Press Digest
Press digest - year 2003
Sofia City Court accepted the annual accountant report of Kraft Foods Bulgaria JSC as of 2001
Source: State Gazette (04.02.2003)
Sofia City Court registered the following changes for Kraft Foods Bulgaria JSC. -amendments in companys statute - as members of the Supervisory Board are re-elected Mrs. Yana Kottasova - Chairman, Mr. Peio Stoyanov- Deputy Chairman and Mr. Marchelo Gasparov - member - as members of the Managing Board are re-elected Mr. Zdzislav Rinkevich - Executive Director, Mr. Gerhard Pleus - Chairman of the Managing Board and Mr. Jofri Turner - Deputy Chairman - the company is represented by the Executive Director Mr. Zdzislav Rinkevich
Source: State Gazette (04.02.2003)
The two Bulgarian margarine producers and the two main importers have already got a matched competitor. Recently, the English-Dutch company Unilever, which bouth the production of Kaliakra margarine announced that for the current moment, they are not planning to stop the production of Kaliakra, which a leader on the market, and will try to increase the market share. It is now 50 per cent, and they are going to try to increase it to 60-70 per cent. This will affect mainly Olineza and Bella. The market share of Kaliakra on the Bulgarian market in 2002 was 56 per cent, according to GfK - Bulgaria data. The sales of Kaliakra have grown, but Bulgarian traders keep big amounts in store. The current management of the Dobrich-based company refused to comment. According to data by MEMRB Retail Tracking Services, in September- October 2001, for example, the market share of Kaliakra was 51.9 per cent, Olineza - 16.8 per cent, and Bella - 10.6 per cent. A year later, over the same two-month period, the share of Kaliakra dropped to 48.6 per cent, Olineza lost over three per cent (13.4 per cent), and Bella (after introducing the brand Tommy) - 21.1 per cent. In 2002, the production of Olineza margarine kept its level of around 3500 tons, announced the company's Executive Director Mr. Ivan Yankov.
Source: Capital (28.02.2003)
The only one specialized producer of filters and packing for cigarettes in Bulgaria Plovdiv Yuri Gagarin reported a growth of 28.14 per cent in its market share over the last year. The growth is due mainly to the orders of foreign companies. During 2002 about 15 per cent of the production of the company was for export. Among the clients of the Plovdiv-based factory are Nestle, Kraft Foods Suchard, Solvex, GloBul-Bulgaria, Kristal Plovdiv, leading companies from the Balkan Peninsula, Central and Eastern Europe.
Source: Monitor (07.07.2003)