Short Company profile

Yettel Bulgaria


Sofia, 1766
4 Mladost District, Business Park Sofia, building 6
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130460283
Capital (BGN): 8 177 737

Branch: Telecommunications
Licences & Certificates:  Large taxpayers and insurers Member of GS1
Registered Actitity: Construction, maintenance and use of public mobile network in accordance with GSM standard with national covering and providing of telecommunication services, engineering


The telecommunications company of the United Arab Emirates...
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12.06.2024: Vivacom overtakes Yettel and is already second among telecoms in...
12.06.2024: EC examines Yettel deal The European Commission is launching an...
13.05.2024: All three Bulgarian telecoms have achieved record results for...
24.04.2024: CETIN Bulgaria, the sister company of Yettel Bulgaria,...
20.02.2024: "Yetel" will be managed by a company from the UAE and the PPF...
31.01.2024: Yettel has announced that it will update its subscription rates...
16.11.2023: Yettel and bTV come under the umbrella of a new...
14.11.2023: The mobile operators Yettel Bulgaria (Yettel) and A1 have...
11.10.2023: The telecommunications company of the United Arab Emirates...
29.08.2023: "Yettel" blocked the deals of "Vivacom" for four operators The...

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This company profile is visited 9 101 times
[2024: 636, ... ]