Press Digest
Press digest - year 2021
AES Galabovo TPP produced 8% of the electricity in Bulgaria in 2020. In 2020, the most modern coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria - TPP AES Galabovo, produced 2,766,965 MWh of electricity. With their work, the two power units of the plant have provided 8% of the electricity consumed in Bulgaria last year. This is equal to the average annual consumption of more than 750,000 Bulgarian households, according to an analysis of the production results of the TPP. The plant works in full synchrony with the dispatch schedules of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) to meet the needs of the energy system in the country. Thanks to its technological flexibility, AES Galabovo TPP helps Bulgaria meet the requirements of ENTSO-E for primary and secondary regulation of the electricity system. The thermal power plant is also key for ensuring the static and dynamic stability of the energy system of Bulgaria, as well as for maintaining the voltage levels and the balance of reactive capacities in the electricity transmission network. All this once again shows the key importance that the newest coal-fired power plant in the country has for the energy system of Bulgaria. As a result of the responsible attitude towards the environment and the implemented modern technologies, in 2020 the most ecological coal-fired power plant in Bulgaria achieved an average annual efficiency of desulfurization of over 97%.
Source: (07.01.2021)
Bulgaria's ESO signs 1 mln euro scissor lift supply deal with Destbul Bulgaria's Electricity System Operator (ESO) signed a BGN 2.0 million contract with local company Destination Bulgaria (Destbul) for the delivery of ten new scissor lifts. The deal was awarded on January 5. Destbul will be responsible for the supply of the scissor lifts and their mounting on self-propelled vehicles of ESO. The public procurement procedure for awarding the contract attracted offers from three candidates. The bids were ranked solely based on price. Plovdiv-based Destbul, founded in 2003, is engaged in providing comprehensive services in the field of lifting equipment. It has an 18,000 sq m production and service base in Plovdiv-North industrial zone.
Source: SeeNews (15.01.2021)
Reserve electricity - from state plants and US TPPs 79% of the capacities that provide the reserve electricity of the Electricity System Operator are from the NEK's WPPs, the two American TPPs and the state TPP Maritsa East 2. This was announced by the Minister of Energy Temenuzhka Petkova. In fact, the main sources of the operational reserve, which should cover the possible needs of the system, are NEK and the state-owned TPP, as NEK is obliged by contracts to buy the electricity from the US TPPs. The remaining 21% is provided by TPP Varna and TPP Bobov Dol, the operator announced. According to the changes in the energy law, there is no longer a cold reserve, i.e. maintenance of non-functioning units, which can be put into operation if necessary. This will no longer pay for availability or not working units. The cold reserve has been replaced by additional services for which the system operator is announcing tenders among producers. Tendering procedures are open to all manufacturers who have passed the tests for the different types of regulation. And they are primary frequency control - within 30 seconds to replace stopped power, and secondary automatic and manual frequency and exchange power control within 15 minutes. So far, the auctions for January and February have passed. The tender for March was canceled due to a technical problem, it is clear from a message on the operator's website.
Source: 24 chasa (10.03.2021)
Development plan for the site of Unit 7 at Kozloduy NPP prepared The project company Kozloduy NPP - New Builds SPJSC assigned to Geoconsult LTD the elaboration of a Detailed Development Plan - Plan for regulation and construction of a site approved by an order of the Nuclear Regulatory Agency for deployment of a nuclear facility - nuclear power plant. These activities will meet the regulatory requirements for regulation of the territory falling within the scope of the site. This was announced by the project company for the new seventh block. The project will determine the general rules and norms for development and construction of the territory where the new nuclear power plant will be located. The plan will determine the boundaries, the specific purpose and manner of arrangement of the regulated land property (RLP). An analysis of production links outside the site of the new nuclear power plant will be performed and will be linked to its interaction with other production units located at the Kozloduy NPP site. The company notes that the sites and sites of State-owned Radioactive Waste, Electricity system operator SPJSC and others will be taken into account. The project will be accompanied by the necessary plot plans for the lines, linear facilities and the road for heavy loads, the displacement of which is justified by the project decision. The preparation of a development plan represents the implementation of another step of the licensing plan and a stage of the sustainable development of the New Nuclear Power Plant project at the NPP. The prepared plan is expected by the end of the year.
