up after the project for the construction of the Belene NPP was frozen by the center-right GERB government. The government headed by former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov stopped the implementation of the project over its high cost and decided to mount the reactor produced for the purpose at the Kozloduy NPP site. Meanwhile, Bulgaria is also striving to get an extension of the life of units 5, 6 of the Kozloduy NPP. A consortium of Russian Rosatomenergo and French Electricite de France are inspecting and evaluating the equipment and facilities at the two units and their report is to be published by mid-2014. The license of unit 5 of the Kozloduy NPP expires in November 2017 and that of unit 6 in October 2019. An inspection of a delegation of the European Parliament a week ago showed that steps were underway for the decommissioning of units 1-4 of the Kozloduy N-plant.
Source: Capital (05.11.2013)
Since the beginning of next year PIMK Plovdiv (one of the biggest Bulgarian road hauliers) should launch its project for ro-la transportation, said Penko Nestorov, one of the two owners of the company. According to Nestorov, PIMK participated and won a competition of the European Commission (EC) to support ro-la projects under the Marco Polo programme to reduce air pollution and ease traffic by directing loads to the railway tracks. However, the entire project should be run by a private company. The funds from the European Commission will be received subsequently and are not really much essential: PIMK will receive EUR 2 of support from Brussels per 500 tonne-kilometers transported under the new scheme, after the audit .
Source: Capital (05.11.2013)
Bulgaria to export Han Asparuh gas through the South Stream If the recent gas probes in the Han Asparuh block will be successful, Bulgaria will export the excess production via the South Stream pipeline. Via the mega-project, which was recently launched in Bulgaria and passes through Serbia and Hungary to Slovenia and Italy, Bulgarian gas could reach many new markets, experts say. The Bulgarian gas from Han Asparuh would also have also an alternative route to Europe: that would be through Romania via the Ruse - Giurgiu interconnector, which is expected to become operational at the beginning of next year. Currently, the gas flows only from Bulgaria to Romania. For the opposite, Bulgaria's northern neighbor should build a compressor station that pushes natural gas to our country. However, if the Bulgarian gas is poured into the system, it could still reach not only the Romanian consumers, but via a local transmission system Hungary as well. Following that, Bulgarian gas could be passed on to Austria and in particular to the European Gas Hub in Baumgarten, from which then it could be transferred to many other countries. Importantly, the Nabucco pipeline's scheduled route also passes near Baumgarten.
Source: Standart (05.11.2013)
Bulgaria gets 5 years grace period for South Stream payments Bulgaria will not pay any lev for the South Stream pipeline in the first 5 years, it became clear from the words Coalition for Bulgaria MP Tasko Ermenkov. The Russian side agreed for a five years grace period for the loan that the project company will take to fund the Bulgarian share of the construction. So the first 5 years of the pipeline will be free of interest and installments for Bulgaria. Given that the loan will have to be paid for 22-years, in real terms Bulgaria will pay contributions only in 17 of them, Ermenkov informed. Moreover, Bulgaria is set to receive dividends from the very first moment after which the pipeline starts to receive transit fees and receive transit fees. This money will be used to repay the loan. According Ermenkov, 80% of the transit fees received by Bulgaria will go to repay the loan and 20% will remain as profit. "Not a single lev of the Bulgarian taxpayer will be spent on the South Stream , th eMP informed. He added that the total amount that the project company must take as a credit for the Bulgarian financing share is EUR 620.7 million. The interest of the loan will be 4.25% , as opposed to the 8% agreed by the previous government. "We achieved significantly better results than the previously agreed conditions for South Stream, Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski emphasized . He added that Gazprom has also agreed to renegotiate two main points in accordance with the Bulgarian and thus also respectively the European legislation.
Source: Standart (07.11.2013)
Bulgarias ESO, NEK seek energy regulator's nod for split-up Bulgaria's Electricity System Operator (ESO) and national electricity company NEK are seeking the approval of the country's energy regulator for their ongoing split-up, the watchdog's director was quoted as saying on Thursday by local media. The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) received a couple of days ago the split-up documents of the two companies, Anzhela Toneva said at a meeting of the parliament's energy committee, according to daily Standart. Initially, Bulgaria planned to complete the unbundling by the end of June this year, but the process was delayed and is expected to be completed by Christmas, Standart said, quoting a statement of a senior government official made earlier this year. The unbundling of the two companies is required under the EUs Third Energy Liberalisation Package. After the separation, all contracts will be reviewed and adjusted to EU regulations, if needed. Following the split-up, ESO will perform all activities associated with construction, maintenance and connection to the countrys power grid, as well as the functions of measuring and reporting electricity consumption, which are currently provided by NEK. Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) took full control of ESO from NEK this summer. The holding company was set up in 2008 and controls Mini Maritza-Iztok, NEK, ESO, Bulgargaz and the countrys sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy.
Source: (08.11.2013)
BEH dismisses the CEO of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov Bulgarian Energy Holding decided to dismiss the CEO of Bulgargaz Dimitar Gogov, bTV. The official decision has not been confirmed yet by the Ministry of Economy and Energy and the Bulgarian Energy Holding. A declaration has already been filed at the Registry Agency by the directors of BEH for the former regional director of the National Revenue Agency Vidin Shishman Chaushev to be assigned on the released post.
Source: Agency Focus (11.11.2013)
Dimitar Gogov, former CEO of state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz has been replaced with Shishman Chaushev, former director of regional National Revenue Agency branch. Dimitar Gogov, former CEO of state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz who was surprisingly discharged from his post on Friday, confirmed himself for BNR that he is no longer chief executive of Bulgargaz and that his successor on the post will be Shishman Chaushev, former director of National Revenue Agency regional office in Vidin. Gogov also said that he was not informed about the decision for his replacement, reports BNR. The decision made by The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), an enterprise which brings together all state-owned energy companies is yet to be confirmed officially.
Source: Trud (11.11.2013)
BTC preparing a megaloan The Bulgarian Telecommunications Company (BTC) will carry out a road-show in London this week, the company announced, as cited by Capital Daily. The BTC intends to take a megaloan from financial markets. Its management will decide on the potential issuance of EUR 400 million of euro-denominated bonds maturing in five years with their expected rating being 1/-. The BTC will use the loan to refinance its existing debts. The BTC has specified the Irish Stock Exchange as its potential offering platform as the company has listed bonds for USD 150 million there. The global coordinators of the bonds emission will be Credit Suisse and VTB Capital, the intermediaries Barclays and Deutsche Bank, with co-manager Societe Generate. Since end-2012 the owner of BTC is a consortium between the majority shareholder of Corporate Commercial Bank (BTC) and the investment subsidiary of Russian VTB in London VTB Capital.
Source: Capital (11.11.2013)
BEH transferred dividend to the state Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) transferred the dividend due to the state, after which the plan on this item is overflowing over 100%. In a special account of the National Revenue Agency and BNB have been imported BGN 423.4 million at provided BGN 333.1 million in the Act on the State Budget. By the end of the year there are more transfers expected, said the Ministry of Finance. The sum here is the result of deductions from profits made by 86 companies in which the state is a shareholder. Largest donor is the energy holding, which transferred BGN 205.8 million, or nearly half of the sum. The company had to fulfill its commitment to the budget in July, but because of demonstrated financial problems it given a delay.
Source: Capital (20.11.2013)
Reuters: Bulgaria to decide on third nuclear reactor by end of year The Bulgarian government will take a decision on the construction of a third reactor at its sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, using U.S. technology, by the end of the year, its energy minister said on Saturday, Reuters reports. The Balkan country has hired Westinghouse to prepare a proposal for the new reactor, having shelved plans to build a new 2,000-MW plant at Belene on the Danube after failing to attract foreign investors to the 10 billion-euro project. "Bulgarian and American officials have discussed the construction of a new nuclear power plant reactor at Kozloduy," Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev told reporters after returning from a visit to the United States. "The size of the investment needs to be established. We expect that a financial model will be drawn up within six months." Stoynev said he was preparing a report on the subject to be submitted to Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski for approval, adding that construction could begin in 2016 and would last at least four years. He said the state-owned Export Credit Bank of Turkey, known as Eximbank, had expressed readiness to finance up to 70 percent of the project and Bulgaria planned to keep nuclear energy as one of the key sources in its mix of power sources. Bulgaria is one of the few European Union counties pursuing new reactor projects in the wake of the Fukushima disaster in Japan in 2011 and Germany's move to phase out nuclear power. Some 35 percent of energy produced in Bulgaria comes from the 2,000 MW Kozloduy plant, but the licence of one of its two reactors expires in November 2017 and the other two years later. Without new construction, "Bulgaria will have no more nuclear capacity in 15 years", Stoynev said. "More than half of our thermal power plants will be closed. "What shall we do then? We cannot remain solely reliant on hydro power generation or renewable energy sources. Now is the time to start working on building new capacity." Russia offered to finance the Belene plant in 2006 but Bulgaria's former centre-right government turned down the offer because of concerns Moscow would gain control of the EU country's nuclear future.
Source: Capital (25.11.2013)
6 tons of hydrochloric acid disappear from "Polymers" state reserve 6 tons of hydrochloric acid from the State Reserve in "Polymers " - Devnia disappeared, the trustee of the bankrupt enterprise alerted. According to Ivan Balabanov, the two tanks, which stored the acid drained between November 12-13 with traces leading to the nearby sewer and the Varna lake. The chemical waste is dangerous and highly explosive and could blow the whole area into the air if it explodes due to a spark, Balabanov warned. With numerous building pull-downs and pipe cuttings, there are many dangerous activities in the area which could trigger such a spark with a potentially devastating effect. Despite the alerts, state institutions have not taken any step to stop the looting. The problems started even before the announcement of the bankruptcy of the "Polymers" AD on December 2012. Now there is nothing left for sale from the company, while the list of creditors is long. As first stands NPP Kozloduy with BGN 9 million claims, followed by a state debt of BGN 6 million. The company also owns BGN 1 million to its staff for the unpaid wages and benefits, the trustee pointed out.
Source: Standart (26.11.2013)
Bulgarian State Enterprises Accrue Debt of BGN 10 B Bulgarian enterprises with over 50% State stake have accrued total debt of BGN 9.9 B, according to Deputy Prime Minister, Daniela Bobeva. Speaking Tuesday, at a conference dedicated to management of State-owned enterprises (with over 50% stake), Bobeva said that there were 249 such enterprises in the country with a net profit of BGN 220 M (with the exception of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, BEH) and a debt of 9 B, of which 5 B were short-term debt. The Deputy PM announced that she has organized 2 months ago a work group for new legislation on State participation in the economy, stressing this initiative was part of the government's program to boost economic growth. Bobeva explained that as the privatization of most of the State sector has concluded, the focus now should be better management of the remaining State enterprises as they form a significant part of the country's jobs and of the Gross Domestic Product, GDP. Better management includes new ways to appoint Boards of Directors and a new dividend policy of the State.
Source: Sega (27.11.2013)
Construction of South stream in Bulgarian waters starts next spring Construction of the section of gas pipe South stream, which passes under the Bulgarian part on the Black sea, will start in the spring of 2014. At present near Varna only short research for technology under which the pipes will enter in the country are being made. This was announced by the international company South Stream Transport which is owner of the project in its sea part. At the moment a competition procedure for choice of a subcontractor is under way, too. The very putting of pipes will start in the second quarter of 2014. By then the company will be ready with construction permit. Under the plan of the project the four pipes of South stream will be situated at 930 kilometers on the seas bottom from Anapa in Russia to Pasha Dere. The plot in Bulgarian waters for reception of facilities is about 230 km long. This includes passing micro tunnels under the Varna beach Pasha Dere that are about 1km long.
Source: Capital (28.11.2013)
National Electricity Company with a new boss On the 26th of November Bulgarian Energy Holding took a decision to release of NECs Board of Directors Vladimir Inkov. He will be replaced by Ekaterina Istatkova. Istatkova has a long-term experience in State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, where he headed department Economic analyses and regulatory auditing. A day later NECs Board of directors unilaterally chose for a new CEO the present member of the Board Yordan Jelev. Its the fifth change in the management of National Electricity Company from the start of the year.
Source: (29.11.2013)
Former State Power Co CEO to Chair South Stream Bulgaria The CEO of Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK) Vladimir Inkov will be appointed as director of South Stream Bulgaria. Earlier Friday it was reported that Inkov has been released from his duties as NEK CEO for unspecified reasons. "In the process if my work with Mr. Inkov I saw that he is a very professional person. That is why I will be appointing him in charge of this exceptionally important project," Bulgarian Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev told the BGNES agency. Stoynev however did not comment who is going to be appointed as new NEK director. According to BGNES, a probable replacement is Yordan Zhelev, who has served as NEK's board of directors chair. The news comes as the latest of a string of reshuffles in Bulgaria's state energy sector over the year. The construction of Bulgarian section of the South Stream pipeline, set to transport natural gas from Russia to Central Europe, was officially started in October.
Source: Capital (02.12.2013)
Bulgaria's govt plans to revive insolvent fertiliser plant Chimco Bulgaria plans to revive insolvent fertiliser plant Chimco, the economy ministry said. A financial plan for reviving the plant in Vratsa, in the northwest of the country, has been prepared, Dragomir Stoynev said, as quoted in a press release of the ministry on Saturday. He did not elaborate. Local daily newspaper Standart on Monday quoted Stoynev as saying that Bulgaria will invest some BGN 50 million in the plant. Chimco, which halted operations in 2003, used to be Bulgaria's biggest urea producer with an output capacity of 800,000 tonnes annually, accounting for approximately 3.5% of global production. The plant produced ammonia, carbon dioxide, argon and various types of catalysts, as well. It was declared bankrupt in 2004.
Source: Capital (03.12.2013)
EDCs want "access" charge for electricity generated from RES Enero-pro proposes an "access" charge for electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES), the Chairperson of the Management Board of Energo-pro Sales and Manager of Energo-pro Energy Services Plamen Stefanov announced on Tuesday. This happened during a public discussion organised by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) on the forthcoming issuance of licenses to electricity distribution companies (EDCs) as the so-called coordinators of special balancing groups. Energo-pro proposed a charge of BGN 4.90 per 1 MWh of hydroelectricity, around BGN 4 for electricity generated from biomass, over BGN 8 for solar power and around BGN 6 for wind power. EVN addressed a similar proposal. CEZ will request such a charge as well, but is has yet not estimated its amount, Duma daily reports.
Source: Standart (04.12.2013)
European Commission: South Stream bilateral deals breach EU law The bilateral agreements for the construction of the Gazprom-favoured South Stream gas pipeline concluded between Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria are all in breach of EU law and need to be renegotiated from scratch, the European Commission said on December 4. Speaking in the European Parliament, Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, director for energy markets at the European Commission, said the deals were in breach of EU law. "The Commission has looked into these intergovernmental agreements and came to the conclusion that none of the agreements is in compliance with EU law," Borchert said. "That is the reason why we have told these states that they are under the obligation, either coming from the EU treaties, or from the Energy Community treaty, that they have to ask for re-negotiation with Russia, to bring the intergovernmental agreements in line with EU law," he added. EU's Energy Commissioner, Gunther Oettinger, had just sent a letter to Russian energy minister Alexander Novak explaining the situation and asking him "to look positively" into the possibility of re-negotiating the deals with the countries concerned.These include EU members Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria, as well as Serbia, which is a member of the Energy Community, an EU-backed international agreement covering former communist countries of Eastern Europe. "What I can say is the intergovernmental agreements will not be the basis for the construction or the operation of South Stream. Because if the member states or states concerned are not renegotiating, then the Commission has the ways and means to oblige them to do so. And South Stream cannot operate under these agreements," Borchardt insisted.
Source: Standart (05.12.2013)
Boyan Boev to be elected chairman of the state energy regulator: minister We took decision for the appointed of Boyan Boev chairman of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) until the end of the mandate of Angela Toneva. Lilyana Mladenova will be appointed on the place of Mihail Dimitrov. That is what Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoinev said at a press conference, a reporter of FOCUS News Agency announced. I was informed last night that Angela Toneva and Dragomir Stoinev have resigned. As far as I know their decisions are based on personal motives. There is huge tension in the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, but there is tension in the energy sector as well, because the system is misbalanced, Minister Stoinev specified.
Source: Agency Focus (12.12.2013)
An influx of capital was the obstacle for complying with the regulation for deposits A sudden influx of capital in the end of November is the excuse of the major companies with state share from the energy sector in front of the Bulgarian Ministry of Economy and Energy, when they were asked why their money were still concentrated in one single bank. This is in breach with the regulation effective from December 4 and demanding more balanced distribution of capitals. Days before this date reports of companies like the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the National Electric Company (NEK), the nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy and Bulgargaz show that the companies capitals continue to be concentrated in Corporative Commercial Bank, the daily writes.
Source: Capital (12.12.2013)
Bulgarian Govt Moves to Build New NPP Unit Bulgaria's Cabinet has approved the report of the Minister of Economy and Energy, Dragomir Stoynev, on the need to build a new unit at the country's only nuclear power plant. With it, the Minister receives mandate to instruct the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to negotiate with a strategic investor and with US energy giant "Westinghouse," which is to build a reactor with its technology. The public radio, BNR, reported Wednesday that Stoynev has given the following details of the decision: to negotiate with Japan's "Toshiba Corporation" an agreement for a strategic investor for the project and construction of a new unit at the nuclear power plant NPP "Kozloduy" with technology reactor with water pressure AP 1000-3 + of the "Westinghouse Electric Company" US. The Council of Ministers further instructs the Minister of Economy and Energy to organize, coordinate and control the negotiations for structuring and financing of the project "Building a New Unit at NPP "Kozloduy." The decision of the Council of Ministers was made on December 11 in implementing a decision of the Council of Ministers from April 11, 2012, (during the term of the previous government), which is an agreement in principle to take actions necessary to build a new reactor at NPP Kozloduy. The investment of "Toshiba Corporation" is forecasted to be up to 30% of the project cost. "There will be a tender for the construction, but not for the technology because if there is one, this means that the State should buy all produced electricity. I do not want to doom the next generation to long-term contracts, and the seventh unit of NPP Kozloduy will operate on market basis," said Stoynev. At the end of November, speaking after a working visit to the US, he informed that talks with US energy giant Westinghouse were forthcoming and the construction of the new unit at the Kozloduy NPP could start in 2016, provided that the negotiations were successful. Stoynev emphasized that Bulgaria had opted for a technology, not a country, by choosing Westinghouse, explaining that safety had been the primary concern in the decision to use US technology. The Minister stressed then that in the case of a failure to reach agreement with Westinghouse, Bulgaria would seek other options as the country needs to replace units 5-6 of the Kozloduy NPP before they are stopped in 20 years' time. The issue of a new unit at the NPP Kozloduy came up after the project for the construction of the NPP Belene was frozen by the center-right GERB government. The government headed by former Prime Minister Boyko Borisov stopped the implementation of the project over its high cost and decided to mount the reactor produced in Russia for the purpose at the NPP Kozloduy site. Meanwhile, Bulgaria is also striving to get an extension of the life of units 5, 6 of the Kozloduy NPP. The license of unit 5 of NPP Kozloduy expires in November 2017 and that of unit 6 in October 2019.
Source: Capital (12.12.2013)
Bulgaria, Westinghouse Ink Deal on Kozloduy NPP The state Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and US company Westinghouse have inked a deal for coordination of parameters for a new reactor at Bulgaria's Kozloduy NPP. The contract was signed by BEH representatives and Westinghouse CEO Danny Roderick in the presence of Bulgarian PM Plamen Oresharski in Sofia Thursday Oresharski explained that the agreement sets a deadline of 9 months for preparatory work on the technical, financial and economic parameters of the project. He expressed his hopes that this preparatory work can be compeled ahead of that time. On his part, Westinghouse CEO Danny Roderick said his company is committed to efficiently and transparently complete the project, which he views as highly positive for Bulgaria's economic growth and energy security. The decision to negotiate with Westinghouse on the planned new Unit 7 of Kozloduy NPP was formally adopted by the Bulgarian cabinet on Wednesday, after plans for that were announced over the fall.
Source: Capital (13.12.2013)
Bulgaria eyes majority stake in troubled machine repair company Bulgaria's economy ministry and the state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding are holding preliminary talks on the acquisition of a majority stake in troubled industrial machine repair company Remotex-Radnevo. The move would make it possible to retain the workers and pay them their wages regularly, the ministry said in an statement made available to SeeNews on Friday. Remotex-Radnevo employs 561 and currently owes its workers some BGN 3.5 million in back wages, it added. "The economy ministry and BEH plan to rehabilitate Remotex-Radnevo, which would contribute to the company's sustained development in the long term," the ministry said. Remotex-Radnevo is one of the largest repair companies for heavy mining, transport and energy equipment in Bulgaria. According to Sofia-based Capital Daily, it was privatised by a local company Polet 21 in 2002.
Source: (14.12.2013)
Bulgarian energy branch reshuffle: Ivan Jonchev named as new director of Bulgarian Energy Holding Financier Ivan Jonchev is the new director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). He is taking the place of Bojan Boev, who resigned as he was elected President of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission on Wednesday. Ivan Jonchev has been a member of the Board of Directors of Mini Maritsa Iztok since October. His appointment is the latest chapter of the major reshuffle in the Bulgarian energy sector which started a few days ago. State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission President Angela Toneva handed in her resignation allegedly to become a governmental advisor. Bulgargas head Shishman Chaoushev also resigned last week, after only being appointed in November. His chair will be taken by Dafinka Iankova, the head of BEH's auditory body. Chaoushev, in turn, will become the new director of the Electricity System Operator.
Source: Novinar (16.12.2013)
Shah Deniz partners announce FID for Shah Deniz II gas project The Shah Deniz consortium announced on Tuesday the final investment decision (FID) for the second stage development of the Shah Deniz gas field in the Caspian Sea, offshore Azerbaijan, consortium co-venturer British Petroleum (BP) said. The FID triggers plans to expand the South Caucasus Pipeline through Azerbaijan and Georgia, to construct the Trans Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP) across Turkey and to construct the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) across Greece, Albania and into Italy. Together these projects, as well as gas transmission infrastructure to Bulgaria, will create a new Southern Gas Corridor to Europe, BP said in a press release. The total cost of the Shah Deniz Stage 2 and South Caucasus Pipeline (SCP) expansion projects will be around $28 billion (20.3 billion euro), it added. A total of 16 billion cubic metres (bcm) per year of gas produced from the giant Shah Deniz field will be carried some 3,500 kilometres to consumers in Georgia, Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria and Italy. First gas is targeted for late 2018, with sales to Georgia and Turkey. First deliveries to Europe will follow approximately a year later. Offshore, the Shah Deniz project includes drilling and completion of 26 subsea wells and construction of two bridge-linked platforms. Onshore there will be new processing and compression facilities at Sangachal. In the shorter term, the Shah Deniz partners have agreed terms with Azeri state-owned oil and gas company SOCAR for expanding production through the existing facilities by 1.4 bcm per year. The production increase is already in progress and is expected to be completed by the end of 2014. SOCAR and the Shah Deniz partners have also agreed terms for extending the Shah Deniz Production Sharing Agreement (PSA) up to 2048. The Shah Deniz partners have agreed to undertake exploration and appraisal work on prospects within the PSA area. "Todays decision means that gas sales contracts with nine European companies will now come into effect," BP said. As a result some 10 bcm per year of Shah Deniz gas are expected to be delivered for 25 years to customers in Italy, Greece and Bulgaria. In addition, some 6 bcm per year of Shah Deniz Stage 2 gas will be delivered to consumers in Turkey. All gas sales and transportation contracts will be managed by the Azerbaijan Gas Supply Company established by Shah Deniz co-venturers under the operatorship of SOCAR. Coincident with the FID, SOCAR purchased 6.7% equity in Shah Deniz and the South Caucasus Pipeline from Norway's Statoil, and BP purchased 3.3% equity in Shah Deniz and the South Caucasus Pipeline from Statoil. Both of these transactions are subject to conditions that are expected to be satisfied in 2014. The Shah Deniz co-venturers are: BP with a 28.8% stake, SOCAR with 16.7%, Statoil with 15.5%, France's Total with 10%, Lukoil with 10%, NICO with 10% and Turkish state-owned company TPAO with 9.0%. These percentages include the above-described purchases of equity from Statoil by BP and SOCAR, respectively, which are subject to conditions that are expected to be satisfied in 2014 for completion of the transactions. The TANAP partners are expected to be: SOCAR (68%), Turkish state-owned company BOTAS (20%) and BP (12%) following the purchase of TANAP interests by BOTAS and BP that are expected to be completed in 2014. The TAP partners are: SOCAR (20%), BP (20%), Statoil (20%), Fluxys (16%), Total (10%), Germany's E.ON (9.0%) and Switzerland's Axpo (5.0%).
Source: Capital (18.12.2013)
State-owned TPP seeks more money Almost a month after drawing a credit of over BGN 2 million, the state-owned Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP needs money again, shows a reference to the Public Procurement Register. The TPP seeks for a bank to lend BGN 50 million with maturity December 20, 2016. The plant will use the money to invest. On 19 November Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP borrowed BGN 2 million from CCB to cover the contribution to the Japanese Bank that had been granted as loans for rehabilitation of the facilities. Separately, since June the company uses BGN 20 mln loan for working capital. By this move the company has become the third state energy company in need of money to cover current needs after Bulgargaz and Kozloduy NPP. Maritsa Iztok 2 has received a loan of BGN 137 million in the middle of the year by its parent company BEH, according to the company's report. Maritsa Iztok 2 is second after Kozloduy NPP in cheapest electricity in the country. The company is also a major buyer of coal from Mines Maritsa Iztok.
Source: Trud (18.12.2013)
BEH gives BGN 191 million for South Stream without explanation Bulgarian Energy Holding will deposit BGN 191 million for capital increase of project company South Stream. This is evident from the invitation for the companys General meeting. The announced term is 16th of December. The same sum will be provided by Gazprom, too. Cited explanation is funding of the second part of the companys investment program for 2013. If the increase is made South Streams capital will become nearly BGN 400 million. Construction had to start in December but competition for contractor was frozen. The reason is that some of the candidates complained of the too short term - only two weeks, which were given for submission of offers. The total value of the Bulgarian section of the pipeline is assessed to EUR 4.1 billion
Source: Capital (19.12.2013)
Bulgaria officially authorises EC to lead negotiations on South Stream Bulgaria officially authorised the European Commission (EC) to lead the negotiations with Russia for the future construction of South Stream Gas Pipeline in Bulgaria. This happened after Bulgarian Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev submitted a letter to EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger. The meeting between Mr Stoynev and Mr Oettinger in Brussels on Wednesday was cancelled and was rescheduled for early 2014. The meeting between Mr Stoynev and Mr Oettinger had turned into a game of hide and seek. EC warned bilateral agreements on South Stream construction between Russia and Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria violated EU legislation and had to be renegotiated.
Source: Standart (19.12.2013)
New development on the energy exchange The state has registered the company Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange, which will be the operator of the stock market of electricity, said Minister Stoynev in an interview. A check in the Commercial Register showed that a company with such a name had not been registered and the Ministry of Economy and Energy did not respond to a request for more information on the topic. One person cannot appoint the management of network transmission operator while controlling manufacturing companies and supply, wrote in an open letter the private company Bulgarian Energy Exchange, referring to the EU directives. The reason is that it is assumed that the new company will be within the BEH. Bulgarian Energy Exchange claimed to have experienced partners such as the European bourse the European Power Exchange and the Italian company Edison. Both companies, however, have denied any connection with the Bulgarian company. Valentin Kolev, who until last week headed the State Electricity System Operator (ESO), explained that only ESO can be exchange operator and the exchange will start after the separation of ESO from NEK.
Source: Capital (20.12.2013)
South Stream Bulgaria retenders contract for local pipeline section South Stream Bulgaria has retendered the contract for the construction of the local section of the South Stream gas pipeline, local media reported on Thursday. The procedure was relaunched on the last working day of 2013. Bids can be placed until January 10. This is the second time that South Stream Bulgaria opens a selection procedure for the construction of the pipeline. In November, local media reported that the company had received seven letters of interest, but did not make a pick, saying that it wanted to attract more qualified participants and would open a new procedure. The Gazprom-spearheaded South Stream project aims to diversify gas routes within the European Union and to provide stable gas supplies from Russia to central and southern Europe. The onshore pipeline will connect Varna, on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, with northern Italy via Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia. The Bulgarian section is estimated to cost EUR 3.5 billion. South Stream is planned to go live by the end of 2015 with a capacity of some 63 billion cubic meters per year.
Source: Capital (06.01.2014)
NPP Kozloduy is upgraded with own funds Extending the life of the two remaining power units of NPP Kozloduy will be entirely financed by own funds of the plant, announced the CEO of the plant Ivan Genov. Planned upgrades will be carried out in two stages. The first will be worth BGN 200 million and will be updated until 2017. In the following five years NPP Kozloduy will gradually replace its equipment, which becomes outdated. New facilities will cost between EUR 100 million and EUR 200 million. "Figures are approximate because we will be pushing to bring down prices at the forthcoming auctions, but the important thing is that we have the means for the upcoming investments," says Genov. NPP ended 2013 with a profit of about BGN 35 million. "Apart from that we paid BGN 11 million for water, obsolete since 2012," stressed the head of the plant.
Source: Monitor (07.01.2014)
Bulgarias energy regulator gives nod to NEK, ESO split-up The Bulgarian energy regulator has given its approval to the split-up of state-owned electricity company NEK and Electricity System Operator (ESO). As a result of the unbundling, NEK will transfer to ESO some BGN 64.3 million in debts, which will bring the grid operator's current liabilities to BGN 102.7 million, the State Energy Regulatory Commission's decision dated December 18 showed. The electricity company will also transfer to its former unit BGN 2.2 billion in assets, including 295 substations and an electricity transmission network of 14,732 kilometres. Furthermore, ESO receives a 35-year electricity transmission licence. The approval takes effect upon its entry in the commercial registry, the energy regulator said. The unbundling of the two companies is required under the EUs Third Energy Liberalisation Package. After the separation, all contracts will be reviewed and adjusted to EU regulations, if needed. Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) - a holding company set up in 2008 which controls Mini Maritza-Iztok, NEK, ESO, Bulgargaz and the countrys sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy - took full control of ESO from NEK in 2013.
Source: Darik Radio (07.01.2014)
TAP signs contract with Greek interconnector to deliver Azeri gas to Bulgaria The Trans Adriatic Pipeline AG (TAP) and the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (ICGB) have signed an agreement laying the foundations for linking the two projects and thus bringing gas from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria, a country that depends on Russia for almost 100% of its gas imports. According to a press release from the TAP company, the two sides will work together on realising a possible interconnection point in the vicinity of Komotini, Greece. This will enable new gas supplies to flow into the Bulgarian gas network and further into the South Eastern Europe region. Lutz Landwehr, commercial director of TAP is quoted as saying that his company welcomes this agreement and sees it as an opportunity to transport Caspian gas to Bulgaria, thus enhancing diversification of supply and improving security of supply in the country and in the wider South Eastern Europe Region. Following the signature of the MOUC, TAP and ICGB the company in charge of a planned pipeline linking Greece to Bulgaria will start a cooperation focused on understanding the technical requirements of each project, exchanging views on best practices and on any other relevant issues that affect the development of either project.
Source: Standart (08.01.2014)
Bulgaria-Romania gas link to go into operation in March The gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Romania is expected to be completed and go into operation by the end of March, Bulgartransgaz said. Once the underwater section is completed, the gas interconnector can go into operation, the company said on Wednesday in a notice on its website. Construction works of the underwater section of the gas interconnector have been delayed due to technical problems related to the geological characteristics of the area under the Danube river, Bulgartransgaz, which, in partnership with Romanian gas transmission company Transgaz, is implementing the project, said. The pipeline on the Bulgarian territory was also delayed due to unexpected circumstances and was completed in August last year, the company added. The 25-kilometre pipeline links under the Danube river the southern Romanian village of Comasca with Marten, in northern Bulgaria. The project includes the construction of a 15 kilometre pipeline in Bulgaria, another 7.5 kilometres in Romania and a 2.5 underwater section. The maximum design capacity of the pipeline is 1.5 billion cubic metres a year, Bulgartransgaz noted.
Source: Duma (09.01.2014)
No plans to split Bulgarias Ministry of Economy and Energy: govt In connection with the publications spread in the media, we would like to inform that there is no plan for establishment of a separate Ministry of Energy or for any changes in the structure of the energy sector, and particularly concerning the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the press office of the Bulgarian Government announced.
Source: Agency Focus (10.01.2014)
South Stream Bulgaria: Construction starts in early spring The construction of the South Stream pipeline in Bulgaria will begin in early spring, Economy Minister Dragomir Stoynev informed, Standart daily reports. The constructors are only waiting for proper weather conditions, he noted. The Minister explained that the talks between Russia and the other countries through which the pipeline will pass, represented by the European Commission will not stop the construction. Work in Bulgaria will run simultaneously in many places, for the project to run as quickly as possible. The project is of key importance for Bulgaria, as the Bulgarian economy relies on the benefits which will be brought by the South Stream. In fact, the country is expecting a 2% GDP growth as a result of the mega-project, the biggest of its kind Bulgaria has ever seen, the minister forecasted. Currently the only worries about South Stream are merely organizational and logistical, he reassured. The exact number of the builder candidates for the Bulgarian stretch is expected to be published today , the daily concludes. The European Commission agreed to represent the affected countries in the negotiations with Moscow on the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline for it to correspond to the European requirements, it was agreed in a working breakfast between EU Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger and the relevant ministers from affected countries Bulgaria , Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Greece and Austria. The agreement was reported on yesterday's meeting of the Council of Ministers.
Source: Standart (10.01.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding about to create a new energy exchange controller The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH ) is registering a company to manage the energy market . The main purpose of the entity will be to organize the exchange market for the trading of energy," the explanation in the Commercial Register says. The company, named "Independent Bulgarian Energy Market will deal with electricity , gas, coal , emissions and green certificates and will be led by Konstantin Konstantinov. Its capital will 100 % owned by BEH. The Board of Directors also includes Nina Chuparova and Viara Marinova.
Source: (13.01.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding To Select 5 Banks to Service its Activity The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has announced a competition for the selection of five banks to service its activities. Bids will be accepted by January 24, according to a statement published on the website of the company. BEH informs that it is launching the procedure in order to comply with competition rules under which the net exposition of a contracting authority to a credit or financial institution cannot exceed 25% of the total cash of the contracting authority. In May 2013, the caretaker government of Prime Minister Marin Raykov adopted a decree stating that state-owned companies must not deposit more than 25% of their free capital with one single bank. A total of 234 companies were to ensure compliance with the decree by December 4. However, most of the state-owned energy companies failed to fulfill the requirement within the 6-month deadline, according to Over the past ten years, a large portion of the capital of Bulgarian state-owned companies was deposited with the Corporate Commercial Bank of Tsvetan Vasilev. In mid-December 2013, Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva reported that the rate of concentration of capital of state-owned companies was dropping and one bank contained 22.67% of the deposits by November 30, 2013, down by half compared to the rate in March 2013, at 47.05%
Source: Capital (14.01.2014)
11 Companies to Compete in Bulgarias South Stream Tender A total of 11 companies have registered for the tender for constructing the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) says it has received all valid applications by the deadline, January 10. The next step will consist of reviewing their documents and deciding which firms will progress to the 2nd round. Under the requirements, the winning firm would have to carry out a detailed design, supply the equipment and materials, complete the construction, and train the personnel responsible for putting the pipeline into exploitation. In early December, the EC cautioned that the bilateral intergovernmental agreements on the South Stream gas pipeline project between Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Austria and Croatia had to be renegotiated in order to comply with EU law. A groundbreaking ceremony for the Russian-sponsored gas pipeline project was held in Bulgaria at the end of October. The South Stream agreement was signed in the Bulgarian capital Sofia on November 15, 2012 by former Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller.
Source: (14.01.2014)
Constuction of Bulgaria Kozloduy NPP 7th unit may begin in 2016: minister Constuction of Bulgaria Kozloduy NPP 7th unit may begin in 2016. Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev announced the news at a ceremony in which agreements under the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund were signed for the financing of three high-priority projects, FOCUS News Agency reported. He remarked negotiations were currently being held as the Council of Ministers had granted a mandate for them to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Mr Stoynev said the BEH and American company Westinghouse desired, in case of clarified details and prepared documents, and if the European Commission approved it, to start the construction in 2016.
Source: Agency Focus (20.01.2014)
More expensive electricity to enterprises NPP Kozloduy and TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 have asked for renegotiation of the contract prices for electricity supply to the industry, which would be read as a demand for an increase. The demand was alarmed about in a joint letter the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers , Bulgarian Association of Metallurgical Industry and the Bulgarian Chamber of Chemical Industry to the Economy Minister Stoinev Dragomir, President of the SEWRC Boyan Boev, the Chairman of BEH George Hristosov and executives of both power plants - Ivan Genov and Zivko Dinchev. According to members of the three associations, NPP Kozloduy and TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 have grounded the request with the significant reduction of the fee for transfer. The head of NPP Kozloduy - Ivan Genov, said that since August 2013 transmission charge has dropped by BGN 13 and all reduction has gone in favor of consumers as the NPP is left with nothing. Therefore, the plant has asked its customers on the open market to find a common solution to the situation.
Source: Standart (20.01.2014)
CEO of Bulgaria's Maritsa Iztok Mines Replaced Georgi Zlatev has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of Bulgaria's largest coal mining company, the Maritsa Iztok Mines (Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD). Zlatev was appointed CEO of the state-owned company on Monday through a decision of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. The new CEO of the Maritsa Iztok Mines was previously chief executive of briquette producer Brikel of energy tycoon Hristo Kovachki, according to reports of In a Monday statement, Zlatev claimed that he did not know the reasons behind the decision to replace Stanimir Kazalachev, the previous CEO of the state-owned coal mining firm. Zlatev also made clear that he had been invited to become CEO of the Maritsa Iztok Mines by BEH. Asked to comment on proposed legal changes aimed at reducing the use of coal, he insisted that such a measure was impossible to implement in Bulgaria at the current stage. A few days ago Andon Andonov, MP from center-right party GERB (Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria), announced that the Maritsa Iztok Mines had to receive BGN 120 M from debtors. Several weeks ago, Bulgarian Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev bragged about a record-high coal output in December, at 3.3 million tones. On Friday, a contract was signed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, which should allow the Maritsa Iztok Mines to purchase of three new excavators, the first upgrade at the company since 1992.
Source: (21.01.2014)
The European commissioners decided not to interfere with South Stream Russia and EU agreed about creation of the working group which will be engaged in settlement of legal and technical questions of the South Stream project, various media sources report. Thus, conditions of the project will be coordinated bilaterally between the European Union and the Russian Federation without revision of the intergovernmental relations with transit countries. According to the deputy minister of Energy of Russia Anatoly Yanovsky, the task of the working group will consist in that the gas pipeline could function normally under EU laws. Terms of work of group aren't determined yet. Earlier European Commission representatives noted that "Gazprom" agreements with the European countries violated the law of EU by which tariffs for gas have to be offered independent managing directors and have to be confirmed with the regulator. The principles of the European gas market were contradicted also with that to the gas pipeline "Gazprom" will be able to dispose of the admission of other users only. The director of the department of the energy market of European Commission Claus-Dieter Borchardt declared that in case of refusal Russia from revision of agreements, the European countries will be obliged to terminate them. However Bulgaria, Hungary and Slovenia supported the Russian company, having emphasized that agreements were concluded on the South Stream project in 2008-2009 and completely corresponded to the European Union legislation at that time.
Source: Standart (21.01.2014)
Bulgartransgas will be balancing the gas market Gas transmission company Bulgartransgas is the most likely counterweight to the gas market. This emerged during the discussion of the new rules for trade in natural gas. A few weeks ago the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission published for discussions the new rules for trade in natural gas. New elements are the introduction of rocker on the market to intervene in situations where gas consumption does not match the stated amounts. The new rules also provide for consumers to switch supplier of natural gas at any time without fees and penalties. These texts were discussed with representatives of the business, gas companies and gas retailers. Bulgarian Association Natural Gas and Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers wanted a system for measuring of consumed amounts natural gas.
Source: (22.01.2014)
Russian agreements with South Stream project participants to be finalized by 2016 Russia's intergovernmental agreements with countries participating in the South Stream gas pipeline project will be finalized with the European Commission's mediation by 2016, Russian Ambassador to the EU Vladimir Chizhov told Russian reporters on Wednesday in the run-up to the 32nd Russia-EU summit that will be held in Brussels on January 28. An intergovernmental working group headed by RF Deputy Energy Minister Anatoly Yanovsky and head of the European Commission's Directorate General for Energy Dominique Ristori has already been created to this end.Chizhov recalled that Russia since 2008 had concluded intergovernmental agreements with all the countries through the territories of which the gas pipeline would run including Serbia and six EU countries Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria. "The European Commission has been pretending for quite a while that it has heard nothing about South Stream. Then, at some stage, receiving from the related countries copies of these agreements, the European Commission stated that all of them failed to comply with the EU Third Energy Package norms, that is, they should be denounced or revised. In the end, these six countries collectively asked the European Commission to undertake negotiations with Russia, to which European Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger agreed," Chizov said. The total rated capacity of South Stream during the first year of operation will be equal to some 16 billion cubic meters of gas, and then it will reach 63 billion cubic meters per year. At present, its construction has started in Bulgaria and Serbia, and Hungary will be next.
Source: Standart (23.01.2014)
Bulgaria's BEH invites bids for Remotex-Radnevo due diligence The state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on Thursday it has invited bids to conduct due diligence at troubled industrial machinery repair company Remotex-Radnevo. The Bulgarian economy ministry is considering acquiring a majority stake in Remotex-Radnevo in a move to save jobs and ensure regular payment of wages. Due to the significant mismatch between the expectations of the parties involved in the potential deal, BEH has initiated a due diligence procedure for a third-party objective assessment of the company, BEH said in a press release. The advisory deal would involve a complete financial, legal and technical audit of Remotex-Radnevo, as well as assessment of the market value of the company, a notice on BEHs website indicated. Offers should be submitted within 10 working days following the publication of the tender invite. The due diligence is expected to be completed within 30 days of the signing of the respective deal. Insolvent Remotex-Radnevo is among the largest providers in Bulgaria of repair services for heavy mining, transport and energy equipment. Earlier this month, energy minister Dragomir Stoynev said that the company is a loss-maker and has over BGN 25 million in debt. He added at the time that the government may abandon its acquisition plans if the company's current owner does not slash the steep asking price.
Source: Sega (24.01.2014)
Bulgaria-Turkey gas interconnector may be built in 2 years Gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Turkey may be constructed in a two-year deadline. Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy, Dragomir Stoynev, announced the information during the meeting with his Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister, Taner Y?ld?z, who is on a visit to Bulgaria, FOCUS News Agency journalist reported. In the beginning of my mandate I declared that I would work for the stability of the energy sector and for diversification. We held a good meeting. We do not talk about future intentions but about the way things will be done, Minister Stoynev remarked.
Source: Agency Focus (27.01.2014)
Bulgarias Bulgartransgaz to be in charge of Bulgarian-Turkish gas interconnector Bulgarias Bulgartransgaz company will represent Bulgaria in the construction of the Bulgarian-Turkish gas interconnector. Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy, Dragomir Stoynev, announced the information during the meeting with his Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister, Taner Y?ld?z, who is on a visit to Bulgaria, FOCUS News Agency journalist reported. This is the fastest way to realise this interconnector, Minister Stoynev remarked. The gas interconnection with Turkey turns to be one of the major sources of diversification. Mr Y?ld?z and I agreed on establishing the facility as fast as possible but we also agreed on concrete deadlines, the Bulgarian minister remarked. Minister Stoynev added that an agreement would be inked in March.
Source: Agency Focus (27.01.2014)
Bukgaria's grid operator seeks 7 banks for its funds Two weeks after the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced it seeks five banks to keep its funds at, its subsidiary company - the National Electricity Company (NEK) - also invited seven banks to distribute its deposits at. According to regulations that the interim government adopted in the spring of 2013, a single crediting institution should not hold more than 25% of the net funds of a state-owned company. According to Deputy PM Daniela Bobeva, all companies had met the condition by November. NEK is prepared to pay BGN 66,000 to the seven banks for their services.
Source: Trud (30.01.2014)
Russia's South Stream pipe shores up hefty contracts Russia's massive South Stream pipeline project for transporting gas to southern Europe took a big step forward today (29 January) as three companies secured EUR 1 billion worth of contracts to supply part of its offshore section. The 2,400 km pipeline, which Russian state-controlled gas producer Gazprom says will be fully operational by 2018, would be able to supply almost 15% of Europe's annual gas demand, pumping Russian gas through the Black Sea into southeastern Europe. It would bypass Ukraine, with whom Russia has had several gas transit disputes in the past years. The project has been frequently put into doubt over legal conflicts with the European Union and its economic viability. But South Stream made a big step forward on Wednesday after Europipe, OMK and Severstal secured the contracts to supply a first subsea section of the pipeline.
Source: Standart (30.01.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding has established Energy Investment Company" Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has established a new joint stock company, an information in the Commercial Register shows, reported The new company is "Energy Investment Company" with a capital of 50,000 BGN and is a wholly owned by BEH. The decision to create a new company is taken by the Board of directors of BEH on November 26 last year and approved by the principal of the holding - Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev on December 12. According to the BEH decision of 22 January, the new company will be managed by a three-member Board of Directors including Momchil Vekilov Vans (Chairman of the Board), Ilia Petrov Ivanov (CEO) and Delcho Grozev Hristosov. Yet the initial decision of 26 November indicates a different management team: Ilia Petrov Ivanov, Severin Stefanov Vartigov and Ina Lazarova Kirilova. This is the third company BEH established within the last six months. The holding has already established "Energy Operator for Measurement and Iinformation Technologies" and "Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange.
Source: Capital (05.02.2014)
Bulgaria's BEH says NEK, ESO split-up completed Bulgarian state-owned electricity company NEK and Electricity System Operator (ESO) completed on February 4 the last phase of their split-up, regarding the unbundling of the ownership of the network and the associated assets, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on Wednesday. The unbundling will allow ESO, as the owner of the grid, to start the process of its certification as an independent transmission operator as a further step in the development of a competitive and financially stable energy market, BEH said in a press release. The split-up of the two companies is required under the EUs Third Energy Liberalisation Package. Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) - a state-owned holding company set up in 2008 which controls Mini Maritza-Iztok, NEK, ESO, Bulgargaz and the countrys sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy - took full control of ESO from NEK in 2013.
Source: (06.02.2014)
Ekaterina Ivanova Appointed CEO of Bulgaria's National Electric Cof Ekaterina Ivanova is the new Chief Executive of Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK), according to Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev. A few days ago, the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) approved the removal of Yordan Zhelev from the post and appointed Ivanova, longtime member of the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (DKEVR), as his successor, according to reports of the BGNES news agency. Commenting on the reshuffle, Stoynev made clear Thursday that Zhelev, who was appointed CEO of NEK in end-November 2013, had received a better-paid job offer abroad which he had accepted. Stoynev claimed that the latest reshuffle at NEK underscored the need to increase the salaries of senior officials at state-owned enterprises so as to match the huge responsibilities which the positions presupposed.
Source: 24 chasa (07.02.2014)
Sofia heating utility owes over half a billion to NEC and BEH: energy minister The issue about Toplofikacia-Sofia (Sofia heating utility) is a very serious issue. We can not accuse the government in inaction on the issue, provided that Toplofikacia-Sofia owes over half a billion lev to the National Electricity Company (NEC) and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). That is what Bulgarian Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoinev said at a public council on energy, a reporter of FOCUS News Agency informed. People pay their bills, but arrears continue accumulating more and more. It is not good, Minister Stoinev said and added that the Consumer Association said that the problem with the abuses of Toplofikacia-Sofia is becoming more visible.
Source: Agency Focus (10.02.2014)
Bulgaria Confirms Interest in Gas Supplies from Azerbaijan Bulgaria's Economy and Energy Minister Dragomir Stoynev has confirmed Bulgaria's interest in receiving gas supplies from Azerbaijan. Stoynev met with senior executives of the state-owned oil and natural gas corporation of Azerbaijan, according to reports of During the meeting, Rovnag Abdulayev, President of State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), was positive that Azerbaijan and Bulgaria would deepen energy cooperation. Europe is expected to receive gas supplies from Azerbaijan in 2019, according to reports of The Shah Deniz consortium selected the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) to deliver gas volumes from the Shah Deniz stage 2 project to customers in Greece, Italy and Southeast Europe, neglecting the Nabucco gas pipeline project, planned to cross Bulgarian territory. The decision, however, does not mean that Bulgaria will not be able to receive gas supplies from Azerbaijan. In the beginning of the year, TAP and the Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector signed a memorandum of technical cooperation on the development of the strategic infrastructure in the region. The agreement will allow Bulgaria to receive gas supplies from the Caspian Sea through the Komotini-Stara Zagora gas pipeline interconnection. The TAP project connects to the Trans-Anatolian gas pipeline (TANAP) at the Turkish-Greek border. The TAP pipeline is to carry natural gas from the Caspian Sea from Greece, via Albania and the Adriatic Sea to Italy and further to Western Europe.
Source: Standart (14.02.2014)
Bulgarias part of South Stream energy project will correspond with the EU legislation: minister The South Stream gas pipeline project must correspond with the Bulgarian legislation and I can guarantee that it will happen in the part which passes through the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria, Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoinev said at a meeting with the French-Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, a reporter of FOCUS News Agency announced. For good or bad, I am Minister for both economy and energy, the Minister said at the meeting. It is very important to us to recover the energy sector in Bulgaria. We launched South Stream project, a project of great importance for Bulgaria because I dont what the nightmare from 2009 to repeat again. It is a project that will open new jobs. We agreed on lower interest rate and began receiving dividends from the first year, the Minister stated.
Source: Agency Focus (17.02.2014)
Standard & Poors decreased NECs rating Rating agency Standard & Poors decreased long-term credit rating of National Electricity Company from BB- to B+. Prospect before the rating is negative. The assessment is put due to shaken confidence in the quality of BEH as a creditor, as well as of the holdings propensity to continue helping its subsidiary. Thus the agency warns investors that the company has become riskier. In that way if NEC looks for loans future creditors have reasons to demand higher interest. NECs loss as of the end of October is to the amount of BGN 96 million. As to October NEC owes more than BGN 800 million for electric power bought from RES plants, as well as other BGN 215 million for long-term contracts with thermal power plants. The rating agency expects that BEH will go on supporting NEC financially. According to S&Ps calculations NEC owes BGN 960 million to BEH, while its intercompany debt is assessed to BGN 100 million.
Source: Capital (21.02.2014)
Azerbaijan increases gas supplies to Bulgaria by 300% The gas shipments from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria will increase threefold in 2019, Bulgaria's Minister of Economy Dragomir Stoynev announced after a meeting with Azeri President Ilham Aliyev. The planned 1 billion cubic meters will become 3 bcm. Ilham Aliyev gave assurances to the Bulgarian delegation and personally to Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski that a joint venture will be established with the Azeri company Sokar, which will work on the gasification of Bulgaria, both in domestic and industrial use. Sokar itself has also shown interest in investments in Bulgaria, mainly in the energy sector and more specifically in the gas sector, Stoynev announced. He added that Azerbaijan intends to invest in the expansion of gas storage in Chiren. Only 2% -3% of the population of Bulgaria has gas supply and thus investors are very interested in the issue, the Economy Minister added. With the development of TAP, Bulgaria will have the opportunity to receive greater quantities of gas. Although gas connections are in the process of project realization, Ilham Aliyev declared his personal his desire for the Sokar investment in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (21.02.2014)
Burgas is against the Alexandroupolis oil pipe The Oresharski cabinet can expect a firm opposition against the construction of the project pipeline "Burgas-Alexandroupolis", Standart daily reports, citing the Black Sea city's mayor Dimitar Nikolov. Nikolov spoke out against the project in an interview with bTV, after Russia signaled that the project could be put back on the agenda in April. 97% of the citizens of Burgas, Sozopol and Pomorie already voted against the project in a referendum, the daily recalls.
Source: Standart (24.02.2014)
12 specialists of the company - appraiser made an analysis of tangible assets on heavy mining equipment company Remotex - Radnevo. Commission is chosen by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). The analysis will be submitted to the holding, which intends to buy the company from its owner. Commission of lawyers, economists and engineers of the company - appraiser inspected the plant and its equipment. To representatives of the staff and the unions they reported that BEH had an audit of Remotex, which they were introduced to before coming to Radnevo. The deadline for submission of the evaluation is 10 March. The commission has refused to give more information about the potential market value of the company, but unofficial information claims it to be BGN 60 million, provided that the privatization price was BGN 9 million and currently Remotex has obligations of over BGN 20 million.
Source: (28.02.2014)
NPP Kozloduy on the verge of an investment program of EUR 1.5 billion Within a few months NPP Kozloduy will embark on two huge programs - one for the power increase and extend the life of the 5th and 6th reactors, and the second to build a completely new nuclear unit. It is expected that the first orders for the approximately EUR 400-million repair program will begin in a few months. Negotiations with Westinghouse to build a seventh reactor of the NPP are expected to be completed within a few months, the deadline that the U.S. company has give is September. The price of the new block is not yet clear, but according to partial information from various representatives of NPP Kozloduy, just the holding participation of the plant and the future co-investor Toshiba Corporation (which owns 87% of Westinghouse Electric) will total EUR 3 billion. NPP Kozloduy will come with a smaller amount in the project, as it will retrieve the site and will make investments to date, but the share payment is unlikely to be less than EUR 1 billion. So the two projects, the first of which must be completed in 2019-2020, and the second in 2020-2021, will place the nuclear plant and Bulgarian Energy Holding in front of nearly half a billion euros of direct investments in the next six or seven years, and at least twice as many credit guarantees.
Source: Capital (04.03.2014)
Bulgargaz wants gas price reduction by almost 3% The price of natural gas sold by Bulgarian state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz will fall by nearly 3% in Q2 of 2014. Bulgargaz submitted the proposal to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC). Bulgargaz, which is part of the structure of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is experiencing difficulties in paying for gas supplies by Gazprom in time. The reason is that Bulgarian heating utilities, and more specifically Toplofikatsiya Sofia, delay their payments to Bulgargaz. Toplofikatsiya Sofia owes Bulgargaz BGN 238 million, and further BGN 222 million to BEH. Bulgargaz was forced to take out a loan worth BGN 60 million from Corporate Commercial Bank in order to service its current obligations.
Source: Capital (11.03.2014)
Bulgaria Has Achieved its 2020 Renewable Energy Target Bulgaria, Estonia and Sweden have achieved their 2020 renewable energy targets, according to Eurostat. The share of renewables in gross final energy consumption is one of the headline indicators of the Europe 2020 strategy. The target to be reached by 2020 for the EU28 is a share of 20% renewable energy use in gross final energy consumption. The national targets take into account the Member States' different starting points, renewable energy potential and economic performance. In 2012, Bulgaria's share of renewables in gross final energy consumption stood at 16.3%, against a target of 16% for 2020. In 2004, Bulgaria's share of renewables in gross final energy consumption amounted to 9.6%, increasing to 14.4% in 2010 and to 14.6% in 2011. In 2012, energy from renewable sources was estimated to have contributed 14.1% of gross final energy consumption in the EU28, compared with 8.3% in 2004, the first year for which this data is available. Largest increases in share of renewables between 2004 and 2012 in Sweden, Denmark and Austria. Since 2004, the share of renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy grew in all Member States. The largest increases during this period were recorded in Sweden (from 38.7% in 2004 to 51.0% in 2012), Denmark (from 14.5% to 26.0%), Austria (from 22.7% to 32.1%), Greece (from 7.2% to 15.1%) and Italy (from 5.7% to 13.5%). The highest shares of renewable energy in final energy consumption in 2012 were found in Sweden (51.0% of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy), Latvia (35.8%), Finland (34.3%) and Austria (32.1%), and the lowest in Malta (1.4%), Luxembourg (3.1%), the United Kingdom (4.2%) and the Netherlands (4.5%). In 2011, Estonia was the first Member State to reach its 2020 target and in 2012 Bulgaria, Estonia and Sweden already achieved their 2020 targets (16%, 25% and 49% respectively).
Source: Capital (11.03.2014)
Bulgarian Gas Reserves in Chiren Depot to 'Enough for 45 Days' Bulgaria's main gas depot by the north-west village of Chiren contains reserves for 45 days. Due to the emergency situation in Ukraine, daily extraction of gas from Chiren has been halted, and accumulation of stockpile has been ordered instead, representatives of state entity Bulgargaz and gas transmission operator Bulgargaz have reported at a hearing in the Parliamentary Commission on Energy. Gas extraction is the usual practice at this time of the year. However, the possibility of halting supplies from Ukraine has led to increasing storage. According to the 2012 Emergency Action Plan, Chiren gas depot is to store at least 130 M cubic meters of gas, and as of March 12 it contains "a lot more" - some 192 M cubic meters. Every day in winter, gas consumption is between 10 and 14 M cubic meters on the coldest days, with half of this amount being distributed among heating companies. Connections with grids of neighboring countries Romania and Turkey are either under way or yet to be agreed and cannot be used as alternative sources of gas if a crisis sparks. Experts have explained to the parliamentary committee that the construction of a gas connection with Romania, on the other hand, will not meet the deadline, which is April, and even if completed, it would be unusable due to grid incompatibility. Transit gas pipelines could also provide Bulgaria with some 38 M cubic meters of gas. Building links with Turkey is also due to start soon, as Bulgargaz and Bulgargransgaz's Chief Executives went to Turkey's capital Ankara on Wednesday to sign a Memorandum on co-operation regarding the construction of such connections
Source: (13.03.2014)
5 Bulgarian + 1 Russian firms to build South Stream Consortium of Russian company Stroytransgaz and five Bulgarian companies will take over the construction of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream, two independent sources said. The news comes days after Brussels announced that it postpones negotiations with Russia on the South Stream, but the Bulgarian Minister of Economy Dragomir Stoynev said that freezing does not stop the work. The project company South Stream Bulgaria neither confirmed nor denied the information that Stroytransgaz was selected as the main contractor. The Ministry of Economy also declined to comment on the issue. Due to the confidentiality requirements, the consent of the bidders is needed to publish their names. Official information from the project company to date is that the auction involved 11 candidates and that four were admitted to the second stage. South Stream will be the largest construction contract in Bulgaria to date - more than EUR 3.5 billion. The construction of the pipeline is expected to boost the development of northern Bulgaria and the entire economy of the country , as the project will include native companies and workers. According to the non-confirmed information, the five Bulgarian companies that will participate in the construction of the South Stream are Industrial Construction Holding, Technoexportstroy , Glavbolgarstroi ( GBS ), Ponsstroyengineering and PST Holding .They are united in a joint stock company Gazproekt South with a capital of BGN 50,000. According to the Commercial Register, each five of the companies have an equal share in the joint stock structure.
Source: Standart (17.03.2014)
French want to work on South Stream French company Schneider Electric is interested and can be included in the construction of the South Stream project and the seventh unit of NPP Kozloduy. We believe that with our technical expertise and global experience we can contribute in a number of key areas for the country's economy," said General Director of Schneider Electric for Bulgaria Christophe de Lafarge. He added that the company has already worked at the NPP Kozloduy, TPP Maritza Iztok 2, Terminal 2, Mini Maritsa Iztok. Meanwhile it became clear that Moscow was approved the marine environment assessment of the South Stream, which will pass through Russian territory to the Black Sea.
Source: Standart (18.03.2014)
Debts of Sofia Heating Utility to Bulgargaz Swell to BGN 0.5B The debts of heating utility Toplofikatsiya Sofia to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) have increased to BGN 555 000 000. The debts of the heating utility increased after BEH was forced to yet again buy a portion of the debt of Toplofikatsiya Sofia to state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz worth BGN 128 M. The debt mostly consists of unpaid bills for gas supplies from Bulgargaz. The Sofia Municipality, the sole owner of the Sofia-based heating utility, is said to have made no constructive proposals for settling the debts of the company to state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz.
Source: Capital (19.03.2014)
Toplofikatsiya Sofias debt to Bulgarian Energy Holding reaches BGN 555 mln Sofia Municipality, as sole owner of the heating utility Toplofikatsiya Sofia, has not made any constructive proposals for the payment of the debts the company has amassed to Bulgargaz EAD, the press office of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced. Since the society has to receive the heating service, which requires supply of natural gas, and as a result of the lack of actions and any proposal for possible payment of the debt, BEH was forced, for yet another time, to buy another share of the debt of Toplofikatsiya Sofia to Bulgargaz, of BGN 128 million. Thus, the debt of the heating utility of the capital city Sofia to BEH and Bulgargaz amounts to BGN 555,000,000.
Source: Agency Focus (19.03.2014)
Fitch Ratings Affirms Bulgarian Energy Holding at 'BB+ Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Bulgarian Energy Holding's long-term foreign currency issuer default rating (IDR) and long-term local currency IDR at 'BB+' with a stable outlook. According to a statement of the Agency, BEH's EUR 500 M bond has been affirmed at foreign currency senior unsecured rating 'BB+'. According to Fitch Ratings, the ratings reflect the dominant position of BEH and its 100%-owned subsidiaries (BEH group) in the country's electricity and gas markets, and its strong links with the Bulgarian state (BBB-/Stable), mainly evidenced by state guarantees for about 30% of the group's debt and strong operational and strategic ties. The ratings also incorporate the weakness of the Bulgarian regulatory framework despite some recent improvements in relation to BEH, corporate governance limitations and the group's large capex plan for 2013-2017 that will likely increase its financial leverage. The key rating drivers are BEH's dominant marketing position, its strong links with the state, and the weakness of the regulatory regime. According to Fitch Ratings, the share of state-guaranteed debt decreased in 2013 to 30% from about 50% as all new debt raised in 2013, in particular the EUR 500 M bond, was without state guarantees. The agency reminds that state plans to guarantee a new EUR 80 M loan related to the gas interconnection project between Bulgaria and Greece. The group's liquidity is sufficient following the EUR 500 M five-year bond issue in November 2013, according to the statement. At end-2013 BEH group had cash of BGN 510 M versus short term debt of BGN 161 M, according to Fitch Ratings. According to the agency, BEH has also diversified its cash and cash equivalents with several local and international banks, a development which reduces the concentration risk highlighted by Fitch in the past.
Source: Capital (21.03.2014)
Gas price to fall by 4.56% in Bulgaria The price of natural gas will fall nearly 2 times higher than what Bulgargaz asked for, Standart daily reports citing regulator president Boyan Boev. He announced that the Commission plans to cut the price of natural gas with 4.56%. As a result, from April 1, industry and district heating will cost BGN 601.25 without VAT and excise duty instead of the current BGN 630. This is much larger discount than the 2.73% demanded by Bulgargaz. It is not yet clear whether the decrease in the price of gas will affect the cost of heating and hot water. The regulator has the right to change the price of the latter, if the cost of gas changes by 5%.
Source: Standart (21.03.2014)
Blacklisted Russian Tycoon to Build South Stream - Report Gennady Timchenko, included in US list of sanctions over Ukraine, is to build Bulgaria's part of the South Stream. The Russian official is reported to have a 63% share in Stroytransgaz, the company in charge of Bulgarian sector of the South Stream pipeline project. The information, quoted by website, has not been immediately confirmed by the Council of Ministers. Bulgaria's Economy Minister Dragomir Stoynev even announced on Friday he did not know which company is to manage the project on Bulgarian soil. Reports by online editions of Russian newspapers Kommersant and Vedomosti suggest that Timchenko has the main stakeholder in Stroytransgaz since 2007, even though his name does not appear on the company's website. Forbes describes Timchenko as the sixth richest Russian. The Financial Times has called him part of President Vladimir Putin's "inner circle". Sanctions imposed by the US earlier forced him to sell his 43% share in energy giant Gunvor, the world's fourth-largest oil trader.
Source: Capital (24.03.2014)
Energy holding keeps its interest for Chimko Bulgarian energy holding wasnt present on the auction for assets of the fertilizers plant Chimko based in Vratsa that took place on the 19th of March. The reason is that the announced price of BGN 28.5 million didnt correspond to their expectations. Yet the state holding plans acquiring assets of the ex-plant. The idea for Chimko is a synergy between production of urea and the fundamental need for electricity and gas, which make 80% of the value of this product. The companys economic and technical analyses have not been yet prepared, as well as the prospects for sale of these products. BEH intends to acquire assets or at least shares of Remotex, which is a strategic company for the East Maritsa power pool. Via the newly-founded company under the name of Energy Investment Company BEH is to complete its investment purposes. The aim is BEH to turn into a regional leader in the energy field.
Source: Dnevnik (25.03.2014)
Bulgaria's NEK mulls setting up export JVs in Serbia, Romania - media Bulgarian state-owned electricity company NEK may set up joint ventures in Serbia and Romania to facilitate its exports. BEH has lent NEK over BGN 900 million to pay energy producers. The company's CEO Yonchev also said that NEK and Electricity System Operator (ESO) are the only companies in the BEH group that closed 2013 in the red, according to preliminary estimates. Mines Maritsa Iztok reported minimum loss for 2013, as expectations are that the profit of the company will be to the amount of BGN 4.5 million.
Source: Standart (25.03.2014)
Bulgaria to Take Part in Project for Floating LNG Terminal near Kavala Bulgaria will participate in the construction of a floating liquefied natural gas terminal near the Greek city of Kavala in a bid to secure constant access to natural gas. Talks on the project are to be wrapped up by end-2014, according to the authorities in Athens. The idea to build a floating LNG terminal belongs to Greek state-owned gas company DEPA, which is in talks with the Bulgarian government for joint construction works. The construction of the facility will result in the establishment of a gas distribution network, thereby allowing Bulgaria to receive liquefied natural gas from Greece with the option of transporting it to Romania and Serbia. Experts have suggested that the construction of this vertical gas pipeline in the sea near Kavala will guarantee Bulgaria's energy security. Greece already has an LNG terminal on the islet of Revithoussa. Greece' Foreign Ministry announced that the agreement with Bulgaria was to be ratified by end-2014. The supply mechanism envisages a network of gas grid interconnections which will be supplied by the existing Greek LNG terminal, by one floating LNG terminal, and mainly by the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which will supply Azeri gas to Europe. Romania's government is also interested in joining the project for the floating LNG terminal at Kavala, according to Greek energy company DEPA.
Source: Darik Radio (31.03.2014)
BG power suppliers push for 16%-28% increase in electricity prices Up to 28 % higher electricity prices from 1 July were requested by Bulgaria's energy development companies. This became clear from the words of DKEVR President Boyan Boev, standart daily reports. He said that EVN asked for an increase of the day rate of around 8 %. Other suppliers CEZ and Energo-Pro , however , demanded 13%-14% higher electricity prices during the day. All three suppliers want the regulator to increase night rate by about 2 times that of the daily rate, Boev informed. This means that the price of electricity at night time in Bulgaria may rise by between 16 % and 28% compared to the current rate.
Source: Standart (03.04.2014)
Amendments to Bulgarias Energy Act are a step towards South Streams realisation: MP Draft bill on amendments and supplements to the Energy Act is a step towards the realisation of the South Stream gas pipeline project, which is the first energy project for the last decades, said Tasko Ermenkov, MP with the mandate-holder Coalition for Bulgaria. While the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB) were in power, they voted on the realisation of the South Stream project, while now they vote either against or abstain in the parliamentary committees. Now, when we started the real work, they accuse us putting Bulgaria under dependence. It is obvious that we are already in an electioneering atmosphere, Ermenkov remarked.
Source: Agency Focus (03.04.2014)
CEZ Bulgaria does not proposes electricity price hike CEZ Bulgaria power distribution company does not propose an increase of the price of electricity but rather calls for more balanced allocation of the shares of the different participants in the production-supply chain, which to guarantee the interests of the end-consumers, the press office of the company announced. CEZ calls for transparent, fair and equal determination of the electricity prices. Over the past year the share of CEZ in the end-price has been constantly decreased, from 13% in 2006-2007 to 0.9% now. At the moment CEZ gets BGN 0.90 per each BGN 100 electricity bill with which the company should realise its activities. Only in 2013 the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) cut the share of the company with 90%, while at the same time the share of the National Electricity Company (NEK), the Energy System Operator and the producers was increased with 11% to 82.45% of the end-price. CEZ is left with the smallest share, while at the same time it is the most important for the quality of the electricity provided to end-consumers. Such an imbalanced structure of the electricity price contradicts the major principles in the EU, where everyone along the chain is developing in a balanced principle. With the proposal filed at the SEWRC in the end of March CEZ calls for its share to be recovered to a level that allows the company to develop the biggest electricity distribution network in the country.
Source: Standart (04.04.2014)
Remotex - Radnevo employees to be hired at Bulgaria's Mini Maritsa Iztok The government will appoint the workers of Remotex Radnevo at a new unit of Mini Maritsa Iztok, but will not nationalise the company, Economy Minister Dragomir Stoynev announced. The governments analyses of the company have shown great indebtedness. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) took a decision to set up its own unit at Mini Maritsa Iztok to execute basic repair and rehabilitation activities upon the heavy mining equipment. The state mines are Remotex Radnevos main client, responsible for 76% of its income. Its largest creditor is First Investment Bank (Fibank) with the debt amounting to around BGN 15 million.
Source: (07.04.2014)
CEZ Offers Settlement to Bulgaria's Energy Company Power distributor CEZ has proposed a settlement to the Bulgarian National Electricity Company (NEK), officials from the state-owned utility announced Monday. On Tuesday CEZ sent a letter to NEK saying it was ready to engage in a dialogue over its debts to NEK. If such negotiations occur, NEK is ready to provide "about BGN 38 M [EUR 19 M]" (out of BGN 75 M) of its liabilities to NEK. Negotiations are already taking place, but officials from the company have declined to enter into details. Bulgaria's state watchdog DKEVR decided to give power distributors some more - until April 28 - time so that they could get to know "new evidence" suggesting the amount of debt to NEK. On its Monday session, DKEVR was to say whether it would suspend permits of three power distributors operating in Bulgaria over their failure to pay a total of BGN 350 M to the electricity company, but put off the decision.
