Short Company profile

Mini Maritsa Iztok SPJSC - Radnevo


Radnevo, 6260
13 George Dimitrov Str.
phone: 0417/83304/05/07,825 75, 823 54
fax: 0417/82605,820 41

Company Figures

BULSTAT: 833017552
VAT No: BG833017552
Reg No: 2444/93
No of employees: 504 (2023)
Profit/Loss (thous. BGN): 7 552 (2022)
Total revenue (thous. BGN): 865 196 (2022)
Fixed Assets (thous. BGN): 1 183 329 (2022)
Capital (BGN): 121 124 700

Branch: Mining and agglomeration of lignite
Licences & Certificates:  Allocation of electricity Certificate ISO 14001 Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001 Large taxpayers and insurers
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 20.08.2012 
Registered Actitity: Extraction and sale of coal, industrial, leasing, trade, economic activities, production and trade with inert materials, transportation.


Parliament overrode the President's veto on changes to the Energy Law With the stipulation that they will rewrite the changes in the energy law, which introduce the gradual liberalization of the electricity market for households, PP-DB, GERB and DPS rejected the president's veto. "We share most of the president's motivations. He is right that there are no set models for how the deregulation of residential electricity prices will happen and that there are many uncertainties, but we will again support the changes to the Energy Act, with the proviso that the next six months , we will fix them", declared the deputy from GERB and chairman of the energy commission Delyan Dobrev. The president attacked the legal changes, arguing that the way in which it is planned to liberalize the household electricity market will lead to a sharp jump in prices at the beginning of 2026. It is planned that from the beginning of 2026 the compensation of household consumers through regulated electricity prices and for them to go to the free market, where the prices are still much higher than the regulated ones, the head of state notes. He points out that there is no adequate mechanism for collecting the necessary BGN 1.5 billion for 2024 and the same amount for 2025, with which to compensate the electricity distribution companies, which will have to sell electricity at regulated prices during these two years. This carries the risk of socio-economic upheavals, the president believes. Radev criticized the still incomplete definition of energy poor households. The President also warns that the deletion of NEK as a public supplier of household electricity and the elimination of the energy mix may cause the production of electric energy from the "Maritsa-Iztok 2" TPP to be stopped and will endanger the functioning of "Mini Maritsa-Iztok" already in middle of next year. Delyan Dobrev explained from the parliamentary rostrum that despite the many ambiguities and shortcomings, they voted on the first and second reading of the changes to the Energy Act in October because we were pressed by the deadlines in the Recovery and Sustainability Plan, promising in the next 7-8 months , until the process of liberalization of the household electricity market begins, to make all the necessary changes for the reform to happen smoothly.

Mini Maritsa Iztok SPJSC - Radnevo National Electricity Company SPJSC - Sofia TPP Maritsa East 2 SPJSC - Kovachevo-SZ 


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