Short Company profile

ING Bank N.V. - Sofia Branch - Sofia


Sofia, 1404
49B Bulgaria Blvd., entr. A, fl. 7
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 831553811
Capital (BGN):  

Branch: Other monetary intermediation
Licences & Certificates:  Bank - foreign branch BSE member Initial dealer Investment agent Large taxpayers and insurers
Registered Actitity: Public attraction of deposits and use of borrowed funds to make loans and investments for its own account and at own risk, purchase of bills of exchange and promissory notes transactions in foreign currency and precious metals, adopting values of deposit transactions under Article 54, para 1 of POSA, guarantee transactions, making handling payments and clearing of checking accounts of others, purchase of receivables arising from supply of goods or providing services and taking the risk of collecting these accounts receivable/factoring/, financial leasing, issuing and management of bank cards, transactions with: financial futures and options instruments linked to exchange rates and interest rates, availability of bank tapes, acquisition and management of shares, advising companies on capital structure, industrial strategy and related matters and advice and services on transformation of companies and acquisition of an undertaking consultations on portfolio investments.


Ten banks will lend EUR 545 million to Bulgartransgaz Three...
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