Source: Dnevnik (08.04.2014)
Bulgaria to connect 30% of households to gas grid by 2030 - energy min Bulgaria is drafting an energy strategy under which it will connect 30% of households to the gas supply network by 2030, the energy ministry said on Tuesday. Bulgarians gas consumption is relatively low compared to that of the other European countries, where over 80% of citizens use gas in their daily activities, deputy energy minister Ivan Ayolov was quoted in a press release. The new energy strategy will aim to shrink the gap by increasing the domestic and industrial consumption of gas in the country. It will focus on strengthening Bulgarias role as a transit point for a number of gas links in the region, Ayolov added.
Source: Sega (09.04.2014)
South Stream will not turn to Crimea The route of the marine part of the pipeline South Stream will not be changed, South Stream Transport spokesman Jasper Jansen stated. A few days ago there started rumors in the European media that the route of the pipeline will be changed because of the accession of Crimea to the Russian Federation. "There is absolutely no such thing , and it is really not possible" Jansen noted. He added that there have been no studies at all so far for a different than the established route. He noted that this would mean a literal doubling of the project. "We are speaking about a total of 16,000 km of pipes. Moreover, South Stream Transport has already signed contracts with suppliers for the first two of four parallel pipelines that will link the Russian city of Anapa with the Bulgarian coast near Varna on the Black Sea" said Jansen. Changing the route of the South Stream was not discussed with the project partners and Brussels , said earlier in Sofia Deputy Economy Minister Ivan Ayolov at the opening of the International Congress " Environmental and Energy Foundations of Sustainable Development." He also added that he has no information that the EU Commission is preparing to freeze the South Stream as a sanction against Russia about its actions in Crimea, said Ayolov. According to the deputy minister, the changes to the Energy Act, which defines the marine part of the South Stream , have nothing to do with the EU. Therefore, the Ministry of Economy and Energy is calm about the upcoming meeting of Minister Dragomir Stoynev with Gunther Oettinger .
Source: Standart (09.04.2014)
Gazprom: Bulgaria can receive Russian gas for at least another 70 years, Serbia wants its profit back Bulgaria will receive Russian gas for at least another 70 years, production complex number 22 Gazprom Dobycha Urengoy Deputy Director Oleg Kabanov informed. For so long are estimated the reserves in the extraction places of the company , if the demand for natural gas in Russia and Europe remains at current levels. However, these stocks remain relatively constant over time . The reason is that for every 1 billion cubic meters of gas producing, the company makes new discoveries for the same amount, said Kabanov. Aleksandar Vucic, First Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia declared an opposition to the practice of Russian oil giant Gazprom, owner of a 56% stake in Serbia's Naftna Industrija Srbije (NIS), taking away the entire EUR 380 million profit of the Serbian company last year. Vucic claimed that Serbia had a right to use the profit according to its 29% stake in NIS. The money would be anyways used to settle the multi-million debt of the Serbian state-owned gas company Srbijagas to Gazprom.
Source: Standart (11.04.2014)
Russia's Stroytransgaz 'Wants Share' of Bulgarian Energy Holding The Russia company Stroytransgaz, reportedly owned by the blacklisted Gennady Tmchenko has proposed to buy a share in Bulgarian Energy Holding. Bulgarian government sources cited by Mediapool agency also revealed that Stroytransgaz, which might take part in the construction of the South Stream pipeline's Bulgarian section, has also expressed interest in Energoremont Holding, a producre of energy equipment and spare parts. An official press release by Energoremont Holding JSC confirms that "a Russian company" has shown desire to have a share in it, but does not specify further. The statement says that the Russian enterprise had expressed willingness to be a partner in the modernization of energy infrastructure, nuclear facilities, mining and railway transport. Stroytrangaz is almost fully owned by STG Holding Ltd, in which Gennady Timchenko's Volga Group has a 63% share. Timchenko, who formerly also owned global commodity trader Gunvor (but recently sold it), found his place in the US list of sanctions approved in mid-March as a reaction to Russia's incorporation of Crimea. He is also known as part of Russian President Vladimir Putin's inner circle. Stroytransgaz, a Gazprom subcontractor, was earlier reported to be one of the companies involved in the South Stream, but this is yet to be confirmed or denied by Bulgarian authorities. Bulgaria's Ministry of Economy and Energy on Wednesday dismissed claims it had entered negotiations over the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Capital (17.04.2014)
Bulgarian NPP Kozloduy shuts 1,000 MW unit for scheduled repairs Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy, on the Danube, has shut one of its 1,000 megawatt (MW) units for planned repairs, it said. Unit Five was switched off at 01.22 CET on April 20, the plant said in a statement published on its website. The repairs are scheduled to be completed by the end of May. During the downtime, the reactor will be reloaded with fresh fuel, it added. The plants other 1,000 MW unit, Unit Six, is operating at its full capacity. The Kozloduy NPP remained with two operational reactors of 1,000 MW each after the country closed down four units of 440 MW each to address nuclear safety concerns of the European Union prior to its accession to the bloc. Bulgaria joined the EU in 2007. In April 2012 the government decided to add another 1,000 MW unit to the plant.
Source: (22.04.2014)
The connection is ready: Gas from Greece to Bulgaria can flow within 10 hours From 1 January this year, existing interconnector gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece makes it technically possible for natural gas to flow to our country. This is the implementation of Regulation 994/2010, announced the Ministry of Economy and Energy. The information was confirmed by Bulgratransgaz and reverse supply is technically possible from Greece to Bulgaria through the existing connection point of the gas networks of DESFA Bulgartransgas - Kulata / Sidirokastro for up to 3 mln cub.m. per day . According to the official information, the daily gas consumption in Bulgaria under the present conditions is in the range between 7 and 9 million cubic meters per day. It is important to note that the processing time for reversing the flow at this point is not a month, but up to 10 hours. "After performing the necessary additional reconstructions in Greece, planned to take place in the summer of 2014, the time will be shortened to two hours," Bulgartransgas said.
Source: (24.04.2014)
Bulgaria seeks financial consultant for new unit at Kozloduy NPP Bulgaria has invited interested parties to state their intent to participate in a procedure for the selection of a financial consultant for the construction of a new 1,000 megawatt (MW) unit at its sole nuclear power plant (NPP) in Kozloduy, a tender notice indicated. The selected company will have to structure the project for the new NPP unit in compliance with national and international standards for project development in the nuclear field, to develop a model and a financial concept for the project, as well as negotiate with creditors, the notice published on the website of Kozloduy NPP-New Build, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the NPP operator that is in charge of the project, indicated. The three-stage selection procedure would involve conducting negotiations for determining the provisions of the contract with one or more candidates, shortlisted after the pre-selection phase. The submission deadline for statements of intent is May 16. At present, negotiations are conducted with the developer in specifying the terms and signing a shareholders agreement for the project, using an AP 1000, Generation III+ reactor manufactured by U.S.-based Westinghouse, the notice also indicated.
Source: (30.04.2014)
BEH had reduced by 85% taxes towards subsidiaries Bulgarian energy holding has cut taxes that it collects from subsidiaries for rendering of services by 85%. This became possible via signed last November annex to the contract between BEH and Its holding companies from 2009. As a result the energy holding reported reduction in revenues in the first three months of the year, as compared to the same period of last year by nearly 94%. That is to say that the decrease is from almost BGN 5 million to BGN 309 thousand. Reduced revenues from BEHs subsidiaries are offset by 312% growth in financial revenues. The increase is explained by proceeds to loans granted to related parties during the second half of 2013 and first three months of this year. For the first three months of the year BEHs financial result is to the amount of BGN 10.2 million. For the entire 2013 the holding is at a profit to the amount of BGN 227 million. Dividends deposited in the holding from its subsidiaries in 2013 are assessed to BGN 235.7 million.
Source: Monitor (08.05.2014)
Plamen Oresharski: At present there is no reason to anticipate gas supply cuts The situation in Ukraine has been tense right from the beginning. It is true that there has been an escalation in recent weeks. We have not changed our position, urging both parties involved to refrain from provocations ; authorities in Ukraine particularly to lead an integration policy and rely on diplomatic and political means to resolve this conflict, Prime Minister Oresharski said at briefing in the National Assembly . Asked whether there was a threat to gas and fuel supply to Bulgaria, the Prime Minister said that he hoped the threat was hypothetical, although there were various comments about the risks associated with gas transmission. At present we have no reason to anticipate gas supply cuts. Of course, there is always a risk in a situation like this, Mr. Oresharski added. Asked about the licenses of electricity distribution companies, the Prime Minister pointed out that there were uniform procedures, outlined in the law. The moment [distribution companies begin to comply with] the law, the procedure to revoke the license, which is currently underway, would be dropped. If they do not comply with Bulgarian legislation, the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission will likely take away their licenses. My instructions have always been to observe the law, the Prime Minister said.
Source: Novinar (08.05.2014)
Kozloduy NPP to Stop Paying Dividend to Bulgarian Energy Holding The Kozloduy NPP will be relieved of the obligation to pay dividend to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) in order to be able to cover the extension of the lives of unit 5 and 6. Under a scheme introduced two years ago, a dividend from the profit of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant is redirected to BEH. In 2013, it amounted to BGN 280 000 000. The Kozloduy NPP has repeatedly insisted that the company be relieved of this obligation in order to be able to implement the project for the 10-year extension of the lives of the 100-MW units 5 and 6 without taking a loan and by using its own resources. Stoynev, as cited by BNR, said Thursday that the final calculations on the project for the extension of the lives of units 5, 6 of the N-plant had to be seen in order to decide on the necessary steps. "I can assure you that units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy NPP will continue working. At present, the top priority is upgrade of units 5 and 6, the second most important task being, apart from the South Stream gas pipeline, the construction of unit 7 of the Kozloduy NPP," he declared. The Energy Minister also said that intensive talks were underway with US energy company Westinghouse on the project, adding that unit 7 of the Kozloduy NPP would only be built in the case of a clearly structured financial model. As regards the intentions of the state to buy bankrupt fertilizer plant Chimco AD, also known as Himko AD, and to restore a part of its production, Dragomir Stoynev explained that funding had already been earmarked for the acquisition and upgrade of Himko. He added that a trial launched by "extortionists" at an appellate court was preventing the receiver from organizing the second tender for the bankrupt fertilizer plant at which the state intended to buy it.
Source: (09.05.2014)
Only a handful of state companies have not met the rules for deposits Eight companies from the energy, industry and transport fields violate the rules for the concentration of deposits, a government report by end-March shows. A few companies exceed the 25% limitation for the concentration of their funds in a single bank and in some cases the reasons are justifiable. Energy companies, the ones which hold the greatest financial resource, have kept their commitment to distribute their deposits in more than one bank. Thus the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has distributed its funds among five banks, while in March 2013 it kept 88.2% of its money at Central Cooperative Bank (CCB). Bulgartransgaz also abides by the rules. In end-December its net exposure to CCB was over 31%. The companies that still maintain a higher share of deposits at a single bank by end-March are State Consolidation Company, National Company Industrial Zones, Industrial Logistics Park Burgas and LB Bulgaricum. LB Bulgaricum explained that the reason is a payment from a foreign contractor transferred in the last days of March, Capital daily reports.
Source: Capital (15.05.2014)
DKEVR : EDCs in Bulgaria have over 2,600 violations The audit of the three energy distribution companies in Bulgaria - CEZ , EVN and Energo-Pro - found more than 2,600 violations. This was announced by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission ( DKEVR ) in a press conference . The highest number of offenses is relating to the replacement of meters, it became clear from the inspection. By CEZ alone, 1088 violations were found out of 1283 checks ( 85 % of cases examined ). 349 were the violations at EVN in 553 checks - amounting to 63% of the examined cases. Other irregularities included the reporting of electricity consumption for a period longer than approved by the regulator. As such, consumers reported that instead of the statutory period of 31 days, the EDCs charged for a longer period, which increased the electricity bills of people, announced the regulator. Millions more revenue than established companies are reported throughout. They had a need for many smaller tech losses compared to what they said and were set by the regulatory authority , explained by the regulator . Also, the audit has found that the EDCs had larger revenues and profits than what they have reported. On May 12, the regulator adopted the reports of the working groups of the underlying regulatory audits of the three EDCs , which were prepared during four months by the commission experts and external analysts. These audits should not be confused with the procedure for the withdrawal of licenses which started on March 19, the regulator emphasized.
Source: Standart (15.05.2014)
Gazprom wants new rules for the South Stream Russia has prepared amendments to the Third Energy Package of the European Union (EU) , the rules of which currently prevent gas pipeline "South Stream" , the newspaper " Izvestia". The pipeline is expected to bypass the territory of Ukraine to deliver securely Russian gas to Europe. According to the Energy Liberalisation Package , however, provider of natural gas is required to share the pipes and make them accessible to other companies as well. According to the "wizard of Gazprom" Andrei Konoplyanik , a professor at the Russian State University Gubkin, amendments to the rules of the Third Energy Package could satisfy both antitrust laws in the EU and investors' interests in the South Stream simultaneously. Konoplyanik announced an initiative at a conference in Brussels on gas aspects of the energy dialogue between Russia and the EU. It offers that the the Third Energy Package should have a separate Article providing more opportunity in the design of large cross-border pipelines to make " subscriptions" for the major consumers of gas based on long term contracts. It is proposed that there would be fines for the non-purchase of the quantities requested.
Source: Standart (19.05.2014)
EBRD grants Bulgartransgaz funds for 21.8 mln euro gas transmission project Bulgarias gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has signed a grant agreement with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) for the construction of three gas transmission pipelines with automatic gas regulation stations (AGRS), estimated at 21.79 million euro ($30 million), Bulgartransgaz said on Thursday. Some 11 million euro for the implementation of the project will be financed by grant funds provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), administered by EBRD and set up with EU funds to support projects related to the decommissioning of four nuclear reactors at Kozloduy NPP as well as to supports projects for restructuring and upgrades in Bulgaria's energy sector. The remaining 10.79 million euro will be co-financed by Bulgartransgaz with own funds. Construction works of the three gas transmission pipelines, which will create some 500 jobs, is planned to be completed by 2016. The gas pipeline branches will have a total length of 122 metres and will be on the territory of the municipalities of Svishtov, Pirdop, Bansko, Panagyurishte, and Razlog, Bulgartransgaz said in a press release. The projects implementation will enable natural gas supply to seven other municipalities - Belene, Nikopol, Zlatitsa, Strelcha, Mirkovo, Chavdar, and Chelopech by construction of gas distribution networks from these branches. Over 104,000 people from the 12 municipalities, with an estimates total annual gas consumption of 183 million cubic metres, will have access to natural gas after the implementation of the project, according to the company. Bulgartransgaz is part of state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH)
Source: (23.05.2014)
Putin: Russia might have to look for alternative South Stream route Russia might have to re-route the South Stream gas pipeline if problems on the European Union's part with respect to the project continue, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with media bosses in St. Petersburg. "If we continue to have problems with South Stream, and Brussels is constantly throwing a spanner in the works of this project, then we'll look at other options via non-EU countries," he said. In that even, Brussels will get "another transit country," he said. "Why they do this, in Brussels, I don't know. But if they don't obstruct us we are minded to carry these projects, both Nord Stream and South Stream, out," he said.
Source: Standart (26.05.2014)
Bulgaria ranks 73rd in the world in terms of natural gas production Bulgaria is the 73rd largest natural gas producer in the world with 410 million cubic meters, according to 2012 data compiled by the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The US is leading the CIA chart, followed by Russia, Iran, the EU, Canada and Qatar. In 2013, however, the National Statistical Institute (NSI) saw natural gas production in Bulgaria drop to 278 million cubic meters over some difficulties in the development of the countrys main gas fields near Kavarna and Kaliakra. Domestic natural gas output in 2013 accounted for 9.7% of the countrys annual consumption of 2.861 bcm.
Source: Presa (27.05.2014)
Stroytransgaz Consortium wins tender for South Stream in Bulgaria Stroytransgaz Consortium comprised of the Russian Stroytransgaz oil and gas construction company and Bulgarian Gazproekt Jug AD has won the tender for the design, equipment supplies and construction of the main pipeline South Stream's 541-kilometer section in Bulgaria, ITAR TASS reports. The public tender that started last December gathered 11 contenders from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany, India, Italy, Russia, Switzerland and Japan. Stroyrtransgaz is preparing to get the 6.6 billion contracts for the construction of South Stream dry sections in Bulgaria, Serbia and Slovenia. Bulgarian section of the pipeline is the first dry section along the route, the most technologically complicated and capital-intensive. From the Black Sea coast to the border with Serbia, the company will lay the pipeline and a 59-kilometer spur to the gas distribution junction in the town of Provadia that will redistribute gas to the Bulgarian pipeline system and further to the customers of Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. A receiving terminal and three compressor stations with a total 300 MW capacity are planned near the city of Varna, and Lozen and Rasovo villages.
Source: Standart (28.05.2014)
US shale gas giant Chevron is leaving Bulgaria U.S. oil company Chevron is withdrawing from Bulgaria. Chevron has not been active in Bulgaria for several years. In 2011 the company received a permit to extract shale gas in northeastern Bulgaria, but then a moratorium was imposed on activities using fracking for gas extraction in Bulgaria. "No self-respecting company can afford to lose money in the absence of perspective and the apparent lack of interest of a number of Bulgarian governments in the development of one of the few options for local oil and gas ... Unlike other companies, Chevron can not be "operated" by a Bulgarian or Balkan way, applying the methods that worked well elswhere by motivating political circles and civil servants" said in his blog energy expert and Bulgaria's former ambassador to Moscow Ilian Vassilev. Despite the withdrawal from Bulgaria, Chevron will continue its projects in Romania and Poland. Chevron Romania received some concessions for the exploration and extraction of shale gas in the country. One is in the northeastern part and covers an area of 6350 square kilometers and the other in southeastern Romania, with an area of 2711 sq. km. The group has already started exploration activities in some of the areas and experimental production is expected to begin this year. According to local media, revenue for the Romanian state will be between 3.5% and 13% depending on the size of the deposits. Attempts by the company to start operations were interrupted twice last year after opponents of shale gas extraction blocked the company's machines .
Source: Standart (28.05.2014)
Greece's DESFA Ready to Reverse Gas Flow to Bulgaria Greece's gas transmission network operator DESFA has guaranteed its readiness to reverse gas flow through the reverse-flow gas grid interconnection Kulata/Sidirokastro. As a result, Bulgaria will be able to receive gas supplies from Greece, in the case of a gas crisis. The gas company specifies in a statement that it has concluded the first stage of the upgrade of the existing gas grid interconnection, installing valves which allow the reverse flow of natural gas, according to reports of Remote control of the Kulata/Sidirokastro station has also been introduced. The investment amounts to EUR 3.3 M and was fully covered by DESFA. The Greek gas company argues that the upgrade contributes to the development of the regional gas markets in Southeastern Europe. DESFA expects gas traders in Bulgaria and Greece to express interest in the new capacity of the gas grid interconnection. The finalization of this stage of the upgrade of the gas grid interconnection comes against the backdrop of the threats of Russian Gazprom to cut gas shipments to Ukraine on June 3. Gas deliveries to Ukraine will be suspended if the country fails to pay in advance for June deliveries or if the talks between the EU, Russia and Ukraine collapse.
Source: Standart (30.05.2014)
Bulgarians buy electricity from green plants as much as from NPP and TPP 2 Bulgarian customers and small businesses will consume and pay amounts of electricity from expensive green plants that are almost equal to the ones from cheap energy of NPP Kozloduy and TPP Maritsa Iztok 2. The energy mix of the country for the period 1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015 shows that renewable energy plants will sell the regulated market a total of 3 billion kWh of energy, and the two state plants - 3.36 billion kWh. The average price of electricity produced by green plants is BGN 0.3 per kWh without VAT, while electricity from NPP Kozloduy is BGN 0.03, and from TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 BGN 0.072 without VAT. Thus next one year starting the new prices customers on the regulated market will pay over BGN 663 million for green energy against BGN 170 million for electricity from the two state-owned plants.
Source: Monitor (02.06.2014)
EU Commissioner Ties South Stream to Russia's Stance on Ukraine EU Energy Commissioner Gunther Oettinger has tied the South Stream gas pipeline to the political behavior of Russia in the conflict in Ukraine. In an interview for the Frankfurt Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (F.A.S.), he commented that the discussion had come to a standstill because Russia did not want to accept EU energy legislation and because the crisis in Ukraine had eclipsed everything. "We will continue the talks if the Russian partners go back to adhering to international legal practice and if they are ready for constructive cooperation on the basis of our energy law" Oettinger said. He made clear that contentious issues had been discussed on a working level. "In the current situation, with civil war-like conditions in the eastern Ukraine and without Moscow's recognition of the government in Kiev, we will certainly not arrive at a political conclusion of our negotiations," he stated. The South Stream gas pipeline is to run under the Black Sea from Russia to Bulgaria, where it will go ashore, with one section going to Italy via Greece and one section going to Austria via Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia, F.A.S reminds.
Source: 3e-news (02.06.2014)
Bulgaria seeks money from EIB and EBRD for a gas interconnection with Greece Bulgaria is conducting negotiations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB) for a loan for construction of a gas interconnection between Haskovo (Bulgaria) and Komotini (Greece), Ivan Aylov, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy said. The construction of the gas pipeline is expected to be completed by end-2016. Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) should take out a loan of EUR 80 million for the construction. The loan will be government guaranteed.
Source: 3e-news (05.06.2014)
South Stream realisation to continue only if in line with EU rules: Bulgaria PM (ROUNDUP) One of the important aspects of the energy security on the continent as a whole, we are a country heavily dependent on a single supplier of natural gas. I informed the U.S. senators with our efforts in the last year, and before that, for the diversification of gas supply and the priority that we place on the southern gas corridor Shah Deniz. That is what Bulgarian Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski said after a meeting with Senators in the U.S. Congress, John McCain, Ron Johnson and Christopher Murphy. "We discussed the South Stream issue and the issue with the requests from the European Commission on the procedures of the European legislation. I pointed out that the realization of the project will continue only after removing any observations of Brussels and after we specify its further implementation," PM Oresharski added. Asked whether companies involved in the construction of South Stream gas pipeline project will receive sanctions and what would be the penalty, Oresharski explained: "We have a request from the European Commission. The course of the further work is depending on the consultations with Brussels. Oresharski said he did not know whether the contracts could become public as they are signed between private companies.
Source: 3e-news (09.06.2014)
Half billion euro needed for life extension of units 5 and 6 of Kozloduy NPP, according to Rosenergoatom estimate The projected cost of the extension of the lives of units 5 and 6 of the Bulgarian Kozloduy nuclear power plant has been increased to 500-600 mln euro. The evaluation of Stanislav Antipov, Deputy Director-General of Rosenergoatom has been increased from the forecast of 400 mln euro announced in the beginning of 2014 and the 266 mln euro estimate presented in 2012. Rosenenergoatom includes the research organizations which were involved in the designing of the two 1000 MW units of the Kozloduy NPP, which makes it only logical for Bulgaria to consult Rosenergoatom about the life extension of units 5 and 6 of the N-plant whose licenses expire in 2017 and 2019, respectively, according to the BGNES news agency. Antipov claimed that Bulgaria had delayed the launch of the life extension procedure for the two N-plant units. He suggested that the procedure would have started at least 6 years before the deadline in Russia, while in Bulgaria it had been launched as late as 2012, mainly for political reasons. He was optimistic that the two N-plant units would be granted life extensions, adding that they would be permitted to function for another 15-20 years after that.
Source: Standart (10.06.2014)
Bulgaria has gas reserves for 4 months The Bulgarian government can ensure natural gas supplies for at least three to four months if a price dispute between Moscow and Kiev leads to supply disruptions, Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva said on Monday, Reuters reports. Bulgaria is one of the European Union countries most exposed to possible gas supply cuts, as it gets almost all of its gas from Russia's Gazprom via one route through Ukraine. "We made a decision to increase the gas stockpile, and we also have ideas for alternative supplies," Bobeva told reporters. Russia cut off gas to Ukraine on Monday in a dispute over unpaid bills that could disrupt supplies to the rest of Europe and set back hopes for peace in the former Soviet republic. In a separate statement, the Bulgarian energy ministry said gas inflows from Russia had not been disrupted for the time being. It said the country had gas stocks that could meet demand for at least 100 days at about 65 percent of the daily need. The Balkan country can also reverse an existing gas pipeline with Greece and receive additional quantities of up to 3 million cubic meters (mcm) per day from Greece in case of emergency, Reuters reminds. The country's daily gas need stand at an average of 3.3 mcm per day.
Source: Standart (17.06.2014)
Bulgaria's Government Demands Urgently Dividends from State Companies Bulgaria's Government demanded urgent payments of dividends from the companies with over 50% state ownership. With an order of June 11 the Council of Ministers demanded 70% of the profits to be paid to the shareholders by today, June 16. The state-owned hospitals are exempt. Sofia Airport and the Air Traffic Control companies must pay 90% and 100%, respectively. By law, payments of dividends must happen by July 15. It is unclear why Government gave only four business days to the companies, but, according to the media, the reason most likely is the lower than expected budget revenue.
Source: 3e-news (17.06.2014)
US Park Place Energy Corp. signs agreement for exploration of oil and gas in Bulgaria Park Place Energy Corp. has signed the License Agreement for the Vranino Block 1-11 with the Ministry of Economy and Energy on behalf of the Republic of Bulgaria on April 1, 2014. The Vranino exploration permit covers 98,205 acres (397.42 in Northeast Bulgaria. The permit is for a term of 5 years with up to an additional 5 years in extensions possible. Upon demonstration of a commercial discovery, the permit can be converted to an exploitation license of up to 35 years in length. The company is preparing to submit a 5 year work program and a more detailed first year work program for government approval. This work program will include acquisition of 2D and 3D seismic as well as drilling 5 new wells (or the equivalent of 10,000 meters of new wellbore). The work program is designed to demonstrate the technical and commercial feasibility of exploiting the known coal resources as a potential natural gas development. The company will use the latest technologies available, including horizontal drilling, to unlock the natural gas potential of this area. We are delighted with this development. The signing of the formal license agreement represents a significant milestone for Park Place, Scott Larsen, President of Park Place said. Since resolving the permit dispute in mid-2013, the Company has been actively gathering and evaluating a large amount of technical data that was derived from the earlier exploration activities, which focused on the potential to mine coal from the extensive coal beds found at depths between approximately 4,000 to 7,000 feet (1,200 to 2,200 meters). The Company plans to continue the evaluation of existing data through this year to refine its future appraisal plans for natural gas production from the coal beds.
Source: 3e-news (18.06.2014)
US giant Westinghouse is looking for BG suppliers US giant Westinghouse, assigned to construct Block VII of Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy is evaluating Bulgarian companies, which might be included in the building works of reactor production equipment, service delivery and more, Westinghouse Europe head Mike Kirst told the Bulgarian National Radio. He added that the company is also analyzing opportunities to transfer technology to Bulgaria and to train future operators of its AP 1000 technology. Westinghouse would really want to use the available assets in Bulgaria, including human resources, Kirst pointed out. According to the expert, Westinghouse will be able to find partners and work in Bulgaria as it does on other similar projects around the world. The U.S. company is pleased with the consensus in Bulgaria about the development of nuclear energy and that all political parties in the recent years have supported the VIIth block for NPP Kozloduy. Kirst also added that Westinghouse is gtinget along very well with its Bulgarian partners and that its negotiations in the country are very effective.
Source: Standart (23.06.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding diversifies portfolio to avoid financial risk The Bulgarian Energy Holding has started redistributing its funds among various banks with the aim to reduce risk arising from concentration of assets in one bank. Presently no subsidiary of the BEH holds over 25% of its funds in a single bank. A few months ago the Corporate Commercial Bank held 72.62% of Bulgargas assets. The company informed that a client made a payment on 30.12.2013 in the amount of 92.78% f assets. Thereafter the company announced several public procurements to select other banks. At that time Bulgartransgas had contracts with 5 banks, but the CCB held 31.12% f its assets. The firm noted that the contract predated the rules against fund concentration and its early termination would result in significant losses.
Source: Standart (23.06.2014)
Bulgarian government approves 22 mln BGN for Kozloduy NPP units decommissioning Government has approved additional expenses at the amount of BGN 22 million under the 2014 budget of the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the press service of the Bulgarian government announced. The resources were envisaged in the state budget to financially cover the activities connected with the decommissioning of the first four units of Kozloduy NPP in compliance with Bulgarias obligations to co-finance a project under the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund, Focus News said. With decisions of the Council of Ministers made in 2008 and 2012 the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th units of Kozloduy NPP were declared facilities due to be decommissioned and were gratuitously granted to be managed by State Enterprise Radioactive Waste. The adopted conception envisages the decommissioning activities, which are to reach a brownfield status, to be completed by 2030.
Source: (03.07.2014)
Westinghouse seen bagging Bulgarian nuclear deal Westinghouse Electric is expected to clinch a deal in the coming days to construct a nuclear reactor for a state-run utility in Bulgaria. The U.S.-based subsidiary of Japan's Toshiba group is in the final stages of negotiations on a basic agreement with Bulgarian Energy Holding for a reactor with an output between 1 million kilowatts and 1.2 million kilowatts. The facility would likely go online around 2025. The price tag is estimated at around 500 billion yen ($4.87 billion), and Westinghouse may also gain a stake in a nuclear power subsidiary of the Bulgarian company. An agreement could be reached later this week. The project would mark the first such order for a Japanese enterprise in Eastern Europe and comes as players including Toshiba, Hitachi and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries seek new opportunities abroad amid decreased domestic demand since the March 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Westinghouse built a Yugoslavian facility that went online in 1983, long before the company was acquired by Toshiba.
Source: Trud (03.07.2014)
American Westinghouse gets 30% of Bulgaria's Kozloduy Block VII American company Westinghouse, the firm whose technology will be used in Block VII of NPP Kozloduy, will receive 30% of the project company NPP Kozloduy - New Builds, This was confirmed by Ivan Genov, the Executive Director of Bulgaria's first nuclear plant. "The negotiations with the Americans is at the finals and the signing of the agreement is approaching. This will also regulate the share of US company. How much exactly we are talking about, however, is a matter of negotiations that will take place after signature," stated Genov. He categorically rejected information that emerged previously claiming that Westinghouse will take a share of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Standart (07.07.2014)
Gazprom subsidiary Centrgaz mulls opening office in Bulgaria Russian energy concern Gazprom's filial Centrgaz is considering whether to set up an office in Bulgaria, a company message quoted by agencies reveals. Centrgaz, which signed the day before an agreement with Serbia to build its section of South Stream, announced the opening of its Bulgarian headquarters is envisaged to be on the agenda of the Centrgaz Board of Directors due on July 10. The above-mentioned idea is one of the two points to be put forward for discussion today (Thursday), alongside amendments of company charter. Centrgaz was earlier reported to be a potential alternative to Stroytransgaz, the subcontractor that won a tender to build the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline. The information came weeks after the EU Commission started an infringement procedure against Bulgaria over the pipeline's construction, and the US expressed concerns at the participation of Stroytransgaz which is co-owned by Gennady Timchenko, a businessman who is in Washington's list of sanctions over the Ukraine crisis.
Source: Standart (10.07.2014)
CEO of Bulgarian state holding co BEH resigns The state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on Thursday its executive director Ivan Yonchev resigned from the position due to poor health. After Yonchev's resignation, Bulgarian energy minister Dragomir Stoynev appointed Jacklen Cohen as a member of the board of directors of BEH, it said in a press release. BEH incorporates assets of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant Kozloduy, gas monopoly Bulgargaz, gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, the National Electricity Company and its wholly-owned system operator Electricity System Operator, coal-fired power plant Maritsa East 2 and the Maritsa East coal mines.
Source: Standart (11.07.2014)
Bulgarian Maritsa Iztok mines increased 2014 H1 production by 37% Coal mining in Bulgaria's largest energy complex Maritsa Iztok EAD - Maritsa Iztok mines, has recorded an increase in the first half of 2014. More than 12.8 million tonnes of raw material have been produced and realized in Q1 2014. To meet the needs of Bulgarian thermal power plants, over 3.48 million tonnes (37%) of coal more have been extracted in January June 2014 compared to the same period of 2013. In the first six months of 2014, a total of 46,687,180 cubic meters of land mass, or almost 50% more than last year's quantities, were excavated, transported and piled in the three mines of Maritsa Iztok EAD.
Source: 3e-news (15.07.2014)
Maritsa-Iztok 2 TPP pays for problematic sulfur purifying installations State-owned Maritsa-Iztok 2 TPP gave up its claims on the consortium that built sulfur purifying installations in two of the TPPs power units with a delay, defects and using a stolen technology. The TPP committed to paying EUR 22.3 million to the Chinese participant in the consortium within 85 days after they signed a memorandum of understanding. The TPP agreed to pay a daily interest of 10% for each days delay after signing the document. The TPP may demand repair of defects of sulfur purifying installations by August. After that period, the Chinese company will not be responsible for the defects. A week after credit lines of the state-owned TPP were blocked in CCB, the bank is looking for a loan of BGN 20 million in order to pay salaries to its employees. It is not clear where the company will find funds as President Plevneliev announced on Tuesday that CCB would not open its doors on 21 July and will be excluded from the payment system for further three months. In addition, the TPP was sanctioned because the consortium used technology whose intellectual property rights it did not own. The European Commission suspended funds for the project. A year earlier, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development blocked a loan of EUR 34 million for the sulfur purifying installations.
Source: Standart (16.07.2014)
NEK Losses Grew 43% in 2013 The losses of Bulgaria's National Electricity Company (NEK) increased by 43% in 2013, shows its financial audit, published in the Commercial Registry. They amounted to BGN 142.2 mln, while in 2012 they were BGN 99.4 mln. The debts of NEK to various electricity producers doubled to BGN 600 mln. The NEK receivables have also almost doubled from BGN 252 mln in 2012 to BGN 517 mln in 2013. According to the report, those are mostly sums, which NEK claims are owed by the EDC's, but the EDC's don't recognise. The NEK debt to the Bulgarian Electricity Holding increased by 70% to BGN 723 mln. The total NEK debts as of end of 2013 amount to BGN 2.711 bln, by BGN 500 mln more than in 2012.
Source: 3e-news (21.07.2014)
Bulgaria-Romania Gas Link Suffers Further Delay A gas interconnector with Romania being built since 2012 will not be operational before September, sources close to the construction say. The 25-kilometer-long connection between Bulgaria's city of Ruse and Romanian Gyurgevo was initially scheduled to be ready in end-2013 at the latest, but the deadline was extended over technical difficulties. Sources close to Bulgartransgaz, the system operator in charge of the interconnector, told website that a broken pipe going under the Danube River was the reason for the latest delay. Attempts are now under way to pull the pipe out of the waters, with experts called on site to provide assistance, the informants have assured. Apart from the link under construction, Bulgartransgaz intends to build another pipeline duplicating the first to boost capacities. The 2009 gas dispute between Russia and Ukraine prompted Bulgaria to connect its gas grid to those of Romania, Greece, Turkey and Serbia. In April, Economy Minister Dragomir Stoynev announced building of the link with Greece is to start at the end of this year.
Source: (22.07.2014)
BEH binds Bulgaria irreversibly with South Stream Although Bulgaria officially suspended the constriction of the South Stream gas pipeline, a new move to implement the project was made on Tuesday. The meeting of the board of directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) had to approve two key documents that would allow Gazprom to grant a loan worth EUR 620 million for the gas pipeline construction in Bulgaria. The price of the project increased from EUR 3.5 billion to EUR 3.8 billion. Because of the higher price, BEH will have to provide additional EUR 68 million of its own funds. However, no final decision was taken at the meeting. BEH might approve the documents and thus make the project irreversible. Bulgarian PM Plamen Oresharski promised the President of the European Commission that the project would be suspended until it meets all EU requirements. In order to speed up the project implementation Bulgarian construction companies expected to receive guarantees by state-owned Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB). The risk of the guarantees had to be insured by the Bulgarian Export Insurance Agency.
Source: Capital (23.07.2014)
Kozloduy's USD 5BN Block VII left to the next government The future of NPP Kozloduy's BlockVII will be decided by the next government of Bulgatia, it became clear from the words of Deputy Prime Minister Daniela Bobeva yesterday after a meeting of the Council of Ministers. She added that the new government will have to reaffirm what has been done by the Oresharski government on the project both in terms of the agreement with Westinghouse and on the financial details. From the words of Bobeva it also became clear that so far six rounds of talks have been conducted with the U.S. company, and preliminary data indicate that the new block in the NPP Kozloduy will cost about USD 5 billion. But she explicitly warned that the figure is provisional and is taken from the report that the Council of Ministers had discussed at its meeting. The engineering, design and construction contracts could be signed as early as the end of the year after Bulgaria has a new government. According to the information available to Daniela Bobeva, the management of the Bulgarian Energy Holding did not sign documents or loan agreements with Gazprom on South Stream. There were rumors on Tuesday night that the Board of Directors of the state holding approved borrowing EUR 620 million from the Russian company. This however was later denied by BEH and Bobeva.
Source: Standart (24.07.2014)
Bulgaria freezes South Stream loan negotiations The Bulgarian Energy Holding unexpectedly put the decision whether to receive a EUR 620 million loan from Gazprom for the construction of the South Stream pipeline on hold. The BEH had planned to secure additional financing for the South Stream Bulgaria project, which is a joint venture with Russian energy concern Gazprom. BEH's decision to put off the loan coincided with severe criticism from President Rosen Plevneliev regarding the fact that the project had not been suspended despite Prime Minister Plamen Oresharski's commitment to do so until the conflicts with the EC on this issue are resolved. Previously the EC warned that infringement proceedings against Bulgaria had been initiated due to non-compliance of the Bulgarian section with the EU's Third Energy Package. Plevneliev urged that all activities on South Stream be suspended, implying that it was not the right time to make such important financial decisions. The loan term is 22 years with interest of 4.25%.
Source: (24.07.2014)
Turkey approves South Stream offshore section The Turkish Ministry of Environment and Urbanisation has approved the Environmental Impact Assessment Report (EIA Report) for the section of the South Stream Offshore Pipeline that will cross the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of Turkey, a press release informs. The pipeline will be constructed at a distance of over 110 km from the Turkish coast, in waters up to 2200 m deep. Due to the anoxic nature of the Black Sea environment, with virtually no oxygen below 100 - 200 m, hardly any life is found at these depths. Therefore, little environmental impacts are expected during pipeline construction. Furthermore, fishing activities generally take place closer to the coast and pipeline construction is not expected to have a significant effect on these activities. Offshore pipe laying will start in Russian waters in late 2014 and the first vessel will enter the Turkish EEZ in the first quarter of 2015. The first pipeline will be operational by the end of 2015. Turkey has expressed its interest to host the onshore pipeline as well, after the European Union's resolution started the entire South Stream saga.
Source: Standart (25.07.2014)
No state guarantees for NPP Kozloduy 7th unit, according to currently prepared agreement We are currently discussing the agreement which will allow Westinghouse to come to Bulgaria. We will next year discuss the project with the representatives of the Bulgarian Parliament, who have to approve it, said Danny Roderick, President and Chief Executive Officer of Westinghouse Electric Company, commenting on the construction of the 7th unit of Kozloduy NPP. According to him, there is not enough information about the goals the US company sets in Bulgaria: We need one more year to complete a very clear, transparent project, which to show what the price of the project will be and how work will be done with Westinghouse. One of the things that we have to do before we begin is eliminate any possible risk in the concrete construction. This is a possibility to create a network of Bulgarian suppliers.
Source: Sega (30.07.2014)
EC Alerts Bulgarian Energy Holding to Suspected Anti-Trust Law Breach The European Commission has sent a Statement of Objections to the Bulgarian Energy Holding concerning suspected abuse of dominance on the domestic wholesale electricity market. The EC has informed BEH of its preliminary view that territorial restrictions on resale contained in BEH's electricity supply contracts with traders on the non-regulated Bulgarian wholesale electricity market may breach EU antitrust rules. Such restrictions limit purchasers' freedom to choose where to resell the electricity bought from BEH. The sending of a Statement of Objections does not prejudge the final outcome of the investigation, according to a statement of the EC press office. The Commission has concerns that BEH, the incumbent state-owned vertically-integrated energy company in Bulgaria, might be hindering competition on the non-regulated wholesale electricity market in Bulgaria by imposing restrictions on where the electricity supplied by BEH may be resold. The Statement of Objections sets out that a majority of electricity supply contracts entered into between BEH and traders stipulate that electricity supplied by BEH may only be resold within Bulgaria or may only be exported. The contracts also contain control and sanctioning mechanisms which allow BEH to monitor and punish customers who fail to comply with these territorial restrictions. The Commission's provisional finding is that these territorial restrictions constitute an abuse of BEH's dominant market position, which is prohibited by Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). Such behavior, if established, has the effect of distorting the allocation of electricity within the Single Market, affecting liquidity and efficiency of electricity markets and raising artificial barriers to trade between Bulgaria and other Member States.
Source: Standart (13.08.2014)
State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said it is seeking five banks to provide financial services to the company in addition to the five banks it selected earlier this year. Offers for the one-year contract should be submitted within 10 days after the tender notice is published, BEH said in a notice on its website on Wednesday. Under Bulgarian legislation that entered into force last year, the net exposure of majority state-owned companies to a single lender should not exceed 25% of the company's total cash assets. BEH incorporates major state-owned assets in Bulgaria's power, gas, telecommunications and coal-mining sectors.
Source: Sega (15.08.2014)
Bulgarian energy min orders halt of all South Stream-related activities Bulgaria's interim energy minister has instructed state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to discontinue all tendering and contracting procedures on the South Stream gas pipeline project until it is aligned with EU legislation, the ministry said on Monday. Vasil Shtonov has ordered BEH to cooperate fully with the EU on matters related to the alignment procedure, the ministry said. BEH has opted out of a capital hike at South Stream Bulgaria, the company in charge of the project for the local section of the gas pipeline, Shtonov added.
Source: Standart (19.08.2014)
Capital of South Stream Bulgaria increased while ministers discuss the future of the pipeline in Brussels The capital of the project company "South Stream Bulgaria" was increased to BGN 397.6 million. The decision was entered in the Commercial Register on Monday, the Ministry of Economy and Energy announced. The Office of Vasil Shtonov however objected, that the increase occurred in violation of its order of August 11 to freeze all activities related to the South Stream before bringing it into line with EU law as required by the European Commission. Nevertheless, the ministry noted that that the capital increase by itself does not represent the start of construction activities, rather hust allowsto continue preparatory work on the project. The start of construction of the South Stream on Bulgarian territory will occur only following the advance payment to the contractors, which in turn is possible only after signature of both executives of "South Stream Bulgaria". The project company reported that on the recommendation of the European Commission it stopped awarding any procurement and contracts related to the construction of the pipeline in the country. Currently, the company is only focusing on activities preparatory to the project and in compliance with the Bulgarian and European legislation. Meanwhile, the future of the Gazprom sponsored South Stream is discussed by ministers in Brussels. Bulgaria's Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Regional Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva and Minister of Economy and Energy Vasil Shtonov arrived to the EU capital for a meeting with European Commissioner for Energy Gunther Oettinger. The three will discuss the future of the project, the risks to Bulgaria in a possible gas crisis, the construction of gas interconnections and the needed reforms in the energy sector of the country.
Source: Standart (20.08.2014)
Bulgaria's Energy Board to Start Functioning in Week Bulgaria's energy board is to be structured by the end of next week, according to Ekaterina Zaharieva, caretaker Deputy Prime Minister. "The main goal of the energy board of the energy board is to propose solutions for the stabilization of the sector, which is on the verge of collapse, due to imbalances accumulated as a result of inefficient decisions made under political pressure," Zaharieva stated, as cited by Sega daily. "The energy board will be an efficient expert body comprising representatives of all interested parties. It will have to take the first essential steps to rescue the sector, as there is a real risk of the system collapsing in October," Zaharieva said, adding that the National Electric Company (NEK) kept running up losses of BGN 50 M a month and failing to transfer payments to companies. She made clear that she had ordered a full inspection into the payments made by the heavily indebted state-owned company NEK to establish the criteria it was using. Bulgaria's caretaker Deputy Prime Minister specified that the energy board would prepare changes to the Energy Act which would allow the State Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (DKEVR) to stop being a political body and turn into an expert entity, thereby providing professional and efficient monitoring of the energy and water sector.
Source: Sega (20.08.2014)
Double check starts in the National Electricity Company (NEK). Financial state and performance of the investment program will be inspected by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. At the same time, a verification of companys payments will be done as well. It is under an order of the Deputy PM Ekaterina Zaharieva after complaints that the company has selectively paid to a part of the debtors at the expense of others. There is no information as to exactly who will perform the financial review. NEK currently owes more than BGN 2.9 billion to producers of electricity, suppliers and banks. The company recorded a loss of nearly BGN 146 million in 2013. The amount would have been BGN 200 million bigger if NEK did not receive a loan from its owner BEH.
Source: Trud (21.08.2014)
The cost to build 1 KWh nuclear power capacity on the global market is about EUR 2,000 and the value offered by Westinghouse for the 7th unit at the NPP Kozloduy is USD 5,300 per KWh hour, which is extremely unfavorable for Bulgaria, said former Director of NPP Kozloduy - Yordan Kostadinov. According to him, the signed agreement with the American company is not clear whether it is an investor or only a seller. "This is not a project to build a chicken coop, it is a nuclear power plant and ties are for decades. Why did the British, Dutch and Czechs give up Westinghouse and opted for European projects. Why did Turkey sign with the Russians," said the expert. According to him, the proposed reactor by Westinghouse cannot be defined as secure at the highest level, because it has no established system to capture the core in case of melt in the reactor.
Source: Standart (21.08.2014)
BEH decides to raise the capital of NPP Kozloduy and Maritza Iztok The Bulgarian Energy Holding has come to the decision of rising the capital of the two largest energy companies in Bulgaria. While the capital of NPP Kozloduy was boosted by BGN 11.5 million to BGN 165 million, the capital of "Maritza Iztok 2" was increased by BGN 1.59 million. The decision was taken on August 4, with the approval of the Minister of Economy Dragomir Stoynev. At the same meeting the Board of Directors of the holding company have decided to reduce the share capital of "Bulgargaz" by nearly BGN 51.4 million, which is covering part of the losses the company realized. The aim of the measures is to achieve a more stable capital base for the companies, BEH explained.
Source: Standart (22.08.2014)
South Stream: Pipes continue to arrive, despite the project was officially frozen in Bulgaria The European Commission said Thursday (21 August) that it was aware that a video reveals that room has been made at Bulgaria's Varna harbour for pipes to be used for the construction of the South Stream gas pipeline, in spite of the assurances by the country's government that the project has been frozen, Euractiv reports. A video published by Dnevnik, the EurActiv partner in Bulgaria, shows workers at the Varna harbour amid pipes delivered for the South Stream pipeline, making room for further arrivals. According to Dnevnik, the first batch of pipes have arrived by sea on 14 August. They had been brought from Germany, as they were produced by the company Europipe. A caretaker government in Sofia, which took office on 6 August, has frozen the construction of South Stream, following clear indications from Brussels that the EU executive would impose infringements on Bulgaria, unless the country re-negotiates its bilateral agreement with Russia for the construction of the pipeline, which is in breach of EU law.
Source: Dnevnik (22.08.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding 'Awaiting BGN 1.45 B' from Subsidiaries State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has to collect a total of BGN 1.45 bln of trade receivables and loans it has given out to filian companies, its interim 2014 report says. The bulk of this money, or BGN 1.2 bln (82% of the total), was spent on assistance to the National Electric Company (NEK), with all the loans granted to NEK now consolidated into a single one to be paid in ten years and bearing a 4.49% yearly interest, the document shows according to Trud's website. BEH has stepped into the second half of 2014 at a profit of BGN 48.1 mln, 86% less than at the same time in 2013. The reports points out that failure to gather dividends from subsidiaries this year is the main reason for the low performance. Of all filial companies NEK itself is facing the hardest time, with a loss of BGN 250 mln in end-June 2014, compared to a profit of BGN 17 mln for the same period of last year. Bulgargaz, the national gas supplier, has registered an improvement, with a positive BGN 42.3 mln (up from BGN 2.6 mln in end-June 2013). However, this is mainly due to debts of Sofia's heating utility Toplofikatsiya Sofia to NEK that Bulgargaz bought out earlier this this year.
Source: Standart (25.08.2014)
Bulgarian caretaker Deputy Prime Ekaterina Zaharieva will head the energy board to be established during Wednesday's government sitting. According to a draft decree of the caretaker government, as cited by Sega daily, Zaharieva's Deputy will be Vasil Shtonov, caretaker Minister of Economy and Energy. Members of the board will be the Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy and the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Policy and the Chair of the Commission for Energy and Water Regulation. An advisor of Zaharieva will act as a secretary of the energy board. The Economic and Social Policy Directorate at the administration of the Council of Ministers will provide administrative service to the new structure. The tasks of the new body will include analyses of the energy sector and the causes for system instabilities, proposals of principles and guidelines for the sustainable development of the sector, as well as measures to solve problems to stabilize the system, and proposals of legislative changes.
Source: Duma (26.08.2014)
Bulgarian state energy holding firm BEH to raise capital Bulgarian state energy holding company BEH said on Tuesday it will increase its capital. The company ended 2013 in the green and, after paying dividend, has asked the energy ministry for a nod to convert the remainder of last year's profit into capital, BEH's press office said, adding that a higher capital base would send a positive signal to investors. Earlier on Tuesday, news daily Trud reported, quoting data from the commercial register, that BEH will raise its capital by BGN 336 million. It also said BEH will pay BGN 20 million in dividend for last year. Last month, local media reported that three BEH subsidiaries were planning changes to their capital. The countrys sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy has asked to increase its capital to BGN 165.6 million from BGN 153.8 million, while thermal power plant (TPP) Maritsa Iztok 2 plans to raise its capital to BGN 40.1 million from BGN 38.5 million. Meanwhile, gas monopoly Bulgargaz has applied to reduce its capital to BGN 206.2 million from BGN 257.7 million. BEHs non-consolidated after-tax profit rose by nearly 39% to BGN 397 million in 2013 as revenues fell 56% to BGN 246.5 million. BEH incorporates assets that include NPP Kozloduy, Bulgargaz, gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, telecommunications operator Bulgartel, the National Electricity Company, system operator Electricity System Operator, Maritsa Iztok 2 and the Mini Maritsa Iztok coal mines.
Source: Capital (10.09.2014)
Bulgarian companies will build 50% of the 7th unit in NPP Kozloduy Over 50% of the equipment of the new 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy, which will be built under US technology AP-1000, will be produced and delivered by Bulgarian enterprises. This was announced by Mike Christy, vice president for Strategic Affairs and Foreign Affairs, and Aziz Dag, vice president for key projects of Westinghouse for Europe, Middle East and Africa. They also said that the price of the new block of the NPP Kozloduy will be USD 5.3 billion and all claims for price above that are political speculation. It is expected that the NPP would sell freely electricity from the new reactor on the domestic market and abroad, as the price of one megawatt electricity will cost BGN 39. It is also envisaged that the new unit of NPP Kozloduy is built and put into operation within the next 6-7 years. To reach this point, however, it is yet to be signed some basic agreements and contracts for engineering, procurement and construction, Westinghouse representatives explained.
Source: Standart (11.09.2014)
Gazprom Injects EUR 100 M into South Stream Transport B.V. The Board of Directors of Russian energy giant Gazprom decided on September 10 to inject EUR 100 M into the capital of the South Stream Transport joint venture. The move was reported by the press office of Gazprom. South Stream Transport B.V. is a joint venture tasked with the planning, construction and exploitation of the offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline. Gazprom controls 50% of the joint venture, Italian Eni has a 20% stake and French EDF and German Wintershall own 15% stakes each. The offshore section of the South Stream gas pipeline consists of 4 pipeline strings, each of them with a length of over 930 km.
Source: (16.09.2014)
Bulgaria Braces for Possible Disruption in Russian Gas Supplies Fearing a price dispute between Moscow and Kiev may lead to disruptions in Russian gas deliveries via Ukraine, Bulgaria is preparing to avert a gas crisis in winter months. According to Bulgarias caretaker deputy premier for economic policy Ekaterina Zaharieva, the Russian gas supplies are highly likely to be affected by tensions between Moscow and Kiev prompted by a dispute over prices. Zaharieva told reporters in Sofia on Wednesday that the cabinet is concerned that the dispute, which hasnt been resolved yet, may lead to a repeat of the crisis of January 2009, when Russia halted gas deliveries to Europe via Ukraine for two weeks. Bulgaria was among the EU countries worst hit by the stoppage. The European Union, Russia and Ukraine are expected to resolve the price issue at a trilateral meeting but yet another delay to those talks has fuelled concerns that a new gas supply crisis is looming. Bulgaria, which relies almost entirely on Russian supplies to meet its gas needs, takes delivery of those supplies only through a pipeline via Ukraine.
Source: Capital (18.09.2014)
Greece and Bulgaria discuss gas imports Poland, Slovakia and Austria have reported slight decline in supply from Russia in recent days. Romania's Energy Minister stated on Tuesday that Russia was intentionaly creating problems with gas supplies in order to cause concerns in EU states. "We are working to reverse natural gas via an existing gas pipeline with Greece, as we could receive additional quantities between 1 to 3 million cubic meters per day," said Bulgaria's Interim Economy Minister Vasil Shtonov. Bulgaria plans to reserve capacity at a liquefied natural gas terminal near the Greek capital and then pump it through an existing pipeline between Bulgaria and Greece, which currently transfers Russian gas to Greece. Bulgaria can use 4 million cubic metres per day while its daily consumption amounts to 10-11 million cubic metres. "Reserves in the Chiren gas storage facility will be sufficient for 120 days," said the Bulgarian Minister. Bulgaria, one of the European Union countries most exposed to possible gas supply cuts, said that its heating utilities will use heavy fuel oil instead of gas in case of supply cuts.
Source: Standart (19.09.2014)
NPP Kozloduy's Executive Director Ivan Genov was dismissed yesterday following a decision of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). He will be replaced by Dimitar Angelov who managed the plant in 2008-2009 The most likely reason for the decision is the contraction of the board of directors of the plant from five to three members. Alexander Nikolov, an ex-BSP MP, was also freed from his position.
Source: Darik Radio (19.09.2014)
Miners of the Cherno More mine have spent more than 35 hours 300 meters below the ground as a strike. The 62 men, 40 of whom have spent fthe second night in a row under the ground, demanded to receive their wages due in July and August. On Thursday two of the workers had to be brought out because of blood pressure problems, while today another one was taken up by mine rescue workers. The striking miners left the galleries late afternoon today, when their long awaited salaries were finally paid. After 40 hours spent 300 meters underground, and two blockades on the road between Bourgas and Sunny Beach, the miners have obtained their salaries for July and August. "Finally some good. BGN 450,000 were translated by the National Electric Company. Though the sum was not the whole that the workers demanded, the miners still decided to end their strike.
Source: Darik Radio (23.09.2014)
NPP Kozloduy to be modernized By the end of this month will be signed contracts for modernization of units V and VI of NPP Kozloduy. Activities are related to the extension of the working life of nuclear reactors, said the new CEO of the plant Dimitar Angelov. The necessary actions will be completed by the end of 2016. Currently unit V has a license to operate until 2017, and unit VI - by 2019.
Source: Standart (23.09.2014)
Bulgaria to negotiate heavy fuel oil use with EU in case of gas crisis Bulgarian environment ministry said on Friday it will negotiate with the European Commission a permission for prolonged use of heavy fuel oil by the country's heating utilities in case of a gas crisis in the winter. Currently, the heating utilities are allowed to use such fuel for a period of 10 days under the pollution prevention rules. Negotiation with the European Commission will be crucial for Bulgaria to avoid infringement procedures related to exceeding emission limits, the environment ministry said in a press release. On Wednesday, news portal quoted deputy prime minister Ekaterina Zaharieva as saying Bulgaria's Chiren gas storage facility is not 100% full and options are being considered how to fill it ahead of the winter season when a gas crisis is highly likely. On Thursday, Bulgarian energy minister Vasil Shtonov said Bulgaria is negotiating with neighbouring Greece possible gas supplies from the Revithoussa terminal to prepare for a possible disruption of deliveries via Ukraine. The talks with the Greek side also cover providing a reverse flow through the existing cross-border gas interconnector. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: 3e-news (23.09.2014)
Chiren will store twice as much gas At least EUR 200 million will be needed to Bulgartransgas to expand the storage capacity of natural gas in Chiren, said Kiril Temelkov, executive director of the gas operator. The company will apply for funding from the European Commission to make this investment. Most likely this will happen under the Connected Europe' mechanism. Bulgartransgas ambitions are to turn the Chiren gas storage facility into one of regional importance. Temelkov recalled that a Czech company has estimated that the capacity of Chiren can be increased to 1 billion cubic meters. Yields from the deposit also can increase to 10-12 million cubic meters per day in order to be able to fully cover the gas consumption in Bulgaria during the winter. The final investment decision how much money will be needed for the extension will be made no later than the beginning of 2016.
Source: Standart (24.09.2014)
Economy and energy minister: Bulgaria will have a gas crisis this fall Whether we will have a gas crisis or not is difficult to predict, but there is a good chance that we could, said caretaker Minister of Economy and Energy Vasil Shtonov to reporters upon opening the forum "Gas - infrastructure, markets and services." "What is important is that we be prepared for this crisis. We are following the processes in Ukraine and the relations between Russia, Ukraine and the European community very closely. We are taking active measures to prevent a possible gas crisis. If they stop or even decrease gas supply the situation in Bulgaria will become severe. This is because we are getting all our gas from the pipe that comes from Russia via Ukraine and Romania, "said Shtonov. We have very little local production, less than 0.5 million cubic meters per day, which is very small as compared with the average consumption during the winter months, the minister said. "Our gas storage facility in Chiren is all that we have. There the problem is that it can yield up to four million cubic meters per day and the less there is, the more the debit decreases. What is good for Bulgaria are the thermal power plants and especially Sofia Central Heating because it accounts for 80% of all the power plant yield in Bulgaria. They all have the opportunity to switch to fuel oil," added Shtonov. "If there is a crisis, it is a matter of a few hours, several hours, during which the gas will remain in the pipes. In this period of 10 hours we must readjust the plants and use alternative fuel," stated the caretaker Energy minister.
Source: Standart (24.09.2014)
Power Price Hike to Inject BGN 200 M into State-Owned Eclectic A power price hike will help inject slightly over BGN 200 mln into the National Electric Company (NEK), while its losses are expected to reach BGN 1 bln over the next year, according to Bulgarias caretaker Minister of Economy and Energy. Vasil Shtonov, explained that the planned increase in electricity prices as of October 1 was part of the strategy of Bulgarias caretaker government for the stabilization of the energy sector. He specified that the change of CEO of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant had also been part of the measures aimed at boosting the efficiency of the management of the energy sector. Shtonov expressed his appreciation of the achievements of its former CEO, Ivan Genov, stressing that the N-plant had needed a new person for the next stage of governance. Bulgarias caretaker Minister of Economy and Energy informed that the authorities were also working on an analysis of the management of state-owned energy companies to identify necessary changes. He underscored the need for a new approach in order to make better use of the available resources.
Source: (24.09.2014)
Bulgaria to seek rescheduling of PPAs with private TPPs Bulgaria's caretaker government plans to seek rescheduling of the long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) signed with two coal-fired power plants owned by U.S. companies, the energy ministry said on Friday. The Maritza Iztok 1 coal-fired plant operated by AES and thermal power plant Maritza Iztok 3, owned by ContourGlobal, have signed 15-year PPAs with state-owned power utility NEK. The power plants have a 50-year lifespan so the PPAs can easily be rescheduled to ease the related financial burden in the coming years, Vasil Shtonov said in a statement published on the ministry's website. According to state-run news agency BTA, Shtonov said he hopes the country's next government will continue this initiative as investors would hardly change 15-year contracts within the timeframe of the mandate of a caretaker government. ContourGlobal acquired a 73% stake in the 908 megawatt (MW) Maritsa Iztok 3 TPP from Italy's Enel in June 2011. In 2011, energy group AES launched the Maritza East 1 TPP with a 670 MW capacity.
Source: (29.09.2014)
Bulgaria's Photovoltaics Demand EU Recommendations in Energy Sector The Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association (BPVA) has proposed that the government invite experts from the EU Commission to for a new assessment of the troubled energy sector. In a statement BVPA officials have reiterated renewables should not be blamed for the billions-worth fiscal gap in energy, in response to frequently voiced remarks that high electricity bills are caused by the expensive energy produced by "green" sources. The association has voiced its anger at interim Economy Minister Vasil Shtonov, who earlier spoke of the "burden" renewables, and more specifically photovoltaics, impose on the sector. It believes the statement was made with no through and profound legal and financial analysis of the management at state entities, the National Electric Company (NEK) and the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) conducted prior to that. NEK is expecting a loss of BGN 1 B for 2014 alone, with its total debts surpassing BGN 3.1 B as of September 2, according to Shtonov's estimates.
Source: (30.09.2014)
Caretaker Govt Replaces CEO of South Stream Bulgaria Dimitar Gogov, former head of state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz EAD, has been appointed CEO of South Stream Bulgaria, the company tasked with building the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline. South Stream Bulgaria decided at a general meeting on October 3 to replace the CEO, Vladimir Inkov, with Dimitar Gogov, according to a media statement published on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Energy. We remind that the governing body of South Stream Bulgaria did not comply with the protocol decision of caretaker Economy and Energy Minister Vasil Shtonov from August 11, 2014. Despite an explicit ban, a capital hike of South Stream Bulgaria was registered in the Trade Registry on August 18, 2014, the statement says. According to the Ministry of Economy and Energy, the change of CEO is aimed at protecting Bulgarian interests and guaranteeing maximum benefits from the project, provided that it is implemented. Caretaker Economy and Energy Minister Shtonov had vowed earlier to refer to the prosecuting authority the management of South Stream Bulgaria for increasing the capital of the company by BGN 191 M despite an explicit ban of the Ministry on any activities under the project until the pronouncement of the European Commission on the matter, according to reports of Sega daily.
Source: Darik Radio (07.10.2014)
Three Countries Give Bulgaria EUR 16 mln for Energy Efficiency Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein have announced they will grant some EUR 16 mln to support Bulgarian projects involving energy efficiency and renewables. The European Economic Area (EEA) Financial Mechanism adopted for 2009-2014 will be used to allocate the funds. Both state institutions and municipalities can apply to receive money under energy efficiency projects, with the sum varying from EUR 170 000 to EUR 500 000. Center-right GERB, who won Bulgaria's parliamentary elections on Sunday, have pledged to put emphasis on such projects and thus stem the flow on rising energy bills. According to caretaker Deputy Economy Minister Anton Pavlov, the Operational Program "Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency" is also likely to cut some 35 000 tons of CO2 if successfully implemented.
Source: National radio (08.10.2014)
Bulgaria's Gas Links with Turkey, Serbia and Greece 3 to 5 Years Delayed There is currently no decrease in Bulgaria's gas pipeline network pressure, or in the delivered gas volumes from Russia, Deputy Minister of Economy and Energy Anton Pavlov said. He pointed out that Bulgaria properly fulfills its obligations regarding the gas transits to other countries, Bulgarian Telegraph Agency reports. He, however, pointed out significant delays in all gas interconnections projects. The delays are of three to five years, Pavlov said. The Caretaker government is actively working for the implementation of these projects - the OP Competitiveness provides for a feasibility study of the gas interconnection between Bulgaria and Serbia, said Pavlov. He noted that there are important archaeological sites along the route and a solution is being sought. The Bulgaria Greece interconnection is also actively developed, a plan of its route near the town of Kardzhali is to be approved, said Pavlov. A feasibility study of the gas link Bulgaria Turkey is to be completed. We are ready with this study, we are waiting for the Turkish side to set the price of the gas and the transit, said Pavlov.
Source: Dnevnik (08.10.2014)
CEZ considers plant upgrade with Bulgaria's BEH Czech power utility CEZ said on Thursday it was discussing setting up a project company with Bulgaria's state owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) as an option to avoid the closure of its Varna thermal power plant. The Bulgarian coal-fired plant, which comprises six 210 megawatt units, needs to be brought up to European Union environmental norms by 2015 or face closure. The project company would fund environmental upgrades at three of the six units to expand their lifespan and then rent them, CEZ said. A proposal on how to proceed should be ready by the end of October, it added. A spokeswoman at CEZ Bulgaria said the establishment of such a company was one of the options under discussion with BEH, Bulgaria's largest energy company, but declined to provide more details. CEZ has cancelled previous plans to invest 100 million euros to expand the lifespan of three of the units due to unfavourable market conditions and after Bulgaria did not extend a contract for providing security to the power supply system. The remaining three units will most likely be closed at the end of 2015. CEZ bought the Varna plant in 2006 for 206 million euros and spent another 100 million euros on a capital increase.
Source: Duma (10.10.2014)
Kozloduy NPP Transferred BGN 7 M to Westinghouse under Upgrade Program for Units 5, 6 Bulgarias Ministry of Economy and Energy specified that US company Westinghouse Energy Systems had been transferred over BGN 7 M under a program for the upgrade of units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant. The media statement was published to dispel allegations that the money had been transferred under the project for a seventh unit at the Kozloduy-based N-plant. Ivan Genov, former CEO of the Kozloduy NPP, told the Bulgarian National Radio Saturday that the payment had been transferred under a contract for the replacement of the command systems of the special corpus servicing units 5 and 6 as part of the program for the extension of their lifespan, stressing that it had nothing to do with the project for Kozloduy NPP unit 7. Genov underscored that the contract had been signed in 2013 and was being implemented. He made clear that the command system of the special corpus had to be replaced with equipment produced by Westinghouse. Bulgarias Ministry of Economy and Energy also confirmed that the payment had been transferred to Westinghouse under a contract signed in 2013 for the upgrade of management and control systems of the special corpus servicing units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy NPP. According to the press office of the Ministry, the total value of the contract signed in 2013 with US company Westinghouse is USD 15 995 000 and it is to be implemented in the period 2013-2016.
Source: Duma (20.10.2014)
EU leaders adopt 'flexible' energy and climate targets for 2030 EU leaders committed by 2030 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40%, and increase energy efficiency and renewables by at least 27%. French President Francois Hollande said the deal would send a clear message to big polluters such as China and the United States ahead of UN talks in Paris next year to agree global legally binding greenhouse gas emissions. A special "flexibility clause" was added to the final text, making it possible for the European Council to return to the targets after the UN summit in December 2015. But Hollande told reporters that the clause was not dependent on the Paris talks, as the Council can revisit the targets anytime. Hollande, who will host the negotiations, said it was a conclusive and definitive agreement. It was essential a deal was reached before the Paris summit next year, he said. But the efficiency and renewables targets were watered down. The European Commission had called for an efficiency goal of 30%. That was reduced to 27% across the EU. The EU level target is not legally binding at the national level or EU level and will be reviewed in 2020 having in mind a 30% EU-level target, according to the summit conclusions.
Source: Standart (27.10.2014)
TPP Varna is trying to escape closure Two months prior to close early next year, TPP Varna offered a new option for its salvation. Company director Mincho Minchev said that in vase of a gas crisis the plant can provide to part of the energy needs of Bulgaria. He saw the outcome in the signing of two new contracts. The first of these is with ESO to maintain one unit as cold reserve. Second - with NEK, which undertakes to purchase certain amounts of energy. They will assure the capacity of 120 megawatts. "In 2009, during the gas crisis, thanks to TPP Varna we experienced mild winter. But since then, after the inclusion of all wind and solar power plants there have been no activation of the cold reserve of TPP Varna, explained Minchev. In recent months, the coal plant and its owner - CEZ, try to answer the ecological requirements for large coal plants.
Source: Sega (28.10.2014)
Bulgaria to Use EU Funding to Implement 5 Energy Projects worth over EUR 4 M Bulgaria is to implement 5 energy projects worth over EUR 4 M with EU funding. The EU funding will go to the design studies for the construction of the Bulgaria-Turkey gas grid interconnection, the construction of the Yadenitsa hydropower plant, and transmission lines from the Maritsa East 1 thermal power plant to different parts of the country. The EU funding allocated to Greece envisages the construction of a connection from the Maritsa East 1 TPP to the Greek power grid. The biggest portion of EU funding, a total of EUR 315 000, will go to design studies for the construction of the Burgas-Dobrich transmission line. A total of EUR 306 000 will be paid for the design studies related to the transmission line between the Maritsa East 1 TPP and the Greek town of Nea Santa, while a sum of EUR 279 000 will be spent on the design studies for the transmission line between the Maritsa East 1 TPP and Burgas. EU Member States agreed Wednesday to allocate EUR 647 M to support key infrastructure projects.
Source: Standart (31.10.2014)
The largest state-owned enterprise Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) remains in large debt, its report for the first nine months of the year shows. The company has handed out loans and has to take from related parties and Heat Supply-Sofia a total of over BGN 1.75 billion. As to the first quarter of 2014 the figures amounted to BGN 1.5 billion. Much of this amount is provided by the bond issue of BEH, which matures in 2018. The majority of the loans have been granted to the troubled subsidiary NEK. Furthermore, BEH group includes Electricity System Operator, Bulgargaz, TPP Maritza Iztok 2, Bulgartransgas, NPP" Kozloduy, Bulgartel and Mines Maritsa Iztok. Revenues of BEH (mainly from dividends) for the nine months are BGN 148.6 million less because of poor financial results of its subsidiaries. The holding has reduced the price of its services to companies in the group.
Source: Trud (03.11.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding seeks to repay debts with money blocked at CorpBank Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is seeking to repay debts its subsidiaries owe to Corporate Commercial Bank with money blocked on its accounts with the same bank. BEHs assets at the troubled lender amount to BGN 50 million, while one of its subsidiaries TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 owes the bank some BGN 30 million in debt.
Source: Class (04.11.2014)
Bulgargaz Has No Reason to Seek 2% Price Hike, Regulator Says The intention of Bulgargaz to seek a 2% increase in the price of natural gas is groundless, a member of Bulgarias energy regulator said on Wednesday. If you want me to say it explicitly no, they have no grounds for an increase of that scale, Dimitar Dimitrov said. Bulgargaz said on Tuesday it would ask the energy watchdog, DKEVR, to allow it increase the price of natural gas by 2.07% from the beginning of next year, citing strong dollar and uncollected revenue. According to Dimitrov, while it is logical to seek a certain increase of gas price due to a rise in the dollar, the portion of the planned increase attributed to overdue debt owed to Bulgargaz by consumers seems inflated. The method used by Bulgargaz to calculate overdue debt doesnt fully correspond to the regulators definition of revenue not received in full, Dimitrov explained, adding that DKEVR is going to consider potential changes in the price formation mechanism to prevent distortion of Bulgaria's gas market. According to, Bulgargaz will submit a proposal for a gas price increase to DKEVR on 11 December.
