Press Digest
Press digest - year 2015
Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) has announced fresh reshuffles at the country's state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz. This has been the second replacement of the state entity's senior representatives in the past two months. An enquiry on the Trade Register's website shows Bulgartransgaz's chief executive is currently Georgi Gegov, with outgoing Kiril Temelkov being dismissed. The Managing Board is now to include Tanya Zaharieva and Delyan Dimitrov, who are set to replace Evgeni Popov and Antoniya Uzunova.
Source: Monitor (05.01.2015)
Bulgaria govt considering partial privatisation of BEH once again The idea for part of the shares of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries to be sold on the BSE Sofia has returned to the agenda. This is one of the mid-term measures to stabilise the energy field, it transpires from a paper worked out by the Energy Ministry. The idea to sell part of BEH on BSE is not new. It was put forward for discussion for the first time in end-2011 during the first government of the Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (CEDB). Initial plans envisaged the sale of 15% of BEH via the BSE or an international market or offering packages of 20 25% to the Electricity System Operator (ESO) and the gas operator Bulgartransgaz alone. Afterwards it transpired that the government intends to seek a strategic investor for the energy holding, which was supposed to happen until end-2012. In the end, in October 2013 the BEH issued a bond emission of EUR 500 million with a coupon of 4.25%.
Source: Capital (09.01.2015)
Brussels gives green light for Bulgaria's gas hub project Bulgaria received a "green light" from Brussels for the construction of a gas hub in the country. This became clear after a series of talks between Prime Minister Boyko Borisov with European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic, responsible for Energy Union. The leading EU politician expressed his strong support for the creation of gas hubs, which may play an important role in the development of regional gas markets. Boyko Borisov presented the idea of constructing a shared hub for Russian gas in Bulgaria in order to avoid the legal complications of the cancelled South Stream pipeline. Then, the EU members could get their gas from that hub, planned near Varna. The possibility of financing the strategic project was also discussed during the meeting. For this purpose, using the existing mechanism for EU financial support could ensure a rapid implementation of the project. Such gas hub can supply Central and Western Europe as well as countries of the European Energy Community, a statement from the European Commission stated.
Source: Standart (13.01.2015)
Stalled South Stream remains a priority in the government program Continuing the construction of the South Stream Project only in full compliance with EU legislation, in a dialogue with the European Commission and if the economic benefits are proved. The Government plans a number of measures for energy efficiency, financial stabilization of the sector and development of new projects. In this sphere, the Cabinet prioritizes support for and participation in the establishment of a European Energy Union. The Energy Ministry and the Council of Ministers are tasked with developing and adopting an energy strategy for the period ending in 2030 and, in the longer term, until 2050, and a National Energy Efficiency Strategy. The Government argues for the need to keep the development capacity of the nuclear power industry, to extend the service life of Kozloduy N-Plant Units 5 and 6, and to develop new economically effective nuclear power projects without reliance on State aid. There are plans to elect a new complement of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission on the basis of principles guaranteeing its political independence, to amend the Energy Act so as to safeguard the interests of Bulgarian household and business electricity customers in a fair price of electricity, to take actions for the financial rehabilitation of the National Electric Company (NEK). The Cabinet also plans to implement a large-scale national programme for energy renovation of multi-family residential buildings, which would cover 50 per cent of them within two years. The Programme envisages liberalization of the energy market, an acceleration of oil and gas exploration and prospecting, including in the Black Sea, while complying with the National Assembly resolution that banned use of the hydraulic fracturing method.
