Press Digest
Press digest - year 2020
Electricity imported in Bulgaria double in January Bulgaria continues to import significantly more electricity than it exports, according to data from the Electricity System Operator (ESO). For the period from the beginning of the year to February 2, the country imported 570,684 MWh, which is 108.21% more than in the same period last year. On the other hand, electricity exports fell by about 33.67% to 507,749 mWh compared to January 2019. This shows that because of the high exchange prices in Bulgaria, companies find it cheaper to buy electricity from abroad. At the same time, electricity consumption in the country is falling by over 4.5%, which can be explained with the warm January. ESO data also show that electricity production fell by just over 15% year-on-year during this period, with many plants not operating at full speed. TPP Maritza-East 2 operates at half its capacity. Due to the dry weather, HPPs recorded a 47.48% drop in production. This decline in green electricity production cannot be offset, although wind and solar power plants account for around and above 50% growth in activity. The reason is that hydropower is responsible for over two-thirds of the country's renewable energy. The price of electricity in the "Day ahead" segment of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange on February 4 is 43.25 EUR/mWh, more expensive only in Serbia, where the market current goes at 44.88 EUR/mWh. Electricity is the cheapest in Germany and France, where it is sold for almost 28 EUR/mWh.
Source: Capital (05.02.2020)
Electricity production is 11.2% lower than in the beginning of 2020 Electricity production in Bulgaria has decreased by 11.26% from the beginning of 2020 until March 15. At the same time, consumption is only 2% lower. The difference is offset by an impressive increase in imports - almost 94% more than in the same period of 2019. This shows a reference by the Electricity System Operator (ESO), which monitors the production, consumption, import and export of electricity. The data also shows that exports have shrunk by 24%, which is why the activity of the Kozloduy NPPs and coal plants has decreased by about 10%. Rain and snow in recent weeks, however, have affected HPPs. By last week the drop in electricity production from hydro power plants was about 50%, now it is 39.4%. On the other hand, an increase in electricity production by photovoltaics, wind and biomass plants has been recorded.
Source: Capital (19.03.2020)
CEZ asked for a 70% rise in nighttime electricity Night electricity to rise by 70 per cent, and daytime electricity - by just over a percent since July, has been requested by the electricity supply company CEZ. The announcements made by the Energy Regulator also make it clear that the other two companies - EVN and EnergoPro - want a negligible change - the increase in electricity is less than half a percent. Kozloduy NPPs demand a 3% increase in price from the producers, and the National Electric Company estimates that the electricity produced by their hydropower plants should be nearly 40% more expensive. The electricity system operator, on the other hand, wants access and transmission fees to be nearly one-third higher. Submitting these applications is a legal requirement, but does not mean that it will be a surge in electricity. The energy regulator explained that the companies' requests would be considered in June and it would then be decided whether there would be a change in electricity prices.
Source: Sega (29.04.2020)
We are already the energy dwarf in the Balkans Exports of electricity from Bulgaria have decreased by more than 20% since the beginning of 2020 compared to the same period last year, a report from the Electricity System Operator shows. From January 1 to April 26, the country exported 2.48 million MWh of electricity, and in the same period of 2019 - 3.12 million MWh. The reason for the low consumption can be found in the economic crisis that occurred in the coronavirus pandemic. But the decline in electricity exports has also been seen in recent months before the crisis. If the low demand for Bulgarian electricity in the region continues after the lifting of the restrictions, then there will be no need at all to talk about building new large-scale energy capacities in Bulgaria. NEK is no longer the sole exporter of electricity and, with the current results, the state-owned company cannot rely on serious revenue from this line. Electricity production also declined from the beginning of the year until April 26, but at a modest pace. According to ESO data, the decline is about 10%. So far, 14.3 million MWh have been produced, and for the same time in 2019 - 15.9 million MWh. If we also look at earlier reporting periods, it is clear that this negative trend has persisted over the last few months. A decrease was also observed in domestic consumption. The decrease there is about 2.2% and is a natural continuation of the closed production facilities and establishments due to the state of emergency. It is curious that considerable quantities of electricity are already being imported to Bulgaria. Imports have increased by as much as 67.6% since January. Currently it has reached 1.61 million MWh, and for the same period last year it was up to 965 thousand MWh.
