Press Digest
Press digest - year 2023
Another 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year is guaranteed to Bulgaria via Turkey Bulgaria guarantees the supply of another 1.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year. This became possible with the signed agreement between "Bulgargaz" and the Turkish company "Botash" for reserving slots at terminals for liquefied gas and transferring it to our border. The liquefied gas that "Bulgargaz" will buy will be able to be delivered to Strandzha - Malkochlar. From this point, before the "Turkish Stream" was built, Russian gas entered Istanbul. Bulgaria's inlet capacity is 4 billion cubic meters per year. Experts say that with commercial interest from "Botash" it can increase to 6 billion. Deducting 1.5 billion cubic meters for the Bulgarian market, there remains the possibility of transporting another 4.5 billion cubic meters.
Source: 24 chasa (04.01.2023)
Consortiums around GBS and Atomenergoremont will expand Chiren Consortiums around "Glavbolgarstroy" and "Atomenergoremont" share the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren. The first will do the above-ground part, the second - the drilling. The contracts for a total of nearly BGN 500 million will be signed with the contractor "Bulgartransgaz". After a long appeal of the public procurement procedures, two of them have finished with the selection of contractors. For the gas pipeline connecting the gas storage facility with the Kozloduy village of Butan, the price offers of the candidates are to be opened, after there were also appeals, which, however, may continue after the selection of the contractor.
Source: (17.01.2023)
The contract for the expansion of the gas storage in Chiren was signed "Bulgartransgaz" signed a contract for the construction of above-ground facilities on the territory of the underground gas storage in Chiren with the consortium that won the contract for the construction of a new compressor and measuring station in the Chiren gas plant - Tech Energy Expansion. The contract is worth BGN 297.777 million and the construction of this part of the project extension is expected to be completed within two years. This commitment was undertaken by the executive director of "Glavbolgarstroy" Kalin Peshov, who leads one of the leading companies in the association that won the public contract. The company that will supply the equipment for the compressor station - "Solar Turbines" (Solar Turbines) - also enters the consortium. The overall project for the expansion of the Chiren LNG includes the construction of the above-mentioned equipment, which was the subject of one of the three public procurements carried out to realize the intention to increase the storage capacity from 550 million cubic meters at the time of 1 billion cubic meters within the next two years or so.
Source: Trud (23.01.2023)
The Bulgarian gas storage is more than 82% full, those in the EU - nearly 78% Currently, the Bulgarian gas storage facility is 82.19 percent full. No quantities of natural gas were withdrawn from it in January. At the beginning of November, the gas storage in Chiren was filled to 90.41 percent. Underground gas storage facilities in the EU were on average 77.81 percent full as of January 22, according to data from the specialized platform Aggregated Gas Storage Inventory (AGSI). On November 1, they were filled at an average of 94.95 percent. In recent weeks, the most gas has been withdrawn from storage in France, at 0.97 percent. Only the Bulgarian, Swedish and Portuguese gas storages were not used at all.
Source: 24 chasa (25.01.2023)
State guarantee for a EUR 49 million loan for the gas connection with Serbia The Cabinet of Ministers accepted a state guarantee for a loan from the Dutch ING bank through its branch in Sofia to finance the reversible gas connection with Greece. The contract is between the bank and Bulgartransgaz. The estimated amount for the construction of the interconnector is EUR 76.7 million. And the loan is EUR 49 million with a repayment period until the end of this year and a repayment period of 5 years. The sources of funding for the project are also OP "Innovations and Competitiveness" and the Mechanism "Connected Europe". The gas pipeline runs from Novi Iskar to the border with Serbia, its length on Bulgarian territory is 62 km. There will be two gas pipeline diversions for Slivnitsa and Dragoman. The capacity of the pipe is 1.8 billion cubic meters per year with the possibility of reverse flow. With its construction, a new entry-exit point of interconnection will be created on the border of Bulgaria and Serbia.
