Press Digest
Press digest - year 2024
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil presented a quarterly report for the Fourth Quarter of 2023.
Source: BSE (23.01.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil presented a quarterly consolidated report for the Fourth Quarter of 2023.
Source: BSE (15.02.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil publishes the Annual Financial Report for the activities of a public company and issuer of securities - ESEF format as of 12-31-2023.
Source: BSE (27.03.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil presented a quarterly report for the First Quarter of 2024.
Source: BSE (18.04.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil publishes the Annual Consolidated Financial Report for the activities of a public company and issuer of securities - ESEF format as of 12-31-2023.
Source: BSE (21.04.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) regularly convenes the General Meeting of Shareholders on 03.06.2024 at 12.00 in the city of Kyustendil, Oborishte Street 5, with the following agenda: - Report of the management bodies on the company's activities in 2023; - Adoption of the company's annual financial statements for 2023 (individual and consolidated); - Reports of the registered auditor for 2023; - Report of the Audit Committee for 2023; - Report of the Director of Investor Relations for 2023; - Release of the members of the governing bodies from responsibility for their activities in 2023; - Changes in the company's statutes; - Decision on distribution of financial result. Draft Resolution: Retained earnings from previous years to go towards covering the 2023 loss; - Change in the subject of activity. - Reflecting in TR the fact that Ruen Holding AD is not a holding company according to the decision of the General Assembly held on 12.12.2023. - In the absence of a quorum, the meeting will be held on 19.06.2024 at 12.00 at the same place and with the same agenda. The right to vote at the General Meeting of Shareholders is exercised by the persons registered as such with the right to vote in the central register of securities 14 days before the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders, or as of 20.05.2024. The last date for concluding transactions with shares of this company on the Stock Exchange, as a result of which the acquirer will be able to exercise the right to vote in the General Meeting of Shareholders, is 16.05.2024.
Source: BSE (02.05.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil presented a quarterly consolidated report for the First Quarter of 2024.
Source: BSE (13.05.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Due to the lack of quorum, the regular GMS convened by Ruen Holding on 03 June 2024 has not taken place. Therefore, the GMS will be held on 19 June 2024 at 12:00 pm, same place and agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 05 June 2024 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, so the shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, was 03 June 2024 (Ex Date: 04 June 2024).
Source: BSE (05.06.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) At the regular General Meeting of Ruen Holding AD held on 19.06.2024, the following decisions were taken: - Accepts the report of the management bodies on the company's activities in 2023; - Accepts the company's annual financial statements for 2023 (individual and consolidated); - Accepts the reports of the registered auditor on the audit of the company's annual financial statements for 2023; - Accepts the report of the Audit Committee for 2023; - Adopts the report of the Director of Investor Relations for 2023; - Releases the members of the governing bodies from responsibility for their activities in 2023; - Changes in the company's statutes; - Resolves that the retained earnings from previous years go to cover the loss for 2023. - Accepts a change in the subject of activity. - Adopts a decision to reflect in the TR the fact that Ruen Holding AD is not a holding company according to the decision of the General Assembly held on 12.12.2023.
Source: BSE (26.06.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on 07 August 2024 at 12:00 pm in the town of Kyustendil at 5 Oborishte St. under the following agenda: - Report of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2023 - Adoption of the 2023 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Reports of the registered auditor on the 2023 audit - Report of the Audit Committee on 2023 - Report of the Investor Relations Director on 2023 - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2023 - Financial result allocation decision Draft resolution: Allocation of the company's retained profit to the covering of the 2023 loss - In the lack of quorum, the GMS will be held on 23 August 2024 at 12:00 pm, same place and agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 24 July 2024 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, so the shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting rights, will be 22 July 2024 (Ex Date: 23 July 2024).
Source: BSE (08.07.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding appointed an extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders on 14 August 2024 at 12:00 pm in the town of Kyustendil at 5 Oborishte St. under the following agenda: - Changing the scope of business activity of the company - Amendments to the Statutes of the company - Registering with the Commercial Register the circumstance that Ruen Holding is not a holding company any more according to the EGM decision dated 12 December 2023 - In the lack of quorum, the EGM will be held on 30 August 2024 at 12:00 pm, same place and agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the EGM, i.e. by 31 July 2024 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, so the shareholders are entitled to exercise their voting rights, will be 29 July 2024 (Ex Date: 30 July 2024).
Source: BSE (11.07.2024)
Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil (HRU) Ruen Holding AD-Kyustendil presented a quarterly report for the Second Quarter of 2024.
Source: BSE (18.07.2024)