Source: Sega (13.11.2014)
Azerbaijan plans gas supplies to Hungary Energy-rich Azerbaijan considers supplying natural gas to Hungary, Azerbaijani President Ilkham Aliyev said on Wednesday in an interview on Hungarian television. We consider Hungary as a partner in energy cooperation and are studying routes for Azerbaijani gas supplies to Hungary, Aliyev said. This may be the Bulgaria-Rumania-Hungary route or the Ionian-Adriatic pipeline, which will run across the Balkan countries and stretch further to Hungary from Croatia. We need to choose the route acceptable for all of us. Considering the Southern Gas Corridor project, which were implementing, and Azerbaijans gas reserves, I have no doubts that Hungary and Azerbaijan will become partners in the gas sphere, Aliyev said. The Southern Gas Corridor project, which Azerbaijan is implementing with its partners, will fully remake Europes energy map, the Azerbaijani president said. Hungary and Azerbaijan signed a strategic partnership declaration in Budapest on Tuesday envisaging natural gas supplies to Central Europe.
Source: (13.11.2014)
Mini Marica Iztok EAD did not find BGN 50 million for its investment program Mini Marica Iztok EAD has failed to secure the BGN 50.16 million in loans it needs to keep its investment program going. The company only received two offers D Commerce Bank said it was ready to lend BGN 3.9 million and United Bulgarian Bank agreed to provide an overdraft of up to BGN 8 million.
Source: Capital (14.11.2014)
EU should work on becoming a single gas buyer Sefcovic The European Union as the world's biggest energy consumer should explore ways to buy gas as a group, the European Commission's new Energy Union boss said. The idea was put forward earlier this year by Poland's then prime minister Donald Tusk, as one option for standing up to Russia and its state gas company Gazprom. Tusk takes up an EU job as President of the European Council next month. Many in Brussels said the single buyer plan raised anti-trust issues and was inoperable, even though Tusk's broader support for a strengthened energy union has gained ground as relations with Russia, the bloc's biggest energy supplier, have deteriorated. The EU pays around 400 billion euros (320 billion pounds) per year for imported fossil fuels and the European Commission, the EU executive, has set as priorities cutting energy use and diversifying supplies, as well as a closer energy union, based on improved infrastructure to share energy across borders.
Source: Standart (18.11.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Conducts Top-level Reshuffle at Several Companies The Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has carried out a top-level reshuffle at a number of state-owned energy companies. Georgi Hristozov and Georgi Zlatev have been removed from the Board of Directors of the Maritza Iztok mines (Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD) and are to be replaces by Dian Chervenkondev and Nikolay Dikov, according to a media statement of BEH. Andon Andonov keeps his place on the BoD of the Maritza Iztok mines. An Executive Director of the coal mining company is to be elected at a BoD sitting. Ekaterina Istatkova has been removed from the post of Chief Executive Officer of the National Electric Company (NEK). Istatkova is to be replaced by Petar Iliev, who has been a member of the governing body of NEK. Changes have also been made to the Executive Board of the Electricity System Operator (ESO), which welcomes Ivan Yotov, Dimitar Valchanov and Milko Milkov as new members. Diyan Dimitrov has been elected member of the Board of Directors of state-owned thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2. He replaces Mihail Mitkov. The changes will enter into force after their inscription into the Business Register. The changes at the governing bodies of the state-owned energy companies are aimed at streamlining their management and stabilizing their financial condition, according to the media statement of BEH.
Source: Sega (27.11.2014)
TPP Maritsa East 2s modernization at risk due to Corporate commercial bank TPP Maritsa East 2s grave financial state is about to get even worse due to Corporate commercial banks license revocation. The company ended the first nine months at a loss of BGN 16.4 million. The reason for the complicated situation at which the plant is can be explained with the banks impossibility to ensure funding for a credit that has already been lent. Its a loan in yen with BGN equivalent equal to 17. 396 million that was rendered in August 2013. The money is needed for covering TPP Maritsa East 2s payments under the contract with Toshiba International Europe, signed for rehabilitation of the plants 5th and 7th units. The contract for modernization was signed in June 2012, as the entire value of the project is assessed at BGN 53.553 million. Its final aim is to make expanded reconstruction of the plant that is supposed to increase its capacity by 40 MW. At present the plants capacity is assessed to 1600 MW. After Corporate commercial banks was put under special supervision by BNB back in June 2014, payments under the loan stopped. That put the company at risk for delay of modernization and in the worst scenario is to result in breach of the contract with Toshiba. This on the other hand will effect either in closure of Unit 7 or in serious failure of the equipment. Grave damage to the environment may also be expected.
Source: Capital (01.12.2014)
R.I.P. South Stream: Bulgaria loses EUR 400 million/ year just from the transit fees Bulgaria is about to lose billions of euros from the non-realization of the South Stream gas pipeline, envisaged to transport Russian gas to Europe by bypassing Ukraine. The project, which has been frozen by the European Union due to non-compliance with the Third Energy Packet, was now withdrawn by Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit to Turkey. He recalled that Bulgaria was forcasted to receive EUR 400 a year from just the transit of gas. Putin accused the EU of denying Bulgaria, heavily dependent on Russian gas, its sovereign rights, and said that blocking the project "is against Europe's economic interests and is causing damage". "If Bulgaria is not able to behave as a sovereign state, let it ask the Commission for the money from the lost profits", the Russian President noted. The news shocked Bulgaria, which was unable to take a stance between the EU and Russia. "At the time of Ivan Kostov, we wasted the chance of the Blue Stream. Now we are about to repeat the mistake" commented angrily MPs and experts.
Source: (02.12.2014)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Reshuffles Supervisory Board of Bulgartransgaz The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has made changes to the Supervisory Board of state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz. The new members of the Supervisory Board of the company are Iliya Ivanov, Kiril Georgiev, and Vladimir Mitrushev. They replace Krasimir Vitanov, Yovka Doychevska, and Denitsa Beyazova. The changes are aimed at speeding up the projects for the connection of Bulgarias gas transmission grid to those of its neighboring countries and the upgrade of the Chiren underground gas storage, according to a media statement of BEH.
Source: Standart (02.12.2014)
Bulgaria to open tenders for oil, gas exploration in two Black Sea blocks The Bulgarian government decided on Wednesday to open tenders for oil and gas exploration in blocks 1-14 Silistar and 1-22 Teres in the continental shelf and the country's exclusive economic zone in the Black Sea. The permits will have a five-year term, the government said in a statement after a weekly meeting. The Silistar block covers an area of 6,893 square metres (sq m), as potential investors will have to pay an annual fee of BGN 275,720. For Teres block, with an area of 161,280 sq m, the annual fee is set at BGN 161,280. The decision to call the two tenders is in line with the government's policy to ensure the diversification of energy supplies, the statement added. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: Dnevnik (04.12.2014)
BEH provides Bulgargaz with loan in order to pay Gazprom back Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will provide Bulgargaz with a loan, so that the gas company can pay for the natural gas, supplied by Gazprom, Severin Vartigov from BEH announced at a conference. Several days ago, it became clear that none of the banks in Bulgaria would grant a loan to the company. Bulgargaz faces some financial difficulties as it has BGN 120 million of uncollected receivables and almost BGN 20 million blocked in Corporate Commercial Bank.
Source: Duma (05.12.2014)
Serbia Is Preparing Project for Gas Grid Interconnection with Bulgaria Serbia is preparing the tender documents for the gas grid interconnection with Bulgaria, according to Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic. He notes that Serbias budget for 2015 envisages funding for the preparation of a new spatial plan which will specify the exact route of the gas pipeline. The EU provided funding to Bulgaria for their section, while we are in talks for the funding of the Serbian stretch, Antic explained. The Serbian section of the Bulgaria-Serbia gas grid interconnection is to link Nis to Dimitrovgrad. The gas grid interconnection was designed earlier and is not related to the South Stream gas pipeline project, Blic informs. On the other hand, Michael Davenport, Head of the EU Delegation to Serbia, made clear that the EU was ready to include Serbia in the project for the construction of a gas interconnection to Bulgaria, thereby contributing to the wider access of Serbia to alternative gas supply sources, including LNG.
Source: Dnevnik (08.12.2014)
Bulgaria May Lose EUR 12 M Used for Expansion of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Unit There is a risk of the European Commission asking Bulgaria to return the sum of EUR 12 mln used for the expansion of the Dry Spent Fuel Storage Facility (DSFSF), according to Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova. Petkova met Monday with representatives of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), according to the press office of Bulgarias Energy Ministry. Petkova emphasized that Bulgarian authorities had to prove the necessity of the DSFSF or else face the loss of EUR 12 mln. The European Court of Auditors is to inspect how Bulgaria is coping with the implementation of the projects financed by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF) through which the EU compensates Bulgaria for the early closure of units Units 1 - 4 of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP). The KIDSF is administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). Bulgarias EU Accession treaty envisaged a total of EUR 550 M from the EBRD for the period 2001-2009.
Source: Dnevnik (09.12.2014)
Bulgaria, Greece, Romania to Develop Regional Gas Infrastructure Bulgaria, Greece, and Romania have signed a contract on cooperation in the development of regional gas infrastructure. The contract was signed Tuesday by the energy ministers of the three countries. In February 2011, the EU decided that each Member State had to have at least two sources of natural gas and electricity by 2014 in order to be able to cope with a cut-off of Russian supplies. Romania still lacks a connection to Bulgarias gas grid, despite the fact that a project for the construction of a gas pipeline between Giurgiu and Ruse has been available for years. The gas pipeline, evaluated at around EUR 24 M, is to be completed by 2016. Romanias gas transmission grid is connected to those of Hungary and Moldova. In the case of a suspension of imports from Russia, however, it will not be able to make up for the losses through these connections because the gas imports from Hungary are negligible and the pipeline to Moldova is used for exports.
Source: Presa (10.12.2014)
A hub instead of a pipeline I: Bulgarian PM omes up with a plan on how to revive the South Stream Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov come up with a draft of a plan of how to revive the abandoned South Stream gas pipeline. Besides attracting Russian gas to flow through Bulgaria according to Moscow's conditions, the new plan will also satisfy the requirements of the Third Energy Liberalisation Package of Brussels. The idea of the Bulgarian PM is to take the idea for building a gas hub, outlined by Russian President Vladimir Putin in early December in Ankara. According to Borisov's plan, instead of a continuous pipeline, Bulgaria would build a so-called gas hub with buffer storage, which would store Russian gas. The construction of the hub would be financed by Brussels, Borisov insists. Then the natural gas would be transported to the other European countries participating in the project - Serbia, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Austria and Italy, and also to Romania, Macedonia and even Ukraine. According to Borisov, this plan would eliminate the possibility for Brussels to impose criminal procedure against Bulgaria for failure of compliane with the Third Energy Package.
Source: Sega (11.12.2014)
Westinghouse Advertises Project for Kozloduy NPP Unit 7 to Bulgarian MEPs US-based Westinghouse Electric Company has presented a project for the expansion of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant to the Bulgarian representatives at the European Parliament and to EU policy specialists. The main topics of the meeting were the advantages of the Westinghouse AP1000 technology and the plans for the construction of unit 7 of the Kozloduy NPP. According to Yves Brachet, president of Westinghouse's Europe, Middle East and Africa unit, the project for the expansion of the Kozloduy NPP is a rare opportunity for Bulgaria to invest in cutting-edge technology. The project backs the policy of the Bulgarian government for developing a new nuclear program which will ensure energy security, independence, and financial stability through the use of a proven technology, the company states, as cited by Sega daily. The US-based company also claims that they will offer the lowest price of electricity compared to other alternatives.
Source: Standart (12.12.2014)
Varna TPP will be temporarily excluded from the national power system Varna thermal power plant will be temporarily excluded from the national power system at midnight on January 1, 2015. Despite the general agreement temporary inclusion of the plant during the winter of 2015, in the event of a gas crisis, the European Commission gave no response regarding the work permits of the power plant and the tailings pond.Varna thermal power plant will be temporarily excluded from the national power system at midnight on Jan. 1. After that date the plant will not be able to operate," it said. The 1,260-megawatt plant in the Black Sea city of Varna has served largely as a back-up for Bulgaria's power grid.Last month that talks with state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding over setting up a joint company to fund the necessary environmental upgrades at the plant had failed.
Source: Standart (15.12.2014)
Drilling at Bulgarias Khan Asparuh Block Delayed Until 2016 Hydrocarbon drilling at Bulgarias Khan Asparuh Black Sea block will be delayed by up to a year due to the slump in global oil prices, the international consortium holding the exploration licence has decided. According to, the consortium comprising Frances Total, Austrias OMV and Spains Repsol has agreed to alter its budget and the exploration plan for next year, under which drilling should have started in mid-2015. The consortium cited the considerable and incessant decline of global oil prices that has occurred over the past few months, affecting the internal budgets of the companies involved in the project as the reason for the temporary freeze. It has also informed Bulgarias Energy Ministry about its decision. The start of drilling has been postponed until 2016 with the three members of the consortium hoping to commence exploration works at the beginning of the year rather than in mid-2016. The decision entails suspension of a number of procurement orders for the supply of equipment, food and fuel to the drilling platform.
Source: Trud (16.12.2014)
Russia and Bulgaria to hold new talks on South Stream The Russian Ministry of Energy may schedule a meeting with Bulgaria after December 19 to discuss the future of South Stream gas pipeline. A ministry spokesman announced that a meeting is planned with Bulgarian government representatives, but it will take place after December 19 because the department has a very busy schedule and the proposal from Bulgaria to meet came too late. For now the date of the meeting has not been fixed. At the beginning of this month Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Russia could not continue with the construction of the pipeline because of the uncooperative attitude of the EU. The Russian President also said that Bulgaria would lose 400 million dollars a year from the termination of the project, which is why our country should request compensation from the European Commission.
Source: Standart (18.12.2014)
Bulgaria, Serbia to Speed Up Work on Gas Interconnection Grid Sofia and Belgrade will step up efforts to build the interconnector pipeline linking the two gas grids, ministers from the two countries have announced. A working group will be set up by the end of December to draft a timetable and to elaborate on the project's more specific parameters, Bulgaria's Economy Minister Bozhidar Lukarski and Serbia's Mining and Energy Minister Aleksandar Antic agreed while meeting in Belgrade on Tuesday. A Bulgarian delegation is currently in the Serbian capital for the third annual meeting between China and countries from Central and Eastern Europe. Alongside Bozhidar Lukarski it includes Regional Development Minister Lilyana Pavlova. The memorandum to build the interconnector was signed in 2012, and earlier this month Antic revealed that Belgrade was already preparing tender documents. Similar projects have been under way aiming to connect Bulgaria to Romania and Greece, but have suffered delays for various reasons. A link with Turkey is also expected to secure part of Bulgaria's gas flow in the mid-term, enabling access to the prospective Southern Gas Corridor which is to supply Europe via Turkey and Greece.
Source: Novinar (18.12.2014)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz to draw EUR 3.6 mln credit Bulgarian gas monopoly Bulgargaz has decided to draw a short-term loan of BGN 7 million from D Leasing, a subsidiary of D Commerce Bank, local media reported on Wednesday. The loan will have an annual interest rate of 5%. Last month Bulgargaz cancelled a tender to select banks to provide it with revolving credit lines worth up to BGN 139 million in total after it failed to attract any bids. The company did not say how it planned to spend the proceeds from the credits. Earlier this month, an official of a unit of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), Bulgargaz's parent company, said the holding company intends to provide a short-term loan to Bulgargaz to pay its liabilities to Russian gas giant Gazprom. He said at the time that Bulgargaz has to pay USD 100 million to Gazprom by the end of December, including USD 50 million in overdue payments.
Source: Capital (18.12.2014)
Energy minister promised new equipment for Mines Maritsa Iztok "There are no plans to privatize the state-owned mines, we seek options to provide fresh financial resources for the purchase of new equipment and repair facilities in the Mines Maritsa Iztok, the Minister of Energy Violet Petkova assured. Minister Petkova was clear that the vast investment program in the mines will increase the efficiency of the production process and ensure safe working conditions. "We will defend the interests of miners - they are the backbone of the Bulgarian energy system," she assured. Representatives of the trade unions thanked Minister Petkova for the constructive dialogue and the opportunity to put in front of her all the pressing problems in the mines.
Source: Standart (22.12.2014)
Natural Gas Price Drops by 0.30 Leva The State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (SEWRC) approved a price of 603.14 leva for 1,000 cu m of natural gas exclusive of excise duty and VAT as of January 1, 2015. This means that the price will be 0.30 leva lower than the current one. The decision was published on the SEWRC website on Monday. Bulgargaz has requested an increase by 2.07 per cent or 12.48 leva as of January 1.
Source: Standart (23.12.2014)
Two investors willing to buy Bulgarias Belene NPP A foreign investor sent a letter to Bulgarian Council of Ministers expressing his desire to buy Belene NPP. The investor is not from Russia and has declared that he does not require state guarantees for financial resources that will be invested in the project. The government should invite the investor after his business and capital is examined. Chairman of ABV party said that there was a second potential investor in Belene NPP who was from the USA.
Source: Standart (08.01.2015)
Bulgaria govt considering partial privatisation of BEH once again The idea for part of the shares of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries to be sold on the BSE Sofia has returned to the agenda. This is one of the mid-term measures to stabilise the energy field, it transpires from a paper worked out by the Energy Ministry. The idea to sell part of BEH on BSE is not new. It was put forward for discussion for the first time in end-2011 during the first government of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB). Initial plans envisaged the sale of 15% of BEH via the BSE or an international market or offering packages of 20 25% to the Electricity System Operator (ESO) and the gas operator Bulgartransgaz alone. Afterwards it transpired that the government intends to seek a strategic investor for the energy holding, which was supposed to happen until end-2012. In the end, in October 2013 the BEH issued a bond emission of EUR 500 million with a coupon of 4.25%.
Source: Capital (09.01.2015)
Brussels gives green light for Bulgaria's gas hub project Bulgaria received a "green light" from Brussels for the construction of a gas hub in the country. This became clear after a series of talks between Prime Minister Boyko Borisov with European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic, responsible for Energy Union. The leading EU politician expressed his strong support for the creation of gas hubs, which may play an important role in the development of regional gas markets. Boyko Borisov presented the idea of constructing a shared hub for Russian gas in Bulgaria in order to avoid the legal complications of the cancelled South Stream pipeline. Then, the EU members could get their gas from that hub, planned near Varna. The possibility of financing the strategic project was also discussed during the meeting. For this purpose, using the existing mechanism for EU financial support could ensure a rapid implementation of the project. Such gas hub can supply Central and Western Europe as well as countries of the European Energy Community, a statement from the European Commission stated.
Source: Standart (13.01.2015)
Bulgaria's Mini Maritsa Iztok sees 2014 profit at 2.6 mln euro Bulgarian mining complex Mini Maritsa Iztok expects a profit of about BGN 5 million in 2014. The miner's investment programme for last year was only 61% fulfilled due to lack of rhythmical finances, while 82% of its upgrade programme was realised, Mini Maritsa Iztok said in a notice published on its website. Its 2014 coal output exceeded 27.5 million tonnes, which is 428,000 tonnes more than projected in the company's business plan. The mines of the Mini Maritsa Iztok complex excavated and transported nearly 81.22 million cm of earth in 2014. The mining complex, located in southern Bulgaria, is 100%-owned by state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Capital (14.01.2015)
Bulgaria plans to award offshore oil, gas exploration contract by end-Aug Bulgaria expects to select a contractor for oil and natural gas exploration in blocks 1-14 Silistar and 1-22 Teres in the continental shelf and the country's exclusive economic zone in the Black Sea by the end of August. The tenders for the exploration of the two blocks have already begun. Hopes are by the middle of the year, July-August at the latest, procedure to be completed and a company to be successfully selected. There is a prospect of having oil and natural gas at the two blocks. In December last year, the Bulgarian government said it plans to open tenders for exploration in the two blocks, granting five-year permits. At the time, it said potential investors will have to pay an annual fee of BGN 275, for the Silistar block, which covers an area of 6,893 sq km, while for the Teres block, with an area of 4,032 sq km, the annual fee is set at BGN 161,280. In the 2002-2007 period, US-based Vintage Petroleum International conducted limited exploration in the two blocks in compliance with a permit it had been granted. In 2013, the government cancelled a tender to grant a permit for oil and gas exploration in the 1-22 Teres block after it failed to attract any bidders.
Source: Capital (21.01.2015)
Life Extension of Units 5, 6 of Kozloduy NPP Proceeds as Planned- Watchdog Chair The life extension of units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant proceeds according to plan, according to Lachezar Kostov, Chair of the Bulgarian Nuclear Regulatory Agency (BNRA). Kostov informed that the BNRA had received all necessary documents for the procedure by November 2014 and had approved the life extension of the two N-plant units. He said that parallel to that Worley Parsons was estimating whether the recommended measures were sufficient. Kostov noted that the contract with the consultant was worth around BGN 150 000. He made clear that Worley Parsons was expected to present its evaluation of the program by April 2015, adding that the life extension plans for the two N-plant units could include additional measures. Kostov said that the Kozloduy NPP could launch the implementation of the plan approved by the BNRA immediately. Borislav Stanimirov, Deputy Chair of BNRA, claimed that the life extension of the two N-plant units was a a purely technical question and there was no politics involved.
Source: Standart (22.01.2015)
Bulgaria's Promodul to invest about 1.7 mln euro in canning plant Bulgarian fuel station maker Promodul will expand its activities and will invest between 2.5 million levs ($1.5 million/1.3 million euro) and 3 million levs in a plant for conservation of fruit and vegetables in the city of Pavlikeni, the company's owner and manager said on Friday. The company will renovate an existing non-operational plant and will start processing, storing, canning and freezing fruit and vegetables, Ivan Ivanov told SeeNews over the phone. [The investment] can be even bigger as I have not calculated the technological process and how much equipment I will need, he said, adding that there are some details that need to be taken into account before calculating the overall investment in the new plant. The core activities of the company are the production and equipment of gas stations. Ivanov said he bought the 1.35 ha property on which the plant lies, and which was used in the past for fruit and vegetables conservation, and decided to use it for the same purpose. The plant itself takes up an area of about 3,000 sq m. [I Intend to use] my own funds and [funds from] banks, with which I work, and to apply [for financing] under European projects, Ivanov noted. According to the owner, reconstruction works on the building have been completed, but the plant is not expected to start operating within the next year because the project is still at the draft phase and a lot more needs to be done. The total capacity of the plant has not been determined yet, but expectations are that it would be about 2 tonnes of canned fruits and vegetable per day. The capacity is a little difficult for me [to determine], as I am in the process of defining the technology itself and I have to consider the property that we have, since production is more specific in terms of freezing we need refrigerators and so on, Promodul's owner and manager noted. The plant is expected to create about 25 jobs. Promodul asked earlier this year the Pavlikeni municipality for an assessment on whether the project needs an environmental impact assessment (EIA), data published on the municipality's website indicated. The document showed that the company intends to design a plan for the project and launch construction works in 2015 while within a period of 24 months the plant should be operational. Promodul, based in Pavlikeni, was set up in March 2012. It is 100%-owned by Ivanov. Pavlikeni, part of the Veliko Tarnovo area, is located in Northern Bulgaria. The company posted a profit of 178,000 levs in 2013, up by 5.3% compared to the previous year. Its net sales grew by an annual 50.6% to 839,000 levs in 2013.
Source: Capital (24.01.2015)
Project Company South Stream Bulgaria AD Is Still Operational - CEO South Stream Bulgaria AD, the company in charge of the implementation of the South Stream gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory, keeps functioning, according to Dimitar Gogov, CEO of the company. In a Friday interview for the Bulgarian National Television, Gogov underscored that there was no official document indicating that the gas pipeline project had been suspended and therefore South Stream Bulgaria AD was still operational. Govov, as cited by, pointed out that a number of procedures were underway that could not be stopped. Asked to specify where the money was coming from, he said that the shareholders were providing the financing. Gogov refused to comment on allegations distributed by various media outlets of the average wage at the company amounting to BGN 10 000. South Stream Bulgaria AD was incorporated in 2010 over the implementation of the Bulgarian section of the South Stream gas pipeline. Shareholders in the company are the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and OAO Gazprom, each with a 50% share.
Source: (24.01.2015)
Bulgaria's State Electricity Co 'Sells Energy Below Market Prices' State-owned National Electricity Company (NEK) is suffering losses worth millions of BGN due to "lobbyist" legislation amendments and a practice to sell electricity below market prices, a Bulgarian MP has claimed. In December 2014, NEK sold some 650 MW of energy, nearly 50% of Bulgaria's total annual export, at BGN 70-71 per MW, which is ten percent below market princes. Kadiev's estimates suggest NEK is running a BGN 30 M loss just from these activities. amendments to the Energy Act are forthcoming which include changes a "liabilities to society" tax of BGN 15/MW/h. The latter levy replaced in August the "green energy" tax introduced by the previous elected socialist-liberal government that was revoked by the Constitutional court in end-July. Kadiev alleged that the "lobbyist" amendment envisaged a cap on the new tax which would benefit bigger industrial consumers of energy, with the move depriving NEK of nearly BGN 40 M in revenues. "The loss... will be dispersed among households and will increase consumer [electricity] bills by BGN 1 a month," he argued. Electricity bills are set to go up in the next years, as energy watchdog officials maintain. At the same time NEK is actively exploring measures to tackle its massive debt worth about BGN 3 B (in an economy of about BGN 80 M), according to government estimates.
Source: Dnevnik (26.01.2015)
Bulgarian energy markets capital increased by BGN 350 thousand In the spring of 2014 the energy authority issued license for organization of stock market of a specially founded company under the name of Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange SPJSC, which is entirely controlled by Bulgarian energy holding. The aim is in that way companies of the energy sector to have bigger choice for distribution of electric energy. In the beginning of December its capital was increased from BGN 50 to BGN 400 thousand. The move was made so that the enterprise provide for its activity. It is also in line with Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchanges investment programme and Bulgarian law. According to the companys business plan for 2014 it should have generated revenues to the amount of BGN 422 thousand from sale of slightly over 4 million megawatt hours. This is 9% of the total quantity of produced energy in the country, which in fact never happened. Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchanges investment programme envisaged that last year the company should have invested BGN 717 thousand. The biggest part of the money was set aside for purchase of MMS platform. It is used for trade and its purchase was assessed to BGN 613 thousand. In 2016 the second stage of the programme is due. It is connected with significant expenses. Then Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange plans to start the process of merging with regional energy markets.
Source: Capital (26.01.2015)
Stalled South Stream remains a priority in the government program Continuing the construction of the South Stream Project only in full compliance with EU legislation, in a dialogue with the European Commission and if the economic benefits are proved. The Government plans a number of measures for energy efficiency, financial stabilization of the sector and development of new projects. In this sphere, the Cabinet prioritizes support for and participation in the establishment of a European Energy Union. The Energy Ministry and the Council of Ministers are tasked with developing and adopting an energy strategy for the period ending in 2030 and, in the longer term, until 2050, and a National Energy Efficiency Strategy. The Government argues for the need to keep the development capacity of the nuclear power industry, to extend the service life of Kozloduy N-Plant Units 5 and 6, and to develop new economically effective nuclear power projects without reliance on State aid. There are plans to elect a new complement of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission on the basis of principles guaranteeing its political independence, to amend the Energy Act so as to safeguard the interests of Bulgarian household and business electricity customers in a fair price of electricity, to take actions for the financial rehabilitation of the National Electric Company (NEK). The Cabinet also plans to implement a large-scale national programme for energy renovation of multi-family residential buildings, which would cover 50 per cent of them within two years. The Programme envisages liberalization of the energy market, an acceleration of oil and gas exploration and prospecting, including in the Black Sea, while complying with the National Assembly resolution that banned use of the hydraulic fracturing method.
Source: Other (26.01.2015)
Slovakia Proposes Gas Interconnection to Romania and Bulgaria Slovakia's gas pipeline operator Eurostream is proposing to Bulgaria and Romania to build an interconnection to reduce their dependence on Russian gas supplies.The proposed 570-km interconnection pipeline would carry gas from Western hubs via Slovakia to Ukraine and then to Romania and Bulgaria, helping to prevent the negative consequences of possible disruptions in Russian gas supplies via Ukraine. A memorandum of understanding on the proposal is expected to be signed with counterparts in Romania and Bulgaria in the next two weeks. A joint venture project worth between EUR 750 M and EUR 1.2 B is now being considered. Under the project, Eurostream will use its existing pipelines to connect to Ukraine's Soyuz pipeline leading to the border with Romania. The proposed interconnection will have a potential capacity of up to 20 billion cubic metres of gas per year.
Source: Presa (30.01.2015)
Bulgargaz appoints new CEO Bulgargaz has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer, announced the Ministry of Energy, BTV reports. Peter Ivanov will be replacing Dafinka Iankova. Iankova became Chief Executive of the gas company in December 2013. Several months before that the post was occupied by Shishman Chaoushev, who had replaced the dismissed Dimitar Gogov. Peter Ivanov has worked at Varna-pro, specializing in the supply of marine equipment and pipeline construction. He also used to be an accountant at the National Electric Company. A few weeks ago Ilian Dukov, son of former MP of GERB Snezhana Dukova, was appointed to the Directors' Board of the company. Botio Velinov, who became a member of the Directors' Board at the end of 2013, will remain one.
Source: Capital (05.02.2015)
From 2016 all electricity to be sold on the Exchange There will be an energy exchange through which will undergo the whole amount of electricity, announced the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Energy and MP Delian Dobrev and added that the stock exchange in Bulgaria will work on the Romanian model. The amendments to the Energy Act (EA), which is currently under discussion, envisages full liberalization of the electricity market in Bulgaria by 2016. According to Dobrev, from the beginning of next year there will be no energy mix sold by the National Energy Company (NEK) but preferential prices and a fund to cover the cost of green energy.
Source: Standart (06.02.2015)
State TPP looks for a loan again After several months ago state thermal power plant Marista East-2 got BGN 15 million bank loan for working capital, it is again in search of new BGN 25 million. The company has announced public tender for overdraft as it is ready to pay for it more than BGN 2 million expenses. Until recently the TPP was obtaining necessary working capital through loans from the closed corporate commercial bank. In the meantime the company announced that it has produced a record quality of electrical energy from the start of 2015. It is assessed to more than 1 billion kilowatt-hours. As a matter of comparison for the entire 2014 the state power plant generated 8, 8 billion kilowatt-hours.
Source: Trud (09.02.2015)
Bulgaria Will Not Launch New N-Plant Units until 2024 Forecast Bulgaria will not launch new nuclear capacity in the next 10 years, according to a forecast of the Electricity System Operator (ESO). According to state-owned ESO, the Maritsa-Iztok 2 thermal power plant will not need an expansion by units 9 and 10 over the next 10 years. The forecast, as cited by Pressa daily, is part of a draft plan for the development of the electricity network in the period 2015-2024. According to the document, the construction of the Belene nuclear power plant was stopped through decisions of Bulgarias government and Parliament. As regards the project for unit 7 of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant, the forecast suggests that it should enter into service after 2025 due to the lengthy conciliation proceedings. ESO also cites a forecast of the European Commission by 2050 under which Bulgaria is expected to unveil new nuclear capacity after 2035. At the same time, the forecast envisages an increase in the capacity of the 1000-MW units 5 and 6 of the Kozloduy NPP by 100 MW through upgrades of the turbines. The Gorna Arda hydro power project will be built to include 3 dams and 3 hydroelectric power plants, with the Byal Izvor hydroelectric power plant scheduled to become operational first, in 2022, with a capacity of 44 MW. One year later, the Ardino HPP is to be launched with a capacity of 56 MW, and in 2024, the Gorna Arda hydro power project is be completed with the launch of the Kitnitsa HPP with a capacity of 66 MW.
Source: (09.02.2015)
Bulgaria is building gas hub for EUR 2.2BN The European Commission has frozen the criminal procedures against Bulgaria related to the South Stream, EC Vice President Maros Sefcovic informed today. After the High Level Group on Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity (CESEC) summit it became clear that Bulgaria may build a gas hub and that the project is now valued at EUR 2.2 billion. "We discussed the criminal proceedings related to the South Stream and we are here to inform you that these procedures will be frozen," Sefcovic. The EC Vice President gave a joint statement with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov after meeting with energy ministers from the EU. Mr Borisov emphasized that the South Stream is not officially terminated to date, as Bulgaria has not received any written document about Russia's decision. "We want to get back to a pragmatic solution to the issue outside the emotions, which would allow good business between the EU and Russia ", Mr Borissov added. The Vice President of the European Commission voiced solidarity with Mr Borisov and added:" We have the impression that communication for such projects should happen through established channels, but in the case that did not happen and so we were surprised. Mr Sefcovic recalled that he initiated a meeting with representatives of all parties involved in the South Stream just a day before Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in Ankara his decision to de-route the South Stream to Turkey. Mr Borisov emphasized that he was ready to negotiate a gas hub from Greece to Russia. "To go somewhere, you first have to be invited. You all know that Vladimir Putin was in Sofia. So why could not I go to Moscow? If he asked me, I am ready to talk," the PM said in response to a question whether he would sit down negotiations with the Russian president.
Source: Standart (10.02.2015)
Balkan gas routes established at the Summit Meeting in Sofia today Nine EU ministers of energy and two commissioners are discussing the route of gas today at the "Boyana" state residence. The first Summit meeting of Southeast European countries on the security of natural gas supply will be attended by power company executives from Austria, Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia and Bulgaria. The forum is also be attended by the Commissioners for Energy and Climate Change Maros Sefcovic and Miguel Canete. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is familiarizing the experts with the idea of a vertical gas corridor through Greece, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary, the Standart learned. It will be decided whether to create a gas hub in Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (10.02.2015)
Record coal yield at Mini Maritsa Iztok mines The first month of the year at "Mini Maritsa Iztok" mines ended with a record coal yield, the company reported. More than 3.3 million tons of lignite have been excavated and shipped from the three mines, thereby improving upon the business plan by over 127 percent. The greatest success was at Troianovo-North mine, where the yield was more than 1.2 million tons of coal. The coal excavated and transported from the coal mine Troianovo 3 was a little more than 1 million tons, and in mine Troianovo 1 - over 965,000 tons. The total production of the coal company in January this year is only 2304 tons less than the highest monthly production in the last 20 years, according to official statistics. The record was achieved in October 2013, when the mines had a yield in excess of 3.5 million tons of coal. The business plan of the company for this year entails a yield of 27.35 million tons of coal and mining, transportation and filling of 101.425 million cu. m of land mass, the company said.
Source: Standart (19.02.2015)
US-Owned TPPs Agree to Cut their Electricity Prices Bulgaria's National Electric Company (NEK) has signed memorandums with each of the two US-owned coal-fired electric power plants in the Maritsa Basin, AES Maritza East 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3, under which the long-term agreements on purchase of the electricity generated by the plants will be renegotiated and its price will be reduced, Energy Minister Temenouzhka told a news conference here on Friday. For its part, NEK guaranteed that it will pay its overdue debts to the two power plants. "We hope that the renegotiation on the terms and conditions for the long-term purchase of the electricity produced by the plants will be finalized by the end of March 2015," Petkova said.
Source: Standart (23.02.2015)
Bulgarias Chiren Gas Storage Has Enough Gas for 3 Months Bulgarias Chiren underground gas storage contains enough gas to meet the countrys needs for three months with some restrictions, according to a statement of the Energy Ministry. The information was released in response to Tuesdays escalation of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine over gas supplies and the warning of Gazprom that there could be problems with deliveries to Europe in two days. The Energy Ministry, as cited by, assures that the pressure at the entrance of Bulgarias gas transmission system is normal at present. The total quantity of gas stored at the Chiren facility is nearly 247 million cubic meters of gas. On Tuesday, Russian energy giant Gazprom warned that it could halt gas supplies to Ukraine, adding that this would most probably cause problems in Europe.
Source: Dnevnik (25.02.2015)
S&P downgrades Bulgaria's NEK to B Standard&Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) lowered Bulgarian power utility National Electricity Companys (NEK) long-term corporate credit rating to B+ from BB- and has removed it from CreditWatch. The outlook on NEK remains negative, S&P said in a statement last week. The rating action follows the completion of our review of our assessments of NEK's stand-alone credit profile (SACP) and BEH's group credit profile (GCP), taking into account our expectations for full-year 2014 results and the Bulgarian government's announced reforms to the country's ailing power sector, the agency said. NEK is a fully-owned subsidiary of state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH).
Source: Capital (06.03.2015)
Bankrupt Fertilizer Plant Chimco AD Fails to Attract Bidders in Second Tender No candidates to buy the bankrupt Vratsa-based fertilizer plant Chimco AD, also known as Himko AD, showed up in the second open tender. The price tag, at BGN 22.8 M, had been reduced by slightly over BGN 6 M from the previous tender held in 2014, according to reports of the Bulgarian Telegraph Agency. The bid increment had been set at BGN 1 M. The liquidator, Rositsa Tomova, announced that the tender had been held valid, despite the fact that no bidders had participated. She made clear that the creditors were to decide on the date of the next tender and the manner in which it would be organized. Tomova informed that the decision was to be taken at a general meeting of creditors to be assigned and to be held at the Vratsa District Court. The largest creditors of Chimco are state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz, the National Electric Company (NEK), and the National Revenue Agency (NRA). The first tender for the sale of Chimco was held in the spring of 2014 and no participants showed up. Then-Economy Minister Dragomir Stoynev had included Chimco in the plan of the government for the reindustrialization of the Bulgarian economy, the idea being that the state would buy the plant and stabilize it and then sell it to a foreign investor. However, the Economy Ministry did not take part in the first tender as the price was considered to be too high.
Source: Capital (09.03.2015)
European Commission Supports Construction of Bulgaria-Greece Gas Interconnector The construction of a natural gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece and the European Commission's support for the project were discussed by Bulgarian Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova and European Commission Vice President for the Energy Union Maros Sefcovic, the Energy Ministry reported on Tuesday. The two met during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP), which was held in the eastern Turkish town of Selim. Petkova and Sefcovic considered the Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector as part of the Southern Gas Corridor. Sefcovic said the European Commission supports the interconnector project because it is important not only for Bulgaria but also for the entire European Union. Petkova said her government has taken all necessary measures to speed up the project. The Bulgarian national budget in 2015 includes an allocation of 80 million euro as a government guarantee for the Bulgaria-Greece interconnector, which is part of the efforts for prompt construction of the pipeline, she said. Bulgaria is working with its Greek partners to accelerate the process even more, Petkova said. offnews
Source: Other (19.03.2015)
Fitch downgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding to 'BB', places on RWN Fitch Ratings said it has downgraded Bulgarian Energy Holding's (BEH) long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) and its foreign currency senior unsecured rating to 'BB' from 'BB+', and placed the ratings on rating watch negative (RWN). "The rating downgrade reflects a substantial deterioration of BEH group's credit metrics driven by a wider tariff deficit at its subsidiary Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK) amid an unfavourable regulatory and market environment," the ratings agency said in a statement on Wednesday. Fitch Ratings also said in its statement: "The RWN reflects the risk of a further rating downgrade if NEK's and BEH group's financial results fail to materially improve in 2015-2016 from weak 2014 preliminary levels. The speed and scale of results improvement depends on the implementation of planned regulatory and legislative changes as well as on NEK's long-term power purchase agreements renegotiation. We expect a deterioration of the BEH group's liquidity in 2015 due to working capital outflow projected by Fitch, which together with capex will result in negative free cash flow (FCF). Based on preliminary numbers for 2014, BEH expects to meet a debt incurrence covenant, as defined in the EUR500m eurobond documentation, albeit with limited headroom. In our view, failure to meet the eurobond covenant resulting in limitation to raise debt would substantially worsen BEH group's liquidity position.
Source: Dnevnik (20.03.2015)
Industrial Energy Consumers in Bulgaria Demand 23% Gas Price Decrease as of April Industrial energy consumers in Bulgaria have called for a 23% reduction in gas prices from April, instead of the 13% price decrease proposed by state-owned gas supplier Bulgargaz. Konstantin Stamenov, Chair of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), argued that gas prices in the region had plummeted as a result of the falling crude oil prices. Stamenov, as cited by the Bulgarian National Radio, noted that the difference between gas prices in Bulgaria, in neighboring countries, and on a global scale made it impossible for the Bulgarian economy to be competitive, to create jobs, and to re-invest. Prices in two of Bulgarias neighboring countries are lower by around BGN 100 per 1000 cubic meters of gas. This is detrimental to energy-intensive industry and instead of attracting investments and retaining the investors who are already here, we shall discourage further decisions for investments and job creation, Stamenov said. Industrial energy consumers call for an urgent meeting of the Security Council at the Council of Ministers and for the adoption of urgent measures to tackle the threat to the economic security of the country.
Source: Capital (20.03.2015)
EU Ready to Finance Bulgaria-Greece Gas Link, PM Borisov Says Bulgarias Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said on Friday he has been assured by EU energy chief Maros Sefcovic that the European Commission will finance the construction of a gas interconnection between Bulgaria and its southern neighghbour Greece. I believe well be able to build it using European funds, Borisov told reporters in Brussels following a EU Council meeting. He also said that Bulgarian company Bulgartransgaz has completed preparatory works and is starting the construction of a new gas link with Romania. The interconnection between Bulgaria and its northern neighbour will be able to carry over 30 billion cubic metres of gas in both directions. Commenting on the proposal to build a gas distribution centre in Bulgaria to serve Southeastern Europe and the EU, Borisov said that the idea now before the European Commission - is open to implementation. We firmly insist and now everyone realizes that it can be done. There will be several sources of gas supply, he said. Referring to the South Stream gas pipeline project, which Russia said it was abandoning in December 2014, Borisov said no written statement on the cancellation of the project has been submitted to the Bulgarian side so far.
Source: Standart (21.03.2015)
Bulgaria's BEH, units may be in breach of anti-trust rules - EC The European Commission has sent a statement of objections to state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and two if its units, informing them that they may have breached EU antitrust rules. At this stage, the Commission has concerns that BEH and gas monopoly Bulgargaz and gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz have refused to give competitors access to the gas transmission network and the gas storage facility, as well as reserved capacity they do not need on the gas import pipeline. The Commission opened formal proceedings against BEH in July 2013 to investigate whether the company may be abusing its dominant market position in the gas market in Bulgaria. In a separate investigation, in August 2014 the Commission issued a statement of objections to BEH concerning possible territorial restrictions in its electricity supply contracts with traders on the non-regulated Bulgarian wholesale electricity market. A statement of objections is a formal step in Commission investigations into suspected violations of EU antitrust rules. If, after the parties have exercised their rights of defence, the Commission concludes that there is evidence of an infringement, it can issue a decision prohibiting the conduct and impose a fine of up to 10% of a companys annual worldwide turnover.
Source: (24.03.2015)
Heat Supply Sofia to be concessioned Heat Supply Sofia SPJSC will be given in concession. This is what municipal advisers voted in favour of at the meeting of the Municipal Council that took place on the 12 of March. The decision is taken with a view of better functioning of the company. Grant Thornton that was hired to make analysis for Heat Supply Sofia SPJSCs state prepared a report stating that public-private partnership via conducting a concession procedure is the best method. The concession will allow, on the one hand, to use the resources of the private partner, and on the other, the town hall will receive concession fee with which debts to BEH will be covered.
Source: (24.03.2015)
Bulgaria asks Westinghouse to take up 49% stake in Kozloduy nuclear reactor Bulgarias Cabinet has asked US nuclear firm Westinghouse Electric to join the proposed expansion of the Kozloduy nuclear power plant as a strategic investor and shareholder with a 49 per cent stake, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova said on March 26. Speaking on the sidelines of a conference on nuclear energy, Petkova said that the government has also asked Westinghouse to raise project financing corresponding to their stake and then stay on as a shareholder for as long as possible. Last year, the now-departed Plamen Oresharski administration signed a shareholder agreement with Westinghouse to build a new 1000MW reactor at Kozloduy, with an estimated cost of $5.3 billion. The deal was agreed by the cabinet just days before it left office, which irked the socialists who were backing the government, but must still be approved by the current government. That deadline expires on March 31, Petkova said, with negotiations between the government and Westinghouse expected to go to the wire. The shareholder agreement envisions the Kozloduy power plant, which is fully state-owned, holding a 40 per cent stake in the company that would build the new reactor, with Westinghouse taking the rest. The US firm would provide all of the plant equipment, design, engineering and fuel. The agreement contained no financial commitments for the Bulgarian state, since, at the point it was signed, work on the financial framework and the engineering agreements had not started yet. Petkova said that the Cabinet was keen on the project requiring no government guarantees, thus having no impact on Bulgarias debt or budget deficit. Asked how the government planned to raise its 51 per cent share of financing provided Westinghouse agreed to raise the remainder Petkova said that it was too early to discuss the issue before the negotiations with Westinghouse were concluded.
Source: (27.03.2015)
Project for Bulgarias 7th unit of NPP Kozloduy fails Westinghouse refused to become a strategic investor in a new nuclear capacity. The company will not take part in the project for the 7th power unit of NPP Kozloduy, several government sources confirmed. The deadline to sign the agreement was March 31. Following the refusal of Westinghouse the establishment of the new nuclear capacity seems impossible. Following the visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry rumours have been spread about financing for the project being attracted from Export-Import Bank of the United States.
Source: Capital (02.04.2015)
Bulgartransgaz seeks contractor for Chirens extension Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz opened a tender for an exploratory drilling at Chiren underground gas repository an indicative value EUR of 9.77 million. The value of the contract does not include value added tax (VAT). Bids must be sent by May 25. The construction of the drilling is part of the repair and expansion of the gas repository. Chirens capacity has to be doubled so that it may collect up to 1 billion cubic meters natural gas. In that way the repository is to turn into a facility of regional importance. Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Duma (06.04.2015)
Bulgaria's Mini Maritsa Iztok gets 25.6 mln euro loan Bulgarian coal mining complex Mini Maritsa Iztok has signed a BGN 50 million loan agreement with two banks, local media reported. The coal mining company will use the proceeds from the loan to partly cover its debts to suppliers, state-owned Bulgarian National Radio reported on Tuesday, quoting Mini Maritsa Iztok's executive director Andon Andonov. Under the agreement, the loan will be repaid by the state-owned Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power plant (TPP) which in turn owes the coal mining company BGN 59.2 million. According to Andonov, the Bulgarian units of US companies AES and ContourGlobal owe Mini Maritsa Iztok a total of BGN 206 million, and local power producer Brikel owes it a further BGN 47 million. AES operates the Maritsa Iztok 1 coal-fired plant in Galabovo and ContourGlobal operates the Maritsa Iztok 3 TPP. Earlier this month the two companies agreed with state-owned power utility NEK on a decrease by 14% and 17%, respectively, in the capacity price for electricity produced by their coal-fired plants in the southeast of the country. For its part, NEK will pay all arrears to the two companies amounting to a total of BGN 700 million. These agreements, however, have no bearing on the US companies' debt to Mini Maritsa Iztok, Andonov said.
Source: (15.04.2015)
France becomes engine of Bulgaria's gas hub France will become the engine in Europe for Bulgaria's gas hub. This is the promise Bulgaria's visiting Prime Minister Boyko Borisov received from French President Francois Hollande after their meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting between the two lasted longer than the planned protocol. Mr Borisov explained to Mr Hollande his detailed plans and proposals for the construction of a gas hub of Russian gas as a replacement of the failed south Stream project. "France has always helped Bulgaria in heavy times. The gas hub and the South Stream are wonderful opportunities to use the entire transmission system of Bulgaria with new compressor stations, which have strategic place. So I am very happy that President Hollande understood me. I explained to him the possible routes over a map for half an hour and all I can say to the Bulgarians say that we found the rotor to help us in the realization of this idea. And France is a country that has a great impact in the European Council, European Commission and relations with Russia, "the PM said after the meeting.
Source: Standart (15.04.2015)
Bulgargaz seeks 10 banks Bulgargaz announced a tender for selection of ten serving banks. The reason for the high number is that public companies must not concentrate more than 25% of their net money in a credit institution. So far, Bulgargaz did not comply and 96.93% of the company's funds proved blocked in accounts in CCB. According to sources these funds are over USD 90 million. Bulgargaz will evaluate the offers in quantitative and qualitative criteria. Quality criteria include the availability of online banking platform, the period for which a transfer of large sums can be executed and the availability of a branch or headquarters in Sofia. The quantitative criteria include all service charges of the bank, the possibility of fast online banking and fees for transfers to other credit institutions. In early March, the parent company of Bulgargaz - Bulgarian Energy Holding, also announced selection procedure for 5 serving banks. Like Bulgargaz, the holding kept a lot of money in the CCB until recently.
Source: Trud (17.04.2015)
Bulgaria seeks to redraw EU pipeline map away from Russia Bulgaria is about to open a licensing round for oil and gas in the Black Sea as it seeks to turn itself into an energy hub and redraw the European pipeline map to curb the country's dependence on Russia, a senior official said on Wednesday. Bulgaria was among the countries locked into Russia's abandoned South Stream project that would have delivered gas directly to the European Union, bypassing Ukraine, traditionally a main transit route. Under pressure from the European Union, Russia abandoned the plan last year and announced it would instead develop a new route, Turkish Stream, which does not include EU member Bulgaria. This week, Gazprom warned the EU against attempts to thwart its gas strategy. In an interview on the sidelines of a meeting of EU energy and environment ministers in Riga, Bulgaria's Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov aligned himself with the European Commission's plans to find alternative routes and energy suppliers to Russia. Stankov said Bulgaria, which he said was 95 percent dependent on Russian gas, had never been officially notified of the collapse of South Stream and that the holding company in which Bulgaria has a 50 percent stake with Russia's Gazprom remained active. But the priority for Bulgaria is diversification from Russia and on making Bulgaria an energy hub.
Source: Reuters (17.04.2015)
Bulgaria Launches Tenders for Oil, Gas Exploration Rights at Silistar, Teres Blocks The tenders for oil and natural gas exploration rights for Block 1-14 Silistar and Block 1-22 Teres, two exploration blocks located in Bulgaria's Black Sea continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, are underway. The licenses for prospecting and/or exploration of oil and natural gas will be awarded for 5-year periods. The applicant-merchant or at least one of the participants in the applicant-corporation should have generated total net income of sales for the last 3 financial years, depending on the date on which it was established, not less than EUR 150 000 000. The applicants proposals for the competition shall be assessed on the basis of the proposed working programmes, resources for environmental protection and bonuses as provided for in the competition dossier. The deadline for submitting the proposals under the competition dossier expires on the 155th day following the publication of this Decision in the Official Journal of the European Union. The holders of the permits are expected to be selected in early autumn. The launch of the competitions for the two exploration blocks is part of the commitment of the Bulgarian government to reduce the countrys dependence on imports and to develop its domestic oil and gas reserves.The government expects that the competitions will attract the attention of leading international companies in the sector, as is the case with the Han Asparuh exploration block.
Source: Standart (21.04.2015)
Nord Pool Spot to Operate Bulgaria's Energy Exchange Nord Pool Spot, the energy exchange running Europe's largest electricity market, signed Wednesday an agreement also to manage activity at IBEX, the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange. As many as 380 companies from 20 states trade on the Nord Pool Spot. IBEX, on the other hand, was recently granted a 10-year license to organize the market in Bulgaria. The agreement with IBEX aims to prepare and facilitate the implementation of the first competitive Bulgarian day-ahead power market that will be extended with an intraday market at a later stage. The day-ahead power market in Bulgaria is due to be operational in Q4, 2015. The agreement signed by IBEX will ensure that the power exchange will function in line with EU rules. The choice was made after a thorough investigation and dialogue with the EU Commission. Under EU requirements, Bulgaria's energy market has to be fully liberalized by end-2015, with all consumers buying electricity at market prices.
Source: Capital (23.04.2015)
Bulgaria promotes Black Sea oil drilling in Texas Parliamentary energy committee chair Delyan Dobrev is showcasing the opportunities for oil and gas drilling in Bulgarias Black Sea exploration blocks to leading US and international companies in Houston today. Dobrev is taking part in the OTC 2015 (Offshore Technology Conference) alongside Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov and Delyan Dimitrov from the Board of Directors of state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz. The delegation will hold talks with representatives of some of the largest US companies in the sector. The focus will be on opportunities to work in the Black Sea after launching oil and gas exploration and production procedures for Teres and Silistar. The tenders for oil and natural gas exploration rights for Block 1-14 Silistar and Block 1-22 Teres, two exploration blocks located in Bulgaria's Black Sea continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, were launched on April 18 in the wake of announcements in the Official Journal of the European Union. The winner will get a 5-year license for prospecting and/or exploration of oil and natural gas. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) reports that Frances Total, Austrias OMV and Spains Repsol have been working in the block Han Asparuh for three years. Preliminary drilling to confirm deposits is scheduled in 2016.
Source: Standart (05.05.2015)
Another major US company is interested in Bulgaria's Black Sea gas Another major US company is interested in the "Teres" and "Silistar" gas fields in Bulgaria's Black Sea, it turned out in an energy conference held in Houston, Texas. Now "Andarko" is also joining the race, its representative Eric Fry informed while meeting with National Assembly Energy Committee head Delyan Dobrev, Deputy Minister of Energy Jecho Stankov and Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Bulgartransgaz" Delyan Dimitrov. the meeting was held in Houston, Texas within the frames of the the leading global exhibition OTC 2015, dedicated to the exploration and production of oil and gas. Two days ago the American oil giant "Exxon Mobile" also showed significant interest in Bulgaria's undeveloped fields and stated its participation. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is an American oil and gas exploration company and one of the world's largest publicly traded oil and gas exploration and production companies, with approximately 2.79 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) of proved reserves and annual sales volumes of 274 million BOE as of December 31, 2013. Anadarko employs a worldwide workforce of about 6,000. The company is headquartered in The Woodlands, SPD Montgomery County, Texas.
Source: Standart (07.05.2015)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Reports Declining Income, Profit in 2014 The operating income of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) EAD dived by 64.16 per cent in 2014 from 2013, and the profit before tax plummeted from BGN 414.8 mln to BGN 285.9 mln, according to the company's Annual Report for 2014 that has been published. On March 20, 2015,Fitch Ratings downgraded BEH's long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) and its foreign currency senior unsecured rating one level to 'BB' from 'BB+' and placed the ratings on rating watch negative (RWN), the report recalls. "The rating downgrade reflects a substantial deterioration of BEH group's credit metrics driven by a wider tariff deficit at its subsidiary Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK) amid an unfavourable regulatory and market environment," the ratings agency said. Fitch views the Bulgarian regulatory environment as less developed and far less predictable than in western Europe. "Several legislative and regulatory changes aimed at narrowing NEK's deficit are planned by the government, parliament and the regulatory office for 2015, but may be subject to delays or may yield lower-than-expected positive impact as happened in 2014 with some planned changes." A substantial narrowing of NEK's deficit and increased predictability of cash flows at BEH group could lead to a positive rating action, the report points out. The company's principal sources of income are dividends received, interest received on loans extended to subsidiaries, and services provided to subsidiaries in financial management, project management, corporate governance and business planning, legal and regulatory matters, public relations and communications.
Source: (11.05.2015)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz plans to seek 6.61% drop in gas prices in Q3 Bulgarian gas monopoly Bulgargaz said on Monday it plans to ask the regulator to approve a 6.61% decrease in the price at which the company sells natural gas to its wholesale clients in the third quarter of 2015. The tariff of BGN 489.10 per 1,000 cu m proposed by Bulgargaz does not include Value Added Tax and excise duties, the company said in a notice on its website. It reflects an expected drop in the price which Bulgargaz will pay for gas supplies in the July-September period, the company added. Bulgargaz will make public its final proposal for third-quarter natural gas prices on June 10, upon submitting it with the energy regulator. The adjustment in the wholesale tariff, made on a quarterly basis, must be approved by the energy regulator to take effect. Bulgargaz is a subsidiary of the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: Sega (12.05.2015)
Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz held over 25% of their money in CCB The total amount of cash in the CCB of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries amounted to BGN 132.839 million, said Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova. "In particular, the holdings current accounts in CCB amounted to BGN 44.073 million at the time of placing the bank under special supervision. On June 20, 2014 NPP Kozloduy had cash in the CCB of over BGN 4 million. The requirement for a net concentration is observed as of June 30, 2014. NEK had BGN 14 million in CCB. The company has a contract with the bank following a procedure of public procurement law. Minister Petkova pointed out that the choice of bank is approved by resolution of the Board of Directors. Cash of ESO in the bank amounted to over BGN 3 million.
Source: Presa (27.05.2015)
25% of BEH put on the BSE Bulgaria will offer 20-25% of the shares of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) on the capital markets, Deputy Energy Minister Nikolay Nikolov announced. This will happen after stabilization of the holding, which will facilitate the liberalization of the market, he said. Following the liberalization, BEH subsidiaries will improve their financial results, will refinance their obligations, and through sales of shares will fund modernizations, Nikolov said. Meanwhile, BEH is about to take BGN 800 million government guaranteed loan, Deputy Minister Nikolov said. It will be used to pay the obligations of the BEHs subsidiary NEK to both US TPPs in the Maritza Iztok complex.
Source: Standart (27.05.2015)
NEK obligations to the two US plants in Maritsa - Iztok grows within the hours, CEO of BEH Jaklin Cohen said during a parliament hearing on the energy situation. Cohen said he led tough negotiations with the plants for final signing of the contracts with which to reduce the cost of availability, which NEK pays. The effect of this measure will save BGN 1 billion for the remaining 10 years of the contract, or BGN 100 million per year. The condition to reduce the price is the payment of NEKs debt to two companies - AES Galabovo Maritsa East 1 and Contour Global Maritsa East 3. Initially it was announced to be 700 million. Yesterday, Deputy Minister of Energy Nikolay Nikolov said the debt is BGN 800 million and that Bulgarian Energy Holding seeks to draw government loan to be repay the obligations.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2015)
Heavy industry insists concessions in the price of electricity to be fact until July Looming increase in electricity prices from July 1 by an average of 1.9% for households and 22% for business consumers becomes more and more of a worry to the heavy industry, which for years insisted on concessions in the price. Reason is that the ordinance, which should enable the introduction of discounts for large energy consumers, is not yet ready. Under the amended Energy Act, adopted in early March, that order had to be drawn up jointly by the Ministries of Energy, Finance and Economy within 6 months from the entry into force of the amendments. It must determine the mechanism by which to apply the facilitated regime. According to experts the idea of concessions is to benefit mainly large metallurgical enterprises, which due to their very nature, are among the most energy-intensive industries despite introduced energy efficiency measures. As a result for them the resolve for in the price of energy to be finalized by July 1 is vital, as then the regulator should define the new electricity prices for the next year.
Source: Capital (04.06.2015)
Washington is asking Bulgaria about its interconnectors Interconnectors with neighboring countries of Bulgaria and the opportunities for energy routes diversification were some of the main topics of discussion between Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Amos J Hochstein, Special Envoy and Coordinator for International Energy Affairs at the US State Department. "Bulgaria is strongly committed to the construction of interconnectors and especially the gas link with Greece. The greatest progress in the construction of pipes is with Romania, the funding for the feasibility study of the interconnector with Turkey is provided. As for Serbia, despite the slowdown, we have assurances to accelerate the process "said Mr Borisov. He emphasized that the construction of the Southern Gas Corridor will ensure Europe's energy security through diversification of sources and routes of supply of energy resources, which is part of the European energy alliance. The Prime Minister pointed out that work is being done towards the liberalization of the Bulgarian electricity market by the end of the year. Shortly thereafter, the US envoy was received by Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov. Bulgaria's No. 1 diplomat expressed his support for the full integration of the gas market in Central and Eastern Europe in partnership with neighboring countries and EU support.
Source: Standart (11.06.2015)
Construction of Bulgaria's seventh nuclear reactor will cost USD 5.3 bln Construction of the 7th reactor of NPP "Kozloduy" will cost 5.3 billion dollars, it emerged during a conference at the Ministry of energy between special envoy of Secretary of State John Kerry Amos Hochstein and Bulgarian Minister of energy Temenuzhka Petkova. The specific amount is the final price of the contract. The participation of NPP "Kozloduy" in building the future power capacity will amount to 400 million dollars. WE recall that yesterday the Special Representative of the US Secretary of State Amos Hochstein arrived in Bulgaria. He met with the Minister of Energy, President Rosen Plevneliev, Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Foreign Minister Daniel Mitov and they discussed the diversification of natural gas supplies to Bulgaria.
Source: Standart (12.06.2015)
Austrian OMV may transfer Romanian gas via Bulgaria Austrian OMV has interest in transferring natural gas through Bulgaria, if reserves are found in the deposit which is being analyzed together with ExxonMobil in Romanias territory waters in the Black sea. The idea is about 1-2 billion cubic meters of gas annually to be transferred through the interconnectors gas link between Bulgaria and Romania, which has not yet been entered into exploitation. The reason for the interest in transit of gas via the Bulgarian gas network was prompted by the lack of well-developed gas infrastructure in Romania. Part of transit quantities can even remain in Bulgaria if Bulgargaz or other distribution companies show interest in such a deal. Three candidates showed interest in the pre-project research for construction of interconnector link between Bulgaria and Turkey. These are: Chimcomplect Engineering AD, which was the designer for the construction of Nabucco, which never started, Gastech BG AD, which is owned by Overgas Holding and makes feasibility study of the gas link with Serbia and Burgasnefteproekt Ltd., owned by Lukoil.
Source: Standart (12.06.2015)
OMV is building a gas pipe through Bulgaria to link the Turkish Stream to Austria Austrian state energy giant OMV is building a gas pipeline linking the so-called Turkish Stream passing at the Bulgarian-Turkish border to the central gas distribution center in Baumgarten near Vienna, Austrian edition "Die Presse" reports. Rainer Seele, the future CEO of OMV, plans a new path for Russian gas to Vienna with Gazprom. Seele will take over one of the most powerful energy companies in Central Europe on July 1st. The project, passing through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary will be lead by Reinhard Mitschek - a former boss of the Nabucco pipeline project. Since 2009, he has been leading Wintershall - a division of the chemical giant BASF, one of the main European partners of the Russian gas giant and frank critic of EU sanctions against the ruling at Russia. OMV Supervisory Board Chair Rudolf Kemler noted that the delivery of Russian gas through Ukraine may change and that it is "very important that OMV may be included in this process and we can play a key role as an important point of delivery of gas from Russia to Central Europe."
Source: Standart (15.06.2015)
Businesses want resignations because of the price of electricity BICA, BIA and the CEIBG demand an urgent meeting with Prime Minister Boyko Borisov regarding the price of electricity. The three national representative organizations report that they will demand the resignation of Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and President of KEVR Ivan Ivanov, if no measures are taken for the introduction of European pricing of electricity. "In addition to our protests against the planned rise in electricity from July 1 - between 13% and 20% for the majority of active enterprises in Bulgaria and between 4% and 13% for the largest energy intensive production we again categorically insist that Bulgaria implement EU policies and best practices in the energy sector," the organizations wrote in a letter to PM Borisov. The refusal of reforms in the energy sector and the decision all accumulated imbalances to be paid by local businesses are the main reason that makes BICA, BIA and the CEIBG request the two resignations. The business organizations point out that the decision has been taken without an impact assessment on the economy from the increase in the price of electricity for business use, as required by European directives. The three organizations will approach the prosecution for inspections on how were signed long-term contracts for power purchase, are received preferences for renewable energy eligible and whether the production of cogeneration is high-effective.
Source: Standart (16.06.2015)
BG factories to oppose 20% electricity price hike from July 1 with strike The decision of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission / KEVR / to increase electricity prices by up to 20% from July 1 is truly angering local producers. As a result, four employers' organizations have announced a one -hour protest strike on June 26. According to the industrial employers, the intent of the Energy Ministry to partially offset electricity costs for about 30 enterprises that have an electricity consumption over 30 GWh per annum does not solve the problems in the sector which have been accumulating for years. Our questions were left unanswered, said CEIBG BICA, BIA and BCCI in a declaration. The production will be suspended for one hour in the enterprises that are members of the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria / KRIB / Association of Industrial Capital in Bulgaria / BICA / Bulgarian Industrial Association / BIA / and Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry / BCCI /. The only exceptions are those with a continuous production cycle. Although employers' organizations recently issued a position on the appreciation of the current for business, they say that many of their questions stayed unanswered. One of them is why the amount of the fixed (respectively regulated by KEVR) final price of electricity in the country is among the highest ones in Europe. The data indicate that the fixed price is only higher in Denmark - yet compared to all others Bulgarian fixed industrial electricity prices are between 2 and 8 times higher. According to the business organizations the other main unanswered question is about green energy. They ask why the "green energy" supplement was raised by 43.4% (from BGN 11.1 / MWh. to 15, 92 lev / MWh.)
Source: Standart (22.06.2015)
Bulgaria proposes gas storage facility for Turkish Stream Bulgaria wants to build a storage facility for natural gas from the Turkish Stream pipeline project, according to Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Turkish Hurriyet reports. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project on Dec. 1, 2014. Instead, he proposed a new natural gas pipeline route through Turkey's northwestern Thrace region to reach Greece. The route is commonly referred to as the Turkish Stream. "Bulgaria has renewed desire to build a natural gas storage facility," Novak said on June 19, adding that the facility would be located on Bulgarian soil and not on the border between Turkey and Bulgaria. Novak addressed the media during the International Economic Forum (SPIEF) held in St. Petersburg and spoke of his meeting with Temenuzhka Petkova, the Bulgarian energy minister. The same proposal was made six months ago, he said without providing further information regarding Russia's position on the project. Turkish Stream is expected to have a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. It will deliver 47 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe, while the remaining amount will be allocated for Turkey's domestic use. The agreement for the Turkish Stream gas pipeline's construction may be signed by the end of June, Novak said June 18.
Source: BTA (23.06.2015)
Only companies with experience and money will look for oil and gas in the Black sea Ministry of Energy as a principal will be able to eliminate candidates in tenders for granting a concession for search and extraction of oil and gas in the Black Sea, if they do not meet the minimum requirements for technical capacity and financial resources. These amendments to the Law on Mineral resources were approved of by the MPs in the Energy Committee in the Parliament. The bill was proposed by the Cabinet at the end of May. With the amendments to the Law on Mineral Resources companies will be able to start mining only if they have a plan for recovery of waste. The control on execution of activities on search and extraction of mineral resources is shared between the Energy Minister, the Minister of Environment and Water, Minister of Labor and Minister of Culture, as well as mayors of municipalities.
Source: Duma (29.06.2015)
World Bank to Audit Bulgarias Energy Market Prior to Full Liberalization The World Bank will draft a comprehensive review of the financial state of Bulgarias energy sector and identify steps towards full liberalization of the electricity market by the end of the year under a deal signed on Friday. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) signed a consultancy services contract with the World Bank in Sofia, under which the World Bank will make a financial analysis of the sector, reported. The value of the deal was not disclosed. World Bank experts will analyse in particular the financial state of the state-run National Electricity Company NEK, which has been persistenly plagued by deficits.The analysis will serve as the basis for choosing a model for a Bulgarian energy exchange, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova explained at a news conference following the signing of the deal. Finding a compensation mechanism that will prevent the accumulation of deficits at NEK at the opening of the energy exchange will be a key part of the assignment. By November the government should be ready to introduce changes to the Energy Law that will provide the legal basis for the complete liberalization of the electricity market. A target date for the liberalization to take place is early 2016, Petkova said. Looking ahead, BEH CEO Jacklen Cohen commented they have the ambition to achieve the liberalization of the market in a very short time span. The next step after the liberalization will be to connect our market to the already existing markets, Cohen said
Source: (10.08.2015)
The share capital of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will be increased by BGN 239.4 mln., Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova decided. The amount comes from the profit of the holding, which includes the largest state-owned energy companies. So instead of money to go to the state budget in the form of dividends, they will be used by the company itself. After the increase the companys main capital will become BGN 3.18 billion.
Source: Trud (11.08.2015)
Bulgaria to forego dividend from state energy holding Bulgarias Energy Ministry will not seek any dividend from the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) for 2014, using the money instead to bolster the groups equity capital as it seeks to borrow money to pay back debts owed by its electric utility subsidiary to two power plants owned by US private investors, reports in Bulgarian media said on August 12, citing filings with the countrys trade register. According to the reports, the ministry was due to receive 239.5 million leva, or about 122.4 million euro, in dividend from BEH, the umbrella structure set up by Bulgarian government in 2008 to consolidate state-owned companies in the energy industry. BEH is currently seeking to borrow at least 800 million leva for its subsidiary NEK, the state electric utility, which needs the money to pay back the debts owed to AES Maritsa Iztok 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa Iztok 3 power plants as part of an agreement under which the two coal-powered plants would reduce the price at which they sell electricity to NEK. (sofia globe)
Source: Sega (13.08.2015)
List of Bulgarias CorpBank creditors published A list of creditors of Corporate Commercial Bank (CorpBank) has been published in the Commercial Register. The 173-page list contains the names of individuals and firms with recognised claims. The biggest creditor is the Bulgarian Deposit Insurance Fund (BDIF), which paid BGN 3,647,600,000 to 109,230 depositors from December 4, 2014 to August 17, 2015. The list contains the names of depositors with deposits of BGN 196,000, which is guaranteed by the state. The biggest bank creditors are the Bulgarian Development Bank (over BGN 46 million), Societe Generale, Paris (over BGN 44 million), Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt (almost BGN 12.5 million), the Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control Agency (PPCA) (BGN 10.7 million), and the National Revenue Agency (NRA) (over BGN 3.2 million). Toplofikatsiya Sofia heating utility is the biggest creditor among companies with over BGN 90 million. It is followed by the Dunarit military plant (over BGN 85 million), the Telish winery, NURTS, and others. Hospitals are also among the CorpBank creditors. The list also contains the names of physical persons but Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov and former prime minister Ivan Kostov are not among them. They had themselves said they had money in the bank. The list contains the name of Ahmet Dogan, honorary chairperson of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF). He had BGN 694,000 in CorpBank. The list was compiled on June 22 and does not include claims that had been paid because they were covered by the state guarantee. The list can be appealed against in up to 14 days, after which the assignees will have their say on claims in 7 days.
