Press Digest
Press digest - year 2001
Mr. Petar Bojadzhiev, a Chairman of the State Insurance Supervision Agency officially handed the agreements of 7 pension-insurance companies for registration of universal pension funds in the Court. These are Pension-insurance company Doverie, Pension-insurance company Saglasie, Bulgarian Pension-insurance company, SCPension-insurance company Rodina, Pension-insurance company Allianz Bulgaria, Pension-insurance company Solidarnost and Pension-insurance Newton-Sila JSC.
Source: Pari (13.02.2001)
The chief of the security of Alkomet JSC in Shumen was dismissed because he refused to choose as a security fund Allianz Bulgaria. He demanded to be given the right to select another fund. The Administrative director Mr. Nikolay Drumev explained to him that if he neglects Allianz this makes him disloyal to the enterprise. Mr. Drumev denied that he has had this conversation. Officially the chief of the security was dismissed because of reconstructing of the stuff in the company. The leader of Security fund Dopverie Mrs. Daniela Petkova announced that the company was informed for this case and it will defend the employee if he was damaged because of his choice. from Alkomet claim that they may only propose a fund because they do not want their employees to lose their money, investing in a fund which is not familiar to the management of the company. In the privatized plant for aluminum share is Industrial Fund Bulgaria This is the reason why the management pressures the employees to conclude contracts only with Allianz which is a branch of the Holding.
Source: Sega (07.03.2001)
The workers and clerks of Solvay-sodi will be insured for the third pension in the voluntary fund of the pension company Doverie, was reported from the company. The insurance contributions of the workers in the factory in Devnia who are 1300 are paid by the employer and will be defined, regarding the age of the employee. For the last three years Doverie distributed to its members a profitability of 22.38 per cent. However the profitability of Doverie for 2000 is not one of the best because the competitive funds have already declared higher results.
Source: Dnevnik (06.04.2001)
The insurance company Allianz Bulgaria life will deduct additional interests of 14.07 per cent on its long-term insurances Life. The trade bank Bulgaria invest (also a part of Allianz group) invested the insurance reserves of the company and the high profitability is realized through the good incomes of the made investments. The interest on the 5-year Government Securities that is over 7 per cent on annual base is twice lower than the interest on the Life policies of Allianz. The only one pension fund that realized about 14 per cent profitability is Bulgarian pension-insurance company, followed by Pension Insurance Company Allianz - 10.7 per cent. At the General Meeting of Allianz life was decided the face value of the shares to be increased to BGN 10.
Source: Dnevnik (18.04.2001)
The assets of the voluntary funds have increased since June, 2000 with 38 per cent up to BGN 90.1 million as 53 per cent of their total amount is for Pension Insurance Company Allianz Bulgaria, followed by Pension Insurance Company Doverie with 22 per cent. The number of the insured people in a voluntary fund also shows a growth and reaches 433 000 people. The pension fund ING attained the highest profitability - 13.84 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (28.06.2001)
The accumulated assets in the additional voluntary pension funds as of the end of March 2001 reached BGN 90.155 million while 9 months earlier were BGN 65.419 million. The reported increase as of the moment of the license has been 37.69 per cent, according to data of State Insurance Supervision Agency. Pension Insurance Company Allianz has the biggest share in the total assets - 53 per cent of the market of the voluntary funds. However in June 2000 the share of Allianz was with 2 per cent higher. Pension insurance company Doverie has a share of 22 per cent in the total amount of the assets. Bulgarian pension insurance company reported an increase with 4 per cent up to 11 per cent and Rodina - with 1 per cent up to 4 per cent.
Source: Dnevnik (11.07.2001)
In the National Security Institute by the moment are applied 633 158 applications for additional pension insurance, announced from the department In the statistics are included the applications on paper and electronic devices. Most of the applications are for universal funds Doverie - Pension Insurance Company JSC and Saglasie - Pension Insurance Company JSC.
Source: Dnevnik (16.08.2001)
State Insurance Institute completed the process of distribution of the workers who are secured in the professional pension funds. The total number of the secured persons in the eight pension funds in the end of August was 131 547. They include 35 100 people distributed equally among the pension funds. The minimum number of people for a fund is 15 000. The three funds which gathered the highest number of clients are Doverie, Allianz Bulgaria and Suglasie which have 45.8,28.6 and 21.4 thousand people each. Similar is the situation in the distribution of universal pension funds.
Source: Dnevnik (31.08.2001)
State Insurance Institute completed the process of distribution of the workers who are secured in the professional pension funds. The total number of the secured persons in the eight pension funds in the end of August was 131 547. They include 35 100 people distributed equally among the pension funds. The minimum number of people for a fund is 15 000. The three funds which gathered the highest number of clients are Doverie, Allianz Bulgaria and Suglasie which have 45.8,28.6 and 21.4 thousand people each. Similar is the situation in the distribution of universal pension funds.
Source: Dnevnik (31.08.2001)
Citizens of Dobrich will put to trial the universal pension funds Allianz and LUKoil on the accusation that they have doubled their applications for election of a pension fund. In the office of Doverie Pension Insurance company were received 500 signals that without being informed the people were included in other pension funds. An investigation of Doverie shown that more than 100 applications were doubled, mainly by Universal Pension Fund, Allianz and LUKoil. These acts are violation against the personal data and the individual choice of the people, declared yesterday the Director of the District office of Pension Insurance company Doverie Mrs. Daniela Marinova. These people have not received their personal copy of the applications, applied in other funds.
Source: Pari (17.10.2001)
All eight funds for additional pension insurance passed the minimum limit of 30 000 insured people and there is no danger this number to reduce in the next 2 years, announced the Manager of the National Insurance Institute Mr. Jordan Hristoskov. Over the next years the contribution in the funds has to reach by 5-7 per cent in order to accumulate more capital. According to him this is the only way the second pension to become 25 per cent of the sums that were received by the insured person while he was working. By October 19 in the funds were submitted 1 232 000 applications. From them 1 218 320 are correct and about 14 000 have technical mistakes.
Source: Dnevnik (24.10.2001)