Press Digest
Press digest - year 1995
The takings of Bulgargas and Himco JSCo. are announced for state takings in the Law on the State Budget, said the Minister of Industry Kliment Vuchev. The same ministry intends to create an Investment Fund in industry. Through it the high interests on credits of the commercial banks will be avoided.
Source: Other (19.06.1995)
The Council of Ministers will exercise its owner rights relating to Neftochim Ltd. directly. So far the state refinery was kept in subjection of the Ministry of Industry. Not long ago the Government took the managing of Bulgargas Ltd. which was in the system of the Enargetics Committee till this moment.
Source: Other (30.06.1995)
Chimco JSCo. will pay its obligations to Bulgargas by the end of 1998. This is laid down in the business programme of the company for 1995-1998. The obligations of the enterprise to Bulgargas will be collected as is envisaged by the Law on the State Budjet.
Source: Other (21.07.1995)
Chimco SPJSCo., located in Vratsa has reduced its debt by 35 per cent (BGL 467 million) since the beginning of the year. After the cancellatiuon of the contract signed by the ex-cabinet in the late 1994 the plant proved to be able to overcome its difficulties by itself. The above contract provided for the assumption of Chimco's liabilities to Bulgargas by Multigroup.
Source: Other (31.07.1995)
Rousse firms have debts of BGL 94 million to Bulgargas. Their obligations to the National Electric Company amount to BGL 3.37 million. Obligations of BGL 229 000 have been collected with the help of sixteen court's executive lists.
Source: Other (24.08.1995)
Chimco will pay its debts toward Bulgargas by the end of November, said the Director of the company Mr. Kiril Petkov. Till this stipulated term Chimco will pay BGL 107 million. The company has already paid about BGL 1,145 billion. A new interest plan will be prepared after the paying of the sums in November.
Source: 24 chasa (27.09.1995)
The Arbitral Court with the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce rejected the claim of Bulgargas for anulation of the cession with Credit Bank and Discount House.
Source: Other (02.10.1995)
Overgas, Bulgargas and Bulrosgas are the major shareholders in the newly-incorporated company Montana gas. The municipal authorities of Montana participate with 10% of the capital of the new company.
Source: Standart (17.10.1995)
The amendments in the documents of Bulgargas JSCo were registered. Ivan Zhabinski, Ilia Shtarbanov, Zornitsa Stamboliiska, Dimitar Donchev, Slavcho Ivanov, Angel Popov and Alexander Belovezhdov are no longer members of the board of directors.
Source: State Gazette (07.11.1995)
Bulgargas will limit the supply of petrol to the cement-producing plants Granatoid and Devnenski Tsiment because they have not paid their obligaions regularly.
Source: Standart (08.11.1995)
Changes in the supervisory board of Topenergy were voted yesterday.The ex-chairman of the Committee of Energy Nikita Shervashidze, the vice-president of Multigroup Ivan Kolev and the director of Minstroy Mining were discharged. The newly-elected members are Roumen Ovcharov, Borislav Georgiev, Krasimir Nikolov. The capital of the company will be increased up to BGL 120 million. Major shareholder remains Gasprom holding 50% of the capital. Bulgaegas holds 23,1% of the capital of the company and it is allowed to buy only two shares out of the capital increase. The rest of the shares will be allocated to the new shareholders: Bulbank, First Private Bank, Overgas, Multigroup and Himimport. The supervisory board will decide in a month about the amount of the shares allocated to each new shareholder.
Source: Pari (10.11.1995)
Multigroup and Overgas receive share of 8,3% out of the bulgarian stake in Topenergy. First Private Bank will hold 3,15%, Bulbank - 3,15%, Himimport - 2%. The rest shares will be possessed by Bulgargas.
Source: 24 chasa (13.11.1995)
Himco began the payments of its debt toward Bulgargas. The chemical plant has obligations of BGL 1,2 billion which have to be paid by the end of January 1997.
Source: Other (15.11.1995)
Bulgargas canceelsd its cession contract with Himco. The decision is taken on the strenght of Art. 16 of the contract.
Source: Pari (01.12.1995)
The Council of Ministers appointed Peter Sabev the new executive Director of "Bulgargas". Being on this position Peter Sabev will represent "Bulgargas" in the board of managers of "Topenergy".
Source: 24 chasa (11.12.1995)
The State Savings Bank is among Bulgargas' big debtors. Different companies owe Bulgargas BGL 35 bln. The company initiated legal proceedings against its debtors.
Source: Standart (13.12.1995)
TS Bank JSC reported a profit of BGL 186 million for the first 9 months of 1995. At the moment the bank's capital amounts to BGL 1,330 billion - BGL 500 million of them are deposited in long-term assets. Shareholders of the bank are 700-800 legal entities and natural persons. The bank owns shares of Hebrosbank JSC, Expressbank JSC, Central Cooperative Bank JSC, Bulgarian Investment Bank JSC, Biochim JSC, Bulgarian-Russian Investment Bank JSC.
Source: Other (20.12.1995)