Press Digest
Press digest - year 2021
BSE has received an application for admission to trading of an issue of bonds on the Bonds Segment as follows: - Issuer: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia - ISIN of the issue: BG2100006209 - Amount of the issue: EUR 20,000,000 - Par value per bond: EUR 1,000 - BSE code assigned to the issue of bonds: VAMB
Source: BSE (01.02.2021)
The following decision has been adopted at a session of the BSE Board of Directors held under Record of Proceedings No. 8 of 02 February 2021: With reference to an application submitted under Art. 20 (1) of Part III - Listing Rules and on the grounds of Art. 33 (8) thereof, the BSE Board of Directors admits to trading on the Bonds Segment of the BSE Main Market the following issue of bonds: - Issuer: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia - Type of bonds: Ordinary, dematerialised, registered, interest-bearing, freely transferable, secured, inconvertible - ISIN of the issue: BG2100006209 - BSE code assigned to the issue: VAMB - CFI code of the bond issue: DBFUFR - Amount of the issue: EUR 20,000,000 - Number of bonds: 20,000 - Nominal value per bond: EUR 1,000 - Issuance currency: Euro (EUR) - Currency of trading: EUR - Trading lot: One (1) bond - Minimum tick size: 0.001 - Segment MIC: ZBUL - Starting date of trading: 05 February 2021 (Friday) - Final date of trading: 14 July 2027 - The indicative reference price for the first trading session is 100% of the nominal value. - The price of the orders being entered is a percentage of the nominal value of one trading lot /clean price/. - The price of the bid and ask orders shall not include the interest accrued as of the date of the last interest payment until the moment of order entry. - The cash settlement of transactions shall be effected in Bulgarian leva as per the official exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank as of the date of trade execution. INFORMATION ON THE ISSUE: - The issue is the first one of the issuer. - Issuance date: 21 July 2020 - Maturity date: 21 July 2027 - Term: 84 months as of the date of issuance - Annual interest rate: 4.50% - Day-count convention: Act/365L - Debt repayment: Through amortisation - Amortisation schedule: The amortisation will take place in eight (8) equal instalments of EUR 2,500,000 each. - Amortisation payment period: Every six (6) months on the following fixed dates 21 January 2024; 21 July 2024 21 January 2025; 21 July 2025 21 January 2026; 21 July 2026 21 January 2027; 21 July 2027 - Interest payment period: Every six (6) months on the following fixed dates 21 January 2021; 21 July 2021 21 January 2022; 21 July 2022 21 January 2023; 21 July 2023 21 January 2024; 21 July 2024 21 January 2025; 21 July 2025 21 January 2026; 21 July 2026 21 January 2027; 21 July 2027 * The right to an interest and amortisation payment shall be entitled to all bondholders registered as such not later than one (1) business day before the payment date respectively three (3) business days before the date of the final interest and amortisation payment that coincides with the issue's maturity date. - Call option: The issuer is entitled to repay early the entire principal or a part of it at any time by giving one month's prior notice to the bondholders at the terms and conditions defined in the Prospectus of the bond issue with the approval of the GMB. - Trustee of the bondholders: ABV Investments EOOD INFORMATION ON THE ISSUER: - Name in the Latin alphabet: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia - Registered address: Sofia, 1 Brussels Blvd. - LEI code: 8945007S2O5Q8ERIPD19 - BULSTAT UIC: 201079376 - Correspondence address: Sofia 1784, 1 Brussels Blvd. - Tel.: (+359 2) 980 00 28 - E-mail: - Website: - Authorised representative: Rumen Tsonkov - Contact person: Preslav Zhivkov - Information disclosure to the public via - Scope of business activity: Purchase or sale of goods and services that are not prohibited by law and for which no special license is required; purchase, construction, furnishing, renting, management and sale of real estates etc.
Source: BSE (03.02.2021)
The BSE Indices Committee has adopted the following decisions under Record of Proceedings No. 3 at its session held on 20 March 2021: I. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the SOFIX constituents, in effect from 22 March 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.862595 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.915357 II. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted weight factors equal to one (1) of all BGBX40 constituents, in effect from 22 March 2021. III. With reference to item 9 of Appendix No. 3 (BG REIT Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the BG REIT constituents, in effect from 22 March 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.481029 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 0.880065 IV. With reference to item 15 of Appendix No. 4 (BG TR30 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors of the BG TR30 constituents, in effect from 22 March 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 5.337475 ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 8.468109 A4L - 1.797313 DUH Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 4.096202 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 6.989550 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 9.520901 SFT Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 3.036839 CHIM Chimimport AD-Sofia 19.145290 HRZ Rodna Zemya Holding AD-Sofia 6.774487 TBS Telelink Business Services Group AD-Sofia 1.036098 CEZD CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.068803 SYN Synthetica AD-Sofia 0.396704 EAC Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 16.936218 CAPM Capital Management SPV-Sofia 0.268911 ALB Albena AD-Albena 0.611586 SPH Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 2.960280 SGH Sirma Group Holding AD-Sofia 33.549841 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 0.967784 FIB CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 10.610643 SPDY Speedy AD-Sofia 0.234849 VAM Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia 4.296016 MSH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 2.795820 MONB Monbat AD-Sofia 3.949253 CCB CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 18.158419 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 11.742444 HVAR Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.453960 235H 235 Holdings AD-Sofia 0.607368 T57 Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia 4.865654 IHB Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 20.968651 BSE Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia 3.551142 V. With reference to item 17 of the Rules for Calculating the Good Corporate Governance Index (CGIX), the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the CGIX constituents, in effect from 22 March 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.400656
Source: BSE (23.03.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAM) Velgraf Asset Management AD submitted to BSE materials and invitation to the regular General Meeting of Shareholders scheduled for 30 June 2021 at 10:00 am in the city of Sofia at 1 Brussels Blvd.
