Press Digest
Press digest - year 2021
Bulgaria will import 225 million cubic meters Azeri gas through the old gas pipeline from Greece Bulgaria will import about 225 million cubic meters of Azeri gas over nine months through the Kulata- Sidirokastro gas pipeline, until the Bulgarian-Greek gas interconnection is put into operation later this year. This was stated by the Ministry of Energy. Bulgargaz successfully started the delivery of blue fuel from Azerbaijan to Bulgaria at 7.00 am on the last day of 2020. Bulgargaz SPJSC negotiated the supply of an alternative route through the Greek gas network to the entry point Kulata - Sidirokastro of the Bulgarian gas network. The transportation of natural gas on this route is temporary, for a period of nine months until the end of the 2020/2021 gas year, said the Ministry of Energy. It specified that the quantities that will be delivered for this period are in an approximate volume of 225 million cubic meters and are in line with the technical capabilities of the Greek gas transmission network.
Source: (15.01.2021)
The CPC allowed Bulgartransgaz to participate in the construction of the terminal in Alexandroupolis The Commission for Protection of Competition has authorized the implementation of a concentration between enterprises, which will take place through the acquisition by Bulgartransgaz of joint control over Gaztrade SA, Greece together with Depa Trade, Greece, Gazlog Cyprus Investments Ltd. and Asimina - Eleni Kopeluzu. This was announced by the regulator. At the end of August last year the Bulgarian state company signed an agreement for purchase and sale of 20% of the share capital of Gastrade SA with Asimina-Eleni Kopeluzu, in her capacity as a seller. The other shareholders are the Greek gas operator DEPA (20%), Gazlog Cyprus Investments (a subsidiary of the competition) and the implementation of the future LNG terminal near Alexandroupolis. Gaslog Services UK LTD, United Kingdom with 20%). Bulgartransgaz' participation in the project for a new liquefied natural gas terminal (LNG terminal) near the city of Alexandroupolis, Northern Greece, is set in the updated Energy Strategy of Bulgaria until 2020 "For reliable, efficient and cleaner energy". The project has been identified by the European Commission as a project of "common interest" to Member States and has been identified by the Central and South-Eastern Europe High Level Group on Gas Connectivity (CESEC) and the European Energy Union Strategy. The project will work to integrate markets, provide market liquidity, support competition and price flexibility in the regional market. The construction of the terminal will contribute to the realization of the overall concept for the Balkan Gas Hub, which envisages connecting the natural gas markets of the member states in Central and Eastern Europe by building and developing the necessary gas transmission infrastructure.
Source: Banker (18.01.2021)
Bulgartransgaz is looking for a builder of the gas connection with Serbia Nearly 10 years after Boyko Borissov's first government signed a memorandum to build a gas connection with Serbia with then-Prime Minister Ivica Dacic and promised to make the first sod in a year (2013) at the latest, Bulgaria is looking for a builder for the interconnector. The announcement of the construction tender is an important step towards the start of the project, which has been delayed for almost a decade. The news comes after Serbian Energy Minister Zorana Mihajlovic said that by the beginning of 2023, Serbia will be connected through a gas interconnector with Bulgaria, a tender for a supervisory body has already been announced, and a tender for a Nis-Tsaribrod (Dimitrovgrad) gas connection builder is expected next week, so a contractor will be selected within 2-3 months, and the construction works will start by the summer. In the summer of 2020, Bulgartransgaz announced the first two public contracts related to the implementation of the Bulgaria-Serbia inter-gas connection.
Source: (21.01.2021)
Greek parliament ratifies Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnection agreement The Greek parliament ratified the agreement for cooperation between Greece and Bulgaria on the project for the gas interconnection between the two countries, ANA-MPA reports. It was voted on as part of a bill including the treaty establishing the Eastern Mediterranean Gas Forum (EMGF), an international organization with members Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Italy, Jordan and Palestine. Deputies from the ruling New Democracy party, the main opposition SYRIZA and the Movement for Change voted in favor of the bill. The Greek Communist Party and the party MeRA25 of former Finance Minister Yannis Varoufakis voted against the agreement. In July last year the Bulgarian National Assembly approved the bill for ratification of the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and the Hellenic Republic on the project to build the gas interconnection Greece Bulgaria (IGB gas pipeline).
Source: Banker (28.01.2021)
Bulgartransgaz registered as a shareholder in the liquefied gas terminal of Alexandroupolis The deal for participation of the Bulgarian gas transmission operator Bulgartransgaz SPJSC in the project for construction of a liquefied gas terminal of Alexandroupolis was finalized and the company has been entered in the shareholders register of Gastrade SA as a full shareholder with all ensuing rights and obligations, according to the signed Agreement between the shareholders, Bulgartransgaz announced. "Alexandroupolis Independent Natural Gas System is a modern high-tech project for a floating terminal for reception, storage and regasification of liquefied natural gas (LNG). The planned capacity of the gas transmission network of Greece amounts to 6.1 billion cub m per year. The storage capacity is 170 thousand cub m. The project contributes to the implementation of the overall concept for the Gas Hub Balkan, which provides for the construction and development of the necessary gas transmission infrastructure to connect markets of natural gas to the countries in Central and Eastern Europe. It is done entirely in implementation of the policy and priorities for building a single interconnected pan-European energy market. The terminal is in synergy with other infrastructure projects in the region, such as the Interconnector Greece-Bulgaria (IGB) and the Chiren Underground Gas Storage Expansion, which, along with the existing infrastructure of Bulgartransgaz SPJSC, will improve the access of Bulgaria and the countries in the region to liquefied natural gas.
Source: Banker (29.01.2021)
Bulgartransgaz is seeking funding of up to EUR 155 million for key projects Bulgartransgaz is seeking bank financing in the form of a loan for operating and investment costs. The state-owned company has published a call for tenders. Bulgartransgaz is in the stage of realization of key projects, which seek diversification of sources and increase of security of natural gas supplies for Bulgaria and the region. Their implementation aims to preserve the key role of the country as a significant regional gas distribution center. Other projects are aimed at expanding the gas transmission network to regions in Bulgaria. Such are the expansion of the capacity of the Chiren underground gas storage, the participation in the liquefied natural gas terminal near Alexandroupolis, Greece, the Bulgaria-Serbia interconnection and the gas transmission diversions to the municipalities of Panagyurishte, Pirdop, Svishtov, Bansko and Razlog. This procedure seeks to provide financial resources for the implementation of the investment program of the company. Within the procedure, Bulgartransgaz expects to raise financing in the amount of up to EUR 155 million with a repayment period of six years. The starting point for the price of the required financial resource is the result of a similar procedure conducted by Bulgartransgaz in June last year. A key condition in the current procedure is that the cost of financing is lower than 2.5% per year. The funds raised will support the active actions of Bulgartransgaz to increase security of supply and to develop a competitive and transparent natural gas market in the country and the region. Bids for participation in the procedure can be submitted until March 5.
