Short Company profile

BDZ Koncar JSC - Sofia [Procedure of insolvency]


Sofia, 1202
1 Zavodska Str
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 130566037
Capital (BGN): 50 000

Branch: Manufacture of railway and tramway locomotives and rolling-stock
Licences & Certificates:  Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate OHSAS 18001
General Meetings: Last - 02.10.2018 
Registered Actitity: Organization of production, modernization and repair of electric transport vehicles, trade, trade representation


Two business meetings have left invisible mark on the fate of...
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12.09.2016: BDZ launches a new repair company BDZ Services will repair...
02.04.2014: The CEO of Holding Bulgarian State Railways (BDZ) Kristian...
25.06.2010: BDZ Konchar JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
26.04.2010: BDZ Konchar JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
20.10.2009: BDZ Konchar JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
25.05.2009: BDZ Konchar JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
19.07.2007: Two business meetings have left invisible mark on the fate of...
06.08.2004: Ministry of transport and communications will allocate BGN...
03.02.2004: The joint company for locomotive repair between the Croatian...
28.02.2002: The joint Bulgarian Croatian company BDZ-Konchar JSC will...

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[2024: 209, ... ]