Press Digest
Press digest - year 2009
The Commission for Protection of Competition allowed to Bulgarian State Railways - Passenger services Ltd, Kolovag Ltd. and Intercom Ltd. to found a joint venture. The business of the three companies is connected with trade and repair of passenger carriages. The new joint venture will be "BDZh - Bulvagon JSC and will be engaged in the manufacture, repair, recycling and trade in passenger rail carriages. The main purpose of creating the joint venture is to strengthen control in the design and repair of passenger coaches.
Source: Monitor (23.04.2009)
The company is registered in Territorial administration Big taxpayers and insurers towards 2009, 04.30
Source: Tax Administration (30.04.2009)
Antifiltartion screen and a gravity pipeline already take the drain water in the western part of the Oxide heap territory of the copper-extracting Panagyurishte-based Asarel-Medet. The value of the facility is BGN 1.366 mln. After the introduction of the installation, the monitoring data over Panova river confirmed the expected high environmental performance. The measured pH of the river water is permanently above 6.0 and meets the requirements for the concentration reported by the Regional Inspectorate for Environment Protection. This is the fourth antifiltartion screen on the territory of the complex - part of the system for water protection from pollution. In 2008 Asarel-Medet JSC invested over BGN 7 million in projects for environmental protection, monitoring and effectiveness of treatment facilities. This year, because of the global financial crisis, Asarel - Medet cut by half its investment program, but the planned investments in ecological projects will be implemented, the company reported.
Source: Dnevnik (08.06.2009)
BDZ Remains Bulgaria's Public Railway Carrier for 15 Years Bulgaria's government decided Wednesday that the state-owned railway company BDZ would be the country's public railway carrier for the next 15 years. BDZ Jsc was the only company bidding for the public railway carrier tender, and will thus remain the only company operating express and passenger trains in Bulgaria. Each year Bulgaria's state budget allocates a certain subsidy for the BDZ in order to help the company keep its generally low prices as well as its discounts for students and retirees, and to maintain its unprofitable sectors.
Source: Darik Radio (18.06.2009)