Press Digest
Press digest - year 2023
Electricity production in our country increased by 5.7% Electricity production in Bulgaria increased by 5.70 percent for the period January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 compared to January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021, data from the latest operational report on the energy balance in the country show The electricity system operator (ESO). For 2022, electricity production in the amount of 50,421,705 megawatt hours was reported, while for 2021 it was 47,700,415 megawatt hours. Electricity consumption in Bulgaria has decreased by 1.81 percent for 2022 compared to 2021. For the past year it was 38,176,875 megawatt hours, while in 2021 the consumption was 38,881,406 megawatt hours. The data show that for the period January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022, compared to January 1, 2021 - December 31, 2021, the balance (export-import) increased by 38.85 percent, BTA reported. The participation of base plants for the past year was 8.87 percent higher than in 2021. In 2022, 42,857,212 megawatt hours of electricity were produced by base plants, while a year earlier the electricity from them was 39,364 340 megawatt hours. The participation of renewable energy sources (RES) in the transmission network increased by 22.66 percent for the period January 1, 2022 - December 31, 2022 compared to the same period of 2021. In addition, RES participation in the distribution network increased by 13.25 percent. A decrease in electricity produced by hydroelectric power stations is reported - 25.75 percent for the period January 1 - December 31, 2022 compared to January 1 - December 31, 2021.
Source: 24 chasa (06.01.2023)
The production and consumption of electricity in the country is decreasing The production of electricity in Bulgaria decreased by 11.49% for the period January 1, 2023 - February 12, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022, according to the data from the latest operational report on the energy balance in the country of the Electricity System Operator ( ESO). In just over two months this year, electricity production in the amount of 6,314,835 megawatt hours was reported, while for the same period in 2022 it was 7,134,662 megawatt hours. Since the beginning of the year, electricity consumption has decreased by 2.42%. For this period, 5,443,630 megawatt-hours of electricity were consumed, while for the same period last year, 5,578,589 megawatt-hours were consumed. The participation of renewable energy sources (RES) in the transmission network increased by 10.52% from the beginning of the year to February 12, 2023 compared to the same period in 2022.
Source: Trud (16.02.2023)
Electricity production in Bulgaria is decreasing Electricity production in Bulgaria has shrunk by 11.14% from the beginning of 2023 to February 19 inclusive compared to the same period last year. For the same period, electricity consumption decreased by 1.49 percent, according to data from the Electricity System Operator (ESO). In the period from January 1 to February 19, the production of electricity in our country was in the volume of 7,343,602 megawatt hours (MWh) compared to 8,264,154 megawatt hours in the same time range of 2022. The consumption of current fell to the volume of 6,326,670 megawatt hours compared to 6,422,184 MWh a year earlier. Thus, in the period January 1 - February 19, the positive balance between the export and import of electricity shrank by as much as 44.79% to 1,016,932 megawatt hours compared to a positive balance of 1,841,970 MWh in the same period of 2022. The share of base plants (powers) in electricity production from January 1 to February 19 shrank on an annual basis by 10.80% to a volume of 6,370,725 megawatt hours compared to 7,142,427 MWh are the same period of 2022.
Source: Darik Radio (27.02.2023)
Requests for new renewable energy capacity exceed capacity In 2022, electricity from RES for the first time overtook that from natural gas and reached a share of 22% in Europe's energy mix. By comparison, coal power, which is said to be "reviving", achieved a share of only 16%. Bulgaria is not isolated from these processes. If only the goals set in the Recovery and Resilience Plan are met, by 2026 about 4,000 MW of new RES capacity should be added to the country's power grid, which is more than is available now. By 2030, the plans are for 8-9 thousand mWh, which means over 1,000 megawatts per year, or a third of everything currently available as wind and solar plants. According to the data of the Electricity System Operator, the received requests for the connection of new RES capacities already exceed 35 thousand MW, and this year it is expected that 700 - 800 MW will be connected. But there is one big problem - the capacity of the network is limited and without additional measures it will soon not be possible to connect new plants. Hundreds of millions are needed for new transmission lines and substations, which are also being built slowly.