Source: Banker (10.02.2021)
BEH will have a new management, none of the current managers applied in the competition None of the current BEH managers applied in the competition for members of the board of directors announced by the Ministry of Energy. The resigned head of the holding, Jacqueline Cohen, has already stated that he will not stay, and Zhivko Dinchev and Andon Andonov have submitted documents for the boards of TPP Maritsa East 2 and Mini Maritsa East respectively. Seven people will fight for 3 seats on the board. Among them well-known in the energy circles are the former MP Valentin Nikolov, Ivan Andreev, who is a former head of NPP Kozloduy, the financial director of Mini Maritsa-East, Stelian Koev, Dimcho Margitov, who works in BEH, and Lyubomira Gancheva. Kozloduy NPP will also have a change of managers, with the possible exception of the plant's director Nasko Mihov, who is participating in the competition. Ivan Yonchev and Jacqueline Cohen did not submit documents. Yonchev is currently the head of NEK and is applying for it.
Source: 24 chasa (24.02.2021)
The builder of Balkan Stream also wants a gas connection with Serbia The candidates in the public tender for the construction of the Bulgaria-Serbia gas connection, worth BGN 143.6 million are eleven, the state-owned company Bulgartransgaz said. The length of the interconnector on Bulgarian soil is 62 kilometers. It is noteworthy that among the candidates is the consortium Arcade, which is building a sequel to Turkish Stream through Bulgaria, called by Prime Minister Borissov Balkan Stream. The Italian Bonat" also submitted an offer. Among the other contenders are the well-known in our country Glavbolgarstroy, GP Group in a consortium with Groma Hold, Klimatronic, Atomenergoremont. Bulgartransgaz has not yet set a date for the opening of price offers. The implementation period is 350 days. According to official information, the Sofia-Dimitrovgrad (Serbia) -Nish (Serbia) gas interconnection is envisaged as a reverse connection to connect the national gas transmission networks of Bulgaria and Serbia. Initially, the pipeline is expected to provide an opportunity to supply 1.8 billion cubic meters of gas per year. The project is experiencing a serious delay, as the government expected the connection to be ready in 2017. The Bulgaria-Serbia gas interconnection has been declared by the European Commission as a project of common interest to the EU. Just over a third of the construction amount is provided under the Connected Europe program. The funds in question will be enough to transfer the advance to the future builder, which is fixed at BGN 46 million. The last announced intentions of the government were to put the interconnector into operation in May 2022, but the project documentation to Brussels shows that rather, it will be in August 2022.
Source: Banker (24.02.2021)
EWRC discusses gas exchange licenses for two companies The energy regulator will discuss the request of two companies to obtain 35-year licenses for natural gas trading. These are the state-owned Balkan Gas Hub and the private Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform. he application of Balkan Gas Hub, which is under the auspices of Bulgartransgaz, shows that since the beginning of last year 39 users have been registered as participants on the exchange market, and the forecasts are that every year they will increase by 10. The company expects the various fees that consumers will pay to account for a large share of revenues, and predicts that 67 percent of Bulgaria's natural gas consumption will be traded through the blue fuel market. Balkan Gas Hub grounds its request to obtain a license for stock exchange trading with the fact that it must ensure the work of the gas transmission network operator Bulgartransgaz, which has been issued a license for 35 years. The purpose of market trading is to achieve a market price based on supply and demand. Balkan Gas Hub also points out that licenses for transmission of natural gas and other gas transmission network operators are expected to be issued in the country. The request of the private company Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform will be considered at a separate meeting. It has also requested a 35-year term on her license. During this time, the company plans to adapt its business to the needs of consumers and market dynamics and gradually expand the type of products offered and support trade in natural gas in the country.
Source: National radio (09.03.2021)
Bulgartransgaz signs deals worth 20 mln euro for two new pipelines Bulgaria's gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz has signed deals worth a total of BGN 39.1 million for the construction of two new natural gas pipelines. The larger contract, worth BGN 24 million, envisages the construction of a pipeline to the towns of Pirdop and Panagyurishte, while the second deal concerns a new pipeline to the town of Svishtov. The first deal, signed on February 10, was won by a tie-up between local Atomenergoremont and North Macedonia-base Rapid Build. The second contract was signed on February 11 with a tie-up comprising Glavbolgarstroy and Glavbolgarstroy International. Each of the two tenders attracted six valid offers. The two contract do not include the value of the needed materials and equipment, which will be supplied by Bulgartransgaz.
Source: SeeNews (15.03.2021)
Bulgartransgaz plans BGN 43 million in "hydrogen" investments for 4 years Hydrogen is already present in the ten-year plan for the development of the networks of the state company Bulgartransgaz until 2030. In the next three or four years, infrastructure for the transmission of this gas to coal regions will be built, with almost BGN 43 million without VAT. However, it is explicitly stated that these are projects for which no investment decision has been made yet. It is not mentioned where the funds in question will be provided from, but most likely they will come under the Recovery Plan, where BGN 333 million are provided for the state-owned company for such purposes. With them, as well as with another BGN 144 million of its own funds, the company will build new gas pipelines (for mixed transmission of natural gas and hydrogen) to four TPPs. These are Maritsa-East 2, Bobov Dol and the American ContourGlobal Maritsa-East 3 and AES Galabovo. The new infrastructure with a total length of about 175 km will be part of the gas transmission infrastructure of Bulgartransgaz, it is clear from the company's plan. Beyond these plans, however, the new investments are sharply reduced against the background of the nearly BGN 3 billion spent on the continuation of "Turkish Stream". The biggest new project planned for the coming years until 2025 is the expansion of the storage in Chiren. The forecast is that a little over BGN 600 million will be needed for its realization.