Source: Other (26.01.2015)
Bulgaria is building gas hub for EUR 2.2BN The European Commission has frozen the criminal procedures against Bulgaria related to the South Stream, EC Vice President Maros Sefcovic informed today. After the High Level Group on Central and South Eastern Europe Gas Connectivity (CESEC) summit it became clear that Bulgaria may build a gas hub and that the project is now valued at EUR 2.2 billion. "We discussed the criminal proceedings related to the South Stream and we are here to inform you that these procedures will be frozen," Sefcovic. The EC Vice President gave a joint statement with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov after meeting with energy ministers from the EU. Mr Borisov emphasized that the South Stream is not officially terminated to date, as Bulgaria has not received any written document about Russia's decision. "We want to get back to a pragmatic solution to the issue outside the emotions, which would allow good business between the EU and Russia ", Mr Borissov added. The Vice President of the European Commission voiced solidarity with Mr Borisov and added:" We have the impression that communication for such projects should happen through established channels, but in the case that did not happen and so we were surprised. Mr Sefcovic recalled that he initiated a meeting with representatives of all parties involved in the South Stream just a day before Russian President Vladimir Putin announced in Ankara his decision to de-route the South Stream to Turkey. Mr Borisov emphasized that he was ready to negotiate a gas hub from Greece to Russia. "To go somewhere, you first have to be invited. You all know that Vladimir Putin was in Sofia. So why could not I go to Moscow? If he asked me, I am ready to talk," the PM said in response to a question whether he would sit down negotiations with the Russian president.
Source: Standart (10.02.2015)
Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has opened a BGN 9.8 million tender for the design and drilling of a well at Chiren underground gas repository, a tender notice indicated. The works envisioned in the tender should be completed within 360 days. The value of the contract is given net of Value Added Tax. The company said last year that the capacity of the underground natural gas storage facility in Chiren is planned to be increased by the end of 2018, in stages, to 1 billion cubic metres (bcm) from the current 550 million cubic metres (mcm) with daily withdrawal and injection capacity reaching 10 mcm, up from the current 4.2 mcm daily for withdrawal and 3.16 mcm for injection. Also last year, Bulgartransgaz, together with gas monopoly Bulgargaz, signed with Azeri state-owned gas and oil company SOCAR a memorandum of understanding for a possible joint project for the expansion of the Chiren storage facility.
Source: Capital (12.02.2015)
Industrialists Demand Slash of Gas Price by At Least 22.7 Per cent as of April Industrial energy consumers insist on cutting the price of natural gas by at least 22.7 per cent as of April. The demand is included in a letter the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers sent to the ministers of economy and of energy. The industrial consumers argue that oil prices have reached a five-year bottom while the price of natural gas for industrial purposes in Bulgaria has not dropped. At the moment industrial consumers pay more than 600 leva per 1,000 cu m of gas. The letter says that the price of natural gas is strongly bound to a basket of alternative oil fuels which at the current moment of low oil prices should result in a sharp decline in the costs for natural gas which, however, does not happen. Calculations made by the Federation show that the regulated price of natural gas in Bulgaria are close to the 2008 levels when oil reached 145 dollars per barrel, whereas now the price of petrol is almost thrice lower. The Federation argues that given the huge difference in energy prices, the Bulgarian economy cannot be competitive on the world markets. The Federation says that state-run Bulgargas could take advantage of the successful models for managing the forex risk.
Source: Standart (24.02.2015)
European Commission Supports Construction of Bulgaria-Greece Gas Interconnector The construction of a natural gas interconnector between Bulgaria and Greece and the European Commission's support for the project were discussed by Bulgarian Energy Minister Temenouzhka Petkova and European Commission Vice President for the Energy Union Maros Sefcovic, the Energy Ministry reported on Tuesday. The two met during the groundbreaking ceremony for the Trans-Anatolian Gas Pipeline (TANAP), which was held in the eastern Turkish town of Selim. Petkova and Sefcovic considered the Bulgaria-Greece gas interconnector as part of the Southern Gas Corridor. Sefcovic said the European Commission supports the interconnector project because it is important not only for Bulgaria but also for the entire European Union. Petkova said her government has taken all necessary measures to speed up the project. The Bulgarian national budget in 2015 includes an allocation of 80 million euro as a government guarantee for the Bulgaria-Greece interconnector, which is part of the efforts for prompt construction of the pipeline, she said. Bulgaria is working with its Greek partners to accelerate the process even more, Petkova said. offnews
Source: Other (19.03.2015)
Bulgaria's BEH, units may be in breach of anti-trust rules - EC The European Commission has sent a statement of objections to state-operated Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and two if its units, informing them that they may have breached EU antitrust rules. At this stage, the Commission has concerns that BEH and gas monopoly Bulgargaz and gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz have refused to give competitors access to the gas transmission network and the gas storage facility, as well as reserved capacity they do not need on the gas import pipeline. The Commission opened formal proceedings against BEH in July 2013 to investigate whether the company may be abusing its dominant market position in the gas market in Bulgaria. In a separate investigation, in August 2014 the Commission issued a statement of objections to BEH concerning possible territorial restrictions in its electricity supply contracts with traders on the non-regulated Bulgarian wholesale electricity market. A statement of objections is a formal step in Commission investigations into suspected violations of EU antitrust rules. If, after the parties have exercised their rights of defence, the Commission concludes that there is evidence of an infringement, it can issue a decision prohibiting the conduct and impose a fine of up to 10% of a companys annual worldwide turnover.