Source: 24 chasa (26.01.2023)
ING Bank finances "Bulgratransgaz" for the Bulgaria-Serbia interconnector "Bulgartransgaz" EAD concluded a contract for a state-guaranteed loan with the Dutch "ING Bank" N.V. through "ING Bank" N.V. - Sofia branch for the financing of a Project of Common Interest for the European Union "Intersystem Reversible Gas Connection Bulgaria - Serbia (IBS). This became possible after the Council of Ministers approved at its meeting the draft guarantee agreement between the Republic of Bulgaria and "ING Bank" N.V. through "ING Bank" NV - Sofia branch. The state-owned company is a subsidiary of "Bulgarian Energy Holding" and deals mainly with storage and transmission of natural gas. The company is the owner and operator of a large part of the gas infrastructure on the territory of the country, which includes a gas transmission network for local consumption, a gas transit transmission network and the underground gas storage "Chiren". Estimated investment costs for the project "Intersystem reversible gas connection Bulgaria - Serbia" amount to 76.7 million euros without VAT. The proposed loan with state guarantee for the project is up to 49,071,661 euros. The absorption period is until December 31, 2023, and the repayment period is five years from the end of the one-year grace period.
Source: Banker (27.01.2023)
"Bulgartransgaz" is preparing for the transfer of hydrogen The state gas operator "Bulgartransgaz" is looking for a consultant to analyze the suitability of sections of its network for the transmission of hydrogen by mixing in different percentages with natural gas, as well as what investments will be required to re-equip certain facilities to be able to do this. The announced public order is for 350 thousand euros without VAT and only one candidate participated in it - the company "Simatex" EOOD, which deals with trade, installation and servicing of installations, engineering, real estate transactions, import, export. Its owner is 37-year-old Ludmil Stoyanov. The last public report of the company is from 2018, and then it had a profit of BGN 379,000. The contracting authority "Bulgartransgaz" has not yet issued a report on whether to admit the only candidate until the opening of the offer.
Source: (01.02.2023)
The gas connection with Serbia became more expensive by over BGN 40 million due to inflation Due to the delayed procedures, the project to build the gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia will become significantly more expensive. From the annex published in the public procurement register, it is clear that the agreed price of BGN 139.8 million without VAT will increase by 32.6% to BGN 183.4 million. This price increase of BGN 43.6 million is due to inflation in the last year and was calculated based on the Methodology for indexation of public procurement contracts, which was adopted by Rumen Radev's office at the end of 2022. However, the first sod of the project was made at the end of January 2023, and the execution period is 300 days. Therefore, it is possible to have additional indexations during the implementation of the activities themselves, applying the relevant indices for each new quarter. For example, for the first quarter of 2023, the domestic producer price index for construction materials will be higher than in the middle of 2022. The data currently available is up to the end of September 2022, and the value is 230 points.
Source: Capital (23.02.2023)
They expropriate part of the property for the gas connection with Serbia The government adopted a decision to expropriate a part of property - private property, necessary for the construction of the site of the start-up station and gas measuring station "Kalotina" and a road to them from the site "Intersystem gas connection Bulgaria - Serbia. The property is in the land of Kalotina village, Dragoman municipality, Sofia region. The funds for compensation of the entitled persons are at the expense of "Bulgartransgaz".
Source: 24 chasa (16.03.2023)
Work is underway to offset the high price of natural gas at the Chiren storage facility Work is currently underway on a proposal within the framework of a European directive to compensate for the high price of natural gas in the underground storage in Chiren. This was said by the Acting Minister of Energy, Rosen Hristov. The directive is intended to cover the difference between the price of pumped gas and the current market price. It is expected that the analyzes on this issue will be completed within 1-2 weeks, and the interested parties will be invited next week, so that a working scheme can be jointly developed. The executive director of "Bulgartransgaz" Vladimir Malinov added that this compensatory mechanism will contribute in several directions. According to the European legislation, the member states of the European Union have a goal to fill their gas storages for 2023 as well.
Source: (20.03.2023)
GBS fully undertakes the expansion of the gas storage facility "Glavbolgarstroy" in combination with its subsidiary and other smaller companies also undertakes the remaining two orders for the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren. After the company has already signed a contract for the construction of a new compressor station and the ground infrastructure of the gas storage facilities, it will also carry out the new drillings to increase the capacity of the gas reserves, as well as build the connecting gas pipeline from the facility to the network of Bulgartransgaz near the village of Kozloduy Bhutan. This was announced by the state gas operator "Bulgartransgaz". Thus, consortia with the participation of GBS will take a total of about BGN 603 million without VAT for the three projects for increasing the capacity of the gas storage facility from the current 550 million cubic meters to 1 billion cubic meters and its operation in reversible mode regardless of the seasons . The selected contractor for the construction of the new boreholes for the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren - DZZD "Chiren Drilling 2022" has refused to enter into the contract.