Source: Capital (17.03.2021)
The trustees of Corporate Commercial Bank start paying another BGN 250 million to the depositors From next Tuesday (March 30), the trustees of the bankrupt Corporate Commercial Bank will start paying another BGN 250 million to the bank's creditors. The amount is included in the fourth partial account for distribution of accepted receivables and represents almost entirely the EUR 125 million received from BTC in May last year. They were part of the financing by the bank controlled by Tsvetan Vassilev to acquire a majority stake in the telecom in 2012, and after the bank closed, there were a number of lawsuits blocking the payment of the amount over the BTC control dispute. According to the account published in the Commercial Register, the amount is distributed among over 7,000 depositors in CCB who have unsettled receivables. These are mainly persons who had more than BGN 196,000 in a deposit in the bank, as those with smaller amounts received their funds from the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (BDGF) at the end of 2014. Apart from them, however, the list also includes those who were on privileged terms, as well as those who acquired receivables through assignments, as well as those who found themselves again as creditors of CCB after the cancellation of concluded assignments. The most significant part of the amount - BGN 189 million, will be directed to the BDGF, which after the payment of guaranteed deposits for about BGN 3.7 billion has become the largest creditor of CCB. Some state and municipal companies, which were among the largest depositors in the bank at the time of its closure, will receive more substantial sums. For example, Toplofikacia Sofia will be able to receive BGN 4.6 million, Bulgartransgaz - BGN 3 million, Airport Sofia "- BGN 1.47 million, BDB over BGN 1 billion and others. The list itself is published in the Commercial Register on the account of CCB. As with the previous accounts, the payment of the amounts is serviced by Unicredit Bulbank. A list of branches is published on the CCB website, where each creditor can receive the amount allocated to him. The money can be withdrawn, transferred to an account in Unicredit Bulbank or another bank. With this, the funds already paid by CCB will exceed BGN 1 billion.
Source: Capital (29.03.2021)
The Kovachki-affiliated OZK will insure Turkish Stream through Bulgaria This month, the state-owned Bulgartransgaz signed two contracts with companies associated with Hristo Kovachki. One is with Atomenergoremont for the construction of the transmission gas pipeline in the Srednogorie region for over BGN 27 million, and the other is with OZK-Insurance for insurance of the newly built gas pipeline from the Turkish to Serbian border, which Prime Minister Boyko Borissov calls Balkan Stream, but is actually a continuation of the Russian pipeline Turkish Stream. In addition to the pipe itself, the insurance policy also includes buildings, structures, machines, facilities, equipment, as well as one of the compressor stations - Rasovo. The total value of the insured assets is over BGN 2.3 billion, covering all kinds of damages - from theft, through fire and earthquakes, to industrial accidents. However, the documentation does not specify limits up to which the insurer will pay damages. Up to 1% of the value is pointed only in case of theft. The monthly premium that Bulgartransgaz will pay to OZK is BGN 92.6 thousand. The contract will enter into force on April 1 and will be valid until February 14, 2022. In the 10 months and two weeks, the amount under the contract will reach almost a million.
Source: Capital (31.03.2021)
EWRC licensed two gas exchanges for the next 35 years Two gas exchanges were licensed for 35 years. The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission approved the licensing and adopted their business plans until 2024 and 2025. This happened without any unrest in the gas sector, although experts doubted that the market could withstand two exchanges. One exchange is the state one - Gas Hub Balkan, which is owned by Bulgartransgaz and has been operating since the beginning of 2019. It has a capital of BGN 500,000. Its subject of activity is construction and operation of an electronic platform for the exchange market with natural gas, energy products, energy carriers, energy, green and white certificates, carbon emissions and other energy-related products. After signing an agreement with Trayport Limited (Trayport) in 2019, Gas Hub Balkan uses the Global Vision Exchange Trading System (ETS). For 2019, the exchange is at a loss of BGN 150,000, but it has sufficient resources, as well as the support of the owner for the development of the natural gas trading platform, concludes EWRC. Revenues for 2019 are BGN 28,000. Clients of the exchange are 39 gas traders. The private Bulgarian Energy Trading Platform uses the same trading platform - Trayport Limited UK. However, quantities of the program for the release of natural gas from Bulgargaz will not be traded on it, as there is currently an active agreement for the implementation of the program for the release of natural gas between Bulgargaz and Gas Hub Balkan, which is approved by the EWRC.
Source: 24 chasa (02.04.2021)
The trustees of CCB have reimbursed 25% of the money Over BGN 1.25 billion are the funds distributed to creditors by the trustees of the bankrupt Corporate Commercial Bank as of the end of March 2021, according to the Bank Deposit Guarantee Fund (BDGF). The amount allocated for recovery is significantly higher than the forecasts for no more than BGN 800 million of the specialized international investigation company AlixPartners Services UK LLP. The data show that for more than 6 years the trustees have managed to collect about 25% of the assets of the looted bank. There is no data on how many of the BGN 1.25 billion in question are the result of the collection of loans provided by the Corporate Commercial Bank, the liquidation of the bank's assets or the declaration of invalidity of set-offs after its bankruptcy. Most of the money allocated for the return - BGN 928 million, actually goes to the BDGF, which is the largest creditor of CCB, after paying off protected deposits in 2015 for BGN 3.7 billion. So far, the bank has returned money to unprotected depositors (those with savings over BGN 196,000) and other creditors with four partial accounts. The list of major unprotected investors includes Sofia District Heating, Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz, BDB, BEH, NEK, Kozloduy NPP, Maritza Iztok Mini, NRIC, as well as government agencies such as the Privatization Agency and the Diplomatic Properties Agency. All of them have so far received no more than 20% of their former savings in the bank.