Source: (24.03.2015)
Gas alternative as early as in three years time Gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece will be entirely funded by European means. The value of this interconnector will be EUR 220 million. The European commission has made it clear that the project will be funded with European money. The gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece was partially funded with EUR 45 million by the European commisiion back in 2009 under the European Energy Programme for Recovery. In May the final investment decision has to be made either. Shareholders in the project have equal shares. They are Greek DEPA, Italian Edison and Bulgarian energy holding. Construction of pipeline should be completed by the end of 2017 and came into operation in 2018. In that way Azeri gas will come to Bulgaria from the Trans-Anatolian pipeline whose construction was announced a week ago.
Source: Capital (24.03.2015)
Bulgartransgaz seeks contractor for Chirens extension Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz opened a tender for an exploratory drilling at Chiren underground gas repository an indicative value EUR of 9.77 million. The value of the contract does not include value added tax (VAT). Bids must be sent by May 25. The construction of the drilling is part of the repair and expansion of the gas repository. Chirens capacity has to be doubled so that it may collect up to 1 billion cubic meters natural gas. In that way the repository is to turn into a facility of regional importance. Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding.
Source: Duma (06.04.2015)
France becomes engine of Bulgaria's gas hub France will become the engine in Europe for Bulgaria's gas hub. This is the promise Bulgaria's visiting Prime Minister Boyko Borisov received from French President Francois Hollande after their meeting at the Elysee Palace in Paris on Tuesday afternoon. The meeting between the two lasted longer than the planned protocol. Mr Borisov explained to Mr Hollande his detailed plans and proposals for the construction of a gas hub of Russian gas as a replacement of the failed south Stream project. "France has always helped Bulgaria in heavy times. The gas hub and the South Stream are wonderful opportunities to use the entire transmission system of Bulgaria with new compressor stations, which have strategic place. So I am very happy that President Hollande understood me. I explained to him the possible routes over a map for half an hour and all I can say to the Bulgarians say that we found the rotor to help us in the realization of this idea. And France is a country that has a great impact in the European Council, European Commission and relations with Russia, "the PM said after the meeting.
Source: Standart (15.04.2015)
Bulgaria seeks to redraw EU pipeline map away from Russia Bulgaria is about to open a licensing round for oil and gas in the Black Sea as it seeks to turn itself into an energy hub and redraw the European pipeline map to curb the country's dependence on Russia, a senior official said on Wednesday. Bulgaria was among the countries locked into Russia's abandoned South Stream project that would have delivered gas directly to the European Union, bypassing Ukraine, traditionally a main transit route. Under pressure from the European Union, Russia abandoned the plan last year and announced it would instead develop a new route, Turkish Stream, which does not include EU member Bulgaria. This week, Gazprom warned the EU against attempts to thwart its gas strategy. In an interview on the sidelines of a meeting of EU energy and environment ministers in Riga, Bulgaria's Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov aligned himself with the European Commission's plans to find alternative routes and energy suppliers to Russia. Stankov said Bulgaria, which he said was 95 percent dependent on Russian gas, had never been officially notified of the collapse of South Stream and that the holding company in which Bulgaria has a 50 percent stake with Russia's Gazprom remained active. But the priority for Bulgaria is diversification from Russia and on making Bulgaria an energy hub.
