Press Digest
Press digest - year 2019
The following decisions have been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 1 of 07 January 2019: With reference to an application submitted by De Novo EAD Investment Intermediary pursuant to Art. 32 (1), item 1 of Part II - Membership Rules of the BSE Rules and Regulations, the BSE Board of Directors terminates the registritation of De Novo EAD Investment Intermediary as a market maker of the issue of shares of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VX), ISIN BG1100010104, on the grounds of Art. 32 (1) of the Membership Rules as of 04 February 2019 (Monday).
Source: BSE (09.01.2019)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 31 December 2018 from Texim Bank AD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of the issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VXA), ISIN BG2100020119.
Source: BSE (01.03.2019)
The BSE Board of Directors has adopted the following decisions at a session held under Record of Proceedings No. 14 of 06 March 2019: I. Revision of the SOFIX index base Here follow the first fifteen (15) issues of shares meeting the requirements of Art. 9 of the Rules and of item 3 of Appendix No. 1, and classified according to items 4-7 of Appendix No. 1: BSE code Issuer Free-float market cap (BGN) Median weekly turnover (BGN) Number of deals Average value of the spread 3JR Sopharma AD-Sofia 204 283 520 141 703 2454 0.02263501 6C4 Chimimport AD-Sofia 124 416 673 186 448 1949 0.02927311 6A6 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 97 487 652 75 712 1098 0.01937076 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 82 289 073 41 176 1064 0.03267235 4CF CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 53 189 336 78 904 1692 0.04430045 SKK Sirma Group Holding JSC-Sofia 30 194 677 76 735 1709 0.04711035 5BU Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 52 543 833 33 934 493 0.02603634 SO5 Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 64 506 980 27 763 555 0.03937216 4EH Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 85 395 206 35 065 660 0.13210988 4ID Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 51 747 885 19 772 690 0.05844975 5F4 CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 59 895 000 21 395 624 0.07891706 5MH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 70 550 501 17 150 390 0.03389743 5V2 Holding Varna AD-Varna 92 307 286 10 683 598 0.09246148 5DOV Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 29 259 791 27 587 1120 0.09412584 0EA Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 28 939 472 25 051 524 0.0327445 As a result of verification under item 13 of Appendix No. 1, it appeared that the weight of the economic group including Sopharma AD and Sopharma Trading AD exceeds the 20% threshold as at 01 March 2019. In this connection, the issue of shares of Sopharma Trading AD is excluded from the above classification. The next issue classified according to items 4-7 of Appendix No. 1, that meets the requirements of Art. 9 of the Rules and of item 3 of Appendix No. 1, is the issue of shares of Stara Planina Hold AD, which has the following parameters: BSE code Issuer Free-float market cap (BGN) Median weekly turnover (BGN) Number of deals Average value of the spread 5SR Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 77 514 570 14 408 434 0.08343602 Based on the information above, the following issues are removed from the SOFIX index base: 5MB Monbat AD-Sofia 6AB Albena AD-Albena T57 Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia And the following issues are added: GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 4ID Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 5DOV Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia II. The following issues are removed from the BG BX40 index base: 4L4 Lavena AD-Shumen 57E EMKA AD-Sevlievo 5BP Billboard AD-Sofia 5BR Bulgarian River Shipping AD-Ruse 6AM Alcomet AD-Shumen 6F3 FairPlay Properties REIT-Sofia And the following issues are added: GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 4HS Holding Sveta Sofia AD-Sofia 5AX Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv 4O1 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production AD-Sofia 1VX Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia GTH Galata Investment Company AD-Varna III. The following issue is removed from the BG REIT index base: 5BD Bulland Investments REIT-Sofia And the following issue is added: 5AX Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv IV. The following issues are removed from the BG TR30 index base: 3NB Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad 3NJ SS Konstantine And Elena Holding AD-Varna 4HE Hydraulic Elements and Systems AD-Yambol 4I8 Industrial Capital Holding AD-Sofia 4KX Korado Bulgaria AD-Strazhitsa 5CP CB Texim Bank AD-Sofia 6S7 Synergon Holding AD-Sofia A72 Agria Group Holding AD-Varna EHN Synthetica AD-Sofia T57 Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia And the following issues are added: 1VX Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 4HS Holding Sveta Sofia AD-Sofia GTH Galata Investment Company AD-Varna 58E Himsnab Bulgaria AD-Sofia 6R2 Rodna Zemya Holding AD-Dobrich 6S4 Severcoop Gamza Holding AD-Sofia 5H4 Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 94G 235 Holdings AD-Sofia 5AX Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv The decisions for amendments introduced into the base of the indices above will become effective as of 18 March 2019.