Source: Sega (15.04.2021)
The energy companies owe a total of BGN 2.5 billion The companies in the energy sector, united under the Bulgarian Energy Holding, have debts of BGN 2.5 billion, said caretaker Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov. He specified that the servicing of these obligations alone costs the state EUR 100 million a year. Andrey Zhivkov criticizes the style of work of BEH. "BEH has access to attractive financing, but instead of investing in strategic projects and becoming a regional player, it uses them to solve current problems. In other words, with long-term liabilities BEH solves short-term problems. This is a path to a debt spiral," the minister pointed out. To refinance its liabilities in July, BEH will issue a bond issue of EUR 550 million, but no base investor has been found for it to give the company an image, said Minister Zhivkov. His deputy, Alexander Nikolov, added that the problem was that BEH continued to accumulate deficits. Among BEH's biggest debtors is the National Electricity Company with a debt of over BGN 2 billion, which the company does not service, but only renegotiates. TPP Maritsa East 2 is another large debtor with BGN 580 million. Bulgartransgaz's liabilities are also growing year by year, amounting to BGN 920 million, the main reason being the investment of BGN 2.6 billion in the project for the construction of the route of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline. The minister expressed doubts about the profitability of the project, but promised to give more details by getting acquainted in detail with the financial estimates. Bulgargaz also has liquidity difficulties due to Toplofikacia-Sofia, which is failing to pay its debts, Minister Zhivkov added. As a problem, the Minister pointed out that BEH seizes extraordinary dividends from the profitable companies and thus "the problem is transferred from the sick head to the healthy one". He pointed out that in 2019 and 2020 an additional BGN 200 million and 270 million were taken from the NPP Kozloduy, and from the Electricity System Operator twice BGN 50 million each.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2021)
Canadian Canpipe will build the Bulgarian route from the gas connection with Serbia A company of the Canadian Canpipe Industries International and its Bulgarian branch Canpipe Industries International Bulgaria has been selected as a builder of the Bulgarian section of the gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia - from Sofia through Kalotina to Nis. Although the price offered is not the lowest, the offer is the highest evaluated, according to a protocol of the Commission for the selection of a contractor for the site in the state gas operator Bulgartransgaz. If there are no appeals from the other participants in the public procurement, Bulgartransgaz will be able to sign a contract with the preferred builder at a price of BGN 136,804,865.99 without VAT. The projected price by the gas operator for the 62-kilometer section on Bulgarian territory was BGN 143,559,450 without VAT, and the deadline for its construction is estimated at 350 days from the date of signing the contract. Although the Aibies-Intergas consortium DZZD, in which one of the builders of the Zheleznitsa tunnel participates, offers the lowest price of BGN 129,798,657.54 without VAT, its offer is ranked third due to a lower technical rating proposal. The second is the offer of Glavbolgarstroy through the company International Gas in the amount of BGN 139,777,777.77. The offer lags behind the winner by a minimal difference.
Source: (09.06.2021)
Bulgatransgaz sinks in debts along Turkish Stream Over 250% increase in liabilities to the incredible BGN 2.57 billion is reported by the state gas operator Bulgartransgaz in 2020. The company's financial statements show that liabilities to banks increase from BGN 391 million to BGN 922 million, and the trade and other liabilities of the company explode - from only BGN 10 million at the beginning of 2020 to the impressive BGN 1.25 billion at the end of the year. At the same time, the available cash and cash equivalents in Bulgartrangaz decreased from BGN 572.3 million to BGN 336.5 million. Against this background, the company reported a profit of BGN 115 million from its operating activities - transmission of natural gas. But after deducting the huge exchange rate differences (-41.6 million BGN) and taxes, the real profit for the period is 72.5 million BGN, decreasing by over 30% on an annual basis. Apart from this, however, revaluations of the available quantities of natural gas in the Chiren storage facility and the transmission network have been made, reporting which the company actually incurs a loss of BGN 25.6 million with a positive financial result of BGN 103.3 million for 2019. Briefly: in the year in which the continuation of Turkish Stream was built, the financial condition of Bulgartransgaz deteriorated dramatically.
Source: Capital (14.06.2021)
Bulgartransgaz ranks first Canpipe BG's 70 mln euro offer to build gas link with Serbia Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz said it ranked first a BGN 136.8 million offer by Canpipe BG, a company established by local subsidiaries of Canada-based Canpipe Industries International Inc., to supply equipment and build the Bulgarian section of a gas link with Serbia. Canpipe BG, a tie-up of Canpipe Industries International Inc. - Bulgaria Branch and Canpipe Industries International Bulgaria EAD, received an overall score of 97.79 points in the procurement tender. The price does not include VAT. A consortium comprising Bulgarian companies Glavbolgarstroy and Glavbolgarstroy International was ranked second with an offer of BGN 129.8 million and an overall score of 97.14 points. The ranking was carried out on the basis of quality-to-price ratio. Four more participants were ranked lower, with scores between 90.00 and 69.03 points Bulgartransgaz said earlier this year that its BGN 143.6 million tender for the supply of equipment and construction of the respective gas link section attracted 11 offers. Bids were submitted by nine tie-ups and the Bulgarian branches of Italy-registered companies Arkad and Bonatti, Bulgartransgaz said in a notice at the time. The length of the Bulgarian section of the gas link with Serbia is 62 kilometres.
Source: SeeNews (14.06.2021)
Bulgartransgaz reports over 250% growth in liabilities in 2020 The state gas operator Bulgartransgaz reports over 250% increase in liabilities to BGN 2.57 billion in 2020. The company's financial statements show that liabilities to banks increase from BGN 391 million to BGN 922 million, and the company's trade and other liabilities jump from only BGN 10 million at the beginning of 2020 to an impressive BGN 1.25 billion at the end of the year, Capital reports. At the same time, the available cash and cash equivalents in Bulgartrangaz decreased from BGN 572.3 million to BGN 336.5 million. The company reported a profit of BGN 115 million from its operating activities - transmission of natural gas. But after deducting the huge exchange rate differences and taxes, the real profit for the period is BGN 72.5 million, decreasing by over 30% on an annual basis. Thus, in the year in which the sequel to Turkish Stream was being built, Bulgartransgaz's financial situation deteriorated dramatically. Of course, against all these costs and obligations are investments in a new gas transmission network, which at least in theory should pay off in the coming years.
Source: Dnevnik (15.06.2021)
The construction of Balkan Stream has been completed The Serbian company Srbijagas and the Hungarian FGSZ connected the pipes of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline to the border with Hungary, RTS reported. In the future, gas will pass through it from Turkey to Central Europe through Bulgaria and Serbia. The first quantities of transit gas for Central Europe are expected on October 1. In this industry, connecting two pipes that come from two different countries is called a golden connection. When it comes to the golden connection, it means the project is nearing completion and gas supplies will begin soon, explained Ferenc Szabolcs, chairman of the FGSZ board. Srbijagas General Manager Dusan Bayatovic said it put an end to years of efforts by the country to finally resolve the issue of gas supplies from another source, not just Ukraine. Bulgaria has invested between BGN 2 and 3 billion for the construction of its part of Balkan Stream. The gas that will pass through it will be almost entirely Russian, which means that its role in diversifying energy sources for the country will be virtually zero. The servicing of the loans taken for the construction of the pipeline on Bulgarian territory will weigh on the Bulgarian taxpayers for many years. In addition, the pipeline will be used only for gas transit from Turkey to Serbia, but not for gas supply to customers in northwestern Bulgaria.