Source: Agency Focus (19.08.2015)
More than four months after signing an undertaking to pay the huge debt of a little under 900 million leva to the two US-owned TPPs in the Maritsa East basin: AES Maritza East 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3, the Bulgarian Energy Holding will at last seek a nearly 1,000 million leva loan in a procedure that will be announced in the "Official Journal of the European Union" on August 27, said Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova. The loan, which will be without a State guarantee, postpones the reduction of payments to the TPPs until November, even though this was initially expected to happen in July.
Source: Monitor (19.08.2015)
More than BGN 2.4 million collected for 5 days in NECs rescue fund Funds are already being accumulated in the fund Security of the electricity system and as of 17th of August raised money reach over BGN 2.4 million. This what energy minister said. Just in a few days between 24th and 31sy of July the sum was accumulated from the 5% tax on sold power. By the end of this year, NEC has to pay off its obligations to AES Galabovo Maritsa East 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3. Meanwhile, the Cabinet decided yesterday over 130 hectares of forest lands for the expansion of coal mining from the mine Troianovo 1-site 2 will go to the state mines. Mines Maritsa Iztok has to pay BGN 1.2 million for the change of land utilization has, while the price for compensatory afforestation is set at BGN 1.3 million
Source: Monitor (20.08.2015)
17 Bulgarian companies fall in among the largest 500 in Central and Eastern Europe 17 Bulgarian companies are shortlisted in the rating of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe for 2014. A year earlier their number was 13. The Bulgarian companies total turnover reaches EUR 17.99 billion, which is a growth by 4.24%. This is what rating of the International credit insurer Coface - Coface CEE Top 500 shows. It is published for the seventh consecutive year, Companies in the entire region generate total turnover of EUR 572 billion, which exceeds almost half of the total sum of the nominal GDP of these economies. The chart ranks companies, as it takes into account as a key indicator their turnover as well as additional indicators such as number of employees and net profit. Number of Bulgarian companies in the rating is growing, which is definitely a positive sign. As a whole, their turnover also goes up, but at comparatively lower pace, which moves them at lower places in the chart. The leaders position is occupied by Lukoil Neftochim Burgas again, though the company holds the 23rd place. Aurubis is the industrial company that takes the highest position-52 of all Bulgarian participants. The company registers the most serious growth in profit among Bulgarian enterprises-by nearly 216%. The largest ten local companies in the charts are as follows: Lukoil Neftochim BEH, Aurubis Bulgaria, Lukoil Bulgaria, NEC, Bulgargaz, CEZ Electro Bulgaria, OMV Bulgaria, Kaufland Bulgaria and Saxa
Source: (27.08.2015)
Watchdog OKs Agreement between Bulgarias National Power Co, ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP Bulgarias Commission for Energy and Water Regulation (KEVR) has approved the power purchase agreement between US-owned thermal power plant ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP and the National Electric Company (NEK). KEVR Chair Ivan Ivanov announced Thursday that the agreement signed on August 14 between the two entities on amending the existing PPA had been approved at a closed meeting of the watchdog. Ivanov, as cited by the Focus news agency, said that the move paved the way for the entry into force of the new terms of the contracts with the two US-owned TPPs, ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP and AES 3C Maritza East I. In order for the two agreements to take effect, Bulgarias national power utility needs to pay its debt to the two TPPs first. Ivanov made clear that a tender would be announced via the Official Journal of the European Union for a bank to provide NEK with the resources necessary for the purpose. NEK needs a loan of around BGN 1 B to settle its debts to the two US-owned TPPs.
Source: Capital (28.08.2015)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Looking for EUR 650 M The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has launched a procedure to pick a lender that would help it pay off part of its debts. BEH, a structure managing state-owned assets in the energy sector, is now committed to make the payments under a deal with the AES and ContourGlobal thermal power plants which was reached in the spring. Earlier estimates suggested the sum amounts to EUR 450 M. The move, if successful, could help the state-owned National Electricity Company (NEK) partly solve its debt crisis which has been posing risks to Bulgaria's energy system. April's deal between the state, AES and ContourGlobal was one of the arguments for the national energy regulator to increase prices for household consumers from August 1. In return, when debts have been settled, fixed prices for electricity generated by the AES Maritza East 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPPs will go down over the next years, allowing NEK to save some EUR 500 M (BGN 1 B) over ten years. Preferential pricing contracts were signed under the administration of PM Ivan Kostov (1997-2001), and some experts have argued financial imbalances in the energy system should be partly attributed to the contracts.
Source: Dnevnik (07.09.2015)
Only six companies are interested in exploring Teres and Silistar Six companies have purchased papers for participation in procedure on getting permission for exploration in Block 1-14 Silistar and Block 1-22 Teres, which are located in the Black sea. Companies, interested in the procedure have to hand out their applications up to 7th of September, while by the 23rd of the same month final offers have to be rendered. There are no big companies among those six that will take part in the concession procedure. The reason is that there is no bug chance to find gas in the two blocks. They have been explored numerous times, as accumulated data does not give huge hopes serious deposits to be founded. At the announced in 2013 competition for Teres no candidate issued an offer. Explanation is in overestimated requirements, including rendering of a bonus to the amount of EUR 1 billion and obligatory drilling. As opposed to Silistar and Teres, block Khan Asparuh has better prospects for finding deposits of gas there. Detailed seismic 2D and 3D surveys have been made there, while in the middle of next year first exploratory drilling will be conducted.
Source: Capital (07.09.2015)
Fitch Lowers Bulgarian Energy Holdings Rating to BB- Fitch Ratings has downgraded Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD's (BEH) long-term foreign and local currency ratings one notch to 'BB-' from 'BB'. BEHs foreign currency senior unsecured rating was also lowered to 'BB-' from 'BB'. The outlook is negative, the rating. The rating downgrade reflects Fitchs expectations that the BEH group's credit ratios will be weak in 2015-2016, largely due to accumulated power tariff deficit at BEH's subsidiary national Eelectricity Company (NEK). The rating downgrade is limited to one notch as we expect funds from operations (FFO) in 2015-2016 to improve from low 2014 levels on the back of a smaller tariff deficit at NEK. This is due to various legislative and regulatory changes in 2015 and renegotiation of NEK's long-term power purchase agreements with two thermal power plants, AES-3C Maritsa East 1 EOOD and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 AD. Fitch also said the negative outlook incorporates the agencys projected FFO adjusted net leverage above the 5x guideline for the current ratings by 2016 before decreasing to below 5x in 2017. The negative outlook also reflects the BEH group's weak liquidity position in light of large overdue trade payables at NEK and also the possible removal of the single-notch uplift for BEH for state support in the next one to two years if most of its new debt is raised without state guarantees.
Source: (18.09.2015)
Bulgaria's Bulgartransgaz opens EUR 4.7 mln pipeline construction tender Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has opened a EUR 4.7 million tender for construction works for 2,100 metres of a pipeline, connecting the gas transmission networks of Bulgaria and Romania, a notice in the European Unions procurement journal indicated. The order is for construtcion of gas pipeline Lozenets-Nedqlsko, related to expansion of tranzit route to Turkey. The value of the contract does not include value added tax, the notice published on Saturday in the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) showed. The contract's duration is 210 days. Bids should be send by October 16. Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding. Participants in the open procedure must give a guarantee for the participation of BGN 300 thousand. Bulgartransgaz will pay a contractor in advance of 20% of the contract value. Applicants must also have available funds of BGN 14 million to qualify for the procedure.
Source: Capital (23.09.2015)
Term for seeking of loan for NEC extended Bulgarian energy holding extended the term in which banks that want to lend the state company a loan of EUR 650 million may hand out their offers. The new deadline expires on Tuesday. The energy holding announced the procedure for a new loan on the 17th of September. With the sought EUR 650 million debts of National electricity company (NEC) to the two American thermal power plants AES Maritsa East and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 JSC will be covered. They are assessed at BGN 1 billion. That is the requirement if negotiated drop in prices is to enter into force. From them NEC has to save BGN 1 billion in the coming ten years.
Source: Monitor (29.09.2015)
Bulgaria to fully liberalise power market in early 2016 - energy min Bulgaria is scheduled to have a fully operational free power market by the beginning of 2016, the country's energy ministry said on Tuesday. The liberalisation of Bulgaria's power market is a top priority for the government, the energy ministry said in a press release. In the beginning of 2014, the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) set up the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) which holds a licence to operate the electricity exchange in Bulgaria for a period of 10 years. In April, IBEX and power market operator Nord Pool Spot signed a cooperation agreement aimed at setting up a day-ahead power exchange in Bulgaria. In August, the World Bank Group signed a deal with BEH to consult it on the liberalisation of country's energy market.
Source: Capital (30.09.2015)
South Stream Bulgaria's costs grow in 2014 Company South Stream Bulgaria, which was founded for construction of gas pipe on the Bulgarian territory, continues to operate though the project was informally stopped by Russian president Vladimir Putin back in the end of 2014. The companys financial report for 2014 shows that for a second consecutive year it made expenses to the amount of BGN 4-5 million. Thus they logically turn into a loss to the amount of BGN 4.76 million. Costs for acquisition of assets are calculated at BGN 40 million, as compared to BGN 13 million one year earlier. At the same time there is no official opinion about the fate of the project by Gazprom. In South Stream Bulgaria equal shares are held by Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Gazprom. From the financial statements of the company it becomes clear that the basic cost of the company is accumulated for staff salaries, which in 2014 increased from 23 to 36 collaborators. At the end of 2014 the company has signed contracts relating to the design and construction of the pipeline in Bulgaria worth BGN 32 million. The money went for preparation of the EIA plot plan and technical design and other pre-investment activities. The company was founded in 2010.
Source: Capital (05.10.2015)
2 banks apply to give EUR 650 million loan to BEH Two banks have issued applications in the BEHs procedure of providing loan payment to the American TPPs. In the other procedure for choice of investment advisor on issuing of bonds applicants are 12. This marks completion of the first stage of the two procedures. Thus the second stage is pending. Participants who will make it to the second round will present bounding offers. After opening and assessment of offers economically most advantageous proposal for funding will be chosen. BEH is looking for a loan of EUR 650 million, as part of it will be used by NEC to pay off with AES Maritsa East and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3. Obligations of the state company go over BGN 900 million. If they are not paid, negotiated agreed discount in the price of electricity will not enter into force. In addition NEC will not be able to save BGN 1 billion. This saving is planned to be realized within in the next ten years.
Source: Monitor (07.10.2015)
China's ICBC Bank Offering Loan to Bulgarian Energy Holding The Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) is likely to become the single company to make a binding offer th the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) as the energy structure is looking for a loan of EUR 650 M to pay off debts. Capital Daily reports, citing its own sources, that ICBC, one of the world's biggest lenders, will be the only one admitted into the next stage where it will be able to place an offer, even though there was also a second candidate. BEH, a structure managing state-owned assets in the energy sector, is now committed to make the payments under a deal with the AES and ContourGlobal thermal power plants which was reached in the spring. Out of the five-year, EUR 650 M loan, some EUR 450 M will be earmarked for debts to the two companies. The holding's majority owner is the state, whose share exceeds 50 percent. Separately, BEH has launched a procedure looking for bridge financing in which 11 of the 20 candidates are expected to be shortlisted. It had made similar steps in 2013 to secure EUR 500 M in funding, but the sole bidder, Deutsche Bank, was later disqualified.
Source: 24 chasa (08.10.2015)
Washington puts pressure on Tsipras for the interconnector with Bulgaria The delayed construction of the interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria IGB has bestirred US diplomacy, as reported by the Greek daily Kathimerini. The interconnector is designed to reduce Bulgaria's dependence on Russian natural gas, with the prospect of being extended to Romania, Hungary and possibly the countries around the Baltic Sea. Special envoy and coordinator for US international relations in the field of energy Amos Hokstayn has been on a visit to Athens since yesterday and has already met with Greek State Minister Nikos Pappas and US Ambassador to Greece David Pierce. Early this morning he will meet with Greek Minister of Environment and Energy Panos Skourletis and a trilateral meeting with the participation of Bulgarian Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova will take place immediately afterwards. Kathimerini writes that the visit of Amos Hokstayn aims to prepare the official visit of US Secretary of State John Kerry to Athens in mid-November. The interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria is key to US diplomacy because of the opportunity provided to the Balkan countries to stop being dependent on the natural gas of the Russian Gazprom company.
Source: Standart (15.10.2015)
Bulgaria plans to raise state guarantee for IGB Pipeline to 110 mln euro Bulgaria plans to increase the state guarantee for the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB Pipeline) project by EUR 30 million to EUR 110 million euro, Bulgaria's energy minister said on Thursday. The final investment decision on the interconnector with Greece is expected to be signed within a month as several technical details remain to be sorted out, which will take two to three weeks, Temenuzhka Petkova said at the Fourth EUSoutheast Europe Summit. The gas link between Bulgaria and Romania might be ready in the beginning of 2016, Petkova also said, adding that a 2 km stretch of the pipeline along the Danube riverbed remains to be completed. The 25 km gas link will connect the southern Romanian village of Comasca with Marten, in northern Bulgaria, under the Danube river. The project includes the construction of a 15.4 km overland pipeline in Bulgaria and another 7.5 km overland in Romania. The IGB Pipeline, which will be 182 km long, will link the northeastern Greek city of Komotini with Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. It is estimated to cost 220 million euro. The gas link will carry 3 billion cu m of natural gas annually in its initial stage and will have a maximum capacity of 5 billion cu m per year. It will eventually be connected to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, carrying natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe through Greece. The IGB Pipeline is an essential part of a vertical gas corridor connecting Bulgaria, Greece and Romania, which the three countries have committed to develop.
Source: Duma (19.10.2015)
Banks demand state guarantees for Bulgaria energy loan-sources Plans by Bulgaria's state energy holding company to raise up to 650 million euros ($713 million) in debt have hit a stumbling block after lenders asked for state guarantees, two sources familiar with the situation told Reuters on Thursday. BEH is seeking to raise bridge financing ahead of a bond issue. It has said it has received two binding offers from banks to lead manage the bond issue, without elaborating. The company needs the proceeds urgently to enforce a deal with two U.S. thermal power producers AES and ContourGlobal, under which the two will lower the price at which they sell their output to BEH's unit, public power provider NEK. After 12 banks initially expressed an interest in lending the money and organising the bond, BEH has received two offers. One is from a consortium of Citigroup, HSBC, Unicredit, Societe Generale and ING , while the other is from Banka IMI, the investment arm of Intesa Saopaolo, said the sources, who declined to be identified. The consortium has asked for state guarantees on the 500 million euros it is willing to provide as bridge financing to the bond, which should be issued nine months to a year after a deal is sealed. ADVERTISING Banca IMI has also asked for state guarantees and has offered only 65 million euros without, the sources said. Bulgaria's finance ministry has declined to extend such guarantees before the huge deficits in the energy system are properly addressed. "In this situation, either the finance ministry should agree to provide state guarantees, or BEH should re-launch the process, lifting the threshold of 500 million euros for the bridge financing," the first source said. "If the ministry allows state guarantees, the deal can be signed in a week. If not, all 12 banks, that have expressed (interest as) initial bidders may be invited to file bids again," the second source said. BEH has also sought to arrange a loan with a bank, but has not received any binding offers and has given up on that option. In September, Fitch credit ratings agency downgraded BEH's long term rating to BB- with a negative outlook, predicting weak credit ratios due to a widened tariff deficit at NEK. NEK's total dues have jumped to 3.7 billion levs, leaving a 1.4 billion tariff deficit, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova said last month, pointing out that the deal with AES and ContourGlobal aimed to slash that shortfall.
Source: (30.10.2015)
BEH Loan Problems Will Not Affect Electricity Price, Regulator Says Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) Chairman Ivan Ivanov said on Wednesday that, for the time being, there is no reason to expect an electricity price hike due to the problems with the future loans to be taken out by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Ivanov said the government's refusal to provide a guarantee for the BEH loans should not push up the electricity price for now, "but we will watch the situation." The loans are partly intended to finance a debt settlement between the National Electricity Company (NEK) and the Maritsa East 1 and 3 thermal power plants as a condition for revising the plants' long-term electricity sale agreements with NEK, which will help NEK reduce its financial deficit. In his remarks to journalists after an open EWRC meeting, Ivanov also said the European Commission is still expected to determine whether the two Maritsa East plants have been receiving unlawful state aid. Discussing another question, he said the regulator is considering whether to let the future Bulgarian independent electricity exchange adopt Central European Time for its own purposes. On November 11, EWRC will respond to the proposals made during a public discussion on the electricity exchange. The Bulgarian independent electricity exchange is to go into operation at the beginning of 2016 after a trial period in December 2015. The World Bank is expected in the middle of November to deliver an interim report suggesting the most appropriate model for the functioning of the exchange.
Source: Monitor (05.11.2015)
Bulgaria and Greece ready to sign the agreement on the gas interconnector The date is to be set for the signing of the final investment decision on the gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece, after shareholders have agreed on the clauses of the development contract, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova revealed at the Energy Infrastructure Forum in Copenhagen, Denmark. The pipeline is to be built by a joint venture of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Grrece's IGI Poseidon. Bulgaria has already committed to issuing guarantees worth BGN 215 M (EUR 109 M) for the ICGB project in 2016. Brussels will also finance Bulgaria's interconnector to Greece, leading to Komotini, according to previpus information from PM Boyko Borisov. The project's aim is to improve the energy diversification and security of both the participating countries and the entire EU. In Borisov's words, within the newly established Energy Union, Bulgaria will receive political and logistical support for the establishment of regional energy interconnections and its gas hub, the brainchild of the Bulgarian PM.
Source: Sega (11.11.2015)
Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy 9-mo net profit jumps 32% The operator of Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy said its net profit rose 32% to BGN 118 million in the nine months through September. Total revenues edged up 3% to nearly BGN 644 million through September while electricity-related revenues decreased by 1.6% to some BGN 625 million. The companys nine-month operating profit was flattish at BGN 125 million. Kozloduy NPP's investments in the period under review totalled BGN 61 million. Kozloduy NPP, a subsidiary of state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding, remained with two operational reactors - Units 5 and 6 - of 1,000 MW each after the country closed down four units of 440 MW each to address nuclear safety concerns of the European Union prior to its accession to the bloc. In April 2012, the government in Sofia decided to add another 1,000 MW unit to the plant. The NPP's planned Unit 7 is seen operational after 2025 due to the project's long synchronisation procedures, the country's electricity transmission system operator said in March.
Source: Duma (11.11.2015)
Bulgarian Energy Holding to seek unsecured syndicated loan of at least 500 mln euro State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding will seek a syndicated loan of at least EUR 500 million, to be followed by a bond issue of the same size as the loan. The decision comes after BEH decided to cancel a procedure seeking a combined EUR 650 million in a bridge loan and a bond issue. Talks with candidates to provide the funding will open immediately and are expected to be completed in two weeks. The proceeds of the loan or the bond would go to cover debt accumulated by one of BEH's units to two U.S.-owned thermal power plants. In September BEH said it is inviting preliminary bids for an investment consultant on a 650 million euro bond issue, or for a bank to provide it with a loan of the same amount. In August, U.S. companies AES and ContourGlobal signed agreements with the National Electricity Company. BEH's subsidiary, on a decrease in the prices at which it buys electricity produced by the two companies' thermal power plants. For its part, NEK pledged to pay back its overdue liabilities to the two plants. NEK owes the two plants around BGN 900 million in total.
Source: 24 chasa (13.11.2015)
BEH Terminates Open Tenders for Selection of Investment Consultant, Financing Institution The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) announced on its website on Wednesday that it terminated procedures launched on September 3 for an investment consultant and a financing institution. BEH said it "terminated an open tender with pre-selection for the selection of an investment consultant for the issuance of corporate bonds, and an open tender with pre-selection for the selection of a financing institution(s) for raising a loan/syndicated loan." On November 12, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova told Parliament's Energy Committee and Committee on supervision of the energy and water regulator that BEH would decide on that day to terminate the procedure for selection of bank institutions which can provide a loan for dealing with intercompany obligations in the energy sector. Instead, direct negotiations would be held in the next two or three weeks with the banks which showed an interest in the procedure. The National Electricity Company (NEK) needs the loan to pay off its debt of nearly 900 million leva to US-owned AES Maritza East 1 TPP and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 TPP, which themselves owe close to 350 million leva to the Maritza East Mines. This will make possible the entry into effect of an agreement on a 100 million leva annual reduction of the price that NEK pays the US-owned TPPs for availability. Twelve of the world's largest banks have shown interest on condition the loan is government-guaranteed. BEH and the Energy Ministry will negotiate with them to provide the required financial resources of 650 million euro.
Source: Monitor (19.11.2015)
Bulgaria Expects Offers for EUR 650 M Loan to Energy Holding Co. in 2-3 Weeks The Bulgarian Energy Holding company has invited potential lenders to extend a loan of up to EUR 650 M, BNR radio broadcaster reported on Monday. Deputy Energy Minster Zhecho Stankov told reporters on the sidelines of a gas conference in Sofia that invitations had been sent to 25 international financial institutions and loan offers were expected to be submitted within two or three weeks, according to BNR. Stankov, who is also BEH board member, said he hoped that the state-owned company will be able to secure the loan financing by the end of the year. BEH needs the money to enable its heavily indebted subsidiary National Electricity Company (NEK) to repay debt owed to the Bulgarian units of U.S.-based AES Corp. and ContourGlobal. Deputy Energy Minister Nikolai Nikolov told an energy forum in Sofia last week that BEH had decided to launch direct talks with banks over borrowing EUR 650 M after a tender to raise the funds collapsed. Bulgaria cancelled the tender procedure because both candidates, who submitted binding bids to arrange a bond issue and provide bridge financing ahead of it, had asked the government to extend state guarantees on the debt a request denied by Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov in view of NEK's financial deficits.
Source: Monitor (24.11.2015)
Bulgaria Develops Its Natural Gas Market While Bulgaria is preparing to liberalize its electricity market completely, it is also beginning to develop a natural gas trading segment, Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov told a discussion on Monday. Stankov said this will allow the local market to improve and become integrated into those of neighbouring countries. With the construction of a natural gas distribution hub in Bulgaria, the country will acquire a functioning gas market, he predicted. The government has proposed a concept for the future gas hub in order to fulfill one of its main goals: the goal of diversifying gas supply sources and routes, he recalled. When the project is carried out, the country will have at least three different sources of gas supply and will thus fulfill one of the most important principles of the European energy market. In addition to importing gas from Russia and via the Southern Gas Corridor, it will also rely on local extraction, the Deputy Energy Minister noted. He pointed out that last week the European Commission included the Bulgarian gas hub concept on a list of projects of shared interest, which means Sofia can expect funding from the EU. Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) Chairman Ivan Ivanov said the liberalization of the gas market is of key importance for the whole society.
Source: Dnevnik (24.11.2015)
Sofia municipality prepares the concession of Toplofikacia Sofia The future concessionaire of Toplofikacia Sofia EAD will have to pay an initial contribution of BGN 200 million of the company's liabilities to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), according to provisions of the Sofia Municipality. It authorized the heating company to conclude an agreement for a new rescheduling of its debt to the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which is BGN 503 million accumulated since 1998. Furthermore, BEH claimed another BGN 50 million that Toplofikacia Sofia does not recognize. The largest district heating company in the country servicing the whole capital, is in poor financial condition for years, and in 2014 the loss was BGN 57 million.
Source: Capital (03.12.2015)
Nine Banks Show Interest in Lending up to EUR 650 M to Bulgarias BEH Nine banks have confirmed interest in lending up to EUR 650 BGN to the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) company, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova has said. The energy group is seeking the money to enable its indebted subsidiary National Electricity Company (NEK) to repay debt owed to the local units of U.S.-based AES Corp. and ContourGlobal. The two coal-fired power plants, AES Galabovo and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3, owe BGN 325 M to lignite coal mines in Maritza East basin. The plants owners have agreed to cut the price at which they sell their electricity to NEK once they get repaid by the company. The Bulgarian authorities are currently preparing a timetable for negotiations with the interested lenders, Petkova said at an energy conference in Sofia on Monday. Confidentiality agreements have been signed with the nine banks and negotiations with each of them over loan terms are about to begin. The lenders were not expected to seek Bulgarian government guarantees for the debt, Petkova added. Bulgaria decided to launch direct talks with banks over lending to BEH after BEHs attempt to raise funds for repaying NEKs debt to the two coal-fired power plants through a bond issue failed last month. Both candidates, who had submitted binding bids in BEHs tender for arranging a bond issue and extending bridge financing ahead of it, had sought government guarantees for the debt. Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov, however, had rejected the demand in view of NEKs peristent financial deficits. Petkova said at the start of the energy conference on Monday that NEK has slashed by nearly a third its operating loss for the first nine months of 2015. NEK posted operating loss of BGN 218 M for the January-September period, a decrease compared with BGN 324 M loss a year earlier, said Petkova.
Source: Monitor (08.12.2015)
Bulgaria's IBEX power exchange signs up first participant The yet-to-go-live Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) said it has signed the first contract for participation in the organized power market. By signing the contract with Maritsa East 2, the largest thermal power plant in Bulgaria has become the first real participant in this market segment, IBEX said in a press release on Tuesday. Maritsa East 2, a subsidiary of the state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding, has an installed capacity of 1,600 MW. IBEX was developed in partnership with Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot. Elsewhere in the region, day-ahead power exchanges are also planned in Croatia and Serbia. The launch dates for both projects have been pushed back to early 2016 after initially targeting to go live in late 2015. The Croatian power exchange project, CROPEX, also involves Nord Pool Spot.
Source: (10.12.2015)
Bulgaria, Greece ink final investment agreement on gas interconnection Shareholders in the joint project company ICGB Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and IGI Poseidon S.A. will sign a final investment decision on the construction of intersystem gas connection Greece Bulgaria. The ceremony will be held on Thursday, December 10, at 12 pm in the Council of Ministers at the presence of Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds and Economic Policy Tomislav Donchev, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and Energy Minister of Greece Panos Skurletis. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is also invited to attend the ceremony. Signing the final investment agreement initiates a process of construction of the interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria. Gas interconnection Greece - Bulgaria is designed to transport natural gas between the two countries by connecting to the national gas network of Bulgartransgaz EAD, near the town of Stara Zagora and the transmission network of DESFA S. A. - Greece near the town of Komotini. The project is implemented by a joint investment company ICGB Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (50%) and Greek investment company IGI Poseidon S.A. (50%). Shareholders with equal shares in IGI Poseidon are DEPA, Greece and Edison, Italy. The gas connection has a length of 140 km on the Bulgarian territory. The planned initial capacity of the interconnector is 3 billion square meters / year, and a maximum capacity of up to 5 billion square meters / year in the next stage. The project received positive decisions on assessment of environmental impact (EIA) by the competent authorities of the Bulgarian and Greek territory.
Source: Standart (10.12.2015)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz proposes 2.1% cut in wholesale gas prices in Q1 Bulgarian gas monopoly Bulgargaz said on Thursday it has proposed to the country's energy regulator a 2.1% decrease in the price at which the company sells natural gas to its wholesale clients in the first quarter of 2016. The tariff of 406.49 levs per 1,000 cu m proposed by Bulgargaz does not include Value Added Tax and excise duties, the company said in a notice on its website. The adjustment in the wholesale tariff, made on a quarterly basis, must be approved by the energy regulator to take effect. Bulgargaz is a subsidiary of the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: Sega (11.12.2015)
Bulgaria Gives Name 'Balkan' to Its Gas Hub Project Bulgaria's government announced the gas hub Bulgaria was intending to build near Varna, at the Black Sea, would bear the name "Balkan". A cabinet statement coincides with a meeting of Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Director Internal Energy Market at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy. It also reads that Borchardt and Bulgaria's Deputy PM for economic development, Tomislav Donchev, will head a work group set up last year to study the gas hub project. The group will work to address challenges facing the regulatory framework and commercial environment to enable an easier connection of Bulgaria to the rest of Southeast Europe. Borchardt is quoted as saying, on behalf of EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete, that Brussels is interested in the development of the gas sector in Southeast Europe to provide supplies to every country in the region. Bulgaria came up with the gas hub proposal last December, after Russia abandoned the South Stream project which was to carry gas to Central Europe via Bulgaria and Serbia.
Source: (11.12.2015)
Bulgaria President to open Sofia Tech Park Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev will open the first scientific and technological park in Bulgaria - Sofia Tech Park, at an official ceremony on Friday, the press office of the Bulgarian Head of State announced. Along with the Bulgarian President, the inauguration of the first innovation eco-system in Bulgaria will be also attended by the President of the Slovak Republic Andrej Kiska, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, Prime Minister of the Free State of Bavaria Horst Seehofer, European Commissioner for Regional Development Corina Cretsu, Bulgarian Economy Minister Bozhidar Lukarski and Executive Director of Sofia Tech Park Elitsa Panayotova. The ceremony will be held at the Innovation Forum building of Sofia Tech Park. The forum will be symbolically named by President Rosen Plevneliev and Prime Minister Boyko Borisov after the great inventor of Bulgarian origin Prof. John Atanasov. Bulgarian President Rosen Plevneliev and his Slovakian counterpart Andrej Kiska will also symbolically inaugurate a street within Sofia Tech Park, which will be named after Slovakian inventor Jozef Murgas. After that the two Presidents will visit the building of the Incubator. At 1 p.m. Mr Plevneliev and Mr Kiska will set the start of the official panel within the Role of Tech Parks for the Development of Entrepreneurship and Innovations conference. The two-day discussion will be dedicated to the policies in support of innovations and the role of the scientific-technological parks for the establishment of economy based on knowledge.
Source: Capital (11.12.2015)
EC Accepts Commitments by BEH to Open up Wholesale Electricity Market The European Commission announced on Thursday it has adopted a decision that renders legally binding the commitments offered by Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to end competition restrictions on Bulgaria's wholesale electricity market. Commissioner in charge of competition policy, Margrethe Vestager, said: "Territorial restrictions that divide energy markets along national lines prevent us from achieving a true European Energy Union. Today's decision will end these restrictions in Bulgaria and make the Bulgarian wholesale electricity market more open and transparent." The Commission had concerns that BEH may have abused its dominant position on the market for the wholesale supply of electricity at freely negotiated prices (therefore non-regulated prices), in breach of EU antitrust rules (Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union - TFEU). In particular, the Commission investigated clauses in electricity supply contracts concluded between BEH's production subsidiaries and third parties, such as traders, that impose restrictions on where these third parties could resell the electricity bought from BEH. To address the Commission's concerns, BEH has committed to offer certain volumes of electricity on an independently-operated day-ahead market on a newly-created power exchange in Bulgaria. Power exchanges ensure anonymous trading of electricity (i.e. the seller cannot trace the electricity it sells). This prevents the seller from enforcing territorial restrictions on resale. More specifically, BEH will set up a power exchange with the assistance of an independent third party with expertise in the area, and transfer control of the ownership of the new power exchange to the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance. These measures will ensure the independence of the power exchange.
Source: BTA (11.12.2015)
Sample deals for 1074.5 MWh of electricity in the first day of the stock exchange 1074.5 MWh of electricity were traded in the first session of the energy market, which was held from 12.23 am to 13 am Friday. This is 0.9% of the winter consumption, which is an average of 120,000 MWh per day. The head of the independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange Konstantin Konstantinov said that the relatively good liquidity of the stock market will occur in the trading of 5% of the electricity used in this country. He predicted that this would happen in the first days of live trading in mid-January. The first session was a test. For the first and last time 17 companies announced public offers with prices and quantities for each hour of the day. They ranged from BGN 30 to BGN 83 per MWh. These were not the prices at which they will offer during a real session. Trading volumes were 1133.6 MWh, the only seller was the state-owned Maritsa East 2. The plant reached BGN 74.56 for MWh.
Source: 24 chasa (12.12.2015)
NEK report first profit since 5 years National Electric Company (NEK) registered a profit for the first time in five years amid continuing losses in previous periods. From the BGN 800-million loss per year, NEC reported a tariff surplus of BGN 100 million in late December 2015, said MP Delyan Dobrev. National Electric Company still has a deficit of more than BGN 4 billion gained from previous decades, but now it will be reduced to BGN 3.9 billion, something that has not happened in a long time. The first payment from the state to NEK worth EUR 180 million was done a week ago, Dobrev added. According to him, the positive financial result was reached with two-time changes in the law. As a result was created Energy Efficiency Fund, which has taken a series of adequate measures. First, preferences of new RES were liquidated and they can no longer sell expensive electricity. Existing RES faced restrictions on the sale of expensive energy, from the preferentially paid 1250 hours so far were deducted 5% own needs of the RES. This limits the expensive energy to 1188 hours, saving BGN 50 million per annum.
Source: Monitor (04.01.2016)
Fourth attempt for sale of Chimco-Vratsas assets will be made in the beginning of the year Fourth consecutive attempt for sale of the bankrupt factory Chimko will be made. The tender for the sale of the enterprise will take place on the 20th of January. Minimum sought price in the new bidding will be BGN 11.7 million. In the last two attempts for sale of the factorys assets the trustee tried to sell them initially for BGN 22 million. The last notice in November was for BGN 18.4 million. Those looking to purchase the assets of Chimco will have to submit a mandatory deposit of BGN 1 million. The first two attempts for sale were conducted through direct negotiations between the trustee and the candidates for the purchase of the plant, but they had not attracted investors interest. During the Cabinet Oresharski the idea to restore production plant in Vratsa came up, and for this purpose it had to be acquired by a specially created by the Bulgarian Energy Holding Company EIK EAD.
Source: (04.01.2016)
Bulgarias Overgas Claims It Has No Overdue Debts to Gazprom The Bulgarian-Russian natural gas company Overgas claimed on Saturday that it has no overdue debts to any organizations, including Gazprom Export. This statement comes in response to the dispute between Overgas and Gazprom, which threatened to leave the customers of the former without gas supplies from January 1. On Wednesday, Bulgarian officials announced that they had received a copy of a letter from Gazprom informing Overgas that the Russian energy giant will halt gas supplies to the private company starting from January 1. Overgas claimed that it had not received such a letter. Following several extraordinary meetings on energy issues convened by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, a solution to the crisis was found. On Thursday, state-owned Bulgargaz and Overgas reached an agreement that the former will provide gas supplies to the customers of the latter. Earlier on Thursday, the Russian foreign ministry had assured that it will not halt gas supplies to Bulgaria. As of Friday, gas supplies to all consumers in Bulgaria were running normally although reports suggested that Gazprom had halted them at midnight on January 1. The most likely causes for the dispute are overdue payments and unsettled commercial issues between Overgas and Gazprom.
Source: Sega (04.01.2016)
Bulgaria's Mini Maritsa Iztok should cut coal output to avoid risk of landslides Bulgarian coal mining complex Mini Maritsa Iztok should cut its output to 27 million tonnes of coal annually in the next three years to avoid landslides, local media reported, quoted the company's head. In 2015, the company was forced to produce over 32 million tonnes of coal which it supplied to the two thermal power plants operated by U.S. companies AES and ContourGlobal, said Mini Maritsa Iztok CEO Andon Andonov. According to Andonov, if the company maintains these output levels, it risks triggering a landslide in some of the pits, which would lead to a halt in production, which in turn would cause a disruption of power supplies. Mini Maritsa Iztok is a 100% state-owned sole-proprietor joint-stock company.
Source: 3e-news (04.01.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Regulator Launches Inspection of Overgas The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (KEVR) announced on Wednesday that it is launching an inspection into Bulgaria's largest gas company Overgas. The extraordinary inspection will examine the implementation of the company's licence obligations and the financial state of Overgas. KEVR assured that it will continue to monitor the developments surrounding the dispute between Overgas and the Russian energy giant Gazprom, which threatened to halt gas supplies to the customers of the former from January 1. The chairperson of KEVR Ivan Ivanov is in constant contact with representatives of institutions and organisations in the energy sector and all interested parties committed to solving the issue. At the request of KEVR, hearings of representatives of the management of the state-owned Bulgargaz and Overgas Networks were held on Monday and Tuesday. The members were informed of the agreement reached between the two companies, which guarantees uninterrupted gas supplies to the end household and industrial customers of Overgas. KEVR highly appreciated the efforts of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Overgas Networks in solving the issue. At the insistence of KEVR, Bulgargaz and Overgas made a commitment to inform the regulator of any changes to the situation. If the need arises, KEVR has readiness to fulfill its functions by taking actions in compliance with the acting legislation and within the framework of its competencies. On December 30 last year, Bulgarian officials received a copy of a letter from Gazprom to Overgas informing that gas supplies to the latter will be halted from January 1. According to reports, there were unsettled commercial issues between the two companies. On December 31, Bulgargaz and Overgas reached an agreement that the former will supply gas to the customers of the latter.
Source: (07.01.2016)
Bulgaria's BEH to discuss 650 mln euro loan with 12 banks in mid-Jan Bulgaria's National Electricity Company plans to start discussions on January 14 with 12 banks which have shown interest to provide it with a loan of 650 million euro ($699 million), the country's energy minister said, as quoted by local media. In August, US companies AES and ContourGlobal signed agreements with the National Electricity Company, NEK, a unit of BEH, on a decrease in the prices at which it buys electricity produced by the two companies' thermal power plants. For its part, NEK pledged to pay back its overdue liabilities to the two plants. Also in August, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said that NEK owes the two plants around 900 million levs ($494 million/459.6 million euro) in total. In November, BEH sent to 25 international banks letters inviting them to provide it with a 650 million euro loan.
Source: Dnevnik (07.01.2016)
Tsvetan Vasilev made cessions in CCB for BGN 81 million. The majority owner of bankrupt Corporate Commercial Bank - Tsvetan Vasilev, made cessions, through which he is trying to save BGN 81 mln of his money in the CCB. This is clear from the list of cessions and interceptions made by individuals and companies with money in the bank after it was placed under the special supervision on June 20th, 2014. The company Bromak of Tsvetan Vasilev has asked five cessions totaling EUR 41.41 mln, or nearly BGN 81 million. Other companies associated with Tsvetan Vassilev, also arranged offsetting receivables. Among them are Sana Space Hotel Hissar, Health and Wellness, Corsi Mountain Resort, Kostenets HHI, Infrastructure Company, Partner Leasing, Planasat, Gypsum, Rousse Shipyard West, Telish. Military Factory Dunarit made interceptions for BGN 13.35 mln, EUR 33.25 mln and USD 7.7 mln. Grisha Ganchev firm Elite Petrol has made several interceptions for BGN 40 mln, EUR 2.7 mln and USD 12.7 mln. Another company of the businessman - Litex Motors, has made deals with BGN 47 million and EUR 15.5 mln.
Source: Standart (07.01.2016)
Bulgarias utilities regulator to probe private provider Overgas Bulgarias Energy and Water Regulatory Commission said on January 6 that it would check the execution of licence duties and the financial situation of Overgas, the private gas provider that has become embroiled in a public row over the past week after being cut off from Russian gas deliveries. At the same time, the regulator praised the efforts made by Overgas and state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding, through its gas trading arm Bulgargaz and grid operator Bulgartransgaz, to resolve the problem. Last week, Overgas was notified by Gazprom Export, a subsidiary of Russias state-owned gas company Gazprom, that direct deliveries would be discontinued, instead the gas would be re-routed through Bulgargaz. This prompted a late-evening meeting between Prime Minister Borissov and executives from several state-owned companies in the energy sector on December 30 to discuss the issue and ensure that Overgas customers 55 000 households and 3000 industrial clients would not be left without gas.
Source: Dnevnik (07.01.2016)
American AES Maritsa Iztok waits for BGN 600 million from NEC Unpaid obligations of National Electricity Company to the American AES Maritsa Iztok has grown to BGN 600 million. Negotiations of Bulgarian energy holding with several banks for granting of an emergency loan of EUR 600 million are expected to be over in a matter of weeks. Money is needed for payment with American AES and Contour Global Maritsa East 3. Concern is the request of the state Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD-Radnevo coal production from open coal mines to be reduced. For 2016 the thermal plant has declared 5.2 million tons of coal which provide normal rhythm of operation at 60 percent loads of the equipment. In recent months, the plant operates with 70 percent load on its two blocks.
Source: Monitor (12.01.2016)
Bulgaria's Mini Maritsa Iztok mines invest 4.7 mln euro in equipment Bulgaria's energy ministry said on Monday that state-owned coal mining complex Mini Maritsa Iztok has invested BGN 9.2 million in new equipment. The new rotary excavator will reduce maintenance and operation costs, deputy energy minister Zhecho Stankov was quoted as saying in a press release. The funding was provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF).
Source: Darik Radio (19.01.2016)
The electricity market will make real deals Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange (IBEX) begins work in real time with real exchange transactions today, said the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova. So far it has worked in test mode. Exchange is part of the liberalization of the electricity market and had to go back in 2011, but its launch was postponed several times over the years. The latest delay was in December last year, when the stock exchange operator requested early test sessions to start on 11 December instead of December 8. Although late and in test mode, the exchange stopped the proceedings launched by the EC in 2012 against the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) on suspicion of violation of the free electricity market. Due to the high preferential prices of electricity generated by the US power plants and RES's, the electricity that will be traded on the stock exchange will be from the three state companies - NPP Kozloduy, TPP Maritsa East 2 and NEK. Expected long-term contracts with producers and users of preferences for eurodirectives (RES and CHP) to also be included in stock exchange trading after the World Bank proposed a mechanism for compensating the difference between the market price of energy and their guaranteed return. This will happen in April, according to forecasts of Deputy Ministers of Energy, who participated in the awareness campaign for liberalization of the electricity market in December 2015.
Source: Duma (19.01.2016)
Bulgaria to Get EUR 850,000 Grant to Improve Gas Transmission Network Bulgaria will receive an EU grant of EUR 850,000 for the rehabilitation, modernization and expansion of its gas transmission system under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF), an EU funding programme for infrastructure. The financing is part of allocations of almost EUR 180 M in CEF grants for studies and work relating to the construction of gas interconnections between Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Austria. EU Member States agreed on a Commission proposal on Tuesday to invest a total of EUR 217 M in key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and South Eastern Europe. In total, 15 projects were selected following a call for proposals under the CEF, the European Commission said in a statement. Of the 15 proposals selected for funding nine are in the gas sector and six in electricity sector. In the gas sector, the allocated grants will cover, among others, studies for modernising the Bulgarian gas transmission network which will improve the possibilities for the transport of gas in the region, which will benefit particularly Greece, Romania, Macedonia and Turkey, according to the statement. Making available EU funding for the interconnector linking gas networks in Romania, Bulgaria, Austria and Hungary is an important development for the EU gas market as this will allow gas from the Caspian region and other potential sources, including LNG, to reach Central Europe, the European Commission said. The European Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy Miguel Arias Canete commented in the statement: With this funding we will help secure supplies and fully integrate Europe's energy market by connecting networks across Europe. We must press ahead with the modernisation of our energy networks to bring any country still isolated into the European energy market.
Source: Monitor (20.01.2016)
Bulgarian electricty company NEK cuts loss to EUR 112.6 mln in 2015 Bulgaria's state-owned National Electricity Company, NEK, cut its loss by more than BGN 350 million to BGN 220 million in 2015, the country's energy minister said. Furthermore, the electric company for the first time turns to profit from its regulatory operations, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova told the Government Meets the Business conference in Sofia, organised by business news publisher Capital on Tuesday. In August, US companies AES and ContourGlobal signed agreements with NEK on a decrease in the prices at which it buys electricity produced by the two companies' thermal power plants. For its part, NEK pledged to pay back its overdue liabilities to the two plants. Also in August, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said that NEK owes the two plants around BGN 900 million in total. In November, BEH sent to 25 international banks letters inviting them to provide it with a EUR 650 million loan. NEK is a 100%-subsidiary of state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Monitor (20.01.2016)
Trade Unions Urge State to Facilitate at Least Partial Payment of Debts to Maritsa East Mines The Confederation of Independent Trade Unions in Bulgaria (CITUB) and the Podkrepa Confederation of Labour will insist that the State help the Maritsa East Mines out of its dire financial straits, CITUB President Plamen Dimitrov told a news conference here on Monday. Dimitrov specified that the two confederations will write to the Government, suggesting an option in which the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) would be furnished with sovereign guarantees for a loan ensuring at least a partial payment of the Mines' 515 million leva-plus receivables. In the CITUB leader's words, a number of repairs at the Mines have not been carried out or have been done using makeshift materials, and the repair crews are forced to buy screwdrivers, hammers and other tools on their own money. The BEH is negotiating a 650 million euro loan with foreign banks, the proceeds of which are supposed to pay the amounts that the National Electric Company (NEK) owes the two US-owned power plants in the Maritsa East Complex: AES 3C Maritza East 1 EOOD and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 AD. This is a condition on which the two TPPs will pay the nearly 350 million leva that they owe the Maritsa East Mines for lignite. The Brikel TPP owes the Mines nearly 50 million leva, and the Maritsa East 2 TPP almost 60 million leva. "At the end of last year it emerged that foreign banks distrust the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and refuse to lend it 650 million euro without sovereign guarantees. No sovereign guarantees for the BEH are envisaged in the 2016 budget. Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova says the negotiations with the banks continue," the "Sega" daily wrote on January 20.
Source: (26.01.2016)
Bulgaria's TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 hires two local companies for 23 mln euro upgrades Bulgarian thermal power plant (TPP) Maritsa Iztok 2 has awarded contracts for furnace construction and isolation works worth a combined BGN 45.5 million to two local companies, a tender notice in the European Unions procurement journal indicated. The contract winners are Energoremont Galabovo, a manufacturer of tubular heating surfaces for energy steam boilers, and Peshtostroy and Peshtostroy, a construction and repair company, the notice published on Wednesday in the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) showed. The value of the deals does not include value added tax. Maritsa Iztok 2, a subsidiary of the state-run Bulgarian Energy Holding, has an installed capacity of 1,600 MW.
Source: Capital (08.02.2016)
Bulgaria's power exchange mulls adding natgas segment The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) is contemplating the addition of a natural gas trade segment, the country's energy minister said. "Our long-term priority is related to the diversification of sources and routes for gas supply, in particular with establishing gas transmission system interconnectivity, the development of local production, and the implementation of the concept for a gas hub," energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said. However, only Russian gas will be traded on the IBEX initially, with plans to attract more suppliers in the future. Bulgaria imports almost all the gas it needs to cover its domestic needs via a single pipeline from Russia which passes through Ukraine and Romania. The day-ahead power exchange IBEX, developed in partnership with Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot, was officially launched in mid-January.
Source: Trud (08.02.2016)
Former Bulgargaz CEO Petiyo Ivanov replaces Jacklen Cohen as member of the Board of Directors of BEH At a protocol decision of the Bulgarian Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, former Bulgargaz CEO Petiyo Ivanov replaced Jacklen Cohen as member of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the press centre of the Ministry of Energy announced. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of BEH Petiyo Ivanov will be nominated for BEH Executive Director and Nikolay Pavlov for Executive Director of Bulgargaz EAD. Petio Ivanov worked as head of financial controlling and chief accountant of the National Electricity Company and Nikolai Pavlov was CFO and member of the Board of Directors of NEC. The changes are aimed at optimisation of the Bulgarian Energy Holding and enter into force upon entry in the Commercial Register to the Registry Agency.
Source: Monitor (10.02.2016)
By an official decision of Energy Minister Temenouzka Petkova, Bulgargaz Executive Director Petyo Ivanov will take the place of Jacklen Cohen as member of the Council of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the Energy Ministry said in a press release Tuesday. At a meeting of the BEH Council of Directors, Ivanov will be nominated for BEH Executive Director, while Nikolay Pavlov will be nominated for Bulgargaz Executive Director. Ivanov has worked as financial control head and chief accountant at the National Electric Company (NEK), while Pavlov has been financial director and member of the NEK Council of Directors. The changes are aimed at optimizing BEH's work and become effective upon registration in the Commercial Register with the Registry Agency.
Source: Sega (10.02.2016)
Austria's Habau wins 4.5 mln euro tender to complete Bulgaria-Romania gas link Austrian construction company Habau has won a EUR 4.5 million gas link construction tender for the completion of Bulgaria-Romania pipeline. The deadline for the implementation of the project is 119 days, Bulgarian energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said. The total length of the pipeline is 25 km, including 15.4 km on Bulgarian territory, 7.5 km in Romania and 2.1 km under the Danube river between the two countries. The maximum capacity of the interconnector will be 1.5 bln cu m per year. The entire gas link is estimated to cost EUR 24 million euro. Bulgaria imports about 90% of the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: (12.02.2016)
NEK Saves BGN 170 Mln Annually from Highly Efficient Energy and Lower Gas Prices The National Electric Company (NEK) saves 170 million leva annually due to the drop of the natural gas prices and the purchase of highly efficient energy, generated by the heating utility companies, Energy and Water Regulatory Committee (EWRC) Chairman Ivan Ivanov commented before journalists Tuesday. Ivanov explained that the economies from the purchase of highly efficient energy amount to 130 million leva and the ones from the lower natural gas prices bring additional savings of 40 million leva. Earlier on Tuesday EWRC had a meeting with the management of Bulgargaz, which is to submit its final estimate about the natural gas price for the second quarter of 2016 on March 10. "In my opinion, they will propose a reduction, which will be over one per cent higher than the current estimate of 20.64 per cent," Ivanov said. The European Commission has not yet pronounced itself on an EWRC report regarding the long-term purchase of energy from the US-owned plants of the Maritsa East energy complex. The Commission opinion is expected in the following months. Ivanov said he is optimistic that the Bulgarian Energy Holding will find the necessary credit so that NEK would be able to pay its obligations to the two US-owned Maritsa East thermo-electric power plants.
Source: Sega (17.02.2016)
Gazprom Announces New Gas Supply Route under Black Sea Russian energy giant Gazprom has said it signed a memorandum with Italy's Edison SpA and Greece's DEPA SA on gas deliveries. In a press statement, it has explained that according to the memorandum of understanding signed in Rome, gas will be delivered under the Black Sea "via third countries" to Greece and will be transported "from Greece to Italy with the ame of organizing the southern route of supplies of Russian natural gas from Europe." In practice, "third countries" could mean either Bulgaria or Turkey. The announcement is a major development that follows the demise of the South Stream gas pipeline in December of 2014 and the deadlock of its alternative Turkish Stream caused by tensions between Ankara and Moscow. Russian business daily RBC quotes Mikhail Korchemkin, who heads the East European Gas Analysis, as suggesting that the expression "third countries" in Gazprom's statement means mostly "Bulgaria". It has opined the press statement by Gazprom means a new Black Sea pipeline is now in the planning stage.
Source: 24 chasa (25.02.2016)
Eight Banks Place Binding Offers to Lend up to EUR 650 mln to Bulgarias BEH Eight banks grouped in two consortia have submitted binding offers to extend bridge financing of up to EUR 650 mln in total to the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) group. The energy group is seeking the money to enable its indebted subsidiary National Electricity Company (NEK) to repay debt owed to the local units of U.S.-based AES Corporation and ContourGlobal. All of the participants meet the criterion for extending a bridge loan facility, which at a later stage will be refinanced through a bond issue, BEH said in a statement on Friday, as the deadline expired for submitting offers. The total financing on offer covers the amount sought by BEH (up to EUR 650 mln), the energy group added. Eleven financial institutions, including the eight which submitted binding offers, had taken part in direct negotiations for the selection of an investment consultant to advise the issuing of corporate bonds, BEH said. A commission within BEH is assessing the submitted offers. The selected candidate would be invited for talks on concluding a bridge loan facility agreement, BEH said.
Source: Darik Radio (29.02.2016)
During the first phase of the market test no traders stated interest to use the capacity of a Bulgarian-Greek gas interconnector. This prompted an extension of the deadline by one month until March 31. This has emerged from a decision of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission which obtained permission from the Greek energy regulator. During a similar test in 2013-2014, as little as 1.2 billion cu m of the total 3 billion cu m capacity were reserved by Bulgargaz and Greece's DEPA. Bulgargaz confirmed to "Kapital Daily" that it will participate again but without more participants the economic viability of the project will be hard to prove to prospective creditors.
Source: Duma (09.03.2016)
Bulgarias BEH Ranks First Lending Offer of Banca IMI-Bank of China-J.P. Morgan Tie-up State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) group has said that it will invite a consortium of n IMI, Bank of China and J.P. Morgan Securities for talks on extending bridge financing of up to EUR 650 M to its indebted subsidiary NEK. The consortium comprising n IMI S.p.A. - London Branch, Bank of China Limited - Luxembourg Branch and J.P. Morgan Securities has been ranked first in the evaluation of the binding offers submitted by two candidates last month. BEH EAD reserves its right at any time to invite the consortium ranked second for negotiations for concluding a contract, BEH said in a statement on Wednesday. The maturity of the bridge financing is up to 12 months, with no collateral. The bridge loan will be refinanced through a subsequent placement of a bond issue. The proceeds from the bridge loan will be used to repay the accumulated debt of the National Electricity Company (NEK) to coal-fired power plants AES Galabovo and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 in order for the decrease in prices under the long-term power purchase agreements to take effect and to cover debt owed by the two power plants to Maritsa East coal mines. As of late February, NEK owed an estimated total of BGN 950 M (EUR 485 M) to the two power plants, while the palnts' outstanding debt to Maritsa East coal mines was estimated at BGN 340 M (EUR 174 M). AES Galabovo and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 are owned by U.S.-based AES Corporation and ContourGlobal, respectively.
Source: Capital (10.03.2016)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz proposes revised 23% cut in Q2 wholesale gas price Bulgarian gas monopoly Bulgargaz proposed on Friday a 23.02% reduction of the wholesale price at which it sells natural gas to its clients as of April 1, revising its previous proposal, which envisaged a 20.3% cut. The tariff of BGN 312.21 per 1,000 cu m, proposed by Bulgargaz does not include value added tax and excise duties, the company said in a notice on its website. The adjustment in the wholesale tariff, made on a quarterly basis, must be approved by the energy regulator to take effect. Bulgargaz is a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which pools all state energy assets. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: 24 chasa (12.03.2016)
NEK Gets Deadline Extension for Paying Its Dues to Maritsa East 1 and 3 Thermal Power Plants The deadline until which the National Electricity Company (NEK) has to pay its dues to the Maritza East 1 and Maritsa East 3 thermal power plants has been extended, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova told journalists on Tuesday. Petkova did not specify the length of the extension. She expressed her optimism that NEK will be able to obtain the loan it needs to pay its liabilities to the two US-owned plants. "I think the whole procedure for securing a loan for NEK will be successful," she said. The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), of which NEK is a subsidiary, has reached agreement on an up to 650 million euro bridge-to-bond loan with a consortium of Banca IMI S.p.A. - London Branch, Bank of China Limited - Luxembourg Branch and J.P. Morgan Securities. The proceeds of the loan will settle NEK's one billion leva debts to the Maritza East 1 and Maritsa East 3 thermal power plants which, in turn, will pay the 350 million leva they owe to the state-owned Maritsa East Mines. Subsequently, NEK will be able to pay a lower availability price to the two coal-fired plants. Petkova said: "The two plants have seen that the loan procedure is unfolding positively and there are banks willing to provide the money. The fact that eight global banks, forming two consortiums, participated in the bidding procedure was a test passed successfully by the Bulgarian energy sector." She said negotiations are now underway with the consortium which was selected to secure the funding sought by BEH. "I believe the parameters offered are within the normal limits," she said, expressing hope that the negotiations will be completed in about 10 days and then the sides will sign an agreement
Source: Dnevnik (16.03.2016)
Trading in Long-Term Contracts via Energy Exchange to Begin July 1 The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) will buy a platform for trading in long-term contracts, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova said on Tuesday, addressing a conference on the liberalization of the national electricity market and the new trends in the sector. A few days ago the Bulgarian Energy Holding decided to increase IBEX' capital in order to enable it to buy the platform, she said. The platform for trading in long-term contracts is to begin functioning on July 1, Petkova said. The next step will be to purchase a one-day trading platform in the first quarter of 2017. Another major challenge is to build an IBEX segment for trading in natural gas. "We are considering this possibility. It is very important to develop the gas market. We will work to this end," Petkova said. Speakers told the conference that the country's largest private energy companies will establish a National Energy Chamber. According to Petkova, the future chamber will have a reliable partner in the Energy Ministry. The members of the new organization will include the Bulgarian Photovoltaic Association, the Bulgarian Wind Energy Association, the Hydropower Association, EVN Bulgaria, AES Bulgaria, Energo-Pro, ContourGlobal and CEZ Bulgaria. The chamber will have a general assembly and a management board, and will be co-chaired by Robert Dick, Management Board Chairman at EVN Bulgaria, and Olivier Marquette, Managing Director of AES Bulgaria. Marquette said the new National Energy Chamber is designed to assist the dialogue for reform in the energy sector. He believes that employers in the energy sector can contribute to the industry's stability and market liberalization. Dick said the chamber's contribution will consist in sharing knowledge, experience and professional solutions.
Source: BTA (23.03.2016)
If the deal with the state-run National Electricity Company (NEK) fails, we will be forced to take the matters to court, Olivier Marquette, CEO of energy company AES Bulgaria said. Marquette referenced the agreement that AES signed with the state-owned company a year ago, which would guarantee that NEK would pay the BGN 600 mln it owes. In exchange AES Galabovo TPP will introduce a discount to its availability price. The power plant will also be able to pay the state-owned Maritsa East Mines. Marquette stated that the loan negotiation process of NEKs parent structure the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) were in their final phase. He said he expected the deal to be finalised in April. Recently AES Bulgaria, together with a number of major energy producers and electricity distribution companies, created the National Energy Chamber (NEC), which in Marquettes words will be working towards legal representation of energy producers in Bulgaria.
Source: Novinar (29.03.2016)
From next year gas deposit in Chiren will accommodate twice bigger amount of natural gas. This will fully cover domestic consumption for 6 to 8 months, the executive director of Bulgartnasgaz Georgi Gegov said. With the support of the European Commission Mechanism for cross country cooperation the company has won funding of EUR 220 million to double the flow of the deposit - that means acceleration from 550 million to slightly over 1 billion. Bulgartransgas will put into operation the reconstructed compressor station Strandja. The station, located near the border with Turkey is very important for the transit of natural gas.
Source: National radio (11.04.2016)
Miners want a new price of coal Mini Maritsa Iztok EAD - Radnevo wants a new price of mined coal higher by about BGN 9 per ton oil equivalent. The management of the state company has developed a new business programs for the next three years, which provides a yield of 27.35 million tons. This will allow them to catch up in the stripping and to implement the program for modernization and rehabilitation of heavy equipment. The program was returned by the Ministry of Energy for additional details. In recent years, opening of new stripping lags off dramatically behind the extraction. The reason is the loading of the two US power plants by ESO, admitted the president of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov. He expects the agreement between BEH and the bank consortium to be signed, which would bring a loan of BGN 1 billion. BGN 900 million will settle the debts to the two US plants, which in turn will finally pay back the mines.
Source: Monitor (18.04.2016)
NPP Kozloduy with contracts for more than BGN 40 million with public companies Two public companies-Atomenergoremont AD and Energoremont Holding have struck contracts for more than BGN 40 million for public procurement of NPP Kozloduy. The largest of them is worth BGN 28.028 million and is concluded by Atomenergoremont. The object of the contract includes repairs related to resource management and extension of the operation of equipment and systems of fifth and sixth nuclear power units. The public company has struck still another contract, this time for BGN 2.578 million. For its part Energoremont Holding has signed a contract for BGN 12.46 million for repairs to maintain the reliability of the equipment and pipelines, repair and ancillary activities improving the operating conditions of the fifth and sixth nuclear power units.
Source: (21.04.2016)
Electricity price jumps with BGN 5 per megawatt hour due to loan Elctricity will cost BGN 5 more per megawatt hour from 1 July just because an EUR 650 mln. loan of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) taken for the National Electric Company (NEC) on April 25. KEVR will recognize NEC's costs of servicing the loan, which will be provided to BEH to settle its obligations to the two American thermal power plants in the energy complex "Maritsa East", regulator KEVR chairman Ivan Ivanov explained. As a result, the interest on the loan will pump up the price of electricity. KEVR only determines prices for the regulated market that is within 14 million. MWh annually. The interest on the loan taken by BEH of a banking consortium will be around BGN 68 million per year. To reduce the imbalances, NEC has already submitted a proposal to KEVR to raise the so called 'Obligations to society " additive with more than 28% to BGN 47.41 lev for megawatt hour.
Source: Standart (22.04.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Holding swings to BGN 29.5 mln cons net profit in 2015 Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which pools all state-owned energy assets, turned to a consolidated net profit of BGN 29.5 million in 2015 from a loss of BGN 277.4 million in 2014. Among BEH's nine subsidiaries, gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz recorded the highest profit of BGN 93.2 million, up 23.1% from 2014, followed by nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy with BGN 82.4 million, up 6.1%. The slight improvement in Kozloduy's results came on the back of an increase of its output for the non-regulated market, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova told a news conference. The net profit of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) more than tripled to a record high of BGN 63.1 million in 2015 from 19.6 million levs in 2014 mainly due to a 10% cut in administrative expenses, which contributed BGN 42 million to the company's profit. Monopoly gas supplier Bulgargaz managed to quadruple its profit to BGN 20.4 million in 2015. Troubled NEK, which acts as a link between electricity producers and distributors, slashed its net loss by 66.5% to BGN 196.7 million in 2015. It recorded a profit of BGN 39 million for the first quarter of 2016. On the negative side, the net loss of thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2 more than doubled to BGN 72 million in 2015 from BGN 35 million in 2014, as costs rose faster than revenues. The profit of coal miner Mini Maritsa Iztok dropped 39.4% to 2.6 million levs despite a record high output of 32 million tonnes of coal in 2015. The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), which launched operations in January 2016, accumulated a loss of BGN 214,000 in 2015, but recovered to a net profit of BGN 600,000 in the first quarter of 2016.
Source: Monitor (26.04.2016)
AES announces settlement of outstanding receivables at Maritza in Bulgaria The AES Corporation announced that one of its subsidiaries, AES 3C Maritza East I (Maritza) in Bulgaria, has received EUR 309 million (USD 350 million) in outstanding receivables from NEK, the state-owned wholesale power company, Business Wire reported. This payment was related to the amendment to Maritzas Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) signed in August 2015. Maritza will use the majority of the proceeds to pay the local coal mine that supplies the plant, as well as repay the lenders of the plants non-recourse debt. As a direct result of the steps taken by the Government of Bulgaria to strengthen the financial position of NEK, Maritza has received full payment of its outstanding receivables, said Andres Gluski, AES President and Chief Executive Officer. Maritza is one of the most reliable and cleanest coal-fired plants in Europe, using only domestically sourced fuel. By meeting all of its contractual obligations, Bulgaria is sending a very positive sign to all foreign investors in the country. Under the amendment, both parties agreed to make certain changes to the PPA, including reducing the capacity payment to Maritza by 14 percent through 2026, the PPA term. In exchange, NEK agreed to pay Maritza its full outstanding receivables. These terms were previously incorporated in the Companys 2016 guidance and 2017-2018 expectations. The resolution at Maritza is another step in our efforts to improve the stability of our financial results, said Tom OFlynn, AES Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer. With our progress to-date and our outlook for the remainder of 2016, we remain on track to deliver on our financial and strategic objectives.
Source: Monitor (28.04.2016)
Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy Q1 pre-tax profit drops 42% y/y Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy posted a 42% annual drop in its first quarter pre-tax profit to 36.8 million levs ($21.6 million/18.8 million euro). The company's total revenues edged down by an annual 2.4% to 222.6 million levs through March, with 98% of them stemming from electricity sales, it said in its quarterly financial report earlier this week. At the same time, total costs rose 13% to 185 million levs. The nuclear plant's gross electricity output fell 0.8% to 4.4 million MWh in the first quarter, mainly due to warmer weather. It sold a total of 4.18 million MWh, also down 0.8% year-on-year. In the first quarter, NPP Kozloduy sold a total of 174,847 MWh worth 9 million levs on the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), which was launched in January. Kozloduy NPP's investments in the period under review totalled 14.3 million levs.
Source: Standart (09.05.2016)
Bulgarian state-owned utility NEK posts 55% y/y growth in Q1 pre-tax profit Bulgaria's state-owned National Electricity Company, NEKs first quarter pre-tax profit jumped 55.4% on the year to BGN 39 million. The company's total revenues fell by an annual 5.2% to BGN 862.2 million in January-March, while total costs declined 6.9% to BGN 823.2 million. Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) rose 28.9% to BGN 53.3 million, whereas earnings before taxes depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) climbed 20.4% to BGN 67.9 million. NEK's hydropower plants produced a total of 759,230 MWh of electricity through March, down 50.5% year-on-year due to lower water levels and reduced demand. The company bought 5.4 million MWh of electricity from domestic power producers, down 14.5% year-on-year, and sold a total of 5.9 million MWh to domestic electricity distributors, down 24.5% year-on-year. Despite the improved profitability, the company is still facing difficulties to repay its debts to suppliers. As at end-March, NEK's long-term liabilities stood at BGN 1.27 billion and its short-term liabilities amounted to BGN 2.07 billion. Last month, NEK repaid its long overdue debts of some BGN 1.0 billion to two US-owned thermal power plants, paving the way for a reduction in the prices at which it buys electricity produced by them. In 2015, NEK, cut its loss by more than BGN 350 million to BGN 220 million.
Source: Capital (09.05.2016)
BEH turned debt of BGN 49.5 million of Maritsa Iztok 2 into capital Measures to improve the financial situation of the state-owned Maritsa Iztok 2 that Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova had announced went into action. They are not any special strategy and optimization, but the simplest solution - conversion of outstanding debt into ownership. By decision of the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) of 15 March this year, the capital of the plant was increased by BGN 49.55 mln by issuing BGN 4.955 mln ordinary registered shares with a nominal value of BGN 10. The means by which this happened was through apportion of a loan of BGN 65 mln. It was granted by BEH to Maritsa Iztok 2 in July 2013 to cover "disproportions in the cash flows of the TPP". The term of repayment of the loan was two years, and the interests that the plant owes are just over BGN 2 million. At the end of 2015 the amount receivable was BGN 56 mln, according to the annual report of BEH. The decision has already been entered in the Commercial Register, bringing the total capital of the company to the amount of BGN 89.6 mln.
Source: Capital (11.05.2016)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz proposes 10% cut in Q3 wholesale gas price Bulgarian gas monopoly Bulgargaz said on Tuesday it will propose a 9.97% reduction of the wholesale price at which it sells natural gas to its clients as of July 1. The tariff will hence go down by 31.13 levs to 281.08 levs ($177.1/163.27 euro) per 1,000 cu m, VAT and excises excluded, reflecting projected lower prices of gas supplies and the depreciation of the Bulgarian lev against the U.S. dollar, the company said in a notice on its website. According to the local regulations, Bulgargaz will submit its final pricing proposal to the energy watchdog on June 10. The regulator has to decide on the wholesale tariff, which is adjusted each quarter, by the end of June. Since the beginning of 2015, Bulgaria's gas prices have dropped by 48%. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia through a pipeline crossing the territories of Ukraine, Moldova and Romania. Bulgargaz is a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which pools all state energy assets.
Source: Trud (11.05.2016)
Bulgarian miner Mini Maritsa Iztok invests EUR 26 mln in equipment Bulgaria's economy ministry said on Thursday that state-owned coal mining complex Mini Maritsa Iztok plans to invest EUR 26 million in two rotary excavators. The contract, which will be signed on Friday, includes the design, manufacturing, delivery and installation of the new equipment. Funding for the investment has been provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF), administrated by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD). In January, Mini Maritsa Iztok spent BGN 9.2 million provided by KIDSF on a in new rotary excavator in order to reduce its maintenance and operating costs.
Source: Monitor (25.05.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Holding looking for three banks for the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange Bulgarian Energy Holding announced a competition for choice of financial institutions (servicing banks) for rendering of financial services for the needs of Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange. The aim of the procedure is to select five financial institutions that serve the activity of IBEX. The object of the contract is not divided into lots and the participants should be involved to implement the entire order. One of the requirements to candidates is equity funds to be not less than BGN 150 million as of the first quarter of 2016. Deadline for submission of bids is June 6, 2016. At the moment BEH is major shareholder in IBEX, but according to assumed by the holding commitments to the European Commission by June 14 it should go to the Finance ministry.
Source: Monitor (25.05.2016)
NEK has paid a total of BGN 1.1 billion to the US power plants Maritza Iztok 1 and 3. About BGN 1 billion of this amount is provided by the loan which BEH took from an international banking consortium. The remaining funds come from own revenues of NEK, according to a written answer by Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova to an opposition lawmaker. Clearing obligations of NEK to the two plants was necessary so that the agreed reduction of electricity prices, sold by the TPPs, last year may enter into force.
Source: Sega (26.05.2016)
Moody's Upgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding's Rating Moody's Investors Service has assigned a provisional Ba1 corporate family rating to the Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH), with a stable outlook. "This provisional rating is subject to the successful completion of the issuance of new notes as currently contemplated by BEH," with a definite rating to follow once the process is completed and a review has been conducted of the documentation. "A corporate family rating (CFR) is an opinion of the BEH group's ability to honour its financial obligations and is assigned to BEH as if it had a single class of debt and a single consolidated legal structure. Any debt issued by BEH would likely be rated lower than the CFR given the structural subordination of the creditors at the holding company. However, the potential notching will depend on the actual balance between the debt at the operating companies versus BEH," Moody's explains. Factors taken into account include BEH's "dominant position within the electricity generation industry in Bulgaria," an improving financial profile, and the ownership it holds of the country's main gas transit and transmission and electricity transmission assets. Volatile earnings, uncertainty about the full liberalization of the wholesale power market and its impact on BEH, "relatively un-transparent nature" or regulations and weak liquidity management policy, however, are putting constraint on the rating. Upward change in the rating has limited potential due to "significant uncertainty over the timing and nature of any liberalisation of the wholesale electricity market," Moody's argues. At the same time, several factors could trigger a downgrade, such as the reversal of "positive regulatory changes" adopted in 2015 that would cause further deficits, changes in the operating environment leading to a deterioration in BEH's financial profile, a reassessment of the estimate of high support from the government, and a downgrade of the government rating itself. BEH is the 100% state-owned electricity and gas utility in Bulgaria which owns around 50% of the electricity generation facilities in the country, including the 2 000 MW Kozloduy nuclear power plant, 2 713 MW of hydro plants, and a lignite plant using input fuel sourced at BEH-owned mining facilities. Through its subsidiary Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK), it is the single trader on the regulated wholesale power market. It also owns and operates the high voltage electricity transmission grid and the gas transmission and transit networks in Bulgaria, and is also the main regulated wholesale gas supplier.