Source: (24.03.2023)
"Glavbolgarstroy" undertakes the entire expansion of the storage facility in "Chiren" The Exzalo Drilling Chiren consortium, with leading partner Glavbolgarstroy, replaced the Chiren Drilling 2022 association in the procedure for 13 new drillings for the expansion of the gas storage in Chiren. According to "Bulgartransgaz", due to the refusal of the first ranked contractor in the procedure, the second was selected. The contractor, which was ranked first - "Chiren Drilling 2022", has a leading partner "Atomenergoremont" and a participant "Ayenei build". The Exzalo Drilling Chiren consortium includes Glavbolgarstroy, Glavbolgarstroy International, Gas Project Development, Bulgartransgaz is motivated. Glavbolgarstroy, together with American partners, is the contractor for the ground part of the expansion of the gas storage facility. The contract with the consortium of "Glavbolgarstroy" and its American partners "Solar Turbines Europe" and "Honeywell" was signed on January 21. The construction company must build in 600 days a new compressor station, which will ensure continuous operation in compression mode and gas extraction from 10 new wells, as well as a new gas measuring station.The equipment is supplied by American companies.
Source: 24 chasa (27.03.2023)
Another contract for the Chiren storage expansion A loan from American state institutions will provide part of the financing for the expansion of the gas storage capacity in Chiren from the current 550 million cubic meters to 1 billion cubic meters, said the executive director of "Bulgartransgaz" Vladimir Malinov after the signing of the contract between "Bulgartransgaz" and DZZD "UGS Drilling Chiren" for "Structural planning, investment design and commissioning of construction: "Expansion of the capacity of PGH "Chiren"-drilling fund". Glavbolgarstroy is the contractor company". 78 million euros, or nearly a third of the necessary funding for the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren, has been provided free of charge under the "Connected Europe" mechanism. A loan of BGN 87 million has also been received from BEH, and the remaining funds are being negotiated with American state institutions.
Source: Trud (07.04.2023)
The procedure for the expropriation of properties for the technological site of a new compressor station "Chiren" has begun The Minister of Regional Development and Public Works announces that the procedure for expropriation of a property and part of a property - private property, for the state's need to build a technological site of a compressor station (CS) "Chiren" and of a service technical infrastructure - a road connection to the technological site of the station from the Facility "Expansion of the capacity of the Underground Gas Storage "Chiren" - above ground part", in the land of the village of Chiren, the department announced on its website. By Decision No. 709 of the Council of Ministers of 2021, the "Chiren" gas storage facility is designated as a national site. The financing of the procedure for the expropriation of part of the property - private property is provided by "Bulgartransgaz" EAD. At its meeting on May 11, the official cabinet adopted the decision. The contract for the construction of above-ground facilities on the territory of the underground gas storage in Chiren was signed at an official ceremony on the territory of the facility near the village of the same name on January 20 of this year. The contract is worth BGN 297.777 million and the construction of this part of the project extension is expected to be completed within two years.
Source: BTA (16.05.2023)
NPP "Kozloduy", NEK and "Aurubis" are the record holders for profit tax Five energy companies are in the top 10 of the biggest taxpayers in Bulgaria for 2022, and AEC "Kozlody" is the absolute champion in terms of profit tax and VAT transferred to the budget. Information from the National revenue agency reveals that 2022 was particularly successful for large enterprises in the energy, cigarette business and mining industries. The top ten in terms of paid corporate tax include AEC "Kozlody", NEC, "Bulgartransgaz" and TPP "Maritsa Izto? 2" EAD), the mining companies "Aurubis Bulgaria", "Elacite-Med" and "Dundee Precios Metals" - Chelopech. Fertilizer producer "Agropolihim" Devnya is in ninth place. In eighth place in the ranking is "Amusnet Interactive", the Bulgarian software company that produces online and pinball games, as well as casino games. The companies that charged and remitted the largest amounts of VAT to the budget last year are: AEC Kozloduy JSC, Bulgargaz, Maritsa Izto? 2 TPP, Kontur Global Maritsa Izto? 3, Lu?oil Bulgaria Ltd, and Ec-3C Maritsa Izto?", "British American Tabacco Trading", "Lu?oil Bulgaria", "Karelia Bulgaria" and "Lu?oil Neftochim Bulgaria". The companies that used the largest tax credit are large exporters and their budget refunds VAT are : Bulgarian Independent Energy Exchange, Lukoil Benelux B.V. - foreign entity, Aurubis Bulgaria, Oliva JSC, Bulcomers KS Ltd, Sofia Med JSC, Maxcom Ltd, Lukoil Aviation Bulgaria Ltd, Astra Bioplant Ltd and Huevepharma Ltd. Taxpayers - natural persons, brought in a total of nearly BGN 22 million, with the first in the ranking accounting for over BGN 7 million, the report from the NRA also indicates. All are reported to the NRA - Sofia.