Source: Sega (05.07.2021)
Bulgartransgaz has joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance The state-owned gas operator Bulgartransgaz became a member of the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, in which more than half of European gas transmission operators participate to co-operate in the implementation of hydrogen as a clean and carbon-free fuel. This was announced by the company, which already has plans to build a pipeline to transport alternatives to natural gas such as biogas and hydrogen to the Maritza Iztok complex, where coal power plants intend to receive a European subsidy for transformation to gas, and then to hydrogen. The initiative to establish the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was launched in July 2020 by the European Commission as part of the implementation of the objectives and priorities set in the European Strategy for the Use of Hydrogen and the new Strategy for Industry. The organization must help meet the EU's climate and energy goals for a climate-neutral economy by 2050. The alliance plans to build an investment channel for large-scale production and support for the demand for clean hydrogen in the EU. The ambition is to widely implement hydrogen technologies by 2030, promoting the production of low-carbon and green hydrogen, as well as its transport and distribution. The initiative involves 23 of the 45 European transmission operators that are members of the European organization ENTSOG, including: Bayernets, Conexus Baltic Grid, DESFA, Energinet, Enag?s, ustream, Fluxys, Gasunie, GRTgaz, Gas Connect Austria, GAS-SYSTEM,GASCADE Gastransport, Gas Networks Ireland, NET4GAS, Nowega, REN Gasodutos, OGE, ONTRANS, Plinacro, Snam, TRANSGAZ, Ter?ga, Thyssengas Elering. Bulgartransgaz joined them on July 13.
Source: (15.07.2021)
The CPC has suspended the procedure for selecting a builder of the gas connection with Serbia The construction of the gas connection between Bulgaria and Greece is about to be delayed once again, and the deadline for its completion - May 2022, will certainly not be met. The procedure for selecting a builder has been effectively blocked due to four complaints from removed participants, on which some details are only now becoming known. The ranking for the builder of the gas interconnection was announced by Bulgartransgaz on June 3, when the Canpipe consortium, which includes a branch of the Canadian company Canpipe Industries International Inc. and its company of the same name, registered in Bulgaria, was selected as the winner with a price of BGN 164 million. The company appears to be linked to businessman Alexander Staliyski, who is said to be close to Boyko Borissov and Delyan Peevski. Immediately afterwards, however, the Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) received a total of 5 complaints from lost participants. These days, the CPC has issued a definition - the procedure for selecting a contractor cannot continue, which is a problem, because unlike "Turkish Stream", the interconnector with Serbia could provide real diversification of sources and supplies. The applicants are DZZD International Gas, DZZD Nova Gaz 2021, Bonati (which was a competitor of Arkad in the Turkish Stream procedure but later became a subcontractor) and the IBS-Intergas consortium. Their objections were united by the CPC in one proceeding. Interbel 99 also filed a complaint against the tender ranking, but it was considered unfounded by the Antimonopoly Commission.
Source: Capital (16.07.2021)
Bulgaria's competition authority suspends construction of gas link with Serbia Bulgaria's competition authority said that the construction of a gas interconnection with Serbia cannot proceed before complaints against the selection of local company Canpipe BG as contractor in the project are settled. The project does not meet the criteria of urgency that would justify the awarding of the public procurement contract to the selected candidate before the Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) has issued its final ruling on the complaints, the anti-trust body said in a statement last week. The complaints that have blocked the project were submitted by candidates which were excluded from running in the 143.6 million levs ($86.7 million/73.4 million euro) tender for the supply of equipment and the construction of the Bulgarian section of the gas interconnector with Serbia, called by Bulgarian gas transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz, or were ranked lower than the selected winner. The complainants include three consortia and the Bulgarian branch of Italy's Bonatti.
Source: SeeNews (23.07.2021)
One-off Advance Payment by Gazprom to Allow Bulgartransgaz to Save Lv 106 Mln Russia's Gazprom Export has declared its intention and readiness to make a one-off advance payment to Bulgartransgaz EAD to the amount due for long-term capacity booked under their contract for the July 1, 2021-June 30, 2023 booking period, Bulgaria's gas transmission system operator said Tuesday. This payment will allow Bulgartransgaz to pay some of its debts in advance, thus saving a total of 106 million leva. The news comes after Bulgartransgaz' announcement of June 17 that all its gas transmission system users who have booked long-term capacity and who intend to book capacity products within the envisaged auction on July 5, 2021 in line with ENTSOG calendar for allocation of yearly capacity products, including those who have booked capacity under long-term contracts with fixed prices, have the option of a one-off advance payment to the amount of the booked long-term capacity, discounted by 2.7 per cent on an annual basis, when booking for at least one year. The sum that Gazprom owes for the booking period in question amounts to 704,477,888.26 leva (VAT-exclusive). With the 2.7 per cent discount, that makes a one-off advance payment to Bulgartransgaz of 683,302,760.39 leva (VAT-exclusive). The payment will be made after the sides sign an additional agreement for a one-off payment to their Contract for Access and Transport. Bulgartransgaz plans to use Gazprom's advance payment to partially cover its debts to Arkad Consortium, the main contractor under the project for the expansion of Bulgartransgaz' gas transmission infrastructure parallel to the northern (highway) gas pipeline to the Bulgarian-Serbian border. Following a proposal by Arkad Consortium, Bulgartransgaz will make an advance payment to the amount of 461,096,701.65 leva, saving 94,963,375.80 leva in the process. Bulgartransgaz also plans to return in advance 65 million euro to commercial banks, thus saving a total of 11,662,232.90 leva from interest rates, as well as to return the securities provided to the amount of 24,142,912.00 leva. What remains of Gazprom's advance payment will be used for future operational, investment and financial expenditures of Bulgartransgaz, the Bulgarian company said.
Source: 3e-news (28.07.2021)
BGN 2.5 billion so far are the costs for Balkan Stream The project for expansion of the gas transmission network from the Bulgarian-Turkish to the Bulgarian-Serbian border, or Balkan Stream, is currently worth BGN 2.504 billion without VAT, with all costs until the commissioning of the site. This was stated by the Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov in the parliament in response to a deputy's question. He referred to information given to him by Bulgartransgaz. The minister demanded the dismissal of the company's management. Zhivkov said that the gas pipeline is connected to the existing gas transmission network in five places - at the Strandzha compressor station, at the Lozenets compressor station, in the area of ??the village of Zlatina in Provadia municipality, at the compressor stations Valchi Dol and Polski Senovets. This makes it possible to transport gas to all starting points in the country. Technical conditions for connection with a gas pipeline diversion to the storage in Chiren have been created for the route at the "linear part" stage. The project for expansion of the gas transmission infrastructure, i.e. Balkan Stream was introduced in stages in 2019 and 2020, observing all legal procedures and requirements for this category of sites.