Source: Monitor (30.05.2016)
Bulgaria, Greece form task force to build Greek LNG terminal Bulgarian state energy holding company BEH and Greek natural gas company Gastrade have set up a joint task force to prepare a proposal to build an off-shore liquefied natural gas (LNG)terminal in northern Greece, Gastrade said on Tuesday. Greece currently has one LNG terminal on an islet off Athens and Gastrade, part of Greek energy group Copelouzos, is planning a second LNG terminal near the northern city of Alexandroupolis. The task force will prepare and submit a proposal to the Bulgarian government for the best possible way to take part in the project, Gastrade said in a statement. The facility, with an estimated annual capacity of 6.1 billion cubic metres (bcm), will seek to supply gas to southeastern Europe via another natural gas pipeline scheme that will cross through Greece, the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB). Bulgaria and Greece signed the final investment agreement for the pipeline last year. The IGB and the LNG terminal fit with the construction of the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) which will transport Caspian gas to European markets and was signed off by Greece and its partners this month. The Alexandroupolis terminal is expected to cost about 370 million euros ($413 million) and is expected to be operational at the end of 2018, an official at Gastrade told Reuters. Cheniere Energy, a U.S-based liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, is interested in a minority stake in the LNG project, a senior company official said last year. ($1 = 0.8967 euros) (Reporting by Angeliki Koutantou, editing by David Evans)
Source: Capital (01.06.2016)
Bulgarian lender DSK gives EUR 58 mln short-term loan to Czech Energo-Pro local unit Bulgaria's second biggest lender DSK Group said on Wednesday it has extended a BGN 114 million short-term loan to Energo-Pro Varna, a unit of Czech power group Energo-Pro. The loan has a floating interest rate equal to the one-month Sofibor plus 1.30% annually, DSK told SeeNews in an email. The financing has been provided for a 6-month period and the company has pledged its assets as a collateral. According to a report by local Capital Daily, the loan will be used for refinancing of old debt. Energo-Pro Varna is an electricity distribution and power supply company and generator of electricity from renewable energy sources. It provides distribution and electricity supply services in northeastern Bulgaria.
Source: Capital (22.06.2016)
Bulgaria may have to sell Bulgatransgaz or face up to 300 mln euro EU fines Bulgaria's prime minister Boyko Borissov said on Wednesday that the country may have to sell its gas transmission system operator Bulgatransgaz, or else face an EU infringement procedure that could cost it up to 300 million euro ($333 million). [...] when Commissioner [for competition] Margrethe Vestager comes and says, 'You should sell Bulgatransgaz,' for us this would be a heavy political blow [...] Otherwise, an up to 300 million euro infringement procedure against Bulgaria may follow," Borissov told a news briefing in Brussels. An audio file of his words was circulated by the government's press office. Approached for a comment, a European Commission spokesman said it has not yet reached a final decision on the matter. "The Commission's antitrust investigation is ongoing. In March 2015, the Commission sent a statement of objections to Bulgarian Energy Holding, informing it of the Commission's preliminary view that BEH may have breached EU antitrust rules by hindering competitors access to key gas infrastructures in Bulgaria," the spokesman said, adding that BEH has sent a written response to the Commission's objections. "The Commission has not yet reached a final decision. As is common practice in antitrust investigations, Commissioner Vestager has met with Bulgarian counterparts to discuss the state of play of the investigation," the spokesperson added. In March 2015, the European Commission said it had sent a statement of objections to state-owned BEH and two of its units, informing them that they may have breached EU antitrust rules. At this stage, the Commission had concerns that BEH, Bulgartransgaz and gas monopoly Bulgargaz had refused to give competitors access to the gas transmission network and the gas storage facility, as well as reserved capacity they do not need on the gas import pipeline. "If the concerns are justified this behaviour would have reduced and continues to reduce competition in gas supply markets in Bulgaria," the Commission noted at the time.
Source: Capital (30.06.2016)
CEO of Bulgaria's Kozloduy Nuclear Plant Replaced The chief executive of Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), Dimitar Angelov, has been dismissed. The decision was taken by the Board of Directors at the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the entity bringing together state-owned energy assets, BEH's own website says. Ivan Andreev, who was deputy to Angelov, has taken over. BEH cites the fact that Angelov's term expired on July 03 (the latter assumed office in September 2014). But the development comes days after allegations from Georgi Kadiev, a former socialist lawmaker who recently set up his own party, that Angelov was tangled in corruption practices, inflating prices for repair works at Kozloduy NPP and having set up a Seychelles-based offshore company. Angelov, who also headed the nuclear plant in 2008-2009, has not yet commented. His successor's experience at Kozloduy NPP dates back to 1990. Andreev has been one of the deputies to Angelov since October 2014.
Source: Monitor (06.07.2016)
Bulgaria signed with a consortium consisting of Germany's Nukem Technologies and four local companies a contract worth BGN 140 million for the first stage of a project for the construction of a nuclear waste depository project. The funding for the project will be provided by the Kozloduy International Decommissioning Support Fund (KIDSF). The KIDSF facility, administered by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, was set up with EU funds to support projects related to the decommissioning of four nuclear reactors at Kozloduy nuclear power plant as well as to supports projects for restructuring and upgrades in Bulgaria's energy sector. The nuclear waste depository will be built at the Radiana site near Kozloduy plant and will have a capacity of 138,200 cu m. It is expected to be operational in 2021. The project will speed up the process of decommissioning of the plant's units which have been closed down.
Source: Monitor (08.07.2016)
Bulgarian energy holdings capital increased by BGN 97.446 million Capital of Bulgarian energy holding (BEH) is increased by BGN 97,446 million. Funds come from net profit of the holding company, after prior that dividend for the state was detached. BEHs profit for 2015 is to the amount of BGN 128,397 million. After taxes it is BGN 124,664 million. The profit is formed mainly by revenues of BEH by dividends of its subsidiaries, which accumulated profits. From the net profit 10% is allocated to the reserves fund, as other BGN 14.751 million is deposited as dividends in the state treasury. The size of the dividend is humble, as it is calculated as 50% of the holdings net profit, defined at consolidated base. That is to say, after net profits and losses of companies within the holding are excluded. So with the remaining amount of BGN 97.446 million BEH increased its capital. The issued shares are at the same number, with a nominal value of BGN 1.
Source: Monitor (11.07.2016)
CEZ Group files arbitration claim worth hundreds of millions of euro against Bulgaria Czech power utility CEZ Group said it has filed a request for international arbitration worth hundreds of millions of euro against Bulgaria over its failure to observe the investment protection provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty. "The situation in the Bulgarian energy sector is critical and especially the pricing decisions of the local regulator have not been, on a long-term basis, in line with the expectations at the time of the privatization process," the group said in a press release on Tuesday. "Therefore, businesses operating in the energy sector have in recent years faced declining profitability or losses and low liquidity," it added. CEZ has repeatedly asked the Bulgarian government for speedy rectification of the current state of affairs and for compensation for the damage caused, it added, recalling that in November it sent a dispute notice to the country's government, in which it requested amicable settlement of the dispute. In 2014, Bulgaria's energy regulator launched a procedure to revoke the licences of the power distribution units of CEZ and two other power utilities operating in the country for retaining payments to the National Electricity Company (NEK). The power distributors said they owe debt-ridden NEK nothing, claiming that it had failed to pay them compensations for being obliged to buy electricity generated by wind and solar power installations. The regulator's decision to revoke the power distribution companies licences prompted European energy commissioner Guenther Oettinger to send a warning letter to Bulgaria's energy ministry in connection with the country's policy in the electricity sector. A year earlier a hike in electricity prices led to mass protests and eventually to the collapse of the centre-right government in the country. CEZ Group entered the Bulgarian market in 2004. Its distribution and sales businesses serve some 3 million customers there, mainly in the western part of Bulgaria. Its unit CEZ Razpredelenie Bulgaria posted a net profit of 21.7 million levs ($12.3 million/11.1 million euro) for 2015, more than five times larger than a year earlier. CEZ Electro's net profit fell three times to 8.7 million levs last year. The group also owns a coal power plant in the coastal city of Varna that temporarily ceased operations in January 2015.
Source: National radio (13.07.2016)
Bulgaria's IBEX seeks 2 mln euro working capital loan The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) is seeking a BGN 4 million loan in the form of overdraft to be used for repayment of debt related to company's commercial activities. The loan would be repaid in 36 months. Interested parties should submit applications by July 17. In June IBEX published a notice seeking a working capital loan with the same parameters. IBEX was established in January 2014, as a fully-owned subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. It was developed in partnership with Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot and has been operating since January 19.
Source: (14.07.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Holding to start bond roadshow on July 18 The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which pools all state-owned energy assets, said on Thursday it has mandated JP Morgan and Banca IMI to hold in Britain and continental Europe starting on July 18 a roadshow for a bond, whose proceeds should go to repay a 535 million euro ($594.3 million) bridge loan. "A Reg S only intermediate tenor benchmark offering, which is expected to be rated () Ba2 by Moodys and BB- by Fitch may follow, subject to market conditions. FCA / ICMA stabilisation applies, BEH said in a press release. In March, BEH selected a tie-up of n IMI - London Branch, Bank of China - Luxembourg Branch and J.P. Morgan Securities to provide it a bridge loan of up to 650 million euro ($716 million). The loan was to be extended for a period of up to 12 months and refinanced by a bond issue, to be managed by the same bank consortium. A month later, BEH finalised a 535 million euro bridge loan deal to settle the overdue debts of its troubled subsidiary NEK. NEK used the loan to repay its debts to two local thermal power plants, owned by U.S. operators AES and ContourGlobal. In June, however, the International Court of Arbitration ruled that NEK should pay 620 million euro ($693.5 million) to Russia's Atomstroyexport as a compensation for scrapping a nuclear power plant construction project. In return, NEK will receive the nuclear equipment it had ordered, but not paid. Earlier this month Fitch ratings affirmed BEH's long-term foreign and local currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDR) and its foreign currency senior unsecured rating at 'BB-', with a negative outlook. The agency has also assigned BEH's upcoming Eurobond an expected foreign currency senior unsecured rating of 'BB-(EXP)'. "The affirmation reflects BEH group's substantially improved funds from operations (FFO) in 2015 and 2016 from a very low level in 2014 thanks to various legislative and regulatory changes implemented during 2015 and successful renegotiations of power purchase agreements (PPAs) with two thermal power plants," it said at the time. "The negative outlook reflects BEH's insufficient liquidity to cover short-term debt maturing mostly in April 2017 and negative free cash flow (FCF) projected by Fitch. After the long-term bond issue planned for 3Q16, liquidity should cover short-term debt and negative FCF, which is likely to lead us to revise the outlook to stable from negative," Fitch also said. Following the planned bond issue and bridge loan repayment, the next large debt maturity is in November 2018 when BEH's 500 million euro bond issued in 2013 matures. "We expect BEH to start the bond refinancing process well ahead of maturity," Fitch said.
Source: (15.07.2016)
The State saves about BGN 300 million from the amended contracts with the two US-owned thermo-electric power plants in Bulgaria, AES Maritsa East 1 and ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova said. Following the repayment of the outstanding debts of the National Electricity Company (NEK) to the two plants in April, they agreed to lower with immediate effect the capacity price that they charge NEK: by 14% for AES and 15% for ContourGlobal. Petkova was asked about the amount of the interest due on a syndicated loan of EUR 535 million that NEK had to take out to pay up to the two power plants until it issue bonds. The precise interest rate of the loan is a trade secret but its average size is 3.8%. The penalty interest is about one percent above the base interest rate, Petkova said. She said that the effect from the amended contracts exceeds BGN 96 million per year, or nearly BGN 1,000 million until the expiry of the long-term agreements with the plants.
Source: Capital (18.07.2016)
At the end of the summer is expected the second platform of our energy market to start. Through it electric energy will be traded through bilateral long-term contracts. Today or tomorrow rules and standard contracts will be published, then for two weeks comments on them will be accepted. After that meetings with potential participants will be organized, where they will get acquainted with the platform and its way of action and finally dry training will be held. Electric energy will be traded in the new platform of principle, which currently runs the trade in oil futures. The new platform will provide standard products with delivery period, week, month, quarter, and half-year. Trading will be done in two ways - through auctions and through continuous trading screen.
Source: Monitor (19.07.2016)
Moody's Upgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding's Rating Moody's Investors Service has assigned a provisional (P)Ba2 senior unsecured rating to Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD's (BEH) proposed bond issuance. It normally issues provisional ratings in advance of the final sale of securities to voice its preliminary credit opinion with regard to the transaction only, with a definitive rating possibly differing from a provisional one. BEH's (P)Ba1 corporate family rating has meanwhile been affirmed, with a stable outlook. The senior unsecured rating is positioned one notch below the corporate family rating, which reflects the structural subordination of the creditors at the holding company to those in the operating subsidiaries. Upward rating potential is limited, Moody's also says, citing "uncertainties over the settlement of the Belene arbitration award and the timing and nature of the full liberalization of the wholesale electricity market and its impact on BEH."
Source: 3e-news (21.07.2016)
Change of fuesl in the NPP Kozloduy only if it is safe In order to change the fuel in Unit 5 and 6 of Nuclear power plant Kozloduy, the plant has to ask for permission and its exploitation has to be in line with International requirement for safety, as well as for any other change. Director of the Supply Agency of the European organization Euratom Stamatios Tsalas requires our NPP to abandon the introduction of the advanced Russian nuclear fuel TBCA-12 and to provide in the tender for the provider access to tapes of Westinghouse. However, as US fuel has not been tested for compatibility with Russian reactors such as ours, NPP must make experiments with this fuel. Any amendment to the approved fuel is subject to licensing, if diversification of supply also receives a license. Kozloduy NPP has twice requested permission to operate with advanced fuel TBCA-12 - in 2015, and now in April this year
Source: Duma (22.07.2016)
Very large investor interest in new BEH bonds There is great investor interest in the new bonds to be issued by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), said Deputy Energy Minister Nikolay Nikolov. "There is undeniable investor interest. And even I would say a very big one," said Nikolov. He clarified that the so-called roadshow or presentation of papers in front of potential investors is completed. Meetings began last Monday after BEH authorized J.P. Morgan and Banca IMI to organize a series of meetings with investors in securities with fixed income in the UK and continental Europe. The bonds will be listed on the Irish Stock Exchange, where the first bond issue of BEH was placed in 2013. The aim of BEH is to provide at least EUR 500 mln, but no more than EUR 535 mln, which is the amount received as bridge loan in end of April.
Source: Monitor (26.07.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Group BEH Places EUR 550 M Bond Issue State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has successfully placed a EUR 550 M issue of corporate bonds on international capital markets, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova has announced. The bonds carry an annual coupon of 4.875%, Petkova wrote on Facebook on Tuesday. The energy holding will use the proceeds from the bond issue to repay a bridge loan which BEH took out earlier this year to repay debt of its subsidiary National Electricity Company (NEK) owed to the local power plants of U.S.-based AES Corporation and ContourGlobal. The EUR 550 M five-year unsecured bond issue was almost four times oversubscribed, as investors placed bids for some EUR 2.1 B worth of BEH bonds, according to The achieved yield is 5.125%, which experts see as a good result against the background of problems in the energy sector and volatile capital markets after Brexit and the coup attempt in Turkey, the Bulgarian business newspaper said in its online edition. An announcement that an unnamed investor had booked 20% of the issue, which was made at the start of the subscription, gave a positive signal to other investors, the newspaper said. It added that according to two independent sources that investor had been the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The bonds from the second issue will be listed on the Irish stock Exchange, on which bonds from BEHs first issue already trade. The EUR 500 M, five-year issue was placed at an yield of 4.287% in 2013.
Source: Monitor (27.07.2016)
Mines Maritsa Iztok waits for BGN 110 million BGN 110.4 million is the sum that Mines Maritsa Iztok expects to get by the four major companies in the energy complex. The biggest claims of the mines are for produced and sold lignite coals from the state TPP Maritsa Iztok 2- BGN 69.168 million as BGN 24.154 million is what private briquette factory Brickell has to pay for coal. After receiving claims from NEC, the two American thermal power plants in the energy complex - ContourGlobal MI-3 and AES MI-1 melted their obligations to the company respectively to BGN 11.46 million and BGN 5.62 million. Besides its huge debts to the mines, TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 has a debt of BGN 84 million to other group companies of BEH. Their total amount is assessed to BGN204.64 million. The ultimate loss before tax of the TPP is BGN 51 million, which is more by BGN 18.3 million compared to the same period of 2015. Due to falling prices of electricity and natural gas in the first half of the year and revenues of NPP Kozloduy dramatically decreased as well as those of Bulgargaz by BGN 31 mln and BGN 235.22 mln respectively. Bulgargaz reported profit of BGN 35.424 million for the first half of the year.
Source: Standart (02.08.2016)
Bulgaria's NPP Kozloduy net profit plummets in H1 Bulgaria's sole nuclear power plant (NPP) Kozloduy said its first-half net profit fell sharply to BGN 236,000 from BGN 69.9 million in the same period last year due to lower revenues and higher costs. The company's operating revenue dropped by an annual 7% to 396 million levs in January-June, with 98% of it stemming from electricity sales, its interim financial report, posted on the finance ministry's website, showed. At the same time, operating costs rose 13% to 394 million levs. The nuclear plant's gross electricity output edged up 0.14% to 7.89 million MWh in the review period. It sold a total of 7.48 million MWh, generating a revenue of 387 million levs, down 6.5% year-on-year. Kozloduy sold 277,189 MWh worth 15 million levs on the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), which was launched in January. Kozloduy NPP's investments in the period under review totalled 35 million levs.
Source: (04.08.2016)
BEH repaid the loan of EUR 550 mln At the end of July this year BEH EAD successfully placed Eurobond issue worth EUR 550 mln to the Irish Stock Exchange. With the raised funds the energy holding company repaid on August 2 bridge financing in the amount of EUR 535 mln. Thus BEH paid interest for the second quarter for 11 days. This was announced by Energy Holding in connection to the information about the heavy conditions under which BEH has taken the loan to cover debts to American TPPs AES - 3C Maritza East 1 and Contour Global Maritsa Iztok 3. Interest rate agreed for bridge financing in 2016 amounted to 3% for the first three months and to 3.5% for the second three months. Interest shall be calculated until the repayment of the loan. The holding company states that the option of raising the interest rate to a level of 8.5% is not applicable automatically and unilaterally, but only upon the occurrence of certain circumstances. That possibility of practice has not been applied after the repayment of the bridge loan after on 2 August.
Source: Banker (09.08.2016)
Bulgaria Invites Russian Experts for Talks over N-Plant Bulgaria's Energy Ministry has sent a formal letter to state-owned Russian company Rosatom, inviting experts from the energy giant to the country, the ministry's press office says. Minister Temenuzhka Petkova has cited the need to set up the parameters and composition of a working froup on the Belene nuclear power plant (NPP) project. The move to form the working group was agreed by Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and Russian President Vladimir Putin last week. Their phone conversation came after more than a year of tensions between Bulgaria and Russia with regard to energy affairs that followed the cancellation of three major joint energy projects involving the two countries in just a few years. Prior to talks, a letter was submitted to Sofia by EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker that hinted at a possible revival of the Belene NPP project. Borisov, whose previous government had brought the project to a halt, said in June the current one did not rule out a restart anymore, with Bulgaria being forced to buy reactors and nuclear equipment from Atomstroyexport (Rosatom's export arm) under an arbitration ruling. The meeting of Bulgarian and Russian experts should take place between August 15 and 30, Minister Petkova has said.
Source: Sega (10.08.2016)
Greek energy regulator oks launch of Greece-Bulgaria gas link capacity management tender The Greek energy regulator has approved an invitation to companies to submit binding bids for the management and allocation of capacity on the upcoming Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria pipeline (IGB). Greek and Bulgarian regulators are working together to overcome procedural problems, Greece's Regulatory Authority for Energy said on the governments Diavgeia website on Wednesday. In April, state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said that six companies had filed non-binding bids to use the planned gas link - state-owned gas monopoly Bulgargaz, Greece's DEPA and Gastrade, Italy's Edison, Azerbajan's Socar and US-based Noble. Later in April, the company in charge of the project, ICGB, said that nine companies had submitted non-binding expressions of interest (EOI) to use the pipeline. A total aggregate capacity of 4.3 bcm per year was requested for gas transportation services in firm forward mode from Greece to Bulgaria and approximately 1 bcm per year was requested for gas transportation services in firm reverse mode from Bulgaria to Greece, ICGB said at the time. The IGB pipeline, which will be 182 km long, will link the northeastern Greek city of Komotini with Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. It is estimated to cost 220 million euro ($245.5 million). The gas link will carry 3 billion cu m of natural gas annually in its initial stage and will have a maximum capacity of 5 billion cu m per year. It will eventually be connected to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), carrying natural gas from the Caspian Sea to Europe through Greece.
Source: Monitor (12.08.2016)
Bulgaria's Economy Grew 3% in Q2, 2016 The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Bulgaria increased by 3% in the first quarter compared to the same period of the previous year, flash estimates of the national statistics body show. Flash estimates are "the earliest picture of the economy according to national accounts concepts, which is produced and published as soon as possible after the end of the quarter, using a more incomplete set of information than that used for traditional quarterly accounts," as defined by the Eurostat Handbook on quarterly National Accounts. For the second quarter of 2016 (April-June), the flash estimates suggest GDP was BGN 21.753 bln. Gross value added (GVA) for that period amounted to BGN 18.538 bln. "In the structure of GDP by the expenditure approach the largest share has the final consumption (77.7%), which in nominal terms amounted to BGN 16.894 bln," NSI says. "In the second quarter of 2016 gross capital formation is BGN 4.689 bln and has a share of 21.5% in GDP. The external balance (exports minus imports) has a positive sign.
Source: Maritsa (15.08.2016)
Without the cost of NPP Belene, NEk began to shrink liabilities Hardly Bulgaria has a company to measure the obligations of the National Electricity Company (NEK), which liabilities towards the middle of 2016 reached BGN 4.470 billion. In addition to the sum being astronomical, it grew by BGN 844 mln in only 6 months, shows the financial report of the state-owned company, which was published Monday on the website of the Ministry of Finance. This is not unexpected, given that in April the account of the company in column current liabilities added another BGN 1.082 billion, which NEK was condemned by the Russian Atomstroyexport to pay for stopping the NPP Belene project. In practice, if the Belene effect is excluded, the situation in NEK improves slightly as the total liabilities of the company fell by just over BGN 200 mln, indicating that the company comes out of the debt spiral. Short-term payables to related parties also increased by BGN 621 mln to nearly BGN 1.5 bln. Most of them BGN 1.313 bln, to the owner Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) at the end of 2015 were BGN 238 mln. This is due to bridge financing of EUR 535 mln, with which NEK had to pay obligations to the two American plants TPP AES Maritsa east 1 and TPP ContourGlobal Maritsa east 3.
Source: Capital (17.08.2016)
Bulgaria's IBEX power exchange to start trade through bilateral contracts by Oct 1 The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) will start trade through bilateral contracts by October 1, the energy regulator said on Thursday. The move will increase trading volumes, pushing down prices, and will allow many more producers to join trade, Ivan Ivanov said. Currently, IBEX is trading through bilateral contracts in test mode. The next stage of the power exchange's development envisages the launch of a platform for contracts for difference (CFD). IBEX was established in January 2014, as a fully-owned subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. It was developed in partnership with Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot and has been operating since January 19. On Thursday, a total volume 275.4 MW were traded on the exchange at a price of BGN 68.77 per MWh.
Source: (19.08.2016)
Bulgarias Maritsa East Mines Seek BGN 28 Million Loan Bulgarias Maritsa East Mines have re-launched a call for a loan through overdraft totaling BGN 28 m (about EUR 14 m), the Bulgarian Energy Holding parent structure of the mines, said in an announcement on its website. BGN 8 m will be needed for paying debts towards suppliers, while BGN 20 m would be put towards salaries and taxes. The deadline for applications submission expires at 15.00EET on Aug 24, 2016. (
Source: Other (24.08.2016)
The energy system operator with a profit of BGN 42 million for the first annual half The Electricity System Operator, which owns the entire electrical grid in the country continued to report good results. By mid-year the state-owned company earned BGN 41.8 million, which is one of the best performances in Bulgarian Energy Holdings group of companies. Only Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgas report better profits for the first half - respectively BGN 48.9 and 43.5 million. At the same time, revenue from sales marked a marginal increase of BGN 5.2 million, reaching BGN 287.7 million. In addition the company's revenues for acquisition of tangible fixed assets also increased by BGN 3.380 million from the Fund Kozloduy. The energy price which ESO collects for access and transmission, has fallen by 13.15%. This trend began in the middle of last year, which led to a decrease in electricity prices in Europe by 15-20%.
Source: Capital (26.08.2016)
For the second year 17 Bulgarian companies are among the largest 500 in CEE For the second year 17 Bulgarian companies were included in the ranking of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe in 2015. The total turnover of Bulgarian companies in the ranking reached EUR 17.765 bln, which recorded a slight decline compared to last year, while net profit amounted to EUR 148 mln, according to the ranking of international credit insurer Coface - Coface CEE Top 500, which is published for the eighth consecutive year. Among the Bulgarian companies, first in the ranking is Bulgarian Energy Holding, which occupies 21st position (26th place last year) and surpassed Lukoil Neftochim, which was the leader last year. The others in the top 10 of the largest Bulgarian companies in the ranking are Aurubis Bulgaria, NEK, Lukoil Bulgaria, Kaufland Bulgaria, CEZ Electro Bulgaria, Bulgargaz, OMV Bulgaria and Advance Properties. Among the 17 companies, however, there are 3 new - Express Logistic And Distribution (360th place), Daphna Group (392nd) and Litex (462nd) and dropouts are Metro Cash & Carry Bulgaria, Mobiltel and Petrol.
Source: (01.09.2016)
"South Stream's Golden Pawns", reads a "Capital Weekly" headline of an article about how the State's representatives in the project were strongly motivated financially to support it at any cost. The managers in the Bulgarian Energy Holding were getting significantly higher salaries in the Bulgarian-Russian company "South Stream - Bulgaria". This creates a potential conflict of interest, in which they are more interested in defending the interests of the mixed company, rather than those of their employer. As a result of this the project was not suspended, despite it becing clear by mid-2014 that the project is not only unprofitable, but would also lead to sanctions by Brussels. The main winners from this conduct were first Gazprom, and then the companies selected to construct the pipeline, most of them connected to Movement for Rights and Freedoms MP Delyan Peevski.
Source: Capital (07.09.2016)
Interest on loans falling to 3.5% The interest rates on certain retail products may drop to 3.5% by 2017. Retail lending has the largest share in the external financing of households in the country. In recent years improvements in credit conditions after the global financial crisis of 2008-2009 have been recorded. After the drastic jump in interest rates during the economic crisis - 13.5% in 2009 to 9.76% in 2007, a trend for a gradual decrease has been established. To the first half of 2016 interest rates on consumer and mortgage loans reached levels lower than those before the crisis - 4.1% in 2016 to 6.8% in 2007 for mortgage loans and 6.6% in 2016, at 9.5% in 2007 for consumer ones. Expectations for next year are around 3.5% interest on some of the proposed retail credit products.
Source: Other (08.09.2016)
Bulgargaz wants increase of natural gas by just over 3% in October Bulgargaz wants higher price of natural gas for the fourth quarter. In a statement the company said that in accordance with the requirements and conditions of Ordinance 2/2013 on the regulation of gas prices, Bulgargaz EAD, a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding AD offers KEVR to establish price for natural gas for the fourth quarter of 2016 to the amount of to BGN 290.28 /hm3 without excise duty and VAT, which is an increase compared to the third quarter of BGN 9.20 /hm3 or 3.27%. KEVR is yet to take its decision. Two days ago the chairman of the commission Ivan Ivanov commented that even if there is a suggestion for a slight appreciation of natural gas from October 1 this year, is not expected to change in the prices of heating and hot water. KEVR has the right not to announce a decision on new prices for thermal and highly efficient electric energy, as by law it is obligatory only in case of significant change in the pricing element, in this case natural gas, which is not the case.
Source: (12.09.2016)
Bulgartransgaz seeks advisor on Balkan gas hub project Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz is seeking an advisor for the planned Balkan hub gas project in a BGN 119,000 tender, according to a notice posted on the website of the government's procurement agency. The consultant will be required to assess the capabilities of state-owned Bulgartransgaz for participation in the construction of the gas hub and adjacent infrastructure on the territory of Bulgaria, the tender notice reads. The advisor should also evaluate the opportunities for supply, consumption and investments. The deadline for submitting offers is November 4. Last week, Bulgarian media quoted a senior European Commission official saying that the country should submit a proposal for feasibility studies for the Balkan gas hub to the Commission by November 9 in order to secure funding for the project.
Source: Sega (16.09.2016)
Most tourists recommend Varna as an attractive destination Over 85% of tourists visiting Varna this summer are positive that they recommend to their friends and relatives to visit the seaside capital as an attractive destination for leisure, spa, historical and cultural tourism. This was announced by the municipal directorate "Tourism". The project is implemented jointly in partnership with 4 other municipalities - Aksakovo, Devnya and Beloslav Avren. The goal is through common tourist routes to attract more tourists. As a result of the marketing activities of the tourism product awareness of tourists, tour operators and travel agencies increased by 100%. Advertising catalogs and brochures made during the project were offered throughout 2015 and 2016 to more than 20 000 tourists visiting Bulgaria from 55 nationalities. Community partners reported 10% growth in attendance sights on their territory.
Source: Monitor (16.09.2016)
The project company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), equally controlled by IGI Poseidon SA of Greece and Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD of Bulgaria, announced it will be part and an operator of the Vertical Gas Corridor. The ICGB project company has signed a joint declaration for this with the natural gas grid operators of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Hungary during a high-level meeting in Budapest on September 8 9. This is a serious acknowledgement of the key role of the interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece (IGB) for the energy security and source diversification for Europe and the region, a press release from ICGB said. Prior to signing the joint declaration, the energy ministers of Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and Hungary signed a declaration in support of the Vertical Gas Corridor.
Source: Monitor (17.09.2016)
United Bulgarian Bank and SG Expressbank granted BGN 28 million working credit to "Mini Maritsa Iztok" Mini Maritsa Iztok managed to find banks to grant it credit amounting to BGN 28 million. For the working capital credit the mining company ranked first the two banks - UBB and Societe Generale Expressbank, which will provide a total of BGN 28 million of overdraft credit. The major loan of BGN 20 million will be granted by Societe Generale Expressbank and will cover obligations to employees, taxes and insurance. The remaining BGN 8 million, which will be provided by UBB, are current payments and obligations to suppliers. The contracts with both banks are still not signed. Under the terms of the announced contest the repayment period is 12 months. The procedure for an investment loan of BGN 24.3 million is still pending for the approval of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Capital (20.09.2016)
Bulgarian Cabinet approves draft bill to pay Belene arbitration damages Bulgarias state-owned electric utility NEK will receive a cash injection from the state Budget to pay the damages awarded by an international arbitration tribunal in a dispute with Russias Atomstroyexport, under a draft bill approved by the Bulgarian government on September 20. Atomstroyexport, a division of Russias nuclear corporation Rosatom, was picked to build two 1000MW nuclear reactors at Belene on the Danube River, a project that was shut down by Bulgaria in 2012. The Russian contractor filed for arbitration, asking for 1.2 billion euro in damages for equipment ordered for the nuclear power plant, which NEK never paid for, and won the court action in June. Speaking after the Cabinet meeting on September 20, Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova said that NEK currently owed about 629 million euro, but the amount would grow past 646 million euro by the end of the year, after applying the daily penalties. If NEK does not pay the amount ordered by the international arbitration tribunal, this will have negative consequences not only for NEK itself, but the countrys entire energy system, Petkova said, as quoted by Bulgarian National Radio. Should NEK fail to pay Atomstroyexport, the Russian company could ask that the Bulgarian utility is declared insolvent, which in turn would be reflected in the bottom line of its parent company, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), risking a breach of covenant for BEHs two outstanding bond issues, she said. Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov was optimistic that the Cabinet would be able to recoup by the Budget expenditure by selling the nuclear equipment. In July, Bulgarian officials discussed the prospect of selling the reactors to Iran during a visit to Tehran. The bill approved by the Cabinet envisions that the money would be released from the fiscal reserve, which currently stands at 14 billion leva, or about 7.16 billion euro. Before the money can be released, Bulgaria would require the approval of the European Commission, the Cabinet said in a media statement.
Source: Capital (21.09.2016)
Four new companies file binding offers to use Bulgaria-Greece gas link Four companies, which did not participate in the non-binding expression of interest (EOI), have submitted binding offers to book capacity in the gas interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB), the energy ministry in Sofia said on Wednesday. Bulgarian energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova expressed confidence that the volumes of natural gas booked in the second stage of the market test will replicate those filed in the non-binding expression of interest, the ministry said in a statement. The ministry did not disclose the names of the four new companies. During the first bidding round, which closed on April 8, ICGB received non-binding offers from nine companies, including Bulgargaz, Edison, Greece's DEPA and Gastrade, Azerbajan's Socar and US-based Noble. The nine interested companies requested a total aggregate capacity of 4.3 bcm per year for gas transportation services in firm forward mode from Greece to Bulgaria and approximately 1 bcm per year for gas transportation services in firm reverse mode from Bulgaria to Greece. The deadline for cubmitting binding offers in the second phase of the market test is October 31. The 182 km long IGB pipeline will link the northeastern Greek city of Komotini with Stara Zagora in central Bulgaria. It is estimated to cost 220 million euro ($245.5 million). The pipeline will carry 3 billion cu m of natural gas annually in its initial stage and will have a maximum capacity of 5 billion cu m per year. It will eventually be connected to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP), which will carry Azeri gas to Europe through Greece. Bulgaria and Greece signed a final investment decision on the construction of the gas link in December last year.
Source: Monitor (06.10.2016)
Bulgaria could take up to 25 pct stake in Greek LNG project Bulgaria could take up to a 25 percent stake in a project to build a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal off the coast of northern Greece, the Bulgarian energy minister said. The EUR 380 million floating facility will be linked to a gas pipeline due to be built by Greece and Bulgaria and would help Bulgaria reduce its reliance on Russian gas. It will also aim to supply gas to southeastern Europe. Bulgarias state-run energy holding company BEH has set up a taskforce with Greek natural gas company Gastrade, which plans to build the terminal, to consider joint participation. The team is due to come up with a proposal by the end of this month and Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova said Sofia would then consider its options. Gastrade, part of Greek energy group Copelouzos, plans to build the terminal off the coast near the northern Greek city of Alexandroupolis. The end of October is the deadline, when the taskforce should come up with a proposal which should give us clarity about the possibilities for Bulgarias participation, Petkova said at a press briefing with her Greek counterpart Panos Skourletis. We have declared readiness to participate as an investor, as a shareholder with up to a 25 percent stake, she said. The facility, with an estimated annual capacity of 6.1 billion cubic metres (bcm), will aim to supply gas to southeastern Europe via another natural gas pipeline scheme that will cross through Greece, the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB). Bulgaria and Greece signed the final investment agreement for the IGB link last year and binding bids for the pipeline are expected by the end of this month. Gastrade would not necessarily hold a majority stake in the project, but would like to involve the main market players in Greece and Bulgaria, Konstantinos Sifnaios, a business development manager at Gasgrade, said. Cheniere Energy, a U.S-based liquefied natural gas (LNG) exporter, has also expressed interest in becoming a shareholder, Sifnaios said. A final decision on the investment structure of the Alexandroupolis terminal is expected by the middle of 2017, with it due to become operational in the second half of 2019, he said. /
Source: Other (07.10.2016)
Two Indicted in Bulgaria over Nuclear Plant Deal with Russia The Sofia City Prosecution Office has charged two executive directors of the National Electric Company (NEK), Lyubomir Velkov and Mardik Papazian, with concluding an unprofitable transaction resulting in a detriment exceeding EUR 77 million, the prosecution service said. According to the prosecution case, on November 28, 2007, in their capacity as NEK CEOs, Velkov and Papazian knowingly concluded a framework agreement on the supply of equipment from the amount located at the Belene N-Plant to the value of EUR 205 million with the President of AtomStroyExport JSC, Moscow, thereby inflicting detriment of EUR 77.17 million on NEK.
Source: Capital (18.10.2016)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding group, which pools all state-owned energy assets made the annual payment of EUR 21.25 million interest on its 2013 bonds. This was the third interest payment. The Eurobond issue of EUR 500 million will mature in 2018, BEH issued the bond in 2013 to cover its liabilities relating to the scrapped project for the construction of Belene nuclear power plant. On July 26, 2016 BEH successfully placed a second Eurobond issue worth EUR 550 million on the Irish Stock Exchange.
Source: (08.11.2016)
Bulgarian Business Fears New Natural Gas Crisis In an open letter to the media, Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC) expresses concerns about the lack of orders to Bulgargaz for natural gas supplies in 2017 on the part of Overgas Networks. The industrialists point out that this scenario resembles the situation at the end of 2015, when the supplier of "Overgas Networks" - "Gazprom Export", stopped processing the orders of the company. So as to fulfill their contracts, on December 31, 2015 the company was forced to place an order for its entire consumption for 2016 to the public supplier Bulgargaz. BFIEC believes that if orders for additional quantities of natural gas are placed, Bulgargaz will not be able to offer flexible contracts to its clients, or accept bigger orders from other clients without financial penalties. BFIEC concerns stem from the fact that Bulgargaz has already participated in tenders for the allocation of natural capacities in the territory of Romania.
Source: Standart (09.11.2016)
Balkan gas hub to be connected to the East Ring Bulgartransgas and Eustream agreed to work to improve security of gas supplies in Central and Southeastern Europe and the realization of infrastructure projects - gas hub Balkan and the pipeline East Ring' in a memorandum signed in the presence of Minister of Energy Violet Petkova. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Bulgarian and Slovak gas transmission operators Bulgartransgas and Eustream will develop a concept for the development of a gas distribution hub in Bulgaria in accordance to the idea of a Balkan gas hub. The two sides will analyze in detail and will consider technical options for the coordinated implementation of the two projects. The agreement confirms the connection between the projects. The pipeline East Ring will serve as a priority route for western interconnection of regional markets and gas hub Balkan. In order to ensure security of supply of natural gas in Central and Southeastern Europe, the Memorandum provides support for the inclusion of other stakeholders in the development of both projects.
Source: Standart (09.11.2016)
Bulgaria Romania Interconnector Starts Operation on November 11 Gas transmission operators Bulgartransgaz and Transgaz S.A. have completed the construction of the gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Romania, the Bulgarian energy ministry said in a statement. The interconnector has a total length of the interconnector is 25 km, with 15.4 km on Bulgarian territory, 7.5 km on Romanian territory, and 2.1 km underwater traverse of the Danube River. The underwater section of the interconnector which includes a main and a back-up pipeline, was constructed by Austrian company Habau. The inauguration ceremony will be held on November 11 in Marten, Bulgaria in the attendance of Bulgarian PM Boiko Borisov, VP for European funds and economic policies Tomislav Donchev, representatives of the Romanian government, the European Commission and others officials, the Bulgarian energy ministry said.
Source: National radio (11.11.2016)
TPP Maritsa East has been granted a consecutive loan by BEH of BGN 45 million State-owned TPP Maritsa East 2 has received another loan from Bulgarian Energy Holding in the amount of BGN 45 million. In May, the company received another cash injection after BEH decided to increase its capital by BGN 49.550 million. Despite this strong support, the financial condition of the plant continued to deteriorate, as to the first nine months of 2016 its loss was BGN 78.2 million. The purpose of the new loan is to cover the NECs long-term costs for the purchase of energy under contracts and preferential prices. From the companys statement for the first nine months it became clear that arrears amount to BGN 82.7 million. The funds from the loan will actually restore BGN 35 million to the fund, which were due by the end of September and nearly BGN 10 million of arrears to TPP Maritsa East. The new inter-company loan has a maturity date up to 2020, grace period from the date of implementation by the end of November 2017. The company is expecting to turn to profit by 2020, which by the end of the period will reach BGN 10.3 million.
Source: Capital (01.12.2016)
Five offers were received on a long term basis for the binding phase of the market test for the gas interconnector Greece-Bulgaria, ICGB stated. According to the procedure, the market test will be completed with the implementation of the advanced reservation capacity agreements by the companies which submitted the offers, upon approval of the relevant allocation by the national regulators of Greece and Bulgaria. Last month, ICGB extended the deadline for submitting binding offers in the second stage of the market test to November 30 following requests by participants in the first phase. During the first bidding round, when interested companies had to express interest by April 8, ICGB received nine non-binding offers. The 182 km long IGB pipeline will connect the northeastern Greek city of Komotini with Stara Zagora, in southern Bulgaria. The link is estimated to cost EUR 220 million. The pipeline will eventually be connected to the Trans Adriatic Pipeline, which will carry Azeri gas to Europe through Greece. The Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, registered in Bulgaria in 2011, with state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon holding equal shares.
Source: Capital (05.12.2016)
Bulgarian Energy Holding will turn a profit for a second consecutive year The Bulgarian Energy Holding will turn a profit for a second consecutive year after a loss in 2014 which amounted to BGN 274 million. This means that the financial collapse has been overcome, said Energy Minister in resignation. According to Petkova BEHs profit for 2016 will be BGN 7 million, whereas last year it was BGN 29 million. The reason for the lower profit are payments for NPP Belene. At the end of September at individual level BEH profits rose over 16% to BGN 137.8 million because of more dividends. ?
Source: Capital (07.12.2016)
BEH will finance state-owned TPP Maritsa East 2 with BGN 45 million State-owned TPP Maritsa East 2 has paid just over BGN 33 million in fund "Security", which was created to help financially another state company - National Electric Company. By year-end the contributions by the company will exceed BGN 44 million. A loan has been also requested from the Bulgarian Energy Holding of BGN 45 million, because of the financial situation of the plant and because of low electricity prices. In 2015 TPP Maritsa East 2 recorded a loss of about BGN 72 million, while a year earlier it was minus BGN 35 million. Forecasts for 2016 and 2017 are not optimistic, predicting further losses at the plant.
Source: Sega (13.12.2016)
By the end of October 2016 the Security Fund of the electricity system raised BGN 264.1 million. Expenses amounted to BGN 198.5 million. The fund was established with legislative changes in July 2015. Producers and traders of electricity, including Bulgartransgas and Electricity System Operator, import 5% of their operating revenue. The fund includes revenues from trading of carbon emissions. The collected funds are used to cover the costs made by the National Electricity Company in its capacity of a public supplier. At the beginning of the month TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 reported that for the first nine months of the year it has payed BGN 33 million to the Fund. Expectations are that by the end of the year the contribution will rise to BGN 44 million. The plant asked for a loan from the Bulgarian Energy Holding to pay its obligations, including to the Fund for the security of the power system.
Source: Duma (21.12.2016)
BEH buys Nabucco Bulgaria and prevented it from liquidation Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has bought the international company Nabucco Gas Pipeline Internationals subsidiary in Bulgaria, preventing it from liquidation, and its commercial activity in the country was restored. BEH did not state what the price of the transaction was, because they had no right to do so without the consent of the seller, but the agreement between the two companies, published in the Commercial Register can be concluded at a minimum of about BGN 9.4 million as that is the capital of the company. Nabucco Bulgaria was owned by an Austrian-registered company that was supposed to build the gas pipeline Nabucco for alternative supplies of natural gas through Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary to the Austrian gas hub Baumgarten.
Source: (30.01.2017)
BEH freeze your company for industrial investments Operations of the established three years ago Energy Investment Company as a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which had to realize the plans of the government of Plamen Oresharski for reindustrialisation of Bulgaria with state funds, are frozen. The news was announced by a representative of BEH. The company was registered on January 31, 2014 as property of BEH to carry on investment business and intellectual property transactions, to develop and introduce new technologies, entrepreneurship, consulting, engineering and other activities in the field of energy. Launched at that time idea of the then Minister of Economy and Energy Dragomir Stoynev was for BEH to expand into an industrial holding having bought the assets of two bankrupt companies - Remotex- Radnevo, which repairs equipment of the state-owned Mini Maritsa Iztok and fertilizer factory Chimco in Vratsa.
Source: (03.02.2017)
Dep.-Energy Minister Becomes Board Member of Bulgarias National Electricity Company Konstantin Delisivkov, deputy-minister of energy in the interim government of Ognyan Gerdzhikov, will replace Hristo Georgiev at the board of directors of Bulgarias power incumbent National Electricity Company (NEK). Delisivkovs appointment was announced on Tuesday by its parent-structure Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), along with two more changes at other BEH subsidiaries. Petyo Ivanov, CEO of the holding, will replace Jacklen Cohen at the board of directors of Kozloduy NPP. Furthermore Nikolay Pavlov, currently acting as interim energy minister, will be replaced by Stoyan Yanchev at the board of directors of gas incumbent Bulgargaz. The changes are meant to ameliorate the management of the companies in order to achieve financial stability. Although NEK has seen some improvement in its financial state, in December the government of Boyko Borisov approved EUR 601.6 million state-aid earmarked to secure the payments of the power incumbent, related to the Belene NPP arbitration case with Russias Atomstroyexport. In December Standard & Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) confirmed its 'B' long-term corporate credit rating on NEK, reflecting on the utility's financial dependence on regulatory decisions.
Source: Monitor (08.02.2017)
ESO increased its profit to BGN 69.3 million The Electricity System Operator (ESO), which is also part of the structure of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), has continued to show better financial results. For 2016 the profit of the company was BGN 69.3 million, which is BGN 6.2 million more than in the previous year. According to the company's report in May 2016 its capital was increased by BGN 24.3 million, reaching BGN 90.3 million. In mid-August the European Commission approved the allocation of EUR 29.9 million to ESOs project for the construction of transmission lines Dobrudja - Burgas under the scheme "Connecting Europe". The EU funding covers 50% of costs. The remaining financing will be by funds of the company. This is ESOs second project, which receives grant financing from the European Commission. In 2015, Brussels approved another EUR 30 million to build a power line from the substation Maritsa East to substation Burgas.
Source: Capital (16.02.2017)
New EU Regulation Threatens Bulgarias Thermo-electric Plants Recently proposed amendments to EU's Industrial Emissions Directive (IED, 2010/75/EU) regarding the industrial CO2 emissions, including that of thermoelectric plants, is threatening to lay off 10,000 Bulgarians employed in the energy sector. The unrest follows a decision of the European parliament of 15th of February to accept a proposal on the reform of the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS). The proposal is meant to ensure a more cost-effective system of emission reductions and an overall increase of low-carbon investments across the EU. The leadership of Bulgaria's Chamber of Mining and Geology, Maritsa-Iztok Mines EAD, and energy experts have come up with a common declaration against the proposed amendments to the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference documents, the so-called BREFs. The amendments set stricter permit conditions for CO2 and other greenhouse gases emitted by industrial installations. The problems is that none of Bulgaria's thermal plants and mining installations can comply with the new regulations, and their upgrade is going to cost hundreds of millions of BGN.
Source: 3e-news (22.02.2017)
NEKs loss reached BGN 126.4 million in 2016 National Electricity Company (NEK) reported a loss after tax of BGN 126.4 million for 2016. This is an impressive increase of almost 42% over the previous year, when the negative result was BGN 82.2 million, according to the preliminary annual financial report. The increase of the loss is mainly due to hike in costs under "other", which in 2016 reached BGN 582.9 million, an annual increase of about 700%. But the report is not clear what caused those costs. Another reason for the poor financial performance of the company was the increased financial costs, which last year reached BGN 104 million against BGN 64 million in 2015. Perhaps this increase is due to the interest that NEK must pay for the new bond issue from the middle of 2016, issued by the owner of the company Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH).
Source: Capital (23.02.2017)
Bulgaria's Bulgargaz 2016 net profit rises Bulgarian state-owned natural gas supplier Bulgargaz said its net profit rose 80% to 36.7 million levs ($20 million/18.8 million euro) in 2016. however, Bulgargaz's total revenue fell to 1 billion levs in 2016 from 1.4 billion levs a year earlier, the company said in an annual financial report. The company sold 3 billion cu m of gas last year, up from 2.65 billion cu m in 2015. The company noted that in 2016 the cost of natural gas sold, representing 96.6% of total expenses, was 30.36% lower year-on-year. Bulgargaz' total assets decreased to 337.2 million levs in 2016 from 456.6 million levs in 2015. Bulgargaz is part of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which pools all state-owned energy assets.
Source: Capital (06.04.2017)
Sofia Prepares Statement on Gazproms Obligations Minister of Energy Nikolay Pavlov informs that at the moment the Bulgarian state owned companies Bulgarian Energy Holding, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz are working hard on the preparation of detailed analyses of the proposals for commitments, submitted by Gazprom at the EC, according to BNR. Today representatives of the ministry and the three energy companies will take part in a discussion of the topic at an international gas forum in Warsaw. On 13 March 2017 the EC invited all interested member states to present within 7 weeks statements on the commitments, offered by Gazprom, sent as a response to the EC concerns about the lack of competition on Central and South-East Europes gas markets. The anti-monopoly court case of the EC is related with the gas markets of 8 EU member-states-Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
Source: Standart (21.04.2017)
Bulgarian Prosecution Raids Energy Watchdog on Malfeasance Accusations The Office of Bulgarias Prosecutor General announced on Monday it has raided the headquarters of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) on suspicion on malfeasance. An investigation will be launched today, aiming to find out whether the energy watchdog fulfilled its lawful duties of controlling natural gas distribution companies regarding investments pledged in their business plans. The prosecution said it will also look into a merger of companies in Sofiagas, later renamed to Overgas Mrezhi. There are suspicions that the EWRC helped keep natural gas prices at artificially high levels. The prosecution will also investigate a claim by privately held gas supplier Overgas Inc that state-run gas transport grid operator refused it access to the grid and Bulgarias sole underground gas storage at Chiren. The prosecution considers that the energy watchdog did not react accordingly which could have contributed to the launch of an infringement procedure by the European Commission against state-owned Bulgartransgaz and Bulgargaz. Mr. Sasho Donchev, CEO of Overgas, came under scrutiny last week, when he alleged Prosecutor General Sotir Tsatsarov pressured him to abandon support for the political formation 'Yes,Bulgaria' ('Da, Bulgaria') Last but not least, with the help of the National Security the prosecution said it will look into the latest pricing decisions of the EWRC regarding natural gas, district heating, and water, the latter only in Sofia. Bulgaria's National Security Agency has already seized paperwork from the EWRC.
Source: 3e-news (25.04.2017)
The CPC did not find a violation of NEK's controversial transactions The sale of electricity by the National Electric Company (NEK) for about BGN 200 million without auction and competition to certain companies is not an abuse of a dominant position, announced a decision of the Commission for Protection of Competition. The proceedings of the case was launched in the spring of 2015 following a complaint from EVN Trading, which is one of the licensed traders for trading electricity on the free market in Bulgaria. EVN claims that NEKs behavior is discriminatory, because the company has provided all of its peak energy to a selected group of traders. In addition to the conclusion that the possibilities for import of such energy are not limited and the company has obligations to the regulated market for which a large part of its energy is destined, the CPC concluded that the company does not have a dominant position on the market and has not abused it.
Source: Capital (25.04.2017)
The state-owned Maritsa-East 2 is still in trouble TPP Maritsa East 2 has no working capital and money for investments, according to a report of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (KEVR). The state headquarters owes BGN 260.1 million to its principal - the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). Maritsa East 2 has no money to serve its current obligations, and there is no money for investment. Although the financial statements of the companies are still not summarized, the state headquarters will end in 2016 with a loss of about BGN 94 million compared to BGN 72 million a year earlier. The main reason for the worsened financial result is reduced sales revenue, which have dropped by 14%. The state-owned companys revenues shrank to BGN 536.4 million compared to BGN 626.5 million a year earlier. The forecasts for the following years is for reduction of losses - to BGN 29.1 million in 2017, and gradual profit in 2019. These plans depend on the increase of the revenues from the sale of electricity and cold reserve - all factors , which depend on KEVR and which directly affect the cost of household electricity.
Source: Sega (04.05.2017)
Bulgaria backs proposed EU antimonopoly settlement with Gazprom Bulgaria's caretaker government approved the position of the European Commission on a possible deal with Gazprom to settle the antitrust dispute on the Russian gas giant's practices in Central and Eastern Europe. "The interested Bulgarian companies, including the Bulgarian Energy Holding, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz, are in constant contact with the European Commission for the purpose of receiving further information," the government said. The government also said it needs additional information about the option that could allow Gazprom to change the point of delivering gas to the Bulgarian border. "With regard to the security of gas supplies, it is important for Bulgaria that changes to the delivery points be discussed only after a thorough analysis as to whether guarantees exist regarding the volumes and routes of gas supplies as well as the transit fees," the government said. It added that ensuring direct gas supplies across the Black Sea to Bulgaria and Southeast European countries would contribute to the political and economic stability of the region.
Source: Darik Radio (04.05.2017)
Ownership of Bulgarian Energy Exchange to Be Transferred to Finance Ministry within Weeks The ownership of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) is to be transferred from the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to the Ministry of Finance within a few weeks, deputy-energy minister Zhecho Stankov said during the Industry, Energy & Climate Change conference organized by Srednogorie Industrial Cluster in Sofia on Tuesday. The transfer of the IBEX will not affect its development. By the end of the year the intraday trading segment should be launched. Furthermore, Bulgaria has already joined the Western Balkans Six initiative which will contribute to the development of the day-ahead market on a regional level, Stankov commented for Minister Stankov highlighted that the ownership transfer was one of the fixed engagements of BEH with the European Commission (EC) as a way for an infringement procedure to be ended. The transfer deadline has been pushed forward several times, with end date now set on July 31 2017.
Source: 3e-news (21.06.2017)
Bulgarian Stock Exchange exploring potential acquisition of IBEX The Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) said on Friday it has initiated a procedure for exploring the options to acquire the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) from its sole owner, state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) company. The transfer of ownership of IBEX was requested by the European Commission in 2015 to prevent abuse of a dominant position. "This [acquisition] will lead to greater transparency, will accelerate the process of liberalization and will ensure the sustainable development of electricity trade in the country," Vassil Golemanski, CEO of BSE, said in the statement. BSE and BEH will negotiate the terms of the potential deal following completion of a legal and financial-economic analysis of IBEX. The power exchange, which was developed in partnership with Norwegian-based Nord Pool Spot and launched at the beginning of 2016, is currently operating in a day-ahead mode. In March 2016, IBEX launched a centralised market for bilateral contracts, making possible the sale and purchase of electricity on a long-term basis. IBEX will launch intraday trade by the end of 2017, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said in May. BEH pools all state-owned energy assets. The company owns the main electricity generation facilities in the country as well as the electricity transmission grid and the gas transmission and transit networks.
Source: (17.07.2017)
Govt gives nod to Bulgarian Energy Holding to sell IBEX to Sofia bourse Bulgarias government said on Wednesday it has given its approval to Bulgarian Energy Holding, which pools all state-owned energy assets, to sell 100% of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) to the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE). The sale will be carried out through direct negotiations based on an estimate provided by a licensed valuator, the government said in a statement. Following BEHs request for an opinion, the European Commission has said the BSE is a more appropriate buyer of IBEX than the Ministry of Finance, the statement reads. The transfer of ownership of IBEX was requested by the European Commission in December 2015 to prevent abuse of dominant position. BEH committed to offer certain volumes of electricity on an independently-operated day-ahead market on a newly-created power exchange and transfer control of the ownership of the new power exchange to the Bulgarian Ministry of Finance. Under the Commissions decision, dated December 12, 2015, BEH was given six months from the date of formal notification of the decision to transfer the ownership of IBEXs capital to Bulgarias Ministry of Finance. The deadline was subsequently extended to October 2017, according to the governments statement.
Source: Dnevnik (10.08.2017)
BSE acquires the energy exchange for BGN 5.2 million The Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD will acquire Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) EAD for the price of BGN 5.2 million. The amount has been agreed between the two companies and is to be approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of BSE. BGN 4 million will be paid upon signing the contract for the transfer of 100% of the capital of IBEX and the rest of the sum amounting to BGN 1.2 million will be paid in three equal installments within the sixth, twelfth and eighteenth months after the transfer of shares. So far the energy exchange has been under the hat of the Ministry of Energy and the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD. The Council of Ministers has already given the green light for the deal. The transfer is due to a European Commission case. It was discontinued after BEH promised to separate the energy exchange from its structure.
Source: (15.08.2017)
Bulgarian Stock Exchange Acquires Independent Energy Exchange for Lv 5.2 Mln Regarding the procedure for the acquisition of 100 per cent of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange EAD's (IBEX) capital, an agreement has been reached between Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia AD (BSE) and the Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH), as the sole owner of IBEX's capital, to transfer the capital of IBEX for the price of 5.2 million leva, BSE said Tuesday in a press release. Four million leva shall be paid upon signing the acquisition contract, while the rest of the sum, amounting to 1.2 million leva, shall be paid in three equal instalments at the end of the sixth, twelfth and eighteenth month after the shares transfer. The acquisition shall proceed, should the extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of BSE-Sofia approve it, the press release also said.
Source: Dnevnik (16.08.2017)
Entry-Exit Natural Gas Transit Tariffs to Cause Up to 2.4% Price Hike The new entry-exit natural gas tariffs system planned for introduction in Bulgaria on October 1 will result in end-price increase by some 0.37 2.4 per cent, an analysis by state-run gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz reportedly revealed. These data were announced by the Bulgarian Ministry of Energy following an entire day of talks with large industrial consumers on the expected effects of the new tariffs system. By 18.00 EET on Tuesday no agreement was reached by the two sides. It is very important for us that Bulgarian industry is developed in market conditions and that its competitiveness is guaranteed, Bulgarian energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said following the meeting. Currently Bulgaria has a fixed fee for gas transport via the Bulgartransgaz network amounting to BGN 19.73/1,000 cub. m (EUR 10.09/1,000 cub. m), VAT not included. The entry-exit model was devised five years ago. Bulgartransgaz said that the new tariffs system better reflected actual service costs and grid investments. Even though the entry-exit systems introduction as of October 1 was backed by the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) against pleas by the industry citing gas price steep increase concerns, the Bulgarian energy regulator is to inspect the calculations of Bulgartransgaz once more on September 11. A new round of talks with the industry will take place afterwords, the energy ministry said in a press release.
Source: 3e-news (07.09.2017)
Bulgaria, Greece, Serbia to Cooperate for Regional Gas Market Liberalisation Bulgaria, Greece and Serbia will be cooperating on gas projects that would increase security of supply in the region. Bulgarian energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova and her Greek and Serbian counterparts Giorgos Stathakis and Aleksandar Antic met on Thursday in Alexandroupoli, Greece, during an oil and gas forum, to discuss gas sources diversification for the region, the Bulgarian energy ministry said in a statement. Minister Petkova said that talks are underway with the European Commission so that additional financing for the Greece Bulgaria gas interconnector (IGB) could be made available. At European Union level, the IGB Project has already obtained consistent political and financial backing. The project is subject of EU financial support through the European Energy Program for Recovery (EEPR) to the amount EUR 45 million. The three ministers also discussed the planned Vertical Gas Corridor, the Alexandroupoli LNG terminal and the Bulgaria Serbia gas interconnector, along with another planned mega project Bulgarias Balkan gas hub, with minister Petkova calling it a European project. We are convinced that Greece and Serbia will play a vital part in the construction of the European gas hub Balkan, Petkova said. The Balkan gas hub has been announced by Bulgarian PM Boiko Borissov a few years ago, with more agitation around it recent months, leading up to its presentation to U.S. congressmen by Borisov himself in end-August. Use of South Stream gas pipeline infrastructure and a direct link to its subsituting project - the Turk Stream, have all been launched as ideas for the Balkan gas hub realisation. The project has been reported to have the blessing of the European Commission for Russian gas to flow towards it. /
Source: Other (08.09.2017)
18 Bulgarian companies in a European ranking 18 Bulgarian companies are among the 500 largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe in 2016 according to the authoritative annual rating of the international credit insurer Coface. Companies are mainly selected by turnover, but additional data such as number of employees, the range of companies, sectors and markets are also taken into account. A leading Bulgarian company in the ranking in 2016 is the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which holds 25th place. Lukoil Neftochim Burgas is 45th and Aurubis Bulgaria is 78th. The rest are NEK, Lukoil Bulgaria, Kaufland Bulgaria, CEZ Elektro, Advance Properties, Express Logistics and Distribution, Bulgargaz, Daphna Group, OMV Bulgaria, Sopharma, BTC , Kozloduy NPP, Saxa, Huvepharma and Astra Bioplant. The last two are listed for the first time. Ten of the companies, including the first 4, go down the list compared to the previous year due to a decline in their turnover. The largest number of companies in the Coface ranking is from Poland - 168 companies, followed by Hungary and the Czech Republic.
Source: 24 chasa (08.09.2017)
Bulgargaz Proposes 7.29 Decrease of Natural Gas Price in 4th Quarter of 2017 In accordance with the terms and conditions of the Ordinance on the regulation of natural gas prices Bulgargaz EAD, a subsidiary of the Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD, proposed to the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission to approve a natural gas price of 343.22 BGN per thousand of cu.m. (exclusive of the prices for access, transmission, excise duty and VAT) for the fourth quarter of 2017, the company said. This is a decrease by 7.29 or 26.99 BGN per thousand of cu.m. in the third quarter.
Source: (11.09.2017)
Bulgaria expects a EUR 330 mln fine from Brussels for gas monopoly A fine of EUR 330 million may be paid by Bulgaria in the European Commission's case against the country for abuse of a dominant position by the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz. The amount of the fine was first announced officially by the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova. She also said that the government would comply with Parliament's decision to appeal the case, instead of recognizing a violation in order for the sanction to be reduced. On Friday MEPs obliged Petkova not to recognize the violation. This contradicts the government's original plan to recognize the gas monopoly, and thus a 30% reduction in the sanction. According to lawyers, the decision of the deputies can be legally disregarded because the ministers are not obliged to observe the decisions of the parliament, but only those of the Council of Ministers. Petkova, however, announced that she would not take this opportunity.
Source: (27.11.2017)
EC Continues Probe into Suspected Abuse of Dominant Position on Bulgaria's Natural Gas Market The European Commission is pressing on with an investigation, launched two years ago against the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries over suspected abuse of their dominant position on the natural gas market in Bulgaria, a spokesperson for the Commission said on Monday. He added: "We sent a statement of objections in this case but I cannot at this moment announce any further steps." In March 2015, the European Commission sent a statement of objections to BEH, informing it of the Commission's preliminary view that BEH may have breached EU antitrust rules by hindering competitors access to key gas infrastructures in Bulgaria. The statement of objections was also addressed to BEH's gas supply subsidiary Bulgargaz and its gas infrastructure subsidiary Bulgartransgaz. The Commission has concerns that BEH and its subsidiaries may be preventing competitors from gaining access to the infrastructure they need in order to successfully compete on gas supply markets in Bulgaria. If the concerns are justified this behaviour would have reduced and continues to reduce competition in gas supply markets in Bulgaria. The fine that the EC may impose in the case may reach 330 million euro. This transpired from a Bulgarian National Radio interview Sunday with Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova. The interview came a couple of days after the national Parliament adopted a resolution requiring of the government to reject a deal with the European Commission, which would have slashed the fine by up to 30 per cent.
Source: 3e-news (28.11.2017)
Overgas prepares a new signal to Brussels for the gas network Overgas is preparing a new complaint to Brussels, which is related to access charges and the separation of the gas network in the country for transit and domestic use. This was announced by the CEO of Overgas Networks Svetoslav Ivanov. The introduced model contravenes Regulation 715 and favors Gazprom Export, the company said and expects European Commission (EC) to file a case on this as well. At the end of last week it became clear that Bulgaria will be fined by the EC in the criminal procedure that was initiated after an appeal by Overgas in 2011. The fine will actually be paid by the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), which has broken the rules and will be entered directly into the EC budget. The gas company itself will therefore seek compensation for the damages suffered in court.
Source: Capital (30.11.2017)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Will Seek Change of Commitments for Trade on Energy Exchange The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will approach the European Commission about a possible change in the commitments of state-run electricity companies to sell certain volumes of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange. Participants in a meeting Wednesday, hosted by Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova, rallied around the idea. To avoid the payment of hefty fines because of BEH's restrictions on competition, the Kozloduy NPP, the Maritza East 2 thermal power plant and the National Electric Company (NEC) undertook to sell certain volumes of electricity on the energy exchanges According to data of participants in the market, the shortage of peak electricity is among the reasons for the hike of electricity prices on the free market while at the same time NEC reports that between 50 and 300 MW of the volumes it offers remain unsold. One of the ways to remedy the situation is to ask the European Commission that the volumes offered by the state energy companies be traded through long-term contracts. The request has been prompted by the latest amendments to the Energy Act under which the whole electricity output outside the regulated market will be sold through the energy exchange. Wednesday's meeting brought together representatives of state-run energy companies, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, electricity traders, employer organizations and trade unions who discussed the fears of the business about a possible increase of the price of electricity on the free market and looked for mutually acceptable decisions.
Source: Monitor (21.12.2017)
Bulgarian Energy Holding Will Seek Change of Commitments for Trade on Energy Exchange The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) will approach the European Commission about a possible change in the commitments of state-run electricity companies to sell certain volumes of electricity on the day-ahead market of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange. Participants in a meeting Wednesday, hosted by Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova, rallied around the idea. To avoid the payment of hefty fines because of BEH's restrictions on competition, the Kozloduy NPP, the Maritza East 2 thermal power plant and the National Electric Company (NEC) undertook to sell certain volumes of electricity on the energy exchanges According to data of participants in the market, the shortage of peak electricity is among the reasons for the hike of electricity prices on the free market while at the same time NEC reports that between 50 and 300 MW of the volumes it offers remain unsold. One of the ways to remedy the situation is to ask the European Commission that the volumes offered by the state energy companies be traded through long-term contracts. The request has been prompted by the latest amendments to the Energy Act under which the whole electricity output outside the regulated market will be sold through the energy exchange. Wednesday's meeting brought together representatives of state-run energy companies, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission, electricity traders, employer organizations and trade unions who discussed the fears of the business about a possible increase of the price of electricity on the free market and looked for mutually acceptable decisions.
Source: Monitor (02.01.2018)
Buyer of CEZ Bulgarian TPP gets 24.2 mln euro loan from Fibank Bulgarian logistics company SIGDA, which recently obtained regulatory approval to buy a local thermal power plant (TPP) from Czech power utility CEZ Group, said it has obtained a EUR 24.2 million secured loan from Sofia-based First Investment Bank (Fibank). The loan carries a minimum annual interest rate of 7.5%. SIGDA has pledged two land plots and a filling station as collateral. In December, SIGDA received approval from Bulgaria's Commission for Protection of Competition to acquire Varna TPP from CEZ Group for an undisclosed sum. TPP Varna, with an installed capacity of 1,260 MW, has been shut down since January 2015 due to non-compliance with environmental limits set in its permit. In October 2017, Bulgaria's energy regulator granted permission for decommissioning of three of Varna TPP's six units. The decommissioning of the three units will cost EUR 8.7 million, while the proceeds from their sale for scrap metal will amount to EUR 7.1 million .
Source: Capital (05.01.2018)
Fitch upgrades Bulgarian Energy Holding to 'BB', outlook stable Fitch Ratings said on Thursday it has upgraded Bulgarian Energy Holding's (BEH) long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) as well as its foreign currency senior unsecured rating to 'BB' from 'BB-'. Fitch has assigned a stable outlook on the IDRs, the ratings agency said in a statement. "The upgrade follows improvement in BEH's standalone credit profile after both recovery and greater visibility in earnings as well as the publication of Fitch's new Government-Related Entities Rating Criteria (GRE criteria), which we have applied in our assessment of BEH's ratings," Fitch added. "Improved Results: BEH's results have stabilised in 2016 with Fitch-calculated EBITDA at about BGN0.7 billion and we expect that it will remain at this level over 2017-2021. This is largely due to legislative and regulatory changes, implemented in 2015 and remaining in force, which have narrowed power tariff deficits at BEH's subsidiary, Natsionalna Elektricheska Kompania EAD (NEK), a public supplier of electricity in Bulgaria. Consequently, we expect the group's funds from operations (FFO) adjusted net leverage to stabilise at about 3.7x, which led us to revise the group's standalone credit profile to 'BB-' from 'B+'. BEH has a dominant position in the Bulgarian gas and electricity market through its ownership of most of Bulgaria's power generation assets (including a nuclear power plant, lignite-fired and hydro power plants), the country's largest mining company, the country's electricity transmission network, gas transmission and transit networks and through its position as the public supplier of both electricity and gas in Bulgaria. BEH's integrated business structure and strategic position in the domestic market makes it comparable to some of central European peers such as CEZ, a.s. (A-/Negative) and PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna SA (PGE, BBB+/Stable). However, BEH operates in a more volatile and less transparent regulatory environment than CEZ or PGE and its results are less predictable with some corporate governance issues. BEH's rating includes a single-notch uplift to reflect its links with the sovereign, whereas this is not the case for CEZ or PGE. At end-September 2017 BEH had BGN1,186 million of unrestricted cash against short-term financial liabilities of only BGN147 million. However, the group's EUR500 million (BGN980 million) Eurobond is due in November 2018. We expect BEH to refinance the Eurobond during 2018. Should BEH not refinance the Eurobond, the amount of cash on balance should be sufficient to cover redemption needs. However, Fitch expects BEH to incur new debt to cover negative free cash flow forecasted for 2018-2019, totalling about BGN0.2 billion, or reduce capex."
Source: (16.02.2018)
Fitch Ratings has upgraded Bulgarian Energy Holding's (BEH) long-term foreign and local currency issuer default ratings (IDR) as well as its foreign currency senior unsecured rating to 'BB' from 'BB-'. Fitch has assigned a stable outlook on the IDRs. "The upgrade follows improvement in BEH's standalone credit profile after both recovery and greater visibility in earnings as well as the publication of Fitch's new Government-Related Entities Rating Criteria (GRE criteria), which we have applied in our assessment of BEH's ratings," Fitch added. BEH's results have stabilised in 2016 with Fitch-calculated EBITDA at about BGN 0.7 billion and we expect that it will remain at this level over 2017-2021. BEH has a dominant position in the Bulgarian gas and electricity market through its ownership of most of Bulgaria's power generation assets (including a nuclear power plant, lignite-fired and hydro power plants). At end-September 2017 BEH had BGN 1,186 million of unrestricted cash against short-term financial liabilities of only BGN 147 million. However, the group's EUR 500 million (BGN 980 million) Eurobond is due in November 2018.