Source: BSE (07.03.2019)
At its session dated 06 March 2019 the Indices Committee at BSE has adopted the following decisions: I. With reference to item 12 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the following free-float factors are to be valid for the next three-month period: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor 3JR Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.4152 6C4 Chimimport AD-Sofia 0.2704 6A6 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.5874 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 0.1856 4CF CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 0.2483 SKK Sirma Group Holding JSC-Sofia 0.6070 5BU Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.7983 4EH Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.2711 4ID Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 0.4503 5F4 CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 0.1500 5MH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 0.2338 5V2 Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.3558 5DOV Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 0.5784 0EA Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 0.6870 5SR Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 0.5859 II. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the weight factors are to be specified on the basis of the Index structure as of 15 March 2019. III. With reference to item 11 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the following free-float factors are to be valid for the next three-month period: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor 3JR Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.4152 6C4 Chimimport AD-Sofia 0.2704 SKK Sirma Group Holding JSC-Sofia 0.6070 4CF CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 0.2483 6A6 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.5874 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 0.1856 5DOV Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 0.5784 4EH Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.2711 SO5 Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 0.2704 4ID Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 0.4503 5F4 CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 0.1500 5BU Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.7983 5V2 Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.3558 T57 Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia 0.2403 0EA Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 0.6870 5MB Monbat AD-Sofia 0.1768 5SR Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 0.5859 6S6 Sopharma Properties REIT-Sofia 0.2188 6AB Albena AD-Albena 0.3059 BSO Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia 0.4995 3CZ CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.2601 5MH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 0.2338 4KX Korado Bulgaria AD-Strazhitsa 0.1744 4HE Hydraulic Elements and Systems AD-Yambol 0.2020 T43 Zarneni Hrani Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.2001 4HS Holding Sveta Sofia AD-Sofia 0.6863 6S7 Synergon Holding AD-Sofia 0.5002 4I8 Industrial Capital Holding AD-Sofia 0.4927 7TH Tchaikapharma High Quality Medicines AD-Sofia 0.0436 52E Elhim Iskra AD-Pazardzhik 0.2636 0SP Speedy AD-Sofia 0.1010 6S4 Severcoop Gamza Holding AD-Sofia 0.5731 A72 Agria Group Holding AD-Varna 0.1792 5AX Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv 0.6562 4O1 Oil and Gas Exploration and Production AD-Sofia 0.2247 1VX Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia 0.4653 A4L Allterco AD-Sofia 0.1552 6SOA Sofia Commerce-Pawn Brokerage AD-Sofia 0.2968 GTH Galata Investment Company AD-Varna 0.4945 3NB Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad 0.2370 IV. With reference to item 12 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the weight factors are to be specified on the basis of the Index structure as of 15 March 2019. The free-float data on the issues of SOFIX and BGBX40 presented herein are the median value for the period 02 December 2018 - 01 March 2019. The new free-float factors are to enter into force as of 18 March 2019. The new weight factors are to enter into force as of 18 March 2019. V. With reference to item 8 of Appendix No. 3 (BG REIT Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the following free-float factors are to be valid for the next three-month period: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor 6A6 Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.5874 5BU Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.7983 5H4 Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 0.4311 5CK CCB Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.5456 5AX Aktiv Properties REIT-Plovdiv 0.6562 6SB Super Borovetz Property Fund REIT-Varna 0.6139 RPR Roi Property Fund REIT-Sofia 0.5526 VI. With reference to item 9 of Appendix No. 3 (BG REIT Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the weight factors are to be specified on the basis of the Index structure as of 15 March 2019. VII. With reference to item 15 of the Rules for Calculating the Good Corporate Governance Index (CGIX), the Indices Committee has adopted a decision that the following free-float factors are to be valid for the next three-month period: BSE code Issuer Free-float factor 5SR Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 0.5859 5MB Monbat AD-Sofia 4ID Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 0.5004 4CF CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 0.1668 3JR Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.3643 BSO Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia 0.4995 SKK Sirma Group Holding JSC-Sofia 0.6070 The free-float data on the issues of BG REIT presented herein are the median value for the period 02 December 2018 - 01 March 2019. The free-float data on the issues of CGIX presented herein are as of 01 March 2019. The new free-float factors are to enter into force as of 18 March 2019. The new weight factors are to enter into force as of 18 March 2019. VIII. The next session of the Indices Committee, at which session weight and free-float factors are to be specified, is to be held on 03 June 2019, where these are to enter into force as of 24 June 2019.
Source: BSE (07.03.2019)
In view of the expiry of the surveillance period, BSE hereby terminates the surveillance and confirms the listing on the BSE Main Market, Standard Equities Segment, of the issue of shares of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia, BSE code 1VX, ISIN BG1100010104.
Source: BSE (03.04.2019)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VX) BSE has received the materials of the regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VX) as follows: Velgraf Asset Management AD has appointed a General Meeting of Shareholders on 28 June 2019 at 10:00 a.m. in the city of Sofia at 1 Brussels Blvd. under the following agenda: - Individual and consolidated reports of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2018 - Adoption of the 2018 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Reports of the registered auditor on the 2018 audit - Report of the Investor Relations Director - Election of a registered auditor - Report of the Audit Committee - Changes within the Audit Committee - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies with respect to their activity in 2018 - Changes within the managing bodies of the company - Amendments to the Statutes of the company - Financial result allocation decision Draft resolution: Allocation of the 2018 profit to the Reserve Fund - Report on the implementation of the remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will be held on 15 July 2019 at 10:00 a.m., at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the Central Depository fourteen (14) days prior to the GMS date, i.e. by 14 June 2019 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, will be 12 June 2019 (Ex Date: 13 June 2019).
Source: BSE (22.05.2019)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VX) Due to lack of a quorum, the regular GMS convened by Velgraf Asset Management AD on 28 June 2019 has not been held. Therefore, the GMS will be held on 15 July 2019 at 10:00 a.m., at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the Central Depository fourteen (14) days prior to the GMS date, i.e. by 01 July 2019 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the BSE, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, has been 27 June 2019 (Ex Date: 28 June 2019).
Source: BSE (02.07.2019)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (1VX) The regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD dated 15 July 2019 has passed the following resolutions: - Adoption of the individual and consolidated reports of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2018 - Adoption of the 2018 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Adoption of the report of the registered auditor on the 2018 audit - Adoption of the report of the Audit Committee - Adoption of the report of the Investor Relations Director - Adoption of a remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - Adoption of Statute of the Audit Committee - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies with respect to their activity in 2018 - Election of a registered auditor - Election of an Audit Committee - No changes within the managing bodies of the company - No amendments to the Statutes of the company - Financial result allocation decision: Allocation of the 2018 profit to the Reserve Fund
Source: BSE (19.07.2019)