Source: Sega (25.05.2023)
The profit of the Bulgarian Energy Holding before taxes is improving and has reached BGN 224.3 million for the first three months of the year. Compared to the same period last year, the profits of the financial holding jumped by more than 300%. The holding is the owner of the largest coal-fired power plant in the Balkans - TPP "Maritsa Iztok 2", for which it purchased quotas for CO2 emissions of the plant for BGN 178.8 million in the first quarter of the year. For the same period last year, quota purchases amounted to BGN 835.5 million. The largest loans granted to BEH are to "National Electric Company". As of the end of March 2023, the funds owed are over BGN 1.6 billion, and the company manages to repay them regularly. Maritsa East 2 TPP's liabilities to BEH amounted to over BGN 1.13 billion. However, they were all repaid by the end of March this year. The project company ICGB has also been granted a loan by the holding company. The funds amount to BGN 215.1 million at the end of March and are regularly repaid by the gas company. This is actually the loan granted by the EIB for the construction of the gas interconnector, as it is now being repaid by BEH. The obligations of "Bulgartransgaz" under loan agreements with BEH amount to over BGN 122.6 million. The gas trader "Bulgargaz" also manages to repay its obligations on loans to BEH on time. BEH also has trade receivables from "Toplofikatsia Sofia", which at the end of March amounted to BGN 8.9 million. Compared to the same period last year, these liabilities have increased dramatically - in March 2022 they were for over 46, BGN 2 million
Source: 3e-news (02.06.2023)
ICGB has announced annual tenders for available free pipeline capacity The independent transmission operator "ICGB" (ICGB) will hold auctions for the available free capacity on the Greece - Bulgaria - "IGB" (IGB) gas pipeline. The annual auctions will be held on 3 July on two capacity reservation platforms according to the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas (ENTSOG) calendar. This was reported by "ICGB". Free capacity at the interconnection points in Komotini (Greece) with transmission system operators TAP and DESFA will be auctioned on the capacity reservation platform PRISMA. This will happen through offering in the form of competing capacities as a market mechanism for allocating capacity in such cases. This is necessary because the capacity at one of these points cannot be allocated without automatically reducing (in whole or in part) the capacity at the other point. The free capacity at the interconnection point in Stara Zagora with the transmission system operator Bulgartransgaz will be offered on the RBP (Regional Capacity Reservation Platform), the announcement also states. The total capacity of the interconnector is 3 billion cubic meters per year, with 1.57 billion cubic meters reserved under long-term contracts lasting up to 25 years. The remaining capacity is auctioned for different periods on the European PRISMA and RBP platforms.
Source: BTA (15.06.2023)
"Bulgartransgaz" doubles its profit to over BGN 280 million in 2022. The state gas transmission operator "Bulgartransgaz" ends for 2022 with a profit of BGN 283.4 million. at 141 million years earlier. The company's total revenues are now BGN 1.1 billion. at BGN 582.6 million in 2021. Expenses grow to BGN 881 million (at BGN 462 million a year earlier), reporting a profit of BGN 140 million, but debts are nearly 3 billion. The main part of its commercial obligations are related to the gas connection activities with Serbia, as well as to the Arkad consortium. Only under the contract for the disputed "Turkish Stream" for 10 years the company must pay the amount for its construction (over BGN 2 billion) at an annual interest rate of 3%, and there are also payments for the compressor stations for the project. Due to the delayed procedures, the project for the connection with Serbia will become significantly more expensive and the agreed price of BGN 139.8 million without VAT will increase by 32.6% to BGN 183.4 million. The company's finances changed sharply in the first quarter of 2023. Bulgartransgaz's profit fell to BGN 38.5 million compared to BGN 51.2 million a year earlier, the company's report shows. Expenses grew by 30% to BGN 220 million, and liabilities were BGN 2.4 billion.
