Press Digest
Press digest - year 2001
With an order as of February 14 the Minister of Transport and Communications Mr. Antoni Slavinski over 90 per cent from the area of Varna Port SP JSC become a public state-owned property of the Agency Port Administration. 221 109 square km of Varna-east port become a state-owned property. Almost the whole Balchik port will be managed by the Administration. According to the order of Mr. Slavinski, Varna port will have to pay this year again for the managing of the 90 per cent of the territory even though they are not its property anymore.
Source: Black sea (20.02.2001)
In the beginning of March Varna port is going to obtain gratis from USA 4 new tugboats at the amount of USD 480 000 for transporting of containers. By this way the port expects to increase 2 times the efficiency at processing the cargos. The Executive Director of the port Mr. Stoyan Schtumf declared that the tugboats will be allocated at the ports Varna-east and Varna-west. He also added that the combined transports at corridor 8 will be assisted.
Source: Other (20.02.2001)
Solvay Sodi, Italchimente, Agropolihim and Union Miniere refuse to conclude contracts on the new port fees. They were increased as of January 1, 2001.The export of these 4 companies forms 60 per cent of the turnover of the port.
Source: Black sea (23.02.2001)
BGN 26.6 million were invested in 2000 in Devnia ciment - JSC mainly for improving the quality of the production, for reducing the production costs and for preserving the Environment. Almost the same amount will also be invested in 2001. Italchimenti group every year invests about BGN 25 million in the plant. The engagement with the privatization contract is BGN 100 million investments for 10 years. This week in Varna District Court will be registered a joint-venture company between Devnia ciment and Varna Port - SP JSC. The aim of the company is construction of export terminals at the territory of port Varna - West for export of cement.
Source: Monitor (05.03.2001)
The joint venture with Varna Port is a reality after a year of postpone. After numerous scandals among the Port, the Ministry of Transport and the Port Administration the order with the agreement for the establishment of the joint venture of Devnia Tsiment, property of Italchemente, and Varna Port JSC. The main purpose of the establishment of the new legal entity is the construction of a new transport line connecting the cement plant with the null wharf place of Varna port - West. The construction of two silos is also planned. USD 7 million is engaged to invest in the project the newly registered company - Devnia Tsiment ST JSC. The amount of the investment will be distributed between the two shareholders in correlation 74:46 per cent as is the distribution of the capital - 74 per cent or BGN 1.1 million granted from Devnia Tsiment and 46 per cent or BGN 390 000 from Varna Port.
Source: Black sea (06.03.2001)
The opportunities of establishment of new joint-ventured companies and continuing the construction of terminals in Varna port was the main topic which was discussed by representatives of the four companies - creditors, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the President of Bulgarian Industrial Association Mr. Bojidar Danev and the Minister of Transport and Communications Mr. Antoni Slavinski. The Directors of Union Miniere, Solvay sodi, Agropolihim and Devnia ciment expressed their readiness to invest in the construction of new transport conveyors for liquid chemical products on the territory of the port with which will be exported a part of its production that can not be sold on Bulgarian market.
Source: BTA (14.03.2001)
Three procedures for concessions for port activities in Varna Port. The companies Oil Tanking, Devnya Cement and Petrolna baza -Varna will be the first which will receive concession on the territory of the port.
Source: Black sea (14.03.2001)
The dockers will be differentiated into a separate trade company has decided on its last meeting the Board of Directors of Varna Port JSC. Together with the present stuff it will receive the administrative and public buildings. The documents for differentiation of the new legal entity have to be presented to the Minister of Transport and Communication Mr. Antony Slavinski within the end of April. The differentiation of the dockers breaks the entirety of the loading process, claim from the National Trade Union of the Port Workers. Their offer is in the new company to enter the mechanizators and the crane-operators as well. This is the only way in which to the future to concessionaires could be offered entire service. If the decision of the Board is really this we will oppose it with all legal means, announced Mr. Todor Gradinarov, chairman of the trade union of the dockers. He thinks that the fears that if the loading process is separated the Varna Port will lose a significant part of its incomes are groundless as it will also lose a lot of its expenditures.
