Short Company profile

Refan Bulgaria SPLTD - Trud


Trud, 4199
52 Karlovsko Shose St.
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115344296
Capital (BGN): 5 000

Branch: Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Member of GS1
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 12.04.2010 
Registered Actitity: Production and sale of cometics and perfumery, marketing, production of food-stuffs and industrial goods, trade representation, agency.


From the beginning of 2006 Bulgaria's Refan will begin to offer...
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09.12.2009: The winners in Pari daily's Success Team competition will be...
30.01.2009: Plovdiv-based perfume company Refan Bulgaria Ltd. welcomed...
18.11.2008: The national trade exhibition Made in Bulgaria, which is held...
16.05.2008: International fair for consumer goods and technologies spring...
15.05.2008: Chilli cream made by Deroni LTD and Rose jam for diabetics,...
10.05.2007: The central commission on holding the competition for awarding...
04.11.2005: From the beginning of 2006 Bulgaria's Refan will begin to offer...
07.02.2005: Plovdiv-based cosmetics company Refan is attacking the Japanese...
15.05.2004: 51 exponents, 46 of which Bulgarian, were awarded a Golden...
15.04.2004: The worldwide cosmetic company Refan opened its first store in...

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