Source: 24 chasa (16.02.2018)
Bulgaria's anti-trust body refuses to suspend ICGB tender for owner's engineer Bulgaria's competition authority said on Monday it has rejected a request to temporarily suspend the tender for the selection of owner's engineer launched by ICGB, the project company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria. The request for temporary suspension was filed by Bulgarian company Next Invest together with a complaint over the extension of the deadline for submitting offers, the Commission for Protection of Competition said in a statement. The decision can be appealed before the Supreme Administrative Court within the next three days. Last month, ICGB said it has decided to extend to February 13 the deadline for the submission of offers in the owner's engineer tender. The company is now expected to extend the deadline again. The ICGB pipeline will connect the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini to the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the pipeline is 182 km and the projected capacity will be up to 3 billion cu m per year in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on interest from the market and the capacities of the neighbouring gas transmission systems, the capacity of the pipeline can be increased up to 5 billion cu m per year, thus allowing for physical reverse flow from Bulgaria to Greece with the additional installation of a compressor station. The gas link is estimated to cost 220 million euro ($268.7 million). The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal shares. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: Capital (20.02.2018)
Employers satisfied, the price of electricity falls The employers' organizations BICA, BIA, BCCI and CEIBG are already satisfied with the electricity price and will not stage protests, at least for now. This was made clear by the words of the President of BICA Vassil Velev after another meeting of the business with the Government because of the abnormal increase of the electricity prices of the so- called free market. According to him, if the offers for small business were between BGN 90 and BGN 125 per MWh 2 months ago, they are now priced between BGN 83 and BGN 100. However, employers do not completely rule out protests. Velev added that there is already a change in the behavior of the electricity vendors - state-owned companies NPP Kozloduy and TPP Maritza-Iztok 2, but there are still "very serious reserves". Velev specified that the general solution would come when the contracts with the US TPPs were completed, for which he expects more energetic efforts on the part of the Ministry of Energy and the Government.
Source: Monitor (22.02.2018)
Energy Holding is preparing a new bond loan for EUR 500 million The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is preparing a new bond issue to cover its obligations in the total amount of EUR 500 million borrowed from the financial markets in 2013, half of which went to settle NEK's debt for the pre-feasibility study construction of the Belene NPP. The maturity of the bond is in November 2018 and the likelihood of debt repayment with a new issue in the financial markets was announced by Fitch after raising the holding's rating. Depending on the market conditions, it may be decided for a higher amount to be raised. BEH has to repay another bond issue on the Irish stock exchange from 2016. It is for EUR 550 million, with which the holding redeems obligations of its subsidiary NEK to the two so-called American coal-fired power stations in the Maritza East complex.
Source: (23.02.2018)
China National Nuclear Corporation (CNNC) has sent a letter of interest (LoI) to invest in the construction of Belene nuclear power plant (NPP), energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said. The LoI was sent by the Chinese company in mid-February. In December, after meetings with Bulgarian government officials, CNNC and Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) expressed interest to be included in the construction of the nuclear power plant. Bulgaria's energy ministry should submit with parliament by the end of June specific proposals for the possible revival of a project for the construction of a second nuclear power plant (NPP) in the country. In 2008, Bulgaria hired Atomstroyexport to build a nuclear plant in Belene, reviving a project that had been mothballed for nearly two decades. After the project made scant headway, Sofia finally abandoned it with a parliament decision in February 2013. The government cancelled the project a year earlier due to disagreement over its estimated cost and failure to attract a strategic investor. In December 2016, NEK paid EUR 601.6 million as compensation to Atomstroyexport, a subsidiary of Russia's Rosatom, for the equipment manufactured by the Russian company for the Belene project, which Bulgaria had abandoned.
Source: Standart (19.03.2018)
ICGB pipe supply tender attracts ten bids Bulgaria's energy ministry said that a tender for the supply of pipes for the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project has attracted ten offers. Bids were filed by Jindaw SAW Ltd, JSC Zagorsk Pipe Plant, Welspun Corp. Ltd, Salzgitter Mannesmann International GmbH, Noksel Celik Boru Sanayii A.S., Umran Celik Boru Sanayii A.S., Erciyas Celik Boru Sanayi A.S., Toplivo-2, Korinth Pipeworks S.A., Pipe Industry S.A. and Public Joint Stock Company Chelyabinsk Pipe Plant. This is the first of several key tenders, which will ensure the actual commencing of construction of the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria. The tender for the construction of the interconnector will be launched in April. In addition, tenders for supervision of construction works and for carrying out an archaeological study are due to be opened. The gas link is estimated to cost EUR 220 million. The project company has secured a sovereign guarantee of EUR 110 million under the annual state budget act, which could ensure loan financing under preferable conditions. The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal shares.
Source: (19.03.2018)
The state is ready with a methodology for the return of US power plants State negotiations with AES Galabovo and Contour Global-Maritza East 3 to terminate energy supply contracts at preferential prices will not end in three weeks, said Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov. More time is needed and negotiations are mainly conducted by the Ministry of Finance, where documents for calculating return on investment have been prepared. The European Commission has become aware of how the state operates. The Bulgarian state has prepared a methodology for calculating the return on investment, which is given to the owners of the plants, added the executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. Plant owners have requested time for analysis, estimated at least three months.
Source: Dnevnik (20.03.2018)
Bulgaria's gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz to buy 28 properties owned by South Stream Bulgaria Bulgaria's gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, a unit of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), has accepted an offer to buy 28 properties owned by South Stream Bulgaria, a 50/50 joint venture set up by Russia's Gazprom and BEH. The properties have a total estimated value of BGN 13.1 million, excluding VAT. Bulgartransgaz will use the assets for the purposes of a project for an EU-funded regional gas hub near the Black Sea port of Varna. The hub is planned to dispatch gas deliveries to to Greece, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia and, via those countries, to EU member states in central and western Europe, as well as to non-EU Serbia, Macedonia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. South Stream Bulgaria was set up in relation to the now abandoned South Stream gas pipeline project. The South Stream gas pipeline was planned to carry gas from Russia to central and southern Europe. The onshore pipeline had to connect Varna, on the Black Sea, to northern Italy, via Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia. Bulgaria is heavily dependent on Russian gas supplies. The country imports almost all the gas it needs to cover its domestic needs via a pipeline from Ukraine through Romania.
Source: Capital (22.03.2018)
Bulgaria's IBEX launches intraday trading segment The Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) said it launched on Wednesday an intraday trading segment in a move which is expected to reduce balancing expenses and bring IBEX closer to coupling with the European Intraday market. "Producers of energy, including energy from renewable sources, traders and consumers will be able to avail themselves of this new market segment, as the trading options are as close as possible to physical delivery times," Konstantin Konstantinov, the executive director of IBEX, said in a statement. A total of 20 participants have already registered on the new segment. Trading will be conducted through a web-based platform developed by Norway's Nord Pool AS. The platform supports round the clock trading with gate closure 60 min. before physical delivery, common settlement system and shared collateral with the Day Ahead market segment and also common REMIT reporting platform. The introduction of the intraday market segment will allow IBEX to couple with the European intraday market, which is expected to happen by 2020. On Tuesday, Macedonia's government said it has discussed and accepted the proposed text of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on coupling the country's day-ahead electricity market with its peer market in Bulgaria.
Source: (12.04.2018)
BEH has chosen managers for its double bond listing The Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH) has signed a contract with Citigroup Global Markets Limited (CGML) and First Financial Brokerage House (FFBH) in their capacity as a leading manager and co-manager, respectively. The selection procedure was attended by 7 candidates. The two consultancy companies will assist BEH in the issue of bonds on the Irish Stock Exchange and the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (double listing) to refinance the bond issue of the company with maturity date in November 2018, amounting to EUR 500 million.
Source: Monitor (04.05.2018)
NEC reports first yearly profit after 2012, but remains in poor financial condition The National Electricity Company (NEC) finished 2017 at net profit (BGN 6.9 million) for the first time since 2012. For the first quarter of 2018, the financial result before tax is also positive - BGN 72.8 million. Nevertheless, the company remains in extremely difficult financial condition. The uncovered loss from previous periods is close to BGN 1.2 billion, and the value of the current liabilities of the company in general exceeds that of the assets by BGN 562 million. Despite the stabilization of the energy system after 2015 and the reported profit NEC has colossal obligations - over BGN 3.8 billion, which not only do not decrease but increase as book value of BGN 37 million in 2017 due to the made deferrals and renegotiations. The company mainly owes money to BEH BGN2.35 billion. NEC is also a debtor to other related parties such as Kozloduy NPP, ESO and Maritsa East 2 TPP with the amount of BGN 300 million. For the Ministry of Energy, NEC has to reimburse BGN 850 million, which is part of the state aid granted to repay its obligations for the lost arbitration case for Belene. The trade and other liabilities of the company are BGN 242 million and the bank loans - another BGN 100 million. The financial result of the company for the period was positive - BGN 72.8 million but decreased by BGN 47.5 million compared to the same period last year.
Source: Capital (14.05.2018)
ICGB launches tender for archeological studies on gas link route ICGB, the company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project said on Monday it has launched a 3 million levs ($1.8 million/1.5 million euro) tender for studies on archeological sites found along the route of the gas link. The term for implementation of the public procurement is three months as of the award of the contract for studying the respective archeological site, the company said in a statement. The deadline for submitting requests for participation in the first phase of the procedure is June 5. Subject of the archeological studies will be the linear part of the Bulgaria-Greece pipeline together with its servitude, the sites for the block valves, the above-ground installations and the infrastructure. The gas pipeline which is estimated to cost 220 million euro ($258.1 million), will be connected to the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini and with the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal shares. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: Monitor (22.05.2018)
BEH will issue Eurobonds The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) started a series of meetings with international investors in connection with the planned issuance of Eurobonds worth EUR 500 mln. The series of meetings will begin in London and will continue in Frankfurt and Vienna. Following the successful conclusion of the negotiations, BEH will issue new 7-year and 10-year Eurobonds. BEH has hired Citigroup and First Financial Brokerage House to direct the forthcoming bond issue that is needed to refinance the company's 5-year Eurobond debt of EUR 500 million due in November this year. It will refinance the EUR 500 mln bond loan that the holding company issues in 2013 at a yield of 4.25%. BEH also sold a second bond issue two years ago worth EUR 550 million at a yield of 4.88%, maturing in 2021. The expectations are by refinancing the first BEH emission to save service fees. The holding plans to double listing of the new Eurobonds on both the Bulgarian and the Irish Stock Exchange. Through BEH the state owns the biggest energy companies in Bulgaria for production, supply and transmission of electricity, natural gas and lignite coal - Kozloduy NPP, Maritza East 2 TPP, NEK, ESO, Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Mini Maritsa East.
Source: Standart (18.06.2018)
Bulgaria's BEH issues 400 mln euro Eurobond State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on Friday it has placed successfully a seven-year Eurobond in the amount of 400 million euro ($466 million), to be listed on the Irish Stock Exchange. The Eurobond issue, BEH's third, was placed on Thursday at an annual interest rate of 3.5%, the lowest one since the company has been participating in the international financial markets, the energy group said in a statement. BEH achieved a seven-year maturity of its new Eurobond, the longest attained so far, the company said. "In this way the company will further spread its interest costs over a longer period of time," BEH noted. The proceeds raised from the issuance will be used to refinance the 500 million euro bond issued by BEH in 2013 and due in November 2018. The holding group placed successfully its second Eurobond issue worth 550 million euro in July 2016. The issue, due in 2021, was used to refinance a bridge loan which BEH took our earlier in 2016. BEH is the holding company for a group of Bulgarian state-owned companies which are engaged in electricity generation, supply and transmission, natural gas transmission, supply and storage and coal mining.
Source: Capital (25.06.2018)
Bulgaria's BEH, EIB sign MoU on gas link construction - ICGB ICGB, the company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project, said on Friday that state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the European Investment Bank (EIB) on the construction of a gas connector between the two countries. "The memorandum concerns securing preferential loan financing in connection with using the state guarantee of Bulgaria (expected 110 million euro) and is a key step in IGBs realization. The preferential loan is one of the main sources of funding for the project," ICGB said in a statement. ICGB has also signed an agreement for cooperation with the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) for connectivity of the two gas pipelines. Connecting with the Trans Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) at Greece's border with Turkey, TAP will stretch across northern Greece, Albania and the Adriatic Sea before reaching Italy's coast where it will connect to the Italian natural gas network. "This really is a strategic project which via important synergies - enables gas from the Southern Corridor, and LNG facilities in Greece, to flow into the Bulgarian gas network and further into the South-Eastern Europe region, Konstantinos Karagiannakos, executive director on the Greek side for ICGB, said. "We are especially pleased that the national regulatory authorities of Greece and Bulgaria approved in May ICGBs application for exemption from the EU rules on regulated access and look forward to the European Commissions endorsement," he added. A joint declaration was also signed by the shareholders in the project company, confirming a commitment for development and approval of a final business plan and the irreversible commitment of the shareholders for readiness to start construction. The IGB pipeline will connect the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini to the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the pipeline is 182 km and the projected capacity will be up to 3 billion cubic metres (bcm) per year in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on interest from the market and the capacities of the neighbouring gas transmission systems, the capacity of the pipeline can be increased up to 5 bcm per year, thus allowing for physical reverse flow from Bulgaria to Greece with the additional installation of a compressor station. The gas link is estimated to cost 220 million euro ($256.5 million). The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal stakes. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: Monitor (02.07.2018)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding is on its way to take commitments in the BEH Gas case The Bulgarian Energy Holding is in the final stages of taking commitments regarding the BEH Gas case. To this end, the Parliament will instruct the Energy Minister Temenuja Petkova to take the necessary actions to reach an agreement with the European Commissions case BEH gas. In order to do so, a project-decision will be introduced in the parliament by the members of the parliament of GERB Delyan Dobrev, Valentin Nikolov and Aleksander Nenkov. The project decision will be discussed in the Energy commission of the Parliament on Thursday. The case BEH Gas was initiated by the EC against BEH, Bulgartranzgas and Bulgargas because of suspicions of dominant position in the gas market in Bulgaria. In the arguments presented, the members of parliament point out that in the end of May, the EC reached an agreement with Gazprom in the case of abuse of dominant position in Central and Eastern Europe, without financial sanctions. According to the MPs, the development of the case against Gazprom is similar to the BEH Gas case, because of similar legal classifications of the violations and overlapping market participants who are involved in the cases. Therefore, they believe that there are new circumstances that require the amendment of the previous decision of the National Assembly without its repeal. The previous decision of the Parliament regarding the gas case was taken at the end of November 2017. With it the National Parliament supported the closing of the BEH Gas case without acknowledging any wrongdoing and without assuming responsibility and at the same time committing to uphold any obligations arising from a prohibitive decision, even including commitments regarding any financial sanctions that may arise. This decision was taken after the European Commission rejected on 9 November the commitments made by the Bulgarian side and it became clear that it intends to close the BEH Gas case with a restrictive decision and a financial sanction. /
Source: Other (19.07.2018)
Bulgaria will seek an agreement with the EC in the case against the energy holding Bulgaria will seek an agreement with the European Commission on Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz and Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) case, although at the end of last year the National Assembly banned such actions. GERB deputies Delyan Dobrev, Valentin Nikolov and Alexander Nenkov have submitted to Parliament's cabinet a draft decision, which instructs the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova to try to reduce the sanction, which may be over EUR 300 million. The European Commission has launched criminal proceedings against Bulgaria after the private company Overgas filed a complaint in 2010 that state-owned companies, which have a monopoly over pipes, have restricted its access to gas infrastructure and the gas market. In 2015, the investigation concluded that there were violations, and Bulgaria was offered to present a plan for their termination under threat of sanctions. The European Commission was willing to reduce the fine significantly if certain measures were implemented. One of them is the recognition of guilt, which would reduce the sanction to EUR 70 million. Another measure was for the state to privatize a majority stake in Bulgartransgaz.
Source: (20.07.2018)
BEH raised another EUR 150 million from investors Only a month after raising EUR 400 million to refinance bonds maturing in the autumn, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has started raising another EUR 150 million. This was done by reopening the 7-year corporate bond issue issued in June, bringing the total amount of attracted funding to EUR 550 million. Bonds worth EUR 500 million, which the state-owned electricity holding company issued in 2013 at a yield of 4.25%, are expected to mature in November. In preparation for their refinancing, the company hired Citigroup Global Markets, a consultant in charge of offering a new third debt issue for the company. EUR 400 million was raised through 7-year bonds at a yield of 3.5% for the company. After waiting for more favorable conditions on Tuesday, the issue was rescheduled and EUR 150 million was sold. The return is the same - 3.5%, which is 1.37% more profitable than BEH's last attempt to raise capital market resources two years ago. Like the other bond issues of the company, this is listed on the Dublin Stock Exchange, with the bonds being registered for trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange as well, managed by First Financial Brokerage House.
Source: Capital (25.07.2018)
The Belene report raised BEH consultants' expenses by more than 50% The elaboration of the controversial BAS report on the need for Belene NPP has raised the expenses for consultants of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) with over 50%. Thus, if for the first six months of last year the company has given BGN 1.2 million for "External services", now the account has expanded to BGN 1.9 million. This shows the holding's report for the first half of the year. Some of the companies in the energy sector, such as Kozloduy NPP, reported a significant improvement in their finances. Others, like NEK, continue to lag behind and even hint at the need for a loan or other kind of funding to survive. The loss of the state-owned telecom company Bulgartel is almost constant, while the Electricity System Operator dispatches its profit to BGN 8.9 million. In April the BAS presented its final report summarizing the recommendations of all analyzes and conclusions from the interim reports of the consultant in a comprehensive National Energy Strategy with a focus on electricity. However, it is not clear whether Bulgaria needs Belene NPP or not.
Source: Sega (02.08.2018)
State-owned companies in the energy sector are indebted to BEH State energy companies are increasingly indebted to their parent company - the Bulgarian Energy Holding. This shows the financial statements of the companies for the first six months of the year. For the period January - July BEH's receivables from its subsidiaries increased by BGN 293 million to BGN 3.07 billion. The largest energy company in Bulgaria continues to finance the companies in its group, which are in severe financial condition. Among the most indebted companies is the public electricity supplier - NEK. The uncovered loss of the company's past years towards the end of the last six months reached already BGN 1.18 billion. The overdue payables of the company for the same period are BGN 360 million. Thus, the company, which redistributes electricity in the country, ends the half-year with a loss of BGN 75 million. According to the financial statement, without the support of BEH, there are serious doubts that NEK can continue to operate. Loss for the first six months of the year is also reported by the state-owned Maritza East 2 TPP and the mining company Maritsa East. The Bulgarian Energy Holding receives funds from its profitable companies, which then redistributes to the losing ones. Traditionally, the profitable companies in the first half of 2018 are the Kozloduy NPP, the gas carrier Bulgartransgaz, the owner of the ESO transmission grids.
Source: (08.08.2018)
S&P Upgrades Bulgaria's NEK to 'B+' S&P Global Ratings has raised its long-term issuer credit rating on Bulgaria's National Electricity Company, NEK, to 'B+' from 'B' with stable outlook. "In our view, thanks to improved credit metrics reported in 2017 and improved liquidity, Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has increased its ability to support its subsidiaries," S&P said in a statement. In June and July 2018, BEH issued a total of EUR 550 million in Eurobonds to refinance the EUR 500 million bonds maturing in November 2018. The stable outlook reflects S&P's view that, despite the company's high leverage, ongoing regulatory reforms and continuing payments from the electricity fund will enable NEK to demonstrate sustainable positive EBITDA, and BEH will remain able and willing to support NEK's liquidity, the ratings agency said.
Source: (13.08.2018)
The EBRD has bought BEH bonds for EUR 100 million The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) participated with EUR 100 million in new seven-year bonds issued by the Bulgarian Energy Holding in June and July 2018 for a total of EUR 550 million. At the end of June, BEH released a EUR 400 million issue to finance its first loan taken in November 2013, which amounted to EUR 500 million, and was aimed at settling the debt of its subsidiary Holding National Electric Company (NEC) under the construction project of Belene NPP. In July, the state-owned holding said it had increased its issue by EUR 150 million under the same market conditions as a month earlier. It is now clear that EUR 100 million of bonds were bought by the EBRD. According to the bank, refinancing of BEH's old bonds of EUR 500 million, issued in 2013, will improve the financial structure of the holding. The stocks themselves are already traded on the Euronext Irish Stock Exchange, but they are also expected to start their trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange in August. The current deal, as well as the purchase of BEH loan bonds launched before 2016, are part of the cooperation with Bulgaria under a program for the liberalization of the electricity market according to the EU rules. So far, EBRD has invested nearly EUR 3.9 billion in various sectors of the Bulgarian economy in about 250 projects.
Source: (14.08.2018)
Greece-Bulgaria gas link owner's engineer tender attracts 12 bids ICGB, the company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project, said on Monday its 8.45 million euro ($9.7 million) tender for the selection of owner's engineer has attracted offers from 12 companies and consortiums. "Assigning the procurement for owners engineer is a key stage in the realization of the project as its one of the last steps before construction activities begin," ICGB said in a statement. The offers for the contract were submitted by Consortium MGV Consultant, a tie-up between Techint Compagnia Tecnica Internazionale and Techfem, Enereco, Consortium "C&M-Asprofos-S Energy-Miks", Consult Eurogas, Consortium RINA, ILF Beratende Ingenieure, Consortium TIBEI, T&T SISTEMI SRL, Consortium VN gazoprovod Greece-Bulgaria, Consortium JV Interconnector 2018 and Technip Italy Direzione Lavori. The tender was suspended in July over a complaint filed with Bulgaria's Commission for Protection of Competition, and was subsequently resumed last month after the Supreme Administrative Court upheld the competition authority's decision to dismiss the complaint. The IGB pipeline will connect the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini to the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the pipeline is 182 km and the projected capacity will be up to 3 billion cu m per year in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on interest from the market and the capacities of the neighbouring gas transmission systems, the capacity of the pipeline can be increased up to 5 billion cu m per year, thus allowing for physical reverse flow from Bulgaria to Greece with the additional installation of a compressor station. The gas link is estimated to cost 220 million euro. The project company has secured a sovereign guarantee of 110 million euro under the annual state budget act, which could ensure loan financing under preferable conditions. The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal shares. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: (11.09.2018)
BSE has received an application for admission to trading of an issue of bonds on the Bonds Segment as follows: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - ISIN of the issue: XS1839682116 - Amount of the issue: EUR 550,000,000 - Number of bonds issued: 5,500 bonds - Par value per bond: EUR 100,000 /one hundred thousand/ - BSE code assigned to the issue of bonds: 04HA (first symbol is a digit)
Source: BSE (26.09.2018)
The following decision has been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 57 of 26 September 2018: With reference to an application submitted under Art. 20 (1) of Part III - Listing Rules and on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) thereof, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market, the following issue of bonds: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - Type of bonds: Ordinary, dematerialised, registered, interest-bearing, freely transferable, non-financial, inconvertible and unsecured - ISIN of the issue: XS1839682116 - BSE code assigned to the issue: 04HA (the first symbol is a digit) - Amount of the issue: EUR 550,000,000 - Number of bonds: 5,500 bonds - Nominal value per bond: EUR 100,000 /one hundred thousand/ - Issuance currency: Euro (EUR) - Currency of trading: Euro (EUR) - Trading lot: EUR 1,000 - Minimum order size: EUR 100,000 - Tick-size: 0.001 - First trading day: 02 October 2018 (Tuesday) - Last trading day: 25 June 2025 - The indicative reference price for the first trading session is 100% of the nominal value. - The price of the orders being entered is a percentage of the nominal value of one trading lot /clean price/. - The price of the bid and ask orders shall not include the interest accrued as of the date of the last interest payment until the moment of order entry. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE: - The issue is the third one of the issuer - Issuance date: 28 June 2018 - Maturity date: 28 June 2025 - Term: 84 months as of the date of issuance - Annual interest rate: 3.50% - Day-count convention: Act/365L - Debt repayment: By one-off instalment on the date of maturity - Interest payment period: Every twelve (12) months on the following fixed dates: 28 June 2019 28 June 2020 28 June 2021 28 June 2022 28 June 2023 28 June 2024 28 June 2025 * The right to an interest payment shall be entitled to all bondholders registered as such not later than one (1) business day prior to the payment date, respectively one (1) business day prior to the date of the last interest and amortisation payment on the issue's maturity date. - Bank-trustee of the bondholders: no trustee INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER: - Name in the Latin alphabet: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - Registered address: Sofia, 16 Veslets St. - LEI code: 635400E1RWKJXPSBCV07 - UIC: 831373560 - Correspondence address: 1000-Sofia, 16 Veslets St. - Tel.: (+359 2) 926 38 00 - Fax: (+359 2) 925 04 01 - E-mail: - Website: - Authorised representative: Petyo Angelov Ivanov - Investor Relations Director: n/a - Information disclosure media: n/a - Scope of business activity: Acquisition, management, assessment and sale of participations into companies conducting business activity in the scope of manufacture, production, transfer, transit, storage, management, distribution, sale and/or purchase of gas, electric and heat energy, coals as well as any other kind of energy and resources for its production; participation into the management of such companies, etc.
Source: BSE (27.09.2018)
The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has purchased BGN 106 million liabilities of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz. Thus, the municipal-owned district heating company's debt to BEH can be expected to top BGN 606 million by the end of 2018, against the background of a capital of less than BGN 150 million. Since 1999, Toplofikacia Sofia has been unable to settle with the natural gas supplier, and its debt to it has spiralled from BGN 460 million in 2012 to nearly BGN 613 million in 2017. The heat supplier's built-up losses reached BGN 354 million by the end of 2017. Its revenue from heat supply increased from 53% in 2012 to 71.5% in 2017. The revenue from the cogeneration of electricity, however, plummeted from 41% in 2012 to 21% in 2017.
Source: Capital (28.09.2018)
BEH took another EUR 50 million loan The state energy company Bulgarian Energy Holding recorded an increase of EUR 50 million on its third issue of Eurobonds, listed on the Irish Stock Exchange (Euronext Dublin) and on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. Thus, the company's bonds reached EUR 600 million at an annual interest rate of 3.5% and a maturity of 7 years. With the second additional tranche, BEH achieved the planned bond issue and no further increases are foreseen. BEH maintains the same competitive price conditions and timeliness that will allow the company to spread its interest costs more efficiently and over a longer period of time. According to the company, "the second increase in the issue in continuing volatile market conditions confirms investor confidence in BEH as well as the company's good access to capital markets." BEH has a total of about BGN 3 billion in bond loans. These funds were mainly intended for the payoff of the subsidiary NEK. The company has to collect about BGN 2 billion from the energy companies, which it unites. Last BEH bought a debt of BGN 100 million of the Sofia District Heating Company (which is not part of the holding) to Bulgargaz, which is part of the state energy group.
Source: (08.10.2018)
ICGB launches tender for Greece-Bulgaria gas link construction consultant ICGB, the company developing the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project, said on Friday that it has launched a 1.3 million levs ($764,500/664,700 euro) tender for selection of a consultant for the construction of the gas link. The role of the selected consultant will include supervision throughout the construction phase, as well as preparing regular monthly reports and one final report on the construction, ICGB said in a press release. The deadline for submitting offers is November 26. Last month, ICGB said that the 145 million euro tender for construction of the interconnector has attracted 11 offers. The pipeline will connect the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini to the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the pipeline is 182 km and the projected capacity will be up to 3 billion cu m per year in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on interest from the market and the capacities of the neighbouring gas transmission systems, the capacity of the pipeline can be increased up to 5 billion cu m per year, thus allowing for physical reverse flow from Bulgaria to Greece with the additional installation of a compressor station. The gas link is estimated to cost 220 million euro. The project company has secured a sovereign guarantee of 110 million euro under the annual state budget act, which could ensure loan financing under preferable conditions. The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal shares. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: (08.10.2018)
Bulgaria's TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 to pay 153 mln euro for emission allowances by Mar 2019 Bulgarian state-owned thermal power plant (TPP) Maritsa Iztok 2 will have to pay over 300 million levs ($177.5 million/153.4 million euro) by March 2019 for buying emission allowances, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said on Tuesday. A working group within the energy ministry has drafted short and long term measures for strenghtening the financial state of the plant, Petkova said in a statement on Tuesday. The greenhouse gas emission allowances are part of the EU Emissions Trading System, which works on the cap and trade principle. Within the cap, companies receive or buy emission allowances which they can trade among themselves as needed. Each year companies must surrender enough allowances to cover all their emissions, otherwise fines are imposed. In the first half of the year, the plant booked 115 million levs in expenses for greenhouse gas emission allowances, according to its interim financial statement. Maritsa Iztok 2 has eight operating units with a total installed capacity of 1,620 MW.
Source: (17.10.2018)
Minister Petkova: We are working to preserve Maritsa-East energy complex capacity Maintaining the stability of the energy system and preserving the capacity of the Maritza East complex are among the leading priorities in the energy sector. This is what Bulgarian Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, heads of state-owned energy companies and representatives of trade unions agreed on during a meeting held at the ministry. By March 2019, Maritsa East 2 TPP should pay for greenhouse gas emissions a sum of over 150 million euros. The funds will be provided by the state. In the coming months the measures for long-term guarantee of the stability of the state-owned thermal power plant will be specified, Minister Petkova added. It was announced that there would be no layoffs in the Maritsa East Mines by 2020. Minister Petkova expressed confidence that by the end of November there would be a derogation for the energy giant, which would be indefinite.
Source: Standart (17.10.2018)
BSE has received an application for admission to trading of a newly issued amount of bonds on the Bonds Segment as follows: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - ISIN of the issue: XS1839682116 - Newly issued par value: EUR 50,000,000 - Amount of the issue: EUR 600,000,000 - Number of new bonds issued: 6,000 bonds - Par value per bond: EUR 100,000 - BSE code assigned to the issue of bonds: 04HA (the first symbol is a digit)
Source: BSE (02.11.2018)
The following decisions have been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 64 of 02 November 2018: With reference to an application submitted under Art. 20 (1) of Part III - Listing Rules and on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) thereof, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market, the following issue of bonds: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - Type of bonds: Ordinary, dematerialised, registered, interest-bearing, freely transferable, inconvertible, unsecured and non-financial - ISIN of the issue: XS1839682116 - BSE code assigned to the issue: 04HA (the first symbol is a digit) - Newly issued principal amount: EUR 50,000,000 - New amount of the issue: EUR 600,000,000 - Newly issued bonds: 6,000 bonds - Par value per bond: EUR 100,000 - Issuance currency: EUR - Currency of trading: EUR - Trading lot: EUR 1,000 - Minimum order amount: EUR 100,000 - Minimum tick size: 0.001 - First quotation date of the new amount of the bond issue: 06 November 2018 (Tuesday) - Final date of trading on the Exchange: 25 June 2025 - The indicative reference price for the first trading session will be the reference price from the last trading session prior to the first date of trading of the newly issued principal amount. - The price of the orders being entered is a percentage of the nominal value of one trading lot /clean price/. - The price of the bid and ask orders shall not include the interest accrued as of the date of the last interest payment until the moment of order entry. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE: - The issue is the third one of the issuer. - Initial date of issuance: 28 June 2018 - Date of issuance of the new principal amount: 12 October 2018 - Maturity date: 28 June 2025 - Term: 84 months as of the initial date of issuance - Annual interest rate: 3.50% - Day-count convention: Act/365L - Debt repayment: By one-off instalment on the date of maturity - Interest payment period: Every twelve (12) months on the following fixed dates 28 June 2019 28 June 2020 28 June 2021 28 June 2022 28 June 2023 28 June 2024 28 June 2025 * The right to an interest payment shall be entitled to all bondholders registered as such not later than one (1) business day prior to the payment date, respectively one (1) business day prior to the date of the last interest payment and principal repayment i.e. of maturity of the bond issue. - Bank-trustee of the bondholders: no trustee INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER: - Name in the Latin alphabet: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - Registered address: Sofia 1000, 16 Veslets St. - LEI code: 635400E1RWKJXPSBCV07 - BULSTAT UIC: 831373560 - Correspondence address: Sofia 1000, 16 Veslets St. - Tel.: (+359 2) 926 38 00 - Fax: (+359 2) 925 04 01 - E-mail: - Website: - Authorised representative: Petyo Angelov Ivanov - Contact person: n/a - Information disclosure media: - Scope of business activity: Acquisition, management, assessment and sale of participations into companies conducting business activity in the scope of manufacture, production, transfer, transit, storage, management, distribution, sale and/or purchase of gas, electric and heat energy, coals as well as any other kind of energy and energy resources; participation in the management of such companies etc.
Source: BSE (05.11.2018)
State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) on Wednesday fully repaid its maturing 4.5%, EUR 500 million bond issued in 2013. BEH repaid the bond using the proceeds from its recent 3.5%, 600 million euro bond issue. BEH placed 400 million euro worth of seven-year Eurobonds on June 21, followed by two tap issues - of EUR 150 million and EUR 50 million, respectively. The new bond issue is listed on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange and the Irish Stock Exchange (Euronext Dublin). BEH is the holding company for a group of Bulgarian state-owned companies which are engaged in electricity generation, supply and transmission, natural gas transmission, supply and storage and coal mining.
Source: (08.11.2018)
European Commission Approves Public Support for Bulgaria-Greece Interconnector The European Commission said it assesses positively plans for a natural gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece in a statement on Thursday. The Commission has found Bulgarian and Greek plans to support the construction and operation of a natural gas interconnector to be in line with EU State aid rules. The project will contribute to the security and diversification of EU energy supplies without unduly distorting competition. Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, in charge of competition policy, said: "We have approved the support measures to be granted by Bulgaria and Greece because they are limited to what is necessary to make the project happen and therefore are in line with our State aid rules." The measures approved today by the Commission will support the construction and operation of a 182 kilometres cross-border gas interconnector (called "IGB") between Greece (Komotini) and Bulgaria (Stara Zagora). The gas interconnector is designed to transport 3 billion cubic meters/year (bcm/y) of natural gas from Greece to Bulgaria by 2021. A potential later phase of the project could increase this capacity to 5 bcm/y and allow physical reverse flow capacity from Bulgaria to Greece. IGB will be owned by ICGB AD, a 50-50 joint venture between the IGI Poseidon consortium (which includes Edison of Italy and Greek gas incumbent DEPA) and BEH, the Bulgarian gas incumbent. The total investment cost for the realisation of the IGB interconnector amounts to 240 million euro. This will be financed through a direct equity contribution of 46 million euro from the joint venture shareholders; a contribution of 45 million euro from the European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR), which is centrally managed by the European Commission; a loan of 110 million euro granted by the European Investment Bank (EIB) to BEH (and subsequently passed-on to ICGB AD); and a direct financial contribution of 39 million euro from the Bulgarian State budget via the Bulgarian Operational Programme "Innovation and Competitiveness" 2014-2020. Bulgaria and Greece notified the Commission of the following measures to support the investment, which involve State aid within the meaning of EU State aid rules: an unconditional state guarantee to be granted by the Bulgarian State to BEH to cover the 110 million loan euro that the company will receive from the EIB, a 39 million euro direct financial contribution by Bulgaria via the Bulgarian OPIC programme, and a fixed corporate tax regime that will apply to ICGB AD for 25 years from the start of commercial operations and will be governed by an intergovernmental agreement between Bulgaria and Greece. The Commission assessed these support measures under EU State aid rules, in particular its 2014 Guidelines on State Aid for Environmental Protection and Energy. The Commission found that the project will contribute to further key strategic objectives of the EU. A financial analysis of the project carried out by the Commission has shown that recouping the investment costs exclusively from the tariffs charged to use the interconnector would not be feasible.
Source: Monitor (09.11.2018)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial website
Source: BSE (03.12.2018)
Bulgaria pipeline to face EU scrutiny Bulgaria is to face renewed EU scrutiny over a Russia gas pipeline, four years after its previous project failed. The European Commission would "not support it" if the pipeline did not meet conditions, Maros Sefcovic, the commission vice-president, who is in charge of EU energy policy, has said. The commission would "react within its remits" if Bulgaria harmed EU energy security, he added in remarks to EUobserver on Tuesday (11 December). Bulgaria's 484-km pipeline is to ship Russian gas to Europe by linking with Russia's new pipeline to Turkey, called Turk Stream 2. Sefcovic's warning comes amid Russia's plan to also build a pipeline to Germany, called Nord Stream 2. Its Germany and Turkey pipes go around countries such as Poland and Ukraine. This makes the region, which used to be under Russia's boot, feel less safe by enabling Moscow to cut supplies there while keeping Russian gas flowing to western Europe. And Russian revanchism is stoking those fears, amid military provocations and aggression in the Baltic Sea and Black Sea regions. "Nord Stream 2 and an expanded Turkish Stream pipeline seek to deepen [EU] dependence [on Russia]," a US diplomat, Francis Fannon, said also on Tuesday. "They are political tools ... and the Russian state uses energy for coercive political aims," the diplomat said. Deja vu? Bulgaria's previous project, the more ambitious South Stream pipeline, was to ship gas directly from Russia via the Black Sea. But Moscow abandoned it in 2014 when the EU commission said it violated single market laws. Sofia, where MPs recently approved the Turk Stream 2-link project, has yet to give Sefcovic details of its plan. Its energy and foreign ministries also declined to speak to EUobserver. If Bulgaria's link pipeline was to sell Russian gas to the EU in a new trading hub with other international gas, then it was "a welcomed development," Sefcovic said. But if it simply "evacuated" Turk Stream 2 gas to EU states, such as Austria or Italy, then it was not. "If it turns out the project is a simple transit pipeline, it cannot be part of the Balkan Gas Hub project and the commission will not support it," Sefcovic told this website. "In such a scenario, Turk Stream 2 and its evacuation pipeline would clearly be in competition with other sources and routes of gas coming to the region," he said. Balkan hub The commission earlier financed a feasibility study into the Balkan Gas Hub idea. The hub, in Varna, on Bulgaria's Black Sea coast, could trade gas from Turk Stream 2, as well as EU-backed pipelines to Azerbaijan and Israel - the Southern Gas Corridor and EastMed. It could also trade liquid gas from global markets, in what would create "more diversified, secure supply" for Europe, Sefcovic said. "The commission could only support a scenario under which this [Turk Stream 2] gas is sold at the Balkan Gas Hub ... not simply transported via transit pipelines to western European hubs," he noted. "Once it becomes clear how the [Turk Stream 2] evacuation will be organised, the commission will react within its remits," he said. Sefcovic's remit Bulgaria, the EU's poorest country, would get no European money for the 1.4bn link pipeline if it did not meet conditions, Sefcovic added. It would also receive no EU "regulatory support". "The commission does not see any difference between Turk Stream 2 and its transit evacuation pipelines or Nord Stream 2 and its Eugal onshore connection," Sefcovic said. Eugal is a 480-km German pipeline to link Nord Stream 2 to central Europe, which failed conditions for EU support. The new Russian pipelines are to start supplies in 2020. The commission has a quiver of energy and public procurement laws to fire at onshore EU links. It has also tried to have its say on Nord Stream 2, but its legal remit on Russia's offshore pipelines is in doubt, amid sluggish talks on the subject in the EU Council, where member states meet. US sanctions For its part, the US has threatened fines against EU energy firms who backed Nord Stream 2. It turned up the heat on that and Turk Stream 2 when Fannon, a US energy envoy, spoke to international media in a conference call. "We've made quite clear where we stand on that," he said on the Nord Stream 2 sanctions threat. "We oppose Nord Stream 2 and we would call on all parties to exit the project," he said. "Given Russia's aggression in recent days, this is a good time to spotlight our diplomacy on transatlantic energy security," Fannon added. Russian aggression He spoke after visiting Croatia, the Czech Republic, and Hungary and shortly after Russian warships fired on the Ukrainian navy in the Black Sea area. The Russian pipelines would see Ukraine lose most of its gas transit to the EU, costing it billions, and new suppliers, like Israel, would be locked out of Europe in what was "just an order of math" on supply and demand, Fannon said. "The US and Europe share Western values," but that kind of commerce was "just not consistent with those shared values," the American diplomat said.
Source: (13.12.2018)
EC Fines Bulgarian Energy Holding Group EUR 77 Mln for Blocking Access to Key Natural Gas Infrastructure The European Commission (EC) Monday said that it has fined the Bulgarian Energy Holding, its gas supply subsidiary Bulgargaz and its gas infrastructure subsidiary Bulgartransgaz (the BEH group) 77,068,000 euro for blocking competitors' access to key gas infrastructure in Bulgaria, in breach of EU antitrust rules. The EC press release quotes European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager as saying on Monday that consumers in all Member States should enjoy the benefits of an integrated and competitive single European energy market. "For years, Bulgarian natural gas consumers have been denied a choice of suppliers because the BEH group refused to give access to its gas infrastructure to other wholesale gas suppliers. With today's decision, we will promote the development of an open and competitive energy market to the benefit of consumers in Bulgaria, in line with Energy Union objectives," she said. BEH is the vertically integrated incumbent state-owned energy company in Bulgaria. One subsidiary, Bulgartransagaz, controls the gas infrastructure in Bulgaria. Another subsidiary, Bulgargaz, supplies gas to customers in Bulgaria, the press release reads. Monday's decision of the EC finds that the BEH group holds dominant positions both in the gas infrastructure markets and in the gas supply markets in Bulgaria. It also finds that the Bulgarian Energy Holding and its subsidiaries abused their dominant positions by foreclosing entry into the gas supply markets in Bulgaria by unduly restricting access to the infrastructure BEH owned and operated. BEH used the dominant position of one subsidiary, Bulgartransgaz, to protect the near monopolistic position of its other subsidiary, Bulgargaz, on supplying gas. In addition, Bulgargaz hoarded capacity on the only import pipeline bringing gas through Romania to Bulgaria so that it could not be used by potential competitors. Between 2010 and 2015, the BEH group blocked the access to Bulgaria's domestic gas transmission network, the only gas storage facility in Bulgaria, and the only import pipeline bringing gas into Bulgaria, which was fully booked by BEH. Without access to this essential infrastructure, it was impossible for potential competitors to enter wholesale gas supply markets in Bulgaria. This prevented any development of competition and ensured a near monopoly for Bulgargaz. The EC concluded that this behaviour by the BEH group is in breach of Article 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, which prohibits the abuse of a dominant market position. As a result, the EC decided to impose a fine on the company. BEH, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz are jointly and severally liable for the payment of the fine, the level of which was determined on the basis of the EC's 2006 Guidelines on Fines and by taking into account the company's relevant sales in Bulgaria, the serious nature of the infringement and its duration. Monday's decision is another example of how enforcement of EU competition rules complements legislative action to ensure open and competitive gas markets in the EU, in line with the Energy Union objectives. In particular, the EC has the objective of improving competition and the level of security of supply in Southeast European gas markets, including in Bulgaria, the press release reads. According to the EC, the removal of barriers to entry for competitors will allow the Bulgarian wholesale gas market to function more efficiently, with more buyers and sellers, and give Bulgarian consumers better prices and a choice of gas suppliers. This will be further facilitated by the recent opening of the Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnector, for which the EC approved public support on November 8, 2018, and by the Bulgaria-Romania-Hungary-Austria energy cooperation project, which will enable Bulgarian wholesalers to diversify their supply sources. The EC opened a formal investigation into BEH group's behaviour on July 4, 2013, following an inspection carried out at BEH group's premises in September 2011.
Source: Capital (18.12.2018)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Information provided by the company on Case AT.39849 BEH Gas European Commission Decision, imposing a fine of EUR 77,068,000 on the company for abuse of dominant position on the Bulgarian gas market by Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and its subsidiaries, Bulgargas EAD and Bulgartransgas EAD
Source: BSE (04.01.2019)
BEH's revenues have soared The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) reported over 90% growth in revenues to BGN 312 million for the nine months of last year. For this period there was growth in the profit - before taxes it was BGN 137.7 million, or an increase of about 15% compared to a year earlier. This shows the company's report published by the finance ministry. The enormous increase in revenues is mainly due to the dividends paid by the BEH companies, the biggest contribution coming from the Kozloduy NPP. The sale of the energy exchange for BGN 5.2 million on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange also affected the revenues of BEH. The Maritza-Iztok Mines has contributed with a profit of BGN 3.5 million and has also transferred 50% of its dividend to BEH. Another state energy company - Bulgargaz - has recorded profit. Nevertheless, the company registered a drop in its net income to BGN 4.1 million for the nine months of 2018. For comparison, in the same period a year earlier they were almost BGN 20 million. NEK is also performing with a declining trend in its results. The company reported a negative financial result for the nine months amounting to BGN 153.4 million, compared to the same period in 2017, when the decline was by BGN 62.4 million. However, Bulgartransgaz and the Electricity System Operator show positive results, whose profit for the nine month was BGN 23.4 million.
Source: Sega (09.01.2019)
Expansion of Chiren Gas Storage Facility to Be Finished in 2024 - Energy Minister The expansion of the Chiren underground gas storage facility will be concluded in 2024; that is when the construction of the facility's underground and ground installations should be finished, Energy Minister Temenouzka Petkova said during Friday's Question Time in Parliament. She explained that three-dimensional field seismic studies are now being conducted at Chiren to determine the final version of the expansion. The expansion was delayed due to an appeal lodged by one of the participants in the public procurement procedure, Petkova added. Bulgartransgaz EAD signed a contract for the project on May 25, 2018 and is currently implementing it. Petkova also said that once the Southern Gas Corridor and the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) are finished, Bulgaria will be able to receive 1 billion m3 of Azeri gas, as envisaged in the 2013 agreement between Bulgargransgaz and the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR). In her words, this is one-third of Bulgaria's natural gas consumption. The construction of the IGB should begin in two to three months, and it should be finished and put into operation by the second half of 2020, the Energy Minister specified.
Source: Dnevnik (14.01.2019)
State-Owned Energy Companies to Offer More Electricity on Exchange to Stabilize Electricity Market Bulgaria's state-owned energy companies have committed to offer an extra amount of electricity on the Day Ahead Market of the energy exchange in an attempt to stabilize trading, Energy Minister Minister Temenouzhka Petkova told a news briefing here on Monday after government officials and business executives met to map out measures to settle the situation in the local electricity market. The meeting was hosted by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) and involved the Energy Ministry leadership, managers of the three state-owned companies which supply the bulk of electricity on the free market (the Maritsa East 2 TPP, the Kozloduy N-Plant and the National Electricity Company (NEK)), managers of the Bulgarian Energy Holding, the Electricity System Operator, the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) and the electricity distribution companies. Last week trade unions, employers and government representatives called for urgent measures to ease tensions on the electricity market and in industry. The unions and employers identified three problems: first, the persistent state monopoly, considering that the Maritsa East 2 TPP, NEK and the Kozloduy N-plant are the main sellers and can influence prices; secondly, the purchase at whatever price of about 30 per cent of the electricity on the Day Ahead Market by the three electricity distribution companies to offset their technological losses, which inflates the average prices; and, third, the 38 leva/MWh public obligation surcharge, which pushes up domestic prices but is not paid when electricity is exported. Petkova said the state-owned energy companies now supply 690 MWh, which will increase to over 700 MWh as of January 19, at about 44 leva/MWh. Last week the press compared the January 8 day-ahead price of 207 leva/MWh to the year-earlier level of about 67 leva/MWh. EWRC Chairman Ivan Ivanov said that accelerated steps will be taken this year towards market coupling with the energy exchanges of Southeastern Europe. To this end, the Energy Act will have to be amended to abolish the export charge. IBEX CEO Konstantin Konstantinov said negotiations on Day Ahead Market coupling were most advanced with Macedonia's energy exchange. As to the Intraday Market, coupling with the Romanian energy exchange is likely to take place first.
Source: (15.01.2019)
Without economic benefits from Turkish Stream in Bulgaria? The three companies that have shown interest in the expansion of the Turkish Stream pipeline in Bulgaria have not registered enough quantities to generate an economic benefit from the implementation of the project. This became clear after the completion of the first stage of the market test, which was expected to determine whether the project could be economically justified. Bulgartransgaz, which has to build the project for the new transit pipeline from the Turkish to the Serbian border, explained that they changed the terms for the next stage. The cost of reserving the capacity of the pipeline will be reduced, and the time will be increased from 15 to 20 years. The total project cost is expected to be BGN 2.8 billion.
Source: Standart (22.01.2019)
Construction of Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria in Greece Gets Green-Lit Greece's Minister of Environment and Energy George Stathakis has provided the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) with an installation permit for the start of construction works on Greek territory, the ICBG company implementing the project said on Wednesday. The decision will enter into force upon publication in Greece's Government Gazette, which will happen in several days. Bulgaria gave the green light to the construction of IGB on its territory in September 2017. The last step related to the obtainment of permits prior to the start of the construction works in Greece is the acquisition of a licence for independent transmission system operator, which Greece's Regulatory Authority for Energy is expected to issue in the second half of 2019. The IGB project will provide a direct link between the national natural gas systems of Greece and Bulgaria. The pipeline will have an approximate diameter of 813 mm and an overall length of 182 km, with a transportation capacity of approximately 3 bNcm/y of natural gas from Greece to Bulgaria. The project is being implemented by the ICBG AD joint venture company, registered in Bulgaria in 2011 by the State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and IGI Poseidon S.A., with each shareholder owning 50 per cent. IGI Poseidon is a Greek-registered company with DEPA S.A. (Greece) and Edison SpA (Italy) as shareholders.
Source: Monitor (14.02.2019)
BEH will not pay the monopoly fine of EUR 77 million by the deadline of March 19 The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz have announced procedures for the selection of credit institutions to issue bank guarantees in favor of the European Commission (EC) to secure the fine of EUR 77 million imposed at the end of 2018. The penalty of the so-called gas-case filed by the EC following an Overgas complaint for refusal of access to the gas transmission network will not actually be paid until the due date of 19 March 2019. The reason is the intention to appeal as the EC decision itself, which was subject to the fine for abuse of a state gas monopoly and the amount of the sanction. In case of failure, the corresponding interest for the late payment will be charged, with which the final amount due can increase significantly. If in some way Bulgarian state-owned companies manage to rebut the conclusion of the EC, they will only be offset by the costs of issuing and maintaining bank guarantees.
Source: Capital (21.02.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Report pursuant to Art. 100b (8) of the POSA as of 31 December 2018 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH or the Issuer) under the terms and conditions of a bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (28.02.2019)
Bulgaria's BEH, Bulgargaz, Bulgartransgaz appeal 77 mln euro EC fine State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) said on Friday that, together with its units Bulgartransgaz and Bulgargaz, it has challenged before the EU's General Court the 77.1 million euro ($87.7 million) fine imposed on the three companies by the European Commission for blocking competitors' access to key gas infrastructure. "BEH and its subsidiaries do not accept the Commissions findings that they have abused a dominant position on the Bulgarian gas market," BEH said in a statement. BEH and its units are seeking annulment of the Commission's decision to fine them. In December, the Commission said that between 2010 and 2015, the BEH group blocked access to the sole import pipeline bringing gas into Bulgaria, the country's only gas storage facility - Chiren, and the domestic gas transmission network. Without access to this essential infrastructure, it was impossible for potential competitors to enter wholesale gas supply markets in Bulgaria. This prevented any development of competition and ensured a near monopoly for Bulgargaz, the EU institution concluded. BEH pools together state-owned energy companies, including gas infrastructure operator Bulgartransgaz and gas supplier Bulgargaz. Bulgaria imports almost all the natural gas it needs from Russia via a pipeline crossing Ukraine, Moldova and Romania.
Source: Dnevnik (05.03.2019)
BEH has chosen a bank guaranteeing the payment of 2/3 of the fine imposed by the EC Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD has chosen a financial institution that will issue a bank guarantee guaranteeing the payment of 2/3 of the fine imposed by the European Commission (EC) to BEH Group in case AT.39849. The Bank will provide a bank guarantee for securing the obligations of BEH and its subsidiary Bulgargaz EAD on the imposed fine. Negotiations between BEH and the bank are under way to clarify the terms of the bank guarantee contract. Bulgartransgaz EAD, Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and Bulgargaz EAD filed a complaint against the EC decision of 17 December 2018. The companies in the BEH Group did not accept the EC's conclusion that they had abused a dominant position on the Bulgarian gas market. In December, the Commission fined BEH with EUR 77 million for hindering access to the gas transmission network in Bulgaria. Even if it appeals against the EC decision to impose a fine on BEH, Bulgaria will have to implement it.
Source: 24 chasa (11.03.2019)
The state will save the indebted Maritsa East TPP by BGN 600 million The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) plans to increase the capital of its subsidiary Maritsa East 2 TPP by about BGN 600 million, its executive director announced. The aim is to "give extra capital to the headquarters", which has accrued obligations to BEH for BGN 1 billion, and if it is not backed up, it could become insolvent by next year. To make this happen, the European Commission is required to decide whether this is state aid or not. Obligations are likely to be reshaped in order to start a new limitation period. The head of the energy holding announced that the financial result of the state coal-fired power plant is positive - profit of BGN 10 million has been reported, but this is due to the higher prices of the energy exchange during this period. At the end of the year, the state supported the plant with BGN 324 million by buying carbon allowances in order to keep it running.
Source: Dnevnik (15.03.2019)
Troubled TPP Maritsa East 2 is looking for BGN 25 million for working capital TPP Maritsa East 2 is looking for bank loans in the form of overdraft. It will be limited to BGN 25 mln. The intention of the plant is to use the overdraft as working capital - for the purchase of raw materials, resources and other goods necessary for the functioning of TPP. The loan has nothing to do with the money it needs to buy greenhouse gas emissions - a cost that was about to bankrupt the company. The main requirement of the state-owned plant is not to seek collateral on the loan. The first position is for BGN 15 million and the other for BGN 10 million. The contracts are expected to enter into force either from the date of conclusion or at the latest by 7 May. Salvation of TPP Maritsa East 2 will be expensive and its return to life will again be paid by the parent company - the Bulgarian Energy Holding. For this purpose the megastructure plans to increase the capital of the plant by about BGN 600 million. Before that happens, Bulgaria needs to get permission from Brussels.
Source: Sega (21.03.2019)
Bulgargaz will look for cheap non-Russian gas For the first time in its history, Bulgargaz announces an auction for non-Russia natural gas supplier, Nikolay Pavlov, CEO of the company announced. The auction was announced on March 15th. "There are clearly defined criteria and requirements for participants in the procedure, all are invited to submit their offer," he said after the discussion of new gas prices to be set by the energy regulator on March 28th. The head of Bulgargaz described the competition as "something new and important, which will be in the interest of Bulgarian consumers". Asked why Bulgargaz is launching this auction right now, Pavlov replied that currently there are conditions for purchasing blue fuel at a lower price. The company has asked the regulator for a price increase of about BGN 45 per megawatt hour from April 1. This is an increase of 0.83% and the demand is due to the situation on the international markets.
Source: Sega (22.03.2019)
Bulgaria considering capitalising debt of TPP Maritsa Iztok 2 - energy min Bulgaria has discussed the possibility of capitalising the debt owed by state-owned thermal power plant Maritsa Iztok 2 with the European Commission Directorate-General for Competition, energy minister Temenuzhka Petkova said. The final decision on whether to go forward with a debt capitalisation scenario will be made by the middle of the year, Petkova said saying during a meeting with trade union representatives. Bulgaria is also working on developing a capacity mechanism for ensuring the security of electricity supply, which is among the planned long-term measures for the financial stabilisation of the coal-fired power plant, Petkova added. The ministry intends to submit the mechanism for approval by the European Commission in the autumn. Maritsa Iztok 2 ended the first nine months of 2018 with a net loss of 265.7 million levs ($152.2 million/135.9 million euro), sharply up from a net loss of 83.6 million levs in the comparable period of 2017, as expenses for purchasing greenhouse gas emission allowances soared to 259.2 million levs from 89.1 million levs. Maritsa Iztok 2 has eight operating units with a total installed capacity of 1,620 MW.
Source: Banker (03.04.2019)
The court rejected complaints for new nuclear power plant at Kozloduy NPP The five-member panel of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) finally rejected the appeals against the decision of the Ministry of the Environment to approve an EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) for the construction of a new nuclear power plant at Kozloduy NPP site. By this decision, the SAC overruled the decision of the SAC's 3-member panel of May 17, 2018, with which the court canceled the eco-assessment. The decision of the 5-member SAC is final. The magistrates accept that the adoption of the decision of the Minister of Environment and Waters complied with the mandatory procedures of the EIA Ordinance and the Environmental Impact Assessment in a transboundary context. In the course of the EIA procedure, 38 institutions and non-governmental organizations were consulted. Cross-border consultations have also been made. The obligatory public discussions were conducted both on the territory of Bulgaria and in neighboring Romania. The reason for the appeal against the EIA decision was the issue of the long-term solution to the problem of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste. Regarding this, the Supreme Administrative Court accepts that, by law, this is the duty of a third party not participating in the administrative procedure.
Source: Banker (04.04.2019)
The choice for gas pipelines with Greece dropped to one - the Greek Corinth The Greek company Corinth Pipeworks Pipe Industry, which is part of the Viohalco Group, will produce and supply pipelines for the interconnector gas pipeline with Greece. They turned out to be the only company allowed with an offer of EUR 58.2 million at a maximum bid auction of 60 million. This was made clear by the opening of the price offer at the ICBG project office company, in which shareholders with equal participation are the state holding BEH and the Greek-Italian company IGI Poseidon. A signing of a contract, however, may not be possible soon, as one of the dropped candidates - the Bulgarian Toplivo-2 owned by Vassil Shtrakov, declared the procedure to be flawed and will probably appeal it. This can seriously confuse plans to start construction in May. Also on 23 April is the opening of bidders' offers for the construction of the pipeline, which may also be accompanied by complaints. The battle there is between the Bulgarian-Italian unification between GP Group, GBS and Bonatti, on the one hand, and the Greek "J&P-Avax" on the other. Corinth Pipeworks has a metal pipe production plant near Athens and according to its site, the company is the leader in this sector on the European market. From the company's 2017 financial statement is clear that its revenue is EUR 326 million, which is almost 50% of the result in 2016. This is largely due to the execution of the TANAP gas pipeline, which is part of the Southern Gas Corridor, and will ensure the transfer of gas from the Turkish border via Greece to Albania. The company also has a pipeline contract for the Baltic gas pipeline from Finland to Estonia. The majority owners of Corinth Pipeworks through the Belgium-based Cenergy Holdings and Viohalco are Evangelos and Nicholas Stasinopoulos. In Bulgaria, Viohalco group has three large plants - Stomana Industry, Etem and Sofia Med. Nine companies participated in the procedure, which started a year and four months ago, but only three were invited - only Corinth, the Bulgarian Toplivo-2 and the Turkish Erciyas Celik Boru Sanayi. However, the latter two dropped out - the first because of documentation shortcomings that will become known after the evaluation committee's minutes, and the second because it did not renew its proposal in time.
Source: Capital (16.04.2019)
BEH returns EUR 97.7 mln to Gazprom for South Stream BEH and Gazprom are in the final stage of agreeing an agreement on the South Stream project. This also includes the settlement of the contract for a loan from 2014, during which BEH has absorbed EUR 97.7 million. On April 30, a publication by the Russian Interfax agency said BEH owed nearly EUR 100 million to Gazprom, despite the assurances of politicians that Moscow does not have claims to Sofia in connection with the completion of the South Stream project. Gazprom EP International BV has provided BEH with a long-term credit line for EUR 97.7 million. In December 2014, Gazprom stopped work on the South Stream project. In accordance with the loan agreement, the company did not seek interest from it. It expected to receive the amount of the principal debt on the loan, the media wrote. It also reports that at the end of 2018, Gazprom EP International BV, with the support of Gazprom, has agreed conditions for an agreement to repay the loan. BEH confirms the loan and says that EUR 97.7 million has been invested in the capital increase from 2014 of the project company South Stream Bulgaria. "With the reduction of the capital of the project company and liquidation, which are specified in the agreement, the BEH quota will be sufficient to serve for the return of the loan to Gazprom EP International BV", the holding company said.
Source: 24 chasa (03.05.2019)
A story in "Capital" says that the State-owned Maritsa East 2 thermal power plant (TPP) has reported a gigantic loss of 332 million leva for 2018. Such a negative result is probably an absolute record in Bulgaria's corporate history. The sum is more than half of the plant's revenues in 2018. The company's financial report shows that the negative financial result is twice bigger than the one in 2017, mainly due to the higher price of carbon emissions. The total loss is already 605.5 million leva, and the debts exceed 864 million leva. The plant is literally facing bankruptcy, because its current liabilities are by nearly 909 million leva more than its assets. For the TPP to be saved, the Bulgarian Energy Holding is preparing a procedure for increasing the companys capital, but this will only have a temporary effect, "Capital" comments. Unless the energy market undergoes a cardinal change that would significantly increase the prices, the TPP's loss will continue to rise and, according to forecasts, it might reach half a billion leva this year. "Capital" also has an article about the 2018 financial report of the National Electricity Company (NEK), which lost 73.8 million leva last year, compared to a profit of 6.8 million leva in 2017. The company's current liabilities exceed its current assets by 847.7 million leva, which is by 285 million leva more compared to the end of 2017. NEK continues to experience difficulties in servicing its debts to suppliers and contractors and its credits, which remain over 4 billion leva.
Source: Capital (07.05.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report pursuant to Art. 100b (3) of the POSA as at 31 December 2018 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD under the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (15.05.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) 2018 consolidated annual financial report, verified by a registered auditor - Part 1
Source: BSE (15.05.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) 2018 consolidated annual financial report, verified by a registered auditor - Part 2
Source: BSE (15.05.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) 2018 consolidated annual financial report, verified by a registered auditor - Part 3
Source: BSE (15.05.2019)
Tank Company is building a production base for BGN 5 million in Burgas A company specializing in the production of tanks and pressure storage tanks started the construction of a modern production facility in the Industrial and Logistic Park - Burgas. Citygas Bulgaria will invest BGN 5 million in its new facility, which will produce all sizes of cisterns and tanks, barometers, pellet dryers, pressure vessels with non-standard shape and others. The engineering company will open 50 new jobs in its new production facility. The company relies on state-of-the-art equipment, equipment for technological preparation of materials, test stands, cameras for preparation and laying of any coatings.
Source: (23.05.2019)
EC asked Bulgaria to fully introduce market prices for electricity Bulgaria's energy plans are chaotic, the numbers are shuffled, and sources of funding - unclear. The country does not say exactly how it will be able to fight energy poverty, how it will make the air cleaner by using clean energy to heat or cool. At the same time, gas plans are lagging behind, and diversification of sources is still in the future. This is understood by the EC report on the extent to which the Bulgarian draft of the national energy and climate plan for 2030, announced last week, is adequate. It is important because on that basis the Energy Strategy of Bulgaria will be renewed by 2050. It will determine to a great extent how the country will develop in the coming decades. Brussels points out that Bulgaria must move on to market, rather than regulated, electricity prices - a critique that has been repeated over the years by the World Bank. How much it will cost to implement all of these plans is still unclear, but unofficial accounts show that it's billions of BGN, but it is unclear where they would come from.
Source: Sega (24.06.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2019 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 27.06.2019 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 25.06.2019 (Ex Date: 26.06.2019).
Source: BSE (25.06.2019)
BEH did not allow Peter Iliev to leave NEK The practice in this government that someone wants to leave office, but is not permitted to, continues. Such is the situation with the CEO of NEK Petar Iliev, who resigned on June 19th. However, the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding JSC did not accept this resignation and Iliev will have to continue to manage the public provider despite his reluctance. The resignation came after business organizations once again reported on put-up auctions for electricity on the free market, organized by NEK. Employers complained that they were becoming NEK's "shepherds" and poor management of the system led to a rise in the cost of electricity for business. In four of its official positions this year, the four nationally-represented employers' organizations - CEIBG, AICB, BIA and BCCI - accused NEK and even demanded the resignation of Petar Iliev because they believe that there are auctions for specific buyers citing the name of businessman Hristo Kovachki. Before Petar Iliev, the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova and Social Minister Biser Petkov could not leave their offices, and GERB deputy Delyan Dobrev managed to leave the parliament at second attempt.
Source: (27.06.2019)
Bulgaria again has the highest electricity price in Europe Once again in the last month the Bulgarian business will pay the highest price for electricity across Europe. The price achieved on the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange's "Day ahead" market is 118.73 BGN / MWh of base power and is even higher than the Greek one, to which technological costs and other charges have been charged. For comparison, in Romania and Hungary, the prices are about 100 BGN / MWh and in Western Europe - about 80-90 BGN / mWh. Since the beginning of July, the stock price of electricity in Bulgaria is the highest in the region, with an absolute record for the summer season - over 195 BGN / mWh. These price levels are significantly higher than the forecasts of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission for the current regulatory period - 89 BGN / MWh. The main reason for the high electricity prices in Bulgaria is the artificial shortage created. Kozloduy NPPs, Maritsa East 2 TPP and NEK (all three part of BEH) provide between 60 and 63% of the electricity for the free market.
Source: Capital (23.07.2019)
Greece Has Granted a Gas Interconnector License to Bulgaria By decision of the Greek Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE), ICGB AD receives a license for an Independent Transmission System Operator (INGS). The license, issued on June 27, 2019 and officially received on July 18, 2019, concerns the Greek section of the gas interconnector with Greece (IGB project). The license is issued for a period of fifty (50) years and expires on June 27, 2069. It entitles ICGB AD to start the construction of the project, including the pipeline and auxiliary facilities and equipment on the territory of Greece. Obtaining this license represents enormous progress as it is the final step towards securing the regulatory regime for the IGB project and ensuring a successful start of the construction of the pipeline across Greece. The continuous corporate efforts of ICGB and its shareholders, the political will of the governments of Bulgaria and Greece and the unquestionable support from the EC helped us to successfully overcome the challenges before IGB, announced the Executive Officer from Bulgarian side Teodora Georgieva. According to her, the gas project already has secured funding, the contractors for all key activities have been selected, the contracts for owners engineer and construction supervision have been signed and the reserved capacity will ensure the successful operation of the interconnector. The synergy of IGB with other key energy projects part of the Southern Gas Corridor like TAP and TANAP, makes the need of the interconnector undeniable and inseparable part of the comprehensive energy strategy and the priorities of Europe, underlined the Executive Officer of ICGB from Greek side Konstantinos Karayannakos. He noted that the project ensures real diversification of gas supplies, which will improve Greece and Bulgarias positions on the energy market and will contribute to the integration of the entire region. The construction of the gas interconnector Greece-Bulgaria aims to ensure diversification not only of the routes but also of the natural gas sources for Bulgaria and the region. As part of the development of the Southern Gas Corridor, through IGB Bulgaria and its neighboring countries will have access to alternative supplies from the Caspian region as well as from existing or prospective LNG terminals. IGBs implementation also provides opportunities for transit transmission through the gas pipeline Greece-Bulgaria and the gas transportation system of Bulgartransgaz EAD to the other gas interconnectors with Romania and Serbia, ICGB reported.
Source: (23.07.2019)
BEH paid BGN 52.5 million interest on the second bond loan Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD successfully made the third interest payment on its second Eurobond issue on 2 August 2016, listed on the Irish Stock Exchange (Euronext Dublin), with a nominal value of EUR 550 million, an annual interest rate of 4,875% and maturity for 5 years. The interest payment amounted to BGN 52.441 million (EUR 26.813 million). In October 2018, BEH increased its third Eurobond issue, listed on the Irish Stock Exchange and the Bulgarian Stock Exchange, by another EUR 50 million. Thus, BEH's bonds, which unites state-owned energy companies, came to EUR 600 million at an annual interest rate of 3.5% and a maturity of 7 years. The total liabilities of the holding company for bond loans exceeded BGN 3 billion. Another $ 2 billion is owed to some of the energy companies that BEH brings together to which it has lent interest-free loans.
Source: Banker (02.08.2019)
TPP Maritza East 2: We work only because BEH supports us financially TPP Maritza East 2 accumulated a loss of BGN 144.9 million from the beginning of the year to the end of June. This is clear from the published analysis of the financial situation of the plant. The negative result of the company deteriorates with another BGN 20.7 million compared to the first half of 2018, and the company remains in a difficult financial state. Costs for carbon offsets alone for the six months of 2019 were BGN 192.1 million. Separately, the cost of the power plant to the Electricity System Security Fund is over BGN 15.3 million. Thus, in the current market situation, the company is not able to cover its costs and relies mainly on the support of BEH, the report of the state-owned TPP reads. The report starts with the positive part - operating income is BGN 354.2 million and has increased by 23.15% compared to the first half of last year. At the same time, electricity sales fell to 3.2 million MWh, down by 8.28% from the same period last year. Despite lower sales on the free market, the coal plant reported a sales growth of BGN 27.7 million (9.79%). Higher revenues were generated due to higher prices on regional exchanges and the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange.
Source: 3e-news (08.08.2019)
Bulgargaz sues Toplofikacia Sofia for BGN 35 million Bulgargaz sues Toplofikacia Sofia for BGN 35 million. The executive director of the gas company Nikolay Pavlov said. This amount is only a part of the total debt of BGN 120 million, which the Sofia-based district heating company company owes Bulgargaz. The liabilities have been accumulated within one year after the Bulgarian Energy Holding purchased in full the debt of the heating company in 2018. Pavlov explained that Bulgargaz has already filed a lawsuit because it is in danger of not being able to pay for the fuel to its supplier, Russia's Gazprom Export. Bulgargaz cannot and should not cover the obligations of a client on its own account, including Toplofikacia Sofia, the head of the gas company underlined. He explained that no company can simultaneously cover huge debt while fulfilling its obligations.
Source: (12.08.2019)
Bulgargaz ended the half-year with a profit of BGN 27.9 million The state-owned Bulgargaz significantly increased its net profit in the first six months of this year and reached BGN 27.9 million. This was recorded in the financial statement of the company, which was recently published. The profit of the company increased by 187.5%, and in the same period last year the profit was only BGN 9.3 million. The company managed to pay their imposed fine in the BEH gas case. The company jointly with BEH and Bulgartransgaz paid one third of the imposed fine, which amounts to BGN 50.2 million. The amount was paid at the end of 2018, explained Bulgargaz. Since the beginning of the year Bulgargaz has signed several contracts for the supply of natural gas through a virtual outlet.
