Press Digest
Press digest - year 2000
The Commission for Protection of Competition allowed the merger of Pension Fund Allianz Bulgaria JSC, Energien Osiguritelen Fond JSC - Sofia and Dobrovolen Transporten Pensionen Fond JSC - Sofia.
Source: Sega (02.03.2000)
The General Meeting of the trade bank Bulgaria invest JSC selected the Executive Director Mr. Oleg Nedialkov. He is responsible for the policy of the credit institution and his main point is to attract clients. Mr. Rossen Dimularov and Mrs. Snezhana Hristova are dismissed from the Board of Directors. The net profit of the company for 1999 is BGN 242 000 and BGN 152 000 of them are to cover a loss from the past years and the rest will be allocated for the Reserve fund.
Source: Banker (05.06.2000)
Seven pension insurance companies have submitted their documents for license, was announced from the State Insurance Supervision Agency. They are PIC Solidarnost, PIC Saglasie, Bulgarian Pension Insurance Company, PIC Allianz Bulgaria, PIC Doverie, Saving-cooperative company Rodina and PIC Berlinische Leben. The State Insurance Supervision Agency started to accept documents for license on July 17 and the deadline for the submission of applications is September 17.
Source: Standart (28.08.2000)
The State Insurance Supervision Agency gave the first seven licenses to pension insurance companies. In this group are included PIC Saglasie. PIC Doverie, Bulgarian Pension Insurance Company, PIC Solidarnost, PIC Allianz Bulgaria and PIC Berlinische Leben. The rest of the candidates for permission are PIC LUKoil - Garant Bulgaria, PIF Nuton-Sila and PIF Garantsia. The three companies must wait until the agency executes inspection of their documentation. The legal term for this is 2 months. Two companies from the members of the Pension Insurance Funds Association were not able to submit documents. These are the voluntary pension funds Cooperator and Mel Invest.
Source: Pari (25.09.2000)
7 pension insurance companies received officially their licenses by the Minister of Social Maintenance Mr. Ivan neilov. Now 15 per cent from the active working population insure theirselves voluntarily. The first 7 licensed companies are Doverie JSC, Suglasie JSC, Bulgarian pension insurance company JSC, Saving cooperative pension insurance company Rodina JSC, Pension insurance company Allianz Bulgaria JSC, Solidarnost JSC and Berlinische Leben pension insurance company.
Source: Standart (04.10.2000)
The State Insurance Supervision Agency agreed to register in the Court 6 professional pension funds, established by licensed pension-insurance companies. The licenses were given to Allianz Bulgaria JSC, Professional pension fund Saglasie JSC, Doverie, Bulgarian professional pension fund JSC, Professional saving-cooperative pension insurance fund Rodina JSC and Professional pension fund Solidarnost JSC.
Source: BTA (24.11.2000)
Insurance companies report that the signals for drastic offences of the Pension Insurance Act became more frequent. The State Insurance Supervision Agency confirmed that there were some serious signals. The Pension Insurance Company Doverie is engaged with the whole Kremikovtzi, stated the syndic leader of the company. The workers can not receive their salaries if they do not fill a blank with the initials Pension Insurance Company Doverie.
Source: Pari (29.11.2000)