Source: Reuters (17.04.2015)
Bulgaria promotes Black Sea oil drilling in Texas Parliamentary energy committee chair Delyan Dobrev is showcasing the opportunities for oil and gas drilling in Bulgarias Black Sea exploration blocks to leading US and international companies in Houston today. Dobrev is taking part in the OTC 2015 (Offshore Technology Conference) alongside Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov and Delyan Dimitrov from the Board of Directors of state-owned gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz. The delegation will hold talks with representatives of some of the largest US companies in the sector. The focus will be on opportunities to work in the Black Sea after launching oil and gas exploration and production procedures for Teres and Silistar. The tenders for oil and natural gas exploration rights for Block 1-14 Silistar and Block 1-22 Teres, two exploration blocks located in Bulgaria's Black Sea continental shelf and exclusive economic zone, were launched on April 18 in the wake of announcements in the Official Journal of the European Union. The winner will get a 5-year license for prospecting and/or exploration of oil and natural gas. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (F.A.Z.) reports that Frances Total, Austrias OMV and Spains Repsol have been working in the block Han Asparuh for three years. Preliminary drilling to confirm deposits is scheduled in 2016.
Source: Standart (05.05.2015)
Another major US company is interested in Bulgaria's Black Sea gas Another major US company is interested in the "Teres" and "Silistar" gas fields in Bulgaria's Black Sea, it turned out in an energy conference held in Houston, Texas. Now "Andarko" is also joining the race, its representative Eric Fry informed while meeting with National Assembly Energy Committee head Delyan Dobrev, Deputy Minister of Energy Jecho Stankov and Deputy Chairman of the Board of "Bulgartransgaz" Delyan Dimitrov. the meeting was held in Houston, Texas within the frames of the the leading global exhibition OTC 2015, dedicated to the exploration and production of oil and gas. Two days ago the American oil giant "Exxon Mobile" also showed significant interest in Bulgaria's undeveloped fields and stated its participation. Anadarko Petroleum Corporation is an American oil and gas exploration company and one of the world's largest publicly traded oil and gas exploration and production companies, with approximately 2.79 billion barrels of oil equivalent (BOE) of proved reserves and annual sales volumes of 274 million BOE as of December 31, 2013. Anadarko employs a worldwide workforce of about 6,000. The company is headquartered in The Woodlands, SPD Montgomery County, Texas.
Source: Standart (07.05.2015)
Chevron to reanimate Burgas- Alexandropoulos oil pipeline? US oil giant Chevron will make an effort to revive the Burgas-Alexandropoulos oil pipeline project, said Nikolay Tokarev, President of Russian pipeline company Transneft. According to Tokarev, cited by the TASS news agency, Chevron's interest in the project was related to plans to expand the capacity of the Caspian Pipeline Consortium (CPC). They have a 15% share in it. The company has not commented on the issue so far. The CPC's capacity is to increase to 67 million tonnes of oil after the expansion, up from the rate of 40 million tonnes of oil in 2014. The pipeline carries oil from Kazakhstan to Russia's Black Sea port of Novorossiisk, where the oil is loaded onto tankers. "The capacity of the Bosphorus is not limitless. The additional volumes that will come up after the expansion of the consortium will be difficult to transport," Tokarev said. Tokarev suggested that the project was interesting and that it had a future, not least because it would solve the problems with the Bosphorus. Tokarev pointed out that Bulgaria had no legal grounds to withdraw from the project unilaterally. He insisted that Chevron had promised to hold consultations with the Bulgarian partners.
Source: Standart (26.05.2015)
Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz held over 25% of their money in CCB The total amount of cash in the CCB of the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH) and its subsidiaries amounted to BGN 132.839 million, said Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova. "In particular, the holdings current accounts in CCB amounted to BGN 44.073 million at the time of placing the bank under special supervision. On June 20, 2014 NPP Kozloduy had cash in the CCB of over BGN 4 million. The requirement for a net concentration is observed as of June 30, 2014. NEK had BGN 14 million in CCB. The company has a contract with the bank following a procedure of public procurement law. Minister Petkova pointed out that the choice of bank is approved by resolution of the Board of Directors. Cash of ESO in the bank amounted to over BGN 3 million.