Source: Black sea (20.03.2001)
Lesport will be the first of the 6th Bulgarian trade ports whose property will be transformed in public, announced the Director of the Executive Agency Port administartion Mr. Atanas Andreev. By the end of March the necessary documents will be submitted in the administration. When the company becomes public the buildings and port equipments will be used by the trade company until there appears candidates for concession. There have not so far been candidates.
Source: Black sea (26.03.2001)
The Executive Director of Varna Port SP JSC Mr. Stojan Stumpf declared that the port had not problems with its partners at the negotiations of the conditions for execution of loading activities for 2001. All contracts are concluded with exception of Ital Chemente since the new Executive Director Mr. Fabricio Donega was in Italy. Also with Solvay Sodi is signed a 15-year contract and at the moment their cargos are being processed at the fixed there prices. The port has already lost 40 per cent of the incomes which go in the port administration. The port did not lose even one cargo in comparison with the last year.
Source: Black sea (28.03.2001)
It is expected within two weeks the Minister of Finance to set up the Foundation Meeting for Transit Trade Zone Varna JSC. The establishment of the company satisfies the requirements of the Law for Customs. Its activity will have all elements of free of duty zones. The free zone will occupy 103 decres private state property on the island under the Asparuh Bridge 100 decres of it represent the apport implement of the state. The triple court expertise has evaluated this land to BGN 460 000. These are the personal shares of the state - 46 per cent of the start capital which is expected to be BGN 1 million. During the development of the program we sent about 30 letters to the leading companies in the area of shipping but 90 per cent of them were skeptic. As founders in the project will be invited the companies that has financed the project : Varna Port JSC, Portovi Flot, Meritaim Group, Ahileos Shiping, Industrial Economic Association, Kargoexpres, the dealer of Balkanstar - Avangard, Putishta I Mostove, State Insurance Institute. The final finance of the zone by project is BGN 8 059 000 for a part of which will apply Bulgarian and foreign financial institutions. We have already been in negotiations with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and we have certain hopes, announced Mr. Julian Gendov - the deputy regional governor The construction of the zone will pass through three stages. The first has started in May with its fencing with 2.40 meters fence, the construction of the infrastructure and of the building of the customs administration with a staff of 8 people. The project foresees on the island to be situated three covered warehouses, each of them with a territory of 5700 sq.m., opened warehouses with an area of 60 000 sq.m. connection with the passing near by railroad, construction of two wharves. Within the end of the third year the zone will give job to 167 people, without counting the stuff of the companies that will rent warehouses in it and the effect it would have for the development of the region with the increase of the commodity circulation. The return of the investments is expected after five years and six months. The development of the transit trade zone in Varna and the existence of a free of duty zone in Russe will allow the development of free of duty canal Varna-Russe, claim the authors of the project. The foreign investors are interested in this possibility as thus through the canal Rein-Main-Danube , West Europe will be connected with Asia.
Source: Black sea (04.04.2001)
The Executive Director of Varna port Mr. Stoyan Shtumpf will take measures for security in the port. The terminal will be secured with fences that will be constructed by Glavbolgarstroy.
Source: Black sea (17.04.2001)
The workers of Varna-west port wanted the company to be separated as an independent trade company. According to the workers the incomes in the western part of the port are more than these in the eastern part and the profit is distributed equally although at the moment Varna-west has 5 times higher loading in comparison with Varna-east.
Source: Dnevnik (18.04.2001)
Until recently the companies have to transfer their taxes only through banks. From this year on thay also may pay the sums cash in the tax offices. Nevertheless the payments still are mainly through bank. The tax offices work with 6 banks. They are TB Biochim, TB Hebros, Expressbank , Bulbank, UBB and Bank DSK.Bulbank attends Bulgargas, the management of the air traffic. The same bank attends also the Ministry of Defence, NEC, BSR .
