Press Digest
Press digest - year 2006
Pension insurance companies in Bulgaria reported total revenues of BGN 32.194 million and expenditures of BGN28.932 million for 2005. The sector finished the year at a profit of BGN 2.714 million, preliminary data of the Financial Supervision Commission show. Three companies hold almost 75 percent of the pension insurance market by number of insured people in the supplementary insurance funds. These are Doverie with 38 percent, Allianz Bulgaria with 25.32 percent and Saglasie with 11.27 percent. The five healthiest companies are Doverie, Saglasie, Allianz, CCB-Sila and DZI. Three of the companies reported loss DSK-Rodina, ING and Lukoil Garant.
Source: Sega (15.02.2006)
The premium income of voluntary health insurance companies for the first half of 2006 totalled BGN 13.670 million, up by 68.70% on an annual basis, data of the Financial Supervision Commission show. Out-patient medical aid and hospital medical aid insurance accounted for 36.99% of companies' premium income. The insurance claims paid for the period increased by 46.38% to BGN 6.154 million. The assets of health insurance companies stood at BGN 26.554 million, increasing by 6.17% year on year. Leader in assets was Doverie with BGN 3.018 million, followed by Medico 21 with BGN 2.840 million and DZI with BGN 2.568 million.
Source: Pari (07.09.2006)
The local DZI Universal Pension Fund has acquired a 6.10 per cent stake in open-end investment company BenchMark Fund 2, said the Bulgarian stock exchange. The name of the seller has not been disclosed. Prior to the deal, DZI Universal Pension Fund owned no equity in BenchMark Fund 2. Bulgaria buys 5 per cent in BenchMark Fund 2. In late Sept, universal pension insurance company Allianz Bulgaria bought a 5.83 per cent stake in BenchMark Fund 2. In June this year, the voluntary, occupational and universal insurance arms of Lukoil Garant Bulgaria bought 6.38 per cent, 5.35 per cent and 6.42 per cent stakes in BenchMark Fund 2.
Source: Dnevnik (30.10.2006)
Money in the private pension funds continued to quickly increase and already is BGN 1.4 bln. It is allocated in the private accounts of about 2.4 mln persons, who are compulsorily insuring in universal pension fund and more than 560 thousand persons, who ensure themselves voluntarily for third pension. This is shown by the data of the Financial Supervision Commission for the activity of the pension companies in the third quarter of 2006. On the basis of this data, Capital classified the pension funds by some criteria profitability for the last two years and market share for the pension companies by the amount of the managed actives and number of clients. While the market shares have no change compared to the June data, the profitability has significant changes. The long leader Doverie, fell to the third place after the funds, managed by the two companies in the structure of Chimimport - CCB - Sila Pension Insurance and Saglasie - Pension Insurance Company, for which the period was very strong.
Source: Capital (03.11.2006)