Press Digest
Press digest - year 2021
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (5R9) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (20.01.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (5R9) Due to lack of a quorum, the EGM convened by Ruen Holding AD on 22 January 2021 has not been held. Therefore, the GM will be held on 08 February 2021 at 11:00 a.m., at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GM, i.e. by 25 January 2021 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GM, has been 21 January 2021 (Ex Date: 22 January 2021).
Source: BSE (25.01.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (5R9) The extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Ruen Holding AD dated 08 February 2021 has passed the following resolution: - Election of a registered auditor for year 2020
Source: BSE (10.02.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (17.02.2021)
By a decision of the BSE Board of Directors under Record of Proceedings No. 12 of 01 March 2021 was set a deadline to the issuers of financial instruments admitted to trading on the BSE markets to pay the 2021 annual fee for maintenance of the listing until 12 March 2021. Since some of the issuers failed to meet the deadline, the trading in the bellow listed issues will be suspended as of 16 March 2021 on the grounds of Art. 75 (1), item 14 of Part IV - Trading Rules of the BSE Rules and Regulations: BSE code Issuer 1 BVH Bulvesta Holding AD-Sofia /in liquidation/ 2 DUBT Dupnitsa-Tabac AD-Dupnitsa 3 INFH Infra Holding PLC-Sofia 4 HDOM Nash Dom Bulgaria Holding AD-Lovech 5 HRU Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil 6 SEVK Sevko AD-Sevlievo 7 SPRK Sparky AD-Ruse 8 ELTS Sparky Eltos AD-Lovech /in bankruptcy/ 9 TDRF Todoroff AD-Sofia /in bankruptcy/ The trading in the above issues of financial instruments will be reinstated upon payment of the annual fees due. The Exchange duly announces the decisions for suspension and resume of trading on its website.
Source: BSE (16.03.2021)
Trading Suspensions & Removals: Date and time of the publication / communication 2021-03-15T14:11:00.Z Action type Suspension Reasons for the action Non-payment an annual fee Effective from 2021-03-16T07:30:00.Z Effective to Ongoing True Trading venue(s) XBUL Issuer name Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil Issuer 48510000OTT9VBH3NL05 Instrument identifier BG1100024980 Instrument full name Ruen Hold Related derivatives Other related instruments Comments
Source: BSE (16.03.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (28.04.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (21.05.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (28.06.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) (Annual financial report) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (28.06.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding has appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on 09 August 2021 at 11:00 am in the town of Kyustendil at 5 Oborishte St. under the following agenda: - Report of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2020 - Adoption of the 2020 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Report of the registered auditor on the 2020 audit - Report of the Audit Committee - Report of the Investor Relations Director - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2020 - Election of a registered auditor - Financial result allocation decision Draft resolution: Allocation of the 2020 profit to the reserves - In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will take place on 24 August 2021 at 11:00 am, at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 26 July 2021 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, will be 22 July 2021 (Ex Date: 23 July 2021).
Source: BSE (07.07.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD submitted to BSE a copy of the publication of the notice of appointment of the regular General Meeting of Shareholders which will be held on 09 August 2021 at 11:00 am in the town of Kyustendil at 5 Oborishte St. The entire piece of news is published on the financial website X3News.
Source: BSE (13.07.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (21.07.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Due to lack of a quorum, the regular GMS convened by Ruen Holding AD on 09 August 2021 has not been held. Therefore, the GMS will be held on 24 August 2021 at 11:00 am, at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 10 August 2021 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, has been 06 August 2021 (Ex Date: 09 August 2021).
Source: BSE (10.08.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: Yahoo News (20.08.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Ruen Holding AD dated 24 August 2021 has passed the following resolutions: - Adoption of the 2020 activity report of the managing bodies, including reporting the implementation of the adopted by the GMS remuneration policy of the company - Adoption of the 2020 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Adoption of the report of the registered auditor on the verification of the 2020 annual financial statements of the company - Adoption of the report of the Audit Committee - Adoption of the report of the Investor Relations Director - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2020 - Election of a registered auditor - Allocation of the 2020 profit to the reserves
Source: BSE (25.08.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (22.10.2021)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) The report can be found on the financial web-site X3News
Source: BSE (29.11.2021)