Source: Banker (04.05.2020)
Dietsmann Energoremont will renew the three units of TPP Varna for BGN 11.5 million The company for repair of energy facilities Dietsmann Energoremont Holding has been selected as a contractor for a key project in TPP Varna. The company, which became part of the Dutch Dietsmann group three years ago, will renovate the three power units of the plant owned by honorary MRF leader Ahmed Dogan. The contract is worth BGN 11.5 million and was won in competition with another Bulgarian association. The project is key for TPP Varna, which currently provides a cold reserve to the Electricity System Operator, as due to its poor condition there were problems with the inclusion of capacity when needed. In addition, the renovation, which should be completed in about a year, will allow the plant to have more capacity and thus win more of the cold reserve tenders. Or, while maintaining the low prices of natural gas, to directly participate in the energy exchange. The order is for repair of the main facilities of units 4, 5 and 6 of the plant, each of which has a capacity of 210 MW.
Source: Capital (18.05.2020)
D Bank is ready to lend BGN 22 million to Ahmed Dogan's TPP Varna The renovation of the TPP Varna controlled by Ahmed Dogan and Danail Papazov is secured with a new BGN 22 million loan resource from D Bank. The loan agreement is dated February 26, but it is only now visible from a pledge entered in the Commercial Register on the plant and its assets in favor of the bank, which is owned by Fuat Guven. The amount is probably for the ongoing renovation of the units of the TPP, which, after being acquired by the politicians from the MRF, earns, without being operational, from cold reserve contracts with the state Electricity System Operator. However, there is no official information on whether the loan has been used. TPP Varna itself was sold at the end of 2017 by CEZ to Sigda, a company owned by the family of former Transport Minister Oresharski's cabinet Danail Papazov. The deal was then financed with a EUR 24.225 mln loan from First Investment Bank. Months later in 2018, the honorary chairman of the MRF, Ahmed Dogan, bought a 70% stake in Sigda for about BGN 1.5 million, according to Papazov.
Source: Capital (27.05.2020)
Regional Commission removes the Cold Reserve The Committee on Regional Development and Public Works in the Parliament approved the changes related to the Cold Reserve, BNR reported. The bill was introduced by MPs from the parliamentary groups of the coalition partners GERB-OP and has the main goal of reducing the costs of "Electricity System Operator" EAD (ESO) for reservation and hence - reducing the bills of households and businesses for electricity. This will be done in accordance with the procedure set out in the Energy Act. The changes will be in force until the full liberalization of the electricity market in Bulgaria. The texts must also pass through the Energy Committee. After admission to the plenary hall, the Minister of Energy will have the right to allocate this reserve to the state power plant.
Source: Monitor (22.07.2020)
Electricity imports jumped by more than 23% The import of electricity in Bulgaria has increased by 23.92% since the beginning of the year. This is shown by the latest operational data of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for the energy balance of the country for the period January 1 - August 23 compared to the same period last year. Since the beginning of the year, Bulgaria has imported 2,528,384 MWh of electricity, while during this period of 2019 the imported electricity was 2,040,275 MWh. For the same period this year, the country exported 15.31 percent less electricity than last year. Electricity production fell by 8.26% from the beginning of the year to August 23 compared to the same period last year. For the same period, electricity production in the amount of 26,295,194 MWh was reported. For comparison, in the same period of 2019 the production amounted to 28,661,871 MWh, according to ESO data. Electricity consumption in the country decreased by 3.95%. From the beginning of 2020 to August 23 period, 23,854,392 MWh were consumed, while for the same period of 2019 consumption of 24,834,333 MWh was reported. ESO reports an increase in the share of RES in the transmission network by 14.25 percent, as well as in the distribution network by 8.13%. The biggest contribution to this is made by wind power plants. There is a decrease in the share of electricity from hydropower plants by 3.41% for the period compared to the same year.