Source: Capital (20.06.2023)
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Source: 24 chasa (26.06.2023)
"Bulgartransgaz" with a market test of interconnection capacity "Bulgartransgaz" EAD has started a market test to assess the demand for additional capacity at interconnection points. This was announced by the state-owned company, which is a combined operator whose business is natural gas transmission and storage and maintenance, operation, management and development of an underground gas storage facility. "Bulgartransgaz" informs the current and potential users of the gas transmission network about the possibility to submit their non-binding forecasts for the demand for additional capacity at the interconnection points. The results will show the interest of market participants in transporting additional quantities of natural gas through the Bulgartransgaz network. The information should be submitted within eight weeks of the start of the annual auction for annual capacity products, i.e. until August 28. "Bulgartransgaz" waives the opportunity to introduce a fee for evaluating and processing non-binding demand forecasts in order to facilitate market participants to the maximum extent. Transmission system operators will publish their joint Market Demand Assessment Reports within 16 weeks of the start of the annual annual capacity auction (by 23 October 2023).
Source: Banker (04.07.2023)
The EC approved 16 million euros for the expansion of the gas storage facility in Chiren The European Commission approved 16 million euros for the expansion of the Bulgartransgaz gas storage facility in Chiren. The investment of about 285 million euros will increase its capacity from 550 million to 1 billion cubic meters, improving the supply of natural gas in Bulgaria and the region. The project is part of the EU energy and climate strategy. According to the plans, "Bulgartransgaz" will invest about 285 million euros in expanding the capacity of the gas storage facility in Chiren, which is the only natural gas storage facility in Bulgaria. The forecasts are for an increase in capacity from 550 million to 1 billion cubic meters, accompanied by an increase in the possibilities of supplying and withdrawing gas in the network.
Source: Standart (09.08.2023)
"Bulgartransgaz" will develop hydrogen transmission infrastructure Taking into account the European policies and priorities for decarbonization, "Bulgartransgaz" is actively working to develop its infrastructure, in accordance with the plans for large-scale development and entry of hydrogen into the energy mix in the EU, the company reports. The European Commission's REPowerEU plan envisages a significant consumption of renewable hydrogen by 2030, equal to 20 million tons, with a target of 10 million tons of domestic production and 10 million tons of imports, according to Bulgartransgaz. "Bulgartransgaz" plans projects in the field of hydrogen, including the construction of infrastructure for the transfer of pure hydrogen and the adaptation of the existing gas infrastructure for the transfer of hydrogen-gas mixtures with a content of up to 10 percent hydrogen. The company is also an active participant in the "European Clean Hydrogen Alliance" and "European Hydrogen Backbone" initiatives. The Company launches a non-binding market survey for the demand for hydrogen transfer capacity and informs all current and potential market participants (producers, traders and consumers) of the opportunity to submit their non-binding forecasts for the demand for hydrogen transfer capacity. The results of the study will show the interest of market participants in the potential use of hydrogen as part of the future energy mix. The information should be submitted by September 15, 2023.
Source: Trud (18.08.2023)
Over 90% of the capacity of the "Chiren" gas storage is filled The underground gas storage "Chiren" is already filled to more than 90% of the technical storage capacity, Bulgartransgaz reports. This is the first time in the history of the operation of the repository that such a level of occupancy has been achieved at such an early stage. According to the European Regulation 2017/1938 on measures to guarantee the security of gas supplies, in order to guarantee the energy security of the countries of the European Union, an obligation has been introduced for storage facilities to be filled to 90% of their volume no later than November 1 in the current year. The availability of sufficient capacities for gas storage, extraction and injection is of key importance both for guaranteeing the security of supply and for the successful entry into the market of alternative sources, including LNG, and for the development of the regional market. The project to expand the storage in Chiren will ensure an increase in the volume of active gas to 1 billion cubic meters and daily injection and production capacities to 8-10 million cubic meters, Bulgartransgaz adds.