Source: BSE (31.05.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAM) Velgraf Asset Management AD has appointed a regular General Meeting of Shareholders on 30 June 2021 at 10:00 am in the city of Sofia at 1 Brussels Blvd. under the following agenda: - Individual and consolidated reports of the managing bodies on the company's activity in 2020 - Adoption of the 2020 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Reports of the registered auditor on the 2020 audit - Report of the Audit Committee - Report of the Investor Relations Director - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2020 - Election of a registered auditor - Changes within the Audit Committee - Adoption of a statute of the Audit Committee - Financial result allocation decision Draft resolution: Allocation of the 2020 profit to the Reserve Fund and no dividend distribution - Adoption of a remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies - In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will take place on 15 July 2021 at 10:00 am, at the same place and under the same agenda. The voting right will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the central securities register fourteen (14) days before the GMS, i.e. by 16 June 2021 (Record Date). The final date for transacting shares of this company on the Exchange, as a result of which the holders will be entitled to exercise their voting right at the GMS, will be 14 June 2021 (Ex Date: 15 June 2021).
Source: BSE (31.05.2021)
The BSE Indices Committee has adopted the following decisions under Record of Proceedings No. 7 at its session held on 19 June 2021: I. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the SOFIX constituents, in effect from 21 June 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.890832 II. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX 40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted weight factors equal to one (1) to all BGBX 40 constituents, in effect from 21 June 2021. III. With reference to item 9 of Appendix No. 3 (BG REIT Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the BG REIT constituents, in effect from 21 June 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.374771 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 0.805148 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.900196 IV. With reference to item 15 of Appendix No. 4 (BG TR30 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors of the BG TR30 constituents, in effect from 21 June 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor 235H 235 Holdings AD-Sofia 0.677437 A4L Allterco AD-Sofia 1.129061 ALB Albena AD-Albena 0.610114 ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 8.185694 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 9.677668 BSE Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia 3.220601 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 1.033982 CAPM Capital Management SPV-Sofia 0.297662 CCB CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 19.944839 CEZD CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.070163 CHIM Chimimport AD-Sofia 22.324621 DUH Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 3.329774 EAC Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 18.190432 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 7.674089 FIB CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 11.556275 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 13.097111 HRZ Rodna Zemya Holding AD-Sofia 7.385589 HVAR Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.493610 IHB Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 15.348177 MONB Monbat AD-Sofia 3.274278 MSH M+S Hydraulic AD-Kazanlak 2.584956 SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 5.397161 SFT Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 3.814693 SGH Sirma Group Holding AD-Sofia 37.420317 SPDY Speedy AD-Sofia 0.244046 SPH Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 2.691187 SYN Synthetica AD-Sofia 0.438519 T57 Trace Group Hold AD-Sofia 5.169912 TBS Telelink Business Services Group AD-Sofia 1.444534 VAM Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia 4.633412 V. With reference to item 17 of the Rules for Calculating the Good Corporate Governance Index (CGIX), the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the CGIX constituents, in effect from 21 June 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.409118
Source: BSE (22.06.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 31 March 2021 from ABV Investments EOOD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209.
Source: BSE (30.06.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAM) The regular General Meeting of Shareholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD dated 30 June 2021 has passed the following resolutions: - Adoption of the 2020 individual and consolidated activity reports of the managing bodies - Adoption of the 2020 individual and consolidated annual financial reports of the company - Adoption of the reports of the registered auditor on the verification of the 2020 annual financial reports of the company - Adoption of the report of the Audit Committee - Adoption of the report of the Investor Relations Director - Release from liability of the members of the managing bodies for their activity in 2020 - Election of a registered auditor - Changes within the Audit Committee - Adoption of a statute of the Audit Committee - Allocation of the 2020 profit to the reserves of the company - Adoption of a remuneration policy for the members of the managing bodies
Source: BSE (05.07.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) In view of a forthcoming interest payment on an issue of bonds, please, be informed of the following: - Issuer: Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia - BSE code: VAMB - ISIN: BG2100006209 - Date of interest payment: 21.07.2021 - Coupon rate: 4.5 % - All bondholders registered with the Central Depository as of 20.07.2021 (Record Date) will be entitled to receive the payment. - The final date for transacting in bonds of this issue on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the buyer will have the right to the interest payment, will be 16.07.2021 (Ex Date: 19.07.2021).