Source: Capital (21.03.2023)
Brussels gives BGN 380 million to ERP for "smart" electricity meters and networks The three private energy companies "Electrohold", EVN and "Energo-Pro", as well as the state-owned "Electricity System Operator" (ESO) will receive over BGN 380 million in European funding to modernize and digitize their electricity distribution and transmission networks. The grants will come from the European Modernization Fund, specially created in 2021 to support the green transition and improve energy efficiency in the EU. The Council of Ministers approved a list of four priority projects for financing with funds from the Modernization Fund, the government press service announced on Wednesday. Among the planned investments are the implementation of nearly 450,000 remote smart electricity meters, digital transformation and online management of processes in the electricity networks, construction of charging points for electric vehicles, etc.
Source: Sega (07.04.2023)
Electricity production decreased by 18% Electricity production in Bulgaria decreased by 17.61 percent in the period between January 1 and April 9 this year compared to the same period in 2022. This is shown by the data in the operational reference for the energy balance in the country of the Electricity System Operator (ESO). To date, electricity production has been reported in the amount of 13,260,363 megawatt hours, while a year ago it was 16,093,851 megawatt hours. Again, the delivered energy from renewable energy sources (RES) in the transmission network has increased. This happened by 7.72 percent for the period January 1 - April 9 compared to the same period of 2022. The share of electricity from FPP is the largest (59.7%), production from biomass grew by 1.16 percent, while energy from hydroelectric power plants decreased - by 11.78 percent. At the same time, RES participation in the distribution network has decreased - by 5.55 percent since the beginning of the year.
Source: Banker (12.04.2023)
In 2023, Bulgaria exports nearly 70% less electricity Since the beginning of the year, the export of electricity from Bulgaria has decreased by nearly 66 percent, and the production of electricity has shrunk by one fifth compared to the same period last year. This is indicated by the data of the Electricity System Operator. From October 2022, there is a serious reduction in electricity consumption, and on the other hand, there is currently a serious reduction in the price of natural gas, which has led to a reduction in the price of electricity in general, and coal plants are generally reducing their production. Because of the lower prices, the import of electricity from cheaper gas plants or the import of electricity from Romania, produced by their hydroelectric plants, which offer a much lower price, also becomes relevant. Consumption decreased by 5.17%. Production as a whole in Bulgaria has decreased by 20%, and overall production for the "Maritsa East" complex has decreased by 38.5%. Exports decreased by 66%. Since January 1, we have exported more than we have imported, but it is much less than last year. Last year we exported 4 million and 700 megawatt hours so far, now we have exported one million and six hundred.
Source: (16.05.2023)
ESO reported a BGN 91 million profit, but also accumulated new liabilities in 2022 One of the richest state-owned companies in the energy sector - "Energy System Operator" (ESO), is increasing its profit despite an intensive investment program. In 2022, it will reach BGN 91 million compared to BGN 79.4 million for the same period of the previous year 2021. With this, the available amounts on the company's accounts exceed BGN 400 million. At the same time, however, the total amount of liabilities grew to BGN 1.2 billion, compared to BGN 926.9 million a year earlier. ESO's profit grew by over 50% and is now BGN 94 million for the nine months. The company's trade payables have almost doubled to BGN 135.1 million compared to BGN 76 million a year earlier. Only to the suppliers of materials and services, they grow to BGN 28.3 million, compared to only BGN 3.8 million a year earlier. The total increase for cold reserve and service providers is also impressive, which is now BGN 3.5 million compared to BGN 673 thousand for the same period of 2021. However, the most significant is the growth in the column "other trade liabilities" - they are now BGN 80.3 million against the background of BGN 48.3 million a year earlier. There is also an increase in liabilities to related enterprises, which have grown to BGN 119.3 million compared to BGN 89 million for the same period of 2021. The company, which generally deals with the dispatching of the network and the collection of fees for transmission and connection, etc., reported revenues in the amount of BGN 1.8 billion compared to BGN 946.8 million for the same period of the previous year 2021. The growth is most remarkable in sales revenues, which reach BGN 1.5 billion compared to BGN 796 million for the same period of 2021.