Source: 24 chasa (09.08.2021)
EWRC imposed sanctions of nearly BGN 430 thousand on Bulgartransgaz The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) inspected Bulgartransgaz for the methods of financing used in the implementation of the Bulgartransgaz Gas Transmission System Development and Expansion Project. In the course of the inspection, the company has provided the concluded contracts related to the design, construction and financing of the project activities. The Commission has established that the contracts were signed without the prior permission of the energy regulator. In view of this, on August 5 the Chairman of the EWRC issued 21 penal decrees imposing property sanctions on Bulgartransgaz in the total amount of BGN 427,413.
Source: Banker (10.08.2021)
Bulgartransgaz will build new gas pipeline diversions in Bulgaria The Ten-Year Plan of Bulgartransgaz SPJSC for the period 2021-2030 envisages investments of over BGN 2.99 billion without VAT. The construction of new gas pipeline diversions creates conditions for accelerating gasification in the country with the respective economic, social, environmental and other benefits for the local population. In addition, for the first time in the priorities for investment activity is included the implementation of projects for construction of infrastructure for transmission of hydrogen and low-carbon gaseous fuels to supply power plants and other consumers in coal regions in Bulgaria. The expected result of the implementation of the Plan is the transformation of Bulgaria into a significant regional gas center - hub, creating technical opportunities for entry and exit of natural gas flows from various sources and new routes. An important focus of Bulgartransgaz's Ten-Year Plan is to provide an opportunity for the development of a competitive gas market and for diversification of sources and routes for natural gas supply, which will contribute to reducing the country's energy dependence and opens the possibility for a regional gas exchange. This will be achieved through the construction of facilities for connecting the existing gas transmission infrastructure with the future trans-European gas corridors and with the projects from the Southern Gas Corridor. Ensuring the security of natural gas supply is planned to be achieved through investments in the construction of interconnections to ensure connectivity with other gas transmission networks, as well as through investments for the expansion of the underground gas storage in Chiren.
Source: Banker (12.08.2021)
After a rift in the CPC, Canpipe can build a gas connection to Serbia The Commission for Protection of Competition rejected all appeals against the decision of Bulgartransgaz to choose a consortium Canpipe for the construction of the gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia for BGN 164 million with a four to two votes. The winning consortium was formed by a branch of the Canadian company Canpipe Industries International Inc. and its Bulgarian company of the same name. The first company actually has Luxembourg owners, little experience in the industry and an accounting loss of BGN 58,000 for 2019. Canpipe is unknown in Bulgaria, working only on another project of Bulgartransgaz. Four complaints were filed against the ranking of the gas operator - by Nova Gas 2021, IBS-Intergas, International Gas and the Italian Bonatti, which participated independently in the competition and was a competitor of Arcade in the procedure for "Turkish Stream", but then became its subcontractor. Now, in the tender for the gas connection to Serbia, it was not even allowed to the opening of the price offers. The decision of the CPC is 228 pages long, but in general the same thing is repeated several times - the assessment of the evaluation commission of Bulgartransgaz is correct and all arguments in the complaint are unfounded.
Source: Capital (17.08.2021)
Bulgartransgaz will be obliged to demand from Russia the missing road map for Turkish Stream The state gas operator Bulgartransgaz should be obliged to demand from the Russian giant Gazprom the so-called a roadmap for the development of the Bulgarian gas transmission infrastructure, which laid the foundations of the project for the extension of the Turkish Stream gas pipeline through Bulgarian territory. This was decided by the parliamentary committee on energy and climate at its first meeting on Thursday. A letter will be sent to the company, the wording of which is to be clarified and it will be given two weeks to fulfill the order of the MPs. The decision was made at the suggestion of the deputy chairman of the commission Martin Dimitrov from "Democratic Bulgaria" and its chairman Ivan Hinovski from "There is such a people". About two weeks ago, the caretaker Minister Andrey Zhivkov replied in the plenary hall during the parliamentary control that Bulgartransgaz and the Bulgarian Energy Holding, as well as the Council of Ministers, had replied that they did not have this road map. Bulgartransgaz commented that the company is not a party to this document. The signing was announced by the Ministry of Energy in 2017, stating that it happened between the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova and the head of "Gazprom" Alexei Miller. However, Martin Dimitrov now read in the draft letter that the document was signed by the then head of Bulgartransgaz, Georgi Gegov, who died a year later. Although Petkova downplays the content of the roadmap, its absence suggests that there are still things in it that the previous government did not want to be made public. And the wording of the document is likely to reveal details about the implementation of the transit pipeline from the Turkish to Serbian border. It was built by Bulgartransgaz with a number of loans signed without the obligatory approval of the energy regulator, and owed more than BGN 2 billion. Because of these violations, Minister Zhivkov wants to remove the management of the gas operator, but so far he has not succeeded.
Source: (20.08.2021)
The Municipal Council of Bobov Dol has given permission this week for the route of the project of TPP Bobov Dol to connect to the national gas infrastructure to pass through municipal terrains. "At this stage, it is only a matter of passing natural gas to the burners, thanks to which we will stop using fuel oil when melting each of our boilers. The next stage will be the introduction of natural gas as an additional fuel for energy production. The transition to ecological energy sources is the only way to preserve the jobs of the thousands of locals, thanks to the operation of TPP Bobov Dol. The implementation of investments for the change of the main fuel will contribute to the improvement of the air quality in the area of ??the plant. TPP Bobov Dol has requested prior consent from the municipal council for the development of a detailed development plan and a plot plan for the construction of a gas connection and a gas distribution station. The company has also requested the establishment of a real right of construction and easement, planning to build the necessary facilities at their expense. The plant wants to create an automatic gas control station on a plot of land with 3135 square meters.
Source: 24 chasa (17.09.2021)
The construction of the gas connection with Serbia is stuck in the SAC Four participants in the tender for the builder of the gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia are appealing against the choice of a company for the section on Bulgarian territory, but nevertheless Sofia is confident that the connection will be built on time. This was stated by the Bulgarian Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov during a meeting with his Serbian counterpart Zorana Mihajlovic within the Ministerial Meeting of the Partnership for Transatlantic Energy and Climate Cooperation (R-TESS), held in Warsaw. The main topic of their conversation was namely the progress in the construction of the interconnection, which the two ministers agreed was key to the diversification of natural gas sources and routes for the region, especially in synergy with the construction of the Greece-Bulgaria interconnection. The consortium DZZD Canpipe BG, in which the Bulgarian branch of the Canadian Canpipe Industries International and its Bulgarian company Canpipe Industries International Bulgaria were selected as the contractor of the 62-kilometer Bulgarian section of the gas pipeline from Sofia through Kalotina to Nis, with a total length of 170 km hold 5 and 95 percent, respectively. Its offer for BGN 136,804,865.99 without VAT was not the cheapest, but the cheapest offer received a poor technical evaluation. The decision of the contracting authority, Bulgartransgaz, was appealed to the Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) by five of the other bidders. One claim was dismissed and the other four were joined in one proceeding. However, the Antimonopoly Authority did not uphold the complaints, albeit with the dissenting opinion of two of its members. The decision of the CPC has been challenged before the Supreme Administrative Court by all four companies, it is now clear from Zhivkov's words. Complaints were filed with the CPC by IBS-Intergas, DZZD International Gas of the Bulgarian company Glavbolgarstroy, the removed DZZD Nova Gaz 2021, in which Atomenergoremont, which is associated with Hristo Kovachki, and the Italian Bonati.