Source: Sega (23.04.2001)
Competition Protection Commission imposed a fine of BGN 300 000 on Varna Port SP JSC. The penalty was imposed for refusal of access to the market of gathering and treatment of hard scraps from the ships. The Commission also punished the taxi company Crystal express 1280 Ltd. for the use of stickers that may mislead the passengers.
Source: BTA (27.04.2001)
More than EUR 11 million costs the new Bulgarian-Dutch radio-location network for management of the ship-traffic in the port of Varna. It was opened yesterday by the Minister of Transport Mr. Slavinski and experts from the Dutch Institute for Traffic and Technologies. The system VTS is developed in the Cherno More plant in Varna and will attend six operators simultaneously at the tower of the port. It is a joint product with the Dutch consortium HITT. The location system is a part of the global project for general control of the traffic at the coast of the Black Sea. It foresees additional montage of this type video-cameras and stations at the coast within 2008. According to unconfirmed information the Japanese equipment is negotiated for not more than USD 15 million and will be installed in the free zone in Iran.
Source: Democracy (03.05.2001)
The serious candidates for concession in Varna port are Oiltanking-Bulgaria JSC, Italchimente and Solvay, announced the Director of the port Mr. Stoyan Shtumpf. Oiltanking is now building a terminal for liquid chemicals in Varna-west port. Mr. Shtumpf also added that this year the cargo turnover will exceed 6 million t. The growth over the first quarter of 2001 in comparison with the last year is with 22 per cent.
Source: Sega (04.05.2001)
US ambassador to Bulgaria - Richard Miles, committed himself to personally help for the renovation of the machine-park of 'Port Varna' EAD, said yesterday CEO Stoyan Stumpf. The ambassador had provided one of the new 10 machines for cargo operations. For the celebration of the 95 anniversary of the port we expect ambassador Miles and Minister Antony Slavinski to open the new park. The annual turnover of commodities passing through the port will up by 6 million tons.
Source: Standart (04.05.2001)
Tranzitna Targovska Zona Varna, JSC will be registered with a capital of BGN 1 million and a temporary address in the building of the Industrial Economic Association, decided the 22 founders of the company. In the conference hall of the Municipal Administration was conducted the Foundation Meeting which accepted the statute and distributed the share participation. The biggest stake of shares - 46 per cent, belongs to the state in return of non-monetary contribution of 100 decres land in the Southern Industrial Zone, acted as private state property and evaluated by triple court expertise to BGN 460 000. The next by the size of the participation is Ahileos Ltd. - with 20 per cent of the capital. With 5 per cent participate both the agency of Despred in Varna and the business club Dalas. Among the founders of the company are not Varna port SPJSC and Port Marine because the Ministry of Transport which is their principal, postponed the procedure for the permission of their participation in the company. Yesterday we solve the misunderstanding with Minister Slavinski and we have his assurance that the bureaucratic obstacles will be removed within ten days, said Mr. Julian Gendov from the Municipal Administration. Both companies will be accepted as shareholders at the next meeting without their inclusion to raise the capital, explained the chief secretary of the Ministry of Finance Mr. Petar Nikolov, who represented the department in the Foundation Meeting.
Source: Black sea (04.05.2001)
The net profit of Varna port for 2000 increased up to BGN 2.291 million in 1999. The positive financial results are due to the increased export from the plants Solvay Sodi, Devnia ciment and Agropolihim whose main export is executed through Varna port. The port that is entirely state-owned property registered a growth of the net profit of 37 per cent for 1999 in comparison with 1998. This is due to the rise of 32 per cent of the traffic of cargos thanks to the progress of the Bulgarian industry after the financial crisis in 1997.