Source: 3e-news (16.08.2019)
BEH works with a consultant on the capacity of coal plants The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) signed a contract with an international consultant to develop a capacity mechanism, as provided by European legislation, for power plants that produce electricity from coal, said Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova. By the end of October, this mechanism must be notified to the European Commission, Petkova pointed out and hoped that the mechanism would be approved. Thus, we will give a much greater sustainability to the development of coal mining in Bulgaria and a guarantee for our energy security, said Temenuzhka Petkova. This industry is a sector of the Bulgarian economy of strategic importance and at the heart of a number of other sectors. It forms almost 5% of GDP. It directly employs are nearly 22,000 people and indirectly - about 120,000. One of the biggest challenges facing the mineral industry is related to the development of coal mining, said Petkova. Coal-fired power plants account for 46% of the electricity production in the country, which is directly related to the national and energy security.
Source: (19.08.2019)
Bulgaria receives 13 letters of interest in Belene nuclear station tender Bulgarias Energy Ministry said it has received letters of interest from 13 candidates in its tender to pick a strategic investor for the restart of the Belene nuclear power plant. Not all letters were from potential strategic investors, since as part of the process, the ministry also sought offers for minority stakes and from potential long-term electricity buyers. In total, seven candidates formally recorded their interest in becoming a strategic investor, including Rosatom, China National Nuclear Corporation and Korea Hydro&Nuclear Power. Four other parties were named as in the running for strategic investor, including one German-registered company and three Bulgarian-registered entities. French Framatome and General Electric both declared their interest in supplying equipment and participating in securing the funding for the project. The Republic of North Macedonia has lodged its interest in acquiring a minority stake and signing an electricity-purchasing agreement. A task force that will include representatives of state electric utility NEK, its parent company Bulgarian Energy Holding and grid operator ESO, would draft a shortlist of strategic investor candidates within 90 days.
Source: Sofia Globe (21.08.2019)
Bulgaria issues guarantee for 110 mln euro EIB loan for gas link construction Bulgaria is issuing a state guarantee for a loan of up to BGN 215 million from the European Investment Bank, to be used to finance the construction of a gas interconnection with Greece, the government said in a statement after it approved the state guarantee agreement with the the European Investment Bank (EIB). The loan will be taken out by state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and must be repaid within 25 years. The loan will have a three-year utilisation period. The total investment in the Gas Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria project is estimated at around EUR 240 million. In November 2018, the European Commission said that a state guarantee for the EIB loan will not be in breach of EU state aid rules. The gas link will connect the Greek gas transmission system in the area of Komotini to the Bulgarian gas transmission system in the area of Stara Zagora. The planned length of the gas pipeline is 182 km and the projected capacity will be up to 3 billion cu m per year in the direction from Greece to Bulgaria. Depending on interest from the market and the capacities of the neighbouring gas transmission systems, the capacity of the pipeline can be increased to up to 5 billion cu m per year, thus allowing for physical reverse flow from Bulgaria to Greece with the additional installation of a compressor station. The project is being implemented by the joint venture company ICGB, in which BEH and Greece-registered IGI Poseidon hold equal stakes. Greek public gas corporation DEPA and Italian energy group Edison own 50% each of IGI Poseidon.
Source: Banker (29.08.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received a semi-annual report as at 30 June 2019 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (30.08.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received a semi-annual report as at 30 June 2019 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (08.10.2019)
KPKONPI found conflict of interest with a former BEH chief Former head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) Petio Ivanov found himself in a conflict of interest. The reason is that he combined this post with his participation on the board of directors of Bulgargaz. This was made clear by a decision of the Anti Committee for Combating Corruption and the Withdrawal of Illegally Acquired Property (KPKONPI). As director of the holding Iliev voted for himself during his appointment at Bulgargaz and determined his salary. Therefore, he was fined BGN 15,000 and ordered to forfeit the received remuneration of BGN 60,000. Other former and current managers of BEH, such as Jacquelin Cohen, Zhivko Dinchev and Andon Andonov, are in a similar situation, but there are no known decisions made about conflicts of interest. Cohen, in addition to the director of the holding, is also a member of the Board of Directors of Kozloduy NPP. Dinchev is the executive director of TPP Maritza-East 2 and Andonov directs Mini Maritza-East.
Source: Sega (15.10.2019)
BEH transferred BGN 41 million for gas connection to Greece Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC (BEH) transferred the amount of BGN 41.5 million to the project company ICGB JSC for capital increase. The decision was made on October 10 by the General Meeting of Shareholders of the project company (BEH and IGI Poseidon). The funds will be used to finance the construction of the Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) gas interconnector. To secure the money, BEH took a government guaranteed loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB) up to BGN 215 million. The projected investment cost of the project is estimated at EUR 240 million excluding VAT. The European Commission approved State aid for Gas Interconnection Greece - Bulgaria (IGB) with its decision of 8 November 2018.
Source: (24.10.2019)
Experts question the need for Balkan Stream Gas consumption in Bulgaria remains low, and Bulgaria still relies mainly on a single source of blue fuel, no local production and no gas connections with neighboring countries. Against this background, the chances of a future Balkan gas hub in Bulgaria are not great, and Balkan Stream will diversify the route of gas, but not its source. This is the common opinion of experts at the roundtable on gas supplies to Bulgaria. "To have a hub, there must be gas," Plamen Dimitrov of the Bulgarian Geopolitical Society commented the idea for gas center Balkan. Dimitrov also quoted the words of the head of Russian giant Gazprom Alexei Miller, saying that the company prefers to work on long-term contracts and would not participate in the hub. "There are not many market players, we have no traditions in this field, and no staff," Plamen Dimitrov explained. Bulgaria cannot have a working hub because there is no working market, experts concluded. They also criticized the Balkan Stream project, whose construction began days ago. The cost of the route is over EUR 1.1 billion, and last Wednesday, state-owned Bulgartransgaz announced that it had taken a loan of EUR 200 million for the advance payments of the segment. "It is more than clear that Russian gas would be involved, the question is whether Bulgaria will have alternatives so that we can choose price deliveries when they are more profitable," said expert Galina Alexandrova. She added that the project does not diversify sources, only routes. There is also a risk in financing the project.
Source: Sega (30.10.2019)
TPP Maritza East 2 expects emission allowance prices to reach EUR 34 by 2024 Based on the updated forecast report of TPP Maritza East 2, the company operating the largest coal power plant on the Balkan Peninsula expects net cash flow to increase to BGN 111.95 million, while payments from the main activity can reach BGN 1.025 billion. The cash flow projected by TPP Maritza East 2 for the period 2019-2024 covers the repayment period of the loan to Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH) (BGN 398,025,450.71) until 30.06.2024, it is clear in the report from a closed meeting of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) in early October, reviewing the application of TPP Maritza East 2 for issuing an authorization to conduct transactions that lead to or could lead to a breach of security of supply due to indebtedness of the energy company.
Source: (30.10.2019)
Three companies remain in contention for Belene NPP Three companies continue to compete for investor in Belene NPP. These are Russia's Rosatom, through its subsidiary Atomenergoprom, Korea's Hydro and Atomic Energy Corporation and China's State Nuclear Corporation. They had to be selected by a working group comprising representatives of the Ministry of Energy, BEH and NEK. The choice of these companies is no surprise because they meet the requirement for a strategic investor, Bulatom chairman Bogomil Manchev said. According to him, the project will include the French Framatom and General Electric. In practice, they will also be investors because they offer a leasing scheme to pay for the equipment they will supply for the plant, commented energy expert Prof. Atanas Tasev. Consulting company IPK&UP, the German Bektron-Liaz Technical Engineering, the Bulgarian-Czech consortium Belene Nuclear Power Plant 2019 and the consortium Belene Bulgaria consisting of the companies of Kovachki have expressed interest as an investors.
Source: Trud (26.11.2019)
Debt of Toplofikacia Sofia BGN 756 million A total of BGN 756 million is the debts of Toplofikacia Sofia SPJSC. The municipal company has to pay BGN 596 million to the Bulgarian Energy Holding. The debt to Bulgargaz is BGN 147 million and includes a BGN 50 million advance invoice for November. This was made clear at the meeting of the Finance Committee of the Sofia Municipal Council, at which the management of Toplofikacia Sofia was heard. The new boss of the company Alexander Alexandrov assured that it is servicing its duties correctly and there is no cause for concern. According to him, the solution to the problem is for Toplofikacia Sofia to produce more electricity and diversify the supply of fuel. By March, all the necessary analysis must be ready so that the search for an outside strategic investor may start.
Source: Trud (27.11.2019)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received an interim report as at 30 September 2019 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (28.11.2019)
The Greece-Bulgaria interconnector will be ready by the end of 2020, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova assured at a session of the Energy Commission in Parliament. Construction of the interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria should be completed in parallel with the completion of the Trans-Adriatic gas pipeline. In this way, the contract between Bulgargaz and the Azerbaijan company SOCAR for the supply of 1 billion cubic meters of gas from the Shah Deniz 2 deposit will be fulfilled. MEPs approved a bill ratifying a guarantee agreement between Bulgaria and the European Investment Bank (EIB) in connection with a contract for financing the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection gas link between the EIB and Bulgarian Energy Holding signed on October 10, 2019. The loan is up to EUR 109.9 million and the repayment period is three years.
Source: 24 chasa (29.11.2019)
Maritza East 2 TPP to invest BGN 350,000 to reduce nitrogen oxides The state-owned TPP Maritza East 2, which regularly falls under various air pollution rankings, will invest BGN 350,000 excluding VAT in a system to improve the combustion process and reduce nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions. The public procurement for the purpose was announced on December 27, and it is clear from the documents that the new system will cover the fifth power unit of the plant. The introduction of "algorithms, measurements and control of air valves to improve the combustion process and reduce NOx emissions" is envisaged. According to the latest data from the end of September 2019, the debts of Maritza East 2 TPP are over BGN 1.5 billion and the uncovered loss exceeds BGN 800 million. The government is awaiting the approval of Brussels to release the bailout of the capital through the conversion of BGN 600 million of debt to the Bulgarian Energy Holding, which is the principal of the state-owned company.
Source: Capital (06.01.2020)
AOBE Declaration on Electricity Price for Industry in Bulgaria The Association of the Organizations of Bulgarian Employers (AOBE) called for the immediate resignation of the directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC (BEH), TPP Maritza East 2 and Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange SPJSC (IBEX). The business blames the three state-owned companies for high electricity prices for Bulgarian companies. Since the beginning of the year Bulgaria has seen a sad record - electricity prices in Bulgaria are between 20% and 50% higher than those in the rest of Europe, and the main reason for this is "the dishonest and/or corrupt management of BEH, TPP Maritza East 2 and IBEX, according to a statement sent by AOBE to the media. The association includes the largest employers' organizations - Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce And Industry (BCCI) Bulgarian Industrial Association Union of the Bulgarian Business (BIA) Bulgarian Industrial Capital Association (BICA) and the Confederation of Employers and Industrialists in Bulgaria (KRIB).
Source: Sega (11.02.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received a semi-annual report as at 31 December 2019 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (27.02.2020)
TPP Maritza East 2 increase its capital by BGN 598 million in debts to BEH State-owned TPP Maritza East 2 submited documents to increase its capital by BGN 597.955 million to the Commercial Register. Thus, BEH and the state power station implement the decision of the National Assembly of January 31 for capital increase of the company. This is a measure to save the state-owned TPP from bankruptcy. Employers opposed this decision. The other point is that the Energy Ministry has asked Brussels for permission to increase its equity with some of its debt. As of Thursday, the European Commission has not allowed to do so. The documents submitted to the register are accompanied by a decision on the board of directors of BEH, which owns the plant. It is clear that there is a protocol from the Minister of Energy. The debt increase has consolidated 10 debts of TPP Maritza East 2 from 2015 to 2019. The largest is from 2019, amounting to over BGN 429 million. With this money, the Bulgarian Energy Holding has purchased carbon emissions for the plant to be able to operate. TPP Maritza East 2 started to be in a difficult financial state from the moment the free quotas began to phase out, and in the emission market they rose enormously to EUR 25 per tonne. A reference to its financial status as of February 28 shows that its total liabilities are BGN 1.6 billion.
Source: 24 chasa (05.03.2020)
Environmentalists address the European Commission over TPP Maritsa East 2 Greenpeace-Bulgaria environmentalists, For Earth and Client Earth have filed a complaint with the European Commission, claiming that the Bulgarian state is systematically violating European legislation by supporting the heavily indebted TPP Maritsa East 2. After a vote in parliament on February 29 this year Bulgarian Energy Holding increased the capital of the state-owned coal plant by converting BGN 597 million of debt into equity, environmentalists recall. "Attempts to artificially rescue TPP Maritsa East 2 are to the detriment of everyone - even those working at the plant. The pouring of hundreds of millions of BGN annually violates market principles and hinders the ability to target these funds in the increasingly competitive alternatives for saving energy and production, balancing and storage of energy from renewable sources", commented Genadi Kondarev of For Earth. The TPP continues to accumulate record debts. For 2018, the loss amounted to BGN 332 million - double that of 2017, and is BGN 230 million for 2019. "This means that the 'cheap' electricity that the plant produces is due solely to solid state support," environmentalists say.
Source: Sega (13.03.2020)
The open work at the three mines of Mines Maritza-East is being terminated (today), but the mining sections are still in operation. This was decided at a meeting of the operational headquarters for measures to prevent the spread of COVID 19 coronavirus, which was formed in the company. The measure is being introduced until March 31, to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection in the enterprise and will not lead to problems with the rhythmic supply of coal to the TPP of the complex, the company assure. In order to create a good methodology for prevention in the mining complex, given the declared state of emergency in the country, the operational headquarters will be in direct contact with the Regional Operational Headquarters in Stara Zagora. Various forms of absence of work are being undertaken in order to minimize the number of staff required for the normal operation of the complex and to ensure the normal supply of coal to the power plants. CEO Anton Andonov said that the company has 85 million tonnes of open coal ready to go to thermal power plants.
Source: (17.03.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Actual or potential impact of COVID 19 on the activities of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and its subsidiary companies The entire piece of news is published in both, Bulgarian and English, on the financial website X3News.
Source: BSE (27.03.2020)
The construction of the Komotini - Stara Zagora gas connection is ongoing The coronavirus has not stopped the construction of the Komotini-Stara Zagora gas link, Greek media reported. The European Investment Bank has granted a loan of EUR 109 million for the construction of the gas connection between Greece and Bulgaria. Despite the spread of the virus, construction on both sides of the border has been successful. The first batch of pipes needed to build the Greek interconnector route arrived at the port of Alexandroupolis just a few days ago, Ethnos newspaper reports. Greek plant Corinth Pipeworks will produce the necessary pipes. Greece-Bulgaria interconnection will carry natural gas between the two countries by connecting to the national gas transmission network of Bulgartransgaz SPJSC near Stara Zagora and the gas transmission network of DESFA SA in Greece in the region of Komotini. The project is implemented by a joint venture company ICGB JSC, with shareholders Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC (50%) and the Greek investment company IGI Poseidon (50%). Equity shareholders in IGI Poseidon are the Greek DEPA and the Italian Edison.
Source: Banker (30.03.2020)
Maritza-East 2 TPP will consume BGN 100 million from cheaper gas The decrease in the price of natural gas by over 40% from April 1 will not change the electricity bills. This is foreseen by a report from the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. The reason is that the savings of about BGN 100 million will offset the increased expenses for the activity of the state-owned TPP Maritza-East 2, whose financial status was temporarily saved this month with the capitalization of BGN 600 million from its debts to BEH. It is ridiculous that because of the economic blockage of the coronavirus, there is currently huge surplus of electricity and stock prices across Europe are at a record low. Experts expect this trend to continue at least until the fall. However, Bulgarian household consumers will not feel any of this, but will continue to pay more to maintain the operation of TPP Maritza-East 2. The state company, unlike all other affected by the virus companies, does not take steps to release some of its more than 2000 employees at its headquarters, or at least put them on unpaid leave. Ombudsman Diana Kovacheva has already declared that she does not support the draft decision on the EWRC and believes that "refusal to reduce the price of electricity is difficult to explain, especially since the emergency situation we are in does not imply making such a decision".
Source: Capital (30.03.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received an updated semi-annual report as at 31 December 2019 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116. The report can be found on the financial website X3News.
Source: BSE (15.05.2020)
The "rescue" of TPP Maritsa-East 2 for three months costs almost BGN 1 billion The state continues to pour huge resources into the troubled TPP Maritsa East 2, and the bill for the "rescue" is already about BGN 1 billion. At the beginning of the week, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) bought the necessary greenhouse gas quotas for 2019 for the state power plant, which according to the company's report are worth a total of BGN 306 million. This became clear at a meeting between the line minister Temenuzhka Petkova and the leaders of the two trade unions CITUB and Podkrepa - Plamen Dimitrov and Dimitar Manolov, in connection with the consequences for the energy sector of the COVID-19 pandemic. With this financial aid, the state financing of the debt-ridden TPP Maritsa-East 2, which reported a new loss of BGN 210 million last year, is approaching BGN 1 billion within less than three months. On March 4, BEH decided to increase the capital of the plant by BGN 597 million, transforming part of the TPP's debt to the holding. Although on the verge of bankruptcy, the company is not cutting costs, and high energy prices deprive it of the opportunity to participate in the free market. Against this background, the state is persistently trying to support its work, mostly for political reasons - it employs about 2,400 people, and in addition to its activities, several hundred more people are employed in the state Maritsa East Mines.
Source: (21.05.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received a semi-annual report as at 31 March 2020 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116. The report can be found in English on the financial website X3News.
Source: BSE (01.06.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2020 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 26.06.2020 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 24.06.2020 (Ex Date: 25.06.2020).
Source: BSE (24.06.2020)
NEK made a profit of BGN 50 million The National Electricity Company (NEK) reported a profit of BGN 50.3 million for the first half of 2020, according to the company's financial report. This is a significant improvement compared to the same period last year, when the profit was BGN 32.2 million. The reason for the improved finances of NEK is the increased consumption of electricity by household consumers after the introduction of the state of emergency in March. People started working from their homes, and kindergartens and schools switched to online mode, which shifted electricity consumption from the free to the regulated market. Despite the positive result, however, there is no significant improvement in the general condition of NEK, as the company is again experiencing difficulties in servicing its obligations, most of which are to BEH. NEK continues to operate in conditions of negative working capital and deteriorating cash flow, the report shows. As of the end of June it amounts to BGN -997.3 million, as compared to the same period last year. a slight deterioration is reported (-989.2 million BGN). The sold electricity for the final suppliers (CEZ, EVN and Energo-pro) in the first half of 2020 is 7.8 million mWh, which is an increase of 2%.
Source: Capital (11.08.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) BSE has received a semi-annual report as at 30 June 2020 on the compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond loan issued by the company, ISIN XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (01.09.2020)
BEH gives BGN 50 million loan to Mini Maritsa Iztok, grants BGN 5 million to employees Bulgarian Energy Holding will allocate BGN 50 million to the Maritza Iztok complex, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova said after a meeting of the Branch Council for Tripartite Cooperation, Mining and Geology. Separately, another BGN 5 million is allocated for updating the salaries of the people working in the companies, she added. The salaries of the people working in the mines of the complex have not been increased for 30 months, said the President of CITUB Plamen Dimitrov. Earlier, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov also met with CITUB President Plamen Dimitrov and representatives of the Mini Maritsa Iztok trade unions. The talks focused on the future of the Maritza Iztok complex, as well as the government's measures to deal with the socio-economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The meeting with the Prime Minister was attended by Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev and Deputy Minister of Energy Zhecho Stankov. "and the third topic is the 'Green Deal', prepared by the European Commission," said Minister Petkova. 'Our government has clearly declared its attitude to the Maritza Iztok complex and the coal-fired power plants. Bulgaria will continue to rely on these power plants at least until 2030, with a horizon of 2050,' Temenuzhka Petkova said. 'The thermal power plants of the Maritza Iztok complex produce 46 percent of the energy Bulgaria needs,' Temenujka Petkova reminded.
Source: Darik Radio (09.09.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (09.10.2020)
Bulgargaz announced the estimated price of natural gas for December Bulgargaz SPJSC notifies its customers that the estimated price of natural gas for December 2020 is BGN 27.64 / MWh (excluding prices for access, transmission, excise and VAT), formed in accordance with Art. 17 of Ordinance 2 for regulation of natural gas prices of 19.03.2013. The company clarifies that in accordance with the requirements of Article 36a of the Energy Act, Bulgargaz EAD, a subsidiary of Bulgarian Energy Holding, within one month before submitting to the EWRC the application for change of the current prices, shall publish it in the mass media.
Source: Trud (12.10.2020)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Report as of 30 September 2020 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding under the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (27.11.2020)
There is a risk for Azeri gas due to the dispute between Toplofikacia Sofia and Bulgargaz The drama with the debt of the municipal district heating company Toplofikacia Sofia to the state gas supplier Bulgargaz continues for another year, but this time the stakes for its resolution are much higher. This is the contract for the supply of natural gas from Azerbaijan, which would violate the Russian monopoly in the region and is strongly supported by the United States. The plan is for Bulgaria to start receiving Azeri gas from the beginning of 2021, first through the existing pipeline through Kulata, and at a later stage through the gas connection with Greece. But for that to happen, Bulgargaz needs to provide a bank guarantee for Azeri gas. Such a guarantee was provided in July, and its delay became an informal reason for the resignation of Jacqueline Cohen as director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. According to Capital, this guarantee must be renewed at the beginning of 2021, but the condition of the banking institutions for this is the repayment of at least part of the debt of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz, which, however, can hardly happen, even less at the beginning of the heating season. According to the latest data, the debt is BGN 148.6 million. Toplofikacia Sofia is the largest consumer of natural gas in the country (nearly 30% of total consumption) and, accordingly, the largest customer of the state gas supplier. At the moment, however, it does not have enough funds to pay off its debts and also wants changes in its contractual relationship with the gas supplier. On the other hand, Bulgargaz claims that it cannot bear such a financial burden for a long period of time and will have difficulties not only with securing the guarantee for Azeri gas, but also with payments under the contract with Gazprom. It is currently known that Bulgargaz has warned Toplofikacia Sofia in a letter that if the debt is not repaid, the gas company will have no alternative but to file a lawsuit to collect its receivables in order to secure the supply contracts of gas and guaranteeing the supply in the country. The Ministry of Energy, which is the principal of Bulgargaz, refused to comment. There is also silence from the Sofia Municipality, which owns the district heating. For the time being, the EWRC only says that a change in the contracts or heating prices is not necessary, although the non-fulfillment of licensing obligations, such as the payment of natural gas bills, should be analyzed in more depth by the regulator.
Source: Capital (30.11.2020)
BEH again saved Toplofikacia Sofia The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has once again bought a debt of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz of BGN 110 million. It is about the next debt to Bulgargaz, which is about BGN 144 million. The claim covers the delivery period of February-October of the current year. BEH is currently working on the guarantees needed for Azerbaijani gas, which will start running on January 1, 2021, said the head of the parliamentary energy commission Valentin Nikolov. According to him, in order for the banks to be able to accept the guarantees of Bulgargaz, it is normal to make an assignment - once again BEH to buy the debt of Toplofikacia Sofia to the state gas supplier. The goal is for Bulgargaz to prove its liquidity and for the banks to give a guarantee for it. Toplofikacia Sofia has nearly BGN 800 million in debts and reports nearly as many losses.
Source: Duma (04.01.2021)
Bulgartransgaz registered as a shareholder in the liquefied gas terminal of Alexandroupolis The deal for participation of the Bulgarian gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz SPJSC in the project for construction of a liquefied gas terminal of Alexandroupolis was finalized and the company has been entered in the shareholders register of Gastrade SA as a full shareholder with all ensuing rights and obligations, according to the signed Agreement between the shareholders, Bulgartransgaz announced. "Alexandroupolis Independent Natural Gas System is a modern high-tech project for a floating terminal for reception, storage and regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The planned capacity of the gas transmission network of Greece amounts to 6.1 billion cub m per year. The storage capacity is 170 thousand cub m. The project contributes to the implementation of the overall concept for the Gas Hub Balkan, which provides for the construction and development of the necessary gas transmission infrastructure to connect markets of natural gas to the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. It is done entirely in implementation of the policy and priorities for building a single interconnected pan-European energy market. The terminal is in synergy with other infrastructure projects in the region, such as the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) and the Chiren Underground Gas Storage Expansion, which, along with the existing infrastructure of Bulgartransgaz SPJSC, will improve the access of Bulgaria and the countries in the region to liquefied natural gas.
Source: Banker (29.01.2021)
By the summer, the contracts with the American thermal power plants would be terminated By June 30, 2021, Bulgaria must terminate the long-term contracts between the National Electricity Compan (NEC) and the two power plants in the Maritsa basin - ContourGlobal TPP Maritsa East 3 and TPP AES Galabovo Maritsa East 1. This was set less than two months before the end of its mandate by the GERB government in a draft plan for reforms in the Bulgarian energy market, published for discussion by the European Commission. Public consultations on the document will close on February 11th. However, this plan was not discussed by the responsible national institutions, the Institute for Energy Management (IEM) said in an opinion on the document. The experts added that the project was clearly developed by a consultant and there was no clear institutional commitment to the proposed measures. On the occasion of the announced termination of the contracts with the two IEM plants, they recommend a more flexible definition of the deadline, given the expected complex trade negotiations with the companies. They must also be synchronized with the development of the capacity mechanism, ie to compensate for the long-term prices of the electricity produced by the plants. Immediately after that, the role of NEC as a public electricity supplier will be ceased. The opinion recalls a decision of the European Commission from 2015, which states that the Bulgarian energy market is not liquid and transparent and Brussels orders certain quantities of electricity from companies in the structure of BEH to be offered annually on the energy exchange. However, this commitment expired in January 2021. Experts recommend that an analysis of energy market competition be included in the 2030 development plan, because having a dominant player in the electricity wholesale market usually deters investors. With regard to the retail market, two reforms are envisaged - price liberalization and the development of a concept for vulnerable consumers. Full liberalization of households is expected to be completed by 31 December 2024, but no roadmap has been drawn up. By the end of 2021, the definition of vulnerable consumers and energy poverty must be prepared.
Source: Duma (11.02.2021)
BEH will have a new management, none of the current managers applied in the competition None of the current BEH managers applied in the competition for members of the board of directors announced by the Ministry of Energy. The resigned head of the holding, Jacqueline Cohen, has already stated that he will not stay, and Zhivko Dinchev and Andon Andonov have submitted documents for the boards of TPP Maritsa East 2 and Mini Maritsa East respectively. Seven people will fight for 3 seats on the board. Among them well-known in the energy circles are the former MP Valentin Nikolov, Ivan Andreev, who is a former head of NPP Kozloduy, the financial director of Mini Maritsa-East, Stelian Koev, Dimcho Margitov, who works in BEH, and Lyubomira Gancheva. Kozloduy NPP will also have a change of managers, with the possible exception of the plant's director Nasko Mihov, who is participating in the competition. Ivan Yonchev and Jacqueline Cohen did not submit documents. Yonchev is currently the head of NEK and is applying for it.
Source: 24 chasa (24.02.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report as of 31 December 2020 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding under the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (01.03.2021)
Fitch raised the outlook on the credit rating of BEH SPJSC The rating agency Fitch raised the outlook for the long-term foreign and local currency credit rating of BEH SPJSC from stable to positive, keeping the rating at 'BB'. The change is a consequence of the recent revision of the outlook on Bulgaria's credit rating from stable to positive. The rating of the unsecured bond issues of the holding remains unchanged - at the level of 'BB-'. The credit rating of BEH SPJSC is an independent credit profile of the company from 'B+', raised by two steps to the level of 'BB', reflecting the strong ties with the owner of the company's capital - the Bulgarian state. The Bulgarian energy holding has an exposure to carbon-intensive activities through its thermal power plant using lignite, according to the rating agency. However, the overall production mix of the group is diversified, with most of the production coming from nuclear energy and water sources. Thus, Fitch believes that the problems related to environmental, social and corporate governance are neutral in terms of credit or have only a minimal impact on it.
Source: Trud (02.03.2021)
EWRC discusses gas exchange licenses for two companies The energy regulator will discuss the request of two companies to obtain 35-year licenses for natural gas trading. These are the state-owned Balkan Gas Hub and the private Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform. he application of Balkan Gas Hub, which is under the auspices of Bulgartransgaz, shows that since the beginning of last year 39 users have been registered as participants on the exchange market, and the forecasts are that every year they will increase by 10. The company expects the various fees that consumers will pay to account for a large share of revenues, and predicts that 67 percent of Bulgaria's natural gas consumption will be traded through the blue fuel market. Balkan Gas Hub grounds its request to obtain a license for stock exchange trading with the fact that it must ensure the work of the gas transmission network operator Bulgartransgaz, which has been issued a license for 35 years. The purpose of market trading is to achieve a market price based on supply and demand. Balkan Gas Hub also points out that licenses for transmission of natural gas and other gas transmission network operators are expected to be issued in the country. The request of the private company Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform will be considered at a separate meeting. It has also requested a 35-year term on her license. During this time, the company plans to adapt its business to the needs of consumers and market dynamics and gradually expand the type of products offered and support trade in natural gas in the country.
Source: National radio (09.03.2021)
BEH is preparing a lawsuit against the Sofia heating company for nearly BGN 700 million The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is preparing to file a lawsuit against the Sofia district heating company if the company does not start paying its debt of nearly BGN 700 million by the end of next month.This became clear from a letter from BEH to the supervisory board of Toplofikatsiya-Sofia with copies to the Prime Minister, the Energy Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister. In it, the holding refuses the new renegotiation requested by the Sofia heating company with an additional postponement and reduction of the interest rates on the debt of almost BGN 700 million for unpaid gas. Last year, it was transferred from Bulgargaz to the state-owned energy holding. BEH therefore demand that the district heating company sign the debt agreement by April 30, 2021 at the latest. The holding will sue Toplofikatsiya if the agreement with the specified repayment plan and offer for reliable collateral (pledge of the receivables of Toplofikatsiya-Sofia) or another precautionary measure in favor of BEH is not concluded by that date. Toplofikatsiya-Sofia has written in its business plan for 2021 a loan of BGN 500 million for the construction of cogeneration plants to increase electricity production. This is expected to stabilize the company.
Source: 3e-news (10.03.2021)
BEH will sue Toplofikacia Sofia for BGN 700 million The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) is preparing to file a lawsuit against Sofia's heating utility Toplofikacia Sofia if the company does not start paying off its nearly BGN 700 mln debt by the end of next month. This shows a letter from BEH to the supervisory board of Toplofikacia Sofia with copies to Prime Minister Boyko Borissov, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev. In it, the holding refuses the new renegotiation requested by the Sofia heating company with an additional postponement and reduction of the interest rates on the debt of almost BGN 700 million for unpaid gas. Last year, it was transferred from Bulgargaz to the state-owned energy holding, the Politika newspaper recalls. 'BEH does not accept Toplofikacia Sofia's proposal to renegotiate the two existing agreements from 2015 and 2019. We believe that the terms of the signed agreements reflect the maximum allowable compromises from BEH that the holding can make for Toplofikacia-Sofia, taking into account both the economic and social dependence of district heating for the country', the letter of the energy holding reads. They therefore demand that the district heating company sign the debt agreement by April 30, 2021 at the latest.
Source: (11.03.2021)
The Ministry of Energy will check the activity of Bulgargaz for 2020 The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission found a positive difference between the estimated and reported by Bulgargaz SPJSC costs for natural gas supply for 2020. As a result, the price of natural gas offered by the company for the month of April 2021, in its capacity as a public supplier, has been reduced by the amount of the overstated revenue established by the EWRC, the Ministry of Energy announced. In this regard, representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC, as of March 26, 2021, will inspect the activities of Bulgargaz for 2020, including the realized revenues and reported costs, as well as their impact on the price of natural gas offered by the public supplier for April this year.
Source: Trud (29.03.2021)
Bulgargaz forecasts new gas price for June The price will be BGN 35.74 / MWh, and it does not include prices for access, transmission, excise and VAT. The company points out that the estimated price of natural gas reflects the development of European gas markets and quotations of alternative fuels to natural gas as of April 9 this year. The estimated price of natural gas for May 2021 is BGN 34.44 / Mwh. On April 1, the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) had to rule on the price of natural gas for the month, but the decision was postponed until later. The reason was the extension of BEH's inspection of the April gas price. Most likely, the EWRC will rule on the possible rise in the price of natural gas around mid-April.
Source: Trud (12.04.2021)
The trustees of CCB have reimbursed 25% of the money Over BGN 1.25 billion are the funds distributed to creditors by the trustees of the bankrupt Corporate Commercial Bank as of the end of March 2021, according to the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (BDGF). The amount allocated for recovery is significantly higher than the forecasts for no more than BGN 800 million of the specialized international investigation company AlixPartners Services UK LLP. The data show that for more than 6 years the trustees have managed to collect about 25% of the assets of the looted bank. There is no data on how many of the BGN 1.25 billion in question are the result of the collection of loans provided by the Corporate Commercial Bank, the liquidation of the bank's assets or the declaration of invalidity of set-offs after its bankruptcy. Most of the money allocated for the return - BGN 928 million, actually goes to the BDGF, which is the largest creditor of CCB, after paying off protected deposits in 2015 for BGN 3.7 billion. So far, the bank has returned money to unprotected depositors (those with savings over BGN 196,000) and other creditors with four partial accounts. The list of major unprotected investors includes Sofia District Heating, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz, BDB, BEH, NEK, Kozloduy NPP, Maritza Iztok Mini, NRIC, as well as government agencies such as the Privatization Agency and the Diplomatic Properties Agency. All of them have so far received no more than 20% of their former savings in the bank.
Source: Sega (15.04.2021)
The inspection did not find a problem in Bulgargaz The inspection carried out by experts of the Ministry of Energy and Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC on the activities of Bulgargaz SPJSC for 2020 has been completed, the Ministry of Energy announced. The working group reported that no discrepancies were found related to the realized revenues and reported expenses last year, as well as their impact on the proposed by the company and subsequently reduced by the EWRC price of natural gas for April 2021. In this regard, the public supplier Bulgargaz SPJSC should take action to submit an application for initiating administrative proceedings for approval of a price for the month of April this year to the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission. Representatives of the Ministry of Energy and Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC entered Bulgargaz EAD on March 26, 2021 to inspect the activities of the state company for 2020, including the revenues and reported costs, as well as their impact on the price of natural gas offered by the public supplier for April this year. This happened after the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission found a positive difference for 2020 between the estimated and reported by Bulgargaz SPJSC costs for natural gas supply. As a result, the price of natural gas offered by the company for the month of April 2021, in its capacity as a public supplier, was reduced by the amount of the overstated revenue established by the EWRC.
Source: Banker (20.04.2021)
Valentin Nikolov is head of BEH Former MP and chairman of the Energy Committee in Parliament Valentin Nikolov is the new head of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. The chairman of the board of directors of BEH is Diyan Dimitrov, who comes from the board of directors of TPP Maritsa Iztok 2. This is clear from the documents submitted to the Commercial Register after a decision of the Minister of Energy. The other three members of BEH's board are Ivan Andreev, former head of Kozloduy NPP, Stelian Koev, former CFO of Maritza Iztok Mines, and Alexander Tsarnorechki, who was a spokesman for BEH years ago. All of them successfully went through the three stages of the procedure for selecting new members of the board of directors of the state holding.
Source: 3e-news (21.04.2021)
EWRC approved a price of natural gas from April 1, 2021 of BGN 33.19 per MWh, The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) approved a price of natural gas from April 1, 2021 in the amount of BGN 33.19 / MWh (excluding prices for access, transmission, excise and VAT). The prices of heating, hot water and electricity remain unchanged, the press center of the energy regulator announced. This price is lower than the ones indicated in the application of Bulgargaz - BGN 33.38 / MWh. As it is known, at the end of March the Ministry of Energy and BEH started an inspection in the state gas company, which imposed a postponement of the decision by the energy regulator. The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission held a closed meeting, at which it adopted a decision in connection with the application submitted by Bulgargaz for approval of a price for April 2021, at which the public supplier will sell natural gas to final suppliers and individuals, which have been issued a license for production and transmission of heat. The decision of the Commission was adopted in accordance with the terms of the contract between Bulgargaz and OOO Gazprom Export and the terms of the contract with the Azerbaijani company and its agreements, the statement said. The details that led to the later decision of the EWRC are also specified. By a letter to the energy regulator dated 01.04.2021, Bulgargaz informed the Commission that it will provide up-to-date data in connection with the price of natural gas for April 2021 after the completion of the inspection of the company appointed by the Minister of Energy. The subject of the inspection is the activity of Bulgargaz for 2020, including the generated revenues and the reported expenses, as well as their impact on the price of natural gas offered by the public supplier for April this year.
Source: 3e-news (22.04.2021)
Bulgargaz increases its profit to BGN 39.6 million in 2020 About 14% less purchased quantities of natural gas and 50% decrease in revenues are reported by the state company Bulgargaz for 2020. However, the company registered a profit of BGN 39.6 million compared to BGN 34.4 million for the same period of 2019. This is clear from the annual financial report of the gas supplier, which is published on its website. In principle, all state-owned companies had to publish their reports, but so far only a few have fulfilled their legal obligation. It is also noteworthy that Bulgargaz's receivables have been significantly reduced - to a total of BGN 57 million. Of this amount, BGN 47 million belong to Toplofikacia Sofia, which has accumulated in the last two years over BGN 100 million worth of debts to the gas supplier, which BEH then repaid. According to Capital, the liabilities are now over BGN 60 million, which shows that despite the help from the state, the arrears continue. In 2020, the main quantities of natural gas will be provided through a long-term contract with Gazprom. Deliveries from Azerbaijan started only in early 2021, with Bulgargaz receiving limited quantities through a temporary delivery point at the Tower, as the gas connection with Greece (Stara Zagora - Komotini) is not yet complete.
Source: Capital (29.04.2021)
Bulgargaz increases its profit to BGN 39.6 million in 2020 About 14% less purchased quantities of natural gas and 50% decrease in revenues are reported by the state company Bulgargaz for 2020. However, the company registered a profit of BGN 39.6 million compared to BGN 34.4 million for the same period of 2019. This is clear from the annual financial report of the gas supplier, which is published on its website. In principle, all state-owned companies had to publish their reports, but so far only a few have fulfilled their legal obligation. It is also noteworthy that Bulgargaz's receivables have been significantly reduced to a total of BGN 57 million. Of this amount, BGN 47 million belong to Toplofikacia Sofia, which has accumulated over BGN 100 million in the last two years. debts to the gas supplier, which BEH then repaid. According to Capital, the liabilities are now over BGN 60 million, which shows that despite the help from the state, the arrears continue. In 2020, the main quantities of natural gas will be provided through a long-term contract with Gazprom. Deliveries from Azerbaijan started only in early 2021, with Bulgargaz receiving limited quantities through a temporary delivery point at the Tower, as the gas connection with Greece (Stara Zagora - Komotini) is not yet complete. The 25-year agreement with Azerbaijan provides for the supply of 1 billion cubic meters of Caspian gas per year. For comparison - the annual consumption of natural gas in our country is about 3 billion cubic meters.
Source: Capital (05.05.2021)
Fitch raised BEH's subordinated debt rating The rating agency Fitch raised the credit rating of unsecured and non-subordinated bonds of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to the level of BB from BB-. The agency also assigns a debt recovery rating of 'RR4' to debt instruments. BEH's credit rating in foreign and local currency remains unchanged - with a "positive outlook" at the "BB" level. The rating has been removed from the "Criteria under observation". Another factor that favors the increase of the credit rating is the expected reduction of the liabilities of the subsidiaries in the structure of BEH. The rating agency estimates that by the end of 2020, about 40% of the debt at the consolidated level belongs to the parent company, and the remaining 60% - to the subsidiaries. The expectations are that the debt at the level of subsidiaries will shrink to 50% by the end of 2021 and to less than 20% by the end of 2023, respectively, as a result of the maturity of the state financing provided in 2016 to NEK.
Source: (12.05.2021)
The energy companies owe a total of BGN 2.5 billion The companies in the energy sector, united under the Bulgarian Energy Holding, have debts of BGN 2.5 billion, said caretaker Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov. He specified that the servicing of these obligations alone costs the state EUR 100 million a year. Andrey Zhivkov criticizes the style of work of BEH. "BEH has access to attractive financing, but instead of investing in strategic projects and becoming a regional player, it uses them to solve current problems. In other words, with long-term liabilities BEH solves short-term problems. This is a path to a debt spiral," the minister pointed out. To refinance its liabilities in July, BEH will issue a bond issue of EUR 550 million, but no base investor has been found for it to give the company an image, said Minister Zhivkov. His deputy, Alexander Nikolov, added that the problem was that BEH continued to accumulate deficits. Among BEH's biggest debtors is the National Electricity Company with a debt of over BGN 2 billion, which the company does not service, but only renegotiates. TPP Maritsa East 2 is another large debtor with BGN 580 million. Bulgartransgaz's liabilities are also growing year by year, amounting to BGN 920 million, the main reason being the investment of BGN 2.6 billion in the project for the construction of the route of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline. The minister expressed doubts about the profitability of the project, but promised to give more details by getting acquainted in detail with the financial estimates. Bulgargaz also has liquidity difficulties due to Toplofikacia-Sofia, which is failing to pay its debts, Minister Zhivkov added. As a problem, the Minister pointed out that BEH seizes extraordinary dividends from the profitable companies and thus "the problem is transferred from the sick head to the healthy one". He pointed out that in 2019 and 2020 an additional BGN 200 million and 270 million were taken from the NPP Kozloduy, and from the Electricity System Operator twice BGN 50 million each.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report as of 31 March 2021 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding under the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (01.06.2021)
Bulgartransgaz ranks first Canpipe BG's 70 mln euro offer to build gas link with Serbia Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz said it ranked first a BGN 136.8 million offer by Canpipe BG, a company established by local subsidiaries of Canada-based Canpipe Industries International Inc., to supply equipment and build the Bulgarian section of a gas link with Serbia. Canpipe BG, a tie-up of Canpipe Industries International Inc. - Bulgaria Branch and Canpipe Industries International Bulgaria EAD, received an overall score of 97.79 points in the procurement tender. The price does not include VAT. A consortium comprising Bulgarian companies Glavbolgarstroy and Glavbolgarstroy International was ranked second with an offer of BGN 129.8 million and an overall score of 97.14 points. The ranking was carried out on the basis of quality-to-price ratio. Four more participants were ranked lower, with scores between 90.00 and 69.03 points Bulgartransgaz said earlier this year that its BGN 143.6 million tender for the supply of equipment and construction of the respective gas link section attracted 11 offers. Bids were submitted by nine tie-ups and the Bulgarian branches of Italy-registered companies Arkad and Bonatti, Bulgartransgaz said in a notice at the time. The length of the Bulgarian section of the gas link with Serbia is 62 kilometres.
Source: SeeNews (14.06.2021)
Bulatom: Completion of Belene NPP will cost EUR 8 - 9.5 billion Between EUR 8 billion and EUR 9.5 billion will be necessary for the completion of the two units of Belene NPP, according to calculations by the Bulatom construction association. About EUR 1.5 billion have been spent on the project so far. Bulatom estimates that this investment will be repaid about 15 years after the units are put into operation, and the price of electricity from the plant may be lower than the prices on the exchange. According to Bulatom's accounts, if the two units at the Belene NPP are fully loaded, they will be able to produce about 16 million megawatt-hours of electricity a year. The electricity from the plant will have to cost at least EUR 60 per megawatt-hour, so that the annual financial inflow to the Belene NPP can be around EUR 960 million and the investment will pay off in 14-15 years. Currently, the stock market price of electricity is EUR 55 per megawatt hour, as this price is expected to be over EUR 60 per megawatt hour in 2028 - 2029. This means that the plant will be able to operate on the exchange market. According to Bulatom, the Belene NPP project is economically feasible, as the units can operate for at least another 45 years after the investment pays off.
Source: National radio (16.06.2021)
The last obstacle to the unification of the energy market with Romania is falling Bulgaria is now only one step closer to unifying the electricity market with Romania, as the bloc of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania and Slovakia will connect to the common European electricity trade system today (June 17th). The first day of delivery will be Friday (June 18). This is important for Bulgaria, as it will allow the country to contact Romania within three months. Currently, the unification between the two countries is only for the "Within the day" segment. A month ago, Bulgaria and Greece merged their market segments "Day Ahead". Market mergers are important because in times of crisis (in case of overproduction or accidents, technical interruptions in production, lack of wind or sun, etc.) there will be no sharp rise or fall in prices, as it will be possible to quickly import or export energy to one of the neighboring markets. The mergers will also increase competition, which is also an additional advantage. After the official connection of the two markets, the process is expected to be automated and thus to facilitate trade. And all this has been delayed due to the local unification of Romania, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which now have to join the rest of Europe, where Bulgaria has been since the founding of IBEX. The delay is more than 10 months, the director of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) Konstantin Konstantinov pointed out.
Source: Capital (17.06.2021)
TPPs switch to gas with EUR 700 million TPPs in the Maritsa Basin to switch from coal to gas, according to the plan of the caretaker cabinet to save TPP Maritsa East 2, which is at a loss of millions. To this end, EUR 700 million will be earmarked in the recovery and sustainability plan. However, power plants must provide 40% deductible. This was announced at a press conference by Energy Minister Andrey Zhivkov. The money from the plan will be used after project tenders. Minister Zhivkov is about to issue an order to assign certain electricity quotas to TPP Maritsa East 2, which the plant will produce for the regulated market. However, he could not answer whether this would not lead to a greater than the projected rise in electricity prices for households from July 1. According to a report of the EWRC, the price of electricity should increase by between 2 and 4 percent.
Source: Trud (21.06.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2021 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 25.06.2021 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 23.06.2021 (Ex Date: 24.06.2021).
Source: BSE (23.06.2021)
TPP Maritsa East 2 with a quota of 1 million MWh for the regulated market TPP Maritsa East 2 will have a total annual quota for electricity production of 1 million MWh for the next regulatory period July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. The Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov signed an order that determines this quantity for compulsory purchase by the public supplier for the regulated market. The order was issued on the grounds of Art. 4, para. 2, item 8 of the Energy Act and Art. 25, para. 4 of the Administration Act. It is motivated by the implementation of item 2 of a decision of the National Assembly of 31 January 2020, which obliges the Council of Ministers to take all necessary measures to prevent termination or limitation of the production capacity of coal-fired power plants from the group of Bulgarian Energy Holding. The Ministry of Energy has received opinions from the executive directors of National Electric Company EAD and Electricity System Operator on the need to ensure reliable operation, security and sustainability of the country's electricity system, which necessitates maintaining the efficiency of TPPs. Maritsa East 2.
Source: Trud (29.06.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (05.07.2021)
The construction of Balkan Stream has been completed The Serbian company Srbijagas and the Hungarian FGSZ connected the pipes of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline to the border with Hungary, RTS reported. In the future, gas will pass through it from Turkey to Central Europe through Bulgaria and Serbia. The first quantities of transit gas for Central Europe are expected on October 1. In this industry, connecting two pipes that come from two different countries is called a golden connection. When it comes to the golden connection, it means the project is nearing completion and gas supplies will begin soon, explained Ferenc Szabolcs, chairman of the FGSZ board. Srbijagas General Manager Dusan Bayatovic said it put an end to years of efforts by the country to finally resolve the issue of gas supplies from another source, not just Ukraine. Bulgaria has invested between BGN 2 and 3 billion for the construction of its part of Balkan Stream. The gas that will pass through it will be almost entirely Russian, which means that its role in diversifying energy sources for the country will be virtually zero. The servicing of the loans taken for the construction of the pipeline on Bulgarian territory will weigh on the Bulgarian taxpayers for many years. In addition, the pipeline will be used only for gas transit from Turkey to Serbia, but not for gas supply to customers in northwestern Bulgaria.
Source: Sega (05.07.2021)
BEH is considering asking for a capital share of Toplofikacia Sofia in exchange for debt Bulgarian Energy Holding is seriously considering solving the problem of gas debts of Toplofikacia Sofia by acquiring property against its obligations. This was said by the executive director of the state company Valentin Nikolov. However, the report, funded free of charge by the US Trade and Development Agency, is awaited, which should recommend measures for the rehabilitation and modernization of Toplofikacia Sofia, Nikolov said. According to him, the entry of the state with a share in the heat supply company is the only way to settle the debts, and as a shareholder the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) can offer an investment program for the development of the company. The municipal district heating company owes BEH BGN 760 million debts of the heating company purchased over the years for gas supplied by the holding's subsidiary Bulgargaz, announced in early June the caretaker Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov. Separately is the new debt of nearly BGN 80 million accumulated since the end of last year to the gas supplier, which may again be subject of lawsuits by Bulgargaz.
Source: (05.07.2021)
BEH will introduce innovations in the Bulgarian energy sector Working group 'Innovations in Energy' was established in the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) by order of the Executive Director Valentin Nikolov. The aim is to enhance the innovation potential of energy companies in Bulgaria, the holding said in a statement. The main focus is on the introduction of innovative energy technologies, digitalization and ensuring a smooth energy transition to the use of clean and low carbon energy. The format should identify appropriate project ideas and will assist in the preparation of project proposals to funding institutions and organizations for the implementation of energy innovations and research in order to achieve competitiveness and high added value in the energy sector in the country. The working group includes representatives of the energy companies from the BEH group, providing for the involvement of stakeholders involved in national, European and international ecosystems, in order to exchange experience, expertise, knowledge, good practices and know-how in the field of energy innovation.
Source: (12.07.2021)
Moody's assigns Ba2 rating to Bulgarian Energy Holding's senior unsecured bonds Moody's Investors Service said on Monday it assigned a Ba2 long-term debt rating to the senior unsecured bonds to be issued by state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). BEH's outlook is stable, Moody's Investors Service said in a statement. For the financial year 2020, Bulgarian Energy Holding reported consolidated total revenues of BGN 5.6 billion and EBITDA of BGN 898 million. The Ba2 rating assigned to the new bonds is in line with that of the existing bonds of BEH, reflecting their senior unsecured ranking. The issuance amount is expected to be EUR 600 million but execution is subject to market conditions. Moody's expects the proceeds of the issuance to be largely used to repay the company's outstanding EUR 550 million bond which matures on 2 August 2021. BEH has a corporate family rating of Ba1, which is underpinned by growing income from the liberalized power market, given its competitive generation mix featuring high output from low-variable cost nuclear and hydro power; by significant earnings from regulated electricity and gas grid operations; and by a history of relatively low investment expenditures and dividend restraint from BEH's 100% owner, the Government of Bulgaria (Baa1 stable).
Source: SeeNews (13.07.2021)
Bulgartransgaz has joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance The state-owned gas operator Bulgartransgaz became a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, in which more than half of European gas transmission operators participate to co-operate in the implementation of hydrogen as a clean and carbon-free fuel. This was announced by the company, which already has plans to build a pipeline to transport alternatives to natural gas such as biogas and hydrogen to the Maritza Iztok complex, where coal power plants intend to receive a European subsidy for transformation to gas, and then to hydrogen. The initiative to establish the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was launched in July 2020 by the European Commission as part of the implementation of the objectives and priorities set in the European Strategy for the Use of Hydrogen and the new Strategy for Industry. The organization must help meet the EU's climate and energy goals for a climate-neutral economy by 2050. The alliance plans to build an investment channel for large-scale production and support for the demand for clean hydrogen in the EU. The ambition is to widely implement hydrogen technologies by 2030, promoting the production of low-carbon and green hydrogen, as well as its transport and distribution. The initiative involves 23 of the 45 European transmission operators that are members of the European organization ENTSOG, including: Bayernets, Conexus Baltic Grid, DESFA, Energinet, Enag?s, ustream, Fluxys, Gasunie, GRTgaz, Gas Connect Austria, GAS-SYSTEM,GASCADE Gastransport, Gas Networks Ireland, NET4GAS, Nowega, REN Gasodutos, OGE, ONTRANS, Plinacro, Snam, TRANSGAZ, Ter?ga, Thyssengas Elering. Bulgartransgaz joined them on July 13.
Source: (15.07.2021)
BEH issues EUR 600 million in Eurobonds to repay old debts The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has managed to successfully place its fourth bond issue in the amount of EUR 600 million at an annual interest rate of 2.45%.The proceeds from the newly issued bonds will be used to refinance the 2016 issue, amounting to EUR 550 million and with an interest rate of 4.875%, maturing in August 2021. The remaining funds will be used for "general corporate purposes", but explicitly states that coal - related activities will not be included. This is important because in recent years BEH has purchased for TPP Maritsa East 2 the necessary carbon allowances (which were formally entered as debt, which was then capitalized) in the amount of over BGN 300 million. If the holding now does not have cash (dividends from state-owned companies are much less and instead of BGN 584 million, as it was in 2019, BEH's profit for 2020 is only BGN 3 million) it is very likely that problems will arise for TPPs as well. The holding points out that there was extremely high interest from investors, as the bond was re-subscribed 2.3 times. The lowest interest rate since BEH played on international financial markets was also achieved. The issue was placed on July 15, and on the same day BEH reached a 7-year maturity of Eurobonds, which will occur in August 2028.
Source: Capital (19.07.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (26.07.2021)
The dismissal of the management of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD creates an impossibility to make a payment on a bond issue maturing on 02.08.2021 in the amount of EUR 550 million. This is stated in a press release of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). As it is known earlier today, the Minister of Energy from the caretaker cabinet Andrey Zhivkov released the management of the holding. Just a few days ago, on July 15, BEH placed its fourth issue of Eurobonds in the amount of EUR 600 million at an annual interest rate of 2.45%. Now the energy holding is commenting that the dismissal of the management actually threatens the deal. Today, with a decision under Protocol -26--456 of 23.07.2021 of the Minister of Energy, the members of the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) are dismissed, as it is explicitly mentioned that from the date of issuance of the above-mentioned protocol, their powers under the contracts for assignment of management shall be terminated.
Source: 24 chasa (26.07.2021)
After the business revolt over electricity prices, the ministry and BEH explained After the position of the Association of Bulgarian Employers' Organizations, sent to Prime Minister Stefan Yanev and their warning that they are suspending proceedings due to record electricity prices and that they are going to a national protest, the Ministry of Energy announced that from August 3, it was launched at full capacity. third unit of TPP "Maritsa East 2" - 210 megawatts (standard so far it worked with two units - one to cover the production of the allocated quota of 1 million megawatt hours of electricity for the regulated market and the second - for the free market). The amount of electricity produced is sold on the Day Ahead market of the Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange. As a result of this inclusion, the price of the day ahead segment of the IBEX is already BGN 258 / MWh, which is a decrease of about BGN 70 compared to yesterday values.
Source: 24 chasa (05.08.2021)
The state-owned TPP will launch a fifth unit tomorrow to influence electricity prices on the stock exchange TPP Maritsa East 2 launches another unit, so the operating units become five. The other three are undergoing major repairs. Two units in the US-owned ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 are also under repair, and after its completion, its capacity will be traded on the free market. The Bulgarian Energy Holding leaked this information to the media after a working meeting of the subsidiaries in the group. It was also attended by Deputy Minister of Energy Miroslav Damyanov and Chairman of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission Ivan Ivanov. The possibilities for reaction on the part of the state-owned companies in the conditions of the rising electricity prices on the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange were discussed. The state power plant has also published three tenders for the sale of electricity, which will be held tomorrow - for the period 16.08.2021 - 22.08.2021 - 150 megawatts, for 23.08.2021 - 29.08.2021 - 150 megawatts and for September for 150 megawatts. BEH reports that in the first 9 days of August the average daily consumption of final suppliers exceeds that set in the EWRC decision by 5984 mWh. To compensate for this overrun, the National Electricity Company uses more energy from the plants with long-term contracts - TPP AES-3C Maritza East 1 and TPP ContourGlobal Maritza East 3, providing full utilization of all operating units, after securing of the required reserve for the electricity system. Currently, two of the units in TPP ContourGlobal Maritsa East 3 are under annual planned repairs, agreed between NEK, the plant and the Electricity System Operator. The operation of NEK's HPP is in compliance with the allocated quotas for water consumption by the MoEW and the same is within the set limits. An invitation to participate in the meeting was also extended to employers' organizations in order to create a dialogue and seek workable solutions. According to "24 Chasa", the employers did not appear at the meeting.
Source: 24 chasa (10.08.2021)
Enterprises fall into a liquidity crisis and close due to expensive electricity The Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers (BFIEC), Konstantin Stamenov, commented on the high price of electricity. "Unfortunately, we have held the leading position since the beginning of August, excluding the traditionally expensive market in Greece. Compared to Germany, our main export partner, the difference is 76% higher price in Bulgaria", explained Stamenov. The actions of TPP Maritsa East 2, which has already launched 4 power units and increased the amount produced for the free market to normalize the price of electricity for business, do not satisfy the Chairman of the Board of BFIEC. "Business consumers in the country overpaid BGN 64 million due to artificially maintained deficit and market manipulation in the period July 27 - August 9. In a year when we are trying to overcome the negatives of the pandemic. I expect companies to fall into a liquidity crisis and join those that stopped working last week. I'm afraid these are base capacities and the shutdown could destabilize the entire power system. Not only the energy-intensive industry has suffered, but also the medium and small businesses, which will see their invoices in September," Stamenov commented. Prices for August 9 are BGN 303 / MWh for base power and refuted the claim of the Ministry of Energy that with the launch of the third unit, they fell by BGN 70 / MWh.
Source: (10.08.2021)
The employers gave BEH and TPP "Maritsa East 2" to Geshev The four nationally represented employers' organizations - BICA, CEIBG, BIA and BCCI - submitted a signal to the Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev for a crime of a general nature committed by the management of BEH and TPP "Maritsa East 2". The business believes that the two state-owned companies deliberately keep the liquidity of the energy system low, which harms the interest of the state and its company TPP "Maritsa East 2", as well as electricity consumers - industrial enterprises, hospitals, schools, municipal and state administrations. and others. "Once again, Bulgarian citizens and Bulgarian businesses will pay for the irresponsibility and mismanagement that has become a practice in Bulgarian state-owned companies, including and especially in the energy sector," the signal from employers' organizations said. According to them, the grounds for referring to the prosecutor's office are established data, allowing to make a reasonable assumption of a crime of a general nature, which with its size and scope threatens the economy and national security of the Republic of Bulgaria.
Source: (16.08.2021)
Expensive electricity is threatening with bankruptcy the water operators Expensive electricity is also threatening water supply and sewerage companies. The management of the Bulgarian Water and Sewerage Holding warned the deputies about this. The critically high electricity costs of the water and sewerage operators for July and August drastically deplete their financial reserves, said Asya Stoyanova, chairwoman of the Water and Sewerage Holding's Management Board before the temporary parliamentary commission on the revision of GERB's government in the parliament, headed by Maya Manolova. The electricity bills of the water supply and sewerage operators have increased between two and three times in July. Record high invoices are expected for August as well, warned the management of the Holding. Water and sewerage operators buy electricity on the free market, and the price of water for end customers is regulated. In recent months, the price of electricity has risen sharply, forcing businesses to shut down. State railways also complained about high prices. At the meeting of the Audit Commission of Boyko Borissov's management were heard the managements of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), the employers' organizations and trade unions, BEH, ESO, NEK, Kozloduy NPP, TPP Maritsa-East 2 and others.
Source: (25.08.2021)
Due to expensive electricity, business overpaid BGN 53 million The business paid BGN 53 million more for electricity due to the strong variation in the prices of the energy exchange from July 27 to the beginning of August, as it reached BGN 330 per megawatt hour. This is shown by data from employers' organizations, which were presented at a meeting of the Audit Committee in Parliament. The managements of the state energy companies, the Independent Bulgarian Electricity Exchange (IBEX) and the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission were heard at it. According to business, one of the reasons for the sharp rise in exchange electricity prices in the Day Ahead segment was that the IBEX joined the market union of Greece without waiting for the union with Romania, which would allow trading much more electricity across borders, therefore lower prices. According to the executive director of the exchange Konstantin Konstantinov, however, market combinations do not affect prices - they only facilitate trade and make efficient use of cross-border network transmission capacity. The MPs also asked why at the beginning of the sharp rise in exchange prices an artificial deficit was created by the state TPP Maritsa East 2, which worked with only one unit. Its director, Zhivko Dinchev, justified by saying that many of the plant's units were under repair. In addition, the plant produces basic electricity, which has nothing to do with the electricity traded in the Day Ahead segment. According to BEH Executive Director Valentin Nikolov, there are ways to help businesses, one of which is to return some of the money through carbon emissions. He also responded to accusations that expensive electricity is sold in Bulgaria and cheap electricity is exported, saying that this is how the deficit in the region is satisfied, because there is no deficit in Bulgaria.
Source: Trud (26.08.2021)
TPP Varna received BGN 20 million for cold reserve from the state in 2020 TPP Varna has received BGN 20 million from the state for a cold reserve. This happened by a tender by the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for the period January 1 - July 31, 2020. Since the beginning of this year, the system operator has paid BGN 10.5 million to the plant for balancing energy. The information was given by the caretaker Minister Andrey Zhivkov to a question of the MPS from "Democratic Bulgaria" Martin Dimitrov and Stella Nikolova. They requested information about the amounts that the plant received last year and within the first seven months of 2021. With changes in the Energy Act since 2020, the cold reserve is distributed according to a new methodology and market principle. As part of the measures to save the TPP Maritsa East 2, the former government had identified the state power plant as the only source of cold reserve for the energy system. Legislative changes were made urgently in mid-July after suspicions of abuse of cold reserve tenders arose. According to allegations, one of those involved is TPP Varna.
Source: (27.08.2021)
The use of another natural gas supply point has been agreed with the Azerbaijani supplier The contract for the supply of natural gas from Azerbaijan and the documents on its implementation envisage Bulgargaz to receive the supplies at the Komotini point in Greece, BTA reports. This is the connecting point between the Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and the Greece-Bulgaria Interconnection (IGB), through which natural gas is expected to reach Bulgaria. This is stated in the position of Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) regarding the supply of natural gas from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria. The contract does not provide for the right of the Bulgarian side to unilaterally determine or change the delivery point, which means that a temporary change in the delivery point requires the consent of the Azeri supplier. Due to the ongoing construction of the interconnection, Komotini point was not put into operation as of the date of commencement of deliveries under the contract - 31 December 2020 and is expected to be put into operation in mid-2022. This has necessitated negotiations with the Azerbaijani supplier, as a result of which an agreement was reached for temporary use of another delivery point on the territory of Greece and transmission of natural gas to Bulgaria on an alternative route for the period from 31 December 2020 to 30 September 2021. The possible quantities of natural gas were agreed with the Azerbaijani side, as well as the conditions under which they would be delivered to the temporary point. The free capacities, the applicable procedures and the trade conditions of all gas pipeline systems through which the natural gas passes on the alternative route to the Bulgarian gas transmission system were taken into account. Similar negotiations to reach an agreement are currently underway with regard to supplies for the period October 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022, according to BEH. BEH expects the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection to be put into commercial operation within the deadline announced by the project company by July 1, 2022, which will allow the full volume of Azeri gas supplies to reach Bulgaria under the terms of the contract. The Holding continues to provide financial and other support to its subsidiaries, in compliance with their operational independence - as a shareholder in ICGB AD - to complete the construction of the interconnection as soon as possible and to extend the temporary agreements for receiving natural gas from Azerbaijan until its completion, including as a guarantor for the obligations of BEH EAD under the issued bank guarantee to ensure the fulfillment of its obligations under the contract.
Source: 24 chasa (31.08.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (01.09.2021)
BEH: Sofia District Heating owes us nearly BGN 700 million Toplofikacia Sofia's debt to the Bulgarian Energy Holding amounts to nearly BGN 700 million, and since March the Sofia-based company has not transferred money to repay even the interest on them. This was stated for BNR by the executive director of BEH Valentin Nikolov. Over the years, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has repeatedly bought the debt of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz, but currently such an opportunity is not envisaged. A possible increase in the price of heating by 20%, as required by district heating due to the gas jump, also cannot solve the problem, said Valentin Nikolov. "Even if they increase the price by 20%, which I hope will not happen, it will solve the problem with their current obligations, not with past ones." According to Nikolov, granting a low-interest loan by the municipality or the state is an option to deal with the situation. "Since Sofia also has a good rating, the credit rating of the state is also good, they can provide a loan to Toplofikacia Sofia so that it can service the loans that are with us. In order for it to be able to realize its investment program later. The director of BEH believes that district heating as it is now cannot service its current liabilities, let alone the accumulated liabilities over the years. "Even interest has not been paid since March. They want renegotiation - well, we will sit down and renegotiate, but this in no way solves the problem, "said Valentin Nikolov.
Source: Sega (03.09.2021)
Toplofikacia Sofia again demanded a price increase Toplofikacia Sofia has again submitted an application for revision of the price of heating in the EWRC. Earlier, the company sent two letters to the regulator, but there was no response. This is the second request of the district heating company for higher prices. The first was submitted in August and a price increase was required from September. The EWRC did not comment on the application, but reiterated that according to the regulations, the price of heating can be changed once every six months, ie from January 1. Even if a change in the regulation on the pricing of thermal energy begins, it will take months. Due to the record high prices of natural gas, Toplofikacia Sofia could not raise money and pay Bulgargaz. The head of the gas company Nikolay Pavlov said that Bulgargaz has filed a second lawsuit against Toplofikacia Sofia, this time claiming BGN 54 million. The arrears of the capital's heating company for natural gas are BGN 105 million, he said. The purpose of the lawsuit was to secure Bulgargaz's cash flows so that it could pay in advance to the Russian and Azeri suppliers.
Source: 24 chasa (27.09.2021)
BEH: All power plants currently produce electricity. The companies are ready for winter The companies are ready for the winter. At the moment, all the installations in the country that produce electricity are working at full capacity and actions must be taken to ensure stocks in unfavorable winter climatic conditions. Record levels of exports of about 2,000 megawatts per hour from Bulgaria to countries in the region. This was the subject of a debate during a working meeting of the management of the Bulgarian Energy Holding and the energy companies in the group. The readiness of the energy sites for the winter season was discussed at it, BEH announced. Among the priorities of the state energy sector is the planning and forecasting of gas supplies and the production of electricity needed to meet the needs of the Bulgarian economy and consumers. There must also be better predictability on the part of licensed suppliers to reserve the quantities they need in a timely manner. According to the schedule for injection, storage and extraction under the Emergency Action Plan by the end of the injection season in UGS Chiren will be injected and more gas will be extracted during the winter months, which will contribute to lowering the regulated price. During the discussion, the current and upcoming planned repair activities were presented in order to coordinate the processes and ensure sufficient capacity for the needs of the Bulgarian energy market. All necessary measures related to the preparation of the enterprises of the BEH group for the winter season have been carried out, as the energy system is ready and the companies are in very good condition.
Source: 24 chasa (29.09.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Updated semi-annual report as of 30 June 2021 on the compliance with the obligations of Bulgarian Energy Holding under the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116 The report can be found on the financial website X3News.
Source: BSE (20.10.2021)
BEH wants to acquire Toplofikacia Sofia The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) wants to acquire part or even the entire Toplofikacia Sofia, which is currently municipal property. The reason is that during the last decade the company has been managed very poorly and has not stopped accumulating debts to Bulgargaz, which are then bought by BEH. Thus, the company will actually become state-owned again, after it was given to the municipality in 2010. It is not yet clear what percentage of the ownership BEH will acquire, but due to the large liabilities of Toplofikacia Sofia, the ownership can be changed without the approval of the Sofia Municipality. The executive director of BEH and former GERB MP Valentin Nikolov confirmed the poor management of Sofia Municipality and announced that currently the district heating company owes it nearly BGN 720 million, and another cession for BGN 131 million will take place in the coming days, with which BEH will buy part of the overdue liabilities of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz. Nikolov explained that the principal of the district heating company - Sofia Municipality, has expressed a negative opinion about the next cession of debts, as it insists on gratuitous state aid. However, Deputy Energy Minister Miroslav Damyanov explained that at the moment the state has not provided measures to support businesses for the high price of gas, but only for electricity.
Source: (26.10.2021)
Bulgartransgaz can pay for its gas pipelines Bulgartransgaz can service its loans for Balkan Stream and pay off the contractors, moreover - implement its investment program. It includes the expansion of the Chiren storage facility, the connection with Serbia, the participation in the liquefied gas terminal at Alexandroupolis, the expansion of the infrastructure. The conclusions are from a report adopted by the EWRC, which examined the danger of over-indebtedness of the gas transmission operator. The inspection was appointed after a report by the regulator to the Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov that Bulgartransgaz had concluded contracts with the contractors of Balkan Stream - Arkad and Ferrostal Balkangaz, and with the creditor banks, without requesting the EWRC's consent. This was the reason for the minister to request resignations from Bulgartransgaz, which was not approved by the supervisory board. That is why he then demanded the dismissal of the BEH managers. EWRC fined the gas operator BGN 427,000. The report shows that Bulgartransgaz's money will increase fourfold from 2021 to 2030 and the company can pay the contractors and creditors. The document also focuses on the advance payment of BGN 683 million in fees from Gazprom Export by the middle of 2023. With them, the gas operator has paid BGN 461 million to Arad, which saves over BGN 80 million.
Source: 24 chasa (27.10.2021)
BEH took over the debt of BGN 121 million of Toplofikacia Sofia to Bulgargaz The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has assumed Toplofikacia Sofia's debt of BGN 121 million to Bulgargaz This was announced by the executive director of the gas company Nikolay Pavlov at a meeting of the energy regulator, quoted by BNR. The information was confirmed for "Capital" by the executive director of the holding Valentin Nikolov, who specified that the money has already been transferred. According to Pavlov, the signed contract for cession between Bulgargaz and BEH guarantees the supply of natural gas for November, but a longer-term solution is needed so that the district heating company can pay its obligations regularly.
