Press Digest
Press digest - year 2024
Three out of nine second pension funds have made a profit for the past two years, according to the Financial Supervisory Commission's data on returns for the period 31 December 2021 - 29 December 2023. With a positive return for 2021-2023 are three smaller funds - " TsKB-Sila", "Toplina", POI. The highest yield is reported by "CCB-Sila" - 2.33%. In the majors, the results are now double compared to the statistics at the end of September. "Doverie", which is the largest universal fund in our country, reported minus 2.48% for the last 2 years. "Saglasie" achieves minus 0.49%, "Allianz Bulgaria" is minus 1.46%, and "UPF UBB" has minus 2.18%. "DSK-Rodina" has the lowest yield - minus 3.49%. For comparison, the data reported as of September reached minus 4-5.50%. Short-term fluctuations do not have a big impact on the final result in the second pension, since the insurance in the second pillar is long-term. The return for the whole period from 1 July 2004 is positive for all funds, although this does not cover the inflation that has accumulated in the meantime. The largest fund "Doverie" has 2.94% for the entire period, "Saglasie" has 3.79%, "DSK-Rodina" has 2.77%, "Allianz" - 2.42%, UBB - 3 .07%, "CCB-Sila" - 4.12%, "Bedeshte" - 2.4%, "Toplina" - 2.21%, POI - 2.65%. As of January 22, 2024, the value of one share reached 2.20294, with levels for almost all funds close to where they were at the end of 2020. The results for most voluntary pension funds, where one can make voluntary contributions for third pension, are much better compared to universal ones. These funds have more freedom in investing the funds. For the voluntary pension funds, 4 are in the red for the last 2 years, but with a more impressive yield than the universal ones. The Voluntary Fund of "Consent" reported a positive yield of 4.38%. "CCB-Sila" is with 4.12%. "Trust" has a negative yield of minus 2.75% - here the results are worse than those of the universal fund. DSK-Rodina is down 2.60%, Allianz is down 1.34%, UBB is down 1.49%.
Source: Sega (24.01.2024)
Three pension funds accounted for three-quarters of the sector's profits The pension insurance companies in Bulgaria ended 2023 with a total profit of a record 99.2 million BGN, compared to 68.6 million BGN for 2022, reports the Commission for Financial Supervision. Nine out of ten companies in the sector improved their financial results last year. The only exception is Saglesie, whose profit decreased by a little over half a million BGN to BGN 8.2 million. Three of the funds ended the year with a profit of over BGN 20 million. Above all is POK Doverie (BGN 29.1 million), followed by Allianz Bulgaria and DSK Rodina reported a positive financial result of 24.9 and 21.1 million BGN. The three largest pension funds in our country realized a combined profit of BGN 75.1 million, which is nearly ? of that of the sector. Apart from Consent, POK UBB also reported a profit of over BGN 8 million (BGN 8.9 million), and Central Bank-Sila ended the year with a profit of BGN 5.9 million. POD Budeshte is the seventh company from the sector that ended 2023 with a profit of over BGN 1 million. POI and Toplina report a profit of BGN 14 and 469 thousand, and only DallBogg: Life and Health is in the red - BGN 420 thousand ., but we should not forget that this is the newest company in the sector. In 2023, pension companies realized revenues of BGN 305 million compared to BGN 296 million a year earlier. ?
Source: (01.03.2024)
The money for a second pension is increasing Money for a second pension is already increasing, according to data from the Financial Supervision Commission. For the period from June 30, 2022 to June 28, 2024, all universal pension funds, where those born after 1960 must set aside money for a second pension, now have a positive yield. It is the highest in the UPF "DalBogg Life and Health" - 8.3% for the two-year period, and the lowest is in the UPF "Budeshte" - 2.38%. In the large funds that each hold 20% of the mandatory pension insurance market, such as Doverie, DSK-Rodina and Allianz Bulgaria, the yield varies from 4.29% to 5.36%. The average yield of the 10 universal pension funds is 5.16%, which is far above the minimum yield of 1.85% per year set by the FSC. For the period from 31 December 2021 to 29 December 2023, six universal pension funds reported negative returns and three - positive. For comparison, the previous data as of the end of September 2023, eight out of nine funds reported a negative return, with the percentage significantly exceeding that indicated in the latest data from the FSC. At the end of December, the negative yield varied from -3.49% for the DSK-Rodina UPF to -0.49% for the Soglasie UPF. At the end of September, it was from -5.50% to -1.26%. More money is also accumulated for people working in the first and second categories of work, who are necessarily insured in an occupational pension fund. The ten PPFs also report a positive yield, which varies from 2.98% in PPF "Consent" to 7.65% in PPF "Heat". Those who voluntarily provide for a third pension can also count on their contributions to grow. Voluntary pension funds have shown an average positive return of 5.92% over the past 24 months.
Source: (18.07.2024)