Source: Banker (22.08.2023)
A project is being developed for the "Chiren" gas storage to produce green hydrogen The development of a pilot project for the production and use of green hydrogen for technological needs in the facilities of the underground gas storage "Chiren" has started, announced its operator - the state-owned Bulgartransgaz. This will be done in partnership with "Glavbolgarstroy Holding", whose companies are involved in the ongoing expansion of the gas storage facility, with the American companies "Solar Turbines" and "Honeywell", which are subcontractors in this project, as well as the Italian "Pietro Fiorentini" - all of them leading developers and suppliers of technologies and in the field of production and use of hydrogen fuel. The companies will jointly prepare a multi-option study on green hydrogen plant and equipment capacity, blending ratios and other characteristics. The green hydrogen produced by the project is planned to be used for technological needs as a fuel at the site and is not planned to be delivered to third parties, according to Bulgartransgaz.
Source: (20.09.2023)
The profit of "Bulgartransgaz" decreased to BGN 58.6 million Almost half - up to BGN 58.6 million. the profit of "Bulgartransgaz" for the first half of 2023 has decreased compared to the same period last year, when it was BGN 115.3 million. This happens despite the fact that the total amount of revenues increased by about 2% to BGN 476.8 million. compared to the same period last year, specifically the sales revenue was BGN 447.9 million. This is shown in the state operator's interim report for the first six months of the year. The largest weight in the overall structure of revenues is the receipts from the transmission of natural gas on the cross-border network (277.9 million BGN), which have a relative share of 62%. The profit of "Bulgartransgaz" by the middle of the year is BGN 115 million. The company's cash reserves decreased by 26.6% to BGN 384.8 million, and equity increased to BGN 5.3 billion. at BGN 3.6 billion a year earlier due to an increased revaluation reserve. As of the end of June, the accumulated retained earnings amounted to BGN 618 million, including the profit for the period in the amount of BGN 58.6 million. Natural gas transmission fell by 20% to 13,479,852 MWh. A decrease in the transported quantities was observed in five of the months of the reporting period (compared to 2022), with an increase of 2.56% recorded only in April. At the same time, a slight increase of 0.39% of the total natural gas transported on the cross-border network was observed during the period, compared to the same period of 2022.
Source: Capital (12.10.2023)
The EU Court overturned the fine of 77 million euros on the Bulgarian Energy Holding The General Court of the EU overturned the decision of the European Commission against the Bulgarian Energy Holding (BEH), by which it was fined 77 million euros in 2018 for violating the competition rules on the European market. According to the court, the European Commission did not properly prove that the BEH group abused its dominant position on the gas supply market in Bulgaria by not granting third parties access to the Romanian gas pipeline 1, through which natural gas was mainly imported at the time. The case was brought by BEH after the European Commission ruled on a complaint by Overgaz against its subsidiaries Bulgargaz and Bulgartransgaz for blocking competitors' access to key gas infrastructure and thus depriving consumers of choice providers. However, according to the General Court of the EU, it is not clear that the lack of access to the Romanian route "is at the root of the difficulties faced by third parties who want to gain access to the said gas pipeline in order to supply gas from Russia to Bulgaria". The General Court also accepted that the Commission had not given the BEH group the opportunity to fully develop the position about the offense of which she is accused and thus violated her right to defence. In 2018, the European Commission decided that BEH had blocked access to Bulgaria's internal gas transmission network, to the gas storage facility in Chiren and to the then only gas import pipeline in Bulgaria, which was fully reserved by the holding. The violation was carried out between 2010 and 2015. Thus, the state company's competitors could not enter the wholesale gas supply market and this ensured an almost monopoly position for Bulgargaz, according to the Commission's now canceled decision. As the General Court is the first instance for the Court of Justice of the EU, the parties can appeal the decision, but only on points of law.
Source: Dnevnik (26.10.2023)
A project to increase the capacity of gas connections with Greece and Romania begins The state gas transmission company "Bulgartransgaz" EAD is starting technical studies with its partners from Greece and Romania to increase the technical capacity of the gas connections at Kulata - Sidirokastro, Stara Zagora, Negru Voda 1 - Kardam and Ruse - Gyurgevo. A market demand assessment has shown increased interest in south-to-north transmission services, the company said. The summarized forecasts received by Bulgartransgaz are: 155.9 GWh/d for the Tower - Sidirokastro with existing fixed technical capacity of 66.6 GWh/d; 302.2 GWh/d in total for Negru Voda 1 - Kardam and Ruse - Gyurgevo with existing fixed technical capacity at both points in the amount of 185.2 GWh/d; 182.4 GWh/d for IP Stara Zagora with existing firm technical capacity of 122.3 GWh/d by Bulgartransgaz. Executive Director Vladimir Malinov commented that the received forecasts for demand for gas transmission services from the south to the north are significantly higher than the existing capacities, and for some gas years they exceed more than twice the current capabilities of the infrastructure. According to him, in order to realize the ambitions of the countries of Central and South-Eastern Europe for diversification, an expansion of the infrastructure is necessary to absorb additional quantities of gas from reliable sources. "The main factor for the increase in demand for transmission capacity through the Bulgartransgaz network is the increasing role of liquefied natural gas in the EU and the planned new LNG terminals in Greece, as well as plans to increase flows along the Southern Gas Corridor," he added.
