Press Digest
Press digest - year 2022
Six of the second pension funds have negative returns The second pension savings of those born after 1959 are bearing the brunt of the perfect storm of crises in global markets. Six of the nine mandatory supplementary pension insurance funds had a negative return for the period June 30, 2020 - June 30, 2022, according to the latest data from the Financial Supervision Commission. Floating above the crisis are mainly small funds that are not indicative of the general state of the market. The return on universal funds for the past 24 months has ranged as low as minus 2.29. The fund with the largest market share - Doverie - is down 1.60. The second - "Allianz" is minus 0.11. "DSK-Rodina" is minus 2.24, "Consent" - minus 2.29, "OBB" - minus 0.01, and "Toplina" - minus 1.74. "CCB-Sila" has a score of 2.72, "Pension Insurance Institute" has a plus of 1.5, and "Budeshte" has a score of 0.99.
Source: Sega (03.08.2022)