Source: Capital (29.06.2023)
The intersystem transmission line between Greece and Bulgaria has been completed The Greek Independent Electricity Transmission Operator (IPTO) and the Bulgarian Electric Power System Operator (ESO EAD) have activated the new international intersystem transmission line with ultra-high voltage of 400 kilovolts between Greece and Bulgaria, ANA-MPA reported, citing IPTO. The transmission of energy along the new power line began on June 30, 2023. This is the second transmission line connecting the two countries, which significantly increases the capacity for energy exchange between the neighboring power transmission networks of Greece and Bulgaria, and accordingly expands the opportunities for cross-border trade and energy security in the Southeast Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. The total length of the international transmission line, which started from the ultra-high voltage station in Nea Santa in the Greek prefecture of Rhodope and ends at the Maritsa Iztok substation in Bulgaria, is 151 km, of which about 30 km are on Greek territory. The second electricity interconnector between Greece and Bulgaria, the Greek part of which costs 11.3 million euros, is a project of pan-European interest that was included from the beginning of its design in the Ten-Year Development Program (TYNDP) of the European Network of Transmission Operators systems for electricity (ENTSO-E), as well as in the list of Projects of Common Interest (PCI) of the European Union.
Source: 24 chasa (05.07.2023)
Electricity production decreased by 22%, exports collapsed for the 7-month period Electricity production in Bulgaria decreased by 22% in the period January-July 2023 on an annual basis, according to the statistics of the Electricity System Operator (ESO). In this period, the power plants produced 23.9 terawatt hours of electricity. There is also a decrease in consumption, but on a much more limited scale - by 5% to 21.5 terawatt hours. The data showed a further collapse in electricity exports during the period. The difference between export and import of electricity is positive in the amount of 2.3 terawatt hours. The balance a year ago was 7.8 terawatt hours, i.e. there is a reduction of 70 percent. This is mainly due to the calming down of electricity prices on the European markets. Last year, Bulgaria was the main exporter of electricity from coal plants, but the price of electricity today makes their production uncompetitive. In the first seven months of the year, baseload power plant production fell by 26.3% to 18.9 terawatt hours. On the other hand, green power generation increased despite a reported 16% drop in hydropower, which generated almost 2.2 terawatt hours of electricity for the period. A look at ESO's operational data shows that solar panels have been covering a large part of the grid load in recent days during lunch hours. As of 1:30 p.m. on August 1, photovoltaic plants cover about 37.5% of the load, that is, commensurate with the Kozloduy NPP. The operation of coal plants is limited to 16% of the load.
Source: (02.08.2023)
A new record for RES in Bulgaria and a dramatic drop in coal power RES have dramatically changed the electricity market in Bulgaria over the past year, while expensive coal-fired power occupies an increasingly insignificant part of the mix. The latest data of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) on the energy balance in Bulgaria show record values for the participation of renewable energy sources in the transmission network. From the beginning of the year to August 20, it increased by an impressive 49%. For the period January 1 - August 20, 2023, RES production reached 1,537,624 megawatt hours, while for the corresponding period of 2022 it was 1,031,778 megawatt hours. The record highs were driven by growth in solar power generation and large solar projects coming online this year. The role of base plants (NPP, coal and gas) in the energy balance of the country has decreased significantly since the records of 2022, when the power of thermal power plants was easily sold on the exchange despite its price. The annual decline for the period January 1 - August 20, 2023 is over 27%. Unlike last year, the situation is different now, as the markets have long since calmed down and coal plants are no longer competitive because of the expensive electricity they produce. Because of this, their production fell to 20,528,606 megawatt hours, while for the same period of 2022, the electrical energy from them was 28,128,323 megawatt hours. The ESO data show that overall electricity production in the country decreased by 22.24% to 26,002,045 megawatt hours, and consumption by 5.42% to 23,408,022 megawatt hours. The balance (export-import) of electricity decreased by 70.14 percent compared to the record year 2022.