Source: Standart (07.05.2001)
Devnia Ciment will export 1.3 million t cement in 2001 to USA, Spain, Turkey and the countries from Africa. At the moment the company is working with full capacity and in it are employed 550 workers. Over this year the owner Italchimente will invest in the plant BGN 25 million. One of the main projects by the end of the year is the construction of a terminal at the amount of USD 14 million on Varna port.
Source: Black sea (25.06.2001)
Varna and Bourgas ports reported a drastic fall in the incomes for the firs three months of 2001 year in comparison with the same period last year. The income of Port Bourgas is BGN 307 000 , and for the same period last year it is BGN 2, 743 millions. The incomes of Varna harbor is BGN 9 000 and for the same period last year it is BGN 625 000.
Source: Black sea (12.07.2001)
Four foreign investors complained yesterday to the Minister of Transport and Communication Mr. Antony Slavinski from the drastically lifting of the prices of the fees for loading and unshipping activities at the ports. The industrial giants Union Minier, Solvay Sodi, Agropolichim and Devnya Tsiment demanded from the Minister of Transport decrease of the fees at the ports. The amount of the processed in the ports grows and the prices instead of falling increase, claim the representatives of the four companies. According to them from the beginning of this year the ports have raised the prices between 30 and 50 per cent. The problem with Port Varna is the biggest, according to the experts from the ministry. The cargo circulation has increased two times as compared to 1999 and the growth of the fees is almost the same. The fees that the clients pay at the ports are two groups. In the first one are included the state fees - tonnage, as well as the fees for the use of the wharves and canals of the port. In the other group are included the prices of loading and unshipping activities at the ports and processing of the cargos. Until recently both kinds of fees were gathered and reminded at the ports. Wit h the making effective of the Law for the Sea Spaces, internal water ways and the ports of Republic of Bulgaria they are now gathered by the by the Executive Agency Port Administration at the Ministry of Transport and Communication, that was established by the same law. At the ports remain only the fees from the processing of the cargos." The managements of the ports are apparently trying to compensate the lacks of the state fees by an increase of the prices of the fees for loading and unshipping activities. A port should not just gather fees, it should make profit from the services it makes and from the commodity circulation - that is the logic of the market", commented from the transport department. Meanwhile during the last year the state fees were decreased with average 40 per cent. Before the decreasing of the fees they used to remain at the ports. From these incomes Bourgas port managed to allocate 25 per cent for clearing of the sea floor. The rest of the sum was given to fund Salaries. In Varna port during 2000 for clearing of the seabed are allocated only 15 per cent. According to the data of the Ministry, now when the state fees are gathered by Port Administration, 90 per cent of them will be used for clearing of the seabed and reconstruction of the infrastructure of the both ports. According to the official information of the ministry the ports have increased the prices with about 6o-70 per cent. In order to keep the amount of the expenditures of the clients the same after the decrease of the state fees the ports should raise the prices with not more than 35 per cent. According to the experts the financial state of the both ports is good they have positive total turn over and such a drastic raise of the prices of their services is not needed.
Source: Capital (13.07.2001)
A new project for building of yacht port for 700 boats in Karantina near Galata cape is ready, announced Mr. Hristo Tzvetkov, manager of Pristanishtna Administracia. In Bulgaria there is no such port.
Source: Standart (17.07.2001)
The Agency Pristansihtna Administracia wanted the port in Varna to be divided in two parts: Varna East and Varna West. The port in Balchick will be separated too.
Source: Democracy (31.07.2001)
Varna District Court registered changes for Lesport SPJSC. As a member of the Board of Directors is wrote off Mr. Boyan Jekov. As a member of the Board is registered Mr. Svetlan Zlatev
Source: State Gazette (31.08.2001)
Robots will unload the tanks with chemical materials at the chemical terminal of the fertilizers' plant Agropolichim JSC. This is included in the plan for the construction of the terminal. The project is joint venture of Oiltanking JSC, Union Miniere Pirdop med JSC and port Varna. It is planed that the capacity of the terminal will reach 25 wagons a day.