Source: (28.09.2021)
NSI reported serious increase in gas supplies at the beginning of the summer Natural gas supplies increased by 51.5% in July on an annual basis to 259 million cubic meters, according to data from the National Statistical Institute (NSI) for energy sources. This is accompanied by a reduction in raw material production in the country - by 50% on an annual basis to 2 million cubic meters. Compared to the previous month of June, gas supplies in Bulgaria increased by almost 13%, while production remained at the same level. There is a significant increase in July in terms of solid fuel production. During the summer month, 1.97 million tons of solid fuels were extracted in the country, which is an increase of 33% compared to the same period last year. Compared to June, the yield is growing by an impressive 97%. Supplies of solid fuels also reported an increase - from 32.4% on an annual basis and from almost 97% on a monthly basis. 2.06 million tons of solid fuels were sold in the country, and the difference compared to the production is imports. In July, Bulgaria produced 3.83 terawatt-hours of electricity, which is 14.5% more than in July 2020. On a monthly basis, production is growing by 19%. The main part of this electricity is realized in the country - 2.77 terawatt-hours. NSI data show that consumption increased by 7.2% on an annual basis and by almost 10% compared to June 2021.
Source: (30.09.2021)
Canpipe has given up the gas connection with Serbia Surprisingly, a day before the first lawsuit filed by four companies against his choice of builder of the gas connection with Serbia, DZZD Canpipe BG refused to sign a contract and withdrew its bid for the 62km Bulgarian section of the gas pipeline from Sofia through Kalotina. to Nis. This is clear from the decision of the commission in Bulgartransgaz for the public procurement, which changes their previous ranking with first place for the proposal of Canpipe and the winner is the union DZZD Internationalgas between Glavbolgarstroy and the subsidiary Glavbolgarstroy International. The consortium DZZD Canpipe BG, in which the Bulgarian branch of the Canadian Canpipe Industries International and its Bulgarian company Canpipe Industries International Bulgaria hold 5 and 95 percent respectively, was selected in early June as a builder of the gas connection. Its offer for BGN 136.8 mln without VAT was not the lowest price, but the cheapest offer of the Aibies-Intergas consortium DZZD remained in third place due to poor technical evaluation. However, the decision of Bulgartransgaz was appealed to the antimonopoly commission by five of the candidates.
Source: (04.10.2021)
Chiren Gas Storage is now a "national site" The Chiren underground gas storage is now a "national site". This was decided by the Council of Ministers at its meeting. The decision is required in connection with a regulation of the European Commission of 31 October 2019, which confirmed the project to expand the gas storage as a project of common interest. A specific regime is introduced for its implementation, which includes the mandatory giving of the highest priority according to national legislation. With the status of "national site" Chiren will be able to rely on accelerated issuance of permits, EIA rules and public awareness at the earliest stage of their implementation, regulatory incentives, rules for cross-border cost allocation and mechanisms for financial support. The expansion project envisages a gradual increase in the capacity of the only gas storage facility in Bulgaria, which is expected to double the volume of stored gas to 1 billion m3 and the production and injection flow to 8-10 million m3 / day. Chiren is a key instrument for the functioning of the gas market in Bulgaria, which compensates for the seasonal unevenness in the consumption of natural gas in the country. and, on the other hand, the integration of the repository into an interconnected regional and pan-European market.
Source: Banker (15.10.2021)
Over 50% of the money for the expansion of Chiren come from Europe Bulgartransgaz is applying to finance a project to expand the underground gas storage facility in Chiren, the company said. A project proposal for partial financing of the enlargement under the Connecting Europe Facility was submitted on Tuesday. The future investment is worth a total of EUR 308 million. Over half of this amount will be applied for European funding. The extension of the country's only gas storage facility has been identified by the European Commission as a project of "common interest" for the EU in all lists published so far. This status is one of the eligibility requirements for receiving funding under the mechanism. At the beginning of the year, one of the most important feasibility studies for enlargement was completed - the 3D seismic studies of the Chiren structure, which the Connecting Europe Facility co-financed with 50% of the eligible costs. The expansion of the gas storage in Chiren will allow to increase the volume of active gas to 1 billion cubic meters, at 550 million cubic meters currently. The daily production capacity will increase to 10 million cubic meters per day, and the injection - up to 8 million cubic meters.
Source: 24 chasa (20.10.2021)
Bulgartransgaz can pay for its gas pipelines Bulgartransgaz can service its loans for Balkan Stream and pay off the contractors, moreover - implement its investment program. It includes the expansion of the Chiren storage facility, the connection with Serbia, the participation in the liquefied gas terminal at Alexandroupolis, the expansion of the infrastructure. The conclusions are from a report adopted by the EWRC, which examined the danger of over-indebtedness of the gas transmission operator. The inspection was appointed after a report by the regulator to the Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov that Bulgartransgaz had concluded contracts with the contractors of Balkan Stream - Arkad and Ferrostal Balkangaz, and with the creditor banks, without requesting the EWRC's consent. This was the reason for the minister to request resignations from Bulgartransgaz, which was not approved by the supervisory board. That is why he then demanded the dismissal of the BEH managers. EWRC fined the gas operator BGN 427,000. The report shows that Bulgartransgaz's money will increase fourfold from 2021 to 2030 and the company can pay the contractors and creditors. The document also focuses on the advance payment of BGN 683 million in fees from Gazprom Export by the middle of 2023. With them, the gas operator has paid BGN 461 million to Arad, which saves over BGN 80 million.