Source: Banker (09.04.2021)
The energy companies owe a total of BGN 2.5 billion The companies in the energy sector, united under the Bulgarian Energy Holding, have debts of BGN 2.5 billion, said caretaker Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov. He specified that the servicing of these obligations alone costs the state EUR 100 million a year. Andrey Zhivkov criticizes the style of work of BEH. "BEH has access to attractive financing, but instead of investing in strategic projects and becoming a regional player, it uses them to solve current problems. In other words, with long-term liabilities BEH solves short-term problems. This is a path to a debt spiral," the minister pointed out. To refinance its liabilities in July, BEH will issue a bond issue of EUR 550 million, but no base investor has been found for it to give the company an image, said Minister Zhivkov. His deputy, Alexander Nikolov, added that the problem was that BEH continued to accumulate deficits. Among BEH's biggest debtors is the National Electricity Company with a debt of over BGN 2 billion, which the company does not service, but only renegotiates. TPP Maritsa East 2 is another large debtor with BGN 580 million. Bulgartransgaz's liabilities are also growing year by year, amounting to BGN 920 million, the main reason being the investment of BGN 2.6 billion in the project for the construction of the route of the Balkan Stream gas pipeline. The minister expressed doubts about the profitability of the project, but promised to give more details by getting acquainted in detail with the financial estimates. Bulgargaz also has liquidity difficulties due to Toplofikacia-Sofia, which is failing to pay its debts, Minister Zhivkov added. As a problem, the Minister pointed out that BEH seizes extraordinary dividends from the profitable companies and thus "the problem is transferred from the sick head to the healthy one". He pointed out that in 2019 and 2020 an additional BGN 200 million and 270 million were taken from the NPP Kozloduy, and from the Electricity System Operator twice BGN 50 million each.
Source: Dnevnik (28.05.2021)
TPP Maritsa East 2 with a quota of 1 million MWh for the regulated market TPP Maritsa East 2 will have a total annual quota for electricity production of 1 million MWh for the next regulatory period July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022. The Minister of Energy Andrey Zhivkov signed an order that determines this quantity for compulsory purchase by the public supplier for the regulated market. The order was issued on the grounds of Art. 4, para. 2, item 8 of the Energy Act and Art. 25, para. 4 of the Administration Act. It is motivated by the implementation of item 2 of a decision of the National Assembly of 31 January 2020, which obliges the Council of Ministers to take all necessary measures to prevent termination or limitation of the production capacity of coal-fired power plants from the group of Bulgarian Energy Holding. The Ministry of Energy has received opinions from the executive directors of National Electric Company EAD and Electricity System Operator on the need to ensure reliable operation, security and sustainability of the country's electricity system, which necessitates maintaining the efficiency of TPPs. Maritsa East 2.
Source: Trud (29.06.2021)
ESO has launched a semi-working map for investors in renewable sources An electronic geographic map illustrating the operational possibilities for connecting new generating capacities is published by the Electricity System Operator (ESO). It is part of the state-owned company's updated website, which was unveiled on Sunday, and was expected to provide up-to-date information on how to connect new plants to the network. This is exactly what the ESO announcement states: the electronic card is designed in order to orientate investors in new generating capacities. And more - the map will be updated periodically with information about the newly connected sites to the transmission network, as well as about the decommissioned ones. The purpose of the electronic application is to help investors and industrial consumers, ESO points out again. However, according to experts, the map does not provide any clarity about the free capacity of the system operator. It is on this basis that companies could find out where there is currently an opportunity and need to build new renewable energy facilities and focus their efforts on projects in these areas.
Source: Capital (20.07.2021)
ESO Commissions Third out of Five Power Line Projects of Common Interest Implemented with EU Co-Funding The internal 400 kV power line connecting Varna and Burgas substations is the third project of common European interest successfully completed by Electricity System Operator (ESO) in 2021. It is of key importance for the development of the trans-European energy infrastructure, ESO informed on Monday. The internal 400 kV power line between Varna and Burgas is one of the five projects of common European interest that the Electricity System Operator has been implementing within the framework of Regulation 347/2013 on the development of the trans-European energy infrastructure. For the construction of the internal overhead power line, ESO received grant financing at the amount of 60 million leva under the Connecting Europe Facility of the EU, according to ESO's release. ESO informs that the new power line is 86 km long and connects Varna substation and Burgas substation. It is essential for the entire system of the Republic of Bulgaria and shall enhance the operational security of the electricity transmission network. The power line is part of a group of projects of common interest, Cluster Bulgaria - Romania Capacity Increase, a necessary element for the implementation of Priority Corridor North - South. The commissioning of the new 400 kV power line between Varna and Burgas shall contribute for improving the cross-border exchanges of electricity between Bulgaria and Romania. The projects for the construction of the internal 400 kV power line between Plovdiv substation and Maritsa East substation, and the 400 kV interconnector between Maritsa East substation in Bulgaria and Nea Santa substation in Greece, are also in a mature stage of implementation, ESO informs.
Source: (03.08.2021)
EWRC starts inspection of TPP Maritsa East 2 due to expensive electricity The Energy and Water Regulatory Commission (EWRC) has launched a preliminary investigation into violations of the state-owned TPP Maritza East 2 of the European Regulation on the Integrity and Transparency of the Wholesale Energy Market (REMIT). The regulator believes that there is a reasonable suspicion of a violation in the period July 15 - August 15, 2021. According to the EWRC press release, the inspection began on August 6 - after numerous criticisms and demands for resignation in the state energy business. The preliminary inspection will be performed by a working group of the regulator from the Monitoring and Control Directorate. In connection with the preliminary study, the Commission has already requested detailed information from TPP Maritza East 2, ESO and the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) to show whether the non-participation of generating capacity of TPP Maritza East 2 SPJSC in the market "Day ahead" affects the dynamics of wholesale electricity prices. The three companies should provide the information within 10 days.