Source: Black sea (04.09.2001)
The first specialized terminal for processing of liquid chemical products in Eastern Europe and in the region of Black sea will be officially opened tomorrow in port Varna-west. The capacity of the equipment is for processing of 500 000 t sulphurous acid annually. For the realization of the project in July 1999 was registered the joint-venture company Oil tanking Bulgaria JSC in which shareholders are Unikor Med JSC, Oiltanking - Hamburg and Varna Port SP JSC. BGN 12.5 were invested in the new terminal.
Source: Black sea (17.09.2001)
Oiltanking invested DEM 12 million in the terminal for liquid chemical loads. 500 000 tons of sulfur acid will be processed in Varna-Zapad annually for the next two years. According to the investors from Oiltanking this is the first in Eastern Europe and in the region of Black Sea independent terminal for processing of liquid products. The company holds 48 terminals from this kind in the whole world. It has invested in the wharf place DEM 12 million. 40 per cent of them are own means and the other 60 per cent are finances from a bank in Hamburg. In the joint venture, registered for the realization of the project, with 27.5 per cent participate Port Varna SPJSC. The rest of the shares are distributed between Oiltanking and its partner Umicore med JSC. The capacity of the equipment for processing is 500 000 tons of sulfur acid annually for the first two years.
Source: Black sea (20.09.2001)
Varna Port and Navigation Maritime Bulgare expect financial losses because of the war. In the business plan of the port are assigned annual incomes of about BGN 27.5 million and the profit will exceed BGN 1 million. NMB has to pay additional insurance premiums because of the risk zones.
Source: Standart (12.10.2001)
The changes in the Board of Directors of Bourgas port will be announced today by the Minister of Transport Mr. Plamen Petrov. The former Chairman Mrs. Tayana Stefanova was dismissed by the Ministry of Transport. It is expect that she will leave then position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the port as well. There is a rumor that her place will be occupied by Mr. Vladimir Karolev from the King's Movement.
Source: Standart (22.10.2001)
The construction of a pipeline between Agroppolichim and the opened in the middle of September terminal for liquid chemicals of Oiltanking in Varna Port started. The construction of a third reservoir at Varna port continues. The reservoir will increase the annual capacity of the terminal to 800 000 tons. Both projects cost BGN 2.5 million. The company has applied documentary for concession for the wharf and will probably be the first company which receive a long-term right for use of the equipment.
Source: Black sea (22.10.2001)
54 Executive Directors, members of Boards, Managers and Supervisory Boards of all significant companies from the area of transport and communications were replaced with an order of the Minister of Transport Mr. Plamen Petrov. Among these companies are Air Traffic Control, Bulgarian State Railways, Navigation Maritime Bulgare, Bulgarian post, Razprostranenie na pechata, Transimpex, Airports. An order for exchanging the Board of Directors of Bulgarian Telecommunication Company is not signed yet. Navigation Maritime Bulgare and Varna Port are with completely new Boards of Directors.
Source: Sega (02.11.2001)
Mr. Danail Papazov was appointed for an Executive Director of Port Varna JSC. The other members of the new Board of Directors are the Deputy Minister of Transport Mr. Luibomil Ivanov, Mrs. Nina Belenska Nachenska and Mr. Delyan Peevski. Chairman of the Board is Mr. Luibomil Ivanov.
Source: Black sea (07.11.2001)
The Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Nova Plama Mr. Zhan Kristof Votren announced that the refinery is ready to start work. All conversations of the management of Nova Plama with the Government were successfully and the expectations are that within the end of the month the problems of the refinery will be solved. As one of the main problems was determined the lack of technical ability for deliveries of raw oil. The reason for this problem are the unsettled relations with Petrol-Varna port.