Source: Duma (27.08.2020)
Bulgaria will have to import electricity in the winter Bulgaria will have to import electricity in the winter. This is stated by the Electricity System Operator in the Plan for Development of the Transmission Electric Network of Bulgaria for the period 2020-2029, submitted to the EWRC. ESO warns that there will be a drastic disparity in the ability to cover domestic electricity consumption. In some years, it will even be necessary to activate the slow tertiary reserve and/or import electricity. According to the company, the situation will be even worse if long-term extreme winter conditions, exhausted primary energy resources in hydropower plants and condensing plants and increased capacity failures are combined, as was the case in January 2017. In order to avoid such critical situations, ESO explains that they have started conducting tenders for the supply of a slow tertiary reserve from electricity consumers. Joining the European Union "within the day" would allow us to cover possible shortages through imports. For the first time in the plan, ESO has taken into account the impact of Turkey's electricity system on the region. The forecasts of the Turkish operator are for a large growth of new generating sources over 140 GW of installed capacity by 2040. At the same time, no new large-scale sources of electricity are available in Bulgaria, available 24 hours a day, which do not emit greenhouse gases. This will lead to an increase in transit flows through our country in the east-west direction and "may make the Bulgarian-Turkish and Bulgarian-Serbian border bottlenecks that would restrict free trade." The transit through Bulgaria would become even bigger, with the reduction of the production from the generating capacities in the complex Maritsa East, according to ESO.
Source: Trud (16.10.2020)
ESO plans to invest BGN 1.4 billion in the electricity transmission network by 2029 Over the next ten years, the Electricity System Operator (ESO) will invest BGN 1.4 billion for modernization and reconstruction of the electricity transmission network in Bulgaria, according to a plan for the company's activities in the period 2020-2029. About BGN 178 million, or 12.5% ??of these funds are attracted from European funds, which will be used to finance projects of community interest. Over 35% of the planned investments, or BGN 498.4 million, will be invested in the period 2020-2022. The document has been reviewed and approved by the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC). It shows an increase in investment for 2020 compared to expectations approved last year. The program for this year amounts to BGN 203 million. The plan also includes the work on the inclusion of the units of Belene NPP, if there is a positive development of the project. However, the document was developed before the idea for a new unit at Kozloduy NPP had appeared. In terms of ESO consumption, they see energy efficiency measures as a key factor. Their delay leads to an increase in electricity consumption to 40.8 terawatt hours per year in 2029. With the introduction of adequate energy efficiency measures, the gross electricity consumption in 2029 will be 37.5 terawatt hours per year. It is expected that 1,465 megawatts of new capacity from renewable sources will be put into operation. New capacities of highly efficient combined production and thermal power plants with a volume of 564 megawatts are envisaged. The plans take into account the peaks in electricity consumption. ESO points out that winter peaks in recent years are caused by low temperatures. When combined with strong winds, the system can cope with peak consumption thanks to wind farms. It is a problem when low temperatures are not combined with wind. In general, the installed capacity in the country has a residual availability for production of between 4 and 10 terawatt hours per year, write ESO.
Source: (26.10.2020)
ESO is planning a smart energy network for half a billion A project for digital transformation of the state Electricity System Operator (ESO) and "smartening" of the electricity transmission network for BGN 511 million has been included by the Bulgarian government in its Recovery and Sustainability Plan for financing from the EC fund of the same name under the Green Deal. The project was discussed online with stakeholders, the energy ministry said. Investments in excess of half a billion are equivalent to the investments that ESO makes in five years. This is the period for implementation of the project - until 2026. The funds in it are for the modernization of the Bulgarian energy network so that it becomes more flexible to manage given the expected growth of renewable energy sources due to the requirements for serious reduction of greenhouse gases. According to ESO, new renewable capacities of at least 4000 MW have been announced for connection to its network and therefore its modernization is needed for better maneuverability, security, reliability and quick response in the management of the electricity system in the conditions of low-carbon production. It is expected that after the implementation of the project the flexibility of the operational management of the system will be increased, as well as the interconnection capacity for electricity transmission will be increased by at least 1000 MB.
Source: (13.11.2020)