Source: Presa (27.05.2015)
Austrian OMV may transfer Romanian gas via Bulgaria Austrian OMV has interest in transferring natural gas through Bulgaria, if reserves are found in the deposit which is being analyzed together with ExxonMobil in Romanias territory waters in the Black sea. The idea is about 1-2 billion cubic meters of gas annually to be transferred through the interconnectors gas link between Bulgaria and Romania, which has not yet been entered into exploitation. The reason for the interest in transit of gas via the Bulgarian gas network was prompted by the lack of well-developed gas infrastructure in Romania. Part of transit quantities can even remain in Bulgaria if Bulgargaz or other distribution companies show interest in such a deal. Three candidates showed interest in the pre-project research for construction of interconnector link between Bulgaria and Turkey. These are: Chimcomplect Engineering AD, which was the designer for the construction of Nabucco, which never started, Gastech BG AD, which is owned by Overgas Holding and makes feasibility study of the gas link with Serbia and Burgasnefteproekt Ltd., owned by Lukoil.
Source: Standart (12.06.2015)
OMV is building a gas pipe through Bulgaria to link the Turkish Stream to Austria Austrian state energy giant OMV is building a gas pipeline linking the so-called Turkish Stream passing at the Bulgarian-Turkish border to the central gas distribution center in Baumgarten near Vienna, Austrian edition "Die Presse" reports. Rainer Seele, the future CEO of OMV, plans a new path for Russian gas to Vienna with Gazprom. Seele will take over one of the most powerful energy companies in Central Europe on July 1st. The project, passing through Bulgaria, Romania and Hungary will be lead by Reinhard Mitschek - a former boss of the Nabucco pipeline project. Since 2009, he has been leading Wintershall - a division of the chemical giant BASF, one of the main European partners of the Russian gas giant and frank critic of EU sanctions against the ruling at Russia. OMV Supervisory Board Chair Rudolf Kemler noted that the delivery of Russian gas through Ukraine may change and that it is "very important that OMV may be included in this process and we can play a key role as an important point of delivery of gas from Russia to Central Europe."
Source: Standart (15.06.2015)
Bulgaria proposes gas storage facility for Turkish Stream Bulgaria wants to build a storage facility for natural gas from the Turkish Stream pipeline project, according to Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Turkish Hurriyet reports. Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project on Dec. 1, 2014. Instead, he proposed a new natural gas pipeline route through Turkey's northwestern Thrace region to reach Greece. The route is commonly referred to as the Turkish Stream. "Bulgaria has renewed desire to build a natural gas storage facility," Novak said on June 19, adding that the facility would be located on Bulgarian soil and not on the border between Turkey and Bulgaria. Novak addressed the media during the International Economic Forum (SPIEF) held in St. Petersburg and spoke of his meeting with Temenuzhka Petkova, the Bulgarian energy minister. The same proposal was made six months ago, he said without providing further information regarding Russia's position on the project. Turkish Stream is expected to have a capacity of 63 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year. It will deliver 47 billion cubic meters of gas to Europe, while the remaining amount will be allocated for Turkey's domestic use. The agreement for the Turkish Stream gas pipeline's construction may be signed by the end of June, Novak said June 18.
Source: BTA (23.06.2015)
Bulgartransgaz EAD is certified as independent operator performing natural gas transmission in Bulgaria Bulgartransgaz EAD has been certified as independent operator of the Bulgarian natural gas transmission network. This will increase opportunities for funding Bulgarian proposals as projects of common interest, the press centre of the Bulgartransgaz EAD announced. Bulgartransgaz EAD meets all requirements for independent gas transmission operator within the realisation of the government priority for participation in the concept for the establishment of the European Energy Union. At the decision of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC), Bulgartransgaz EAD has been certified as independent operator performing natural gas transmission through Bulgarias gas network in conformity with the European requirements and local market rules for natural gas of 2009. The establishment of Bulgartransgaz EAD as certified independent operator strengthens the positions of the Bulgarian national gas operator as reliable and stable partner on the integrated Europan energy market.