Source: Dnevnik (26.10.2023)
Record state guarantees for the last ten years to be included in the budget for 2024, the Ministry of Finance proposes. The amount is up to BGN 4.5 billion, with the government guarantee mainly intended for energy projects. The majority of the amount - about BGN 3 billion or EUR 1,500,417,089 - is earmarked for the construction of the Seventh Block of the Kozloduy NPP. The state guarantee is necessary for borrowing by the project company for the construction of the new nuclear power plant based on Westinghouse's AP-1000 technology. At the end of October, the government decided that "Bulgarian Energy Holding" will contribute BGN 500 million to the capital of the project company "NPP Kozloduy New Capacities" and thus become a co-shareholder of the nuclear power plant in this company. The other major state guarantee is actually transferred from last year a guarantee for the loan for 207.5 million euros already taken by the state gas operator "Bulgartransgaz" from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. The funds are for the project to expand the gas storage in Chiren and increase its capacity for useful use of reserves to 1 billion cubic meters. Its total value will be around 308 million euros according to the latest data. The state guarantee, included last year in the budget update, in favor of the state gas supplier "Bulgargaz" is also preserved. The company then received a guarantee for a loan of about BGN 300 million or EUR 150 million for the provision of alternative quantities of blue fuel after the suspension of Russian supplies at the end of April 2022. Two new guarantees are included in next year's budget in favor of " The National Electric Company (NEC) and its water projects. One is for the modernization and rehabilitation of the Chaira Paving Plant, which is not working after a serious accident, and is for BGN 80 million. In April 2022, during preparations for commissioning after rehabilitation, one of the four units was permanently damaged. The other repaired facility was never launched for security reasons, and the other two were already shut down. The next guarantee for NEK is for BGN 75 million and is also for new loans to increase the volume of the lower leveler of the Chaira Pavement Plant with the construction of the Yadenica dam and a reversible pressure tunnel to connect with the Chaira dam. EUR 300 million have been pledged to guarantee loans to "BDZ - Passenger Transport" for the acquisition of rolling stock. In the period 2020-2022, the state guarantees were between BGN 760 and 840 million, and in 2019 they were only for BGN 215 million, in 2018 and 2017 they were for BGN 700 million each, and in the previous two years they reached BGN 3 billion.
Source: Duma (16.11.2023)
"Bulgartransgaz" and the Serbian gas transmission operator signed an agreement The Bulgarian gas transmission operator "Bulgartransgaz" and the gas transmission system operator of Serbia "Transportgas Srbija" d.o.o. signed an interconnection agreement for the new point Kalotina/Dimitrovgrad, which is being created with the Interconnector Bulgaria-Serbia (IBS). The capacity of IP Kalotina/Dimitrovgrad is 1.8 billion m 3 per year with the possibility of reverse flow. Thanks to IBS, Bulgaria gets access to gas sources from Western Europe via a new route, and Serbia to the liquefied natural gas terminals and other alternative sources in the region. As part of the priority projects for Europe, the Bulgaria-Serbia link is recognized as a key infrastructure that will make a significant contribution to improving energy connectivity. Under the Connecting Europe Facility, the project received funding in the amount of 28 million euros.
Source: Dnevnik (20.11.2023)
Because of the tax on Russian gas: In 38 days, "Bulgartransgaz" is in debt to the treasury with BGN 260 million. 38 "" " " , 260 . ., . - 13 , 140 . . 1 20 , , "" 120 ., 260 . . , 20 . "" .