Source: BTA (08.11.2001)
The new Executive Director of Varna Port JSC Mr. Danail Papazov took his position. His start in the management was at the same time as the end of the financial revision for the period 1998-2000. The new management of the port intends to continue its politics for attracting of investors following the model of Oiltanking. Contracts of that kind may be concluded with most of the traditional cargo deliverers - Agropolichim, Solvay Sodi, Mersk, Kaolin - Senovo.
Source: Black sea (13.11.2001)
The Minister of Transport and Communications Mr. Plamen Petrov signed orders for change of the Board of Directors of Bulgarian posts SP JSC. At the place of Mr. Kamen Konstantinov is selected Ms. Stana Hristova as a new member.
Source: Government bulletin (14.11.2001)
Hungarians are interested in Varna port and kamchia resort, announced the Deputy Director of Bulgarian-Hungarian businessclub Mr. Atanas Atanasov. On December 3 in Varna will be opened Information centre in the business club. Its activity will be connected with providing of legal and financial information for interested Bulgarian and Hungarian companies, business forums, participations in exhibitions and fairs and others.
Source: Standart (27.11.2001)
The Supervisory Board of Nova Plama JSC appointed Mr. Rossen Sofroniev for Executive Director of the company. The former Director Mr. Evangelos Barutas and the representative of the owners Mr. George Boduen become his consultants. At a meeting with the Ministers Mr. Nikolai Vassilev and Mr. Milen Velchev, the new management team of the refinery was assured that very soon will be solved the final hinders for launch of Nova Plama.
Source: Dnevnik (30.11.2001)
Varna branch of EIBank granted BGN 7.989 million within the end of October. The tourism is credited with priority. The branch in Varna has existed for 5 years. At the moment it is at the third place after Sofia and Plovdiv considering the attracted funds and at the first place in the State in the system of EIBank, regarding the incomes of the personnel. By October 31, 2001 the profit of the branch in Varna is BGN 532 000. 542 companies' accounts and 2564 citizens' accounts were opened. Among the big corporate clients are Zlatni piasatzi, Navigation Maritime bulgare, Glavbolgarstroy Varna, TPS Varna..
Source: Pari (30.11.2001)
BGN 1 million will be spent within the end of the year for the repair of the water-supply network in Varna-zapad port. By this moment in the rehabilitation of the sewerage system had been invested BGN 9 million. There is no concrete and serious investors interest for the project of the construction of a grain terminal in Varna-port. The location for the construction of the gas-terminal at the port is not chosen yet.
Source: Black sea (03.12.2001)
The lawyer of the Ministry of Transport and Communications Mrs. Mariyana Rangelova is the new Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lesport port. Two months ago from the Board were dismissed Mr. Svilen Kraichev and Mr. Svetlan Zlatev. For a n Executive Directors of the company was appointed the former Director of the container terminal of Varna-Iztok port Mr. Evgeni Moskov.
Source: Black sea (17.12.2001)
The applicants for concessionaire of Varna port for the moment are 33. Among them are the main clients such as the chemical plants in Devnya. The term of the concession is 35 years but it may also become 50 years. The net profit of the port for this year is BGN 2 437 000.
Source: BTA (27.12.2001)
The applicants fort concession of Varna port are 33. According to the Executive Director some of them are main clients but there some who do not know what are they applying for. The business progranmme of the port for the next year includes a growth of 5 per cent of the incomes and the cargoes. At the moment are discussed the opportunities to continuing of the activity of the company after it is restructured. The amount of the incomes of Varna port in the end of the year is BGN 29 187 000.
Source: Monitor (28.12.2001)
More than 30 applications for the Bulgarian airports and ports were received from foreign companies in the Ministry of Transport and Communications. The interest is caused by the publishing of the invitation to the foreign investors in the site of the Ministry and the foreign media. Objects of the concession are all civil airports and ports in Varna, Bourgas, Lom, Vidin and Russe. The elected applicants will be responsible for the exploitation and the technical support of the object as well as for the construction of new terminals.
Source: Sega (29.12.2001)