Source: Agency Focus (24.06.2015)
? Transgaz and Bulgargaz in search of new builder of Ruse-Giurgiu pipeline Gas operators from Romania and Bulgaria-Transgaz and Bulgartransgaz are in search of new builders of the Ruse-Giurgiu pipeline. Contract, concluded with companies that had to prospect under the Danube river has been terminated. They stumbled across some specific technical issues. The procedure for the award of a contract for work on the passage of the Danube under the facility will be renewed jointly by the two gas operator. To the European Commission (EC) has been sent a joint request for the subsequent extension of the deadline for acceptance of costs by the end of 2016. The project to link national systems for gas transmission on the route Ruse-Giurgiu started in 2011 and had to be completed two years later. Putting into operation of the interconnector was initially postponed to January 2014, and then one more time. The project envisages construction of measuring stations in Giurgiu and Ruse and a 25 km pipe that will run under the river of Danube. The pipeline will have a maximum capacity of 1.5 billion cubic meters annually from Bulgaria to Romania and 500 billion cubic meters in the reverse direction. The total cost of the project is assessed to EUR 24 million. Funding insured by Bulgartransgaz is to the amount of EUR 14 million.
Source: Briag (11.08.2015)
List of Bulgarias CorpBank creditors published A list of creditors of Corporate Commercial Bank (CorpBank) has been published in the Commercial Register. The 173-page list contains the names of individuals and firms with recognised claims. The biggest creditor is the Bulgarian Deposit Insurance Fund (BDIF), which paid BGN 3,647,600,000 to 109,230 depositors from December 4, 2014 to August 17, 2015. The list contains the names of depositors with deposits of BGN 196,000, which is guaranteed by the state. The biggest bank creditors are the Bulgarian Development Bank (over BGN 46 million), Societe Generale, Paris (over BGN 44 million), Commerzbank AG, Frankfurt (almost BGN 12.5 million), the Privatisation and Post-Privatisation Control Agency (PPCA) (BGN 10.7 million), and the National Revenue Agency (NRA) (over BGN 3.2 million). Toplofikatsiya Sofia heating utility is the biggest creditor among companies with over BGN 90 million. It is followed by the Dunarit military plant (over BGN 85 million), the Telish winery, NURTS, and others. Hospitals are also among the CorpBank creditors. The list also contains the names of physical persons but Minister of Culture Vezhdi Rashidov and former prime minister Ivan Kostov are not among them. They had themselves said they had money in the bank. The list contains the name of Ahmet Dogan, honorary chairperson of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF). He had BGN 694,000 in CorpBank. The list was compiled on June 22 and does not include claims that had been paid because they were covered by the state guarantee. The list can be appealed against in up to 14 days, after which the assignees will have their say on claims in 7 days.
Source: Agency Focus (19.08.2015)
Bulgaria Extends Petroceltics Oil/Gas Exploration Permit for Galata Block Bulgaria has extended a gas and oil exploration permit for Galata offshore block granted to Petroceltic until early September 2016, the government said on Wednesday. The 411-day extension will enable Petroceltic to carry out exploration and drilling activities in the Galata Block according to its approved work schedule, the cabinet said in a statement following a weekly meeting. Dublin-headquartered Petroceltic has a 100% operated interest in three producing gas fields and one future development in the Galata Block, which is located in the continental shelf and Bulgarias exclusive economic zone in the Black Sea. The combined production rate from the Galata, Kaliakra and Kavarna fields averaged about 18.6 million standard cubic fet per day (22,000 cubic meters per hour) last year, with a cumulative production volume of 6.8 billion cubic feet (193 million cubic meters). The gas was sold to state-owned Bulgargaz gas company and the chemical fertiliser plant Agropolychim, generating total revenues of USD 51M, Petroceltic said on its website.
Source: Monitor (17.09.2015)
Bulgaria's Bulgartransgaz opens EUR 4.7 mln pipeline construction tender Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has opened a EUR 4.7 million tender for construction works for 2,100 metres of a pipeline, connecting the gas transmission networks of Bulgaria and Romania, a notice in the European Unions procurement journal indicated. The order is for construtcion of gas pipeline Lozenets-Nedqlsko, related to expansion of tranzit route to Turkey. The value of the contract does not include value added tax, the notice published on Saturday in the Tenders Electronic Daily (TED) showed. The contract's duration is 210 days. Bids should be send by October 16. Bulgartransgaz is a subsidiary of state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding. Participants in the open procedure must give a guarantee for the participation of BGN 300 thousand. Bulgartransgaz will pay a contractor in advance of 20% of the contract value. Applicants must also have available funds of BGN 14 million to qualify for the procedure.
