Short Company profile

Flavia JSC - Sofia [Procedure of insolvency]


Sofia, 1408
ul. Enos 2, et. 4
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Company Figures

BULSTAT: 115010371
Capital (BGN): 1 049 275

Branch: Manufacture of footwear
Membership: Bulgarian Industrial Association
General Meetings: Last - 11.12.2018 
Registered Actitity: Production and trade of shoes, shoe details, bags in the country and abroad, engineering, transportation, shipping, security, customs agency.


Flavia JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
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07.12.2010: Flavia JSC - Sofia has appointed Extraordinary Meeting on...
07.04.2010: Flavia JSC - Sofia has appointed Annual general meeting on...
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26.02.2002: Sofia City Court accepted the annual accountant report for 2000...
06.03.2001: When Mr. Zahari Zheliazkov was Director of PA, there were signed...

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