Source: 24 chasa (27.11.2023)
The EC approved a 250 km gas pipeline for the transfer of hydrogen between Bulgaria and Greece. The first hydrogen project for Bulgaria is included in the first list of projects of common interest and projects of mutual interest for the EU published by the European Commission. The "Hydrogen Transmission Infrastructure in Bulgaria" project proposed by "Bulgartransgaz" is key to realizing the concept of transporting pure hydrogen. The planned infrastructure is a new pipeline with a length of about 250 km and two compressor stations in the Dupnitsa and Kulata area. It is planned to create a hydrogen point of interconnection with the network of the Greek gas transmission operator DESFA in the area of Kulata / Sidirokastro. The new infrastructure will allow two-way transfer of both hydrogen produced in the country and hydrogen from Greece. The inclusion of the project "Hydrogen transmission infrastructure in Bulgaria" in the list of projects of common interest to the community is an important step in fulfilling the EU's goals of decarbonisation and ensuring affordable energy for all consumers.
Source: 24 chasa (29.11.2023)
Bulgartransgaz is considering investments in a second LNG terminal in Greece The Bulgarian gas transmission operator "Bulgartransgaz" EAD will analyze all possibilities to invest in a second liquefied gas regasification terminal in Greece, announced executive director Vladimir Malinov. The Bulgarian company already has a 20 percent stake in the company "Gastrade", which is building the terminal near Alexandroupolis, which is expected to enter commercial operation around March 1, 2024. It is not clear which project for a new such terminal in Greece the company is targeting . Three LNG offloading facility projects are currently under consideration, however, they are at the idea stage and feasibility studies are yet to be conducted to conduct economic and technical analyzes with potential power sources and consumers. At the moment, only the terminal on the island of Revitusa is functioning in Greece. The one in Alexandroupolis is waiting for the floating platform to receive the tankers. Within days her construction was completed and she left the Keppel Corporation shipyard in Singapore. The facility is expected to be in Alexandroupolis in mid-December, US Ambassador to Greece George Tsounis announced. Last year, Greece announced plans to build a second liquefied gas terminal near Alexandroupolis by Gastrade. It is possible that he was the one Malinov had in mind given the participation of Bulgartransgaz in this project company.
Source: (01.12.2023)
Bulgartransgaz's profit fell by almost half to BGN 144.9 million Bulgartransgaz reports a significant drop in profit for the nine months of the year - BGN 144.9 million compared to BGN 263.1 million a year earlier. The total amount of revenues as of the third quarter was 740.6 at 900 million BGN compared to the same period of the previous year, which is a decrease of about 17%. Sales revenues are also decreasing and at the end of September they are already 691.1 million BGN, compared to 830.5 million BGN for the same period in 2022. Despite the reduced profit and more modest receipts, the company's expenses do not decrease significantly. For the nine months of 2023, they are 579.5 against 607.8 million BGN a year earlier, or a difference of just under 5%. However, Bulgartransgaz's liabilities fell to BGN 2.4 billion compared to BGN 2.6 billion a year earlier. At the same time, "Bulgartransgaz" recorded a decrease of 12.8% in the amount of natural gas transported to the exit points (including in the country), which was the largest in January. On the other hand, during the period January - September, a minimal growth of 4.8% (or 4,695,997 MWh) was observed in the total amount of natural gas transported to the borders with neighboring countries compared to the same period of the previous year.
Source: Capital (05.12.2023)
The gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia begins operation The presidents of Bulgaria, Serbia and Azerbaijan - Rumen Radev, Alexander Vucic and Ilham Aliyev participated in the official opening in the city of Nis of the gas connection between Bulgaria and Serbia with a length of 170 km. "The interconnector is a guarantee of diversification and security. We do not just connect our gas transmission networks, the interconnector is a symbol of the increased technological capabilities of our countries, of successful cooperation," said Radev. Ilham Aliyev announced that by 2027, Azerbaijan will double its natural gas exports to Europe. The construction of the gas pipeline on Bulgarian territory began at the beginning of February this year. The price of the project in Bulgaria is 76.6 million euros. A large part of the amount was secured through a loan and own financing from the state company "Bulgartransgaz". The capacity of the pipe is 1.8 billion cubic meters. Initially, the facility will transport natural gas from Bulgaria to Serbia. For January, 40% of the total capacity of the pipe has been reserved, according to Bulgartransgaz data. The facility will be able to work in both directions. In the event that Bulgaria needs to receive quantities, the pipeline provides access to Croatian liquefied gas terminals, as well as to the largest gas storage near the Austrian capital - Baumgarten.
Source: Dnevnik (11.12.2023)