Source: (23.08.2023)
ESO increased its profit by over 100% for the half year to BGN 133 million The "Electricity System Operator" (ESO) reports for the second quarter of the year the net profit in the amount of BGN 133.2 million, compared to only BGN 59.4 million for the same period last year. The company has almost BGN 600 million in cash available at the end of the year, and has managed to significantly reduce its commercial liabilities (to material suppliers, cold reserve, balancing market, etc.). to BGN 109.8 million compared to BGN 135.1 million a year earlier. The company's total realized revenues for the first half of 2023 amount to BGN 717.5 million (compared to BGN 703.3 million a year earlier). This number includes revenues from sales, which amount to BGN 665.6 million, compared to BGN 536.3 million for the same period last year. The reported expenses of the company are BGN 569.9 million.
Source: Capital (31.08.2023)
ESO will upgrade its 220 kV network to connect more RES plants The electric power system operator - ESO, is starting a large-scale modernization of its 220 kV network, with the upcoming upgrade to a voltage level of 400 kV. The project is currently at the very beginning and ESO is informing the population about the investment proposal. The main goal of the modernization is to increase the transmission capabilities of the high and medium voltage network and to enable it to absorb new renewable energy sources. It is the huge number of requests for new solar and wind power plants that creates enormous pressure on the electricity transmission and distribution networks in our country. The investment proposal of ESO EAD is for the reconstruction of a part of the existing 220kV power transmission network to a voltage level of 400kV. It is also subject to a mandatory environmental impact assessment (EIA). At present, ESO EAD operates a 220kV network with a total length of over 2,000 km, and by its nature and development, it is the predecessor of the 400kV network that appeared later, which has significantly greater transmission capacities. A major part of the 220kV network was designed and built in the period 1950-1970 and is currently at the end of its service life, the company explains. In accordance with the above and taking into account the available infrastructure, as well as its technical condition, ESO is taking actions to transform the 220kV network and its transition to a voltage level of 400kV, with the aim of improving the transmission capacity of the electricity system /EES/ and ensuring the possibility of connecting separate generating centers for the production of energy from RES, which requires the construction and strengthening of the internal connectivity at the 400kV level. The reconstruction is required mainly due to deteriorated operational condition due to depreciation of the facility, as well as due to the need to increase the capacity and reliability of electricity transmission and to achieve key objectives. These are energy security, diversification of the EU's energy supply and increasing the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency. With the implementation of the mentioned transformation of the transmission network, the aim is not only to reduce the costs of building new routes at the expense of more efficient use of the existing ones, but also to reduce the impact of the transmission network on the environment by limiting the affected areas, explains the ESO . The investment proposal includes reconstruction and conversion to 400kV voltage of 12 existing power lines with a total length of 965.65 km and their adjacent and functionally connected substations. The investment proposal will be implemented along existing routes, within the limits of their existing easements, which does not imply that objects subject to health protection and territories for the protection of cultural heritage sites will be affected. The location of the existing pillars will also be preserved to the maximum extent. In the process of renewing the electricity grid, no new construction or modification of existing road infrastructure is foreseen. The investment proposal concerns 10 protected areas under the Birds Directive and 34 protected areas under the Habitats Directive. The investment proposal affects the Bulgarka nature park and 6 protected areas - Kaylaka (incl. Bohotska Gora), marsh snowdrop site - village. Osmar, Lesoparka and Ognyanovo-Sinitevski hill, Dryanovski monastery and Madara rock ranges, it is clear from the data of the operator. The route of the power line, as well as the easement, will not be changed, they are categorical from there. The investment will be realized entirely within the existing boundaries of the power line. The location of the existing pillars will also be preserved to the maximum extent. In the construction stage, standard construction materials will be used: formwork, concrete, gravel, steel profiles, rebar, etc. The pillars will be surface anti-corrosion treated and painted. During the operation of the investment proposal, no natural resources will be used. Water abstraction for drinking, industrial and other needs is not foreseen. The investment proposal is not related to the emission of priority and/or hazardous substances both during the construction period and during its operation. There will also be no emissions of harmful substances into the air. During construction, waste typical of construction activities will be generated, as well as waste from soil, stones and excavated earth masses during the shaping of the foundations. In the stage of operation, the generation of insignificant amounts of waste from track maintenance is expected - biodegradable waste (20 02 01) and mixed household waste (20 03 01). During the construction and operation of the renewed power lines, no wastewater is expected to be generated. Dangerous chemical substances will not be stored in the area of the investment proposal, the ESO further specifies, announcing its intention to the public.