Source: (12.08.2021)
Expensive electricity is threatening with bankruptcy the water operators Expensive electricity is also threatening water supply and sewerage companies. The management of the Bulgarian Water and Sewerage Holding warned the deputies about this. The critically high electricity costs of the water and sewerage operators for July and August drastically deplete their financial reserves, said Asya Stoyanova, chairwoman of the Water and Sewerage Holding's Management Board before the temporary parliamentary commission on the revision of GERB's government in the parliament, headed by Maya Manolova. The electricity bills of the water supply and sewerage operators have increased between two and three times in July. Record high invoices are expected for August as well, warned the management of the Holding. Water and sewerage operators buy electricity on the free market, and the price of water for end customers is regulated. In recent months, the price of electricity has risen sharply, forcing businesses to shut down. State railways also complained about high prices. At the meeting of the Audit Commission of Boyko Borissov's management were heard the managements of the Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX), the employers' organizations and trade unions, BEH, ESO, NEK, Kozloduy NPP, TPP Maritsa-East 2 and others.
Source: (25.08.2021)
TPP Varna received BGN 20 million for cold reserve from the state in 2020 TPP Varna has received BGN 20 million from the state for a cold reserve. This happened by a tender by the Electricity System Operator (ESO) for the period January 1 - July 31, 2020. Since the beginning of this year, the system operator has paid BGN 10.5 million to the plant for balancing energy. The information was given by the caretaker Minister Andrey Zhivkov to a question of the MPS from "Democratic Bulgaria" Martin Dimitrov and Stella Nikolova. They requested information about the amounts that the plant received last year and within the first seven months of 2021. With changes in the Energy Act since 2020, the cold reserve is distributed according to a new methodology and market principle. As part of the measures to save the TPP Maritsa East 2, the former government had identified the state power plant as the only source of cold reserve for the energy system. Legislative changes were made urgently in mid-July after suspicions of abuse of cold reserve tenders arose. According to allegations, one of those involved is TPP Varna.
Source: (27.08.2021)
ESO ends with a profit of just over BGN 41 million in the first half of 2021 The electricity system operator (ESO) ended the first half of 2021 before taxes and other comprehensive income with a profit of BGN 41 135 thousand. This is clear from the published interim report of the company for the first 6 months of the current 2021. According to the report, the total revenues from the Electricity System Operator for the first half of 2021 amount to BGN 341 696 thousand. Including sales revenues - BGN 315 817 thousand, other operating revenues BGN 25 545 thousand, recognized revenues from reintegration amounting to BGN 328 thousand in connection with favorable changes in anticipation of credit losses on financial instruments (receivables) and financial income BGN 6 thousand. The total reported expenses of the company are BGN 295 962 thousand, including financial expenses BGN 111 thousand.
Source: 3e-news (14.09.2021)
The electricity markets in Bulgaria and Romania to be joined within days The market union between Bulgaria and Romania in the "day ahead" segment started in operational work on October 27 with the first day of delivery on October 28. This was officially announced by the Electricity System Operator (ESO). The public provider announced that all tests had been completed successfully. The project for market unification between Bulgaria and Romania is implemented by the operators on the electricity market and by the operators of the electricity transmission systems of the two countries - IBEX, OPCOM, ESO and CN Transelectrica. The goal is to integrate the Bulgarian-Romanian border into the Single Day-Ahead Coupling (SDAC). This is in line with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/1222, which provides guidance on cross-border capacity allocation and congestion management. This allows the simultaneous distribution of cross-border transmission capacity and electricity.
Source: (26.10.2021)
ESO and the ERP on the moratorium: The collapse of the system instead of helping the poor The state-owned Electricity System Operator (ESO), which operates the high-voltage network, and the electricity distribution companies CEZ, EVN and Energo-Pro, which support medium and low-voltage networks, expressed their disagreement with parliament's decision to impose a moratorium on electricity, heating and water prices. Initially, the MPs agreed that it should be valid for the prices from January 1, 2021, which cannot be done retroactively, but then they realized what a blunder they have created and on Thursday in plenary to vote on the moratorium from 16 December 2021 to 31 March 2022. However, this does not change the fact that this blocks the procedure for the extraordinary change in electricity and heating prices from 1 January by the EWRC, which has a regulatory option in case of drastic market deviations from the forecasts in household prices. While maintaining the effect of the current pricing, the network operators will pay for the energy they need for the technological costs of transmission and distribution of electricity at expensive prices on the electricity exchange, and their approved costs will be many times lower. The current network charges include a price of BGN 119 / MWh, and the electricity costs between BGN 400 and 500 on the exchange.
Source: (16.12.2021)