Source: BSE (16.07.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) ABV Investments EOOD in the capacity of a trustee of the holders of bonds issued by Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209, has notified BSE of a delayed interest payment on the bond issue due by 21 July 2021.
Source: BSE (22.07.2021)
In view of a received notification of a delayed interest payment on the bond issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209, please, be hereby advised that as of 22 July 2021 the calculation of the accumulated interest on the bond issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) is discontinued. Upon the entry of a clean price of 100% per bond, the "dirty" price shall equal EUR 1,000. For further information, please, contact the BSE Trading Department at the following telephone numbers: +359 2 9370942 or +359 2 9370933.
Source: BSE (22.07.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE has received a notification from Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) of a delayed interest payment on the bond issue having ISIN BG2100006209 due by 21 July 2021.
Source: BSE (23.07.2021)
BSE has received a notification of the executed coupon payment due by 21 July 2021 on the issue of bonds of Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209. In this regard, BSE informs you that the calculation of the accumulated interest on the bond issue of Velgraf Asset Management AD (VAMB) will be resumed as of 12 August 2021.
Source: BSE (12.08.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE has received a notification of executed coupon payment by Velgraf Asset Management AD (VAMB) on its bond issue, ISIN BG2100006209, due by 21 July 2021.
Source: BSE (12.08.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 June 2021 from ABV Investments EOOD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209. The report may be accessed via the website of the Exchange.
Source: BSE (24.09.2021)
The BSE Indices Committee has adopted the following decisions under Record of Proceedings No. 12 at its session held on 18 December 2021: I. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 1 (SOFIX Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the SOFIX constituents, in effect from 20 December 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.834573 SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.940330 II. With reference to item 14 of Appendix No. 2 (BGBX40 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the weight factor of one (1) to apply to all the BGBX40 constituents in effect from 20 December 2021. III. With reference to item 9 of Appendix No. 3 (BG REIT Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the BG REIT constituents, in effect from 20 December 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 0.319772 BSP Balkan and Sea Properties REIT-Varna 0.845171 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 0.929101 IV. With reference to item 15 of Appendix No. 4 (BG TR30 Calculation Methodology) to the Rules for Calculating the BSE Indices, the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors of the BG TR30 constituents, in effect from 20 December 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor A4L Allterco AD-Sofia 0.980614 ALB Albena AD-Albena 0.740331 ATER Advance Terrafund REIT-Sofia 7.900353 BREF Bulgarian Real Estate Fund REIT-Sofia 11.263476 BSE Bulgarian Stock Exchange-Sofia 2.661667 CAPM Capital Management SPV-Sofia 0.319400 CCB CB Central Cooperative Bank AD-Sofia 22.583838 CEZD CEZ Distribution Bulgaria AD-Sofia 0.078175 CHIM Chimimport AD-Sofia 26.365566 DUH Doverie United Holding PLC-Sofia 2.079814 EAC Elana Agrocredit AD-Sofia 20.701852 EUBG Eurohold Bulgaria AD-Sofia 10.546226 FIB CB First Investment Bank AD-Sofia 13.973750 GR6 Gradus AD-Stara Zagora 16.685075 GTH Galata Investment Company AD-Varna 9.806140 HRZ Rodna Zemya Holding AD-Sofia 8.219853 HVAR Holding Varna AD-Varna 0.534880 IHB Industrial Holding Bulgaria PLC-Sofia 9.720870 MONB Monbat AD-Sofia 3.789492 NEOH Neochim AD-Dimitrovgrad 0.998125 SBPF Super Borovetz Property Fund REIT-Burgas 8.280741 SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 5.058371 SFI Sopharma Properties REIT-Sofia 3.194000 SFT Sopharma Trading AD-Sofia 4.600412 SGH Sirma Group Holding AD-Sofia 50.355856 SPDY Speedy AD-Sofia 0.197858 SPH Stara Planina Hold AD-Sofia 2.213663 SYN Synthetica AD-Sofia 0.463859 TBS Telelink Business Services Group AD-Sofia 1.442452 VAM Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia 5.223832 V. With reference to item 17 of the Rules for Calculating the Good Corporate Governance Index (CGIX), the Indices Committee has adopted the following weight factors, other than one (1), of the CGIX constituents, in effect from 20 December 2021: BSE code Issuer Weight factor SFA Sopharma AD-Sofia 0.383537
Source: BSE (21.12.2021)
Velgraf Asset Management AD-Sofia (VAMB) BSE has received a report under Art. 100g (1), item 3 of the POSA as at 30 September 2021 from ABV Investments EOOD in the latter's capacity of a trustee of the bondholders of Velgraf Asset Management AD (VAMB), ISIN BG2100006209. The report may be accessed via the website of the Exchange.
Source: BSE (30.12.2021)