Source: 3e-news (20.09.2023)
Bulgaria's electricity system is suffocating due to the RES boom The Bulgarian electricity system is suffocating from the boom in renewable energy sources in recent years - mainly due to the lack of investment in the network and due to the signed final contracts and issued opinions for over 15 GW RES for the last 2.5 years. The electricity system in Bulgaria in April 2023 registered 1,176 MW of excess, with which it "rocked" the synchronous zone of the entire continental Europe, for which the operator suffered a penalty of 900 thousand euros. The ESO is penalized for not being able to balance its system and we have this surplus that appears as a result of higher production and unfair practice by traders who bought electricity at negative prices and imported it into the country, without having a need, or without anyone to sell it to," explained the executive director of the Electricity System Operator (ESO) Angelin Tsachev. According to him, for this reason, the system goes into a system surplus, and this causes an imbalance in the operation of the entire European network. At certain times of the year - when there is low consumption in the system - the months of April, May and September, and to some extent October1, ESO may have to limit energy production due to the lack of maneuvering capacities in the system to enable this energy to be save or be compensated for its production.
Source: (22.11.2023)
Schneider Electric cooperates with innovative Bulgarian businesses Schneider Electric Bulgaria, the division of the global leader in the digital transformation of energy management and automation, announced its successful cooperation with PSS Bulgaria OOD as the main contractor for the construction of the TerraSol photovoltaic park. The TerraSol photovoltaic park is located near Stara Zagora on location with favorable parameters for absorption of sunlight, and its total power reaches 100 MW. Launched in the spring of this year, in terms of its capacity, the park ranks 4th among the 20 largest photovoltaic parks in Bulgaria. The photovoltaic park was completely designed, built and put into operation by the engineering team of PSS Bulgaria OOD - a partner of Schneider Electric Bulgaria in the field of energy and automation. Due to its high power, TeraSol is connected directly to the high voltage network of the Energy System Operator (ESO). Substantial automation has been introduced at the facility entirely by the local company 3EnergySolutions, which is part of the Schneider Electric Bulgaria ecosystem. The cooperation of PSS Bulgaria OOD with Schneider Electric is expressed in the effective management of the site; the coverage of all equipment standards and requirements; the integrated production of energy in a single ERO system; providing a proven and reliable solution for future projects.
Source: (29.11.2023)
40 million is expected within a month from the EC for charging stations for electric cars By the end of the year, the Electricity System Operator (ESO) expects the first tranche of 40 million euros from the EC's modernization fund for the construction of 100 charging stations. The total grant funding is EUR 93 million. The receipt of the first amount will allow the construction of the national infrastructure to begin. The head of the system operator Angelin Tsachev has stated that if the financing is approved, by 2025 these stations can be built. The project envisages charging stations for electric vehicles to be near the substations managed by ESO, in order to ensure fast charging. The idea is for the points to ensure that, in most cases, vehicle batteries can be charged to 80 percent in 15 minutes. The idea of the project is to make maximum use of the current produced by RES, which will also serve to produce hydrogen to charge the planned 9 stations.
Source: 24 chasa (06.12.2023)
ESO's profit reached BGN 186 million Electricity System Operator (ESO) recorded a significant increase in its profit towards the end of the nine months. It is now BGN 185.9 million compared to BGN 87.4 million a year earlier. Access, transmission, connection and access revenues for solar and wind power producers are growing, which have become much larger in the past year. A factor is also the reduction of purchased energy for technological transmission costs compared to the same period last year, due to a drop in prices on the markets administered by the energy exchange. Receipts from customers slightly decreased to BGN 1.3 billion against BGN 1.6 billion for the same period last year. The total amount of revenues fell by 20% to BGN 1 billion, and expenses were BGN 819.7 million, or a decrease of 32% compared to the period January - September 2022. ?
Source: Capital (21.12.2023)