Source: Capital (29.10.2021)
BEH signed a memorandum with an US construction corporation A memorandum of cooperation was signed between Bulgarian Energy Holding SPJSC and the US corporation Fluor. It was signed by the executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding Valentin Nikolov and Frank Dishon, a representative of Fluor. The document is for the exchange of information and preliminary assistance in connection with the transition of Bulgaria to zero-emission energy and the implementation of the objectives for a sustainable and reliable electricity system. In this way, BEH expands its portfolio of partnerships with the most renowned global energy companies in the context of pan-European and national goals and priorities for the transition to a low-carbon economy. The ceremony was attended by Deputy Minister of Energy Miroslav Damyanov and Executive Director of Kozloduy NPP - New Builds, Lyuben Marinov.
Source: 24 chasa (29.10.2021)
The construction of the Belene NPP will cost BGN 10 billion Despite the changes in prices, the construction of the Belene NPP will cost about BGN 10 billion, because the main equipment for the plant has been purchased. This was said in an interview with BTA by the chairman of "Bulatom" Bogomil Manchev. He said if the equipment had been bought now, the nuclear power plant would have cost twice as much. He noted that copper is still more expensive at the moment. In every power plant that produces electricity, about 25% are cables and rotating mechanisms, and there is a lot of copper. Therefore, it is possible to increase the price a little more than these BGN 10 billion, but not much. Regarding the cost of the construction of Units 7 and 8 of Kozloduy NPP, nothing in particular can be said, because the process has not yet begun. The site of Unit 7 is completely new to the European community. Everything has to start all over again. The Belene NPP project cannot be adapted for Unit 7.
Source: 24 chasa (01.11.2021)
22 Bulgarian companies are among the largest 500 in Eastern Europe 22 Bulgarian companies rank into this year's TOP 500 of the largest companies in Central and Eastern Europe, which for the 13th year is prepared by the international credit insurance and risk management agency Coface. For comparison, in the previous year Bulgaria was represented in the TOP 500 in CEE with 18 companies. Now the total turnover of the 22 largest Bulgarian companies is EUR 20.748 billion (according to financial statements for 2020) and so the country ranks 7th. Bulgarian companies that rank in the TOP 500 are mainly from the chemical, oil and pharmaceutical industries, along with financial, information and telecommunications services. For another year, the largest Bulgarian company is Bulgarian Energy Holding, which ranks 34th with a turnover in 2020 of EUR 2.861 billion and a profit of EUR 80 million. The second largest Bulgarian company is the metallurgical Aurubis Bulgaria - in 38th place, with 12% sales growth to EUR 2.7 billion and a profit of 135 million euros. LUKoil Neftochim dropped to 111th place (38th last year).
Source: Sega (12.11.2021)
EC left 4 Bulgarian gas projects on its priority list The European Commission published the Fifth List of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) with Bulgarian participation. It is clear from the document that the four gas ventures remain in it - three of Bulgartransgaz and one of ICGB. They are all part of the North-South Corridor between the gas transmission networks in Central Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. As was the case with the fourth list, published in March 2020, the following are now identified as priorities for Brussels: Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnection, known as IGB, between Komotini (Greece) and Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) and Kipi compressor station (Greece); Rehabilitation, modernization and expansion of the Bulgarian gas transmission system; Interconnection gas connection Bulgaria - Serbia, IBS; Expansion of the capacity of Chiren UGS. The first of these projects is implemented by the joint investment company ICGB JSC, which is the owner of the project and future owner of the pipeline, as the share of Bulgarian Energy Holding is 50% and the other share of 50% is owned by the Greek-Italian company IGI Poseidon (50% DEPA SA; 50% Edison SpA). The other three belong to Bulgartransgaz. By including a project in the list of projects of "common interest", the European Commission has identified it as an investment of particular importance for security and diversification of natural gas supplies in Europe, as well as for building an integrated and competitive market. The EU-wide list of PCIs has been updated every nearly two years since 2013. All PCIs are subject to streamlined authorization and regulatory procedures and are eligible for financial support under the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
Source: (25.11.2021)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (01.12.2021)
Kozloduy NPP reports a record BGN 717.5 million profit for the first nine months While some are losing out because of rising electricity prices, others, such as electricity producers, are gaining. This is most clearly seen at Kozloduy NPP, whose production costs are relatively low and constant (due to the long-paid investment in the plant), and the energy it sells on the stock exchange has risen sharply in recent months. Thus, although record electricity prices were registered in November, and October is 50% more expensive than in September, the NPP's interim financial report at the end of the nine months is still impressive. With equal production of electricity, revenues increased by over 70% on an annual basis - up to BGN 1.57 billion. However, the profit was almost three times higher - from BGN 245 million it increased to BGN 717.5 million. But much of that money doesn't stay at headquarters. The NPP's surplus profit, which significantly exceeds the forecast estimates, is literally taken away from the state in order to compensate the business for the expensive electricity with BGN 110 / mWh in October and November. It is clear from the report that a dividend of BGN 138 million was paid to BEH, which was deducted from the profit for 2020, and at the same time an additional dividend of BGN 470 million was paid - in February BGN 220 million. at the expense of the Other Reserves Fund and in August BGN 250 million at the expense of retained earnings from previous years and the Other Reserves Fund.
Source: Capital (01.12.2021)
BEH hinders Bulgaria's Recovery Plan The European Commission has made 43 recommendations to Bulgaria's Recovery and Sustainability Plan, but according to Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs Atanas Pekanov, this is not surprising or worrying. Despite the seemingly large number of remarks, Pekanov said there were two major issues in the recommendations made by Brussels. "The EC is pushing for more reforms. One of the important parts is the reform of the Bulgarian Energy Holding - something that the caretaker cabinet cannot take on as a commitment now," Pekanov explained. The problem of the European Commission is that there is no guarantee in the Plan that if there is cross-subsidization (between individual companies) within the Bulgarian Energy Holding, it should be subject only to the objectives of the green transition (editor note - which means, for example, that TPP Maritza East 2 should not be supported). Pekanov told lawmakers that the caretaker government could not provide such a guarantee. "We will defend this position. Ultimately, these are recommendations from the European Commission, but if the ministry thinks this is not the right option, it does not need to accept them. It does not have to accept every feedback", Pekanov commented. According to the Sega newspaper, which has a copy of the letter from the ECFIN directorate to the caretaker Deputy Prime Minister, energy measures are indeed one of Brussels' main remarks. The argument is that the goals and the set reforms are not specific and definite enough, and that they are not tied to a schedule. The EC also notes that there are no guarantees that Bulgaria will not allow double funding - ie. for the same project to use funds from both the operational programs and the EU reconstruction fund.
Source: (10.12.2021)
There is interest in Beroe's shares, to be considered "There is an interest in the shares of the professional football club Beroe. We need a few days to check which of the declared interests is serious and which - not, to decide how to proceed." This was officially answered to a question of the newspaper "24 Chasa" by the management of the state TPP Maritsa East 2 through its press center. The headquarters holds the 50 thousand shares of the club announced for sale, the price of which is about BGN 5 million. The deadline for bids of potential new investors expired on January 9. The shares were announced for sale immediately after the BEH board decided that from December 23 last year the TPP stops financing Beroe. It has been doing this since September 2011, with the annual budget of the Stara Zagora club being nearly BGN 6 million, of which BGN 5 million was provided by the state heating plant. Earlier, the president of the club Ilko Rusev, an employee of TPP Maritsa East 2, did not rule out the possibility that if necessary the shares will be given to a new potential investor for BGN 1. He added that Beroe's debts currently amount to BGN 1.1 million.
Source: 24 chasa (11.01.2022)
If the connection with Greece does not start by July 1, we will face sanctions Bulgargaz expects the gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece to be put into operation without further delay on July 1 at the latest, so that the country can receive the quantities of gas agreed with Azerbaijan in full. This is stated in the company's position. They clarify that if this does not happen, there will be a risk that the Azerbaijani company will activate the penal clause under the Agreement and use the bank guarantee provided by Bulgargaz and BEH in a significant amount. We present the whole position: "Regarding the agreements on receiving Azerbaijani gas on a temporary alternative gas pipeline in Greece, which are discussed in public, Bulgargaz considers it necessary to inform the public as follows: After the start date of deliveries from Azerbaijan ( 31.12.2020) the agreed supply route, the gas connection Greece - Bulgaria (IGB gas pipeline), was not built, Bulgargaz was put in a position not only unable to receive gas under the Agreement, but also to pay sanctions under penal clause. Bulgargaz had no choice but to negotiate with the Azerbaijani side and seek the best possible interim solution.
Source: Banker (17.01.2022)
BEH moved the headquarters of Mini Maritsa Iztok from Radnevo to Sofia BEH moved the headquarters of Mini Maritsa Iztok SPJSC from Radnevo to Sofia. The decision was taken by the 6 out of 7 members of BEH. It also provides for a new statute of the company. The Board of Directors of BEH instructs the Executive Director of Mini Maritsa Iztok, Todor Todorov, to take the necessary actions to register the changes and a new statute of the company. The two unions in the company - CITUB and Podkrepa, in which over 90% of employees are members, have prepared a protest declaration, which will be sent to BEH, the Ministry of Energy and all other responsible institutions, the chairman of CITUB in the coal company said. "The relocation of the company's headquarters in Sofia is madness. We understand from this decision that the management will be moved to Sofia. If this is not the case, it would be appropriate for someone to explain to us what this is all about."
Source: Other (24.01.2022)
The entire board of Bulgargaz was fired on Friday On Friday, the board of directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding released the entire board of directors of Bulgargaz. Despite the late hour and the end of the working day, the documents were submitted for registration in the Commercial Register. The executive director of the gas company Nikolay Angelov Pavlov and the other members of the board were released. For more than a month, there has been a struggle in the gas industry, which the Minister of Energy Alexander Nikolov has joined, according to whom not everything possible was done to take all quantities of Azeri gas on an alternative route to the unbuilt gas connection with Greece.
Source: 24 chasa (31.01.2022)
The shares of Beroe were transferred for BGN 1 The current owner of PFC Beroe, the state-owned Maritza East 2 TPP, transferred the club's shares to the non-profit association Football Support Association - Beroe for BGN 1 on Friday, the association confirmed. This became possible after a decision of the BEH leadership, which meets on Wednesday in Radnevo. Officially, the shares are worth BGN 5,480,000. The club passes into the hands of the association with cleared debts to the National Revenue Agency and the municipality of Stara Zagora, but with unpaid salaries for January of football players, coaches and employees. On Monday, the nine members of the Beroe Football Support Association will meet to elect a board of directors of the football club and its chairman.
Source: 24 chasa (28.02.2022)
Sofia's central heating short by BGN 413 million due to gas prices Due to the unprecedentedly higher real prices compared to the forecast in the price decision of the EWRC, by the end of March 2022 Toplofikacia Sofia will have short-term uncollected revenue of BGN 413 million. This was announced at a meeting between the company's management and unions , announced by the Sofia-based company. As a result of the moratorium on heat prices and the premium that the company receives from the Security System of the Electricity System, a huge liquidity shortage is formed, increasing liabilities to Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Bulgargaz.
Source: 24 chasa (17.03.2022)
The government has agreed to break up BEH The government will respond to the long-standing demands of the European Commission and will take out two of the state-owned enterprises from the Bulgarian Energy Holding. This reform is set by the latest changes to the Recovery and Sustainability Plan approved by the Commission. The changes were not announced in advance, but they were probably part of Brussels' conditions to support the document. These are the two operators of the natural gas and electricity transmission systems - Bulgartransgaz and the Electricity System Operator (ESO). According to the explanations in the Plan, the goal is to improve the transparency and competitiveness of state-owned companies in the energy sector. They will be established as separate public enterprises with 100% state ownership of capital and the Ministry of Energy. In addition, an "independent audit report" will be presented to the European Commission to present a detailed assessment of market compliance on cross-subsidization (so-called cross-subsidization) between state-owned or state-controlled energy companies in terms of electricity generation by coal.
Source: (08.04.2022)
NEK returns earlier the loan of EUR 600 million for the Belene NPP case The National Electric Company (NEK) will repay the loan granted to it by the state by April 15, 2022 to pay the amounts awarded in the arbitration case with Atomstroyexport for the equipment produced for the unbuilt Belene NPP. This was decided by the Council of Ministers at today's meeting, postponing the deadline from its previous decision by 15 days. Thus, instead of until December 2023, as was the original term, the money amounting to nearly BGN 1.177 billion (equivalent to EUR 601.6 million) will be repaid to the state by mid-April 2022. Early repayment of the loan becomes possible, after the National Electricity Company accumulated significant financial resources due to rising energy prices. Atomstroyexport filed a lawsuit against NEK in 2016 in the Geneva Arbitration Court for the ordered equipment for the suspended Belene NPP project. As a result of the court decision, NEK paid the equipment supplier EUR 601.6 million. In January 2021 the intention was announced that the reactors intended for the Belene NPP project would be transferred for the construction of the seventh unit of the Kozloduy NPP on the second site. In October 2020, the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) decided to enter into negotiations with the United States for the development of new nuclear projects and specifically to study the possibilities for construction of nuclear site No. 2 at Kozloduy NPP. Bulgaria's energy strategy until 2030 also envisages the construction of 2,000 megawatts of new nuclear power. At the same time, in June 2018, the National Assembly officially unfroze the 30-year-old project for the second nuclear power plant in Bulgaria - Belene.
Source: (14.04.2022)
Gas connection with Greece completed 92% The gas connection with Greece is 92% complete and will be operational for the new heating season, Teodora Georgieva, executive director of ICGB on the Bulgarian side, said. The construction of the gas metering stations in Stara Zagora and Komotini remains to be completed, hydro tests and certification, after which 3 billion cubic meters of blue fuel will pass through the pipeline - enough to meet the country's needs. "To date, the project is 92% built. The entire linear part is completed. The pipes are welded, laid. Hydro tests have been successfully completed and the route is backfilled. Reclamation is already underway. Builders are restoring the topsoil so that the land can be cultivated again. In short, the hydro-tests were performed on the linear part and on the crane units, which were late and came to us in February, but are already hydro-tested. What we have left to hydrotest are the two heating stations - Stara Zagora and Komotini, which we expect to be completed by the end of June," Georgieva said.
Source: (28.04.2022)
Bulgaria, Westinghouse agree to implement energy storage project State-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Stone&Webster, a unit of US nuclear power technology provider Westinghouse Electric, to implement a long-duration energy storage (LDES) project. The companies will collaborate on the installation of two grid-scale pumped thermal energy storage (PTES) units which can provide 2 GWh of sustainable energy storage. The new energy storage facility will improve power grid resilience, while supporting renewable electricity generation, in addition to potentially offsetting up to 700,000 metric tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per year. Westinghouse, which has developed the PTES technology, said in a statement it has partnered with US power plant equipment supplier Echogen Power Systems to meet the demand for LDES. The project is seen as a means to enhance Bulgaria's energy security and ensure economic support for clean energy generation, whilst aiding Bulgaria to play a role in emission reduction under European Green Deal targets. The PTES solution can deliver at least 10 hours of reliable energy storage to manage fluctuations in power supply and demand.
Source: SeeNews (10.05.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (01.06.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2022 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 27.06.2022 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 23.06.2022 (Ex Date: 24.06.2022).
Source: BSE (23.06.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (15.07.2022)
State energy contributes BGN 456 million for subsidies for electricity and gas Companies from the "Bulgarian Energy Holding" group will contribute a little over BGN 456 million from their accumulated excess profits from high electricity prices to compensate for expensive electricity and gas for business consumers, heating systems and gasified households. The contribution will be made to the Power System Security Fund under recent legislative amendments allowing 100% state-owned energy companies to make earmarked contributions to help those affected by high electricity and gas prices. The amount of contributions is determined by the Council of Ministers on the proposal of the Minister of Energy, taking into account the full cost of the electricity produced, the necessary funds for the implementation of investments and repairs without VAT, guaranteeing the long-term operation of the production facilities and ensuring an economically justified rate of return on capital , the press service of the government indicates. It also decided at its meeting that 9.2 million BGN of this additional contribution to the FSES should be used to pay additional compensations for heating systems and gasified households. The reason is the difference between their estimated and actual consumption of blue fuel in the month of May. Therefore, the budget of the gas aid program for the period from February 1 to the end of May 2022 has been changed from BGN 169.6 million to BGN 178.8 million. The mechanism for providing compensation remains the same, the government press office said.
Source: (15.07.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-01-2022 -- 03-31-2022 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (01.08.2022)
The State Energy Agency provides another BGN 700 million in subsidies for business electricity The Council of Ministers decided that "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH) will deduct a new BGN 700 million from the excess profits of its subsidiaries Kozloduy NPP and NEK to compensate for the high electricity bills of the business until the end of the year, the government press service announced. The decision was made in absentia. A month ago, BEH contributed BGN 456 million to the Electric Power System Security Fund (FSES), according to the legal changes. The current amount of BGN 700 million was calculated on the basis of reporting and forecast data for the period June - August 2022. The money will go to help businesses due to expensive electricity for the period from July 1 to September 30, 2022. According to the FSES budget update must fully cover the difference between the real average monthly exchange price in the "Day Ahead" trade of the electricity exchange for the corresponding month and the fixed electricity price ceiling of BGN 250/MWh. From September onwards, there is no provision for compensation for businesses, and electricity prices remain high. The caretaker government has already announced that since there are no funds planned for after the end of September in the budget, it cannot take any action. The head of the energy regulator, Ivan Ivanov, believes that if the aid is continued, it should be specified, not given to everyone and not to stimulate the saving of electricity.
Source: (15.08.2022)
Sofia can transfer "Heating" to the state The ownership of the capital's "Heating" can be transferred to the state. The deal is being discussed as debt for property. The company owes over BGN 1 billion, mainly to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Bulgargaz. According to unofficial information, there are negotiations between the state and the municipality on how to make the transfer. It will also be established whether the value of the assets of the company covers the debts. Such a decision must also be approved by the Metropolitan Municipal Council, which is the principal of the company. Energy Minister Rosen Hristov announced that he was starting a "large-scale restructuring of "Toplofikatsia-Sofia", without giving further details. Private investor According to sources, the goal is, after the acquisition of "Toplofikatsia" by the state and the full or partial clearing of debts, the company will be given to management of a private company. This will make it easier to attract an investor, and according to unofficial information, at the moment there was interest in the capital's heating system from an external investor. In fact, the municipality's intentions for the future of "Toplofikatsiya" are similar. In July, the local government gave the green light to the company to prepare a public tender to find an investor for the construction of new combined heat and power facilities. In return for providing the funds for their construction, this investor will operate the steam plant for 35 years. According to Mediapool sources from however, the municipality wants the transfer and the process of finding an investor from the state to s happened under a regular government. Later on Wednesday, the mayor Yordanka Fandakova announced that a working group was created with the participation of representatives of the municipality, the Ministry of Energy, BEH and "Toplofikatsia-Sofia" in which "together with the state" to find "the best solutions and to guarantee the functioning of "Heating".
Source: (25.08.2022)
The state and the municipality tackled the future of "Heating - Sofia" The state and the municipality tackled the future of "Heating - Sofia". The working group, which must find a way to heal the municipal company, met for the first time on Friday. It is attended by the Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov, representatives of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), the Capital Municipal Council and the Capital Municipality, the municipal council announced. As Mediapool wrote, the main option for the future of the indebted municipal "Heating" is for it to be transferred to the state in the person of BEH against the debts it has accumulated to the energy holding. Thus, the steam plant will get rid of its huge liabilities, and then a private investor will be sought to take over its management. At the meeting on Friday, it was confirmed that "the Ministry of Energy accepts the approach of the Metropolitan Municipality for the modernization of the company by attracting an external investor and building new capacities". The municipal council, which is the principal of "Toplofikatsia", decided that the company should prepare a public order for the selection of a private company to invest in the construction of new capacities for the combined production of electricity and heat. The idea is that against securing the funds, she will manage "Toplofikatsia" for 35 years. At the moment, it is not clear whether, after the eventual transfer of the capital's heating to the state, the private investor will be sought according to the procedure approved by the municipal council, or it will be done in another way.
Source: (29.08.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-04-2022 -- 30-06-2022 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (02.09.2022)
BEH's profit grew by almost 400% in the first half of the year As of June 30, 2022, the profit before interest, taxes and depreciation (EBITDA) of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) reached BGN 2.8 billion, which is an increase of 395.5% compared to the first half of 2021, according to a report of the company published in connection with its obligations under the Law on Public Offering of Securities. Total revenues for the period were BGN 9.84 billion, or an increase of 167 percent, as can be seen from the preliminary and unaudited data on the website of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange. BEH has the obligation to publish on the website of the exchange a report on its activities in connection with the bond issue issued in 2018 in the amount of EUR 600 million. According to the requirements of the issue, the holding must maintain an earnings coverage ratio (EBITDA) of at least 4. As of the half-year, this ratio is already 35.6, after 5.94 for the same period last year. The consolidated debt ratio should be no more than 4.5, and according to the latest data it has decreased to 0.06, compared to 1.75 in the same period last year. BEH notes that according to these indicators, they are not in violation of their obligations to comply with the financial terms of the contract. The funds from this issue were used by the energy holding to refinance an old issue for BGN 500 million, the maturity of which was in November 2018, as well as the assignment of the liabilities of "Toplofikatsia-Sofia" to "Bulgargaz" in the amount of 99.1 million BGN, carried out in August 2018. The issue of bonds for 500 million euros was placed in 2013, and the funds went to cover obligations related to the construction of the Belene NPP. According to the terms of the new issue, BEH, or any of its subsidiaries, no longer have the right to directly or indirectly assume financial obligations of the National Electric Company (NEK), if the company is declared by a court to be over-indebted.
Source: (05.09.2022)
The Council of Ministers approved a targeted contribution by "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD to the Electricity System Security Fund (FSES) in an indicative amount of BGN 970 million. The indicative amount of the contribution, for which funds should be provided to BEH EAD by its subsidiaries - electricity producers, was calculated on the basis of reporting data for the month of August and forecast data for the month of September 2022. The funds are intended to cover the costs of implementation of the Program for compensating the costs of non-domestic end customers for electricity and the operators of the electricity transmission and distribution networks for the purchase of the quantities of electricity needed for technological costs for the period from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. The FSEU follows to compensate non-household final customers of electricity in the amount of 100 percent of the difference between the real average monthly exchange price for base load of the "Day Ahead" segment of the "Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange" EAD, for the relevant month, and the base price of BGN 250/MWh for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2022.
Source: (08.09.2022)
The state has 264 companies with a capital of nearly BGN 27 billion. 264 state enterprises with a total capital of BGN 26.85 billion. This is the picture of the state economy in our country as well, according to the data of the Agency for Public Enterprises and Control. The agency was able to come up with a state policy to manage the enterprises without proceeding with any financial analysis of what they have achieved so far. The document, which is being adopted in compliance with a legal requirement and as part of meeting OECD standards, has been published for public consultation. The large number of state-owned enterprises is mainly due to the health care sector - in addition to the state-owned hospitals, which have the status of commercial companies. Among the other ministries with the largest number of enterprises is the Ministry of Economic Affairs (37), the Ministry of Economy with 20 companies, the Ministry of Transport and Agriculture - with 19 and 18, respectively, the Ministry of Defense - 15 and the Ministry of Energy - 10. As a form of ownership, most state-owned enterprises are commercial companies - 246, 18 companies established by special laws and under a special order in TK companies. Among these companies with the largest weight in terms of equity capital are the companies under the Ministry of Energy - BGN 16.7 billion. The energy sector is of structural importance for the economy, as the total share of companies to BEH (b. r.) as capital is 9.9% of GDP for 2021. In second place in terms of equity is the portfolio of companies under the Ministry of Transport - BGN 3.7 billion. This is one of the few financial indicators for companies available in the proposed new policy for state participation in public enterprises. No analysis of their activity is offered at the moment, and it is impossible to understand where serious problems have accumulated.
Source: Sega (12.09.2022)
The municipal company "Toplofikatsia-Sofia" has signed a gas supply contract with the state company "Bulgargaz" for the next year. The contract comes into effect on January 1, 2023. Due to the debts of "Toplofikatsia" to "Bulgargaz" and "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH) in the amount of BGN 743 million, the municipality of Stolichva will probably transfer the company to the state, and the transaction will is debt versus property. However, guarantees will be sought that the company will remain public. The state, represented by the Ministry of Energy, will look for a private investor and operator of "Toplofikatsia". At the moment, there was initial interest from "Veolia" and "Contour Global", but an invitation to participate in the upcoming tender will be sent to all large energy companies with a similar profile.
Source: (13.09.2022)
EWRC asks the capital's steam plan to pay its gas debt Another inspection by the Energy and Water regulatory Commission in "Toplofikatsia Sofia" "discovered" that the steam company is accumulating debts due to the drastic increase in the price of gas and the increased costs of harmful emissions. The audit was carried out after in July the state supplier Bulgargaz threatened to stop gas for the capital's heating system due to overdue debts of BGN 328 million. In the meantime, the municipality, which is the owner of the heating company, and the state agreed on a partial repayment of the heating debts to "Bulgargaz" and "Bulgarian Energy Holding". The threat to cut off gas from September 1 was not carried out. The now announced results of the EWRC inspection of "Toplofikatsia Sofia" did not reveal any violations in the company. It is indicated that the accumulation of debt to "Bulgargaz" is a consequence of the "unprecedented price growth during the past price period, as well as some regulatory factors". "The reason for the company not being able to cover this debt is the significantly increased costs of purchasing natural gas and greenhouse gas emissions, although during the period higher revenues were received from exchange sales of electricity, including revenues from off-license activities (share distribution, proceeds from legal claims, provision of services, etc.)", reports the commission. The regulator asks "Toplofikatsia Sofia" to give a schedule for repaying the obligations to "Bulgargaz" by September 30 and to inform about "all the actions it takes to improve its financial situation".
Source: (23.09.2022)
The Council of Ministers approved a targeted contribution by "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD to the "Security of the Electricity System" Fund (FSES) in the amount of BGN 650 million. The indicative amount of the contribution, for which funds should be provided to BEH EAD by its subsidiaries - electricity producers, was calculated on the basis of reporting data for September 2022 and forecast data for October and November 2022. The funds are intended to cover the costs of implementing the Program for compensating the costs of non-domestic end customers for electricity and of the operators of the electricity transmission and distribution networks for the purchase of the quantities of electricity needed for technological costs for the period from July 1, 2022 to September 30, 2022. According to the adopted Law on Amendments and Supplements to the Law on the State Budget of the Republic of Bulgaria for 2022, FSES should compensate non-domestic final customers of electricity in the amount of 100% of the difference between the real average monthly exchange price for base load of the "Day Ahead" segment of "Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange" EAD, for respective month and the base price of BGN 250/MWh for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2022.
Source: 3e-news (06.10.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-04-2022 - 30-06-2022 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (14.10.2022)
Kozloduy NPP continues to set records in its revenue and profit. After reporting BGN 1 billion for the first quarter of the year, by the end of the nine months the plant's profit exceeded this amount and reached BGN 1.37 billion. This is BGN 651 million more on an annual basis and is mainly due to the high electricity market prices. It is precisely from the sale of electricity that the revenues - BGN 5 billion, which is 223% more than a year ago - were formed. BGN 2.13 billion were contributed to the "Security of the Electricity System" fund. The profit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding is even greater - BGN 1.44 billion, which is almost a double increase compared to the end of September 2021. One the reason for this is the reduced loan to TPP Maritsa-Iztok 2, after BGN 550 million was repaid ahead of schedule. The second reason is the larger dividends received from Kozloduy NPP and ESO. BGN 61.4 million is the profit of "Mini Maritsa-East", with BGN 51.8 million more on an annual basis. The company's revenues increased by 55% to BGN 633.4 million, which is due to increased coal production and higher coal prices.
Source: 24 chasa (14.11.2022)
NEK reports a profit of over BGN 820 million The National Electric Company (NEK) registered another record in the state energy sector. After the impressive results of the Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa-Iztok 2 TPP for the nine-month period, NEK reported a profit of BGN 822 million against BGN 278.2 million for the same period last year. NEK's liabilities decreased to BGN 2.9 billion against the background of over BGN 4 billion a year earlier, the company's financial report also shows. This happened after the company repaid a billion dollar loan to the state. Short-term liabilities to the so-called also decrease. related parties (such as the BEH group for example), with the amount being BGN 176.5 million against the background of BGN 305.6 million for the same period of 2021. NEK's total revenues have grown to BGN 3.9 billion (at BGN 2.6 billion BGN a year earlier). However, it is interesting that sales revenue alone is BGN 3 billion, or over 90% more compared to last year, when it was just over BGN 1.5 billion. The company's revenue as a supplier of last resort ( DP AND). For the nine months of 2022, they grew by a colossal 614.7% to BGN 86.1 million (from BGN 12 million a year earlier). The company sold 157,452 mWh of electricity to businesses compared to just 58,518 mWh in the nine months of last year.
Source: Capital (16.11.2022)
The Council of Ministers approved a targeted contribution by BEH to the Power System Security Fund The Council of Ministers approved a targeted contribution by "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD to the "Security of the Electricity System" Fund (FSES) in the amount of BGN 200 million. The funds are provided by BEH's subsidiaries, electricity producers. They are calculated on the basis of reporting data for October and forecast data for November and December 2022. The money is for compensation of non-household customers of electricity and the operators of the electricity transmission and distribution networks for the period from October 1 to December 31, 2022. FSES follows to compensate non-household final customers of electricity in the amount of 100 percent of the difference between the real average monthly exchange price for base load of the "Day Ahead" segment of the "Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange" for the relevant month and the base price of BGN 250 per megawatt hour for the period from July 1 to December 31, 2022.
Source: 24 chasa (17.11.2022)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-07-2022 -- 30-09-2022 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (29.11.2022)
1.5 billion BGN debts await "Toplofikatsia-Sofia" at the end of the season The debts of "Toplofikatsia-Sofia" are expected to exceed BGN 1.5 billion at the end of the heating season. By the end of the heating season, the liabilities to Bulgargaz will reach BGN 750 million, and to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) - over BGN 800 million. With these calculations, based on the estimated price of gas, the municipal company will owe over BGN 1.5 billion at the end of the season.
Source: (01.12.2022)
25 Bulgarian companies among the largest in Europe 25 Bulgarian companies are among the largest in Central and Eastern Europe in terms of revenues and profits, according to the ranking for 2021 of the analysts from "Cofas". The Bulgarian energy holding is in 15th place, and the consolidated revenues for 2021 are EUR 5.7 billion. The energy companies also include the coal plants "Contour Global Maritsa-East 3" and "Maritsa-East 2", NPP "Kozloduy", "Bulgargaz", "Energo-Pro Varna". "Eurohold" also enters the top 500 of Central and Eastern Europe after the purchase of CEZ's business in our country. From the telecommunications business, "A1 Bulgaria" is included in the ranking. Among the companies included for the first year are "Advance Properties" and "Huveproject". Another representative of the pharmaceutical business in the ranking - a manufacturer of medicines for humans, is "Sopharma". The oil business is represented by Lukoil Bulgaria, Lukoil Neftohim Burgas, Astra Bioplant and Saksa. "Aurubis Bulgaria" is also in the top 500, occupying a relatively leading place in the ranking. The executive director is Tim Kurth, and the metal mining company is owned by the German "Aurubis".
Source: 24 chasa (02.12.2022)
NEK with upgraded outlook from Standard&Poors The international rating agency Standard & Poor's raised the outlook of "National Electric Company" EAD to positive due to improvement in credit indicators and confirmed its long-term credit rating of BB-. The expectations of the rating agency are that in the next two to three years, the liberalization of the electricity market in Bulgaria will lead to an improvement in the creditworthiness of NEK and "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD and to a reduction in the level of indebtedness of the state company. This process has already started through the payment by NEK of over BGN 1 billion of historically accumulated liabilities to the Bulgarian state. The rating of NEK continues to depend on the financial condition of "Bulgarian Energy Holding".
Source: Banker (15.12.2022)
Over BGN 205 million have been contributed by BEH to the Electricity System Security Fund to support business The Council of Ministers decided to contribute BGN 205 million from Bulgarian Energy Holding to the "Security of the Electricity System" Fund in order to cover costs for business support due to high electricity prices.
Source: (22.12.2022)
Ex-service minister joins BEH board, casts in Kozloduy NPP The former minister of energy Andrey Zhivkov, who was part of the offices of President Rumen Radev in 2021, has been appointed without competition as a member of the board of directors of the Bulgarian Energy Holding. This happened with the decision of the current Energy Minister Rosen Hristov, taken on January 19, but submitted for entry in the Commercial Register on January 23. Zhivkov has been formally appointed pending a competition procedure, taking the place of Zheko Zhekov - appointed in November 2021, when Zhivkov himself was acting energy minister. Minister Hristov has also decided on another change in the energy holding - in the place of appointment in May 2021, Stelian Koev has been replaced, pending the holding of a competition, by Ivo Ivanov. Meanwhile, on January 20, the old board of directors of BEH (Zhivkov and Todorov are not yet enrolled) decided to appoint a new management of Kozloduy NPP. It is clear from the documents that this is the result of held competitions.
Source: Capital (24.01.2023)
Moody's raised BEH's credit outlook from stable to positive Moody's raised the credit outlook of Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (BEH EAD) from stable to positive, confirming the long-term rating of the Group at Ba1 and the rating of the senior unsecured bond issues placed by the holding at Ba2. The credit rating outlook has been upgraded from stable to positive due to improved financial indicators, progress in the electricity market liberalization process and the advantages that BEH Group has, including in its portfolio electricity generation and public natural gas supply activities. Despite significant capital expenditures concentrated in gas infrastructure, BEH Group's debt ratios are improving and will remain stable amid high electricity prices. The rating of BEH EAD confirmed by the agency also reflects the current financial support provided by the state (with a long-term rating of Baa1), as the sole owner of the holding's capital.
Source: 3e-news (21.02.2023)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-10-2023 -- 31-12-2023 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (01.03.2023)
The official cabinet also changes the head of the project for a new reactor at "Kozloduy NPP" After changing the managements of "Bulgargaz" and "Kozloduy NPP", and his predecessor Andrey Zhivkov was appointed as the second executive director of BEH, Energy Minister Rosen Hristov now replaces the manager of "Kozloduy NPP - New Powers". It is a subsidiary of the nuclear power plant, which is responsible for the development of the 7th unit project, around which there has been serious movement in recent months and is expected to be launched this year with the participation of the American "Westinghouse". The previous director of the company, Lyuben Marinov, was replaced by Valentin Iliev, who comes from the nuclear power plant, but was at the head of this company in 2013-2014 during the Oresharski cabinet. The change has been submitted for entry in the Commercial Register.
Source: Capital (21.03.2023)
A new company has been created at BEH to focus on green energy development and storage systems A new company - National Energy Operator - has been created in the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) to focus on systems that contribute to the development and storage of green energy. Bulgaria has one of the largest carbon-intensive economies in Europe, but this also represents a great opportunity for the implementation of new technologies, said the Acting Minister of Energy Rosen Hristov.
Source: BTA (21.04.2023)
Extreme prices wiped out energy debt Despite falling energy prices, state-owned companies have managed to clear their debts, it is clear from the reports on their financial status for the first quarter of 2023. TPP "Maritsa-Iztok 2" has fully repaid its obligations to the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), paying his BGN 1.048 billion. In parallel with this, he deducts 5% of his income from the electricity sold to the "Security of the Electricity System" fund - BGN 38.15 million. There is also a second payment, which goes to compensate businesses for prices over BGN 200 . per megawatt hour for the first quarter, which is BGN 25.27 million. The plant has also paid for the emissions that BEH was obliged to buy. In the first quarter, the state electricity is still in the positive, revenues are BGN 768.98 million against BGN 1.091 billion at peak electricity prices in the first quarter of 2022. The movement of cash flows in BEH's financial statement also shows, that "Bulgargaz" has repaid a BGN 200 million loan from the holding taken on February 25, 2022. A new credit line was opened to the company. "Toplofikatsia Sofia", which is one of BEH's major debtors and the holding periodically assigned its debts to "Bulgargaz", has increased its payments by BGN 33.9 million compared to the previous year. BEH invested BGN 30 million in the capital of the newly established company "National Energy Operator" EAD, whose business is energy storage and system management. In the first quarter, BEH fully repaid the last BGN 179.147 million loan from Kozloduy NPP. It was BGN 350 million and the holding took it in order to provide NEK with BGN 700 million, with which the company, adding its own money, could pay BGN 1.176 billion ahead of schedule. This amount was lent to it in order to paid for the equipment for the Belene NPP. The deadline for payment of the state loan for the two reactors was the end of this year, but Kiril Petkov's office demanded them ahead of schedule, and the motive was initially to buy grain for the state reserve to influence the market. However, this did not happen.
Source: 24 chasa (11.05.2023)
BEH looking for a director The Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has announced competitions for directors of the new state green energy company - "National Energy Operator" EAD, created by the Cabinet. The purpose of the enterprise, which is registered with BGN 30 million capital, is to support the development and storage of green energy. Three people are to be appointed to the Board of Directors - two representatives of the state and one independent. Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years of professional experience, as well as present their vision for the development of the new company. The application deadline is May 16. Plamen Gerdzhikov, Alexander Mihailov and Kostadin Hristov have been appointed to the Board of Directors of the company pending a competition for the selection of management.
Source: Trud (11.05.2023)
The Minister of Energy from the caretaker government appointed by President Rosen Plevneliev after the resignation of the Oresharski cabinet in the summer of 2014, is the new executive director of one of the two so-called American coal-fired power plants - TPP "ConturGlobal Maritsa East 3". He also heads the company "ContourGlobal Operation Bulgaria", which manages the plant. The previous head of the plant, Krasimir Nenov, who held the position since March 2017, was dismissed by the Board of Directors on March 30, 2023, and Quinti Di Fernando, who has been in the management since 2009, took over the company for a very short time. of Nenov, the Frenchman Laurent Yulot entered the board for a three-year term, but only days later Yulot was removed and Vasil Shtonov was appointed in his place. Until the beginning of December 2022, Vasil Shtonov was a member of the supervisory board of the state-owned "Bulgarian Development Bank", where he was appointed by Economy Minister Kiril Petkov, who later became Prime Minister. However, Stonov was removed from Galab Donev's office, together with another future member of the supervisory board - Valentin Mihov, and now he is once again in the field of energy. While he was Minister of Energy, the scandal erupted with the decision taken by "Bulgarian Energy Holding" to pour nearly BGN 200 million into the company for the realization of the Russian gas pipeline "South Stream" in Bulgaria, despite its explicit prohibition, which was, however, terminated. Stonov also has experience in the field of telecommunications, as before becoming acting energy minister he managed the operator "Blizu". Stonov also worked at an American venture capital fund in small and medium enterprises in Los Angeles, at the McKinsey consulting company as a junior partner, where he led commercial bank analysis and management teams, and at the investment bank Bear Stearns in New York York. The change of director of the coal-fired power plant comes months before its long-term contract with the National Electric Company (NEK) for the mandatory purchase of its electricity expires in February 2024. This means that it will have to enter the free electricity market. In addition, options are being sought for a green transformation of the energy power, which, although among the most environmentally friendly thermal power plants in our country, together with the other American coal plant - AES Galabovo, must reduce its greenhouse emissions. The appointment of Stonov also comes after the change of ownership of "ContourGlobal" in May 2022. Then the New York-based fund "KKR" (KKR), which is a shareholder in the owner of the Bulgarian telecom "Vivacom" - "United Group", has agreed to buy London-listed ContourGlobal for 1.75 billion pounds, or $2.16 billion, in a bid to expand its presence in the renewables space. ContourGlobal itself acquired the coal plant in Bulgaria in 2011 from the Italian company Enel, which parted with a significant part of its energy assets due to over-indebtedness. The company owns 73 percent of the coal power, the remaining share belongs to the state-owned National Electric Company. TPP "ConturGlobal Maritsa Iztok 3", which is located in the village of Mednikarovo in Stara Zagora, has a capacity of 908 MW and produces on average 10% of the electricity in Bulgaria.
Source: (17.05.2023)
A state-owned company is targeting a share of a future market for stored energy Less than a month ago, a new state-owned company was created to enter the emerging Bulgarian market for green energy storage and the balancing of renewable energy sources. It is about "National Energy Operator" (NEO), a subsidiary of the state-owned "Bulgarian Energy Holding". The company has BGN 30 million capital and temporary management until the selection of a permanent one through a competition. For now, the activity of NEO is focused on the preparation of public procurements for carrying out feasibility studies for the construction of electricity storage systems. By using them, solar and wind energy producers will not fall into imbalances with respect to the quantities requested to the electricity grid in case of unfavorable weather. All possible European grant schemes that would provide funding for future projects are being explored. 562 companies apply for European subsidies for projects for their own RES and batteries to store this current. Separately, in the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, there is a project for the construction of a battery park for the storage of 6 thousand MWh of energy with BGN 1.6 billion in free financing from the EC. It was supposed to be built by another subsidiary of BEH - the "Electricity System Operator" (ESO), but the previous parliament obliged the caretaker government to renegotiate this project with Brussels and the money to go to batteries for electricity for companies and households. However, NEO intends to apply under the possibly reorganized battery mechanism under the Recovery and Resilience Plan. "National Energy Operator" is managed by a three-member board of directors, which includes the executive director Alexander Mihailov, its chairman Plamen Gerdzhikov and non-executive member Kostadin Hristov. Gerdzhikov was in the supervision of ESO until the end of March 2023.
Source: (22.05.2023)
"Toplofikatsia" Sofia accumulated a debt of BGN 1.6 billion The liabilities of the municipal company "Toplofikatsia Sofia" have reached BGN 1.6 billion. The sum of the liabilities exceeds the annual budget of the Capital Municipality by BGN 300 million. It is also greater than the total amount of revenues of "Toplofikatsia - Sofia", which for the last year were about BGN 1.26 billion. The obligations are mainly to the state companies "Bulgarian Energy Holding" and the gas supplier "Bulgargaz". They have been accumulating for years, and at the moment there is no sustainable solution to reduce them. It is likely that the problem will continue to deepen, since according to the company's estimates, a loss of nearly BGN 150 million is expected for 2023. The increase in income is by 58%, and in expenses by 90%. The company continues to pay large sums for greenhouse gas quotas - nearly BGN 230 million for last year. BGN 70 million per year was given for interest due to BEH and Bulgargaz. Production efficiency is only 76%. Separately, 18% of the energy goes for own needs, and 13% is lost during transmission.
Source: (29.05.2023)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-01-2023 -- 03-31-2023 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (31.05.2023)
The profit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding before taxes is improving and has reached BGN 224.3 million for the first three months of the year. Compared to the same period last year, the profits of the financial holding jumped by more than 300%. The holding is the owner of the largest coal-fired power plant in the Balkans - TPP "Maritsa Iztok 2", for which it purchased quotas for CO2 emissions of the plant for BGN 178.8 million in the first quarter of the year. For the same period last year, quota purchases amounted to BGN 835.5 million. The largest loans granted to BEH are to "National Electric Company". As of the end of March 2023, the funds owed are over BGN 1.6 billion, and the company manages to repay them regularly. Maritsa East 2 TPP's liabilities to BEH amounted to over BGN 1.13 billion. However, they were all repaid by the end of March this year. The project company ICGB has also been granted a loan by the holding company. The funds amount to BGN 215.1 million at the end of March and are regularly repaid by the gas company. This is actually the loan granted by the EIB for the construction of the gas interconnector, as it is now being repaid by BEH. The obligations of "Bulgartransgaz" under loan agreements with BEH amount to over BGN 122.6 million. The gas trader "Bulgargaz" also manages to repay its obligations on loans to BEH on time. BEH also has trade receivables from "Toplofikatsia Sofia", which at the end of March amounted to BGN 8.9 million. Compared to the same period last year, these liabilities have increased dramatically - in March 2022 they were for over 46, BGN 2 million
Source: 3e-news (02.06.2023)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2023 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 27.06.2023 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 23.06.2023 (Ex Date: 26.06.2023).
Source: BSE (23.06.2023)
BEH has written off nearly BGN 700 million of Bulgargaz's debt, due to which its profit for 2022 has dropped drastically From nearly BGN 1.6 billion in the preliminary report, the profit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding shrinks to less than BGN 600 million in the final audited individual annual financial report. BEH's final report shows that the decrease in profit is mainly due to the impairment of Bulgargaz's debts, which were due in the second half of 2022. In fact, in the coffers of the energy holding, the profit of BGN 1.6 billion remains available, just not can be withdrawn from the state as a dividend. In addition, BEH itself still has nearly BGN 1 billion in cash reserves from previous years, so there is no question of exsanguination. Moreover, BEH has not yet received dividends from the huge profits of its companies for 2022, which in total exceed an impressive 3.38 billion BGN. In February of this year, the energy holding, which includes Kozloduy NPP, Maritsa East 2 TPP, NEK, Bulgargaz, Mini Maritsa-East, ESO and Bulgartransgaz, published a preliminary individual report in which for 2022 reported a net profit in the amount of BGN 1.59 billion. It was formed by BGN 1 billion in dividend income (mainly paid from the profit generated by the companies in 2021) and financial income of BGN 720 million, and the reported main expenses are for taxes and interest and total almost BGN 140 million. In the same report, it is stated that the available cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of 2023 are a little over BGN 2.29 billion. A few months later, however, in the already audited report, which was submitted for entry in the Commercial Register on June 26, the profit is now only BGN 582 million. Revenues remain the same, but expenses swell by over BGN 1 billion - in the pen" impairments". The available funds, logically, still remain 2.29 billion BGN. In other words, the money does not disappear, only the accounting profit shrinks. However, the finance minister cannot withdraw the available cash as a dividend for the state budget and the money remains available to the companies themselves.
Source: Capital (28.06.2023)
BEH will make additional deductions in favor of the state "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD will make additional deductions for the benefit of the state, it is clear from the decisions of the Council of Ministers. BEH EAD will distribute and contribute in full as a dividend to the state and its undistributed profit from previous years, reported in its annual financial report as of December 31, 2022. For the first half of 2023, the Holding will pay a dividend of BGN 800,000,000. The amount is expected to be paid by July 31, 2023. The contribution of additional funds by BEH EAD to the state budget is a measure in the revenue part of the budget.
Source: Banker (14.07.2023)
Changes in the management of the state energy sector One of the directors of the state company "Bulgarian Energy Holding" has been acquitted. By decision of the Minister of Energy Rumen Radev, Andrei Zhivkov was removed from the management of the company. Zhivkov entered the management of BEH at the beginning of 2023 by decision of the then acting minister Rosen Hristov until a competition was held. Subsequently, it turned out that one had been held, but without it being publicly announced. Thus, Hristov became the second director of the holding together with Ivan Andreev, previously appointed by GERB. Zhivkov was acting Minister of Energy in one of the previous acting governments of President Rumen Radev. In addition to him, Angel Yankov, who joined the BEH board of directors in April 2022, is leaving the board of directors. The two were removed after a decision to reduce the number of members in the management of the energy holding from 7 to 5 people. The expansion of the board took place in November 2021 at the insistence of Andrey Zhivkov himself, who was the energy minister at the time and wanted to bring his own people into the management of the state energy company. The current return to the old number (up to five members) means that no people are expected to be appointed to replace the removed Zhivkov and Yankov.
Source: (09.08.2023)
Valentin Nikolov will be the new executive director of Kozloduy NPP Valentin Nikolov will be the new executive director of Kozloduy NPP. Nikolov will replace Georgi Kirkov in the post by decision of the board of directors of the nuclear power plant. The change will be entered in the Commercial Register within three days and will take effect next Wednesday, August 16. Valentin Nikolov was already at the head of the Kozloduy NPP in the period between 2012 and 2013, and in 2021 he was also the executive director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: National radio (11.08.2023)
Valentin Nikolov, former deputy from GERB, former deputy minister of energy in Borisov's first cabinet, former director of the Bulgarian Energy Holding and former head of the nuclear power plant, returns to the Kozloduy NPP. This is done by a decision of the board of directors of the Kozloduy NPP, with which Georgi Kirkov is dismissed and Valentin Nikolov is elected as director of the plant. Nikolov was head of the plant from 2012 to 2013. Current head Georgi Kirkov remains on the board of directors of the Kozloduy NPP.
Source: 24 chasa (14.08.2023)
The international rating agency Standard & Poor's raised the credit rating of "National Electric Company" EAD from "BB-" to "BB", with a stable outlook, due to the improvement of the company's credit indicators. The rating increase is the result of the exceptional performance in 2022 of NEK EAD and the sole owner of the company - "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD. Standard & Poor's also indicated that they expect an improvement in BEH EAD's revenue profile. S&P considers NEK EAD as a subsidiary of strategic importance for BEH Group, given its important role in Bulgaria's energy system as a producer of zero-emission electricity from hydroelectricity, a supplier of last resort and a public electricity supplier, as well as the fact that the company was able to transformed from a loss-making enterprise to a company contributing to nearly 20% of BEH Group's EBITDA (operating profit before interest, taxes and depreciation).
Source: 3e-news (22.08.2023)
S&P raised NEK's credit rating to a stable outlook The international rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) raised last week the credit rating of the "National Electric Company" (NEK) - from "BB-" to "BB", with a stable outlook. The reason is the improvement of the credit indicators of the company, which last year took advantage of the high electricity prices and achieved a serious profit. The financial performance in 2022 of the owner of NEC - "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH) also contributes. The stable outlook reflects the rating agency's expectation that BEH will continue to provide liquidity support to NEK and that leverage will continue to be kept low until 2025. S&P also indicated that they expect an improvement in BEH's revenue profile. Postponing the liberalization of the retail electricity market until 2025 limits NEK's independent credit profile, the rating agency notes. She predicts that due to the performance of the function of Public Supplier, NEK EAD may be faced with variable financial results. S&P's analysis emphasizes that the BEH group retains its strategic importance for the security of electricity and natural gas supplies in the country, and ie indicates that the probability of government support has increased. Evidence of this is provided by state loans and guarantees to companies from the holding structure.
Source: (22.08.2023)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report as of 30 June 2023 on compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (01.09.2023)
The "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH), which includes the state energy companies, reports a positive financial result of BGN 865 million for the half-year, last year for the same period the amount was BGN 985 million. The main reason for this is the decrease in revenues from its subsidiaries, since by order of the government, 50% of the dividend for 2023 and 100% of the profit for 2022 are collected for the state from the energy companies. As of June, dividend income from Kozloduy NPP, NEK and ESO in the amount of BGN 630.377 million, which is 50% of the reported net profits of the companies in 2022. For comparison, in the first half of 2022, only Kozloduy NPP paid a dividend in the amount of BGN 890.304 million ., or 100% of the company's reported record profit in 2021.
Source: 24 chasa (04.09.2023)
The equipment for "Belene" has already been estimated, it costs over 1 billion euros The equipment stored at the Belene NPP site has already been assessed by the company hired to do the audit - Mazars Consulting EOOD, which is the Bulgarian division of the French Mazars. The amount is more than 1 billion euros, sources close to the valuation reported. It was done in about three weeks and the results were given to the National Electric Company. Not only the value of the reactor housings, the eight steam generators, circulation pumps, pipelines and other items of equipment with a long production cycle, but also the technical design have been reported. The procedure for hiring an evaluator was carried out by the Bulgarian Energy Holding with invitations. According to people in the know, those were sent to the biggest auditors, and the ranking was based on the lowest offer. Due to the short term, NEK was not going to succeed with a public procurement, and therefore the procedure is carried out by the principal - BEH, since the holding has the right to conduct a procedure with invitations. The evaluation of the equipment was prepared in connection with the decision to sell it to Ukraine.
Source: 24 chasa (05.09.2023)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-04-2023 -- 30-06-2023 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (29.09.2023)
The EU Court overturned the fine of 77 million euros on the Bulgarian Energy Holding The General Court of the EU overturned the decision of the European Commission against the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), by which it was fined 77 million euros in 2018 for violating the competition rules on the European market. According to the court, the European Commission did not properly prove that the BEH group abused its dominant position on the gas supply market in Bulgaria by not granting third parties access to the Romanian gas pipeline 1, through which natural gas was mainly imported at the time. The case was brought by BEH after the European Commission ruled on a complaint by Overgaz against its subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz for blocking competitors' access to key gas infrastructure and thus depriving consumers of choice providers. However, according to the General Court of the EU, it is not clear that the lack of access to the Romanian route "is at the root of the difficulties faced by third parties who want to gain access to the said gas pipeline in order to supply gas from Russia to Bulgaria". The General Court also accepted that the Commission had not given the BEH group the opportunity to fully develop the position about the offense of which she is accused and thus violated her right to defence. In 2018, the European Commission decided that BEH had blocked access to Bulgaria's internal gas transmission network, to the gas storage facility in Chiren and to the then only gas import pipeline in Bulgaria, which was fully reserved by the holding. The violation was carried out between 2010 and 2015. Thus, the state company's competitors could not enter the wholesale gas supply market and this ensured an almost monopoly position for Bulgargaz, according to the Commission's now canceled decision. As the General Court is the first instance for the Court of Justice of the EU, the parties can appeal the decision, but only on points of law.
Source: Dnevnik (26.10.2023)
BEH's expenses for impairments are a total of BGN 1.13 billion. Net profit of BGN 582 million. with impairment costs in the amount of BGN 1.13 billion. - this is how the financial year 2022 looks like for the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH). This means that if there were no similar "write-offs" of loans or receivables, the holding's profit would be significantly higher - about BGN 1.7 billion. A substantial part of the impairment costs are taken up by the "simplified" loans and receivables of related parties - mostly "Bulgargaz", which is a total of BGN 899.7 million, according to a report by the State Financial Inspection Agency (FSAI) about the holding's money in 2022. ADFI has analyzed the company's receivables, liabilities and impairments, the dividend transferred to the budget (a total of BGN 639.7 million for 2022) has also been checked. The operational costs of BEH are BGN 1.15 billion. at BGN 536 million a year earlier. With the largest share in this amount (98.78%) are the costs for depreciation - BGN 1.13 billion. at only BGN 527 million a year earlier. The most burdensome are the expenses of BGN 899.7 million, related to impairment of loans and receivables of related parties such as "Bulgargaz", NEK and "Toplofikatsia Sofia". The public supplier has "received" impairment on three of its loans - for BGN 443 million, BGN 191 million. and BGN 59 million or roughly BGN 700 million, ADFI's report also shows. To a large extent, these loans were made necessary as a result of the suspension of supplies by Gazprom in April 2022, which, combined with significantly increased natural gas prices, faced Bulgargaz with a liquidity crisis. This necessitated the intervention of BEH, through which the state provided funds for the payment of gas supplies on several occasions. Impairment of a total amount of BGN 205 million. was also made on loan from NEK. There is also one for receivables from "Toplofikatsia Sofia" in the amount of BGN 262 million. It is evident from ADFI's report that BEH has receivables from related parties in the amount of BGN 3.1 billion. Even if some of them are not actually paid, the amount remains significant. The company's revenues are in the amount of BGN 1 billion.
Source: Capital (03.11.2023)
BGN 1.6 billion for the purchase of the debt of "Toplofikatsia - Sofia" to BEH has been recorded in the budget The state can acquire debts of the capital heating system to "Bulgarian Energy Holding" and "Bulgargaz" in the amount of BGN 1.6 billion. This possibility is foreseen in the draft budget for 2024, the condition being compliance with the legislation on state aid. It is recorded that this can be done by an act of the government, at the proposal of the Minister of Energy. The cost of the debt will be determined by an independent appraiser. The debts of the municipal heating system accumulated according to the scheme - in case of non-payment to "Bulgargaz", BEH buys them, and they accumulate interest. If this opportunity for the state to acquire the debt is realized, BEH will become richer by BGN 1.6 billion. It is not clear whether they will remain with the holding or will be collected as a dividend in the treasury. However, there are many projects to be financed in the energy sector - starting with the repair of the Chaira Pavement Plant, through the expansion of the gas storage in Chiren, the construction of the gas connection with Serbia, not to mention the intention to build two pumped-storage hydroelectric plants plants and two units at Kozloduy NPP. So money is needed, experts comment.
Source: 24 chasa (28.11.2023)
Former director of BEH and "Bulgargaz" takes over the new nuclear facilities The state company "NPP "Kozloduy" - New capacities", which is under the umbrella of the nuclear power plant, has a new management. The management board has been completely replaced and the director Valentin Iliev and members Georgi Kirkov, who was the head of Kozloduy NPP and is now on its board, and Ivaylo Ivanov have been released. The new executive director of the company, which will carry out the project to expand the plant with up to two reactors, is Petyo Ivanov. In the past, he held management positions in a number of energy companies, including heading "Bulgarian Energy Holding" (BEH) and "Bulgargaz". While combining the two posts in 2019, the anti-corruption commission found him in a conflict of interest because, as the head of the holding, Iliev had voted for himself in the appointment at Bulgargaz and had determined his remuneration. Among the other new additions to the board of Kozloduy NPP - New Powers is Alex Nestor, former executive director of the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. Until 2014, he was the executive director of the Canadian "Dundee Precious Metals" in Bulgaria, and now he is the chairman of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria. Another member of the board of directors is Svilen Spasov, former consultant of the American "Westinghouse" in Bulgaria. It is this company that is currently conducting a study on the construction of one or two new reactors at a new site at the Kozloduy NPP. Spasov was chairman of the board of the Varna Shipyard in the period 1997 and 1999 and as such was cleared as a secret collaborator of State Security. The fourth member of the board is Yanko Jinkov - a businessman whose business is in the import of mineral water and wine and in real estate.
Source: Dnevnik (17.01.2024)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report as of 31 December 2023 on compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (31.01.2024)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Semi-annual report as of 31 December 2023 on compliance with the terms and conditions of the bond issue, ISIN XS1839682116
Source: BSE (26.02.2024)
Company within months ready with the first state battery for electricity The first pilot electricity storage battery could be built this year. It is a project of the National Energy Operator (NEO) and the National Electricity Company (NEK). From NEK is the site, which will be at one of the hydroelectric plants. The data for joining the NEK system are awaited in order to announce a tender for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the first RES energy storage facility. The battery will have a power of 1 megawatt and an electricity storage capacity of 2 megawatt hours. This micro battery can be built in 3 to 6 months. This is the first step of the National Energy Operator, which was established by BEH with a capital of BGN 30 million a year ago. The main idea was that this state-owned company would take over the construction of the large batteries that were to be financed under the recovery and sustainability plan. There are two projects for energy storage facilities under the plan. One was originally for the construction of a national infrastructure for the storage of electrical energy from RES (RESTORE) with a total storage capacity of 6,000 megawatt hours. The idea was for them to be next to the ESO substations and to store electricity as much as half of the country's consumption during the day. Funding under the plan was BGN 1.6 billion. Later, after a reduction in European funding under the Recovery and Resilience Mechanism, the amount was reduced to BGN 780 million, and the capacity of the batteries reduced by half - to store 3,000 megawatt hours. With a decision of the parliament, the grant funding instead of 100% for a project was reduced to 50%, and the remaining 50% is provided by the company that applied. A year later, the BGN 30 million provided by BEH are in the company's accounts. The director of NEO Alexander Mihailov says that the company works in two spheres. One is the storage of electricity, and the second is the production of electricity from low-emission sources. A grant agreement was signed with the European Investment Bank (EIB) for the feasibility studies. It is usually between 1 and 1.5 percent of the battery value. The EIB will select the three most profitable to finance or co-finance. If all eight projects prove viable, the National Energy Operator will apply for batteries with all of them, and half of the financing will also be sought from commercial banks. The other model for cooperation with municipalities is for the company to buy night energy at stock market prices, and to have a conditional contract with the municipality that during the day it will supply energy to its companies at the market price minus 10%, for example. This NEO model is also trying to be implemented with state-owned enterprises. We are working on a project with VMZ-Sopot, for mutually beneficial cooperation.
Source: 24 chasa (05.03.2024)
The state buys the liabilities of Toplofikatsia Sofia for BGN 1.6 billion A draft decree of the Council of Ministers proposes approval of changes in the budget of the Ministry of Energy for 2024, the ministry being additionally financed with a budget balance at the expense of the central budget in the amount of BGN 1,580,315,352. The purpose of these funds is to acquire the receivables of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and Bulgargaz EAD from Toplofikatsia Sofia, explained the minister in resignation and added that this will be done according to the order and up to the amount according to the Law on the State Budget. He added that a positive decision on state aid regimes must be obtained from the European Commission (EC) or that the acquisition does not constitute state aid within the meaning of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (EU). We have systematically accumulated a huge amount of obligations on the part of "Toplofikatsia Sofia" to the energy sector for gas supplies, said Radev and added that over the years, one part of these obligations was transferred from "Bulgargaz" to BEH, another part continues to grow and accumulates in balances with "Bulgargaz". As of December 31, the amount was close to BGN 800 million, at the moment it is again the same volume, explained the resigned Minister of Energy. His expectations are that as of March 31, the liabilities will slightly exceed BGN 800 million. This unfavorable practice ultimately leads to the impressive sum of BGN 1.6 billion in liabilities to the BEH group.
Source: (28.03.2024)
The absurdities in the Bulgarian energy industry continue. With a decision approved on Friday, the resigned government of Nikolay Denkov has amended one of the series of decisions in the sector, obliging "Bulgarian Energy Holding" to donate BGN 728 million to the Power System Security Fund. The strange donation was reached after the National Assembly obliged the Ministry of Finance to urgently provide BGN 1 billion to cover a deficit in the fund, which must cover the costs of liberalization of the electricity market for households. Now, however, it turned out that a local tax amounting to BGN 36.4 million must be paid on the donation. Usually the tax is paid by the recipient, but in this case the cabinet decided to oblige the donor BEH to pay it. By law, the state and municipalities are exempt from local tax on donations, but in this case the grant funding is from a commercial company to a fund. The donation itself should be made within 7 days from the day on which the Ministry of Energy will acquire the debts of "Heating-Sofia" to BEH and "Bulgargaz" for a total value of BGN 1.6 billion. There is currently no data on this operation to be finalized. No similar draft documents for entry have been submitted for the lot of the municipal company. There is no decision of the metropolitan municipal council on the subject, and the company is municipal. The scheme proposed by the "Denkov" cabinet for the transfer of loans and debts in the energy sector is very problematic, especially in terms of state aid. It is not clear whether, against the background of these questions, the caretaker government will not cancel the decree on granting 1.6 billion BGN extraordinary funds from the budget of the Ministry of Energy until receiving an opinion from the EC. The amount was ordered by the Ministry of Finance at the beginning of April, and the huge payment is one of the reasons why the parliament decided to limit payments outside of pensions, salaries and overheads. If the MC revokes the decree, another solution will have to be sought to secure funds for the Power System Security fund.
Source: Sega (12.04.2024)
"Bulgarian Energy Holding" has accepted the resignation of Denitsa Zlateva as executive director of "Bulgargaz" By decision of the Board of Directors (BoD) of "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD, a change was made in the management of "Bulgargaz" EAD, as Denitsa Zlateva's resignation was accepted, and Dimitar Spasov and Tatyana Petrova were dismissed from the company's Board of Directors. - Boyadzhieva. Mihail Milkov, Bianka Racheva and Marin Filipovski take their places. By decision of the Board of Directors of Bulgargaz EAD, Veselin Sinabov was appointed as the executive director of the company.
Source: (18.04.2024)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia presented a six-month report for the period 01-01-2024 -- 03-31-2024 for compliance with the issuer's obligations to bondholders for issue XS1839682116.
Source: BSE (03.06.2024)
Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia (04HA) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD-Sofia - BSE code: 04HA - ISIN: XS1839682116 - Date of interest payment: 28.06.2024 - Coupon rate: 3.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 27.06.2024 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 25.06.2024 (Ex Date: 26.06.2024).
Source: BSE (25.06.2024)
Change in the manuals of BEH, Kozloduy NPP and TPP Maritsa East 2" Following a decision of the Minister of Energy and a decision of the Board of Directors (BoD) of "Bulgarian Energy Holding" EAD, Valentin Nikolov and Galina Todorova were elected as executive directors of the holding. Galina Todorova is a lawyer by education. She has over 15 years of experience experience in the energy industry and worked in the energy industry as director of the Legal Department at "Toplofikatsia Sofia" EAD and "Bulgartransgaz" EAD Ivan Andreev and Diyan Dimitrov, who vacated their seats on the Board of Directors of BEH EAD, occupy positions on the Board of Directors respectively. Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa East 2 TPP Jivko Dinchev was dismissed from the Board of Directors of Maritsa East 2 TPP.
Source: Trud (02.07.2024)
Bulgaria's aspiration to membership in the OECD and the explicit requirement to improve the management of state-owned companies does not particularly respect the authorities. On the boards of state-owned companies, appointments without competition continue en masse. This is shown in the annual report of the "Public Enterprises and Control Agency" on state-owned public enterprises for 2022. According to the data up to the end of December 2022, three out of three members of the "Information Service" board were elected without competition. 7 of the 7 members of the management of the state enterprise "Management and management of dams" did not go through the competition procedure. 5 out of 5 members of the board of "Bulgargaz" were also elected without competition. In the transport sector, 5 out of 5 members of "Holding Bulgarian State Railways", as well as 3 out of 3 members of the boards of "Sofia Airport" and "Plovdiv Airport", did not go through a public procedure. Competitions were not held for the management of any of the state companies under the Ministry of Sports, as here all board members - a total of 19 people in 5 companies - were elected without a competition. With the rules for implementing the law, it was practically possible to bypass the requirement for a competition with the possibility to appoint temporary holders for a period of up to 6 months. In 2022, state-owned enterprises reported a serious increase in revenues, with 171 of 265 state-owned enterprises reporting a net profit in the total amount of BGN 3.89 billion. Revenues from operating activities reached BGN 32.8 billion - nearly BGN 13 billion more than 2021, with the main contribution coming from the energy sector with total revenues from operating activities amounting to BGN 25.1 billion. The dividend paid into the state by public enterprises in 2022 is BGN 1.524 billion, with the vast majority of it is a payment from BEH - BGN 1.439 billion, including retained earnings from previous years.
Source: Sega (09.07.2024)
IMF: State-owned companies in Bulgaria are expensive, inefficient and carry risks for everyone Large companies with state participation in Bulgaria have low profitability and inefficient allocation of resources, and although they are not significant in terms of share, they play a decisive role in the production network, which can negatively affect the productivity and competitiveness of the entire economy. The level of state-guaranteed debt of state-owned enterprises is small - on average only 0.5% of GDP in 2010-21 (the average level in the EU is 9%, and in other countries of Central and Eastern Europe it is 3.5%). And the support with such guarantees due to the COVID-19 pandemic was many times lower - 0.3% of GDP in Bulgaria compared to almost 2% in the EU for 2019-2021. But there is a key point - there is no generalized information on guarantees in Bulgaria, issued by the state-owned enterprises themselves, since their activity does not require the approval or supervision of the Ministry of Finance. Thus, total liabilities averaged around 12% of GDP in 2013-2021, which could be a source of concern. This is stated in the Analysis of the International Monetary Fund "Fiscal risks of state-owned companies". The analysis is based on data from 15 companies in which the authorities at various levels have over 50% share: Energy sector (National Electric Company (NEK), Kozloduy NPP, Bulgargaz, TPP Maritsa Iztok 2, Electricity System Operator, Bulgarian energy holding (BEH), Mini Maritsa Iztok, "Bulgartransgaz"), Transport sector (National Railway Infrastructure Company (NRI), BDZ - Passenger Transport Ltd., Air Traffic Control (RVD), Transport Construction and Reconstruction (TSV), BDZ - Cargo Services Ltd., Port of Varna, Bulgarian Port Infrastructure). The total assets and liabilities of these 15 companies represent about 70% of the total for the entire segment with state participation 2015-2021, which covers about 700 companies. The general assessment for them is that the fiscal support is much higher than what they give as revenues to the budget. In 2017-19, they received subsidies, capital investments and capital transfers (direct support) and deferred tax and dividend exemptions (indirect support) of an average of 1.5% of GDP. To this they have responded with a contribution of 0.2%. Net, they absorbed 1.3% of GDP immediately before the pandemic and at the end of the last GERB government. In the first pandemic year (2020), this ratio became 2.5% against 0.1% and is an illustration of how an unexpected shock can lead to large fiscal costs for companies with state participation, the IMF says. These are companies in which 4.1% of all employed work. Their financial stability can affect the fiscal performance of the state, especially when they have incurred potentially significant costs, whether expressly guaranteed or without the authorities making a contractual commitment. In 2023-2024, the state doubled the dividend collected by these companies from 50% to 100% to support the budget, but the price for this is a risk to their investment, productivity and profitability. "Furthermore, the dividend policy lacks predictability and seems to be driven by the needs of the state budget. Such a policy reduces the incentives of companies to invest and thus has a significant adverse effect on economic activity," the authors of the report add. State-owned companies are much, much less profitable than those in the private sector. Return on assets (one of the key measures of profitability) was between minus 1% and 2% for the period 2015-2021, with an average of 10% in private. In 2022, this difference suddenly melted (9% for state-owned, 11% for private), but not because there was better management, but because of three specific companies - NEK, Kozloduy NPP and Maritsa Iztok 2 TPP, and their income from sharply increased energy prices due to Russian aggression against Ukraine. Return on equity (another measure of profitability, measuring a firm's ability to generate profits using its shareholders' capital) for SOEs is on average 20 percentage points lower than that of private firms. Due to the specifics of many state-owned enterprises, profitability is logically lower than that of private ones, but in countries with better management results, the difference between them is 4 percentage points or five times smaller than in Bulgaria, the IMF recalls .Everyone suffers from the bad management of business with state participation. Six state-owned enterprises have been facing short-term challenges in meeting their obligations for years. In the period 2015-2022, without sufficient liquid assets to cover the amounts due to creditors in the next 12 months were National Railway Infrastructure Company, TPP Maritsa Iztok 2, National Electric Company, BDZ - Passenger Transport, BDZ - Freight Transport and Transportation Construction and Reconstruction. Bulgargaz faced a liquidity crisis in mid-2022 due to low collection of receivables and arrears from Toplofikatsia Sofia. Accumulated arrears to suppliers were paid through a (bridging) loan and/or state aid. Another indicator of concern to IMF analysts is the high debt-to-asset ratio (ie, less financial flexibility) of several large state-owned enterprises. These are, for example, "Bulgartransgaz", National Railway Infrastructure, Bulgarian Energy Holding and Electric Power System Operator. It has also seen how debt-to-asset dynamics can change sharply - in the case of Bulgargaz, it jumps from around 45% in 2019 to over 90% in 2022. The combination of high debt and low profitability raises concerns for the ability to service the debt and therefore risks at the fiscal level, the IMF explains.
Source: Dnevnik (18.07.2024)