Source: Capital (23.09.2015)
Bulgaria Expects to Choose Builder of Gas Link to Romania in December A contractor is expected to be selected in early December for the construction of a gas pipeline interconnection with Romania under the Danube river bed, Bulgarias Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova said on Friday. Bulgarias gas pipeline operator Bulgartransgaz invited bids for the construction of a gas interconnector with Romania including a section under the Danube on September 16. The deadline for submitting bids will expire on October 16. A contractor is expected to be selected in early December 2015 if the submitted offers meet the requirements of the public procurement tender and no appeals are filed against the ranking of the bids and the naming of the successful candidate, Petkova told parliament. The project for the construction of a gas interconnection between Bulgaria and Romania is being implemented jointly by the gas transmission operators of the two neighbouring countries - Bulgartransgaz and Transgaz. The two companies have been granted up to EUR 8.9 M for project financing under the European Energy Programme for Recovery (EEPR).
Source: Dnevnik (05.10.2015)
Bulgarias PM: Dobrich Silistra Gas Pipeline Issued Final Certificate of Fitness Bulgarias state-owned gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz EAD has been issued an act for establishment of the construction works fitness for operation (Act 16) for the Dobrich Silistra gas pipeline. Bulgarias Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said on Facebook that he had been informed about the development by Bulgargaz late on Monday. Borisov, as cited by Sega daily, congratulated residents of Silistra and the Silistra district on the completion of the gasification projects, stressing that the opportunity was available both to households and industrial consumers. He emphasized that the project had remained at a standstill for two years, adding that he and the new management team of the state-owned gas company had managed to restart it and complete it in just 6 months. The Dobrich Silistra gas pipeline is 80 kilometers long and has a capacity of 100 000 cubic meters of gas per hour. The investment amounted to EUR 12 286 000.
Source: Sega (06.10.2015)
PM Borisov: Up to 30 bcm of natural gas could pass through Bulgaria 20-30 bcm of natural gas could transit through our territory. For this to happen, we must enhance gas connections with Greece, Turkey and Macedonia, and the Chiren storage facility has to be expanded, said Prime Minister Boyko Borisov, who was an official guest at the opening of the reconstructed compressor station "Ihtiman". "The investments we are making to modernize the existing pipeline network in the country are aimed at ensuring safety and security of the transmission of natural gas in the country. We are currently repairing four of the six compressor stations of the network for transit of gas through Bulgaria to Turkey, Greece and Macedonia. The total value of the project for the reconstruction is EUR 104 million, which includes the construction of low-emission gas turbine engines, "said the Prime Minister on Facebook, where he posted photos of the opening of the station. "The project for the rebuilt station in Ihtiman, which I and Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev, Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova, Executive Director of Bulgartransgaz EAD Georgi Gegov, and Roderick Moore of the US Embassy in Sofia, deputy Secretary of US International Trade Kenneth Hyatt and representatives of the local business officially opened this morning is worth EUR 17.7 million. After completion of the modernization the compressor stations in Bulgaria will meet the highest European environmental standards and requirements. Their use will be safer, reducing the risk of accidents, and they will cover the necessary parameters in the transmission of natural gas to consumers. We are working actively on acquisition of everything that is important for gas transport in Bulgaria by the government. All these facilities should be 100% state owned. Next week we will begin with the expansion in Chiren. By the end of 2016 the renovation of the compressor stations must be completed," pledged the Prime Minister.
Source: Monitor (14.10.2015)
Bulgaria's Bulgartransgaz starts EUR 10.6 mln expansion of Chiren gas storage Bulgarian state-owned gas transmission company Bulgartransgaz on Tuesday launched a project worth BGN 20.8 million for the expansion and upgrade of the Chiren gas storage, the energy ministry said. The project will increase daily withdrawal from the Chiren gas storage to over 10 milllion cu m from 4.2 million cu m, the energy ministry said in a press release. The facility's gas storage capacity will increase to up to 1,000 million cu m from 550 million cu m at present. The project will include drilling two wells which are scheduled to be put into operation by the end of 2016. The drilling works for the first well should be completed by the end of January 2016. The project is funded by Bulgartransgaz, as the European Commission has approved EUR 4 million in financing for 3D seismic studies.