Source: 24 chasa (27.10.2021)
TPP Bobov Dol signed a contract for connection to the gas network RIEW allowed TPP "Bobov Dol" to build a pipeline of 1420 m, which will introduce gas into the plant. The eco-inspection has assessed that there is no need for an environmental assessment of the project, as it is unlikely that the investment intention will have a significant negative impact on the environment and human health. Bulgartransgaz has already confirmed that the plant can join the network. The contract with the gas company for connection to the gas distribution network is also a fact. It is planned that in 2022 99,000 thousand cubic meters of annual blue fuel will go to the plant, next year there will be 165,000 thousand cubic meters, and in 2024 - 168,000 thousand cubic meters. It also has a contract with the Black Sea Gas Company for carrying out the activities for feasibility study, geodetic activities, spatial planning and investment design.
Source: 24 chasa (28.10.2021)
Tests of the infrastructure along the route of the interconnector with Greece are starting All major activities for the construction of the Greece-Bulgaria interconnector continue to be actively implemented, and in the second half of October the first hydro tests of the infrastructure will start. They are already being implemented on the territory of Greece, and the process is expected to start soon on the IGB route on Bulgarian territory. The hydrotest is one of the most important stages in the testing of the gas pipeline, as it allows to check thoroughly whether the implementation of the infrastructure fully meets the set parameters in the working design, whether the quality of materials and labor meet the requirements. The hydro-tests are carried out in stages, which start after the performance of all other obligatory non-destructive inspections of the already welded gas pipeline. Until the interconnector is put into commercial operation, a number of other procedures are pending, including tests with the transmission of real quantities of gas to ensure compliance with all safety standards and to confirm the durability of the constructed facility over time.
Source: 3e-news (01.11.2021)
An oil boss is building a 377 m gas pipeline near the village of Belozem A gas pipeline for a biorefinery and an automatic gas control station will be built on the land of the village of Belozem, in the Kara Suluk area. The investor is Insa Spirit JSC, with majority owner Georgi Samuilov. The company was established in May this year specifically for this investment. It has a capital of BGN 50,000, distributed in 5,000 shares, each with a nominal value of BGN 10. For the supply of the biorefinery with gas it is planned to lay a transmission pipeline from the gas metering station of Bulgartransgaz, and the supply will be provided by suppliers on the gas transmission network of the company. The pipeline will be 377 m long, 16.83 m in diameter and 5.4 MPa in working pressure. The facility will be underground, made of steel seamless pipes with polymer tape insulation. According to the plan, three sites with permanent pavement will be built. On one of them a gas measuring station will be installed, on the second a crane unit will be located, which will be built into the existing gas pipeline of Insa Oil SPLTD, also of Georgi Samuilov, and on the third - another crane unit, which is at the beginning of the gas pipeline. the biorefinery. As "Maritsa" wrote, the oil boss Georgi Samuilov and until recently a sponsor of PFC "Botev Plovdiv" started this spring the construction of a biorefinery near the village of Belozem on an area of ??50 decares. The investment proposal to RIEW Plovdiv was on behalf of the company SSPIRIT SPLTD, with a capital of BGN 10. The company is under the umbrella of GS Formula JSC, with partners Deyan Kalinov, who holds 99%, and Vasil Danailov, and Samuilov is managed by a manager. Two years ago, he transferred his shares to Kalinov.
Source: Maritsa (19.11.2021)
EC left 4 Bulgarian gas projects on its priority list The European Commission published the Fifth List of Projects of Common Interest (PCIs) with Bulgarian participation. It is clear from the document that the four gas ventures remain in it - three of Bulgartransgaz and one of ICGB. They are all part of the North-South Corridor between the gas transmission networks in Central Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. As was the case with the fourth list, published in March 2020, the following are now identified as priorities for Brussels: Greece-Bulgaria gas interconnection, known as IGB, between Komotini (Greece) and Stara Zagora (Bulgaria) and Kipi compressor station (Greece); Rehabilitation, modernization and expansion of the Bulgarian gas transmission system; Interconnection gas connection Bulgaria - Serbia, IBS; Expansion of the capacity of Chiren UGS. The first of these projects is implemented by the joint investment company ICGB JSC, which is the owner of the project and future owner of the pipeline, as the share of Bulgarian Energy Holding is 50% and the other share of 50% is owned by the Greek-Italian company IGI Poseidon (50% DEPA SA; 50% Edison SpA). The other three belong to Bulgartransgaz. By including a project in the list of projects of "common interest", the European Commission has identified it as an investment of particular importance for security and diversification of natural gas supplies in Europe, as well as for building an integrated and competitive market. The EU-wide list of PCIs has been updated every nearly two years since 2013. All PCIs are subject to streamlined authorization and regulatory procedures and are eligible for financial support under the EU's Connecting Europe Facility (CEF).
Source: (25.11.2021)
Glavbolgarstroy might build a gas connection with Serbia Glavbolgarstroy might be the one to build the gas connection with Serbia, and the surprising way the company won the contract is within the law. This is clear from the decision of the Commission for Protection of Competition (CPC) on the complaints of two of the other candidate builders. The largest construction company in Bulgaria won the tender of the state-owned company Bulgartransgaz with the second highest overall score, after the winner, the Canpipe consortium, withdrew from the contract in late September while an investigation into complaints against its selection was under way. The offer of Glavbolgarstroy is about BGN 3 million higher - BGN 167.8 million. The decision of the CPC can now be appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) within 14 days. However, such an action will further delay the project, which was to be ready by May 2022. It is expected to be completed within 350 days, which means postponing its commissioning by at least half a year.
Source: (25.11.2021)
Bulgartransgaz grows 9-mo net profit on higher revenue Bulgarian state-owned gas transmission network operator Bulgartransgaz said that its net profit grew to BGN 79.2 million in the January-September from BGN 66.8 million in the like period of 2020, as the company increased its revenue. Bulgartransgaz's revenue went up to BGN 368.8 million in the first nine months of this year from BGN 281.6 million in the comparable period of last year. The company increased its technological expenses to just over BGN 26 million in the review period from BGN 18.5 million a year earlier. The bulk of its company's expenses was formed by amortisation and depreciation costs, which jumped to BGN 131.9 million in the review period from BGN 79.6 million the year before. The company's assets amounted to over BGN 5.3 billion at the end of September, up from BGN 5.1 billion at the end of 2020. In March, Bulgartransgaz said it will invest some BGN 2.5 billion in the next two years, mostly in the construction of new infrastructure. In 2021 alone, the company plans to invest about BGN 1.5 billion, of which BGN 1.1 billion in the construction of natural gas transmission and storage infrastructure, before investing further BGN 1 billion in 2022, with BGN 65.7 million of the total sum earmarked for reconstruction and rehabilitation works.
Source: SeeNews (20.12.2021)