Source: Monitor (20.10.2015)
Big foreign companies have shown interest in oil and gas exploration in Bulgaria, Deputy Energy Minister Zhecho Stankov said quoted by "24 Chassa". He was speaking at a conference in Sofia titled "Natural Gas - Infrastructure, Markets and Services", organized by the Bulgarian Federation of Industrial Energy Consumers. One of the areas, where exploration activities will be carried out, covers the territory of five regions - the Danube, Montana, Vratsa, Lovech and Sofia Region, while the other is in Varna Region. Since more than one companies has shown interest, a tender procedure will be announced by the year's end, said Stankov.
Source: (16.11.2015)
French, US Companies 'Interested' in Supplying Gas to Bulgaria French company Engie and US-based Cheniere have confirmed they are interested in importing natural gas to Bulgaria starting in 2016, a specialized energy website has announced It also quotes Ivan Ivanov, head of Bulgaria's energy watchdog KEVR, as saying at an energy conference the two companies were willing to deliver gas, but had previously experienced difficulties with their access to the gas grid which were removed after KEVR gave the green light to a new set of rules. These allow free and non-discriminatory access to the network of state-owned company Bulgargaz. Authorities hope the step would encourage more companies to deliver gas to Bulgaria and help reduce energy dependence on Russiaf
Source: Monitor (24.11.2015)
Bulgaria, Greece ink final investment agreement on gas interconnection Shareholders in the joint project company ICGB Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD and IGI Poseidon S.A. will sign a final investment decision on the construction of intersystem gas connection Greece Bulgaria. The ceremony will be held on Thursday, December 10, at 12 pm in the Council of Ministers at the presence of Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds and Economic Policy Tomislav Donchev, Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and Energy Minister of Greece Panos Skurletis. Prime Minister Boyko Borisov is also invited to attend the ceremony. Signing the final investment agreement initiates a process of construction of the interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria. Gas interconnection Greece - Bulgaria is designed to transport natural gas between the two countries by connecting to the national gas network of Bulgartransgaz EAD, near the town of Stara Zagora and the transmission network of DESFA S. A. - Greece near the town of Komotini. The project is implemented by a joint investment company ICGB Bulgarian Energy Holding EAD (50%) and Greek investment company IGI Poseidon S.A. (50%). Shareholders with equal shares in IGI Poseidon are DEPA, Greece and Edison, Italy. The gas connection has a length of 140 km on the Bulgarian territory. The planned initial capacity of the interconnector is 3 billion square meters / year, and a maximum capacity of up to 5 billion square meters / year in the next stage. The project received positive decisions on assessment of environmental impact (EIA) by the competent authorities of the Bulgarian and Greek territory.
Source: Standart (10.12.2015)
Bulgaria Gives Name 'Balkan' to Its Gas Hub Project Bulgaria's government announced the gas hub Bulgaria was intending to build near Varna, at the Black Sea, would bear the name "Balkan". A cabinet statement coincides with a meeting of Energy Minister Temenuzhka Petkova and Klaus-Dieter Borchardt, Director Internal Energy Market at the European Commission's Directorate-General for Energy. It also reads that Borchardt and Bulgaria's Deputy PM for economic development, Tomislav Donchev, will head a work group set up last year to study the gas hub project. The group will work to address challenges facing the regulatory framework and commercial environment to enable an easier connection of Bulgaria to the rest of Southeast Europe. Borchardt is quoted as saying, on behalf of EU Energy Commissioner Miguel Arias Canete, that Brussels is interested in the development of the gas sector in Southeast Europe to provide supplies to every country in the region. Bulgaria came up with the gas hub proposal last December, after Russia abandoned the South Stream project which was to carry gas to Central Europe via Bulgaria and Serbia.
Source: (11.12.2015)